! 1 he forest gcpuWifnn. WEDNESDAY BORMSC, DEC. II, 187i. BOROUGH OFFIGKnS. ftnrpe3. Wixax. CbMMciiFicn T. J. Vnn'JIown. Mile W Tnto, 1). V. ("lurk, I. . ('oiiver, W. I' Mi-ri'lllli.tt. t,. L. llneLett. . Jiiatiee of the Vuce W. P. Mnrcilllolt, I), S. Knox. CmstithleJ, N.TcltMworlh. tk'hnnl IHreetmx J. WIiiiiuh, .1. A. Pale, J. A. l'ropor, JiieoK Miriver, :u. W. ThIc, 8. D. Irwin. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. President JmUie W. P. Jkmki. Assneintti Judges J. A. 1'r.oi-KH, As PRISW COOK. Sheriff K. L. Pa VI. litriet AUornryW. W. Majoii. 'J'rcisurer H. Hkti.kv. Peuthnnnlnrn, Register it Recorder, .Cc J. M. Aonkw. Cftmmim'on,i'j Jacoii Murcii.i.iott, T. I). Cm.l.iNn, John TiidmI'nux. 0uii Superintendent H. V. tloiiliKn Jnni Oimmisxioncrs OuouiiK Kiuuinx, WM. TATTKKSON. Oihii.i Surveyor N.lV Tnwix. OM'OnVl .losIAII WlNANS. (unty Auditors Ku Hoi.kmaw, Wm. Clark, T. H. Conn. Mem hero Congress lOti District U. W. Hcofiki.d. Aaacubly3. II. Iavon. Tmic o 7 rat ntt At TIONKSTA NT A I'lOV. on hnil nfler Monday. Kovrmbcr 4th, 187: aovritwAiiP. Train 2 " " 3 Train 1 " 8 " VJ W2 p. in. in: a. in. l:i!0 p. in. (1:10 p. in. 1:W p. in. H::i.1 a. m. KonrtiWAitp. .rnsipncpr will liwo to mirterstn.vl tlmt "Northward," in tlio tnlno in down t!io river, and ".sonlhwiird'' I tiji the river. Tmln HI and Slarc nil soil frelirht and nr cinnini'xlrlion j tlio .others uro passcnpcr trnin. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Lnwrcnro's hotel will bo opened to the puliliu nciit TiiMilny. Stationery, n full lino always on hand at Superior Lumber Co, Store Key. Keiser in lioMing prtrnete:I -meetings on tlio 15eiui Farm n t pres ent, nil J will commence here in four or five week. Xotc and Draft Pooka are kept nt Super lor Iitimlicr (.'o. H'.oro. --Tlio iron bridge, at Parkers is com pleted, and it is exported that tlio ju bilation on account thereof will last until the 1st uf March -Scvap Hooka, a few still remain at Su perior Lumber Co. Ktoro. Tlio holidays approach. Two weeks from to-day is Christmas. Look out all you fellows around here. We expect to make numerous prencnls of Lille. Workmen' Tint Books, at tlio Superior Lumber Co'. The new M. E. Churih and Judc Harlow' house, in Tidioute, were des troyed by fire ou Monday evening lust. ' Loss $14,000. Knife Tolisliers: a now article for ctean inknives without wearing away tlio blade at Suporior l.umlur C'u'h. James I'lynn, of Lacytown, shot hiuiself in the inside of the riy lit band with a rifle, while out hunting, one day last week. I).'. Winuus thinks he will save the hand. Graham Discuit, Try them. They may bo had at Superior Lumber Co. Store. Mr. Freeman, Sr., and Mr. E. 15. Freeman arrived in town from Florida ou Thursday cf lust week. E. 15. left for Now York, yostcrday, and Mr. F. bus again departed for Florida. "Gi't Edge," a new supply of thin eelo brated fino cut, at Superior Lumber Co' a. A 840,000 fire occurred recently at Sugar Grove, Warren-county, which destroyed almost the entire busings portion of the town. The buildings will bo replaced by moro substantial ones early next s nson. Jrunet: New crop Turkey prunes Just received at Superior Lumber Co'. There aro. now ono hundred and fixty Chinamen working in the Beaver Falls cutlery works. How long will it be ero we are "ruined by Chr.iese cheao labor?" They are said! to bo remarkably expert and industrious. Blank Hooks, a fresh invoicejust opening .at Superior Lumber Co. Store. y Capt. Knox is nulling a liijuid blttckiug, which is put on the boots with a sponge, is said to bo waterproof, an 1 shines eiiuul to that put ou with a brush. Ono bottle will last a long time, and wo do not doubt but it will go off like hot cakes. Xorcr of a cup ofguod tea should try our best grade of Young IIyon. it is the Hu es t money can buy. For salo at Superior Lumber Co'h. A largo deer ns shot in Tiones'a village Inst Tuesday. He couldn't see tho town. Pittsburgh Leader. That's gauzj. Deers aro intelligent featiiresnJ have known since lust summer' A fivo of them wero seen on the hiVopposite towu, that a bridge was being built across tbo river here. They also kntw that it was to have been completed by tbo 1st of Novem ber. By reason of the rpizook tiny were not posted as the delays experi enced on account of the flood etc., und this deer cumo hero to cross on the Lri.lrn anil wi.nl. 1 hn,-n .l..i. U ..v.. - ,i iuu, ii it hti.l been crypsnble. I BIG FlilElflTIONESTA.! j Tho Holmes