The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 30, 1872, Image 1

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T t
Rates of Advertising.
One Sipiaro (1 iu h,) one inertioni - ? vi
' ine Sipuit i) " one month - J tut
OnoSuarn " three months - fl Oil
"nn Sipuiro " ono year - - ID
Two Hiuarcs, oti year -' - - 1'iiM
(jtmrterCol. "' - - - o hi
Half " .... r,o on
Ono " " - - - ion 03 Cards, not exceeding ono Inoit
in length, fit) per year.
Legal notices at established rales.
Those rates aro low, and no deviation
Mil bo made, or discrimination Among
I al runs. 'I he rates olfered are such, ss
will make it to the advantagoof men dol.
business in tiie limits ol the circulation of
ti o paper to a Iverlisc liberallv.
DfTlc la Kro's Building, Eln Street.
No Subscriptions received for a shorter
period than throo moniliH.
Correspondence solicited from nil parts
of tho country. No not leo will bo taken of
Marriages and Death notices Inserted
" Lot ua have Faith that Iii3ht raakc3 Might ; and ia that Faith lot us to tho end, daro do our-duty as wo understand it."--LINCOLN.
VOL. V. NO. 30.
Km, Pi
a, tiBwron rRrrin. milks w. tats.
ifm Slrtet,
Isaac Asli,
ATTORNF.Y AT LAW, Oil Citv, I'a.
Will practice in thn various Courts of
Forest County. All business entrusted to
U oar will receive prompt attention.
10 ly
"VT, W. Jtamm, Ooorga A. Jonks,
TiWHU, T. Unmkfill., r.
Masor A Jertks,
ATTORN FYS AT LAW. om.-o on Kim
Street, above Walnut, Tionesta, l'a.
C. W. Glinilan,
luuigo Co., I'a. tf.
f . it. Ha mils,
Attorneys at Law, Tltusvllle Penn'o.
PUACTICK In nil tho Courts of Warren,
Crawford, forest and Venango Coun
ties. 4!-tf
W. P. MerciUlott,
J Tionesta, l'a. Oflloe on Klin St.eot.
Till" professional services of the lion. S.
1. Johnson can lo secured through mo if
desired in any business entrusted to me In
Forest Co. Collections promptly attended
to. Also Real Kstato Agent.
Tlonesta House.
MITTET,, Proprietor, Klin St. Tio
. nesta, l'a.. at the mouth of tlmerecU,
Mr. Iltlo has thoroughly renovated tho
TlonoVa House, and re-furnished it com
pletely. All who patronize him will bo
woll entertained at reasonable rales. 20 ly
Court Ilouso, Tionesta, Pa. Just
opened. Kvervthimr new and clean mid
fresh. The best of liquors kept constantly
on hand. A portion of the public patron
age 1 respectfully solicited. 4-17-1 V
Holmes House,
MMONKSTA, 1A.. opposite the Depot.
1 C. 1. Mublo, Proprietor. Uoofl Sta
bling connected with tho house, tf.
Scott HousJi
IJWOL'NDl'S, PA., K. A. Roberts, pro
prietor. This ho'el has been recently
re-furuished and now oilers superior ac
commodations to guess. 115-ly.
Syracuse House,
s. rpiDIOUTK, Pa., J. A 1 Maokr, Prolo
JL tors. Tlio house lias been thoroughly
k refUted and Is now in tlio fust -dais order,
win the best of accommodations. Any
nformation concerning oil Territory at
this point will bo cheerfully furnished,
-ly J. A D. MAUKR,
Exchango Hotel,
J PKHI. A Son Prop's. This house having
lieen rented is now tho most desirable stop-
iiiiiK place in Tidiouto. A good Uilliar.l
loom attached. 4-ly
Nationa4 Hotel,
TRVINF.TOX, PA. W. A. ITallcnlm'-ic,
Proprietor. This hotel is Nitw. and is
ow open as a first class house, situate at
re junction of the Oil Creek Allegheny
ViTerand Philadelphia it Krio Railroads,
pposite tho Depot. Parties having to lav
or trains will ihul this tho most eonveii-
ent hotel in town, with llrst-class accom
Aodationa and reasonable charges, tf.
Dr. J. L. Acorrb,
had fifteen years' experience in a largo
and successful practice, will attend all
. Professional Calls. Office in his Drug and
Iroeery tstoro, hs-atcd iu Tidioute, near
i luioute iiouse. -
full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
loDaeco, uignrs, stationery, tiioss, Paints,
kils. Cutlery, and lino (Jroooxies. all of thn
lies! quality, and will be sold at reasonable
II. R. BURG ESS, an experienced Drug
gist from New York, has charge of the
Store. All proscriptions put up accurately.
B. H. HIT. JSO. r. fAR. A. B. KKLLY.
MA Y, VAltK C CO.,
Corner of Elm A Walnut Sis. Tionesta.
Bank of Discount and Deposit.
luterest allowed on Timo Deposits.
Collections inadconall thePrlncipal points
of tho U. S,
Collections solicited. lS-ly.
