CT" V .1 II rUBLI3REI EVERT W EDXESDAT, BY xv. iV. mw. CITICB IH EOBTNSO1' KWtfEB'S BniLDWO, ELM BTRECTTK)mi3TA, PA. TERtS,.jK.ou A YEAR. JU SAAaorfpUorM tfocMvsd Tor asWwr parted than throo month. CViMBvliioo"sIjltrd from nil Tarte trf the tMUiTtfy. ' Vft nolle will bs taken of annonymoti communlcattone. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. U.. jt TI0NE3TA LODGE I. O. of O.F. tfTEETBVerv" Trldar'evonlnrt'af 7 HI o eu feyvlltejo, 1 t o'clock, in tlie Hull lormoxlv occupied ned Templar. ' - '-J- M. ITTEL. X. O. VT. It. DUNN, Sec'y. Samuel D. Irwin, A TTORNEY. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. J itnf IlKALHSTATE ACSKNT? LoiAf liueluwss promptly attended to. ilonosta. '. -''1 r, , ; i -Li -A . WBWTOX PBTT1S. MILU W. TATB PSTTIS A TATIi ATTORNEY S XA W, Ah ttr-t, T 10 S EST A, PA W.W.Ms.e, - Qdtrn A, Jenkt, kirtrtAl Bs! M.uot A Jeriks, A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Omee.on Kim IV Atreet, above Walawt, TlontatavfaJS rw. tf Mareuuott, n i , A TTORXltf COCMSKLOU-AT UW XV Tionesta, Pa. Office on Klin Street. T professional MrtrM vrNis 1Rrr. -S . fVJkuhnaon ran 4) aecuree throairb m r desired inany business entrusted to aiala Forest Co. Collection promptly attended Se.-etlBaFecd Ketat Aguuiq,-! ,-..'j "ATTORNEY AT LAW. aad Nm rv ri'iuc, atevnolda'iiukHt- ,.'(' lack, Keneca St. oilAUty, Pa. -4. v .i w tCeorga F Dvjpot.O: i A TTORNEY AT LAW. Special atten T Jlopafiven to tlielirWi!Kiif I.nd tle, ;onveyam'inS 'Bnd OOHertirma in onaniro' 'iawford and BdJWemVoe.u'nMe. rl business prompt! V tetded M ' No. S alrfrtantils Iock. OH City,' JM; ' 'SHiy f.ttHllwAll.T I " l. B, BMILBT. . . r 1. 'n ...;. is AMoraara Law,' . . JVnUU, Pa. t)RACVfcE In the ve'ral durta'oVVe- x, pango, vrwrord, oreat, aiu ax i join' Inteouutia. J rj ;a j ja-ly. I. . liUli, . D. AMTT, Atkomaya at trltuetin' Ptnn'a DRACTICK In all Uia Courts of Warnsrf. A Crawf(d, lot aitti Veuaago Cogn- Rahnarentered Hito a or)-pnrtnerhlp. all aalla,iitKht or Utv will roU'e iinmadlate MtatiNtm. uiure at rraidelioa or Dr.. wt- --ao Kim lit., Tioneata, Pa. M-ly .m t .. a ctarles B. Anaart, - KXTTSTj; Centre SJreat, t f ity, J InSinfoua! Block. . ,..r., Ta Lawrenca House, '' ' " ' 4 WM.IAWRf.NCE,rRqPKi(TOi!. Thla houos liaa JijH Tieon oponad to. the JpnWlo and the furniture and litlinfr are all per.. (luet will be WO) I entertained at reaaonalile rate. I aiUiivted on Em St., ppoaila Superior Lnmber Co. Store. 19-ly iw'i-ij ...rTloooata Bouse., ' :" " . HC : ITTIELv fVoprletor. Elm St.' Tlo. ill. naata, Va at tba mouth of the eraek, l. 'I4tle ha thoroBfrhly: ranoTated the Tlonatta loue,-and rahirniriei it eem t latar, All who patronize him will be well entertained at raonbIe rato. 10 Jy i i' j FOlKST. HOUSE, w ... T BLACK PROPRTKTOR. Opposite J-" Coo Mwnna, .- Tionoata Pa. . Juat aned, rerrthini new and xilaan aad freth. The beat of liquor kept eonstandy an hand; A 'portion of the public patron. agateapeotfuUyinlicited.'' 4-17-lv PAGCNDUR. PA., E. A. -Roberta, Pro J. 