19 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDXKSIlAY, BY V. It. DUNN". OFFICE 15 E0B1N80S & BOHRER'B BUILDING!, ELM BTEEET, TIONESTA, PA. TIC U MS, M.ttO A YEAR, i ' No Subscriptions received for n shorter poiiod than threo months, i Correspondence solicited from nil parts of the country. No notico will bo taken of nnnon vinous communications. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGE MEETS every Friday evening, nt 7 o'clock, in tlii Hull formerly occupied by thoUood Templars. M. ITT EL, X. O. W. It. DUNN, Nce'y. 27-tf. Samuel D. Irwin, TTORNEY.COUNSF.LLOlt AT LAW J v nml ui;.i, ra i A i n aiii'.m , i.cgai busiiH'ss promptly attcuitvtl to, Tionesta, l'u. 10-ly , WBWTnK PlirTIH. Mll.KS W. TATH. PKTTIS TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . M, 7'ION KSTA , PA W. W. Maxm, Onrn i. Jenki, TtaMMrn, r. Mason 3k. JenKa, A TTORXEYS AT LAW. Office on F.lm . Htroot, above Wiilnut, Tionesta, ra W. P. Mercilliott, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR AT LAW TIoiiohIii. Pa. Olllee on I 'Jin Stieet. The professional services o'f tho Hon. H. 1". Johnson can he secured through me if tlMired In any business entrusted to nie in Iforest Co. Collections promptly attended V. Also Heal Estate Agent. F. W. Hays, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Xotahy Prm.lc, Revnolils Hukill A Co.'s liluck, Sunoca St.", Oil City, l'a. 8y-ly Georgo F. Davenport, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Special atten tion (ilven to the InvoKtiuationof Lund Titles, Coiiveyiincinur nnd Collections In Venango, Ci aw ford nnd ndjacont counties, ill business promptly attended to. No. f Mercnntilo lllock, oil' City, Pa. SH-ly r. KINNKAIt. r. B. HMILGT, KIXXEA 11 C SMILE Y, t Attorneys at Law, - - - Franklin, Pa. I PRACTICE In the several Courts of Ve naugo, Crawford, Forest, and nlioin Ing coiiuties. 8'J-ly. J. M. MARK!, ' ' ' 11. 1. TAfwKTT, it a iwts .p rjssrrr, Attorney at Law, TituaYlll Penn'n. PRACTICE In all tlio Courts or Warren, Crawford, Forest and Venango Couu ttoa. 4-tf J'Jtl SlClA XS ll 5 1'ltUEOXS. J. VriUAsi M. P., and J. E. ELAINE, If. D. IlnviiiC entered Into a eo-pnrtnerxhip, all cnlla, nitrht or day, will receive Immediate attention. iJtlice at resldeneo of lr. Wi iiaiis, Eliiifl., Tionesta, l'u. 3fl-ly Clnrles B. Atsart, EXTIST. Centre Street, Oil City, Pa. Ju Simons Jiloek. Lawrenca House, WM. LAWRENCE, TnofKiKTon. This house hns Just been opened to the public and tho furniture nnd fittings are all new. tluests will bo well entertained at reasonable rates. Is situated on Em St., opposite Superior Lumber Co. Store. 3'J-ly Tioneila House. MITT EL, Proprietor, Klin St. Tio- noHla, Pa., at tho mouth of thuereek, Mr. Ittla has thoroughly renovated tho Tioneta House, und ro-l'uruished it eoui- I ei rly. All who pntronl7.o him will bo wall entertained at reasonable rates. 'M ly FCIEST HOUSE, D11LAC1C PROPRIETOR. Opposite . Court House, Tionesta, Pa. Just opened. Everything new and clean asid fresh. The host of liquors ket ronstautly on hand.- A portion of the public patrv,,! mi it reapoetfully solicited. 4-17-ly Scot Hoi, " FAOUNLUS, PA..K. A. Roberts, Pro prietor. Yhls hotel has ieiai recently re-fiirn'rKyl Rn, now olfera atiporior ac- OOHV ..l.lin.u In irilika'u VA-1 V. s-iy. pr. J. L, Acomb, piiyJilCIAN AND NURGKOX, wholia l had fifteen years' expcrlencoin a large .iuid aueeeHsfiil practice, will attend all Professional Calls. Olliuo hi hia Drug and .Urocery Storo, located in Tidioute, near 'i'ldioute llouae. IN HIS STORE WILL ni3 FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobai'oo, Cigars, Stationery, Cilm,s, Paints, Oils, Cutlery, and fine Groceries, all of the liost quality, and will bo sold at reasonable rates. H. R. Rt'ROESS, an experienced Drug gist from New York, has charge of tho More. All prescriptions put up accurately. S -SwI, O.ol'O. IP. n. a. mat. J so. r. rim. a. a. killt, MA Y, PA Jt K C CO., ;b .A. IST IK E! -jr, s , Corner of Elm" Wf.' nut Sts. Tionesta. Bank of Dineount and Deposit. Interest allowed on Time. Deposits. .'Colleotioni madoon all tho Principal points of the U. 8. Collections solicited. 