WEDNESDAY HOMING, NOT. 1J, 1872. BOROUGH OFFICERS. n ... T t'.j.u UMttrfmn T. J. Vnn1l(ien, Mile W. M. Ik ,,T 41 I. 1 m . .. - ... iirru lilt i iw uriii Justices of the react W. P. MorclLllott, r u 1.- ' lt....l 1 1 1.... T I If I. ... . ftinj.rjiiA .T. V Tnttuwnrlt, " Svhonl Directors J.WInniiN, J, A. Pain, ,i. a. i-ronor, jui'oi) aiinver, m. w. J ale, . u, irwin. . TOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Freautmt JutlucW. P. Jcki. Associate Judges J. X. l'ltofER, Ax- URKW OOK. sheriff K. T.. tAYl. Jisfrict A ttomeiV. W. M Ason. J'rothnnotnry, Ilegistarii Beeortler, ?. J. II. AdXRW. bmimOTi'onrr IIksj. F.i.liott. Jacob Mkrcili.iott, T. D. Coi.mnh. I V......1 V. ........ ....... . . u V 1) ........ .. .ury Commissioners Ukoiiuk Hkjoins, funfV Surveyor S.t). Tnwiw. T 1." . . . 'Jduu(,v Auditor Kli IIoi.kman, Wk frr adit T II r....n VI". III.) . . i, V V ( 1 1 ... Member of Congress V)th District O. W. Kpnvi vt.iv . AstewblyJ. B. Lawsox. ZVmic of Train " .UTIONKSTA STATION', on and otter , .uuuuay, ixuvciiiwr in, mil HOCTIl WAItD. Train 2 " 4 Train 1 , ." 8 " to 8:S2 p. in. 1H:IH n. in. 0:M p. m. 0: 40 p. in. 1:30 p. in. KOHTIIWAtlr). 8:33 a. in. t'lfKpniforM will have to nmlor.Htnml that "fortliwrl," In tlio table in rfiir the ri vor, mill "Snutliwanr' In up the river. Tmlim 1!) anil Stlaro mixed freight ami ae .ninmcxlatloii j the other aro poNHengcr iruiii. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Tlio bridco comes noblr od. An other sjian U up, nnd only ouo remain to be put up. White Kith, itirladici, nt Superior Lum hot Co' a. There's a monstrous sight of hats, boots, suits of clothes &c, tine from Greelev meu to Grunt, men from the i " ..... result ol the I'residontiul election. 7mV Braids, a now nwiortment, at Nit' perlor T.uinbvrCo. Store. Ilain mixed with snow yesterday There win lutna tulk of havinca flood but the lumbermen hadn't reully come to a conclusion up to tho time of go ing to press. Vussimcre Shirts, ofexcelloiit finality, lit Superior Lumber Co. Store. David Hunter purchased Samuel Clark s fawn last week, and has now .n pair of deers, five dogs and several coons, we suppose David will soon have a menagerie down there. lie must remember, however, to dead head the editors. I.aec Collars; C'nll mid nee our now styles oponiun at Superior Lumber Co. Store. We lost, recently a pair of linen cufiV (ours) with a pair of gold sleeve buttons (borrowed) iu them. If uny ee has bceu so fortunate as to fiud theeo articles, they will confer a favor by sendiug or bringing them to this of fice. Hamburg Edging ami Insertion: New j nitmnn now opening at Superior Lumber Co. Store. Childs & Palmer's mill at Ked Brush has shut down, on account of their horses all being laid up with the puoo. We are fearful that many other lumber establishments about here will soon be obliged to close from the eamo cause. Jtubber Shoes: For men mid women. A fresh Invoice at Superior Lumber Cyi. Maj. Goodman is out iu the wirds somewhere hunting, and we have no doubt but he is just slayiug deers, wolves, porcupines &c, in a perfectly outrageous manner. He has hikuame up as a huntfc, and the trame miht just as well tako it ess, for it is bound to be bagged. School Dookt: All kinds used in tho Co.. may be had at Superior Lumber Co'a. We understand that one of Dan iel Black's horses died on Monday last with the epizootic. There are a num ber of others iu a dangerous condition. The disease has spread a good deal since our last issue, and teamsters are afraid to use their horses much for lear of exposiug them to the epidemic. Scrap Books, at Superior Lumber Co. Store On Tuesday the 5ih inst. while some men were moving the Fort Pitt .aims, in pieces from its old site to the"Landing, a car containing Dart of at, suppea on the rail, by reason of tne iroet, auU ran over a mule, caus ing its sud Jen and unexpected demise. We believe the mule belonged to the -Superior Lumber Co. Sash and Belt Ribbon : A full utook in illuuk, llluo uud Pink at Superior Lumber Dick King with somo otheV par ties have gone up to the hunting grounds near, or on TJeur creek, fur the purpose of killing bears. Mr. King tells us that there have been seven ncors killed neac there this fall, and also promises that if he is fortunate - nough to bring down a bear, that he -ill bring us in a slice. We hope he yT rueeced. , view of the niuhui iim.iv a t , tion by the Bwiss Historical Society that tho reputed Swiss patriot's nrche rv hit was a myth, and llint in fact there never was n tyrant Gessler, tioth "ig remains to Tell. Shades of