The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 18, 1872, Image 3

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nnrtcM3. Winanm.
Om'ncilmri T. J. Vnn f)lwn, Mtlns W.
Tnto, 1). W. Clark, 1'. O, Convor, W. P.
Morollllott, I I,. Ilni kott.
jHHtirr of the 7'etro W. P. Mcrcllllott,
D. S. Knox.
OmMIln3. N.ToltHWorth.
AVAooJ Director J . Winnim, .T. A. T)nlo,
J. A. Proper, Jacob Shrlvor, M. V. Tato,
8. D. Irwin.
President Judge V. P. Jfnkb.
Ammriate Judges J. A. l'Rol'KR, An
tnew Cook.
.ShrriirK. I Pavts.
'District Attorney V. W. MASon.
. Trenu rcrH.
IVotlionatnry, Jlcgitcr it Recorder, tt e.
'oo'mmiMianer-TiKi. Elliott, Jacob
M.h;illiott, T. I). Collins.
Jury Coiniaiioners Ukokuk Siuuimh,
County iryor S.T). Inwiic.
Coroner Johiah Winann.
County Auditor Eli Hoi.hman, Wm.
Ri.Aiiit. T. H. (!nnn.
Member of Congrcs 10(A District a. W.
mAewbty3. D. I.AWSON.
I. O. O. F.
By telegram from J.ii. JN icholeon,
Grand Secretary of Pennsylvania, wa
learn that lionesta L.odgo, No. .itJ,
will be instituted ou Friday evening,
the 20th inst, by District Deputy II.
r. Kiunear, of Youngsvillo. Ar
xangomonts have been perfected, so
that the institution will certainly take
place at the time mentioned. The
Lodge will start out with a member-
ship ot aoout sixteen, ana win in an
probability become a strong looge in
a short time. All wiio are on tne iisi
of charter applicants are requested to
be present promptly at 3 o clock P.
M. on Friday.
A sister of Mr. J. S. Craig, Sta
tion Agent at this point, is visiting
him at present.
We are rushed with job work just
now, but are willing to suffer for the
good of our country.
A hard cider mill is being passed
from haul to hand about town, and
considerable cider is being manufac-
lureu iiere.
A game of base ball was played
on the lslaud on baturuay last between
picked nines, i he score siooil li to
Bey. Austin of Franklin, will
preach in the Presbyterian Church, in
this place, ou next Sunday, morning
And evening.
Wo woro last weok informed that
Lacy and Cobbs were constructing the
ams on Coon Creek, of which we
made mention in our last issue.
-Wm. Lawrence has imported
Dome of the natives from East Brady
to plaster his extensive hotel building.
It is said that they do a land-office
business when they get started.
-The election is close at hand, and
candidates aro bestirring themselves,
seeing that tickets aro properly dis-
tributed. and that everybody has fair
play, particularly on thoir Bide cf tho
School closes nexi Wednesday,
and the school exhibition will proba
bly take place the next week. From
what we can hear of the arrangements
being made, we judge it will be a Hue
-T. B. Cobb is talking of putting
up a substantial residence in town
next summer. When he commences
Kb will put up a building which will
be a source of pride to tho inhabitants
of Tiouesta.
uB-w.,ut; uao inumicu, wr.
A. If- llftnlpfc Vinrl lurn vnlunKla Antra i
killed last week while he was hunting
squirrels. Helms an idea who the
party was who killed them, and we'll
wairer that hn don't mkfl a n,nt not
0r :t
mo ictuivcu a leuer
irora a inena in Minnesota, who said
. ,
nat the "ureeley tidal wave out
there "didn't amount to a riflle." If it
amounts io less there than here, we
wouldu t think it would be interesting,
-Capt. Knox has recently taken
the agency of two or three fire insu-
compames, among them the
lortb Missouri Insurance Co., with a
capital ot U0,000. We aro under
obligations io tnecaptain lor blotters,
if. ..-.
l...l- -J :: .u.i ;
lt"'u""a"'' ouvenutugiuB uusiuess.
