The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 02, 1873, Image 3

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Ve take the following items from
lio Clarion Democrat :
The spring term of Clarion Col
legiate Institute at Himersburg com
mences April 15.
Uev. T. J. Mil ford, at present pas
tor ot Hie Presbyterian church at Cal
lensburjr, la about leaving that cliargs.
Wliitlicr liu goes xve arc nut informed.
The plan for the new county jail
building now in the rommipaimier's
offive for examination, are auily exam
ined by largo numbers of those inte
rested. Sunertntcnd.-iit, Wood hs thrown
from his, sustaining severe but
not serious injuria, the other evening,
lie was taken home and we understand
is recovering slowly.
Mr. P- D. Keichert, one of the old
citizens ot Licking township, died Inst
Monday morning, the 24 inst. The
imuiediate cause of his death was can
cea in the stomach, but ho had well
nigh run the three score and ten years
allotted to man. His was a useful
Mr. Win. Fentoti, of Calleiislmrg,
was seriously injured by falling nif the
trestle bridge of the A. V. H. 11. at
Cunningham, on Friday ot hist week.
IsVbones were brukeu but he was bad
ly bruised. On last accounts he was
recovering slowly.
Tho following items are taken
from tho Warren Ledger:
Mr. Fishier, tho hnilderof the War
ren suspension bridge, has tukn the
contract to build one over the Hiver
from TidioHte . The bridge is to cost
about 640,000.
The Russell House will be closed as
a hotel two weeks from Saturday next.
Nobody desires to take it no that
license is cut oil". Wo understand
that, the building will be converted in
to business places stores, olliccs, etc.
The Scott House will be closed af
ter about the first uf June, Mid the
ve3t end of the first floor will be oecti
pied by A. A. Davis & Co., fur their
Variety Store. Mr. Scott and Davis
Iteruard "H move to Syracuse, they
having already procured u business
place and will open it previous to clos
ing thu hotel. The furniture of the
hotel will be suld at private sale at
any time, and possession given when
the house is closed. The other roams
of the house, will be fitted up for stores
and offices.
Last Monday night, at about eleven
o'clock. C. L. Ilessel was wending his
way across the swinging wire bridge
over the Couewago fell ( IT into tho
jCreek, aud camfe being drowned.
He halloed for help, and one person
happened to bo awake in tho ever
w ide-awake city of Glade, and others
were aroused. II esse I had pioccc-ded
down the stream a considerable dis
tance when found i but he was rescued
and warmed into life and spirits. His
escape from drowning was almuEt
miraculous. .
The llrookvillo Republican guys:
IJolow we are able to give our read
ers the full test of tho bill lately in
troducid in our Legislature by Sena
tor Maci.ay, wli'n h is now law, and
by which the ealo of lumber on the
Ohio and its tributaries in this State
will be regulated hereafter; or by
w hich such sale will bo relieved of l-e-Ktrictions.
. We cannot conceive but
that the law will be a great benefit to
our. lumberman, as it will enable
them to stell by such measurement as
may seem best between seller und pur.
chaser and prevent any encumbrance
upon the producers by undue interfer
ence from middle men, or their la- k
cys ,J who might be appointed for the
purpote of making lawful measure
ments. He give the. bill i. full as it
passed and has buenme law;
Section 1. Bo it enacted, &e.,
That from and after the passage of
this act it shall be lawful for all per
sons having timber, boards, or other
lumber upon the O. do river or any of
its tributaries in this Slate, to sell the
same under measurements which may
bo made by any person or persons
whom they, or they aud their vendees
ulider contract may select. Any lo
cal law, usage or ordinance to tho con
trary notwithstanding. Provided,
that square timber shall be measured
with tho usual five inch hook, unless
.the purtiis shall otherwise contract.
