The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 30, 1873, Image 1

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    Rates of Advertising.
One Spiai e ( I lncli,) one Inertlon - l M
( inc . S pmre " one moil Ii - 8 OA
( Mie S'jiou o " tliree month - t 00
t 'lie Square " one your 10 Op
Two Squares, onn yc-r " 1A 00
Ciuiri-1 Col. - . . m 00
Hall " "....MO
One. " " - - - 10 UO
l.eiral not ices nt established rate".
Marr.n :i and death notice, pratis.
All liiils ,or yeariy advertiseineiUs ool
lec'ed cii irtcrl v. Temporary mlerlia
moirs ions lie paid lor in a lvance.
.lob worx. C.i-li on licliveiy.
In Buffalo. New York, the news
paper owners run t fast horse, and
sei i ig which ofik'C can do Hie best job
A young man nt a party on Mon
day evening, being asked if ho could
pktv t in- hunlischnrd, wanted to kuow
if it was anything like seven up.
IS ITnusiiui r.VKitY WM'Smi.W, liv
W. 1?.. DUNN,
1 o Subscription.! received for n aliorter
pOlU'd tllllll tllRHI IllolllhS.
f 'orrespntidcnci' solicited from nil purl
if lh country. No notice will lie I ilk "Ml of
mucin vinous communication.
TIONESTA, PA., APRIL 30. 1873.
Ao. .?.
I.O. of 0. I
MEETS ever? Friday evening, nt 7
o'clock, In tli" Hall lormcrly occupied
ly the Uood TunipIarK
S. 11.
j. t. half.
i Soc'y.
Samuel D. Irwin,
ni'l HH A L ESTATE AUKST. Lcital
business promptly attended to. Tionesta,
jm. w-iy.
Mtm -e-'t, riOXKSTA, PA
W. W. Hun,
Mason it JenM,
TTOF.NKYK AT LAW. Olllen on Elm
direct, abovn aliiut, Tionesta, r.
F. W. Hay,
Prm.lo. Rnvnold llilkill t Co.'
Hloelc, S.Miecn S'.', (d City, Pa. ' S'My
r. kinnuau. '. n. mil:y.
AUornsys at Law, Franklin, Pa.
YjltACTICK In the several Courts of -I
hiuiijo. Crow ford, Forest, and rtdjoln
ilif counties. StH-ly.
f. M. HARItlS, I. t. FAJISK TT,
AnorlUys at Law, Tliuisvill Penu'a.
PRACTICE in nil tho Court of Wirren,
Craw ford, Forest and VtnariKO Coun
Va. 4!Mf
rnrsiciAxstV sfkoeoxs.
J. WIS153, M. D., sal J. E, BIA.INE, M. D.
Having rnterpd into ft co-partnership, all
null. night or day. will reeelvo immediate
altention. ( Ullco at residence of l'r. Wl
naiii, Liui St., Tionesta, I'a. St)-ly
Charles B. Arvsai t,
DENTIST, Centre Street, Oil City, r.i.
In 81111. mis' I'locW.
I.awr?nco House,
WM. L VW RENCE, Pnovr.i rrron. This
housn ban lust been opened t the
public and the fiirnitum ami linings are
nil no. CneiU will bo well ont"riiiinod
at reasonable rates. Is situated on Km St.,
opposite Superior Lumber Co. Store. 3;l-ly
Tionesta House.
MITTEL. Proprietor, Tim St. Tlo-
neta. Ph.. at the lnoutli of theereek,
Mr. Iitln has thoroughly renovated tho
Tlonestrt Moise, and re-furnished it eom
'. .letelr. All h patronize him will bo
well ciitertjineJ at reasonable rates. 20 ly
Dr. LACK P ItOPni ETCH. Opposite.
Court HoiijiO, Tionesta, I'a. Just
iipened. Everything new and cloan and
J'rdi. The bust ol IhpiorH kept cou.stantly
on hand. A portion of the public patron
Jijro is ivupoeWuily nolieited. 4-17-1 v
Szo'.l House.
