I . .: 14 l C 1. ' w r s : ffi VV-are-sTV. Pi OtferaiUiotl, I. H. Knot.' A . i j - , r r .a. ' i Tut, If, O. Iavl, l. 8. Kli, V. J Wot ott, UL -JlacketL. - 1 - , Kin -y ' Uo. Judgtt-J. A, fcw ('no. . . .... i - JHnf-T. J. VaW Oiks:, i . -yrmi4rr Fkko, 'I i.aiS!" re, . '., ' JVefAonary, lUgitlm A J.'ei-lsr, r. t. H. AOKW. Ostfm'n'or Jacob M attct M.iott, T. ' T. Col.l.lK, JoilS Tnnjirsox. .' . 0nnl.v printtntltnt 9. F. Hon RCR. JMnlriri Attorney W. W. Masoii. .vry rVmmi'Mtoner Onoitreit Niaoixs, ..WMKTTKKSnS.V " ' "" ' . ,Vttv .S'.iisaei' S.t. TBWIH.: ' . -v DiriMT-Klwuil Wlm. 1Ynr.li A vriitem Wm.. ClARB, T. T5. ru. !"'','"""- " ' - . Mrmbtv o CktogrcU 1 Xl4lrri'C. B. CvRTia. .--I . Anbiy J. B. Lwm r i . : .,' Tim JfM ' "At TTOXKSTVflTAYinr.'nH.Kjd after Monday. NovmletU, ISii tji. -... . fOVTKWAltt S'; TrsJa a ' ....- w ' 8:S.1 s m. . 4 . . ' . . . i n. mi. m j J 'J '( l:60 p. m. . ,;' XOaT ItVAIK. I. 1 n ' Ti!n 1 " ' " fl: f.'m. , (I) i i'.-ti ,i u ! . . , , T:0S p. m. . It . w - . .. . :S3. m. Nnrlliwurl.1' tl.o iM Is fMin tho,. X'rr'ni fh? -"r" nt:kr fVHeHt nnt trf . LOcSTaN b'xisCELL ANE0U3. ,rC0. 'COMMlTTt EMEETTING. There', bi ik t.ie't-t Iiifj of . lie, Cntiiiiy coniinii te ' my ofTii, Tuas ... ilr cvfimic 27ili . M:ir.-r-A fuil ai teniUiue i n qucote'l. '' '': , ( Tim fol!ring iiatni'il pertcins nre Weill lirrf f the caiuruittre ! F. M AI!ion: A- l'lterii(n., riewic Arncr. ' .van rc s Tlwe..r.ir:er..- i ir , lion. A. CWV. .. "-t Jnmft A. St-',tv " T- t' iiil.:3 V. TATir,' , Char;nin Itcp'iblican Ca. Com. ' j "-Geo. IIuuiiT h:i built a barn on a1a liuntei'it I.-du.id, fur ilic accoiuodation th hire ued in working the ; .UI)ll.( ' ' . .... Win." Lawteuce,. tlie ."pojuilur ""'landiniW of the Lawrence ILu ha it ..... our thauk fir favor received. . May 'hiii photograph i-vcr tlo him jtiftice. Mr. 11 I). McCreary, of Shri d in N. Y., daughter of Dr. Wiiiani1, it iu town for a few day, visiting her f(t!ir and friatid. . All are glad lo . . rec he.r. . . . ' ! -3 me of our fishci rriMn went out ( on Moadny and brought, home ' etrinj of fitly fine trout. , They are ; getting "tjl'able kace" about here, , , huweper. A mu'n named Alexander Clark ntt':mpicd tn couimit suicide in House- vtiie o;i Sunday night, lie eliot him- elf in the ahjomeu with a pistol iu- Ylicting a wound which may yet prove fatal. We invite attontiono the card fc, iof J. B.'IvOii(. Harness maker, in to " Iy un; Judging from the work Mr. L wg - di.Uv ho is up' to the . hmiucji, and can 'do any thijig in 1 the lie."- . f .. i ' The Superior Lumber Co.. Store put out an entirely new advertise t menfthis week. , Liok at it. bear it ''In lulitd.and eall at tho Store, ahere Mr. II iiulorsoii will show you around : tid give you good biirgaini!.; 1 1 -r.v-CJrove it Wolcntt ate sliikingj their last cll, of posim Tniukeyvillu 0 feet 'deeper. They Iinve cntt their bread upon the water in R very tx tciuive manner for two or three years ' ', rikI it i ab'iut time to look for it. a return.; ...... . - . - .' -I'he oJa fountain at . Knox's ' !ruj; stere Is in ' full play. 