18-ly, KO. A. LJLS l-rl. J. I.'bal,, CMh0r. TIOITEA SAVINGS BANK, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. This Rank trnnsae.ld a General Ranking .Collecting and Excliango Business. gratis on the Principal Cities of tho United States and Europe bought and sold. (iold and Silver Coin and Government hoeurities bought and sold. 7-Su lioiids converted on the most t'avnrahlo tortus. lntorest'al lowed on time deposits. Mar. 4, If. VOL. V. NO. 1 L TENEYCK&VANDEUSAAL Wllol.KSAI.K ItKTAtr. CO NIT EC TIG XERS. STORE: No. 3 South Seneca Street, next noon to row okkicb. JIASCFACTORY 3'J-ly No. 88 Sorth Scuera Sired, OIL CITY l'KNX'A. D. W. CLARK, (COJIMISSIONKh'S CI.KUK, TO II KIT CO., l'A.) JULIL ESTATE AGENT. HOUSES nml Lots for Sale and HEN'rp Wild Lands for Snip. 1 . I hnvo superior facilities for ascertaining Iho condition of taxes nnd lax deeds, Ac, and mil therefore qualified to net Intelli gently as audit of those living nt a dis tance, owning lands in the Comity. Ollleo In Commissioners ltooin, Court House, iioncsia, ra, a 4-41-lv. D.W. CLARK. Vov Itonnling IIoiinp. MltH. f. S. Hl'LIXOS lias hullt a largo adilitinn to her house, anil is now pre pared to accoinniodntc a number of perma nent hoarders, and all transient ones who mnv favor her with their pntronnijf. A rood btnblo has recently been built to ac commodate, tho horses of guests. Charges reasonable. Rosidenco on Elm St., oppo site H. Haslet's storo. 5t-ly " a7 h. PARTRIDGE, IiKAI.KIl IN it jjttisr an TTttJH, CHAM 15 Ell SUITS, SOFAS, TA ISLES, CI I A 1 1!S, HEDSTEADS, MAT Tltl'.SSKS, 1 ,OUNi i ES, Sl'HI.NU 11EDS, AC, AC, FJIAMIXU VIL TUHE8, A STKCIAI.TV, Has a large variety of Moulding of all kinds, and will fiame to order nil pictures brougiii to linn m any aiyie to suit uiisto n.ers. Rooms In mvnnil storv of ltonner if Mo- Kay's new building, Elm Hi., Tionesta, Fa. oiMlin OEIMSTOX & BIOSi:V, CENTRE STREET, OIL CITY, PA. KOOKtf, STATIONERY, FANCY' UOODS, TWINES, TOYS, INKS, WIIOLKSALF. A NO KI'.TAII.. Books, Ncwspapors and Magazines MAILED TO AN Y ADDRESS A.t publishers rates. 80- lv GROCERY AMD PROVISION STORE IX TI OX EST A . GEO. W. BOVARD & GO. HAVE nst brought on a complete and carefully selected stock of FLOUR, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, - t j n nnd everything necessary to tho eonm''lB stock of a first-class Grocery Hr.use, w'liich they have opened out nt their establish. inent on Kim St., fitst iluor north of M. E. Cl'Virch. TEAS, COFFEES. SUGAKS. SYRUPS, FRUITS, SPICES. HAMS, LARD, A XI) ii?0 VISrOXS OF ALL KIXV. at the lowest cash prices, floods 'warrant ed to bo of tho best quality, 'Jan nmj ex amine, and we believe vCKn hylli vou. r o , U 1:a Vi . HOVARD Jt CO. Jan. 0, '12, QONFECTIONARIEg I AGNEW. at the Post Omce, bus opened out l choice lot or GROCERIES, COXFECTIONAMES, 2 0 J A CPOS, . CJGAfiS, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS A portion of tho patronage of tho publii, is respectfully solicited, Tl ON KSTA, PA., FEBRUARY 12, 1873. Silt1'. JONKS'S I'HIATi:, A sanguinary pirate sailed upon the PpnniMi main in iv rakish-looknig schooner which vns culled tins Mary Jane. Sho cnrrieil lots of howitzers nnd deadly rifle guns, with shot, pow der and percussion caps in tou9. The pirate wns a homely man, nnd (short and grim nnd fat ; ho wore a wild nnd awful scowl bencnth his slouching hat. Swords, pistols nnd stillntos were arranged arouud his thighs, nnd de monicnl clnrinir was quite common with his eyes. I 11!. 1 1,1 1 t...l,na ,.1,1 axis ouujr uiuiiv iiiuii.- ttii-ina twin-n nway beneath his noRe, nnd dropped in elegant fixtootis nhout his very toes. He hardly ever spoke at nil, but when such wns the case, his voice 'twas easy to perceive was nuke a hcttry bass. lio was not a serious pirate; nnu despite his anxious cures, he rarely went to Sttudnv School, and scldoai said his pruyers. Ho worshipped love ly woman, and hu hope m i lie was this: to calm his vild, tumultuous soul with pure domestic bliss. lien conversing with Ins ship mates ho very otten swore Hint lie longed to give up his piracy nnd se.ttle down on shore, lie tired oi blood and plunder; of the joys that thov could bring; ho sighed to gain the love ef some, aiTfccliunate thing. One mornins ns Mary Jane went bounding o'er the sea, tho pirate saw a merchant bark fur elf upon