The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 02, 1872, Image 4

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    W. H. DUNS ; KDITOlt,
MEDNKSDAT MOKMNfl, (lfT. !, 187.
For President
U. 8. GRANT,
of Illinois.
For Vice President
of Massachusetts.
For Governor,
of Montgomery Co.
For Judge of Supremo Couit,
of Bradford Co.
For Auditor-General,
of Warren Co.
For Congressmen at Large,
of Warren.
of Carbon..
of Cumberland.
For Congress,
of Erie.
For State Senator
of Clarion County.
Constitutional Delegates
JAS. E. BROWN, of Armstrong,
GEO. W. ANDREWS, of Jefferson.
For Assembly,
For Trothonotary,
For Sheriff,
For Treasurer,
For Commissioner,
For Auditor,
For Surveyor
There is a thoroughly matured if
not venerable story circulated iu some
sections of how Pat enticed the bear.
Ho was seen running, gun in hand,
with surprising agility, taking fences
and ditche3, like a steeple-chaser, be
fore bruin. Having reached safety
and the jeers of his friends, he enlight
ened them that he was only enticing
his enemy to more significant defeat
just as, Liberal testimony being taken,
Republicans are now lured to destruc
tion. North Carolina, Vermont, Maine
all of the States where the coalition
have suffered- so heavily it is now ex
plained have only been decoys to
tempt incautious confidence and at
tract pursuit. It is very likely that
when a little more success of this sort
has been attained, as it soon will be, and
when the allies have achieved the feat
of the rebels in getting their foe "just
where they wanted them," they will
find that their happy application of
the story will vanish before a square
ineal by bruin, to which these prelimi
nary affairs have only been appetizers.
If their purpose was what it is now
said to have been, there is, indeed,
some reason for fear. They have en
tieed their opponents to utter, absolute
certainty of success so great that the
Tammany betters could not find men
to hedge with. If this confidence is
an engine of weakness, great will bo
the downfall, and awful brtiiu's morti
fication. But on the other hand, it is
paiuful to think what the result would
be in the eveut of the slightest miscal
culation. Should Pennsylvania, be
used as Maine was, and New York
follow Vermont and others copy the
lead, not even the most notable ske
daddling of the rebellion would par
alled that in November. It is time
for them to try fur their safety, while
there is yet opportunity.
For Sai.i:. To close an estate, two
tracts of laud of about '2000 acres,
situated on Millstone Creek, Forest
County. Heavily tiinOcvud, mainly
hemlock, valutiblo for the bark, and
tsumiosi'd bv irond iudtres to be trund
oil tcritory. Map with particuluri-at
this ollice.
and ordinarily int indent, out.-, i ,
who talk of supporting Buckalew, nnd
yet call themselves friends and suppor
ters of Grant. Such an idea, so foreign
to all the teachings of the past history
of Pennsylvania, so unreasonable iu
its assumed logic, so totally incapable,
ns regards any useful friendship for
President Grant, is not a common one,
and yet it exists, of courso in a very
limited degree.
The attempt to blend two services
which arc as wide apart as are the ser
vices of any other "two masters," has
this practical impossibility about it.
The support of Buckalew is tho sup
port of all the elements of hortility to
Grant; and those who oppposo Grant
in October will have no pnrt in the
helping of him in November. Their
services will then be wholly unneces
sary. Having done what they could
to break down his chances of success
in October, their help will not be need
ed in November. He will sweep Penn
sylvania from border to border, upon
the flood-tido of Republican victory
in October, and the honor of his vic
tory will belong wholly to those who
won it a month before. Men who have tried to defeat Grant's candi
date and advance-guard in October,
and who then come forward with prof
fers of aid, after the grand battle has
been virtually won, will find that
while they can vote for Grant, after
having voted aud worked agaiust him,
they will have neither part nor lot in
tho proud distinction of having re
warded a good and faithful servnet with
the renewed confidence of a grateful
people. Buckalew means, whatever
it may be called, hostility to Grant;
just as Hartranft means hostility to
Greeley. Buckalew offers no reform
or public advantage to the good citi
zens that will not be better secured
under Hartranft, while to advocate
him makes professions of friendship
for Grant useless and idle.