.no. A. DALI. Frail. J. T. BALE. CuM.r.
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pu.
This Bank transacts a General Banking,
Collecting and F-xohango Business.
Drafts on the Priueijal Cities of tho
United States and Europe boughtaud sold.
tiold and Silver Coin and Government
Securities bought and sold. 7-30 Bonds
converted on tho most favorable terms.
Interest allowed oil time deposits.
Mar. 4, tf.
Corner of Church and Elm Streets,
This firm is prepared to do all work in
lis lino, and will warrant everything done
t their sh 'ps to give satisfaction. Par
ticular attention given to
Oive them a trial, and you will not re
gret It. 13-It. I
HOUSES and Lots for Sale and RKN'rp
Wild I .amis for Sale. 1 .
I havo superior facilities for ascertaining
the condition of taxes and tax deeds, cVc,
ami am therefore qualified to act intelli
Rently as airent of tliofe llvinir at a dis
tance owninir lands in the County.
Olllce In Commissioners Kooin, Court
Iiouse, Tionesta, Pa.
Ml-ly. P. W. CLARK.
rnw. MTiimnnR. Prt.
T A. WRfflMT. S-T.
Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c.
Mills on Tionrsta Creek, Forrst Co., Fa.
Yards I Office cor. 2.M I Rail Road Sis.,
riTTsnuRGir. pa.
Jos. Y. Saul,
PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad
1 dlnr. Throo doors north of Holmes
House, Tlonosta, Pa. All work is war
ranted, tf.
"vVtt. F- Hers,
to all business in that line promptly,
at reasonable rules. Address
W.M. FELLERS, Newman ville,
O-.lm. Clarion Co. l'a.
Kstablished A. D. 18J7.
Dithridge's xx Flint Glass
Silvered Glass Reflectors.
These chimneys do not brrak by heat.
Ask for DiTiiuimiKs. Take no other.
D1T1 1 HI IX J Y. A SON,
JS-ly. P.tlslmi-iL'li. Pa.
Xctr Hoarding House.
MRS. S. S. HULINfiS has built a larpo
aildltion to her li'itise, and is now pre
pared to accommodate a number of perma
nent boarders, and all tran "icnt ones win
may favor her with their patronairo. A
uood sialile has recently been built to ac
commodato the horses of kucsIs. Charucs
reasonable. Hesideiico on Elm St., oppo
site S. Haslet's store. 21-lv
IX ti o x ES t a .
AVKJust brought on h pomitloto and
and everything necessary to the complete
slock of a lirst-class Uroccrv Iiouse, which
they havo opened out at their establish
ment on Elm St., first door north of M. L.
Church. ,
at the lowest cash prices. Goods warrant
ed to be of the be.t quality. Call and ex
auiino, and we believe we can suit von.
Jan. 9. '72.
Lloyd & Sou,
HAVE JUST OPENED an extensive
Stock of
Which they oiler to the public at rates as
low as can be oll'crod by anv other estab
lishment in town, (five us a call before
purchasing elsewhere.
-'ih. LI.O V D V SON.
A 31 1 It A C Ia K !
Mr. Samuel Hell, of W. E. Nchiuertz f
Co , Wlioleiulo Hoot and Slice Manulaciur
ers, 31 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, l'a., has
been alllicled with chronic rheumalish for
thiity years, Irom his riftht hip to his foot,
having to use a crutch and a cane, at times
so painful as to utterly incapacitate him
from attending to his business. Having
tried every remedy known, without cll'i cl,
except 1 1 i 1 1 iliind h Pain Killer, ho was
finally induced to try it. A fecund applica
tion enabled him to lay aside his crut.n,
and a third cilcclcd a permanent euro. Mr.
Hi ll is a popular and well-known citizen,
is a living monument of tiio clbieaev of
that triciil medical discovei v, Oiddand's
Pain Killer, t he alllicled should ask then
ttrocer or di n gi.-t lor it, and ti c its w m
ilcriul power. Mr. i.iitiland, we under
stan l, wuu: ti respect tliic a :ent in everv
town anil ciunty !.,i it. Tin principal o;-iit-e
is at 7 Thud Aenuo, 1'ilisbuili l'a.
Whereas, In and by an act of the flcnoral
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled 'An Act to regulate tho
Oeneral Elections within this Common
wealth,' it Is enjoined upon mo to (five
public notice of said elections, and to
enumerate In said notice what olllccrs are
to be elect-d, I. E. L. Davis, High Sherilf
of the county of Forest, do hereby make
known ami (five this public notice to tlio
electors of tho county of Forest, that a
Oeneral Elect ion will be held in said coun
ty, at which time they will vote by ballot
for twenty-nine Electors lor President and
Vice President of the United States, on too
at the several districts, viz:
In Harnett townshipat Clarlngton school
In Oreon township at tho house of L.
In Howe township at tho house of C, F.
In Jonks township at the court house in
M arien.
In Harmony townshipat Allender school
In Hickory township at Hall school
In Klnirsley township at Whoeler, Du
senbnry A Cn's
In Tionesta township at school houso In
Tionesta borough.
