I - - KniTOH. UKIIM.SIUY JIIIIIMaG. NLTT. 25, !S7i. ; NATIONAL REPUBLIC&li TICKET. For President U. S. on ANT, of Illinois. For Vice President HENRY WILSON, of MnssfichtiFotK REPUBLICAN JTTATE TICKET For Governor, JOHN F. HARTRANFT, of Montgomery Co. For Judge of Supreme Com t, ULYSSES M E R CUR, of Bradford Co. For Auditor-General, HARRISON ALLEN, of Warren Co. For Congressmen nt Large, HON. GLENN I W. SCOFIELD, of Warren. GEN."C1IALES ALLBRIGI1T, of Carbon.. GEN. LEMUEL TODD, of Cumberland. REPUBLICAN. COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, CARLTON 15. CURTIS, of Erie. For State Senator DAVID McCLAY, of Clarion County. Constitutional Delegates J AS. E. BROWN, of Armstrong, GEO. W. ANDREWS, of Jefferson. For Assembly, II. H. MAY. For Prolhonotary, J. B. AGNEW. For Sberiff, T. J. VAN GIESEN. For Treasurer, FRED. GLASSNER. For Commissioner, JOHN THOMPSON. For Auditor, L. WARNER. For Surveyor S. D. IRWIN. "Gen. Grant never has been de feated, nnd he never will be." Hor ace Greeley. "For General Ilartranft wo have nothing but praise. He was a gallant soldier, and he ha3 been a faithful offi cial. He is a Radical Republican, and would make a good Governor." John W. Forney. "I know General Ilartranft well, both os a public officer and a man. As Auditor-General he showed himself a most faithful, upright, efficient and ac commodating officer." Chirks 11. JJuchtlciv. il Orceley, while swinging through this State, should happen to encounter Mr. Buckalew, ho might profitably inquire whether the silence of tho letter upon the subject of Grce ley's claims.to Democratic support is attributable lo tho philosopher's for mer abolition sentiments. e can readily believe that Buckalew cau have no admiration for Greeley, even now that he has been converted to to Democracy, because Greeley still professes to have some affection for the uegro, while the Senator has never re called the fullowing sentiments ex pressed by him during the war : "I must enter a special protest ncainst tlie doctrines ot netrTo euuulilv We resent the insult, and boldly de clare that a more cowardly crew (the negro soldiers) were never drawn up in line ol battle. It is reported from Ei. gland that Mr. Sumner has declared is intention to decliue tho Democratic nomination for the Governorship of Massachusetts Whether the Senator chooses this course because he does not wish to be come a leader of the Democratic party, or merely because he does nut desire lo occupy the office for which ho is pro posed, we do not know. If the latter reason is the correct one, he might very safely have consented to run. II' the former motive impelled him to de cline, it may be said that, if ho is to be a leader at all in the future, he must accept Democratic following. Ho no longer ha? any place in tho Re- w. R. ni.'xv publican puny, lie ... . . self up utterly to the enemies of thai organization, ami ho must choose be tween devotion to their caue or retire ment from public life. Tho Mass Meeting last Evening. The Court House was crammed last evening, to hear the issues discussed by Hoi.. G. W. Seofiel.l and Cnl.C.B. Curtis. Col. Curtis did not put in nn appearance, but Judgo Sculield held the audience easily for two hours, and at the end of that time they would have been glad had he continued an other hour. His speech differed from most political speeches during warm campaigns, in that it contained no abusive language towards the Demo crats, and illustrating by several well draw n similes, that 1 lie li.'iut of the Democracy was right, but its head was wrong. He was frequently inter rupted by applause, and tho enthusi asm was intense during the winds of his speech. Tho following is the Sec rctarys' report of the meeting: Tuesday Evi:xi:m, Sept. 2 1, 72. The meeting convened as announced, at 7J o'clock, and organized by the appointment of Dr. W. F. Hunter as President, ami the Hons. J. A. Proper and Andrew Cook as Vice Presidents. J. B. Agnew and Samuel D. Irwin were appointed Secretaries. The President then introduced the Hon. Glcnni W.Scofield, who proceed ed in his usual clear, argumentative and able manner