I NATURE') HAIR RESTORATIVE J: r.. Tit r. -V. Contauit no LAC SULMUHXo &UUA1: OF I.KADXo L1TU- AiiuXo mtj: ati: or sir.- VIM, and Voimnmi in entirety free from the ivul leilth-tcMroyny Drvns tuicd il other Jltur 1 Tenant- lion. Trnnspnrent nil Hour as crystal, it wil not soil tnclinost fabric, perfectly SAFF., Cl.KAN and 1". ! KICI K.N T dosldorat n nix lono sought run an n l'oi sn at I-AS I ! It restores ami prevents the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy ap pearance, removes l:inciriilV. is cool nnd refreshing to tho lu-.nl, checks the Hair Item falling of!', und restores it to a great ' extent wln'ti premntnroly lost, l.revcnts Headaches, euros nil humors, cutaneous eruptions, nml iiuuntuinl hent. AS A D K I :ss 1 N i l'OH ii 1 K 11 A It IT Is TH K DF.ST AHTKi.lC IN TIIK MA1IK F.T. Dll. (i. SMITH, Patentee, Aver, Mass. Prepared mlv by FHOl "I'KIt Dlloiil F.K.S, Gloucester, M;ifn. Tim genuine is put up in : panel bottle, nindo expressly lor it, with tho name of tlie article blown in tho glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's Hair Kcstorativc, and take no other. itirKeiul two three ernt ntnuips to Troeter l'.rothers for a "Treatise, on tlio Iltimau Hair." Tho information it Con tains 18 worth $610,00 to any person. "W ALL LI S I I M P 11 O V E D M A G I C M P II O V E D M A O I C IMPROVED .MAGIC IBALM! W. II. BERK INS & CO., Solo Propri etors, Franklin, Pa. 44 J. C. LOftG, Wholesale and Ilctail Dealer in HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIDIOUTE JPJl.. First Door above Exchango Hotel. 4-ly Profitable Employ :uaf. We desire to engncre a few more npenfs to Fell tho world-renowned improved lluck eye Sewing Machine, at a liberal salary or on commission. A horse and wagon given lo nrents. Full pin tieu'nrs furnished on application. Address V. A. II FN DF.lt SOX .v CO., General Agent; Cleveland, (. or St. I .ou is, Mu. 31-4t Kstoie .XotJee. "J7STATK OF CONHAD LF.D.Vr.I'K, late ' J of Hickory Township, I'lin-Kniiiiiv, dcre:iMl. All pi rsons iuilcble.l to said es tate are requested to make immediate pay ment. And tin-so having lcual claiiiis iialnst the same, will present tlu ni with out delav in proper order lor settlement, to D. S. KNOX. I JUSIAII WINANS.J 1-xccutors. Cl.l-t rilOTOGKAFII GALLEHY Wator Street, .ADJOINING THE HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., H. CARPENTER, - . . Proprietor. Ticturcs taken in all tho latent Ktvle Ihcart THE BOOT A H D SHOE STORE. IV Vi'U WANT n perfect fit anJ a iiood article of Koots and .'ihoeh, of tlio liucot vorkiiiunship, go to II. I.. 5IC'AX t-:.s, 3'J C'ENTllR KTliEET, OIL CITY, PA. r Suiisfactioii uuaranteed. tf. "ttTK 1IAYE taken the aurni y of two niaeidiics nianulaeluicJ at Mcudville. i ne know u us tile Kniffen Mov;er and Reaper, mid the other tho Atlantic Mower and Reaper. Tlio Hd untaxes thco maehiiics claim over others olleri d for mlo is Lisli'aiiss of Druft, Y.m of Jiiiiiiisniii iil, L'conuiiiy of Puwf r, Strriijilli und t litH-iness. Thin-m:( hines, w ith (r w ithout riaper niluehiiieiit can he pm -chased of Jl. W. Ll.DAI.l'H. or W.M. If. UKA'iU, Tiunes'.a, l'a. Tliev a- sell til.- TAYl.Olt .S'i'LKL Tool 11 !IA V vV UllAlN 11 A K I'.. None l.i for :n use. lt rr. WAiKEifs c v;ror.?ri A YiNEGAR BITTEKS :1s irciittt'.stf Thour.ar.d9 ? l "' J.rc.-t ."ivl(,"TV'lvi.'.(r- (!. f. c . - lriur.i..4h (. li'.q - i - ' .s' N. ;j y':iJ ) III '"J. hl .-i: ,' . h:? , . '.V-- .s : : V? ?S;;V; ' L J : " ;::: v m:7. a va.z f S I m!; i- r- r lI J P I M I' V r. L Ms.:crf XVar fit";, TV"iNkr VvnuT T-Jrlf n:'.il l!.!t::i: J.iyuorn t!octon:',crlJPtl t recfr U.d ti rljF t:: 1.", iMl-?tl " Tcr.lC," AppCtiX irr.," !.i on u," if., tltct 'co'l tV.o tiplcP cn to i;;:.r irs r':i:i, M:t ore o Irao Mr, rinc, tnado f. i .t : ...t e ''o:.i ;-.n 1 i:crl'cf Cultr.-rr.i, free t-i.ci nil AIt r!:i'!lf tifii1nnt 1 try ro tho ;;::at rrr.irmu nud a i.ifb CwVIV.J INt'l l't.lS rr;ct llcnovntcr ftrd lu lg"r..:or vf tl.