'Pltor. Tiiii hbiel haa bean recently ' reiiuaiiiiiaa ana now- onert . superior- ac aonamouatlona to guea's. - i . . - lift-ky. r a." Dr. J.L. Acomb, PHYSTCIAJTAKO STOOEO'Sr, Vho ha liad fifteen years' experience in a large aa aueeeesiai pace, wyi -4tHt U ' rrofeeaionat 011;'"' Oilico In riia lruft atid tlroqarv Suire, located ia TiUioite, near """ SHH. .. . - i , , ,,, . T ' J IN ULS STQEE WILL BK FOUND A t aaaortmo'nt of Medl6fne; Liquor Tobaeco, Ciirara. SMatlonem 4llasa. PainM. Oil, Cutkary, and fine tiroueriea,.all af Uie oa quality, ana wm De aowal raaaonaDle . H. juutiUKSJj, an expesatnoad Wnig- AUrr.miNew York, ha. ehar of the t .. .' tor. , AJpaacriy tiyni put up aoourately. J alar ja i:AT. . .'j0. V. PA BE. , 'J ' t B..BW.T. MA PARK Jt CQ. t '. ja'j '-r k b b' s ; iSaraer of Elm A WalnubSt. Tionaste. ' . &:'. - .' i - , i .-.,., Bank of Ducount and Deposit. ',, Jateres't allowed on Tlm' Deposits.. ' OaJJeetlpiS made on all the Principal joirit ... " "of the y. 8,. , " ' "' '.Collection so'liclted.' I8-ly. .. A. sa.(. rrt. ' : ' f' S i. i. nLi gwki.r. - TIOlNrElST.. ; HAVINGS BAIJIC; : TWi Bank transact a Oenaral Raiiklug; OeMarling and Exotiatie Buainesa. - ' Draft on the Principal Cities of the 17 sited States and Europe boa t,l,tnrt sold. Ooid aud-aiilver Ikiln and (iovM-uiiinnS Seeoritiea bought and sold.-' ?-. llonds-l ttaavartailon the most favorable tsrui a. TENEYCK&VANDEHSAAL WHOLRdALR A RKTAIL CONFECTIONERS. STORE: Mo. 3 South Seneca Street, KBIT DOOB TO rOIT OrriCI, MA.1CFACT0RT: Ho. 88 North Sentta Street, 3-ly OILC'lrV. PSiNN'A. . D... CLARK, (coVllilSStONKR'S CLKRK, rORBJT CO., P.V.) REAL ESTATE AGENT.- HOUSES anil Lot fur Sal aad RENT Wild land Tor Halo. A I hare iiperior'frriiciefora('ertaln!ng the condition nftaxeaand tax ilwN, Ac, anrHnin1 tlierefore qualiled to a-t intelli gently aa acont of thoee livlnir at a di tance ownlnn land In the.CjttUff .' f ' "' orflee in Commixalonere Itoofn, Court House, TlonsallPBi 4-41-ly. D. W. CLARK. .a .m New ItoardliiB House. MRS. S. S. 1TULINC.S ha built a larfte addition to bet Jtrms. sud ia now pre pv4 to-aipenintMlaina aitmber of paini nrut boarder, and all transient one who may favor her with their patronair. A good stable ha recently been built to ac commodate the home of Kiinsta. Charxeft reasonable. Residence on Elm St.,' oppo alts S. Haslet atore. r: !t.v1 ''X A- H. PARTRIDGE, TT X T TT -EU .El, CHAMBER SUITS, SOFAS. TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, MAT TRESSES, . LOUNGES, SHUNO BEDS, FRAMING riCTVRES, A BriCIALTT, Ha a larse rarietr of Motildlnir of all kind, and will frame to order all ploturea brought to him in any atyl to auit eiiato nr.er. Room m'eeond story of Bonner cfrMo Kay'a uew building, Elm bt., Tionesta, Ta, 9-3rn OKMSiTOX k IIONUV, a i 12 ,'J 1 "I f CENTRE STREET, OIL CITY, PA., ..fccooo i.iiA.r.y Tann BOOKS, ''..i n u a ft :.s ' -ft.- . ti : I-. I tlo i . . lur: ,1 1 .' STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, ! i TWINES, TOTS, INKS, ... I hraouaAMt akb bkt l .' ri.'.'j i 4 i -X 1 ! r. Magazines - r si'. Booki.' Nwspapr and i AILED TO ANY ADD 0 ANYADDRES8 .: : i . .: i S pllaharsfStea. 