Greeley in Harrisburg.
The State Journal gives tho follow
ing account of the visit of the "Trav
eling Political Mendicant" to that city
on Wednesday evening and how lie
was received by the poor Democrats
who he has so often lampooned in
the Tribune:
Horace, the wonderful, versatile,
ubiquitous and truculent Horace Gree
ley, has been hero and gone. He
came in the midst of a pumpkin gath
ering came wheu all other vegetables
are pouring iu upon us and left per
fumed by tho breaths of men redolcut
with whisky and lager, and whose
thick tongues one short year ago wag
ged at the simple mention of his name,
with imprecations on his head and
awful damnations on his soul. It was
droll to see tho motley crowd peer and
gaze at the great apotate ; and it was
droll to see Greeley attempt the role
of a disinterested patriot. His clothes
looked as though they had yesterday
come from the store; his cheeks glow
ed with the indication of well-assumed
iunocence, and his ample brow glisten
ed with the majesty of a man wearing
honors which in his heart he felt he is
not worthy of. Our Democratic friends
went in couples to greet their new
master. They tremblingly grasped
the hand which smote them so often,
and as they looked steadily into poor
Greeley's white and uneasy eyes, they
inaudibly inquired : "Do I look like
a gambler?" "Have I the appearance of
a sot?" "Do I smell of a sweat cloth?"
"I am no bully, am I ?" to all of which
Greeley, with his usual grace aud
classic style, seemed to respond : "If
any man says so, he is a Jiar and a
scoundrel." Nast ought to have been
on the spot. The leaders of the Dem
ocratic party at Harrisburg looked
most ludicrous as they shook hands
and passed on, they wiped thier hands
on the seats of their breeches,as a pre
occupied man does when he unexpect
edly touches anything by ubich he im
agines he has Lccn defiled. In the
meanwhile Greeley looked as a child
with its first penny whistle. It was
awful to look at his smile. His thick,
bloodless lips were drawn into all
manner of contortions, and his checks
of sallow, pumpkin-like hue, g'istened
with a lever heat ol expectancy and
greed. A more farcical public exhibi
tion of feigued homago to a man ca
the part of people who were in the
habit only a year ago, of cursing and
reviling him, was never seen on any
occasion, it was the hardest piece ot
work the Democracy of Harrisburg
ever did. On their part it was all
sham while poor Greeley took it in
earnest e never in all our life saw
so many men blush aa blushed at this
Greeley receptiou, aud as the echoes
of the whistle which signalled the
train off in reverberations, the sound
of a long-drawn breath issued from the
crowd, as if every man present felt re
lieved that the humiliating spectacle
was over.
We commend to the consideration
of those Republicans who maintain or
profcts to maintain, that there is no
necessary connection between the Octo
ber and November elections in this
State, the following passage from the
New York World in relation to the
mutter iu question :
"If there is any Radical mad enough
to fancy that hi party can curry Penn
sylvania iu November for Grant, after
losing Pennsylvania in of October
through Cameron and Hartranft, wo
stand the nature ol ihe'cl at stake.
They see that the loss or cain of Pcnn
sylvania in October i the win-all or
lose-all of tho November battle. Not
a single coalition paper in the country.
from Maino to Texas, takes any other
view ot tliecaso than this. Jly learn
ing wisdom from their enemies, the
Republicans of the Stato may achieve
a magnificent victory. By persisting
in a delusion, or failing to appreciate
properly the tnomcutnus character of
the struggle, the Republican party of
the whole country may be brought in
to irretrievable disaster. It is not the
honor or shame of the Keystone State
alone that are involved it is the wel
fare or calamity of the nation.
From this time forward until the
closing of tho October polls the air
will be darkened with swarms of false
hood and slander concerning the State
candidates. Thus far, as is known
to every intelligent and reflective miud,
the Confederate campaign has been
conducted on a basis of misrepresenta
tion and calu liny. It is true the shame
less mendacities so industriously hatch
ed and set afloat have, in every instance,
been promptly met, refuted, and ex
posed. This, however, has not deterr
ed their authors from pursuing their
nefarious trade, but seems, on the con
traiy, to have rendered them more un
scrupulous and venomous than ever.
