' J . . .. .... , ; . --M . an., : "' 1 11 ' ii i i i . .,. . NATURE'co HAIR RESTORATIVE hi n R 4 cwm o ,.ic suLniunXo SUGAR OF LKADXo L1TII Ah'OXo XI Til ATE OF SJL VFIl, and is entirely free from the l'oisonoug and Health-destroying Drugs wed in other Hair Preara tiont. Transparent and clear ns crystnl, it wil not noil tiio lincst fabric, perfectly SAFF,. CLEAN mid EFFICIENT dosiderntiims LONd SOUGHT TDK AND FOUND at LAS1 ! It restores and prevents the lfnir from becoming Gray, imports suit, (flossy np ponninco, removes Unndrun". is rool biuI refreshing to tiio bend, checks the Hair from full ing off, nnd restores it. ton great extent when promn'.nvely lost, pi c vents Headaches, euros nil humors, entaneons eruptions, nnd unnatural iient. AS A HUESSINO FOH Til K H AIH IT IS TUK BEST ARTICLE IX TIIU MAHKKT. IK. G. SMITH, Patentee, Aver, Mass. Prepared only hy PHoCTl.U lilloTH EHS, Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is put up inn panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of the article hlown in the class. Ask your Druggist for Nature's Hair Itestorativo, nml take no other. .j-tfSond two three eent stamps to Procter Hrothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it con tains is worth $5U0,00 to any person. "WALLLIS I M Y I M r R o v D M A U I C R O V K D IMPROVED M A O. I C MAGIC IBALM! W. II. PERKING fc CO., Sole. Propri etors, Franklin, Pa. 44 Profitable Kniploj manl. Ve desire to engage a few more agents to sell the world-renowned improved Buck eye Sewin.' Machine, nt a liliernl salary or oil coiiim ,.m. A horse nnd wagon given to agents. I oil particulars furnished on application. ddress V. A. HENDEU SON A- CO., General Agents, Cleveland, . or St. Louis, Mo. 34-4t ESTATE OF CON RAP LEDAMUP., late of Hickory Township, Forest County, deceased. All persons indebted to said es tate aro requested to make immediate pay ment. And thoso having loual claims against tiio same, will present them with out delay in proper order far settlement, to JOSIAH W1NANS, j E'"to"- 643-t THE BOOT AFD SHOE IF YOU WANT a perfect tit and a goon article of Hoots and Shoes, of the. lines! workmanship, go to II. I.. McCAXC.'irS, 80 CENTKR ST MEET, OIL CITY, PA. .IB-Satisfaction uruaranteed. 2-23 tf. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Water Street, ADJOINING THE HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor. Plcturps taken in all tho latest styles the art. 20-tf J. C. LOFiC, Wholesale and Itetuil Dealer In HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIZDIOTTTIE 3?A. First Door above Exchange Hotel. 4-ly V17K HAVE taken tho agency of two V machines manufactured at Meadville, one known as tho Kniffen Mower and Reaper, and tho other tho Atlantic Mower and Reaper. Tho advantages these nim hincs claim over others ottered lor sale is Lis-lilnm of lira ft, L'nsr of Maiiiiriut lit. E oiioiny of I'uwtr, Strrnslli nml l'lifii:iuti. These machines, w ith or without naj er altachinLiit can be iiiirrliascl of 11. W. L10I) A 111 ' It, or WM. II. HEATH, 'J ii.iu sla, Pa. 'icv also sell the T.VM.olt STEEL j II HAY A 'iUAlN KAKE. Xono I use. In .'it ! A QHE&T MEDICAL DISCOVERY Tr. WAITER'S C Z.TFOKNIA VINEGAR BITTERS sa Hnndrrtls cf Thoutantls C," l:;-.-; l il'"n.v M ( 1r . .vu.cr- c; '.; i; J f. M u;i.t;o l.il.tii. v 1 'iii v:-:av are tkev? - - ' C- t. - . -- .. " CI." "uFAUCY DRIMK.ffi's ira locf Voor Tlnnu WhUkcv VrttuT ".It It iinil Ilt l'imo l.lgr.wrii drctnrU, fi lad nntl-Wtct-lucil tn ,1cr!E0i:io t..rto, fL':it!"Tor.Ic8,""ArTietIs trt" IXcUTi tp," c, il.t.t nd t'. o t'yrlcr cn to Cl". nl.crn; r.-. D':d n:lli, li:t fir i t.-u? Mfu.iMnt, mndo f;.vi (' -v Ni i.vo 1 uctE tiii.l Kcrhr of California, fr ere Irii-n lil A Ict.iii'llo. Mttt.ulnnt!. 11. tyr.ro I ho (iici'AT i:i-;; n.itinr.ii nnd a j.u k C;iVIN4i I KlNCiri-Unr-ri.ct l'.caovntor and I:iTitr.;tor if t:u .Syt,tcintc;;i: jlng ell all roisorious lHttcr i.: d i-Lrtciit' the ll'-od to r. Iitalthy condition. J.oprrFca ccntui.0 ilicra l'Utcra accordiDg todirco t:ou t: t1 rsv.'taialor.s ur.wcH. MCO u.llhc jilvcnforan IncuruUe case, provided t:c tones aro net destroyed by miocral poison or other muar.r.r.