-; -lJ-i. carrj;rg off oil po:ooon ir.att:r fn,- i' o Mood to hectthy ccniition. cp.rson cs;.Uir.o tluro lltlcra according tQdirco Vc". c 0 rcMmin If rr nnn ill. tl.0 wlULo fiTcnfcrn tnrnr&lle ease, prorldcd t':o lnm s oro net duetroyed by ciiacral poiaon or other mcaLr, ftr.C ttij Tiifcloi-gaa vatttU tcyoodUi poiutc; repair. Inr luni.r.ai.tticry mid C'bronle KhrBina trm nuct laut L" j ?rjia vv Indttrticot Fillour, Uvnittlriit and luicrmlttrui Fftois DUt'nut-p at tlio liluod, Liver liidney and IMadUcr thcto Uittcttt I-kto beca inoft qcc fnl. bach Discnc era c&urcd Yj Tlilntcd DdoJ. wtilch Is generily proUiccdty dcr&nxeaint of tlx Iicrtttlve Urpnna. DYSVtl'MA ua 1ND1GESTIOX, Ecd BtUc, Taiu lu Uic tl.oulucr, CocpUc, Ti;ttnc of tho CliCtt DixxiucM, Sour Emctallou of the Stoitiacn, rod Ufltc ) tlie Mouth, Billone Attacks, PtJpiUtion cf Cic Heart, KCtnm.ntlon of the Lace rain In tho legions of tLc KiIneystftnd ft hundred other pjiiul lymptonit, arc the trspring of Iiyppopsia. Th- y invigorcto U Stomach and sUmolato the tor pldlKcrand bowels, which render theni of uaeqcallcd ciicacr la cleansing; the blood of all impurities, and lr-ipurtin? new life and rigor to the wholo tyetem. I CUt?ii.lN DISEASES, Eroptlonr, Tetter, Salt l:hcnm, Blotchca, Spot. Pimples. ToEtul ,Bos, Car bnnclcs, ElLg'Worms, Fcjdd-Hotd, Sorts Fyc,Eryslp els?. Itch, Sec r re, Plfooloratlons cf thr kin, Hurucra and Dis.-nscs of the L&n, of whatever name or cat'oro tro li.cr-liy dog op and carried out of the system tn a short time by the use of theso Bitters. One bottlo In t;u h c:wcfl wi!l convince tho meet Incredulous of their curuivo effect. C).a:.sc tho Vitiated Blood wtencver yon find its t:: purit.pt tnrst!cg ihrough the skin In Timples, Ernp tio&a or Seres cloanit? It when you Cad it obstructed v.d l:.2gih In tlio Tctns; ciconso it when It Is foni, andyonrfcollngfi will tell yon when. Keep the bloc, pure and the hraUh of tho Gystcm will follow. riX. TAPEtxdotherWORMS, lurklnglntha trrtcra cf so many thousands, are effectually destroy el.i'idr. moved. For full direct tons, rud carefully tC circnlir uromid each bottle, prUitcdfiifourlan-fc!-.5 U-tUih.Oonimn, FixncU find Soiih. J. W.wlirR, rroprktor. R. H. McEOAU) ft CO D.uifts and Gen. Agents, 8an Francisco, Cal und 53 and 94 Commerce Btroct, Kew York. .-COIJ) BT ALL DJ1UGQIST8 ANO DEALERS. "WORfflAM" Uy an immense practice, extending through a pei F many years, havin within that time treated lud ovet nine thousand cases of those diseases pecuiuu to woman, I have been enabled to perfect a most potent and agreeable medicine that meets tho indications presented by that class of diseases with positive cer tainty and exactness. To designate this natural specific compound, I have turned it Dr, Pierce'a Favorite Prescription. The term, however, is but a feeble expression of my most matured appreciation of its value, based upon actual and witnessed realities. As a close observer, I have while witnessing iu positive results in the few special diseases incident to the separate organism of woman, singled it out as tht cli m.ur cr crowning gent cf my $n.tiuai career. On its merits as a positive, safe, and effectual remedy fur this class of diseases, and one that will at all times and under all circum stances act kindly and in harmony with the law u hick govern the female system, I am wilhr.g to stake my reputation as a physician. Nay, even more, so ccnu dent am 1 that it will not disappoint the most sanguine expectations of a single invalid lady who employs it for any of the ail menu for which I recommend it, that I offer fluid ell it under A POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. If a beneficial effect is not experienced by the time two-thirds of the contents of the bottle are used, I will, on the return of the bottle, two-thircs of the medicine havme been taken according to direc tions, and the case being one fur which I recommend It, promptly refund the money paid for it. Had 1 not the most perfect coandence in its virtues, I could not offer U as I do under these conditions ; but having wit nessed its truly niiraculou cures in thousands cf cases. eel warranted and perfectly ae in rUking botk my reftttattpn and my money en itt menu. The following arc among those diseases in which my favorite Pretcrtftum has worked cures as if by magic and wan a certainty never before attained by anv medicine; LeucKTQtca, Ejocuivc (lowing, Paii fu!ji'xuhiy Period, isuDpremons when from unnat ural causes, Ineg'iUruie. Weak back. Prolapsus, or failing of the U'-erus, AnieversiOti and Retroversion, Bearing Dow Sensattoas, Internal Heat, Nervous lepreion, bvbUiiy, DcH'Ofvlmcy, Threatened Mis Carriage, Chronic Congestion, InriVmraaiion and C 1 ttniija of the Uterus, and very many other chronic dicas peculiar to wocun not mentioned .here, in which, as well as in the ca.ve w hich I have mentioned, my r'avonte Prcscrrption works euro the marvel of tne worl This melidie I do not extol as a cure-all. Lot it admirably fLiii'i.ls a sinlcneu at purpoe, being a most perfect specific in all chronic diicase of the sexual system of woman. It w;it not (lisapp'.nl, nor wul u do liarm in any state or on am on. It is a moct Paircitr.'L Restoeative