The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 22, 1873, Image 4

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    She Jo vest fftcpuMwari.
Ihtrfttn3. Winawh.
Cbunrifmen T. J. VnnOlosrn, Miles V
TV to, J). W. Clark, P. O. Convor, W. I.
Nerrllllntt-, ),. I,. Hackott,
jHitiret of th Peace Vt. P. Morcilliolt,
D. N. Knox.
OnVnAM 4, N.Teltawnrtli.
M;Aonl Dirccivri i. Wlnans, J. A. Pale,
i. A. Proper, W. F. Hunter, M. W. Tate,
. D. Irwin.
Tretiilnil JmlijeW. P. Jknks.
AMneinte Juriijeni. A. 1'ltol'HH, Alf-
llKKW ConK.
MhrrijrT. J. Van Gikskn. G usssr.n,
Prothonotary, Itriixter it iecortlr,tc.
J. It. AttNKW."
()inmMi(iiifM-J.U'nit M kiicu.mott, T.
D. Cnl.l.lNB, ItollW TllnMI'so.
(iHnh Snprrinlrndrvt -H. K. ItoiiurjU.
Ihntrirt Attorn! W. W. Maon,
. Jury Oonmiitmaers Gkoihik SiaoilNH,
tWHMj.y .iit rr.VMi' S.l). I It wis.
Ibroner Josiau Wijians.
vim'y vtinufms Wm. Clark, T. I?.
Conn, L. WAUKRn,
Member nf Ljnyrt Iff A District O. W.
..4lcm6y J. I.Awro.
2n o 7Vrifii
At TIONESTA STATION, on and after
Monday, November 4tli, 1S72 :
Train 1
" 4
" M
Tinln t
lt:!V2 p. in.
I(i:ii8 a. in.
6:20 i. m.
fl: l! p. ni.
1:30 p. ni.
8:M a. in.
Passengers will liavn tn understand Hint
"Northward," in tlio Inbio Is hii tho
vlvor, Mini "Southward" i tip tlio river,
'fiaina Id nnd '2(1 nro mixed freight and mv inn ; tlio other aro passenger
Itcv. Drown, of Piouscvillc, will
preach in tlio Presbyterian Church on
Holiday next, morning anil evening.
Thero aro no services in tlio M. E.
Church, en that day, and we may look
for full turn-out.
-From present indications the hop
it Lawrence' Hall this evening, is
bound to be a success. We undarstaud
that a special train ii coining dowu
from Tidiotite, loaded with gay revel
lor a fur the dance. Mr. Lawrence
till amply Jirovidt for nil who attend
Snow is falling thin morning, and
AIm indications oro that wo shall have
leighiug for scf oral weeks yet. 1 here
Aiavu becu n general sleighridos her
. ins yet this winter but we haven't the
lighlct idea that tlio winter can bo
igoltoii through without one.
Tho Oil City Telegraph closed it
career Wednesday last, lieoson, didn't
ay. The publisher, Mr. Trait, will
jirobably start a morning papor at
Fraukliu. He is a gentleman whoso
uccoss will be hailed with joy by a
large 'CU'dU of acquaintances.
Oil Thursday evening hist at 11
i. ux. a firo broke out in Greenville,
jiud im .about an hour ten acres were
Jxiriied over clean. The loss is $90,-
)00,nl tho insurance $40,000, leav
ing a total loss of 850,000. Eight
Marge business houses were destroyed
The origin of the fire is unknown.
Peterson's Magazino for February
is to hand, and, as usual is filled with
interesting reading matter, and useful
'hints and suggestions for tlio ladies, j
The steel plate entitled, "Attention
Company," is very fine, nnd does cred
it to the designer, as it does to the pub
lishers of this magazine. Subscrip
tion price, 52.00 pec year. Address'
Clins. J. Peterson, 300 Chestnut St.,
I'hiliidelphin, I'a.