-.tltho vital orgaiu wasted bejotdth rc'.t'.t a Tcm'.r. Vuv Inllni::ti:Marr nnd Curonlc Hhocxca tlfin mid tit IyBprpin or ludiirnatlont I'tlioitit, Uciitiuriit nml tutcrmtttoni FoTcm lHccnves of the Itlaod, Liver, Kiilucyn, and IMadctcr Uieca ltiticr l.ftvo been most mcccc ful. buch IMucqhcs aro cautcd ty Vitiated Illofnl, which is ccncrally rroduccd by dcronficmcnt cf the Iiprtive Or?nuu. JJYSVEPSIA OIL IXDICEST10X, Head echo, rln In the fiiiooldci. Coughs, Tiphtncss of the Client, Dizziness, &onr tmctatlons of tho Stomoch, Lad UWU In tiio Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation cf the Heart, iLflamicfttlon of tho Lnngs, Pain In tho regions of tho Uidneys, and a hundred other palnlul iymptcms, arc tho offsprings cf Dyspepsia. Tli' y lavigorr.to tltc Btoruach end stiaiulftto tho tcr pilivcrand bcwcls, which rcuderthemof unequalled i fflcscyia clennsinff tho blood of all impurities, and irnportinjr new life ar.d vigor to tho wholo lystcm. 1'OH tS!i.lN DIEACS, Err.ptlonr, Tetter, Salt Theum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, 1 tutu) Boils, Cciw bnncles, King. Worms, Scold-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysip tlar.Uch, SeurfS, Discolorations of thr Skin, Uiunors and D.st-asco cf the bkin, of whatever nomo or nature, are literally dng up and carried out of tho system In a short time by tho use of theso Bitters. Ono bottle In t ueh cases will convince tho nost Incredulous of their cr.rntlvo clTsct. Clcanso tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its 1m parities bnstlcjr through thu sl;1n inrimples. Erup tions or Soros; cleanse It when yon and it obstructed and Rln-rrith In the reins t clcanso it when it is foui, nr.d your feelings will toll you when. Keep tho blov. pure end ttic health of the system will follow. TIN, TAl'Eand other YVOICM8, lr!tlng In tho system of bo many thousands, aro clTcctually destroy c.l a:(d removed. Vor full directions, rad carcfally the circular nrcnnd each bottlo, prluted fa four lan CUi'.o iLr;libh,Ccruian, Trench and Spanish. J. W.U.HliR, Proprietor. I. H. McDOKALD) CO., Dru&:Is!s and Gen. Agents. Can Francisco, Cain and 83 and 34 Commerce Street, Now York. UT?OLD BY ALL DEUGQISTS AND DEALERS. By an immense practice, extending through a penud of many yearn, havm6 w ithin that time treated ovct nine thousand cases of those diseases pcculuu to woman, 1 have been enabled to perfect a most potent and agreeable medicine that meets the indications presented by that class of diseases with positive cer tainty and exactness. To designate this natural specific compound, I have named it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, however, is but a feeble expression of my most matured appreciation of its value, based upon actual and witnessed realities. As a close observer, 1 have while witnessing its positive results in the few special diseases incident to the separate organism of woman, singled it out as tkt cimax crcrtnvntHggttn of my m.dual career. On its merits as a positive, safe, and effectual remedy for this class ol diseases, and one that will at all times and under all circum stances act kindly and in harmony with the laws which govern the female system, I am wilUng to stake my reputation as a physician. Nay, even more, so conn dent am I that it will not disappoint the most sanguine expectations ol a single invalid lady who employs it for any of the ailments for which I recommend it, that I offer a.id sell it under A POSITIVE, GUAR ANTEE. If a beneficial effect is not experienced by the time two-thirds of the contents of the bottle are used, I will, on the return of the bottle, two-thirds ot the medicine having been taken according to direc tions, and the case being one for which 1 recommend it, promptly refund the money paid for it. Had 1 not the most perfect confidence in its virtues, I could not offer it as 1 do under these conditions ; but having wit nessed its truly miraculous cures in thousands of cases, feel Warranted and perfectly safe in risking both my reputation and ty money en it merit t. The following arr among those diseases in which my Favorite Prescription has worked cures as if by : J . ... I f ..: l v.. magic anu Willi tcrwuuy iistci ikjiwic uu;cu yy anv : meuicinc : ieucorrntca, cxccsuvc r lowing, i aiu- full Monthly Periods, Suppressions when from unnat ural causes. Irregularities Weak Back, Prolapsus, or filling of the Uterus, Antevcrsion and Retroversion, Bearing Down Sensations, Internal Heat, Nervous Depression, Debility, Despondency, Threatened Mis carriage, Chronic Congestion, Inflammation and Ul ceration of the Uterus, and very many other chronic diseases peculiar to woman not mentioned here, in which, as well as in the cases which 1 have mentioned, my Favorite Prescription works cures the marvel of the world. This medicine I do not extol as a curt-all, but it admirably fulfills a singleness ot purpose, being a most perfect specific in all chronic diseases of the sexual system of woman. It will not disappoint, nor will it do harm