InisincM nre Democrats by in.t i net ;" rind the. Raving is not one whit the less forcible now tlinu it was four years ngo. lie has since become tlio cnruli date nnd representative of tlio "Sham Democracy," figninst whose dwindling tactics lie warned Republicans then but tlio necessity fur extraordinary nnd systematic eilhrt to defeat their nefarious attempt upon tlio purity of the ballot bos, remains in all its im perative urgency. ' Organization, vigilance, work," on a scate hitherto unknown," he then declared to bo the only means of averting the calamity to be dreaded by tho State and the nation and it is tho only means now. Republicans of Pennsylvania! See well to it that the injunction is not lost. " Make arrangements that will render tho polling of an illegal vote " in any district, no matter how strongly De mocratic, " morally impossible." " Tako care that, no matter what may be the state of tho weather, every Grant voter shall be at the polls be fore noon of election day." "Lookout for the undecided or wavering that they vote for us as far as may be." " Such is the meaning of work." Show Mr. Greeley that you thoroughly un derstand the directions be has given you. Let every man do his best to prevent the frauds he has warned you against, and to insuro the triumph he Las taught you how to win. Hoist him with his own petard. W. R. DUXX ; EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MOKMNfi, OCT. 9, IS J. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President U . S . GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice President HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts. THE STATE ELECTION. AVe go ta press on Wednesday morn ing. We have returns from several cities, towns nud counties. From them we could not possibly tell how the State went. But the following is a tele gram from Russell Errctt, Chairman of the Republican State Central Com mittee, telegraphed as follows, at 2 this morning: Philadelphia, Oct. 9, 2 A. M. McClure gives us the State. Re turns indicate that we have carried the State by at least 25,000 majority. Russf.ll Errett. Attempted Suicide. The following is from the Derrick : St. Petersburg was thrown iuto a state ot excitement about noon to day by the report that a suicido had been attempted at the Monitor House. It appears that Thomas Warren, an engineer, has been paying his address eotne two or three years past to a wo man now employed at the above house His attentions were coolly received and on several occasions iu her pres ence lie has threatened to take hi own life if she did not consent to their ini mediate union. It appears that she not only did not believe that be would put his threat into execution but treat ed him with the contempt he deserved About ten o'clock this forenoon he went around bidding his friends fare well, and said to them that they would probably never see him again. He also requested his landlord, Mr. Fur- rell, to write him an order to the credit of W. II. Warren, of Knoxville, Franklin county, Ta., upon which he borrowed fifty cents, r.nd proceeding to a drug store bought a two ounce vial of laudanum. He then called upon the woman and drank the lauda num in her presence. The alarm was then given and Dr. Davie called in. An c-mctic was ad ministered, but did not operate. The usual trcatmeut was proceeded with, and a galvanic battery used, with apparent success, as the patient now 6eeras in a fair way to recover. The sympathies of the people are with the girl, and a great deal of pity is ex pressed for the poor insane creature who attempted the rash deed but now appears willing to live. We like to see fair statements in political papers. The following com plimentary notice of the Grant Boys we clip from the Jamestown Daily Democrat : ''Last evening the bovs interested in the Grant party, formed at their Club rooms on Maiu tUreet and with torches tvnd martial music marched through seveial streets ot town. "The boys presented and excellent appearance and the display would have done credit to their elders. About 115 were iu line nud if the frequent cheers were any eviduuee of euiho,si a,sni the boys were hearty supporters of the reuomination candidates. Now, Liberal youngsters, it is your turn ut" Another Terrible Accident on an Excursion Train A Man Instantly Killed Near Tryonville. No matter what be the issues of this