r he &mt gJtpuMifan. W. R. mjxs EDiTOIt. TfEDJESDAY MflRMMl, V, !!, 187!. i" .. . . ...... Fatal AccinKNT. We ar called upn to record another horriblo acci dent, which ocurred at Fnirport, on Chitauqua Iiiikc, at th furtu of Con ductor Stevens, of tho Oil Creek roal, on Saturday afiornoou last.. f r Kiimm had lomo tiian cmploysd fulling trees a his land, near the road, when a man named Crane, his wife and three children drove up in a cutter, opposite tao pot where the men wero at work, and stopped the horse, tho workmen aa well as themselves supposing the trw. which was a very Inre oip, would full in tho opposite direction from which it did. As the tree whs nearly chopped o(T at tho stump, it iook a sudden plunge toward the road, and the loud cracking so frightened tho horse that he would not move. Mr. Crane, luiuping from tho cutter, un (Urtook to seize his wifo and drag her out of the way, but in her fright she stepped beyond his reaclt in nn oino site direction, the horse nt the sums time meving forward, so that tho tree as t fell, smashed the cutter, the three children in it, and Mrs. Crane, tho lat ter standing by the cutter. Mr. Crane jumped to one side, and thus saved his Inc. Mrs. Crane and the three chil dren were instantly killed. Thus, in an instant, a man is bereft of his wife and children. Mr. Crane and his fam ily resided near where the accident oc curred, and the nfllictien visited upon liim it is said has seriously aU'ected his reason. Tho remains were taken to the resi dence of Mr. Crane, aud tho sad news pprcad rapidly, the friends coming in lor nn ics arouiHi in n very short, space oi time. I he aceiilont lias cast a ileej clonni over the people in that locality as tho family was well known nnd highly respected. Tilusvtlle Courier The following items are from the Titusvillo Herald i Last Thursday nieht a little trill six years of age, tho daughterof Mr. Dor- ecy, (.colored), living on JJarbeurallev uet with a fatal accident by falling iiiLo a iuo or Beaming water, it ap pears she was carrying the baby and walking backwards, when sheoverbal anced herself .and fell in, the baby e.i capiug unhurt. Dr. Dunn attended the little sunnier, but the case was hopeless" frni the first, three-fourths of her body being burned. She lingered in great agony till Friday night, when death put an end to lier sufferings. The Pullman sleeping car which went into the Allegheny river last rri day noon, remains fust in tho river but for fear of a rise nnd moving ice strong hawsers have been run from it to the till re. The top only is above water. All the seriously injured at tho accident that wero brought to Oil City, are doing well. Mr. lloss, of 1 ittsburgh, who at hrst reported nior tally hurt bids fair to bo all right in a week or two. Mr. Iiiter, who was killed, hail just finished an iron tank L Tl 1 . 