Ionic to the gen eral as wcli as the sexual system, also combining the most valuable nervine properties. Both the muscular and nervous forces are strengthened and built up by iu us. , It wii be fvund i.ivaluable in diseases inci dent to pregnancy, and can b taken tn moderate d'Aes witn perfect safety while in that state. Indeed, it is a Mot Ar i C or dial, and so prepares the system fur paruinuoB that it rendcri, child-labor easy. 1 hav received the hear tf-.h praii from hundreds of mothers for the inestimable bcncntslhus conferred. I offer my r'avorite Prescription to the Ladies of America with the sincerity of an honest heart, and fur their beit welfare. Those who desire further informa aun oa these suV-jeas can obtain it in my 1 bkatisk OM ChSOMC UlSEAfES VP THI (jHSfcKATIVE ANU V it in Ait v Okcaks, sent secure f n -m ohservation upon receipt of two poaiaze stamps. It treats minutely on thoe ducacs peculiar to Females, and gives much valuable advice in retard to their rr.:in:'.;;-m';nT IsK. PIF.Kf F FAVOHITK fHf. ftt'rtlFTlON IS SOI. 1 11 Al I HHVI ( LAM DUlbblM S, Hi 1.60 lcr bol He, Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of - li. V. riKUCli, M. !., BUFFALO. N. Y. !.fl aIIF Tciuh -nil. hid of vVoon'H Horsr. llol.l) Maoakink liejjiiiM w ilii juuuaiy '72. It is ( i!iti il liy (iail llamiitou, S. S. W ood. ai,. 1 11. Y. Oslioi ne, and includes anions its regular contributors Horace (irci ii v, iail Hamilton, TlosK. IJeecie r, Dr. li; o Lew is, Lr. W. W. Hall, Jniues rmti.n, etc. 1 lai riet P.ecclier Mowe, Kri -k I'eiiicn.y. Jehu (i. Snxe, !al. ic:i!. Kil pali i( k,'l'( troh iiin V. Nasl.y, le., w ritu it oicasii.iiully. Teriuu One "Dollar a veiir. In clul.iiinr," three lirst-class j.ei iodieals at e iven lur tim price of one oi tlieni. Tie Wost liberal l'leniiuiu List ever jiulilishcd. No peiio. Ileal is iu.no freijiiciit'y or lavor nl.lv nii-i. I ii.iii .1 bv tl'.o press. "Wood's Household Ma.'.a.iuo is nun of the monu ments of busines enterprise which in irk the inie.'' Methodist Honio Journal, 1'hil siileljiliin, l'a. "ll has been improviie; evi r since wo knew it irood erilerinu ibr the I. a. ia. elass Time ai'ulii lure, Courier, New .Market, nu ll Is a uiarvcl of cheapness and ii.- .l ijuaiilv combined." New York .Spu-imeii foj-v vent free to any S.S,'V(iuL,v('il New hnrh, N. Y, r.'--'' :. ...... . - f : . r t":ir- ' -' W'&'W ' if 167 Water Street, Meadville, Pa. AISO A KRANCII STORE IN FRANKLIN, TA. Jn Store with S'l'A l'Li:s C StllLKl'. Opposite Vont Ofllcc. THE LARGEST DEALER IN In this paction, including tlio following colcbraicil makes: ChlCkering& Sons, Stcinway & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurtzman, ami other. WHITNEY A- SLAYTOX'S ORGANS AND MEL Ol )EGNS. These Organs and Melodeons are acknowledged by all good judges to be tho best nud finest finished Keod Instruments made. This being the Oldest and Largest House in this section, superior induce ments can and will be oillred to purchasers. Stools and Spreads, Sheet Music, Rooks, nud a large stock of everything iu tho Music lino, can bo found at my store. i-lv AGENTS WANTED ron Tte Library of Foetry and So:i, Tloinir fhoii'P fk-JivMnns from tho Host l'oots, Kimlish. Sertoli, Irish nil J Ameri can. With n Ititrv-dui-tion I'V I WILLIAM CULLKX IU1YAXT. j Vndor w liosp oriticnl sniTrvislon the i volumo was coinpilo'l. j Tin- hainlsiinit'Mt him! rliofrrst stilwrir.- j t'.nn iKMik pxtant. t'vi r "( i ; :u-o, K miti- j fully printcil. elm!-oly i'.liistrr.tcl. l:ii.l. soiiii'ly boun l. A l.iUniry of over MOj volumes in one book, wIikso t-on louts, of j no i'iilniiier:il nature or interest, will never trniw old rr ftnle. It can be. and will lio' , read and re-read wish pleasure by old and youmr, as lon a its leaves l.old top'tlier. "A iwricvl Kiirpriso. Seareely iui tliiiifi nil nil a favorite, or at nil woitliy of plme here, is iieirleetod. It is n hook tor cvei v household." -V. V. M t-I. "noknw of no similar eolleetion in tho English lanj;uairo whii h, in copious ncss mid felicity of selection and arrange ment, can nt ul'l con.parc with it.' -V. 1'. Time. Terms liberal. Pellins very rapidly. SJiid lor Ciri ularnnd Terms to J. 15. FOIin A CO., i7 Park Fiiicc, N. Y. June fi, 1 STL Allegheny Valley Rail Road. NEW LINK TO r.UrFAT.o TIIUOUGII TUK OIL KKOIis;. ON AND after Monday Nov. CO, Trains will run us lblluws (Altoona Time): KDUT1I. T)y K.pres lravn Oil City r.t 2 '.Vi p m Ariivrs nl I'it.sliiirrh 8ep lit Ni;:ht ICxjiress Lenvs Oil City i lit' p m Arrives at l'ittsliureli li-itui in !ail Train leaves Oil Ci!V I'-I.ia im Arrives ut I'itUlniru-h ti 00 p in Yeiinii)io Aeeom. P aves Oil City 4KI p. in. ! and urrivis u'. Kittannii.g f 10 p. m. j NullTll j : Hav Ttxpress Leaves "Pittsburgh nt "M.iin I ArVrivcsnl Od City ut 2 :!op m ; , N i v-iit Lx press l i Ax es Pitt.