The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 21, 1873, Image 2

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    W. ft. MINX ;. EDITOR.
L..I If j i ij
Headquarters Grand Army of the Ro
public, Department of Pcnnsylva-
ia, 2oI.14()8 Chestnut St. Gener
al Ordcra, No. 37.
' 1'oiladklpai a, April 23.1, 1873.
' "Itf.' accordance with our Kulee
and Regulation, Fridaj, May 30th,
wfin e observed as a Memorial Dat
for the purpose of atrewing Willi flow
trs, or otherwise Decorating the
(trares of Comrades' who died 10 de
Venc of their country during the late
Rebellion, or who have si too p used
awayv Citixeua generally, Military
and Civic Associations, Churches
and Sunday-Schools should bo invited
to participate, and in places where
there are no Posts of Grand Array, it
is hoped that the Citizcus will join to
gether for this purpose, that fitting
eervlcet way be held in every Church
ward vr Cemetery where our dead he
roes aleep. ,
, Tff manner of conducting these
Mtvjgee is optional with Points, but
those desiring it, can obtain copies of
the form of ceremonies, as furjiished
Inst year by making immediate ap
plication to the A. A. G.
" 'Attention is especially invited at
this tiroo to the recommendation from
National Headquarters last year,
I'that flowers and shrubs be pi a u ted
At each grave, in order that when we
are gone, tho seasons, ia their cease
less round, may in our stead, adorn
the sleeping places of our Comrades."
j a By order of ; .
I - R.B. Beatii, -b-
. Commanding Department.
i Last Saturday afternoon a man
Earned Carabcll, formerly from Now
Yerk. but at present residing at Law-
Jenoeburg. fell from the derrick of
uapc u race a well, on the J. 1. Camp
bell farm, near Karui City, a distance
"f fifty-six feet, and although serious
ously injured will recover. Caaopbell
had gone up the derrick ladder for
dome purpose, and after ascending to
the bight above mentioned, the board
ipon which he was standing tilted
'while he was reaching for a brace and
he started on his frightful decent,
lie was then on the outside of the der
Vic. - In falling he shot through be
tween two of the girths without strik
'ing either of them. Workmen on a
tieighboring well who saw the man
Tall say he turned over several times,
'doubling un and straiehteninrr nut a
he hurried to what seemed a euoMen
uud awful death. Five feet above the
'derrick floor was a pipe leading from
the well to the tank, and upon this
the man fell, which was the only thing
that saved his life. Ho struck this
pipe abeut mid way between the cen
tre and outside of the derrick, bend
ing it at right angles, and bounding
from this tt the floor. He was picked
' tip in an insensible condition and car
ried to the Campbell House. Drs.
Willard of Petrolia, and Pettigrew of
jvmuo iuy, were lumuioneu wno ex
amined his injuries and pronouced
them as not being necessarily danger
ous, to the astonishment of every one.
.His right hand was badly bruised and
he was sprained in the regions of the
kidney, but no bones were broken.
' Dr. Willard informed us that when
visited him on Sunday he was sitting
'up in bed smoking a cigar and feeling
rjuite comfortable. Independent.
' .'' Librrrxiso Rods amono the As
"cifcxr. The Jewish Temple in Jerusa
lem, existed nearly 1,000 years as
the' first stood nearly 400, and the
las); about six hundred years. By its
site, this temple was very much expos
ed to the severe thunderstorms where
by Palistina is so often visited. Never
' thelesa, we find neither in the Bible
f;idr in Joesphus that this building
, was, ever struck by lightning. The
' reason thereof is very simple, for the
Arise King Salomon was acquainted
with the laws of nature, and had
made his arrangements purpouly, so
' that the temple was provided with a
lightning conductor, which was very
'near tho same as the one ivented by
a Franklin, which is in ue by us now.
'The roof of the temple was covered
with heavily gill cedar-wooo and was
provided from end to end with steel
bars, whereof the long points were al
, eo gilt. Sei$ntific American.
. ' i
Week before Inst Mr Elijah
. Bish, of Knox township, while eogag work on Hopkins' shiuele mill.
. was caught by the saw, receiving very
severe injuries. The saw struck him-
fn f It a Inn aanrl oi.ln ai.1a!
uiir wuu Blue vutVVltig m U Ugly
gash, and severing a part of the bench
bone. We learn that he is getting
c along very satisfactorily and will re
' cover, although crippled for life. Dr.