Switzerland I One nf tho most beautiful incidents contained in the dull old school books shattered at one blast from the Swiss Historical Society I Why is it that some old (o ffies must dispel all the romance that history contains? It was but a sliort time ago that we read statement that tho great speech of Patrick Henry, at the outbreak of the American Revolu tion, was all a myth, and was written by his biocrapher: that Put. Wllfl li n Irishman with some good sense, but was entirely uneducated and had nev er" constructed a grammatical sentence in his life. We suppose the next thing on the carpet will be that the storv about Geo. Washington and his little hatchet, was a nut up iob. and never happcuod ; that "in those days" there were no hatchets, and evervbodv used double-bitted axes, and that the Path. er of his Country was a notorious liar Jrom his youth. Now we protest against this wholesale denial of all the romantic incidents contained in school histories. Is any child, youth, or man injured by believing that Tell was an uncomnromisinir nnti-int. Iatnck Henry was a soul-stirring ora tor, or that Geo. Washington was a truthful boy as he was a rreat mnn? imow or pity g sake muzzle all these societies who are bound to muku out that there is no truth iu any of the ueautiiul incidents of history. Notice---Meeting. Those who have subscribed to a rin. per in the hands of Mr. G. G. Butter- held, for the purpose of securing a Presbyterian pnstor for this char. are requested to meet ir. the Presby terian church on Suudav next, nt 11 o'clock, A. M.,'for the purpose of send ing a representative to the Clarion Presbytery, which is to meet at Green ville, Clarion county, on the 19th inst. Carpet Chain ; Wa limkn n un,.;uit r the bent that U liinnulaetured and aro now in receipt ol a now stock in Maroon. Or ange, llrown, llluo and Ureen, at Superior Lumber Co's. Wo are in recent of tho Diiilv Evening Tefegraph published at Oil wiy oy A. JN. l'ratt, Jisq. It is a well conducted sheet, and is well rmtrotiiz- ed. We wish it a lnmr lift. . prosperous one. Hubbell'a Vret.areil Wheal, n IV.O. ply of this invaluable food lor infant. mid hildr.i, roccived atSunm ior T.lltnltnr f Store. Master John Heath is asrent fnr n book called "The Bible Lookm.- Gluss," which appears to be a very Koou aim useiui book for families and libraries. John shoul (1 lift fllpnil rn craA in trying to do something for himself una as he is not fitted for manual la . j bor, we hone hn will h ull ...... ized iu the worf he has undertaken. Baskets : Wolnvito attontlon to lm 1,.- ...... mui'u siock oi iiiLsket.s just received at Superior Lumber Co. Store. Tim vari ...i !- i . ety embraces Farmers' Kd. Bii-kets, from i Icck u o uusiiols In Bizo. Oval Clothes Duxkets four sizes. Murko iil..u lids, three sizes, and Lunch H.wkets w ith nus, iwo sizes. Tlmv will r..,,.i. atlon. We nUico in vesterdav' P1m. burgh Commercial that letters di reetpil to the lollowing persons are held for posugo at i'lttsburgh : W. Ii. May, Louisville, Ky. A. B. Kelly, Tionesta, Pa. Frank A. May, Tionesta, Pa. Crk Shavians mako a morn liivminno bod than si)rinKS or miir) u(1 at o-0.hllIf mo uuu ine Ueuiand for llinm ..( h. c... tory has been so jrreat thatordors are only fl 1 1 ..,) .. it . i . ... ' "- b-rcai ueiay. we aro now ro ceiving a shipment of 000 lbs., and as it is very uncertain when our nnst order will be tilled, those who are in need will do well to call early. SUPERldn LUMUEU CO. STOIin. We observe by the Corry nepxtb. liean of last week that Mr. A. M. Mar tin has resigned his position as editor mat sneet, and turned the establish meut over to Messrs. Clark & Pratt, who will continue its publication. The new firm have our best wishes. Mr. Clark and ourself served our appren ticeship together and we can vouch for hiui in the mechanical part of the business, and have no doubt but will prove a good and ready writer. Here's our fist, Spurzy. Something Xeur : Wo obsorve at tho Su perior Lumber Co. Store a novelty in tho stationery line that can not fail to com mend itself to all persons of t,w... It consists of a blue tinted envelope, which when written upon by a chemical ink pro vided especially foi it, decomposes the col or wherever the ink touches it. causing the writing to standout in white, and pro seutinB very much tho appearance of eu Kraving. Call and see it. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitat ed, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite and tontrue coated, you aie suffering f,om Torpid itver or UiHiousnefa, and nothing will cu.'e you so rapidly and nernm- nently as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical JJiacovory, nOO. ieath of General Meade. General Georee O. Meade. well known by every body who has .Imnrd of tho bittilu of Gettysburg, ns the hero of that occasion, died in Philadelphia on tho (ith iimt., of pneumonia, aged 57 years. He was born in Spain in 1815, while, his father was United Stales Consul and Navy A sent there He graduated at West Poiut in 1835, and bore an honorable part in the wars in Mexico and Floiida. None of our readers need to be informed of his faithful services to his country dur ing fie late war, -they are familiar to all. At the time of his death he was in command of tho Military Di vision of the Atlantic, with his head. quarters at Philadelphia. His remains were interred in Laurel Hill Cemetery, with appropriate ceremonies. Cum. Torter is preparing to issue a paper at Clarion, to be called the Jackson Democrat. The materials ore purchased and on the ground, and it looks ns though Cam. meant business. We observe that Mr. Brown does not seem to enjoy the idea of havino- n rival so near the throne, and spitefully calls the contcmplcd paper "a guerril la sheet." All such notices as that are onlyjcalculr.ted to bring the new paper into favor. Wo wish Mr. Porter success. Ciushctl White Wheat W see that this sensible preparation of wheat. .1.-. i i . ' umi nas ueon lor some time so popular In me r.ani, nas loTind Its way to Tionesta. Tho New York KvciiIiir Mail says or it that "wherevor It is tried, it is found so far preferable to anything else In tlio market that people aro learning to use it exclusive ly." It can bo used for pudding; soup, gruel, limnins, cakes, dessert, eold with milk, sugar or syrup, or fried in slices, and is the ve ry essence of healthful food, con taining all the elements or phosphorus and nitrogen. It Is for Ralo at the Superior Number Co. Store. A man named J. A. Hooper, a resident of Tit.sville, was killed nt Pioneer, on Monday morning lust. In trying to jump from one car to anoth er while the train was moving, he fell between them, and was instantly killed. He was the agent for tho Portland, Me. Oil Works, and Portland Tank Car Line. Ho was about 40 years of acre, and had lived in Titusville for about four years. He leaves a large family. A coroner's jury was empan nlled by justice Reynolds, nnd found that the deceased came to his death by his own carelessness, nnd exhonorate the O. C. & A. It. R., from any blame iu the matter. Piano for Sale. A handsome and good-toned niann for sale very low. Apply at once to Mrs. Freeman, Tioncjta, Pa. Wanted, One hundred good horse teams to haul boards; to commence work on first snow, n iirk as long as snow lasts ; wages three dollars per day for team uud driver, nnd found, except shoeing; good stabling nnd feed provided. All who can bring suitable sleds, are re quested to do so. Apply at Thorn's Run Mills, on Clarion River, or Coon Creek Mills, on Tionesta, each four miles from Tylersburg. 32-3t John Cobb A Sons. Lullou't Maqa issucd.and looks as bright and good as a twenty dollar piece just from the mint. It has new type aud some new features which will commend themselves to the readers aud patrous of Ballou's. known all over the country ns the cheapest auu best publication of its kind in the United States. In it can be found matter that entertains all. old nnd young, while the coming yenrthesub scribers will receive a pretty chromo as a Christmas present. Only $1.50 per year, and 15 cents single copies. tor sale all over the country. Ad dress Thomes A Talbot, 63 Congress St., Boston. Pcterson't Magazine for December is on our table in advance, nnd is a perfect gem. It contains, every year oue thousand pages; fourteen steel en gravings; twelve colored Berlin pat terns; twenty-four pa'ges of music; und more than a hundred novelets aud original stories by the best American writers. Yet the prieo is only two dollars, or a dollar less than illega lities of its class. To clubs it is eh can. er still. Thus, five copies are sent for eight dollars, or eight copies for twelve dollars, or twelve copies for seventeen dollars. To the person getting up either of these clubs an extra copy U giveu as a premium, aud also a superb five-dollar engraving for framing, "Christ Weeping Over Jersalem." Specimens of the miigaaine are sent, gratis; Now is the time to subscribe, or to got up clubs for 1873. Address Charles J. Peterson, UOtf Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bi kfalo, N. Y. Dec. 13, 70. Dit. R. V. Pierce: For the past six months I have used your Golden Medical Disc overy in my practice and in that time I have If ted its merits in severe coughs, both acute mid chronic, in chronic, diseases of the throat, se vere eases of bronchitis, genrral de rangement of the system, constipated condition of the bowels, n:id wherever a thorough Alterative, or blood puri fier, has been indicated. In till eases I have found it to net 'gently yet thoroughly Hnd effectually in remov ing the various dioeiised conditions. t . . ... . ' and bruiL' about a lienliliv nninn throughout the cystei em Ymira frnt.