-l i:i j;h MO pin ' i A rr: vi's nt ( ii City 5 1" u in j lail Tra.n leaven l'itt-diiinr'i 11 "0 a in : i Arrlv. s at nil City 7 2.1pm j Vcnaii-'o Ai : leaves Kit:aniiin 7 i .1 a m j u.ol arrives at I hi City 12 L0 p m i Silver Pa'aeo ri'.ecpinir f'a.s on iiiht l'.x pres i 'i'j'ains, l-etw i-n I'iitsluauh and i 'J'liusviile. 'I'iiroiuU C.raelu s en l;ay L- : ; i.re-s Trains l.et'.ve n l'ittsleir:'h ami Ilos- , ' ion. J. J. LAW Kl'.NCl"., T. M. KINO, Oen'l. .Sup Ass t. Sui't. X7 -. X l' 1 - v.-.V." i"-i 11 LIS r.frr,eih!o u 1Iih sfnnil ihc tent of kcvch years before the nr:lie; and tin i,i'j(ir at.'oit for tue Imirhttit yet been ifs roi.'crcl tlml. trill jtrottue.c the urinio bfiu jicln! results. It is an entirely new seientijii; liine.unevii . coibli inr) man if otiv utostjto'irerj'itl iin-l reHtorulirn n'lt ntu iu tlie VCT AE.Li KlttCBOM. It efoj-eCREY HMD TO IT3 ORIGINAL YOUTH KUL COLCFi. It nitke the neul:t tr'iitit and clean; eurr lamlriir ami limnum, and lulling out of t!io Iiair; und will iikiUh it irow ii;'a bnld heads. cji:i;t in vrry ;' il liei-iions. f i it titrnistten the niitriliro prlnrliile on whlcU the hiir 4i itititrivJte-t nml nititoi-teil. I! umber the liuii- noi:.t, soft, anil i,;nsitii, ami i misitrnissiil an it ilAi'ii Ji ti SI H S S ti. Jtitm i lietip-.'f irejiirii!i(n eeei ujyeveil to tint tmitlit:, ax one bottle will tic-foinjili-ih tii'ire and lust lonier th in three botllea of an if other pi fi'irntini;. It i-i m u :u m mled and used bij the l if t ntft'ictd Authority. Tl.it U omtei-J nt resnltn produced bil our Sicilian Hair Uenewer hare iitl:irc'l 1AUIUI to in:tnititciiire rc 'tr.t'.ioiiH for the Hair, under fiirimti intuit u i Uiid, in order to iii.li.i ii the trade and .'' public to mirchiisK their comtounda, thru 'l:ttrn reported to fitlHchood, luf cl.iimiii' then were former part- i iicr.-i, or Imd some connecliou ivitu I ii'ir Mr. Hull, und their prepara tion ii'.f simitar to ours, tio not bedcri ired tin them, i'urchttse the orifintit: it has never yet been eii'i it!e I. Our Treatise on. the Hair, with certificates, sent free bit '.'. .sue! that each bottle haa our prirato Here nun Stump over the t':; of the bottle. All other oro iiniialioim. 0. P. Hill b Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. SutJ all V M ';- l-atl.if if .lciiVl'l. : --. :-,rr J. c. iruiiii. Hill Cut Illustrate th, mannw of Using 331.- PIEROE'3 'frn Fountain asal Injector, 'vi DOUCHED irr ' Thi Instrument 1 epcclBT designed for tho perfect ftplicUim of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY, It I, the onlr form of Inurnment yet Invented with whicli lliilil metlirlno can becurrlcil high tip nd ptrfeMy appiUd to ll prl of tho unected u paI jiaiVai:e. and Itio chaiuhire or cavlllee com niuuicatini? therewith, in which ore, anl Hirers frcquently exist, and from which the catarrhal dis eharire pcnerally proceed". Tho want of f urcers In trcatini? Caiarrh heretofore ha arisen largely from the lmpoibility of applying rcniediee to these cavitiea and chamhers by any of the ordi nary method. Thi obstacle in the way of ef fecting cures lis entirely overcome by the Invention of the Douche. Iu uxins this Instrument, the Fluid ll carried by Ita own weight, (no tnutfing. forcing or pumping being required.) up one nostril iu a fiul Irently flowing stream totlie highest portion of tho iiaal pa-satres, pasea intoand llioronnlilycleann csall the tubes and Cham here rimnccted therewilh, amlflowf outoltheopposlte nostril. Iianse is pleas ant, and u simple iliat a thild can nnilcrstand it. Full ami explicit directions) ac company each tnsti ument. When used w ith turn lntruinent. Dr. Sato's ntarrh llemi-dy cures re cent aitark of Cold la tlie Head i-by 0 few applications. si y n t o in o f ' t a r rb . Freqncnt head ache, discharge fallini; into thnmt, soinrliinea pro fuse, waterr. thick uincus. purulent, nfleniive. 