NATURE' HAIR tlESTQflVTI.YE si" M CW.imm no A.iC SULPHUR Xo SUGAR OF LEADXo LlTIl ARGXo XiriiATK OF S1L VEIt, and t entirely frre from the Poifonoiu and llenlthdextroying l)rug used in other Hair l'repara tiont. Transparent and Hear as crystal. It wl not soil tue Imp! tabric, -iKrloclIv SAFE, CLEAN ninl EFFICIENT dtsidoratuniB WNU SOUGHT FOU AND FOUNDA'l Last l It restores and provpnU the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soil, glossy ap pearance, removes Dandruff, is cisd riuI refreshing to tlio lioml, checks the lliiii from falling ofl', and routines it ton great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, mil iinnntuiHl heat. AS A DRESSING HIH'I UK II AIK IT IS Tllh UKSl AltTI LE IX Till'. MAKKKT. DIt. (i. MM 1TH, Pntt nice, Aver, Mbm, Prepared only by PHoCTEtt liHolil EltS, Gloucester, Muss. 'J'liO genuine if put up inn imnel bottle, made expressly for It, with the mime l tho article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist foi Nature's Hnir Restorative, and luke m other. SSpii1 two three rout stamps to Procter Brothers for ft "Treatise on the Human Hair." The it con taina in worth $5:0,00 to any jH-rson. WALLLIS I I M P 11 o V E D M A G I C M P R O V E D M A O I C IMPROVED MAGIC IB ALMI W. II. PERKING A CO., Sole Propri etors. Franklin, Pa. 44 QONFECTIONARIEg J AS. McKAY, at the Pout Office, has opened out a choice lot of COX t EC1 1 OX A R IES, CAXXED FRUITS, lOBACCOS, CIGARS, AXD NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. A portion of the patronage of thu public is reBHpectfuliy solicited. 40-tf J AS. M. Mi KAY. The oldest and most reliaiile Imtitution for obtaining; a Mercantile Education. 'i-a.l'ractical business men as instruc tors. For information, write for a circular to P. DUFF A HONS. Pittsburgh. Pa. THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. IF YOU WANT a perfect tit and a goo. article of Boots and Shoes, of the tin ok workmanship, goto II. I. McCAXC'E'S, 89 CENTRE STREET, OIL CITY. PA Satisfaction guaranteed. 2-33 tf. TIDIOUTE TEA STORE! Tho plaeo to buy every varioty ul the VERY BEST TEAS AT TUB L 0 WEST PRICES, Is at the extensive Tea Store of H. T. CnAFFEY, where you can always And a large assort ment oi the ix'Ht j eas at .ew l ork prices. A larg assortment of Groceries and Provisions, unenualed in nualitv&ndchpannoHKhvflnif other store ill Warren county, always on hand. Tho people of Forest county will have money by purchasing their supplies l nun mace. Host brands of FA MIL F FLO UR, delivered at any depot on the lineof tho R. it. tree. Store on Main St. near the Depot. WJF- UAVR taken the aenov of two inachnies inanuiueturou at Meadville, one know u as the Kniffen Mower and Reaper, and tho other tho Atlantic Mower and Reaper, The advantages these uichiiits cluini over others otl'crcd lor sale is Lightness of Draft, East of Mniiagrmfiit, ttonttray of Power, Stmtth end ('iicapnrsi Thetw uiai'liium, with fir w ithout reaper attachiiK-iil inn be piiri lia.-ed of IJ. W. I.HIIAIU'II, or WM.J1. HKA TU, 'j'ionesiu, I'a. Tliv also well tlie TAYI-OH feTKKt. TOOTH HAY A: ti li A I N liAk 1'. None ltier in up, lo 'M A CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAtKER'S C." LtFORNl A VINEGAR BITTERS ii Hundreds of Thousand! ? Dew tttmrtiy to th"lT Wondar 1 mi punitive anfcii. 52 i WHAT ARE 1 MLY f 2 iS5 Ml tmr ARE HOT A VTLK FANCY DRINK. 2-'a.'.cc :ti.:r tttjiu, WliULrr, Prn..- . . Irlt ktnl i;' nDd.Trtct tned t i-lcusctlic fcu,te, cillcd" ior-.c,"" Appctlx iTt,'' " l.i cuTvir c. tl tit tod li.e tipikr on to Cri;cV;2t8f end rtln, bi t uo a true Midiclae, made f.o:i t . c ? -t .i lootJEinl Jlcrl.Bof Cultft.rt.ia, frr I ; miii t.ll A b i rStlmiilnma. Ibcyaio tfc t.:.i v r i..ui; n ;;n i.:u nuri a life i P.vl I .I4'iri.1uapcruct l:rntator aad lavivfaior cf t!:c SUtr.,cairylcf off allpolftonoo inaltuu n.-drt-iU ilntiic Llood to a heal t by condition. 2x0 p. i so a cia uuo LIUcia tccordlcg to diroc to.i at d rviuLtnlt Lff r.Will. tl(tf uulwu jtvenforan Incurable ctM, provided V.q bt ncs uro tut destroyed tj mineral polaon or other titt:.D,o:.dtlio iUl crrjana wasted beyoedtb pent c: Ti Uair. rnv luduniiudnry ainil C'krenle Rhcnmn tUm nod Couit IprpiH, er lndlvratloo, CllhiUKf Uii.liicui oi.d lmrlttrt Frvcr DUciibtM tit tlie Hli'od 1-Uer, Kidney a, and L'lnUttcr, Umbo r.lttcia I&to been most encccca fu.. fcutb IHwreina aro canted If Vltlntcd Blood. t. isfc-enuudv troCuccdby Ccrantment oitae i:aratlvc dec us. nYSCrflA OU INDIGESTION. Dead ' cbc, 1 olu in the t t oulucnt, Cooyu, Tigbt&esa of tho Client, Dlczincea. tour tract ationi cf the Stomach, lui uai.