The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 14, 1873, Image 3

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nead'narteri Grand Army of the He
public, iJep.irtment f Pomxylvii
itiNi. 140S C h-inut St. ( tenor
al Order, Xn. -17.
J t PiitLADKLrAiA April 23.1, 1373,
. ', 4 In - accordance wit!, oitr Unlet
v. Mid Regulations, Friday,- May JJOrli,
. - wtil be observed .' Mkmqkial Day
.- ftr tlie purpowo uf etre tug wilh flow-
" i-rs, " or uiiu!rwio--Dixiirnniifr the
Grave nf Comrade who riiAl in di
t'enc of their Wirnlry during the late
i'nehellion; or who lure since " ssedi
' "ilwit. ' -Citifen'spruerally, Military
" null Civic' A-'t'trttinn', I'liurvhts
'"' and t'uml y-f?olimrshi"tilH ho invited
' ' iji' JartieiMte, "and. tn "" places 'YiT'.rre
"J tlu-roar no IVaia ni'Or.tnd Army," it
t hrped that the" Citiclis wttl'oir, It.-.
etlir 'Tor this pnrpote; that fitting
J"erviCe fiiy be held ill fcvervCnUr-t-li-''vfir.f
'iir"CJiuei(rrt'li"cre our dead lie.
:h tiecp: ' V'"1'" '. : C
YlH manner nf comlttctirig ' 'ibe-ip
''wrW is oTi.H):i1 Ailh TV-ds? lint
thoJO desiPin it, can ohttuti '('opics iA'
f tlie.fiilm 'of eerenu'ifiie,'1 a 'finnished
Inn-year by making "immediate . up-
jHintion ti the AV A. I; ", ,
e.j ' Alffpfioti t .especially, liivited
r this tithe to the recommendation from
"Yationn), Ileadtpuirtei ..but.. yrtp.
j' thai ilmycrs nud .,slii-iiha be plumed'
c3t each grave, in order ilmt. wlu-n .we
Hre'gnne, tlie sensous, , Tn their cruse-'
( K'sa round, may in our stead, , adorn
tjic leping places of our t'omraiUe."
j lly oider til.
?. . . ;.a ;i R. B. HKATlt,
i. Commanding Depcrtmtnt.
' Our "readers will remember the fir
cumstance of Thus, PayneY. tniilbviiig
Kirqed du itt Aiihh of 1871, -ulo
lhat s)metime tig; Jamw IUflrty
4V'was nrroted ftr tlie'idT.-n'ee. .' The ac-
e cnuiit'of thu trial vvhiidi rnipe, n'. nt
'ireek,, we copy, from , the" (Jlanou fit-
publ'ttan. . Kiilferty jfot five year in
the Western IVniieniiary : . - '. '
On'fridiiy'iif hist week James Rf..
. ferty A citizen ; or Washtngtmi towu
' liij in this' CifiHity; was s-enteneeil kci
V"1 the Penitentiary fvr 'a p?ritd"or fire
jear, charged wiih'buniiti 'the' tiv.
" mill of 'Thos PaVe 'in ljirmiiiton
'''township, . iu . the nion'lr i f , August
' 1S7I.' ' The.ctPo wim ine that 'created
considerable of inrerc-M,' a'ud quite an
f l ex itnierit prevailed on account of it,
.On the part of the ('oMiuonwenltli ii
'". wan tdiov. n that the in. II was b'irn(l
. ..on the moriiiug of the 23il of An. u- ,
,." 1871, and ahuifr with it. was l.fjOO.UUu
"feet df piiie lumber. That oil the ev
.' etiitig ol the 22d of August the mill
idiut down at G p. m., and tliat thx
4 3re,hsJ died nut in llid ei:gine room ;
e -Kin tliat (he wind had been bhwing
front the direction in vvhieli the bnanN
v, were piled. Tho lire whs discover d
j,,.iil)i(Mi twp u'cliick in ihu moiain ami
when seen blazing, through the
rmifiif th hoard piles and lour or
-"five "piles seemed to be on fire. It
also i pneurcd in evidence that on the
.night of ihe burning n man coinii.g
,'froin the '"direction, 'of the mill rairn.-
withiq a Hinrt ilis'anec' "i me' cooti
. jiuoirir, iiiki on iitfovcriiig itieni
turned away abruptly in another di
re;:tin and ooii' ufter"thev saw the
' tiro.' l'vljlencij win adduced hwiig
.f that ionic time pivvimisiy Payoe ami
! Kafferty. ,had .uaum-led aiVi that
t. 'Xiadcrty receiving, the vorat of, the
' iv. it. ni'xx- ' V
.HiiUW iai woin, to i Ue . revvugwt.
v 'Tjlirean tijiujediy lUlfuriy were given
... in X-yhjonec, , giiig , to ihow. that he
'had meditated something of the kind.
Deuluratioiig such as "he would bum
-: biih (PayneTout of housrt and home"
Vert'given'iu tvidenee, and alfi niter
?"lhe fire'. "that one-litiltj inuh had
' irfad a hig'pile 4.f -ashes'." One of
'ihe- d0ffn1aiit vhildien na cnllt-d
' and testified that she had lizard'- her
": father say that hi- woulit-bnrn Parue'e
" mill. - .
Oif the part of the defenre an eiTort
was made to pro ie an alibi Julio J.
rttt f Veliai.go (oiinty wuti.' called
-i who- testified ' liiat in the monlli of
August 1671,- limi'm iy mid his sou
slaved (one night uiih f v.i, sleeiug
'"in the baru, and ' irt th-dj" breakliisi
i there the tirxt murnitif, ; Uit was un
'nbleto fix th; itate tit lh iionith.
