i NATURE' HAIR RESTORATIVE Co(ii,i .o lac suiriiunXo SU(1 Mi OF LEAD Ko LIT1I AliU No KIT It A TK OF S1L VKll, and i eniirchj fire from the Poisonou and Hcnlth-deMroying Drugs vcd in other Hair Prepara tion. Transparent nnd olonr as crystal. It wll not will tin- linost fabric, perfectly SAKK. CLKAN and Kl'l'TClKNT desidorntums J,l)XU .NUlHiHT l'OK AND l'OUXD AT las t I It restores and prevents the Hair from heeoming Orny, imparts n soft, glossy np jicnranoo, removes Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the hr.nl, elieeks the Hair from falling off. ami restores it to n great oxtent when prematurely lost, prevent Headaches, euros all humors, eutaneous eruptions, nml unnaluml heal. AS A DKKSSINO V'OU I 11 K II Allt IT IS TUH DLST AHTK'I.K IN TI1K MAKKK.T. . DK. O. SMITH, Patenter, Aver. M:-. Prepared onlv l.v PKOCTKK I1KOT1I KKS, Olouoos'tor, Mass. The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, niatlo expressly lor it, with the name of the nrticle Mown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's Hair liestonitive, ami tuUo no other. .J-Sond two tliree rent stamps to Procter Hroth.ers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it con tains is worth Sol 0,00 to any person. W ALLLIS I M r u o v E D M A G I C r ii o v K D M A O I C IMPROVED MAGIC IB AL 1JL I W. II. PERKING & CO., Sole Propri etors, Franklin, Pa. 44 Kstnlc 3Toicc. ESTATE OF COXKAD I.F.PAHUR, Into of Hickorv Township, Forest County, doeoasod. Alt persons indebted to said es tate are requested toiuake immediate pay ment. And those having legal claims against tlio same, -will present them with out delay in proper order for settlement.to 1. S. KNOX, Fxo,..ltors C43-t WE IIAVK taken tho agency or two machines manufactured at Meadville, ono known as tho Kniffen Mower and Reaper, and the other the Atlantic Mower and Reap er. Tho advantages these machines claim -over others ottered lor sale is Lightness of Draft, Fuse of JIniiii?fi:ifiit, Ifonomy of Power, Strfii?tli mid I'limpnm These machines, with f r without reaper attachment can be purchased of II. W. I.KDAIiril. or WM. 11. 1 KATlf, Tionesla, Tliov also sell tho TAYI.OTt STl'KI. T(M)'l'lI HAY ct UHAIX HAKH, Xone ljettcr in use. lo-3t THE BOOT AMD SHOE STORE. IFYOUWAXTaperfectflt and a pood article of lioots and bhoes, of tho finest workmanship, go to SI. I.. Mi'CMXCE'S, 50 CENTRK STREET, OIL CITY, VA. jP Satisfaction truarantced. 2-33 tf. PHOTOGRA II GALLERY Water Street, ADJOIXIXCJ THE HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTETl, - - - Proprietor. l'ictures taken In all tlio latest stvloB tho art. 2-tf J. G. LOG, Wholcsulo and I'.etail I'calei in HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OK ALL KINDS, TIIDIOTTTE IPJ. I'iret Poor above i:.chanj;o Hotel. 4-ly ncl 1H..--I r. lial.l a M. r.-.u,t;jc i;.. at Ijumiic s loi n 1 ii-lilulii.-. icatioll. as iiisli'uc fc- Vf-J'- .1 mimi The ol lot ; I. r ol.i.iimn 4 ; 1'r.i ti ti is. 1-lir iuforniuti.!!! 1". il'F A so. writ , I'ii; lor a circular .I.O.P.dl, I'll. h WM IVmi DSSGQVFBY Dr. WA.1 KEH C 7.ITOKNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Ilundic ds f r .. i --vi , t'i-!r Voire: ' A VT." I.'adcrf Tccr Run. Whiskey, Prr.ir Z. Ir!s t Iicliisn I.iQiiori otlcriU. f pWcJL ar.Uwccl tmd ti llo.MMho t.::i; c " 1 on:."" Arpctis f.r," rib-orc-V ic, U i.t i:.o l-irl.r en to f.-i r.!;,-.'--i si er'. i-.-la. t: t r.r.- n-ia ML.ct.-.c, p:tc;o f -on t' o ' :!' l.coipnnil ili-T'rcl Ca!'.fcr;;ta. 1'rco f-c::i Ali'i.ln-tl.i l-'-t iiMilanto, Tfccy ato tlio i:i.;: ri ::i! li:;c r. a L.1FR C;1Y1NCJ ri: ; NC'l r'.li n r-r-ct lionovatcr sad j l.ivit;ur;'.lt.r tf f ystin, c.hi j Ins o'J all poieonout t.u'.:.r n:xr. ; l.-iln.- tlic ;.lo'. .l io a healthy condition. lpJlo:l itiUj lUtro r.l;tcra LccorJliitf todircc tio:i t..rt rti:v';n!(u n:.wt:lU tttO v.i'.lbj fven fiTr:i l-.iruratlo cr.se, provided the ln.n.'s r.ra l c-t tlcftrovid by lr.Iacral pooa clitcr f.t-T.r, a tt:3 vital civar.a wnetcd bcvondtl. r-oH.t c r.M rl:-. l"c; :.:C:.::::.;.trry r.iul CLroiilo I'.hrnnm. t!-ii kviI (iuat, UyrprtiKln, ur liMlUrrtlcn, !!!i(ius. He -n'.iitnil m.tl liilcj tuitlrm l-'cvcl llMariicl tho lUiitd, l iver, KUlucys, and Kludilcr. ;''- ISIncvs 1 avo boon inoft fveccrs-t-:. LKcli intense cavtcd by Vllintcd l!l. ci'.. vli'.ch l generally i roiuccil by derangement citn. Diccftlvc Orsnus. llYsiPErslA Oil INDlOCPTfON, nead nthe, I'aiu In I'M S-houldcir, CokbIis, Tiliti.cM of tlio t'lic.t, l;iziinc;a, sour ErrctatlenB cf tlio Ftomech, tail taaU- la t'.io Mouth, Billons AltoeLu, ralj-itatlcn ot lUclieart, I;.C2ir.n:ttlca of tlio Lncga, l'alnlnUio regions of llio r.laneyB,andolmadrcd citcr rainlul s n;;tcEi8, are Uic oCTsprir.ee of r.yppepsln. 