JOB WORK Conceiving tlint our climate has perrrmtftetitly clinngwi, and that Jience 1'ortU we niny expect to be visited .by severe .winters, an extensive " New York builder proposes to (it houses in future to be erected by him with double window sashes, tuhbe put on in winter, as in Canada and other cold countries. A great sating in fuel is eflected by such fittings. Mark Twain has wiitten a lecture, which he p'roposes to deliver at f'200, or so, a night, on hi rights to the va cant Sandwich Island throne. He lays no claim to kingship with the de ceased King Kamehameha, but rests his title in the fact thnt he has no oth er means of support. ' Kansas has riiado itself nearly bankrupt by its lavish assistance to railway projscts. Over $8,000,000 ia bends have already been issue! by counties and precincts, and in some instances the railroad debt exceeds the assessed valuation of all the land in the preeiuct or county. Bishop Gilbert Haven finds three lurge Trotestant congregations in the ciy of Mexico and wants a dozen min isters there right oft". He is much do lighted to find 'a company of singers gathered in the amtn corner, going ns loud as they could in real Methodist airs.' As some people are getting hysteri cal over what they call the inaugura tion expenses ef the nation, it should be known that CangreS3 don't appro priate It cent for inauguration, and the whole expenditure is paid out of the pockets of the people of the cily of Washington. The outcry is general in New Ecg land neainst the severity of tlie.iyjnter. "For fitly years," say they who watch the vagaries of the Ihcrinomnter with interest, and whoso ideas run smoothly along isothermal lines, "uo winter has been so rigorous." A section of plastering about the ize of a '.ed quilt fell on the heads of a group of State Senators, who occu pied seats) together in a Nashville the atre, the other evening. The frighten ed legislators thought an investigation was at hand. Here is the champion girl. Just out of school, down in Mississippi, hired a few negroes last season, and under took to carry on the farm at her homestead. Kesult : Eight bins pota tatois, six hundred bushels corn. Smart girl that. Three nights in opera in Chicago last week resulted in taking $17,800, This sum must bo multiplied several ti m 33 to show what those three nignts of opera cosi those who went. And moeny is tight in Chicago ! Thin party (to street urchin). "Boy, what do you suppose that dog is fid lowing me for!" The youngster casts a knowing look at him and readily re plies! "Guess he takes you for a bone!'' Cough lectured to the Young Men's Christian Association, of Zancsville, on "Will It Tuy?" The receipts were light, and the young men have about Concluded that an answer in the nega tive would be correct. The PoRtmaster-General has issued advertisements for bids for the new penny postal cards. It is the inten tion of the department to have the cards ready for issue by the 1st of May. It is proposed to put in operational the Vienna Exhibition a model shoe factory, doing nil the steps of the work by .machinery, and turning out a fiinised shoe in seven minutes. Lizzie Rogers, of Williamsport, is said to he the best female book-keeper in the U. S. Treasury nt Washington. She has been made eligible to a $1, 800 