FAClrifSf PA., E. A. Roberts. Pro
prlutor. Thii lio'el has buen reenntly
io-fiiriiis!i and now oil'er
superior ae-
r i:u:il i U:iiu 10 gius's.
Dr. J. L. AccnTb,
PHYSICIAN ANriSl'ltOEOX, who has
had llftoen years' experience in a larfro
nn 1 sucoossfiil prac'.ii-o, will attend all
Professional Calls. Oilieo in his Drug and
roorv Storo, loeatcnl iu Tidtouto, near
Tldiouto Houe.
A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, Glaxs, Paints,
;i). Cutlery, all of tlio btiut quality, and
will he aol.l at rcasonnblo rates.
llt. CIlAS. o. D.VY', an xperleiiccd
Vhyaiuian and Uriisr , 1st irom New York,
. has" charo of the aro. All proscriptions
put up accurately.
a a. iiiT. jxo. r. r im i- a. hbliy.
ma y, park .e co.,
E .A. XT k: EJ s ,
rvjrnor ef Elm it Walnut Sis. TioncHta.
Cauk of Discount and Deposit.
Interest allowed on Tinio Deposit.
rCo'.lcotlous madeonall the Principal poluts
ofAe U. S.
Co'.Vions solicited. 18-Iy.
Tionesta, I'orest Co., Pa.
Thl Bank transaul-i a CSencral Ilaukiug,
vCollecting aud Kmthuuo llusiuess.
Drails on tho Primiipul Cilie of the
Vnited Staus and Europe bought aud sold.
Uoldand Stiver Coin and Government
BectfritiOH bought and sold. 7-30 lionds
oonvorUsd on tho most favorable ternja.
Interest allowed on time depoaiUi.
Mar. 4, tf.
" - D. W. CLAHK,
HOUSES and Lots forSaloand RENrP
Wild Lauds for Sale, A.
I bve aupei lor faciUt'os for aseoi laluinu
Uia ocadiliou of tuxes and In dcds, Ac.,
ud am lUtiruforu iualiied to ''t intelli
gently aa aeut of those liviug at a dis
iun e" owniu land in the County.
f(li.:e In CommUsioiiera ltoom, Court
House, Tiom Vs. P:i,
-l-iy. n. W. CI. AUK.
Aew Itarlf n; House.
MRS. S. N. IMILINOS li! built H lartrB
mltlition to her house, mid 1m now pre
pnrfd t) aeeomnioihilennnniber oi'perina
neiit lioanlers, and nil transient onos who
tnnv fnvor her with their pntronair. A
(rood stnblo lius recently been built tn an
commodatA the hornos of pruestM. Charapi
reaonnlile. llesidenea on IClin St., oppo.
aitoS. Huslet HHtorc. 23-1. v
j? xr m x a? xj :r, ej, SUITS, SOFAS, TABLES,
Fit a Mixa vi cr vn i:s,
lias a larpo variety of Moiilillnn of all
kinds, and w ill liaine tr order all pictures
brought to him iu any ulyle In suit ci.kto-
Itooms iii aeeond utory of lionner f- Mc
Kay' new building, Klin St., Tlonesta,
fancy goods.
Book, Newspapers and Magazines
At publishers rales.
HAVE lust brought on a complete tuiil
carefully selected stock of
and evorythinp; necessary to the eonipleto
stock ofii llrsl-class'irouery lieu e, whicli
they have openod out at their establish
ment on Elm St,, first door north of M. L.
uams, L.vnn,
at the lowest cash price. Goods warrant
ed to he of tho best quality. Call and ex
amine, and .v bolieve we can milt vou.
Tan.n, '72.
IANNEW, at tho Post OtWco, haa
J. opened out a choice lot of
A portion of the patronage of tho public
la resspevtfully uoltcitcd.
44-tf L. AONEW.