Hous3 Totally Des troyed ! LOSS C8.030 TO $10,000! NO INSURANCE ! onterdiiy, for the first time in seven years, a disastrous lire visited our town. About 12:M p. m., the II. dines Mouse was discovered to bo on fire in, the third story, but nder the alarm bad been given and a few hail hastened to the place, the fire was found to lie under such headway, that with the fa ctlitics at bund it was useless to tiy to stop it, and in the course of two hours tho Holmes House was t mass of smouldering ruins. Most of the fiir.'iiturc was removed, but largo ipiantilies of it were broken up by 11 few individuals, win should bereuficr be locked up during the oc currence of aoy fiii uro fiies. Heiing glassware, chairs, Mauds, bedsteads und any furniture they could lil'l.lhey would plungo them out of the second story windows to tho bonrd-wulk be neath, in such a manner as to invaria bly demolish the article thrown. The sheds in tho rear of tbo house were torn down, und carpets t-a 1 11 rated with water hung over ibo end of tin; barn next the house, uud by these pre cautions the barn, a very extensive olio filled with hay, was saved. The chief ellbrls now were spent in saving the stoie building ocrupied by Hilbromier & Co. The goods were all removed, a ladder procured and put up to a large window on tho north side of tho building, men put upon the roof and carpels spread over the roof next the burning hotel. Two lines were formed from thu roof to tho river, one pa.-si.ig water up to tho roof, and ihe other the buckets back to thu river to be filled. This was kept up lor over 1111 hour, and this, with the help nu uercd on the south side of the building by men carrying water from the river and keeping both tho burning struc ture uud tho stole 011 thut side satu rated, was the means wf saving the building. Mr. Mabio's loss is from $3,000 to 810,000, on which there was 110 insur ance, his policy having expired two or three, months go. The (iro was supposed to have caught in the bill-room, 011 thi.-.l etory, from the stuliiog in a pipe hole in the chim ney, which stulli.ig ignited from sparks coming up froni the stove. lhl:irouner & Co. loss will he con siderable, from the fact th.it q iautitios of their goods were damaged bv water und In being trunipjd on Uy m,;n an I horses. It is also reported that soui.f $7o were takou from the money draw er during tlio excitement, but in wj hear it is p. euy well known who the party is who took it, the money will probably be recovered. There were masses of men w ho stood coolly around during tho pr.. gross of the !iro and iiever offered their assist ance i uny way, although repeatedly requested und urged to do so. .Several men stood in the wutcr lino from its formation" until ii was deemed no long er necessary ; about ati hour und 11 half, with no protection for their hanJ-s and the water which was spilled upon them freezing to ice. Wo have no doubt but many of those thus dcleiiceleas have this morning frozen fingers us mementoes of the fire ; and we know that the majority of them accumulated colds which will last them at least thi winter. Being rather used up this morning, from trying to do our duty during the fire, wo cannot command language stro.ig enough to denounce those who indilUrcntly gazed on the strong efl'oi ts of others, and did not feel called upon to stretch forth a helping baud, but we leave them to the contempt of all hon est men. Mr. Maine and family have the most genuine sympathy of the entire com munity. Wo hope he may recover from his loss sufficient to erect another building 011 the site of the old one, und in time be enabled lo make good the losses he has just sustained. Now is the proper time for the agi tation if proper protection against the fiery clement. We fallen ulteution to this matter something over a year ago, urging upon our citizens the necessity of securing some apparatus to save property from fire, should any occur. Nothing was done about it, and wo now have the fruits of our negligence. Wo venture to say that one man, with a Bahcock Fire Extinguisher, could have saved ihe IImIiui.s House twenty minutes after the alarm was given. Let us now have whatever npiiaratus we can ue to advantage, and bo pro- 1 e .1.. . . . . jiuii-n i.ir inu nrxi 1111', ivincli may break out at nny momcjit. 