MWiael Ksir-i-fy: li!'-;u of the le
fcnduiil fixed tj note i!.ey' ere at
A .:4'reU8 a.kertf' 'VV f Ue - igiit if the
' v.-v''i- MV'I y.llint : h'; tUiher and , him
tikalepti lCriett bai n,. 'h defeii'dant
,fi: was ale- ynHvti I. Ht a- ar'if.ues, and tes
.lo't'fied.ftiib-liiuiiailv uhat ,he, Iwd,; alept
mli 'U J'irrota bafu lo nijht :yf the lire,
i..svnd that ta that day, he- had. haule'd
boards from Lllisys uiill atCeuier
i;uA1'lef( 'hat, the ."2yd( Le had
ji wtut (ro'n)r jjJrjffUi ITllit.-.m niilL: "
m bi .'"jii"r;"1)" a Viiiini.nwealtb
ae rv vpj ht J.ia.tjuffjr uud. his eon' had
.LoiJbacu siij o, ihe evening of the
.ju.iil near pibu'g on their nay, Ijome
fsiinj (yvatcivillc, and liiat they were
unworthy of belief. The rime was
"'abl v'-argned ' for the comui ntweolih
T 'Hon. .he. Caibdl and Col. J. B.
.-tnoz',"and ( the part id the defence
ly Hn. I. (. GorAluii"" T'ha jury
. i-Vr t.t Jes-s'theo ao h-ur whn tbev
returned with a verdict of guilty. A
motion for n new trial was made Hint
was overruled. If we are to judge
from the f Mertce, fh defendant apelns
to hnve hrt-n ; dangerous inan in, the
community whr b resided and wus
generally feared by nil of bis neigh
liors, and no attempt was hinde to en
tain his character when it was assail
ed. - .
,'iBEATII OKt ltll:i' .11 TH'KrilAK.
:."r.Snr-TrniCMAy Tr-CliTefJiCiTTc?
Chae was yvslerduy a:t,tvkd by, ap
xplexy, iu this city, and died this
inoriiing at 10, oVI-vk(attlie residence
of his daughter, Mr. William Iloyt,
No, 4 Weft Tlirjy-third street. His
two daughters ami .Senator. .pragba
were present. .' , r,.-
1'ne diUll pf.CUief Jusjice Salmon
Chase, ha4 ;-auaeiL -frendral :. grief
.hrimlt(ut thu icity, , Tho .flags nil
(,'iiy iUll, priuidpitl, newepapi r,
o.KiiHB, i) ml.. many private buitditigs
era," Uienlaycd ,t, i hnif-iBast. The
Chief Justice camo here, on .iSituedav.
evening to visit Mr.. ,. Ileyt, ilus
ilaigllier. He waai in., ui.uauai good
health mk.1 fjiiiitj, and .this favot-ulde
slate wt limine ctultinued, but Tester
day HuriitNg at 10 o'cick a si rvant
-was sent t ilt hioi to breakfast, ami
vn entering his roein found Mr. Cuase
lying in a slate of fiujjor. - Ilisduuhi
er n -iiiiiiediauly ' sumitiobid ami
iK-rvants were dtpatche i t'ir.'itrlienl
aid. . Wlieu t'lo , oTMoi:w rarrite't
uiieensciousncrs was tound to have re
suheti frirnvihe recurrence b(- paralys
is, id' wjiicii he : had several atrokue.
All oli'iits i:. relieve him proved una
vailing, and it-was evident hie.vitality
was etihiug away.. Governor tjprujju'e
audi his wife, a -laagliter of 'Judge
Chase, -were euiutnoiied and arrived, in
the city lsi evening , His daughter
remained by his bedside until 10:30
this morning when he hrenthed his
last. He rrmaiued totally uncoil
tuoiit f-orn the time his oon-liii oi wr.s
discovered until the end.- The news
f the death of the Chief Justice fens
not received in the United' Slates
Court, buildings un;il tlie tiine of ad
jouenment nt the United 'dtntes Cir
cuit ami Di'triot Courts, nil I as the
truth of,nie report was not considered
ahioHutcly. ccrtpm, inotioii was
made to adjourn either Court, it being
deetued'-espedienttif tti'stpone nmkiiig
?m-b a' i"iien ' until the reiiort was
donlirmed 1 t t "- '
- Bunior' the ' Uiitted Siarci
Court buildings tin in t-ii : ex Judge,'"ex-1
United Stale District' Aflorney Kd
wa'rils P.ierrepiiint as the 'probable
tioinitiee of PiesidcUt Oralit tn flit the
Vacancy occasioned "by the'denth' of
Chief Ju-tice Chase, but the political
friends (if Senator Conkling are very
confident he will be ; tha successor .uf
Mr. ChsseV
All the "evening papets contain
obituarli s eulogistic df the' integrity,
ability and spntlens charater of Chief
Justice Chtiie.
. Noi:rn Eastos, May 8.