-r i m. 1 ours Irnter- nally, H. L. IIau., M. D. C90. HOW TO GO WEST. This is an enquiry which every oue should have truthfully answered before he starts on his journey, and a little care taken in examination of Routes will in many cases save much trouble, time and money. The "C. IJ. & Q. RR.," running from Chicago, tin ough Galeshurg to Bur lington, and the "I. B. & W. Route," running from Indianapolis, through BJoomington to Burlington, have achieved a splendid reputation in the lust two years ns tho leading Passen ger Routes to tho West. At Burling ton they connect with the B. A M.'ll. R. and form tbe great Burlington Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebraska and Kan sas, with close connections to Califor nia and tho Territories; and paseu gcrs starting from Tionesta, on their way westward, cannot do better than to take the Burlingtun Route. This Line has published a pamphlet called "How to go West," which con tains much valuable information; a large correct mnp of the Great West, which can be obtained freo of charge by nddrassing the General Passenger Agent B. &. M. R. R., Burlington, Iowa. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. Over two thousand ncres of fine Hemlock Timber Lands situntad on Maple Creek, near Clarinjrton, this county, are for sale nt a bin gain. Part of the lands aro situated within four miles of Ciarington. on the Clarion River, and would be a fine site for an extensive tannory nnd sawmills. Map and terms nt this ofiice. 23 tf v. R. Dunn. C3 0 H ' 50 t-i 0 u Ph rv, Pi o a o r. 'Si Ill o h (0 z o EE LlI X h 2 C3 Cf. o i i o. o o o H w o Hi a o w o u fj C3 0 0 Jl Jl 9 H mi C3 Jl o 4 la e 0 0 M S - to C5 Jl o 0 H I I (Jl X - 0 0 H o -- hi $5000,0 00 IN BANK. GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Postponed to December 7, 1872. TMIK KKCO.VI) liliAVh cii'T cav J- CKUT ill thn niil ol'll.n li ... ... I .,.... BY ok Kksni'cky, announced forSepiein b"r 2H, has bcou postponed to IiKCKM- lli:U7. lS7l. Iiei-uoso ll.n ....., r -. - . ...u u. V ....... .1,11. )f 111 orders tho lew days before tho ilrawinir made it physically impossible to till them without a few days' delay, and as a sliort Dostltonenieiit wuu iiwi-it..l.N. : .. .... .1.. teriuiiiud to defer it to a time that would make a lull drawing sure by tl:o Kale of .all the tickets. The money necessary to pay iu full all thti o.'l'pred gifts is now upon deposit in tlio Kaniicrsi' and Drovers' Hank, as will bo seen by the following certilicato of the Cashier: 'a km asp Dimvkrs' Hank. ) I.orisvu.l,.'-:, Ky., Sept. ai, Ih7J. 1 Tills IS Id icu-tilr Hint llicr.t 1 I.. posit In this bank ovt'r half a million of .."na, mi ion creoii 01 iiih c.lll i rl fund. ?.'.i.o,i)oo of which is held bv tliis bank a Treasurer of the Public Library of Kentucky to nnv off nil ..ills 1.1 I... awarded at the drawing. It. S. VKAC1I, Cashier. 1,000 Prizes, amounting to 8500,000 ITOASII will be aWHi'ded. tlm lii.Wni 1..; ,... il)0,(Mi, 8,io,uui, S.' and dowii in rc-u-lar griidatioii to lnn, which is the lowest. iiiii uiHwing win positively and 1111 " 1 "-- ,T nun 11 II- I vi hi 1 .j. iiiiv oiKu p:aeu j leceiu oer 7. Agents 1 are percmlorily to close sales 1.11.I I liinkn iKliim. .,.; I.,.- 1.. .i . 1 . - make returns Xov..n.l...i- -. ... ....- ... u, giveain pie tunc for tl.o liinil arrai.gcmcnts. Orders tor tn kels or ai jiilcaiions lor cin u lars Kliould ho u Idressed to (iov. I'lliiS. I'. lmAMI.F.n'H Agent Publio Library of Kentucky, Ij'j'.ii! villc, ky. CkOVHu & BAKER! SKWnilMACIinKN.! T.u follow in-.; nrn selcelcd from thou. ; amis of tPHiinni!ak ol slmil ir i lmi :i. 'i-. ' as t xprossinT tho rcnons lor !k picl' r once of tho (irover.V linker over all others. "I like Dim 'In.vcr ,v Maker M i- j chine, In the first place, bemuse ' 1 li el i any other, I should sli'l want a ("rover .V ! linker; mid having n flrovor linker it I answers the purpose of nil tlio reit. It j (Iocs n i renter variety or work and isei. .i-r ' to learn t!::ri nnv "tlier,"--Vi. .1. I . Cm. ; ly 'Jenny June) "T hav hat several venrV Hence with a (trover ,t 'lal.'ei -lii'e. i ! " oien nas civeii Hie Teat a'iNi:ict on. II i n.