'and ie a : ri'ght bealthy drink. Jus. Fne, the L obligirg clerk. kuw bow to ,lih it up j.,., U g od ty)j!e, and . is. aivayi glad , to tt peopta enjoy theitifelvt in this .y. " e- - D, S. Kimx purchased the old, i 1 ..v. ? ... ... -....! y , lirjdg ut'risi ihe mouth (if Uie Tipnet- L U.'a.S4urvLii Uat,. fir the . s'uiu f.f VTJ?1.sr'Thr ia at1ar.it t50 '.worth of iron in tho bridge, and a good cUal of - hs luiii!ur can be foj.otber. pur- We are ift.Wejpt f 'nyf- SopcrfitendeiUe frhe Vfwniiifl nml biiiee uf Ppiiiixyjvmiia bnTe' jirodijScd aork that, (.uiuinmJ geiertl ndou r(iun, eilljoing all their I'uriUur elliirle ill the line of litiireiHrt. TI.e bijuk, ltdeitgli only lsued luit winter, flu hud an unparilkil cirtuluiion. Mem Ai-FUn of the Lctrislature Went to (ho buok rclUr aiid--wll liadd car ciuiVe3J;t)ii4.trtjiliy of th to therrjdiitrit.1, wbtcli were fairly Mold ed wltli If. wl'"lrti(Ie liKiuci h ere made happy feasting over it cn:iteui.. Ad lied t thii, "a ncwVrop' 1 nw in the lmiiJV uf lTii'cotnilj euperibtfinteuts uf tlm VHrioca-iiHiLiifi li.r li'lributiju lo TIh'm lioitt't'ht' member" of t tho JLt'gifatur may chanced to have mi-a-ed iu their diaintei-eitt J ihtlauthrojio ?t('rts' lonlijhU'fi tlieir r"coiH:itneiit. ' In thin hook is pictured to life, -1 lie vn.iilU(llfyfuriiiiij,', gruaniiia and TtribViiUlve ( the meiubeit ut Iittkitirtel. 'l',r',t'7 ily'f'"-8 floW'iin every ege that awaken ttieiympatfictrc'heari and tire tlie ku! in.tlie r.iu of fducatinu. Tie book Imi nlrtudy ltIio'ngli; il it only My) beoQ-lraiixlated into 27 dif- Jrriit iatigunHf. r IS,-copic ent est I'll lie iu.il ludiuu war, and. the tribe ire oo'w'duhtorou Tor education. We'ciin never ?yliicieiit!y liank the pri jertori of lli'n woi l. fur' the hpy influence they have wri. tight. Time uinl 5)iicu d.i nut pt'iinit a mure lengthy n'olit'i',' li'ut' we coitflude Vy J'Wiglliai the mulliludo of fancies that pervade I Ilia volume, coupled with it high mur al tone, would ftiruir.!i a (irstclaes thuuie for a high toned nrtift." -Ceo' S. Hunter, who iitj the river Uridge which f-.-ll last - wtiitrr, bridij ha been having a' eiriak' f--Komnrka 1 tile bail lnck ff onio time nt D.in'ng tl.e'ltst ftood Iluiitor IUnd wus almost entirely unfitted fr agri cultural purpose!" atid on Mondav night lt olit)f lijj lare gray h irsts dd, the otter -fwliowin suit ion TuetJay morning.. It was a inrtgnifl ceut team, and thu )os will fall heavi ly ou Mr. IIuiiterhen taken jin con nection with all hhr other misfortune. The sympailues of-ali vurcitizunt are with him iu his "bad streak." '''! , ' W clipped an item from- the Venango Cititeix last week, to the ef fect that E. L. Davis, of this place, wa in partnership with K. ACha U. Drett, in the iaiiufacturo of boil er and engitiex, in Franklin. Mr. Davis des'ne u to state that the an nouncement Was made without author-ity.-and furthermore that he is runuing the institution hiinnelf, and K. ' Diett is hi agent fur tho tale of the engine and boilars. . There are jrood and suiliccnt rrttson. why tlie Citizen should correct thii error at one, and we auptiose it ill be done. From a circuiitr iued by our old pat i on, S. M. IVtlingill & Co., wo learn thai there i iu effort mak iug to lend the public to' beliuve that the advertising agency" bearing their name ha given up butinec. This u a mituke- They are still in thj bu ine, and art duterniinvd to. exteuH their business iii' every honorable manner. - They htq authori.-iod to re ceive nd verliaoiutjiiU for tin paper, at our lowest rateis Their offii-es are 10 State St..' Boston. 