his lcc. He ordered a pursuit and spread nil sail (lint ho could spare, nnd then went down iu hopeful mood to shave and curl his hair. Ho blacked Jiis bomts nnd pared his nail, and tied a fresh cravat; ho he cleaned his teeth, pulled down his cuffs and polished up his hat; ho dim med with Hour the radiance ofJiis fiery red nose; for, hanging with the vessel's wash, he saw some ladies' hose. Once moro ou deck, the stranger's hull he riddled with n bull, and yell ed : "I say, what bark is that if" In answer to his cull the skipper on the other boat repled in. thunder tones: "This here's tho bark Matilda, nnd her captain's name is Jones I" The pirate told his bold corsairs to man the jolly boats, to board the bnrk and seize the crew nnd slit their tarry throats; and then to givo his compli ments to Ciiptniu Jones, nnd say he wished that he aud Mrs. Jones would come and spend the day. They reached tho bark, they killed the crew, they threw them in tho sea, and then they sought the captain, who was mad as ho could be, because his wife who saw the whole sad tragedy, it seems made all the ship vociferous with her outrageous screams. But when the pirate's message came she diicd her streaming teers, and said although she'd like to coma tho hud unpleasant fears that, pirates' social statu being evidently low, sho might meet some common people whom she wouldn't enre to know. Her husband's aged father sho ad mitted dealt in bones, but the family descended irom tno famous uuiio ue Jones; and such blue-blooded people, that tho rabble might be checked, had to luake their social circle excessively select. Before she visited the ship she wanted him to say if the Stnythes had recog nized him in a social, friendly way ; did the Jonsons ever see him in their ancestral halls? Wni he noticed by the Thomsons? Was he asked to 8imtn's balls? The pirate wrote that Thomson was his best and eldest friend ; that he often stepped nt Jonson's when he had a week to spend. As for the Smythcs they worried him with their incessant calls; his very legs wore weary with the dance at Simms's balls. (The scoundrel fibbed most shaino- lessly. In truth he i!y Knew a lot ' ' Smith'-jrritaout a most plebeian crew, xlis Johnsons use a vulgar h, his Thompsons spelled with p, his Siinses had one hi, aud tlusy were com mon ns could bo.) Then Mrs. Jones mussed up her hair and donned her best delaine, nnd went with Captain Jones nboarJ. the schooner Mary Jauc. 'i'iio piruto won her heart nt r.ea by saying with n smile, mver saw a woman dressed Tilth biicli exquisite style. The pirate's claim to status sho was very sure was just, w hen she noticed how familiarly the Jonsons he discuss ed. Her aristocratic scruples then were quickly laid aside, and when the pirate smiled ut her reciprocally she sighed. - , ' No seoner was the newer love wHh- in her bosom born, than Joue.s was looked upon by herwithhatredandwitli scorn. She taid 'twas true his auces- ' "'as famous Duko do Jones; but li" "r ii ' remember that his site shudJereu .. father deult in bonce. . j a So then they gof t CV" and '...eked hint .with a word, and clmnned l.i,,. i.,lJ fit t le l)US UUd t0CCl Tho chaplain read ffeptMtcfttt. bark before the w'nlew's weeping eyes was gobbled by a shark. The chaplain turned tno prayer book o'er ; tho bride took oil her glove ; they swore to honor, to obey, te cherish, and to love. And, freight ed full of happiness, across the ocean's foam the schooner glided rapidly to ward tho (urates home. And when tho ecstacy nnd joy their hearts could hold no more, that pirate, dropped his anchor down nnd rowed his love nsdiore. And as they saunter ed up the street he gavo his bride a poke, nnd said, "In them there man sions live the friends of whom I spoke." She glanced her eyes along the plates of brass upon ench door.and then lier anger rose ns it had never done before. Sho said : "That Johnson has an hi that Thompson has a p Smith that spells without a y .' The is not the Smith for inc. And darkly scowled sho then upon that rover of tho wave. "False! False!" she shrieked, and spoke of of him as "Monster, traitor, slnvel" And then she wept and tore her hair, and filled tho air with groans, and curccd with bitterness the day she let