gilt t gtpMta'. IS PUBLISHED ETEHY WEDNESDAV, BY W. It. DUNN. DAlce In Krox' Building. Klrr Street. TERMS, 2.00 A YEAR. No Subscription rocolvod for a shorter period than throo months. Correspondence solicited from all parts of the country. No notice will bo taken of Ulnonynious communications. Marriage and Doath notluog Insortod gratis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. a. HBWTOH PETTIS. MILKS W. TATB. PETTIS A TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aim Street, TIOXKSTA , PA . Isaac Ash, A TTORNEY AT LAW. OH City. Pa. V Will practice in tho various Courts of .Forest County. All nusinoss onirusveu to Mi para will receive prompt attention. 10 ly f. W. Mnaoo, Osorgt A. Jenk, TIwmim. rm. Bmkrlll, Pa. .. . Mason. A Jonks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Omeo on Elm Street, above Walnut, Tlonesuv, Pa. C. W. Glinilan, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve nango Co., Pa. tf. J. R. BARKIS, D. D. F ASSICTT, tlAlllllS Jt FASSETT, Attorneys at Law, Tttusville Penn'a. PRACTICE In all tho Courts of Warren, Crawford, Forest and Venango Coun ties. 4tf-tf W. P. MerctlHott, ATTORNEY A C tlTNSELOR AT LAW Tlonesta, Pa. Otllee on Kim Nt ect. The professional services of the Hon. H. 1'. Johnson can be secured through mo if desired In anv business entrusted to me in Forest Co. Collections promptly attended to. Also Real Estato Agent. Tlonesta House. MITTEL, Proprietor, Elm St. Tio . nesta, Pa., at the mouth of thocreck, Mr. Iltlo lias thoroughly renovated tho Tlonesta House, and re-furnished it com pletely. All who patronize, him will be well entertained at reasonable rates, lit) ly FOREST HOUSE, D 11 LACK PROPRIETOR. Opposite Court House, Tionesta, Pa. Just opened. Everything now anil clean and fresh. The best of liquors kept constantly on hand. A portion of the public pM mil age Is respectfully solicited. 4-17-1 v Holmes House, HMONESTA, PA., opposite the Depot. , JL C. I). Mablo, Proprietor. Uood Nta bliug connected with tho houso. tf. Scott House, IAGUNDVS, PA., E. A. Roberts, Pro prietor. This ho'el has been recently re-furnlshcd and now pliers superior ac commodations to guests. -!.'-ly. Syracuse House, T1DIOUTF, Pa., J. A 1) Maori?, Proplo tors. The houso has been thoroughly refitted and is now in tho lirst-class order, with the bost of accommodations. Any nforuiatinn concerning Oil Territory at this point will bo cheerfully furnished, -ly J. & I. MAG EE, Exchange Hotel, T OWER TinioUTE. Pa.. P. S. Rams XJ iiKKL, A Son Prop's, This house having been rented is now mo mostdostrame stop liimi vlai'O in Tidioulo. A good Billiard Room attachod. 4-ly National Hotel, TRvfxETON. PA. W. A. Hallenback Proprietor. This hotel is New, and is nw open as a first class house, situate at nejunctlon of the Oil Creek A Allegheny ttiverand Philadelphia A Erie Railroads, pposite the Depot. Parties having to lay yr trains will find this tlie most eon veil " ent hotel in town, with lirst-class aeenm nodations and reasonable charge, tf. Dr. J. L. Acom,b, PHYSICIAN AND SURG EON, who has had tiftoeaj years' experience in a large ana sueccssiui practice, will attend n Professional Calls. Oilice in his Drug and Grocery Store, located in Tidioute, near lldlouto House. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco. Cigars, Stationery. Glass. Paints. 'tis. Cutlery, and lino Groceries, all ot the quality, and will be sola at reasonable rates. - II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drug. gist from New York, has charge of the 'store. All proscriptions put up accurately. a. a. mat. jso. p. tabic. a. a. kklly. 7 MA Y, PA11K iC CO., 3.A N K E R S .Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts. Tlonesta. Bunk of Discount and Deposit. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made on all the Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. 18-1 y. jlJ. 1. DALK, J. T. DALE, Cutii.r. TIOUESTA SAVINGS BANK, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. This Bank transacts a General Banking, 4Jolleotinlaud Exchange Business, Drafts on tho Principal Cities of the United States and Europe bought and sold. Gold and Silver Coin and Government (Securities bought and sold. 7-3(1 Bonds converted on the most favorable terms. Interest allowed ou time UonosiU. Mar. 4, tf. SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. BLACKSMITHS AND WAGON -MAKERS. Corner of Church and Elm Streets. TIOISTESTVA. lV. This firm Is prepared to do alt work In lis line, and will warrant everything done at their sh'ps to give satisfaction. Par ticular atteufiuu given to, Give thorn trial, aud you will not re gret it. 13-lv. P " Lot us have Faith VOL. V. NO. 29. D. W. CLARK, (COMMINSIONKR'H CLKRK, FonKST CO., PA.) REAL ESTATE AGENT. HOUSES and Lots for Side and RENf Wild Lands for Salo. 1 I have superior facilities for ascertaining the condition of taxes anrl tax di-ods, Vn., and am therefore qualified to act Intelli gently as agent of those living at a dis tance, owning laiids In the County. Oftlre In Commissioners Room, Court House, Tlonesta, Pa. 4-41-ly. D. W. CLARK. rnw. ntTiTRinos. rrn. K- 