9-ly GRO ERY AND PROVISION STORE '' '.' ' ''" ' ! '5 I . G0rj ty.BO VMD1 1 CO. HAfEJi careful AVE just brought on s complete and carefully aolected atock of i 1 Jj.;..n I J PROVISIONS, and ererything neceiary to the eompleta ihk lanuurouaaurauerv iiause. which .UOr hacaodaneA mil at 4a !;" .!, Ih. m.t onl?Tb?: rW.t oTnoKj -. ' ' .i TEAS, COFrEKS, . . . SUQARS, aB BYriUPS." -FRUITS, ' - SPI0E8. : - . - S," i ' . f-t:-, .f; LARD, ' a"xi rtib viSickiorAit kinds, .... .a it the lewatt cash prises. - Goods warrant d to be nttha bast qosiity. Call and ex amine, aad ws believe we ran auit you. . -.-OKO W. UOVAilDiCO. jM.,7ft 1 , ,: ' iONFECTIONARIE S. f AONEW"it the foat OClce, baa IV. opened oui a cUoioe , .: cnocEiriEs,' - OONifECTI0KARlE8:j'M : '. T' "'I 'U Hri'j'Anni'' -I NnTinucfir.iti.iViuno c A portion of the natrorauje of tbsTAlic' V "r ( ' el - 1 ' . MX., Iv AO NEW. T10NESTA PA., rot's LAST PACtV . On a Wight nutunni day two' youti ' people, fair to look npon and well mated, bving none other than Mr. Robert. Lovcll and Mies Edith May, who la a moment of ecstasy had pro mlsed eternal fidelity each ntito the other, vrcre walkins; , on a smooth country road at aa hour in the middle of the afternoon. i -' .-. . ... i . . . There wo a deep aubjfct between them, for they talked earnestly and toluMy.' , She teemed to be pleading aud ponging,' and he explaining and 1 cruini i. .They walked on and on, toile'al'ter mile, and the light began to fall olid (he shadow t lengthen :. the had hi arm and they were deep ly interpsted, therefore they did aot notice their surrounding!. - ..They came to a huge white fence, tea feet high and extending eithet way Jor a .long Ulslanoe. . Opposite Co them was a grated gate which could W cashed up or palled down as wat required.. Within the gate was to be seen a vast elliptical space and a scries of high teats ' 1 .' The two walkert suddenly stopped. M Hero we are at tha terrible race covtwo I" said Mis Edith. ' ... . Yes, here we are," rcepondod tip tt'hcr, with a touch of suspense in his tone. " I did not nicnn te come hither X am sure. It was pure archlent; lli.tt is unless yon meant tJ bring me t:re," he added, looking at' his com Imio with a wnUe. " , - M Ko, no, Bob," replied she sadly;. Am duliig my rcry best to leAd yoa -away fro'.u it, aud 1 could not consist ent It wish you to look at it again.' ' "Do i 'you 'really hate and tear it so Much V asked he, i j.. . . " :," Bhe clasped her hand upon his arm and raUed her fa'-c, to ht. , .lie looked ' At hf:r. .In thodira light, nehoucld herpeticss, her tears, and her Uvin- biing hps. . :xHs cEcotcd. ' C considered, lie could not'gis It up a he woul have rcllnquhhcd ayy evil habits, foV thbra "Were .'other interests. tluMt; ItiK.bouud Up hT tlie eoti r'i StlH h lovotl the girl toq deCpfy not. to prpittisa ' Btmdthin!, lie rapidly ran over inhAi.niiiid whtdj e VniirBt sacrifleei-' . '"-" ;:i b-.-l , " I cannot leava HpflTjilf at oncef EdiUl-r .". ..I.'. ..; n.: ''.,'':-'. ...,,! "Oh, Bob." .'! - 1 ' M'3o.lLisfcn."lTli1e':,e'airi six horses entered for the race; aud iiiy Eclipse' Is one of them. ; She Is the favorite, and all the betting hieu in all the cities in the country have made bets upon her, . or against. her, and if I ahould withdraw her my life .would be in danger, aud my reputation would suffer even with the most upright men. ' I lovemr horses devotedly, but I would quit thcin all if yon only breathed a wUh that I should. True, yon do not. You wish me to give up. racing tliem for nio:iey. Edith; I '11 do it. f But I must run my horse tomorrow and if I win I will quit tlie' ' tnrf after the ,'race ; and sell every horse but those- we shall want tor ourselves and for our own use." . i '". '"jr'you win? Suppose jrou do not?"' 1 '., , : ,. ;,,:. ., ' "Tell me, Bob-suppose you dbnt wfii, sftpoie 4 Eclso ' comes in third cr last J ' ' '.,."'