1 V,. i . .Smiley I'f'., of the Vc imr.gi Citizen is lo k-ue a dully at Franklin shortly. We suppose Mr. Smili-v enn succeed as well iinv in , .. , i , ... . liL the n i r rln L 1 1' rr mi. ,1 I..! , .1 1...... - j I .I""-. .. J klt'lll , l-cnirc ntiil lidioute can ea' h support a daily paper we don't see why 7 rank- llll C'limol, as it is larger than both the, se places put together. We wish Bro. .Smiley (success. Ti lth llrtek. the genuine imported Km;- lixli hi-.e!;, may bu had ut Sapnior Lum bnr Co. S101 e. A p; p r which has been hereto fore published t K,tsevili,., cal.'elj Hie l'citntjlcnniun is to be removed to Oil City and per. We slio ssued as 11 Sunday pa dn judge thill Oil Citv was pretty well supplied with papers two live dailies uud the l'clrolcum Monthly being published there. How ever, if the new paper cun live there we have no objections. M trvin's ','rurkcrs aro lor sale by Super ior Lum'jer Co. 'lhc sleighing is now excellent, and id being i 1 1 j roved by n great Many nf our citizens, old and young. An obs. rver can easily ascertain w hether or not lh parties ridii g to gether aro we Idmi or single. Il' tho latter liny lean in toward each other. If the fnriiier.they either sit up straight, or lean outward a little. We give this as a general rule; there may be one or two exceptions. Checker Hoard, just received by Super ior Lumber Co. Humors lire current at Tioiiesta that several persons have been frozen to death in that vicinity during the recent cold snap. nttaburgh Commer cial. The inhabitants of this region are not so easily g it rid of, being accus tomed to cold winters, iiinl outdoor work. No person has been frozen to death in this vicinity this winter, and 00 person is liable to give up the ghost in that particular manner of they ail keep sober. iSchooi Houkn. Having just received a new in voice, our nssorlinoiit Is now full of all the books used in the enmity. SUPKItlOlt LCMOLIt CO. STOKE. We wish to call nt!r ntioii to the card of Drs. Wiuans & Blaine, in to day's paper. These gentlemen have entered into a cn-purinership in the practice of medicine, and will prompt ly attend all calls. lr. Wiuans is so well known throughout this and neigh boring counties that ho needs no com-meiidat-on from us. Dr. Blaine is u recent graduato of the O d North American Medical College, ut Phila delphia, and has had an extensive no ipiuiulanci with all tfie ills that flesh is heir to, i.i the hospitals . f that city. Sermon I'.ijtcr may be hnd nt the Store of the Superior Lumb; T Co. The Warren Ledger has been ex amining some of Mr. Win. A. Cleaves' portraits in his slmfio at. Wurren, and g'vea 1 1 s 111 a very enniplimciilnry no- iLc, from which we extract the follow ing, every word 'of which we endorse: Mr. Wm. A. Greaves, tho accom plished artist, has moved his studio in to lhc Y. M. C. A. It Minis. We have had tho pleasure of interviewing his establishment, ami find that he has painted and is still at work on like m ses of many prominent persons in this and adjoining counties. We uiv not a judge of fine iirti-iie work, bit his picture are the exact coiiuu rpa: t in features and liniametit of the per sons taken from. Mr. (iruaves is un pretentious in his manner, but never theless he has an eye to tho beautiliii, nod copies in a m i; t faithful maimer whatever bo s.-ts his brush to do. The large number of portraits he lias paint ed show that his labors are appreciat ed, and we hope to hear that his stu dio is more than ever crowded. Caruliii'i I.c : All who liavo haeomo tire.! of t!e common lEatr.romi rien, s!io jld try the Carolina white rice that is kept ut tho Superior Lumber Co. Store. ,, I'i tersoti's Magazine for January, 187d, is already on our table. Never was there a handsomer or better num ber. In spite of compel itiou "Peter son" more than holds bis own. It is hard to tell which of its two steel en gravings is the best, "Cherry liipe," or "Tho Initials on the Tree," they are both so beuiit.ful. There is a large sized colored Berlin pattern for a sofa cushion, or foot-stool, in more than u dozen colors, which, ut retail, would cost a doliur. Ti e mammoth color. d steel fashion plate is exijui.-ite; "IV- tersoii is now ihe only maguziiu that gives these colored steel plates. The J stories, 1 g h1 ways, iu ibis lady's book, are tho very best. 1 wo iium rl'iil novelets uro begun in ibis number. 1 -----1 liy ft. 1 1 means subscribe to "1 Viol-sou' Magazine,'' that is, after you have j subscribed to your lotul p.,per. The price is but two dollar u year, with , liberal liiductioiis lo clubs, uud u five dollar engraving lo those getting up clubs. Specimens ur.e sent gratis. Ad dress Chas. J. Peterson, COG Clustuut St., Philudephiu. Kiiiery Suaji uii.kes hands son. wiiimul chapping, reniovjs paint, tar, w heel grease ink, .