T;it:RK feKi:!3 to be a general mis
.understanding regarding the amend
.nieics w.lOch passed Congress last ses
sion in regard to tire S.ddiwrs' Home
stead law. Tho net simply provides
that whereas the 1 iw cf 1872 permits
Koldjers to enter homesteads on what
are calltjd ",d mile minimum lands,"
or lands wi'hin tho limits of railway
grau,ts, and whereas inaiiy soldiers had
entered eighty acres .tsaiili, they are
now entitled to cuter a whula quarter
flection, or one hundred and sixty teres
of such lands. Tho amendment sim
ply doubles the quantity of land that
ruiy be entr-red uudor tha law. All
other propositions to auieud tho law,
or ca'Hi-r fcountit1 of land, furled to
Since tho Anderson trncgdy compe
tent persons have been engaged in ex
amining iho bonks uf the bank, ami
we are glad to announce that no de
falcation has been discovered), Only
a small portion of tho bonds and cur
rency were burned past recognition,
estimated nt from ? 13,000 to 820,000,
nd there is no doubt but this amount
will nil be replaced in n few weeks, or
months, at nwt. All the burned or
partially burned bonds and currency
have been forwarded t, Washington
for examinlion by experts. Ciliirn.
A Washington dispatch of the 28th
uit., says :
A committe, consisting of three
officers representing the oliiee of the
Secretary, Kcuister and Treasurer,
and three lady experts, met in the
oliieo of the chief clerk of tho Regis
ter in tho Treasury Department tn-dav,
and in the presenco of Mr. Gilfilliin.
began the identification of tho binned
bunds of the Lambertnn Bank.
Honda lo the amount of six thousand
dnllars were identified to-day. It is
understood a very largo proportion
will bo identified and immediately re
placed. Tho work of identification
will occupy about two weeks.
We learn from the Oil City Lcr
rick of the death of Dr. J. ll. Arter.
He was attacked witli p.pplopexy about
two o'clock yesterday morningand in
a few minutes vs dead. He had
nearly recovered from a severe nttaek
of bronchial inllamation, and hut for
this unexpected attack would proba
bly have been restored to society aud
usefulness soon. The Dr. had hosts
of friends in this section, and all who
knew him well mourn his death.
George Francis Train is evidently
afraid that ho will not lie allowed io
continue his burlesque) martyrdom.
When his wife recently came "to bid
him goodbve, before her departure
for 1 Europe, he was invited by the keep
ers to see her to her carriage but he
absolutely refused, appearing afiniJ
that once in the street tho door of his
'hastile,' r.s ho delights to call it would
bo shut and barred against him for
ever. The Spanish people have given the
world nnotlur noble illustration of
their capacity for self government bv
decreeing the liberation of some teii
thousand Cuban slaves. Liberty,
and the emancipation of those yet
held in bondage will follow in the not
far distant future. The statesmen of
tho new Republic are proving them
selves as pure in policy as in eloquence.
rniLAPELPiHA, March 27. Gov
ernor Hart ran ft has signed the bill
appropriating or.o Riilliou dollars for
the Centennial celebration.
Job rriuting.
Do you want posters?
Da you want hand-bills ?
Do you want business cards T
Do you want a neat bill head ?
Do you want a tasty letter head ?
Do you want a nice visiting card t
If so, leave your orders at the Re
ptiblicau office w here they will bo exe
cuted in the neatest stylo and on most
reasonable terms.
Over two thousand acres of fine
Hemlock Timber Lands situat?d on
Maple Creek, near Clarington, this
county, are for sala at a baigain. Part
of tho lands are situated within four
miles of Ciarington, on tho Clarion
River, nnd would bo a flue site fir an
extensive tannery and eaw mills. Map
and terms at this vfl'.co.
23 tf W, R. Dunk.
The colored address label on each
paper shows the date to which the sub
scriber has paid, thus
Thos Turner 171,
signifies that Mr. Turner has paid for
his paper until March 1st, 1874 The
mail list is corrected weekly. By con
sulting the address label every subscri
ber can tell how his account stands.
Our accounts go back no further
than tho let of January, '73, tho ac
counts previous to that timo being
payable to the old firm. The old sub
ucription. book is yet in our hands, and
our receipts will be recognized by the
old firm. tf.
rpjlK fiKIST MILL at Nebraska (Lacy.
J- town,) ForcMl county, ha'i been thor
oughly overhauled mid reiitled in l'iit
ela w order, and is now running and doing
ull kinds of
C I'Sl'O 31 U It I I I x cs.
Constantly on hand, and sold at the very
lowest tieures.