We Uiidf rslanJ that Pco. Lacy
will build a stcntu mill in the spring
.tout: i)iiqs up Gpnn Creek Aqm Lacy
town, on the sito of a water mill, w hich
has been run for about feur years by
John Cobb it Sons. Messrs. Cobb
fiave sawed up all their coulrnct calls
tor, and huv several mills beside
which require their uttention. We
believo i. is the intention of Mr. Laey
to build a large mill which will give
employment to quito a force of men,
and to manufacture several millions of
lumber per year.
Wo gather from the Warren Mail
a following account of tho shooting
of Mr. Messuer. Ho was near Corydon
assisting his men in getting out timber.
He kept his gun in a hollow tree, to
ii-o when he was at leisure in flieotiug
game. When the last tennj was con)
tug he stooped in a hurry for his gun,
jerked it out and it went oil', lodging
the whole charge of shot in tlia llcshy
part of his thigh. No bones wuro in
jured but tho llith was badly loin. At
last advices ho was doing as well as
could be expected, ljo ajlegts that
be put the gun aw:iy with tliw Licking
cud towards hi in and that somebody
changed it.
Tionoata, und wo may say Forest
County had not got over the first jubi
lant prido ever the bridge just com
pleted about a month ago, across the
river at this point, when it was carried
away. Itaius, thaws, Stc., had raised
the river to such an extent, that it
was certain on Thursday night that
the ice would go out within twenty
four hours. Jiut no fearr wcro enter
tained as fur as we heard, that the
bridge was in any danger. Tho only
fears wo heard expressed, were that
tho abutmeuts rnd piers of tho bridge
would cause a gerge above it, and cause
tho river to overflow about it, am
darango all tho property on tho flats
adjoining the river. Livery family
whoso property was considered in dan
ger, was packed up, ready to flee on
the approach of the danger they fear
ed. On Friday morning at about six
o'clock, tho gorgo aboro tho bridge
broke nnd carried away the two piers
and tho bridge came down with a lingo
crash, and as the euds of the bridge,
while fulling, scropod on the abutments,
huge columns of firo followed its track
dowu, and for a moment, lighted up
the wbolo sccno with bullish grandeur.
Sorrow was depicted on every counte
nance as the strucluro fell, and as tho
nows spread, lamentation krpt it com
pany. K calamity which has befal
len our pcoplo for several years, has
caused such universal regret as the
loss of our bridge. When the amount
of freight received at our depot is
taken into consideration, almost all of
which is brought across the river, the
amount f our loss may be understood.
Freights nro received here fur New
town, Lacytown, Cobbs mills, Has
kell s mills, Payne's mills, Childs &
Palmer's mills, Hoot & Gillespie's
mills, Rogers' mills, Pond's mills,
Ueck's mills, Pear Creek, Newman
ville, Tylcrsburg, Cooksburg, and sev
oral ethers which just now escape our
memory, hesido tho immense amount
received by our merchants here. The
travel across tho river here, must,
therefor be quite extensive, and has
been frequently interrupted for days
because of tho running ice, which
made the crossing of tho ferry boat
Put we aro assured by Mr. Hunter,
that the bridgo will be immediately
rebuilt when tho water goes dowu suf
liciautly, and this makes our present
loss rather easier to bear. Tho piers
ar scattered around near where they
stood, but it is not definitely known
where the iron is, but it is supposed to
bo at tho bottom of tho river about
one hundred feet bolow the bridge. If
it is not twisted nnd broken so as to be
unfit for future use, the cost of rebuild
ing tho bridge will bo comparatively
light. Wo wait patiently for tha wa
ter to fall, that we may know the full
extent of the damage.
It appears that wo aro not the on
ly losers by tho Into break-up, and
that other districts suffered by liaviug
bridges carried away as well as we.
Tho new iron bridge over French
creek, at Franklin was curried away
on Thursday at about 1 o'clock p. m,
by tho moving of the ice. Ono man
was on the bridge at the time, but was
rcse.iiJ( though seriously injured. A
new iron bridge over French creek at
MendviMc, just completed last season,
was carried avay lip eanic flay. A
pier jijst J'l4 up fpr a bridge across
tho Alleghpny at Foxburg was denior
alished completely. A few stones of
pno ier of the bridge at Parkers, was
slightly disturbed. Two bridges on
the Pilhole Railway, ono at Prathcrs
Mills, and tho otht-r at Dennett's, were
carried away. The trretlo bridgo on
tho O. C. A A. II. l!y. across Hickory
creek was carried away on Friday. It
is also reported that one of the bridges
over Oil Creek at Oil City was carried
away. The destruction by this break
up has not been equalled for years.
