The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 29, 1873, Image 3

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r . 'J f j 4 i ; - i..- i
TbirtflMI J. Wixans. J '
AinnWnirn 'I', J. VnnOloneH, Miles W.
Tnto, 1. YV. Clnrk, P. (), Uimwr, ;V. 1.
Moroilli'otl, I U llockclr. ' .
Jatliren of tkn Ti-tice Wi t, SlorelHlott,
f). S. Knox. ' ,.
n.MMc-. LN-.Teltsworth.'.
lJiwl tHrcrlura- J. WinniiN, , A. t)n1,
.f. A. Proper, V. F. Hunter, M,. W.,
8. I). Irwin. .'.
rmiilenl Jrt'lric W. I'. Jrxttu,
Anrtritttfl Jttihex J. A. Fhophr,' A -ttiltfiW
ConK. T. .T. Van Oi kmkx.
'J'remtnrrr l''n m. (i i.assn y.n.
I'nitliniHiht) !, I!e,ilcr f Jle'.orlm; fc
J. It. Aonkw.
Co mm I'.i.i oiicm J ron Mkhcii.mott, T.
I. Col,l.lNS, .lollS TlloM I'SON.
ntnht SiiirrinU,nitfuf. F. KomiKn.
ih-irf Atttimry V. W. Masoii.
fiif 7 ''l.M III I ..! 'IIJICM J I'.IIHCiK .Niddixs,
W M. P.VTTKllsoN.
'Siiiiiy Kurvenor S.ll, 1 nwiy.
t)'(tli'r JoslAII WllANS. ,
Omrify A mbVort Wm. CLAnir, T. 15.
Co mi, I.. Wa hn i:h,
Mswlm iif Ouiirem 10A DmtrictU. W.
Buoi'i KI.K,
yt.t.ia'y J. H. T,AWo?f.
Ttinc if Trains
At TIONKSTA STATION', on and after
Slomiay, November -till, H72;
Train 2
... 4
" 28
Train t
" 1
'i 1
r::t2 p. in.
a. in.
.iiiIO p. in.
1: in p. in.
1:30 p. in. '
fc:.11 n. in..'
Noam WAr.n.
IVrwuRrra will h.we to undordnnd Unit
'"Northward," In the labio is ilmrn tlio
rtvor, niifl "Southward" in ui the river.
Tiaiim in ani! '.ii:iri mixed frolirht and ae
rnmnmd.itiou ; llio others nro iasscicr
Rev. Recser will preach In llio M,
'. Church oh Sunday next, morning
, , nnd evening.'
L i . Tim A Uilitors arc very busy just
', . now making nut . their report, which
will probably bo published next neck.
There aro two foet of snow in tho
woods, and more is falling occasional
ly. ' Our spiins flooil will probably bo
; . mie winch "will float all tho lumber in
' the country to market ami 110 tjties
J turns nsked.
j Tho rpiznn, which disappeared
J from lliin section oms time ago, has
traveled toward th setting sun
jinn is now prostrating an the iiorsen
J in LTtuIi, and ether territories about
I that longitude.-
llev. Iirown, of lJouievi!lo delir
ered two very excellent soriimns in the
l'lTsliyteriaii Church on Sunday last.
Wo coimider the rpbyteriall Dhurch
t Iwousevillc very forluiiate in secur
ing bin service as pastor, llopo he
will visit lis often. - .
Why not rent'tlid soutli room in
the upper story ot Uoiiner Si McKay's
Jiuikliii, and each and every i'amilv
in town contribute book?', magazines,
Ale., nod have a' rending room ? We
don't ceo btrt this plan might bo car
lied out, and much good accomplished.
The Petroleum Centre liceord
nays that Cohen, a well known charac
ter about town, by his indiscriminate
abuse received a welt over the eye,
this ntWnoun, that quieted him for
the time being. Civo your friends
credit, Cohen, for this one mid possi
bly more of the same kind if you
ke on in the nuiue abusive strain.
A great" deal of freight ' wa.
brought across the river on Monday
1 , and Tuesday, the old canon and !kih"
i bing employed. ' Lumbermen and
v wther who bad heretofore taken time
s lir the forelock, and ordered their
'( winter sujiplies tUning the summerand
fall, bad lieglccttd to do so this season,
became of tho budge, and the hauling
being niuch better in jhe , winter.
Taking it all around we are in rather
bad liv just now. . ..