to elucidate the principles involved in the present cam paign. A synopsis might bo made thus: That he who does the best he can, docs well ; that Grant has done well, and the world recognizes it. Grain's correction of the policy of government toward the Indians, throwing that class of men that might be styled adventurers out of tlm man agement of Indian affairs, and sending missionaries as agents instead of "roughs," to the Indians, which policy has civilized over S0.000. This poli cy the end of Indian wars aud massa cres. The speaker next proceeded to discuss Grant's peace policy, showing his policy to bo of the spirit of the policy of the revolutionary fathers. The speaker next discussed the recon struction policy of the administration, and ilhistiated its admirable effects. That the effort to elect Greeley, is an effort to reorganize revolution and in silute anarchv. That G.eelev is the choice of Southern Democrats, the original secessionists. That Golleday of Tennessee, claimed that Greeley was once in favor of giving tho slave holders $400,000,000 for a considera tion for the loss of their slaves. A remarkable feature of the so call ed liberal movement, is that they have endorsed all that the Republicans have done for eleven years. That the prophesy made by the speaker four years ngo, in Tionesla, that the hind wheels of the wagui would catch up in lour years, is now fulfilled, and everlhing is lovely &c. lie next treated of the schemes of Sumuer, Trumbull, Schurz, and Feiiton to de feat the Republican party and the dif ferent schemes and projects to that end. That in all their projects of real re form tney, Liberals and Democrats were forestalled, in amnesty and every thing else. That tho Republican par ty is the reform party; that the word Radicals is a compliment, although : ! - i c i . . niu'iiueu ior a hick name: Unit it is thorough going and efficient; while Conservative means standing still. "Anything to beat Grant" the great man who has done so much for his na tion. The synonym of freedom and liberty is Grant; China, Japan, and heathen nations know his name; who had rendered our Hag respected bv tyrants of the old world. Says Grce ley, "he never has, and never will be beat." Dr. Heiehhold, of Jefferson Co., was called upon and made nil able and in teresting speech, and set forth the ben tilts of the traiff as it is, under Re publican administration ; That under Democratic administration, the fur naces went out as if Babcock's patent extinguishers had been applied to them ; that it was the Republican party that hail saved the country, and had given pensions to the cripples of the war, paid tho soldiers of the Union and were paving the national debt. Closing out sale of summer Dress Goods nt a great reduction. We oiler a largo stock of Summer Dress Goods, consisting of White Goods, Percale.; Lawns, French Ginghams, &c, iv'c, at cost. Those wishing to purchase nnv goods in this line will do well to take advantage of our very liberal oiler good investment to purchase thes goods lor next year. Call early whi the .stock is full and fresh. Also, a full line of Japanese silks at grtutly reduced prices. fciTi:i:ioit i.i Min n to. s-toui:. AT CLAIUNCTON, Saturday Evening, Oct, 5, 1872, A grand Republican meeting w ill be held nt Clurington, on Saturday even ing, Oct. full, and will be addressed by G. W. Andrews, one of the candidates for Constitutional Delegate from this District, nnd Dr. Heiehhold of Brook ville, and Miles W. Tate nnd W. P. Mereilliott, Kstjs., of Tionc.