In 'i'l' nesta boroiifih at school houso in
said boroii'.'h.
Notice is hereby piven, That any person
excepting Justices of the Peace who shall
hold any ollico or appointment of protit or
trust uiider the United States, or tnisStato
or any city or corporated district, whether
commissioned olliccr or otherwise, a
subordinate ollleer or iu;cnt who is orshall
be employed under tho legislature, execu
tive or judiciary department of this state,
or of any city, or of any incnrptv.ulisi
trict, and also, that evei.y'oer of Con
gress and of the Stato Legislature, or of
the select or common conned of any city,
or commissioners of itny incorporated dis
trict, is by law incapabie of lioldinsior ex
orcising at the time, the ollico or appoint
ment of judc, inspector or clerk of any
election of this Commonwealth, and that
no inspector, jud je or other olliccr of such
election shall be eligible to bo then voted
Also, that in the 4th section of the act of
A8.sembly entitled " An act relating to
elections and tor other purposes," appro
ved April loth lM'iii, it is enacted that tho
1:1th section shall not bo so construed as to
prevent any militia or borough oliicer
from servinas Judge, Inspector or Clor..,
at any general or special o.cction in this
Common wealth.
I also give official notice to tho electors
of Forest county that, by an net entitled
" An act further tupplcuiental to the act
relative to tho elections of this Common
wealth," approved April 17th, liti, it is
provided as loliows :
Si.c. 1. lie It unacted by tho Sen:ilo and
House of l"eprescntalives"o1 iho Common
woaltltoi Pennsylvania in Oeneral Assem
bly met, and it is hereby enacted by au
thority ol the name, '1 hat it shall be thedu
ty of cue of the as.-cssors of this Com
monwealth, on tho first Monday of Juno
of each year, to take up tho transcript he
litis received from the county commission
ers under the eighth section of the act of
loth of April, IMl, and proceed to mi im
mediate revision of the same by striking
therefrom the name oi every person wliois
known by him to have died or removed
since the last previous assessment irom liie
district of winch he is the assessor, or
whoso death or removal shall bo inane
known to h.m. and to a id to the sunio the
name of any c,u.ililied voter who shall bo
made known to him, to have lvmoved into
tlio district since 1 1 10 last previous assess
ment, or wnnse removal into the haiuo
shall beor shall have been made known to
him, ami also Iho names ot all mho make
claim to him to lie quaniicd voters ilierein,
Assooll as tins revision is completed ho
shall visit every dwelling house in ins dis
trict and make caielul inquiry ii any per
son wiiose name is on Ins list has oicd or
removed Irom tho district, and if so, to
take tue Kaino thereiroin, or wneiher any
quiuitied voter resides tueiein wnose name
is not on the list, and ii so, to aild the same
thereto, and iu a.l cases wlieru a iiaitiu is
added to the fst a tax shaU torihxvito be
assessed against the person, and too asses
sor shall iu all cases asecriaiii by inquiry
upon what ground the person so assessed
claims to be a voter. L'pou tne completion
of this worK it shall bo me duty ol each as
sessor as aiorcsaid to proeeci lo mako out
a lisi in alphabetical order of tne li uemen
above iwenty-ono years of age claiming
to hequatiucd voters iu the wai'd,borouj;n,
towiihiup or district of winch lie is assess
or, anil opposite lo each ol sain names state
Whether saul irecmau is or is not a house
keeper, anil 11 he is, the number ol bis res
idence, in towns where the same aro num
bered, with tho street, a. ley or lourt in
which situate, and if in a town where lucre
are no numbers, tho naiueoi lliu street, al
ley or court on wlncii said houso irouls j
a. so tho occupation of the person, and
where lie is not a housekeeper, the occupa
tion, placoof boaidiu and Willi union, and
if working for auotiu r, the ol em
ployer, and wiite opposite eaeli of said
names the word "void," and where any
pel son chums lo vote by reason of natur
alization ho shall cxhiliit Ins ccrtiticato
thereof lo tho assessor, uiilo-s he has been
lor nvo consecutive years next piceevl.n
a olcr iu said district: and in a.l cases
where liie person lias been naturalized, the
name s all uu mai kou with the leiler
Where the person has merely declared his
intention lo uocomo a in.d designs
lo be boioro iho next election,
the name, glial, be marked "i. I." Where
the claim to Vote is by re.ison of bein,; be
tween liie aes ol twenty-one and twcnlv
two, as provided by law, the w.rd "aye"
shall bo entered, anil if Iho person lias
nio en ni.o ine eleeuoli disirn I lo reside
since the last general tleclion the letter
" li." shall bo piuieil opposiie ihe inline.
It shad be Hi niriher duly oi each assess
or as aloie.-aiu, upon the eon plelioii oi the
duties herein imposed, to make a separate
list of all jitw assessuienl' made by Inm
and the amounts assessed upon each, and
furnish the same iiiuneiliaieiy to the com
missioners, who shall iinineilialely add
the names lo the lax Uuj licult s and the
warus, towusinp, borough or district iu
which lliey base been assessed.