(;r.,v,. u..i.-m....i.; : easily iniinii-rod, and less liable t "ct "in nr order. I prefer the drover .V Ilnker.le- eidedlv." Mrs. lr. WattK, New York. "I have had one in mv fauiilv for ionic two yeai'M; and fjom what I know of it workinjrK, and from the testimony of many of niy IVieiels who uho the n-iino, I can hardly nee how an vthinir could be more complote or Kivo bettor satisfaction." Jlra. (Jen. Grant. "I believe It to be tho liest, all thinirscoiiHidiTcd.ol any that I linvn known It in very simple nnd easily loiu ned ; the aewinir from the ordinary spools Is a jrreat adiantairet thestiteh is 'entirely reliable: It does ornamental work beautifully ; it is not liable to uet out of order. Mrs. A. M Kpooiier, M Bond St. Brook lyn. "I am acquainted with the work of the principal machines, and I prefer tho (Jrover.V Maker to them all, because I eon- Killer the ktilc h mnrn nl.iutl.. T li-t-n u.nPl. in the house whieli w as dono nine years ..... met, m nun iroori. airs, in. iJc ('ready, No. 43 Kast 2:id atreet, X. Y. "More than two-thirds of all tho ncwiniriiono in my lanulv for the last two years has been done by (irover A linker's Machine, and I never had a garment rip in uo locirmiK, excciir inose renia which tl'ol icsome ltr.'ii wil I ...I...l . ' ........ ..... .....nt, n, n iiiiiu IIUMl, It Is. In mv nninloti l.v (..i. il.n n..u. .ni.. l' 1 . . ".i... nut A IIHIU LI1C11. .HTK. 1ICI11V urn needier. - ...".v.. j.t.n.:. ..111- cniiie nas rendered tn every respect, the most perfect satisfaction. It coiubincs so inailV ailVMlllmres With linnufv nf tion 'and economy in price Unit it is a no eesity in every household." Mrs. (iover nor ucary, narnsuur(5, 1'a. "I hnvn liml tlm Clmpit. nnia. r... chine for ten or twelvo yeirs in constant use in my house. I have seen and known every kind nt l aniily sowinir, both per- m'Miii mm nooseiioMi, aecoinpiislied up tlm (imvor.t- l....l.i..A in .1 .. -. ...... mm uiur, t'.WKTl-llll. satisfaction ol'all concerned, Key. .Stephen XI. X 11. "I flllll tltorirnvnr .t TIuL-a CC1..1. -..Ill wear asloint as the (rarincnU do-t-out wear the carmen! in fuel rPlm ut;i..i. .-;u.....t break on bias seams, when si retched, as wiiicisiiu : uiio iieiuier oocs it uraw tho WOl'K. J IU. Ilr. H I llir. 4 Kilst fu m, ty-lourth street, X. Y. The (Jrover and P.aker Sewins Sfachine Company niaiHifacturo both tho Klastic and Lock Stitch Machines, nnd oiler the public a choico of tho best machines ot both kinds, at thoir establishments. In nil the largo cities, nnd through agencies' in nearly all towns throughout tho couiitn-. Price lists and samples of sewing in both siucnes iiirnlsiieil on application to T. J. VAX (JIISKX, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. PITHOLE VALLEY R'Y. fjfAXD AFT1C11 Monday, Juno 5, 1871, ii.iuis win run as lonows: TItAIXS XOHTIIWAIin. STATIONS. No. . Xo. 4. wieopoliM, lo.jtfi 5 , 3 ;j j, , uuii.-ii., iu.j."i ;i. Woods io.:to 3,1s i Prathers Mill to 24 310 Pi thole City 11.0(3 ' 2.00 1 tr a ix.s soirrinvA nn. stations. Xo. 1. Xo. 3. 1'itholo l it v, 8.40 a 111 1.20 pm Woods ts.oit " l.iill Honnelt (1.0:2 2.CJ Oleopclis 0.18 " -J 14 All .Trains mako close eoniiociions at cueopoiis with trains on theoit Creek .v Allegheny ltivcr Uailwav, North and South. Two Lines of Singes run daily between Pitliole City, Miller l'arni and Pleioant villo, maki'igconnectioii ithariivingand ilciuirting Tiains. J. T. lil.AIU. II. WJCKIIA.M, Siip t. Ticket Agent, Pitliole City, Pa. LOTS FOR SALE! IX THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., New York City. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD OX AND AlTKIt II P. P. Sunday May 1, 1S70, Trains arrive nt and lea'vo the I'nion Depot, corner of Wasliinton and Liberty street, as follows; AKIMVrc. Mail Train, 1.30 a in t Fast Lino, 12.12 a in j VVcH'saeiHiinniodation No. I, ii.20 a m ' Hrinton aiviiniiiodalion No I, 7..'l a m; Wall's accoiiiiuodatioii No 2. ..")