.Mr. Ames was CD years 3 uionthj
and 18 days old . at the time of Irs
death. He has been fullering from
diabetes for nearly three years, but
by attention to diet has been able to
keep the (iHUiiac iu check. On M m j
day, April 29, he had an alt nek ef in
digestion, bututtended to his duties
in liohioii on Tuesday and Wediu-s- j
day. if. last week.,, Thursday ho re.,
muiiied at home, occasionally: visiting
his iiftice at North ICas!on. Thurs
day evening he was seized with im.
tlainatioii in tho diapliragm, uh I
through the night he aufii-red intense
puiu,-obtaining mi sleep. O.I Friday,
ire obtained a liitlo rest while in a
silling toslure.i He iaaeil tho d;iy
silting in a vh iin. Hatiirdny hu vii
mi re omt'oriablu. .Sunday ho slept
well.. Monday hii pulse and ,'he .tern,
peislure n'his body ami perspiration
al.l indicated a rapid-return to his
mua) haaUh and he .remained very
comfortaiiie up to 5;30, a hen he was
seizid . wiih iipophtxy, reHiiitiiizi iu
paialyis of thtt right eide uf the body,
at the samt time s.ight indications of
pneumonia in the lower Jlt lung.
,Mr, Ames remainel .partially . con-rt-ious
at intervals. up to n ion Wrd-iii-alay,
since which lie , has remained
perfectly unconscious. ,'
We take t"-e following from the
Erie Z)Uputch :
Mr, Hhiisuii,, vessel inspector, while
passing from a. vessel t the dock yes
terday nllern on stepped uptn Some
loose slaves, width guvu nay nud be
wan pret ip tated iiile the water. , He
sank twiee ai d but fir the .timely us
sibUinee of the engiuer of a tug,
(night have Im-p : dinwued. A 'rope
naiiihfuivn him and. !n ,was .astiistud
out.,: One of his. shoulders Jmd hn-n
dislocated in the fall and he was tak
en t the oCiee, of ,JDf. fcitrauahaii
wUeim chlorofiti'm iavii,g been admin
ieireu the arni was : reset, and he -is
only liulu.worii tir -tlm shoek. i
Last evening 'a"' rulle"daughter of
tmistuble Andrew - Witgner, jumped
oil' the street car, got caught 'and' ene
of ibtf'W heels passed ever herright
le ,-between knee and nnkio, -1a4brat-'
i5 it in a tiorrible maiiner.'cniiing a
deep l'bh iiv the talf ol the leg and
prcjUnidy crushing tha bones. Ii is
reported that (he little girl -claims
that she asked the dirver to stop and
let her off, hot he would nut, and thu
jumped knd was injured. An older
ie!er wss viih hr on tha oer sh-.I hfio
jiiii-je-l fii:.
FirT('orsTT, hh.Tii r Common wkalth
' tr pKMNHTt.VAlsIA", 'I'd TIIKSlIKnll-T of
tn 1'OISTV, ti RVltJINll t h
1 t'otnuiapit thnl yon nttarh Hentuniin
R. Vf" liUe ff your1 county, tiy'ii'.l nod
Nioimlnr his ! t-( and elnillcU, lnoiln and
tooeiiioul in winso lianils or iMralon
soever th Mine may le, no that lie ho ami
appear IwM'oro our Court of Common Plena,
to I io held al in and lor mild
County, on tho fourth Monday of Mav,
next, there to iinswfi-.lohn A.Dmld.ofaplw
ill eiwiMind sImo 1h:it Voil fcttiottem Ken
iiimOi It Cilo t,r 1 Im ltr.rHfiil nr tini-wiiiiu tn
wnop nanni or p irweion ntpvrr nn !
may tie. -a Uan.ishee, that lie loiind n-
roar K'foreour said (.'onrt, at the timentd
place wmrcMiil, tn answer "wliae ninV l.o
..!.... A.I .... l.l... Hl.t In . I. . I
-iintui i t i"i uti;
nient of the Court therein . and have - qui
llH'il niui iorr(- uiih rit
' WltneM tlie lion. XV. P. Jen.' Prei
tleM inditeot nn;d Courts nt Tjoniita, the
lo-irtli dnv of AnriU ls:t. i i ,. i
, Hail riuiri;d to diwlve in f iiHOO. .' '
, , .','.'.. , ' J. It. ,UNKV, rrotli'y.
ny Tiruie oi hic io;yo Mill j iiiiyo nt-tm-lifd
nil' tlie rlirliN title, interi-M and
Hain of tlirt il'-IVij lanls ol, in and to-all
Uijil tract or parcel .f land us foUowa : Tlie
undivided one-half of the southwest end
f tm'rt itiilnf livo1-thousand one lmn
drod'enrt id---ty two, and situate lii.llirl;
u,viivo.'lilp. j'oienl Ci).. l'a, i hissnld in
lernst Peinu ore linn lod aid twenty live
acre; ci-pt twetity-fivp n-ree th'enKif,
heretofore mtivuvwi to It. C, Stet.Iiinou i
.lentim UKJ aere.H In-rehv atlachod. i,. ,.
.l-, oil the ile:emlent s Interest, and
cinhh In the fotlo-W (Irt-n-rit.ed pieeo r rai'
eel -oT land, 'aituattf 4tv nalt township of
Hickory, Im. united a lollowx: Urvinnini?
nt youtlii'iist ooruei'oi' lamN riw-enlly own
e l tiy tttt-tinrrl It win t-niiftfti's si iiinwe!
erly'on til lino of lots Niw, ij'IJ' and' It l! J
llir einxi'.-b IA iinelMi!t'iliO' a-'ren, tl-et-e
norlhwMerl,v parlloJ to the iOUt,hwi!t
line d' lot So. M(2 to (he Ibif lirtw Pi n loai
Nns.'Snrj mm MOlMhiu-e iiot thwosi iiion j
till line. to llietiaid linn roeently owned l-y
Ke-lmrd Irwin, ,thencn Honlhwest to the
ptie-e of lii'inninj.'. Cojitaiuin-j l)ti ceres
of tiairp M- Ics I ' i
I rei lily that the ahnva Is a true e."pv i
the oriKintf iwrit and dine rip ion i.f the
propeitv iitt iehud. . 1
' ' ' T. J. r.vv UIESEX, .