campaign, the election ot one raiuli- late, or tlio detent of the other, is not worth the terrible cost of mouey and 1 lie daily poured out all over the country. J ho terrible accident that so cruelly crushed the boy Say u few weeks ago is yet fresh in the memory of our citi zens. Thursday evening a worse ac cident occurred on the train bearing the Corry delegation from the Demo cratic meeting at fitusvillo to their horqes. V hen a short distance from Tryonville a man named Slattery fell between the cars and was so horribly mangled that life, was extinct when the body whs found. As he fell he caught and pulled another man off of the car, but, strange to say, lie escaped uninjured. Slattery is about forty years of age, and resided in Corry. Again, as long as money is so freely used, is it not a criminal economy to crowd men, liko sheep, in Hat cars, to save the few paltry dollars extra re quired tor passenger coaches. 1 he "free trains" are generally composed of them. Men and bovs, mauv of them intoxicated, and all blinded with smoke and cinders, pass from one to another, and the wonder is that such accidents do not more f'rcqently ensue. It men must go to these meetings, let them have the accommodation nud comfort due to men not the open cars, not good enough even for the transportation of cattle. Derrick. Before the Bargain. "I saw the other day a suggestion that I would probably be the best Democratic candidate to run against General Grant for President. I thought that about the most absurd thing 1 ever heard or read. If the Democrat ic party was called upon to decide be tween General Gaunt and myself, I knew that their regard for what they must call prinpiplo would induce nine tenths of them to vole against me. Why ? 1 am a decided enemy of that party, even in its most respectable aspects. May it be written on my grave that never was its follower, and lived and died in nothing its debtor." Hor ace ureciey. '"Should my views be overruled and General Grant nominated, I hold his election infinntcly preferablo to that of any candidate whom the Democrats may nominate, fcr a Democratic triumph involves a return to power of the great mass of those who for years plotted the disruption of our Union, and. at length forced the Southern States iuto secession and rebellion con trary to the wishes and judgment of a majority ot their people. Tribune, Aug. 18, 1871. On Wednesday the vigilance com mittee appointed by tho Producers Association, visited every well which had refused to shut down, and re quested them to cease punipiui;, and to theircredit be it said, nearly all did so. lint wheu they came to a illing well on the Shoup farm, own ed by Wni. Hecter & Stephenson they found '25 or .0 men gathered together, full ot whisky, and the black Hug run up on the derrick. They requested tliem to cease operatious, but were met with curses and yells, and dared to come on and shut the well down Determined to use no violence, the committee left, and resumed their la bors. We believe that no violence whatever lias been ottered to any one, nor is it tho intention to do so. Peterlurg Progress. A man named Nathan raxter was seized with a fit of apoplexy yes terday morning, and remained uucon stious for several hours. Dr. Rarr was summoned, and the patient subse qucntly revived. Mr. Baxter keeps an oyster and refreshment stand on Spring street, and is well known in the city as a caterer. He was confined to bed all day yesterday, and up to midnight had not fully recovered from the shock. Herald, Thursday. A voung gentleman in town, who was engaged to be married, broko his promise because he overheard his girl whisper to another, "I have used the weed now two years and won't give it up. lie said be never would marry u girl that chews, and she affirms, with tears in her eyes that she was speaking ot sewing machines. JSews. We always keen our stock full and complete in the following goods Dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes tinwarfe, glassware, stoneware, drugs and patent medicines. Wo also hav a latlonug .Department, where you always iiud a full assortment of clothes and cassimeres, which we make up to order in the most fashionable styles, Call aud examine our goods, styles and prices. We keep the Singer Improved Fam ily Sewing Machine for sale at less than agent's prices. Singer's Sewing Machines take the precedence over all other machines; this company having sold over 50,000 more than any other make during last year, and 2,427 out of 2,944 furnished to the sufferers Chicago were Singer machines each nersuu choosing their own machine. Also the Universal Clothes Wringer, the best, most durable aud serviceable 111 use. Call aud see us; our room limited, but we have the goods aud will think it no trouble to show them. 20 8i'i'i:niOH Lumber. Co. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Cook Stoves, various sizes, fur wood or coal, or both. Parlor and Heating Stoves fojr toft or liard coal, at ftOMNf-ON Cv BOSNFK'S. TIONESTA LODGE VVNf v 'tint. KS .1.6. of O.TP. MKKTS every Thursday evening, nt 7 o'clock, tn tlio Mali formerly occupied by tholiood Templars. M. ITTKT., IN", n. 27-tf. YV R. DUNN, Seo'y SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a Testatum Von. K.x. issued out of tlio Court of ('0111111011 Pleas of Crawford County nnd to 1110 di rected, there will lie exposed to snlo liy imliliti vendue or outcry nt tho Court louse, in tho Imrmiirh of Tionesta, on MOXPAY, OCT. 28Tn, 187:2, nt .1 o'clock, p. 111., the following doscriWd real estate, to-w it : (intes 11. Mnnross nsc of John Mnnross, v. Ira Cnpelmid nnd A. A. Copchmd, Testatum Yen. Kx, from Crawford Co., No. H(l, November Term, 1872 Marsh All dclciiditnts' interest In a certain tract of land situate In Harmony township, Forest county, Pa., iMiunded aiid described as follows, to-wit: Commencing nt a white oak sapling on tlio Tionesta road, south side, tliciH-o north 3 deurrees east 'M perches to a post and stone in Hold, thence south 47 eirrecs oust lt norcMos to a lacK 011K snp- Ihm. thence north 3 deirres cast 100 perches to 11 corner, thence south 3 degrees west 12-1 wrclics to the said Tionesta road, thence v said Tionesta road i perches to the lace of hopnninn. Hounded on the sooth V said road and Iniul 01 p.. 1,. liavis. on tho east by land of K. L, lmvis nnd Honey tract, on the north by land of Oil Co., on the west bv land of A. 1 1 ami v ; containing iirlitv-t wo acres, more or less, with one frame house and frame barn thereon erect ed, and about il acres improved. Taken in execution nnd to he sold as tlio property of Ira Copcland and A. A. Copcland, at tho suit of (fate 11. Mnnross, use of John Mauross. Tonus Cash. E. I.. DAVIS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Olllce, Tionestn, Oct. 3, '71!. AfiKSTS WANTKD FOR ConulN 8 iiin.irM con niTATOR ON THE nini.K, for tho Homk Chicle. 1,200 imscs, -50 Knirravinirs. Tlio liest enterprise of the year for ntients. Kvery lainily w ill have it, JNotliinn liko it now published, For circulars address H, S. oodspeed it Co., 3 I'ark liow, rsew 1 ork. AliHXTS WANTKD for Harriet lleecher Stowc's cnmpniirn book, with lives of the candidates nnd lcadim; men of all parties. 2u steal l'ortraits. 5 to Spi-I) a day rapidly and easily mnde. Write and see. Particulars free". Worthini;lon, Pus- tin A Co., llarttord, Ct. GUARANTEED BONDS. Pavalilo iu New York f'itv, for salo nt prices that will pav over 12 per cent, on the invcs'niciit. Municipal lionds of the lifrhost pudo always on hand. THUS. 1'. '.m.j tV CO., jsunkers, 11 cine St., rew ork. CRUK3S OF COMFORT! CRUMBS OF COMFORT ! CRUIRBS OF COMFORT! S!ovc (sIomh! UNPARALLELED SUCCESS! Over Twentv-l-'our Thousand (Jross Sold III Less than Nino Months, It makes a utovo shine liko burnished silver. Ask your storekeeper for it. If ho don't have it no to tho next store; but don't bo humhiuiKod into buying or using any of the old polishes when' you can got CKUMHS OF COMFORT AT THE SAME PRICK. Every Jobber and Retail Dealer in tho United States has or will have ll for salo. II. A. HAKTLETT A CO., Manufacturers, I'llllU. I'lU ASTHMA. Tho subscribers aro Manufacturer's Agents for It, W. Road's celebrated AS 1 H.MA RlifilKF, tho best remedy for Asthma yet discovered. Instant relief guaranteed or purchase, money refunded. 