." a 111 :('in- ciniinti express li.iam; JohnsMiwii ac coiiiiiiodalioii 10 ill Bin. lir,,.l.i.u.L.'u .... coinniodation No 1, 7.00 pin; Pittsburgh express i..lo p m; rncllic express 1.6(1 p 111 Wall's accommodation No 3, 2.H5 p m ; llonicwiHid acciininoilation No l,9.5.i jini; l 11. . lUllllllllIill Mill ,M) 1, O.ilO p III Hrinton aecoiiiiiioilation No 2, 1.10 p 111 Way Passenger 111.211 p 111. DKI'AKT. Southern express 5.20 a ni ; Pacific fx- press z.w a in ; vt an s accommodation No 1, fl.Slia m ; Mail Train H.10 a in : Itrtiitnn'a "I , i.iinncfi iv n uc- coniinodalioii No 1, 5.10 11 in; Cincinnati lll'l-lllll IIIOIIIIT 11.11 I "II 1. .... I'... I. I I.' express 12.:t.i p in; Wall s accommodation N 2, 11.51 a 111 ; Johnstown aceoniirodalioii 4.i."ipm; lloincwo. il aeconiniodatioii No 1. H.50 p m; Chilndelphiii express 3.50 p in; all aecoinniodatioii No3,:i.u.')p in; all's al'iv. odation No 4, (I.0.1 p 111 ; last Line 7. to p in ; Wall's No 5, 11.00 p 111. Tho Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at H.O.i a. 111.. reaching Pills burgh at I0.ii.-ia. III. Itctiiriiing leave Pitls htirgh at 12..-hi p. 111., and arrive at Wall's Station at .lo ti. m ( iiiciuiinii express leaves daily. South ern express daily except Mm. lav. All oth er I'rains daily, except .Sunday." For further information aiil v to W. II. il.CK V " A .1 Tho Pennsylvania I;,iil,-,.. i.., 11 1 ... .1 ..Jw ..... 1 .!.,.. 1 . : .1. .. .. .. ' '""1'any . ... cihfi'iH" ex cept lor earing Apparel, and limit their rsponsibilily to Hue Hundred Dollai -.value. All baggugo exceeding that it ount 111 value will bo at the risk of tin, ,m.r unless taken by special contract. ' , A. J. CASSAl Ofncfitl '!Ier!tr;l Jo-.t, Alt x rt Pa ".. r imuga ieex I THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.! i .110.1 K5Z "P THSfcl AMD TKCU 3HA1.T MAKZ MONTY. Th ii k a'.t. w e no -. .1 die T S.IV, ! II i, v : HIT lV (.' 'l i !1 la, l:i Thou shnlt not choose to lliyl:-nv o ), crDi vlioods iiierehnts ; ll'ion sbat no bow down tothem le-rlis en to their t.iles. for Ililbroiincr it Co. are reliable d-a i r ,' and capable of serving their eust- mer- ti the third and fourth in Thou shn!t seek iu vain Cor a good iia' itv of Dry (iooils, C.. hin.r, and lient-.' Furnishing floods elsewhere; for verilv thev can be tdiinir iu large (puuuiCcs ii Ililbroiincr A Co.':-. IV Thou Rhalt brr-.r in mind (h it upon ix days in the week, thou canst make ihv nl tin. I ir ui..i... .1 tr i lironner A Co. ; but upon tint sevenlh oav tho proprietors nnd Lew, the man of the taie, desire rest from their laliors. Thou shaP honor the Dry (l ieds Store of iiiihrouncr it Co., and lliv days shall be loii;in the laud to enjoy tlio fruits I licreol. VI Tiio", flinlt not commit nnv outrageous Impropriety bv fxilishlv purchasing ihv Dry (ioods and Cloihin'g elsewhere; but go directly to llilbrnnn r it Co., who will give you a superior article. VII Thou shalt seek no other Trv (ioods Store, trying to suit thyself in Dry f foods. Clothing, Fancy f foot Is, Ca pets, llatsnini ('litis. lif.CilllSM villi r.n.i unit .mii'ui.ll' l.nli.. nnd cheaper at Ililbroiincr A Co.'s than any .l. u viol-. VIII Thou shalt not steal fr 111 the Drr floods more m iiiinronner it Co., for they sell goods so cheai) that a felony would 1 m fit t IX Thou shalt not bear false witness, but I'sllV llcl. flint II..... . ....t a bet lei m't icloi.l' I li-v. I :.... Iu ..I llitl . ... ., ... .-.,t ........ r. .. .... ii. 1... mi 1,1 mm." man any piaco else in the city. X Thou shalt. not covet thv neighbor's goods nor his bargains, but take counsel t the wise and nroceed striiiirliiu-nv to tlm Dry (ioods Slum of Hill irotuicr A' C11 Water Street, Tionesta, Pa. 0 If- Aug. 21, 1872. teov.M VICE'S ALT. EXT.ok mm 1' . - CURES DISEASES Of THt---""-. TilSDAT.lUCS.UVER & BLOOD In tho woii'iVrfitl moflfrlnn to which tho afflict ed nru aHvo pointed for n-Ucf, tho diicovurt-r b li(.V(M liu luii eoiiihiiifil in harmony more ol Nit'iro niii-i mvriML'ii curative proiicrtlci, which (1. nl m in-tiNctl into llio vcctaltlu kliiK iltmi for lieiliiitj ttiu ick, thr.n wcru ever bcfttie coiuMti'vl i:t ono mcfliriun. Tht evhlt-nce of thU fact i fount) tn ihti urciit variety of mont ohntU nato (liM'a-'fi which it liu lccn round to conquer. Iu Uut euro of HroiM'liiilii, Severe ('outfit, atxl (he cmly ftau'cn ol C'oiimu ni p tlou, it h.tft aN(;iif hf(f tlm medical faculty, and eminent iitiYitk-l.