; Sweeny was called. Brookville Hepub-
Mkapviu.e, May 18. About 9
'o'clock last evening Michael Lalley,
day switchmnu in the freight yard?
wbile returning dome, stepped ou the
uuiu railroad track aod neticiug the
approach of a switch eugiue stepped
- over on one of the side track, aud was
i i i i i i i
tnuutniiy Kueciceu down aim run over,
sustaining injuries which proved fatal.
Mr. Lulkv loaves a wife ami (luce
f-htltli'eii. '
There will be a. meeting of the
County comniitteo at my office, Tues
day evening 27th May. A full, at
tendance is requested. '
The following named persona are
members of the committee :
E. L. Davis. -
Eli. Hoiemao. ' '
Jehn Thompson.
F. E. Allison.
. A. Patterson.
Lewis Arner.
Thoe. Porter.
Hon. A. Cook.
James A. Scett.
Milks W. Tate,
Chairman Republican Co. Com.
Cleversced, English aud Common,
and Timothy seed at
48tf Romnsoh & Bonder's.
Job Printing.
Do you want posters f
Do you want hand-bills ?
Do you waut business cards T
Do you want a neat bill head T
Do you want a tasty letter head ?
Do you want a nice visiting card f
If so, leave your orders at the Re
publican office where they will bo exe
cuted iu tho neatest style and on most
reasonable terms.
Jury List, Msy Term, 1873.
Kingsloy Twp. Alfred Patterson, fore
man, C. F. Uillespio, Frank Dusenbury,
John Guy ton.
I larmony Plumor Siskins, Isaac Jon on,
R. O. Carson, II B. E! low.
Hickory Jamoa UilfiUan. C. F. Cronn.
C. S. Smith.
Harmony Tho. Allonder.
Harnett Archibald Black, Isaac Long,
Thos. Fitsgeralda.
Howo-C. It. Blanchard.
Jenks John JJeath, Aaron Rrockway.
Tionesta Boro. John Keck, J T. Pale,
M. Eimttoin.
Tlonesta Twp. Jaraoa McMillan, C. W.
Oreen Joseph Harrison.
rmiT Jt'iions.
Barnott Twp. J. J. Greenawalt, John
Beer, Jan. Boyd.
- Harmonv J. II. Bowman, Walter Paw
son. J. D. ban-Ron, John A. I)awon, Jaa.
Pennell, William Jillo, Charles Alabaujh.
Hickorv John V. Woodford, Win.
Hunter, F. F. KeiiTer, Klias Alabaugh,
Isaac Mealy, J. it. Ahlxtrand.
rcou trunk Stanford, 64. P. Harrison,
Wm. Felton, J. C. I'ettitrrew. J. O. Hop
lcr, John Mong, ('barton Wlnecard.
Jenks Jamea Walton, J amen W.Ward,'
Hnrvey H. Soott, Too. Nugent.
King-ley Milton Bond, Andrew Wel
ler, James H. Morjran, Andrew Small,
Petur Sipplo, John t'arr, Frod. Lorn ire,
Hiobert Poorhain, J. W. Smith, MwL
Heath David F. Mutton, E. I. Miller.
Tionesta Twp. Jacob Wajrner, James
Fit7.irerld, orio Moaly, Abraiiam Mea
ly, Martiin Itauisor.
Tionesta Biro. John Houser, Thos. J.
MuGill, Joun E. Blaine, J. D. W. Heck.
In pursuance of an act of the Gen
eral Assembly passed the 3d day of
April, 1851, and subsequent Suplement
passed the 11th day of April, 1862,
the subcriber will be at the following
named places within tho County of
Forest, for the purpose of collecting
taxes for the year 1873. Taxpayers
who pay to the Treasurer are entitled
to a deduction of five per cent. :
Burnett towmhip, Cooksburg, June
10th, from 8 a. m. to 12 p. ni., Clar
ington, Juno 10, from 3 p. ta. to 7.
Jenks township, Marien, June 11.
Howe towurhip, Bull town, June 13.
Kingsley township, Newtown, June
14, at Wheeler & Dusenbury's store.
Harmony township, June 16, at the
store of J. I. Range ; Truukeyville,
June 17.
