The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 19, 1873, Image 2

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Clarion it not dead yet. The fol
lowing is a tit of improvements con
tompUtod during the. coming summer
aecoHing to tbo Democrat. If tht
Couaty Mat should bo moved before
they are built, wo suppose they will
not ha quit so oiteosivo as tbey
would otberwira bo.
The towa of Clarion is taking a Dew
start in the way of improvements.
Over twenty new houses are to be
built this spring and summer. Among
thoso who are oullding ot preparing
to build houses, aro Jacob llahn, . M.
A. K. Woirlner, J. V. Lang, John
Loraex, J. F. Andres, John Geble, Her
man Saodt, Wm. I Dowling, John T.
Davis, Jus. Watkins, Wm. Keller, A.
Bonnet and Thos, M'lotire. 0. C.
Brosius contemplates erecting a town
hall. The M. E. congregation is put
tiog up a parsonage. S. C. Hoover
will erect a brick bouse near town.
The new jail is to be nndsr roof again
December. Several other gentleman
contemplates building houses as soon
as suitable lots can bt obtained. A
planing mill and other manufactur
ing establishments are talked of.
The oil developments are rapidly
drawing nearer, and a railroad is be
coming a necessity and will certainly
be built soon. Our mechanics and
men t moderate means are making
improvements. Now let our capital
ists take hold and give us a railroad,
and 'hem Clarion will enter a new era,
and bscowe one of the most wealhy,
thriving and prosperous towns in the
Mr. Jacob Ehrhart't dwelling
house, in Plum towuship, was totally
destroyed by fire on Saturday after
noon, 8th. Mr. E's family consists of
himself, son-in-law, and daughter.
The daughter was absent at the time,
leaving the old gentleman and his son-in-law
alone at home. Mr. Ehrhart
took some fire on a shovel from the
house to his blaksraith shop, a short
distance away, and the day being very
windy it is likely that sparks iters
blown from the shovel back into the
house. The two had been in the shop
but a few raiuutes when they saw the
hoase oa fire. On account of the high
wind they were unable to control the
flames, and they began to save what
furniture tbey could. They succeeded
iu carrying out most of the goods
down stairs, but saved nothing in the
upper story, where the bedding and
clothes of the family were stored.
Their wearing apparel in the house
was all distroyed. Loss about $2,000
no insurance. Spectator.
What is undertsood as the liquor
question cannot be dodged. It must
ultimately be met face to face, howev
er it may for the time being be evaded.
It its a question that will play the mis
cheif with the politicians who altera)-',
either to dodge it, or to straddle it
Public opinion is crystalizing on that
subject. Prohibition is not gaining
Ciund, for this is impracticable,
w cannot be made to control man's
appetite. But all over the country
the principle that liquor sellers shall
le responsible for their troffic, is find
ing lodgement ; and wheu we use the
word liquor we mean a liquid that pro
duces intoxication.
Ultimately there is to be uo quibble
about this or that kiud of liquor.
The man who sells a liquid that steals
awny the brains will be held to answer
for that larceuy. The pricipla is a
correct one and is recognized in every
business other than dram selling.
The evil of intemperance all admit to
be the grievtons curse of the land.
Our cities may nut be improving in
temperance morals, bnt the rural dis
tricts have the power in our legisla
tures, and it as sure as that time
rolls on that there will be no step
backward on that question There
may be temporary checks to the ad
vance ef public sentiment, but take
the years by decades and the principle
of responsibility tor dram selling will
surely grow stronger and stronger, un
til the laws are made so stringent as
to shut up nine out of ten of the
drunkard manufactories that now
make so many women and children
mourn thoir very existence. Cleve
land Herald.
President Grant's inaugural ad
dress is treated with a commendable
spirit of fairness by the press of the
country at large; the exceptions be
ing, of course, those papers to whose
jaundiced and oblique vision all things
seem distempered and out of place.