A.pply to GEO. G. SICKLES, '
TO, 'Nassau f-t., Now York City.
Xcw -Idvertlsements.
Com mission Mis'
iion mis' Orrw-E, )
a, I'ohkst Co., V..,
i ll, la,";l. j
Ma it. 1m
Ot'AT.KIi PROPOSAL Will Imrocnived
ai tins onico unlil Wodncs.luv, April
IMd, 1S7.1, for the purpose of uett'iiur out.
cllltinir nnl l ivitifc' up thcKtoiicalmtuienlM
lor t lio Lnrvtown bridue, amount inn to
nliont .'(KI pen-In-. Phis to state the prleo
per jieivh. Also lor repairing thn mono
work of I ho lirM.- across Tioncsta Crook
near it mmitli. Specifications to be seeii
on application nt this otliro.
Also for an Iron .superstructure nt Lscv
town, to bo place.) on tin- allotment to bo
lllllll. 1 .rmri ! uf u.i. li) r.,... .it
" i"" ii-ci, i i iu Kami?
i v:' lo '"' s la generally used in
The County CnniniNslnurr reserve the
rutlit to rcit i t anv ur all hi,K
Dy onler of the Count v Commissioners
Pi W, t J.AHK, Clerk.
1?.VI,,,ru,K r writ or Testatum
1 ' eiKlitionl iisneil out of the
C un t of Common Pleas of Crawford Co
and to mo diro.-tivl, ihoro will ho eiponod
to na.o by inihlie venduo or outerv, at tho
ourt Jlotise, In the boroii'-h of r ionestu
on '
MON11AY, M .UtClI Slst, 1S73,
n' 2 o'elock P. M., tho follow ins daeeribod
CJatrs II. Manns uso of John Manro
vs. lni (Vpcjaud ami A. A. Copol.unl. Teit.
en. l.x No. LSI April Term, IsTX ill
tho DulendanU' riKht, title and interest
ol and to tho followiiiK (lc,ciiliiHl rent
estate, mluato in Harmony township
rorcvu county. Slato of IVnimvl vmiia.
Hoiiniicil Hint rleeri!e,l ns follow' to-w if
On the north bv laud of Allien Untidy on
the south by ;,,,. (1f M.Tilui.,foin'ierlv
Henry Clinreh, and on the we-t bv land
1 .i incrly ownoj by Hemphill Diiwo'on and
Ko hert i.roen. ConiuininK eno hundred
and lorty-iivc acriM, more or ksg, it belmi
part of a laro tract of land eonvve,l bv
tho Commonwealth to Irs Oopelund ro
corded in the Countv of Vonaiio. l'u. io
IJced llook O. O. pats KVi and' 167, witli
about thiriy nercs iiiKloriniprovjiiK'nt.ons
liame ln ui.e und two fiamo barn thereon
erected, and two orchard thoiecu ri'i'v
in;:. "
A'-s A certain traiH or lan. 1 situafej
in lUnnony tiiwimhip, Foret countv. Y.
Iloimde i and dcaeribed urn fo!l..wn: 'c.mi
iiienciin.r Ht a w hite ok unolint', thence
mirth aaejrrcen eat 20 prcli-, to a i)nt
Riul stone in lie d, Hiciko anntli 47 (Ictrroc
eat l'l poivhesto a Jar Is oak Knpiinir.tlionee
north 3 decrees east 1!'J porchc to a eor
ner, thence south rlr;rn y,m 1-JJ p,-.
ehes to tho sni, 'ri,i,Uiia, theneo bv
said 'l ionosta ltoad pf rrHic'.o the place of
liririmunLr, bmimlH on the south by aaid
road and lsnd of K. h. jiavia. on th0 east
by laud of ll. l li.n is e.nd Honey tract
on toe north bv land or oil Co., on ilia
west by land of A. Ilundy. Containing
eihly-lwo aero, more or Itma with ono
Iramu house and frain barn thereon eriet
ed and about 1 aerea iinprnved.
'i akeu in execution and to be a ild a V.:
property of Ira Copeland and A. A. Coiio
land, at tho suit of Ciattis II. Manroaa uj
ot John Manroea.