..".' -,',".. .' ' -:-.ul eatmot bear to dicara of such tt thins," responded he, in smto a ho! low Voico that she t tai-tcd a little j " I fcarlt. would ruiu ui'.'," .. .,,'' -f4Bob,H said she,- earnestly and dis tinctly, M)id?e. yoa li ked ymr for. , tune- upon this one- race upon, this Tcufare, in which -the smallest acci dent may destroy ye'd? tl-.r.iccj and yoaf .. : . ' : , ' '. -" Yes." said Bob. . . . .. ' Tie Bnttg his head. :." She. said no no, figuixi shivered with-' agitation, but she wheclpd about and walked her lover ...straight toa'ard hoie, REftiti. Keveraword crossed his Hps ahuut horses and racing until they wero about to' part,': .' . ; . ; .' ' . ' ; . She spoke , of othor .thinfra, and talked even pleasantly and cheerfully ; but. when' ttiey came to her. door sha put her arms about his peck. , "I Bob,1' said she, "you say if you Win to-morrew you will leave horse, racing for ever, and you also say if you do not win you will be a ruined tnanl Is that it?" Yes," said Bob, ' I tear that 1. tha ease." ' . u Very well," replied she ; " now I understand. Good-nlht, Bob." : They said good-night ss lover have from time immemorial, and were a long time about it, as all lover are. . . But jiq sooucr; had tho .young man disappeared from sight than the young lady-cUtvelopeJ from au elogsut girl Into a ereaturo tf great energy aud decision." ' " '"J - 'Sheasiouiibed her waid-V wiinx by askinrr her vory auddeoly if Ihe'grooai -of "the Vncex-otit se 'stable! mAa at a lrkZni r f linti ' ,J W, now,1 ttii WonU oWi j go ni9 woiiH you i'scl gVrally gratie d ? MARCH 19, 1873. - "Of course, miss."'" ' : ' : '.? tt he. should (Tipo-bTige me ' f Why, if he dared to do that, miss said the pert beatrty,.! M I'd give bin such a wifsjng that he'd never gr-i over it. Iiobliga my mistress 1 . I'd, like to see him 1" . Khe shut np bbtWherCstsand looked droadf ul . 14...,,; t ; : K t . MiMl'ifith laughed. ' " Now, Polly, I wnt you to put on ' your hat, go directly to him and tell iiim I wish to seo him instantly, and whoii yon are on your way back you may tell him What you have Jubt told I Tolly disappeared while the resolute Miss Edith partook of supper lor oven the most spiritual end delightful of her set must eat. ' ' '. By the timo she had completed lice repast the pretty maid had returned. She was directed to bring her lover lute, & 6miili sowing-room udjoiuin tho sitting-room. ' r , The girl stared, but obeyed. ' ' . ' The groom, notan ill-looking fellow, fame ia. lie bowed and turned scar let.:.";' ' 7 7 ;'-.' 7'"' Miss Edith proceeded to business cleverly. She ptit a series of sharp Questions, stt'di as you notico women always do when, they take ' matters into thrirown hondd.. : ,i " Is Mr. Ko.bert Novell's horo ia the club stables iu the rao'ecoaiso V . - Yes, ma'am." .. V ." Are' ' persons admitted to the stables as Uicy please to go ?" '' '.. ' " Bless yo ito. ma'am J If they was, half the horses, would be maimed by the roughs of the course, so as to make 'cm lame on the day of the race that Wouldn't do." 7 .'