1- , hi. i-arKcrs lor our townsman, iuurcus !'rowngfn, and was on his way hither to receive payment lor his work. We take the following itims from the Clarion Democrat: Clakion County Railroad Com PASY. The annual meeting of this ceuipuuy was held ut the ollice utSli go, on Monday the 13th inttt., aud the following lioairi of officers chosen fur the ensuing year : President. J. P. Lyon. Directors. W. M. Lovn Wm. Phil lips, V. G. Barr, Win. Keichart, D, E. Lyon, David Maclay and II. M, Aloauu. Secretary aud Treasurer. D. K, IjYOU. The road from Sligo te Lawsonham where it connects with the Bonnet' Uraueh of the A.V.R.lt. is now under contract and work progressing rapid ly. It is tho intention to have the cars ruuniug to Sligo again the first of next July. In ordor to more effectual I y pro toct their property and preserve order in their midst, the citizens of Law renceburgh have formed a Vigilauco Uonunitteo. uhath or oi.n rio.NEF.K8.-Air. John Y" . . . . i i . . , . Mcintosh, of Washington township, closed a most eventful life on Satur day, December 2J, 1872 in his 7oUh year. lie was the first settler in tho lioeclnvoods district, having carried his jirovisiuu and outfit to his present pro xierperly from Lutherburgh over an un broken path upon his back, sleeping upon the snow until his first rude ahanty was erected, lie lived to see the j'oroet disappear nnd his neighborhood 'beciHne oua of the most prosperous in all tne siii niunding country. Possessing generous iuapulne that made him the friend of every one, is remembered with rospect. ll:ivii)g out lived hi.ial loted threo score ycajsiiml ten, he has Leen summoned by Mm great Harves ter, death. Mr. John Love, another of tho pio neers of Jefferson country, a resident tifKuox township, died on the 12th inst. Mr. Lovo was ono of Knox town bhip's hunt cituous.and Lite haws of his death will causua pang in Un hearts of bis hosts of a acquaintance. -Vooi-"'.uWi'xui, KIKE AT PAItKKR'H I.ANIHNCJ. Paukkr'r Lanmno, Jan. 10-9 p. in. At 4:15 this afternoon a fire was dis covered in a room over the Opera I I 1 MM. -II 1 imiupb paiiHiu. inn names spread rap idly, and in a few moments gained such headway that all efforts to subdue tuem wero fruitless. The flames ex tended north of S. D. Karn's residence, and south to Treat's dry goods store, oi. either side of the street, destroying the IT t ir ... M HIIRCU JL1I1USO, JUCmHUUH 110U80, Exchange Hotel, Unien llause, (Jrec ley House, Opera House saloon aud restaurant, Spoueor'a Oper.- Housse, Steele's livery stable, dial fan t A Urtll s hardware store, Dalley s gro cery, Lc ven's grocery, ISrowu s furni ture store Briscoe's drug store, Ia- mams shoe store, Daily Iraiumpt building, llcnnelt's hardware store, Barthold's cigar store, Crull's livery stable and twenty-five or thirty pri vate residences. I ho loss is estimated at from seventy-five to one hundred thousand dollars. The critiiu of the (ire is at present a mystery. At this hour the fire is under control. No further danger is apprehended. -Tho Philadelphia Inquirer Bays: Mr. Mantor, of the Statu Constitu tional Convention, has solved the greatest ditiiculty in the women suff rage question in a practical manner. In the resolution which ho has offered in relation to that subject ho proposes that women glial! have a right to vote whenever it is clearly demonstrated that they desire that privilcgo. This must uo Dy tho votes ot the majority of women themselves, which will show that they desire the right of suffrage. At present we have nothing but the de mands of a few noisy women who ns- sumo to speak for t lie whole sex. As compared with the whole number of maturo women, upon whom tho privi lege is asked to be couforrcd, the pro portion of decided advocates of woman suffrage is so small that it caunot con stitute ono per cent of the whole number ot women. 