This is a good sign ; inasmuch as it
indicates that the day of captious op
position to the administration formers
opposition s sake lias nearly gone by
Presidsnt Grant stands nsarer the popu-
iar nean in mis country to-uav than
I - I a W 7
any otusr nviug man. a iosioa pa
per says that fifteen months ago a nia
jority of the Republican journals of
ew England were ranged in apposi
tion to his reuomination ; and that
now every o:;e of them concedes that
pis lour years administration bas been
a success. Now let hit past traducers
try to do him justice, afld second his
effort to weld the nation into ' an
uuited nnd harmonious whole.
w. r.;ditx
"Ons by one the honest opponents
of President Grant's re-electiou aie
coming in and advocating a harty
tuippori io nis aumiuisiraiiou. lion
James Lyons, a veteran Virginia pol!
ticiao, who acted with the Democrats
up to and during the last campaign,
uas jusi pu oils iiea a letter in wiuun
he advises all houest Democrats to
rally round the administration of
President Grant and him a man
ly support. He says the coalition
party has given the very worst govern
ment that Viaginia has had within
his knowledge.'
As expected, President Grant has
made mistakes, as every President
will do as long as humanity holds the
office ; but that his mistakes have been
much fewer than the average of his
predecessors, there can he no reasona
ble doul L We boleive he is as sir o y
honest iu the discharge ef every offi
cial duty as is possible for a man to be,
and that if he errs, he is always will
ing to correct the error upon discovery.
As it is net possible for a Prssideut to
know personally all applicants for offi
cial appointments, it becomes neces
sary that advice bs called in to aid
him, and it has for years been thought,
and with apparent (rood reason, that
consultation with Representatives re
specling the appointments in thoir sev
eral districts, would bestsecor proper
appointments. That this couiideuce
reposed in congressmen bas been be
trayed, aud the President deceived,
there are numbers of examples to de
monstrate. Meu have been foisted
upon the party as Postmasters and in
others positions, whose popularity
wttb their party was at such a low ebb
that they never dared trust their poli
tical fortunes were the people had a
word to say about it, and infinite dam
age has been doue thereby to the Re
publican party. t e can look ever
the election returns, by the diminish
ed Republican majorities, as easily as
the withered limb ot the tree reveals
the borsr at its root.
The Preiident assures us he will
benifit by his four years experience,
giving us to understand that mistakes,
such as we have alluded to, will be
corrected. That he be enabled to
correct them, it is necessary that they
be pointed outrand the Republicans of
every locality, represented in its gov
ernmentappointments, by these leeches
and borers, who bang on to the politi
cial tree enly to suck its life, owe it,
not only to themselves and the party,
nut to the deceived Executive, to
make known their wants and wishes.
If they do so, we arc sure they will be
It don't seem more than a month
ago that Jamestown had the offer of
an Alpaca Factory, if she would fur
nish $20,000 toward building it. She
called a meeting, sent an application
to the legislature Tor leave to bond
the city : it was refused. They called
another meeting: appointed a commit
tee to solicit subscriptions; aud in
three days had the money raised.
Now, the Journal says, the plans far
the factory have been received from
England, and n second piece of land
purchased adjoining the first. That's
business. Compare it with Corry's
procedure ; and we may be pardoned
for saying "Oh, Corry I where has thy
greatness gone, thy euterprtse and thy
pluck?"- Telegraph.
On Wednesday last Secretary
George S. Boutwell was elected Unit
ed States Senator from Massachusetts,
to ' fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Vice President Wilson.
Connected as it has been with the
question of the future occupancy of
,11, uqvivlbi ui iiia treasury,
this Senatorial election has attracted
national attention. Senator Boutwell
is a man of conscience and courageous
convictions, and will, in his new posi
tion, doubtless win an enviable repu
tation for himself and his State.
Dout hawk, hawk, spit, spit, blow,
blow, and disgust everybody with
yeur Catarrh and its offensive odor,
when Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will
speedily din troy all odor, arrest the
discharge aud cure you. 614.
iur xurunt louwy.
Andrew Couk 14 f 7 00
J antes B Persall 14 7 00
Jacob 7. Rang 14 7 00
Jamea Neill 14 7 00
John Peterson 14 7 00
John M. AhUtrand It 7 00
T. J. How man 14 7 00
T. D, Collins 14 7 00
Wheeler Duscnbnry 14 7 l
Austin Slater 14 7 00
Wheeler Jt Dusenburv 14 7 00
Georgo Pond 13 10 00
Geo. 8. Hunter 14 7 00
H. O. Davis 14 7 00
Hilbronner A Co. 12 12 60
Proper fc Keck 12 12 60
K. II. Has nt 14 7 00
Geo. W. Bovard A Co. 12 12 60
Superior Lumber Company 13 12 50
Leonard Agnew 14 7 00
Kolilrison fc Bonner 10 20 00
1). S. Knox 14 7 00
A. II. Partridge 14 7 00
A court of appeal will be held at the of
Aco of the County Treasurer, on Tuesday,
ths 2oth day of March, at 10 o'clock A. M.