Hickory township, East Hickory,
June 18, at the store of T. J. Bowman.
Tionesta township, Tionesta, June
19, at Court House.
Tionesta Boiough, at Court House,
June 20.
Green township, Juno 21, at the
IIousu of L. Arner.
Fred. Glabsnek, Treasurer.
May C, 1873.
The colored address'label on each
paper shows the date to whk'h the sub
scriber has paid, thus
Thos Turner If 74,
signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for
his paper outil March 1st, 1874 The
mail list is corrected weekly. By con
sulting the address label every subscri
ber can tell how bis account stands.
Our accounts go back no further
than the 1st of January, '73, the ac
counts previous to that time being
payable to the old firm. The old sub
scription book is yet in eur hands, and
our receipts will be recoguiaod by the
old firm. tf.
There was a dosire on the part of
the teacher to make a scholar under
stand what tho conscience is. She
said, "what makes you feel bad after
yen hare doue wrong?'' "Mr pop,"
viM Toutli, fueling! .
ForrrCoriTT. mi.TitaCoMMowwnAt.Tn
or PErrsTt.VA!iA, To TnaSHMmrr or
We ontnmanrt that yon ftttnoh Ronjamin
R. Cole, late or your'conntr, by all and
Rlnptiiar hia iroodH and cbat'tel, lands and
tenement In win me handa or poeeeanion
soever the mme may be, ao that he be and
appear hefiiro onr Court of Common Pleaa
to ! held at Tinneta In and for anid
voiiiht, on mo rourtn Monday of May,
exi,mere to answer ttn A. uodd.oia plea
in case, and alsA that you summon Ben
jamin 11 Colo, or the person or pontons in
whone handH or powwHsluti soever theannie
may tie, as Uarnlshea, that ho beand ap
pear before onr raid Court, at tho lime and
place aforesaid, to aniwer what may be
objected airniimt him and abide the Judjr-
mut oi me wun uicrein ana nave vou
then and there this writ.
Witneaa the Hon. W. P. JnnVa T.l.
dent Jiirifre of said Court, at TionMta, the
uiirtfi un vi April, itwa, .
Bail roiuirod to dissolve In $.r00.00.
J. B. AG NEW, Protu'y.
Bv Virtue of the above writ f h ave at..
Inched all the riirht, title, interest and
claim of the defendants of, in and to all
that tract or parcel of land aa follows : The
unmvlited one-half of the southwent end
or tract numoereri nve tlmiiHnnd one bun
dred and nirntv-two. anil aitimte In llixlr
ory township, ForeM Co., Pa. i hia said in
tereat being one hundred and twenty-live
acre, except twenty-hve norca thereof,
heretofore conveywl' to H. C Ktopliotwon j
leaving iuu acres nereov attaclieu.
Also, all the delcndent's inutreat and
claim in the follow deitcrihed niece r nr.
eel of land, 'situate In said township of
iin-.Kurv, iKiunneu as ioitowa: UeKinning
at soutbenit corner of Innils recenUw nwn.
ed by Richard Irwin, running southwest
erly on the line of lota Nos. anil 6183
far enough to include 100 acres, thence
northwesterly parallel to the southwest
line ot mt ho. 6lrj to the line between lota
Nos. 6102 and 5101. thence northwest alone
said line to the said line recently owned by
Iticliard Irwin, thence southwest to the
place or bcsrlnninfr. Containing 100 acres
of land more or less.
I certify that the above Is a true eonv of
inn uriKiua' writ anu description ol the
property attached.
Sheriff's Office, Tionesta, Pa., April H
mi o-ut
L. L. Richmond t Co.
Invite the attention of
the public to their im-
1 mens stock of goods,
j consisting of
Wlu Came Btts,
I Coral 8t Jet Stta,
Opart Ohains,
Iimntinr Cbalsaj
StokUen, U Sold sad Jet,
Looktta, Chaia Srae!tt
Bud Braoaleta,
Aotrioai ud
Swiai Wstcbea,
BtfWitciti, ;
AmtrieaB tad
FrcHh Olooka, and all th '
Latest DmIu is
Topthra with a la assert
tent f
Call and examtaaour
Goods and Pricee ho- ,
lore purchasing. We
fjusrsntceour prices as
lor the same quality of
goods elsewhere.