37 I'm k -,IImw, N, Y., and 701 Chcbtuul St., Pailadel phia. j ; , : f -Hon. DviiJ Macluy, "rSanat'or Crura this district culled upon us on Tiuinsdiiy Imt, on vhich occasion e ate sorry to say wera l)seut.;' Ve regrot tl.o fuel very much, ao e' huve never had the pleaame of meeting the Setiatcr. The next tiiuo haV conic around we will make it a point to be at home. v. w - J. J. Fiuficr ha built a new side walk on tiiiircb meet tilontiife hi property, moved hi fence back about ix ami t'.re'd.jwu the old black mith ehop oh tlie-' comer of hi lot. Taken altogether tho improvement i. marked. -S. C, Bloan builcliDg, bom fur Wolcott A Grove to use iu putting up the htone work of the new' river bridge. j 1n ''ru is apluiug. more mek than j uuld put i'P the fctone-wrk of three ordinary bti.lgg. -; I Cloversecd, Knglub Hnd C'vwmoD, j and Timothy r.etJ at' ' " "SfdTIt'JE.".". '." '-i , . .In pursuance of an act of th,CJeh-j eral Ammbly priMed ' the 3d'dii of April, l?.r)T,and snbsequeht Huplemenl paiseiUhe.il tli day of April, ' Wl, the siibcrilier will be at tho following; named place within the County cf Forest, Tor the purpose of collecting taxes for tho yearj 187 3'' Tax payers who pay to the Treasurer ikrB -entitled h a deduction of five percctiL: 1'arnett township, Cookshurgy June 10th, from 8 a. in. to 12 p. m , C'lar tngton, Juuo 10, from 3 p. m. to 7. Jtuiks towti8h!, Marien, June 11. Howe towufhip, Balltnwn, June 13. Kinnlcy township, Newtown, Juno 14, at Wheeler & Duseubury' store. Harmony township, June It!, r.t the store of J. I. lUngc ; Truukeyville, Juiie 17. Hickory townshipr Ijtst Hickory, June 18, at the etore ot'T. J. Bowman. TioiiPila township, Tioncsta, June 11), af 'oui t House. .-.-. -Tiouestn Boiowgh, at Court House, June 20. Green township Jpi 1 .tjtl.l Hou.io of L. rller.' Fhed. Gi.amm:r, Treasurer.' ' Majr.WS... ,r.r r-j Jury Lilt, My Term, 1873 "crAMTjtTtoitft: T Kirtifliley Twp.'--.Mrre(1 Puttrscn, fli-e-(nail, 0. K". ;illest.lell;l''riik iJtHeiibory, John ijuyton....-....., ,f.. llliriOOIIT PfltlllfM-SifrirfllS, t!mc Joiips, H. O. (.'arson, H lirKI itt. , . r liekoi-v J:imfi (iilliiltjn, C. 1 Cropp, V. S. Souih; ' ;' ' " -Jiannony Thoet Allondor . ' llaineit Aii'hibiild Iliui k, fsarf'c Kdnft,' TIiim. KiowuI.Ik. f , ,.,.. IlowoC li.lUtinelini'il. - - Jouks-'-.iolio HfalU-Aiiron Itrokway. 'l ionesia Horo.-"-Jolin ltoek, J . IV. 'am, . Kii!Kli:in. Tlnnesta Twp.--Jaftioa McMillan,' C. W. Clark. . . ,k , , .... Uuo:t Joiop'i Harrison.. PKttr' jt nons. ' 1 , Piainnlt Twp. J, 3. GicOiiawalt, John llrer, Jiw. Kuyil. Harioony .1. II. Bowman, Walter flaw foil J. II. imwson, John A. Pavon, .Ins. i'l-niiell, Wiliiam i.illo, t'liarlm Ahtbutich. 1 tJiekory Joiui V. ,, W.mmIiojiI, Win. Hunter, K. F. Keit'hr, ICIias Alalmuli, lusae Mealy, .1. -M. Alilntranil. r.reon e'ran Stsotont, S. p. Ilsrrisnn, Win. ri'ltoii, 4. f. Pettiiii-ewv J. . Hep. icr. Ji4iii M.Mift I 'l.nrles Witincnrd. . .Jenks Juiiiih Walton, .UiiIvm W.Ward, Harvey II. Seott, Tho. NTijfeiit.t Kinsley Milton JIoikI, Andrew Welle-, Jaiiiw'It. Morgan, 'Atulrew Small, I'et'.T iii Ic, John Carr, Fro I. Lomire, Sielicrt Poorliam, 3. . flmitli, Mrt. Ifputh Havid F. Mutton. K. 1. Miller.' 'J'loiK-sta 'i'w; Jai-oli Warner, James I'ltrireiHUIe, ricorgj Mca'y, Abraimm Me.