And not ouly did this part of tho
ccuntry suller, but on tlio Mis.sis.sippi,
the Delawaie)Schuylkill,.Susquelianua,
Ohio, and all other rivers that we can
get word of, tho destruction is general.
Tho loss will amcmut, up to millions of
Job Printing.
Do you want postera?
Do you want hand-bills ?
Do you want busiutsss cards ?
Do you, want a neat bill bead ?
) you wiui t a lusty IcUct head ?
Do ynu want a nice vis.i,ti.i; curd ?
Jf so, leavo your orders at tho Re
publican ollica where Ihey be exe
cuted in the neatest btylv aijd. ou tuoet
reasonable tetmi.
Py reference to another column, it
will be seen that the County Commis
sioners have advertised sealed propo
sals "for the purpose of fitting up an
iron bridge across the Tioucsta Creek
on the piers now standing," and to be
divided inln four spans. With all de
ference to tho Commissioners, and
without wishing to dictate to them, we
would suggest that it would 1 infinite
ly better to have but ono pier, and
two spans, instead of the three piers.
Kvery lumberman on the Tioucsta
Creek, and every one who has been
observant during tho rises on the
creek, knows that theso piers have
been more damago to them than any
other obstruction on the creek. Scarce
ly a flood hut thero is a jam there,
several rafts staved, and perhaps only
the space between tw piers at ono
side icit lor creek pieces to pass
through. If wo are to have an iron
bridge wo do not tee why it could not
bo constructed as cheap with only one
pier as with three, nor why it would
not bo as durable. We aro iu the
midst of a lumbering country, depen
dent' mostly ou its traffic, nnd think
that as much as pARsible the interests
of the lumbermen should be looked
after by our public officers. Wo hope
to seo some action taken about this
wlnsn our Commissioners next meet.
v To givo pcoplo somewhat of an
idea of the extent of tho lumber busi
ness iu Forest comity, wo will givo the
nmoont of business dono at Lacytown,
six miles above here, on Tioucsta
Creek. There aro now 13,000,000 feet
of lumber piled at that point, to be
rafted at the spring flood, and thero
are about two million feet back, which
will probably bo hauled during the
next few weeks, if the roads keep good.
About 5,000,000 feet of this coms
freni the mills of Jno. Cobb it Sons,
up Coon Creek ; about 2,200,000 from
Koot & Gillespie's mill, and tho bal
ance from Payne's, Porter Haskell's,
Melvin . Rogers', and Myers' Mills.
The lumber is piled for nearly half a
milo up Coon Creek, and about a quar
ter niilo nlong Tioucsta, making a
grand continuous piles three-fourths of
a mile long and about eighteen to
twenty feet high. All this and a
great deal nioro from above, will bo
coupled up hero giving employment
t an immense amount of men, which
will make times brisk here and proba
bly money will circulate more exten
sively than it has for 6omo littlo time
The Teachers' Ii:stituto of Forest
county met on Tuesday of last week,
and continued in sessien until Friday.
We were so busy that wo could, not
find timo to attend any of its sessions,
but understand that this institute has
not been ns interesting as sonic in
years past. Prof. Dale, of Franklin,
and Rev. O. B. Clark, wero engaged
as lecturers. Among tho best eflerts
of the inetitute, is classed tho essay
read by Miss Minnie Freeman, Prof.
Fortcr was present a day or two, and
took somo part in the proceedings.
The usual resolutions were pnssed at
tho closo of the instituti?, and tho
teachers, superintendent and lectur
ers went their several ways, fully con
vinced, wo have no. doubt, that it had
been good for thorn to bo there.