0. DITHKIDUN, TreM. T. A. WRIOHT. Sf. UEM. W. llllHItMHIK. THE SUPERIOR LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c. Illills od Tiontsta Creek, Forest Co., Pa. Yard k Office tor. VJ i Rail Road Sts., PITTSirjRC-II, PA. Jos. Y. Gaul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Rad dler. Three doors north of Holmes Houso, Tlonesta, Pa. All work is war ranted, tf. Wrn. Fillers, IICENCFD A UCTION I E R, will attend J to all business in that lino promptly. at reasonable rates. Address WM. FELLERS. Newmanvllle, l)-3m. Clarion Co. Pa. BUWAKD niTIIKIUOI. B. D. D1THRIWIE FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. Established A. D. 1827. QITHR1QGE & Satt, MASUrACTURKKS Of Dithridge's xx Flint Glass PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS. AND Silvered Glass Reflectors. These chimneys do not break by heat. Ask for DiTiuuoiiK.s. Take no other. DITHRIDGE A SON, 25-ly. Pittsburgh. Pa. New IJonriliiitf House. MRS. S. 8. Iini.INOS has built a largo addition to her house, and is now pro pared to aceonimodateanumhcrof perma nent boarders, and all transient ones who may favor her with their A good stable has receui I v been built to ac commodate the horses of guests. Charges reasonable. Residence on Elui st,t oppo site S. Haslet's store. 23-lv JONES HOUSE, CLARION, PENN'A. s. S. JONES Proprietor. GROCERY AND PROVISION STOKE IN TIGNESTA . GEO. W.BOVARD&GO. HAVE Just brought on a complete and carclully selected stock of FLOUR, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, and everything necessary to the complete stock ofa tirst-class Jrorery House, which they have opened out at their establish ment on Elm fcL, tirst door north of M. K. Church. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, FRUITS, SPICES, HAMS, LARD, A KD PRO VJSIOXS OF A LL KIXDS, at the lowest cash prices. Goods warrant ed to be of tli9 host quality. Cell and ex amine, and we believe we can suit vou. GEO. W. 1JOVARD A CO. Jan. 0. '72. Lloyd & Son, WATER STREET, TI0XESTA, PA, HAVE JUST OPENED an extensive Stock of FLOUR AND FEED, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which they oiler to the public at rates as low as can be ottered by any other estab lishment in town. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. 0-3m. LLO YD SON. A 91 I 11 A V Is K X Mr. Samuel Bell, of W. E. Schmertz 16 CfaVholosale Hoot and Shoe Mannlucjiir ers, 81 Filth avenue Pittsburgh, Pa., has been alllicted with chronic rheumatish for tliiity years, ti-om his right hip to his foot, having to use a crutch and a cane, at times so painful as to utterly incapacitate hint from attending i his business. Having tried every remedy known, without effort, except Gi'llilsnd's Pain Killer, he was tiualiy induced to try it. A second applica tion euinilcd him to lay aside his crulcli, and a third etlected a permanent cure. Mr. Bell is a popular aud well-known citizen, is a living monument of the ctlacaey of that great medical discovery, Gillilaud's Fain Killer. The afllicted should ask their grocer or drv.vgist lor it, and try its won derful power. Mr. (.illiland, 'we under stand, wants a respectable ag nt in every town and county lor it. The principal oi lice is at li Third Aveuuo, PiUabu, gh Pa. 3l-t OREST 1 that Right raakoa Might ; and TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER '23, 1872. PROCLAMATION OF GENER AL ELECTION. Whereas, In and by an art of the General Assembly of the Commmiwealth of Penn sylvania," entitle.! 'An Act to rcgulHte the General Election within this Common wealth,' It Is enjoined iikh inn to give public notice of snid elcetioii. and to enumerate In said notieA what ollleer are to be clectrd, I. E. L. Davis, High Slierid of the county of Forct, do hereby mako known anil give this public notice to iho electors of the county of Forest, that a General Election will Is-held in snid coun ty, at which time they will vole bv ballit Mr twenty-nine Kicrtors lor I'resiiieni ami Vice President r the t'nllrd Slates, on tlo FIRST TIESD1Y (I) OF OCTOBER, 1W, at the several districts, vl. : In Harnett township at Clarington school house. In Green township at the house of L. Arner. In Howo township at the house of C. F. Fox. In Jonks township at the court house in Marien. I In Harmony township at Allondcr school houso. I In Hickory township at Ball school I house. In Kingsley township at Wheeler, Du senbury Co'a n Tionesta township at school house in Tlo"sltt borough. In Tl"rflS,fl borough at school house In said bor.. ugh. . , . Notice Is rereiiv given, i nni sny pram excepting Just.'-"'" f h" '" ''"" hold anv otlice or h"Dolntmcnt of profit or trust under the Unite.. ta!? ".r or any city or corporated o rK', .!"', commissioned ollleer ir otiiC'' ''j ,f subordinate ollleer or agent who ts or be employed under tho legislature, execu tive or Judiciary department of this Mate, or of any city, orot' any incorporated itis trict, and also, that every member of Con- ' gress and of the State legislature, or of tiio select or common council of any city, or commissioners of pii v incorporated dis trict, is by law incapable or holding or ex ercising tit the time, the olllce or appoint ment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judgo or other ollleer of such eloction shall be eligible to bo then voted, for. Also, that in tho 41h section of tho act of Assembly entitled "An act relating to elections and lor other purposes," appro ved April lUth l5tl, it is enacted that the 13th section shall not be so construed as to prevent any militia or borough ollleer from serving as J udge. Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special e.cetion in this Commonwealth. REGISTRY LAW. I also give olllcial notice to tho electors of Forest county that, by an act entitled " An act further supplemental to the act relative to the elections of this Common wealth," approved April 17th, ltWlt, it Is provided as lolluws : . Skc. J. Ho it enacted by tho Scnato and House of Representatives ol tho Coiumon wdaltliof Pennsylvania in General Assem bly met, and it is hereby enacted by au thority of the same, That it shall be the du ty of eao of tho assessors of this Com monwealth, on the tirst Monday of Juno of each year, to take up Iho transcript ho has received in mi the county commission ers under the eighth section or the act of 15th of April, 1834, and proceed to an im mediate revision of the same by striking therefrom the name of every person who is known bv him to have died or removed since the last previous assessment from tho district of which he is the assessor, or whose death or removal shall be made known to him. and to add to tho same the name of any qualified voter who shall be made known to him.-tq have removed into the district since the last previous assess ment, or whose removal into the same shall be or shall have been made known to him, and also the names of all who make claim to him to be qualified voters therein. As soon as this revision is completed ho shall visit every dwelling house in his dis trict and make careiul inquiry il any per son whoso name is on his list has uied or removed from the district, and if so, to take tho same thereirom, or whether any qualilied voter resides therein whose name is not on tho list, aud it so, to add tuosame thereto, and in ail cases where a name is added to the list a tax shall forthwith bo assessed against the person, and toe asses sor shall in all cases ascertain by inquiry upon what ground the person so assessed ciaims to be a voter. Upon the completion of this worn it shall bo Hie duty ol each as sessor as aforesaid to proceed to make out a list in alphabetical order of the freemen above twenty-one years of age claiming to be qualities! voters in the ward, borough, towiisiiip or district of which he is assess or, and opposite to each of said uamesstate whether said freeman is or is not a house keeper, aud if he is, the number ol his res idence, in towns where tiio same are num bered, with the street, alley or court in which situate,aiid it in a town where there are no numbers, the uaiueol the street, al ley or court on which said house irunts ; also tho occupation of the person, and where he is not a housekeeper, the occupa tion, place o! boarding and with whom, and if working for another, the name ot em ployer, and write opposite each of said names the word "voter," and whore any person claims to vote by reasou ol natur alization he shall exhibit his ccrtilicate thereof to the assessor, unless he lias been for five consecutive vears next preceding a voter in said district ; and in ail casts where the person has been naturalized, the name si all bo marked with the letter "N." Whoro tho person has merely declared his intention to become a litizon and designs to be naturalized beioro'lhe next election, the name shall be marked "D. I." Where tho claim to vote is by reason of being be tween the ages of twenty-one and twenty two, as provided by law, the word "age" shall be entered, and if tho person lias moved into the election district to reside since the last general election the letter " li." shall be plared opposite the inline. It shall be 111 further duly of each assess, or as aforesaid, upon the completion of the duties herein imposed, to make a separate list of all new assessment- made by him and the amounts assessed upon each, and furnish the same immediately to tiie com missioners, who shall immediately add tho names to tiie tax duplicates r.nd the wards, township borough or district in which they have lieeu assessed. Skc. 2. Ou the list being completed and the assessment made asaiorcsaid the same shall be forthwith returned to the county commissioners, who shall duplicate copies of said lists, with the olivrviuions and ex planations required to bo noted as aloie said, to be ma., e out as soon us practicable aud placed in the hands of the assessor, who shall prior to the lirst ol August in each year put one copy thereof on the house where the election ot tiie respective district is required to be held, and 1 euin the other in his possession tor the inspec tion, free ot charge, of any person residing in the said election district who shall do- , sire to see the same, and il shall be the du ty of the same