It is conceded by all that Pennsylva
nia is the national battle-ground, and
the October election the national fight.
All the available resources of tho op
position have been concentrated here,
and here their last and worst display
of malice ond vindictiveness, masked
under pretentions and high-sounding
names, w ill be made. Knowing the
weakness of their cause and the vul
nerability of their candidate, BucKa
lew's managers will try to distract at
tention these by scattering their stink
pots of abuse ou every baud. Old lies
will be recoiued, old calumnies revived,
old slanders revamped, and new de
tractions of every character set in mo
tion. Let :io man be deceived. The
issues of the canvass, and the charac
ters and records of tho respective can
didatcs.are before the people. The worst
criticism has failed to reveal a flaw in
the one the most lenient judgment
must confess that there is hardly a
sound spot to be found in the other.
Hartrauft representing "honesty, effi
ciency and integrity," or Buckalew
with his heel upon humanity and his
broad back turned toward tho sun.
That is tho choice. Commercial.
A Radical Democrat.
We have for years held Mr. Greeley
to be an ally of the Tammany Ring";
therefore when he told the Baltimore
Convention that in accepting their
nomination he was "an much a Repub
lican as ever" we believed him. Hor
ace Greeley as a Democratic leader is
where he belonged years ago ; he is
just as good a Republican as ever; and
just as good an one as Horatio Sey
At tho same time, we didn't think
ho was a copperhead Democrat. But
hisswinging-around-the-circle speeches
show he is that. At Pittsburgh he re
iterated strong secession sentiments
and lied about and reviled tho Union
Soldiers. At Newport, Kentucky, he
went still deeper icto tho confederate
mire apologized for the barbarities at
Andersonville and Lilly. . Hear this
new champion of the rebellion.
"We should not wrong each other,
we should not distrust each other,
we should feel that we should not
see any person dealt unjustly by.
Even in this struggle I do not believe
it was tho policy of either paity to
see any prisoner dealt unjustly by.
As a rule, I believe prisoners on both
sides, the people meant that they
should be treated with humanity, as
far as they were able to treat them so.
I think this was the spirit of the peo
ple" We would like to see this infamous
old liar stand up before a crowd of sur
vivors of Belle Isle and Andersonville
and say that. If Grant was not left
without a competitor inside of fifteen
minutes it would be because the boys
had more respect, patriotism and de
cency than the grey-haired apostate
who made this apology for tho Dick
Turners of the South.
Does any one suppose, after these
efforts to bid for Southern votes that
Mr. Greeley would oppose any wish of
the South if he were elected ? No, he
would bo a more pliant tool of South
ern and rebel schemes than Buchanan
wa3. Of all Northern dough-faces
Horace Greeley is thodoughest. Derrick.-
We always keep our stock full
and complete in the following goods:
Dry goods, clothing, boots aud shoes,
tinware, glassware, stoneware, druirs.
and patent medicines. We also have
a Tailoring Department, where you
always fin J a full assortment of clothes
and cassimet es, which we make up to
order iu the most fashionable styles.
Call and examine our goods, styles
aud prices.
We keep the Singer Improved Fam
ily Sewing Machine for sale at less
than ageut's prices. Shiver's Sewing
Machines take the precedence overall
other machines; this company having
sold over 50,000 more than any other
make during last year, aud 2,427 out
of 2,944 furnished to the sufferers in
Chicago were Singer machines each
person clionning their own machine.
Also the Universal Clothe Wringer,
the host, most durable and service-able
iu use. Call aud see us; our room is
limited, but we have the goodi aud
will think it no trouble to show them.
20 HvytRion Limner Co,
Saturday Evening, Oct. 5, 1872,
A grand Republican meeting will be
held at CJarington, on Saturday even
ing, Oct.ith, and will be addressed by
Q. W. Andrews, ono of the candidates
for Constitutional Delegate from this
District, and Dr. Hcichhold of Brook
villc, and Miles W. Tato and W. T.