in any state or condition. It is A host PowkkfcL RKSToii.vnvK Tunic to the gen eral as well as the sexual system, also combining the most valuable nervine properties. Both the muscular and nervous forces are strengthened and built up by its use. , It will be found invaluable in diseases inci dent to pregnancy, and can be taken in moderate doses with perfect safety while in that state. Indeed, it is a M.'thers Cordial, and so prepares the system for parturition that it renders child-labor easy. 1 have receivedthe heartfelt praUe from hundreds of mothers for the inestimable benefitsthus conferred. I offer my Favorite Prescription to the Ladies of America with the sincerity of an honest heart, and for their best welfare. Those who desire further infurma ation on these subjects can obtain it in my Theatre oh Chronic Diseases ok the Generative and Ukinarv Organs, sent secure from observation upon receipt of two postage stamps, it treats minutely on those diseases peculiar to Females, and given much valuable advice in regard to their manact nient. UK. PIKKf I 'l l AVOUI'li: PR F $1 It IWTION lNOI OlSY AIM- Hit ST t LASS BUIOGIVIH, at l.oO per bot tle. Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of if. v, M. L., - buLa Proprietor, BUFFALO. N. Y. fPII E Tenth volume of Wood's HoI'kk X hold Maoaink bou'ins with junuury IJ.. it is eiiueii iiv liaii llamilloii, S. Wood, nnd H. V. Osborne, and includes Hinong its regular contributors llorai'e tiruclev, tiail Hamilton Thos K. Hocchcr lr. Uio Lewis, Lr. W. W. Hull, James Parton, etc. Harriet ileecher Stowe, ilrick Ptuncroy. Joint w. Huxo, .Ma, tienl. Kil Patrick, Petroleum V. isasov, etc., wrttn It oecusioiuiuy. lerinsone lioiiuru vour In elulibiiig, llireo lust-class periudical are gi'en f .r the price of one ol Iheni. 'I'ho wnst liheral Premium List ever published No periodical is more ticiiueutlv or lavor nllv mentioned bv the press, "Wood's HoiisclMilil Maga.iuo is one ol the niuiiit lui'iils of busines enlerpriso w hich inarl. the a'je.' Mil hoi list 1 luine Jiiurual, Phil ndelphia. Pa. "It has been improving ever since wo knew it u good criterion f.r the future." I ourii r. New Market, Can ada. It is n marvel of cheapness and first class quality combined." New York Tilutjs. Specimen copv sent tree to nnv adtirws, S. S.' WOol) A CO., Xewburgh, N. Y. 0, 167 Water Street, . ALSO A BRANCH STORE IX FRANKLIN, PA. In Store iriih STA PLKS tC SIHLKY, Opposite Vot Office. THE LARGEST DEALER IN In this portion, including tlie following celebrated makes: Chickering& Sons, Steinway & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurlzman, ntui others. WlllTXKY ( SLAYTOX'S OJUIAXS AXD MFLODF.OXS. These Organs nnd Melodeons are aeknoxvltdged by all good judges to be tho best and finest finished Kced Iiutrumrnts made. This being the Oldest and Largest Houso in this section, superior induce ments can and will be oliered to purchasers. Stools and Spreads, Sheet Music, Hooks, and u large stock of everything in the Music line, can bo found at my store. P-lv J. C. HULL. 500 YOLl'JHW I3J AGENTS WANTED tor The Library of Poetry and Song, nphiR ('hcicc Si'ioc'ions from tiio V.cst l'octs, 'nu!ili, Scotch, Irish nml Amcri I'Hit. With an liitroiluction ly WILLIAM CULLKX 1UIYAXT. I'ndcr wliose critical supervision the volume v:i compiled. The Imnilsonu'M. nnd clieapest subscrip tion hook oxtioit. Over HUO puyes, lioauti fullv irint 1, choicely illustratcil, lininl. soniclv lnuiiiil. A i.ihvarv of over odd volumes in ono hook, whose contents, of no ephemeral nature or interest, will never irrow olil it stale. It enn lie, nml will he' read and re-rend with pleasure hy old nnd younn, s lonit as its leaves hold together. A iierloct surprise. Scarcely nnvtliuia all all a favorite, or nt nil worthv ol place here, is neglected. It is n book for every household." X. '. Mail. wo know of no similar collection in tho Knjrlish language which, in copious ness and fclieitv of selection nnd arrange ment, can nt all compare with it." A'. Y. WIC-V. IVt ins liberal. Pellinsr very rnpidlv. Soml lor Circular and Terms to J. it. i'oitn a co., 7 l'ark IMace, N. Y. .Tunc (1, 1S71. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Xliff LINK TO m'FI'VT.O Til BOUGH Till; OIL llKlt)NS. OX AND after Monday Xov. 0, Trains will run us follows (Altoonn Time): SOUTH. Pay Express leave Oil I'ity at '2 '-'" p m Arrives nt Pittsburgh 8."ripm Xiirht Express Leaves Oil City i) m arrives at nttsnurmi i -in a m Mail Train leaves Oil City i) 4i a m Arrives at I'ittlluirli (!(.