-ta. Ict everybody turn out and hear the truth in its purity, and be convinced who should properly be the standard-bearers of the State and Nation. FLINGING MUD. Because Judge Pearson, of Harris burg, one of the purest and ablest men in this State, has conceived it to bo his duty to declare that Gen. Ilart ranft, with whom he has intimate offi cial relations, is "a vigilant, honest and correct officer," the Philadelphia Vr considers it necessary at once to asail the Judge's character. It de clares, last week, that this endorse ment shows that Judge Pearson "has fallen in the sere and yelllow leaf of life, w hen ohkngc is no longer a proof against the wiles of the politically corrupt and designing." For a jour nal which contains daily protests against the introduction of personal abuse lo political discussion, this is made for tho purpose of breaking the terrible force of Judgo Pcason's testi mony, but it will not succeed. He is known to he in full possession of his great faculties, and his integrity is ut terly beyond question. Wheu. such a journal as the Press dares to intimate that he is an imbecile, all those who know Judge Pearson, will turn to his accuser and ask hiiu by what right he, with his dark record, ventures to raise his hand against this upright nnd hou orable magistrate. If tho Prcs makes this ivanton assault upon Judge reason because it has determined to abuse every man who endorses General Ilartranft, we hope it will carry out this policy to its legitimate conclusion. In that event it must heap scurrility upon Mr. Buckalew, who said: "I know General Ilartranft well, both as public officci and man. As Auditor- ieneral he showed himself a moot faithful, upright, efficient and accom dating officer;" and upon its oiva ed itor, who declared : "For General Ilartranft we have nothing but praise. He was a gallaut soldier, and ho has been a faithful official. He is a Radi cal Republican and would make a good Governor." Either of these individuals deserves all the harsh things that can be said of him. Both arc fair targets for vio- lentdenunciation. Butthisattaek upon Judgo Pearson is inexpressibly mean and cowardly. A Nice Witness. The Tiev. C. W. Denison has pub lished what he says ho knows about President Grant's habits, and what other persons have told him. Among other tilings he quoted senator ilsoti in support ol Ins statements. Senator usou promptly declared tho state ment so far us it concerned him, nil unqualified falsehood, and added he believed tho remainder of it to be of tho same character. Thereupon an issue of veracity is set up between the Rev. C. W. Denison aud Senator Wil son. Just at this point we have some tes tiniony to offer, touching the reputa tiou ot tins ltev. Mr. Denison lor hon esty and veracity in 1840 this reverend gentleman was in charge of a Baptist church in Vt llmington, Delaware. A respectable citizen of Cleveland, a business man of Democratic politics, who is ranked among tno supporters ot lloraco lircelev, was then a resi- lent nt ilmington and a member of Mr. Deuicson's church. Troubles arose, aud some of the members, the present Clevelander being among them, brought charges against thb minister of lying and dishonesty, tho collecting ot money nnu refusing to pay over be ing among the specifications. A trial was had. ihe charges were fully proved and sentenco of dismissal would have been passed but lor tho appeal of tho presiding officer, a I ml ndelphia lawyer, whose services had beeu obtained bv Mr. Denison, and who plead in behalf of tho minister with such effect that he was allowed to resign instead of being dismissed. Mr. Denison then went to Boston where, after soma time, he was charg ed with similar offence, tried, convict ed, and dismissed. Years after the tame gentleman met Mr. Denison in California, "played out," aud eudeav oring to borrow money to tako him back to the Htatos. Mr. Denison had also been charged with dishonesty in his occasional connection with news paper finances. llus is the 'licvereml witness on whose unsupported statement Presi dent Grant is charged with being a common drunkard and Senator il eon with being a liar. Cleveland Her aid. WATCH FREE to Agents to intro ' " ibico artich s Ihat sell in evcrv house. Lata A .Co., J'Ut.sbinvh, P. ;i t College, and Musical ' Institute Opens its Tall Ssssiou September 10, 1072. Tj-ci lou niveeibh health All and brnil tit'ill. ltnoms cheerful and cninforlalilc. School homelike. Instruction thoroinih mill earnest. Twenty boys received into Seminary I lull mi nindcnito term. Send for catalogue to 20 M Uev, K. T. TA YI.OH, rreidont. P rt O i C LAM ATI ON. Whmiika. ThpltonorablfiW. 