clerkship. Western women are grumbling ter ribly because the managers of agricul tural fairs don't give at least a year's notice w hen they ofier prizes for the finest babies. New Hampshire is one of the nine States in which the Post-office receipts exceed the expenditures; the surplus on her behalf last year was over $30,- 000. A somewhat illiterate old gentle man up town has named his dog "Michael Angelo," on the supposition that M. A. was one of the old mastiffs. Under tho heading of "Happy Thoughts," the Petersburg (Va.) Ap peal says that more sickness prevails in that city than for many years past. Every person on the staffof the Lon don lme has held his place nine years, while 6oine have been connected with the paper twenty-two years. A man advertises for a competent person to undertake the sale of a new medicine, and adds that "it will prove Jiighly lucrative to the undertaker." Thero are twenty thousand members of the Order of the Patriotic Sons of America in this Stale. A. stone-cutter iu Detroit keeps 'ready-made gravestones witb the name Smith cut thereon. Ridiculous enough. A 200-pound poetess writing verses about what she would do "it the were a sunDeam. Thousands of young women practice at the bar in 'England. They are I, nou'ii as bar nia'xN. IKNE AT TUB 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At he lotcett eaah priett, neatly, prompt ly, and in ttyU equal to that f may other ettablithment in ttw LHttrici. BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CABDfi, SCHOOL CARDfi WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, JIOMIILY STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES BILL IIEAD6, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS. BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, nANDBILLB, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, Ac C Nil I i M6 k&x&t 167 Water Street, GENERAL STEINWAY A SONS, CIIICKERING A SOMS, AND ins PIANO FORTES, Ai well as several other makes. Also the TTILTITEiD STATES OIRGKAHSTS, A X 1 TAYLOR &c FARLEY OHQ-A1TS. SHEET MUSIC BOOKS, and everything in the MUSIC LINE, which will bo furnished nt the very lowest prices. Send lor circular. 3!)-ly. . WING AND SON, 'THE AMEHIG'AX FIAXO,' 423 BROOME STREET, IN". Y. TJ-TSTJRASSEID Firt premiums wherever exhibited Prices low for the quality nnm I I...... .1 C ....J I f... . . 11 I 1 juLtff ftuuncu iim ot'i-uuii-iini.u instruments ill lXCliangc. From Mr. Edward Hoffman, the celebrated Pianist. ' I conscientiously believo that your Piano is iu every respect a most magnifi cent Instrument. From the "Independent." The American Piano hat deservedly become a viry popular Instrument. S& Responsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send fur circulars to WING tfc SOX, 423 Broome St., N Y. 42-fim BEST THING IN THE WEST. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. R. Hi -A. InT 3D S I R. THREE MILLION ACRES Scaled in and nenr tlio Arkansas Valley, tlio Finest Portion of KniiMis ! Eleven years' Credit. Seven per Cent. Interest, 21 1-2 percent, reduction to sottler who improve. FREE PASS TO LAND BUYERS! THE FACTS nbout this Grant are Low Prices, I.onj; Credit, and a Rebate to Bot tlers of nearly oiie-lourlh j a Kieli Soil and Spendid Climate; short and mild Winters; caily piantiiur, nod no wintering of .Stork; plenty of Rainfall, and just at ilio rirhl season ; Coal, Stone and jirick on the line; Cheap ltatos on Lumber, Coal, Ac; no lands owned by Hpee.ulators; lloiuoKtead and Prc-cmptloiiR now abundant ; a lirsl-cla-ss Railroad on the lino of a jjroat Through Houte; Products will pay for Land and Improvements. It is the liest opportunity ever offered to the public, through the recent completion of the ltoad. Kor Circulars and general information, address A. K. TO L'.ALI X , Malinger I .and Dcp't, ):t-2m, Topeka, Kan. NOI3L.ECIIiVIITY. OMAHA LOTTERY. TO ERKCT THE NEBRASKA STATE ORPHAN ASYLUM To bo Drawn in Public, Mar. 31st, 1873. Tickets $1. Each or Six for o. Tickets sent by Express C. 0. 1). if deired. t Grand Cash Pri.o ... (75,0tO 1 Grand Cash Prize ... .'5,000 1 Grand Caeh Prize ... 15.000 1 Grand Cash Pli.e ... o,ooo 1 Cusli Prize .... 5,000 1 Cash Prize .... 4,000 For balance of Prizes send for Circular. This LokI Enterprise is endorsed by his excellency Gov. W. II. James, uiul tho best business men of the State. Tho limited number of Tickets on hand will be furnished those who noplv tirst. Agents Wanted. For full particulars address J. M. PATTEE, 45 4t General Manager, Omaha, Nob. NEBRASKA GRIST MILL. THE GRIST MILL nt Nebraska (Lacv town,) Forest eountv, has been thor oughly overhauled and relitted in liit elass order, and is now runuiiiL' and dointr all kinds of B Cl'STOJI J II I V I I J. FLU VII, FEED, AND OATS. Constantly on hand, and sold at tho very lowest ligures. 13-0m II. V. LEDEI5VH. LOTS FOR SALE! IS TUB BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to .GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., New York CHy. BOOKKEEPING MADE EASY. Every clerk and merchant can learn at once. P.ook mailed, 50e. II. Gouldine llrvanl. Ituflulo X. V. Meadville, Pa. AGENT FOR WM. B. BRADBURY -Largo Tho oldest and most reliable. Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education, impractical business men as iustnic- torA For information, write for a circular to 1-. t;, soas, I'iltnburgh, Pa. SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. BLACKSMITHS AND WAGON-MAKERS. Corner.of Church and Elm Streets, TIOICSTA T?.A. This firm is prepared to do nil work in Its line, and will warrant everythiiiK done at their sli'.ps to (,'ivo satisfaction. Pur tienlnr attention given to iaoijsa:.siiM, fiivothwn atrial, and vou will not re BiotH. 13-lr. THE WEEKLY SUN. ONLY $1 A YEAR. 8 PAGES. 77ie Bcxt Ftimih Pttper.TUv Weekly N. Y. Stin. 8 jiuges. f 1 a year. Send your Dollar. The llrst Africullural I'ajitr. The Weekly N. Y. Sun. 8 patfe's. a year. Send youi Dollar. Tho llrst Political Paper Tho Weekly " j'v..... i nun niiiiiiu. iiKttinst Publio Plunder. 8 pagos. ft a year. Send your Dollar. The Host Xeirxpaper. The Weeklv N. Y. fiuii. 8 pages, jl a year. Send "vour Dollar. lla All t ha -Vrirn. The Weekly N". Y. Sun. 8 pages. 1 a year. Send v'otir Dol lar. The Itest Slum Pinter. -Tim WVoklt- V Y. Sun. 8iares. 1 a vear. Send "vour Dollar. 