1 ho treat majority of wotueu aro upon this subject, silent and apathetic. 1 hey do not care en ough for this boon to ask for it. When, however, it shall appear that a ma' jorily of the sex desire this privilege u should be awarded to them. Jacob Weinstcin, a Folanderand a peddler, wns brought before Justic Perry yesterday morning on the charge preferred against him of obtaining goods on false pretences. Being unable to obtain a stock of goods in any other way, he lalsoly represented that he had moner m the bank to pay there for. Ho was ordered to obtain bonds in the amount of $300, in default of which ho wns committed to the lock up until to-day, when ho will bo taken to Meadville. T ie case of mayhem which occurcd the olherday has been settled, nnd the case withdrawn from court on pay ment oi costs. James Nell", a barber by profession was yesterday arestcd on charge of vagrancy, llo will bo brought before Justice Strouse to-day. Herald, Tues day. Mr. Bocbc, of Venango county, 'has presented to the Constitutional Con vention a petition nskinir for tho in scrtion of a local option clause in the constitution. A similar potition was presented from tho people of Washing- ten county. SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. BLACKSMITHS AND V AGON-MAKERS. Corner or Chureh and Elm Streets, TIONESTA !P.A. TlllH llrm i nrei.nred In ln nil urni-U li Hh lino, and will warrant everything done ti. vihtii niiin in kiv kuuhiucuoji, x'ar tiuulur attention given to sioksi:-sijoi;ic;, Olvo thorn a trlid, tmd yna will not re- iw-iy ERIE & PITTSBURGH R. R ( Vi mm after Monday, Nov. 15, 1P9 y-r trnniH will run on Una roud as follows LEAVE EKIE-SOUTHWARD. II:.5 A. m. AocouMonATiox T.enve Newcastle at 7:05 inidairiveu at l'lttuburuli 10:00 a. in. 10:25 A. M riTTsnrnnn r.x., utops at all stations, and arrives ut A. A (i. V. It. H. lransfcr nt l:ill ji. in., nt Newcnstio nt 5:13 p. m., Hint ut 1'ilt.slnirtrli at li:0il p. in. 5:05 A. M., AfroMMoiiATiOM, from James town, arrives at A. it i. W. It. H.Transfur at .ri:40 u. m., at Newcasllo at 7:05 a. m., aud l'illHlnirgh ut I'l-.OU n. in. 6:00 r. m., Mixed Traill leavi Erlo for Hliaron, stoppini; nt nil intei nicdiito pointa ami hitiviiik at io:io a. in. LEA VIS 1'IT I'SUU UU II NORTWA RI). 7: IS A. M., KHIB F.XIMIKSS. lfVHJI NOW' castlent 10:00 a. in., A. A O. W. li. H.TraiiH ler nt a. in., nnd arrive at Krio ut 2:30 ii. iu., iimkini? closo connecliou for Uuffu- lo nnd iMHnra 1- nl In. 3:35 r. M. accommodation, lonv 3 Now. ensile nt 0:Su p. in , A. t i. W. U. Jt TnuiKfer ut7:.'i5 p. in., and Janiu.lownat 8:30 a. in., connects with mixed trains that arrives in I'.rio nt 1:55 a. in. 11:30 l". M., Mizod Train leave Hlinron for Erie, mill arriving ut Ciiruid r.t 12:3J a. m. and ICrio nt. 0:55 a. m. Tniinseonnoctat Itochoitor with