-lu iiiiral ami nil slums witlnnit In i- I ta'.iun tn ti.o ino.st il.'iii'iito 1-K in. Luilitia ' 1111J tliililnii iiinl ii iiivaliialjlii for tlio Ini- ; Int. It a ii.iMitivu riiro tui corn., l'or a!e by Smrinr I.iliul r V'. About, five o'clock Wednesday Mr. Wm. Bloomer wn ndiv hurt. Mr. Bloomer is nu eiiL'inecr employed . T, " ., , by 1 uliire, iV iits in it Co.. nl I'l lumiili. , , ., , . . ' .in, I ..1.; .. ......t.: ..i .1 . .Ill', IIIIU n II M ' II1IMIII. I 111. I'lll.lMi. was caught between ihe jiu k- ost, und the crank which stops the engine. j 1 hey were running ut the time with seventy pounds of steam. The crank struck Kim across the arm and bend, ; breaking his arm, und fractiirim' his skull, bi sides ii llietiug several other serious injuries. The recovery of Mr. Bloomer is doubtful. Tidioute Jour mil. O'loves tnl M itens. Our stock comprises URreui variety of buck ami uu,n. hii.11 mit tens, KUlintlciM and Kloves. Look turouyli ;' our -0tn'enUc;ru puivlia-aii,;. sn sic ix ut urn. We have received a communication from an individual in regard to this subject, which, before wo insert, re quires 11 litlle introduction. Be it known therefore, that in this place there are two parties to the ijuestion, one being in favor of 1111 insl runieiit to accompany the music, and tlni other being us time!! opposed to instrument1! us they would be to having the sacre'l music accompanied by bonus, tamho Hue and banjo. One side claiming that proper instrumental accniiiptini .ment is adding so much to inclo ly und harmony of the music which u'cends iu the form of praer and inceh?e to the Great Whito Throne ; and thenti'. er, tlmt nny instrumental nccompani meiit is -iv mockery find an ahoinination in (he sight of the Lord. While we do not hold ourselves responsible for eny-contr tyi-rsy w hich; may arise in regard to.4e matter, we ill.. II publish communications from both sides, if they do not partake of a personal character. The follow ing is the com munication: Ed. Ui:i't ni.icAN : When church members get too lazy or indifferent, to learn sacred music, or to assist in keeping it up, ihe chorister's last re sort is; oftentimes, lo outsiders and in etrtimehts. The voices of many mem ber want converting as well as their I earls, s i lhat 'villi D.ivid, everything that hath breath may praiso the Lord, in song us well as in prayer. Below I give some references where instruments' wei- used fur several pur poses in Seriptur:;! times. Prophc eying with harps, 1st CI r m. 25. Temple cleansed ntid instruments usod, 2d Ciiroti. 21), 12 to 2!). Solomon made King, -1000 instru ments used, 1st Cliron. 25, 5, and 1st Kir.gs, 10, 12. 141,000 harping iu Heaven, Hew 15, 23. King David praising God with in stnimuuts, Ps. li,, 2, 3, and 92, G to 150. A Company of prophets) playing in stninients, Is., Samuel, 10, o. A great number of women playing instruments, Ex. 15, 2d. A sinful use of instruments con demned, Ainus G, 5, and 5, 23. If you will give the above a place in your valuable puper you will per haps be tho indirect means of opening the eyes of some of those who are op posing the use of instruments in the praise of the Living G.id. and much oblige Yours Truly, M. C. ... HOWTOGOVVEGT. This is an enquiry which every one should have truthful; answered before he starts 011 his journey, and a little care .taken in examination of Houtes will in many casts save much trouble, time and money. The "C. B. it Q. HIl.," running from Chicago, thiough Gulesburg to Bur lington, and the "I. B. & W. H.ute." riiuiiing fr.m Indianapolis, through Uloomiiijjton to Burlington, have achieved u splendid reputation in the last two years us tlio leading Pusscn ge.r Hou.es to tho West, At Burling ton they connect with the 15. & M. H. K. ami form lie great Burlington Ilotite, whii h runs direct throiodi ! 1'";' i' s. Hmoiuitm:; to Southern Iowa to N. biaska und Kau- ! 850o,ooo i;n cvsit sus, with (dose connections to Culifor- ! Jl! li- hiwliest prizes Ixaos, . . ,., . 1 Mco.iwo, s.i'1,000, k'.i.miu ami d.iwii 111 r.nu- 111.1 and t lie lcrritories; und pa-sen- lur unidaiion to ?I ki, which is the lowest. gcrs starling fro,,, Tio,u,(a, on their ' Z,? way Westw ard, cannot ilo better than ' " I" ri'inl .r ly r. iinr. d to close sales mid to take the Bui I nirt.iii Uonte. This Line has published a pamphlet called "IL.w to go West," which con- taiw mo.. I, i-ub,.,l.b, : ........ . m . .... mi ilia, ion. .1 largo correct map of tho Great West, which can be obtained freo of charge by uddr.is.-ing the General Passenger Agent B. it. M. H. H., Burlington. Iowa. New invoice of woolen goods, boots ami shoes, uow open for insure. ti.ui. Cull iiinl Nt-n tlirtn nt Robinson & Honnkk'h. Piano for Sile. A lmn.ls.iiiifl ami gniiil-t.iiioil piano fur titiKi very low. Apply nt once to Mu.-t. 1'u;:i:m an, Ti'-'iteta, Pa. Wanted, OllC li I, n it l-fifl ....... .1 tnniwa 1 ..i.T , , ', .. . j boards; t commence work on lir.-t ; . ,. , , , snow. n o .: n .hut us snow ui f j wages three dollars per day for team ! j and driver, and found, except slon Jug ; ; good stabling ami Iced provided. All i j who can bring suitable sleds, fire re- J ; ipiesled to do so. Apply, at .Thorn's 1 Bun Mills, on Clarion Kiver,. or Coon I Cieek Mills, on Tioli' ntn,' each four i miles from Tylcrsburir. "'';" John Coiib' A Sons. Fo." Sale. ' Concluding to take Ilrat-p Greeley's advice a ml "Go West," I offer for sale the following articles which will be sold cheap to g I buyers: Ot.e G-yenr old driving inure; one double sett of light himic'ss; one cutter; one Taylor A Day Bui kboard ; one 10-horse engine and boiler, uud several tons of good buy, by the ton or load. C. L. Hanxa, 2t West, llicko-y Pa. VIIYSIL'IASS P SUltUEOXS. J. WIS AITC, M, V., and J, E. BL&ISr, Y. D. Havinjr entered into a co-pnrlnership. all calls, niirht or dav, will receive immediate attention.. OCice at : residence of l.r. Wi nuus, Kim St., Tionesta. I'a. 86-1 v TI0NE3TA LODGE -lVtT f X-l T 1 . - lT - J . KJ. (Ji W. J1 . MKKT8 every Thursday evening, nt 7 o'clock, in the Mall I orinci lv oeeuniod upio. by :het-iood Templars. W. IL HUNX, Sec'y.' M. IT-TEL, X. O. 27-tf. 1 riLL. BOOT AND .SHOE . STORE. If I. YV. NT n perfect lit and a e;oort I article of Knots and Shoes, of tlio lines! workmanship, to ei. 14. 5i-'a:y 'irs, o!i CKNTKK STKKKT, OIL CITV, PA. Sr f"Ut sthelimi enarantei-d. t!-: 8 if. a a o r -i P-t in a cs o a Tj W C3 t a c rt o e a 'A y. a. y 'r. 35 a o o u C3 e Li OS 0 us K EH c .m ,r t a (D O 0 o 53 g.o T. r3 0 0 0 h n 0 r. a a. o hi X 9 7: 2 h j rS H M P. o 0 W m 0 0 o to -. C3 t. cl O 3 5 0 0 0,0 0 0I II B A Ii K. GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Postponed to December 7, 1372. rpiIK S WON'T) I5IIAXI1 OII 'I' COX--I- CKKT in the aid ol'tlie l'riu.ic Limt -Itv oi- Kunm'OUV, aniiouuccd for Seplem lc r ::h, has been postinified to l'KCiC.M KKK7, 'sru', because llm ueeinniiliilinii of orders the li w days bei'nrn tho dtawinjr made il phvsiiitlly impossible to till tin in w ilhoiiru le.v !as' ilelav, and as u short posip,,nemont was iueviliible, it was de termined to !c;'cr it to u time tlmt would iiial.o a full diuwin sure bv the sale of ail the tickets. The inonev neee.-Kiiry to pnv in full all tlio ollcied nil's is now upon deposit 111 the Kurmcrb' and Drovers' Kank, as will lie seen by the lollowiiitf teitiiicato ol llie Cusliier: Kakmhus' and Duovkuh' Kank, ) Lorisvn.i.r, Ky., Sept. ls7.'. ( This is M ceriiiy Unit there is now ou de posit in toil, bunk over 1ml!' 11 million ot dollars lo the credit of llie liit Cui.cci t fund, .i',! n.ctiu of, which is held ly this lunik a-'-Treasurer ot the I'uhlic Liiu'U'.V of Kentucky l pay oil' ull (,'ilt.s to b'u awarded ut the ilr.iu-imr. K. S. Vt:AClI, ( fishier. muse returns .Nov einlier 1;.,, 10 ;,i doi lo ,') ve an 1 pie liinu lo. tlio II mil iirtai.ciiicii'a. wiueis 101 ueM-is or a icea'ions en ciivu- lars siiouiii oe nil.lresM-.i to iov. TIIOS. I-:. :..M f.l'.TTI", A;;ent I'ublie Llbiury of Kentucky, Louisville, Ky. Tbo R;'mblican Ofilce KKKKS eoiiKfanllv on hand m lurire us sorlineiil of Kliink lined, MortLraes, Siil.iKi-iiun, WMriiiuis, KiiiiiiMiins, Ac." til bw fcul-1 '.Iichp lor cash, tf. 15 ti: u v d'j n Colba and Musical Institute Oncui iti) Fall Sassioa Siip'ember 10, 1872. I.o.-ut I-in m-eiissil,. I,i.,,ittifi,l ,11,, I I,, .. til'u'. It.innis .inf. riiil -uiil i-i .ii 1 1. u. u t .1 . S.-l.'.! li..nii iUi., Inirii. -tiiin tlmr ni.li i.iiil t-ariii si. I'ni nlv iy ri'ri.icii in! , ni'iiiiiini.v It ill 'Hi tn i.Ut;.!o linns. S"llJ tnr riiluliiu'iie In Iinv, H. T. TAYI.OH. )'r,-iiirni THE TEN COMftlANOffltHIS. KEEP THEM AND THGU SMALT MAKE MONEY. I Th ai sl alt linve no other p.; to l ov In-y lioods than at the S:oiv of II licit;. ierfc Co., Water S.rei-f, Ti' n-tu, I'a. II Thou slinlt not choose to thyself unv o h ! er liry (iooils inereh :ot ; iIiom sbii!'