77i; J-'anhiun Heporta in tho Weeklv X. Y. Sun. 8 pages. ?1 u year. 8en'd your Dollar. The llent Market Mepurt iu tho Woekly X. Y. Sun. H paHcs. flu year. Send your Dollar. The Heat little lieports in tho Weekly X. Y. Sun. 8 pages. $1 a vear. Send your Dollar. The Jleat Paper in Every Heaped. The Weekly N. Y. Sun. 8 pages, f 1 a year. Send vour Dollar. Address, THE SUX, New York City. PjRAPII "gXlLERY. Water Street, ADJOINIXtf THE HOLMES HOVSE, Tionesta, Fa., M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor. Pietures taken iu all tho !atet stvle the art. t-t'-tf mm. M RADWAY'S READY 'RELIEF Cl'RKs THE WOHsT TAI.Na In from One to Twenty Minutes. . NOT ONE HOUR llw rtfeUiiit tlilt ititvf rtiactitL'tit ncpd any on HrFFKR WITH VMS. RADWArS KKADY KFJ.1FF id a CURE 10(1 KVEUY TAIN. It wm tlu- Dm uid U tTli Only JLmln Itomrdv trial tniiil)y tiua infl most k cm I at hit iin, alart tiflRmtrntlntia, an 4 rurta t'nrirt.Hnn, whrtlivr tt Uo uitf, Biomack, iiuwcla, or oilier Klandi r uricana. ty two I'liilcmUm. lf KUOM OVie TO TWFKTT ff matinr buw l(iloit or ficriieUtliiK the umu ilia llHLt'MATin, Bl rMrVn flrm, I'nitpMt, Strvaua, Itauralgie, vt prdtlraivtl with 0 niav surtr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFPliRIl INSTANT KAsK. IMF L A M U A I'll IN or T1IK KII'NRVS. INH.AMVATION OF THK HLAlDF.R. WrLAMUATlOS nr THK UOWKI.S. C'O.ttiKSI'loN OK THE IXXOS. 80RI THROAT, IUKKIfl'l.T HI1KA I MINil PALPITATION OF TIIK I1KART. HYSTERICS, CHulil', lilPIITII Kill A. t'ATAKKII, INFLUENZA. EEADACI1B, TOOTHAf'IIE. . .. NKtiHAI.OtA. nilECMATISU. COT.O mtl.tA AI1HK CHILI S. Tli ippheMl"n rrih Hrnily Hrllpf In t?it part nr finru wfir Uit ln ur (lifllcully e&iau HI affc.l cud fcnd mnifurt. Twtulf ilwpi In litlf A tumWfr of wntrr irlll In f.r mnmti.u oui CHAMPS, hPAKMS, SOLI! STOMAlll. 1IIARTIH UN, SII'K IIPADAi'MK, UIAHHIIKA DTSENTEKV. COLIC. WIND IN Till; BOWELS Kiul nil INTERNAL PAINS. Tiftvcltr )ioi'ld wv cmtt m botltf of RnrfwiCa Itrutf Kftllrf wiUi Oicnt. A fw ilroimlu wiitw ; trvvMit KitltiiMHi or nhm from rlmnet tf trftk-r. l u t .ttf Ului Fraudi BrAiuljr tr Hitler itf tliaiUmit. l'KVIR ASO AW-K. Tt IU AMI AOCB rtirtil fr Oily ciiu. TS"r Is liot rrtidini actut In tliliwciM Oiat will cnr Kt-tr 4 AfU, UJ All Ptlltr jR'tHIII. PlllOOl, SfRtlrt Tv. I.lii-Ul, Ttllww. and utlir Frveni nlitnl lv It A lV AY'S PILI.SI qulc w ItAllWAY'S HEADY ItELIEP. Fifty HUUpir tiuttli. Hokl ly Oruggtsu. HEALTH llEAUTY ! ! tTROVl AM) Pt'I'.K ISIC1I Hl.ooli-INrllKAfK or ri.tsii ami vki:iih'-ci tAit skin liKAl'TIFlLlOUPLKXKi.N SKI. I KKK TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT tt AS MAUI THE Kor ASTOVISMINQ l'l REH i ki gi ii K, ti ii a tM auv: line (ii.uU THE rlot'f I'MU'liooF. IM.r'lt TI1K I.N- Every Day ftn Inercnso In Flosh nnd 'wr'C'IftM 13 Soen and Folt. THE CWEAT DLOOD PUfCIFlER. r--r drnp or PAKSAVAHH.I.IAN RKmI.V INT iinnuu!ravi I' tbt l!itOt. Hval, i.utl rtlir fli:I1i xml Vilrei ot the ivi'.cni th itr of life, for tt riilis tlm w ,vt" .f the Ln.dr wiili new m-il lui I luttarlol. P-rTuln, Jcjblht, l'tjiinllvii, tslnntj'tlar iHsa.iM, l'tpri u Hie Tlm-Kt, - niJi. '1 un.ur. V.c"m i . t a tJimtt a't.l oUir rnrtu tf lite avaitr.i, hura llvo, B'.tninoui 1iK-'ar a ficin tt l.ate, wl ilic wnn-t Utr.:t of Bkln tilkun, KhiiIIohh, rv?r S'.rr, tvull Haa'1, llinc Wnrm, S(t lUifiun. tr tM(i'..iv Amip, llfk rPuii WfntiiH In Du Hcth, J'l.nn-n. '-virer (ti ! t Tsnina, and alt irct.kri l?n iiul ) sinful (litrhataiit, Ntgi.l Pwiata, 1ci tf f ;.trtu. ami ill wsiitucilit rla, ra within Ui eurativti ra ( f tlU wonilei ( Hs,4 ai ChfinUlrv, A1 il X Tw ' tisni Mil f -ura tt h f jiuraim uii'K it fr rlfitr tt litaaa fu:aia of tfaaaa ita pcttut puw.