We untice by estimate published
in the Venango CMzrn that the city of
Franklin expended in the year 1872,
.?20S,70) in building improvements.
Time was when Franklin was called
tha "lini.died town," on account of
ihero bqing no improvements in the
Avay tf building for several years. Eut
; that iimo is gone by, and when tho
1 Jieiv Daily gets to spouting that city
f will look busiuevt'like.
Sehloii Whitman, one day last
week haulej down gunwales for a new
Ferry Boat, which is being construct
ed with all possible speed, ' by Ceo.
; Hunter. The old Ferry 15oat w scar
i rid oil" by tha gorge which took away
1 the bridge. It was not exactly old,
' fithpr. 1,'ivm.r luilll 1... .
i O ww..w vfliy
spring. We supposo tho new boat' Da you want u nice vioitin" carU
will be finished in about a week or! If so. have your orders at" tho Re
ten days. Alter that, tho crowing , publican ofiioe where ll.ey will becxe be much sallr, and not so expen- J cutcd iu the uetet style and on most
Wo are under obligatioiyi to S.-J).
Irwin, F,.q.J for 'tliq ' following report
of the Caucus held at the. Court JJoiioo,
on Monday evening last, to nominate
caiididate.4 for the several ofTiecfl of the
Jak. 27, 1873.
At n meeting of tho citizenx, Dr.
Winan acted ns Chairman, nml P. D.
Irwin, Esq.; ns Hecretary. Mr. Irwin
stated the object of the meeting, viz :
to put in nomination candidates for
tho several Uorongh Offices, to be
voted for at the Spring Flecliun, to he
held, on Monday, Feb. ,'d. Moved by
W. P. Mercilliott, Esq., that tho voting
be dono by .ballot. Carried. Moved
by L. Davis, that where thero was
only one candidate, that the no in i no
tion be made unanimous.- Carried.
J. G. Dalo was nominated for Uur
ges. I Icing the only candidate, nom
ination was made unanimon.
Thd fi!loiiig"xentlciiieii Wero nom
inated for ' Town' Council : W. P.
Mercilliott, Geo. Uovard, H. J. Wol
cott, T. ii. Cobb, P. I. Thomas, A. B.
Kelly. j ." ' i . .
For Overseer of tho Poor, Geo.
Robinson, nml D. S. Knox were nom
inated. 8. Clark, Jas! Cole, Goo. Ilrwlot, F.
Kopman, and J. N. Ttitsworth, were
candidates for nomination for tho of
fice of Constable. S. Clark was nomi
nated. S. Clark was also unanimously nom
inated for High Constable.
The following gentlemen wero can
didates for nomination foi the office of
School JJircctors : J. Jt. Ajtnewv K
J. Wolcott. W. P. Mercilliott, W. W
Mason, and Jus, Woodinglon. S.
Wolcott and Jas. Woodington were
nominated. ' - !
. K. Clark, Geo. Haslet, W. 1J. H:,r
Ian, and D. h. Knox, candidates for
Assessor. S. Claris, receiving a 'ma
jority of tho votes was declared hoiu
s. D. irwnr q: A.. JWu.r,. KX.
Davis and II. O. Davis, were catuli
dates for Assistant Assessors. C A
Randall and S. D. Irwin nominated
For Judge of Flection, Jim. D. IIu
lings anil Jos. Grove wers candidates
JllO. D. I ! Ill I II rrc 1iiMliMfllnl
. jj. narian antt wnr. jvawreilre
wci'4 unaninieiisly iiouiinaUd. forJIn
sjiectors of Flection.
rp 1 1 i i t
. i. j.iio aim .-i. ij. irwin were
itnaiiimously nominated for Borough
. Duriilg the fire at 'Greenville, re
Icutly, part of the Meadville Fire
Dpartmcnt wentdowu lo lend a hand,
and the distance, which is 30 miles
was made in 40 minutes. And the A
it G. W. Ry. Co. charged nothing for
their services. We'll never say, hero
- r. .I ., n ..
uuwr, vmu -corporaiioiw have jio
souls." .
.', We understand tl.'at Messrs. Bell
it Breckenridgo, builders of the River
Bridge at this plaeo wero in tow n last
week, but that no settlement - fr
rived at between them and Mi'.' Huh-
ter. We have no doubt but thero will
bo some litigation before the matter is
finally settled. AVo believe that M
Hunter claims that ho has never taken
tho bridge off tho contractors' hands.
