NATURE'w ' RESTORATIVE HAIR 8 ikii of.i no suu'iiunXo SCO. Hi or LEAD No L1T11 AliOXo XI Til ATE Or ML 'r.H,und it entirely free from the J'uimnnnu and Health-destroying Drug ned in other Hair I'repara tiont. Transparent and clour as crystal, it wil not Kiiil (no finest fabric. perfectly SAFE, CLEAN nntl EFFICIENT deidointumn LONO NOfUIIT FOR AM) FOUND AT LAST ! It restore and prevents tlip Hair from lieeoinmi; ''ray, impnrtsa soil, glossy ap pearance, removes Dandruff, is pool and refreshing tu 1 ho head, check (lie, Hnir from lulling off, nnd restores it to a (front extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, euros all humors, cutaneous eruptions, mid ininntuinl boat. AS A DHKSSINU KOKTIIK HAIR IT IS THK BEST ARTICLE IN TI1K MA11K KT. I) It. O. SMITH, Patentee, Aver, Mass. Prepared only liy PROCTElt BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Mass. Tim genuino is put up in n panel bottle, nindo expressly for it, with the niinie of tlio article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist lor Nature Hair Restorative, ami tuke no other. yTSend two tlireo opnt stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on tho Human Hair." The information it con tains is worth f500,00 to any person. The oldest and most reliablo Institution or obtaining a Mercantile Euucntion. "J;. Practical business men as instruc tors. For information, write for a circular to V. Dl'FF A .SONS. Pittsburgh, Pa. 33 IS v e rt College and Musical Institute Opens its Fall Session September 10, 1872. , location accessible, healthful and beau tiful, ltooms cheerful and comfortable. School homelike. Instruction thorough and earnest. Twenty boys received into (Seminary Hall on moderate terms. Send for catalogue to 20 St Rev, R. T. TAYLOR, President. !, S. C. CLAKK, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, tizdiotjtie: ifjl. Aryd Dealer in . "WATCHES, JEWELRY, Als'D MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing dono in a workmanlike manner mul warranted to give satis faction. 4 ly READ! READ T The subscriber having ro-rcnted tho ikvixi: (iitisT mills. Would say to their old customers, and the oommuiiitv generally, that they keep constantly on hand a large stock of FAMILY FLOUR of all grades. Chop Feed, Shorts, Iiran, Oats and Corn. With our facilities for do ing business, wo purpose not to be under sold by any establishment in this soetion of tho country, and would say to the lum bermen and dealer of Forest county, that they can bo SUPPLIED CHEAPER ami more promptly than from any other point. Immediate attention given to all orders from a distance, E. JONES & CO. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; I, I860, $2,348,32339 $20,000,000 lost-ps paid since its organiza tion. WM. BUULElt, Central Agent, llurrishurg, Pa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. 8 6m Property Set Apart For the widow of Michael Henrv, late of the Borough of Tionesta. deceased, in the Ua-piiuns Court or Forest County, Pa., No. Term, 1872. Amount retained ooo,oo Notice is hereby given thultheannraised list of property set apart for the widow of above deceased has been tiled in this ofltce, mid will be allowed if no exceptions are tiled on or before tho 4th Momlav of De cember. J. B. AUN'K.W, -at. Clerk. HAVI! token tho agency of two w machines nianufactuied at Mcadville, one known as tho KnifTen Mower and Reaper, and the oilier tho Atlantic Mower and Reape r, The advantages theso machines claim over ut hers ollurcd for sale is l iglitiirsi of Draft, Ease of Alaniigemeut, rononiy of Power, Strrilh and Chraiiurss These iiiacliiues, with or without rtapor iillndiiiK nt can bo pun liusi il of II. W. I. EDA lil'R, or, HEATH, . 'I'iout'Hla, I'm. Tlx-v ulo Ki.ll tliu TAYLOR KTEKL TOoTH HAY A lij!AN. KAKK. Noun lijUor ui usii. ,-Jo '1 OIJ WORK neatly'..' I ut this otli. A CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S 04 UFO ROTA VINEGAR BITTERS 34 o si Hundreds of Thousand ? f Deer tstlmonr ! th!r Wooder ful lurutlTe Kflects. TDT.T ARB HOT A m! u, i S ll FANCY DRINK, h Kitcvt Tnor ltnm, WhUkpr TrovT i IHta tliit liei'KS I.lyuurii 0-cir:r:l, ;tod knd.Vfc tatt t t-lcsj Utc t.u;', c!i:i;U"lcnIC8t,MAppcU n," !:ci:l.lrf,, ac, i:.r.t ?tnil ite lipflcr on to n:ut:cv.n( f i er.d rt.l:i, t ut arc ft trao Medicine, mwO fro::i t;.c N':.l.vo Uoota anJ lTirt.8cf California, frc I-it;;, A lralu'lfn St linslnms. They aro th t;:: ui.