'ill y lnvisorato the Stciaach and sllmulata the Icr pl;ll;vcrar.d bowels, whleh rcndcrthcai ofunequal'.cd cilcacy In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and bnpr.rtlnp new life at.1 Tlpor to tho wliolo lystem. rtlH SUli DISEASES, Eruptlonr.Tcttcr.SaU IJ.ccni, tictclics, EpoU, riir.rle6. l'nttul Coils, Cr tanelec, Ilicg. Worms, Ecald-liccd, 8oro Eyes, Erysljv. elas, Ueii, EcnrX IMseoloratioi j of the Skin, Uuincri a:: 1 l.is.asos ci tho Ll;ln, of vbatcver ramo or nature, aro literully Oucrp and carried oi.t cf the system In a chert tanj ty the uso cf these Klttcre. Ono bottle In null cases v.T.l convince the inc&t incredulous of their cirr.tivo o!T:c. C:.-:ifo tho Y.ticlcd tloeJ T.l!?neTr yo-a C;l lis 1. p-Ar;i:csborstlcs; through tlio Etln iarinirlcs.rnip tiens cr Sores ; cleanse it wht o you And it obatrnctc-d end s.l-.ir;tr!s!i In t!-.o veins ; clranso it when II is foui, a.i!'.;.(.-jr feelings will tell youT.Uoa. nccptactloc. pr.vo cad the health cf tlio system will follow. rlX, TATEnndoUicr V.'OltMS", lurking In tlio svr.t. ni cf so many thousands, are ciTcctut'-ly destroy c! and I'.'iucved. Tor fall dlrcetiona, rw.d carefully Lie i.ireale:- around each buttlo, printed in four Ua-t".--".j:5 Li r;li&h,Ccrmaat rriuch aud Si uuieh. j. rr..:.;:zr., rroprietor. p.. 3. sicDOSAiD & co., r.-.:jT"ltu and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Cali( an.l S-1 au.l 34 Commerca Street, Kcv York. ..,-:01D PY ALL Dr.UC0:ETS ASO DSALErA By an immense practice, extending through a pc.iud of many years, having within tlut time treated ovel nine thousand cases of those diseases peculia, to ttr.inun. 1 have been enabled to perfect a most potent and agreeable medicine that meets tho indications presented by that class of diseases with positive cer tainty and exactness. To designate this natural specific compound, I have named U Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, however, is but a feeble expression of my most matured appreciation of its value, based upon actual and witnessed realities. As a close observer, 1 have while witnessing its positive results in the few special diseases incident to the separate organism of woman, singled it out as the climax vr crowning gem cf my m.dtcal carter. On its merits as a positive, safe, and effectual remedy for this class ol diseases, nnd ons that will at all limes and under all circum stances act kindly and in harmony with the laws which govern the female system, I am willing to stake my reputation as a physician. Nay, even more, so conh' dtnt am I that it will not disappoint the most sanguine expectations ol a single invalid lady who employs it for any of the ailments for which I recommend it, th:it I ofiera.id sell it under A POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. H a beneficial effect is not experienced by the time two-thirds of the contents ol the bottle are used, 1 will, on the return of the bottle, two-thirds o! the medicine navuv; ueea tancn according io unc tions, aad the case being one for which I recommend it, promptly refund the money paid for it. Had 1 not the most perfect confidence in its virtues, 1 could not offer it as 1 do under these conditions ; but having wit nessed its truly miraculous cures in thousands of cases, ftel UMirrantcd and perfectly ae in ritking both ny reputation and my money on it mentt. The following are among those diseases in which my Favorite Prescription has worked cures as if by magic and with a certainty never before attained by any medicine: Leticorrhoca, Excessive Flowing, Pain fuliMoiithly Periods, Suppressions when from unnat ural causes, Irregularities, Weak Back, Prolapsus, or falling of the Uterus, Anteversion and Retroversion, bearing Down Sensations, Internal Heat, Nervous Depression, Debility, Despondency, Threatened Mis carriage, Chronic Congestion, Inflammation and Ul ceration ol tne Uterus, ana very nuny umw turuim. diseases peculiar to woman not mentioned here, in which, as well as in the cases which I have mentioned, my Favorite Prescription works cures the marvel of the world. This medicine I do not extol as a cure-all, but it admirably fulfills a singleness pt purpose, being a most perfect specific iu all chronic diseases of tho sexual system of woman. It will not disappoint, nor will it do harm in any stat or condition. It is a most Puwbkfl l Rbstouativk Tukic to the gen eral as well as the sexual system, aUo combining the most valuable