w. n. duxx ; kditoii, MDUSD.IT MORMJifi, (1(7. !, 18J. 'HATIONftL REPUBLrCAH TICKET. For President IT. 8. Gil A NT, of Illinois. For Vice President HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET For Governor, JOHN F. HARTRANFT, of Montgomery Co. For Judge of Supreme Couit, ULYSSES MERCUR, of Bradford Co. For Auditor-General, HARRISON ALLEN, of Warren Co. For Congressmen at Large, HONGLENN I W. SCOFIELD, of Warren. GEN.CHALES ALLBRIGIIT, of Carbon.. GEN. LEMUEL TODD, of Cumberland. REPUBLICANiCOUNTY TICKET. For Congress, CARLTON B. CURTIS, of Erie. For State Senator DAVID McCLAY, of Clarion County. Constitutional Delegates JAS. E. BROWN, of Armstrong, GEO. W. ANDREWS, of Jefferson. For Assembly, II. II. MAY. For Protbonotary, J. B. AGNEW. For Sheriff, T. J. VAN GIESEN. For Treasurer, FRED. GLASSNER. For Commissioner, JOHN THOMPSON. For Auditor, L. WARNER. For Surveyor S. D. IRWIN. -There is a thoroughly matured if not venerable Btory circulated iu some sections of how Pat enticed the bear. Ho was seen running, gun iu hand, with surprising ogility, taking fences and ditches, like a steeple-chaser, be fore bruin. Having reached safety and the jeers of his friends, he enlight ened them that he was only enticing his enemy to more significant defeat just as, Liberal testimony being taken, Republicans are now lured to destruc tion. North Caroliua, Vermont, Maine all of the States where the coalition have suffered-so heavily it is now ex plained have only been decoys to t'emrit incautious confidence and at tract pursuit. It is very likely that when a little more success of this sort has been attained, as it soon will be.and then the allies have achieved the feat of the rebels in getting their foe "just where they wanted them," they will find that their happy application of the story will vanish before a square meal by bruin, to which these prelimi nary affairs have only been appetizers. If their purpose was what it is now said to have been, there is, indeed, some reason for fear. They have en tieed their opponents to utter, absolute certainty of success so great that the Tammany betters could not find men to hedge with. If this confidence is an engine of weakness, great will be the downfall, and awful brum's morti fication. But on the other hand, it is painful to think w hat the result would be in the eveut of the slightest miscal culation. Should Pennsylvania, be used m Maine was, and New York follow Vermont aud others copy the lead, not even the most notable ske daddling of the rebellion would par ailed that in November. It is time for them to try for their safety, while there is yet opportunity. Fort Sale. To close an estate, two tracts of laud of about 'J000 acres, situated on MilLtone Creuk, Forest County, Heavily tiuiOeved, mainly hemlock, valuable for the bark, and supposed by good judges to be pood oil teritory. Map with particularsat this ollioe. and ordinarily ink iut nt o,,,t.-, who talk of supporting Buckalew.nnd yet call themselves friends and suppor ters of Grant. Such au idea, so foreign to all the teachings of the past history of Pennsylvania, so unreasonable in its assumed logic, so totally incapable, as regards any useful friendship for President Grant, is not n common one, and yet it exists, of courso iu a very limited degree. The attempt to blond two services which nrc ns wide apart as are the ser vices of any other "two masters," has tins practical impossibility about it. The support of Buckalow is the sup port of all the elements 0 hoftilihj to Grant ; and those w ho oppposo Grant in October will have no part in the helping of him in November. Their services will then bo wholly unneces sary. Having done what they could to break down his chances of success in October, their help will not be need ed in November. He will sweep Penn sylvania from border to border, upon the flood-tido of Republican victory in October, and the honor of his vic tory will belong wholly to those who won it a month before. Men who have vait.ly tried to defeat Grant's candi