(im rt nu iEit um.i a life lavlSU l'i:i('lt'!.Eacrrt Innovator ud lavlsuruirtV t,iu )vtcui, cati'U:g off all poisonous metier ;.:-.(! reLtcrinp tio l.locd to a hcatthj condition. ;op.r-on iculi'.o ihno r.l:tt according to direc tion ar.d remain long nnrcll. frllO v.. 11 bo plTCDforan InrnraUacaM, proTldrd tli tones arc not destroyed tj mlaeral poltoB or c'.lur ijc;.r, cr.i tlio Tltal ergons wutcd bojrondtb point orroralr. rr li:(li.n:i;iulcrr nnd Ckronie Tthesnia tm r.ud ;oni, lysirtl, or ladicestloo, Illlions, Itrsiltteiit and lutornlttcBt Fever IHscfiBco ci the Ulood, sUlTor, Ktdnerst and Itladucr these Bttters Ijito been most sneccss fnl. Bach Diseases aro canted tjr Vitiated Blood, which Is t"cncrtllr produced by dcranftnsut of liic 11ehiIto Oisnns. DYririirSIA OK INDIGESTION. Bssd orlio, Pain In tho Shonldsrs, Coughs, Tightness of tns Clist, DUxlncss, Eonr Ernctatlons of the Stomach, Eod taste la Uio Month, Billons Attacks, rslplutlcn of tho Xloart, iLfloinmatlon of Uis Langs, Fain In the regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other pslnfal vmp:cms,arc ths oCsprings of Djtpcpsla. Th-jr lnrlgorato the Stomach and stimulate ths tor pld liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled cQeacylu closnslng the blood of all Imparities, and Unpsrtln new life ar.d vigor to the whole system. I ()U Ft it IN' VI4EA8K8,Eruptlosf,Tetter.8alt l.Lcnw, Blotches, Epots, TlKplcs, rastul M, Bolls, Cir. buccles. Ring-Worms, Bcald-Ucnd, Soro Tyes, Eryslc tlcj.llcli, KcurfB, Dlscoloratlons of tht 8kln, Bumors and Dlscasos of ths bkin, of whatever rame or nstnre, srs literally dug np and carried out of the system In a then time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle la such cssos will convince tao most Incredulous of their ccrcilva effect. Clrsnso tho TUIated Blood whenever you find Its In. purities bnrstlng through tlio skin In Pimples, Erup tions or Seres 1 cleanse It when you find It obstructed ant sluggish In the veins t elcanse It when H Is foui, and yoar feelings will tell you when. Keep the bloc puro and tho health of the system will follow. riN, TAPE and other WUKMS, larking In ibs system of so many thousands, are effectually destroy c.1 and r?uiovcd. For full dlreetlons, read carefully tlte circular around each bottlo, printed fu four laa guAgcs Huglisli,Ucsusn, Trcnob and 6panlsb. J. TVAl.lkXC, rroprlctor. B. n. UcDOK AXD CO, rr-.i(7c!.u and Gen. Agents, Eon rranelseo. Col, and S3 and Is Conuueree Btrect, Kew Tork. IJ- SOLD DT ALL DRU0OISTI AKD SI By an immens practice, cx-.cni.uij t..roj,li a pnoU of many years, having wit'im tht time trcALcii ovel nine thousand oises of those ifiscascs pcculia. to woman, I hare been enabled to perfect a most potent and agreeable mcmcme that meets the indications presented by that claii of ciscait with pcmvc ct.r taint y and exactness. To designate this natural specific compound, 1 have named it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, however, is but a feeble expression of my most matured appreciation of its value, based upon actual and witnessed realities. As a close observer, 1 have while witnessing its positive results in the few special diseases incident to the separate organism of woman, singled it out as tht chftuix tr crtnvntng gem 0 my m.tiical career. On its merits as a positive, safe, and effectual remedy fur this class ol diseases, and one that will at all tunes and utdcrall circum stance act kindly and in harmony with the laus govern the female system, 1 am wiiUngto stake my reputation as a phystci.m- Nay, even i.iure, so conic dent am I that it will not disappoint the most sanguine expectations ol a single invalid l.iay v. ho employs it for any of the ailments for which I recommend it, that 1 sell it under A 1'OS.TIYK OL AR ANTEK. If a e.fect u not experienced by the time two-thirds of the contents of the bottle are used, 1 will, on the reiuru of the loule, two-t hires ol the medicine having been taken according to direc tions, and the case being (or which 1 recommend it, promptly refund the muuey p:ud for it. Had I not the most perfect confidence 1:1 us virtues I could not offer tt as 1 do under these condition's ; but having wit nessed its truly miraculous cure in thouanus ol case., 7 jetl warranted ami ferfectiy saf in risking Lath my refutation and usy mtnrjf ft iff s-nertlt. The following are anvjny tliose d ceases in which my FawriU Freicnptten has worked euro a if by magic and with a certainty never before attained Ly any medicine : leucorrhoea, fc-xcessive