Kheiiff's Dfiieo,' Tlonrstd, ' Va., April It
.lH7it. . . , v i. ... i.f-. j. : Il-Ct . .
:! . r
L. L. Rielimor.d &. Co.
1 jeWelerc, !i
Invite the aUaiiJipn, ol ; J
t:n pun.. e to i heir n
, infuse stork of jitulw,
; eonsistinji nf ie; o i
Lallcj C.nro Cftf, 1 !
' CAM 0-t, ft 8-tis
I .- Opsia diaiaa, ';.! 1
' LtonliiK Chiari
, Ntc'iiico, is Coli clJt.t, ,
. Lo-:kftf,C)iaioBnc4ti,
Xnl B.-Its, ' ; '
i" " ' . " Aarrloaa tti
Bwiu'Wsteliss, I'1 '.' "
l ,'i Baj WiUi,. . iv1
. , -l.r Aoitiioss ri
Fniuii Cloo'u, al nil tbe
' ; Is'tilBtiijts in '.
8 i) I.I D S I I. V EIi
i ; . ASD
; PLATE it wxn X,
Togrtlifr with i rc:rt
,T'. X
t i
Call sn.t eaaminaonr
G.iod and Pi ieea he
mic purcliH' ii: v'. We
K'lio uoteeour priresns
lor tho Name tpiuiity of
goods elsewhere.
L. L. Eichiaond & Co,
klueeum Bulldini",
Chutnat hu, KiiuTi',1:, Fa.
1 VVIRTl'K of aimdi-y wriUoffl.ra.vfn.
) ox. iMsuod out ot tlie t'oui tof l oiiinioii
l'iea-i of. Joitst touniy. mid to mo ili
lectisl, there will Ui e.poseil to stile 1 y
puhlio vendue or outcry at the Court
House, in thu borough ol "'fionoHia, on ,
. - THL'HSD.VV, M AY SH, l."7k
nt 10 oYl"ck, u. in.,llici following uVforibcd
real CHlate. ui-wit.j . .
Kol.eri Kc(i vs, Win. H. Harlan, I'i. V'.
No. -ii May Tern 173', C.'K .No. la Nopt.
'I'Mrm lerj Mas.ui-i-A.l tbal iurtam lot or
pio'V tl (1,'ooinl mi unti iu TioiU ita Ilor
oiif;l), tloaei-ilico iu lollovvs, VI7. : ltStl7
scvenit-en and ll-l eighteen and the wost-'
ern poitioii ot' lots one (t)innl two ('),
inoro iiiiiiuU'ly desi'i-ibed aa lollows, viz:
I'oioiiicii' iiiir ut Hliikv, ilieivnir-rol Wi.l
nun aim M-i.v Mreeis, thence hy .My xtiee:
oastei-ly olio luiudisd anil ni.xlcy'toiir net
tou okI, iliet to liorlheriy mid parullul
Willi. I'.liu Kti cot one hiimued 1 et lo hjhI
oil the soutti line of lot No. a. toeii'-e vn,
eiiy and pannlel with May slieelone hun
dred and eighty tm-t io i po-t on- ill uiu
blivoi, tlieuee -outlieriy hy. VVilliiuu Hireet
one liiiiidred ftct to tliu'ilato of he,-ni.
in npr.' One' Hound llx! ket,1 a sloncs,
j aimed and plaMtered theiell oreeled.
T.ikoii iu exei uil.oi and Iu l esoldas ihe
property of Win. 11. Harlan at tho su.t ol
ltobort'ivce. '
. ' AI.S', - :
John A, Prefer vn. Win. i. ir:'rla.i and
Jliioiol lliai k, Veil. Ex. o. 41 M.iy U'liu,
17."!, C. I'. 44 I lee. Term, inT-l .Meicillioti
--All tiiut certain lot or picru ol ground
Nituaicin 't'.oiiestit IW-rolii;li, dcscliheil ax
lolUw. viz : Lot -i i l"j neveiileeii un I lSi
eij:hte n and Ihe M estern p.irliiiii of lots
one -. Ii ami two (tl. - iiloi miiui'ety iie
ei ilic-d as lo'.lowa, ,vix i - oiuUH'ieoii nt u
MaKH, tlin imriiHr nl' Willuiio, aiiU. .May
Ktrcct.-., (i.uoco l.y .'.hiy Urui 1 e.i-.lfily one
liuinlredHinlMxiy-iourieeMoa imi,i ihenee
nonluii'J y and parallol w ith Kim nil ret oue
l.r.iiili-i li loci lo n pwl on tho i. .mil Jinu cl
lot No. ;i, fheneo westerly and piuiillef
with May atreet cile bomlred ami eighty
lilfit to :f,lio:i William trnnry tlieuee
out- liupdiX'd'Ibvt to the pint e ol I jilil li",
tiuo lioue Itix.'ia Ji'tit, two stiiins hiyh,
painted iin((,plati-reil thcniMit' elected. -;
. 'I'ltkco in iwi pulmiunil Im. bv sold iim the
property (if H'p,..ll. JllsrliiU and, i'lUfiel'
Jlliu-k.iit the nuit of Joint A. l'i'i-pivr. 1 yl
-'JVrlnwmsh.' - " ' J
ii! .1 ..'!!. JVAN GlJ'NKNiShouU. .
Slicri)'-'! (nlli-e. '1,'ioiuyia. ,1'a May I, ia7,
iTHikKtV ELAVrtt! T1US. , : ..