. not j bow down to tin 111 noi lis'en to their tab s fir l!ill)ionii"r .V. Co. m-c rel.aM-1 den ii' nnd capable of s"rvitiT their c.i-;. utei-j t 1 the third and fourth c;ciier.it.on 1. i HI i Thou shall ?ek In va!:i for a troo.l on:.;. I itv of Dry Ooods, l'o hii.p, and i.enl' i ! urnishiiiir (ioi ds cNew heie; for c iilvi tlieyean be IoiiikI. in lar.; qinintitieti ii: 1 llilljrotiner A Co.','. I IV Tlioti shatt brnr in mind that upnn s:x , davi. In the we.jk. thou cani m.i!;i. hv purchase at the Dry ! o l- Stoic . f IDi- 1 broil tier Co. ; but'iinon the scrr.t!i r'ac the proprietors nod Lew, Hie veto of tlio .ape, ui-Miu rcM iroiri ue:ir iao "rs. Thdi si a! lienor the Drv Onods Store nl Ililbroiim r A Co., and Ihy dav.i shall be tii:4 in llie l.in 1 l.Miij y tlio fi uilstliercii''. VI Tho". shall imt eoritmit nnv niilrawits ioiprni.t ety bv foolishly piireha.iiiu' tliv DryOoods nnd Ciothoie; elsewhcrej biit iro directly to lllibronn r it Co., v.'h.l will give you a superior article. VII Thou sliiilt seek no other TVy Coods Store, trying to snit tliy-i ll'in Drv (...od.-, C'iolhilc', I iincv (ioo.ls, C11 pets, llalsun I I 'aps, bceinisn yon can suH yourself bciu r and cheaper at liilbrotjnori Co.'sthanany pluuo e!se. VIII Thou shalt not steal fr 111 tho Drv Cl.."i!s Stoic of 1 lilbronner .t Co., lor they sell ifooils so heap that a fe'.cny would to tin greater sin. IX Tlion nhalt not hear fn'so witness, Liu li i-c.st'y ue!:now ledi;." that thou cant (jet a better urticleoi Dry Coods at II ilbn nni r .V Co.'s than nny jilaeo else in llie cite. X Thou sln't not e..vet thy li( ij;h' ..r's lioods nor his bai'.-itin. bin lake ...un.i f Ihe wise and ptneeed H! ratirl t wav lo Ihe Dry lioods Store of 1 1 dl.roiiuer A Co., Water Street, Tioiir-st ', I'a. -Otf. Aujr. 1, 1872. ALT.f.Ttr.OM. - tW. .V .T ''.1....II. Ji, l'-l - ctmtsciscAoiscf ti- T:128AT,LU?:GS.L!YER&BL0QD In the wi:viirf-il njetlh'liif to wbSrli thu AfTllct fl tiro above p -il'ited for rcliff. tho illt-covert'i' h li.-v.4 bo Im C'Miibimd in harmony nioie of Ntt'irt' iiio-t fo-.'iTi'i n ciirattvo iiinitrtit'S, whifli !od In- l?-t!ll''d into the vrctabif kliiK tio ?i for ttiviiiirr t Is ci, linn went vrr buiuru co:iiiiiuf'd to onu miflk nuv Thi itb-iu-t' of i bis iid't i loitml iii llu; u r 'Ut varifiyid mm-t tibiti into ili-c.t-' w itb'h it Im- b. ih fimmj to i'uiu'Ikt. I'i tin' fin nf SSroiicliUlK, tiovero fun and tii early tuur' ol 'uiiu ill ! lit ii, it It tiMintbd thu mcdirul jui uliy, and t' lllil'Mt. p!iv-iiri:t:n proiHUIIKi! It ttut tlTtttfrt invdi.Ml tli-fotry of tho osjo. While it cure Ilia i!'Vori'--t t'oirrh, it itii'ii-.hciiii ibe fu-nt ami pti rilTli'N ilio 1I nod, lty il n-Hi m.tl ibur trn i bl iod jmiiiy in 5, jfropfrtiff, it nncs all El'imur, fiou L'tr ir-i Mt-rolula to a c . u ii . i tsttilc'.st I lit iIr, nr l4i u)iii4iii. M iiwirial di-'-at', MiiH'ml poifoiir1, and tln-ir , eil ':t-, a a ".n lititu I. and vIoiumh IichIiIi and a I to:ind co.i.tiint io:i i-luhli-ht d. liryi-l M'Iumv ! SiU ii tn, lot ir MjrtNt s-uly or ' It tl t if S W i II bl "hurt, ull tl.O Iiuiiii-H tlr iilrJ I'it-fti- ivtiisj I hy hi 1 blond, uro cuiiqiifii'd by Ihl An.- -W M' ' '. -,'. .Av.i 7 .-.Yi V-t ?XtVr:"K' '&ilts-n 2 '. p nv.-rml p iriivin f ami hiv ijoin I 'wij n.t'ttit Im.'. i It ym t.-A tl'ill, ilrowy. tVbiliiaird. bine sal- ' 1))LAK1 JIUH Ut tho I'uickil Drtltf Imv u-d .r of fUin. or yilbuvih bn. u rpots on ll ,Mu.( huvu just recpivt'd a tiw und f-u-e r I) i Iv, Iii pio it b .ulaclie nr tl v.z1hvm, bail . (1-, - . .. ,.i. ( j- ta.tol.immt;.. tlil-r-ul lu-at or cbi:U. :ieii.aU-tl , tl 1 XlClu U e k 01 wnti i.ot ll t-ht.'!, buy n. rilii, anil 'I'Miiny Ji.rt- ' bill;., br"' -it':ir npp'-tito, and l.iim routed, T?T mm, 3T von :im t i:lV-,io tioMi Turltl l.lirr or ; 3 ' F J 3 ' 2TI 'F1 f(f 1Illlou-.ili-. lit niaiiyca-itiif !! r : f I 4 A. t A kAf o ill il ii ill mly pun nf Ifirco i .iiptomt I aro i'i torimit I. Ai a r. ncily lor all ntu Ii ruf, . .... .... li. I'l.it : ;.llei M'liiil li-no .y baa nu ol all st yli'X Kiwi pl'lfes, w h h'ii t hoy will llm u.l-i'tl, a it cilt'i'ts utTH-ct ruii-if, hu villi; tim li v- jtoisu ol' ut llm lowest ptLssjlilo iatfi ton-Htr.-.iiu d and h.'iilihy. For lli cure vt sistrnl with tlio r n n.