II K (1KIST MILL at Nebraska (Ijii
town,) Foruut county, haa been tlior-
ounhly overtiauieci ana ruuiicii in ium-cIh.-s
order, and ia now running aud doing
all kinds of
Constantly on bund, and sold at tho very
loweat figures.
43-uru H. W. LEDEBUR.
Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, '
70, Nassm St., New York City.
(:ti lite K ill.
Ahvny cltond (o clucking yonr
Kili'. If you feel liko hw narinjf hI t'ne
Ixi-jlfU'MiiWisr, c!ieck .'ourt!ir. If
you liiivn't a trunk full of i h an
clotho to check, yon nt leant should
bo Adequate to a check shirt.
When you vacate your seat for a
moment, leave a plug lint, in the. pc-it,
ro.r.o on'! will come along mi l bit
oil it, thereby proven! ing your hat
from 1i"in; idolc.ii.
Pass'.Micrs cannot lay over for
aiiotlioi train witiiout nia';hi at
rnneinents with tho conductor. If
a mail Ima Iictii on a " train" for a
week or no, no conductor sliou'.l
alloiv him to lny over for another on
nny account.
LndicR without, escort In trnvnlinij
liouM bo very partiotilar with wlio.n
they liecotiio ncTtiaiutcd. They
needn't bo so particular with thoso
with whom they aro acquaiutod.
Keep your head and arms inside, the
Mr windows, if you would koop your
head and " e irry arms.''
Never talk on politics; It encourages
bo'iio "niinslu" to tako a vote of the
JJo frontl.'inan will occupy moro
t'inn ouo scat at a time uuIckb ho ba
A gentleman should not spit tobac
co juico iu the cars where are
ladies. Ho can let drive out of tho
car window while the tram la at a
station, if tho platform is crowded.
Always show your ticket whenever
thi conductor asks for il. If you gut
out of humor about it, don't show It.
Never smoke in a car where there
aro ladies. (Jet the conductor to turn
tho ladies out before lighting your
Never use profane language In tha
car. Go out ou tho platform. Pro
fanity is never thrown away ou a
If vou cniinot sleep yourself do not the leading jurists and publicists anil
disturb tho " sleepers." 1 other competent persons in the United
Look out for pickpocket. Pick- States, asking their views on the sub
pockets nrc never in tho car, you ijeel and aboniicing their wish to re
know, as you bxvo to look out for ; t eive HiiggeMn.ns. It mil be remem
jkclu ;l;eied tliut Senator Morton has nl-
Pro'vide yourself with sleeping ! ''"' tt.'". a P'-mine..L part it.
be. lbs before Htarting. No cal.crul ; !'n..ging ,.is .n.,M,r.,u,t .ubjee . to the
.nan will start out on a journey with- ! "uH '"!."'' " ' :t
, , .., , , i ,.,, ,. i pcl of the ale Presidilitia elect
out a good supplv ot sleeping berths. , , , ,, ,
,Vr .. ... i.. a t i,..i.i, i ion has demoustraied the necessity ol
I (. J. i UOSU IJltl lip 111 Oiit uwihvi
1 , , . ' : i
are tlio uesu as nicy uiu ea.-iiy cuniuu
in the pocket.
Alwavs bo nt the railroad station kj
cood tinio to take tho train, lletter
benu hour too early than a minute
too late, unless you tire on your way
to bo hanged. Fat Contributor's Sat
vrdciy Xiyhl. ,
lite Verb" In llroak."
" I begin to understand your lun
gnago belter,'" said my French friend,
Mr. Arcourt , to me. ; " but your verbs
trouble me still, you mix them so with
your prepositions.'
" I am sorry you flnd them trouble
some," was all 1 could gay.
" I saw our friend Mrs. Janes jnt
now," continued he. " She says she
intends to break ((own housekeeping.
Am I right there V
' Break up housekeeping, she must
have said."
" O, yes, I remember. Break up
Why does she do that?" I asked.
" ISeeuttee her health is so broken
" Broken tfoicn, you should say."