assessor to and, from time to liuio, on iho personal application ol any I ono claiming the right to vote, the twuue ot R BPUB in that Faith lot us to tho end, dare do our duty as we understand such claimant, and mark opposite tho I hundred dollars, or to undergo an Impris name "D. I." and immediately assess hlin onment not exceeding one year, or either with a tax, noting in all cases, his occupa tion, residence, whether a boarder or house-kis'pcr. If a boarder with whom ho Ixmrds, mid whether naturnlixed or do dirnitnr to lie, marking In all such ca-es ( the letters opsisito tho name 'N.' or "D. ( I," as the ruse may boj If the person rlaimitigto he assessed lie naturalized, ho ' shall exhibit to the assessor his certificate ' of naluralixatlon and If he claims that he ' dosiuns to lie naturalized Isvfore the next ruining election, he sha I exhibit hiscer tilicMle of declaration of intentions; in all cases where any ward, borough, township I or election district Is divided Into two or more preeinrtn, the asncswor shall note in a'l his assessments theelis-iion precinct in which each elector resides, and shall make a separate return for each to the county commissioners In all rases in which a re turn is required of him by the provisions of this act; and the count v commissioner In making duplicate copies of the names of the voirrs in each precinct separately, aud sfisll furnish the same to the assessor, and the copies required by this act to be ti'.ai'ed on the dr of or oil lection places on or licfore tin first day of August in each year, shall be plaiwt mi the door of or ou the election plai-e in oaehofsai I precincts. Mir, 3 Alter tho assessments shall have Im en completed on tho truth day prece ding the sreond Tuisvlay of Octob -r in each year, the assessor shall, on the Mon day immediately tollowing.make a return to the counly commissioners ol the names of all Hrsoua assessed by him sim-fl the return required to i'c msde uy mm nv tiie Mssind MS'tion of this art, noting opssite earh name the observations and explana tion required to l noted as aforesu;.!,an! the count commissioners thereupon cause the same to Is? added to the returns required bv the second s'tion of tills act, and a full and correct copy to be made, 1V'ita?"'"lf "", nanus, of all isrsons so re turned aJ re."'dent tax shies in said ward, tM.ronirh. town!sp or precinct, and fur nish the same tngelhe.' the ncressary election blank to the olllcrf.s o. the elec tion in said want, Imrougli, township r precinct, on or before six o'rhs'k on lu? morning of the first Tuesday of November, aud no man sha'l Is) permitted to vote at the election ou that day whose naino is not on said list, unless he shall make proof of his right to vote, a hereinafter required. Skc. 4 On the day of e'ectlon anv person wliose name I not on the said list, and claiming tho right to vote at said rlis-tiou, shall pnsluce at least one qualified voter of tho dlstrirt as a witness to the residenc of the claimant in the district in which he claims to be a voter, for a ei iod of at least ten day next preceding said election, which witness shall take and subscribe a written, or partly written and partly printed atlidavil. to the fact slated by him, which atlidavil ahull clearly define where the residence Is of iho mtsoii so claiming to bo a voter, and the person claiming tho right to vote shall also take aud subscribe to a written, or partly ritlrn and partly printed allidavit, staling that to the lsst of . ids knowledge and belief when and where : lie was born ; that he is a cilixcti of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania aud of , tho United States s that he has resided in i the Commonwealth one year, or if former ly a citizen therein, and has moved there from six months pree ding audi election f ' that he has not moved Into tho cli'.r!"t for the purpose of voting therein ; that ii a paid a ntaio or county lax within two vears , which was assessed at least ten days before said election ; and, if a naturalized citizen, also slato when, where and by what court , ho was naturalized, and shall also produce his certificate of naturalization for exi-mi-I nation; the said hllldavit shall also slate I when and where the tax claimed to bo paid ' by tho allidavit was assessed, and wlien, I where, and to whom paid, and th3 tax re- reipt therefor shall be produced for exiim ; inatiou, unless tho ailiant shall ntati in his I allidavit that it has been lost or destroyed, i or that ho never received any, but if" the 1 person so claiming t!u right to vote shall ; take and subscribe an allidavit that ho is ! a native born citizen of the United Nu Us, or ft tsirn cisowiicrc, shall st.tte that fact 1:1 his allidavit, or shall produce evidence that lie has been naturalized or thut he is entitled to citizenship by reason of bis father's naturalizidioa ; and shall furdier statu in his allidavit that hul l, at tic time ; of taking tho aihduvit, bet wish tneu.