date and advance-guard in October, and who then come forward with prof fers of aid, after the grand battle has been virtually won, will find that while they can vote for Grant, after having voted aud worked agaiust him, they will have neither part nor lot iu the proud distinction of having re warded a good and faithful servant with the renewed coufidciico of a grateful people. Buckalew means, whatever it may be called, hostility to Grant; just as Hartranft means hostility to Greeley. Buckalew offers no reform or public advantage to the good citi zens that will not be better secured under Hartranft, while to advocate him makes professions of friendship for Grant useless and idle. Greeley in Harrisburg. The State Journal gives the follow ing account of the visit of the "Trav eling Political Mendicant" to that city on Wednesday evening and how he was received by the poor Democrats who he has so often lampooned in the Tribune: Horace, the wonderful, versatile, ubiquitous and truculent Horace Gree ley, has been here and gone. lie came in the midst of a pumpkin gath ering came when all other vegetables are pouriug iu upon us and left per fumed by the breaths of men redolcut with whisky and lager, and whose thick tongues one short year ago wag ged at the simple mention of his name, with imprecations on his head and awful damnations on his soul. It was droll to sec tho motley crowd peer and gaze at the great apostate ; and it was droll to see Greeley attempt the role of a disinterested patriot. His clothes looked as though they had yesterday come from the store; his cheeks glow til with the indication of well-assumed innocence, and his ample brow glisten ed with the majesty of a man wearing honors which in his heart he felt he is not worthy of. Our Democratic friends went in couples to greet their new master. They tremblingly grasped the hand which smote them so often, and as they looked steadily into poor Greeley's white and tineas? eyes, they inaudibly inquired : "Do I Iw.k PkV a gambler?" "Have I tbeapptiara.ee vi a sut?" "Do I iniell of doll r" "I ara 110 bully, ami)"' toiuJof nikl Greeley, with Lis usual gra; tz.i classic style, teemed to mpttj : "If any man says o, he is a J.r to 1 a scoundrel." Nast ought ti LTt betn on the Epot. The lender vf lie Dem ocratic party tt Harrburg looked jaost ludicrous at itt-j shock hands and passed on, they wiped thier hands oa the feeaU of their breeches, as a pre occupied mzu does when he unexpect edly touches anything by nhich he im agines he has been defiled. In the meanwhile Greeley looked as a child with its first penny vhistle. It was awful to look at his smile. His thick, bloodless lips were drawn into all manner of contortions, and his checks of sallow, pumpkin-like hue, g'istened with a fever heat of expectaucy and greed. A inure farcical public exhibi tion of feigned homage to a man au the part of people who were in the habit only a year ago, of cursing and reviling him, was never seen on any occasion. It was the hardest piece of work the Democracy of Harrisburg ever did. On their part it was all sham while poor Greeley took it. in earnest We never in all our life saw so many men blush as blushed at this Greeley reception, aud as the echoes of the whistle which signalled the train off in reverberations, the sound of a long-drawn breath issued from the crowd, as if every man present felt re lieved that thu humiliating spectacle was over. We commend to the consideration of those Republicans who maintain or profess to maintain, that there is no necessary connection between the Octo ber and November elections in this State, the following passage from the New York World in relation to the mutter in question : "If there is any Radical mad enough to fancy that his party can curry Penn sylvania iu November for Grant, after losing Pennsylvania in of October through Cameron and Hartranft, wo stand the nature of the hazard at stake, They see that the loss or gain of Penn sylvania in October the win-all or lose-all of the November battle. Not