47-4t Mercantile Appraiser.
JOB WORK natly executed at tbuVofflce
: reasonable rsWs.
. - itju :-i3.m
Xete Advertisements,
CtHntmsionBRs' Orrtcn, 1
Tiomemta, Porbst Co., Ps V
Mam. 18tii, 1873. j
SKA LED PROPOSALS Will be reeoi ved
at this office until Wednesday, April
21, 1873, for the purpose of Rotting out,
cutting and laying up the stone abutment
for the Lncytown bridge, amounting to
abont 600 perches. Bids to state the price
per perch. Also tor repairing the stone
work of the bridge across Tlonesla Creek,
near its mouth. Specifications to be seen
on application at tills office.
Ali) for an Iron Superstructure at tar
town, to be placed on the abutments to bo
built. Length of span 112 feet. The name
sirs (mn to tw nam! as la ..n...l I ...
R1"111 aanuu 111
apans of 140 feet.
me -jount.y c ommissioners reserve the
right to reject any or all bids.
By order of the County Commissioners
f. tt. iLiiiui, nera
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Testatum
omlitlonl Exponas Issued out of the
t?ourt of Common Plnu e r...i iu
and to me directed, thoro will lie exposed
' "j iuunc Yuuuue or ouicrv, at tna
Court House, In ths borough of'llonesta.
MONDAY, MARCH 31st, 1873.
at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described
real estate, tit-wit t
Gates U. Manrosa use of John Manrnaa,
vs. Irs Copeiand aud A. A. Copeland. Tost.
Ven. Ex., No. 11 April Term, 1873. aI!
the Defendants' ritrliL title and IntMMi
of and to tho following described real
estate, aituato in Harnionv township.
roresi county, Ntnte or Pennsylvania,
Bounded and described as follows! tn-witi
On the north by land of Alden Handv, on
the south by land of C. M. Titus, foruierlv
iii nrv nun-ii, smii nn tun west br land
formerly owned by Hemphill Dawson and
Robert Green. Containing
and forty-live aoro, more or less, it being
part of a large tract of Innd conveyed bv
the Commonwealth to Ira Copclnnd, re
corded in the County of Venango. Pii., in
leed Book O. O. pages 150 and 157. with
about thirty acres under improvement.nne
frame house and two flame barns thereon
erected, aud two orchards I hereon grow
Ing. A uso A certain tract of land situated
In Harmony township. Forest cooiitv. Ps.
nominee! nnd tteaenbed as follows: Com
mencing at a white oak saiilimr. thai,..
north 3 degrees east 20 perches to a post
nnd stone in field, thence sonth 47 degrees
enst lo ercliea toajack oak sapiing.thence
north 3 degrees enst Itsi perches to a cor
ner, thence south 3 degrees wtt 124 per
ches to the said Tlonesla Road, the nee bv
said Tlonesla Road 2 i perchos to t he place of
bcginninir, bounded on tho south by said
road and land of K. I Davis, on the esit
by land of E. I- Davis and Honey tract,
on the north by land of Oil Co.," on the
west by land of A. Handy. Containing
eighty -two acres, more or "less with one
fraino house and frame barn thereon arm
ed and about 25 acres improved.
Taken in execution and to te sold aa the
property of Ira Copeland and A. A. Copo
land, at the suit of Gates II. Manross use
of John ManroM.
Terms cash. T. J. VAN GIESEV,
March 12, 1873. Sheriff.
D. S. Knox, Proprietor,
ELM STREET, - . Tiobbsta, Pa.
HAVE now in stock and for sale a ti
assortment of
LIQUORS, For Medical tus ONLY
I am agent for tne
Tho only RATE LAMP made, will burn
all kinds of oil with perfect safety, being
all Metal it can not break,and so coastuct
od it cannot explode.
I am now running a
And will make to order all kinds of Tin
or Sheet Iron Waro at short notloe. Shop
next door south of Drug Store.
I am also sgeut for some of the best
All wishing Insurance I w ill attend to at
short notice. D. W. CLARK Assistant.
One farm of M acres, 30 cleared, honse
and iMtrn, in Klngsley township, lor 1,000.
On house and lot In Tiouta Borough,
on itace at., si.uuu.
One house and lot on Race St. 80o.