" llroken rfoieit, O, yes. And indeed
since the small-pox h is broken up iu
your city "
" Broken oi."
She thinks she will leave it for a
few weeks."
" Imlooil 1 Aud will she close her
house ?"
" No; sbelsafraid it will be broken
broken How do I eay that?"
" Broken into."
" Cei t iinly, il is what I meant to
" It her son to bo married soou ?"
" No ; tliat eugagenieut is hrokeu
broken "
" Broken qT."
" All ! 1 had not heard that. (Blie is
very sorry about it. He:' son only
broke the uewsdown toiler lust week,
Am I rkhl ? I am so anxious to speak
the English well."
" lie merely broke the news ; uo
preposition lid- time."
"It is hard to understand. That
young man, her son, is a Hue fellow ;
a breaker, I think."
" A broker, and a vwy lino fellow.
So much," thought I, " for the
verb 'to break.' "
Lti that p i 1. lia r n'.oip, th'-'ve !
Ttiat'a the t'e sset !'' ex rhi'tuud c
W;;i i'.r to a 0'i:p.nryiji:iU who was dt
vcarlcj'; thtj tapio -u at ec.r'y st ij
of tlv! diu nef. i iloti'i c if? if it a j the sympathising simplicity oi hi iv-fles-fft,"
l-.-ii!;.' ii :1 tlii iiin'ryirfn. ply. "I'm sorry lor thai ; but it's
Tilt VIENNA E.Ult.
It is generally known tlint the rum.
inu Vicuna fair will bo she grandest
undei tak ing of thie kind yet iitteinpt
ed ; but it is Us viilely knnwii limv
t he dimensions of tli' biiildings hiuI
the groimds compare it!i thus,, of'ex
liibilions whicli liuve preceded it in
London and l'aris. Cmipidcriip;,
then, the ii'.Ti'.s o'cupicil by the liuil.l
itigs, it nl taking the French ftjnarc
metro na the stamlard of lunisiire
uit;it, we fii.d that the total nr.a i.f
ihe London cxhihitioti of lS'il, in
Hyde. I'urk, w 8 1 I square metres ;
that of Paris, held iu the (.'hanips
Elyws, in 185"), was 10o,lGG pjiiai
metres; tlial of l!ie crystal palace f
i London, held at lirouiptoii, ill 1'JG2,
was 180,123 square met res; that of
i'a r is, held in tie Cliaiiii ile-.M.iis, in
1307, was 411,750 square metres.
Hut tin area of iho coining Vienna
fair, to be held ill the prater during
the present year, 1S73, is 2.330,"U1
.qoaii: nu tria. The, Ficnch metre is
i about a yard and a twelfth lmi)f ; or,
more exactly, it is 39,38 Enulisli inch
j i. Of course, the preceding meas
urements include the whole .surlaco
I slaked off a belonging to t lie cxpnM
I liens, and iu ouu way or another oe-
(i:jneil by them. It w ill be sren lliilt
the Vienna ex; ositioti occuiiies nearly
thirty times a much space es that nf
the London exhibition of 1S51, nioru
l!,iin twelve times us much a 9 the
London exhibition of 1SG2, mid more
then five times us much as I lie treat
Chiiiip-de-Muts exposition of 1S07.
The Senate I'nminitteo nn Privi
leges and Elections, nf which .Senator
Morton is Chairman, will meet in this
city next October, for the purpose, nf
coiiMiiel ing the important, question of
iimchiliiig the Coiis.iitutioij of the
United rSlnles po far as relates to tho
method nl electing the President and
ice President id the Limed Stales,
The committee will adii. ess letters to
: . ri.i 1 .. y.
some change. 1 he death nt M r. G
, . , .. ..
ley before the counting of the elector
al vote gave a ptuctical illustration of
one very defective li aluni of tlio prcs
ent svslein. Had Mr. Grech-v been
'eec,i,i( i:1,d died, the case would have
been worse, 1 here is also a dcsne to
j make the mode wf t-ltctioii inoro pupn
ilar. j Venango Spectator.