-i e'i' tltrm, If tha pKtifit, dllr Imomlrtf rtTntf1 by Iht wifti a mI la'u!iii(iill(Hi tit tit It fniiilmn Itv Kpcrtulif, tva fttl lit Hrrlln tbr! v.;itra. n n l,e mi, mit mitill mHtf fi-o'n Kvtliliv b!oe. aiirl ixu tia S.MtSAIAltlLM AN will ,! ilret rcontt. tnr ilut i.i Ss.anfcfthit.LiA- Kau.Tsirr i ! a' tu-irvit rvnirtiUI ,;f r:ilt iti ll t if hrin, Pi.'i- L'iitiHut-iaa, a..i Cur .-an ; bu:UU tim.:.' -ftUivtcarafor Eilctncy & ES:alikr C'ciaiplrJn ;! r."iS 'lrfri, (Irare?!. Matt(pa, lnii, Pt ipW '( Wntrr, Ino-iilli .eiic wf I,, llrlfd.l't ) 1 f"a, AlhiiiniiiuiiA. :iiiti in it' I cuff wl.i-u- ll.tre lire IriV lll dapoitra ur tiiw vatr U ililt k, fj ml , tuUrtl f i.ietaticri !U ilia wi.l'.t of hit . r (l:rnrt iV w 1.19 Hi, or titer In nturlii l, lrlt, l.lum ncr:rniip. a4 a hlta loii fiu tlf.ont;, t. wlitu ihai U a jri-ii'r, l.'.T'.nix f'-imuUn'i wfu'-i (is-nu v tti r, n-.A yz'.n U l-o 1 111.U ..r!iip lift ;,.! nS.u I!. 4: l.u.i.a. 11 K, ;.trf, m VOfffi3.- "'-5 r-,W tr.own r.itl t in IUK:T fit i. (;;"..-.". I, 't ipr, CmC, Cured ly StuauiaV rCoiolicnt. rti.T, uw., ii, im. T. RAiswsr r-! Va ai (risi Tr la tie vtria p V-Wils. All te IWton sU " ma tu m hH far ll." 1 Ui4 ry l)' vhsl "s reeoromii-'sd i bi silk sr silsei I ymnt Keetlttnl, r iHook'jI 1 sreVa irjr il : hmt h4 m fa. Ik tell, te-ame I kki surod far twtlv ara. I tk alt kwltlea f th KtUnt, ev4 aaa kll rUdwa a fllU, mtii 1st k tlaa of yamr KmwIt Uti.f ; mu4 lhia la not sign of lawnr U k mis or Ml, I fl tetter, (matter, tiasl arelr Uta hn fer jssri, Tu wattt turner wm U Ilia U ft aiJr ef Ui k--alH t ii fro.e. I wrlia tela U ) ff lit baaatl ai atawti Ya aaa faklkak II U ran akeeia. Hawaii p. rxrp. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, pvrfrctlt' 1aitlaas, iantly mattl with awtat fnmt rurgt, rvruiiita, jmrlfr, t tatisa, aril ireorllteH. lUd war a rn!f . fur the rtira of all ctitordf ti i.f tl.a lmcJt, I.lvtT, llowcla. Kid lilaildar, Ntrvoua I Iaava Xtatlaclia, t'otiati!.ailo:i, fuatWaueaa, Inrtlg aatton. Iraia a! a, TtllM xia t'.itlout Fattr, Inflnnintina uf tla Uowala, I'ltaahJ all PfranfamanUwf lla Ju'art.aj VU ears, N arrantwl to tfTtct a .oattUa curt, l'urvlf Vfpt. blt.'-ontaltil"( iio nurcuty, mlntrala, nrttaluri'uaa:uga. f t -H Ta Uis fulloohit; ymjlwiua i (aiming frgm Iiortlara of Uit lMjUva Oiaua; riitllfilo, nrr4 Pile, fullns ef tti ti4 la tke Hi, AM!l ( the tunsih, Nausea. He.nLur, lirat af T4, rltaas er Wi a tba Sieruiseh. Kutr KrneUllnas, AiKklat Viatltr'aat t'.e Pit t llif f-toork, a(ulWM,lV 1 l,l, Ham est n4 lidlralt ftVaaikint;. Klmurlnr ai tke Haul. Chu;ir r K-ilomiinj SfTiuiissi afaeit jn ft l.n g Piir, I1m!n-ff Tlilaa. iKtb or tt'eba bfra ifc f irtt, Kerer fti4 Dttll Pan la Ue Its!. lffir.itf ef 1'arst tratlon, YriMwreea of tke r-hui jis Crea. Pan .a tU Sis, .kal, Uutbi, aaj autkUa Fluiktiaf iiae.1. Baratay t the Hesj. A ftw d.'