1 lie medicine is put unln three sizes,whicli retail for 2"o., rOo, and &. Persons remit ting prico will have tho medicine sent free bv mail or express. Also sample sent free to any who desire. KTHRIDliE, TUL- i.r.u a- CO., Rome, if. Are You Going to Paint? Til 13 AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT lias proved itself to tho IIAXTtHOMICST jvNDMOST DURA RLE KXTICUIOR I'AINT KNOWN. Sriinnlo card of beautiful colors and recommendations from owners of tlio finest residences in tlio country furnished free bv all dealers anil bv A FRILL UlEMICATi PAINT CO.. 02 Hurling Slip, New York, or, Cleveland, otiio. DBLITII! RAM UStKATH! Millions ot vounir nnd old (both scxcsl aro tortured daily with disordered Stom ach, lilood, Heart, I.ivcr, Kidney, viz Ague, nervous headache, palpitation, gid diiicss, no energy, dispepsia, catarrh, rheumatism, nouralgir., gravel, weak back, constipation, piles, Ac, Vo. Wo re ligiously commend our iiii.ii'.. j'ACiv AUKS. Never fail. Mailed free for tfl. lloscribe your cane. Circular free. Ad dress City Infirmary, Youngstown, O. $5000,000 IN BANK. GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Postponed to December 7, 1872. TIIK SECOND j R A N 1) til FT CON CERT in tlio aid ot the Pi' LimiA- UY of Kkssvi'KV, announced forSeptem b"r 8, has been postponed to IiF.CF.M 1JKR7, 172, because the accumulation of orders tlio few days before tho drawing mado it physically impossible to till them without ii few days' delay, and as a short postponement was inevitable, it was de termined to defer it to a timo that would make a full drawing; sure by tlio salo of all the tickets. Tho money necessnry to pay in full all tho offered gifts is now upon deposit in tlio F.armers' and Hi-overs' Rank, us will bo seen by tlio follow ing certificate of tlio Cashier: Faiimki:' and Puovkiis' Rank, 1 LoL'IbVil.l.K, Kv,, Sept. 211, 172. This is to certify that there is now on do posit in tiiis bank over half a million of dollars to tho credit of tlio Oit't Concert fund. .-(XI,0()0 of which is held by this bank as Treasurer of tho Public Library of Kentucky to pay oil' all gills to bo awarded at the drawing. R. S. VFACH, Cashier. 1,000 Prizes, amounting to 8500,000 II CVSI I will beawardod, tho highest prizes being lUU,ut0, .t(I,00O, tto.UOO and down in regu lar gradation to $100, which is tho lowest, Tlio drawing will positively and un equivocally take place December 7. Agents are peremtoi-ily required to close sales and inako retiirns'November 23, iu ardor to gi veaniple time for the final arrangements. Orders lor tickets or applications fur circu lars should bo addressed to iov. THOS. I'.. KRAMI.KTTF, Agent Pnblie Library id' Kentucky, Louisville, Ky. . , ..i,ls W A N IKI. Samples U UU free by tiinM, with terms to eienr fiom ?5 to ?to 'per day. Two entirely new nrticlps, salable ns flour. Address ij. II. WHITE, Newark, N. J. 35 A-V IS It College and Musical Institute Opens its Fall Session September 10, 1873. T incut Inn necessible, healthful nnd benu Rooms cheerful nnd comfortable School homolike. Instruction thorough nnd enrnest. Twenty boys received into Seminary Hall on moderate terms. Send tor catalogue to 2(1 lit Rov, R. T. TAYLOR, President. N. V. V Ii A II Ii , WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, TIDIOUTK IF.A.: Ard Dealer in WATCITKS, JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing done in a workmanlike manner and warranted to give satis faction. 41y jQONF ECtlO NA Rl Eg J AS. Mi KAY, nt tho Tost Onice, lias opened out a ehoico lot of COXFECTIOXA R IKS, . CANNED FHUITS, 1 Oli A CCOS, CIO AliU, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. A portion of the patronage of tho public Is rcsspoct fully solicited. 40-tf .I AS. M, Mi KAY. READ! READ' The subscribers having re-rented tho IltVIM'i C.1UST 31 1 M.S. Would say to their old customers, nnd the coiuinuiiitv cenerally, that tliev keep constantly on hand a largo stock ot FAPvlILY FLOUR of all firadeS, Chop Feed, Shorts, Ilran, Oats nnd Obrn. With our facilities for do ing business, v e purpose not to bo under sold by nny establishment in this section of tlio country, nnd w ould say to tlio lum bermen nnd dealers of Forest county, that they can bo SUITLIED CHEATER and more promptly than from nny other point. Imiuediat j attention given to all orders from a distance, E. JONES A. CO. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. :J2 Walnut St l'hila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual Mmt, INLAND I FIRE INSURANCE Assets .Ian; 1, 18(50, fj,8,:t3un 20,000,ono losses paid sinco its organiza tion. WM. 1SUHLKR, Central Agent, llarrisburg, Pn. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. ' Bum TinDIOTTTIE TEA STORE! Tlio place to buy ovory variety of the VERY BEST.TEAS AT TUB L O WEST PRICES, is nt tho extensive Tea Store i.f II. T. CIIAFFZY, where you can always find a largo assort ment oVtho best Teas at Now York prices. A larg assortment of Groceries and Provisions, unequaled in quality and cheapness byany other store in Warren county, always on hand. Tho people of Forest county will save money by purchasing their supplies ui 1111s uiaec. Itcst brands of FA MIL 1 FL O UR, delivered at any depot on the line of the It, R. free. Store on Main St. near tho Depot. Profitable Xmjtloyiuiiiit. Wo desire to engngo a few more agents to sell the world-ronowned improved Ruck eye Sowing Machine, ut a liberal salary or on commission. A horse and wagon gi ven to agents. Full particulars furnished on application. Address W. A. Ii FNDKR SON A- CO., General Agents, Cleveland, O. or St. Louis, Mo. 34-4t TV. HAVE taken tho agency of two ' V machines manufactured at Mcadvillc, ono known as tho Kniffen Mower and Reaper, and tho other tho Atlantic Mower and Reaper. Tho advantages these machines claim over others offered for salo is Lightness of Draft, Ease of MiiiiHjrnifiit, Erunoiny of Tower, Strength and Cheapness Those machines, w ith or without reaper attuchmeut can bo purchased of JJ. W. LKDAMCR, or WM.JJ. HEATH, Tionesta, Pa. They also sell tho TAYLOR STEEL TOOTH HAY ii URAIN RAKE. None better iu use. J ( -:;t THE BOOT AHD SHOE STORE. IF YOU WANT a perfect fit and a good article of Roots und Shoes, of the finest woramaiiKiiip, goto II. I MoCAXCirN, 3J CENTRE STREET, OIL CITY, PA. JtiTSatisfactiou guaranteed, J-33 tf. i'KOi'OiiKD A.iiEiL.ui.,i , CONSTITUTION OF PENNSYLVANIA. Joint resolution proposinunn nntcnilincul to the Constitution of Pennsylvania. lie it rnnrlnl hi) Hie Senate tniii of Jtt'in'c.irntitirc.i vf the mii)mtn'rtilth nf Pcniisilvniiin 111 Ut'nrrut A.ificwtthf tnrt, That tlio followinganieodinent of the Con stitution of this Commonwealth ho pro posed to tho people for thheir adoption or reject ion, pursuant to the provisiousof tlio tenth nrtielo thereof, to-wit ! AMKNOMENTi Strike out tho sixth section of tlio sixth article of tlio Constitution, nml Insert iu lieu thereof tho follow ing: "A State Treas urer shnll bo chosen by tho iualit)cd elec tors of tho Stale, at such times and lor such term of service as shall bo prescribed by law, " Wit. T.I AM F.I.I.IOTT, Speaker of tho House of Representatives. J A M ICS S. RUT AN. Speaker of tho Senate. ArruovKo The twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini nno thousand eight hundred and scventv-two. JOHN W. (iKAUV. Prepared nnd eertillented for publication pursuant to the Tenth Article of tho Con stitution. FRANCIS. IORDAN, Secretary of tho Commonwealth: Otlieo Secretary of the Commonwealth, itarrisimrg, .nine 2titn, ls.-j. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY. At Chester, Helawaio County,-, I'a. (For licsdcnt Cadetsonlv.) Tho eleventh an nual session coinnieiices Wednesday, Sept. 4. Thorough instruction in Civil I'.ngiiieeriiig, the .Mathematical and Nat ural Sciences. The Classics nnd Knglish Is imparted hv West Poinl irrndiintcs and other competent professors. Circulars may bo obtained of Col. Theo. Hyatt, 1'rest. r. ."M. A, 2ll-4t Eaton Female Institute. On Philn. .f- Rait. Central R. It. Kennett Square, Chester Co., Pa,, oilers all the In ducements that constitute n homo in con nection with a thorough Knglish Fducn tion, nt 8148 per school year. No extras pxoopt for instruction In Wax, Music, l.atm, l rencli, Herman, l imiting and I la.ik .('in.. I.'.,. I ..... I. ..ho ..n.l'..lAU ..1" our best New England schools, have been employed for several rears. Inquire of .van 1. swavne,S:iuio w . tsw ayno, t rin- elpals. noRDKNTOWN (N. .1.) FF.MAl.F. li COM.F.UF..- Thorough instruction. Healthful and beautiful location. Ono id' most carefully conducted nnd best sus tained institutions in the State. For terms, etc., address Rev. John II. ltrnkelcv, Ph. 1). 