Mercilliott, Esqs., of Tionesta. Let
everybody turn out and hear tho truth
in its purity, and be convinced who
should properly be the standard-bearers
of the State and Nation.
The County Committee havo made
arrangements for tho following meet
ings :
at Fagundus, Thursday Eve., Oct 3d.
Speakers W. E. Lathy, Esq., of
Erie, and Miles W. Tate, Esq.
At East Hickory, Saturday
Eve., Oct 5th.
Samuel D. Irwin, Esq., and other
competent speakers will be in atten
dance. BEAVEE
College and Musical Institute
Opens its Fall Session September 10 1872.
Location accessible, healthful nnd beau
tiful, llooms cheerful ami comfortable.
School homelike. Instruction thorough
mid enrnest. Twenty boys roeeivod into
Seminary Hall on moderate, terms.
Send lor eataUuiue to
2(1 Ot Uev, K. T. TAYLOR, President.
And Dealer In
Repairing doue in a workmanlike
manner and warranted to give satis
faction. 4 ly
JAS. MeKAY, at tho Tost Ollice, has
opened out H choice lot of
canned fruits,
A portion of the patrnmvgo of the public
Is resspectfuliy solicited.
40-tf .IAS. M. McK AY.
The subscribers having ro-rented tho
Would say to their old customers, and
tho eominuiiitv generally, tlmt they keep
constantly on hand a lai'tjo stock of
of all grades. Chop Feed, Shorts, TJrnn,
Oats and (.torn. With our facilities for do
ing business, wo purpose not to be under
sold by any establishment in this section
of the country, and would say to the lum
bermen and dealers of Forest county, that
they can be
and more promptly than from any other
point. Immediate attention given to all
orders from a distance,
No. 232 Walnut St Phila.
Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual
Assets Jan; 1, 1809, $2,348,32339
$20,000,000 losses paid since its organiza
tion. VM. BUULElt, Central Agent,
Harrisburg, Pa.
MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti
onesta, Forest County, Pa.
8 0m
The place to buy fivery variety of the
is at the extensive Tea Store of
where yon ean always find a large assort
ment of the best Teas at Mew York prices.
A larg assortment of
Groceries and Provisions,
unequalod in quality and cheapness byany
other store in Warren county, always oil
hand. The people of Forest county will
save money by purchasing their supplies
at this place,
liust brands of
delivered at any depot ou the lino of the It.
li. free.
Store on Main St. near the Depot.
1'roiitulilc Kiuployiuiuit.
We desire to engage a few more agents to
sell the world-renowned improved lluck
eye Sewing Machine, at a liberal salary or
on commission. A horse and wagon given
to agents. Full particulars furnished on
application. Address W. A. HENDER
SON .V CO., Ocneral Agents, Cloveland, O.
or St. Louis, Mo, 31-H
Joint resolution proposing an amendment
to the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
llfi it cmtrtrtt hi Vie Scnntc awl Ilnuxf of
lti'ircncntitivc of the t'limiiumucnlth of
ivnnxilrnmtt n tiencrttl Acmtiti met,
That the followingnincndnicnt of the Con
stitution of this Commonwealth lie pro
posed to tho people for thbeir adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provisions of tho
tenth article thereof, to-wit :
Strike out tho sixth section of tho sixth
article of the Constitution, ami insert in
lieu thereof the following! "A State Treas
urer shall lie chosen by tho qualified elec
tors of tho State, at such times nnd tor such
term of service as shall bo prescribed In
Speaker of the House of lieprescntiitivcs.
Speaker of the Senate.
Ai'ruovr.n--Tlip twenty-second day of
March, Anno Iominl one thousand eight
hnndred and seventv-two.
Trepared nnd certificated for publication
pursuant to tho Tenth Article of the Con
stitution. FHANC1S JOKDAN,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Office Secretary of the Commonwealth,
Harrisburg, J uno 2(ith, 1S72.