-, ly, Mariiln llau'sor. Tliu?sta Uoro. John Houser, Tlio. J. Metiill, Jo n I.. Ulnine, J. 1. W. Keek. ' 'TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. Over two ' thoukaiitt acre 'of fine Hemlock Timber. Lands situatad on Mnple Creek; near CJarinflou, this county, tire, for sale at a batgain. Tart of tlm lunik are fituated within. fur miles of C'inringtoit, on the Clarion Itiver, and would be a fine site for nn extensive tannery and sawmills. Map and particular can be seen by apply ing to the editor nf tin psper. S. II. Haslet, al the old stand, has recently laid io a supply of Haft men's Supplies of all kluds, and is prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest, to all who may favor him- with a call. lie also keeps a full line of Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Boots and Shoes, and iu fact cvorything usually found in a General Variety .Store. Give him a call and ha will tisa you right. if. Job Printing. ' ' Do you want poster? . . . Do yuu want hnnd-bills 1 Do' you want business card ? Do you want a tient bill bead f Do you want a tastj letter head T Do you want a nice visiting card 1 ' : If so. leave your urJert at tho Be. publican office where they will bo exe cuted iu tho neatest style and on most reasonable terms. New good at low prices; siock coinjj'ete in Dress Good, Print, Mus lins and Punt Cloth, Hut & Caps fipriug.stylc, Boole and. Shoes. Ve don't mean to be undersold by Jew or, Geniile. No charge for showing. Come and see, we th.nk we have something for all. " 2t ' ' Robiskox & Bonk icr. : Tlie - 'best ttock of -1 Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and .Silverware in Oil City can le found at J. Wolf's, Centre St. Particular attention paid the repairing of fine Watches. Or der by marl promptly' attended 'to. i 39-ly. Marriage Certificates, Biauk Dred, Leases, Warrants, Subpoitiaii, Kumnions, Kxccutions, Warrants and. Information, f.r sate at this office, if The lighieai running' Machine jn the eor!d ia the Grovcr it llaker, at loat Baldwin, of Tilinutc :iys and lie k n.iw. 1 1 v Mf AdvtrHementti. J. B. LONG, jATCUFACTlDtEH f wnrt Doaler tn HAUMESS,'sAITH.rS WHIPS, KOBFft, C'VRRV CUMn niitTSHEft, '". . ' , hor.sk cixmiiNG, and evfrythitiR In the line. In Bonner. Anu!W'ii"j!!ock, ailjolnlnc; Pni Store. 7 THE BOOT ,& SHOE! STOKE OP.TlblbTJTE! , NK. 'RTKVRNS. lYnprletor. Pnrtle in want of FINE Hindu unit Shoo will alwHVN liinl a bhI aKortinent utM evcim'. W lion yon cnl I.J nt say ' Fi om Tlonesta". nml rou'will ho I'iIhmhIIv ilenft wttli. 0-tiin S. K. H't'KVKNS. NOTICE; CoMMissiosms' Okkht., Fotiicst Co.,) n Tio!kt.,Mav 1, IN73. Kotine.la IterrUy pUtn tlinttho lirlilun a-r)KH'ionela C'reok neurits mouth will be romoveil ty tho l ith inst, nntl the Crwk will lx obstruct, tl lor slxlylav tbprenf- tr In the crectl iiiof a no lirRlireriv. Ail porsons Interoateil will govern themselves nei-ordinirly. II ordtir of the CniintvCnmnilssIonerii. J. W. t'f.AKK, l.'li'rk. , CROVER & BAKER I I -i '' T ie following are scleotcd from tlioits- and of tlimouial of siinilsr. ehnrneter, as expressing the 'rVnsons' (or the pi-bfer-pneo of the Orovw Wnker M!ehlnes over all others. ----- - "Hike ths Cirnver A Baker Ma hlni, in tln first rlai- he-Hise if I hnd nTolliei,I slioulil still wartt a 1iiVeriiV Baker ; ami havinp s"T;wrrei'i nakerH anwors the (inr)n(i-nf uti Ihf .rwt, It does a urrster variety of work and isesHior to irnrit than any Other,4' Mrs. J. C. Cro lr (Jenny June) -tj!