nervine properties. Both the muscular and nervous forces arc strengthened and built up by its use. It will be found invaluable in diseases inci dent to pregnancy, and can be taken in moderate doses with perfect safety while in that Mate. Indeed, it is a M tker s Corduiit and so prepares the system for parturTuon that t r endcrs child-labor easy. 1 have receivedthe hcarlft.lt praise from hundreds of mothers for the inestimable beneiiiG thus conferred. I offer my Favorite Prescription to the Ladies of America with the sincerity of an honest heart, and for their best welfare. Those who desire further iaforma ation on these subjects can obtain it in my Tkeatisk on Chronic Diseases ok tub CiiNiiRATivR and Ukinahv Organs, sent secure from observation upon receipt of two postage stamp. It treats minutely on l hose diseases peculiar to Females, and gtvei much valuable advice in rt-pard to iht ir manai nicnt. Ikli. FIKItCi:'!! FA VOMIT: PRf fc lllf I ISNOrUltV AI.Ll IHVi M-ASSi IHtGjilST! ill l.oO per bot tie ilanufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of UL r FAI-U. N. Y. rpil V. Tenth vuliune of 'ooi'h IIocsk 1 tun. ii Maoazim-: bi'irnis withJanuury '72. It is edited by Oitil Hamilton, S. .S. Wood, and 11. V.'d-li"l lie, and includes itmoiifr its reulttr conti-ibittors llonue liroelcv. t-ail llamilton ,1 nos iv. iseeciier, lr. Piii Lew is. Dr. W. W. Hall, James l'arton, etc. Hari ict lteeclier Stow o, Hriek l'oinerov, John O. Saxe, Maj. (ieiil. Kil- nauick. l'elroleitui . Nasbv, etc., write it occasionallv. Ti rms One Hollar a ye In clubbing," llireo iiist-class jieriodicals are irixcii lor the iiriceol'oneoi tlieiu. Tho wost liberal l'l i-ioium List ever piiblislied No pcni.'i;i ai is inure tii(ut-iul or i.t i.r !! nit ii t b iiit .1 by Hie loess. "Wood's lb.liscli.,.l Mc.La.ioi-is one of the niolill iiiciitx f liiisim-K ciiterprisc wliii-h mark llieaje.' -- Mctlioibsl lloiue Journal, 1'liil adelpliia, l'a. "H lias been improving ever since we km v it - a roi.t! criu-i ion lor the I'lilnn-." Cuuricr, New Marl.et, Can ada. It is a iiiarv .1 of clicnpnc-s and iirsl chisM uualilv coiiiiiiiud.'' New York Times, fspi.-cilticli copy sent free to uny udilic.-.s. M.S. Win. p.V CO., Newbui-li. N, Y. lll.l I'.l'.ll I Ul-f I (0'"?K l:f? ! . , i i--;:. ! V V ' v- . i it-: F A I'I O V to 167 Water Street, ALSO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, PA. In Store with ST A PLUS .r SI It LEV, (iioite Post Office. Till: LARGEST DEALER IN In this poction, including llio following celebrated makes: Chickerinj "r Sons. Steinwav & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurtzman, ami others. WliiryKY A .SLAYTOX'S OJiaAMj A. J) MFLODFttys.TUew Organs anJ Melotlcons are ai-know lodged by all good judges to be the bc?t ami finest fiui.-lic.l Reed Instruments made. This beiiisr the Oldest and Largest House, in tliis sec tion, superior induce ments can nnd will be o tie red to purchaser. Stools and Spreads, Sheet Music, IJ.ioks, and a largo stock of everything store. SMy 5oo voiTjasiM ir otsi:. AGENTS WANTED ron Tlia Library of Poetry and SoTig, lX"!nr; f'hoiee Sclee'ions from tho It 'st I'oels, l-:niil islj, Scoteli, liisli and Ameri tan. Witii an Introduction by WILLIAM CCIXr.X I511YAXT. I'nder whose eritical supervision tho volume was compiled. Tho liiiu-.lsoinest and cheapest subscrip tion book CNt:'.:it. Over SW paires, boami I'uliy piinl' d, choicely illustrated, hand, soniely bound. A Library of over 6W) voliuiies in one book, whoso contents, of no epheiui ral natureor interest, willnever irrow old r stale. It can be, and will be' read unit le-iva.l Willi pleasure by old and vomur, r.s leiiir as ils leaves hold together. "A perfect surprise. Scarcely anytliin ; all all :i luvorile, or at all worthy of place I here, is i.vch-i ted. It is a boo u lor every liousfhnld." .V. r. .V.-'it. "we know of no similar collection in the Knulixh lanuaso which, in copious liessiind felicity ol selection and arnmne meiit, can at all compare w ith it." A. V. Thn-s. Teinis liberal. Pellins very rapidly. Send lor Crcuhii-and Terms to J. 11. l- ll!l) .v CO., l'ark I'lai-e, X. Y. Jimp (I, 1S71. Alleghany Valley Rail Road. XEW I.INKTO llLTKALO TIIHOUGH TI1K OIL KKtilOXS. A AND n0,or Monday Xov. 20, Trains Time) : J v will run us follows ;AHoona SOUTH. Ihv Express leave Oil City at 2 2.'i piu Ari ivot at I'ittshurL'li K P m Niirht Express Loaves Oil City H "0 p in Arrives at Pitisbiireh li 4(1 n in Mad Train leaves Oil City t 4." n in ; Arrives at i'itlll.ur-li (i 00 p in ! i-iian ) Aeeoiu. 