a singlo coalition paper in the country, from Maine to Texas, takes any other view 01 me case man tins. J$y lcaru ing wisdom front their enemies, ihe Republicans of the State may achieve . n . . . . . a mngnincuni victory, liy persisting in a delusion, or failing to appreciate properly the momcutous character of the struggle, the Republican party of 1110 wnoie country may be brought in to irretrievable disaster. It is not the honor or shame of tho Keystone State aione mat are involved it is the wel- fure or calamity of the nation. From this time fbrward until the closing of the October polls the air w ill be darkened with swarms of false hood and slander concerning tho State candidates. Thus far, as is known to every intelligent and reflective mind, the Confederate campaign has been conducted on a basis of misrepresenta tion and caluaiuy. It is true the shame less mendacities so industriously hatch ed and set afloat have, in every instance, been promptly met, refuted, and ex posed. This, however, has not deterr ed their authors from pursuing their nefarious tr.ulu, but seems, on the con traiy, to have rcudered them more un scrupulous and venomous than ever. It is conceded by all that Pennsylva nia is the national battle ground, and the October election the national fight. All the available resources of tho op position have been concentrated here, and here their last and worst display of malice and vindictivencs.", masked under pretentions and high-sounding names, will be made. Knowing the weakness of their cause and the vul nerability of their candidate. Pucka- lew's managers will try to distract at tention these by scattering their stink pots of abuse on every hand. Old lies will be recoiued, old calumnies revived. old slanders revamped, and new de tractions ot every character set in mo tion. Let :io man be deceived. The issues of the canvass, and the charac ters and records of tho respective can- didates.are before the people. The worst criticism has failed to reveal a flaw in the one the most lenient judgment must confess that there is hardly a sound spot to be found in the other. liartrauft representing "honesty, effi ciency and integrity," or Buckalew with his heel upon humanity and his broad back turned toward tho sun. That is the choice. Covunercial. A Radical Democrat. We have for years held Mr. Greelev to be an ally of the Tammany Ring ; therefore when he told the Baltimore Convention that iu acceptinz their nomination he was "as much a Repub lican as ever" we believed him. Hor- ace ureeiey as a JJemocratic leader is where he belonged years neo : he is just as good a Republican as ever ; and just as good an one as Horatio Sey mour. At the same time, we didn't think ho was a copperhead Democrat. But his swiuging-around-the-circle speeches snow ne is that. At t'lttsliurcu lie re iterated strong secession sentiments and lied about and reviled tho Union Soldiers. At Newport, Kentucky, he went still deeper icto the confederate mire apologized for the barbarities at Andersonville and Libby. . Hear this new champion of the rebellion. e should not wrong each other. we should not distrust each other, we should feel thit we should not see any person c.t unjustly by. Even ia tii tirv?z'. I d not believe it was iLe j'.'kt of either paity to hot i.ty jrj.:r.tr Jia.t uciustlv bv. As a rs, I wilcvt prisoners on both t;2. lis p:j,Ie meant that they thrall Le tre:eJ with humanity, as r u thy were able to treat them so. I thick this was the spirit of the peo ple." We would like to see this infamous old liar stand up before a crowd of sur vivors of Belle Isle and Andersonville and say that. If Grant was not left without a competitor inside of fifteen minutes it would be because the boys bad more respect, patriotism and de cency than the grey-haired apostate who made this apology for the Dick Turners of the South. Does any one suppose, after these efforts to bid for Southern votes that Mr. Greeley would oppose any wish of the South if he were elected? No, he would bo a more pliant tool of South ern and rebel schemes than Buchanan wa3. Of all Northern dough-faces Horace Greeley is thedoughest. Derrick.