-e of tweuty-oue and twenty-two years; that he has resided in the suite one year aud iu i the district ten days preceding such rice ! tion, he shall be entitled to vole, although ho shall not have paid taxes ; the said alh davits of the witnesses to their residence shall be preserved by the election board, and at the close of tho election they shall be enclosed Willi tho list of voters, tally list and other paper required by law to I.e. filed by the return Judges with the pro. thonotary, and shall remain ou file I here with at the protnonotarv s oilice, subject to examination as other election papers are; if the election ollleer shall find that the applicant or applicants sssesa all the legal qualilicalions of voters, he or they shall be pel milted to vote, and the name or names shall be added to the list of taxa bies by tho the election oilier, the word "tax" "being added when the claimant claims to vole on tax, and the word "age" when he claims toote ou age, the same words being added bv the clerk iu each case respectively on llio list of person vo ting at sucii elections. Skc, S. It shall be lawful for any quail tied citizen of the district, notwithstanding the name of the promised voter is con tained ou the list of resident taxable, to challengo the vole of Mic!i ;.,in, v here upon tho sumo proof of right of sullra .-e as is liow required by law shall lie publicly ma ie and acted upon by the rlis tion board and tho vote admitted or rejected, accord ing to tho evidence; every person chinning to lie a iiaturalizeilcitieu shall be required to produce his naturalization ccrtilicate at theelji-liou brforo voting, except ho has been for ten years consecutively a voter iu the district in which he oilers his vote; and' on tho vote of such person bring received it shall be the duty of lh: election oilto r to who or ulamp oil such rei li.icalo the word "voted," Willi the liioiilh and year, and if a. ly election olhcrr oroillcrrs shall rrrciva a d"oud vote on die same day, by virtue of the same certillcale, excepting i.;ns are entitled to vole by the nat uralisation of tli -i r fathers, Ihi v and the person who shall oiler such a ui on, I vole, upon so otleudiiig shall bo deemed guilty of high inliidviiieuiior, an ou conviction there, il 'be lined and imp. isoned, or ix.lh, at Hie discretion of the court, but the line shall not exceed one bundled dollar in each rase or Iho imprisonment one xar; file like punishment shall l.r indicted, on conviction, ou the oibceis ot rlei lion u t.o shitll nceje t or relus lo mnUe.or cause to be made, the eiiiloj-sruieiil rrqiuns: a aloresuuion said iiuturaliMllou cri uiicaUm. tsr:c. II. If any elcc lion odicer shall re fuse or neglect lo require such prom ol the right of sullrage as is required by thn. htvt , or iho law to u Inch tins is a supplement, from any clsuii ollermg to Vole whose name is not ou the list o assessed voters, or whose right lo vole is challenged by any qualified voter requiring sucii pi oof, ev ery person so otfcliding shall upon ism viction be dinned guilty of a high inlsdo liirauor, aud hull be suulrnrud. tor eveiy otlense, to pay a tino not exceeding ouo LICAN or both, at the discretion of tho court. Skc. 7. Ten days preceding every elec tion for electors for President ami Vice President of the United Stales, It shall bo the duly of the assessor to attend at the place required by law for holding the elec tion in eacn election district, and then ami there hear all applications of persons whose names have been omitted from the list of assessed voters, who claimed the right to vole, or whose right have origin ated since the same was made out, and shall add the name of audi persons there to as shall show that they are entitled to the right of suffrage in such district, en tho personal application of the claimant only, and forthwith assess them with the proper tax. After completing f he list, a cipy thereof shall be placed on tho door of or on the house where the election is to be held, at least eight days before the election; and at the election tho same course shall be pursued in all respects as Is required by this act and tiio net; to which this is a supplement, at the general election in Oc toluir. Tiie assessor shall also make, the same returns to the county commissioners of all assessments made Cy virtue of this section ; and the county commissioners shall furnish onp'es thereof to the election olliecrs in each district, in like manner, in all respects, as is required at the general election in ocioocr. Sfx.