l"'lo inif, 1'aiu fulilMonthly Periods SupprenioiiH when from unnat ural causes Irregularities, Weak Back, 1'rul.ipsut, or falliug -of the Uterus Anteverston and kelrovcrsinii. Hearing Down Sensations, Internal Heat, Nervmi UeprciSion, Debility, Despondency, 'I'lircaiciicd Mis carnage. Chronic Congestion, lnllammauon and 11 csratioii of the Uteru, and very many other chronic diseases peculiar to woman nt here, in which, as well as m ih- cases which 1 have mentioned, my Favorite Prescription works cures the iiiarvtl of the world. This medicine I do not cxtul aa cure-all, but it admirably fulfills a sinleattis ot paro-.c, l-ciu a mist p:rfecl spjcinc iu kll chronic d. ( f tl.e sexual sy&tcra of Wunn, it will it.a ; lur will it do hann in any sUtj or c-y...'..i ... t'. i. a MOST Pt)W!t:Fl U K&MTOKATIVS TtMC I i th' cral as welt as the sexual system, al-o combining the inMt valuable nervine propenies. Liuth the muscular and nervous forces are strcntfihened and built up by its use. . It will be found invaluaulc in disease inci dent to pregnancy, and can be taken iti uiodcrato does witK perfect safciy wiiile in that Mate. Indeed, tt is a Mother Cordial, and s prepares the syMcm for parturition that it renders child-labor easy. 1 have received the heartfelt pruie from hunoieu tf mothers for the inetimible benehtsthu conferred. I otfer my Favoriit Prescription to the Ladies of America with the sincerity of an heart, anu for their best welfare. 'I hose m lio desire further inlornia ation on these subjects can obtain it in my Tl-ka i isg oh Chronic Diseases op kk Cshnilmativk ami UrinakV Okgan&, sent secure fiom olM;rvatuii v on receipt of two postage sianins. It treats mmmtly on those diseases peculiar to V .males, and l,,v- tnucb valn.iblc ad vice in retrard to thr ir mnti.ii;i men I iik. vit-:iti KH t'Avoiii'i i; i nr K( ItlPI ion imoi.ib ai i.iuivr I.ASS tiUI GUltiiii, ul ?l.JO vr bits tie. Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory ci if. '. J'iiin I., M. JK. SOLS lJH'ifKIET('ll, IIVKKALU. N. V l-C7 THE Tenth volume of Woon's Hoi sk Uiil.u Magazink begins witliaiiuary '72. It is edited by Gail Hamilton, S. S. Wood, nnd II. V. Osborne, and includes among its regular contributors 1 1 or are Greeley, Gail Hamilton, Thos K. Beecher, Dr. Dio Lewis, Dr. W. W. Hall, Jiimes Purton, etc. Harriet HeecherStowe, Brick Poineroy, John G. Saxe, Maj. Genl. Kil patrick, Petroleum V. Nnsby, etc., write it occaNiouully. Terms Olio Dollur a year. In clubbing, three tirst-class periodicals are given iir the price of oneof llieui. The wost liberal Premium List ever published. No periodical is more freijuently or favor ably mi ntioiu d lv tho press. "Wood's Household Msgnziim is one of tho monu ments of btisincH enterprise which mark the age.' 'Methodist Home Journal, Phil adelphia, Pa. "It has been improving ever siiico we knew it ag.Nid criterion for the future." Courier, New Maiket, Can ada, ll is a marvel of cheapness hiiu first china quality combined." New York 'l imes, bpe'eimeu copy sent free to any tvldi w,. S. y. Wool) A CO., .VowhTinjln y. y. HI WHAT ARE THEY? ! " " lis $ mm i am -Jfc&feJ ill ? m a ft 167 Water Street, Meadville, Pa. ALSO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, PA. In Store u-Uh ST.irLVS& SIBLEY, Opposite Fo$t Office. TIIIJ LARGEST DEALER IN In tliis section, including the follovving celebrated makes: Chickering & Sons, Steinway & Sons. Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurlzman. and others. WHITNEY d' SLAY TON'S ORG&XS AND MEL ODEONS. These Organs and Mclodcons are acknowledge V all good judges to be the best and finest finished Reed Instruments made. " ' v This being the Oldest and Largest House in this section, superior induce ments can and will be offered to purchasers. Stools and Spreads. Sheet Music, Books, and a large stock of everything in tho Music line, can be found at my store. 9-ly J. C.HULL. 500 TOLVJIES IX ONE. AGENTS WANTED FOR The Library of Poetry and Song, BoltiR Choioo Selcc'ions from the Best I'oots, Kiitflinh, 8nU'h, Irish and Ameri can. With an Introduction by WILLIAM CULLEX BRYANT. Vndcr whoso rritiinl superTlsion the vohimo was mm tilcd. The himdsomo 't and rhinpeiit fiuVmrrip tlon book pxtant. Over 8c0 panes, beauti fully printed, rhoioelv illustrated, hand, souiely bound. A Library of over 5p0 voluiiies in one book, whose contents, of no ephemeral nature or interest, willnover prow old rr stale. It can be, and will be" rend and re-rend witli pleasure by old and young, as long as ita leaves hold together. "A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything all all a favorite, or at all worthy of place hero, is neglected. It is a book for every household." N. Y. Matt. "we know of no similar collection in the English language which, in copious noss and felicitv of seloction and arrange ment, can at all coinparo with it." V. 1". 