; e ai in reeeipt of the "Leader
Almanac" for 187:5, issued by Pittock,
iNevm A: Co.,- publishers of the iVs-
hinjh Leader, one of the sprfghtliesl
and best papers we receive. Tho Al
manau contains 100 pages of condensed
news of 1S72, and contains more in
formation than any look of tho size
which has come within our knowledge.
Price 15 cents. AdJress the publish
era. By . referenco to tho advertise
ment for scaled proposals for a new
bridge over tho creek, it will, be seen
that the form of the proposals is
changed so as to make three spans iu
stcad of four, and the centre span to
ho tw ice as long as the others. . This
will bo nn improvement that every
lumberman will appreciate, and we
compliment our Commissioners on
their prompt change of tlio bridge to
suit the people.
Job Printing. "
Do you want posters?
Do you want hand bills ?
Do you want business oards ?
Do you want a neut bill head ?
Do VOU IN-ant a tastv l.'tter hoii.l
reasonable tciiu.
File Yorr. Claim. If there are
soldiers in this county entitled to ad
ditional bounty mide? tho net of July
2S, ISfiG, they should file their claims
at once, ns it will bo remembered this
act, giving $100 to every soldiet1 who
enlisted in the army of the United
Slates nfter tho ISLh day of April,
1801 for a period of not less thnn
three years and received his honorable
discharge of $.50 for two years enlist
ment after April 14th 18G1, expires on
the 31st of 'the present month, Con
gress having on tho 22nd of April last,
passed an act prolonging the timo for
filing such claims until January 31st,
On Monday of this week Stokes'
counsel presented n bill of exceptions
lo Judge Davis. Among other excep
tions the bill averred that three of the
jurors in the ease were personally hos
tile to Stokes. After a short argument
Judge Davis granted the order to show
cause why tho verdict should not be
set aside, and made it ' returnable be
fore Justice Boaidman on Friday
morning. Now they will have auother
time getting a jury, and if there is any
chance of Stokes getting justice, a new
trial can he had for the asking. In
the meantime Stokos is livins like a
fighting-cock, and his cell is better
furnished than three-fourths of tho
pallors in the country.
Senator Cut'er, of alio Erie Dis.
rict, has introduced a bill to establish
an additional liitano nsylinu for tho
counties , of Erio, Crawford,' Mercer,
Venango, Warren, McKean, Elk,
Forest, Cameron and Clarion. The
Governor is to nppoint Commissioners
to select as a site n farm of not less
than 250 acres. Several papers nre
just now saying that -their particular
territory is the place. Our idea is
(hat it makes no difference about the
spot selected by the newspapers, be
cause tho Commissioners will undoubt
edly perform their duty without liav..
ing previously "formed or expressed
au opinion."
C. D. Brigham,Esf.,whohns for nino
year's been the managing editor of the
Pittsburgh ComiiicrciuJ has disposed of
his stock in the concern and resigned
his position cs editor. Russell Errett,
Esq., who, it will bo remembered was
the very efficient Chairman of tho Re
publican State Central Committo dur
ing tho rampnign of 1872, has been
chosen to fill, his place. While regret
ting the departure of Mr. Brigham
from tho placo which he has filled
with so much honor, wo are pleased
that a man of as much experience as
Mr. Errett has been chosen to fill the
vacancy. Tho Commercial is a paper
which lor all tho news, and all tho par
ticulars, cannot bo surpassed.
reters Musical Monthly No. OG,
for February, comes promptly to hand,
and is, ns usual overflowing with mel
ody. This magazine is furnished at
the low price of 3 per year, and con
tains more music in a single monthly
number than can be bought in sheet-
(orm for double that sum. The num
er before us contains: Our Little
Ret, a beautiful ballad by the famous
song-writer, Will S. Hays; ulso.Como
to tho Heavenly Garden, lMattio May,
and Give my Love to all at Home ;
two-part songs, Fold we our Hands in
Prayer, and Far from .' my rThouehts.
Together witk the fallowing Instru
mental pieces: Clear, tho Truck, four
hands, by Ed. Strauss; Christmas Gift
March, Sweet Thoughts, aud Silver
Cloud Mazurka.
As a trial trip, the Publisher offer
to send, post-paid, three back numbers
of 1872 for GO cents) or six back num
ber fdr $1. Send on your orders.and
uur word for it, yon will get ten times
your money's worth of choice new inu- j
sic. Address. .1. L. Peters. Brna.l.
way, New York.