-t a rtunustuil with U a i.evisr tuilin-; rem-(lv. and tlioo who hav u-" I it fur t t i -4 piirtiue a rr li uti i.i tin limine. I if propyl -tor oil -m J l.iOU nward for a uietll clno t'l.u will cpi il It for tlio t uro uf ull the Uu c:i'i fir w iii h it N ri'coiniiii'iiiU'd. A il I by dm "ri-uat $1 r hnttle. rrrpamd by It V M 1.. S i!u Prop ielor. at b.s i 'lii-taf- Ctl L-iSorrilnrv. .:-1 S.-it: fttvcl, Ibillulu, . V. buuti yoar addivs fur a aiuphk't. riiOTOGRAV GALLERY Water ii I r e o t , ATiJi'lMNii Til IJ Hiil.Ml.S llOV.SK, "i i o n c s t a , ' i- a . , K. CARPEXTER, . . . Pfcpii.tor ir: i I Vv i.' I'i.ru rois t: r.t-n lu a'ltlic lutiht Mv'e 1U . - 4 : ma I'M, Vlllfi-m IliMr I t n -t .1 v .; I ,mrr I)t'mti, TtAz ol l'.or K- :i, Wj. I'.-M-f S i lit. :iu'l Raf. l.fitior. r!; iftorr-I, .vciUiuM ! ).MO lt tantf, cil'tr.l " iDtict,"' " A;-;v.-ti :.m "lieumen," &C , tli.it Ic.iJ tin ti t;.icf O i l' r!rtt!1k?..nvi itnl im:i; but tin Me-I c.n-( ni.tdj f fitu l!.e n i i v rout ami 1ii1.iof .'.i'lf,-iii.i.f. .t. fK-'n.iT A col,(,:;(,Si;im.I.nifc 'ltt-v .ita iti? Oen li ot! l'ur.iicr n:tl .1 l.a'c hivih l'tlliL it , .1 rcrl-jct U'!'VlIor .tt.J -I -ritll!-! y( tllti SvV'.-m, cinyt'i" fit .1 ' poinoin iti.nirr .in'! tattrtiiit; tlie binnil 10 n lir.i'iliv tnnf' (ton, rnrii lunj v, rrff-chmoj Itnl Iiivi2ni.itiii5 Is ,U ,i:ul Lo.lv. i tc ai Cl ot t'l'iiitm-.r.nir.ii, prompt in tliir act y cen.iii h Uisir r5n', n'ff icihVe t 1 i. tn,, f t!wiw. X I'mon cmt llicu' Killn r.rror.t- to rtirfciotn. .- -. trnn;ii Ild; ittiwt i. tnwi4 thnr bond are not )cti nve.1 tmttcr.i! im-toii or oil rtf me.111, ami iii mul wAtct l.uo:itJ itm (o m ofrfn.ur. l)yTirpin or litdl;rrpittmi. Hot ! S-, p,;rt in lhc SIimu ilri. Coi.:ln, Tic'itn i.f il 1 i, 1:A lillCM, Sf-iir Kin. l-i::um rl" 'tit .St .rh ttli, I tn ilia M. m II.mc'm Am..I., I'.ilpit.itin-i f Ut Him tt, Fct1.1iHin.1l 10:1 .f llie Itinivs, r.mt in ii ie:ifit l the K .Im-v, an 1 a Ion lid ..liir r.'t n; tvitti i'niV sre llis K.l'piinn tf i ,1. In h-n r.Mii.i.,n.ln il Im tt- 'pti1, nl one ki' t ivMJ jin-. .i t.iivf jj (4i -atite of it 111:1 thi'i a It . . i inl-.tiiisein;!.!. Fr I' l innlO t iiiliiin1 m vom. or t.'J, m.uris.l ir h n'tie, ai tlu d.iv 1 uf wfftiTiSi.,11' (r i)tr lutD li" l.:f, l!i4 i.M.;C l:,t!o;-4 (!:;:'... rfU.I .1.1 ir.tliie r- tl.it a liMil;c l iin-i; uvc;nc:il ii 111 c-t- I.N. ' l'r lnflittiiittntnt'X nm nvonlo tMirtt ttintlsui an. I (i-Mtt. )j";n'ii.) (,t I ni c-.ii.iu, C.iio-j. Heiiiittt'Mt and hil-i milium I ci , f -.i ir. M tbe H no.l, Liver, Kidn.'VH and lli.id .:r, tl,uc I'.iitcr I1.1 4 becl iii-.t sncrnf.J. 5icl, :t- cm- . I li Vm.MH It iivt. Mb cli i fieucr.i;iy proiluLa :.y dei.uu'..--Riant or" (hi I ettve U"'.m Tlioy nn n tciKlu litr-ni I v n well m n Tonic, puicin a'i'i t!. ...-.. .1 .1 r icut h tin i a imwcff'il n-t in ir i.-.-jf? t ' r l-illini. m iut'ii of I. a ;uul V.-cun, Oi.u. .'-tid m U.'.::t lJ.".f. For SUIn XKuxe4t T'iiipi'."i, T-:u-r. HlieuiH, II n!clv;, h; on, I'.ntu n-t, I'm. It.t.'s ( ( . t'tinclen, line- wurri-. SciMIIci.l, S-ti-i V.v:. ' t. , -sipel.lv I'ch, Scurf', liCi:M.-iXiim nf t'n SLut, ll.cn.H) and I lise.isi." tif !ic SI; in, nt ii,:vtr n n ic im i!:itn.", art; lilt;ralijf dnj up an.l r.in ii-.l o il i." ; , m ,.t . 'nurt lime by Cm 11 4 r.t" lis cs-1 H.lTen. (j,': t,.,;. i;i CU else will tunviuCJ liu IH.i.t lin.it:tti. curative eifccn. i." . ui it,, r (U-nnio tho VltliilctT Hton:? ,. t a-c fvid M iiMpuiipfi l.utaltit-; llnn-i;;'! il.J l.iji 1:, t':iH,l:;-( I'.'iiiiii.iin. or S. rl.-vnn 11 n.V"i !':,J it ,. :rnc''.-il ii. d -,.ij;;iili i:i 1 v:iin; wl;.! '.,. it tvlitt 1; m f.ui: ; vo.ir tVe'tiui will ic'l ynu h!wii Kfo,. tSa L:.- puvp. 11-1 i!,i- IjIiI, (,f ,ie . yC. lv,.j (ll..0 v I Hit:fil t ittniiiiiir) 4 pim N lM'.Vf Hrr Teas lite nioM nonjftiiml Inttjnut lln;4i miiu-J th "ilwn3 Fvreni. 11 11 1 'ri, nn.l ntliur WnniM, !-nU;..j .i tbe aviteni ol' 10 inji:y ti.cuTiu.l,, ft r., utit.riiMiiy'du tlinvrd and rtnovt:d. ,S tys a d.tiinuiid pliml. Oim'I : 'I litfie i 1 itivcd'y a 1 i ntli ii In 1! .t.,f, , tl,j f (;a ii:h earth I tmc bodv i.4CYCMlt't tn?ftl (t pt t:-i -lire of tVtilMr Il is not np..ii iltft he ill hy e'menu nf (in .d, i,A niimn eiM, li'tt u-' i ha dimMie l bnmm .cid ,m 0 Hepositt ih ti It-f., I iit. a J.vii-j; inft;uier (' diuma. No lyslrm ot Mcd.t-iM-, ii-i v.'ninfiij, f.i aii1r-; iM'r. ,tic, wi it f:e tiiu avium fitmi woniij iii. t!jfi4 Mii- ttr. ilcclinttlcnl IScrtiiR, r.r-'oa t 5153d in PaiuM and AIiiiTra t, such fli ltnt.'to: 1 fjc Gold he.Htft, and Miuci, 1 T r-y adrinc! 