1'imcs. Terms liberal. Selling very rapidly. Send for Circular and Terms to J. B. KOR DA CO., 27 Park Place, N. Y. .Tune , 1S71. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. NEW LINE TO BUFFALO THROUGH THE OIL REGIONS. VN AND after Monday Nov. 20. Trains will run as toiiowe (Altoona Time): SOUTH. Day Express leave Oil City at Arrives at Pittsburgh Night Express Leaves Oil City Arrives at Pittsburgh Mail Train leaves Oil City Arrives at Pittlburgh 2 25 p m 8 -io ) in (1 30 p m 8 40 a m (' 4 a m 6 00 p in Venango Accoin. leaves Oil City 4 00 p. m. aud arrives at Kittanning V 10 p. in. NORTH. Day Express Lenves Pittsburgh' at 7 50 a in Arrrives at Oil City at 2 30 p m Night Express Leaves Pittsburgh H 20 pin Arrives at Oi. City 5 4oam Mail Train leaves Pittsburgh 11 AO a in Arrives at on city 7 2S p in Venango Acc. leaves Kittannintr 7 05 a m and arrives at Oil City 12 20 p in Silver Palace Sleenlnir Cars on niirht Express Trains, between Pittsburgh and Titusvillo. Through Coaches on l'av Ex press Trains between Pittsburgh and Bos ton. J. J. LAWRENCE. T.M.KING, Uoul. Sup't. Ass't. Sup't. fiTrirreaeM BALL'S Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewet Has stood the test of seven peetrt before the public ; ! no prepar ation for the hair has yet been dis covered that will produce the same beneficial results. It is an entirely new scientific discovery , combin ing mam of the most powerful and restorative aaents tn tM VfcCET" ABLE KINGDOM. It restores CRKY HAIR TO ITS ORICINAL YOUTH FUL COLOR. It mnhes the scalp white aud clean; cures dandruff and humors, and falling out of tlio liuir: and will mahe it grow upon bald heads, ejrectt. in very ayed persons, as it furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished aiul supported. It maker the hair moist, soft, and (fosHif, and is vnsurpasseil as a 11 A ill DUES SI AO. His the cht'iiprst itreparation ever offered to the public, as one bottle will ac complish more and last longer than three bottles of a it if other preparation. It is recommended and used by the First Rleilioul Authority. The lyondertilresults produced by our Sicilian Hair lienewer have induced many to manufacture preparations for the Hair, under rarlouj names t and, in order to induce (he trade and the public to purcluise their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiming- they were former part ners, or had some connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours, lto not tie deceivetl by them. I'urehase the original t it has never yet been euuaited. Our Treatise on the liair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that each bottle luus our prlimie lievenue Stamp over Vic i ! of the bottle. All others, are imitations. R. P. Hall & Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. , 7.' In of ."V uyri and fMrF. it fit fttt!r'n. !?. Tills Cst illuitntss ths matwsmf Using H. PIEROE'8 tt Pi Fountain Nasil Injector, on " . DOUCHE. Thlt 1nptrnmit It fpcil!y designed tor tk-t prict application of DR. BAQl'S ATAftXH RIMSDY. Tt is tl only ftiftn if iiiclniitu'iit yet Invented whh which Raul nirflirinr enn In i-nrrttil M(kp ami perfectly appiifd to all pit tf the afttK-u-il na pal rtae. and (he rliainlrt or cavltica rom-intinii-atiu'j thwfwlih. hi wliira pnrc ami ulcera frrf nifutly ei't, a'nl fro-n whtrh thr ri'trrhal die .'i ir it:I1 prococi. The want of fucfoca 1n tnatin-i h.Tf toff-t Iff trlai-n lftrKtly fmintha i!ni.niiilii t of iM1' iiit? rrmwlle to tiicne nvitf--aii' rlia nW-ri bv any of the 4rdi nary imttnfl. 