.''!'." : "But the grooms sleep a little, e Jicclally In the night-time, don't they ? " TVy-rWhy I dnnno', ' AVe have to work precious hard, miss. Wo have to exorcise the hore, and speed 'em', - andi gi'pom, 'cm , like babies. Taiu't surinisiug if wo should drop off now cud then." ' ' Oh, no '; I would If I were you,. Tell mo who9o horis is favorite for to-mor-'w rj on ti oy " Mr. l'.abcrt Lovell'a ' Eclipse,' "- WliceWsc(jnd favorite V I W-J "Mr., Lawrcufo Blai;!;'r, 4 Tclo graph:'1' I ;'"' f. . , . . liwrence Black !' Mi:s Edith knew tho name well cuongli. He w ns an oldish man of good family, great reputed wealtli, but also a man, of violent passions aud evil character, lie was huudsome, butaMephistophi lei. V He had oiice shown sorao regard for Miss. Editti, but thatyoungperson placed blight. on hliu so quivKly that he had an opportunity to hate ner before he could lovp-ber.-. -, . v-, T r J Jiicretoro sue r.eam that be W to be a rival of her lover's '-c It n littlo favor nay, with aetual distrust. . he tliwijiht for amomcnt. Has lie got f.ittch noney depend ing on this :-.ice ?' , , " Yes," nia'am; ' So" I'm told least wise. He thinks Lis horse is better than ' Eclipse " " Uocs uo ?" , . , . Thcn- bho tboifhl for a moment more. ' ' ' : ""No- Pmgblnsf to ask-a. favor of you.""M" He cast a glance at Polly, who secretly shook her head menacingly at "him. ;" ' -1 wantto bcndtnittej to the slaWe and to be hidden there whero 1 can watch 5,cUpse' all night long, and I want you to manage t get iuo in and Cut Without bt'Ia jseeii.T f r i-p The groom gasped j ' " AVhat.-Ttiam?" ? .. Sho rcjicatod it.- ..-. Tlicti she govs hiih some money. Tolly glared at him. He camo to his senses; und in a lew moments ho began to think of It .seriously. He began to niaike plahd, and after a sore . This seemed to be a rather harttm - ecarnm ilea for a young lady to possess, but you only get one to love you and she will become a giant of daring, invention and actiou. M tcpMiss .Edith. Jiabited In thicK -shawl -aurP wrapsi1 ei-niy emerged from her Ito use and . wonded her way to the lopg and lofty stables alone. As sits approached, a small door opened before her and she en tered quietly. , . , It was dark in spite of a lantern hung frnru tlie ceiling, and there was St loud tumult of stamping hoofa aud Loivy breulhing of the horses. ' -.' Tbia 'groou) showed her fi grain closet he pointed to it ; she opeu4 It. He howvd her a vvtitilator in tba jdooram pvfuli:4 tq a lutrsu emcUf bppOMito and whispej-ed. Eclipse." .. ,' bhe 'coiujinihcndcd, ' rtnd stepped, within the t!uotu,J hut the duur. , he peered out of the vo'iitiiu'lor anil began her vigil over tlie beautiful animal who war of'sa mii-h iuU pprti:c. to b'cr sn'd lief. " J ' ' $2 PEK ANNUM, Thus did the nnti-racing Miss Edith become an" aider of nOrse-rat:lng. ' Not a movement, of the horse escaped her eve. She became accus tomed to the dim light and could seo very clearly. .'