Sue. ii. On liie list.beiiiK completed and
the asse. siiieut made as ai. resaiii Ihe same
shall be forthwith returned lo the count v
coiniiiissioiieis, woo shall iliiplu-atn copies
ol sa.d lists, to an Uu? oosci v allot is ami i-x-
jilaniiiions required to be noted as sioiv
sanl, lo bo ma eoui us soon us prat I. cable
and iilaeed in 1 1 n b onis oi the a-scs.sor,
who shad prior lo the lirst ol August n
each year put one copy thcreol on the
bouse where Ihe election ol the res) a ctive
district is roq lined to be In id, and retain
t ie other iu ti.s posse. sum mr the insjac
,t.on, in e ot eliare, ol any p. r-un resioui'.'
in t..e said eieelion v. no shall dc
Mie to see the .-.aine, alio it shall be Ihe du
ty of the sanio assessor lo a In, Irotii t.ino
lo time, on die pi rsoind application of anv
one claiming the rikht to vote, the iiameof
such claimant, nnrl mark nppbsito the
naino "l. 1.' and immediately assess him
witli a lax, noting in all cases', his occupa
tion, residence, whether a boarder or
housp-kecper, if n boarder with whom ho
boards, and whether naturalized or do
sinning to be, marking in all such cases
tho letters opposite tho name or "I).
I," as tho caso may be; If the person
elaimiinr to be assessed be na'nrnlized. bn
shall exhibit to the assessor his certificate
of naturalization and if he claims that ho
designs to bo iiatuializcd beforo tho next
onsu'iiK election, he sha I exhibit hiscer
titicate of declaration of intentions; in all
eases where any ward, boronch, township
or election district is divided into two or
more precincts, tho assessor shall note in
all his assessments the election precinct in
which each elector resides, and shall make
a separate return for each to tho county
commissioners in all cases in which a ro
tnrn is required of him by tlio provisions
of tlds act: and the county commissioners
in tnakinir duplicato copies of the names
of the voters in each precinct separately,
and shall furnish tho same to the assessor,
and the copies required by this act to bo
placed on the door of or (in election places
on or betoro tin first day of August in each
I year, shall bo placed on tho door of or on
! the election place in each of sai 1 precincts.
I ski;. 3 After tho assossinents shall liavo
I been completed on tho tenth day prece
i dinir the second Tuesday of October in
each year, tho assessor shall, on the Mon
! day immediately follownii;,n)ake a return
l to iho county commissioners of Iho names
of all persons assessod by him since tho
roturn required to bo made by him by tho
second sect ion of this act, notion opposite
each name the observations and explana
tions required to lie noted as aforesaid, and
the comity commissioners shall thereupon
causo the same to bo added to the returns
required by the second section of tills act,
and a full and correct copy to be made,
containing tho names of ail persons so re
turned as resident taxable in said ward,
borough, townshsp or precinct, and fur
nish Ihe name to-jelhcr wi'li the necessary
election blanks to tho olllccrs of the elec
tion in said ward, borough, township or
precinct, on or before six o'clock on the
morninii of the Mrst Tuesday of November,
and no man sha'i be permitted to votn at
tho election on that day whose name is not
on said list, unless he shall make proof of
his right to vote, as hereinafter required.
Rkc. 4 On theday ofo'ectlon any person
whose name is not on the said 'list, and
claimiuir the riirht to vote at said election.
shall produce at least one qualified voter
of the district as a witness to tlio residence
of tlio claimant in tlio district in which ho
claims to be a voter, for a period of at least
ten days next preceding said election,
which witness shall take and subscribe a
written, or partly written and partly
I printed allidavit. to'the facts slated by him,
I which allidavit shall clearly (ieline'whero
the residence is of (he person so claiming
to be a voter, and tiie pi rson claimiuir Iho
rinht to vote shall also take and subscribe
t; a written, or partly written and part im
printed allidavit, staling that to the best of
, bis knowledge and belief when and where
lie was born j tiiat he is a citizen of tlio
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of
the United States; that hi- has resided iu
tho Common wealth one year, or if former
ly a citizen therein, and 'has moved tin re
lrom six months prcc diiijrstnh election;
that he has not moved into the district lor
the purpose of voting therein ; that ho nas
paid a suite or county tax within two years
which was assessed lit least ten days beforo
' said election ; and, if a naturalized citizen,
also stato when, where and I y what court
he was naturalized, and shall also produce
his ceriilieate of naturalization tor exami
nation: the said allidavit shad also state
when and where the tax claimed to be paid
by tho allidavit was assessed, and when,
where, and to whom paid, and the tax re
ceipt therefor shad be produced lor exam
ination, unless the allium shall state in his
atlidavil that it lias h.'eil lost or destroyed,
or that lie never received any, but if the
person so claiming the rinht'to vote shall
take and subscribe an allidavit that be is
a native born citizen of the United States,
or if born elsewhere, shall Mate that fact in
his alliuav.t, or shall produce evidence
i that ho has been naturalized or Hud ho is
, entiiicu to ciiizcusnip by rea on of l is
father's naturalization ; aild sliali further
slate in his allidavit tiiat he is, at the lime
oi taking tiui allidavit, between thciijo of
twenly-oue and twcnly-lwo yuirs; that he
has resided ill the Slate one jear and in
the district ten days preceding such elec
tion, he shall be entitled to vole, although
ho shall not have paid taxes; the said atli
' davits ol tho witnei-sos to their residence
shall be preserved by the election board,
, and at the close of tlio election they shall
bo enclosed with tho list of voters, tally
' list and other papers ivqil.rcd by law to be
. tiled by liie return jud::es Willi the pro
thonot iry, and shall remain on liie there
with at tue protlionolary's ollico, subject
I to examination as oilier election papers
are; if tiie election oilicers shall find that
I tho applicant or applicants possess all the
I h ual qualiliculions of voters, ho or Ihcy
shall be permitted to vote, and tho llanie
! or names shad be added to the list of taxa
I lues by the the election oilicers, the word
-nix" iicinj added when the claimant
claims to voto on lax, and tho word "aue"
when he claims to Mile on ujo, tho same
words beinii added by the clerks in each
ease respectively on liie list of persons vo
ting at such elections.