An Iioixrlait Inveiiliou. . It retain the
I K ii pi v re at all t.ims, ami under the hard.
I est exercise or severest ktrain. U is io'n
wiili colon i t, i and il k pi n niyht and
j day, cli'eclH a piii'inanent curu iu a fior
i weeks. Hold' cheap, and mat by Mail
when retiesterl, circulars t'reei wlien rr
' tiered by lutter sw. 1 1 (. to '1 ha hlnstio.. 1'rusi
Co., No. (sj ISroadway, N. Y. City. N'o
! tly iisen Meiul Spi-inr; ' Trun ; C.-o
p;cnfulj Iher ,l;p i rt tro firjenillv. i
Application! for License. M.iy Se
ions, 1873. V
" rer.tol Itln. k, irotJ,,Tine1a Horohali,
flle.1 April VWIh. .. .
M. Iu. ! ,tr.. Hotel, .'I'lone-'a It V'C'tab,
Mill. John Wooil.-o.-K-'. Hotel. "S'l IllNLui ir .'
lIiuiiH-nv Two., tiled Muv Nt. "ljA
;.,., ie i. .. .... i h ... ' ,-,..., ,r
......, ,v 'i ii"n'in,i' i.i-
C"ns, Tlonex-u Iti.romth, lilod May lt.
A. K.H.t luor, I'.uiiiw 1Ioii, l''auiidiw,
Harmon v 'IV p., tiled Muv rlh.
'John It. Nelll, Iti-tel, Tionesta Twp
i it i , i ut nio.
JL,J.Tay pivl-ou4.Fitda!iJJ;w.o:I,.,
't wo.
o ,i'n .ii'tvn ii,
A n-t-jv 1M;iy, ftiUriT "P-'-V t't
kU'l wiOilied M:iJ (iUvJ i I I J I ,
Wilson Smith: flote. Kaund.-i.
... ,t. . ... . . .
lliouy 1 Wl., IlleU lHV4iWl
AONI-.W, JJh-rk.
BY 'VtltTff: ol" Mt'iii'U-y writs 'oT Fl.t-'a., I.
liliaa liev.l-'n.atuM'ew.Ka.tosyoutn,
Ihe I loorl t tVuMiion 4'leii or l-'ort, Co.. I
aud to me dirci tej, l dure will bo, expospd
to ile lie public 'vendue or outer'v. at the
'oili-t-lleiiHe, hi tbe'a iroifgll-ef 'I Kmosu,
en ! .4. r . ... x v I i i i i .1
fMnxriAY, MAY 2d, A. I. 1373,t
Jitai'eloek A. M .iho foilowin t tleseribej
ronl esiolr, to-wit : i
Mfthloh S. S-llers vx. William M.
i l li.lii.No. .11 May Terin.lTU.C. I.
Mav Term. 1S78. All tlinteormln tra0, ()
land eoftnininx eleciMi d iwrlis-d ailiiily
ecvei. ai-res an. I sixty pereheit more or Iikm,
eltitali'in 1 1 owe town .hi p. formerly T iones
ti Tt Irslttp. tn the Counrv ot Forest, nnd
StH'e of 1'ciiiisylvnniii. Itonmted on ihe
boulhwest ly tret No. (ivo tleuinil I ,one
huiiilnsl find three MOM) tvuriwiitcd ill the
name ol .fonnttian Mifltin hy theCoimnou.
wsitl, iiiil tini tfieii Hoetiiwet iivi trui'X
uiiilr Inn tleNimmd onx iiuiidri-d mid
one (."ile.l : ranted al-o in the name of! Mifflin, and onTr,f"iir-,lieil And
eowthea II)' iHIht l.-indx r'hekntr tho, ni:-ii
tiiuit of Iuiii.I wliirh lfii!!i-!.lioliUl in his
own rl.lit and e;-eutoi- of tlt-j lasj AVill
fld Tostsoietd of Nancy toliUs. Iiv lmlfii
ture bearing daii th- twentv fourth da-- of
! Iiisieiolwri .V'A. -I )L arni nccfido.l 'forth-
witli to he rei-orde l. fronted x-id convivod
un'-o tlie Kaid Henry llro .ksin t'e. '
Taken iu execution and n be sivhfa tho
pi-.-pertv of William M. tstownrt t tlie
auit of M.ihlou S, Kelleriit ,. v, ,,,,
' ; . M-iO, 1
, Xait? .11. Hiurxtivder vs, V. Omnnt?
arid JdIiii ii'Ciiiiioi- ii.f Term
lHi:t, v l. No. (d Iv-e TVrm,' l7i -.t il
the loll., am (l.i ibiMt piece of Jand, it
hein the iiiidividod .one hslf (wt. of ail
thaleerinin jiiei-e or parcel of html lv:nirin
Hickory twn-('.l f oret'Co.,-t'a. H-m;id-d
and iltnerihej mi aioii i'v no litf
t a post on thu wci linn (a' tr't.f which
this m a part, which i i no Imodred and
twenty two r- !oii the corner. ' rmrtff " l.t
eaM from awlitte'rwk M;i;mi, th.-iieetrotn ut or point .nor Ji Vi ,caM' .s .(vui.s
to a .o.-t or pi-int, tliniii e u-.-rt!i W ca t
e!iheen soil o lit tentlia'tn-N t"ali.ekoi v
Kup!lii?fi li1vif nibf,wtfti't-.iet, 'Ui-'ius.