At Chester, Dclawaio County, Pa. (For
Uesdent Cadets only. 1 Tho eleventh an
nual session commences Wednesday,
Sept. 4. Thorough Instruction iu Civil
Engineering, the Mathematical aud Nat
ural Sciences. The Classics and English
is imparted by West Poinl graduates and
other competent professors. Circulars
may bo obtained of Col. Thro, llvatt,
Prest. P. M. j, 23-4t
Eaton Female Institute.
On Phila. .0 Halt. Central P., It. Kennett
Square, Chester Co., Pa., oilers all tho in
ducement that constitute a homo in con
nect ion with a thorough English Educa
tion, at ?14H per school vear. No extras
except for instruction in Wax, Music,
Latin, French, German, Paiutinir ami
Drawing. Eastern teachers, gradutesof
our best New England schools, have been
employed for several years. Inquire of
Evan T. Swiiyne.Sallio V. S Wayne, Prin
cipals. BOHDENTOWN (N. .1.) FEMALE
COLLEGE. Thorough instruction.
Healthful and beautiful location. One of
most carefully conducted and best sus
tained institutions iu the Slate. For terms,
etc., address Itev. John II. llrnkolev, Ph.
1. 23-41.
Fr ST0 per inch per Month, we will Insert
an advertisement 'in 120 First-Class Papers
iu Pcnn. List sent on application to OEO.
P. UOWKLLA CO., Advertising Agents,
41 Park Uow, N. Y.
Agents wanted for our Campaign goods.
Sell at sight. Pay ItH) per cent, profit. Now
is the time. Send at once for Descriptive
Circulars and Price Lists of our Fine Steel
Engravings of all tho Candidates, Cam
paign Piographles, Charts, Photographs,
Hadges, Pins, Flags, aud everything suited
to the times' Ten Dollars per day easily
tnado. Full samples sent for 3. Address
Mooiie A-(iooi)si'i:i:i, 37 Park How, New
Yi;rk. llMt.
A novelty in Political and Popular Lit
erature. AGraphic History of tho Hepub
liean and Democratic Parties; a racv
sketch of tho so-called Liberal llcpuhli
can Party ; an inside view of tho Cincin
nati Convention. Tho minor tickets or
side shows of tho campaign. The linest
Illustrated Jtook Published. A Hook
wanted by every American citizen. To
secure territory at once, send fl for outfit.
Union Publishing Co., Chicago, III., Phila.
Pa., or Springfield, Mass, P.Mt
1M)LI TI C A I, i !
Fireworks, Flairs, Lanterns, Torches,
Badges, Uniforms, Ac. tte.
32 and 34 Maiden Lane, N. Y.
Established lst.t.
A SURE CUnEforthisdistressingeoni
plaint is now made known in a Treatise
(of 4S octavo pages) on Foreign and Native
Herbal Preparations, published by Dr, O.
Phelps Drown. The prescriptiou'was dis
covered by him in such a providential
manner that lie cannot conscientiously re
fuse to make it known, as it lias cured
everybody who has used it for Fits, never
having failed in a single ease. The ingred
ients may Iu obtained from any druggist.
A copy will ho sent free to all applicants
by mail). Address Dr. O. Phelps Drow n,
lii Grand St., Jersey City, N. J. i!3-4t
Contain tho latest Improved Instructions
for mixing Jtraudics, AVhiskeys, limns,
Oins, Hitters, Fancy Cordials, Fruit Syr
rups Day Hum, c, Vc. No one engaged
in tho liquor husinoss can all'ord to do
without them. Ask tor them and exam
ine them at the hook-stores. Delivered
by mail, on receipt of 2 by As.-heubauch
tte Miller, N. W. cor. 3d and Callowhill
Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Index and sample
sheets sent free.