Sue. fl. It shall be lawful for anv quan
iicd citizen of the district, notwitiis'iiindin
the name of iho proposed voter is con
tained on the list of resilient taxables, to
challenyo Ihe vole of such person, w here
upon the same pioof of ri(iht of sullra,-c as
is now required by law shall be publicly
ma lo and acted upon by the election board
and the vote admitted or rejected, a. rd-
iiii; to the evidence; every person claiming
to be a na'.uiHlizedcitizeii shall be required
to produce his naturalization ccrtiticato at
tlnieljetioii beibre voting, except he has
b en lor ten years consecotit v a v ter hi
the disir.ct in which boulters his vote; and
on Ihe vole of sueu person bein received
it shall be the duty of the election olllccrs
to write or slump on such cci iil'u aie liie
word "voted, " with the month and vcar,
and if any i lection oliicer or olllccrs shall
receive a econd vote on the mine day, by
virtue of ihe same ccrtillcale, except ui'ir
here sons are entitled lo vole by the nat
uralization ,,( tla-ir latin rs, they' and the
person w hn shall oiter such a second vole,
upon so oiieinliiij; shall he deemed n"iity
of lin.ii inisilciiii auor, an . on conviction
therein lie lined and imprisoned, or both,
at of Ihe conn, but tho line
snail not exceed one hundred dollars in
each case or the imprisonment one year;
Ihe like punishment shall be inllieled, on
convict. on, on the oilicers ol election who
shad in flect or ret use to cause to
be made, the endorsement required as
alorc-uidon said iialiiraiizalion ei i titieutes.
Si c. ti. If any election olliccr shall re-lu-e
or ucLdecl to tenure such nrool of I I n
rii-ht ol sulliagc as is required by this jaw , 1
or ihe laws lo w Inch tins is a sui nli ineot.
In in any person olleriinr to voto whose
inline is not on the list ot usscssed voters,
or whose ricjit lo vole is challenged bv
any qiialilled voter rcquiriie,- such proof,
evciy pcison so oth inline shall upon con-
icliou be dei mi d tudiy of a liiu intsdu
no in. or, mid shall be sentenced, lor every 1
otlonse, to pay a line not if.-vdiin; ie t
hundred dollars, or to Undergo an impris
onment not exeeei'in r ono year, or either
or 'roll1, at the discretion of tho court.
Ski, i. Ten days preceding everv elec
tion for electors lor President ami Vice
President of thn United States, it shall be
Hi " duty of the assessor to attend at tho
place required by law for holding the elec
tion in each election district, and then and
there hear all applications of persons
T'hoso names havo been omitted from the
list of assessed voters, who claimed the
right to vote, or whose rights have origin
ated since the sumo was made out, and
shall mid the names of such persons there
to as shall show that they arc entitled to
the right of sull'rage in such district, on
the HTsonal application of tho claimant
only, and forthw ith assess them with the
proper tax. After completing the list, a
c pv thoreol'shall be placed on tho doornl
or on the house where tho election is tube
held, at least eightilavs before the elect ion;
and at the election liie same course shall
be pursued in all respects as is required
by this act and the acts to which this is a
supplement, at the general election in Oc
tober. The assessor shall nlso make the
same returns to liie niiniitv
", JM.IMU 111 IIIU ,11 Him
section ; and tho county commissioners
shall furnish cnp'es thereof to the election
oilicers in each district, in liko manner, in
all respects, as is required at tho general
election in October.
Site. D. Tho respective assessors, inspec
tors and judges of Iho election shall each
have the power to administer oaths to any
person claiming the right to be assessed
or tho right of sull'rage, or in regard to any
other matter or thing required to ln done
or inquired into by any of said oilicers un
der this act, and any wilful false swearing
by any person in relation lo anv matter
concerning which they shall bo 'lawfully
interrogated by any o'f said oilicers, shall
bo punished as perjury.