() p in Venango Accoiu. leaves Oil Citv 4 00 l. in. and arrives ul Kittauuinpr U 10 p. in. XOMTIL Day Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 .'.'l i m rrrrivcsnt. on i. itv nt z ..n p ni Niu:ht Express Leaves Pittsburgh S -V pm Arrives at oi lit v 54"inm Mail Train loaves Pittsburgh 11 So a m rrives at oil Citv 7 -" p m Venango Ace. leaves Kitianniiu; 7 05 a in and arrives at Oil Citv 1- -U n m Silver Palace Sleeping Cars on night Ix press Trains, between Pillsbuigh nnd 1 ltusvi.ie. lliroogit Coaches on l'nv Ex press Trains between Pittslnirah nnd lios toii. J. J. LAWKENCE, T. M. KlXCi, Uen l. Sup t. Ass t. Sup't. Vbgctable Sicilian Hair Rsnewei Has stood the test of seven years before t.'it nubile; uiul no prepare ation for tlie hair ltan yet been tlis eovercd that will proitaee the same benejicial results. It is tin eutirel new Kcientijie tllHcoveri; vombin intj man f of the most powerful and restoralire aqents in the VEGET ABLE KINCDOM. It restores GREY HAH? TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTH FUL CCLCR. It makes the sealp while and clean; cures ilamlriijf and humors, and lulling: out of tin) linir; and will ma.o It frow uprjn bald heads, except in vera aijcil persons, as it furnishes the tin tr it ire principle bij ichicli the hair is tiourishc.il and supported. It make? the hair moist, soft, and flossif. and is ansttriiasscd as a 11 A i It It It US S I Si. It is the cli'Uli'st preparation rrer offered to tho public, as one bottle will tic tuiiijilish more and last lomjer than three buttles of amj other prenaratioit. It is recommended and used by the. l"iit ftlcdicnl Authority. The If omlerful results produced btionr Sicilian Hair Ilencwer have induced mani to manufacture preparations for the Hair, under various names; and, in. order to iinlm c the trade and the public to purchase their comjioiinds, then hare, resorted to falsehood, bi claiinisi! then were former part' ucrs, or hail some connection with our Mr. Hull, and their prenura' lion- was similar to ours. Ho not be tli'.i-eire.l lit litem. I'urchnse the oriiinat: it ' has never yet been ciiuulled. Our Treatise on the llair. with certljlcatcs, sent free 1!I mail. See, Ihat each bottle has our private llcrcuue Slump over the t;ip of the bottle. All others arc imitations. R. P. Hail St Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. Sold h'j ull mj'jht$ "'id IhaU'S in MeJitittS. d "X"- '"i-kfTWta Meadville, Pa. TMa Put tlh.e.. ti in. 11.1.. ..... v.. ........... .... -..t. ui w.ii'g j, JT V1 33It. PIEROE'3 Fountain .Vasal Injector, C " OR DOUCHE. Thl inctmmcnt 1 especially designed for the perfect application of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. It ie tho oiilv form of inntnimont yet Invented with which fluid nieilicino ran heenrrieri ttith up nnd perfectly applied to all pnrt of the alVected na val pasVaffcs. ami tho chambers or cavities com lnunicAtlnir therewith. In which tore and nlcers frequently exUt, ami from which the catarrhal dh chare generally proceed. The want of purcetfl In treating Catarrh heretofore lina arisen largely from the TmpnwihlHty of applying remediep to these cavities and chambers hy anv of the ordi nary methods. This ohstaclo in tno way of ef fecting cures Is entirely overcome hy the invention of the Douche. In using this instrument, the Fluid It carried by Its own weight, (no snuffing, forcing or pumping being required. I tip one nostril in a full gently (lowing ctivam to the hi-'heft portion of tho iHat passaires, passes Into and ihorouphlycleaiiB esall the tube and chambers connected therewith, ami flows outof theopposlte nostril. Jtsue is plcfts ant, and so siuiplo tliat a child can understand it. Full nnd explicit direction ao compuny each intrnnu'nt. When used with litis instrument. Dr. Safe's Catarrh Itemedy cures re cent attacks of "Cold lu tno Head ' by a few applications. 1 S nitoiiiof Catarrh Frequent head ache, discharge falling into thrmit, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent, oil endive, &c. In others a 'dryness, dry. watery, weak or inflamed eves, stopping up or obstruction of nasal passnuca, ringing in cars, deafness, hawking and coughing to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang, oflenelvo breath, im paired or total deprivation of sense of smell and taste, dizziness, mental depression, Iom of appe tite, indigestion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, &c. Only a few of thoso symptoms are likely to he present in any case at one time. t Or. Saeo'M Catarrh Itemedy, when used with Or. Pircc'n Nanal Douche and accompanied with tho constitutional treat ment which in recommended