- We always keep our stock full and complete in the following goods : Dry goods, clothing, boots aud shoes, tinware, glassware, stoneware, drugs, and patent medicines. We also have a Tailoring Department, where you always fiuiJ a full assortment of clothes and cassimeies, which we make up to order iu the most fashionable styles. Cull and examine our goods, styles and prices. We keep the Singer Improved Fam ily Sewing Machine for sale at less than agent's prices. Singer's Sewing Machines take tho precedence over all other machines; this company having sold over 50,000 more than any other make during last year, and 2,42" out of 2,944 furnished to the sufferers in Chicago were Singer machines each person choosing their own machine. Also the Universal Clothe Wringer, the best, most durable aud serviceable in use. Call aud see us ; our room is limited, but we have the good aud will think it no trouble to show them. 20 Srj'tHion Li miiek Co, . .... ..! vua.iuilil iiKLLi 1 AT jcLAIMNOTOiV, Saturday Evening, Oct. 5, 1872. A grand Republican meeting will be held nt Oarington, on Saturday even ing, Oct.r)th, and will be addressed by O. W. Andrews, one of the candidates for Constitutional Delegate from this District, and Dr. Heichhold of Brook ville, and Miles W. Tate and W. P. Mercilliott, Esqs., of Tioiieata. Let everybody turn out and hear the truth in its purity, and be convinced who should properly be tho standard-bear ers of the State and Nation. The County Committee have made arrangements for tho following meet ings : at Fagundus, Thursday Eve., Oct 3d. Speakers W. E. Lathy, Esq., of Erie, and Miles W. Tate, Esq. At East Hickorv. Saturday Eve., Oct 5th. Samuel D. Irwin, Esq., and other competent speakers will be in atten dance. 13 13 .A- v ic n College and Musical Institute Opens its Fall Session September P0 1872, Location accessible, henltlifut and beau mm. ItomiiN cheerful mid comfortable. School homelike. Instruction thorough mid earnest. Twenty boys received iiito semnmry linn on moderate terms. Semi lor catuUMrue to 20 Ot Kov, H. T. TAYLOR, President. S. .'. Is A. It I , WATCH MAKERS JEWELER, TIDIOTJTK 2?J, Ard Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing doue in a workmanlike manner aud warranted to give satis. taction. 4 ly QONFECTIONARIEg T AS. Mi'KAY, nt tho Post Olllce, has " opened out a choice lot of CONFECTIONARIES, CANNED FRUITS, 10BACCOS, CIGARS, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. A portion of the patronage of the public is resspectfuliy solicited. 40-tr .IAS. M. McKAY. READ! READ T The subscribers having re-rented tho onld say to their old customers, mid tho commuiiitv generally, that they keep constantly on nana a largo siock ol FAMILY FLOUR of all praties, Chop Feed, Shorts, rtran, Oats and ( brn. With our facilities for do ing business, wo purpose not to be under dold by any establishment in this sci-iion of the country, and would say to tho lum bermen and dealers of 1'orestcountv, that they can be SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. ImmediitW attention given to all orders from a distance, K. JONES &. CO. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, X';.:?,i Waiuut St Phila. Incorporated 1704. Charter Perpetual MARINE, IKLim FIRE INSURANCE Av-ui Jan; 1, lv,J, 2,51i,3.339 $21,000 0 X-itA in it orjfjtrii tion. W.M, hLHLi.Jt, Oniral Agent. Harrisburg, MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest Couritr, Pa. 8fim TIZDIOTTTJIE TEA STORE! The place to buy overy variety of the VERY BESTnTEAS AT THE L O WEST PRICES, is at the extensive Tea Store of II. T. CIIAFFEY, whore you can always find a large assort inent of the best Teas at New York prices. A lar g assortment of Groceries and Provisions, unequalod In quality and cheapness byany other store in Warren county, always oh hand. The people of Forest county will by purchasing their supplies save money at this pluce. Bust brands of FA MIL Y FLOUR, delivered at any depot on the lineof the It, It. freo. Store on Main St. near the Depot. 