trnln for Wlirclin and nil iMiints in Weil Virginia, ami at I'itlsl.niliconiK'flioii.sfur I'liiludul phiu, Ilai riNhtirli, Jiaitiiuore unil Wash ington via reunsylvania t'entrul liailrond. Erio Expresn North, conneet.'i at li Irani with f 'IfiVclnnd nnd Erio tiaiiiM Wcslward for Cleveland, Chieaiio, nnd all points in tho West; nt Erio with l'liiliidolpliiu A Erio Kailroad for I'orr.v, Warren, li-viuton, Tiiliouto, Ae., and with u:lalo AErio liailroad for IIiiUmIo, Ininkirk, Niagara Kallu aud Now Voii -fit v. V.'li. KINNKY, C'oi;ejal Sup't FOREST COUNTY DRUG STORE ! D. S. Knox, rropriotor, ELM STKEKT, . . Tionksta, Pa. I IIAVK now In stork and for aalo a full assortment of PATENT WEDICINES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, NOTIONS, &C, Ll QUO IIS, Fur Medical v$ OXLV. I am agent for tae PERKINS & HOUSE NON-EXPLOSIVE LAMP, The only SAKE LAM V made, will burn nil kimlxof oil with perfect wifely, being nil Melnl it enn not brink, nud ao const ucl eil it cannot explodo. I nm now running a TI1TSHOP And will ninko to order all kinds of Tin or Sheet Iron Ware at nhort notice. Shop iicxuiuorsoitin oi Drug fciore. I am ulso agent for sonio of tho bent FIRE aud LIFE IXSt 15 IXi ll COM lA I T,K IN' THE UNITED STATES. All wii'.ldiig Inouranee I will attend to nt abort notice. 1). W. CLAUK AxsiHtaut. ALSO REAL ESTATE AGENT, AND HAVE NOW EOK SALE One friii of OfinercK, 30 cleared, hnn nnd barn, in KIiiiinIcv townshiii. forJ'.'.iHHl. tino house nud lot in Tionlu Itorutili, on li:n-o ;st., f i.c'ki. One house nnd lot on Itneo St. J''O. One house nnd lot on WnlerSt. 1 1,500. Duo house and lot on Wnlcr St. jil.iK'O. Ono house nnd lot on Wnler St. an Ml. One house nnd lot on Wider St. l,001. Eil'teen out lots from $-!"0 to $no. One dwelling house, burn and orehurd with nil kinds of frniis, oriiniiieutal trees. twow ati-r wells, nud out building, 5 acres oi luiiii, iimi na gooti a liK'iiliou us there Is in tho vi lingo of Timiesta. SUI.Ooo. Onn fi-.wv nnd t'hiiiiug Mill, with nil kinds of machinery for making Sash, Doors, lilinils, 1' looring, iSusii, iMouloing. Tho machinery is nearly all new. Three acres of hind ; aitualed nt tho mouth of 1 lone'ita Creek. A rare chnueo to invest, l'rieo 7,000. 30-ly I i L. L. Richmond & Co. I JEWELERS, Invito tho attention of; the public to their menuw stock of goods, . consisting of . Lr'Vn CniM) & te, j I Coral & t, Jet Bttn, j Opr Cbslm, Li-ontiuo Ctinics, Nickl trod, lu Gold and Jot! ! LocVots, Chain Brocolett, I Baud Braotkt.1, ' Ajiorlcsn nnd i Boy Watchri, AaricKn and French Cloolei, and all the Lsteat Dtsijm in i SOLID SILVER ! AND i SI UAllil) 11 Altl'i,! Togctlior with a fine uaort muut of ; FRENCH COOD8. ! 1 Call nn.l exauiinooiir tiouds and l'ricea be- fore purchusing. Wo guiiranleeour prices as for the huiiio quality of goods olsowhore. ' : L. L. Eicbniond & Co., MuBOiun Building, Cbcctsnt St., Utadvlllc, Pa. PITHOLE VALLEY R'Y. 0!i AND AKTEK Monday, June 6, 1871, Train will run a follows : TUAINSj NOltTIl WAKD. tatiojib. Ko. 2. No. i. Oleopolla, J0.'