L. L Richmond 4 Co.,
i Museum Building-, '
Ohntotit BU, If eadTulf, Pa,
BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of u.fa.ven.
ex. issued out of the' Court of Common
Pleas of Forest County aud to mo di
rected, there will be ox posed to sale by
mono venuue or outcry at the Court
House, In the borough of Tionesta. on
THCKSDA V, M AY 29, 1873.
at 10 o'clock, a. ni.,the following described
rrai csuue, lo-wit :
Robert Kee vs. Wm. B. Harlan. Fi. Fa.
No. 45 May Term 1873. C. D. No. 12 Sent.
Term lbT Mason All that '-ertaiu lot or
piece of (round situate in Tiouestu Bor
ough, described as follows, viz : 1U (17)
seventeen and tl") eighteen and the west
ern portion of lots one (1) and two (2),
more minutely described aa follows, viz :
Commencing at a atako, thecouerof Will
iam and May streets, thence by May street
easterly one hundred and sixty-four teet
to a post, thence northerly and parallel
with F.lm street one hundred ft at to a post
on the south line of lot So. 3, thence west
erly and parallel with May streetone hun
dred and eighty feet to po-ton William
street, thence ooutiierly by William street
one hundred feet to the place of begin
ninir. One House lHxHi icet, 2 stories,
painted aud plastered therein eroded.
Taken in execution and to be sold aa the
property of Wm. B, ilarlan at the suit ef
Hubert Kee.
John A. Proper vs. Wm. B. Ilarlan and
Paniel lll.-v k, Veil. Ex. No. 4'l May Term,
1S73, C. I. 44 Dec. Term, 1K73 MsrelllioU
All that certain lot or piece of ground
situate in Tionesta Borough, described as
follnws, viz: Lois (17) seventeen and (IK)
eighteen and the western portion of lots
one (1) and two (2), more minutely des
cribed as follows, viz: Commencing at a
stake, the corner of William and May
streets, tnence by May street e.isterly one
hundredandtixty-foiir feet to a pot,thence
northerly and parallel with Kim street one
hmid rod feet to a post on the south lino of
lot No. 3, thence westerly and parallel
with May street one hundred aud eighty
feet to a post on William street, thnnce
one hundred feet to the place of beuinninu.
One House ltix&! loci, two stories htyli,
painted and plunterod thereon erected.
Taken In execution and to be sold as tho
property sf Wm. li. Ilarlan aud Daniel
Black at the suit of John A. Proper.
Terms cash.
T. J. VAX GIDSKV, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Olllce, Tionesta, Pa. May I, 1873.
An Important Invention. It retains the
It n plu re at all times, and under the hard,
est exercise or severest strain. It is worn
with comfort, and if kept on night and
day. eM'ects a periuaucnl euro in a few
weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by Mail
w hen requested, circulars free, when rr
dered by letter sent to The Khistio Truss
i 'o No', lia.i Broadway, K. Y. City. No-
lodr tiies Metal Spring I rushes; too
painful: i hey i oil loo iVopirnlh . I
Applications for License, May Set
Ions, 1873.
Daniel Black, Hotul, Tionesta Botough,
nun pru ;avn.
M. Ittol Jr., Hotel, Tionesta Borough,
Med April 3"th.
Maj. John Woodcock, Hotel, Nctllsbnrg,
aim Ml. or lwp.,H!imilT 1SI,
Geo. W. Bovard A Wholeaalo LI
eense. Tionesta Bnronirh. fllnrt Mav l-t
A. K. Bsdiror, Katlne House, Fognndas,
Harmony Twp (lied May fith.
John It. Nelll, Hotel, Tionesta Twp.,
filed May Bth.
H. J. Taymr, Hotol, Fsgundns, Harmony
j'., iiimi iM s v tii n.
Andrew MK'ray, Kattng Houso, Tionos.
laTwp., nied May th.
Wilson Unilth," Hotel, Fagundaa, Har
mony Twp., filed May 6th.
J. . AG NEW, Clerk.
Tl Y VirtTI'F. of writ. f 1,'t
i- alias Ley.Fa.and Von'.Kx. issued out of
ine Kvmrx or I'ommon rioas of Forest Co.,
and to me direoteil, there will be exposed
to aale by public vendue or outcry, at the
lourt House, in the borough of J lonesta.
oil .