- la the Month. Bilious Attacks, ralpltatlcn oi Ute iicart. li-flamtuaUon of tlie Lnuja, Tain In tl:o regions of Uio Ltdncye, and hundred other palnlul tTrLptonm,brc the ciprlc(iof Dyepcpel. Th y laTtgorato tlie Stotnacta and Btlmoltfa tlio tor- phi liver and bowels, wblch render tbem of unequalled tdceev la cleat. a.nj the blood of all imparl t lea, and . Injpu-linjr now life acd vigor to the whole ivstcm. LOU SKIN llEA8LS,ErnptionrtTettcr,fa't 1 TJit un, Dlo tehee, Spou, 1 'lnplce. 1 nstel 16, Bolli, rcr tancke, IUng-Worms, Ccalti-liccd, Sore Eyce, Eryslp !&, Itch, bcuri'a, Dlecoloratloue of tbf Ekln, Humora and Diet, osce of the Lkln, of whatever name or nature, aro litcrcliy dnj up and carried ont of tlie system In a chcr time by the nee of thece Dittera. Oue bottle In ach cuo9 will convince the most Incredulous of tJiclr curative oCcct. , Ci;anso the Vitirtcd Blood wliqnfiVcf fott And tU ' In purities turtt:;(r throng h tho sUn in Plmplce. Ernp tions or bores j cleanse It when yon fld it obstructed and slngKleh In tho reins t cleanse It w hen It Is foul, ( auc yonr foeuiUi!S wui toil yon wuen. Keep the bloc, i pure aud tl.c hi alth of the system will follow. ! liN. TA I'K aud other H on. IIS, lorklnp In the vtt:m cf so many thonsands, ere effectually destroy clr.u lr -moved. Tor full directions, rad carefully tUo tire alar nrcund each bottlo, printed fn four lan -f.wjf cs KLgl.Bli.Ccruian, Trencb and Bpanish. TVALiS;, Troprletor. JlcDOKALD A CO., ' juts ad Gen. Agents, an Tranclsco, CalH ad 82 and M Couuticrco Street, Kew Tort. -rro tY PPUQOI8T9 PEAJUC3, i WOMAN. IHy aa imtn;n.iu piacttcu, ai.i.. i .iu..P, i j i of many years Uav ui.. uit-mt tiui itiau in.-.ti. nine tiiousiinj cac& uf those iic.ft4 -ici.h; lu Woman, i have been enabled lu pcrlvct a m.t-t pilcnt and agreeable tneUicine I lint meet tha imiicattoti presented by that cla of uUifascs with pouc cer tainty and exactness. To dcki;ruic lUis natural spcc&c compound, 1 hav turned it Dr. Piercet Favorite Prescription. The term, however, is but a feeble expression of rny most matured appreciation of lis value, baed tyir.n actual and witnced realms As a close olcivtr, 1 have while wuiieinn its positive rt.-ult in tltc few special diseases inciactit to tnc separate uranin cf woman, singled it out as the iHHtix crt rctvt.inA grt.t pf $y m.dutil carter. On us merits as a po-.lic, safe, and remedy fur Litis class l;is.utfl and one that will at all tunes and miner i.ll ciitv. in stances act kindly and in harmony with Lite wt icli (jovern the female system, 1 am tvilUiio t.iakt r.iy reputation as a Nay. even more, so loi Ic dent am I that it will not diippuint the ii.e cxpcctaliont o( a sinylg inx.ili J !.K,y v ho ui,. k-j, u for any of the ailments for wliicri J r.coiiiiii.iit ii, that 1 oiler seil u under A i'OM 1 i t, tLAk AN TEL. If a elect U not cxpt.riciiL u I the time two-ihirdsof the contents f ibe Lct'le arc used, I wilt, on the return uf the Lh.uli;, tv.o-iiiirt.s ot the medicine hazing been t.tken accori.iii) t'j i,u ac tion., and the case Liitg on-j lor wiiit.h I iecoi.iiut.nd it, promptly refund the money paid f--r it. Had I nt the most perfect contiilcnce in its virtues, I coula t.ut olfer it as 1 do under tiiee conditions ; but having vii Dcsse J its truly miraculous cures in thousands ui l.isc. tti vMrrantwi ami ftrnHy f.t in t i ,a Lvik my rtfiut itttm tnd i:y Monty fin i.s ttwri.t. The following are amou t.ioe diseases in which my Favoritt irtcrijtuH has worked cures at it' by tniic and with a certainly never b.fore attairc 1 l.y any medicine: Icucunhoea, Kxccssivc l iowiii, i aiu fu'.i vlontltly Periods, Suppressions when Irom uimui ural causes, lrr-jgulaniies Weak Lack, i', or falling of the Uterus A'tteversion ana keirovciui, Hearing Down Sensations Internal HuhI, NtiVi'its Licpression, UeUihty, Jicpondeiicy, Threatened M carriage, Chronic Congestion, Intlammation a-id I I c;raiion of the Uterus, and very uuny oilier chro..!.