.5am S.f. p in r.eniidU, J0. " S"t " Wooila lo.ai) " 8.M " 1'ratliera Mill 10.24 " 8.1 " 1'ithole Cily ll.oe i.LO " TKAIN8 BOUTHWAKI). BTATioxa. No. 1. No. 8. I'itholn C'it v, 8.40 a ra i.'i p m I'rnlliora Mill P.4fl " 1.4S " Woods 8,5(1 " 1.54 liennclt 11.02 " 2.0i " Uleoiielid V.16 " i.14 " All Trains tnnke eioaa ooniieclioiia at oleopolis with traiun on the Oil Creek A Allegheny ltiver Lailway, North uud South. Two Lines of Stage run daily betwoou 1'itliolo t'ily, Miller Eariii ami I'leasant ville, iuaki'igcoi..iuclioii wiihai riviiigaud departing Trains. J. T. I1LA1H, ii. WK'KHAM, hup't. Ticket Ayent, Pithole City, I'a. UHSCKUiE furtho rWeit Uyj.ul,liean O It wtil pay. ROBINSON & BONNER arexelllng A9 CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, at Cost and a little more. DRY GOODS & NOTIONS a full Una constantly on hand. i;OOTM A NIIOIX, F LOU It, OKOCKR1ES, nnd 1'ItOVlSIONS, DRIED and CANNED FRUITS, IIAHDWARR, tiUEENSWAllE, OLASHWAUE, STOVES flHO STOVE CASTIKGS, OILS, TAINTS and WIN DOW -GLASS, I EON, NAILS, nnd IIOIISE-SIIOF.S, CHOPS unj 8A LT, FISH, rfe., Ac, Wo cndeiver to keep nothing but FIRST CLASS GOOD3, ami respect fully nik nil to give uh a call and examine V'ooils ai,,j pri,.,s 3 y CROVER & BAKER T.'ie followlnf; areeleeted from thoua anda of teatliuoniMlH of similar character, M expressing tho reason for the profer enee of tho t! rover JTiaker Maclilnns over all otheia, "Ilikn the Qrovor A Rsknr XI. chine, in the lirst plnco, bocaiiHO ir I l. auyolher. I should slill want a Ornvrr A. linker ; and having a (trover . linker it answers mo l.urposo of nil tho rest. It does a greater vai iel v of woi k and iaeasier to learn than any other," M ri. J. C. Cro ly (Jenny Juno) "I linve had aevernl years expo- . .. ... un n urovpr muter maciiiun, which has given me-pirnt sstiafTicimii I think the Orover.t Itakur Ma. hino iamoro eiMily managed, nnd less liable to gpt out or order. I prefer the drover t Hnkrrde chledlv." Mm, Dr. Watts, New York, "1 have hail one In mv family for o two; years; and f.iom what I know ot its workings, nud from the testimony of many or my mends w ho use the t.imo, I can hardly eo how anything could he more coiupieia or give lietlor aatisractlon." Mrs. (ion. liranl. "I believe It to be tho best, all things considered, of an v that I have known It is very Mimple and easily learned; tha sewing Irom the ordinary spools is a great advantage; thoatiteh is entirely reliable; it does ornamental work benutifully; it is not lial.lo to get out of order. Mrs. A. M Hpooner, 30 llomlfSt. llrooklyn. Tho drover and Haker flowing Machine Company niaiiufactiiie both the Elastic and Lock .Stitch Machines, and offer the public a choice of tho best machines ot both kinds, at their cstahlibhiiienla In all tholai'KO ejties, and through agencies In nearly all towns throughout l!io country. Trice lists and samples of towin; in both Ktitehes furnished on application to T. J. VAN GIIiSrCN, Agent, Tlnuekla, Pa. PUOTOGUAPn GALLERY. Water Street, ADJOININCITIIE IIOLMKS HOUSK, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor, 1 . . :sisa r PictiiroHtuken iu nil tho latent slvlos the. art. 2(1-11 Tim oldest and most 11 liabln luMitutioii for obtaining it Mon-untile Education, iiU-Pruciical business men ns instruc tor. For information, w riu, for a c iu ular to P. Dl'FFtfc SONS, Pitvimrrh. Pa. 1,000 ItKWAIlH! For nnv ease of llllnd. Illpcdlmr. Jteldm or Lhs-rnted Piles thnt Do Jling's Pile He nu'dv fni Is ti 1 eu re. 31 is iirennred ex- ni-es-dy to cure the Piles, nud nothiiiK else. Mold by nil Druggists. Price, 81. 