-inrt pronouiKi' ft tho rVatrnt medical discovery of the ajju. While It rure the eviTc-t ftHi'ditt, It ptretiyilienn tho fyntom and purll l thv lloU. By itp at and ihur o'i;n hloo l pur 1 1) in proper! ifH, it curea all HuiuiiMi from U.f uoit Mt-rofuln to foul 11011 II lot ell, HI nt plf, or Irruption. M Tdirial Uorat, Minrral oiMnt. and their effect, are eradicated, and vigorous hci' .di and a n id coiiiititntiou rMuhlUhcd. IIr a prlaa. H;ilt ltd 'imi, h'vor rurei, kculy or cmll, in, i nit: f l III CH 111 tMI I ea-e tMiiKf.t hv had blond, are r jiiquerrd by thia F"W,:,M" I'm n iu ; in ij;" nn in: nieuicint. If you fc -1 dull, drow-y. .ubihttilrd, liavo in I. low color of nkiii, or vll, brown pot un f ictj or Im ly, fre.piont b-atlnclie or dizaino, bad ta-t in mouih. lutein ,d heat or cliilli-, aluniated U'ilh hot lliilicd lo.t tr.ii-iu ...) ..I,. u t. boliii'.M. IrremWr appoute. and tongue coattd, you ara .'i!l"e-i.i iioin Torpid l iver or IIHlniHHCi( In mnuycu-e. of ",lr Ho ill jilAl'jt only part of thcte vymptoiua are evmrn-.nivd. A a reinedy for all fiich caea. Dr. IMeruo' (iolilen Medicitl llcovuiy baa no ttiual, a it effci ia perfect cure, leavim; tl.e Ut er ureuuihefied and healthy. Fr tho cine of llilbtlnut CoumII pMtlou t) the boweU l( " m lai-i irtiiiu 1 1'liii. uy , Bllil iiitifu Willi IiaV U'' it for t lii h purixitto aro hmd in iti tiraiM. Vim proprtuUir otlcra (l.hOO re nan I lor a medi cine that will etiual It for tho cure of all tho dia eae for which it U vecouiiuuiided. Hold by diu"'i.u at 1 per hottlo. Prepared hj R. V Pierce. M. D .Soln 1'ioprietor. at hivCherui val ji'Kratorv. .13 Seneca atreet. Itud'alu, N. V. ei'Jtiti yonr addreaa for A pamphlet. PIIOTOGRA GALLERY Water Street, ADJOINING T1IK IIOLMKS liorsc, Tionesta, PaM M. CARPENTER, - - . Proprietor. I'lfim-astiilitiuiii ulltlio UUst lv!i Vlil'r lliltfvt a.j ti- t ,t v , fTlS'le of P.cir Until, U', I'l -inf S Kiqiton, H.ctoird, -vced, I .-?tei'if MM, eilicd " Tonic, '' Al'-taiit-rv' ltr.1 11-14,' , in vi 01 in "'llf mid ivin, but nr a tnt Mul cue, m.n!a fif.-n tiitivg rWi anl lieiliinft'aliforiii.i.frfefroma! A.f "Ifiic Stiinubnm. I h-v are the Great li'ond I'urnipr ni-H a I i re - vici Principle, a Perfect Kitmvimr a. d !ar;K.iiir ?( ,ul Sviii, carrying oOT all pfinnnom in,tir and rtiirttii-.j the blood to a luealtliv cntic tion, ent.f;!!!!. if, mu tum and mviRoratin)5 botlt mind ant) bode. Titer 'p -y of adiniitiMration, prompt in tfi-ir ariion. rrMin in tiitir reirilt, tafe and reliable in a'l firm of ''ie,i Mi IVnon cmn take llioe Ulitrri Kent 4- IPf to direction, ant) icm-iiit pn-jj ttnwc provided) their bone .ire not d-Mirnv-d bv nvn-nl .i.i(.n r,t tulir mean, and the rilal orpins w.isied iiu.fii.d Itio iioijit of repair. 1 prptn or Inrllrrt Inn. Hfa.l.ii l.e, TNoi in the Shouldei'i. C.i-;-!., T'KI'"" "f ( t .t, Ii ginen, Sdiir Knu l.nii,i tf 1 1, :.i, ,t, in the M'nuh, HttiiiiM Aincl, P.i! pi tn r ion t4 tUa Heart, Infl.immatimt of ths un:. Tain in tin rt- on ol the K'dnevt, and a bit tdred oihvr p.iii.'u!, are tlie tifftpnii:i ff l)vpeni.t. In t!i enin;i.toi!t it ll.n no eqna', nnd one imi!e Will prov. a beiicr gtur anlee of if- merit tha-i a letiprliv rli-rniemeiit For Feinnlo C'otnptiiliilii, m t-hoi- or a' I, married or mi(!e, at he d.iwit of vo-iinlmod. nr hi turn of life. theit Tonic ll.tter dip'.iv to decided an intlnene iliat a marked tnipiurenient hmhi peicco tihie. 1 for Indnmmalnry rrn.l fiionlo llhcn mnt liH and t-mt, Ir;icji(.i ..r ndi-ri Keinittent and Inlerni-itent (-'ever Me ce id tbl lllood. I.iver, Kidney ami llddcr. It . Met I. a heea mmi aiicccWid. .Smc!i l).snr, fl r,,,0d Uf Vituted Liood. wli ih i Keoeia.Iy oiodio..! bv l.uiai meiu nfihe IiceMive Orn-n Ji,'7'' aJcntlo Iint1lvpnMVf!ln m Tonic, poaein ,, , (.C1 ;j .r (' dcUu . asapowertnl aenl in le'iev:. r,l(i. ..r l-.tlj. iintion of the I.iver and Vtweral O-jh. n, Dneasei. For Mklu Dlaeaaee, r.iapi;n. T,itrr, SU K Ileum, Cloicliei, Spoil. pimpV. lUtu f It-., Car. bimclei, KniK-wArmt SuM Head, .S"ie i:,c..'riv tlpeln. Itch, Scurft, hiolotation tj r!ic .Son, lUmot and Dise.i of tht Sk n, . wh.itever n no: ..i nii'e. are literally dug up and ciitird ot.t of the 'c- in 4 ihort time by the lte of tlieso II. net. ir Hoit'e m auch caee will conriuce tlie must incicdn una of vUtt curative effects. Cleaiiae llie VltUte.t IHoorf whenever vom finii u impuiit.e biintinX il Kt, li.efcU.M m I' mj.'o. Kriipiion. or Sore: cleanse ii when vmt find 11 iJt tructed and ahicj(iah in the vein ; c!ean it when it Toti' ; vonr fee!in-a Will led rn wliun. K-eji j,cd pine, nnd the heahh of iht ivtie n ', Im'Iow. (raitcriil i liniieauol i piorla m Vivm Fr Taas the moat wondeilul inviuiaut ihtt vr aail.t.ned the Ktiikiin vtem, PI11, Tape, nn. I nther Worma, UiVi.iK m the ivstem of to in.niy thousand, ar eifrciH!;T r iroved and remnvi-d. Sy a ditni(:iii'cl ph-fU Thfrei-i scarcely an iudifidnal upon the faro of 1 be eaith whose b-nly i exempt fitmi the preaem-eof wpn It is not upon ih healthy element of tin body tkt wormi exi:, but unon the tliieaie I Ininior ami l -r ...... u.rrn nvM.j monsiet or dura. No iytem or Median, no rernnfiiRe. 