-: diseases peculiar to uo;uin not nientMiicd here i:i which, as well a in ih j cases wtich 1 have r.icintoiici', my Favorite Prescription work cures - ihc m.irvd of the world. This medicine 1 Go not extol a- n curt;ill, but it admirably fulhlU a singleness ot p.irpore, l w i a moit perfect specific m all chronic ib v t-- - - I Ci exuai system of woman. It wiil not ci . , . . iuj wiit it do harm in any stale or oiutiuoii. . i i-. a MOST PoWBKFfL KtisTORATU'lt Ionic li tlio j; 11 eral as well as the sexual aysuin, al-o combiiiiiiar t(.e BlJit valuable nervine properties, lioth the mnsciihtr and nervous fores arc strengthened a id built up by its Uis. . It will be found invaluaoie in cs.K-ti i.;ci dent to pregnancy, and can be tuk.n i.i m -d.r.:s dosis wi'h pjrf.ct safety wititc i i taut fcta;c l -lie- !, it is a MfthtrM t'orUuid, and so prepares the s; sum for parturition lint it renders eay. ) li.,vi recived th-j h'irtfelt prai-e I ruin lntn'rv- c-i n ; for ttu instnn-tole bcilctuslaus conferred. I m i-'avoriie I iu i.:-.fii lo'-i 1 aou-s of America wiiS tlia sincerity of an !' tTL.irt, ;oa l r their b:t welfare 1 noe who desire fun lie r toloinia-a'-iol on thec subjects can obtain u in my 1 Ub-U i-K OH CllKONIC litSliASIt li 1 i'K t . ' M'.t: A i 1. K AM Ckinakv Ow;as, sent s.i. nre i. -in oiocun.i. ti 1 1 :i receipt of.two Msia'e staini'v 1 Ir. t r; .it . on those diea-cs peculiar to i' maksaul v :i YaluaMc a Ivice in rvf.trd to th. ir nt is hit. Fl rliM r' WtillK (! J BCItf PTIO II. U M V X I L '; lli' Manufactured at the Chemical j.&b:iiato-y of it. 1 iv, M y . Sulk I'kovRitToi,, LLi'l.Ai.o. N v THE Tenth volume of Wood's HorsK MOLD JUoaiim, begins withuanuary '72. It is edited by Oail Hamilton, S. S. Wood, and H. V. Osborne, aud ineludes among its regular contributors Horace Greeley, Oail Hamilton, Thus K. Hoeeher, lr. Uio Lewis, l,r. W. W. Hall, James Parton, etc. Harriet HeecherMowe, Jtri.-k Pomeroy. John G. Saxe, Ma. Genl. lvil patriek. Petroleum V. Nabv, etc.. write li oeeasionally. Terms One Dollar a voar. In elubliiier, three lirst-elass ieri aro g.ven for the prii eof oneof tliein. The wost liberal Premium List ever published. No period ii al Is more l'i ejuently or favor ably mentioned by the press. "Wood's Household Muuii.iiih la one of the uionii nieuts of biisiiiiK eiiturprine which mark theauo.' Methoillsl Home Journal, Phil ailelphia. Pa. "It has been improving ever since wo knew it a good criterion for the future." Courier, New Market, Can ada. It is a marvel of ehiiipiiesNaud llrst elass quality combined." New York Times. Specimen eopy sunt tree to any aldlo. ti. H. Wttoll A CO., Newhnrgh, N. Y'. a m Hi s x IP fill jfCvlflf sii &..jy lis til?. 167 Water Street, Meadville, Pa. ALSO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, TA. In Store with STAPLES .0 SUtLEl'. Opposite 1'ont Office. THE LARGEST DEALER IN In tlii" wtion, inrlndinji tlie following rrU'rmitrrl niakra : ChickerinQ & Sons, Steinway & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurlzman, 't otiuw. WUITXEY A SLAYTOX'S Oh'GAXS AXD MEL01E0XS.Thev Orjiiii and Melodootis nre acknowledged by all good judges to be tlie best and finest fini.xliod Reed Instruments made. This being the Oldest and Largest House in lliia section, superior ind;; ments can and will he offered to purchasers. Stoolg and Spreads, Sheet Musie, Books, and a large stock of everything in the Music line, can be found at my store. -'y J. C. HULL. 50O VOLUMES IX OXK. AGENTS WANTED Iha Library of Fotry and So-ig, ItiMiia f'holep Sehn-Mons I'roni the Itest PiHitM, i:nitli!h, Si'oti li, Irish and Ameri can. With nn Introduction ly WILLIAM CVLL12X ISHYAXT. T'nder whoso nitii al nupervision tho volume was e mpiled. Tho hiind-" mcit and ehe,iiest subscrip tion boi'k extiuit, t'ver MX) la.'ex, lieauli fullv irint d. i-hoii'ely iilustrated, hand. Homely bound. A Library of over M volumes in one book, whose contents, ot no ephemeral nature o, interest, will never crow old rr stale, itcao be, and wi:1lu read and re-rea 1 with pleasure by n- mid yoilnor, ns Ions: a its leaves hold' together. "A ior;'eet surprise. Searrclv anvtliiii'r all all a favorite, or at all worthy ot1 plneo here, is neirleeted. It is a book for every household." A'. Y Mail. "we know of no similar collection in tho KiiKbsli lauiruae whieh, in copious ness'and felicity of selection anil arrange ment, can at all compare with it." A. 1". Tim en. Tiy ins" liberal. Sellina; very rapidly. Send for t'ircularand Terms to J. H. KOKI CO., i.7 I'ark llaco, N. Y. .Tune 0, 1ST!. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. NEW LINK TO HCFFALO THUOUOII Til U OIL ltKUIO.NS. o AXD after Monday Nov. 20, Trains will run a. lo. lows Alto . na Time): SOUTH. Day Express leave Oil City at 2 25 p m S .