1'rolitnUlc Kiuploy intuit. We desiro to ongago a few more agents to sell the world-renowned improved Buck eye Sewing Machine, ut a liberal salary or on commission. A horso and wagon given to agents. Full particulars furnished on application. Address W. A. II EX DICK SON CO., OenerHl Agents, Cleveland, O. or St. Louis, Mo, Cl-H OF I'liNlslaSCLV A- Joint resolution prnposlnituii amendment to tho Constitution of I'cunsylvania. lh' it cnttctni liy Ihe Semite nml llnuxr n f(7YwiiMfiiTA the ('iimmavurnlli i IVinmilrniiid in i.'rnmtl Ax.vemlilu m.i That the tbllowiuirnmeiiilment of the Con s'ltntion ot tills Commonwealth 1 in uro. posed to tho people for thheir adoption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the icuin article liiercol, to-wit : AM K.N-DM KNT: Strike out the Rixth section of the sixth article of tho Constitution, and Insert in neu increoi mo louowinir: "A SlatoTrens urer shall bo chosen bv tho nimliilort oln.. tors of tho State, at such times and for such lei ni oi service as shall bo prescribed by 1UW, WILLIAM KLT.TOTT. Spenkor of tho House of Representatives, JA.MI.NM. IS U TAN. Speaker of the Senate Arntovun-'-Tlio twenty-second dav of .March, Anno Domini one thousand eight nnnuiea anu Movent v-t wo. JOHN V. CKAltY. Trepared nnd certificated for publication fxirsuaui 10 mo tent n Article of the Con sti t u t ion . r II AN CIS J OH DAN, Secretary of tho Commonwealth Olllco Secretary of Ihe Commonwealth Jlnrrisburg, J uno alth, 1S72. enivaniT1iuTa ACADEMY. At Chester, DelawHio County, l'a. (Tor ivcsiiciu i anctsoniy. i rno eleventh an nual session commences Wednesday hept. i. thorough Instruction in Civil l-.ngineortng, tho Mathematical and Nat lir.il Sciences. Tito Classics anil Knglish is imparted by West poinl graduates and other competent professors. Circular may bo ohtauicd of Col. Theo. Hvatt 1'rcst. 1". M. a, 23-41 Eaton Female Institute. On rhila. Halt. Central It, It. Kennett Square, Cliecter Co., l'a., oilers all tho in dnceinent.s that constitute a homo in eon nectton with n thorough Knglish Kdttca tion, at $H8 per school year. No extras , .x. ,v 1". I lirl l ill", ion 11, HA, 111USIC, Latin, French, Herman, Tainting ami Drawing. Kastcrn teachers, gradutes of our nest, iew J'.ngiand schools, havo been employed for several vcars. Inquire of Kvan T. Swnyne,Sallio V. KWayno, Triii- ciriaii). nOHDKNTOWN (N. .1.) FK.MALE -U COI.LlXiK. Thorough instruction Healthful and beautiful location. Ono of most carefully conducted and best sus tained institutions in the Stiite. For terms, etc., address Hoy. John II. llritkclcy, l'h, I. :l-4t. ADVERTISING AT LOW It A TICS ! Fr 70 per inch nor Month, wo will insert an advertisement in 1-0 First-Class Papers in i cnn. i.isi sent on application to ur.o. P. UOWKLL A CO., Advertising Agents, 1 1'ttlK Uow, i. v. CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1872. Agents wanted for our Campaign goods. Sell at sight. I'av 100 nor cent, nrollt. Now is the time. Send at onco for Descriptive i trcuiars ana t'rico Lists ot our r mo I steel Kngravings of all tho Candidates, Cam paign liiographies charts, Photographs. Madges, Pins, Flags, aud overvlhingsuitod tc the tunes' Ten Dollars per dav easily niado. Full samples sem for Address Moouu & tioonsi-KKD, :i7 I'tuk How, Now Ycrk. l'.l-4t. AGENTS WANTKl) for CHAMBKn- LIN'3 CI HAT CA MPA1UN HOOK, Tho STRUGGLE OF 1872; A novelty in Political and Popular Lit eraturo. AOraphic History of the Hcpitb- iienn unit lieniocraiic I'ariies ; n racv sketch ot tho so-called Liberal Republi can i-any; an inside view ol Ihn Cincin nati Convention. Tho minor tickets or sido shows of tho campaign. Tho finest Illustrated Hook Published. A Hook wanted by every American citizen. To secure territory at once, send pi for outfit. I'nion Publishing Co., Chicago, III., Phila. l'a., or Springfield, Mass, l!i-4t FOLITIt'AL JOOIS OF ALL KINDS. Fireworks, Flags, Lanterns, Torches, lladges, C