Nothing like it in medicine. A luxury
to the palate, a painless evacuaut, a geuilo
stimulant to Ihecirt-ulatiou, a perspiratory
preparation, an anti-bilious medicine, a
stomachic, a diuretic and an admirable
general alterative. Such arc the icknowl
edgod and daily proven properties of Tar
rant's Effervescent Aperient,
Is the cheapest and best article in the mar
ket for Dlucing Clothes. The genuine hits
both Harlow's and Wiltberger's name ou
tho label, and is put up at Wiltberger's
Drug Store, No. 2i(, North Second (Street,
Philadelphia. D. S. WiLTlJEKUKK, Pro
prietor. For sale by Druggists ami Gro
cers. 13-41.
" i ,ooo li i:ivA mi
For any case of lilind, lileodin ', Itching
or derated Piles that Delting's Pile ltcm
dy fails to cure. It is prepared expressly
to cure tho Piles, and nothing else. Hold
by all Druggists. Price, fcl.UO. b-l
AGENTS WANTED. Agents make
XX more money at work lor us than at
anything else. Particulars free. G. Nlin
son A Co., i'iuo Art Publishers, Portland,
Maine, Ji-tt
(litis vi:r. (ii(fv I'Ai.vs
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li 'Ji r'ut. .t r. fi.l.i. ItlV", r.'itiiiijit,,ii. tl:ui.ti;!nr
liiMTiM-, rir.'in in II. . Tnti'.tt, Mmilli, I iin.i.r. No.l-n ,-i
I if (iiitH,. :,- oili.p l:irl4 if tlif KVMili', hr KvcH,
.tHPiiiiii I'l-tliiir ft fmt.i tin- r,u nml ll.c Vor-t
I'ttiiH if iliAtMVi, Kiii)itii't:'i. liVii' jSiin-n, bin! I
litn l, i.'' fi-.i, ill, l-.r 1h Li. Ani.-, I'l.u
S. 'n, V.'i.rt:, t'i ill, Hritli, I'uiump, r:iicni in II. 3
W .,tt,, ml ..Mkii,lnK nml rnh fill tii-t lsittr. i, N:)i.
f'H'i.itii, ."v.if ,th, nn.l n'l tiltN(f Kir lllu t'lini'l
f1i, tt- a iili ill ifr- I'ur.ihv a r inffo ( ll.N woiiiU r id Mml
l rn I'liv ii i rl rv ii'ni a ffv i' ut '. ,mvn In hny
.i4n M-n.jt It ft.r iltlur if tl.iso f:ii. f distHJj t(
I H'fiil nuvr tm-ir, tin in.
If tii-t ii:iili-i,t, ibiiv lnonniliic rpiliKorl fcr ht wartr
mil ili'citii.ti..itiin tii:tl tit coiillini;tllv prini'i-.-)nL'. ino
'ti'il in urioni iiirf t(u ie wulns nml r.-tMii i tin- inui i tin
lli tv nui'il'4l inndil fnilii lit'.ilIiiV lofiilbi.U U,i tl.
b USA I' A lit I. I.I AN wilt nml oi- fooirc.
iXut 'iih .int'! iiivj SurAiiii.t.iA Htrot.rrT PTfl
ti'l ktH.w it r 'i ii'tli.'l ri'i-Titfl In lli.i oiiii' f ('limine, Sc-n fl
I. u, ( orllt!i(ni;ul, a:. J Skill (hsvutca tul II li Liie viily
jxiKituucurc f.r
Jc!ney r;j::clilrr Complaint,
Vtiimrv, fit -1 W' Tib illwm k, ()rsvl. pinU-trn, lir.'tsv,
W-M ! ff W ;U rt Im-untim ni-c i-f ITIim-, UrU-l.Tn 1'.-e-i.M,
A ltiiHiittiiirl:i, Mini In n'l ri"R wln rc llitr tin brlvk
'1. tk'tlUMttH, r tilt' wt.icr 4 Illicit,, n.Kctl .'!i liiti tli wtiito nf tm i nf , r llir'niln Itke wtiit.i
nlk. u r thcr li n tnnrM.I, ibrk, lilllmu ni'l-onruiirc, nml
wlilt- limit. nst tU')"ll uii'l wlii'M llirru I.i a irii kiu$
1 i r-1 1 1 1 1 , 'ii-nliiti vlion iMttitiif wstfi.Mnl j.iiti 1st
bisnll .f t:i. It t'-i; aii.l Uiu Is Ins, I'ricv,
VVOS? MSi T- orly tuor. n vau ure Kcmcuj
for vt iitti m, 'J'jjw, no.