4c. Iu others a dryness, dry, w atery, w eak or inflamed eves, stopping up or otistniction of nasal pasencc, rin'inj In e:irs, deafness, hawkine and cuu-hing to clear tamat, ulcerations, scabs finm ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang, oflensivo breath, Im p.iiivd or total deprivation of sense of smell and t.me. dizziness, mental riepressiou, loss of appe tite, Indiiresii'in, cnlarired tonsils, tickllne couh, &c. Onlva few of llu-se symiitoma ai-e likely to be present in any cno at oiio time. i r. satic' ntarrli Ilemcily, when used wiih Ir. Pierce'a Nusnl lsmirlie, and acenmpnied with the constitutional treat meiit whii.ll is ree.inimencled in tlie paiupbict that wraps each bottle of tho Itemedy, is A per fect specific f.r thia loathsomo disease, and the proprietor offers, in good faith, reward lor a caso he can uot care. Tho Remedy Is mild andpleaant tousc.cnntaininffno strcnt; or caustic drug's or poisons. TheCnlarrh Iti medv Is sold at DO cents, Douche at 0 cents, by all IriiR Klsts, or cither will be mailed bv proprietor on receipt off) cents. It. V. I'lKUt l!, 91. D., tiulo Proprietor, BITFALO. N. Y. . CIIAriLSi A Vr:. I'daar. tin; -THhr A NrwRpayc-tcf tbft l'rcrnt Time ju:l.-.l Tot FcoiiIj Sor oa Earth lacTud'iK rrm; 8. IIiha: ici. Morrhact, Pro fetsiou'ii Men, V.'ikei's, 'f :ii.worf, ami t l Van iut cr iltn-'.-t Foli:f. imcl tho Wivev, SOait. ftud iuu,:ii:crul uluue. ONLY ON2 DOLLAIt A VEAU I one aiNDr.ro cot'ica fob wo. Or le i t!mn Vui Or.t a C-ipy. Let thorn to t50 Cu'i ui evry Pout OiUce. KEni-WEEIiLY ISCX, 92 A YEAH, of t!ii mo tlx urA pctieral cr&ctcr till: WLrKI.T, bat wiih a t-rcAier vurict of ii.sfci ni.L-iiv.3 iv,i hti;, and fur niiiiiir; the uwu :l otHtriho: with it i eater frBklintos. buuuu-u it cgiuo iwuc it wcciUfteal uf oui uu!y. TUB DAIIiY SI X, 8 '3 A YI!4B. A ire"iin' s"tl v rjal.h'o Rowjpa,er. with t' i hiri! c.r-tit:iiiua Ii Ihu uui.a. Krt, ln.li. l 'Ucat, ami li'itilo-t- in iio ilici. A'l Hiu i-n f ry wiif.iv. 'i ct'iits it ooiiy i by uiall, TERM 3 TO CI-UEn. THE l;OL.LAH. WCr.I.LY hl . Five co;:ds, one jj-ir, dcMrv.v n v- - Four lj!lar Tn rnr.tv. Lnn vp'ir, v.on .r.'ttei v tuM-t t ti ti; ua cxirj cut tt Uit ctLT r i Eiiilii Uolluvs Twenty r.Mi(H, ono yrj-ir. jp wmu.1 ' al(i(u-,!i;U u..d aa nni ojty tue t'ti.-i iii t cnU). Tlrtr Ofil-R, cm Te.r, to onn n'liiren (:mj mo fa 'i.a v't e.k. uiiti jci' t i u.-ucr u D i,i (; ill,, Tlitrty-ibrua iioliurs. jsuu.i- AVekiy ouo yi- Ut uv Her ui. o i-iur.t, TUirtybv Uullurw (Hie l-nmlrf-d rorl-ti, riti vc ir. t-i i ii r.d li-t- riD'l lha Iui; fur otiu year to'ti, ui-rinof One U'lndr'! c'itr, nno T-ar. koni ut -ly nd-drc't-tiii (nut! tiio Dally lur oiu v;.r to t no if -Her upufulub;, hUiy luilttr. THE tEI.Vti!KLY Five ionli-t;,c.. yem, tvvv.rat'Av nA'Ufe. kivht Dalian Tt-a ci Irr, one vcrr. fcn:irB'r',v aiinrcksed (miu im i:a,u i ci'iy t;- tcucr uji r rl in , KII.VD YOIU P!0EY In T'M ei-j or'lec. ehncict, or draTr on New or::, wlu uivi-.r (u-t.t).iKni. ii not, tneu rcuu-r tiij UUei'a coittUi:,! n, u. icy. A iitico bnu utilcu. New VorK City. SL'BSCIUlU-fortlie Forost Hepublicao It will pay. trr . A-a ii : OilCrcck&AHcRheii) R U ( r Ky ON N r AKTl'.U Moinlnv Juno 5, 1H7I, Xi iiina will rim it follows I HDVTH WARIl TRAINS. STATIONS: iKt Class. 2.1 Class. 4 2 tl 111 11 fl. in. ii, in. p. in. a. in. a. in. Cnrrv H l") l oil A f,( h on Kpiu'lniiMlnirg tl i'l 11 .1.1 fl IM 11 in (ilviiden l M 11 47 (137 l HO Centrovillo 7 (l I 11 f." 0 4il H f4 Ti vonvillo 7 13 X 0:1 (1 fi5 10 20 lljaetown 7 'St VI l i 7 10 11 (Kl ah 7 a:.u ii 7 D5 li s:o Tilunvllla iir 7 42 12 4.-. 7 40 fl HI 11 ft.". Miller l-'iu in 8 ti-J 1 0:1 7 fill 0 M la ir Slmllur 8 07 1 (is 8 01 7 -0 lli 1!0 Tiimoor 8 17 1 IS 8 10 7 40 12 4 1 Alt 8 ." 1 St H IM 7 65 1 0.1 IVt C'ontro UK 8 2S 1 2S 8 .10 8 10 1 M Colnnil.lu 8 111 1 3.1 8 :!S 8 Ll) i! 10 Tnrr Knrm 8 40 I 3S 8 42 8 110 2 11.1 Hvinl Knrm I'M 4rt 1 41 lis M 8 lit 2 40 Konsevillo 8 5.1 1 III 8 .Ml 11 00 2 M Mct-'lintot k fs fill 1 M ll (10 ll 0.1 3 Oi ah I) 10 2 0.1 0 1.1 I) 20 3 liO Oil C'lly lis fl 1.1 2 10 10 1.1 3 40 Olenpnlis p 4.1 2 3(1 11 10 4 2.1 Knuli) lloek 0 M 2 4(1 11 32 4 Ml VroMlilont l fill 2 fiO 11 3S 4 5H 'l'ionpsla 10 ill 3 12 12 30 .1 37 Hickcirv 10 44 3 32 - 1 20 (I 1.1 Trnnkoyvillo 10 f4 3 41 1 4.1 (I 43 Tili.nlo 11 11 3 M 2 217 10 Irvinotim 12 01 4 40 4 05 8 40 Anni rtoNAt. sroosn-ct.Assin.vtNsnouTit. No. 10 Titnvillp2.10p. in.; Miller 2..10; I'lonoer 3.20; Iet Centre 3.3:1; CnliiinliiH 4.1.1; Tnrr Knrm 4.2:t; Kvml Kntin 4,37; Kminovillo 4. .1.1; Oil City 0l20. No. 8 -Curry 0,1.1 n. in.; Titttsvlllo 8.3.1; Miller Kami 0.2.1; IVt Cenlro H.4S; t'olnin biH 10,13; Tnrr Kiirni 10.1S; ltvnil Knrm 10.27; KotiKovillo 10.3.1; Oil Citv'll.iH). No. IS l'et Cn( to 1.28 p. 111?; Ciilninliiit 1..10; Tnrr Farm 2.0.1; llviul l'nrni 2.10; ltoti!tovillo2.3t OH City 3.00. No. 22 Oil Cily 0.30 n. m. ; OlpoimliH 7.2.1; Tionowlrt 8.01: Trnnkoy vlilo 10.1c: Tidiouto 11.11. . KonntwAnD tiiains. STATIONS 1st Clu-sa. 2d Class, a 1 13 II in. p. m p. in. a. in. a. n Irvinrton