them cut up Jones. And when nt last she'd spent on him tho venom of her tongtio, she seized her pongee parasol and stabbed him in tho lung. A few more ener getic stabs were at his heart required, ami then this scand'lous buccaneer rolled over and expired. Mill brandishing me parasol sho .mi ii .i , . sought the pirate boat, she loaded up n gun nnd jammed her head into its throat; and fixing last the trtggei'.tlien, with string tied to her toe, she breath ed, "Mother!" through the touch-hole and kicked and let her go. A snap, a fuzz, a rumble; some stu pendous roaring tones and where ou tho earth's surface was the recent Mrs. Jones? Go ask the morning winds, the wave, tho mist, the murmuring sea ; go ask tho h.sh, tho coroner, the clams but don't ask me. Max Ado ler. The Boston Advertiser says that: Some time last year wo told the story of the Lexington, Kentucky, munici pal government. In old times theciiy was Democratic. When the negroes were enfranchised it becamo Republi can. The State Legislature, however, dreading the consequence of an elec tion, extended the terms of the oflicers of the city two or three times; nnd we believe it to he true that the oflicers of tho city now in power wero elected more than three years ago for one year only, nnd have never gone before tho people iu nil that time. This state of things, however, could not last for ever.and last Wednesday a newclectiou was held. The City Council had ar ranged the mutter in advance. Spe cial lints were prepared, aud no citizen could voto whose name was not upon them, although there is no registry law. A correspondant of tho Cincinnati Commercial describes the election, and says that he himself, although possess ing every qualification for n voter, was denied the privilege. Last No vember thero were 2,'iOO Republican votes in the city. Lust week, no less 1.02G colored voters were rejected more than tho w hole number of Demo cratic votes cast. The colored men were provided with aflidavits showing that they wero legal voters, but these certificates were disregarded. There seems to be no doubt that the Ken tucky Democrats made a mental reser vation when they subscribed to the Cincinnati platform. Dr. G. H. Ke yser, of PittsburjI ig a very lean, bony, skeleton-looking man, and has au of'.ce. en Liberty street. Oue 'Jay when the Doctor was tut, a small tiy with a basket came in. ma office bov. utter showing turn mo odd articles, concluded to frighten tho lad, and suddenly opened tho closet where a human skeleton was standing, and shaking tho dry bones, alarmed the boy so that he ran away, leaving the basket. When tho doctor eume in ho iuquired who left the basket. Ou being told, ho reprimanded tho oflice boy and started him out to look for the frightened lad. He soou return ed n'd'.l reported the little fellow on the opposite side ot tho street but afraid to come in. Tho doctor went tothedoor to induce his little frightened costotner to coma over, and beckon ing him with his long, bony hand, called to him pleasantly. The young urchin cast a suspicious glance ut him aud answered: "No you don't! I know you if you have got your clothes ou lie mistook the doctor for the ikeletoa be hud btcu frightened with. To add to Stokes's misfortune, and lessen tho probability of Lis escaping the gallows, it has just come to light that' Fisk's murderer is related to Mrs. f:m,,i' Dix. which fact, instead ef inclining the (ioverner toward S'.okes, would make Lim less inclined to inter- C.r. but it. kholl Id bo attributed to family inlluciue. S2 PKH ANNUM. A I'AK.IICIl IN A IM'ANDAKY. The Memphis Appeal is responsible for the following comical, if not in credible, story. It says that a few days ngo a gentleman living near Madison Station, on the Memphis nnd Little Rock road, left his home to go to the village. Ho had not proceed ed more than 200 yards, mounted on a lineal descendant of Balaam's nss, when he encountered a great, greasy black bear. Tho bear was nstonished, and without taking time to think, hur ried up a scaly-bark hiekary nnd seat ed himself very comfortably ou nlimb thirty or forty feel from the ground. Tho farmer wns completely puzzled. If he should ride bntk lo tho house to got his gun, (he bear would surely escape. He