-. H. Tho respective assessors, Inspec tors and judges of tho election shall each havo the power to administer oaths to any H'roi, riaiMiiog me i igoi. 10 ue assesseu or the right of suffrage, or In regard to any other matter or thing required to be dune or inquired into by a iy of ;;!; officers un der this act, nr.u any w ilful false swearing by any person in relation to any matter concerning which they shall be lawfully Interrogated by any of said otllcers, shall be punished as perjury. Skc. 10. The assessors shall each receive tho same compensation for the time neces sarily spent iu performing their duties hereby enjoined as is provided by law for tho performance of their other duties, to 1st paid by tho county commissioners as in i o.'her cases: and it shall not bo lawful for an,' tie ."son to assess a tax against any per s n vvhaicvei' within ten days next prece ding the election t be held on the second Tuesday of October, in any year, or within ten dav's next belore anV election for elec tors of President and VicJ President of the United Slates; any violation of this provision shall be a misdemeanor, and subjecting the otllcers so offending to a tine on conviction not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding three months, or both, at tho discretion Of the con. rt. Kko. II. On pe'ltion of five or more cit lzonnf tho county, stating under oath that thoy verily believe that frauds will be practiced at tho election about to bo held in any district, it shall be tho duty of the Court of Common Pleas of said county, if in session, if not a judge thereof in vaca tion, to appoint two judicious, sober and intelligent citizens of tho county to act as ove. -jeer of said election ; said overseers shall be selected from different political parties, w here the inspectors belong to dif ferent parties, and where botli inspectors belong lo the same political party both of the overseers shall be taken from the op posite H)litical party ; said overseers shall have the right lo be present witli the otll cers Cf !h" election during tho whole time thes'6 is held, the votes counted and the rctun.s mauC "" ", '.'.V tho elec tion ofllcers ; to kee,, a ... tko voters it they aeo proper; to challenge aii.V J'erson ollermg to vote, and to interrogate hi m and hiii witnesses, under oath, in regard to his right of sullrage at said elcclion, and to cxainino liiii papers produced; and tho ofllcers of said ejection are required to af ford to said overseers so selected and ap pointed every convenienceand facili'y tor tho di.uharge of their duties: aud if said election olliecrs shall refuse to permit said overseers lo be present mid perform their duties as aforesaid, or if they shall be driven away from the polls by violence or intimidation, all tho vote polled at such election district may bo rejected, by uny t. ibiinal trving a ronlest under the said eb rtion : Provided, that no person siguihg Ihe petition shall be appointisl anoverseer. M;r. 1-. If any prothonotary, clerk, or deputy of either, or any other jicrson shall allix the seal ofof ice loany naturalization paper, or permit the same to heallixod, or give out, or cause, or permit the same to be given out, in, whereby it may be fraudulently used, or furnish a "naturaliza tion paper to any person who shall not have Veen duly examined and sworn iu open (sunt, iu the presence (d some of the Judge thereof, according to tho act of Congress, or shall aid iu, or connive at, or iu anv way permit the issue of any fraud ule t nat ill al ir.ation cell hcatcs, ho shall be guilty of a louh misdemeanor ; or il any one shall fraudulently use any such cerlif icai of nat oral mil Ion, k rowing lhat it was fraudulently issued, or shall Yolo or at tempt to vote thereon, or if any one shall vote or attempt to Vole on any ccrtilicate of naturalization not issued to him, he shall lie guilty of a high misdemeanor; and either or any ol the pirmuis, their aid er or als'ttor,snHll on con viction Imj lined in a muiii not extsssiiug one thousand dol lars, and imprisonment iu the priqa-r pen itentiary for a period nol exceeding three years. Sr.c. IS. Any person who, on oath or af firmation belore any court of Hits .Mate, or oltlrer authorized to administer oaths, shall, to pi's ure a certificate of naturaliza ti'.u, ior himself or any other person, wil Hilly depose or alhrm any matter to be facts, know lug the same lo 1st true, shall la uuillv of perjury; and any certllicale of naturalization issued in pursuance ut any such dcH!.itioii, declaration or allirma ioii shall Isi null and Void ; ami il shall be the duly of the court issuing the same, upon prtsif being made belore il thai il was fiaudulcully obtaiuisl, to take immediate measure for rtsrallitig the same lor can cellation; and any s-rson w bo shall vole orallempt to vole on any psprr so ob tained, or shall any way aid In, eouuiveal or have any agency whatever in the issue, circulation or useni any fraudulent naturs alizuilou rcrliticatc, shall t deemed guilty ol a misdemeanor, and Uhiii isiuvictiou thereof snail undergo imprisonment in the nileiitiai y lor m-l mote than two years, and pav a lino of not more than one thou sand dollars, or culler ur both, al the dis cretion ol Ihe is out. Skc. II. A ny assrsior, election ollleer (r si s4u ap is tin ted as un overseer, w h shall neglect or rriusc to pcitorm any doty ( u JoiimsI by this act, aithool legal eaii-e, shall Is sulis I to a siialty of one hun dred dotlais, and if any assessor shall as sess anv sison as a voler who is ul qualilied, or lelir to n-scs any one w lei I qualilird, be shall Is; de, mi d godly ol a llilsdellll rtllor III oilier, ami ou conv ictloll br punish d by line and imprisonment, ami sul'iect loan aclioii tor dsmage bv the s-rsou agguevisl, and if any n"ii shall fiaudiileul.y add l, dcluco or destroy a lisi ol vo eis mu lu out as directed by tin act, or Icar do n or r mo e lh .iiiiiv liom tho place w here It I. a Iss u Idcl, with liauduli lit or iiiuM-hiehoti ml nt, or lor any improper pin, Ihr s.iit so of frud.lig shall la, guilty of a high llllsilr. luealior, al.d (ll (sttiv tele 'it bha't Is. pu, i tailed by a line not e'-rdua' live hundred it."