Tiiliimto Trnnkeyvillo Hickory Tionesta President I'.nulo Kock Oleopoliss AH Oil City PI! MeClilltoelc ItollMevillo ltynd Knrm Tnrr Knrm Columliia AH Pet Centre, UK Pioneer Shatter Miller Ftirni AH Titttsvilln IE HyJolow n Tryonvillo Ceiitrevilla (ilymleii Spurtanslmrg Corry 12 4.1 5 01 0 00 7 4.1 1 2S fl 47 7 20 fl 03 1 4.1 (I 0.1 8 01 10 15 1 64 111 1,1 IS 20 10 41 2 14 0 34 8 4.1 11 40 12 3.1 I'll 61 Wl 12 2 2 38 1(1 5!) fl 3.1 12 : a 47 7 OS 10 0.1 1 03 3 15 7 35 10 55 1 50 0 00 tl I I 3 20 I'd 32 3 3.1 7 40 11 30 7 65 11 60 7 60 12 00 S 01 12 2.1 8 10 12 3S 8 14 12 4S 8 21 1 05 2 10 2 2.1 2 30 2 40 2 5.1 3 HI 3 20 .1 33 3 4.1 4 1.1 4 40 5 20 6 Hi 0 20 3 40 3 4.1 3 40 60 8 23 0i 8 30 1.1 'S 40 20 8 44 40 1) 05 1 2.1 1 4.1 2 00 2 1.1 2 45 7 3.1 4 4.1 fl 10 3 0.1 7 41 4 51 D 2 ) 3 20 7 57 5 OS ll 31 3 Ml 8 (1.1 ft 17 ,U 43 4 1(1 fS 14 r,1 27 0 ftrt 4 30 8 24 fl 3S 10 02 4 50 8 S.I li 10 10 32 5 60 AUIH riONALSKroND-CLAhSTIt.UNH-NOllTIl No 15 Oil Cily fi.51 n. tn.; RniiMovllle 7.20; Tnrr Farm 7.4:1; Columbia 7.56; l'et Centra f.M; Pioneer 8.40; Miller 0.25; TitiiMVllle 0.5.1. No. 7 Titnsvillo 0.00 a. in.; Oorry 11.2.1. No. 11 Oil City 11.20 n. in.; Kniisevillo 11.4.1; Itynd Farm 11.63; Tarr Farm 12.0.1; Columliia 12,10; l'ot Centra 12.20; Miller 1.21; Titnsvillo 2.00; Corry4.42p. in. No. 21 Tidiouto 12.41 p. m.; Trunkey villo 1.4.1; Tionesta 2. 13; O!oopoli4.2.'); Oil Citv 5.20. (') Trnins do not slop. QStop ouiKnal, ( ) Stop lor inoals. Trains .1, tl, 21 and 22 run daily ; all other train daily except Su'iil-.ivs. '. 1!. Train No. 10 in an Express from Titusville to Corry. MLVl:il I'.M.ACK HI.I'KPINd TAUTItAlNS. No. 4 Direict l'roni l'liiliulcliliia without elt'ititro. No. 1 Direct to Philadelphia without l!No75 Diavt from I'ititilniryli without No. 0 Mreet to PitUi,;"'gH without ciinnire, C. J. 1IKP1U:IIN Superintendent. JNO. PITCAluV. (ieni Mnnnger, J L-v . . ., i, t ; ca U 3 i:Ti that : !.n.i.i3 ro '.c ',' ii .( t;; rr t'lt-TC- iirj ll ( h H ! i ;-nr::.i'.:i.5 rr.rctr.icc it 'ti-: a criuin cuto fur r-rrofula, ;yji!.iJi i a:l iu i' lriiisi, Klu-'jini i t:, Li.in li!"'isr-, l.tvcr Com t nud t!l dica3-.i of ihe Liluod. will t'ti liioiu Mto.l t'luii ten botllci ..! il.a i'.yru;ia id' iSarsapurilla. r::z UNnascNia pmvsicians 'i-.vl-i:sc it riosaJallsi i tlicirpraclico ,'jr tl.o p.t tl:no j'ecra oiul l'.i-cly ui.ilo-so it ma n huLlu Altcralivo ui.tl l.ltiijj Puniicr. D't. T. r. rt.v: 't, rf r.altlmcio. !):t. T. .1. lli) i K i N, " Dit. u. w. 'At! ;t. I'J.l. V. II.HH M I.I.Y, ' ilJU. J. V.. Si'AUi.S, ol Nu ItoUsvi'.lc, lia. V.'l.. McCAP.THA, t'oluinbia, ? , V A. li. r.'riUI.riS, IM'.ctgmli. N. C. B, 'T. . j arT ' B- I'KKN'H tOS3, 1'aUlUvcr, .'. v. .:.:rr; ,.'....., An.-h. '.. : l.oua, i'lua. ii. n.: f.. 1... i. (.....i. t :tAV:.' &: I ; I . I :..r.:onsv!Uc, Va. S.o.'f.. ;. .'.M AUCK.N, .Murirccs Lu.K.Tci.a. crra ciirtjvu-cimt.iv of any ex :r:, I I ,-i ;. ,1 lie ' '"' tl 'lut. Mciical i'rc. s..u 1 1. o.ui'io 1'luiU i x. Ir i. l i hi . : ii.r l.i y 1 in v hn e ever r ' 4 UyJ l.l t:.) I'l J l.li . t of dlMWM'd w -i.l .. if. I wo t.iv trw Ui..... iui.I will rttoioj i i;; h..! 1 !.y UI Di nr-ihU, 0 jiL-i botii--. AauftiS ?:-j.v!4i Iv.-it 'j i .emit!, li .t.timur;:, Md, COAL! COAL! IS Prepared to deliver the best qu-ility of lial at tlio old Kvcrhurt Dank, "two miles tioin Mm inanvulo tor 7 cents per or al TionottU and vicinity fur 25 CENTS TEH BUSHEL. Ho always lias a luryo supply on band, Kow is the time to lay iu a largo supply Orders promptly attended to S U CROVER & BAKER H i: W I N 4 n A V U 1 7i 12 H . Tio following niB (elected from thous ands nf testimonials of similar elinmcter, as expressing tho rensous for tho prefer ence of tho (Irovrr ft linker Mneliinos over all others. "Iliko Iho Orover ft linker Ma chine, In the first, plnco, liecniiso If I had nnv other, I should still want a drover ft linker; and havinita drover ft linker It answers the purpose or nil the rest, it docs a greater variety of work and isensler lo ienm than any oilier," Mra. J. C. Cro ly (Jenny .lime) "I have hnd several years' expe lenee with a (hover ft linker Machine, which hns given me great sat Israel Ion. I think the ( i rover ft linker Machine is inorn easily niannged, nnd less linlile lo get out nl'oriler. I prefer the drover ft llnkerdo eideilly." Mrs. Dr. Watts, Now York. "I hnve had one In mv family for some two years; and Cioni what I knmv of its work iinrs, and from tho testimony of many of in y friends who use lln sunie, I can linrilly see how nnylhingeoulil lie more complete' or glvo bettor satisfaction," Mi. (.leu, llraut. "I believe It to lm (ho best, nil things eonsldered.ofany lhal I have known It Is vorv slnmln nml cimilv learned! the sewing from the ordinary spools Is a great advantage; Miestileli is entirely rename; it does ornninentnl work benutittilly ; It Is not linhlo to get out of order. Mrs. A. M Spwmer, 3(1 HondlSt. Unioklyii. "I am aorpinlnted with Hie work of tho principal niiiclnnes, nml 1 preier tno drover ft. linker to I hem al I, because 1 con sider tho stitchinoro elastic. 