- u.-ntvto t .". "I have Jiad sevora year' expp. Lrirnce with "drover A. IJnker Maehi' a.. winch has given mo iin'M aatisraetion. i think the (i rover p.aknr Machine Is mors easily iniumu'oil, nml 1ms liulilo to pet out ororitp.r. I proi'or the iiroyer V Bnker do eidnllv.' Mrs. Dr. Wutt,' New York. "I have had one in mv family foH some two years; and l.ioin what I know of iu workintn', and front the testimony of many of tny lViends who i,is the s me. I ean liardly see howHiiylliiiip-eoiild be more coinplote' or piv belter sstuluction." Irs. Ucn. flrai-.t. T. J. VAN'QIF-SKN'Aprent, -Tinnesta. Pa. ', 10,000 GIFTS,: $500000 On TUFHI)AY,""M I.Y 8-.h7 lW. the Third tirand ift C'oncoi t, undor tlio mau- aitemont oi Kx-toveotior Thos. F.. liiam- lettc, and authorized by special act of t.ie l.cislsture. for the benefit of the Pubic Library or aveatMeav.'i.osirivclv Jtnd o:i i coivocrtuy i-oious oil i t i hour i.iora. V Hall, at Ixiuisviilc, Ky.,wlieti10,fiO0Ulf!s, an cash, ainoiitiiinft t t '0j,'aw, will bodis tribued by lot amonr tho t;eket-holdi!rs. The money to pay all those (tilt in full is already In bank set slide fnr4har purpose, as ttie foltowiiiR cf rfrticateshowsf' J. Fahmkus' and UnovKiiM' Hank, J ' ' IititsviLi.K Ky Apr. 7, IS73. J This Is to certify lhat I here is in tl.c I ar-mi-rs' and DroverV I'.ank, to tho credit of tho Thirdrrnd(iil't Concert for the bene fit of tho Public Libriry of Ky , Five. Hundred Thousand Dollars, which liu been set apart by tho M auaifcrsNo pay ho. tilt a in futl. mid will bo held by the flank and pa.d out for this purpose, and tins purpoeo only. (Niirncd. B. S. VKF.CH, Cashier. dnlvafew tickets remain unsold, and they will bo furiiUhed to tlie first appli cants nt the following prieewt VA Jiolo tick et, $1(1; halves, $.; quartern. SioO 5 11 whole lorSlnO; oti f fSoi.-O. $111 !rl,OO0 and 575 for $-.oo0. For tickets and lull in formation, apply to THUS, li BKAMI.KTTII, Iouuvillo, Ky., . or Til OS. II. HAYS A Ct ., 5-lt 60ii Broad war. Now York. 1 270 007 0 0 O A C R E S ! Cheap Fai ma! 1 The oliaawt 1 jmd tn'maikft for sale by the ' . UHION PACIFIC RA'LROAD COfliP'NY In the ;rent PUtlo Valley. 3,000,000 leni la Central Nebraska, N.iw li.r i.sii in tna ti of lurty ai-ros and upward on rivo and ton years' credit. No advaneo interest required. Mild and healthful climate; fertile soil,' an abundance ol sd water. I ll K UHSf M AltK li t' IN Til K WICHTJ Tho i?rei niiniiit; regions of Wyominir, Colorado, Utah and Nevada beingisiipplivd by thu luruiers ol tho Platte Valley. Soldierj entitled to a JJofQ eatcaij of 160 - Hi... I - L.I. I ? '. Vf.; , J THE BEST LOCATION fOH COLOUIES. rKKK HOME Full ALL! Millions of Acres ol ctiou'eUovcrn ment l.:in.i open for entry under the tlniOHl ad Law, ucur i this fcireat I tail road, witu M iaeCopvon- leill'es Ol ail ooi rtcL.co ruun i . . Froo passes to pun-hunTa Itailroad Iamls. " ' ' ISoetioiial Map fclinwinn tlie Land, also new edition ol Dihci'ipuvu l'aiiijiliici with new Maps untiled I'reu eVerv here.- - Adorers ' - t. F. IA VIS, Land Commissioner U. P. tt. It. ';. forgone Collar We will send FhtilC ).v mail, on receipt oi tins Hollar, .) paeKijt ol choice r lower Seeus and our Cuialoito, eoiitaninur upward-' of l.i-OJ varieties, wuii full uir.c- ti'.n i for culture, to ny u.