-.5 p m Arnves ai itismirirn Nitfht Express Leaves Oil City tiilupm Arrives at I'ittHbiiruh Ii4(inni Mail Train leaves Oil City IM'i a in Arrives at l'iltlhurh li 111 p m Venantio Ac-coin, leaves Oil City 4(K) p. in. and arrives a Kittanniiifr II 10 p. in. NOHTH Day Express Leaves IMttsburgh at 7 r0 in Arrrivt-aat Oil City at 2:ttlpm Niuht Exjiress Leaves rittsbi.rgh s -0 in A rri ves at ( i . City fl ." a m Mail I ra n leaves" Pittsburgh 11 W a m Arrives at t 'il Cily 7 U p m Vennn .ro Ace. leaves Kittannim; 7 lift a m aud arrives at Oil City 'o p j silver Palace Hleepini; Cars on night Express Trains, between PiitsbuiL'h and Titusvillo, Through oitehes on I'av En press Trams between Pittsboreh nod Bos ton. J. J. LAWRENCE, T.M.KING, (Jenl. Supt. Ass't. Kun't. HALUS TcgctabSe Sicilian Hair Rsnewei stood the tent of Keren iieara before the pubflv.f ft ml no pre par l a'ioit for the hnir htm iet bee: f s- rovereii that will piuuinee ine name beiicjicliil rctitltt. It an cnlireli new acleiitljio tli,oeeni com bin tut mini v of tt,e iost powerful n ml rCHloraiir qeut in the VtOLiT ALKE !'.l'!CQOWI. It r.RcY : to its or.'iciiiiAL youth- rUL it nwhr the sc.; white ami clean; cHn't tlamlrnff ami humor, ami Lillinvr out of llio littir; ami will mii.e it. frow up in bald heads, except- in crrif aijeil persons, as it- furnishes the liutriliee principle ln which the hair is nourished and supported. It tlie ha.r moint, soft, ami fossi. and is nnsnrp"ssed a 11 A l II It 11 IJ S S I X O. it is tho clieii'irvst iircp.irati'Ht- ever offered to the pnl,lie, .' one Ind ie will r complii'i more ami lust lomer I tiau three bottles of any other preiittratioii. It is rc, in mended and used by lite i' irsi mimical , utnoi iiy. The It iiiiiIci j nl results btfottr Sicilian Hair llenewer have imtuced inn n n to manufacture preparations for the Hair, tinder various names; aud, in order to the trade and the public to purchase their couitioumls, the hare reported to falaehood. bit elui m' iia thet were former part- ' - I. .... i; ... . livi'.i, or it 'fi vnti vim H:cnon, tvtill our Mr. Hall, ami their premrU' tiou was similar to ours. I to not beiteceieed bij Hit-in. 1'nrclntse the orhi ikiI : it' has never yet been e'ltt'ille I. Our Treatise on t.'ie liair, with cerlijlcatt's, sent, free by miiil. See that each bottle, has o n- itrivate llercuitu stamp over tii,: tip of the bottle. All others are Imitations. R. F. Hall & Cc, Prop's, Nashua, N.H. !jJiI t"i a!t V"i7i- ond Dealert in M!ici:tB. X, JS J5 t If This Cut illustrates tKa n-anucrof Using JJiSi n Fountain .tsal Iajcctor, tnntrnmont 1 especially desljucd for the perfect npplieinimi of DR. QACZ'n CATAHflH RCf3C0V. It is l!iu PTilr f;ir: itf i'i-t nitrcn r c( nivt-rtcd Willi which lliii-l mc;triiK- t mh he run ted ,;.' vji an.l '-''",'. p:t.'hi to all f" ttf liu- f H rii d n. (l -it'f. flil.l tiio chiimlM'in t:r cavil Uk rum. tiMMit'Hliii Hic;vw ii 'i. ii wlrch Knirn mm) tilctTt fiv .ift)tii' kyU., mid ltin;i wli'i li the r.nnrrl al (Mr ciia w 'jcni'ra'lv prtM-rcd-t. fI he waul id' met i-m In tri'itiu Cuarrit horftofiiiu h;;- aiiwti lflnidv fr''ft 1 I nii'.x-i'nii'y of ttil' rt'irt'iiU-i lo t io-t! riivitM-4 a.i I c'i i n'i'T4 hy nnv of tlio ordi. mti 7 int'l'ioil'. TIi;! o'j-t '.clt J.i ill? v ny id f f -iiir,' r iri'l t'-ili-r'y (,vct( trnc Vv il'c ii:vci:itt n oft'm Dotich.. lii u!'n tliU ii:in;nit'h(. tl-e FlLid li C-ir.i?J by its own wcij!.!, t:io siu'fi jj. Icrcirg cr p itieti '1 boing rc(M:irtd.t ono i.t cttil hi ft full pMitly 11 t in ivn nt lo Hut lti-l'C it,iliin of tlio n.i-nl p.i-:i' lia'j!' it lojiml iliouifi I lytvrai i-e-iM t in t iii' tnol t't'.'inii fit roinu'cn il Hhtcw iili, a i iriijo.ilo V eopfcsito r.r!ri, Itmi-i i h-:.-a-it, ni I si -i njilo ti nt h iliiltl run i'micrininl li. C i 11 mid CXI!( i i! rtittoi sr. Cinii:inv ca"li instrument. Wlieti UmiI villi ll.U iii-iti'ii'iifut, lr. Siit.'e'i. t'!i!:U'rh l'cniciiv ru ! io cent atiueki of C'u2tl la tho Hi uil 'i by a few n:'licniioU'. Sy ni ptotii of Cfnrrlta Fivqiiert bniid aclif!. tl:.jcharL'i' raUitiir itlo lint nt, kih t .i.t n. fii"o. M!ry, tliick muci:. i-tu iiK iil.t-Ut tis-i p. 4c In tiili'M. h tivy nei.-, dry. v :i!i iy, v nk vr ii f.i'ii.cil pv". fit) uin i up or obstruct Uni t-f I ;i-hI pit nrci, rlH-'iii'. iii ilea filths liawkiiiir un ou-. 1-iiifX t ti.'iiit, nl-;i.atioiiis, Mab Inmi Uiii-re, vol? ) alftre 1. ni'il tuan-r, i-tVeiilvc 1 rt nit. 1m r;tl.i!tl : t l;: lviiii.;i U rente if hi! 1 11 tn.rt l-iltf. tliR'.lil llk':ititl 'pfiloU. ll-- tf l C- W l;i U l-M'H1. e:il:tr-e;l IoiikIh. tit Ulii::-coib. &e. 0 ily a lew of tluo symptoms are likely lo Y tirescit in a y .'M? at mi. time. I !; Sai"' nt!inlj IS me-.y, tirn nd wl'li Ot. lMt,r't,,4 Nui: I'oik hrf n:i l fici-.nin.i:ile.l willi tl.o coin-tinititniii tieiil nv it which i rt'O'nmi'iiiletl in tl:o pumpiJit that witi-i ea'-h bottb of tlm I a r fi'Ct p'vi'lc fiir tliis lo!ii1ii!?p( Ui'-earc. srtl ll;e pmprl "tar oT-!