1. .Tonks, President .Indue of the 1'onrt of Com mon l'lons unit (Jnaiter Sessions hi and for the county of Forest, has inc.l his pre cept for holditorn Court of Common I 'leu ifnarlrr Sereins, .Ve., at Tioncsta, for the Comity of Forest, to commence r.n the fourth Monday of Sent, next, belief the T I Ij day of Sept.. 1ST'.;. Notice is therefore jriven to the Coroner, .1 list ices oT the Pence and Constables of said county, (hut they ho then and I here in their proper persons at ten o'clock, A. M,, of said due, with their records, inquisitions cxaniinni ions and other remembrances, to do those thimrs which to their ot'lecs appertain to he done, nnd to those who hound in recognizance to prosecute ivratnst tho prisoner Hint are or shall lie in the jail of Forest County, that I hey he then and there to prosecute auainst tliein as shall lie just, (iiven under un hand nnd seal this wstlt davof A tie-., A. 1, 1S7l '. I.. DAVIS, Sli'tl'. Trial List for Sept. Term IS72. Fvaline Conn rt nl heirs .f e. of William Armstrong deceased vs. C. ,1. Pox. Charles l.ecpcr vs. Warren .V Franklin 1. It. Co. II. II. Mav vs. .lames T. Whisner ot al. II. II. May vs. John Miller eta!. Adita Hunter vs. O. (iilman. Royal K. .Scott vs. Itobert (I. Carson. If. is. ltunter vs. Seidell Whitman. Itetio Paul vs. Alexander McAndrew et al. Hello Paul vs. Alexander McAndrew et al. .lames Parshall vs. laniel Clmk. .'allies l'arsha 1 vs. Daniel Clark. William II. I.owrievs. Andrew Cook.' .lames F. llrown vs. ltcnnctl liohhs et al. William ArniKtroini et id for use of .lames W. (ill! lino vs. The Town-hip of 1! nn t'.. V. II. Kllsworth ,V Sophia M. Kllsworlli to the use of Sophia M. F.ll.sv. o:lh vs. John II. Dilks et id. .lames Parshall ot nl vn. John Peterson. James lar-hail ot al vs. John Pcteison. Martin Nestle vs. H. I Davis lato Sheriff of Forest County. Peter i race for ns'i, vs. K. I,. Davis. Daniel P.l.iok vs. The U ei':.-ct rs of tho Ior of Tionesta iioronidi. T.loyd A- Lewis vs. David ITaysital. EvUine Conn et a! vs. John 0. liramlonet nl. Mary A. Clcland hy In r lui '. an l Calvin C'leiasul vs. John" i'lcniiui-vh Sr. J. It. AUMilV, l iotii'v. Am;. 12, 1-72. U. C. C A 5 EI , WATCH ItlAKER & JEVJELEB, tidioutjiS n?.. Ard Dealer in WATCIIKS, JKWELUY, ASD :l UtrlCAL 1NSTKUM EN TS. Repairing done in a workmanlike manner and warranted to give satis faction. 4 lv T.VS. Mi KAY, r.t tho Post Cilice, lias opened out a choice lot of coxi i:c'i ioxaj: tks, CAXXEDFPUITS, lOBACCOS, CIGAUPT, AM) mm Or ALL KINDS. A portion of the patronage of the public ; resspcop.ul: v solicited. 40-tr J AS. M. Mi KAY. n eadTre a d The subscribers having; re-ronled the Would sav to their old customers, and tho ooniiiuinitv jieneially, that they keep constantly on baud a l.ii's;e. stock of FAMILY FLOUR of all grades, Chop Food, 8hovts, Pian, Oats and Virn. With our faeiiitics for do- inr business, wo purpose not to ho under- Bold hy nnv estahlishmont in this Mo. tion of tho country, nnd would say to the. luin- hcrmcn nml iloaiors of F urest county, that they cau bo SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. IminodiatJ nttention givjuii lo all orders from a ilii.taneo, E. JONES t CO. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. ! Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual ft'AnlciE, S F!PIEI:SUF:?.HCE Assets Jan; 1, J8i;0, f,3-lS.:)3J C-2Ot0'ir,r:(i0 losses paid since Its organiza tion. WM. DL'HLKlt, Central Agent, llariisbui i;, l'a. MILES V. TATE, ASent in Ti onesta, Forest County, l'a. 81,111 TITJIOTJTE TEA STORE! The place to buy evry variety of the VERY EE.STYTCA3 AT Til H O WES T PRICES, is at tho extonsivo Tea .Storo of II. T. CIIAFFJEY, I'wIkto vim can always find a hii'(;e assort. ment 01 1110 in si imsat.M'W ork tirici s. A larg assortiiiont ot Groceries mul Proviaicns, iineoiialed in nualit v and chonpness byan v other btorc in Warren eoiuit', always on hand. The. people of Forust county will nave money by piiicliusmg their supplies ai 1111s piaeo. litst biaiids of FA MIL Y FL O UP, delivered at any depot on tho lineof tho I!. It. free. foloro on Main St. near the Depot. i i lA A- Joint resolution propoMmi; nn nmoiHiinoiit to