In tho pamphlet that wrap each bottlo of the Itemedy, is a per fect specific for this loathsome disease, and tho ftroprfetor offers, in good faith, fSOO reward or a cato ho can not cure. Tho Itemedy is mild and pleasant to use.cnntalning no strong or caustic dni 's or poisons. The Catarrh Itemedv is sold at 60 cents, Douche at 10 cents, by all Drug irlwta. or either w ill be mailed bv proprietor on receipt of (0 cents. H. V. PlFUCL?!. D., bole IToprietor, BUFFALO. N. Y. ' CnAULCi A. DAS A, Lllitor. A Newsprtpcr ol the Present Times Intoudd far Tcoplc Nor oa Enrib. Including Farnie-S. Mechar.tci. Merchant, Pro t.o.ial Men, Woikers. Tiiiukers, aud a I Vai ner of flouot Folk, uod tho Wive, Soas, aad Uiuh;cr of ull suoii. OSLY ONE DO L LA It A VEAU I OXE Cl'NUUCI) COPIES FOtt S50, Or lai Ons Cent a C'3py. Let there be a 050 Cmb at CTiiry Pust utllce. SSMI-WEtKLY ISUN, fi' A TEAR, of tin iimo iiza an! general character ai TH15 WKLKLV, but with a greatei variety of lu.secl a'K'ou rea'l;;:c, fiu uiiiilK tlm u-w.- tcntMSUtiAciiheiawitli gt eater Irusiinuis. becju'o U comes twi'.-o a weet tnitoad of once only. THE DAILY SI X, 60 A YK t It A preeminentlv r.al..hio ncwepaper, witb tie l:u-jii o.rcimtltn tn (ho world, fne. iinti; nculiMit, fti.d tiniie in no Hie. A l tue new from cv"rywhuru. I'w . ce.iu u copy ; Ii li.uI, 50 uuuu a uiuiitu, or 80 a ycr. TERMS TO CLUD3. THE DOLL A It WEEKLY !VX. Fivo copies, one yeai, sjaruL.r ar rtre.s-d. roar Dullara. Ten eoptj. one year. cn-irateir aitdre. cd (.. an ex i ra cop) to tuc uultr up oi cluui. Eittbt i)o:i;n. Twenty eonios, one yo:r, sepriraielv a Utie-fceU (a id au uxiru cpy tu me y m t ' r ap nt' cint. t. Filtvcu Oullurs Fifty eopis. one year, to one a-ldre-sf iand tuo beuii-u uU y one cur t . rtier i ot eluln. Thiny-ihreo Uollara. Fifty rnpict, one year, separately a'idreeft (hmU IUu bcud- Weekly oceye ir to irct ter ui oi rtur , Tbiriy-dvo OullurN One hand red cartes, one year. t rnn ndtref ( iul the lJaily for ouu ye.ir to the ceiter ut of c'uu. Fitly OoIIhtm. One tmndrsd eiifRt one yoar. spanit(ly hI lroed nmi! thu Daily iorouo yar t i ne L"'ller uuotclub;, feixiy Doliurt. TUE UE. UN WEEKLY St'X. Five copies, one ycui , eiaratclv i(lipf rrt. Eivht Dotlarsi. lea eorlcs, one ypfr. Fepitiatolv nttrtied (and uu xi a copy to t'cttcr up r cl'ih), tlxtoeu Dollars. HEXO YOUtt MONEY In T'M Ortlcj ordont. cheeks, or dinfti nn y ork, wht:revtir cuueuieiit. Ii" not. tiiec rcitivr tltc iL-t'er coi.uiulutf uioney. Ai iro I W. ENOLAS'. Pnb!,h, faau utLce. New York City. SUnsC.'HIUEfortbo Forest Kenublkan I twill pay. it t.9 ; 01 1 CrceK & A I leg lien y R i irr 15) ON ASH A KTKK M.uul:iy .Iimo , 1N71, Trains w ill riinnn I'oIIuwki SOfTIIWAHIl TUA1N.M. STATIONS: Ut eimw. 2d Clnsn. 4 j n in it n. id. n. in. jt. in. n. in. n. in. Corry (I l " 11 mi fi AO oo SimiiiinHbiirg (I 42 11 H." (I 'J4 II 1(1 (ilvnilcn lt fi4 II 47 (I !I7 II :1 'i'iitrcvillo 7 01 11 MS (1 4H 11 r4 Trvmivillo 7 1.1 12 oil l (-.ri 10 an Jljdi-town 7 'i 12 l,"i 7 HI II k) ar 7 II.) 1J ll 7 H." 11 i!(l Titunvillo s 1K 7 42 12 41 7 40 fl Kt 11 X Millor I'lu-m n-2 1 ( 7 fill rt r.5 12 l.'i Similar 8 07 1 OS 8 o:l 7 20 12 20 l'ionoor S 17 1 1H 8 10 7 40 12 4:1 An 8 a 1 3 K 2:1 7 .V 1 05 IVt Ci-nli o l"K 8 2S 1 28 8 30 8 10 1 r.5 f'(iliiml)ii s :;.i i :ir 8 :is 8 20 a lo Tarr Kiirm 8 40 1 IIS 8 42 8 :'. 2 25 Kvnd Farm fS 4(1 I II ;K M) 8 4(1 2 40 llmiM-vi!p 8 M 1 mi 8 .Ml II 00 2 rwi Mul'liliUH-k ! SO 1 M 1' 0(1 1) ).' 3 01 AH U 10 2 03 0 13 1) 20 3 20 Oil Citv IR 9 15 2 10 10 15 ,1 40 Olcopolin II 45 2 :i(l 11 10 4 25 Ku.,'li Koi'k !l 5(1 2 4(1 U .12 4 50 lVosidcnt 0 50 2 50 11 It 4 fill Tionesta 10 2.1 :i 12 12 SO ;17 Hickory 10 44 3 32 1 20 "(1 15 Trmikcvvillo 10 54 :t II 1 45 fl 4:t Tidionto II 11 3 .VS 2 217 10 irviiu-ton 12 01 4 40 4 05 8 10 AliIUTIONAt. SKCONtl-CI.ASHTnAINS-ROl'TU. No. l'l TitnsviUc2.10. in.; Miller 2.5(1; riimcer 3.20; IVt i'entre ;l.33j ruliiinliiu 4.15; Tiirr Kiuin 4.2'.; ltvnd 1'anii 4..I7; UoiiHeville 4.55; Oil I'ity fi.20. No. 8 -eorry (1.15 n. in.; Titnsvillp 8.:15; Miller l'linn ti.25; l'et I'entre 0. I: ( 'uliuii liia 10.1:1; Tarr 1'nrin 10.1S; livnd rnrin 10.27; llotisrvillo 10.35; Oil Cit v 1 1.00. No. 18 l'et I'entre 1.2s . in!; ( 'olmnliiii 1.50; Tarr Kami 2.0".; Kvncl l-'arni J.K); Kousevilio 2.30; Oil Citv 3.00. No. 22 Oil I'ity fi.:t(i u. in.; Oleojiol'm ..; iioneKiii r..i; i rniiKey Vlilo lu.l.u Tidionto 11.11. onrIlvAtn thaixs. STATIONS: 1st Class. 