-aca of K ADWAT'8 rTT.T.S wll! fra tlit la tt.ti frumall Ilia almvc-i'im ail rlNnrritia, 1'ilCf. a tt.M t Ita.AD -KAi.SK AM lltLR." ftand on Mt KsV.iMU RAPWAT A CO.. No. 8; Ifaidan In a. Saw. or, liiforuihiioa worth iliotiaaada uill La ski.1 yuu. wona an By an immense practice, eitending liirouh a vf many years, havm wittiin that unit treated "ov aint lUousaiiU cases of thjsa tjiteascs pcculiat to woman, I have been enabled to perfect a most potent and agreeable medicine that meets the) indications presented by that clasi of diseases with positive car tainty and exactness. i o designate this natural specific compound, X havsj oanatd it Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription. The terra, however, is but a feeble expression of my most matured appreciation of its value, based upon actual and witneaked realities. As a close observer, 1 hav while witnessing us positive results ia the few apecial diseases incident to the separate orgamim of woman, singled it out as thtdtmax f crrwnmg gtm 0 my m.atiai carter. On its merits as a pouuve, safe, and effectual remedy fur this clas ol diseases, and one that will at all times and under all ciicum tances act kindly and in harmony with the law which govern the female system. 1 am willing to stake my reputation as a pltysician. Nay, even more, so confi dent am I that it will nut disappoint the most sanguine expectations of a single invalid lady who employs it for any of the ailments fur which I recommend it. that 1 ofier a, id sell it under A 1MJSITI Vfc, t-L AK ANTblkl. II a beneficial ctlect is not experienced by the time two-thirds of the content of the boitlu are used, I will, on the return of the bottle, two-thin's o the medicine having been taken according to direc tions, and the case being one lor which 1 icconimend it, promptly refund the money paid lor it. Had 1 not the most p:rfect confidence in us virtues, I could not oiTer it as 1 do under thete conditions ; but having wit nessed us truly miraculous cure in thousands of cases. t toarranttJ and fcr'tctiy iif in rttkiuf bah my rtutitttan and tny trnwey on itt mtriu. The following are among those diseases in which my Fvwtt 'rruritton has worked cures a if by magic and with a certainty never before attained by anv medicine : Leucorrhira, Kxceiuve Flowing, Pain fulf Monthly Periods, buppressiuns when from unnat ural causes. Irreularine. Weak Hack, 1'roUpsus, or falling of the Iter us, Anteversion and Retroversion, Hearing Down Sensations, Julcmal Heal, Nervous Depression, Debility, Despondency, Threatened Mis carriage, Chronic Congestion, Inflammation and Ul ceration of the Uterus, and very many other chronic diseases peculiar to woman not mentioned here, in which, as well as in the cacs which 1 have mentioned, my Favorite Prescription works cures the marvel of the world. This medicine I do not extol as a cure-all, but it admirably fulfills a singleness ol purpose, being a most perfect ttteuuc in all chronic disease of the aexual system of woman. It will not tisappinc, not will it do harm in any atat or coudiuuti. It is A SiusT Puwikm l Has nst ativi Tonic to the gen eral as well as the sexual system, also combining the most valuable nervine properties, riothihe muscular and nervous forces are strengthened and built up by its use. . It will be found invaluable iu diseases inci dent to pregnancy, and can be taken in moderate doses with perfect safety while in that state. Indeed, it is a Mother's Cordial, and so prepares the system for parturition that it renders child-labor easy. 1 have received the heartfelt praise from, hundreds wf mothers, for the inestimable blunts thus conferred. I