MONDAY, MAY28, A. D. 1873,
at to o'clock A. M., tho following described
resl estate, to-wit i
Mahlon 8. Sellers y. William M. Stew
artfl.fa.No. SI May Term.lH73.t1. I). Nn. R4
May Term, 1873. All that certain tract of
mini containing eleven hundred and sixtv
seven acres and sixty perches more or less,
sitnntein llowetowrishlp.mnnerly Tiones
ta Township, in the County of Forest, and
Stale of Pennsylvania, Bounded on the
southwest by tract No. five thousand one
Hundred and three (Sioii) warranted in the
nam of Jonathan Mliriln by the Common
wealth, and on the northwest by tract
numlier live thousand one hundred and
one (ftlOl) warranted also in the name of
Jonathan Milllm, and on thomorthcastand
southeast by other lands ; beinat tho same
irai-ioi mini wtiieii llonnett Dob Lis In hfs
own right aud execuUir of the last Will
and Testament of Nanev Dnbhs. bv Tmlen.
tore bearing date the twenty fourth dav of
iiecember, A. J). !S(i4, and Intended forth
with to be recorded, granted and cony eved
unto the said Henry Brooks in Tee.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of William M. Stewart at tho
suit of Mahlon S. Sellers.
Nancy If. Riefsnvder vs. P. Csnnlno-
and John O'Conner.h.fa.No.42 May Term,
1873, C. I. No. 61 Dec. Term, 1872. All
the following described piece of land, it
being the undivided one half part of all
that certain piece or parcel of land lying in
Hickory township, Forest Co., Pa. Bound
ad and described as follows: Beginning
at a post on the west line of tract of which
this is a part, which is one hundred and
twenty-two rods on the oorner, north 13
east from a white oak sapling, thence trom
said post or point north t! east 8A rods
to a post or point, thence north 13" east
eighteen and eight tcuths rods to a hickory
sapling on line of mercantile tract, thence
south 82j west eighty-five roils to a red
oak sapling, thence south 13" west eighteen
and eight-tenths rods to place of begin
ning. Containing ten (10) acres, being of
land Patented to N. G. Ball by the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania.
Taken in execution and to be (old aa
the property of P. Canning -John O'Con
usr, at the suit of Nancy II. Riefsnyder,
Lavina Parker and Julius J. Tarker et
al for use of Julius J, Pa ker vs. Chancy
Sevmour, alias Lev. Fa. No. 32 May Term,
1873, E. D. 28 Sept, Term, 1870, Mason A
Jenks. All that certain tract or parcel of
land situate in the Township of Millstone,
County of Forest, and Stateof Pennsylva
nia, V aranted in the name of Wilhelm
Willlnk and others and known Tract gum
bercd 230o, Bounded east by tract nu in
ner west uy tract number KS,, south
by tract number 2305. Containing WOO
acres with allowance, lie same more or less.
Taken in execution and to bo sold a the
of property Chancy Seymour, at the suit of
iJtvina l'arker and Julius J. Parker et al
for use of Julius J. Parker.
ALSO, ...
0. K. Warner v. Charles J. Fox. Von.
Ex. No. 37 May Term, 1873, C. D. No. 2
Doc. Torni. 1800. Mason .v Jenks. aII
that cortain piece or parcol of land BitiMte
in nowo iownsinp. f orest lounty, ra.,
bounded and described as follows, to-wit :
On the north by warrant No. 2411, on the
east by warrantM Nos. 28l'J and 209.r, on
the Bo'uth by warrant No. liy.i.1, and on the
west by land ef the Fox Farm Oil Co. Con
taining 8-.'0acres with thesame
more or less, of which there are about 200
acies Improved, and one large frame house
two annul frame tenant houses, oue circu
lar saw mill and two large frame barns
t hereon erectod, and one large orchard
thereon growing.
Auto, All that certain tract of land in
Howe Township, Forest Co., Pa., known
as warrant No. 3142, bounded on the north
by Warren County line, on the oa-"t bv
warrant No. 4192, on the south by warrant
3133, and on the west by the Kingsley
Township line, Cntaining 5M acres more
or less.