For salo at Robinson & Buner's,
Oat Meal, Graham Flour, Dried Sweet
Corn, Dried Apples, Prunes, Currants,
nnd Jiaisins, Prepared Mince Meat,
ill kind of Canned Fruits, Pickles
in Bottles, Oyster, Lemon, Sugar, Bos.
ton and Butter Crackers, Ouions, IV
tutos end Corn in Ear.
Over two thousand acres of fine
Hemlock Timber Lands situatsd on
Maple Creek, near Clarington, this
county, are for sale at n baigain. Part
of tho lands aro situated within four
milis of Ciarington, on the Clarion
River, and would bo a fine silo for an
extensive tannery and saw mills. Map
ami terms at this office.
2 If W. R. Dlnn.
Jury List for February Term 1873
-?r- . . .
. ..uiuxu juuor.a.
r. 1). Thomas, Foreman,
Tionesta Boro. Joseph G. Dale,
Daniel Blnck, Geo. W. Scott, S.
Tionesta Twp. Samuel McClatchy
W. W. Janiieson.
Jiarmony reward Jones, dames
Elliott, T. F. Jones.
Hickory Ernst Kister, Fran
Withcrcll, J. S. Range, Win. Fore
Green Gotlcib Hinder, John We
Kingsley Judson Cntlin, MicliHcl
Brecht, Frank Reck. .':
Barnett Scott Bell, James Brnn
don, Andrew Ilaight.
Jenks Geo. W. Rose.
Howe J. Casper.
ri:Tix jruoKs.
Tionesta Boro. Jacob Wcnk, John
Baxter, Max. Hilbronnsr, Geo. Has
Tionesta Twp. John Carson, Frcl
Stitiiugerr Moses Mealy, John Hood
Jacob Smearhaugn, Geo. Huddleson
Barnett John W. Irwin, Michael
Dunkle, Samuel Irwin. Edward Kerr.
Peter Gndley, A. L. Hcigworth.
Hickory James Shunk, Hcnrv
Glassncr, Samuel Messnir, Seldon M
Green John Wolf, James Walters
Barney Coaroy,. William .Myers, Au
gust Wincgarl, Danie Mohny, John
fiyni). i ,j ' ; . . ; ..
Harmony Samuel Hawthorne, W
II. Combs, Daniel Clark, Thomas
Sloan, Wm. Hawthorne, Win. Howell
Joseph Barret, John Mclntire, Geo,
Culver, J. II. 1'e.j.iiell, Albert Ilomen
Andrew Carson, Henry Cassell.
Kingsley S m. Hooker, John F,
Boot, Darius Tobv, Christopher Zeu
I I T IT ,.
uei, tioiin Harrison.
Howe Philo Wingfield.
Jenks James Whitelock.
This is an enquiry which' every one
should have truthfully answered before
he starts ou his journey, and a little
care taken in 'examination of Route
will in many cases save much trouble.
time and money.
Tho "C. B.A Q. RH , running from
Chicago, through Galesburg to Bur
Iington, and tho "I. B. & W. Rente
running from Indianapolis, through
Bloomington to Burlington, have
achieved a splendid reputation in the
last two years as tho leading Passen
ger Routes to tho West. At Burling
Ion they connect with the B. & M. II,
it. and lorm tlio great Burlington
Route, which runs direct ' througl
Southern Iowa to Nebraska and Kan
sas, with close connections to Califor
nia nnd the Territories; and passen
gers starting from Tionesta, on their
way westward, cannot do better than
to take tho Burlington Route.
This Line has published a pamphlet
called "How to go West, which con
tains much valuable information ; a
large correct map of tho Great West,
which can be obtained free of charge
by addrossing tho General Passenger
Agent B. A. M. It. R., Burlington,
Iowa. .
Xew Ailrertinvinents.
N12ALKD 1' ttOI'OS 1 1 j.
Com. mission kiw' Ori ici:,
ionkrs' Ori ici:, -I .
A, KoiiKsr Co., Pa.,
ii, 1n.:I. J
Jan. Hin
SKAT.Kn I'HOl'i ISA I,S Will ho received
at this ol)ioo until Tiuwdsv tlio liiih of
Fi'hliiury fur tlio diudoho nl iinrnisliiiur
mwl liili.,,. .... .... 1 !..:. l rt
...... iiiiH .. in, jifui iHmi.i; lu-rnHH i lie
rioncsta Creek on tlio piers now standing,
KHid bridge to beii.SJ feet lunir, divided in
to three spanu: the center spun to bo about
HJfeet, nod two syaiiH of about 71 ffo(
each. iluildoi-M to furnish tin 'iriiwn dI.'iiim
an. i nj.n 1 1 i .i 1 11 uin.