1. aves.Oil City 4('0 p. in. i and nr. ivesn' Kiltaimint; 11 10 p. in. I KOHTH. j Dav Express Leaves littsliurj;-Ii nt 7 .VI a in I Ari-rives at Oil Citv at 2 oil p in Ni-jdit I ;xjross l'itve l'iUsl.ure.li MOpm I Arrives atoi. Citv fi l ui in ! M-.il Train leaves ritl.ibur-h 11 .Ml a in Arrives at Oil City 7 21 p in ! Veil. in Ace. leave Kit'.nti!li3 7 l'-1 a in a:i.l ui-i-ivt- at Oil City 1- 20 p in i Kilvcr l'aiiH.-o Sifepin C ars on itii:l,t I K.vrevi Trains, betwreii I'ii'.sl.nini'i and Titusville. Tliiouh ('.nehes on Pay l-.x- press Trains between l'lttslmi-iih nnd llos ton. J.J, LAWllKNfi:, T. M. KlXfr, Gen'l. Sup t. Ass t. rSup't. Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renswei lias stood tie test of seven years before, tio public mid uo prepay utioH for the, littir has )ct bet-n (lis covered that will produce the same benejicittl results. It Is an entirely new seientijie discover) combin ing uianifoftlicmost poieerftil ami restorative, ancnts in. mo vt..-i-A3LK K I NUDUM. It restores OBEY HAIR TO ITS ORICtfiAL VCUTH FUL CGLOtl. It tna!c the scalp white and clean; cures dandruff ami humor, und f:ii2:ri!f out ot tho Imir; iri will mul.-e it. (trout upon bald heads, creed in vei l a,id persons, as it famishes the nutritive principle f,y which the hair is nourished aul supported. It makes the hair moist, soft, and nlosmi. and is unsurpassed as a 11 A I 11 it 11 ES S I -V O. 11 is the cheapi'st preparation ever ojfered to the pu'ilic, as one bottle will ac complish vince and lust lonijer than tliree. bottles of any other preparation. It is recommended and used by the First Mi'tlicul Authority. Tli a Wonderful resulis produced b our Sicilian Hair llcneiver have nd tecd muni to manufacture lriiratious for the Hair, under various names; and, in order to indues the trade and the public, to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by clahniu; they were former part ners, or hail some connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion, w.is similar to ours, to not lie deceived In t.uem. Purchase the oi l'jinat : it. has tnvcr yet been c, nulled. Our Treatise on the Hair, with certiira.'eii, sent, free bi mail. Sec that each battle has our private liercnuo iitnmp over the top of the bozlte. Ail utltvrs are imitations. R.P. !k!ld:Co.,Prcp'G)Nachua) li.H. 15JJ l'j ull 'jni'j'jists a:d L-luLii in .lt icic. FiALCs 5 Meadville, Pa, in tho Music line, can be found at my J. O. HULiIj. Thii Cut illustrates tho manner of Using ' ra PIEROE'3 5 ! Fountain A'asal Injector, jfj Thl Infitnimerit In especially dctlgncd for th, perfect application of DR. 8ACC3 CATARRH REMEDY. It is llio only form of instrument yet invonteit with which Hn ill mi iliiiiio can he can icrt hiah vp and pfrfecllij applUi to all pnrls of the alll-ctcd n ial paVuu'cs. and tho chamhers or cavities coni municatiii thcrewiih, in which sores ami tilcern frequently cxlt. and from which the catarrhal dif charire eincrally prwoeds. Tlio want of sncccpa In treatiu: Catarrh heretofore has wisen lai'Kely from tlio Impossibility of applying remedies lo these cavitiea und cliambera by any of tho ordi nary mclhod. This obstacle in llio way ot ef fecting cures is entirely overcome by the invention of tile Douche, in usiiiL' thin instrument, the Fluid It carried by Its own weight, (no snuffing, forcing or pumping being required.) up oue unstrli in a full (really llowin stream to the highest Jiortlou of tlio nasal pa.siiL'es, imsses into and thoroniihlyclcans csall the tubes ami chambers connected therewith, andflowtoutol thcoppoaile nostril, llsnsc is pleas ant, and so simple that a child can understand it. Full mid explicit l licet Ion ac company each instrument. When used wilh this Instrument, Dr. Sane" Catarrh ltcmrdy cures re cent atiarks of "Cold Ju llic Head by a few applications. firm ptoiim ot Calarrli. Frcqtient head ache, dischariie fallins tnlo ihn at. sometimes rn-fu-e waterv, tlilck mucus, purulent. offensive. &c. In othei-sa'drvnefs, dry. watery, weak or intlameil eve-, stopphiiiup or olistrnctionof nasal passaires, rlii-'lu-' la cars, deafness, imivkins and coutihinK to clear tliront, ulceralions, scabs from ulcers. voice altered, nasal rwan, ouensivo meain, mi paired or total deprivation of sciifc of smell and tate. dizzines, mental depression, less of appe tite, indigestion, enlarged lonsils, ticklinir couh, &c. Only a few of llieso symptoms arc likely lo 1j present in any cue at ono time. ' ) Or. Nairn's f'atarrh lirmrdy, when used with Ur. Pierce' Nasal lloui'lic, uud aceoinpiinied witii tbo cunstitntioiiul treat ment whitu is recouitnended