Also, All the following pieces or par
cels of land situate in Howe Township,
Forest County, Pa : The north half of
Sub. No. 23 of warrant 20S. Containing
60acros more or loss. Also Sub. No. 60 of
warrant No. 2736. Containing 100 acres
more or less. Also Sub. No. 43 of warreut
No. 2!i95. Containing 100 acres more or
less. Also Sub. No. 18 of warrant No. 2016.
Containing 100 ai res more or less.
Taken in execution and to be sold aa the
Sropertr of Charles J. Fox, at the suit of
. K: Warner.
Terma cash. T. J. VAN GIESEV,
Sheriff's Onlco, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.,
April 20, A. D. 1873.
John A. Proper vs. Clms. Robson k Co.
J. K. Dalo vs. tvlllluin Cook. '
Kllzaboth Geor vs. It. C. Scott et al.
Kvaline Coon vs. C. J. Fox.
F. 11. Kllawortu etal vse vs. J. II. Dilks
et al.
II. H. May vs. James T. Whisner ot al.
II. II. May vs. John Miller etal.
Itoyai K. Scott vs. It. O. Carson.
Beetle Paul vs. jtlcx. McAndrew et al
Kettle Paul vs. Alex Mu Andrew et al.
Wm. Armstrong use vs. Barnott Township
Kvaline Coon el al vs. Juo. G, Brandon ct
Helen S. Thomas vs. Benj. Msy e al.
James K. Brown vs. Bennett Dohhs etal.
Daniel Block vs. The Overseers of tho Poor
of Tionosta Boi oimh-
Charles Marrow vs. Kll Berlin
K. L. Davis vs. Alexander Wallace et al.
L. B. Uoll'man vs. John Fagundus et al,
T. Wiugtield ot al vs. John A. Proper.
Bernard Mead vs. John W'lkins.
John Davidson vs. W. P. Merciliintt
John Benson use vs. L. Hilbronncr
1 v id Hays vs. W. P. Nrill et al.
A. A. lliehurdiion vs. Allegheny Valley
Railroad Co.
11. A. Collin vs. Allegheny Valley Rail
road Co.
Smith Foreman vs. W. L. Anderson
II. I.. Hogan . Geo. Walters et al.
James Italferly vs. Thomas Porter
Amos L. Ilisc'ock vs. A, F. Hrukl
John Goll v. M. B. Furrls
.1. II. AGXF.W. Pi -th v.
April !, IT3.
' - ' f
J'tttoy Cf 9 0 &
Superior Lumber Company Store
Can bo found New and Fresh
Groceries and Provisions,
Kmbraclng Standard Brands amd the very
Best Quality
. PRUNHS, , ; ,
HAMS, , :
always on hand, and sold nt the lowest
of the ery best brands, and will bo sold
by tho barrel or sack, to suit purelmiers,
at the lowest market price.
Do not fail to call ut the
opposite the
lit! it rt'iM't" IIouso,
Witl;iu:AS, Tim Honorublo W. P. Jenks,
Prosfdciit .Iin1ilir or 'flit' Court of Com
mon Pleas and Uuni'tor Sosslons in and for
the county of Korc'it, bus issued his pre
cept for holding n Omrt of l 'ommnn I'lctm
Qumler Seisioic. Vc.,, nt Tioncstn, for
the Courtly of Forest, to commence i n the
fourth Monday of Mav next. Iicing tho
auhduyof May, 1X73. 'Notice Is therefore
given to the (Vronor, Justices of the IVaec
and Constables nt sld ciiunty, thnt ihev ls
then mid there lu their proper persona at
ten o'clock, A. M., of smd dav, with tholr
records, iiKpilsitions cxHiulimtlonM anil'
other renieiiibni-ieos, to do those lhin
which to their olUces iipiiertnin to he done,.'
and in tlns who IkhiiiiI iu;nlxiic
to prosecute ajuinst the jprisoner. tlint arif
or Mluill fin In the J :vit of Forosl t'otmtv.tliat
they Is? Ils-n iinilthoTo to prosecute against
them ns shnll bo Just, (ilven under mv
Imiid and seal this ':id dnv of April, A. If,.
IS7U. . T.J. VAN (1IICMKN, Sh'lf.