The County CiiiiimisMoncr reservo the
l ihl to reject any or ull bills.
I ;.! :
lSy order of the Count v ( 'omtiiivxloiicru
I). W. CI. A UK, Clerk.
Wiikhfak, Tholionorablo W. 1'. .looks,
Prcxident Judun of the Court, of Com
mon I'leas anil y uiuterNosslons In und for
the eoiiiu y of l'orosl, has issued Jijs nv.
eept for holdinii a Court of Common 1'Joa
onrtcr Sossioiis, Ac, ill Tionesta, Hir
the Coiinly of Forest, to commence u the
fourth Monday of Feb. next, liiiK tho
Ithdayof Feb., H7J. Notice is (hciefoio
Hiven lo the Coroner, Justices of tho I'eaeo
and Constables of tid eounlv, that tlicv bo
llicii ami there in tbt-ir proper persons ut
ten o'clock, A. of t. iii I ilav, with their
rocordu, iiiiiisiliiiiM exainlnlitions: uud
ut her riiiiembiauces, to do Ihoso ihiiun
w iin u lo iiieir oIIuh appi i taiii to bedouo,
ami to Ihoso w ho bound in rcconizaucu
Ut prosecute aaiiisl Uie pi Woiu rs Hint it - -oi'hlndl
be in tic jail of Forest Ciionly.Iliat
Uiry lie then and there to pro.-Meiito a-uinst
Itieni as shall lie just. i;iven under my
hand und seal this Wd dav of Jim,, A. J),
T-. J. V AX lil ICS l)S , .sirif..
Olt. J. N. liKl.Altli, of Tidiouto, lw
rcliiiiisit to his practicti alter nn ab
sence of four mouths, spent in llio Hospi
tals ol New York, whuio ho will ttlhaid
i alls in his prolcs-ooii.
oitice in Jaiit ka liruj; Stole, 3d thior
tljove Mic hunk, Tidumie,
SHCmfF'9 SALE, ,
BY VIKTCK of it writ of Vondi. K.
issued out of the Court of Common
I'loas of Korost, County nml to mo ili
roeted, there will bo exposed to salo lv
public vondiio or outcry at tho Court
House, In the borouith ot Tioiiosta, on
yF.INF,SI)AY, FKI!. IJTH, 17.1,
at 2 o'clock, li. in., tho follow ing described
real estate, to-wit :
Tho First National Ilnuk or Clnrloii vs.
.TaiiieH I'ninter, Vcn. Fx. No. 12, Feb'y.
Term, 17:1 '1'nto All tho defendants
interest and claim of, in mid to nil that
certain tract of land situate in .(oiiksTown
ship, Forest County, a'd Slutc of lVnnsvl
vania. Jiotiuded nnd dcsciilied as follows
lo-wil: licKiiiithiK ntnKt, ruiiiiin est
tilty rods to a post, thence north bio per
ches ton post, thence west ill rods nnd six
links to a pout, theiico i rods m.mlnvcst
to a poet, Ihoiices iuth ;ts rods to the plai-o
of bcitiniiinif. Coiitnininn -isj neros strict
measure, boim; init of YV Arrant No, ainu,
with About -M acres under iiniroyoment.
Tftken in execution and to bo solrt as
the property o .lames fainter at tho suit
of tlio First National Itankof Clarion.
Terms omh. T. J. VAN CilF.KKN,
Jan. Ho. 1N73, .shcrilf.
TIU AIi 1,1 MT
i on Fimi'ARY TnitM, 1873.
John A. Proper vs. ."Im. rtobv.on A Co.
II. II. May vs. James T. Wliisner et id.
11.11. May vs. John Miller ot nl.
Koyal K. Scott vs. K. (I. Carson.
James K, Krown vs. llennett Iiobbs et ill.
F. II. Fllsworth et nx vs. .1. II. Hilks.
linniel Uliiek vs. The vei seersof tho Poor
of Tionesta lioromrh.
r.llznhetli liroon vs, 1. v. et nl.