2d Cln-ss, 13 11 5 3 1 a. in. p. in p. in. n 12 45 5 05 i in. n. in. Irvinelon (I Ol 7 45 7 20 tl C5 H Hi 10 15 8 20 10 41 Tiilionto Trimkeyvillo 1 1 iekery Tionesta li'eident Kusilo Koek Oleoiiolis AH Oil City ' m: MeClintoek ltonsevillo Kvnd rarin Tarr Kami Coluinluti All Pet Cent io I.K Pioneer Shailer Miller l'arni AH Titusville I' K Hydetown Tryonvillo Centrevillo (ilynden Spartansbur Corry I 28 5 47 1 45 (I 05 1 54 : 15 2 14 II 31 8 45 11 40 1:2 35 HI .'ill 12 21 12 32 2 :ts 2 47 ;(1 ft't 0 35 7 08 10 05 1 0.1 1 00 8 15 7 35 10 , fl 00 fl 13 fl 111 II 20 II 25 (! 20 0 31 fl 3(1 II 42 Ii 52 Ii 5il J7 15 7 35 7 44 7 57 8 05 rs n 8 21 8 55 3 20 ;il 32 3 35 13 40 3 45 3 4!l 3 53 3 50 4 0l 14 15 7 40 1 1 30 7 55 11 50 7 50 12 00 X(! 12 25 8 111 12 38 10 8 14 8 21 8 23 8 .".0 8 40 8 4t y ti.i 4 05 1 25 1 45 2 00 2 15 2 45 3 05 3 20 3 50 4 10 4 30 4 50 5 50 3 33 3 45 4 15 4 40 5 20 4 45 4 55 0 10 11 21 5 08 ; i :i i 5 17 ,0 43 ;5 27 0 5(1 fl 38 it) 0J 1) 111 10 32 AIintTIOSAI.SKCONtl-CLASSTItAINS-NOtlTII No. 13 Oil City (1.55 a. m.; Itousevillo 7.20; Tarr l-'arni 7.4ii; Columbia 7.5;'; Pet Centre 8.10; Pioneer 8.10; Miller 11.25; Titusville 11.55. No. 7 Titusville 0.00 a. in.; Corrv 11.25. No. 11 till City 11.2(1 n. in.; Hoiiseville 11.45; 1! vml Farm 11.53; Tarr Farm 12.03; I'oliimbia 12,10; Pet Centre 12.20; Miller 1.25; Titusville 2.00; Corry 4.42 . III. No. 21 Tidionto 12.15 p. in.; TrniiUey villo 1.45; Tionesta 2. 13; Oleopolis 4.25; t'lil City 5.20. () Trains do not stop. (D Stop on slirnal. (J I Stop for meals. Trains 5, (I, 21 and 22 run daily ; nil other trains tluilv except Sundays. N. H. Traiii No. 10 is au Kxpress from Titusville to Corry. Kll.VIClt I'ALAI'K SI.KI'.l'lNd CMl T I! A INS. No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia witliout change. Ni. 1 Direct to riilladelphia witliout rharirp. No. 5 Direct from Iittnbur;j;li witliout eliiiie. No. (! Direct to 1 ittslmrgti without chan.'e. C. j. IIKPIU'KN iSiipprintendent. jno. nrcAriix, lien'l Manager. HQ A Ifi A Oil:;:: ig;;i:dii:xt3 that roVPnsr. I'.oHADAIIS nro li.l. In d en cvii: v p .tkae, there ;:: e. i I i i let ;'. ui rtt i (.ii.;rtiliuii. t o:.i.'ij':Lnt !y mrsirnxs rnEscrjsi: it 'til a ccr'aiii euro for Scrofula, 4 '. .inli . in a! I i'.a II riua, Klicuuu lisui, bl.iu iJiscic, i.ivcr Com l'ii:t mil l'A C-.iCsm vt the UL.ud. will ilu laoro fr'Kid lliaa tea hollies of ilia L-j'.'upi v( i'drsaiunlla. .tk; ufioinsiaMD 4'hvsicians h.ivo UKPtl r.o?a !:d:Mi i their practice ' 'or l!ui i lit llireo yeiim nnd f.'ccly ioi.ihci-) it n in riiiaLlu Alterativo land I.IhgJ P'.iniicr. nit. r. c. rrcir.rf r.a'.iinioio. I). I. 'I', j. u ) v. i v, I Hit. II. V.'. : Al: II. " III II. V. HAN NI I.I.Y, ' I Oil. .1. S. S!'.aiv.S, ol Nil 'hnlurllle, i;y. IX.. J. 1.. JIcCARTHA, Columbia, I S. I'. IDa. A. 1J. NCir.LI'.S, Kilgciomh, N. C. jUSLD AiTD r.SDOSoED BY j. it. rnr.v. it tto.3. rn River. i'. V. : v i A. I'. A . 1 1 i il. II Al I.. r:K.'vv.j, Miih. . i.i.il. Liiua, Ohiu. ' :n. i. l.,ii.i. S; I i .. :.i .Iniisvlllo, V.i. f.M'Al.'t'U.N, .Murircct t-i.n. ( n.wi..". SsA.M'I.. ;. Lo:o,'i O: I ii r F.'.ro v i:l r.' t i Ho-..- uf r.ny ex. I 'i -t.ii 1. l.i I.- :t it .j tha i. ii i. id 1;. 'i utl.c Mch.-nl i 'i'i .!.'-.. i live) ii .'. uittn riuui ):x- irv I sii L" i'lf I., n . y t ' ;ry Imvo ever i;'.l in r.c t:ca ni'nt of UiswiscJ illi....! ; nil 1 to tin...;:'.., tr I w s;iy liy K'.s.i' . i :s ui..'. jou will to reluru-i to Jiciltli. Uos.l.:li in h. M by all Drurrisits, turiug Chemists, COAL! COAL! CT.S. EVERHAIT IS Prepared to deliver the best quality of Oml at the old Kvcrhart Itank, two miles from Newmanvillo for 7 cents per or ut Tionesta and vicinity for 23 CENTS PER BUSHEL. Ho always has a largo supply on hand, Kow is the t'uno to lay in a largo supply Orders promptly attended to 2 0 Y i ar u n a v zu i i: s . Too following nro selected from tlious- nndM of test hnoii lain of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the prefer ence of tho (irover.t llaker Machines over nil others.' "I like (ho Drover linker Ma chine, In the tlrst place, becnuso If I bad nnv other, I should still want a drover t ltaker ; nndhnvinira drover v linker It answers tho purposo of all tho rest. It does n (treater vnriet v of work and Iseasler to ioaru than any other," Mrs. J, e. Cro- ty l.ienny June) "I have bad several venrs' eTpe- rlencewith a drover A- linker Machine, which has ill veil me creat. satisfaction. I think the drover A- Maker Machine Is more easily iniiniured, and less liable to jret. out of order, I prefer the drover V Itakcrde eidedlv." Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York. "I bavo bad ono In my family for somo two yenrs; and fjoiii w hat I know of lis workings, and from the testimony of ninny of my friends who use the snine, I ean hardly sec bow Hiiythinir could be moro complete' or clvo better satisfaction." Mrs. den. drttnt. "1 bellevo it to bo tho best, nil thine considered, of any that I have known it is very simple and easily learned; the sewiiiif from the ordinary spools is a irreat ndvnntaire; the stitch Is 'entirely reliable; It docs ornamental work beautifully ; it Is not liable to irct out of order. Mrs. A.M Spooner, 'Mi llond St, P.roekly n. "I nin acquainted with Iho work of tho principal machines, and 1 prefer the drover ,t llaker to them all, liocause 1 con sider tho stiichiiioro elastic. I have work in the house which was done nine years ntro which is still irood." Mrs, Dr. Me Crondv. No. 43 Fast 23d street, N. V. "More than two-thirds of all the sewlnirdone In my family for the last, two years has been di mo by drover A" linker's Macliine, and 1 never had a irarmeiit riii or need mendimr, except those rents which IrolicKome boys will make in whole cloth. It Is, In my opinion, by far the most valu nlileof any I bavo tried." M rs. Henry Ward llceclier. "Tho drover A' Maker Sewlnir Ma chine has rendered in every respect, tlie most perfect satisfaction. It combines so many ndviintaves with beauty of execu tion "and economy ill price that it is a ne eesity in every household." Mrs. dover nordeaiy, llarrislniru, Pa. "I have had the drover A llaker Ma chine for ten or Uvelvo years tn constant use in my house. I have seen and known evervkiiidof Family movimr, both per sonal mid tioiiHehoul, nccompllsiicii up the Drover A- linker Machine, to the enti, satisfaction ofall concerned, l!e v. Stephen II. Tyn-. "I find the drover A Maker Stitch w ill wearasloniras the annelits do outwear thetrarment ill fact. The stitch will not break on bias scams, when stretched, as others do; anil neither does it draw the work." M rs. Dr. W biting, 4 lCiwit twenty-fourth street, N. Y. Tho drover nnd Maker Sew'liiK Machine Company iiitiiiiil'nctiiro both the F.lastie nnd Lock Stitch Machines, nnd oiler tho public a choice of tho best machines of both kinds, at their establishments In all thelaiffo cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout tho country. Price lists and samples of sewing In both stitches furnished on application tn T. J. VAN tilFSKN, Audit, Tionestn, Pa. PITH OLE VALLEY IVY. (S AND AKTF.lt Monday, June 5, IST1, Trains will run as foliows: Til A INS NOKTI1 VA UD. STATIONS. Oleopolls, ltciinctt, Woods Pratlicrs Mill l'itliolo City No. 2. 10.25 a in III.3S " lu.:;o " 1H24 " 11.00 ' No. 4. 3.30 p m 3.28 " 3.18 " 3.10 " 2.50 " Til A I NS SOP TI I WA It I). STATIONS. No. 1. No. 3. Pitbull! Citv, 8.40n in 1.20 p in Piathers Mill 8.18 " Ms Woods 8,5(1 " 1..V! " Menncit !',02 " 2.02 " Oleopeli. 0.1(1 " 2.11 " All '1 rains makn close coniicciii.ns nt Oleopolis with trains on the oil Creek A' Allegheny l.ivcr IJailwny, North niul South. Two Lines of Stages run daily between Pithoki City, Miller Farm ami Plcasant ville, maki'iireounecliou wiihari ivintcalld departim? Trains. J. T. Ml.AIlt, II. W1CK11AM, Sup't. Ticket Aent, Pitholo City, Pa, LOTS FOR SALE! IN THU BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., New York City. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD VN AND A FT Fit 11 P. P. Sunday Mnv yj 1, 1870, Trains arrive at nnd leave, tho Union Depot, corner of Washiiiton and Liberty street, as follows; AIUUVK. Mail Traiii, 1.30 a in; Fast Line, 12.12 a m ; Well Hacconimodation No, 1, I ..LI) a ill Mrintoii accommodation No 1, 7.50 a m Wall's accommodation No 2, 8.55a 111 ;Ciu cinnati express 11.20 a m ; Johnstown ae eommodatioii 10.50 am; lii'iul. lin k's ac cominodatioii No 1, 7.00 pin; Pittsburgh express 1.30 p in; Pacific express 1.50 p in ; Walls uccommodatiou No .1, z..i,i p in 1 ioiuewood accommodation No 1, !.. i p in; walls accommodation im4, u..u p in; Mrintoii accomiuodalion No 2, 1.10 p in Way Passenger 10.20 p in. UKPAUT. Southern express 5.20 a m ; Pncillo ex press 2.40 a m ; Wall's accommodation No 1, (1.30 a m ; Mail Traiii 8.10 a ni ; llrinton's accommodation l).20am; Uraddock's au comniodatiou No 1, 5.10 p in; Cincinnati express 12.35 p in ; Wall's accommodation N 2, 11.51 n in ; Johnstown iiecoiiiiiiiHlatiou 4.05 p m ; Homowood accommodation No 1, 8.50 p m ; Philadelphia express 3.50 p in Wall accommodation No 3,3.05 p in; all's nccoiiimodatiou No 4, 0.05 p in ; Fatt Line 7.10 ii in; Wall s Noo. U.UO p in. tho l liureli Trains leave Wan s tstatlon every Sunday ut 11.05 a. in., reaching Pitts burgh ut 10.05a. in. lleturniiig leave Pitts burgh at 12.50 