For sale at Robinson it Runner's,
Oat Meal, Graham Flour, Dried Sweet
Corp, prjed Apples, Prunes, Currants,
and Raisins, Prepared Minco Meat,
all kinds of Canned Fruits, Pickles
in Dottles, Oyster, Lemon, Sugar, Dos
ton and Putter Crackers, Onions, IV
tatos and Corn in Fur.
4titly Ibo 'I'l'mibudoitr
touched his guitar beneath tho liajeot
ny of his lady lovo, as ho sang the
praises of the Domestic Suwinu Ma
chine. She listened with eager ear, as the
ravishing strains filled tho evening air
with melody ; and,' on tho fallow ing
morning repaired to No. 24 Sixth St.,
Pittsburgh, and ordered ono of these
perfect machines, which has ever since
filled her young heart wUU gladness,
aud'lilileiied her dutucUc labors. She
says she would not do without it.
Over two thousand ncres of fino
Hemlock Timber Lauds situated on
Maple Creek, near Claringlou, this
county, are for sale at a baigain. Part
of tho lands are situated within four
miles of Claringlou, on tho Clarion
River, and would bu a fine sito for an
extensive launery and sawmills. Map
and teiui6 at this office.
2:5 tf W. R. Dunn.
Jury Ltst for February Term 1873.
P. D. Thomas, Foreman,
Tionesta Doro. Joseph G. Dal,
Daniel DIack, Goo. W. Seott, S. J.
Tionesta Twp. Samuel McClatchy,
W. W. Jamieaon.
Harmony Edward Jones, James
Elliott, T. F. Jones.
Hickory Ernst Kister, Frank
Withcrcll, J. 8. Range, Wm. Fore
man. ,
Green Gotleib Hinder, John We
an t.
Kingsley Judson Catlin, Michael
Drecht, Frank Reck.
Darnetl Scott Deil, James Dran
don, Andrew Haight.
Jcnks Geo. W. Roso.
Howe J. Casper.
nrriT jukoiih.
Tionesta Doro. Jacob Wcnk, John
Baxter, Max. Hilbronncr, Geo. Has
let. - Tionesta Twp. John Carson, FreJ.
Stitzinger, Moses Mealy, John Hood,
Jacob Suicarbaugh, Geo. Iluddleson.
Darnett John W. Irwin, Michael
Duuklo, Samuel Irwin, Edward Kerr,
Feter Gadley, A. L. Seigworth.
Hickory James Shunk, Henry
Glassner, Samuel Messtiir, Scldon M.
Green John Wolf, James Walters,
Barney Conroy, William Myers, Au
gust WinegarJ, Daniel Mohny, John
Harmony Samuel Hawthorne, W.
II. Combs, Daniel Clark, Thomas
Sloan, Wm. Hawthorne, Win. Howell,
Joseph Darrct, John Mclutiro, Geo.
Culver, J. II. Per.nell, Albert llomcn,
Andrew Cnrson, Henry Cnssell.
Kiugsley .Wm. Hooker, Jehn F.
Root, Darius Toby, Christopher Zen
del, John Harrison.
Howe Philo Wingfield.
Jeuks James Whitclock.
$1000 Roward will be paid by the
proprietor of Dr. Pierce's Gulden Med
ical Discovery far a medicine that will
equal It in caring severe and lingering
Coughs, Bronchitis and all diseases of
the lungs. C07,
This ii an enquiry which every one
should have truthfully answered befuro
he starts on his journey, and a little
care taken in examination of Routes
will in many cases save much trouble,
time and money.
Tho "C. B.A Q. RU , running from
Chicago, through Galcsburg to Bur
lington, and tho "I. B. it W. Route,
running from Indiauapolis, through
Bloomington to Burlington, have
achieved a splendid reputation in the
last two years as tho leading Passen
ger Routes to tho West. At Burling
ton they connect with the D. it M. R.
R. and form the great Durlington
Route, which runs direct through
Southern Iowa to Nebraska nnd Kan
sas, with close connections to Califor
nia and tho Territories; and passen
gers starting from Tionesta, on their
way westward, cannot do better than
to take the Durlington Route.