Tot ma cash. T. J. VAN CIKSRV
March li, is,,i. BheriiT.
D. S. Kuox, Proprietor,
ELM STREET, - - Tiokmta, Va.
I HAVE now in sleek and for a mil
amiortmant of
LIQUORS, For Medical vit OXLY
I am agent for tno
Tho only S A FIC LAM P mado, will burn
all kiiulsoj' oil with perl'ec-t mifty, bcuiR
ail Metal it can not br)ak,iuid oo eona'.uct
od it run not explode.
I am now rutinipa; a
And will mako to order alt kinds of Tin
or Sheet Iron S'aru at short notice. Shop
next door south 'ug Storo.
1 cm also ngent for soma of the best
All wishing Insurance I will attend to at
abort notice. l. V CLARK AsaistaTit.
Ono fnrni of !Wacr . 30 clrared, hoit.sf
and bam, in Kinsley township. t'orjj,(00.
tna house and lot in Tiono-ta lioioueh,
o.i ltaco St., f
tno lioueand lot on Race St. $ViO.
One house and lot on WjtorSt. l,5'0.
One house and lot on Wulor St. $l.f::0.
Oiio house aud lot on Water St. ('".
Ono house and lot on Wa'nr St. 1,000.
Fifteen out loH from $ !i 0 to ."Oo.
Ono dwelling liouso, barn and orchard
with all kimlH of IruitM, ornamental trees,
two water w ells, and out building, Snciex
of land, and an (jood a loia'iiin us there is
in tlio village of Tionesta, tilO Oi o
Ono .Saw und I'laiiiu Mill, with oil
kinda of machinery lor inaliin Sash,
1'ooih, Itlinils, I' loorinsr. Sash, Moulding.
TJm iiuu-hiiiury ia neuiiy all new, Threu
acres of land ; situated t-t, tho mouth ot
Tionestii Creek. A rare chjueo lo
Price 7,000. K'J-ly
U clerk and more bant can learu nt once.
Bxik lnailcl, Mic. H. fioii!d:n lirvant,
I'nnhl" N. V.
f?1.1 .v
ILL now be founu1 a Inrpo nnd varied
asMoriment of itooom. which am .,o,.r.
Anion? thia stock my bo found the fol,
lowing addition to many other
not enumerated :
Alp.icen.Awlx saddlera mid MewiiicAa
NHi'ietaia. Axes, Axle gruuar, Ai'ctio Acid,
Arsenic, Arnica Tincture, Arithmetic-.
1st, 'J.l ami Hd, Allspice, Aiitinioninl wino,
A'ltia AiKiii'inla, Oiun Aloes, Auburn.
Halting, Hasins, I'.nrVv liroa'-i, llarkv
Flour, Hulled liarley, ll.'ank Rooks, Hath
IliiclcM, Riaekherriea dried. ltoot-ueka
Lima Ream, Iterate, Keiviwax, Reaver
Cloth, lileached Muslin, Carpet Riiidin',
Ribhs, R iots mid slitics, Rloiuii of Youtli
R iriiijr Machines, Roring Mavhii.a Au
iiurs, Hooks school and inlscelianniu,
i uirsri, now is, Hi-ooze lorsuoes, liorax,
Rutlons a.-ate, earl, pant., ion!, vest,
uic mm suiv, irii.sntis snue ana scrub.
bili'J, Rluinir. RurUet.s. Riuo Mhsm.
Camphur, Chalk, Crayon, f 'halk-lines
t naaui ground ;.uu uiirouud, Carv'i
toothache remedy. Cat" Cunawa
tvrproof, Chain, wati h, Cainbrie plain,
yoiore-j, nim paper, v raeKC. a gratiam,
lonmn, milk, mii and water, (.'aimed
(joods of nil kiniia, Cuiophor -e, Caiaup,
CunUters, Cundlmtieks, Candlu-mouldii,
Cake-pans, Cuke-turners, Caiinerea,
Cra.ih coiiiinon, Inmiiaiul bleachod.CauN
mour, t rvs:ai .syrup. Q racked w hpa'.N'ut.