-HoiilJi eiij" writ eiuht,y-ii ve, r aU: to :H.:rcd
onu,.iiieiiee suiiiu i.r vi el i:lv4ii,n
and eiKllt-leli'flls r d4 t plit -Q al 0"k:h
lilli''.:' (VnUtnhitf Iftn (IU) nefcS; lifins; of
land Patnute l ti.N.O. Mall !.y..tli. Usui
'Taken in exeeulion ami to T e m'.J.I na
tho peoier "f I'- ckiiinin-et-.- vfi tvr.iu
nor, at the s-i:t of N'art-y U. !:ie!liiiTi!or.
, ALU,. c.o - ."'
T-nviiia PsrUera.-ul J.dliiK J. Parker ct
al lor Use ol .lii'.itis J. l'a kar vs. -l i nn -V
Scvmmir, aliun Lev.' )'. No. :Vi Msv Term,
I":i. 1-:. iKii Mopt. Term. 1S70. Maxon ,v
.f'.'!t&. All th-'t certain tra -t or p,irel of
laud siloiiln hi tlH i ownslnp of iJ:rNtone,
County of Forest, and Mla'-cuf 1'eai.a- Iva
n;a, Waranted in tho mono of Willi. Im
illinU and otnerxnnd known Tract ntini.
bered .Hounded east hy tiact uiim-
h(.r l!77.'i, vvii.. by tract number t- i7, yuth
by tract numb, r i:i!". Coiiiainin-j (-on
ueros w ith -illowanee, be .-nine more or p.
Taken In cxot-mioii end to boaoida the
of propoity Clianey ,-s-yuiour, at Iheaintol
l.a vina l'arker ap . Julius j. I'urkur et si
for uso of Julin.-i J. !'r.:V?r.;
' . AIXO, -' .(:.:
fi. K.. W.irnrr vs. Ciisrlea J. Fex, Veil.
Fx. No. 7 Mav Term. 173, C. l. JJo. a
Dee. ,'lenii. 1WJ!, : Mason .t Jenks. aII
that curtain piece fir parcel' of hind situ iie
iu Howe Tov.-nvhip. 1-oresl County, l'a.,
bnunoed and (losi-i llicd ns follows, to-v. it :
Un the north by warrant No. ,TMl, on tha
e:ist by warraula No. USI'J and OTS, on
thoHoiilh by warrant N'o. i'.ei.t. and on the
west hy land of the Fee Farm til Io. Con.
tainin !-Jiaires withal low auce,bn I lieaame
n-irc ofl-'s, "of which thcr are nbo-it UH)
act cm improved, nud cue Inra frame house
two small Cranio loiifitit hituse. ihio ciri-u
lar saw niil and two largo frame Mima
thereon i reeted, and ono largo orchard
thereon (rrowtrrjr. - 1 .,-.!l tiiat eerlnin (fart of land In
!!-woTownshi).,I'orckt Co., l'a.,, kie.u
as wariant No. Kl 2, bouiiilcd on the north
by Warren Comity Ifiie, en tho east by
warrant No.41it:ron the annth by ivuri aiit.
3i;M, and on tho wt by thq-'K innsloy
'l,.w.,ship line, C)ilu;;iini 3'jO aer,c more
or less. ' "
AijiO, A ll-4ho loilowintf pireM or jkij-.
eela ot land silunte in Howe I'oWoMliio,
Foix-st County, l'a: Tho north half of
Hub. No. lit oi Warrant -0S. Conlumliitf
fin acres moroor less. Also Sub. No. .0 of
warrant No. X7:&. ConUinin log o res
more or less. AlsofSali. No. 4:i of, warrant
No. JIH'.S Containing p0 ere" more or
less. Also Sub. No. Iriof warrant N'o. S'.UO.
('oiltaiiiuiK loO ucrc luoi.r Ims. . -.
. lulkPii lucx.j, utioo mid to bus., 1,1 ns Hi,-
,oi ty of Chiiries J. l et, at the suit of
(i. '(-,, Warner.
Terms eas,'i.
T. J. VAN (.1F.SKV,
, . ritieriff.
Shoiitr-s (ifilou, Tionesta, Forest Co., l'a.,
April L'0, A. I. 1S7:.
FOR MAY TKI1M, 187?.
John A . Troper vs. Chs. Ttobsoh 4 CV.
J. K. Irnje vs. lllmiu Cnuk.. r- . i
Kliabclb Ueer vs. It. C. Scuit ct al,
l-.vabio: Coon v. C. .1. FOx. .
F. II. Klhiworth et-al u v.; J. IT. Dilks
et al. , - - ;
11. II. Mav vs. James T. Whisner ot al.
11. II. May v. JoinrM.lh I etui.
Uoyai K. Hcott V. U. t 'amin, ! - -
lievila Paul vn, lex,Mi-Aiorrw et id ' '
Het'le Paul vs. Alex Mil tudivw cl al, '
Wm. AVidMloiiif use 'vs. Ilai'licit TwiUi!n
K (Vinol. ioou oiwl vs; Jihi. li. Ibaiutou tjj
'. at. i .... ;. i-! .-. !;: -i.f s.l cfc
IlelNi S. Thomas. vs liei j. Jlav el ul.
.1. OIICS I.. lil'OW II VS. Icllllii:C llullbs Ct
Iiui'iol lliaiiii vsJiieliMsvustesut tke 1W
j yi j-ioiioxia tiui'i)si.i Vl. . , ,i
fi.iile tarrow. Kli lleiliii .
r1-. I., riavi-c vs.- Alexander Wallace et
Aa1. It'uiliiviis va. John ru)M.nduKm
T,.'ipmicliiot,iil Ai Joa.Ai. ?T'f.
inrnaiii ,ijua V", lopu M-iKUiV .