1 1 i:t. u be mbicct 1o pii.i!vM of iSj 1. e'. i 1 "iijid ,1? iiiist thi tal.e a d..se oi VV'ai kku Vinbc u liirtuas omcj or twie a weelt as a IVcvo-uiva. IIilltii4. lCcitiil(ut, Hint IntcrinlMciit Ferci, wli-cli ni-i to .i'lv.i'v.i in .i. .m t,( i piTst liveit !nou -lioiit Ids Ui iteil Sl.nc, ptci.u! tiioe o( lli Mt si" .ipi i, Otii.i, Misiini, m. Tn neCf, Cuiiilirrlaiid, A 1 It mis:; t. U-t), t;..Uirid., llr.isn , Ki. Cr.unlt, I 'earl, Atabaiivi, Mii'n.a. S 'V.i-.ii;;U, Hmsh oiie, .I imev aid nimy n:Iiei, iih ? r .vi iiiljtriH nes. tliioii-lm-n OMrfnliiff rnniiliy rftun- tiwi Snimc and Aulniiin, nnd l cin.n l;.iii y L' il.it. KB.r.ous r. HtutMiil licat aiid tli viiLi a: o' i.iv.in ih y i:'iiip.i:imd Itv f xtenivcji JaeeiiionU r.f l! kluiti ii !t and" c. r, ih I Oilier a! id.iiinii.il i -re 1. 'I'll..-. .? ,ne a' t m.nc , ob-itniciioin nt llie liwr, a wii.iktie an 1 'itmali. i.jm of the Slnni.if-h, an 1 ril-.U to-pi-r t.t l'ij ln'!-t, 11,11 cl.'SKfd up i'.li itia:cd acni'nu'.iti.iM v (.1 ilieir tttj.tt mcur, a pniativ., ncum;; a pncif il Hitlnciin? wt mi lhee v.iU.hih t.tp n i t esf tnn illy iirr4i,ii . Tlisic . no c.itli-iri c fur )i pntpn .a ctpul to lt V h.kch'i VlKIU. tR litTlllH-, 31 llicyu.ll ftliC'.ii V lL"Hif tlu rink C'l-oivJ .uL d matter wiili w Ji tlu bnwcLi ai loaded, at (V; y inn? lima il inu'.iii llie cc-'u.;-'. I llie livci, and penciajr intuitu.' !j.-.i'.liy l-ic.c.iuii4 Of lilt llir'!! i VC Ol !.'lll. Nentfiiln, ni Klntn Hvll, V.'I.'ia S..:!.,i2., IT'CeiA Kiyipe!l S;i.r.l N.-.;, li,.,Ui. Soi.'ii'o.hi InlVinituatiMii-t, I,nl..'.-ijt .ill.innna.i n t, ifm 1 il At feciiuii, O A Sorc Hi u;.i ii.nj o' the SUc, S.ne Km. etc., etc I'i tlins-. an in nil o;'n;r t on-i: ii nt ion d eases, Wm.kuk's 'i.K(;h l!iriuis l..iv h..wn iluir j'rti.il cuiativc purteu hi llu mosl oJ:u..iiu auj uttiac alj'' c.is Dr. Wnlkct ('rtllfm-itln Vliio;nr Illtf ei net on all tlane t.1.01 111 ,1 kiini.ji iu.iiiiei, '.v pin livm-f tbe II 'nod ill ?y lenui'.-e tin; c ;nv and bv let.i v:..r away the e lects ol the nil!.uuy.Hin t (il.-: t-ibtModar t.:p'.tiw the afiecivd paiti rctc.ko h.-a tli, a p;-ua.niut Sviu li effected. Tlie propriMvi cf D:i. VrVi:ri;. Viiii: llirrnas aio A 1 ei lent . liaihineui: and (i.iiitiiiiitivo, Ntitiiuoui, Laxative, Duiicuc, So.l.i;ne, (.'uimitit Ini tant. Sndotilic, A'toiativ, and Anti-lttlijut. Tlio Apui-lritt and im'd I.ixative li -itportiM oi Di: Wai k nit's Vir.'iuiAit I'-iTTttit-i the best sat pn.ud in all cases ut ciopl'fni ami ina!i;;ii.int lever, then balsamic, h.thn?, and so'illini'; properties piotect tha bum. us of the f nice a. Their S jtt.it 1 v ptooeitius a'iy pain in lli4 ncnoiis s,sicm, Honnch, and bowels, either trom inflantm 11, on, wm I, to ic, ci amp, cic Their Cotmlfr Iriiiitit imluenca ritemti tlinmhtmt the ivittem. 'I'brir D.incnc propetnes m t mi the Kid- ' tieys, coricctitu and leniatinti the tbv ot (nine, i heir Anti- Hilinus proei lit stimulate the liver, in the tMc lion of Uj Ic. and its distlia:e lliroii-h the Imiaiy dtrctt, and are superior to all remcdal a incuts, fvir the cum of Uihmis Fever, Fcvfr and A';ue, etc. Fortify the bnily nt(iiliit ilUrneo tiv pun fvmi; all at thud mill Viniu;h IHrtf.i.s. No em dcmiccan take bo d tit' a system thin Im canned. Tl9 liver, the stomach, tha bin- c ihe L dnevs, and ihe uerves are remUieJ d.ac.i-.t; -piuyl by ih.Jiicat i-uif oiant. Direrlloiia. Take nf ilii r.iitcr- o;i rohic to hel al llihl bum a lull to on- and otu-ha t nic-;l.ilii;i, b'.At poid iionrihim; food, inch a beet tc4k. mminii chop, vemsoo, roast beef, and vrv;et.;b and lake onl-iloor exeicie. They arj composed ol puteSy vugol able Mitirrdiwils, and coiU4:o no nt. J WAI.K.KK, P.up'r. U. II. MolM1 VI.DA CO., Drupnitll and Gen. Ait., S in i 1 am. ism, l al. and cut. of WashirKtoii and t.'hariton ,H'4 , Ne Vorlt. K41U ALL iJKUt iil.ijl AND If E A l.KK'i. DRUG ST RE! Grandin's Block, Tidioute. 'i'ht'V also havo on hand a hwgu stock of DKUGS A MKDK INKS l'Al?."TS A OILK WINDOW CLASS KSH A DOOKS TLASTKK OF PARIS WATlUi Ll.MK (.'L.MKNT &c.t Ac. iU'inccilicr the IMamj oitAxnix's A';ir vlock, - It TIM(.l'TK IM, Will! DIM OET MlhnsiiN M'.SrASY, wn i iAM.-rtuir, rr.xx a. A I'I ItST CLASS Boirdina .Sclu""! lr il bot: Hill Mil s. 1. Of A T I O N Ono of t' o rn.t liratitiful in tho State. Student!) Received at any Time. Ti:n.M MtU'l.HA'll-. 1!. ', i. i:. i s- 1!. hi. Jim. A r'o Vi.. .'. J -i. j Ml w .A l T 4 IF-. - ' S" ' E -.1 I i. i U