1 hia obxiirl In the way of v( f otiiiir triirt4 W ptillrlT ovjmmi y lha tnvnitlm of thy Dtmcht. li. U!!a laii Inainnnrnt. the Fluid It t.rrA bf Ita own weifiit. ma ar.uff no. lorcln er pjmi4ng belag requlrtd.) up our rohtril in a full :iilv rl iii' I renin to the liirht-! portion of tlio ea'l ttic iuIm' nntl i lnmi'tTi' rin:trtd lliarcwhh, anjflawaautof lheoppcllef.ottH. It plfnr- ftnt, mi l k. iiplc tl.Ht a i lnltl ran tiuU'Wtaitd it. fr U nnd oxpllclt aMr -t-ttona ac comiajiv cacti intrunu-nt. Win n inn-d with Ibit lit-t-urnint; Dr. Sa-jeV Tatarrh lirnir.iy curcr r cent iia-k or Cold 111 tho Head by A tew application. Hym tomof Catarrh Frrqupnt head arh. difx'har't fallhit; into threat, tnimetiim'S pro fue. walcry, thick nairui, piiruli'iit.oflcnfive, Jtc. In othem a'dryne", dry, watery, weak or in flamed vc, toipinirii or obt ruction of iiaal pAaL'ca, rfniri iir in can, Ueafuc, liawktne and rouehinjc to clfr t!inut, ulceration, wab from ulcer, voire alterel. uaaal twanj?, oftiniv0 breath, im-pait-vd or total dcprlvatUm of renre of aint'll and tA-te.'n, mental dfpreriim, lot of appe tite, ii'li'eition, iul:ipcd tonili. ttcklinv couh, Ac. Only a frw of tiiet tymptiii.a are likely to be ptvcnl in any c?c at otm lime. I Dr. SaKc's C'utarrli H'tnedy, when ued witli )r. Plorce'a NhkhI lonclie, and accompanied with the rotmitutional tn-nt. nienl which 1 recommended in the amphlct that wrap each bttlo of the Ucmedy, it a per fect fpecifle fur thia loathome dieae. and the Frnprii'tor offer, hi j."shm1 faith. $.)0 reward tr a rae be caa aot care. The kt-mely 1 mild aiidp)eaaut to aae.contatuini we muj; or caustic drm; or poicuii. Th'ntarrh aVairdv 1 fold at 60 cent, Doaciia at iVi rcntt, tr all Drua; clata. or either will be mah'd tiv proprietor on rocelpt of AO centR. II. V. Pir.HCL, IV. I.t Jlorroprii'tor, ULTTALO, K. Y. . . CHARLZi A. BAKA. Editor. A Krwaissnst Ike Prracat TlaM. Intended far Feaiile Now aa Kartk. iQCluding Fsrms.s. Morhs-ilet, slsrcbsnta, Pro lsslonsl Men, Wuiksrs. Tnlokers. sm4 sit s'aa usr of llottatt folks, sad tbe Wlrvs. 8oos. and l)ush:cr. ol sll lueu. ONLY ONE DOLLAA A TEAR I ONE DtJNDBED COP1E4 FOR 50. Or lsts thss One Ceot sCopjr. Lst thers b s 830 Club si STcrr Post OOcc. 8B1I.VEEKLY BIJI, 83 A TEAR, of t'jo sams slss an1 gsnsrsl esrsetsr sa THK WEKKI.T, Sat with s arrescer Tsrlstj of u:sesl:sasoiu rss4ms, and farnrabtog tbe ows k its sassctlbeiB wab Kisstor frosiiaess. bscsuie It eoiaos twice s week lastesd of oace oaijr. THE DAILY 81 M. 80 A VEiK. A preemmenllr res'lih's ecwipsjisr. wilb ti lsne'. eirouistlon is tbe woriu. rare, lstle lietaut. slid lesiiei-a le poiltica. A)l ilm nw. fi-rtui cT'-rywberu. Tw i cents e eop by lusll. AO odut s inouib. or 80 yusr. TEHM3 TO CLUBS, TUB DOLLAR WEEIiLT M'N. Fits eoples, ons yaar, stiarstiv srdrrM-'t. laur Dollars. Tee rorl, one venr, sennrateir sdrlresaed (Slid saSKtrsoot to the getter uj ofclaoi. Elskl Dollere. TweulT eoples, one year. eepnreleK sitdre.aed (sad en es,re eopy to lue ftt-r np ol eirbi. aVilteea Dallarm. Fifty eopie. nne rear, toooe e'l dress aml tbe Beau-Ueek.y one year t setter np ofrlubn Tklrtytbree Dollars. Fifty copies, one yeer. aeperstelr eadresaed (end beiul- Weekly oueycar to itclicr ni oi cloh), Tklrly.aea Dellnrtu One hnndrcd eoiice, one yeer. to nee eddreee (4nd tbe isl)y lor ons yser to thest-tter uiof "' Ftlty Itollnre. One hundred eootea, one yfer. sparstely ed. dreaeil land tbe Uelly lor oue yeer to I ne irelter unolclnb,. slty Dallara, THE OEM I. WEEKLY BUN. Fire ropka. one yeu, srpnratclT nliti erted. Eight Dallare. Ten eorlea, one rser. aepersiely ndtlressed (snd en exile iiotor to teller up of cl il.l, blxteea Dsllare. KESD VUltt IrlPNEY In Tkr-t ifno j orders, cheeks, or di efts nn Kew i etrk. wherever cimveulrnt. If not, ttien reglaier tue luUen couteinlo loouey. Adresa I. W. E.vr.nsn, PnblUher. buu odlce. New Vork City. SUII8CIURK fortho Forciit Ropubliea U still paw. OilCrcck&AlIcgheiiyRhcrRy ON AND AKTEH Monilnv Jun 5, 1871, Trains will run an follow; SOUTHWARD TltAIN!. STATIONS: lnt Class. 2-1 Cltwu. 4 2 6 10 14 s. ui. n. in. p. in, a. in. a. in. Corrv 6 15 1 MM) 6 60 8 00 NpRt-Unftburg 8 4'i 11 8T 6 i!4 9 10 Olvnilen M 11 47 0 37 0 HO (Vntrcville 7 0 11 56 6 4(1 9 f4 TrvonviUo 7 13 12 OS 6 r5 10 20 llydctown 7 2.r 12 15 7 10 11 (Hi AR 7 12 5 7 25 11 20 TitvisvitlA VK 7 42 12 45 7 40 ft 10 H 5 Miller Farm 8 02 1 03 7 ft1 6 55 12 15 sSlmtlor 8 07 1 tH 8 03 7 20 12 20 rionovr 8 17 1 IH 8 10 7 40 12 43 AR 8 25 1 25 8 23 7 55 1 05 Tot Centre lK 8 28 1 28 8 SO 8 10 1 55 Columbia 8 35 1 35 8 38 8 20 2 10 Tarr Farm 8 40 I 84 8 42 8 30 2 25 Kynd Farm B 46 pi 44 8 AO 8 46 2 40 Hc.iwcvillo 8 A3 1 49 8 A 9 00 2 55 MeCltntot'k AO 1 53 9 00 9 05 3 0'- AR 9 10 2 05 9 15 9 20 3 20 Oil City ns 9 15 2 10 10 13 3 40 Oloopolia 9 45 2 80 11 10 4 Katcle Hook 9 56 2 46 11 32 4 AO ProsUtmt 9 A9 2 AO 11 38 4 56 Tionesta 10 il 3 12 12 80 5 37 Hickory 10 44 3 32 I 20 6 15 TriinkeyvilU 10 A4 3 41 1 45 6 43 Tidioute 11 11 3 58 2 2 1 7 10 IrvinoUn 12 01 4 40 4 05 8 40 ADM rlOftAt, 8CCONO-CI.AM TltAIXS-norTII. No. 10 Tltimvllle2.10p. in.j Mtller2.S0; Pionoer S.i; Pet Centre 3.;i3; Columbln 4.15: Turr J-'urni llviid Kiirin 4.:t7: I Kounevillo 4.5A; Oil City 5.