This Lino has published n pamphlet
called "How to go West, which con
tains much valuable information ; a
largo correct map of tho Great West,
which cau bo obtained free of charge
by addressing tho General Passenger
Agent B. it. M. R. It., Burlington,
New Advcrtinementa,
KALfcXItff risoroNAi-N.
'in:, )
Co., I'A., j
J1OM0VI A, 1' I ill UNI' ei)
JAN. lfiTH, IS73,
SF.AI.KD l'KriNAI.S Will be received
ut this nllieo until Tiuwdity tlie loili of
February for tlio purposo of liurnisliiii
nnd littinjf up nil Iron liriduo iutcnh I ho
Tioiiostu (.'reek oil tlio piers now Htundiii,
huid liriclo to lmlitM feet loin;, divided in
to four Kpium of tibout 71 feet eneli. Ituild
cih tu luniish tlmir own plain and ttpccili-
The County Coinniimiioiiei's reserve tho
rii;ht to reject nuy or all bids.
Jly order of the Coiinlv CoiiiiniiisioiH ia
I.'V. CI.AKK, Clerk.
Whi:iu:as, Tliellonorablo W. I'. Jrnkx,
President .IikIl'O of tho Court of Com
mon IMeuN nnd tiiai'terSessioiiM in and for
the county of Forest, Iiiih issued his pre
eept for holding u Court of Common I'Iicm
tjuarter (Sessions, Ac, at Tionesta, for
1 1 it) County of Forest, to commence en tlio
fourth Monday of Fob. next, bcinu tho
'.Mill day of Fob., lSTU. Notice is theivforo
jriven to tho Coroner, Justicoivof tlio l'eaco
and Constables of naid county, that I hey bo
then and there in their 1 jopci; persons ut
ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with, their
records, i luisitioiu exiuuiuations and
oilier l(,'U.i,'.Jy branccH, U do. tlioso thiiiija
w hiiai to their olliccs appertain to be done.
and to those wiio ImiujhI iu rtH'oiiiyiucck
In prosfciitcajiiusi the prisoner ii;,t luo
or shall bo in the jail of Forest County, thai
they bu then and there to prosecute against,
them r.i simii no just, (iiven under 11
liand unJ sial this 'Jil dav of Jan., A. lt,
J73. T. J. VAN tilKSEX, ssli'll.
BY VI KIT B ofn writ of Vendi. Kx.
issued out of tlio Court of Common
l'lens of FnroRt County nnd to mo di
roctod, tliero will bo exposed to anlo by
publio vendiio or outcry nt tlie Court
House, in tho borouirh of i'ioiiesla, on
at 2 o'clock, p. m., tlio following described
real estate, to-wit :
Tlie First National Hank of Clarion vs.
James l'ainter. Von. Ex. No. 12, Fob'y.
mrm, 1 nio All tho fletciulauts
interest nnd claim of, in nnd to all that
certain tract nf laud situato in Jon ks Town
ship, Forpst Comity, and .State of Pennsyl
vania. JiouiidfMl anil described ns follows
to-wit: ItcKinniuir at a post, running east
niiv rods to a post, inmico north lt0 per
ches to a post, thence vMt 31 rods and six
link to a post, lltonco Hi I rods southwest
to n post, thence Mouth 1.18 rods to the place
of Ix'tfinnin. Containing 4" acres strict
measure, Imhiik pint of Warrant No, 8 IBM,
with about 20 acres under improvement.
Taken in execution nnd to lie aolA as
tho property of James l'ainter nt tho suit
of tho First National I'.nnkof Clarion.
Terms rath. T. J. VAN CII F.NF.N,
Jan. 20. 1H73, Slieriir.
Tit I A!, IAHV
John A. Froper vs. elms, llobsoti A Co.
H. If. May vs. J. lines T. Whisner etal.
11.11. May vs. John Miller etnl.
lioyal Hcott vs. It. . Carson.
.Initios K. lirown vs. ltennett Dobbs etnl.
F. H. F.llsworth et ux vs. J. II. Pilks.
fianii'l lllaek vs. The Overseorsof tho l'oor
of Tioni'sta llorouli.