oiler my Favorite Prescription to the Lac'Ics of America with the sincerity ofan honest hcatt, and for their best welfare. Those who desire further iidorma ation on these subjects can obtain it in my '1 SKATihE m Chronic Disease of ma Czkbkativ anu Vminakv Organs, sent secure from obscrvatiou upon receipt of two jMstaie stamp. It treats minutely oq those diseases peculiar to Venules, and gives mud) valuable ad vie in recard to their management. lui. Pii i : l ATOHii i; rRF ftl tilPTION lNOI,Ul A I At lllUs1 C LAla DUlCOISl t), 1.60 er bol 41 Manufactured at the Oemical laboratory of . B. V. VlKHCK, M. J)., -.. . - Son Pvopriktor, . UUrrAl '). V. Y. Wt Hnnoii en 11 take these Ulttara accorrf fng tn ilireciions, and re in ,i in long unwell, providttt their bonee, nre not Heslrovcd by mineral poison or otbar mean, and ilia viul organs wnstttl btyood lu eial of rfpsir. I tepaln or Iittlfcf at lots. HtiHacht, Tm in the Shouidrr. CourIis I ibniest of tht Cheat, Di. line-, Sour Kruct.itions nf the Stomach, had faata in the Mouth, Itihons Attacks, Palpitation nf the Hr-nrt. I inn of the 1. titles, pain in be regiswa of the KiHncvfl, and n hundred ether painful aymptomk, are (he offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these com plaint tt Iu no equal, 11 id one bottle will prove a Latter guar ' antff of its merit thin R li-nt;lhv ndvtriiaemtnt. For Kc in nle l'otiiilnlna in yonnf er t1tC' mart i-H or hIp, at the rl.twn of wiimanhood. or the turn of lite, those Tonic Hitters di'phiy decided at influence ihtt a htaiked iitrovencnl it Root pern-' tibV. For Itiflammntory anil Chrtanlti nkasa atttstlaiii and Im.ui, Hthous, Kentiiitm and Inter nuttfiit heve.-t, Disr.isrsuf the Wood, l.ivtr, Kidneya and llladdrr, thc Pitiers h-ive no equal. Sitch &it ease- aie tit nard bv Vni.itcd Hlornl, which It gtneraslt rorhiciMl bv tL-rneptnei't i-f tlie Ditsuve Organs, Tliry nm is fern lie litrtlVw at well us) tk Tonlr. postaini; also ihe peculiar merit of acting as a Kwrriiil .ir.iMil m t cuevin Confslion or lnflsm matiim of the l.ivt r nnd Visceral Oi Ktn Rati in UiUeaaa"i. Vnv Skin ntmflr, Tvrnptiona, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Hinies, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, lloila, Car Imnclcs, Riu:4 oi ni, Sc.i'.d-1 lead, Sore Kyes. Kry sipflan, tub, St int, DiMoloraiiousof Iht Skin, Humect) and !sr.ies ol the Snin, of u ha lever name or nature ric literati v dot; tip nnd cinieil out of iht tytttat ia a thoit lime )v th- u.e of llx'st Hitters Cel lllrflll TIlOIIMIMlila) proclnira VtNIGAI B IT TIT s the imist ssoudeiiiil luviuram that tver aualaiaad the sinkiuc svattiu. J W A LKY. H, . Vr. 11. II. Mr OOTf 4LD CO., DiugsiMt and Grn. Akis., Krancitc Cat. and cor. of WatliuipUm andi.'harltoti Sia., New VoHu OLD BY AM, DKUGjlhi AND DKAL&Rg, Oil Cm&lklTniy KlVer Uy O y AND AKTi:il Monday June , 1WI, imiin win i-uiiu roiiuwm kOlM IIWARD TltAI.tS, STATIONS: lnt Cltt.i. id t1M. - e io it . m. . in. p. in, a. m. a. m. Corry 0 11 1)0 6 .'. S uo v orrv D i.i 11 uu 0 1.9 Sliurlannblirij 0 '2 11 35 6 Vt li'vnden fit 11 47 tt 10 ii OntroTill. 