-M. f No. 8 Corry 0 ISn, ni.j Titimvillo 8.36: Miller Farm 11.25; Pet Centre VAX; Colum bin 10.111; Titrr Farm M.1S; Hvml Kami 10.27; Houxeville 10.;; Oil City 1 1.00. No. IS Pet Centre I.2M p. in!; Columliia 1.50; Tarr Farm 2.0."; Hvml Farm 2.10; KmiHCville2.3C; Oil City 3.00. No. 22 Oi! City 6.30' a. m.) Oleopolia 7.25; Tionesta 8.54; Trunkey vlllo 10.10; Tldiouto 11.11. nonrnwAnn trainm. STATIONS: Ut Class. 2d Class. 6 3 1 13 V . m. p. m p. m. a. m. a. m. 12 45 fi 05 00 7 45 1 2H 5 47 7 20 9 05 1 45 0 05 8 05 10 15 1 54 6 It 8 20 10 44 2. 14 6 34 8 ti 11 40 i '8 55 30 12 21 2 iW , 6M 9 K 12 82 2 47 7 m 10 05 1 03 Irvlneton Tidioute Trunkoyvill Hiekory Tionesla President;le Kock Oleopolia AR Oil City MR MeClint.x'k Koiisevillo Uynd Farm Tarr Farm Columbia AR Pet Centra DK Pioneer Miall'er Miller Farm. AS. Tltuavilla !' Hy deto wn Try on villa Ceutreville Olynden SpartBiisblirg Corry 8 15 7 35 10 65 1 50 3 10 2 25 2 30 2 40 2 65 3 10 8 20 3 33 3 45 4 15 4 40 6 20 8 00 3 20 7 40 1 1 30 6 11 111 :S2 7 W 11 00 A 1(1 3 35 7 5!) 12 00 8 20 ;3 40 8 04 12 25 6 25 3 45 8 10 12 38 I1 0 34 0 30 8 42 3 49 8 14 12 48 8 21 1 05 3 55 3 59 4 08 8 23 8 30 '8 40 8 44 9 05 9 10 9 20 '9 34 , 43 0 58 1 25 1 45 2 00 2 15 i 45 3 05 3 20 3 50 4 10 4 30 4 50 & 50 52 4 15 0 58 4 20 J7 15 4 40 7 35 7 44 7 57; 8-05 4 45 4 55 5 08 6 17 18 14 15 27 8 24 8 55 S 38 10 02 0 10 10 32 ADDITIONAL SKCONb-t'LASSTnAINS-NOUTU No. 15 Oil Citv 6.55 a. in.; RoiiHevlllo 7.20; Tarr Farm 7.4H; Columbia 7.6P; Pet Centre 8.10; Pioneer 8.40; Miller 9.25; Titusville 9.55. No. 7 TitiiHvlllo 9.00 a. in.; Corry 11.25. No. II Oil City 11.20 a. in.; HoiiHevillo 11.45; Hvnd Farm 11.63; Tarr Farm 12.03; Columbia 12,10; Pet Centre 12.20; Miller 1.25; Titusville 2.00; Corry 4.42 p. in. No. 21 Tidioute 12.45 p. m.; Trunkey villa 1.45; TioiuHUi2.43; OleoiHjlia 4.25; Oil City 5.20. () Trains do not stop. () Stop on signal. () Stop for menls. Trains 5, 8, 21 and 22 run daily ; all other trains dailv except Mundays.. N. M.. Train No. 19 is uh Kxprass from Titusville to Corry. MlLVEll PALACK MKFI'INa CAR TRAINS. No. 4 Direet from Philadelphia without cuaiiKO. No. 1 chat: pre. No.5 chanire. No. 8 cbaniie. Direct to Philadelphia without Direet from Pittsburgh without Direct to Pittsburgh without C. J. HEPnUKN JNO. PITCAIUNs Superintendent. llon'l Manaicer. Onfl ATI h TTC1 I'TllU l.VGItUDIF.NTS THAT jCOMPOSr. KOSADAI.1S ara i ilil;luii en cve'Vpiitkarjo, there loro i t ii no a au..rtt i ruaratiun. LOttscqiieiitly rnisici vs rscsrciBE it 'tis a certain euro fur Scrofula, S "liiluin nil its f irms, Itlieimu lisin, bkiu lliscsatw, l.iver Com tilai ut tnd all discaus ul' the Ulood. 'A'iil io more rcKul than ten bottles; of ilia iyrujis uf Sarsauarilla. THE UNDtftSlGNEO PHYSICIANS liavo useJ r.osadalis in their praclic lor t.'ia r.isi three years anil 1 (cl oiitlorm it eaa redablo Aliarativa and Llood Purifier. DTI. T. C. ri'GIt, of Bsltimoie. UH. T. J. UJYKI.M. 1)11. It. W. (j A It It. 1)11. V. O. DA NELLY. " Dil. J. S. SI'AUKS, of NicholssTllls, Ky. DA. j. L. McCARTIIA, Columbia, DH, A. li. NODLtS, Edgecomk, N. C. USED AND LUDORSED UT J. D. riU'NCH Jt SONS, FtllRivtrr. y, W. SMITIT, ..cktn, Mirh. A. ) . 1H 1 L1J1, Lima, Ukio. li 1IA1 1., l.iiikii.Uiim. I'RAVLN X 4 O.. On)ntitvlllt V. SA.M'I.. Met ADXJtN, AiurfreM toru, Tcun. Our will nnt allow of any tm tc X ulnar ii in rr!atitii to thm viritii-ol i. tsa!.ilis. 'lot he Mcihcal i,rok'--H) vc u Ji oi'tco Kluiii traft air,ci inr t a:iy I hey have er mcii iu t lie t;'oa uiiit of (isasvi nifi.U; and to tlio aiiluled m uy ti y Hu.oAtiaiiA iiitU jou will t rcatarea to hvaiili. UoaatUUi ii solil l.y ail DrufrarlaU. tticu i) h.t buttU. AiitlfCia IX CLZliZlITS ft 03. Manufacturing t'htmitti, vt , -.M0B(Bi HQ. COAL! COAL! TS Preparod to deliver tho best quality of a ( titti at .tlio qui j.vernari liana, two miles from Newinanville for 7 cents or or ui iionosiit, auu vicuuiy lor 25 CENTS FEU BUSHEL, lie always has a large supply on hand, Kotr is the time to lay in a large supply OrMcrs pmn;7fTy atri'1 ft. 5 '.I D CROVER& BAKER NKWISfd Iff AC II IX UN. following ara 'aeleoled from thnua anda of teMtlmnnlalN of alinilnr eharaeter, aa expressing tho rennona for tho irefor enea of the drover A linker Machines over all othont. "I like tho Orover A llaker Ma chine, In the first place, lieeaiiNO If I hail any other, I Hhniild atlll want a drover A linker j and hnviiiK a drover A linker It aiiNwera the urpono of all the rent. It does a irreatcr variety of work and iseasler to ienrn than any other," Mrs. J. C. Cro ly (Jenny Juno) "T have hnd aevcrnl years' axpo rlencowitli a drover A lluk'er Machine, which has ftlven me great mil infliction. 