..... . , Eleven o'olock passed, (hen twelve, then one still Miss Edilh gazed ut with unwearied cyo She- was. not. apprehensive ; she was only persistent. , Then two o'clock. Still, tho stable was undisturbed. . The. lac tern shed down Us uncortaiu ray aud still the horses brentlicd loudly and novr aud then kicked at their stalls, .. ,.,'.. j Suddenly, at about half-pnst two, two men seemed to rise Up out f the darkness like shndowa. Miss Edith was wide awake. They cautiously approached ' " Eclipse," Who . was standing tip. They soothed "her in whispers. Then preseutly onestoopctt dowu and gently lifted into his lap cue of her hind feet. What Miss Edith s:iw was developed on the next day. At ten In 'tho morning the report nn round the 'town that " Eclipso was lamed. ' ' 1 ' Mr. Bob, white as ft sheet, rnn to the 'stables. Tho groom had told Tolly ; Polly had in turn told her mis tress, who ' was nervous and agitated. She called her' phaeton and drove at orice to tho stables. ' ' There was a c'row'd of men rushing hither and thilher, furious with anger aud violently denouncing Mr. Robert Lovcll, who Wns accused of rascality Miss Edith demanded to See the horse. ' 7 7 "' 7 " ' ' They led "Eclipse" up before her. The splendid,' iutelligent animal tccincd to look imploringly at her; aud he held one trenibliitg hind foot just off the ground. Miss Edith whisperod to Bob;'wl!tt as staiuliiigbyi ' ' ' ' -' ! .1T was .g by "Can't -!ol. v'i you' find out ' the' "canssj J yd," said he; "we have looked 5a,vau. It must be that she snnpped' some 'of tho small muscles of" her leg, 1 ehall have to withdraw her. I Sup pose ydu know what' that- means,' Edith." She laughed und' then quickly bo. camo serious and aucyy. tSha spoke to theroom... , ., ... .7 ,' - f Take a knife, lift up the horse's lame foot aud you will lind a fine bit of silk thread tied tight about about well, the ankle I suppose."'."' .'., . Tho groom darted to tho horse and did us he was told. ' ' . 7 , A furious cry burst from, .the as scmhlea men. , . ' , " Who did it, miss ? Who did it V. " I cannot tell you," she replied, caiuily. ' 1 know tho gentleman, aud yoa will also know him when bo is safe out of the country. Ho belongs to your association, and I saw the act dune in tho stable at half-past two this morning. The - gentleman will resign . hia intynbeiship within forty-eight hours.". ,.,...'.' This was ail. , . . ' She would not say another word. ' "Come,' Bob, get in with me and Vt will drive home at once." V . " Xo, I ni'tist sfny," replied Bob. "You have saved me thus far; Edith; now I vill look utter 4 Eclipse' until the race Is over." ' " - 1 " ' " Eclipse" won "three straight heats without a balk or break, ' '' ' i"1,1 '.Thiit'nightBob lelt'theeluV" Men stared. C6uld it ' have been Eob who Iumcd 44 Eclipse ?" " ' ' ' ..-Then the secretary read the reslg liutioii of Mr, Lawrence Black. . Everybody hissed andran to t,ake Bob by tho hand. He has quitted horses how, and is devoted to training children.' "-wT'..fT..