00. ' ;i!i. R HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO ADVERTISE. Sc the ADVEHT1SE1M ttAKTTE. Ilv mail !ti cents. dl'.O. 1'. KOWELI. '0,, 41 Park How, N, Y. :f.l-4t TRICKS ANDTRAPS AMERICA Would vim avoid being "bit" bv Itouncs. Swindlers and IliimliiigsT Head the ".Slur Spangled ltauner." A lnrge, tllustriiled In-eolnmn 8 page paper, Aofyrr size. Splendid Stories, Sketi lies, Tales, Poems, ll, II niuor, ruz.les, lU-elpes, ,ve. litis year. 1 n year, w ith elegant Prang Chro 1110. 'Autumn leaves." i'reo to nil. ONLY fl. Try it once, Sutisl'actlou guaranteed. Ageius wanioi, inuiii ireo. !"ecmiens, iVe., for tl cents. Address "llanner. ' Hins dale, N. II. a!Mt GI.ITSCIP.S 1MPEUIAL HESSIAN MCSTAKD. Wholesale to tho trade. Single cans sent postpaid, on receipt of SI. W, Herman T. rriiesutl, Itcnilmg, I a. AtlENTS WANTED Foil BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Tho most beautiful edition ever nubllsh- ed. Printed on elegnnt paper, w illi near ly .'"OO exuuisite illustrations. Prohts larire nnd Kales sure. Evorvhodv wants this noble work. For circular nnd terms, address John E. Potter & Co., Publishers, rinladeiplua. :c.'H 182.1 JL' HI ! 1373. OK TUB NEW YORK OBSERVER Tho best Religious ami Secular Fam ily Newspaper. C3 a Yrar with a JUBILEE TEAR BOOK. SIDNEY E. MOUSE .V CO , 37 Park. How, New York. SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. AdENTS WANTi:i).-Wo giutrniilci emploviiienl for all, cillier sex, nt " a day, SJ.isii or more 11 vcar. New works by Mrs. II. II. Slew e and others. Super! premiums given nwav. Monrv mnde 1 nit nllv amleasilv nt work for us. Write nnd so. Pin li. illars tree. Worthington, I ins till tV Co., Ilarltord, Conn. ;i'.'-lt Oill'iTelttViAHcSu'n) Kiver lly O N AND A FT I'M I Monday Juno 5, 1S7L j ruins will run ns follows; BOLTllWAlll) TUAINS. STATIONS: bt CIuhs. 4 2 n. 111. n. 111. 21 Class. 0 p. 111. It ftO (i 114 0 ;;7 r ID 0 ft.1. 7 10 7 10 a. 111. 14 a. m Corry 6 l .'i II no it -"2 11 :i.ri 15 ft I 11 47 8 00 V 1(1 t so Spiti'lansbui g dlyiulen Centrevillo Tryonvillo llydetown Alt Titusvillo UK Miller Farm Shaffer Pioneer A R Pet Ceiilro in Columbin Tnrr Farm Kynd Fuini Hoiisevilhi MeCliutoek Alt Oil City IIK Oleo polls Euglo Hock President Tionesta 1 1 ickorv Triinke'yvillu Tiiliouto Irviuctoii 04 II Mi l.'l 1 0.1 Jj IU la 3 '. VI 5 0 M 10 ?il 11 LKI 11 . 7 42 12 4.1 H na 1 o.'t 8 07 1 08 8 17 1 IX 7 40 7 Ml 8 (IU 8 10 0 111 II 8? 6,ri I '2 1A 7 I'll 12 2(1 7 40 12 4 U 1 ':') K 7 60 1 05 8 2 I 2S 8 ; 1 8 40 1 US iS III I 44 8 SO 8 .".K 8 42 fs ;-,(! 8 M U (K) 0 10 8 10 8 20 8 :hi 8 4il 11 no V o.r V 20 1 r 2 in 2 2 4(1 2 fifl 3 (in 8 fKl 1 4:1 1 8 fKi 1 M W 10 2 Oi 9 1.5 2 10 W 4fi 2 M ,VJ 2 411 V f.9 (2 !i) 10 Si S 12 i 20 10 15 S 40 11 10 4 2.' II S2 4 M) 1 1 KS 4 fnl 12 30 5 ,(7 10 41 10 M It 11 12 01 s :.2 S 41 s ts 4 40 1 20 u I 1 4 "i fl 4 2 21 7 HI 4 03 S 40 AMU l'lONAl. HK'OMl-l-I.ASSTltAlNS SOUTH. No. Pi Titiisvillc2.1(lp. ni.i Miller 2..MI; Pioneer 3.211; Pel ( 'enlre ;l.:!:i; I'oltimhiu 4.1.ri; Turr Furui 4.'