-. in i;o-m1 i'h'hm. i?.()o rrn)r l forart-e ho run not cum. Tl;o ltcmeiW in wM nu lpU'ii-a it ti!itij!iiii;ir iio trc!"i)riiitic (1 u ' nr p'Ki-. Tbi-t'atftnli rcinclv 1- pM tit 53 cent-, Jionchp m t' (, by pt np or either v ill I nii!!eu lv proprietor on r -. ,.''-t nfti-i peiitu t, V. J' llt. J:, 6j!j l'reprktov, lH'l'i- AI.O, N'. Y. CIIAULS. A. D.v-C.v. -..ajtor. A Xewayaperol the Preaent Tlmea. IntaadjU lor roolo Now oa Earth. IncludM'S Frme t, ;.!c ha ilci. MerebanM. Pro ff:oua: Mcu, VVoiiceia, T.nukier. au'l a l (.'in ner of lioaest Fo.k, aai the Vive, Soi, aud Daujriitoi-of ulttuc. ONLV ONE DOLUS A YKAIt ! ONE ni'NDRtD COPIES FOR 33. Or than On Cent a Copy. Lot tbere ba a iiZ-0 cm a. er.ry Tost Office. KII-'.VCLXiLY teUN, 6'J A YEAC, or Vi tuiv.o rlsj t '.-oaer..l cUaracicr a Till: ".;i;x;i,r( b it with a ifrea'er varictv of 1u.ejl u..eou icaJ.a!:, a.iti f u nixnintc tn n- wt a' t utwenoe twltu icio iier tro-iii ie:w. iioctu o It comes iwt. u a wecii hutUAsl of unco ouly. THE DAILY & VS, 8J A VEiU. A prcenino'itlv r tn 1 h'c ncwspuiier, wita t"a lii'ji c rcii.ttilou in tho woi.vl rre. iinle Dtj'iii'Uit, a l I nrle h In io iticH. A 1 tiH tie wi f om L 7 rywliero. I w tvu;i a Cony ; by mail, AO cj.iU & uioi.tti, or $0 a year. TER:3 TO CLUB3. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY -trx. Tiro copiea, one yeii. SJT.ara-".' i!r.-n -rt kuu r llollara Ten rorij-.. one vir. e ifit all--ea i& i au exiracoi' toiuecu-'r u v. I u i Llabt 1o11::3. Twenty eonie, ana yeir, ep ,raiol l1 1 eu (a d uu exit ooiy to the ftt m- up n: enib, Kiitued Uuliura. FIt coplnii. eno Tear, to one vUlrr ir.nil uia b truil- velc y ooe ) eur t irctier n ( oi ti"h , Tblrty-tbreo Uuliura. Fif'y enp'rs. one Tear, "epni ateiv a dre-ort ('i a tan btuii-W eckl) oueyc t-'i L'r-t'r ui-ii eiut j, TbtrtyflTO Oo1lur. One hnnHrM co- n on year t -i,n nrl iros ( tn 1 ttia Stilly for oqu ye tr toihc 'irriptof c u u. I ;ity Oullara. One h 'rlrel fttoing, ne var. 'raiut ly ad at e e l iu I thu tJuily lor o vr ir in ' tie vi'er upoiclubj, nixty liollnra. the ke.ii-ve::kly stx. Five curio. oue yeai, bepmatelv nri'1t"'fi t. fcilfbt Dollar. eo co tr. ot e ve:r rm.a-ae'v a.tort;,t;a (wmi i.j an a couy to tetter up f - ,), hlxtevu Dollar. eSEXO Y'oUlt MONEY 'n 'M i ffl j o"tir. eiccka. or dmrt- rn Vvw n:;,w';.'i'ifr f. uve .lent ll 'it. f tivn tvi'.lii t In- i.e.-. uoiitjiuin no k.'. A i-trei'- I. W friV'iL V V t t. hr, SCH.SCKIHKrorthe Forest Reimblicau O it will my. BOUCHER OIICrrfk&AHrgr.nijKher Ry "V AND AKTEH Mnndnv Juno 5. 1S71. N AND AKTEK Monday Juno S, 1S71, V7 t rains win run as ioiiows; RtirTltWARn TBAISS. STATIONS: 1st Class. 2d Class. 4 2 6 111 U a. m. n. m. p. in. a. in. a. in. Porrv 15 1 1 hi ft AO 8 00 Si.iii'taiisburg 0 '2 11 3.r H 24 tl 11) Glvnden DM II 6 !I7 1(3(1 Centrevillo 7 01 11 f 6 40 Ii f4 Trv .nvillo 7 13 12 0:1 M 10 20 llvdetowtl 7 2"i 12 15 7 10 It 00 AH 7 3", 12 25 7 25 11 20 Titusvillo I'M 7 42 12 45 7 40 0 lit 11 35 Miller 1-arni 8 02 1 03 7 f! (I ft5 12 L" Sbail'er 8 07 1 08 8 03 7 20 12 20 Pioneer 8 17 118 8 10 7 40 12 43 Alt 8 25 I 25 8 23 7 65 1 05 Pet Centro OK 8 28 1 28 8 30 8 10 1 55 Columbia 8 35 1 35 8 38 8 20 2 10 Tnrr farm 8 40 I 3S 8 42 8 30 2 25 Itvnd Farm (8 4(1 'l 41 :8 ,M) 8 40 2 40 ltonsevlllo 8 f3 1 411 8 fill 00 2 55 Mi-Clinloek 8 5(1 1 fit fl 00 11 v 3 O'l Alt 10 2 05 0 15 0 20 3 20 Oil Citv PR 0 15 2 10 10 15 3 40 Oleopolls 45 2 30 11 10 4 25 Eai'le lioek ! fin 2 10 1 1 32 4 50 President II .r.! !2 50 11 38 '4 5(1 Tionesta 10 i3 3 12 12 30 r :',7 Miekorv 10 41 3 32 1 20 'ft 15 Trunkevvillo 10 54 3 41 1 45 0 43 Tidioulo 11 11 3 58 2 2 1 7 10 Irvineton 12 01 4 40 4 05 8 40 AllDirtON VL S'TOSD CLASS Til AtNS-SOl'TII. No. lit T.tusvle2.10p. in.; Miller 2 Pioneer 3.-0; Pet Villi e 3.o3; '',,1, ,,',;"' 4.15i Tarr Farm 4.23r l'VI1(1 Fnn Kouseville 4.55; Oh Cily 6 "0 Mm!;Awin"'UH; 'Vitusville 8.35; Miller! arm Tel Centro (.. IS; Coin m ' r"-m.l3; Tarr Farm Iii.IM; ltvnd Farm 10.27; Honseville I()..'l5; I til City 'l 1.00. No. 18 Pet Centre 1.2s p. uu; Columbia I. 50; Tarr Farm 2.05; ltvnd Farm 2.10; Honseville 2.30; Oil Citv 3.00. No. 21 Oi! City 6,:i a. m.; Oleopolis 7.25; Tionesta 8.51; Tiunkevviilu 10.15; NonrnwAnn tiluns. .STATION'S; 1st Class. 2.1 Class. 5 3 1 13 I) u. m. p. m p. in. n. in. a. m. Irvineton 2 45 fi 05 0) 7 45 Tidioulo 1 2 5 17 7 20 II 05 Trunkeyvlllo I 15 (1 07. 