the Constitution of l'onnsylvnnin. V iV rimrir,! hi Ihe A, nnW nml misr HcpifXtHt'ttirr o the (inmnnirrnlth f l ii.7'i'Mii.r in linirrnl t..v.'ii,Vi mef, That the folhiwinjramondmenl ot theCon N'ilution of this Commonwealth ho pro posed to the people for thheir adoption or rejection, pursuant lo tho provisions of tho tenth nriiclo thereof, to-wit : AM F.N I'M I'N'T : Strike out the sixth section of Iho sixth nrtielo of tho Const it ipioii, nnd insert ill lien thorool the follow inir: "A State Treas urer slmil l.e ( boson by tho qualified elec tors of the State, nt such tiniosand torsiich term of service an shall lie pron rihod hv law,'1 Wild. I AM KI.I.IOTT, Speaker of the lioic o of Koprcsentativos. JAMPSS, Itl'TA N, Speaker of the Senate, AftMiovt'D Tho tweiily-seeond day ol March, Anno Domini one thousand eiht hundred and seventv-two. JOHN W. tiKAltY. Prepared nnd certificated for publication pursuant to the Tenth Article of tho Con stitution. Fit A NCIS.lt 'It DAN. Secretary of tho Commoiiwoalih. Of!! eo Secretary of tho Commonwealth, J larrishiirg, .1 one 'Juiii, l-TJ. P E f ! fiS Y T V A ft I , F;l i L I T A R Y ACAQBiY. At Che-dor, Del.iwaio County, Pa. (For Kcsdeiit Cadets only. ) Tho i ii vi ut!i an nual HO'sjon eomiii'iices Wednesday, Sept. -I. Thorough inslriieiioii 411 Civil linineei in:.', the Mnthi liiat'.eal nnd Nat ural Sciences. The Classics nml i'.n .'llsh Is imparted hy Wet Poinl p. ideates and other competent professors. Circulars limv bo obtained of Col, Then, livatt, Prest. P. M. .1, i!.!-lt Eaton Female Instituto. On Phila. .0 11 ill. Central It, K. Kenuett Siiunie, Chester Co., Pn., otieni all tho In dueoinents that constitute n iioino in con nection with a thorough Fni.lish liduca tion, nt SUM per school year. No extras except for instruction in Wax, Music, Latin, French, Herman, l'aiutim; and Drawinc. Fnstern teachers, jri adut.'s of our best New Lnidaihl schools, have been eitiiloved for several veals. Inquire of Fvan i'. tSwnyne.Sallie ". S Way nc, l'rin eipals. BOHDKNTCWN tN. J. (MI.Id'.iiF.-Thoroimdi ) FKMAI.i: instruction. Healthful and hoautilul hwation. One of most carefully conducted and best sus tained institutions in the Slate. For terms, etc., nddrcs.3 l!ev. John II. ISrakelev, Ph. 1. II". -It. ADVERTISING AT LOW ltATF.Sl Far tTO per inch per Moiuh, we will lneit nn inU i'i'tist nteiil in 10 l-'iist-Class Paois in Ponn. List aent on appliea:ini to (i liO. P. Iti'WIOLL A CO., Advcrtisim; Agents, 11 Park Uow, N. Y. CAMPAIGN GOODS Agents wanted lor our Cainpaivn ponds, Sidl nt sitht. Pay loOporoent, profit. Now is the time. Solid nt unco for Descriptive i 'ireulnrs nml Price I .ists of our Fine Steed F.n;;iavii(s of nil tho Candidates, C.un paiiin Biographies, Charts, Photographs, ltad;;os, Pins, Flrc's, and ( vervthinv'suited to the times' Ti n Dollars per day easily made. Full samples sent lor 'Address MooitK V t;oonsi'i:i:i, hi Park. Uow, New Yi.rk. Hi-It. AtiKNTS W A NT I'D for ClIAMIlKit 1.1 N'S O I! AT C A M PA 1U N I'.t'OK, The GTHUGGIE Or I3T2; A novidty ill Piditical nnd Popular Lit erature. A rnihie llistorv of tho Pepub lioan nnd Democratic Parties; 11 racy sketch of tho so-called Liberal Itcpuhli onn Party j nn inside view of tho Cincin nati Convention. Tho minor tiekefi or side shows of tho eamnaiun. '1 he finest Illustrated llook Published. A Honk wanted by every American citi.in. To secure territory at once, send 1 1 tor outfit. I'nioii Publishim Co., Chicago, HI., Phila. Pa., or Spriu;:lield, Mass, 1H-4L fi 1. 