(lie-- in Die I' nitrid Status. Calaluuc lieu oil appli cation, i DfcU A UOYLK, 8:'0.1mea ami Floribts, Li 'I'leiiioiiLnlrenl. lt4t-n. AnDimn 01 acq . makk k kUniIIHU lLIUU F KM A 1,1 J...I a wiv & kIj.ii.ii.Ii ..!. . t.i'spooluiilu em ployment at. homo, day or cvenlnn; no capital required; full iusU'Ui lions ulol i vaiualile pio-knijo. ol uoods tn nt tn u by mad. A.ili--H. w i'vb six wul iiuro sUinp, M.. YOU Mi .V CO., 10 Corll.ni.il fit.. S. Y. .Mt -- 1.000 sti:v.iitii Fiir any ease "of Hlind, Itli-oi'iiig, lu lling or I' Ice piled Piles -that 'Tie King's pile Komoiiy lails to 'rtire. U ui -pieparert ex- . . ,- I tt mil'.. .1... Ifll.. .....I ll..tj.i.t'. uluA Hold b'vuil Itrunribts. i'rioe. i ml. '.'sV4fciV.VVt,?M,:'i1f,1'k'1'''"'1 orliepaiBpileU. . iilll.NI.i l.KOa.. t.siioia ..aeus. 'in IOB WORK neatly esociied at this efrlco W E " tV AX . . AC J EXT. I In this tnwnHlilpta yanvn. lr tho new. valuablo am) tiivt sol Inir Iwmk by Dr. j rOHX.tWAX.' THE SCIEItCJOf-A HEW LIFE R.viimM?inltl in4-etirKl lv promln rnt lititil'S jfnJnteiliW. 'eltirioua anit mm u In r pnpc h. So other IVkiIc like It puliliuhcd. , iiner week ffrsnt-il. Ad U.e,, t1v;a.Nitm41JU Klghth Street ONLY lO CENTS EVERY MAD HIS OWW PAINTER j Or, PilMS-IIow To Stlect tnd dm Thrm. A p ain treatise, ennlaininir card with ti diflVrcnt a.-tuslly painted sltadesnnd tioUt, with inatruetions lor exterior Mi-d interior Hons Peeoratioii, . - , 25 copies, IkhiikI In cloth, for . Ssm jile copies, pajcr cover, mailed, st paid, to any addrn-s, n rwcelpt of 10 cents, hr the Publisher, IIE.NHl CARRY HAIKU, liox WU, l'ost-omee, Philadelphia. H.-e the following valuable extraota from presa notices : "A very vnluable hook, and no one In tending to pnlut should fail to road it. A. Y. 7Vifctmc. , ' "Wodldnot anow1 ao lriueli could be said on tho subject of painting a house tin til wo read this excellent book of Mr. Jtaird .': .V. '. JferaM. "A w;uilloni: Udt at laal aupplid," S4 tntifie A mrrian. . , " .Not only a necessity to the painter, bnt valuable to cvnry oceli'panl ot adweliinu." N; Y. WorUL T .- . . : 'Buy 25 copie of this book and distri bute them anionic your friend. If ibey wilt heed thu advico 4herein, yo.oiild niako no more, valuable. preant." Cwu go 'Vitune. . "In piibltslitntr thi bvk Mr. Balrd has done rVnl servlco to tho cmmuiilty"' Tntrdo- Htair. - ' - ' .... "We h"K Uie publisher will sell 100.000 copies of this boi.k during '71." MaHcm Aiitrrtiaer. ' ., -.. y i J '.' ' ' . "We hsve Just pninted rinr Imtus aa ad viaed Iit tho unthor. and eonciwtola'e wur salves that no tlwolllnir In our noinhbor-l. brood exceeos ours in appearmios. Jiw pel Week-ty. -r- r. : ' - v - c a f . "Iu cUiuK a sample copy :for . 10 cita, Mr. IJainj mut li-el certain ait ordnr ol 20 bound in eloUirWill lollow.' fi attk Jjxtie,, .. . ' ... .-. ' 'Vie know the town and country uvots tiif rein recmninendrd, and Van vouch for their valna and cxceil-tice f tho "HarrU son ! brand of wliitolnatj." "A.a. Ledger. ONLY IO CENTS is The best. in the world. Aukis Watki. S;'iid for circular. Ad dress IX M livnO' tSK W LNU .MAl'il I N K CO., Y. ..