.':tj livnd Fiirin l.:!7j Itouseville 4..Vi; Oil City fi'.2il. No. 8 I'orry ll.l.i.i. in.; Tilusville 8..'l.r; Miller Farm !i.2."i; Pel 'cntre H.4N; I'oliim- 'in lu.bl; Tin r Fnrm lll.ls; Hvinl Farm 10.27; Itouseville lll.::.r; Oil I'ily 'l I.IKI. No. IS Pet Cenlrii 1.2s . mi; Columbin l.Mi; Tnrr Furui 2.ll."; livnd Fuini 2.10; Itouseville 2..'U; oil I'itv 3.tKi. Nil. 2.'. Oi! City tl.mi , m.; Ole.if.olis 7.2'v; Tionestii 8.D4; Tninkevv'illo jo.l.'i; Tiaioutyll.il, KOKrilWARO Tit A INS. STATIONS: 1st Class. 2d C'las. 0 3 I 13 9 u. m. p. in p. m. a. 111. n. m. Ii vincton 12 4.' S (i.'i (i (III 7 45 Tiiliouto 1 2S 6 47 7 Lil II Triinkoyville 1 4rt r, us 8 o." 10 in Hickory 1 M Jrt IS (iS 20 10 41 Tionesta 2 14 (1 I!4 8 41 It 40 President f2 3r fl ,V IKI 12 21 Enlo ltock 2 ;ts rt ,'i9 0 ;tr, 12 :i2 Oloopolis 2 47 7 us 10 05 1 0:1 AR S 10 7 3,i IU Si 1 SO Oil Citv lR 0 00 S 20 7 40 11 30 2 10 MeCliutoek 11 13 ftl 32 (7 fir, H 60 2 2.r Koiiseville 111 3 35 7 f!l 12 00 2 3d Itynil Kurm 0 20 3 1(1 ,s 04 12 25 2 4(1 Tnrr Fai nt (i 25 3 45 8 10 12 3S- 2 .V Columbia fl! 2.l 3 411 8 14 12 4S 3 In All 0 1)1 3 5o 8 21 1 05 3 20 Pet Centra UU 0 "fl S .10 8 23 1 25 3 33 Pioneer C 12 4 00 8 .",0 1 45 S 4e Slinller 0 52 j 1 15 8 In 2 (HI 15 Miller Farm (1 5! 4 20 8 44 2 li 440 Alt 7 15 4 40 0 05 'i 45 5 2l Titusvillo li K 7 35 4 45 0 10 3 05 lrydetown 7 44 4 65 ll 20 3 20 Tryonvillo 7 i7 6 OS j,u s s0 Centrevillo 8 05 B 17 yj 43 4 J(, dlynden (S 14. 5 7 , M 4 y . Spurtanslnirg a 2t f, A, ,0 (ij 4 .J Coiry 8 &5 C 10 lu 8.4 5 fa AI'HITIOS.r.B.;AMl-fl.A!VUAli-fTII ,',fi 011 r"-v W.; It.iuscvillc 7.20; inrr Fnrm 7.40; Coluiulilii 7.5,"; Pel cntia S.pi; PioIHev S.Kl; Miller 0.25; Titusvillo !i..V. ' No. 7 Tilttsv'.llo 0.00 n. 10.; fi.i i-v 11 No. II Oil City U.211 n. 111.; Itouseville ll.l.i; Ityiid Furui 11.53; Tarr Fiym 12 3 Columbia 12,ln; Pet Centre 12.20; idillur 1.2-s Ti,nst ilio 2.1111; C01 rv 4.12 j. iu. No. 21 Tidioutc 2.I5 p, in.; TrunUev ville. 1. 15; Tioiieritu2.i l; Oleipolis-1.25; tiil I'ily 5.20. () Ti;iiiM do not Ktop. (S)Slou oiisiunal. ( I Slo lor nieiils. Trains 5 (i, 21 nud 22 r lily ; UU other Iriiins daily except Sund;i. ... Truiu No. In is nil Kxaruss l'rom 1 iliiHVillu lo Corry. M1.V1IH l'.I.AI'l;'sl.l:il'INo (Alt THAI NS. No. 1 ltiiecl lioni Philiidclphiu without chnni;o. No. 1 Hired lo Philadulphia without I'hai e. .,.., Direct irum PiiUburKli without chiini;e. No. il Direct to Pilt.slnir!;li without Chan);,.. 4 C.J. IIEPliCKN JNO. P1TCA1KN Siipi'iiidemleiit. d.in'l Maun-rei' II. u. T I N it i: It V ., OIL CITY, PA. WIlOLKSAt.a ABO llKTAIt Dealoru In CUTLERY, BELTING I PACKING, AUD Oil Well Supplies, Spoar's Celebrated Antl-Cllocher and Anti-Dust Parlor and Cooking Stoves. Ranges, Hot-Alrjind Steam-Heaters,. Fer prlvnto and public house". SMOKE-STACKS t Shoot-Iron Work, ripo cuttiiiK. so-tr. ALT. EXT.ora CUhtSDiSlAWOf 1KT , THRDAT.IUNG5.UVER & ei r Hli'ivti i iltilri fur rlirr, llu' ihtcovvrvr hlluf iid rnnhliif iA h.irwonv ttiwi ml Mtiire'i twtnt orrit'lRH