Ons bouse and lot on Water Nu 11,600.
One house and lot on Wator Kt, $1,000.
One house and lot on Water Nt. 500.
One house and lot on Water Kt. $1,000.
Killeen out lots from I-4O0 to I'iOO.
One dwelling house, barn and orchard
with all kinds of fruits, ornamental trees,
two water walls, and out building, S acres
of land, and as good a location as there is
Ui the village or I lonesta, 10,000.
One Saw and Planing Mill, with all
kinds of machinery for making Sash,
Doors, Blinds, flooring, Sash, Moulding.
Tho machinery is nean y all new. Throe
acres of land 1 situated at the mouth of
Tlonesla Creek. A rare cnanoe to invest.
Price 97.000. 30-ly
K-? cuts ana merensut can learn at ones.
Hook msiled, MH H. Gooldlng Mryent,
Buffalo N. V .
I LL now be found a large and varied
assortment or goods, which are oner
ed at
Among this stock my be found tho fol
lowing artiols,in addition to many others
not ouumernvea 1 -
Alpaees,Awls saddlers and sewing, As
safoHiila, Axes, Axle gressf, Acetlo Acid,
Arsenic, Arnica Tincture, Arithmetics
1st, mi sou u. Allspice, Antimonial w ine,
Aiia Ammonia, Gum Aloes, Augurs.
Batting, Bssina, Barley Groats, Barley
Flour, 11 11 1 led Barley, Blank Books, Bath
Bricks, Blackberries dried, Boot-Jacks
Lima Beans, Berage, Beeswax, Beaver
i iotn, iiicacueu MiiHiin, t-srpet mmling,
Blblm, Boots and shoes, Bloom of Youth
Boring Machines, Boring Machine Au-
furs, Books school and miscellaneous,
lonesct, Bowls, Bronse for shoes, Borax,
Buttons agate, pearl, pant., coat, rest,
dress and silk, Bruahos shoe and scrub
bing, Bluing, Buckets, Blue Mass.
Camphsr, Chalk, Crayons, Chalk-lines
Cassia ground end unground, Cary's
toothache remedy. Cartridges. Caps wa
terproof. Chains, watch. Cambric r-lsln.
colored, and paper, Crackeis graham,
lemon, milk, wine and water. Canned
goods of ail kinds. Camphor ice, Catsup,
Canisters, Candlesticks, Candle-moulds,
Cake-pans, - Cake-turners. Cassimeres,
Crash common, limtnand bleached, Csul
I (lour. Crystal Syrup, Cracked wha, Nut
Crackers, Carolina rice, Cretin tsrtsr, Can
ned cherries, Hiltons Cement, Check fur
niture and shirting. Creosote, Celling
books. Clear aides. Cigars. Chinta cam
bric, and shirting, Ijinip Chimneys of all
kinds and sixes, Chinaware. Corsets. Cor
set stays. Comix of all varieties. Cloves,
Oil of Cloves, Petersons Corn Ointment,
Corks, Cork shavinga. Canned Corn, Cof
feegreen and roasleJ, Corn meal Clocks,
Country knit socks from Mains, Cork
screws, Cord gum and picture frame,
Clothing, Clothej-pins, Clothes-racks. Ex
tract (vil'ee, Cologne, Cocoanul Oil, dried
Corn, Collars paper and linen for ladies
or gen tlem en ,Cou n terpanea.Curry -com be,
uorse-lams, iupi ana saucers, LUIII
paper and linen.
Day-books. 'Drawers. Delaines. Dress
goods. Drilling, tin Dippers, Dishes, Dry
Slippery r:nn ttara, sulphuric Ether,
Knveiopeis. Kleeani pane, llauiburir Edg
ing and lusertiou, Epsom baits.
t ict ure- r rames photograph and rustle.
Flannel, farms. Fire shovels. Kriims
silk.wbite and black. Flour white, heat,
rye, graham, barley and rice, Florida w a
ter. Funnels, Fluting machines.
Gartering, Ventilated Garters, Ginghams,
Ginger-grd.and nngrd. . Ess. Jsmsica (lin
ger. Gimp ailk, Gloves in endless vatlety,
Gun-caps, Canned Gooseberries.