la llio pamphlet that wraps each bottlo of tho itemedy, Is a per fect Fpeclilc for this loathsomo tli'casc, and thy proprietor offers, in Rood faith. SOO rewerd for a case ho can not cure. Tho Hemedy is mild andpleaant touse.contaiuin!; no strom; or caustic dric's or poisons. The Catarrh Itemedy is sold at 60 cents. Douche at GO cents, by all Drnfr rlalit. or either will lie mailed bv proprietor on "ecelpt of fill cents. H. V. FIKUCJJ, IW. D., 6olo Proprietor, 131'rT'ALO, N. V. . CIIAP.LE. A. DV.A. l.daor. She gj;,av -Wccfctg J?mu A SewanoiK.r cl I lie Present Times. Iii!iM.'tc:l for Tooplo Now on EurtU. Iiic!u.:;:- Taraia a. ;:eciiaiac. Merchants, Pro on.U Him, Vt'uikara, Tttlukers. Bud a.l t ul-liu;- ot lliie-i r i.hi. S'U tho Wive-;, &oaa. aud Duulitars et ail inch. (INLY ONE IXI1.L.A3S A VEAlt 1 ONE t'.UNDIiED CtHMEli FOIt 930, Or lo-s than On Cent a Copy. Let there be a C50 Ci-atj i en ry Cost Ollloe. iin::i-v. Ei:i:i,Y tsi's, S3 A tear, of t'n s.mo i it-3 an 1 r-ee.erat characlor at l ib: W'i:KKI.V, but with a irrciter variety cf iu si-cl'a-i.Miiii rea.linr, u itt fnr-iliiilii i:io n'-ivs e-it. fluo.iri-juis ivltU i eater tr.vlijs. boe.mJu it eiiioi iwii-c a r. oel: iiutea l of f.aeo oily. 1112 DAILY Ol'S, ca A YC in. A t'l-fCinne'ittv r.-n 1 ih'o newspape-. wall o a lii.-.-a ere i.ail ei in (lie ivuriu. l-re. ii..t:-im-i.li'iil. a:. d r.-aile i. til (ni llies. Ail tiio l.i-w-. li-.iiil ev. l- lvlu-r 'I i ee!i:s u C tyy ; iiy lii .il, ci.u uij..t:i, or .3 a ur. TO CLUi:3. Ttin WIXJ-.T.Y fii'S. TITO cjpioi, one yjar, sj:iur.i'.e(-.' nf ilres -d. I oar Dollan. Tt:i roi.i-i, one vear. ser ir.itelv a Irtv.s-ed c- . u.l culilUv) tjU.JiJi.Uer UJ 1! 'lull! L. lln D.nlavs. Twenty nonioii. one yc ir. sop iraieif adtl:ered li .a aa tx.ia c..;.y li lite ii'-o-r up ot" e.nto, iiieea uio'iars. l':oy cm 1-s. one venr, to one -. Itlreiis (".pd ilia b-.-uu-l. ei k y olio jei.i-1 . eetler u e ol rliihi. 'i'lili-ly-cliroj Dollars. Fitly i 'iii'i!. ona year, etiair.te:v a idreiicl (and l.ic btu WeeKlj vlo yr irlo irel'er ui o i-lufO, I'hirtr-ti re Uollurs. On" r-nn-lri"1 ro' l'ii, one vear. t ctio ad lre t in -l lUil Ualij lor ouo yo.r lo Oie ireltcr ui of c.u i. tilty uila-ri. Cine lol'i'lre.l rinici, on" y.-ar. S".)aiatly ad-dre-.U'l lainl tliu u.iily ier yn ir to ' in- l'i-i ter uj of clu'jj, tixty ollarii. T:tE l'lve n.i). . HF.HI-WKEZil.Y fc'UX. e yi-ji , septiiatt'lv a'Mie.se 1. .cjtie liollars. n coi ii . n-.e ve;-r tert.-iratel v a l.irobad (and i!. AO i c.-i.- li i,eu,.r Uj nt il III), tMn-cu Uulluri. : vuct: money ti.i'.ei c'."e:;s. or drn-.-r mi Vi-w i- n:e il.-ut li in. l. ttiea tel iki in I' M -1 nr.. V.- : jj -jit.. Y..ri rpy. Ol'llSCUlin: furtho I'urcst P.epubijcun O It will pay. pOUCHE.7 OilCrrrk&AUrshrnyiu'i' ON AND AKTKU Monday Juno fi, 1S71, Trains will run aa follows s nor t 1 1 w Ann tuains. STATIONS: 1st Class. 2d Class. 1 A 111 11 a. in. n. in. p. tn. a. m. a.m. Corrv (I !" 1 1 no jO 8 00 II 10 II HO II fit 10 20 11 no 11 20 n to it :r II M 12 I 'i 7 20 12 20 7 40 12 4 1 7 o."l 1 0."i Spaitansliur;t 1) 'l II 3.i (I 21 (1 :i7 it in (1 f5 7 10 7 2.-1 7 40 7 fi'.l 8 (VI 10 8 2;i 8 .10 8 :s 8 42 is ,M 8 fid ! 00 I) 13 til vndeil ii r,i 1 1 t'entrevillo Tryonvillo llydelown Alt Tilusville 1K Miller l-'ann Shallor 7 HI II W 7 is 1- in 7 i!f 1J 1 r. 7 3.i VI 2 7 12 12 4.". S (i-J 1 (i:l S U7 H 17 8 2.1 8 n :ir 8 40 ; s -ill ; X r:t ; s fin il 10 0 I 'i II 45 ri (i r,;i in 10 u 1 US 1 IS I 'i: l'ioneer All l'et Cent ro i'i: 1 Is 1 8 10 8 20 8 30 1 folumbin 2 10 Tarr l-'arnt Hyiul l'arm Hoiiscville MctTintock AH Oil City II K OleoptOis l-'aulo Hock rresident Tionesla Hickorv I :ts 1 a . 1 40 1 ."'! 2 0.1 2 10 2 .'lit 2 4(1 1,2 !( H 12 :S2 :i n 3 r.s 4 40 2 8 10 II 00 11 di U 20 2 10 2 fv :t o i 3 20 10 l.i 11 10 11 32 3 40 4 4 fill 11 :is 4 ,Mi 12 30 :. 7 1 20 "(1 l.i 14-i 0 43 2 21 7 10 4 01 8 40 Tninkeyvillo M Tidiouto 11 11 lrvincton 1J Ul Al'l'l 1'IONAI. Sl-VONl-r!.AHSTUAlNM-NOVTIT. No. lit Titiisvllle2.ll) p. in.; Miller 2..10: rionecr tl.'-O; l'et Cunlre tl.tl.'lj Colunibi.