Cracker. Carolina rice, Cr in tarter,Can-
nco riirriics, 1 1 uiojis cilieilt, lltteK mr
nititre an. I xhirtiiiK. Cioosotp, C'eilmi
liooks. Char Hide. Cliari. Chintz mm
bric, Mil. I sliii tiny, tittup Cititiinnya of all
kitiila and str.c., Cninan arc, Corset. C'or
stit slay, Cuinh of ull varieties, Cloves,
Oil of Civea, Peterson Coin Ointment,
Corks, Cork -shavings Canned Corn, Cof
fee iM'een and roasted, (.Nu n meal CIock,
Country knit souks from Maine, Cork.
surows. Cord KUtii and picture frame,
Clotliintr, Clothe pins. Clothes-racks, Ex
tract Collee, Cologne, Coeoauut viil, tiriod
Corn, Collars paper and linen for ladies
or pentieni en, fUiuulerpuiie.Cu try-combs.
Horse-Cards, Cups and Uaueort, Cutis
.paper snd linen.
l"y-books, Drawers, Delaines, Proas
poods, Drilling, tin D.ppors, Diidms. Dry
(slippery Kim Rark, Nulphurio E'l'sr,
Envelope, Eiecatn pajie, I'lamburg Edg
ing and insertion, I'.ji.som sialis.
Pietuie-l'iaine photojfraph and rustis,
Flannel, I urinit, Fire shove. s, t- rinxe
silk, wli:tt nnd black, Flour w hite.wheat,
rye, ttalium, bar.ey and nee, Florida wa
ter. Funnel, Flut.n tnanninp.
liaitoriujc, YentilaVeJ Oat-tors, (Jinijhams,
Ciinner-isrd.ttiid utiurd., i:.v..Jamaicnijin.
per, uiinp silk, Oloves in budlss vailutv,
Unii-caps, C' Ooosebei rien.
llttclntitf rins, llii.ife batndoor and
strap, UiiijioClaMps, S. C Hams, IlatHund
Caps, liair oil, Ilankereliieis, Halls tiair
Reiiower, Hair pins. Tack Hammers,
Hulls of all kinds, Hiekoryuut Oil, liuop.
t knts llusioiy,' liooks for stay chains,
Hoes, Hooks and fc.ves, Whits Holland
for V.hnds.
Indigo, Ink Erasers, Ink black aud
carmine, Insertiuir ilauiburr.
Key rinn. Watch Kys. Kotehnp pints
and Quarts, Knifo and l-'ork lioxss, Kuivos
and l'oiss, Pocket Knivas, Currinn
Knives, Rutter Knives, Kuittins; Cotton,
Knittina; Needles, Knimshar mora, Kni;
Polishers, Kmle polishmx powders,
I.s;d in tmcksi. Laniirn, Laudanum,
Lampwiek, I.naijj ch;iunys, Lamp,
Thumb Latehea, Cupboard l.atrhos,
Ladles pierced amd plain, !.-, Lsmtu,
Leid soft and pijj, l.odyera, 'la'iie J.inen,
InH nonce, Lois ois, LuueU boxos, l.unrli
bi, LegiiiKs.
Mn;o Roxes, Matches, Match sa'os,
Myrrh KUin, Mivrns'ia, Mirrors hand,
Mitts country knit, Mopst.cks.Muah
bliacUed and uubUaehsd, Muiard, Mucl-
Needles -dari.liiR, hnittinif, sawint; ina
ehine, crcbet, a iiaii and sswiny, sswset
Spts. Nile, No-o rsjr, Nut-uiavkors,
Nutmegs, N utilise lira. sis, Nails.
oat meal, EitiraetOraue, Oslors covo
snd pickled, i vi liil.o.Ot arkhocs. Hair Oil,
Sperm oil, Swuat Oil, bvwiiis; niaehiue
Oil, Tallow Oil.
Plaster Arnii'a ntul Poor Mans, Pails,
f'ukn Pan, Ruivciiit Pans, T.n Plats. A
R C Plate., Pie P.ates, Chiaa PlHissi,Vrit
in Paper, window Paper, Pas. books.ean-nt-j
PeaehuH, Caipcn'.cr' renciis, iad
Peucila, Pen., Penholdi'is, Partuuiorv.