00 ainWiM .tica, w.'d fiee the aytm fium mvimi like ihae It tera. MerlimtleAl DKertyra. rnrmc i P.onn and Mineral, inch a lVninlieta. Tv(e letter Gold beatera, and Mineia, a ihev adv tore to life. wi9 be atibiect to para!vi of the l'.-n-el. T. eji.od ainian tint take a dose of Walkr Vi.muak Urn ca oace or twice a week as a Preventive. llllloua, ItemlUeiil, nu.1 Iitf rniltfeni Fevers, winch are 10 prevalent in the ralleee of one Rreit river throughout the t'liitcd State, esptciaily those cf the MUsi'iippi. Ohi Miuonri, Ihmox, lep neee. Cmnberiand, Aikamai, Red, Cilorado, Ibaan. Rio (irande, Pearl, Alabama, Mohi'e. S.waiinah, IIoa. ke, James nd many other, with their rut tribnu ne. throughout fmr entire connliy d irin the Snmmee and Aiiliimu, and lentattuUy dnrinj; teiont mt iiiiimtil heit and drrnea, a -; invariably accompanied by eatensive derauseinenta of ihe aiomat li and lii er, and other abdominal viscera. Then; a:e alav more or ie ohiiructioiis of the liver, a we.ikiies-nnd irrit di! t:at of the stnnuch, and great torpor of the lumela. btn tinned up with vitiated accunuilaiionr In then tieik ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful inrtueiir. tiw thffae various orgai.i, la etsentinlly neresiarv. Thete i no cathartic for the purpose eqn.d to Da. J. W.i kii'i Viniuar IliTTnas they will spee.lily remove the dark colored viacid matter with v. Inch the Imwela loaded, at the aame time stimnlatinK the secretions rJ' the liver, and generally rcstoriuj; the healthy fnuctieu of the dtcet iva 01 g.01. ttcroriiln, or Ivlittr,' Kvll, White Kwellniga. Uicera, Erysipelas, Sivelied Neck, (ioiter, Stmtu'oua Inflammations, Indolent Inllmnmati-im, IclClla Af fections, Old Sore, Eruption ol' the Skoi, Suic Kvea. etc., etc. In hee, as in all oilier consittntiorui ).. eases, Wat kkh's Vinruh !ittrks have nhown their e,reat curative powers in ths most oLstiiuts aiu! iuIim- able cues. Ir. VnlUera'nltfrriilM Vlorni- Till tern act on all these caes in a similar ininner. Itv tun 1 1 nut the Idood th-y remove the, ami hvieio.von awav the eifects of the inll.omnaiion (ihe tnhcicnlai depoen the affected pans receive lic.iuh, and a permanent cat is effected. The properties uf Da. Wai.kkr's V-nka, PtTraa-i are Aienent. lioreiic and I'.irniinanre, Niitntioiia, Lax.tlive, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter Ini Uni. Siiilonltc, Alteiative, and Anti liiiions. The Aperient anil mild Laxative pronertiee ol Dit Wai kia'a Vinruar ItiTTaai ate the b ct safe guard in ad cases of eruptions and fevers, their balsamic, beaiinir, and sootliing proK.'rtie protect the humors of the fauces. 1 heir Sedative properties, allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowed, either from inHammatiou, wind, coiic, cramps, ew. Iheir Couiiter-lrril.itit influence extends throinrliOM the system. Their Diuretic proertie act on the Kid neys. correcting 'd iet;iilatin the flow of mine. I heir Anti-Hihous properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the ducts, aud are superior to all remedial Bents, for the cm nl Uihotis Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. , Fortify the body iiKnluat digests bv pun fvuig all its fluids with Vingan Hi ttkms. No eri. demic can take bold of a system thus fmr armed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the k dneys, and the, nerves are retidcicd disease piuol by Uus gicat iuvig oraitt. nirertlona. Take of the Hi iter m )oinB to bed at nij;Ht from a h.iif to one and one liA I wme-j;iafu.l. Eat gcHid iinurishiug food, inch as beefsteak, mm In choi. venison, roast beef, and vetietaUtt, and take out'door exercise. They are composed ut purely vcgei able ingredients, and ctmum no spirit. J WALKER, Prop'r. 11 II MolMlXA IOA CO., Drue;eists and Omu Agts., San FranrrMo, fai,. and cor. of Wasbington and Charlton Sis , New Voilu SOLD bV ALL DRUM. IS18. AND DEAMHS. DRUG STORE! Grandin's Block, Tidioute. BOLAHD HKOS., at the V.mek Irnr pitoro, luiva JuNt rwoivud uww auj very extuimive Htock of ofall htvloH prlcon, whlfh they will din ... nl inn ,tJYti.'hi iui.siiui raii'H 0fn HiKtcnt with tlio exiiniM'n foiiutM-toit with . tlio triulo. Tin y ulso Iwvo on Imiul n large utm-k of DKUGS A MKPICINES TAINTS fc oils WINDOW (JLASS SASH A- DOOIIH PLASTK K OF PAULS WATEKLIMECKMKNT Ao &t. Iloincmlior the I'laoe GiiAxmys xew block, z-u Tuuourr: im. U'llLHUsrUIT DIIKINMIX SOIXARY. WIl.M.VMf I'tiHT,'a. I'lHSTCI.ASS lor i ll.ltll K0XC. LOCATION Onn rf ti, m.t beautiful in the SiHte. Students Received at any Tlm. TKHMS MOIIKKATK. K.-l'. ruiii-oi-ll,,,,. .In,,. A. Ji.,1- ji!.8 U Ir.T, Km.,., y. j -,,r.,u ' ;.t ' I): ink.