-r.....i' ...... - i m twivf I'miit licit! i ruuiUi There was a diiy tAcii Tulbyrandf d' r'u ed ia Huvro, hot foot from Paris. It wns the darkest hour of tho French Revolution. Pursued by tho reign' of terror, stripped of every vestige of power lyni property, he secured u pas-s-.igo to 'America in a ship about to sail. He w is going a wanderer' to a strange I.iud to cam hU bread and la bor. 1 " Is tliero an American staying at your hotel ?" ho asked the Inndlord of the hotel. "I am bound across' the water, and iwonld likca letter to a per son of lulluQiieo lu, the New World." The landlord hesitated a moment, and thou replied,; ( . . 41 There Is a gentleman up stairs who Is eliher tu Amuriwiii or au English man, but which 1 cunnoi tell." Ho pointed the way, and Telloyriivul, who in lil'o was bishop. prin and prime uilnister, ascemjed tho s.'jiK A miserable fcupplieuiii he stood at the stranger's door knocked and entered. Ill the fur corner ot' a dimly-lighted rocnu st a man f souiu JUty, .years, his anus foUli di tuid hi best! bowed OH his brenst.' J''i,om u Window direct ly opposite,, a Hood of light poured over his-loivliciid. - JIN eyes gated Into T'llh'.t niiid' l':n li ' lil Ix-iic:iii One Sqnnre (i nnh,)one Inertto- ("Hm Hiiuare ' " rnie month' .tfe' One S'iiare " three montha M One 8fiiare ' one jrear. - ! ea Two square, one year - i QnarterCol. - - M Half " " . .. 0 M One " - . , lee se Legal nollres at etb1lliod rates. Marrloc and fmth notloca, gratia. All billn for Vfarlv. adTertinementa (M.I- lacted quarterly. ' Trhiporary "a4ertlee" menui muni ie paia lor in aavanoe ,r l: ., Job work, Cash on Delivery. , '. his dowh'c:ist'brow With A fe'iillatr' -'s and' fcci.trhiiijf 'tSprtSsloit''.Mliir faM O was striking In Its otilUnef tlw wisuthj i.U and rhln Indlcalivo 4fnn Ireh.willr; .a his form vigorous, evcnwlih1)ienoa, .c f fifty winters. iv'; clad in a rich sad -' distingiilshod costunU. , e.i. ;-t.' . Tallcyrnnd' advanced i confessed i . C' that ho wns a fugitive- nn, that. uo y.i.H dcrthe impression thstthe gonllumart j, ..j before .hint. tVns sn iutot i.uas, h4 to-..-.; lir.ited liis . kiud a:l fiicliiigibfices.i .A Uo poured fottli his hit lory Ja.fclor j rj (jtioid French and broken Eigli-di...ti ue r .'. "I ain a wanderer-ran ctircs' I ln !vi3 forced to fly to the Mi-w VVoibL wtiths j . il out ft iond or hojic. Yoiv are an ; American. . 4.1ivcmc, tbeni LDesecth you, Idler, that I may bo qbln to y.-; oaru my bread. ! am willing io.toib in any lualincr-Mhc sroiies fi:t.Paris. t:' 7 have Ailed nip with tuieiHiurtoi ,-UiAt. , a-life of labor would bo a. iifir:nk-tc to.'nt . st career of luxury in .Fmncn.; You n is will give mo a letter to one b your :. fiiemls.. A gentleman tike you hi'S doubtless, lnauy:friondg.".. '. - . u.i T ' The strange gentlomnn roto. u, Wilts '. .', a look that Talleymnd novcr forgot, : r. a ho retreated towards the door ef.thoi next rhamber, his' head still-duwa- . cast, his eyes still looking from behind i his darkened brow." He poko as lie retreated -backwards, and his voice was full of meaning: ' i ... "I am the only man in the Now World who can raise his hand to God - end say : . , 1 - " 1 have not singlo friend, not one,' " 111 UU AII1C1IC1I. Talleyrand uevcr forgot Alio' over whelming sadness of tho look which accompanied these words. t 7.7 ' ; ' 44 Who are you V' ho' cried, as tho ttrango man . retreated towards tho MAvtiloor.. ' Vnur nnnte " "My name," said he, with a stnilo,,, which had nu ro of mockery than 'of."