'Jl-4t. ADVERTISING AT LOW RATKS ! Fr S70 per inch per Month, wo will insert nn advertisement in 1-U First-Class Papers in Peon. List scut nn application to 01.11. P. ItoWKM, A CO., Advertising Agents, 41 Park Row, N. Y. CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1872. gents wanted for our Campaign goods. Sell nt sight. Pay 100 per cent, profit. Now Is the time. Send at onco for lcscriptivo irenlnrs nnd Prico Lists of our ! ine Steel ICngrnvings of all tho Candidates, Cain- mign lliographies, t liarls, I'liotograpus, Itadires, Pins, Flags, aud everything suited to the times- Ten Hollars per day easily made. Full samples sent for Address MimiiK iV liooDsCKKD, 117 Park Row, New Yi,rk. l!i-4t. AHF.NTS WANTF.Il for CH AM15FIV LIN'S I1RATCAMPAION HOOK, Tlio STRUGGLE OF 1872; A novelty in Political and Popular Lit erature. AOrapliio History of tlio Repub lican and Heniocratio Parties; a racy sketch of tho so-called Liberal Republi can Party s an inside view of tlio Cincin nati Convention. Tlio minor tickets sido shows of the campaiuu. Tlio finest Illustrated linok Published. A Hook wanted bv every American citizen. To secure territory at once, send fl for outfit. I'nion Publishing Co., Chicago, III., Philn. Pn., or Springfield, Mass, lti-4t V O I.ITI V A I, J O O I S OF ALL KINDS. Fireworks, Flags, lanterns. Torches, liiiilues, i iiitorins, ,ve., ue, .IOSF.PII 11. Pl'RDY, "2 and :tt Maiden Lane, N. Y. Kstahlishod 184:1. EPILEPSY OR FITS. A SURF CURF. for this distressingcom plaint is now made Known iu a Treatise. (of 48 octavo pnges) on Foreign and Native Herbal Preparations, published by lr, O. Phelps Hrown. Tho prescript iou'was dis covered bv him in such a providential I manner that ho cannot conscientiously re fuso to niako it known, as it lias cured everybody who has used it for Fits, never having tailed in a single case. Tlio ingred ients may bo obtained from any druggist. A copy will bo sent tree to nil applicants bv maill. Address Pr. O. Phelps Rrown. lit (irand St., Jersey City, N. J. 'il-4t EICHLER'S RECIPES FOR LIQUORS Contain tlio latest improved instructions lor mixing liranoies, v lusKevs, Ruins, (fins, Hitters, Fancy Cordials, Fruit Syr rups Hay Ruin, Ac., Ac. No ono engaged in the liquor business can ntlbrd to do without them. Ask lor them ami exani ino thorn at tho book-stores. Delivered by mail, on receipt of jej by Aschcuhauch it Miller, N. W'. cor. 3d and Cullow hill Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Index and sample sheets sent free. Nothing liko it iu medicine. A luxury to tho palate, a painless evacuant, n gentle stimulant to the circulation, a perspiratory preparation, an tutti-bilious medicine, a stomachic, u diuretic nud an admirable general alterative. Such are tho acknowl edged anil daily proven properties of Tar rant's J':tl'ervosccnt Aperient. Hi 4 SOLD I1Y ALL DRL'OOJSTS. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE Is tlio cheapest and best article in the mar ket for l;lucing Clothes, The genuine has both liarlow'sand Willberger's nanio on tho label, and is put up at Wiltlx'i'ger's Drugstore, No. North Second Strict, Philadelphia. D. S. WiLTISERUER, Pn prietor. For sale by Druggists and Oro cors, 13-Jt. M1,00 IlKlVAItl For anv ease of Rlind, liloodiii'.'. Itching or derated Piles that Dcltiuu's Pilo Kcni- dy fuils to euro. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by uH Druggists. J'rico, f l.ixi. 15-4 (ilCNTS WAXTKI). Auentu iniike X. more uioncv at work for us tlinu nt anvthinir else. J'articuliii free. Ii. Stin son A Co., Fine Art J'ublinhcrs, Portland, Maine. 15-11 itV (.ELSE tkr.', - ' i O ft Muni 'fit" yw-v t't ,t fiom (Vr..j to iv.'ori'y Mlruto;. ..l OP'.' 'I I I.I! . I I II I .'VAV'S lUAPV H'.l.l I' is ,i I fill; V..15 i:'H!V l-AJN t ..:.,! II .1 i "Ji's Only I "nl n H-iii-!.v i . . i. i' - 1 1 (in -I . ., in .illin. ii i--. :i;'r-i i i:. I ... -.n.i t i. . .ii K- H".. . .1 II. t i- I I li-l . s 'ii r't, J. en er , i , ,.i r..;,ii.., I y I HUM I., I K':ol ii V 7 . Li'H- 'm ,t,.. i vi -. ti,.' i TO Til !T. 'TV J'.M'Til, t I t.r v 1 1 in-inilt.c Ii f ...t II' .ii. .. Ii.n ll-, I rli-l. .1. t.lvl., HI. r. ,'...'7. .Y'3 ScADY vi i. i i !',!! i..siAr i :.. I .1' I . , TilK KION i'A s. in: i. m .i.MtoN oi' in k iii.AMin:. .;; i..'. .1 :on 'i.' tic: hum i:i..-i. i I. - oi:m to oi- nn: u i;:. "Mil' V.I..O . .', el' rn I I. r IMIK I lltn. m.i it i ion nr tiii. ii...v;: r. nv.-'n:r,i: , i-unre, i'ii'imit:t,-'.. i a VAiiiiii, ixn.rrx.A. liKAPA.-i'B, TOOi'll M'll'i n ' i i. i ma.':tMA-ipii. .-.iM.Vt . ;'!!.!. .Ml" : I'll II. I -. 'I'm l i'l . ' : -iel ItclliT I t '.rt w . i -le I liv ..lill l'l lil.livllll M.lM W 111 UlM-Ml f ,.. 1 . rl. '!'... .!..;. 1 1' l.'i' f :l hi". t.'lT i.f w.ilif w I'l 1-, , ir ... . I ,..V ii 1, : I'l i'.. I-'H II M'IIHi II, . 1 '. , -i ! I ' I- .'