8 05 10 15 llirkory I 54 ifl K i'8 .( 10 II Tione-ia 2 11 (i 34 8 45 II 40 President ,2 35 ,( v ;.o 12 Easfle Il.n'k 2 3s ;i f,i fl ;;o Oleopolls 2 47 '7 OS 10 05 1 03 Alt 15 7 35 10 55 1-50 Oil Citv rK fi 00 3 20 7 40 11 30 2 10 MeClintoek 13 it 32 17 55 11 50 2 25 Honsevillo fl HI 3 35 7 50 12 01 2 30 ltvnd Farm (1 .( 3 10 S 04 12 25 2 40 Tarr Farm 0 25 3 45 8 10 12 38 2 55 Columbia jo 1:!) 3 40 8 14 12 48 3 10 AH ti 31 3 55 8 21 1 05 3 20 Pot Centro UK (1 3(1 3 50 R 23 1 25 3 33 Pioneer (I 42 4 00 8 .'Ml 1 45 3 45 Shaffer II 52 (4 15 8 40 2 (HI 4 15 Miller Farm 50 4 1(1 8 44 2 15 4 40 AR J7 15 4 40 0 05 2 45 S 20 Titusvillo fK 7 35 4 45 fl 10 3 05 Hvdetown 7 44 4 55 fl 20 3 20 Trvonville 7 57 5 OS (ii 34 3 50 Centrevillo 8 05 fl 17 i! 43 4 Ml Glyndcn I S 14 J5 27 fl 50 4 30 Spaitansburg 8 24 5 3S id 02 4 50 Curry 8 63 II 10 10 32 6 50 ADDITION A LSKdlNn-rl.ASSTnAINS-NOIlTlI N'o. 15 Oil Citv ti.55 a. ill.; Housevil e 7.20; Tarr Farm 7.40; Columbia 7.5f; Pel Centre 8.10; Pioneer 8.40; Miller 0.25; Titusvillo 0.55. No. 7 Titusvillo fl.OO a. 111.; Corrv 11.25. No. 11 O.l City 11.20 a. m.; Honseville II. 45; ltvnd Farm 11.53; Tarr Farm 12.03; Columbia 12.10; Pet Centre 12.20; Miller 1.25; Titusvillo 2.00; Corry 4.42 p. in. No. 21 Tidionto 12.45 p. in.; Trunkev villo 1.45; Tionesta 2.41; Oleopolis 4.25; (iii City 5.20. () Trains do not stop. () Stop on signal. (J Stop ior meals. Trains 5, fl, 21 aud 22 run daily ; all other trains daily exi-epl Sun lavs. N. It. Train No. l'.iisan Express from Titusvillo to Corry. MLVKIt PAI.ACK SI.KKI'lNll CAR TRAINS. No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia without change. N'o. 1 Direct to Philadelphia without ell. 11: ire. No. 5 Direct from Pittsburgh without chnngo. No. t Direct to Pittsburgh without change. C. J. II EPHL'UN JN'O. PITCA111N, Superintendent. Oen'l Maiuerer. ' ! r Li k - :;; i..;;..;:l:k.t. that - " : 1:0 - p.i n Hro I ! I I V t v.y 11 I. ll'crc 0 i ! i 1 If ' :i hi 01 1 Ji lt lU'it'a, ..u.-st-ii .u,.: ly . I: -11 1 i ?i pr.K Cnibu IT I til a c?r(u'n ci'o fur Krrofula., ;. ;'i..i. 1 !i ui I : f riiiM, Lliemiu-1-' n, t:vi:i Lifiit', Liver Co:n ..'ti t tuJ 1.11 !iat'avii of l e vi i!I i'o 1:10.-0 ;-imJ l!:aa tea liol!!o. j1 i!u t-yrisa of i-irjjjiarilla. 'HZ U'iOI.-.CINno PrlVSIClAN3 hav'iii-e.l Ron.!atisi 'tl.cir practice I 'r I' yei'ra en J f ii ly ! 'lirM il ru i' illu Alterative ,:i.l I..00.I 1 ui.Iilt. V!.T. C.r: .rf Kjllimcio. I ) . 'i' j i.j :.! v !: 1. is. ;.i'a: ii. I" 1. 1'- o. : i.i.y, " .:) ;. J. . SfA::.o, 01 &cholMvi:!c. l.y. p.t. j. 1.. :: .cAr.riiA, iVumUi, .'..A.'li. '(i':!.'.',r.i!jc.'omli, N.f. :.; :;:a:rD et ::. 1;. 1 io.Ni:, fail iiivcr, v, !:. . . : i:'T:'.71.n. jii-h. I A. i . t ... .1. I..iul, I rt. !..! .1 Cm. v 'IV. . .. i ..1 . t!nii3Vl!lo, Va. SA.. 'I . I.. ::, : A.'JLtN, Jiu-lrccs-Lu.', ", l.i. Or v : 1 r. t ..11." cf nry cf. : m . 1 ! . ! ; i i 1 1. . a ig i ...i. n-' l .. 1'.. . 'i n. n Mv..irul : . ' 1 ' ' : 1... I 'cu a 1 111 . J 1.x. : t 1.; y t !-f -y o eve r 1 1 1 i 1 . "..I ol (lisi'avi'J ' : 'f-.i wc s.y ti y : U V.-l be tL-llUIt'i to 1. . . 1 I I y all rruirlst!l, ;:i; v i"-:u . Ailtlrcji . . . . -i.J C CO. -. r li ( firh.itll, -. :io. t.. 1 COAL! COAL! J.S.EYERHAET IS Prepared to deliver the best quality of (Ami ut the old Everhurt Hank, two miles IV0111 New iiianvillo tor 7 cents per or al Tionesta and vicinity for 25 CENTS PER BUSHEL, lie always has a large supply on hand, Vow is the time to lay in a large supply Orders proiurly attended to ? 9 D CROVER & BAKER 'j 1 iTI II tn T.10 following nre selected from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing tho reasons for tho prefer ence of the Orovor A linker Machines over all others. "I liko tho flrover Baker Ma chin. In the Hrst tilaee, because if I had nnv other, I should still want a Orovor A Hakor ; and having a Orovor A' linker It answers tho purpose of nil tho rest, it does a creator variety of work and isoaslor to ienm than any flltier," Mrs. J. C. Cro ly (Jenny Junoj "I have had several years' oxpo rleneowlth a Orovor t Maker Mnchloo, w hli li has liiven mo great satisfaction. I think thoGrover. linker Marhlno Is more easily mamig"d, and less liable to get out of order. I prefer the Orovor ( llakordo cldedlv." Mrs. Dr. Watts, Now York. "I havo had ono In my fnniily for somo two years; and f.ioin what I know of its wnrkimrs, and from tho testimony of many of my friends who uso tlio s nno, I can hardly see how nnythlngcoiild