therefore tied the mule a long-eared, melancholy mule, forty or fifty years of age, to the body of the tree. The inu!e was bridle wise, but no bridle could hold him, n:id a strong leather cablo wns kept coiled about his neck. With this he was fastened to the tree. Tho farmer started for the house, and bruin, di vining his plans, deemed it prudent to get away. Ho doubtless suspected that a gun was coming. Ho came slow ly down, tearing the bark from the body of tho tree. It rattled about the sleepy mule's head, who had not yet seen the bear, aud dreamed not of the proximity of the ugly beast. The bear descended slowly until within five feet of tho mule's ugly head. Then it was that tho stupid, inno cent, unsuspecting mule looked up. lie had never seen a bear before. JI is knees smote one another. He grew palo in the face. His eyes were pro jected from his head, the farmer said, half afoot. Hie tailwasslowl 'luted, the hairs nil turned nway, till it stood at an angle of forty-five degrees above its spinal column, and then it was that the mule "hoved n sigh and smoled a smile." It was nn unearthly sound. The fanner, fifty yards away, says it shook tho ground where he stood watching tho progress of events. Tho bear suddenly twisted itself about and re-oscended to its perch. Tho mule swooningly fell nt tho bnse of tho tree. Ho lay still nnd apparently lifeless for a time, when bruin ngnin attempted the descent; but tho terrified mule howled nnd roared even more terribly and piteously when the bnrk begun to fall, and he dashed nnd danced about the tree so frantically that bru in hesitated, and finally, in slupified amazement, sat upon the limb upon which ho first rested. Hie farmer cati.0 with his rifle, and a bullet soon stopped the pulsebcats of t'io bear. It tell lienvily beside the mule, ami strange to tell, ns told to us, the mule nnd bear died side by sido ; the one of a mortal wound, the otner ot mortal terror. J. he bear was still black: as Erebu3 ; tho mule's fac was already white with an indescribable ngouy of mortal fear. Jl'STH U IN I'Al.lt'OHMA Tho first Alcade, in lSol, in Yreka, California, wns known us "Cut-eve Foster," but ho left no docker, f'd soon ran away, and Georgo C. Vuil reigned in his stead. No luw book was ever used in his court; ho decided each enso on its own merits, writing out the full history, and his docket is a curiosity. In one case brought bo- fore him, a boy had driven . lea is from Oregon, and worko-J all winter fur a man, who dee'.incd lo pay. He sold out iu the spring ,)J w3 leav ing suddenly, when, on complaint of 'V.o bov, S'uil and two constables stop ped him on the road. It was proved that he had received three thousand dollars on his sale, but ho declared himself unablo to pay, though not denying the boy's claim. Judge Vail decided in theso words: "Constable, stand this man on his head, shako him well, and sco if you can't hear some thing drop!" No sooner said than done. A vigorous shaking brought to light n wallet contuiniug two thousand dollars in gold dust; the boy received his claim of three hundred dollars, the judgo and constables took nn ounce apiece for their trouble, and the defendant went his wuy a lighterman. Justice like this was cheap at three, ounces. A trceu individual, who was a stranger to mirrors, aud who stepped into a. cabin ot one ot our acean steam ers, slopped in front of n largo pier glass which he thought was a door, und scciug his own reflection, said: . "1 say, mister, wheu does this ere bout start?" Incensed ut the siletil figuro, he then broke out: "(in iO thunder! ve sas-ufru-s color ed, shocked headed bull-calf, yu don't loul; as if you knew enough lo answer, a'.i) how. Tho Williunihpoit man who blew tho snow elf his roof with'nilro glyct- riiiii thinks he will use slate o:t his new hoti-e. Rates of Advertising. One Squnre (1 inch,) one inertlon - fl AO Ono Square " one month - -110(1 OnoSquaro " three months - II ( Ono Squnrn " one year - 10 en Two Squares, one year - - 15 Ou Quarter Col. ' - . - .mm Half " .... fio 00 Ono " " -. - - 100 00 Legal notices nt established rates. Marriaae nnd death notices, gratis. Ail bills for yearly advertisements col lected quarterly. Temporary advertise ments must