- So-4t . USU the ItuUinger Saali Ltei aiul Sup port tut-.i : :. , FASTEN YOUR; WINDOWS I. yo spring to break, no ctitiing of sash) eh cap, durabUs Very jinsllyjuipiicd;-holds sash at any place uvsrcd,HUd a self-laiten ei wiivu mo uun is douu. or eiretilar. Circular, and Hond slump six copper bronved ock sent. to arj address in the l'. 8., postpaid, on receipt of fto cts, 1.1b end Inducements ' to the trade. Aarnt wunted. Address, Iteisincr Sash l.'-ck Co., N'o.,-llH Market Mt, I lai risbui.',I'a. 60 -it Kstabilsnl t.J ' ",' , WELCH A. GRIFFITHS, Msiinii.etiirnis of fisws...: . ' ; , St rtKlOn TO ALL OTHKH. ItEKT HAW TA AKRANTBO. FILES, BELTINO A MCHINERY. J- '9eLtUKltAL DiSnt.,XTS'ae4 iri -flee i.lii ano vireuiuis troo. . m WELCH GRIFFITHS, Ji Italian, .Mac a., ot Uctrslt fllleh. Wrife fo? s Prtrs T.W to . IT. JOITSTOI, i7 smiuisoi h.. rtutwfh, r. Brewli-Tia liiiit .Sli a tiuns, 810 to ?:i00. lloubln Shot Huns, S (o tl.. Stnule fiiins, iSto&O. Hlflo-i, $St tTj, Itevolvei-H. $5 to $23. , Pmtols, $1 to $S. tiun Matcriul, FinhiiiK T"k!c, ct. l.arpt dicoun(t tn dealer ortlub.' Army (inns, Kevolvers, o:o.. iKiuttht or traded lir. Oooids sent by express U. O. l. to tss examined before paid for. i . , KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP For cleaninc nnd polishing metals, for cleaning and piesoi vitiR paiut, lor remov iiifr stains from inarbin, for wasliine hands and for all household cicaniinr, is superior to any other article made. .No. other sonp or wash equsla it, oilher'iii quality or clirapiuvH. Kav to use, and pcifci-tlv harmless and plravant. All grocers veil it Maniilactured only bv EASIMAN A IIHiUiKK, 1 N. Third St., Philadelphia, Ji0-4t .. ... . . ' -y PATENTS OBTAINED. ' N(5 fees milovi KUceCNsrnl. " .o ices fu ad vance. No clisifo for tnr-li miliary arch, send lor eireuiiuvi C -SNoLLY itl:OTI. EH-i, 1USS. l otirth St., Philadelphia, Pa , and e0 Ninth si. Waii'im-loii, l. f. 0-4i CULIPiEOIt "HeaiitiMil Children." A Medico PhilOMii Id eal Poem. Originally pulilislied in li'.-i. A I' print of this rare and cui'ioua old p" Ciu now ready. Price. aluO. - Ani"i icsit Aiiti'iuariau Pub. Co., Vi'i S. ti ll St., Phihi delohia.' .. AGENTS 1 A RARE CHANCE!! W H will pay nil Audits $H0 per week IH rn who wbl emai; with us a( once. Fvervlh.n); nivn.M.c.i and exjienscs paid. Addivss A. COULTfclt A CO., Charlolto, Mieh. - Ti0-4t CICTTYWI1UUO ; KATALYSINE WATER Is the nearest appruni-Ii to a spccifl.i evr discovered for I'yspc; sin. !Vi iirulgfit, lihou nuulsiii. tiout, Oravel, iial)..l. i.. Kidney and L unary limcaso cenerally. tt 1 storot inuseiilar pnm- to la piralyno. 1 11 cures i,!ir 1 uiii; in.nu, nron a L.ar I rlHi-u, Piles, t '011-tii.uUoa, Asltinka, Ca- Uuii, uliii Itioiieiiitis, lliuca,-es 01 tlm skin .) I tiiiu'iul I c-Uliiy and Nei vius 1'rot.ti-alion 1 1 froii) rMriiil pint I'li.vjii-al' 1-isccfcsos. It is , the f.icaieM antiliao-itvoi' dissvcrHl fir' 1 xixmvc outuiii: or iliiiik.inr it coiTceia. j tlw Uuiuu li,.(.i .uu.iuis Ini .li.in and lie.- . ! IiCVUh Ilia Head Almost iuiiiicdiiiii lr. No leaisWiold Niioui.J be wiihoni it. - For sale by a.t IwmiJu.i t-K . .u--i r ;mi(0rr of IUeHiiiin3t,'oe-iiiar vUMo.ii-tt., -ami br-lewtimott am If-otn Noittli Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Tf) tOfl 5' ' A w"lt clnsr tif workiD Hvplc, of cither so, yoiinn or r.ld, make mm aionov t work ior us ih,thetr. span moiuoiits or all Ui time Uiau ut anything oisc. Partieulurs ir. Address O.itinsou 4 Oo., 'Portland, Ma'mc.