Hitching rings. Hit. ees barndoor and
strap, Hinge Clasps, H. C. Hams, Hats and
Caps, Hair Oil, Ilankerchlefs, Halls Hair
Kcnewer, Hair pins. Tack Hammers,
Horn of all kinds. Hickory nut Oil. Hoou-
skirts Hosiery, Hooks for stay chains,
1 tops, noons ana eyes, vv nue Holland
for blinds.
Indigo. Ink Eraaors. Ink black and
carmine, Inserting Hamburg.
Key rings. Watch Keys. Ketchun Dints
and quarts, Knife and Fork Uoxes.Knives
and Forks, Pocket Knives, Carviug
rtmves, nuuer ivnives, cotton,
Knitting Needles, Knife Sharix-ners, Knife
ronsners, jvnue pousning powders,
Ird In buckets. Lanterns, Laudanuaa.
Iampwick, Itmp chimneys, Lamps,
Thumb Latches, Cupboard Ijttchcs,
Ladloa pierced and plain, Lace, Ijiwns.
Iiead sua and pig, Ledgers, Tahle IJnen,
Liquorice, Lobsters, Lunch boxes, Lunch
bags, Leggings.
Musio Boxes, Matches, Match safes.
Myrrh gum, Magnesia, Mirrors hand,
Milts country knit, Mopstieks,Musli.i
bleached aud unbleached, Mutrd, Mucl
lngo. Needloa dsr.ilng, knitting, sewing ma
chine, crocLet, afghan aud stwing, tiwect
8pts. Nitre, No'e paer, Nui-vrackars,
nutmegs, mutmcg uraters, rialls.
Oat meal. Extract Orange, Oysters cove
and pickled, Overalls,Ovrsluea, Hair oil,
8uerin Oil. Hwoet Oil. Mewlnir machine
Oil, Tallow Oil.
i'iaster Arnica ami roor Mans, rails,
Cake Pans, Buiscuit Pans, Tin Plates, A
H c flutes, rie t'latiM, China I'lales.WriU
ing Paper, window Paper, Psss Ixmks.can-
ned Peaches, Carpenters' Pencils, Lead
mucus, i-eiis, l ennniaers, I'errumerv,
Pennvroval. Pepfwrmcnt. Peoner ard.
and tingrd. aud Cayenne, Pine Apple,
ritcnors, r-notgnipns caro ana cam net,
Prints. Pins. Pipes Piocaiille. Pickles.
fctovs Pipe, Mess Pork, Rifle-Powder,
Tea-Pots Cufiee-Pots, Pomade, Prunes.
a ...... '
t eatuies rmiliioo, ruuy.
Hunts, liucenswvre.
Revolvers. Garden Rakes. Readers 1st.
2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th, Reward Cards, Kiblion
of all colors and widths. Kings gold, but
ton and teething. Rice flour, Ex. Rose,
ispauess nuuve, ivuuiuig, jnuirsro
syrup and tincture, Rublier coats black
and gray, Rulers, Rules.
Hal Ammoniac, canned Strawberries,
Salt Petre, table Haueo, Hlatinnery, Pearl
and Corn Htarcb, Kitchen Haws, Epsom
and Glauber Halts, Shawls, Huge, Stands
for coitee pots, strainers, histos, Hlitte
Pencils, Sad Irons, eisd I in rltandis, win
dow Shades, Sun ISIiades, Satin, Foot
Scrapers, Saucers, Sheeting of all widths
and qualities, Singer Sewing Machines,
Sewing Machine Fixtures, Shears, Screw,
eyes for picture frsines, Spellers, Juvenile
Speakers, Gum Shollac, Stockings, Scrap
books. Svrun crystal and silver drips.
Svringea, (Skirts, bleached and unbleached
Hhirting, Hwiss, npiuoons cost Iron,
Spices, Skimmers, skein, twist and ma
chine hilk. Silks, Scissors, Seissor-Slisrp-eners.
Shirt-t'rnuta. Shirts wool, cassi-
mere, negligee and white, Socks country
knit and machine made, rioap Sawyer's
Shavinir. Castile. Kmery, Hath and Wash
ing, Shot, Spool Cotton, Stove cooking
and beating lor woou, spoons, school
books. Fire Shovels, Sugar, Suspenders.
Hummer Savory. Iampbhadas, Shuttles
for sewing machines, canned Succotash.
Tea-Trays, Table-Linen Tacks, linen
and cotton Tape, Tea, linen and spool
Thread, Teething-rings Thyme, Teapots,
Ticking, Tinware, tape and alpaoca Trim
ming, Timebooks, Toothache Remedy.