..' ! Joy iu its convulsivo cxproSnion, "is Bcuedict.Arnold." . , ., .' Ho was goiie, Talleyrand sank it).,,, ,(i the cb'iilr, gasping tho words : .i" .,'!' w " "Arnold tho traitor." . ' ' ,. ' Thus ho wtindcred over the cnrtii 'another Caiu, with the murdorpr'a , ' mark on uiibr.ow. The last twenty, f . years of his Hfo are covered . with "ul cloud, fjfom whose darkness but a fowIvr, jt gleams of light Cash out upon the juigo, of history. , , r, ijfT Dignity cu Doshnbille. i Chateaubriand loved to patroiriin, " -and was one of tho earliest, odinii'oi s of Victor Hugo. Ho sent for the poet while quito a boy, to seo him and paid;; him a very high cumplimcnt on somo., , passages of au odo whhJi ho had writy , u ten... Tho youth wag jathcr right cued by h's pompous nd haughty'.' .1 snannrr..,. HoWcvpr. on one visit that M. Hugo pait him, this fecljiig .was 6oracyhat moditlcd, ftir as they were, sitting together, a servant opened the dooraud brought iu an Unmensa buck-' T. et of water. : Chateaubriand, looseucd. j his ..cravat and, began taking off. , his grecu morocco slii'pcr.. Xou .! llugp,. iiaturally . rose, t.o .take.' his. leave, probably dpemiug that jio hint . !S could bo stronger than this- It was not, however, meant fura hint at all br, for the great man would not. let him j go, but went on., tyidressing a f uo .i, one4Werq)rcsoiit.;i IIq removed hit;,, j grey swsnskln jpautiilocms, his shirt, , his flanuel wisU;o.t, (J'ceucli tlts criptjouR, it will be obrtorved, are parr , tii to detail),, aud got , into tho, big , ., ; tub, where, hie ,wos washed by his ser- ..; v vant. ..Afjter being dried and dressed, 5", he cleayed his teeth, which wero no-- , tably beuutifuV.iind for tho caio of ', -which hukepta wliqlocnsi.'ofdci)(isl'e insli uincuts. Ailcr tlii lit lie epiodo " was over, t'hateaubriund, greatly, re. vived by his sylnshing about in .the watQr, . beguii s nu.st aniuiaiod con versatiou, interrupting it occasionally 7 , to givo his teeth nuutlier touch witl the bruslu Alter this, Victor Jingo . did not look, upon t'lmtcuuhu'Uul's haughty dignity with sj miivh te.ir. London Society, . . , , . The celebrated llcnikruon, theador, ' ' was seldom known to be in a passion. ""' Wheu at Oxford ho was one day do- " bating with a lelloty student, who, ' not keeping his temper, threw a class of wine in his hicc. .Mr. Ilondcison. ... took out his handkcicliief, wiped his , iae, aim ouoiiyjaid : , 44 That sir, was ;.. djgitjssiou; uyw for tho argument,'' - 11 '. .... 77, It is related of Leasing that ho was 1 ocoislonally so ab.eut-nliitdcd thut ,' once he-knocked at Ids owu door, ' when the winant, tit rcciiuixlng hi ' ' : master, looked out of I lie wimiow aud -,'! suhl, " The IVoIckii' is uoi. st home.'' , Oh I yen: wiJI," replicil. I.epig, '. f composedly n iifkuig away, ' l. w Ui , call iigtdrt." " ' ' ' Sevulchi ul' advertising it is m they ' do . it out al'ElUabelh, N. J. Tim " ''' Joiinioiof that city eyV that a' car- L tai'u uuterfak.er -thefa' beiit' to one of' " the p-omuii'ut physicians of the place' a lot..of .death, ccrtlllcutes with hi' " ca;'d ou' tljt'iu "as. a' conipliuentoiy Iesciil 0 tlo doctor. A m at dodge, thiij, pC'Uiai'iJ'ft'h'il'S lo"Jvr-ey, , tUa ' If. '. I A sir '.Ml s j.e 'i I t