-- 44 tt JUST' RE CEI V E D ' AT THE ' t ..) ". 1,0 b i iJ 1 V ' .1 J v PEOPLE'S 'V,"v.u6r' STOiOE : i i i r-r' l - 'I 71 -. MILBRONNEtl &: CO. I ' H f I B T( A Fwsh Stock of SPUING &SU3IIUJS GOODS Clotha, Hats, ' Caps, : L't'i.-r ,iU: ! - r. i . d il. . 2300t,'-J !- :. ii: Hosiery, ... i . - iV i a; Genta' Furnlshine Goods. UNDERWEAR, SmViK) D.;it.k HANDKEP.cniEFt. fXJKSaTM,' i.ACEi, 'l,ACC.'"o'o6i) 'Jt', i .-. BUTTONS; EP.AJDS, ilii, a ti rr 1 a f r"5i .t:o i MOTIONS OF t-ALL, KINDS SILIT. GOODS, CLACK, FANCY itLK. . . . : . ., .' " ! H I. j l -ill.,, i. , A fiUl linwof ; , ...g ' CARPET S: '" . i . .. u n. i , t :. ... . OEMP, IXORAlN', Ac, . .1! ti n-ia 1 i.M - : - . ;: -'ALSO ' , . AXDSTItATf OOODSjiv ) r ! hats; noxNT.T., VELyieTs; V E LV ETK 'EX ', lil Blt08.,.i TS. A U W OUN'AMKNTS, Ad, AC, AT -' EA8TERX PRICIS.' ' - We are prepared to par Ch M(hMt ftim Kiiri:i;-ii:5Yi & iiidks. Of all kinds, either In MONKY or .W havtlnour employ a yiRjUr-CLAt TAII.OR, and keep constantly on hand a CIOOI) STOCK OF UOOOfs, of best quality and latest designs, whieh lie will make In h . workmau-liko manner aud latest stylo. Cood tits guaranteed or (to sale. A good and complete stock of . , HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, 1 Alveay a hand. ' '- ) SILVER-PLATED WATS AKD ' JKWELltY, tV Of very auporior quality and latest A signs. 11ILBHONNEK A 4 CO, sw-Jy WAGES T7OK all who are vHHng 'to work.' Ar I person, old or you iifr, of either e, can make from f 10. lo ?60 per week, at homa cl iv or even inn. Wanti'd by all., (suita ble to either t ity or Couirtry, and any sea son or the your. This is a r-jr opportuni ty for tliosa wlio are oat ol work, and oat nf money to uiakosn independent Uvin -. No cnpital boinx required. (r pampiet, "How to make a living. ' giving full Im strueiious, tent on re eij.t iof 10 sents. Address, A. .ItUUTON A IX)., Morrisaula, Westchester Co., N. Y, - ,4 AOFTTTy 0Vt,rv where UfelVour new M i-osv""d novel l.uiljro.kU riiift vVAliTED.M',cl,i,,e 'end jfer Jllua lianul l iicu ar, to tho MvKee MaQUlae 1 11 1 hi Cumpnny, iA) Jsroiidway, New York. ' . ' . , , ! . ... . 1 1 ... . .., . .. TUl; IMUI.OIt COMPANION, r F.very Lady wauls one I . Kvery Man oiiK'ht 16 haro one H . Kentn rts-cipt of Ten Cents. Address, u. F. H Y li E iV CP., iKv evyllh Avcaus, New ork. . 4 110N.TON FMUTATION MfJAL. St nl on rvaiptol !i ;cts.- Unlnue-r'riii-ingaiid L'Uidisliiiiu: ilwuse, '4i Vescy bt., N. V. , .... 4 'PI1R HECK WITH ?-0 PorUMeTamlly J- Hewing Ma.-liino, ou Mt li.iys Irislj many atUsnU-n vver ad istiils'scUoa 1. uaranlevd, or f0 uiutiilod. bent o u plete, with Ml1 direction. ItM'kwlth tiiw. 111 if Machine Cm.; 9i Uniailisar, M. Y'. 4 "' '. ''''''. ifi , 1 J rPI nW2 We have lust lasued O 1 I V A U kTiO, U alto 111 Twe Vel- unit"., inh-tii each 111 boards, li each In cn.tli. 'llie two oh'mes contain over lurtr beautiful Walises,. W..11I1 at Ms $Z$ ia siet lo.-ui.j; a voiu'n v. " i.crniLi n inl X V wit I J I, Jo the rieaieis tie partiuulur to b!c for.PKlRa' FiurtoN e sniAi'rtt" Waiaxk. a it iw tho imlv vorrctt siiiluiii)pletu.itlnn. Ad- . iiro-h j! L.pe 'i i:k.s i iV 1 Tyfrs ' Musin Pul.lisi.er. V t IJ 1 tiljU, U'J UestMwsy.-Kew. !. Noy. IX. Jt'BSt RIltK Ar rrtt KepoWHa I at ren,,Sl rsKii. ' OKI V Y SKt 'i i Hl'V I NO t ). "-K H will ay.