1 think the drover A linker Mitchlno is more eaail v inaimiiixl, and lens liable to got eut of order. I prefer the tlrover A linker de cldodly." Mrs. Dr. Watts. New York. "I have had one In my family for somo two years; and fjom what I know of Its worklnjrs, and from tho testimony of many of my friends who uxo the n unc, I can hardly rice how anything could be more complete or give better satisfaction." Mrs. den. drant. "I bellevo It to lie the liest, all thinira consitlcred.ofniiy that I have known It Is very simple and easily learned; the sewing from the ordinary spools Is a irrent advantage; the stitch Is "entirely relinlile; it does ornamental work beautifully ; it Is not liable to get out of order. Mrs. A. M Spooner, IW Bond St. Brooklyn. The drover and linker Sewing Machine Com patty manufacture both tho KlaMie and I.ock Stitch Machines, and offer tho public a choice of the best machines of both kinds, at their establishments In all tho large cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout the country. Price lists and samples of sowing in both stitches furnished on application to T. J. VAN GIESKN, Agent, Tionestn, Ta. PITH OLE VALLEY R'Y. ON AND A FT Kit Monday, June S, tSTl, Trains will run as foliows: TUAINS NORTH WAKD. STATIONS, No. No. 4. Oleopolis, lll.'J.S a in 3. :tn p ru Heniiett, 10.SS ' 3.'J8 " Woods 10.30 " 8. IS " 1'rathers Mill 10 lit " 3.10 " l'ilhole City ll.Oo 2.50 " TRAINS SOI'THWAIID. BTATIONH, No. 1. No. 3. ritholo Citv, 8.40 a m l.'.'O p m 1'rathers Mill HAH " L IS Woods 8..'irl ' l.firt " Ilonnett H.O'J " " Oleonelis P.ltl " 2.14 " All Trains mnko close connections at Oleopolis with trains on thoOil Creek A Allegheny ltivcr Uailwav, North nnd South. Two Lines of Stages run daily between Pitholo City, Miller Kami and I'leasaut vllle, ninkingconiiection withnrrivliigand deiartiug Trains. J, T. 1SLA I It, II. W1CKHAM. Snp t. Ticket Agent, Tlthole City, Ph. LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLKS, 79, Nassau St., New York City. TIIDIOTJTE TEA STORE! The place, to buy every variety of the VERY BEST-TEAS AT TUB L 0 WES T nn exs, la at the extensive Tea Store of H. T. CHAFFEY, where vou can always find large assort ment of the best Teas at N cw i orK prices. A larg assortment of Groceries and Provisions, u n equaled In quality and cheapness byany other store in Warren county, always on hand. The people of Forest county will save money by purchasing their supplies at thin place. llest brands or FA MIL I FL 0 VR, delivered at any depot on the line of the R, ll. free. Store on Main St. near the Depot. PENNSYLVANIA CZN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May 1, 1H70, Trains arrive at and leave the I nlon Depot, corner or wasliuilon ana Liberty struct, as follows; ARRIVK. Mail Train, 1.30 a m ; Vast Line, 13.12 a m ; WeH aaccommiHlntion .No, 1, tj.'JOa m llrinton accommiMlatioii No 1, 7.50 a in: Wall's accommodation No 2, H.5."a m ;Cin- uiiiuati express l.20am; Johnstown ac commodation 10.50 a m ; Itraddock's ac commodation No I, 7.00 pm; Pittsburgh express 1.30 p m; Pacilic express 1.A0 p in ; vtalls accoiiimoiintion jno .1, z,.v p in; llomewood accoiiiinodution No 1, 0.55 p m; Wall's aocoinmodiiiiuii No 4, 5.50 p in; llrinton accoiiiiuntlution No 2, 1.10 p in ; Way Passengor 10.20 p hi, DICPAUT. Southern express 6.20 a in ; Pucifle ex- fress 2.40 a in ; Wall's accommodation No , 6.30a in ; Mail Train 8.10 a in ; Hriuton's accommodation 1J.20 a in; llraddock'a ac commodation No 1, 5.10 p m; Cincinnati express 12.35 p m ; Wall's attcoinmotlntion N 2, 11.51 am; Johnstown accommodation 4.0A p in llomewood accommodation No 1, 8.50 p in ; Philadelphia express 3.50 p m; Wall accoin modntioii No3.3.U5p in; Wall's accommtMliition No 4, 0.05 p 111 ; Cast Line 7.40 p in ; Wall's Nn 5, 11.00 p m. Tho Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at U.05 a. m.. reaching Pitts burgh at 10.05 a. ni, Returning leave Pitts burgh at 12.50 p. in., and arrive ut Willi's Stutiou at 2.10 p. m. Cincinnati exnreHs leaves daily. South ern express daily except Mo.iny. All oth er Trams daily, except Muudity. Por further 'information to W. 11. 