-i 4.1.1; Tarr l'arin 4.2:1; Itvnd lluni 4.:i" ltouseville 4..1.1; Oil City 6.20. No, S -Corrv O.Ma. in.; Titusville S.tl.1 Miller l-'arni ii.2.1; l'et Centre !. Colum bia 10.1:t; Tarr l'arin 10.1S; ltvnd l arni 10.27; liouseville 10.tl,1; Oil Citv 11. on, No, IS l'et Centre 1.2 p. in.; Columbia 1..10: Tarr l-aiin 2.0.1; I'vnd l-'arni 2.10: Koiisevillo2,:l('; Oil Cilva.lHl, No. 22 Oil City ll.:to ii. in.; Oleopolis 7.2.1; tuiupnM !.!; IriliiKevvillo 10.1, Tidi'JUte 11.11. Noni llWAIlIl TI1AINM. STATIONS: 1st Class. a l . p. in p. ui Jd Class, 1:1 ii n. in. a. ni lrvincton Tidiouto Tninkeyvillo 1 1 ickory Tionesla u -i.i o.'i II II I 7 4 1 "S ft 17 I j tr. l ri in i. 1 1 ii :;i 1 j s-i r.i .Ti 2 IIS il fill 7 'JO 11 8 l"i 111 t S 1 10 -11 8 4 j 1 1 ell 1J President Kaijlo llock OloopoIiH AH Oil City in-: MeClintock llouseviile Hynd l-'ann Tarr l-'arni Columbi i All Pet Contra UK Pioneer Kh.iiler Mdler Pavnt Alt Tilasvi'.lo li B Hydetown Tryonvillo Crntrcvillo (ilynden Spartansburc; C)i iv 2 47 3 15 7 OS 10 0.1 7 Xi 111 .'m 1 o;t 1 50 ft no it i.i ti in :t 20 if ;1 ': :r, :l -10 .1 4." :i -in 3 iK 7 40 11 :!:) 7 eo 11 ft;l 7 ."! 12 00 S 04 12 2"i k io 12 :is M 14 12 It H 21 1 0."i 2 10 2 2 i 2 :to 2 40 2 55 io :) 20 .1 :t i i 8 r.i x :;o 'S 40 M 44 . y 05 1 25 1 45 2 00 2 15 2 45 7 35 4 45 ! 10 .1 05 7 44 4 55 II 2,1 It 20 7 57 ft Ot ! d 4 rt 50 8 05 5 17 !'l ;:l 1 10 'S 1 1 !'5 27 II oii 4 SI) 8 24 ft :'.S 10 02 4 .Ml 8 55 11 10 10 32 ft 10 APlllTIONAr.SKrONn-Cl.ASSTI'.AINM-NOKTII Xo. 13 Oil City 0.55 n. m.; P.ouseville 7.20; Tarr Purm 7.4'i; Columliia 7.55; l'et Centre m.10; l'ionuef 8.40; Miller 0.25; Titusville 0.55. Xo. 7 Titusville O.Ort a. in.; Corrv 11.25. Xo. 11 Oil City 11.20 a. in.; lbinsevillo 11.45; ltvnd l-'arnt 11.5:1; Tarr l-'ann 12.01; Columbia 12,10; Pet Centre 12.20; Miller 1.25; TitiiHvillo 2.00; Corry 4.42 i. in. v Xo. 21 Tidiouto 12.45 p. in.; Tninkey villo 1.45; Tionesta 2.4:1; Oloopolis4.2 5; t)i( City 5.20. (l) Trains do not stop. (J) Stop on signal, (it Ston for meals. Trains 5, 11, 21 and 22 run daily ; all other trains daily except Sundays. X. 1!. Train No. Ill is an Express from Titusviilo to Corry. Hll.VKlt I'AI.Al-ll'st.KKCINll ('Alt THAI Ss Xo. 4 Hired from Philadelphia without change. No. 1 Direct to Philadelphia without i h it ire. Xo. 3 Hired from Pittnlmrh without c!i ino. Xo. li Hired lo Piltsbi:ri;!i without haiv.ro. c. j. ii'.-'.pnnix jxo. pitcaiiix, Siipc-rinteudent, tien'l Miina'er. (. i ,"i T A W Ffl i:: i..or.URii:.VT.s that L'O.-j'o;::', l;o.-'.n.l 1:3 nro p !-i !.rd i u n o v ii i.-ie, t'icro- i . :-. ; et r. t p i-;i .rUoti, 'y rta:i! r:jro fur 5;crofu!a. !i i n ui I i'.rf i", mis, KLounu- i.iii, L..in l.i--"ascs, l.ivt-r Coai i'.'i. t luJ r.!! d.5L::Ai of t!.e M..lJ. ' -1- -1 rrt1l- l-.i 4-1-- 1 . - i.w:.v.l- & viU i'o tiioro -kmmI titan ton Lotties 'J' ' ,vrili'-! f .'-;ar.:apan!la. Lh3 . :h : uuz:.r.z;z:i-D riivsiciANS r;;ivii r.-cii i -or-i.i:uiJiMt'icirpraclico nrvS ';.r l!i,i p ;.. t! ico ye.-irs anil f it ly rl ' ; o.i'.or-ii it nsn r..!i:L!u Aliurutivo li t J .iii.l i.l.oj P-.inficr. n v h:!-T.r.r"-:i'.of!:j'.tim.:t( iCseSy- :);.-.. j. i..,v ,as. r.. v v. o. n xn j. k. t:'.vii.; I.I.Y, ' ;, ni .Nirhii: avi'.le, 1-: v. 5-1. j. L. .s. c. 1.1. A. il. AT.T11A, Columbia, .i'.:;, y.iiecomb, N. c. KuI-CtfCED BY :CSS, I'aUUiver, .' - '.. '.in, jrieh. ...1. l. iiia, u.iia. . Ci i.l"T'.svi!le, Va. ...JLLS, Ulurfixc-s- .-. ;. : i '.. )'. 1 ,.! ).-.. it " A . ; ISA... I.. Ci-r--t- I .-11 1 i u to t!i ' ' M.-ii'-al j a K.tiiii I'-x--r y Jvivo ever it Ot Ui:'(.-.sctl ' v,o s;iv try ill li rctuici ! l l y all DtnT;rist3( v J. e:niitit moi'.i:, Md. COAL! GOAL! ,T.S. EYBBHABT TS Prepared to deliver the best rpiality o 1 Coal at tlio old J-Jcerliarl i:.uilc, t miles front Now inaiiviilo lor , ueiils per or at Tiunc.-ta una viciniiy tor 2 CENTS PEIl liUSIIEL. IIo always has a lar-c supply on hand, Now is the tmio to lay in it lare hupply OrdciS pioiiiitly attended to 2 0 ki"r XStjjV , 'ii : ! H Ii W I x u n A C II I A' Is s . T.iii follow Ino; nrp neleeted front thotis- nuds of testimonial of Nlnillnr clnuncter, ns expressing tlio reasotm for the prefer ence of tlio (J rover A linker Machines over all olhers. "tliko tho flrover .t linker Mn hino. in (he llrsd lilaco, beeatiMO If I had nny older, I should slill want n Orover iv linker i iiMd Imvinir n (irover .v liaKcr u nnswers tho purpose ol ull tlio resi. it does ii greater variety of work nml is easier o learn than mi V other, .Mis. j. c. ri- ly (Jenny June) "I have had Rovornl venrs' expo- rleneowitli Orover A linker Machine, which has c,-iven tne ureal satisfaction. 