rnmli v mMritM, . whli h"1 hi lntiHft litlA th VtrtliU kth Aa.n rr ltMlinT 1 1t rk, tlmn w m hli coiuHiiknI t?i nut nittltclittf. Tli TlittMirf oi f :t U fnuiii In tli irrc.M TurUtr of nitt nUiW ut wtilcli itlu hrcn f-mtiU poniio. " In tli citra nf llronrhltl. Mvr C otic ha, 1,10 rnrl tr roiiPitn tloii It h4 moiiUhrri ttia mtdiral ftu-yliv, n4 Diitinaiil iilTtriiu ironuiiuc H tli crratvrt m slirsl (1icovi:rv f Ihu Wlillt tl eurr IU Hvrrt 4'(tuli,' 11 trtik;ittn tlm ttvirm Mid urirl6N Mood IW lu piroi anil itiv bi i trl( ing imtrilv. It rut lt Uumirj inm llu wnri flrrofnla lo eotn ii tM lllotrli, ft I in p Ir, or I.mrilnn. Mrrttnnl lir, Minuml iMtiaoii. aotl I4lr rfTrt, a .a'iict.t, ait1 vloriM' hraltn and k.nnl citiiolilutiou MUMUttnl. 1 r f aH- lS Unit Klfiim, Fever ri, feruly or IpL t ii ac Ii Ski ii, U nhorl, all ilia nuniwrnn ilia. mc rauaM l t b!iMJ, arc coiiqntMftl f 1 1.1a " IKMTprful p'lrtryhi ant lnv lKomitntc uitUiua. If y;i f'ol 4 1 1 1 1 , drowny, tlrbililatpd. iari fal low c l'r of aklii, or vellowUli hmwu $tut t fi fir b.i lr, fie iitnt iiealarha or dicaintwa, l4i tata in ui xiiii, Uiloinai lirnt or rlitll. altmal4. wlih Uot (liulioa, Itivr plilia. ami fl'iiy fur bwlltict, irrcilar amxiita, and tfiipna citalwt,. t.iii aie autferitK; fiuiii Torpid l.lver or II i 1 1 o ii n ii o a." In man y raara oi 1. 1 c r !illnt onl purl of ttic aTaiUtma ar tt,eriiH-al. At a retiitsly fnr all ruia utaa. Dr. rittrcu'a (iuMan Medical Ularovery koi iiual, a IttAWMa prrfvet ruref, IraTlng lha II t r nrf ui;iirin'l aii't licftlthr. F- Uia cur ot ll.tblliiul C'oimll patloit of Ilia Kowela It la a nevdr falling roiucily, and tboa who ha nt"t H for lliia iurie nra Inuil In Ha tiraia. Tli iiroprtrlor iifr-ni $1,(KX reward ir I ninll cina that will a)ual It for Hit cure of all lha dla M'c for which il la recommaiitlaU. Hold lif tliu"tillaal $t irboltlo. PrerJ hr R. V I'ion'a. M. l..Hla I'niprielor, at lup(1imi Cil Lilwrattirv. 1 31 Hwifi atrral. Duffalo, H, T. fteud yuar araaa for ft pftmpblek LOTS FOR SALE! 13 TUB BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. O. SICKLES,' 7, NmhshBI., Ner York Cltr. unil V.' V.J '""" In Two Vol- "in. Tim two yoluuieiicoiiliiliroveriOi'tV1 "fio-i'.tirul Wlte, worth nt liKnt; ft!S "'erPAVOKlTKot'r. iloithu he mrtiuulnr to nsk for 1'ktkiih Kn.rtoM or Stmai -iu1 Wai-kkh, UIh two only cm rpet nud eoiniilele edillon. Ad- ' dre w J.D.PKTKKS I rnrpri , M u.sio Publisher. V A 1 1 IVJb. tW Itroadwi.y, 'ew York. Noy. 12. ' 1 1 )) ! K i:i:i'l Ml M ADR HAS V. ICverv J K clel k and iiierchunt can leiim ut once. PL. IVk.U inuiled, ."Hie. 11. (touldiiiir llrvmll - ' ' Uiillido N. y. QONFECTIONARIEg J Mi'lvAY, lit tlto Pout Onii, llllH ..ut u i-iioice lot oi - (:oxu:vnoxAuii:s, CANNED riuilTS, 'i on a ccos, CWAliS, ANJi nuT IONS OF ALL KINDS. ! . A portion or II, e pal i'o,i:i.;f v( tin blii W re-ipei-tluliy Kullcit.'d. ". JU-"' JAS. I. JirfCAY. )i:.J. n. ret urns Illil.AHII .)' li.li onto, ., lm.V iimI t'. Ins niif. n', Hence of lour im nil 1 1-, si,, nt iu i! 1' llll luN ol New ,-, ,oio l" Mill alti.u nop. 113 cai ! in u I M I"..!C-I,1. Ollice iu Mm U;i ii,,,- Sloit fl'.'ie Hie !,,, . ) i; , .... i. ,