Pennyroyal, Peppermint, I'eppsr unl.
and un;;rd. and Cayeuue, I'nio Apple,
Pitchers, Photographs card and eal.inet,
Prints, Pins, Pipss Picealilie, Pickle.
SIovm Pipe, Mess Pork, Ki tie-Powder,
Tea-Pots C llee-Pots. Pomade, Ptunss,
l't-sehes eatineil, Pulty.
tuilts, (juueiiMWKro,
Revolvers, Garden Rakes, fina.lors 1st.
2d, 3d, 4th, and ."th. Reward Cards, Kibbon
of all colors aud widths, Rintrs itold, but
ton and trcthmtr, flour, Er. itons,
Japaiuse Robe., Ruflliui;, Rhubrarb
syitip and ti.icturo. Rubber coals blaek
and Kray, Ruloi-s, Ruicn.
Sal Ammoniac, canned Strawberries,
Salt Potre, table Sauce, Stationery, Pearl
aud Corn Starch, Kitchen Maws, Epsom
and Glauber Halts, Shawls, Sae, tilaiids
for eolloe pots. Strainers, hiatus, tunic
pencils, t!ad Irons, Sad I ron stands, win
dow Shades, Sun Shades. Satin, Foot
Hrraper, Saucers, Sheeting of all widths
and iiuuliiivs. S lider Sewing Machines,
Sewing Maehino Fixtures, Simars, Screw
eyes lor picture flames S-pi Hers, J.ivrnilo
Speakers, Gum hlu l!ae, Stocking, Ser&p
booktt, Hvrup - erysial and t-ilver drips.
Syringes, hkiits, blcaclind and uphleached
Shirtinir. Swiss, hpitioons east iron,
Spicea, skimmers, skein, twist and ma
chine .si!k, Silka, S .'is.soia, Seinsor-Sharp-ener.s,
Shirt-trout', Shirt wool, ca-.Hi-nirie,
nc,;!iL'co and white, Sock enuntry
knit and machine made, Soap Sawyer's
ShaviiiK, Csslilo, l'mery, Rath and H ash
ing, Simt, Spool Cot. on, Stovot cooking
and heating for wool", Spoons, School
books, Fir Shovels, Sugar, Suspenders,
Ciiimmer Svory, Lamp shades, shuttles
for sewing niaefiiiics, canned Surcotash.
Tea-Trays, '1 able-Linen Turks, linen
cud cult in Tape, Tea, linen und spool
Tl;ieiid, Teething-rings Thyme, Teapots,
Tu king, Tinwuie, .nd'ulpaeca Triin
m.'P;. , 'J iniebookH, Toothaclie Reiu.ody,
'iobn.'co plug, twist, lino cut and out and
dry. Toilet wine, Tuwels, Towelling, To
inatoe. Tobies, Tubs, Tumblers.
L' m I ire I las, L'rinals S. C), L'ndereloth
ing. Yelvet, Vest. Veils, Ylolin-brldgos,
lai: iiere", hessnd rosin.
Watch-keys, Wutcii-chains, Yadding,
Wasli-boards, Wringers, Whortleberries,
Wor ill-drops, Whalebone.
Yarn Rrriin and Woolen.
.cphyr ot all colors, double, single and
Our Storo Is small, and tho most of our
goods it is impossible lo display, but such
as not to be seen, may buhud by inquiring
for them.
In addition to our miscellaneous stork,
wo have a lull liini gf stapio and ladiionu
lile piece. ood. for muk.u j eluthin to or
der. As heretofore, wo shall Continue the sale
accom terms.
H-li Aco.mb Hni.niv.o, Ki.a Stuf.kt.
are milling
at Cost and a litllo moja
full line onnstauUy on hands
at., &4.