informs, Ac.. Cc. JOSKPII II. 1'L'itHY, 32 and ,14 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Established lsi:t. EPILEPSY OR FITS. A SURE CUHEforthisdistressineeoni- plaint is now made Known in a Treatise (of 4S octavo pages) on Foreign and Native Herbal Preparations, published bv l)r, O. l'hclps Drown. The preseriiitiou'wus dis covered by him in such a providential manner that he cannot conscientious! v re fuse to make it known, as it has cured everybody who bus used it for Fits, never having failed ill a Kingle easo. The ingred ients may bo obtained from any druggist. A copy will bo sent free to all' applicants by mail). Address Dr. O. Phelps Drown, 'il Orand St., Jersey City, N. J. 1M-41 EICHLER'S RECIPES FOR LIQUORS Contain the latest Improved instructions for mixing Itrundics, Whiskeys, Hums, Oins, liilti rs. Fancy Cordials, Fruit Syr riips P.av Kiiin, Ac, Ac. No linn cngaued in the liquor business can all'ord to do without tlicm. Ask lor them and exam ine them at the hook -stores. Delivered by mail, on receipt of ?J by As.-liciihauch A Miller, X. W. cor. ,(d and Callowhill Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Index audsamplo sheets sc-tit free. N'otliiiifr liko it in ntedieino. A luxury to the palato, a painless (tvueuaiit, a (jontlo stimulant to tlioeiri-ulatioii, a pcrspiralory preparalion, au Kiiti-bilious liiudieiue, u 8toinaehie, a iliuretut and an admirable Koneral alterativo. Much ure tho Jeknowl edped and daily proven properties of Tar rant's Kllerves'eent Selt.er Aperient. It) 4 HOl.l) liY ALL l)HUUtii!ST.S. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE Is the eheapest and best artiele in the mar ket for lllueinx Clothes. The Keniiine has both Itni low's and ViItbei'(;er's naino on the label, and is put up at Wiltberer's Drufr Store, No. 2il, North Second Street, Philadelphia. D. H. WiLTllKKUKlt, Pro prietor. For Bale by Druggists and (iro cors. 13-41. l''or any easo of lilind, lileodin ', IteliiiiK or L'lerated Piles that Iiellins's l'ilo ltem dy fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to cure tho Piles, and uoiliiiiK else. Hold by all Druggists. Price, fcl.OO. 10-t AtiKNTS WAXTHIl,-Agents mako inoro money at work lor us than at anything else. 'Part ieulars free. i. Ktin soii A t'o., l'iuo Art Publishers, Portland, Maine, d-tt CONSTITUTION NIA. f?AfiTr.ELIEF :r. s ok iv iwi.ns to f wonty MlnutoG. OV MOtfE? chics vi: ilrt from One t.'OT rPxr rvut!:',i' m J flirt :a:v.Y'8 i;t .;;v IS f-.l.l 1-K I;, A (Tl'.E roil Ml W n il l'i ti iii'" r r i .il'., i . '! Only li INmikmI y ,11., .1 t'Xi'ltl, itliiii: r t tl.,.1 I, in wra,;ii ti.'i IN I liOl ONK Ti TV, l-VTT VlNfrK. ' I I ' .v vi. lv'it ir i v, I ,!:. li'id llii' i.,.n' tli 'il'.! ATf, !.!,; I I-1, 1.11 n" S'.iViiV." I. .'in, - J" J r,,. :i,.. ,1 . ..i , . , ,s. Il, ;v, r'lll,'!', r:;:.-AY'S rs'vjy f:el:e:s- VI I, A' HIIMI I.V-Y.VNT E.V:.." t. V.M K II X?V-. INI' MVATI" Ol- I'M 10 ULAl'?:"!. 1 I.AMMAiiON 'H-' Tin: tiowixs. or. 1 1. OAT, in iii.s i ion i ,. 1 1 r r; i rx- i ll I I.T Hil'. HIiVI. IT, Vl li in or Till-. lil.Al'.T. , l.li 'i Tlil iMA. CA i Mll.ll, IXKM-KN7A. VTIK. rit.M.'ifA. ttllKPMAT.'ilU. V cilll.l -. fn-i l(rM-r .' Mrt.or iii, I,v i,tl ki.-.ip in ml, ,( iiy-;iri;i :;::.-.ti.. : I I , ( iU'l'i vo.i-i co' ti r::;v s, A,.i '1 ', ;.. e , i rr !:. ..I ,1 i1 '-'if -i ,ni..l, r i.f -it, Ml In ,'., ' '"' t r V NAZI'S, M'A-.N,.-,. V,it li sl,iM ( II. IM. Kill' I.N, .l k III. l..l UK. 1HAHKIU ! !'. I r.rti . i . , i . i . '. Wi.mi i, .lit. inn.i,i..N' i.ii ii.i; tSTKI.NAI, l'A!N. 1 1 ,.- .. , - ;'. ".,l at.M. ': r-rlt'o'llr Rn.:int,l B tti lii'll.-f mil C A f iv itioi hi i,.n, .i I li.i.-T.t I. ,i, j..,r.. I', mi ,.,,.,, ,,' x ,, .-. It ... 1.. U. :i..in Kr c'l !':,u, iv ,,r ll.lu r-, ;i, ti HI i'ntli.u.t. i'T:V!-;i au a;i i:. n:vn ami aui v. ,',,r.-,i r,.f i-1, t'i.ti-i. ' .i r,"i' "li,l ni'ci.t II, II. v.,il, Hi ,l nlil cim- l v, r 11 J i,. hi, I .11 ,,ti,i , v.i.i I.,,,., iii:i,.. . s, ,,, i t,. .:, . ;i. i.:.il . Hi, v 1", , , is iii lv l!A!i AV S vii i.'