On Saturday hut a number of
; men were eiignged ut rutting on North
Fork, among ihe number Samuel
i Uniics, of Uichurdsville. lie mid his
'ctew had brought down a raft during
j liie lbiviinnn, am! while returning to
: the big data for ttnoiher, Mr, Iliines
stopped iiy the way, his companions
expecting him to follow uini ine-l
j the.ii at the lie did not come
j in due time, ami becoming alarmed at
i his delay, search was made fir him,
l but without Eticcets until night had
i set. !u u tteo Im iiii4 discoi-M-i'i'l in n
I seclude place Iviuir in un insensible
condition, with several bruise on his
head. The cause of his injuries is yet
a ms.ytery. The general opinion is
j that he was foully dealt with, struck
on the head with some bludgeon that
inflicted u painful wound and caused
i insensibility. Another conjecture is
that he fainted fell upon some rucks
I near where ho lay, receiving the
wounds from his full. llruokvilta lie
A gentleman from New Hiivpii, Ct.,
lately exhibited some sweet little games
for children. One of ihcui called the
"Flv Deal." is done in this way ,
Take a sheet of writing paper, cover
il on one side, with gum mucilage;
I then catch a fly ; turn the fly on the
paper, and then cutch another fly and
j do likewise; put the flies to-
weather heads ull one way; k
way; Kn-p on
loiiig this liil vou get the bluet full ;
then turn the paper iver, und you II
i swear that paper is uli"e. It will run
; all round tho room. When vou tire
of this sport, turn the paper over und
id mire the movements of the Hies legs.
1 II will be a perfiil liie eiinila of grass
swayed by u zephyr. This will he
cheaper than taking tho children to
the country to see it.
A sportsman wuh seated with his
servuut on a liulik, consoling himself
under the luligue und disapoiulineiit
of uiieuccesslul pursuit. "Well, Put,"
said he, "this is expensive work. I've
been calculating lhat every one of
ihise birjj hai r.i-t tun uImvo fifty
pounds." "Faith, your honor," sanl
Pal, llirowiiig a dash nf humor into
I ju'.-ky 'here's li'i no 'd'tl'.cm '
A litthi wliilo ag i :v well-kiii.wn
London poet w-is returning home late
at :iiht, currying under bis arm bis
dri ss ho. its wrapped in paper, w hen he
was suddenly arrested by policeman,
who colNril him at a vigorous manner.
The poet mildly lemonstnitid, ninl
aski'd the meaniiiL' nf Mich very press
inteiili ins. The constalile made a
sneeriiiL' replv, hinting lhat his cup
liv knew Very well why he was want
ed, and another cui.staiilu :!)H'rcd on
the -(.(.'lie to assist. i:i conveying tha
luckless poet to durance vile. After
S itus; ex po.-t nlat'oii he succeed in 1 1 1 i t
igatiug Hie suspici'iiir- of his stem jan-
, itofs so far that I hey iiL'i'eed to nuliinil
him mi condition that he walked be
tween them, one ill front and one be
hind, mid inn I l: no rii'nrt to eseKpe.