be paid for in advance. Job work. Cash on Delivery. HOW TO iKT AI.OXl. Do not stop to tell stories in busi- ness hours. If you have a place ef business be found there when wanted. No man can get rich by sitting around stores and saleons. Never "fool" in business mattes. Have order, system, regularity nnd promptness. Do not meddlo with business you know nothing of. Strive to avoid hnrsh words and personalities. Do not kick every stone in your path! Merc miles can be made in a day by going 6tcndily on than by stop ping. l'ny ns yon go. A man of honor respects his word as he docs his bond. Help others when you can, but ncv-' er givo what you ennnot afford to, sim-' ply because it is fashionable. Learn to say no. Nn necessity of snapping it out dog fashion, but say it firmly aud respectfully, Use your own brains rather than those of others. Learn to think and act for yourself. Keep ahead rather than behind tho' times. J.t cigars alone, money goes fast enough without being puffed away. Youns men cut this out and if there be folly in the argument let lis know, i p i Francis Joseph, of Austria, has k mania which induces him to collect skulls of remarkable criminals.. Ho has over four hundred of these, nnd is always looking about for opportuni ties to add to his museum. Under these circumstances criminals must! experience very uncomfortable sensa-, tions, when applying for pardon or tt j commutation of seutence, as if they , have heads at all remarkable in shape . or development, the emperor will cer- , taiuly refuse to interfere, as ho will ; naturally desire to give them a place in hi; collection. But then tho crim inal has this ad vantsgo: his head-piece . will bo handsomely housed and duly labeled with tho details of his crimo gummed conspicuously upon his pa- t rietals, instead of remaining unknown and lots in tho disgraceful debris of the potters' field. This is well worth considering. A . Chicngo gentleman having grown wealthy suddenly, wrote to a local newspaper, and inquired the best way of obtaining au entrance into the best families in the city, high-toned houses, society, and all that. The ro- ' ply was, to go to the front door, or, if do display was desired, go. down tho coal hole iu the cellar, and then np in to the parlor, or go down through tho scuttle in the root) just as ho felt in clined. A young lady teacher in a Lawrence, Mass., Sunday School cnught a boy smiling, last Sunday. Said she: "What are you smiling nt, Johnny?" "Noth ing, mum," was the answer. "I know better," said tho tencher, severely. '"Nq'.y tell me what it was." Johnny looked frightened ns he Btutteringly said, "I I s-see your u-newspaper g-sticking out, mum." Tho teacher sat down suddenly nnd nrraugeil things. It i. becoming very popular among "swell" dancers of both sexes to stick i lucre noses up at quadrilles nnd latir ciers. 11ns is not in good taste, it young people, liow-u-days, insist upon whirling themselves through tho world, they ought certainly to allow the older people n chance to dance on tho "square." As the former have "Ger mans," why do not the latter get up some "Americans ?" All hands arouud. "Fa," said a little, seven-year fellow, "I guess our man, Ralph, is a goodt Christian." "How so, my boy ?" que ried the parent. "Why, pa, I read in the Bible that tho wicked shall not live nut half his days; and Ralph says he has lived out ever sinco ha was a little boy." It is said that the newspapers are the means of a great many ladies "get ting their backs up." The best con ducted papers often make a great bustlo among them, and uearly every tiewspnper is a waist basket. A young man who atended a lec ture on tho subject, "Are we better than our fathers?" started for lioiim saying, "I'm going to get tho better of in i no somehow, any wuy." A married ladies' "Come Home Husband Club" is now announced. It is. about four feet long and has a brush ut the end of it. Which would you rather, that a lion ate you or u tiger? Why, you would rather that the lion ate tho ti ger, of course. Oue day wheu Mrs. l'urliiigtou heard thi minister suy that there would bo n have hi tho new church, ehu observed that knew who the, party wait," him overboil.', tho scryj;'a aud 4(-tf I AOXI W. the Captain in