-i ... ,i i, . i!i.ir linM i i.::.:i::. i in, i ,.i.i j .r - '.;.'. s 'il i, ii: v -j-. i. :, 'BEAUTY!! .1 , ! . ,.t r" I N n, Vvi.il,','' ei 'ii)-r;,-':i;,if ,: -IT. I Al! Ms l Mil l KKU TO ALL. 6? AD WAY'S J-AnSAPARiLLIAN RESOLVENT i: w ' i'hk vnr .sr.)Ni-Hi(i rniKS i t-1 I- K. I.-AI-H A 'iHK l..l;i n k in. i v Mi;:ij,i'i,'i rii::; ihk in. ki-iiUINi-; Til AT find Voi(;Ju a Goon and Tclt. t::e crl:at ci.ooo purefse. 1 .Ir.. nt tint SAUsAf.Mill.i.IAN KK(',. r.L 'Il 1,1'HMt-lt, 1 t'u.'M.'tt lllf '.. tj, SiViMt, riilf, juiti i ii, ?r iini.is ;tui in..-! i.rti:. !v-.ioi:i UitM ...ii .f i.r.v, I t It it'iKiliw lln; w;i:,t. s -TiUi l..ily m n.-w ouim . n -.h rUl. c-t r. fi.l.i. i hi'.-, ri.Mniu.j.'I.Mi. nr.n.ltilnr tiiMTt-c, T'lr.-trt in U.o TtiiM.it, M.Hitli, l uii.t.r Ni.J.'h -i t .' (il ihi).l .1 otlu-r irl. f tll iVltUi, hMftl Kv.. M.iM.i-nm 1 'l-clinrir n fMm tin I'.'.i iunl ll.p vir-t ('"dim '-r Kl.i.i tJi.,.-n. H, Knit'tii-ifi, Sm-n, bn! I llfv), i.'i.tc X t, Silt Itli.'tiiii, i:rvM.t Acnf, I'l.nx -. 'n Vt'H!i I't (In Hculi, Ti'Hi.ir-t, ruiicp! in H.9 W iiii", ji".t ml i-c:,ki itlnji niiil iti:ftit i:!-i l;iti.i ?t, Xlzh f'wi .H I. nf ;..-rnt, in-t n'l it-U t df Ihr tlt; t'litKl Ilo, n- within Hi-.- vnr.Uivo r ui(to vt IliN wt.inkr mi M' tl trn Clu tiisUr, fi'i.i f-w i!;:u' itm a HI .rM t to (tuv .'.n ii-n.rf It f-.r i Kin r tf tlasc f.i'u.j uf liiscitM iu I ul ('Mwt v l i t'ir. tin in. If th. imiln.t, ilallv l.oponiliiir trd'Kftt tlic vn.rfcil at il lU vi'tii'ii.-lliiiii thi't li I'oiithiitiillv pn.rt-lt'c, Btn lovils in ;rit'niii!tf tin wall's, Mill rfpAirs the twiint ilit lien- mii;ll m:nto fiti'n lit'.tltltv I'lix.il uLtl (Jiis U.t b. USA VA KII.1.IAN iH nml tinro (.cittrc. i'ct fiih lines tiiu SurAHiu.iAf HorvixT ft'l l.ii..w n r i irtllM p.rr'it? in l he otiri- of ChiMim. Sort.fi l-'ii-, ('oolltutiiMi.il, it:,vl hkitt i!:svatf9 ; Lut II U tue uitl J'iiN,,(v euro fur Iticluey & t;j:;c!tlrr Complain, T'minrv. n"l :h i!hpp , Urnvrl, Jirnj t.v, W'tiwr W;iUr, (iM-Mial.nn.tM.f ("Hue llrktlifn I'i't O't.tf, AH'tiiiiiiiurlx nml In w'l ewn xvwrc XUvrr- nrv brlik tlnM UtM'oxiiK, ir tin wi.lcr tliick, fli.ti.h-, ii.lxe.l iinl'st.iitci- Uici tli wdili- t.f mi (ti-, ur thn-utl IlKp wliil.i nik. ii r titer-' li a nmrlikl, ttnrk, I'lllun n)i''iirnrp, nml vvliltc lnnu tlnt iU-HtiH, uii't vliin Ihrru U a rli liiiitf, I'lirninif tiJ-'li'ti vlini i. i-ltiir i stvi, rn.l ni-i in tonnll nf t!i H id; along thu LmIiis. i'l.Vi, ti.eo, VVOSMS-T!h' orlr kuown iiutl sure Rvmctlr fiT It Vl !,k4I Hi, 'JlJf, CtC, Titmctr or It3 Vcnrs Growth Cured by ISis JivityN Kcvolvcnl. Ilvna.r, Mim., Julv I. Pi. nniT 1irn ti.t I'vuiUn T:irvor tit Ciri.im W i.r) UwfU. All IS I). '.'lor f-ttii "lliara wat tin hH. dr It." 1 triv.1 irjr thing ih ui rv oiiiinfti.lt d ; )mt pollmiif me. I Mr yntir K-f tnt, a.t.l ihnntfl.t I w.uli( Ir? Il ; )nt ht no tit II, (Miitii'i) 1 It. I nlWrJ for Kvli- r. I dxik li boltlri of tho Krt.vit, ml on Itnx of tilin'l rill. atiH two tx I tin nf y.tt K"'ly Hliff ; anil lY.ttv it n-tt tliru f ttnni.r tt tm rii ur hit, mit I fr- brlttr, tuntlrr, ami iHi-.;r Ihnti hi fortwt.lv. wri. Tli W..r-l tum.-r In tli.. lift t.(r of Ih'i t'wrl, Ui" (tr.ln. I rtf tli I a you ir Ul toU ut oUtii. You n imUuh It If yuu ilio -f. IIANXAH P. KVAm. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, Frfoctly tnMrlw, cleirajitlv coMeO with nwr-ot cum. I'tirj.-, n'Ku.;itt, I'lirifv, vtrnitHf, an I rslrmittlnn. Ki-1-vv I fur tin mrt of all tll-tnrUt'w of the Mnmucli Liver, H..vi'l, Ki'Smn-1 IMsiMrr, voll IHsi-usvb. l(i ntirl.fl l 'niiiili.uil.,1. I'H..... .1.... ivpo nli, B'lUm.iifs. liillfiu Kt'vvr, IrifliiHiiiiation ol ilu' Bowcln, I'ii',r)itl;in lUnnikMnn'iilNrfUif Inti-inul Vln rcra, AVurnmtwl to ptTt-ct & "Mtlvo am. Fun-ly Vcpeta. Lli'.mtifr-.ljilnc tin r.HTfnrv, inli.vmlB, r tlelftrinnstlni. t& OMt'rvo tli fMiinwinif m-nii.toiua rcuitliiji fiyu DisordiTB of the ltletllvo Orrrtns: Cmttlpttinn, !nw.M Ml, Fnllnna of tn Blrl In the 1 Tf, Aii.lliy of tha Simfch, Nbuii. lUill-iirn, Piiirutl