Sue. 10. The a-sessors shall each receive
the same onnipen-ation for the tuno neces
sarily spent in portorniing their duties
hereby tr lncd as is j.oviiUu by law for
tho performance of tiieir other duties, to
bo paid by tho county commissioners as in
other cases: and it shall not be lawful for
any person to assess a tax iigainstany per
s in whatever witlnn ten days next prece
ding Iho election to be held on the second
Tuesday of October, in any year, or within
ten days next beloro any eleetion for elec
tors ot President and Vice President of
the United States; any violation ol this
provision shall be a misdemeanor, mid
suhjoctiii'r tho oilicers so unending to a lino
on conviction not exceeding ono hundred
dollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding
three months, or both, at the discretion ol
the court.
Site. II. On pe ition of five or mnro cit
izens of tho county, stating under oath that
they verily believe that frauds will bo
practiced at tho election about lo bo held
in any district, it shall be tho duty of Iho
Court of Common Pleas of said county, If
in session, if not a judge thereof iu vaca
tion, to appoint two judicious, sober and
intelligent citizens ol the county to act as
overseers of saitl election; said overseers
shall bo select! d from chlforcnt political
pat ties, w here the inspectors belong to dif
ferent parties, and where both inspectors
belong to the sanio political party both ot
the overseers shall lie taken from the op
posite political party; said overseers shall
have tho right lo bo present with the oili
cers ot the election duringthe whole time
the same is held, the votes counted and tho
returns made out and signed by the elec
tion otllcers ; to keeji a list of the voters if
they seo proper; lo challenge any person
ottering to vote. anil to interrogate him and
his witnesses, uihh r oath, in regard to his
right of sullr ge at said election, and to
examine his papers produce.'! mid the
oliicers of saul election are re '.tired Iu ai
ford to said overseers so sehcicd and ap
pointed every eouvenieiieeund facili'v lor
the discharge of their iliuiis: and il'said
election oliicers shall refuse to permit said
overseers lo bo present and perform their
duties as aibre.-aid, or if they shall be
driven aw ay Irom liie polls by 'violence or
intimidation, ail tho vote polled ai such
election district may be rejected, by unv
tribunal trying ti contest 'under the sin'd
el etion : Provided, that no person simii:,g
( Ihe petition shu'.i be appointed an overseer.
ft. Iti. If any protlimuitary, clerk, or
deputy ol eiiner, or any other person shall
ullix ihe seal ol ollico loiiny naturalization
paper, or permit the same to bo atlixed, or
eive out, or cause, or permit the same to
bo given out, in bl .nk, whereby it may be
fraudulently used, or I'm nish a'naiura!iza
tion paper to any person who shall not
have been duly examined and sworn iu
open court, iu the presence oi souio of the
judges thcreol, according lo the act of
Congress, or shall aid iu, or connive at, or
in anv way permit tlio issue ot any iraud
ule t naturalization cert. licates, lie'shall lie
guilty of a high misdemeanor ; or if any
one shall fraudulently use any such certif
icate of naturalization, k rowing that it was
fraudulently issued, or shall vote or at
tempt to vote thereon, or if any one shall
vote or attempt to vote on any certilieato
of naluralizati :i not issued to him, lie
hall bo guilty of a high misdemeanor;
and either oriiny of the pnsons, their aid
ers or abettors,s'ii dl on conviction ho lined
in a sum not exceeding one thousand dol
lars, and imprisonment in Ihe proper pen
itentiary for a period not exceeding tmoo
Site. ID. Any person who, n,i oath or af
firmation beloi e any court of this State, or
oliicer authorized 'to administer oaths,
shall, to procure a ccrtiticato ol naturaliza
tion, lor himself or any other person, wil
lully depose or alliri'n any mutter to be
facts, knowing the same to be true, shall
be guilty of perjury; and any cerliliealcot
lialtirali.atiou issued in puisuaticc ol anv
such deposition, dee iiralion oratli rina ion
shall be null and Void ; anil it shall bo the
duty ol the court issuing the same, upon
proof being made beloro it that it was
frauduli nlly obtained, to take .mmediate
measures lor recalling tho same lor can
d ilution; and in. v person who shad vote
or attempt to vole on any paper so ob
tained, or shall any way aid in, connive at
or have any agency what, vcr iu the i.sstic,
circulation or useoi any I'r.iuduicnl natur
uli.l ion cerlihc.ilc, shall he deemed guilty
of a luisili in Mnor, and upon convn tmii
thereof shall undergo imprison men t in the
penitentiary lor not nunc than two years,
and pay a line of not more than ono 'thou
sand dollars, or either or both, in the dis
cretion of the com t.