Toba-o plug, twist, no j cut and cut aria
dry, Toilet ware. Towels, Towelling, To
matoes, lobles, iuds, 1 unioiers.
t'liibrellos, Urinals (S. C), Underoloth
Velvet, Vests. Veils, Violin-bridges
tail-ninccs. kexaand r-Miin.
Wau-h-kevs, Watch -:hins. Wadding,
WbmIi-boards, W ringers, y nortieborrn
Worm-drops, Whslelione.
Yarn Berlin and Woolen.
Zepbyr ol all colors, double, single and
Our Btore is small, and the most of our
goods It is impossible to display, but such
aa not to be seen, may be had by inquiring
lor toeni.
In addition to our miscellaneous stock.
we have a full line of staple and fashiona
ble piece goods for making clothing to or
der. As heretofore, weshall continue theaale
HEWING MACHINE, upon our usual
aecommoaaung terms.
si: rriuoR lcm bkr co. store,
11-tf Atoms bi n. mko, Elm Stbset,
I . .
are soltlug " '.
at Cost and a little more.
a fall line eoaetantly on hand.
' - ' : aaw)'. i .? .
.... j
ate., xe.
We endeavor to keep aolhlng bat
and respectfully ask all to rive na a rail
and examine goods and prices. Stf ly
L. L Richmond 1 Co.
Invite the sttentlon of
the public lo iheir Irs
mouse stock uf goods,
consisting of
Ladles Came Beta,
Coral Beta, Jot Bets,
v upva uiisisj,
Laontiat Chains,
Xasklaata, is 0ld aad Jtt,
Lscketi, Cnals Brsesleta,
Bsad Brsosltta,
AsMriMS asd
Swim Wstckca,
Boy Wstoaea,
Fnaoh OlMka, sad all tss
': Latest Duigu la
Together wits s las assart
ateat ef
Call and examine our
Goods and Prices be
fore purchasing. We
guaranteeour prices aa
for the same qiiailty of
goods elsewhere.
L L Bicbmond k Go.,
Museum But dinar,
Osartast Bt, steadTilU, Fa,
T js following are seleetad from thous
ands of testimonials of similar character,
aa expressing the reasons for the prsfsr-
snce of the U rover dt Uskaj Machines over
all others.
"I like the Grover Baker Ma
chine, In the first place, because if I bad
any other, I should still want a Grover A
Baker ; and having a Grover A Baker it
answers the purpose of all the rest. It
does a greater variety of work and iseasisr
to isarn than any other," Mrs. J. V. Cro
ly t Jinny June)
' I have had soveral years' expe
rience wltu a Grover k Baker Machine,
which has gi .'en me great satisfaction. I
ftlii,W lkflMMrA ttbttp Uuhin l mn
...ilv iiianimul ,n1 1 ft li a.-, ...
of order. I prefer the Grover dt Baker de
cidedly." Mrs. Dr. Watta, JJajs- York.
"I have had one In my family for
some two years t and fiom what I know
of its workings, and from the testimony of
many of my friends who use the, I
can hardly see bow anythingoould be more
complete or give better aatiafaoUon."
Mrs. Gen. Grant.
T. J, VAJ" OIESEX, Agent,
Tlnnseta, Ta.
H. f I. T I sr u k n .ft fj oM
Dealers In
H J"JEZ2D "W A. 23, 22
Oil WoU SuppUetf,
Spear's Celebrated Antl Qiaelier twei
Antl Dnst Parlor and Cooking St?sv
Ranges, Hot-Air and Stssm-Hesttrs
For private and fablls beas.
8het-Iron Work,
M u, Pipe Cutting
Allegheny ViUley Rail Road.
OX AND after Monday Feb. M, Train
will run am fU..m.m r WLll.j.i.wi.
. iip,ih,B
Time) i
Buffalo Express leave Oil City at t IS pea
Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 61 p aa
MlghtExpresa Leaves Oil City StOptn
Arrives at Pltuburgb s II a as
lay Express leaves Oil City It a as
Arrive, il, s -
Oil Cily Aeeom. leaves Oil City 4U . so.'
avi wuTie im srwiT s ftsna v ae p. aa,
Buffslo Ex. Ieavea Pittsburgh at T 4ea
Arrrivea at Oil Cit at I SI p as
Night Kxpresa Leaves Pittsburgh 0 psa.