of Knwt, 1'iilliitH or WalKtl 1u tli Stomarri, S-.ur Ki u. tutl.m. Cltiklti i,r rlntunttf kt thm Pit of th 8totnah, Swlinmltiir i f the H Hitrrlut and I'lfTirtiH Rrvaihiny, Mmwrlnit l th lUr, Ohoklt. jr huffiH-AtinK Srtiiatlnn wbm in Lslng I'uclur, ttitinMoi VUiun, loU or WrU bTar iht Biclil.'Fcrcr Dull 1'n.n ( Hr, rfl.Hr,. v ft rr-.lrmUoti, Yrllawnw of th Ham ift t v.t, rin m t) Pld. Cliwl, Litutx, sudd& I'IuiLm d Jioit, BurnltiK in tb Flnh. J few done of RADWArS PIIXS will tlit irs- HKAD FAr.SK AXIt TltrE.' Pcnfl one IctW mpto RAl'VVAY A CO., Nn. 87 MftUlcn l.ane. New 1 oiiLt lufuiiUKiluu worth UtotuanJi will la tct yuu. RIFLES, SHOT-GUNS KEVOLV'a Otin materials of ovorv kitnl. Write lor Prico List, to (i rent Western t!un Work, PittKburiili, I'n. Army vriins nml Hevol Vt'rs butiuhtor tra led lor. AiruntM w!inti.l. 10-41 AGENTS r "Tho Itt-iulit Siilo Ol'lf " U 1 Tlkl-MI'S' S, Inforimition DertiuniiiLT to itn Insitino!,.,... nml UlijcftN of Interest, llv n I'itv Mis sionary. 2IHI li-npravinirs. Awnt kcII -10 a day. Just IsmiioiI. K. It, TUKAT, l'uli lisher, 8U.' llroaclwav, N. V. atl-Tt WA N TK 1 A C. K N TS (i'J) per ,lnv) to Hell tho eeleliiati'd HOMIC .S11UT TI.RNKWJXG MAC1IIV1.' li.wii iler-l'eed, makes tho"loek Htiteh." alikoon lioth siiles, Hit.! Cully lieensoil. Tho best and cheapest family Sewinjr Maeliino in tho iiiiu ket. Address JoluiKon, Clink C (o lloston, JIass., l'ittsburKh, l'a., t'hiea-2t24-ito, 111., or St. Louia. Mo. ERIE & FITTSBDRGII R. R On and after Monday, Nov. ir, isrtfj trilitlH will run iI.im ,.l ; .1 1 LKAVIi KKIK-HOUTIIWAHI). 11:5 A. l lIV'riMunillTln., 1 . ------ 1 ui-uses Jseucastlo at 7;(i5 and arrives at Pittsbur "h 10:110 a. in. 0 10:25 a. M., rirrsnt-noii :x., stops at all Htal;ons, and arrives at A. A ti. W. 1. It. Transfer al 1:50 p. m., at Newcastle at y:15 p. 111., and at Pittsburgh at l):0up. m. 6:05 A. t., aoi'om MoDATiox, from James tow n, arrives at A. A (I. It. It. Transfer at 5:40 a. 111., at Newcastle ut 7:05 a. 111.. and Pittsburgh al lo;oo a. 111. 5:00 i". m.. Mixed Train leaves Krio for Sharon, stopping at all intermediate points and arriving at 10:15 a. 111. LHAVH PITTS II L' KG II NOHTWA It I). 7:15 A. M., r.niK i:xeui:ss, leaves New castle at 10:00 a. 111., A.k(J. W. It. I J. Trans ler at 11:20 a. m., and arrives at Krio at 2;:i0 P. in., making closo connection for liulla lo and Niagara Falln. :i::l p. M. accommodation-, leav 2 New castle at G::io p. m, A. ,fc (i. W. It. Ii Transfer at 7:55 ji. ni., and Jamestown ut N::io a. in., connects with mixed trains that arrivos in Krio at 1:55 a. m. 0:-i0 r. M.. Mixeil Train leave Sharon for Krie, and arriving at tiirard at 12:.'J0 a. in anil Krio at 0:55 a. m . Trains connect at Uochoster with train for heeling and all points in West Virginia and at Pittsburgh connections for Philadel phia, ilarrisbtirgh, lialtimoio and Wash ington via Pennsylvania Central ltailroad l'.rio Kxpress North, connects at Girard with ( leveland and Krio trains Westward lor Cleveland, Cbieau'o, and all points in tho West j at Krio with Philudelphiiut Krio ltailroad for Corry, Warren, Irvingi,,,, lidioute Ac., mid Willi Itullalo A- Krio Ui road lor Ilullulo, Dunkirk, Niagara I-alU and Now York City. l'. N. KINNKY, General Sup't Tlt. J. N. 1IOI.A1II), of Tidioute, ),, 1J returns,! to his practice aller an ul,. sencool (our mouths, spent In the llo oi talsolJSew York, where l. will attend calls in Ins jirulessinn. t mice in Kiircka g store, :!d ,,,r bove tho bank, Tidi'iule, Pa. t;tf JOB WORK DONK AT TIIK 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At t't' lowest crxnh price-', neathj, prompt ly, and in gtyla equal to that of any other eatablixhmciit in the District. BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW GAUDS, VISITING CARLS, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDIXG CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, ENVELOPES RILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, PLANKS. POSTERS, DODGERS, IIANDIULLS, LAPELS, BHIPl'ING TAGS, Ac, i