1IKCKWIT1I. Agent The Pcnnsylvauiu; Railroad Company will not assume unv Risk for llagguge ex cept for Wearing Apparel, aud limit their rspoiisiiiiutv u tine iiuiiarou uouai t vah ue. All bni:gnge exceeding that a omit in value will be at the risk of tlio ncr, unless tuikon oy spociai contract. A. J. CASSA"! rtetieral peril) lenient, Altannr f. ADDRESS To thoNorvcoua AND 3D EBILITAT El 3D . WHOSKsiilTnrlngsliavo boon protraot ed from hidden lauacn, and whose cases requlro prompt treatment to ronder existence desirable i If you aro suffering, or . have suffered!' from involuntary dischnrges, whntj affect does it produco on your goneral health T Ho you feel weak, debilitated, ensily tiredr oes a little extra exertion produce pal pitation of tho hcnrtT Dues your liver, or ttrinnry orgnns, or your kidneys, frequent ly (ret out of ordorTJs your urino aoina times Ihlck, milky or llocky, or is It ropy on settling T Or does a thick skum rise to tho top T Or is n sediinont at tho bottom af ter It has atood awhile T Do you have spells of short brenlhlngor dlspepsla? Ara your bowels constipated T Do you have spells of fralnling, c)r rushes of blood la tho head T Is your memory linpnred T Is your mind eonstnnlly dwelling on thia subject Do you feci dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or lilef Do you wish left alone, away from everybody r Does any little tliliig'nipko' you start or lump T Is your sleep broken or retleasT Is tho lustro of your oyo as brilliant t Tho bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well T D you pursue your business with tho same cnorgyT Do you feel ns much conlldeiioo in youselfT Are your spirits dull and (lag. glng, given to Ills of melancholy ? If o, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia, lluve you restless nights Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but llt tlo nppetito, and you attribute this to drs pepsla or liver-complaint f ' Now, render, solf-abuse, vracrrls; tl enses badly cured, and sexual excesses, ara all eaiable of producing a weaknesn of the generative orgnns. Tho orgniis of gonera. tion.w hen In perfect health.'niake the.nma Did you ever think that those bold, defl ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus-iness-nien are always those whoso genera tive organs ore in perfect health T Yob nevar hear such men complain of being niclnncholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of tlie haiti t. They aro nover afruid they cannot succeed in Imsiness ; they don't be come snd and dlscouritgcd j they arualways polite and ilasant in the com puny of la dies, and.look you and them right In the fnco none of your downcast looks or any menniiass about them. I do nut mean tlioso w ho keep tho organs inflated by running to excess. Those will iu,t only ruin their constitutions, but also tkese they do business with or for. How many men, fromjadly cured lls es, from the effects of self-abuso and excess, luiTO brought about that suite of weakness in those orgnns that has reduced the gcneul system so much as to produce idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al most every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected aud. ' have doctored fbrall but Iku right one. Diseases of theso organs requlro tho asa of a Diuretic. 1110I.M HOLD'S 1'LUID EXTRACT RCCIIU Is tho great Diuretic, and is a certain euro .for diseuses of the Rladdor, Kldnoys, G ravel, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Feinulo Complnints, Gener al Dobity, und ull disenses of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe- malo, from whatever cause originating, a".d no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted ta, Ce. sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood aro supported from these sources, and tho health and iinpplneas, and that of Posterity, depcuds upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. Ilolmbold's Extract Uuchu, established upward of lO.Aears, prepared by II. T, HELM BOLD, Druggist, 5U4 Broadway, New York, and 104 Ssuth 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa, PltU K If 1.25 per bottle or U bottles for ftl.50, delivered to any ad dross, bold by all Druggostsovery where NONR ARE GENUINE t'NLESf DONE TP IN KTKL ENURAVL1 Wrapper, fao-smile of my Chemical War. house, and signed U.T. HELM BO LP. S-ly