Sic. II. Any assessor, election officer or
poison apoointcd as an overseer, wno s'eill
neglect or refuse to perloi m any duty 1 n
joined by this act, without u'gal cau-c,
shall be subn et lo a penalty oi one hun
dred dollars, ami if any a-se.ssur shall as
sess any person a. a Voter who is not
qiuilitied, or icluse to assess anyone who
is qualified, he shall be de hied guilty ol a
misdemeanor in otllce, and on conviction
hoiiuiii hcd by lino and imprisonment,
unit subject to an action fur damage bv Un
person aggrieved, and if any per -on shall
fraudulently add to, deface' or destroy a
list ol vo ers made out us directed by iliis
in t. or (cur down or remove the same from
lliu place where it hits been filed, with
fraudulent or mischievous inn nt, or lor
any improper pui pi se, tin- pcison soot
h luting shall be guilty ,. a high misde
meanor, mid on convition shall be pun
ished by a line not urn dtni,' live hundred
dollars or Imprisonment not exceeding
two yeais, or noth, at the discretion of tho
Sue. ". All elections hereafter held, un
der the laws of this Coiumon w-nllh, tho
polls shall bo opened between tho hour, of
six and seven o'clock a, in., and closed at
seven o'clock p. m.
Site. hi. It shall be thedutvof the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth to prepare
forms for all the blanks made necessary
by this act, and furnish copies of the same
to all the county commissioners of the sev
eral counties of the Commonwealth ; and
Ihe county commissioners of each county
shall, as sisn as necessary after the receipt
of the same, at the proper expense of the
county, procure and furnish to all the
election oilicers of the election districts of
their respective counties, copies .if such
blanks, in such quantities as may be ren
dered necessary lor the discharge of their
duties under this act.
Skc. 17. Tint citizens of this Stato tem
porarily in the scrvieo of the State or the
I' States Government, on clerical or
other duty, and who do not vole where
thus cmjiloycd, shall not bo dcprivul
thereby of tlio right to vote in their several
election districts if otherwise duly quali
fied. Pursuant to the provisions container! in
the 7lith section ol the act llrst aforesaid, the
jlldgesof the atbresa.d districts shall rep
resentatively take charge of the certificates
of return of ihe election of their respective
districts, and produce them at ameetingol
"lie judge from each district, at tho bor
ough of Tionesta, on the third day alter
the election, being FRIDAY, 'I UK Slit
DAY ol'N'JVEM HER, lSTti.then and there
to perforin the dutios required by law of
said judges.
Also, that where a judge, by sickness or
unavoidable accident, is unable to attend
such meeting of judges.thcn the certificate
of return shall bo taken charge of by ono
of tho inspectors or clerks of election of
the district, who shall do and perlorin tin
Unties ol said jud.t) uuanlo to attend.
E. L. DAVIS, Sneriir.
The Blue Laws cf Conncctictt.
Many of our rentiers ivlio have often
lieard of the Coiineulicut "blue laws,"
have probably never hud an opportu
nity of perusing llnit celebrated code.
The territory now comprised in
Connecticut was formerly two colonies,
Connecticut ami Mew Haven. The
colony of Connecticut was planted by
emigrants from Massachusetts and
Windsor, in lCoo, Htid Hartford mid
Wethei iicld, lC:j3-30. The other col
ony, styled by its founders the Domin
ion ol xev iliiven, was founded by
emigrants from Eugland in 10.58. The
two colonies were united in IGO'5. The
statutes copied below of the American
colonics, were enacted by the people
of the "dominion of Kev Haven,"
and being printed on blue pajier, cumc
to be known us the blue laws:
The governor uiul magistrate's con
vened in general assembly, are the su
preme power under (.tod, "of this inde
pehdehl dominion.
From the determination of the as
sembly mi appeal tdiull be made.
I lie governor u amenable to the
voicv of the ,'opic.
The nssuihly ol' the people sh.ill not
be dismissed by t!ie govei nor, but shall
dismiss itself.
Conspiracy against thii dominion
shall be punished with death.
Whosoever says there is power and
jurisdiction above and over this do
minion, shall sillier death un.l loss of
proper! v.
Whoever attempts to change or
overturn the dominion shall suffer
The judges -hull determine no con
troversies without it jury.
No one shall be a freeman or give a
voto unless he be converted and a
member of ono of the churclus allow
ed in the dominion.
Each freeman shall swear by the
blessed (Jot! to bear true allegience lo
Ibis doiniiiiou and llutt Jesus is the
only King.
No (Quaker, nn dc?i liter from lite
established worship of this dominion,
shall be uilowed lo give a veto for the
electing of luagi.-tiuies ur any oilier
No food or lodging shall be olilrtd
to (pinker, Adamite or heretic.
If any person tut us (Junker ho shall
be banished and nut suffered to return
tint, on pain of death.
No priest shall abide in the domin
ion ; he shall bo b.iai-lied and niiVr
death on his reltisn.
Pi icMs t::ay be tc'avd I y tiny cue
without a warrant.
No one to cross a river but an au
thorized ferryman.
No one shall run on the !-'abba'Ji-day,
or walk in his garden, or il.-c-where,
except reverci'ily, to and from
No one shall (ravel, cm, It vi duals,
make beds, twerp house, cut had' or
shave on the S.ibballi dav.
-'o Wotiuui shull kiss her children
on Stibba'h or lasting dav. I
'1 ho Sabbath shall begin at sunset
on Saturday.
To pick an ear of corn growing iu
a neighbor's garden shall bo deemed
l lull.