--LINCOLN. $2 PER ANNUM. dollar or Imprisonment not exceeding two yeais, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec 15. All elections hereafter held, tin der the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened between the hours of six and seven o cnx-K a. in., and closed al seven o clock: p. in. Kk IB. It shall be thedutv of thrSeere- tary of the Commonwealth, to prepare forms for all the blanks made necessary by thin art, and furnish copies of the same loan the county commissioners ol tne sev eral counties of the Commonwealth ; and the county commissioners of each county shall, as soon as necessary after the receipt of the same, at the proper ex ponse, of the county, procure and furnish to nil the election olliecrs of the election districts of their respective counties, copies of such blanks, Iu such quantities as may lie ren tiered necessary for the discharge of their dunes under tins act. Sec. 17. That citizens of this State tern rorarily in the service of the State or the initad States Government, on clerical or oilier duty, and who do not vote where thus employed, shall not bo deprived thereby of tiio right to vote in their several election districts if otherwise, duly quali' tied. Pursuant to the provisions contained In tho 7(th section of the act tirst aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid districts shall rep resentativeiy take charge of the certificates of return of'tlia election of their respective districts, and produce them at ameetingof -ne judge from eacn district, at tne bor ough of Tionesta, on the third day after me election, being f lUDAX, tkk utu PAY Of NOVUM UER, ISTAthen and there to perform the duties required by law of said judges. Also, that where ajudgo, by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend Biich meeting of judges, then the certificate of return shall be taken charge of bv one of the inspectors or clerks of election of the district, who shall do and perform tho duties of said judge unable to attend. E. L. DAVIS, Sheriff. AGENTS WANTED FOB CORIIlN'B ( III M' C:3I M EXTATOR ON THE BIBLE, mr tho Home Cmct.K. 1,200 pages, li'il) Engraving. The best enterprise of the year for agents. Every family will have it. Nothing like it now puhlishod. For circulars address H. S. Goodspeed A Co., 37 Park Row, New York. AGENTS WANTED For Harriet Beecher Stowe's campaign book, with lives of tho candidates and leading men of all parties. 21) Steal Portraits. $" to J-0 a day rapidly and easily made. Write and see. Particulars free. Worthingtou, Dus tin & Co., Hartlord, Ct, GUARANTEED BONDS. Payable In New York City, for sale at price's that will pay over 12' per cent, on Iho invos'ment. Municipal Bonds of tho highest grade always on hand. THOS. P. ELLIS Ji CO., Bankers, 14 Pino St., Now York, CRUMBS OF COMFORT! CRUMBS OF C MFORT! CRUMBS OF COMFORT! fSlove Ioss ! UNPARALLELED SUCCESS! Over Twenty-r'ir Thott-and Gross Sold In Loss than Nine Months. It makes a stovo shine like bilri.!Mhed silver. Ask your storekeeper for it. il ho don't have it go to tho next store; but don't be humbugged into liuying'or using any of tho old polishes when you can get CRUMBS OF COM KORT AT THE SAME PRICE. Every Jobbei and Retail Dealer in tho Fnited'states has or will have it for salo. II. A. BARTLETT A CO., Manufacturers, Phila. Pa. ASTHMA. The subscribers aro Manufacturer's Agents for It. V. ttead'a celebrated AS- 1 1 M A RELIEF, the best remedy for Asthma yet discovered. Instant relief guaranteed or purchase, money refunded. Tliemedicino is put iipin thrnesizos, which retail for 2V;., fiilc. and d. Persona remit ting prico will have the medicine sent free by mail or express. Also sample sent free to any who desire. ETHK1DGE, 'PUL LER ' CO., Rome, K. Y. TITJIOXJTE TEA STORE! The place to buy every variety of the VERY BEST TEAS AT TUB L 0 WES T PRICES, is at the extensive Tea Store of II. T. CHAFFEY, here you can always And a lar;'0 assort ment of the best Teas at New York prices A larg assortment of Groceries and Provisions, ii ii equaled in quality and cheapness byauv oilier store iu Warren county, always on hand. The people of Forest county w ill save money by purchasing their snpplie at (his place. Best brands of FA MIL'Y FL 0 UJi, delivered at any depot on the lineof the R R. free. Store on Main St. near the Depot. AGENTS WANTED. Agents make more money at work for us than at anv thing else. Particulars free. G. Stin soi, ,v Co., I nni Art Publishers, Portland, Maine. JS -It i:iut' Xoticf. I 'ST ATE OF Ci IN BAD I.EDA lll'lt, late I l li ickorv Too nship, Forest County, ilc ct-ed. All persons indebted tokiiid es tate 11 u requested to make iuuncdialc pay ment. A ii.l those buviug leral claims au'ainst Hi, saute, will present them wilh uul dciav in proper order lor settlement, to D. s. K MiX, .. JoslAII WIN ANS.I Kxccutors, MM ' i.