. Arrived at tbe "dice s'alioti, the in
spector :tt one exclaimed, "why, ih'n
is not l lin gent lem to ; you have made
a mistake," and tcudcrvtJ un apology
to tip- poet. "Thut'H all very well,"
was Ills reply, "lint I should like to
know something more about this rath
er singular allliir. One does not get
taken up every day of one's life." It
was then cxpl.iinci' lhat a 'lunatic had
got loose from an asyiiiui, and lhat his
friends had told I lit police to look lif
ter him, ami they Would know him by
reason of a oeculi iri'y of his. lie had
u cat like aversii n to et feet, and al
ways curried a spare pair of bo us un
der iiis arm iu i.rilcr to pot on directly
after 'hose which he wuto began to get
damp. j The nutl'or of "Guy Livingstone,"
i a faun us English literary eaLrcur, re
cently visited this country, and the;:e
lire his impressions concerning Presi
dent Grant, as iriven in his new book,
piddished since his return home: "If
Ids outward seeming ditt'erod from my
ideal, my moral enucept ion of UWses
Grant, after l aving teen him face to
face, i iiardly , if at ail
altered. E
senlially a sulistuntial man : not easi
ly led, a, id hardly to he. urged, either
by persuasion or obloquy, tin inch
further or faster than it pli asts him to
advance: upright in his dealings, both
: public and private, albeit not heedless
i of .he main chaii'-e, nor ih void of the
; spirit nf part itanslnji ; iu Ids home
policy, cati-liil qtiirtn nun ntuire ; in
his Ibreigii, seatcely ar'gresive, tiioiigh
inclined to lakt. aii fair piclext for
tidarging Anuiicau borders; a matt
whose light is never like to be sit i.n
i high, ic tlint of some who nave pro
! ceiled him : nevertheless, the longer it
i bun s .sti adi'v, the better, 1 think, it
I will be for honest fo.ks on either At
'. lalilic shore."
C'liosts have lately become so plent
iful thai a snprinatiital deparimetit
j inav soon becoun a necessity of every
well regulated newspaper. As a rule,
glu sis h.iv i been thicker in ho North
ern Sla'iB than elsewhere, but they are
: now settling in largo munh.iis inelii
i hie locHt't ins iu tie. S-ni'li. Then) is
a ghost i a Georgia, wi;o iiidiitces in
! ihe ft -preheiisible practice of drojii;ig
' led-hot l aiU on lite lie. nls of the un
t'irtiKiatc family in wl.o?j giirrett he
' has taken up his abode. As to the
I character ol t his there can he
! no doubt. No visitor Irom the re-
geotis ol bliss cotihl have any oppor
tunity even if he had the desire to
j Lett! nails rid-In.! and bring them to
! ear
h with him in order to atinov
p:.ildi! people
The Gcorciu ghost
clearly conies from a ngeon of furna-
ce.-, and the sooner he returns to his
i war nt r ivsidetice the better.
The tollowing from the San Fran
else; Chronicle shows that t cei iitrici'y
in dress is a Kattire of hie on the Pa
cific Slipc, us well us c!si where: "At
a moment v. lu ll there was nn unusual
ly large numher of fashotialde proinc
liadois, a ereattii-e wi'li the torui und
visage of a man appcand upon the
street allii'id simply in a skeleton
hoop-skirt and a holy's morning wrap
per. Aiioiuing hia head where a
hunch d curls aud a how of green
ribbon coquet tishly fastened to the
side. Fiecly lifting the nipper so us
to di.-plav the hoop-skirt and his h ue
feet and legs, be daintily crossed the
street, to thn astonishment of every
one w lio saw him, und knocked at u
door, which was opened by a woman,
ho admitted him."
As a coiiiniauder during the war
Gen. C'iiii by had comparatively lew
opportunities for distinction, bin his
conduct of the movement upon and
capture ot Mobile showed that he was
mas. er of Ins profession, und iu the
inure intelligent military circle lie
bus liecn just ly considi red one of the
foieiii' tt foldieis id' lime. He was
profoundly vcrstd in liiw principles ot
military law, and supremacy of the
civil auihoiity in t nuc of peace.
Genera! CnnUy was t ill, eieet, clioiig
limbed, with a Ponian nose and tale j
eye in personal uppuiruhco the beau ;
ideal of a uddicr.
"Old Pr.diahililic." is a dccctidant j
i f a Coiiiieiictit family. Pmbittjly
that's whtit inakci l itn so god on a;
Pulsion editors care very little for
dress and wear paper collars, but tliier
Mtnbilinti is to cwn the fiiit at lihiary
and have eggs every nuruing for
A n eccentric old fellow, who lives
alongside of a graveyard, was attked if
it. wis not an unpleasant location.
"No. ' said he, "I never jiued places
in ull my life with a set nf neighbors
lhat mined their business so stidilv as
they do."