FonKsf Cot'MTT.sfli TiirComuonw Al.TII
Ol 1'RNNSYI.VSNIA, To Til li Nil KUII-'V Of
ain Covktv, onKKTino :
Wo comninnd that yon attach John lf
Louther, Into of your County, by alt
and singular his' foods niuf chattels,
lands and tenements in whose hands,
or possession soever tiio same may
be, so thnt he be and appear before our'
Court of Common Pleas, to Is- held, at
Tionesta In and for snld County, on tho
fourth Monday of May next, there to an
swer Isasn Ash of a plea in Assumpsit ami
also that ymi summon the person or per
sons in whoso hands or possession the
same may bo as garnishee, so thnt thev bo
and appear before onr said Court, ntthe
time and place aforesaid, to answer what
may bo ohjoctod against thorn and abide
the Judgement of tho Court therein j and
have you then and there this writ. -
Witness the Hon. W. P. Jenks, Presi
dent J udge of suid Court, nt Tionesta, tho
22d day of April, A. D. IS73.
Bail required to dissolve In ftilOrt.rtrt.
J. B. AO NEW, Proth'y.
By virtue of tho above writ I lmv"b at-
ached all the right, title, interest and claim- C
of the defendant of, in and to all that i-er-
tain piece or parcel of land situtte in Tic
nosUt township, in tho County of Forest,,
bounded and doacxllied as follows: Be
ginning at a chestnut on tho east bank of
Allegheny Hiver. thsnca bv Isml warran
ted to Henry Taltnage, south twenty-nino-degrers
east one hundred and twenty lur
ches to a white oak. thenco south one de
gree west oue huudred and two perches to
a hemlock, thence by lot No. 2sU5, nortU
eighty-nine degrees west thirty-two and
live-tenths perches to a post, thence bv
vacant laud north one degree east seventy
perches to a hemlock thence north tweutv
nlne degrees west ono hundred and II Ay
perches to a hemlock, theneu up tho Alle
gheny River north ightv-four dogrera
cast sixteen perches, north sixty-eight de
grees enst Torty anil live-tenth jierchea,
north fifty degrees east fifty-four porches
to the place of beginning. Containing ono
hundred aud one acres, one hundred ai:d
live perches and allowance of six percent,
bo tho snmo more or less.
I cortify that the above; s a trno copy of"
tho original writ aud discriplion of th
property atta.-hel.
T. J. VAN aiESF.N. Sheriff
Sheriff a Offlfo, Tionesta, April 22d, 1873,.
, D; S. Knox, Froprietor, '
TiosasTA, Pa-
HAVR now in stock and for aale a mil
tssortaseut of v
LIQUORS, or Medial u, OXLV
Iain agent for Ins
Tha only SAFE LAMP made, will biini
all kinds of oil with perfect safety, being
all Metal it can not break, sud so oonstuet
d it cannot explode.
I am now running a
And will make to O'der all kinds of Tin
or Sheet Iron Wai'O at short uotioe. Klioj,
next door south ug Rtoro.
I am also agent for some of the best
All wishing Insurance ( will attend In st
short uotioe. D. W. CLARIS Ass'stant.
' Al-81) ... V
andhavi:now for rale
Ono fhrni of W acres, R0 cleared, house .
and barn, iu Kingsley township, for 2,f.
One house and lot in TionoMa Borough,
on Race HI., 81,000.
One house and lot on Race St. $sno.
One house and lot on Water St. l,.Vsi
Ono house and lot on WatorKt. fl.Oi0k
ne house aud lot on Water Si. f-vsi.
One houso and lot on Water W, $1,ikni. .
Filtisin out lots from fc'iirt to a.wi.
One dwelling house, Imrn nml orchard
with nil kinds of fruits, ornamental trees,
two water wells, and out buiUUm'i acres
of laud, uud as good a local ion' ,iAicru is
in I ho village of Tiouentn, flo.Oeu.
One 5iitw and Pinning Mill, with nil
kinds of machinery lor making SimIi,
Doors, Blinds, Flisu'ing, Sash, Moulding.
Tho uiHchinor.v is nearly, all new, Thrsn
seres of land; siliialcdnt tiio mouth t
Tionosta i reek. A rarechanco to iiue-l.
Price fT.WM. :-1 y
elerk and ioen li.nn cm l lenrii ta t once.
Bisik mailed, ."iiV. II. lionlil'uj BrvHiil.
Bulihln N. V,