. I ' ; ' I K, !'l lil-il I. a. . , ,.'. roll'. V I Ml IN 'if:: liov. II.:, ... i . . i. a . iM .s. ; . i ' i .. .... o.i .' n I ..!'--r fla'n.ii 'i . .'. :i ii I'A.i'.ii t. in..-.... i. u. ..i i .ll . .T . '.. fl.'lt, tl;,t; ,. I.I . .1. . Ii H . t .1 :,'..: .' nr I'.'tl, r. ii . II hi 'I! .1.:,:., t'KVi:s5 A ' r Af.t f. ' """V; A : Ai.,'': . .ml f-.l Inl v i . til. T'irtMl I ... .I .1 : .-f. I 111 111 - H.'ll I I'l l! M t.i If I-.- l'Vi , . i in.. I II i.'li r V.i I Hill.. Si t.'i', . .. ....,.! . 1 1, i I e.i.l. il I V li.M'WAV.l .. .1 -. . '. , ,.. IIAI'WAV's 1,'V'AH, i,i,;,l,..i'. ? ; .'; I t' ll l l.oo'i -lM'i l. i' I Mi l.'I'I'I'M' CI fMI SKIN j.t-Ai .'.. : ... m'.i'i.i mu,m;h Kt.niMAi i Al?SArA!-:!.i.!AM RESOLVENT IMS M i': niK :.!iim' at MiiiMi i i iM -. : t t.x i a. : i: a j 1 1 kk tin. t ham. Li Mil-: lt"i-V IM't.ll'.nl I M Til'-: Is J'l.'M'.M'K ('!' ill, i 'Ull'I.V r.M.l.i:!'l l ?.-i:ni. t:.;:, i'.:.vv voiv fay cn Tnoier.c In ricsli THE CCCAV DLOOD PURiFIGC. V'trr i.f t?in H. It ' I .Ll A X ItKSUl.V TNT fi n.iii'ii-r.t.'t I'.i- Itln.Ht, Mit. I ii'.-, mipI lii r tl'ii.! "ul t it- i" ilif t -i m Hi.- tifi.r 1 1 i . ("f H I'..' v ,M tla' I. "iv illi in'w m il xi tu J t rdr-nl, Ft ruT'iiIrt, hv'iI'i, '.i.-ii(i.Ml.., i, hil.r !tM Hut t'U- : mi Hie l iii.'.ti, M-nilh, liMi.Mt, lit I .f lt:itA ' l ctt.rr ('iitii i l' Hi i rvMun, hurt Kv. M'upii"'? 1 't-vViHi r."tn I'm t'.xT, nn. I ilio v or '. f.iil.tA r Sktu .'U.':ti llitit.tii.t K. Kiv.t r-'tvn, K-:tl. llcrwl. Uhi it W.-nn, Suit Itln itin, l .i vf lin Acik , H'.m-'X Sth.:, WorniM In tli. Kl.-I.. Ti-inr, I'linr. In ll.) X'himI', ,(!.l nil Wv tkfi.ttn .tut ininftil ; k -h, .N'lfl.t Svtt;t ). nf Spt i r, :iinl Mil n nlt nl tin' lit.- (iiti-t't-) , rr w I'!!'. Hi v :i it hi- Mini- of thN hp.Iit oi Mih! cr:i Cli.i.itt, n'ni .1 f w tlsc liM-i!l nM t! In nny 1 i n ic ti. i't iH'i.t nt' l!u fw'in i Llba: Ui 1 . t i-v.r I., nr.' IS- II" tl'H !.itn-itf, ilii'- I ci.miJl'C fi'iU'i'l 1T V.u n.i! I'.fi-iijM-IMnii lti:tt I t'.mini;.Hy in ft i-f.-.inp, pito fL-pil" In nm-M int tlni w fisl-. : ml n I'tilri I In- niilh v. il'i p'. t.nlrtl.i: :itf!" I'lMtn l.i-ilttiv IiIiimI aiiU UiU ti.O .'.' A l: C ASM 1.1.1 AN w ifl hi .) tl. r- nwn. .H unlv fl-H- llni NtMir.'Kil.M llrvif TTNT FX' i 1 n-l k vw ii nmiili:il iiLii-ti"- (m tin- rii'i- t'f t liH.ti!.-. Scc-l' I .Hi, .. !' It ill l':i;il, .! ..Ill iIIi a-'lS ; Ltilll is iU. c'ltv for LUfirnoy j r5i;Tcr Crni;JaI! Vr.n'uv, n'i.1 Vutli llrr.vcl. linj.-., St.iuic.jc i.f U .l. r, Im-..i.llt., m-i. nf t rn.r, lllltl f 1)1. fif, Alldliiiliiiiri.i, nml In n'l rM'ti wln-rv tlu-rc titr liriv', ('tin .Ii m-'I's. . r tlm :il.-r lt tl;. k. i !.., ii Kcl ti:i n itnium . 'H lite tii-- l,lt.-nn . in Ilir.-.itU Iti ;,it . tniii. r t'l.-r - 11 1 Him li 1, il it k, rtlllinii ii''"f:ir-tm v.. I i liiti- t'tiiii--iImhI . :i.. Itt-u tlmo I, i (Ti. . .-, 1-iM.l'nr .!:- it'.i-i wii.-n iv..-ln ttittr. nMil i, nit -.t i j t.t 'Tilt .t'rii.- It ; r.!i.l ..S it.,; t:..' !..". 1'r.c1, VOWr.3.-TI:P 1 i.ov.u an.! rurc Kir.n!) f.r it-1'... -ii. 'iuj'c, cc. Cured hy ta;:v.ii) n flScftulvreU Ilium v. Vi Jnlv l.:i. Ti. Ritifir' -f 1i-tt'l Hvnriii Tmnur Iti ilm'in aiii t-My- U. All ! iV ih-r .o. hdv f..r ll." I IrW-t i ry tiling llmt nm rr :. il ; I n nnth-iitf lit 1(1 mf. I tw vnr U- lit, i. Ui'o.tflil I wul.t In il i liil t.i.1 R- fsllS tu H. Imn I IiimI til1V-rtl l.r Invito rrr, Umk rll In itio nf h ltB-.v.ii, una Km . f Um! ' ill, atid t lot tUi j-'.iir Itcn.ty C t mitl llurv I m'-t n ltt cf Ititiiof .- U -n r' frll, ii.-t I f-t Itrliir, k.nartrr. Mm) hnp-lrr limn I limi firthy vr. I ll rt tim...f nm in tdc J, ft id f tha lvli, otr-r lha pf-in. I W'll- tn JU fi.r Ui I IK lit vf wtUn, uu i-tui i.ublUb tl it )w ch. Hawaii r. kxai'P. DR. RAD WAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, rtirfi-ctlv tntoW, fi.cntlr rxitiil Itli t-vocl C'lin. lnr(rf, rfjiu 1 Titf, inirlr-, c i-Bniw, un I Mrvtiirth' n. Iti'l M'nv' J; I In, for tin riins of nil illMtrtlrn of lli MonnKh, I.ivcr, IttiwvK KUIm-vs Ul-vtilrr, )lr-utchp, 'nn1l)lioii, '11 it piii-mi, lM.lkctkon, 1lit' Howt-K rilifi.niiilnll tifraiifjfnitnUi'fUi Vi. hvmx Mil, iiiiiMint-it, luiioujji ri-vrr, itin;miiiitiii(iu rrrn. Hrnuitmt lo t tTri't a iiKWtktcctirf. 