Cured 1) Un&Uvay'H KcMilvcnt.
Irnar, Mm., Jm)t It.
Pt. Ttrtwir -T litvn li l lit-mtiii Tini'.-r In Cir'miulMi i4
V-'Wfli, All IS tti-t'U rc id " tlir wm tin hrti ir It." I tru.l
ivfn llilnc ihut ut rvi-.,iTiiiirTi,ld : lul noilnnf lifld m. I
Mr 'your It--., an,! ihouiflil I toulil Iry II : lnl hail no fi'tH
It, It, bii'ftu'v I liil iirfrrwJ f-r Inalv r. I timk lis bottln
of thr Ufflv"t. Kti.1 Uix tf ItaiUnv'i MHi. nd two Ul
tl" nf ymtr llfs-ly Itrlirf ; mini ll.erw U not tln ..f lutnnr ti' h
tvru it hit, ml I ft-- brltrr, tmitirr, ami tmfl'Ur than I h
ft'rtwiilta r. Ti4 t..ft in lit.. I. ft tilr f (ht
twlf, kvm Hi frri.ln. I rtt tld tw ji-u ur Ui ImUmUI tf
cUitn, Vatt ta yublith It if i on tlun.
iianxah r. KXArr.
rrfictlr tntl!W, f'piraiitlv ennted with im-oct fum.
ynrs ncut:ilt, .urffv, Ci-niiw, tint ltU
V.-UY i TilK fur tin1 'iim rf H illwrtli'm uf ilia Stonmcli,
I, Ivor, IttiA-cl. Kirtnevii, lllinltlrr, ervols lst-awn,
llo.itlnrlip, ''oimii-atton, 'itlvcniML Ituhffi'Kiion.
lvspQ nit, nilioiuiitiL Hillnu K-viT, Itifliuimialiim of
tliv rtow-i'lft. rili'.tiii(lnlt Inmtiprnn'titi'flJ.c lnlt'itnil Vln
ccra. Warnmtwl to t-tTitt ft )'nMtl cciiro. purvly Vrprta
tli,'iu mi iiifrciirv, inh.vrnN, nr rtclfU'rinns iliujni,
tf H'riTo tii fi.;i'jwini( nviiijituiut rcu;tinif fioui
I)tsonliT of the lUpestlvo Oijrnus:
r.nitlptinnt Inwirit IUIm, KullnrtJ of tlt fllr"1 la iht Md,
Ai'lJtiv ,tf ihn SIxtrtKih, Niuir:i. Hilt.iim, Hmul of Kowl,
Kullntu or Wtlttrit Iu ill Stduikrll, t.i m UlUnii, (Kiikinn tr
Klniurinijr l () Pit of lli SioTiimti, Sw linininn vl lb H.-l,
lltinleil and Hiftl.-ult Rrthin(, HulUrlnif it Hi lUirt, Chnkin
ft Kuffih'liiirStitatinii wlirn in Lvinn l'otur, Plmit o
VUUn, HoU r WrU brrt the Sictil,'Fvvr and Dull Pa.n t
Head, DHnrv of rrlrat(.n, Y-llowna of the 8sin
an.) tw. Tain in () Pld, Clil, LiuU, mai Middco FIuIim vi
iifai. Btirniiif ia tbt Hnh.
M frw dOhM of R ADWATTa riT.T.S wIP (V tlie tr.
tern frumnll (tte alunp-tiumpd riiimlc. IMce. caitt
RKAD KAT.SK ANI Tltl'E." Pond nn Htr
tftiiipto RADWAY & CO.. N. 87 MaMen lane. w
1 ork. lnruituUua worth Utoiuan Ji ill bo ct ytm.
v.i I"':: : n-n wioii-invixas.:
Oun nmtorinla of evorv kind. Write for
l'rii'o List, to (i rent Wostcrn Oun Works,
Pittsburgh, I'u. ArniyiiiH ihkI Ucvol-vi'i-s
bought or trailed for. Aj,'unt wtmtrtl.