be more complete' or givo hotter satisfaction." Mrs. Gen. Grant, "I believe It to bo tho best, nil things eonsiilensl.ofsn v that I havo known it is very simple and easily learned ; tho sewing from tho ordinary spools is a irrent advantage; thestiteh is 'entirely reliable; it does ornamental work boauliniUv; It is not lin'-lo to get out of orler. Mrs. A. M t'pi.i-.ner, 3d liondst, lliookiyn. IIT - l(.1 " - lr 1 nm ni-iiinin '....unit .0 tho prlneiial nineliines, and I prefer tho Orovor .v linker to them nil, because I con sider tho stiichmoro elastic I have work in tho house w hich was done nine years ago which Is still good." Mrs, Dr." Mo Crondy. N'o. 43 Fast 23d street, N. V. ''More than two-thirds of all tho sewinirdono in my family for the hist two years has been done by Orovor v. Maker's Maehlno, and I never 'had n irarment rln or need mending, except those rents whieh frolicsome 1mvs will make in whole cloth. It is, in my opinion, by far the most valu nbloof imy I havo tried." Mrs. Henry Ward Uoeehor. "Tho ti rover .; Ilaker Sewing Ma chins has rendered in every respect, the most perfect satisfaction. It combines so many ndvuntnires with lienuty of execu tion and economy In i-icolhiit it is n 110 cesilv m every household." Mrs. Gover nor Geary, Ibirrisbnrg, Pa. "I have had the Orovor A Bakor Ma chine for ton or twelve yoirs in constant use in my house. I have seen and known every kind of Family Mowing, both per sonal and household," accomplished up the Orovor A linker Machine, to theenti. satisfaction of all concerned, llev. Stephen 11. Tvng. "I find the Orovor A linker Stitch will wear nslong ns the garments do outwear thognrni'Mit In fact. Tho stitch will not break on bias seams, w hen stretched, as others do ; and neither does It draw the work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twenty-fourth street, N. Y. ThoGrover nnd Raker Sewing Machine Company manufacture both tho Elastic and Look Stitch Machines, and offer tho public a choice of tho best machines ot both kinds, nt their establishments in nil the largo cities, and through agencies in nearly nil towns throughout tho country. Price lists and samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to T. J. VAN G1ESEN", Agent, Tionesta, Pa. PITH OLE VALLEY R'Y. Otf AND AFTEIt Monday,.! lino 5, 1871, Trains will run as Ioiiows: " TKAIN'S NOKTHWAltD. stations. No. 2. No. 4. 1 ueopoliN, ln.25 a m 3 p in isennetl, 10.3S " ii.'JS " Woods 10.30 ' 3.18 ' Prnthers Mill Mi'4 " 3.10 " PilholoCity 11.06 2.50 " Tit A INS SOriliWAKI). stations. No. 1. No. 3. Pithole Citv, 8.4o a m 1.20 pm Prathers Mill 8.48 " 1.4s ' Woods 8.7,(1 " 1.50 " llcnnett fl.02 " a.Oi " OUsmelis ll.lrt " 2.14 " All '1 'rains make close connections at Oleopolis with trains on the Oil Creek V Allegheny Kivcr Uuilway, North und South. Two Lines of Stages run daily between Pitholo City, Miller Farm ami Pleasant villc, imiki'igcouiiectioii witharrivingaud departing Trains. J.T. BLAIlt, II. WlCKilAM, Sup t. Ticket Agent, Pitholo City, Pa. LOTS FOR SALE! IX THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., New York City. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND A FT Kit 11 P. 1'. Sunday May 1, 1870, Trains arrive at and leave tho I'nion Depot, corner of Wusuinloii and Liberty street, as follows; AKKIVE. Mail Train, 1.30 a m ; Fast Lino, 12.12 a 111 ; Well's accommodation No. 1, it. -On 111' I tri 11 ton accomiiiodatioii No 1, 7.50 a m; Wall's neeomiiioihilion No 2, 8.55a 111 ;Cin cinnati express 11.20 a 111 ; Johnstown Ac commodation 10.7i0 a m ; llraddock's ac commodation No 1, 7.00 p m ; Pittsburgh express 1.30 p III; Pacific express 1.50 p ill ; Wall's accommodation No 3, 2.3A p 111; llonicwood aeeomuiodiition No 1, M.5.i p 111; Wall's accommodation No 4, 5.50 p 111; llriiitou aecouimodntioii No 2, 1.10 p 111; Way Passunyer 10.20 p m. DEPAHT. Southern express 5.20 a m ; Paciflo ex press 2.40 a 111 ; Wall's accommodation No 1, tl.30a m ; Mail Train 8.10 a 111 ; Itrinton's accommodation 1 i.M a m ; llraddock's ac commodation No 1,5.10 p 111; Cincinnati express 12.35 p 111 ; Wall's accommodation N 5, 11.51 a ui ; Johnstown accommodation 4.05pm; llonicwood accommodation No 1, 8.50 p 111; Philadelphia express 8.50 p 111; Wall accommodation No3,3.05p 111; all's accommodation No 4, U.05 p m ; Fast Line 7.40 p m; Wull's No 5, 11. (.0 n 111. Tho Cliureh Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at 0.05 a. m.. reaching Pitts burgh at 10.05 a. 111. Keturiiing leave Pitts burgh at 12..5II p. in., and