1 think tho tit-over v. (taker Machine is morn easilv nianaired, nnd less liable to jret out of order. I prefer t lie Orover .V llakerde cidedlv." Mrs. Pr. Walls, New York. "I have had one in tnv family for omr two venrs: nnd f.ioui w hat 1 know of lis workimrs, nnd from the testimony of nianv of ntv Iriemls who use the sumo. I can liardlv see how anvllilnircotild be nioro eonipleto or trivu be'.ler sittisl'acUon." xurs. urn. iiraui. "I believo It to tin tho best, nil thinirs considered, ol an v that 1 have known It is very simple and easily leni tieil: the Howiiur from (he ordinary spools is n meat ailvanlaire: theslilchis entirely rename; it does ornnnienlal work beautifully : it is not liable to irot out of order. Mis. A. M Spooner, lit! ltond M.H'.rooklyn. "T nin acquainted with llio work of (ho principal machines, nml l preicr me OrovcrA laker to them nil. because I con sider the stitclimore elastic. I have work in tlte house which was done nmn years iv' which is still irooil." M is, Pr. Me- Creadv. No. 4:1 Kast 2 !il street. N. Y. ''More than two-thirds of all the Nowlnirdone in mv fnuiilv for the lust two years han been ilcnn bv Orover it: linker's MachiiK. nnd I never had n uarnient ni or need inendinir, except those rents which frolicsome hovs will make to wholo cloth It is. in mv eniiiiiiii. bv far the innsl vain niileof nn'v I have t lied." Mrs. Henry Waril lteeclier. "The (.rover linker Sewintr da- cliino has rendered in every respect, the most perl'ecl sat istiict ion. Il combines so manv ndvanbiTos with beauty of execu tion 'and economy in uicelicil it is n no- cosily in every household." M is. (iovcr iiortiearv. I Inrrisburi.'. Pa. 'I have had tho Orover .V (Inker Ma chine for ten or twelve years in constant use in mv liouso. 1 have seen and known every kind of I-'amily Hinvimr, bolh 1'cr soiial ami household, accomplished up the I .rover A I laker Mucin no, to t he cull satisliu tion ol'all concerned, Kev.Su phen 11. Tyiu. "I lin l Ihe fii-over .V P-.iker Stilch wear nslonu' as the uni tneiits d i out w ear the irarment in fact. Tho Ktilch will not break on bias seams, when stretched, as others do : and neither does it ilinw llio work." Mrs. Pr. Whiliiitr, 4 Last twen ty-l'ourth street, X. Y. The (1 rover nnd linker Sewing Machine Company manufacture both tho l'lasti nnd Lock Stitch Machines, and oiler tlio public a choice of tho best machines ol both kinds, nt their establishments in nil the hu ge cities, and through agencies in nenrly ail towns throughout tlio country Price lists mid samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to T. .1. VAN OILSKX, Agent, Tionesta, Pa PITH OLE VALjLEY R'Y fS AND APTIOlt Monday, June 5, IS71 V7 Trai ains will run as lbliows: TRAINS NOP.THWAIIH. STATION'S. Oleopolis, lleniielt, Woods Prathors Mill Pithole Citv No. 2. 10.25 n in 10.:iH " lo.::o " - bi 4 " ll.od " No. 4. H :i0 p in ii.vh il.is .'1.10 2.50 TUAINS NOUTHWA IU. STATIONS. No. 1. Xo. Il, Pi i hole Cit .', 8.40 n ill l.'.lOpin Piathers Mill 8.4S " l. W Woods 8,5.1 " l.'.l Ceniutt t'."2 " 2.02 Oleopdis (MO " 2.11 All Trains mako close conncclinns al Oh-opolis with trains on the Oil Creel Alleulicnv luver llailwav. North am: South. Two Lines of Sta-res run da.ly between Pitliolo City, Miller l arni ainj 1'lcaMint ville, maki'ig connect ion wit huri-i vin:;aiiil depnitmg I rains. J. 1. Il!.. I K, 11. l K IIA.M, up t. Ticket Agent, Pithole City, Pa. LOTS. FOR SALE! in Tin-: BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., New York City. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ry AND Al'TKIt 11 P. 1 Sunday May ltd leavo the Vy 1. 1870. Trains arrive at and leavo tin Union Depot, corner Wushinton and Liberty street, ns follows A KH IV K. Mail Traiii, l.:i0 a m ; l'ast Lino, 12.12 n in ; eirsaccomiuoilalioii .Mi. i, i .lu n in Kriiiton accommodation No 1, 7.;0 n m; Wall's necommodiition No 2, 8.55a in ;Cin- ciniuili express 0.20 n 111 ; Johnstown ae coiiiiuodalioii 10.50 am; llraddoi k's ne- coiiuuodalion Xo 1, 7.00 p 111 ; Pittsburgh express l.llO p m; Pacific express 1.50 p in ; 11 1111 n accoiIlllliiliaLii'U , -I" I' ill, llomew'ood aecommodatiou Xo 1, 0.;.i p m; Walls accommodation No t, .'i.iii p m lli inton nccominodation Xo 2, 1.10 p in Way Pus-sengcr 10.20 p in. Jll-.CA it i . Southern express 3.20 a m ; Paeillc ex jiress 2.40 a in ; Wall's iicconiiiiodiilion Xo 1, li.liOa m ; Mail Train 8.10 a m ; P.rinton's u-commodation D.20 a m ; liraddock's ac- coiumodation Xo 1,5.10 p In; Cincinnati express 12.:5 p in; Wall's accouiuiodalioii 1 1. at a m ; Johnstown aceoiniiMioation 4.05 p in J 1 lomewood aceoinniodatiiiii No 1, 8.50 n in; Philadelphia express 3.50 p m; Wall accommodation Xo 3,3.1)5 1 in; Wall's accommodation Xo 4, 0.03 p in ; l'ast Lino 7.40 p m : Wall's No. I, 11.00 p in. llio t htirc.n 1 nuns leavo nan h niatuin every Sunday at 0.05 a. in., reaching Pills burgh at 10.05 a. ni. lti tnriiing leave Pitts bui-oii at 12.50 p. in., and uriivo at Wall's Station lit, 2.10 ji. m. Cincinnati express leaves daily. South em express daily except Monday. All oth cr Trains daily, except Sunday. l-'or further information nplvto W. II. P.KCK WITH, Agent. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Cuiopany will not assume unv Hisk lor J luggage ex cept for Wealing Apptirel, and limit their rspoiiMhilily to one lluti'lreit Poiiaisyn ue. All liairgngo exceeding that u ount in value will lie at the ri.sk ol llio ,'ner. unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl Ociicral Superintendent, Altoona Pa. TOP. WOIIK neatlyexocutod at thisoitk'e t ut roasouaule rntos. ADDRESS To tho Ncrvoous AND JD EBILITAT JU JD . YITdtOSKHiilTorin'rs linvo liepn protrnet W ed from hidden tnuses, ami whoso uses require prompt treat nient to render xislcneo desirable: If you nro HufTerln, or linvofmifrereil' from involutilary disi liarxes, what effect does It produce on your iMnprrd lienltliT' Ho you feel weak, debilitated, easily tlrodT Hoes a little extra exertion prodtico pal-' pltation of the hearlT Poos your liver, or urinary organs, or yourkidneyH, froiiuimt-.-ly net out of order T.Is your urino noino tlmes thick, milky or llock y, or Is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick skum rise ti llio lop? Or Is n sediment nt tho lioltoni af ter it has stood nw hile? Ho "you hnve spells of short breathlnuf or dispepsin? Are your bowels constipated? Ho you have spells of fralnlliiff, or rushes of blood to tho head ? Is your memory linparod? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Ho yon feel dull, listless, tnoplne tired of company, or liie? Ho you wiali to bo left nlone, nuay from everybody? Hoes nny liltlo tiling innko" you utiirt or lump? Is your sleep broken or rootless? Is tho bistro ofyoureyo as brilliant? Tho bloom on your check ns bright? Do yon enjoy yourself in society a well ? Do you pursue your bu.slness w ith tho saiuo energy ? Ho you feel as much coiilldeneo In youself ? Are your spirits dull and Hag. giug, given to lit of melancholy ? If go, do not hry it to your liver or dyspepsin. Ilavo you restless nightii? your back weak, your knees weak, and havo hut lit tle appetile, nnd you uttribulo this to djs pepsin or liver-complaint? Now, render, self-abiise, venerpals il euses badly cured, nnd sexual excesses, nro nil capable of produrin? n weakness of tho generative organs. Tho organs of genern tion.wlien in perfect hoaltli.'niiikc the man Did you ever think that those hold, defl ant, energetic, persevering, successful business-men ore alw ays those whoso genera tive orpins nro in perfect health? Yon never henr nich men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of tho henrf. They nro never afraid they cannot succeed iu business j they don't bo conie Mid and discouraged j they ureal w ays polite and pleusant in tho company of ln s, undjnok you nnd them right in tha face none of your downcast looks or nny meanness about them. I do tint mean tlio; o who keep tho organs Inflated by running to excess, Thoso will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those thev do busine-is wiih or for. How- many men, fromdindly cured dis eases, from tho effects ofsclf-ahuso and excess, havo brought nbout that stalo of weakness in thoso organs that has reduced . the geneal system so much as to produce almost every other discuso Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, nnd al most every other form of diseaso yhich humanity is heir to, nnd tho real eauso of tho trouble scarcely ever suspected ' and havo doctored for nil but tho right ono. Diseases of these organs requiro the aso of a Diuretic. IIKLMUOLH'S FLUID KXTU.UT IIUCHU is tlio great Diuretio, uud is a certain curofor diseu-sos of tha madder, Kidneys, (iravel, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakne.sM, Kenialo Complaints, Gcucr al Hel.ity, and all diseases of tho Urinary Organs, whether existing iu Malo or Pn. iniiio, from whatever onuso originutiua, ae.J no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is Bubmiltcd to, Co. sumption or Insanity may ensuo. Our flesh nnd blood uro supported front these sour-es, and tho health unit imitpiness, and that of Posterity, depends upou 1 prompt uso of a reliablo reniedy. Ilelmbold's ICxtraet Kuchu, established upward of lOJXears, prepared by II. T. HLLMliOLD, Druggiht, ft'.H P.roadway. New York, and 101 Ssuth 10th Street, Philadelpliia, Pa, Phick 51.2.1 per bottle or 0 bottles for 541.30, delivered to any ad dross. Sold by all Drnggests everywhere Tvroxic ai:u nr.xriNK i'nlkss 1 HONK TP IN hTKL l.XOUAVED Wrapper, l'ac-sinilo of my Cheinieul Ware house, and signed II. T. HKLMUOLD. !ii-ly I