Wo (i.lmw to kooo asUilDc it
and respset'tilly uk a'l to j'.to ns esll
and goods and pricss. IJ ly
L. L. Riclimonil & Co.
InriU t'is atttntioD of I
tho public to llinir its-'
niense st-iek of goods,
OUIISUtlllg cf
Lslita Cmco Efti,
Ci.-U t. Jet Bttt,
Of tr Cliaiu,
Ixoatun U'jtlai,
SmVIsms, la 01 1 u i Jot,
ht.itXt, Chkia Briitltts,
Baud Crsod- U)
Astrisss sci
G?1m Wstabrs,
Boy Wstches,
AiuirirAB ssi
Frtnsa Clftfa, tzl Hi U
( Lt'.t Euigm is
Totttr wlta a it tsswt.
mcut 1
Call and sxamtnonur
G. oil . ami Prirss ba
in e purehaiiig. Wo
g uai an tee our prict-s as
.i f the sum v of
Bloods lsvshel'. ,
ij i '.
L,L Eicliuiond 4, Oo.,
Muiium Bulldlntf,
T J followlnn aro sslsatod from thous
ands of teWintuials ?f sjiHur charaetnr,
as prsssiiin the reasons for tha prafer
anes of tiiJ Urovsr ifc Ilaker Mr.chlnes over
all others.
"Iliko tha Oroysr A Rakor Ma
chine, ill the first place, because if I hud
sny other, I should still want a drover it
Maker j and havinira i rover A linker it
answers the purpose of all the rest. It
dos a t're -liter variety of work and iseiisicr
to learn than any other," Mrs. J. C L'ro
ly (Junny Juno)
"I have had several years' expe
rience with n O rover A linker Mac-hp e,
which has iriven mn irrrat satisi'action. I
think UieOrnviTit linker Macliino is mora
easily niniiaunl, and less liable to (ret out
of order. I prefer the ! rover ,V linker tis
eidedlv." Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York.
"1 have had one in mv family for
some two veal; and l iuin what I know
ot ill workiii'.", and from tlie tesiiiiiony of
many of my friends who u-e ibn. s inc. I ;
can hardly see how an y tiling could be mors
eoinpleto' or Hive bettor sans. action."
M is. Uen. (Irsnt.
T. J. VAX GIF.SKV, Agent, ,
Tloivta, Pa.
M. . TlUCUiS; CO.,
W'ltnt.KAI.K ANIl BKr.Jt. ,
I)eloi s In
3HE IR, lb "W A. IZj DH3
OH VtM tTtiritn,
Spear's Celebrated Anti Cllschcran.
Anti-Dust Parlor and CcoVlitj StT,., Ho-Air nnt 5ssrr;-i:cetort
F'-TpriTRfp and rnblio houtMs.
Chest-Iron Wcrk,
Allegheny Valloy Rail Iload,;
i.'iiK I' R,;l IE TO flTFAM
- ... w iiu. viu aibiiiurifl, ;
iVN' AND anor MnnJav FeK St, Train
', eouTti.
T,,(T- T i . . . .... . . .
.u iiiuTo 1.UI iirrat ziapm
An vs at Pitlsliuruh fftpisi
NichtKxpress l eaves Oil City Ml u m
Arrivss at Pittsburtb Claim
I'ay Express Isnrss i.Ml City Ilium
Arrive at Pitilburcli C C6 p in
Oil t'itr Aeccni. Iostos Oil ritr 4f.Sp m
nd arrive a: llrsdv's lisud ttip m.
BufTslo Ex. Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 4A s m
Arrrivrsat Oil Vilv at Hip m
Night Kx press l.raves Pittsburgh 0tpm
Arrives at Ol. City 8 40an
Usy Kxpross leaTei riltoburrh 12 1 a na
ArriToa at Oil City H ft n rm
Oil Citv Am lu... T!,..,l.'. TO.. j .a' L
. . -- - . r uvnu u 111 H im
and arrives at Oil City 11 0 us
NlWer Pa?seo Slseplro: Car. on n'rht
Kxpres Trams, botTreon Pitubntrh an 4
1 itusir!l. 'J hroiiirh (Va-hes on Pay Kx.
prssi Train Lotwoen Fittsbursh snd Bi
T.M KINO. 6o, L ero. k, v
peijn3ylvaitia ce2jj
tral Railroad
OX AND AFTEH 11 P. P. Sunday Kr
1, 1C70, Trains nrriyo at and Isa'yo tao
I nlon Depot, rornor of Wash'.vUa aa
Libsrty strset, as follows:
M!l Train, 1.S0 a m ; l vt Um, Hit a
m j ll'saceoinniodation I'o. 1, e.i'O ml
Rrintori aeeoniniodation No 1, 7.i8 a aai
Wall' fti.'cuuini'odoticn No t, .6.'. ni ;Ci.