1'iirvly 'ita mnlnlnl ifttm merrurv, niliit'nil,nrdwlt-trHiiiiiitii'. iff OIinn'g trj inllfiwliiK nyni-luiua rvnulUnn frum tliuirilftnii)' the VMjrotlvc (r'un: r.tnttllUn, HIIm, Kullnna nf the IUmnI In 1h lltmJI, Ar-Miiy f lha Simmnh, I lrrttiim, hi.(til n jnt, nlln er V ikIiI tn lh M,oin.ii, hour, Mnklnf or Fluttrittf t lh it f lha 8lfin.irh, Swimmlt.f r th llrd, H.imt mid lim.-nlt Urftlhinir. K'uttaTii.f ul Ihr HmtI, lhoktu or SurTx.-atlnit StiHnrn wiirn In Lying rualur. Dlmtit-u i-f VI.I..H, W.h before lh P.bM, Kt ih! Out) fK.n I Hi II.mI, IVIirtrarjr f rrrtrmii.n. YrlluwM of lha Akin n.l Pwo m ih Sl.ta, Cbut, LiiuU, uJ titUdui Fli uf lUnl, Un mi 11 y is Ih Flaih. Jfrwdii-pmof RAD WAY'S rn.1.9 will fit th r. tn.i from all tlt nliovi-ri-ittnil diMinitri. l'rtcv. 35 vcuta i.TtH.K. tiol.ln 1;V iHd iiOISTS. HE A I -FAI.Sli AXh Tit I K." Rml ono Inter an.pluKAI) AY A t'O,, No. 87 Mmtl i tanw. Nrw iuik. luforiuniou ortli tliuusaua will be Kut uu. RIFLES, SUOT-CJUNS REVOLY'S. Cluii niiitcriiilK of every kinil. Writo for Price l.iMl, to i rent Western lun WorkH, I'iltsliiiruli, P11. Army kiiiih nml Revol vers Uiulitor trtuleil i'or. Airents wmitcil. 10-It AHFrMTQ wimteil for "Tlio Pri rtUr.lJ I O ()1 N,.w York," 11, lit Siilo irurv of Inlori-iilion l" rtiiiniiof to its Institution!) mill Olijects of Interest. Ity il l itv Mis sionnry. LiHI Knriivinifs. ' Aifcnls'sell W mliiy. .Just Issued. J'.. II. 'J'UKAT, Pnli lislier, W." liroiulwiiy, N. Y. H tt WANTKD AOKXTS (fcn ilnv) to Bell the cclcliriiteil ll.l.M K Sllt'T TI.K tSKWIXfi MACllINi:. Huh tlio nn-iler-l'ccd, nuikes Hie "lock utitcli." ulikeon botli Hides, und fully lii-cnsod. Tlio best nnd cheapest family" Hewiiifr Mm liine in tlio market. Address Johnson, Clark ct Co., Uostim, rllss., J'itlsl)Ui);li, Iu., Cliicn-atlM-uo, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. ERIE & PITTSBURGH R. R On nnd nftor Monday, Xov. 1,", lS(ii) trains will run on this road ns follows: I.I'.A V12 KIUK-SOUT 1 1 WARD. 111. 13 A. M. AITOMMOD.VTlON I,nn-P Xewcnstlo at 7:05 und arrives nt Pittsliiir'-li 10:1)0 n. in. 10:25 A. M l'lTTsnt'ium kx.. Rtons at nil stations, und arrives ut A. A Ii. W. It. U. Traiibfer nt l:iil . in., at Newcastle at a-.lo I. iu., una ul 1 iimbiirsu ut (i(M) p, hi. 5:05 A. M Ai-coMMon.vTiox, from Junies- town, urrives lit A. A I!. W. K. It. Transfer at .1:40 a. in., nt Newcu.Uo ut 7:05 u. in., und Pittslmi l'Ii at 111:00 n. ni. 5:00 P. M.. Mixed Trniu leaves Krie for Sharon, stoiiinir at nil iiitorniediuto iHiinta und arriving at 10:15 a. in. I.KAV E PITTS 1 1 U HQ 1 1-XORT WA It D. 7:1.1 A. r., Kill is KXi-UKss, leaves New castloat 10:0ti a. in., A. A (J. It. It. Trans fer ut 11:20 n. in., nnd arrives ut at'-';.'W p. in., making closo connection for liiilla io nnd XiiiKiua l'alli. 3:35 I". M. aitom modation, lenv J Xew cnstlo ut 0::io . in, A. it i. V. It. It. Transfer lit 7:55 p. in., nnd Juiuestown ui N::'.n a. in., connects with mixed trains that arrives in Krio at 1:55 a. in. i::!0 v. M.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for 1'rie, and arriving at tiiiard ut l-;;;u u, in. und Krio ut 0:55 it. in. Triiiiisconnectat Kochester with train for W lieelinu' and till points in West Virginia, nnd ut Pitisliiirnh connections fur Pliiladel phia, llarrislmrli, llaltiiuoro and Wasli. inirlon via Pennsylvania Central Itailroiid. JOrio Kxiiress Xortli. eoiiiiects nt (iirurd witli Cleveland and JOrio traiiM Westward for Cleveland, Chieiuio, and all points in tho West ; ut Jie Willi 1'hiladelnhin A: Krio ltailroad for Corry, Warren, Irviuton, TidiouUi, Ac., and with Jtullalo it Jlrie ltailroud for ISutlalo, lninkirk, Xiauara I.'. .11. 1 V X' i. ' " A'Mlia I1U XUW 1 OI K l ll.v. V. X. I'lXXKY. Ueneral Sup't xTit'i:. pvlt. J. X. IlUfyAKD, of Tidiotite, linn -Mr reiurnsa to nis practice aller an ali ui.tic, tf it iii i- iiuiitr lw M,ii,t 1,, ti... if... ..i lalsofXew York, where I will uttmid culls in hia profession. Ollice iu Kiircka liru Store, 3d door ibovo the bank, Tidiouto, J'a, 4ttf JOB WORK 1WNE AT THE 'REPUBLIC AN" OFFICE At Vie lowest rash price, neatly, prompt-' ly, and in etylc equal to thai of a up other estaUinhment in the Ditlrict, BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARPS, VISITIXO ('ARl)f., SCHOOL CARD.1 tVEDDING.CARDS. rFvOGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, HALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, icnveloi'eb,, HILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SHIFTING TAGS, Ac.