p. in., and urrivo ut Wall's Station ut 2.10 p. in. Cincinnati express leaves dally. South cm express dailvexccpt Mm. lay. All oth or I rains daily, except Sunday. For further information aplvto W. II. liKCKWiT'll. Agent The Pennsylvania ltuilroad Company w in noi assume any iiisk lor J'.aggage ex ccpt tor cai inir Apparel, and limit their rsponsiliility to One Hundred liollai Syul lie. All Dicrgago exceeding that a omit in viiiiui mil no ut tlie risk ol tiio ;m-r unless laKen bv special contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altooua Pa. Jon WOP.K neatly oxeeuted at thisofliee lit reasoiialilo rates. ADDRESS To tho Ncrvcoua AND ID BBILITAT 33 ID . WIIOSRmiireriii'tsbavo boon protract ed from hidden causes, nnd whose 1 rases require prompt Ircatmont to render existence desirable i Tf you nro niifrcrin-r, or have.'siilVcreil from involuntary discharges, what effect duos it protluco on your jT'i'iTal health f Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra exertion produce' pal pitation of tho heart T Poos your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent ly set out of order?. Is your urino some times ihick, milky or flooky, or is it ropy on sctllini;? Or iloe.H a tliick Hkinn riso to the top ? ()r in a sediment al'llie. bottom af ter it lias Hto.nl awliilof Do you hnr spells of short biealhlniror dlspepsiaT Aro your bowels constipated? Do you linva spells of fiaintlnir, or rushes of blood to tliohead? Is your memory inipared? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject ? Do you reel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or lilo? Do you wish tol.o left nhme, nwny from everybody? Does nny little thing mnko you start or lump? Is your sleep broken or rootless? Is tho lustro ofyoureyo as brilliant? Tiio bloom on your check as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you ptirsuo your business with tho sums energy ? Do you feel as much contldotieo in yousclf ? Are your spirits dull nnd flag, ging, given to tits of melancholy? ( BO, do not la3' it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, nnd hnvo but lit tle appetite, and you attributo this to dyr' pepsia or livcr-coinplaint? Now, render, self-abuse, vcnercals) &- eases bndly cured, nnd sexual excesses, are all enpabloof producing a weakness of tho generative organs. Tho organs of genera tion, when In perfect healthiuako tiio man Did you ever think that thoso bold, dofl- iint, energetic, persevering, successful bus-iness-men nro always those whoso genera tive organs nro in perfect health? You never henr such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of tho heart. They aro never afraid they anuot succeed in business j they don't be- isinio sad ami discouraged j they areulwnva polite and pleasant in tho company of la dies, nnd look you and them right in tha face none of your downcast looks or any meanness about them. I do lint mean ttiose who keep tho orgnns inflated by running to excess. Thoso will not only ruin their constitution I, but also thuss tiiey do business with or for. How ninny men, froi.i'bndly cured dis eases, from tho effects of Rclf-abuso nnd excess, bavo brought about that state of weakness in thoso organs that hns reduced tho geneiil system so much as to proditeo almost every other disease Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal ad'ectioiis, suicide, and al most every other form of diseaso which humanity is heir to, and tiio real cause, ot tho trouble scarcely ever suspected an4 bavo doctored forall but tho right one. liiseuses of tliese orgnns require the ase of a Diuretic. 11 KLM HOLD'S FLUID KXTKACT UUCIIU is tiio great Diuretic, nnd is a certain euro .for diseases of tho llludder, Kidneys, i ravel, Dropsy, Organ io Weakness, Female Complaints, Gener al Debily, and nil diseases of tho Urinary Organs, whether existing in Malo or Ko male, from whatever ciuiso origlnutiiit and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted t, Co sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and Llood aro supported from thoso sources, and tho health ana hnppinesst and that of Postority, depends upon prompt use of a reliable, remedy. Ilelinbold's Extract liuchu, estubliMhcd upward of PTa'cui's, prepared by II. T, II KLM HOLD, Druggist, 6tU Ilroadway.' New York, and 104 SsutU 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Phick 1.25 per bottlo or tl bottles for $tl.50, delivered to any ad dress, Sold by all Druggests every whom NOVR AUK dFNUINE UNLKS DONE TP IN STEL KNCJHAVK! Wrapper, fac-sinilo of my Chemical Wui e house, and signed H. T. HELM BOLD. 2S-ly