arrive ut Wull's Station ut 2.10 p. 111. Cincinnati express leaves d illy. South ern express daily except M01 .lay. All oth er Trains daily, except Sunday. For Airther information uply to W. 11. IIECKWI'I'II, Agent. The Pennsylvania Hailroad Company will not assume any P.isk for Baggage ex cept lor Wearing Apparel, und limit their rsiionsilulit v loune Hundred Dulluisyui ue. All baggage exceeding that a ount 111 value w ill 1 10 at ttie risk ot tne - mer, unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altoona Pa. "IOH WORK ueatlyexcoutud at thls'oOlct ' ut reaamiabi. rates. ADDRESS To the" Nerveous AND D BBILITAT EI D . w HOSE sufferings havo boon protraol od from hidden Buses, mid wboM cases require prompt treatment to rand exlstenco dcsirnhlo) If you aro suffering, br haveiuiTerd from liivolunfary dlachargos, whatleffooC does It produce on your general honlthf Tto you feel weak, debilitated, easily tiredf Ims a little extra exertion produce (paM pilat Ion of tho Iicart? Does your liver, orf' urinary organs, nr your kidneys, frequent ly got nut of order? Is your urine som limen thick, milky or nK'ky, or Is It ropy on settling? Or does H V.ll'.'Y. t'ZrUo U tho top f (r Is a sediment nt tho bottom ap-. tor It has stood awhile? Do yotl havo spells of short brealldngnr disiepsia? Ara your lmwels constipated? Do j-ou hav spells of fraintlng, or rushes of blood t the head? Is your memory Impared? I your mind constantly dwelling on thU subject? Doyou fwl dull, listless, moping,, tired of company, or lile? Do you wisU to bo left nlone, nway from everybody t Docs nny little thing mnko' you start or lump? is your slep broken or rootless T Is. the lustre of your eye as brilliant? Tho bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with tho sarua cnorgy? Do you feel us much confldenoa in youself? Are your spirits dull aud flag, glng, given to Ills of melancholy ? if 0, do not lay it U) your liver or dyspepsia, Havo you restless nights? Your back weak, your knoes weak, and have hut 1IU tlo appetite, und you attribute this to d pepsia or livtr-conipliiiut f Now, render, self-abuse, venereal; d enses bndly cured, and scxuul excesses, ar all capable of producing a weakness of th generative organs. The organs of genera tion, w hen in perfect heulth.rmnko themaa Did you ever think that those liol.ty defl nnt, energetic, iiorsevering, successful business-men are always thoso whose genera tive organs aro in perfect health? You never hear such men complain of bolnjr melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of tho heart. They urc nover afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't be come sad and discouraged ; they areal ways polite and pleasant in the company of la dies, and look you und them right in th face none of your downcast looks or any meanness Hbont them. I do nut mean tliose who keep tho organs Inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also tks they do business with or for. How many men, from .badly cured Jdls- 1 eases, from the effect of self-abuse and excess, have brought about thut stats of weakness In those organs thatjias reduced the geneal system so much ha to produce almost Idiocy, lunacy, paVslysis, spinul nffections, suicide, and al most every other form of disease w hich humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected and have doctorod forall but the right on. Diseases of those organs require the usa of a Diuretic. HELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTHACT UUCIIU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for discuses of tho '( Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ- lu Weakness, Feinalo Complaints, Gener al Deblty, aud all diseases of the Urinary- Organs, w hether existing in Male or F' male, from whatever cause originating, and uo mutter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted t, foa0 sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from those sources, and the health ana happines, and that of Postority, depends upo prompt use of a reliable remedy. Hcliulutld's Extract Buchu, established upward of lf.iA"oars, prepared by 11. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist, 504 Broadway. Now Y'ork, and 104 Ssuth 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pu. PiucKf 1.25 per bottle or U bottles for $0.50, delivered to any ad dress, bold by ull Druggests every whore NONE ABE GENUINE UNLESS DONE TP IN frj'i'EL ENUltAVED Wrapper, fae-sniile of my Chemical Ware house, ond signed II, T. HELMUOLD. ?My i I