Rllmibcth ii eon vs. 1. C. Hcntt et al.
1'. Minnie A Co. vs, (ion. S. Hunter.
C'liarlea .starrow vs. Kli llerlin and Win.
A. Dusenbury.
Win. Foreman lor ur.0 vs. S. F. 1 latch.
H. I. Davis vs. Alexander Wallace et nl.
Margaret Malviu vs. Thomas Maeet ux.
I. . H. Hoffman ts. John Fajjundus e. al,
T. Wingfield ot nl vs. John A. 1'roper.
licrnaril Mead vs, Jolm WUkins. .
Foster t'arni Oil Co. v. Owston 4 ! Sowers,
H. ti. Hoguu vs. Uoo. Wnltersft nl.
J. I). AU-NKW, I'rotirv.
Jan. 22, 1873.
Election Proclamation.
Wlioreas in nnd by the lstSoction of tlio
Act of (ieneral Assoinbly of rennsylva
nia. passed the 17th day of March, ism,
entitled, "An Act to permit tho voters of
this Commonwealth to vote overy threo
years upon tho question of uran'liuK IN
censes to sell intoxicating liquors," it is
enjoined upon the NheriU of every eouittv
to tfivo notice of such elect ion to bo held,
nnd 'in pursuani-o thereof, I, T. J. VAN
(il KSHV, High Slierill of tho county of
Forest, do therefore make know n nnd give
this publio notice to the electors ot the
said county of Koroal, that a special elec
tion will be held In tlio said county on
IW ODday, February, 3d, IS? 3.
nt which time tlio ipialilieil electors of said
county will voto "lor license," or"afainst
license'' In tho manner provided by tho
1st section of tlio atocesnid Act, hereinaf
ter recited :
Suction 1. lie it cnactcil, it-e., That on
tho third Friday in- March, ono thou
sand eight hundred and seventy-three, in
every eitj and county in this Common
wealth, and at the annual tniinicipul elec
tions every third year thereafter, in every
such city and county, it shall bo tho duty
of tlio nspectors nnd Judges of election's
in thoeities and counties, tu receivo tiekols,
either written or printed, from tho legal
voters of snid cities und counties, labelled
on the outside, "license," and on tlio in
side, "for license," or "against license,"
mid to deposit said tickets in a box pro
vided for that purpose by said inspectors
and judges, as is reqired by law iu the ease
of olher tickets received at said election;
and tho tickets so received shall lie count
ed, nnd a re-turn niado to tho clerk of tlio
Court of Ciunrter Sessions of tlio peace of
tlio proper county, duly eertiliod as is re
quired by law, w'hieli eertilicate shall bo
laid before tlio judgesof tho said court nt
tho lirst meeting of the said court niter
said election shall ho held, and shall be
tiled Willi tlio other records of tlio court :
und it shall bo tho duty ot tho mayors of
cities ami slierillsol counties, or any other
ollioer whose duty it may bo to perform such
service, to give duo public notico of sncli
special election provided for threo weeks
previous to 'ho time of holding tho sainn,
and also throe weeks before such election
overy third year thereafter; VrovHtid,
That this act shall not bo construed tore
peal or ulfcet any special law prohibiting
the sale of intoxicating liquors, or prohib
iting 11. 0 graining of licenses: 1'ruriilril,
Thai when tho municipal mid township
elections in any county or eitv do not in
cur on tho third Friday in M iireli, tho elec
tion provided for this section shall Im held
011 the day fixed for the municipal elee
tiOlia in uaul county. Ami prurUted fur
ther, Tlint all licenses urauted after tho
lirst riny of January, oiui thousand eight
hundred and sevtinty-three, shall cease,
determine and becoiuo void on tho first
day of April, 0110 thole and eight huudied
and seventy-three, if tliiulistrict for which
they shall bo granted determines against
tlio granting ol license; 11111I tlie treasurer
of the proper county shall then rilund to
tho holder of such license tho moneys
so paid therefor, for which tho said treas
urer shall bo entitled to credit in his ac
counts with tho eoininoiiweallh.