1 have work In theliouso Ulileh wns done .nino years ago w hich is still good." Mrs, 1 ir. Mo Creailv. No. 43 Fast 23d street. N. Y. ''Moro than two-thirds or all the Howingdono in my family for tlio Inst two vents has been done bv d rover ft linker's M.iehlne. nml 1 nnvcc had n Lrariiicnt ril or need mending, except those rents whieli Iroliesoinp boys will make in wiioia eiotn It Is. In my opinion, bv far the most vnln- nbleof any 1 have tried." Mrs. Henry ard Ileeelier. "Tho drover ft linker Sewing Mn ehino has rendered In every respect, tho most perfect sal Isliiction. It eoinbincs so mniiy advantages with beauty of exwu tioii "and economy in price that it is a ne eesily in every household." Mrs. dover nordearv, llarrisburg, Pn. "I have hail tho drover ft linker Ma eliino for ten or twelvo yours in constant use in my house. 1 have seen mid know n every kind of Family sowing, both per sonal Hint nousenoiii, aecoioiisueii iii the drover ft linker Machine, to the enti. sniisl'nction of all concerned, Key. Stephen 11. Tyng. "I find Iho drover ft P.aker Slilch will wear as long as the garment do outwear tlie garment iu fact. The stitch will not break on bins seams, when stretched, as others do; nnd neither does it draw the work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 Diisaoii-ty-fourth street, N. Y. Tho Orover and Paker Sewing Machine, Company nuinufncturo both tho F.lnstle nnd Lock Stitch Machines, nnd oiler tho pulilie a eliolco of tlio best machines of iKith kinds, nt their establishments in nil tho largo cities, and through agencies In nearly all towns throughout tho country. Price lists and samples of sewing In botU Stitches furnished on application to . T. J. VAN C.1KSF.N, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. FiYiiOLirVAI.LEY' R Y. ON AND A FT Kit Monday, Juno 5, 1671, Trains will run ns follows: TRAINS NOllTHWAHD. stations. No. 2. No. 4. Oloopolis, 10.2-1 a m H.30 p m Dennett, KUH " 3.2S " Woods 1D.:'.0 " 3.IS " I'rnthont Mill 10 21 " 3.10 " Pilholo City 11.00 2.50 " Til A I NS SOI" THW-VUD. f.TATfoNS. No. 1. No. 3. Pilholo Citv, 8.4nam 1.20 pm Pialheis Mill 8.4S " 1. IS ' Woods 8.5H " I. Ml " Dennett 0.02 " 2.02 " Oleop.lis H. 10 " 2.14 " All Trains miiko close eonneefioiiM nt ( ileoiiolis with trnins on Hie Oil Creek ft Allegheny P.iver Daihvny, North and South. Two Lines of Stages run daily betw een i titholo City, Miller Knrm nnd l'lensant- 'uiikingcotiutictioii williarrivlngaiul depu'i tti, '.''"lins. J. T. DLA 1 It ii. wicki:a- . .. , ., i--Ticket As,;nt, fillnno ( Uy, l'a. LOTS FOR SALE! IN TIIK BOROUGH CF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., New York City. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTKIt 11 P. P. Sunday Mny 1, 1S70, Trains nrrivo at nnd leave the I'n ion Depot, corner of Wxshinton and J.iberty stroot, as follows; AH11IVF. Mull Train, 1.3U a m; last Line, 12.12 a m ; Wcirsaei'oinuiodatioii No. 1, i.20a in ' Hiiiilon acconuuoilntion No 1, 7.."0 a m; Wall's accommodation No 2, Kofi a m jt'in cilinati express 0.20 am; Johnstown uc couiuiodaliou 10. .".0 a m ; llraddoek's ae eoiniiiodatioil No 1, 7.00 1st ; Pittsburgh express 1.30 p in; Pacilic express 1.60 p iu ; Wall's accommodation No 3, 2.3." p in; llomcwood accommodation No 1,0.56 pm; Wall's accommodation No 4, b.oO p in ; I'.rintoii accommodation No 2, 1.10 p m ; Way Passenger 10.20 p nt. DKPAUT. Southern express 6.20 a in ; Pneillo ex press 2.40 a iu ; Wall's accommodation No 1, (l.oOa in ; Mail Train H.10 a in ; lirintou's accoinmodntioii l).20a in; llraddock's nc coiuuioilation No 1, f.10 p iu; Cincinnali express 12.36 p iu ; Wall's accommodation N 2, 11.61 a in ; JohiiHtowu accouiiiiodatioii 4.06pm; llomewood accomiiiodaliou No 1, 8.60 ii in ; liiiladelnliia exiiress 3..riO n in: Wall accommodation No3,3.06p in; Wall's accomiuodntion No 4, 6.06 n in ; Fast Lino .no p in; Hall s .Mi 6, 11.00 p in. llio Iiurcli 1 rains leave Wall 8 rStnllon every Sunday at 0.06 a. in., reaching Pitts burgh at 10.06 a. in. lleturning leave Pitls- ntirgu at JJ.iiO p. in., and arrive ut Wall i Station at 2.10 p. 111. Cincinnati