P. Minni it Co. vs, (loo. (S. Hunter.
Charles Marrow vs. Merlin and Win.
A. liiisenbury.
Win. Foreman for use vs. S. F. Hatch.
K. 1.. Davis vs. Alexander Wallace et al.
M,ri;aret Malvin vs. 'I liomas Macet ux.
I. , H. Holl'mau vs. John Fajuiulus tt id,
T. Winulielil et id vs. John A. PropiT,
Iternard Mead vs. John Wdkins.
Foster I'liriu Oil C . vs. Owston A Sowms.
II. U llogan vs. (loo. Wallers ot nl.
J. Ii. Ati.NKW, Proth'v.
Jan. 22, l.sTU.
FJcrliMii lroolaiation.
Whereas in and by tho lstKcotioii of the
Act of (ieneral Assembly of Pennsylva
nia, pnssctl the ITlli dav 'of March, 'lsoi',
entitled, "An Ai t lo permit tins voters of
this Commonwealth to vote every three
years upon the (piestion of r;-;in'l in;r li
censes to sell intoxicating liquors," it is
enjoined upon tho tSUerlll of overv county
to j'ivo notice of such election In 'ho held,
mid in pursuance thereof, 1, T. J. VAN
(lIKSi;v, si,(..ii f tlio county of
Forest, do thercforo make know u and p;ive
this publio notice to the electors oi the
said county Id' Korest, that a special elec
tion will be held in tho said county on
.lfmiitiiy, l i lirniu v, 3,1, I St a.
at which limu the (lualiliud olootors ofsaid
county will vote "for licoi'.se," or"imainst
lieenim'1 in the tiiHmiei jwoyided li.v the
1st section of tho aforesaid Act, hereinaf
ter recited :
Suction I. ; U cunrial, tr., That on
the third Friday in March, one thou
sand cijihl hundred and seventy-throe, in
every cin and county in thitl Coiiimou
weallh, and ut the annual municipal elec
tions every third year thereafter, in evory
Hiich city mid county, it shall bo tho duty
of the Inspectors nnd .Indues of election's
in thecities and counties, to romtivo tickets,
i-ither written oi printed,- from tho leal
voters of said cities and counties, labelled
on tho outside "license," nnd ou tlio in
side, "for license,'' or "auaiust license,"
and to drposit said tickets in a box pro
vided for that purpose by snid inspectors
nnd judu-es, ns is retired by law in thecRso
of other tickets received nt said election;
and the tickets so received shall bo count
ed, and a return made, to tin clerk of the
Court of (Junrtcr Sessions of the ponce of
the proper county, duly certified as is re
quired by law, which osrlilieate shall In
laid before the juduesof tho said court at
the first lucetiinr of tlio said ooui-L niter
said election shall lie held, and shall be
tiled with tho other records of tho court;
and it slmll bo the duty ot tho mayors of
cities ami sheriffs ofcoiinties, ornn'v other
olhcerw hose duty it may be to perforin such
servica, to give duo public notice of such
special ulueliou JJloyidcd for tiny ,wejk
iirevioim to 1ie time of holdiiiir tho 'ii,n.
and also three weeks before such eleciii-n
every third year thereafter: 'n,ii,h,l
That this net shall not bo construed to re
peal or allect any special law nrobiliiliii
the sale of intoxicating liipiors, orprohih-
niiis ii-c ni.uiuii ui licenses; rniiniii-il.
Hint when the iiiuuieinal nnd townshin
elcelionn in anvfoiini' in citv ih, m.i .....
cur on the third Friday in March, tho elec
tion provided for this section t-lm!l be held
on the day fixed for the municipal elec
tions in said county. Awl )ri,i-i(ittl ir
Ihn; That all licenses irrantod after the
ursi nay oi .iniiunry, one thousand eihl
hundred and seventy-three, shall ecus..
luiiorniino anil Ii mie void on the iirt.
oa.vot April, one IhousaiKl ci(.-ht IuukIiimI
and seventy-throe, if tlio district for which
nicy snail ho itranted ( elei niines niraiiiKi
the Lianlina of lieonne : und the trensni
of the proper county shall then refund to
mo Homer oi such license the n evs
so paid Iherefor, for w hieli the said ilea's.
urc r shall lie entitled to ens it in his ac
counts with the i uoiiwealth,
Skc. '1. That ill receivini' nml cnnnlinc'
and ill making returns of tho votes cast,
tho inspectors nnd judges, uud clei ks .if
said election slmll lie frovoi ncd by the laws
of this eoininonwcalth reulalini' licneral
lections; and all tho nenaltics nf sui.l
elo( tiou law s nro hereby ox'tendod to, niui
shall apply to the votcrs.inspcctors, indues
and clerks, votiujr at nnd in nltehdauvc
upon the elections held under tho jirovi
sions of this act.