1 IT E : A I. i O 15 H OF ALL KINDS. Fireworks, Flii'js, Lanterns, Torches, llad jes. I'niforius, Ac, .fv. JoSF.PIl It. Pl'HDY. J and Kl Maiden Lane, N. Y. F.istnMishod EPILEPSY OR FITS. A SIUIK (T'ltF. fnrthisdistrcssmt'ooiu plaint is now made Known in a 't rentiso lot -Is oelavo pic.:os) on 1- oieiin nnd Nntlvi Herbal Preparations, published hy Dr, o, Phelps llrown. rJ he iirescriptioii was dis covered bv him in sue'.i a providential manner tiiat ho cannot eonseionliousl v re- fuso to inako it known, lis it has cured everybody who has used it for Fits, never IniviiiK laileit 111 n smilo oaso. Iho iimred ients mav bo obtaincil from nnv driiL'nist A eojiy will bo sent free to nil applicants hv iniiill, Allures Dr. o. Phelps IHown, -Iiirand St., Joist vCiiv, N.J. "J -4t EICHLEBS RECIPES FOR LKJU0RS Contain tho latest improved iiistrm lions lor mixing inauilies, wmsiieys, Hums, Ciins, liilter.s, Fain v Cordials, Fruit Svr- rups Hay iiuin, ,vc, Ac. rso olio on;;aaoil in Iho lhiunr liuniness can allbrd U do w ithout theiii. Ask lor them ami exam ine them nt tho hnnk-storcs. Delivered by mail, on receipt of ?J by As benhaueh A Miller, .N. W'. cor. 3d mid Callowhill Sn., I'liiladelphin, Pa. Index and sample siieets seni iree. Nothinir like it in medioino. A luxnrv to tho palate, a painless oMeunut, a iientlo stiiuiilant to the circulation, a perspiratory pi'opni'iitiou, nil unti-bilious iiiedicino, a htomitcliic h diuretic und 1111 udniirablo (fonernl alterative. .Siu harotho n knowl ednod und daily proeen proiortie.s of Tar rant's Ktfcrveseeiti Seil. r Aperi'Mit. Ill i SOLD BY ALL DKliliti IS IS. BARLOWS INDIGO BLUE Is tho cheapest and best article ill the mar ket for lllueinr Clothe 1. Tho ucnuiiie has both Harlow's nil. I Willbcriier's namo 011 tho label, and is put up al Willlicrcr's liruif store, .mi. t, ixoi tn second street l'liiladelphm. D. S. Wt LTlilil'.li Kit, Pro prielor. For sale by llrugisiM und tiro' eors. lo- It. For any case of lllind, lileediii Itchint; or I lcrated Plies that Deliinur s rile Item dv fails to euro. It is prepared expressly to cure tiie Piles, und uolhim? clac. Sold by nil Dru:-.'iist:s. l'rieu, fl.UI. Oi:.NTS WANTED. Aironld iA. more inonev at work for us innii tlrin at anything i'!-c. l'iiiticiil:ii-s l"r . ii.St,n koii A- (.'o., Kino Art l'lililislivm, l'ortliiiiil, Maine, 13 It CONSTITUTION OF PiiNi NIA. ltA j r:'i t L .l'--.Lj a' F.O.JEF 'l RKs TUB WORST TAIN tn from Ona to twenty Mlnute3. NOT ONE HOUR lulcr rBuOo sf i ki n wn 1 1 I'AIN. i iil i'. il ny enft KADWAra niiAiiv i!i;i,iit is a crr.ts ron KVK.UV l.MN. Tl H IM, On' llf l nd t. TI10 Only 111111 ltrmeily C1l lli!l:.-itlv Bli'!'. Ill Tlir'.l. .i nlclnllnif piini., nllitrn I itl-OIOellt IcliS, null rtllPS I 'lltlKI'Stloli-, vIiimIiit (if llio buiiu., Siniii.i li, llonuls, or bluer glands ur iiaii9, by "'"' )'n'"h'!(01 (INK TO TWKNTV MtNPTKS, no tt'.Oi-r liwnr Tloli-nt. nr I'viriuiiitltm IIih inuu tti I.III:tMIATle, Hi'.I O.l.l.u, l.illiif., Cri..l.-.l, S.rvoua, ini.Vii', or pi uw i.t' l v, it I, tii'i'.i-c nmv .uilrr, RABWAY'S READY RELIEF WII.I. Al'I'illttl INSTANT KASE, IXr.AM.'l !lo ot-' TIIK KlliM'Vs. IM-I.WIMATIoN OK II1K ULAPDF.U. INl't.AMXtAHOM 'II' THK lalWKI.s. roNUI'.srioN OK TUP! T.ttKOS. COr.E TltnOAT, I'll'I'let'l.T IUiK,'l IIIMI, I'At.l'tl'ATniN' nl' Till; UliAIlT. HYSTKtiii'a, rr.ot:r, in imitii i ki a. i'A I'AUUII, INFLUENZA. liCAiiAriiE, loom m-uil M't'ltAf.nTA. KIIKL'M ATtSM. cot.n ntll.t.R. Alien run. is. T'h- !ii;-lic innn f f I'm ltt.inl ICrttrr lo l'" pnrt or -ir: v !., re tlio iulii vt u.ilkult)' 4 Xi.u w i!l nl1ti u:irl mti.i..rl. I'm I'lv il ri.jis In lil'f ft llimlilrr nf WflliT will tn a f--r l'iw- c CHAM I's, SIM SMS. SOI' l STOMA! 'II, )ii:M;niri:N, su k nr. h.mtik., iuaiiiiiika. ISKMKIIV, I'ol.li'. MIND IN 'ill U HoWLLS, ',I sll 1 I LltNAI. CAINS. Tr:iv,-!. .. .lii-iiM tiln si enrry a liillt. of nn'livfiv'd Ttrnity Hcll,'f vvilli llu'in. A f.s-rini'. In miliT vi lil Ln i.nt ?K-liin'ii. cr i:il:is fioni rliiumr nf w ntrr. Il n .'.ti l ttiun t rrm'li II. .itiily vt liltti-iMiiin Mliuul.uit. 1'KVl'U AND AtiVK. rrVSr. AMI Aol'I! 1'iin-il fur ll.lvri'iiU. Ttirw l r"l a rciniill..! u-"iit 111 llt.-HcrM Unit Mill cum Kivor II nl Aj.no n ul .ill "tli.-r .M:aili.uv llllli.iui, Si-ail. l. Tv I i..i.i, hi. iv. nml ol lev I . iris oilili-il liv ItAI'WAY'a l it 1 s .., i,,u . kaiiWAY'.h KKAUV l.iiLli.1'. 1- itl 1,'ii.lii fir l-.u.. . i,l liy Uru-isU. health 5 Beauty ! ! lyniiiMi ami I'lTtt: tttcti iinion-iNrnrcAsr: HI' I I.Kslt AM' w I'.l'lllT AT IIAIl SKIN AND 1T..U' ill I'Ll'O.MlXKM.IN Mil L 11LU i'U ALL. n AD WAY'S SARSAPAniLLIAN RESOLVENT HAS M AP". Tl!!' Mosr ASTMsntNU (Tltr ; K- nrii'K, .;' K.ri! AUK TIIK 4'HANWKS 'I VK' io.V 1 M !;iiM! i. 