Sue. 2. That in reeuiving and counting,
and iu making returns of tho votes cast,
tho inspectors and judges, nnd clerks of
said election shall bo governed by the laws
of this commonwealth regulating general
elections; and all tho penalties of said
election laws aro hereby extended to, and
uhall npply to tho voters, inspectors, judgea
mid clerks, voting at und in attendance
upon the elections held under tlio provi
sions of this act.
And tho qualified f lectors f tho coun
ty of Forest will hold their elections in
the several districts as follows ;
In Harnett township al C'li iugton school
In (iroen township nt tlio house of L.
In IIowo township at tlio houso of V, V.
In Jcnks township nt tlio court houso in
In Harmony township nt A Homier school
In Hickory towuslup at Hall school
In Kingsley townshtp.U, Wlioolor, Du
senbury V Co's store.
i 11 Tionesta township at school houso in
Tionesta borough,
11 Tionesta iioroiigh a( M.I100I house in
said borough.
Uiven under my ban I nt Tionesta the lllh
day of January, iu tho- urof our Ixril
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-throe,
and of the iniUpciiiloiice of tho
United Stales the ninotv-sevonlli.
T. J. VAN riir.
Sheriff's Office, Jan. If, WJ..
(C Tfl COfl per dav I Agculs wauled !
4J I U 4aU All classes of working
people, of either sex, young or uld, make
more money at work ibr lip iu their spare
liioiiieuls or all tlio time th:ui at anything
vise, funiculars tree. Address i. Slinsoii
A Co., f'wrtlaud, Maine.
I OB WORK nuatlyoiuoukxl at thtu.oUiee
' at roaaimirnlo mi-ox.
Aftertlianklng the people whnsokindly
nsiHtod in saving their property from tha
lire, w ish to inform the public that thev
aro again opened out nuil prepared to nvh
goods cheaper than ever in fact will sell
their present stock st the heaviest discount
ever yetolforod in this, section, after which
tlioy intend to remove their establishment,,
very grearly enlarged, up to tho prcsout
hua'incttft eentro 011 Klin Street,
A Inrgo annum! of goods ihuiingod, some
very slightly by removal and water-"
miM( be solilul tiny price. Consisting of
I K Y J O 1
IT: its,
CJ loves,
Gonts' Furnishing Goods.
A full line of
Ac,, Ac, Ac,
Wo aro prepared to pay the highest pi ieo
Hiii:i:i.ri:i.TM a iiiii:n,
Of all kinds, cither in MONEY or Goods.
Wo have inour employ a FIRST-CLASS
TAILOR, and keep constantly on hand a
GOOD STOCK OK GOODS, of best quality
and latest designs, which ho will ninke up
in a workman-liko. maimer nnd latest
styles. Good tita guaranteed w no wilo.
A good and complete stock of
Always ou hand,
Of very superior quality nnd latest do
a; i:t.s wati:im.
Foil TUB
Sold last yeur ;
G O , O O O
Till yea ;
And now being Sold uttlio lute of
7 5,000
Tho "Domestic" supersedes others be
cause it surpasses thoui iu tho overy day
service it renders, both in the work-shop
and family ; and because it is equally use
ful for very lino and very heavy work.
A Maehi'no will he furnished (fur. trial)
to responsible parlies w jtli an iiutti'ie.t or
(without charge; upon iipplical i.oij at unr
Warerooms, Hi Nixlh Street, 1'ittHbiirgh.
Tho "Domestic" has taken mora preiui
uins this ssiisiin than any other Machine,
and is specially recommended for family
usoainl .Miiiiufactiirers. It is timplo in
const 1 uetioii, noiseless and easily run.
A large slock of Thnaii Silk aro uhvayi
on hand. Address,
yy-iu. !4 Sixth SUeut, I'lttsbuigh
Tlie RfHjblican Office
KEEPS eoiuitautly on hand a large a
soi linenl of Blank Deeds, Mortgau
Subpo'iias, Warrants, Hunimuns, Ac. t)
be soli! ''hu.ip for ish, , tf.