-J . . .v w i i'r Hates of Advertising. One Square ( l loc!i, on" inrrliotis - H . 0 OnoSqiisr " one mouth - - :l no One Square " three month . 11 no One " on year - - In no Two Square, one year - l no liiinrlert'nl. ' - - - ttl H) Half " -.... fi on Ono " " - - - - HHI 0t) Buslnes Card, not excis'dlnjj one Inch in length, tlO per year. Legal notices at established rate. These rate are low, and no deviation vill be made, or discrimination among I at rons. Tho rates offered are such, 1 will make It to the ie! vantage ot men dot j business in the limits ol the circulation of toe paper to advertise lilierallv. A Mattar tf Satisfaction. Not a lifttl story is told at the cxprnso of n most (lintiiiL'tiislicil citizen of Philadelphia. It seems that a din tier party was in prodrug during' the re cent brilliant display of northern lights, and this pentlemnn, stepping out to cool his burning brow, was started by the display around the fros ty polo. He stood perfectly amazed; then turning t tho window he caw within, the wife of his bosom, sill ins with the ladies, waiting- for their lieno lords to dispose of their thnnipnigno and cigars. Tushing aside tho cur tains, he beckoned Mrs. Agnes to conut out. She complied, when he suid to her solemnly : " Wagties, d'ycr see anything cs tronery iiok ?" " Yes, Djlly. I ?ee you have been drinking too much wine." "Jvol not that, Wngnes. I mean extroncry phoruomonuius in atmos phere." "Why, where, Dolly?" " Upper yonder, Wagnrs." "Oh. dear me! ves, I do, indeed the most brilliunt aurora that 1 havo ever seen." " Wagnes, are thing3 ehootin'?" " Yes, dear." "And a flashin', iragnes?" "Yes, Dolly." "An' a sorter sprcadiu' an daue'ui', eh! H'agnes" " All that, my dear." "Ho! ho!" laughed tho husband, much relieved. '' Do you know, Jlng nes I ineaa Ungues when I cntno out and saw the celestial phnrnoiuo nutns a glowin' upper yonder, Mowed ell'cr didn't think I was drunk!" The Fair Sex. . A Chicago advertisement lor throo lady copyists brought in two days an influx of 24U beautifully writteu let ters. An old lady in Brookfield, over eighty years oi'age, took her first rido on the cars lust week. "Gracious! what makes things git up and go so?" was all she could say, as the irou bursa tore over the course. An e'derly maiden lady, hearing for the first time that mutches are mtido in Heaven, declared fhe uidn't euro a straw bow soon the left this sinful world for a better laud. Jones thought a little more affection at home might secure more palatably dinners, aud in the evening he ad dressed Mrs. Junes, in nn endearing toiie, as "sweetest." S?he took it quiet ly, raoely asking who tho others were. 'So you are going to keep a school?' said a young lady to her maiden auut. "Well, for my purt, sooner than that! would marry a widower with nine children." "I would prefer that my self," was the quiet reply, "but whore's the widower?" Some of the ultra fushionnblo ladies have introduced a new custom, or ruth er rendopted a very old one. When an acqttaiutauce culls and is so unfor tunate as to find the ladies out, in stead of being asked to leave his curd, he is requested to inscribe his name iu a haudcoiuo visiting book. A couple of Cincinnati girls who had boen to see the " .Black Crook," appeared in the streets of thut city tho oilier day with so little clothing that a blushing constable took them into cus tody, 'i he Judge said to the oilieer: " Let them go for the present, tio to all the public places of amusement in this city, where the women aio inoio exposed than these two girls, aud ar rest them." A Welsh clergyman applied to hi, diocesan for a living. The bishop promised bun otic, but as tho clergy tnati was taking his leave ho expressed a hope that his lordship would not send him to tho interior of the princi pality, as his wife could not speak Welsh. " Vour wife, sir!" suid the biohop, "what has your wife todowitlt it? 8ho does not, does she?" " No, my lord," said tho pursou, " but she lectures." A young wotuau from Tidioute, IV, went to Chicago a few days ago, iu search ofa young mu'.i who l.ud trilled with her ulfcctiniis and her purse. The aid ofa detective was secured, and he soon brought the wronger and tho wro:igd fiice to face. The young man was contrite, restoring on the spot ?7j0 of the money he hud taken liom tho woman, and ugreeing to marry her, A Catholic clergyman was culled upon, who set all straight by marrying tho pair. At Meridei), Conn., a lady of about sixty summers hud just inanied and was traveling with her spouse. Sim was so delighted thut she wauled tho people to rejoice with her. iso meeting a friend there she suid to her in a loud tuue, evidently intended to be heard by all in tho depot: " I am married, aud am taking my weildiu' tuner, ami these are my weddin' clothes, uud that is my husband u cumin'." And yet tliero are many people who could iut in tike a like boust under the stiine cir cumstances. It is very like w hat IV rv llyacinthc is dino;, .K.ia.Ss. is.'", j'. . t.v-'. lis; ' . ' f -J t- , 't t: I. t ' . ft n h n sp J