ARFNT for "TlioIlriislitSIilo
nuiIH I O of Now York," a Ml.rm v of
Information jieruiinimr to its IiiNtituttoim
nnd Objofts of Inmrpst. n City Mis-
Bionary. iMl lOmrnivinKn. ' AirrntVholl 40
ndny. Just Issuod. K. II, TitKAT, Pub
lisher. o.i Itroiulwiiy, N. Y. 'M-it
WANTKI1 AOKXTS por dav) to
8ll tbo iTlcbratfil IIOM i: S1IUT
TI.K SKWIXd MAC1IIXK. lliwtlipuii-(lor-fced.
nuikos tho"lork stitch." alikoon
both sides, ami fully licensed. 'J'lio best
and cheapest family Hewinjr Sfm-liino in
the niiiiket. Address Johnson, Clin k C
Co., lloslon, Jlnss., l'ittsbiii-L'h, I'u., I'biea-2CJ4-KO.
111., or St. Louis, Mo.
On nnd after Monday, Nov. in, isr.9
trains will run on ibis road as follows:
11:55 A. m. acc-om modatiox Ioaves
Xewcastlo at 7:05 andarrives at l'itt.sbnr"li
10:00 a. in.
10:25 a. sr., rtTTsnriKiii kx., stops nt nil
stations, nnd nrrives at A. it O. W. Ii. II.
Transfer at hio p. m., nt Newcastle nt 11:15
1. in., and at I'ittsliuruli ut ti;0o p. m.
5:05 A. M., accom modatiov, from James
town, arrives at A. .V (J. W. K. It. Transfer
at 5:10 a. in., at Newcastle ut 7:05 a. in., and
Pittsburgh at 10:00 a. in.
r..(Wl n I M!v...l 'IV.,!,. !.... !! r
- t ..-... .....ii mi, ri i-.i jy ,(lr
Sharon, stopping at nil iuteriiiediato points
iitittiiitiiixui.ii7.iju. in,
7:15 A. sr., krik kxphks.i, leaves New
eastleat 10:00a. in., A.&;. W. It. I!. Trans,
for at 11:20 a. in., and arrives at Erie at 2;:t0
P. in., making close eoniuictlon for liulfii
lo anil Niagara KulK
ii-M't v. St. accommodation', leav 3 New
castle at ti::iu p. in, A. it O. W. It. It.
Transfer at 7:55 p. in., and Jamestown tit
8:H0 a. in., connects with mixed train that
arrives in Erie at 1:55 a. in.
0::!0 l'. si.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for
Erie, and arriving at Girard at 12::i0 a. in.
unit Erie at 0:55 u. in .
Trains connect at ltochester with train for
Wheeling and all points in West Virginia
and at Pittsburgh connections fur I'hiladnl'
lihia, Harrisburgh, Haltimoie and Wash
ington iu Pennsylvania Central ltailroatl.
Erie Express North, connects at Girard
with Cleveland and Eric trains Westward
tor Cleveland, Chicago, nnd all points in
tho West; ut Erie with Philadelphia it Erie.
1 tail road for Corry, Wrren, lrviiiLton.
lithoule, kc, untl wiih llutlalo A- lOrio
ltailroad for Jlulfalo, Dunkirk, Niagara
i alia und Now York City.
l'". N. KINNEY,
Genorul Suii't
DIt. J. N. liOLAlil), of Tidioiito, ha,
returns.! to his pructic-o alter no ab
sence ot p.ur mouths, spent in the llo oi
talsolNew York, wliero l. will uttund
calls iu his jirofession.
Ollico in Eureka Drug Store, 3d door
bove the bank, Tidioute, I'a. i'tf
At tl'C lowest canh price, neatly, prompt'
ly, and in ttyli equal to that of any
other cttahlishmcnt in the District.
33 OXTaff LY 8TATI3M K.TK,