'MH:U THK IN lI.lTNci: tK THIS 'IKl'LV ..UM'hiliT U jtianriNi; Tii at Evory Vr,y cn Snercooo In Flos.i nnd YVoltn 13 Soon nnd Felt. THE CKEAT DLOOD PURBFICR. rvrrr ilr. .f !!ie P A US A.'AIHI.M A N KKM-I.V-TV co'Dinin'lcah tlu.niuli llio IM. Hwviit, l!iln, rtit .rlt, r HuKN ami lulocs nt' tho nvwti in the vikt t'f ltl'. ft r It r" .urn w !ifl-i nt tin Im.iIv w ii,-w m., . tii.tl untrrLil. SiT"ful i, i-li LT ViiMiii lii.Kh, lil:ni. Inl.tr tltr:t-(, rVtMP In Kit Tlno.il, "Mfi.UU, 'lunmrw, Nili'!i hi f't ,!;. tifi nii niinT 1 :ir(a vt tin itvHt'Ht, htrna Kvt', M'imicitn l'i-vl'HV f. 'tt Iho l'.-.ir ntnl liie vnrl foricr1 of 81.11 tiiMi-'is.", Kt ii' ii't H, KfVi'v !ori'H, 8 hIi! Jli inl, lili'tt W mm, Suit .Iliciiiij Krvni'cl.i Actio, lil.-irk T n T ? I'llllA III tlil ) IVr.ll, i'lMIHHIi, I'lllMNTM 111 tilt) :n :imI till w,k.".hij t.ti.l piinru! ll;'.'hnr.- Niltt vvll, i,i.'W(i MfnTin, mm uil w.-iMrun uio 1110 ii ii;tl 1 11-, i-i ; wii lilti tlm '.ir.iti nii'iro vf tlil womli't of Mtn- j .'iMti us i.k it fur t'tluT vl Uu-eo foiut ut ulscaaa lu j.i.i.-Mi -,.ui r to 1 itit t li-fi. If Hit iviiifii. il.tllv tuvomtitc rr,ncctl lw tli wnstra t'tl I 't.t'tllfM V, fiu a nw ,l;iH tint' MM ITOVfl n lllttf tti d 1I1 ciniit'o: ition (i;it Irt ctnil kiiiitil !y jTonrivji ir, msc i'iIji 111 :irri iiiiic iiifor ttlrn, nml n'p.tirH uir Kiiino m iki M' linlr:ll lDiil- f.ciiii IiimII;v L Ik &iiti tiill Vl.a t A USA PA li! 1,1,1 AN will ami ilecsfniiiv. fill known romi'ill.tl n.,i'ii' In 11 1 ouip vt I ln.-nic, ht'r.-f'i- Nut oiilv dtn'! Ilitf Nkt.rAKll.l.iM l,KHt.TKfT r"i I "iin,t iMwtiiiiti.i..ii, iiuU uuvaBcs ; tut It U Uic o;.!y I1" cjrc I'.T VriUnr'.. Womlt ll-rr.so-i. irjirrl. 1lnN-ttn. lrot v. Fii'JTii-v' "f U t.t.'i', In, I'lt i'-iMu- .f I rltu' l-rlirl'l'ii I-i ric, AltntiiilutirM, ami In all rn-iti w lint? tiK're mo .i tin! (!.'pi;-ii, ur tli W ;.liT 1st Itili k. flotnlV, liiictl '. pni'-l5i:irs I iK". I hi- wlii' t mi or t ltrt;u!s liko w tilt a til1!, or thTO U 11 iiiorllt, tlurk, I it It i njitnamiK e, -tint . Iiitt ln'iH'-.liist ,li Hiu, nml win ti tticrc ttt a ytU kirtr, ruri:i!ifi ?"l .i':-"i l.cii 'mi; . M- r, liti,! j niii In l,iu t-:ir;M ..r'lt,, jl a., al.!.,; Ilu- Lu.i:s, l'lk'O, (,1.00. VJOfttFi. Tho r: v tnuwu And uns r.-!.o.lv for li 01 1 a j tn, 'J i'.f. t.i. lUvrriT, MiH., Julr I. Pn. flirw V : t -. hiA ( 'urtai Tiuiift In (Hi onrlfi . li mit. All tha l t. r- mi.l " t!.r. rrj n 1 li.ti. tor :." 1 tr;. I ttv I Iur a; tt, l pt nc Miiinffti!- d i l H U in Ut-l"s1 me. I w V.mr lt.inlvnl, mi-l ihii:it I n-Hil.lirv it: loit It tut nofulth II. Iss'Aii'o I h.4.1 u:l'ritd li-r llv vi-nra. 1 lunli kla Im lllfi of ill- lt.-nlvr.nl, mi ,i .-t. In , Ln.lUit 1 rlU, .lul two hct- lloi r - ur li. sily -Hi-fi itii Ihrtv U n.-l it I (n t( tninur l. to n rr f. il, i-nt I f.-. t. llr, nimiirr, mul l.ncpirr tlifii I hn lflie rftr. 1-a H it luiiior i In iti.i Irtl mlr ol l!i rcii.orr Ilia rr-in. I ar!l (lilt lo Mill f.r liia LriicCt ul vthvr. wi t'Mt i uLH-li it U ) tiu ctiiM Mj. ll.AM 1. f."A.l DR. RAD WAY'S fEEFECT FILLS, orfi'ctl- 1-tf!fM, o't'ini'lly rorvti-cl with nwnt pmi, nrp", ri-2i.l;iti', imtlfv, o .onttjio, im I BtrrnL'tli-n. ltnl xvuv's IMls, l"..r l! " ourotif nil thuordcni or llio f itii-uli, Livtr, lLiwili. Kiilm'V', l)!aMcr, Ncivoin llsoino )lci.l'ii'!ic, I'o'it ii'iiiltiii, OfHiv( nl-, linllm,tloii. 1-vni.' f iioii.in'-.. UiMoh l-'iAtr. inflnu.iiiiitiKii tf tin1 How.-!, 1 'ia-;' M 1 U-ninci TuotiU ..f tin' littcrtiitl Via com. nrr.iTilnl lo c tutl a on ivotiiro. rtirol)- r(frt: Lie. rontnlnlMu no inrrciirv, ml Morula, or It-let-r loiift U nirt tiT" Ohs.Tvo th. ft.(owln)c nvnii tum rvbuUiiiit from Iiisnnlr. of Die 1 '!::(".' ii f O.uiits; Cntlii-.ton, l.i-trv.l I'll,, F.'IIj.m f tit Tl)A !n til IT, An,luv ttf iha SiKiitifh, Ni;m, 1 1. il urn, 1'otfiiat ol KinhI, 1 .ILiivm w Wrfj-lit In Sl.-ttiat h, S tir KrL 'lti..n, (iinkni-: 0 I lii'irinj t.1 tl.