exnress leaves dully. South ern express daily except Moll lay. All oili er Trains daily, except Sunday." f or turther lnlormatloii apl v to W. II. IlKCKWIiil, Agent. Tlio I'ennsyUania liailroad (.'oinpnny will lint assume any Risk for P.airgngo ex cept for Wearing Apnnrol, und limit their rspoiiKiiiuity u Ono liuinlrea l)olluival ue. ah imggae exeueilmg that a ount In value will Im at tho risk of tno nor, I'limmi butveii uy p,jcciai coilirnei, A. J. CASSAl Oeneral Superliitondont, Altoona Pa. yATCH FREE to Agents to iutro- ..... v m in icfl .link r.t-11 in uvjirv iiouse. i.aia ix to,, i-iitsijiirjrii, ru. 32-it ADDRESS To tho Ncrvoous AND ID BBILITAT 3U 13 . Well lIOSKsulTerlngs liavo boon protract' from bidden muses, and whosi? cases requiro prompt front men t to rondor cxlstoneo deslnibloj If you are siid'erltig, or, .mvisufrereil from Involuntary tliHchnrgos, what efTect does it produeo on your gnncrnl lienltliT Do you feel wenk, clobilitnlod, easily Urodf Does a liltlo extra exertion producoi'pnl pltnlioii of tho heart T Does your liver, or urinary organs, oryourkldnoysi, frequent ly got out of order f.Is yonr tirlno some times thick, milky or Hooky, or In it ropy on settling T Or does a thick sknm rlso tw tho lop T Or Is a sodlmont nt tlio bottom af ter it lias stood nwhiloT Do "you linvo spells of short brenthliiRnr dlspepslaf Aro your bowels constipated? Do you linvsj spells of fraintlng, or rushes of blood to tlio head T Is your niomory linpurodt Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subjoetr Doyoufool dull, listloss, mojilng, tired of company, or liloT Do you wisU to,bo left clone, away from everybody f Does nny liltlo tlilnn inko! you Btart or liinipT Is your Bleep broken or ro.tlcftit In tho luslro of your eye an brillinntr Tho bloom on your check as blight T Do you enjoy yourself hi society aa woll t Do you pursue your business with tho ain energy T Do you feel as much confldoneo In yotisetfr Aro your splrlU dull and Hag. given to Vila of lnchiucholy t If so, do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and liavo but lit tle appulite, nnd you nttrlbuto thia to dj pepsin or liver-complaint ? Now, render, self-abuse, vcnoren1n d eoses bndly cured, and sexual excesses, nr all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs, Tho orgnns of genora tioti.wlicn In'perfect licaUh.'ninke tho mna Did you ever think thnt those bold, doll nnt, energotio, persevering, successful bus-iness-ineu nronlwnys thoso whoso genera tive organs are In perfect health? You never hear pueh men complain of boinu inelaiiclioly, of nervoti oic.su, of palpitation of tho heart. They lire never all aid they cannot succeed in business; they don't be como sad and discouraged ; they area! ways polite and pleasant In tho company of la dles, and.looU you nnd them right in tli faco none of your downcast looks or any meanness about, them. I do nnt nienn tnoso who keep tho orgnns Inlluted by running to excess. Thoso will not only ruin their constitution, but also tbssa they do business Willi or for. How many men, from'badly rured din cases, from tlio effects of self-abiiRO and excess, linvo brought about thnt state of weakness in thoso organs thnt has reduced tho geueid system so much as to produeo aii jo.t pvcry other diaease idiocy, lunacy, pinnlysis, spinal ailoctions, suicido, and al most every otiiOi" form of dlseaso w hich, hunuuiity is heir lo, "nd tho real "cause ol tho troublo scarcely ever suspected' au4 linvo doctorod forall but the right ono.' Diseases of thoso organs requiro the use- of a Diuretic. HF.LMUOI.D'S FLUID KXTUAC'l' DUCTIU is tho trrcat Diurotio, ami is a certain curofor diseases of tho llladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orgnn- iu Weakness, Female Complaints, Goner ul Debity, und all discuses of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Fo- inulo, from whatever cauao oiiglnaUug", ae.d no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is- submitted to, Co. sumption or Insanity limy ensuo.. Ouc llesh and blood uro supported from theset sources, and tho lieulth and iiappinessk und that of roslcrltj', depends upotk prompt uso of a reliable remedy. Huliubold's Kxtraet lUiehu, CHtubllshod upwurd of lOJ.Cuurs, prepared by II. T. HKLMllOLD, Druggist, 004 Droaday. New York, nnd 104 Ssuth 10th Stroot, Philadelphia, Pa. PnicE $1.25 per bottlo or U bottles for $0.50, delivered to any ad-, dress, bold by all Druggosts everywhere TVTONR AUK 1 DON K TP UENU1NK UNLESS IN teTKL KNGHAVKD Wrapnor. fae-smilo of mv Chemical Ware house, and signed II. T. 1IKLM ISOLD., 2-ly