And tho (iiialiiicd loefhrs of the coun
ty of Forest will hold their elei lions in
the several districts as follows:
III Harnett tow ushinat Cl.ii im-toii sclnu.l
In cirri n townshili lit tho housn nl' I.
In Howe townlyp at thy house of LL F.
Ill JenTvS townsho
ow nshli af the court house in
lu Harmony tow nshinat A I !i ii,I,.i-,1,, ., .1
In Hickory towushio at I '..ill s..n..l
I.I Kiiiusiov townshin nt Wlmclel-. tin.
seiihurv iV Co's
In Tionesta Uiw nsliip at school house in
iouostn tioronh.
In Tii'iu sla horomrli at school Imnsi. I..
iiid boriiuu:li.
ivcu under my han I at Tionesta the I Ith
nay oi January, in I In- earof our Lord
one thousand ei.nht liiiU'lrud ami seven-ty-llireo,
nnd of the independence of llio
United States the ninct v-si venlh.
T. J. VAN (ilKSKN Shciilf.
She lilt's Ollicc, J,i.i. U, 1-71,
ookki:i:i'jn; mai.k kasy. i:c.v
1 ' clerk and merchant can learn al once.
Hisik mailed, ."sic, 11. Uoiildiu' Kriunt
iiullalo N. Y. '
JOIJ WOKK neatly eiccillod al ihibi Uice
ut reiLmable tutus.
After thank im; the people whoso kiildlv
assisted In saving their pioperty from tho
tire, wish to infoi in tho public that thev
m e nnaiii opened out nnd prepared to soil
vonds ehenper than ever in fact will noil
their present stoeknt thohenviest diseouut.
over yet ottered in this section, nfter which
they intend toromovo their establishment,
very Ricatly enliiiKod, up to the present
business centre on Klin street,
A Ihixo amount of koihIk ilainiurod, aoino
very slightly by removal nml water
ittimt lie snlil ot uiy jiric. Consisting of
C loves,
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
U'NDFltWFAi:, . FM 1JIIO 1 1) u in KS,
A full line of
It .US.
1 NCI It A IN',
Ac, V,
We ore prepared to pay the highest prieo
sni:i:i'-ri:i;rs & bhiiu s,
Of all kinds, either in MONK Y or (lo.ids.
Wo have Inour employ n FT IIS I'-CLASS
TAILOR, and keep eoiistnntly on hand a
(iOODI STOCK OFUOODN, of best (piclity
nnd hitcst dosiL'iis, which ho will ninko up
in a workuinii-liko inaniier and latest
stylos, (join! fits (.'Uiiranteed or no sale.
A ood nnd complfto stock of
Always on hand.
or wry superior quality nnd latest do
Hiirnu. . I1ILI1HOXNKR A A CO,
foij tii t:
i ..
Sold last your j
e o , o o o
This year;
And now ts iii; Sold ut llio luto of
7 5 , O O O
Tho "Domeslic" Kiiier-cdus othcr he
eause it surpassess them in the every day
service it renders, bolh iu tho Work-shop
and laiuily ; and because it js oiiuallv uu
till for ery lino and very heavy work.
A Machine w ill In. fin nishod' ( for trial)
to responsible, pariicn w ith uii iitulruetov
( w ithout chaiLc: upon application at our
Ware! cuius, 1 Mxtl, Street, Pillshiirnh.
Tho "Domestic'' has taken more pr. ini
urns ihis season than any other Machine
nml Especially rocouimciulcd for Family
use and Miuiufactuior. tt is implo iu
eoiisti uction, noiseless aiu i nwily run.
A ImvcNiovk f 'I'lireud Silk uro alwava
on hand. Address,
- iUl Sire, t, Pillsbuigh,
Tlva ltcpubUcan Olllce
IKKPS oon.t.inlly on hand a i.u ro iu.
IV bol llllent oi ltlnnk Heeds, Mnrti;.iu
HubpoMiiiM, Wmiants, Siiimu8l Ac. lu
be sol J cheap for cash,