7 0 11 f,5 6 49 U Trynnvlllo 7 IS 12 0;l 8 H 10 M llydi'lown 7 aft 12 15 7 It 11 00 ar 7 12 26 7 !5 II 20 Titimvllle UK 7 42 12 45 7 40 lit 11 St Miller I "aim tl 02 1 03 7 69 0 65 IS It KlimW 8 07 1 08 8 OS 7 VO 12 20 l'ioiieor 17 1 18 8 10 7 40 12 41 AR ttUlaS82S7 651M Pet C'entr. n a 8 IS 1 2S 8 SO $ 10 1 M Columbia 8S5 1S5 III 8 20 i Is Tarr 1'arm 8 40 I SM 8 42 8 SO t 34 llynd Kami 8 48 1 44 8 60 8 48 3 40 Hounerilla 8 63 1 49 8 6 9 00 IM McClintiH-k ! 68 16S 900 905 H AH 9 10 2 05 9 15 9 20 I 20 Oil C'ltv lb 0 15 2 10 10 IS I 4 Oleopolii 9 45 2H0 11 10 4 2S KhuIa Hook 9 68 2 48 11 12 4 60 President 9 60 2 60 II St 4 64 Tinne.ta 10 2S 8 12 12 SO 5 S7 Hickory 10 44 S 82 1 20 It Ti-unkiivvllU 10 54 S 41 1 46 I 41 Tidiuuta 11 11 8 68 t 24 7 10 Irrinoton 12 01 4 40 4 05 I 40 ADIllTlUNALa'COD-CLAKSTRAIKS-aoVTSI. No. 18. Tilu.vlllo 2,10 p. m.t Miller 2,60: Pionerr 3 20j IVt Cuntre S.SS; Columbia 4.1uj Tarr Farm 4,23: Kvnd rarm 4.S7 1 K(usevillo4,r3; Oil I'ltySVjO. No. 8 Corry ,15 o. in.; Titn. villa 8,S5 Miller Karri ll,;j IVt Con(roB,4S; Colum bia 10,l:ij Tarr Farm 10.18; Kvnd Farm 10,'J7; UmiNovillo lO.HSj Oil City 11 00. No. in. IVt Centre l.iiS p. m.i Ct lumbla 1,60; Tarr Farm 2,0i; Kvnd Farm 2 10; Kmiseville 2.:;0; Oil City 3,00. No. 22 Oil City 0,ao a. m ; Olaopolia 7,i5, Timii'Hta 8,51 j Trunkey vllle; nouriiWAitu tiiaims. STATIONS: 1st Clasa. , 2d Ct: 3 1 ' 13 9 a. in. p. m. p. m. a. m. a. m. Ii vlneti.n 12 4.i 5 05 9 00 7 45 Tidiouto i;8 6 47 7 9 Ot Trunkeyvllls 1 46 8 05 I 05 10 If Hickory 1 64 8 It fl 20 10 44 TionoNia 2 14 8 S4 I 45 11 40 President 2 85 8 65 SO 12 21 Kagle Rock 2 3 1 69 I S5 12 SS Oloopolia 2 47 7 08 10 05 1 OS OH City" 7WI0 65 1 60 Da 0 00 3 20 7 40 11 10 I 10 MrCHntnok 8 IS (0 32 7 55 11 60 t 25 Kouaovilla 8 10 S 35 7 69 12 00 2 SO Kvnd Furm IA L'O IM 40 CR ru 1 on in Tarr Farm 8 25 S 43 8 10 12 88 I 6t Columbia -JH 8 411 8 14 12 48 S 10 ar 8 S4 3 65 8 21 1 06 S 20 Pet Centre HIS 8 38 8 59 8 2S 1 55 I SS Pioneer 6 42 4 00 8 30 1 46 8 44 Shatter 0 Sil 4 15 8 40 2 00 4 It Miller Farm A 5(1 4 20 8 44 2 15 4 40 ar J7 15 4 40 9 05 3 45 I 20 fitunville I'K 7 35 4 45 9 10 8 05 HydoUiH ii 7 44 4 65 9 20 3 20 Tryon villa 7 67 6 OS f 9 34 t 60 Centrevillo 8 05 6 17 19 43 4 10 Ulynden 14 5 27 9 68 4 SO Siartnnibui 8 '24 5 33 lO 02 4 60 Corry 8 05 8 10 10 83 6 60 AUDITION AI.SKCOND-(XASTRAma-HOTSI No. 15 Oil City fi.55 a. m.j Kouaerllle 7.20; Turr Farm 7.4H; Columbia 7.66; pat Centre M0; Pioneer 8.10: Millar 9.26: Tituaville H.55. ' ' No. 7 TiuiMvillo 9.00 a. in. Corry 11.25. No. 11 (hi City U.JO a. in.; Koueville 11.4a; P.ynd Farm 11.53; Tarr Farm 12.03; Coluinbiii 12.10; Pi t Centre 12.20; MiUar 1.2.i; TitiiKville 2.00; Corrv 4.42 p. rn, No. 21 Tidioute 1J.46 p. m.j Tfunkayv villo l.4.i; Tioiiet.ttt2.4;i; Olunnolis 4.25: Otk City 6.1:0. () Trains do not stop, () Stoi on signal, (J) Klnp lor minis, T ". Trains 5. 0, 21 mul 22 run daily; all othar trauiH daily except SundaVB. Train No. 10 ia ah Kipreat from TitiiHVillo to Corry. Hll.VKU PALACE bLKKI'JNq C A fBAJVa. change 1irott lrolu VWlaJolijiU witlioul clmrKe Pi'Ct ,0 1hillelphia without, No.o Diroot from Pittaburgh without vliango. " . No, 0 Iiireet to Plttaburah without chanuo, C. 3. HEPnURJT JNO. PITCA1R.V. Huporlnteiideiit. Gon'l Manager. DR. J N. BOliARD, .r Ttdloule, haa ret;rntd to In. practice aAer an ab. sence of four months, spent Iqlha Uopi. I, . . . ', nun, fi viii awma oalla in In. profeMlon. '" iu r-ureaa urug- Htera, 14 Arn rwve ths hank, Tldlowa, Pa, 1