John liat-idson vs. NV. I'.'.Merei.tlfott'
John ll a.vm ue vs. li tl(iljtoiiiioi i
i-uyiij llavh Vh, W. 1. 4NiJ et al. :,, ,,
A. A. P:rdard?oii v, .Ajleuheiiy Vallev
II. A. Cnfj'il vs.
road Co.
Allegheny Valley Itail-
Hinitii Foreman vs. W. I Andorsoii
II. I,. Ifouan vs. (loo. Walters et nl. .
J no its KattWly vs. 'i'homas Porter
Amos F. llisewk vs. A, F. Urul-i
John tiJI vs. M, 11. Funis
J. 11. Aii.N'FW, Ptl.'r,
April II, 17.1.
. "
.7 ,n:
.IV . V
AT Till?
! T I .
i .'
;,, .j ', , '., I
-.- ' " , .
liwfcs. ui It ills i t Acr
rjrr.; : ; - : r.ooT.lAKU fiih)l;.
.'. " ; t-.
.v.V. 1 ' 'if.i'iiM
, F.S.
T . J ' ' T A
ie- 1-
A LA 110 15- STOCK, OiJ
K0TI0US, Slc
Superior Uimbcr Company Store
' v'anJin found New ami Presli
..111 Tin er r tt " lo f j.
Groceries nnd Provisions,
I'mbrarinK Standard flrands aad I'.ie very
, , , ltest (')ualitv .
h ... TIIEl;EST3 YltVPH, '
f.t U . , I , f 1 1. i,
rEACHKS, . f - .
. , CVyiUNTS.
J w
ruins ass--'-
i v -.r . - .
PEAciiKS, "
: ft r
,..t )
I '
. cony, ;
" SHOfLDEUii, - : .-. -
ilhvv on brmj,
-,. I .
ard sold at t!io lowvat
' i ! v. , .
ir . !.
! ; v: '' I1 AKILY FLOUR,
f !!
' al
I Cn.-U
. I '.. . V u I . ' 'T - ' ' -
of (ho very liest brandy and. will. 1 soil
by U.e barrel pr .k,,.l mu piicUa,-ers,
M Ihu Iwivvsl iiiarkHl pi:e. w s i i j ' ,v
'... i . it i u
TA I i Yl J SI k)
a; : n, s t.i ,ru-1 no -ji'.-fiunc j
.isi'- v I
rj r4 7.; m ,
ci iDCD-nfei 1 iMoro on CTnorti!f '"'"'V'"
OUI LlliVllL.Vl'IUL.11 Wi O I UIIU
ooposlte tho
Iiiit rfiivc House,"
W.-ntii-xs? Thelln..Mtnn W. p. .!.nk,
Peivi li-nt lodef .oCri; jVp'rf.'nit 'miv
tn-'ii P!c ts 'an 1 i J iirti r s."csi,,tis m and tor
the c4iitfir.nTrr'-ii,yi:M Vs'ucd li s pre.
cuit for hoi Junta ,1 unit ui' L'oiuiiX'il J'h'iin
imtrbr Kes(,.ns, Aj- v.r1 Jhfte.:t; for
the Cnlintv of lfoi, t.v'-,sinri(icncu i n tht
fourth Moni1,iy"rir."iIa'neAJh'')'.eiiit the.
'iith dnv itt May, IsT.l: Hicn-ibm
tri von lo the ( ' mon r, .Itl-alorVi.f thcl'raee
and Constabl.-wot- sutd evsuiiiyvlliu tm- twi
tln-n nd I here I o lk'r iiitpnwnyi nt
ton o clock, A. M.,.itl't,nil do, ilr tjieir'
nssiriN, iiKiuiMiions .;iouim,mis-Mini
iulhuf-4'i'ineii(Urii icou, u lU iIimmu. i.iui"
which io in -ir oiiii-cm !iienuln to li.'doni;.
nrel tfllvM- vjo . l.'iliil 1W( rc.tlrfirxiiisrv,
U pr,,ss-nle:i :ains ' fir oris uo ik licit six
or shall b -in the lull of Foreat ( 'oiudv .-thaf
tZ WJ$?:XZ
IIM'I l ICItl kl'l! Ill 'Jl'rl d;iy (lf -.Aplr A. I',
-17 .(. i , . r. J . l . . i i:s: biv if.
,, I 0RE1GN ATTAninieNV.
' r . , c :,. ..-, t
Foiir. T Ciji-y :r. at : !'i:t('iMi'ii
".' oi- pi v-tm i i-i M.,.(r,j acSiKrti-er
mn4'vcM, (iKbrK- .-
Wn cinuhiflnil thai yilft a'tarh J,,hu Y..
U.'.llhcr, late i,f your .' County; 71. a'l
and i.oifiihi.'. Jrfs etu:la " anil rlaai,
IiiiiiU noil i teiieim Ht n irh(e'-i4Vitl
or ni.: e-eilnii mvvrr the sain vesiiay
In,-mi (has he be and n;'pene-b' l"r- our
tvurl ui Ciunm n k'lai,i t ! 14 at
Tioneta In and lor said C-uintv, on tinr
fouri-i -MTIirt ry Of Jlacrv' Jj. ihx'ie to o -r.w.--r
l-a I.- Ash !' n pics in Assumpsit met
MlWJIk i? s") MUliTir(trTiiiertv '.r Jur
Moil's in ' wIi.kb irttlds fit- Ti n.i-4!on th
-si.wony be as iriirnishee. l) that thrv l
anil lie.ore oils said ton it, at tier
tunc aud place afores-iul, t answer what
my li objected i.!ini them aiot -lidir
t'o- ludjciiicnl o iim t'liuri Miereln -Vii.t
ttaf Vim then and llierortii wr.t.