A physician, on presenting his bill
to the executor . f uti estate of a de
censed husbniiil putieiit, asked, "Do
yon wish to have my bill sworn to?"
"No," replieil thi' executor, "the death
of 'the decease I is sntlicielit cvidencn
thai you ut'.eni'.ud him professionally."
A wicked Frenchman says: "Tis a
mournful hour in life, when a. man
conns to the concl'is'mn lhat fame,
love, u if 1 1 happiness aro not worth a
good cigar." "lis a still more mourn
ful hour when a mini comes to the
conclusion thutucigar itself is worth-
1 1 Si . !
A ymi"tr woman, while eating a
stew, in Midilletown, Conti., the other
evening, comiMini.'d that one of tho
vsteis was full of hones, and careful,
if not attiactive, examiratioti showed
that it contained fifty five pearls,
varving in si.j fi'oui a pea to a piu's
A Vest field (Mass.-) whip maker's
wife appeared iu person lit ono of the
shops, recently, to explain his absence,
saying: "Jim is not well ; you must
excuse him; ho and I had a little dif
ficulty at the break I' st t.dilo this
morning, aud he won't be able to work
this wet 1;."
It rained the other evening, and
there was un entertainment. A
vming rentleman said to a young
i:n!v : "May I have tho pleasure of
pr-'tectitig you with my umbrella?"
And, said she, with I" r round, expres
sive eyes looking foil into h s, "Put
up your rag." Vo like to tee people
An old nuehelor said "there's a
darned sight more jewelry worn now
a d.ivs tli when 1 was ynng. But
there's. ntie piece w hich always ad
mired whicli I don't nfiun see now."
"What is that T' asked a youin lady.
"A thimble," was the reply, Ho was
r g.irded with contempt and scorn by
every lady in the room for the rest of
the evening. ,
"Whit would ynti give" asked a
c neeib d yo'ing man d a venerable
eeiitleniaii s'ltiiig opposite to him at
the table, "to he us ynungund spright
ly as. I am ?" The old gentleman re
flecied a nmnienf, und then Milcinnly
said, 'T don't know hut what I would
be almost willing to bo us foolish as
you are."
I'ot-s protection protect? Since
1850, Maine has more than trebled
the ..umber of her manufacturing' es
tablishments aud the nature of their
products, it is estimated that their
are at the pits nt lime six thousand
ilill'eretil manufactories in that State
giving iiiiplovmeut In over -10,000 per
sons, the aggregate products amount
ing to tome $80,000,01)0 yearly.
A California!! who stopped ovr
Sunday ill Omaha, started nut in the
evening to attend church. Not being
familiar with the road to church, es
pecially iu a strange city ho put him
self under the iMiulnuco ot' it polite
citizen who from sheer force of habit
entered the nearest fuio den. where
ihe Culiforniau'ri donaiioiw cast him
five hundred dollars.
Tho following anecdote has out
lived its early youth, but it still reads
well: John Ph.cnix tells the story
that he was ono day leaving Suu
Fianci.-co by the steamer. Every
body disc was taking leave of friends
but he did not kicw a soul In lliu
crowd. Ashamed of his loncli'icss, us
the boat sheered off he called out in u
ioml Voice "Good bye, Colonel" aud
to his great delight, every m m oil ihe
wharf look i d' his hat und shouted,
i "Colonel, good- bye ''
A.i Auburn fishei uiun, a few day
since, while lishiug ihi'ough a hole in
the iee, caught a trout so largo that
he could not be bi'oughl through thu
I orifice. '1 he however, gen
' tlv pl.tvtd with his lish with one hand
while he chopped the ice with the oth
er, until ihe opening had been enlarg
ed siiliiivnily then, wiih a skillful je.ik
he bioujjhl out a dead cut with u
brick til its neck, the eljliie priz
W'.-iehiiig over nine pounds.- 'i'liu pro
f.iliity '.hai ensued caused a hiavy
l';iw fir sixtv rods iii all direction.