A person accused of trespass in the
night shall lu judged guilty, unless he
clears himself by his oath."
When it appears that tho licensed
bus eonfedeiiitcs, and lie refuses to dis
cover them, he may be racked.
None shall buy or sell lauds without
permission of the select men.
A drunkard niA havo a waster
appointed by the selcclnieii, who tire
lo bar him from the liberty of buying
und sell ing.
Every rateable person who refuses
to pay his proportion to support li e
liithipt'. r ol the tuwti or piui-h, shall !
be fined by the rourt iU. and 42d.
every quarter until he or she pay the
rate to the minister. '
Whoever publishes a lie, lo the
prejudice of his neighbor .shall be set in
the stock, or be whipped ten stripes.
No minister shall keep a school.
Men stealers shall sull'cr death.
Whosevor wears clothes trimmed
with gold, silver or bone lace nbovo
Is. per yard, shall be presented by the
grand jurors, and the clcctmeu shall
tas the offenders X'oOO estate.
A debtor in prison, swearing ho has
no estate, chiill bo lit out uud sold to
make satisfaction.
Whoever sets a fire iu the woodi,
ami it burns a house, shall sufier
death; and persons supected of this
crime shall be imprisoned without
benefit of bail.
Whosoever brings cards or dice inlo
tliis- dominion shall pay a fine of 5.
No one shall read common prayer
hooks, keep Christmas or set days, cat
mince pies, dance, play cards, or play
any instrument of musiij except tho
drum, trumpet and Jew's harp. ,
No gospel ministor shall join pepplo
in marriage. Tho magistrate only
shall join ihem in marriage, ns ho
may do ii with less scandal to Christ's
When parcnis refuse their children
convenient marriages, the magistrate
shall determine the point.
The selectmen on finding children
ignorant may take them away from
their parents, and put them in better
hands' at the expense of their parents.
Fornication shall bo punished by
compelling marriage, or as the court"
shall think proper.
Adultery shall bo puuished with
A man that strikes his wife shall
pay a fine of 10.
A woman that strikes her liusbaml
shall be punished as the law directs.
A wife shall be deemed good evi
dence against her husbaud.
No man shall court a maid in per
son or by letter, without first obtain
ing cunseiit of hnr parents, 5 penalty
for the fi st offence ; 10 for tho sec
ond ; for the third imprisonment dur
ing ihe pleasure of the court.
Married persons must live together,
or be imprisoned.
Every male must have his hair cut
round according to his cap.
How to Prcsorvc Attt'mn Leaves.
The leaves of Autumn nre beginning
to assume the most beautiful lints
crimson, russet, orange gold and varie
gated colors, ntnl the question now
'".est'Uts itself, w hich is the best method
of preserving ihem? Ol late years tho
preparing and shipping of rare speci
mens of leaves from American forests
to Europe, in boxes, has assumed Ihe
form of trade, to a considerable
extent, and the fancy shops iu tho
large cities aro each full supplied with
the finest varieties that cau be l'otiiid.
The process of preservation is simple:
A thick blotting pad, sumo sheets of
drawing paper, a camels hair brush
Hhd Borne umber varnish nre all the
necessary appliances, save ti thick
book to press the leaves bcliveen tho
blotting pud so as to extract the mois
ture before they tire vanished and
placed upon the paper. Already tho
leaves are turning, and tho" ivy
especially is in proper condition. Tho
poisonous plant makes tho prettiest
leaves, and is rot so dangerous but
thtit most people can handle it in tho
fall. Mcudvitle licpublivun.
A party fif men uuiiuatedly engaged
in discussing polities before a country
store attracted the attention ofanagoii
Hgricultuiist. "There's something the
mailer here," he observed to bis wife,
ami drawing his team he lightly shout
n to a cuiisu.'iiiive individual "on tho
outskirts, "Whut's a foot'." "Twelve
inches," was the .sardonic n ply. Tho
need ngrcul'.u.iat sworo toina uud
drove on.
Tho author of "Heart Pictures" as
signs the following sullicicut reasons
not kissing Mrs. (J. ;
1. I am such n good hiiahaml I
wouldn't even be guilty of theuppear
mice of disloyally to my sweet wife.
li. 1 vus afraid tho driver would see
me mid tell (J.
Ii. I don't think Mrs. G. would let
A Georgia brakeman walking on
the truck didn't notice an approaching
freight train, which struck him, not in
a viial part of I. is body, and knocked
him twenty dot into 'tho mod. Ho
landed on his feet, picked up his hut,
uud in an excited eiithiisiam shuttled:
"l'h ice cheers f ir Greely! Auuthcr
voto saved.!'.'
Jf your sister, while tenderly en
(.aged in a tender conversation with n
lender swictheurt, asks you lo biing a
glass of water from an adjoining roi in,
you can start on the errand Ltd you
nted not return. You Hill imt" bo
An Albany minister, ivfering to his
record of -1(J years, finds fewest mar
riages in summer.
$10,ll0 is reported paid to the May
or of Memphis l,v hitir mill fer run
ning kino banks.
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