- IM of tSa i.n .fi.h. K liiirnli.f vf III Hrul, llnrrir-l tun! I'.tli. uH Ur,-uih:r, V luiirtlrtt al llir l(oM. Chokln ft rinl s-Miti Sriik-.io ii, wlitn I-i n I.mi.k I'mlura, Dintr i-f Vii..ti, Ut. it V,U U-lo-, tli S;tr'..l,'Kr..r mA Dull l',n m h Hsi, irli Uui-y i t Prtn-Iriili-in, Vtll-mt. ol llir Hkin t il t-.i. I'mIti .o tile S'.l K uttl, IJuiL. axvl ludJcta l luhu tf li.M, Hurnin in tlie tl th. A ft-w d of II a II WAT'S riT,T,R -.11 fhe the rvt- Ki mii.i I'.y l'U!:i;iiisTS. ' REAI -KA.si: AMi TI.V'K." F.tiJ one iHtor riam;. tu WAUW A V & i'O., Kt. j MnWi-n bi.e. Nv-n t orb. lsirtinm.'u Wi-itli LUliUmiJ v. tii Uvbtat j uj. IUFLi:8, SHOT GUNS HKVOLVS. 'Inn inntii i:ils of cvoi v kiiul. M'l ito for I'l'ico List, totiivat Wi-: ti-in (inn Works, l'il'.xlimvll. I:l. I'm v irtiuu mi . I II. .....! vol's bou ;lit or ti'Ui'.i'.l i'oi'. Agi ntt. wanti'ii. Jtl-!t AfiFNIT's wnntoil for "Tlio r.rinht Si.ln nUL.H I O t Ni w- York," u l.ilnin v of Iiifoii'iiition j.( 1 tiuiiiinr to its liistiliitions mid oliiiH ts of liiti-roMt. I'.v 11 t'it v Mis sionary.. l'i:i) l-:n.-r.i loirs. Api-ntN sell 40 lisln'r, t-t;3 l(romlw:iv, N. Y. l.iy. J list l -ii.mM. i :. r.lKKAT. l'nli- M it ...- ., . .. i., n. . tin, . V llll- r M. l.onis. Mo. i:iiui.,i i. il. in.i..., EP.IE & PITTS30HGII II. R On und iiIIit Moiu'ay, Xnv. l.", 1SC0 traiiiH will run on litis roa.l ns lollou : 1.10AVH Kl:ii:-W)UT!lVAi:i). lltfiS A. M. AiTOMitniiAi'iov- T.oaviis Ts'(W( astlti at 7:0,j ami arrivrs at l'iltsbur'li 10:110 a. in. 10:25 A. ji 1'iTTsin r.nii i:x.. slnns at all stations, an:l arrives at A. A' U. V. It. I!. J ransliT at 1: id p. in., at Nnwnistlo at 4i.i p. in., ami al ri'.t.-lnii i.'h at 0:00 p. in. fi:0-J A. M., Al ' OMMollA I ION, flinn Juilll'S- town, ari hes at A. A' (i. V. II. 1!. Transfer at ft; M a. in., lit Newrnvtlo at 7:0i u. in., and ritt ilnirjjli at HniiO a. in. ,1:11) r. M., Mixeil Train leaves Krio for Sharon, sloppiii'.; at all intermediate points anil arriving at 10:10 a. in. LKAVK l'lTT.sr.rilClI-XOl'.TWAUD. 7:15 A. m,, Kim: i:xi'iu:ss, leaves Now- easileat 10:00 a. 111., A. A (J. W. It. II.Trans- ier at ll:l) a. in., anil arrives at Krie at U:.I0 li. in., nnikinteloii eonneition lor linlla- lo mi 1 1 Niagara rail". ;t::t"i p. m. ArcoMMoDATioN, leavS New ea.tle at (::ln p. m . A. A (I. W. It. I. Transfer ul7:."ii p. in., and Jamestown at :' a. in., eonnei ts with tnixoil trains that arrives in J.rie at !:. a. in tii'JO I". M., Mixed Train leave Kliaron for I'.rio, iiikI ai rivinn at Oirunl ut liiiO u. ui and I '.rie at i:ro a. in . Trains eonneet at Rochester with train for Win elini; and all points in 'et Virginia, and at I'iilslinrjih eonneelions for l'liiladel jiliia, Jlarrialmrli, Italtiinore and Wash liiuton via 1'uiinsylvaiiia CVntral Itailroad. llrie Kx press .North, lonnoels at (liiard with Cleveland and iCrio trains Westwanl for ( 'k veland, ( liii a'ro, and ail points in mo a i'M hi i'.rio witn I'lulaileljiliia.V I. l ie ltiiilroad for t'orrv, Warien, Irviimton, Tidioute, Ae., and Willi Hiiltalo A-'jCriu ltailroad for llntlalo, Dunkirk, Niagara i . ins ana .miw joi i; i uy. F. N. FINNKY. tieneral tSnp'l D. .1. X. ltof.AHD, c,r Tidioute, has retnrnsil to hi:4 m-Mi.tii.i. iiiim- mi ii. senee of foi'i-lnoiilhs. Hiient inihn II. i.i.:.. iaisoi.ev ioik, win.ro will utlond ea I Is ill his )il olession. Oltieo in Knreka Druij Store, 3d door ibove tho hank, Tidioute, l'a. VAi "llTANTI'IV-ACHNTS (S'.'O iir (! iv) to V Kill thn ivlclirnt.'il IIO.Mi: MIL'T Tl.r. M'WIMJ M.VCillNi:. ll.istlic nn-(li'i'-l'ci'tl, innkos tlii'"loi-k Ktiti li." iilikoon both siili-s, nml fully licon.-Til. Tito lust ami clnvipi'st ihinily (S.-'Wim; M:ir!:inii in tlio lliltl kl't. Ai'.ilriH Johnson. I 'lurk .( i'., l:.,. i, ,ii . i-i-n. J II.. "c JOB WORK JH)NK AT Til 15 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At llie loiL'trl eeth price, ncai'y, promi hi, c.nd in flyle equal to Ihat of any (hcr c.!dil!th;ncid in the l)i.iricL BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARDS.. SCHOOL CARDS VIM)J )I NG CA RD3, riiOGUAM.MES, INVITATIONS, DALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, ENVELOPES DILI HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, crueuLARs, DLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS. HAN DRILLS, LABELS, 1 ! PlIHTING TAGS, tl'f -i5W' ' " ."Jy.n