elnnall oxprrso V,:n t m Jolintow a
conunodaiiou e..'.o in; Kiaddock's as
cotnuuvlstinn No 1, 7.00 om; Piktsbarrll
siprens l.SU p m; l arine xpi ts p as
Wall's aeeoniniodation No , I.i b M
llemewood accom modstion No l,tl.iS
Wall seeoiv.modation No 4, &.M p ai;
Jlrinton accoaimodsiion Ko 1,1.10 a u
'ay Pssasnftr lo.iy y ni.
mthom xprs.-0amt Taelfo sk
pres a.40a m ; all a eeonunoilation M
1. .;i0a ui ; Mail Train d.lOtin s tlrinton'a
atomtiioiUtioii 1 i.-j0 a m ; riraddork'a aa
eoiiiUiiiOstion No I, 6.10 p at; t'inelnnsi
jp:eu 12.W p ni ; Wall a accoinmodation
N t, 11.61 a m ; Johnstown accomn odavion
4.n.'i in j lloniewood aeeoinnir.dstion
1, (.60 p ni ; Philadelphia oppress S.10 n ibj
Wall aceoinniodi-.tion ni; Wall
oeouiniodation No 4, ti.U.'i p in ; Fast Lino
7.40 p ui j Wall N'o6, ll.tO p m.
Tho Church Trains Isav Wall's f 1st! on
very buinlsy at U.O i c. in., rsaching PilHi
burjth at 10.e5a. in. llcturnlng issve Pitlo
liui'tli at li.,;sip. in., snd arrivo at Wall'o
xuttiou at ;'.M p. ni.
Cincinnati express leave dilly. Honta
ern express daily sxceptMoi iay. All etk
or Vt ruin tiaily, sxcept Sunday.
For furthsr iniuriuution spi v to
W. II. lil.CKWllli, Agent.
The Pennsylvania Itailroad t'oni; sy
will not assume uny Ititik for JiUL'jjhjtu sx
cept tor Wearing Apparel, nd liiu.t their,
rspotihil.ility to ui:s lli.ndred lo! val
u. All basjjfux sxeeediug that a ouut
in value w ill bo at the risk of tno .ucr
unless lakon by special contract. '
WsnoTsl 8uOi-lntradent, Altormo Pa.
O.V AND APT lilt MonJav, Juno 5, J871.
1 rains will run as foliows i
Prsthers Mill
Pithoi City
Kn, 2.
I1.2J a in
10.W "
10 1U "
No. 4.
3 0 o 1
8.1 "
S.1M "
3. IS
Pitliolo jL it v, . a. 411 am
PtU)4oia Mill 8.4J "
.Wood a S,,(J '
Dennett 9.02 "
Oleopelis s. lb "
N. a.
s.o-2 "
... - - ... winiiirvuiinil
at Oleopolis with trams on the oil Creek JtC
Allegheny liivt-r Dailwsv, North aud "
Two Lines of Stajres run daily between
Pitlmlo City, Miller l atin ami l'hasant
viile, makinif connection itharriving aaj
deiisrtini; 'I'l ains. J, T. iil.Alli. .
II. WK'KIIAM, hup t.
Ticket A nent, Pithole City, Pa. .
CTI? A TCt: Weliavelustinnea
A lin. U kO in Two Vol
unieH, pi ice $ each in boards, $5 each in
cloth. The two volumes contain over forty
beautiful Ws tzex. wi rth t l t jti ii
sticet lorm.J tHPlTlT ia or
.le.imrfr',1.1 X V UlU 1 IV t h e r
(leaieis lio particular to .k lor Phims'
'.l. 11 ION OK M BAITS' W A I I Z KM, OS His
the only eorrei-l and cniplete edition. j.
Vli'OSHj.L.Pi'.'lEltStl' 1 'prrCJ
Mtihio VV AL1 ZillO.'
b'JJ liroudwsy, New York. N.v. 12.
SCDSCItlllF. ftiroho Forest Repuklii-an
It will pay.
All Tl-uino .,