Arrives at O. City " Hiim
Day Lx press leaves PltUburgh 13 It a aa
A rrlvaa at fall r-(t a, a,,
Oil City Aec.lsaves Brady's Bsad t t a aa
and arrives at Oil City 11 tt sa
Silver Palace Sleeping Care on atgbt
Kx Dress Trains, haisaan Pin.k..v ...s
TitusTille. Throuah Coaches on 1st Ks.
press Trains between ritubnrgh and Boa-
T. M. KING, Oeat laSap t,
Ass t. Bap-i. '
ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May
I, 1870, Trains arrive at and leave the
Union Depot, corner of Waaalnton and
Liberty street, aa follows t
Mall Train, 1.30 a tu Fast Line, 1111 a
m i Weiraaceotnniodatlon No. 1, t.20 a aa
Mrlnton accommodation No I, 7.50 a as
Wall's sccommodatlon No t. S.&&a m ,ri
cinnatl express W.'.0am Jobnatown aa
commod.ttmn 10.50 a m Uraddock'a aa
oomniodatlou No 1, 7.00 p rn Pittsburgh,
express 1.30 p m; PaeiUe express 1.60 p ns t
- . i m-v-iiiiiiiuuiuuh S9 s, X.SO U BS ,
llomewood accommodation No 1,9.M p aa; .
Wall's accommodation Nod, B.60 p aa
Brinton sccommodatlon No S,1.10p as
Way I'assenger 10.20 p ui.
Southern express 6.20 a m ; Pacifls ex-
rress 2.40 a m ; Wall's acommodstion Ne
. 6.30s m : Mail Train 8.10 a in : Brlnton'a.
accommtKlation 1 l.'JO a m ; Braddock'a ae
comniodation No 1. 6.10 p ni : Cincinnati
sxprcss 12.S5 p m I Wall's aceommodatiea
N t, 11.61 am; Johnstown aooommodatiou
4.n, p m ; llomewood accommodation N
l. B.fto p in; Philadelphia express 1.60 a mi
Wall aocommodntlon No 8,8.05 p m Wall's
accommodation Nod, 8.06 p mi Fast Line'
7.40 p iu t Wall's No 6, 11.00 p m.
The Church Trains loave Wall's Statls
every Sundnv at V.Wt a. in., reaching Pitts
burgh at 10.06 a. m. Returning leave Pitta
burgh at 1AS0 p. in., and arrive at Willi.
nation at x.w p. nt.
Cincinnati express leaves dally. South
ern express anuy except Mot. jay. AUota
er Trains daily, except riundsv.
For further information sply to . -W.
Tlio Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will not assume any Risk for Baggage ex
cept for Wearing Apiwrel. and limit their
rspon.sibllitv to One Hundred Dollai a val
ue. All baggage exceeding that a ounl
in valua will be at the risk of tne .nor,
unless taken by special contract.
A. J. CAS&Al
eenaral Saperintendeas, AlSessss Pa.
prrnoLE valley ry.
0!f AND AFTER Monday, Jose I, Wl,
Trains will run as follows :
Bennett, .
Prathera Mill
Vo. X Na. 4.
lO.iB a M 8 at p in
10.88 " 8.28 "
I0.SO 8.18 M
10 24 " 8.10 "
11.08 X.M
Plthols City,
Prathers Mill
Woods v.
No. 1. No. 8.
S.40 a na l.M p 1 1
.4 " l.
e.S " 1.68 -
e.oa j.m
.lt " J.14
All Trslns mala ai'lna, !... .
at leopolis with trains on the Oil Creek i
Allegheny River Bailwsy, North and
Konlh. . .
Two Lines ofStages run dally between
PithoieCity, Miller l-arin and Pleaaant
ville, making connection witbarrivtngand
departing Trains. J. T. BLAllt.
Ticket Ageut, Tltbole City, V.
STI? A Tl Wehavejustlssawl
-a A r U Wallsesln TwoVo:
omes.pi iLC 31 each in boards, $3 each m
rloth. The two volumes contain ovsr t'ortv
beautiful Waltzes, worth at least L lit.
dealers he pan ioular to ask for liri'
Kiutiox op mht' WAi.iXKs.aa Ilia
the only correct and oomuio'e clitinn. Ad
dresJ.L.PK'rEUSl.; T
Slusio Publisher. lt Xu
tm Broadway, New York.
LJUBSCRIBEfcrake Forest Rr'i
O It will pay.