WiliiMNhe IJ.jj'. W. 4. -liks. Tret!
duiil Jrti;e of snel IV-irk r a'l onrj th
.XidiUvot Apl-.l.. IJvJsVo.
- lUil ruiiiiii--J 1 1 iliasoUu iu .
..v .. J. li. A NKW, Prolh'r.
t Tl!y rtWoe of the above, writ 1 -tmjr m
t.v. Uc I uii thu riulit, title. iuK r-si Mn lrbilm:
ct tho dtfjondant ot, in a vl .i all that -cr-lain
piece or puccol oi .uu.l w.u;.: iuT.o
ur.stK township, iu ihe Co,uajrrf: Jr ict,
b Minded und oescr.licd ns ltr
uiui:uSi i it elufliuoanntd bink of
Alh tii;ny Itivor, ihenee by I, in i wxrian
tis.lto liciit v Tann i w.Mi'iJi-w-eatjefOiim
decrura east t ee hundred e;:d J .vpujyier
cliO.l t-i a whits 'o;ilv,th'ni-e i'.iith o om
J,re west ons huini retl'ii'ml two "eli-lfes to
u hemlock, tlieuee In- lot !h.--3, tfiorth
ei;ih:y-iiiue iiei;iees west tIll!sr;nxo ,nr
riCe-ti tit iw perches to n post, "thiTtee by
v acjii,iuiiu north 4 ne itnuu c east srvni
pctihci tn'a !iem;y-k thence -north twont
n ii (loiieos wAis; one .hpndied nnd J'i f
jv'rche m Vbemlr.t-K'.-tht'hee njj the 'few
ac4ni,iujiu northi tie ilnwc east srvcniv
petchc-'i tri'a !iem;y-k thi-nce -north twontv-
Kifiiy. Ilivrr. jv.rlh elUtyinir ilijces
cx-l siTteeu iierelipx. fioriU FilX'.v-oitlil dp-
Kiecs ra -r lorcy
ami tlee-ientli.' pereliei
llll-lll It It V d
ilf,"ro.M Ci I'f ... IV. i. ,.'i-sl..
to the ae
en Vi biiuuiiiKi -t ''lel'lUU ""
wol fne iiores.loe hoUdli it ai
bbn.lis il moI
Uac luuvlKand ullnwiiicuuf a.iprreen
fto (lie smite niortA- lo.
I cciti!- llutllie ah.-"-; a true ;opy of
Uh,ri--uual .writ -ana' ilii-i ijHiou, oflhe
iruvrtj atiaelidv--v'. ;
T. J V a N (i I KS KN, SlicrifT.
StherlfT'R OPJce, Ti mesta, Ajjril. JJ-JdlsTt.
.... rbRESTbduiJT-xj-j..
' ..- .-. '..". f f
" . p. S. ox, cpriptcivT
KL)l STIIEKT, ; Tios'wtaPa.'
TflAVK'n-.w In sloeli sn-l I'sf sle e'lutl
asirtmnl of , -
''''-:' ' .' , .
"" . K0TI0flS,"4C.,
i ... . i - -.
liquor:.:, n r o.Vr
v Porta. ..,
-i ..i -
TUs only RA FR LAMP n-.a l wiUhnrn
all kinds of oil with perfect' Kafoty, t-eina-all
Me!al It Van-not bretlc.snd so consttie:
ed it cannot explode.
- rf. ' V
' .v '.. .'.lata now running a v '
And will make to cdor alt kind of. Tin
or, (slioet Iron War" at short notice. IStiop
, uaxt door south VS Bture,
. - . . . i . . .' .. .
. I aai also agent soms o( Ihe hrst
-" FIUE and LIFK
'. " .. -..
All wishing Tnsiuanoe I will attend to at
Bhort niitice. V. V, CLAUSi.A'isUtit.
-. ' . : . ,7, .
.-17 ,7;:- XliO .
One farn.r, Wisor.r.. 80 rttai-sdr: :bous
niid-bfti-o. iii KjimKiiw ,rwusjp. irJ,0i,
toni hanseaod lrt ia-Tiieta JKiioiyh.
J.iio.ine hitseaod lot on It tit. 4iO,
si A c'a inn Iiounaaiid lat in, Wulolalt..l,Ar,.
miniinuusaiinil lotea v jitia-Mc.. abdiO.
(MJiijMi kml hH on-Watoriss sVaKl.
(inn house and lot on WalcrNtM.$t1tKr.).
-. FilUteu-uut lata iulu.&iUl lo JjflU. .. Jioiis, uiMr and orchard
witli fr Iflridi rft'-rririrsf orrlaniental trees.
xtntnonvsloc wc.!l,iuiiLciit huihtitii. H scrrn
T v isM( o.o .
ClH)- SaW Slid Pl.Ulilli. lill Mila ftll
Kfl'iUa- of niaeliiiK rv I-r ' Kaali.
!srs, ltllnds, I'loni infr, s'avh, MouIoIuk.
'11m niui hlrry i ncarlv eH new, Thruo
I aoeea m liuul; situated ol- lbs month of
I Tiiinmca Crack.- A i-si-euhauce to 1nve.
1 Price ST.l'Ou, Ii-ly
U' K r.TPI N'O M APK'RASY. lf ry
(Ui'1 and mtr hunt Mil loom at once.
' (' nuiKsl, fAh; 11. (;,!i, i-.n FUvn'.
! JVitlali V. . '