The leaves in the woods around
I us are begiuing to turn, aud butter-
nuts are being gathered in large quan-
titiqs by the boys id squirrels. The
,h'andst of nearly ef Sy boy within a
radius of ten miliar this place, are
as black as Buckalew's character, from
cracking the butteruuts before they
are properly dried. The'stain on their
hand3, however, unlike that on Bucka-
lew s character, will wear off in the
couise oi nine.
I . 1
We called on Al. Partridge, pt
rieasautville, last week, and were sur
prised to soe Iiow mnny food lm nM.
It Hi'fiiw lio must do a gol share
of the grocery business of that place.
We noticed also that A. Hnlctnnn,
Ksq., was putting up a very largo
brick building, three stories high, in
which an opera house is to ho con
structed. Brown Brothers are also
building a largo brick building on the
opposite corner, and a large hotel m
going up just across the street. Build
ing lots are selling rapidly, and busi
ness is lively. Tho new railroad,
which is graded to that place, will, in
all probability, give new impetus to
'.he place. Our old time friend Dr.
McMullen has an extensive and beau-
tifully furnished drug Btore thero, and
Greeley is nowhero as far nstliat place
is concerned. Hacks are constantly
running to and from Titusville, and,
taking it all in all, I'leasantville is a
very desirable place to live.
Cash-up is not by any means dead
yet. We passed through there on
Friday last, and noticed that a majori
ty of the wells were still pumping.
We are informed that this district pro
duces about three hundred barrels per
day steadily. It's rather a bad place
to take a scary horse, on account of
tie steam which is constantly puffing
Jiitc- its face from the engines, but
sl,oud not the oil give out there, we
should not be surprised if Cash-up
should at no distant day become quite
a town.
Lots are selling quite briskly,
just now. Col. Thomas sold the lot
adjoining Tate's, 52 feet front, 200 feet
dcep( to j j Van Giessn. J. W
gtroup purchn8od tiie nest ouo ja9
Wnnil-Ti Anpw n,i r,mi..l
e - e "
Agnew have purchased the next three,
and the comer lot next Kt pier's was
sold to some party whose name we did
not learn. We presume that houses
will be built upon all these lots the
coming summer,
V-Mr. G. W. Dithridge has purchas
ed the spile-driver which was used in
the construction of tho dams below
the mouth of the creek, and is about
to put in some wing dams at the mouth.
Had these improvements been made
previous to the last flood Inn lnmlipr
, .i,i ), j .!,.
twice the amount they cost. Lumber
nvia II VUiU 1IUIU DU Visit 1UU1Q LtlUU no aiwayg et out 0f ti,e creek
wheu there is water enough in the
river to float their rafts.
ve would advise all who wish to
vote at the coming election to take no
bets however tempting they may be,
as that is one way the Greeleyites are
takingtoreduceGrant'smajority. They
appoiut a committee of one or two to
take all the small bets they can get,
from as many Grant men as possible.
61,(1 then propose to challenge their
votes at tho polls. So look out for
artful dodges, at this season
A grand sociablo and dance will
bo given at the hall in Lawrence's
new IIotel to-morrow (Thuisday) even
aS 19111 lnst- Good music 1ms beeu
secured, and refreshments will be
served during the evening. All are
invited to attend. We are informed
that the hall is peculiarly adapted to
entertainments of this character, aud
we have no doubt but that this will
prove an enjoyable affair,
A Greeley and Brown meeting at
the Court House was addressed on
Saturday evening last by Mr. Chas,
Stowe, ot Girard. We were not pres
ent but understand that not much of
a crowd appeared, and the enthusiasm
was light. A Ilenublican who was
Pre8eut 'lar " tbat he did not
i,:..i. TIT. o J
"NU wnuu any points on
the administration or Republican par
y . amounted to anvlhi.Kr
elon V " c,eaDl"S the. Piers
I ilia ri.An1r T-:.! f 1 . I I
, faa m 1,10 ,umDer
rlc.h l?ei thure durinK the las'
U"JUU' iu,,,B" PaDiy be Sys
uemuuzeu ny me lime the next rise
. i
comes, so that the rafts cau all go
throueh between t .n ti p ;iK
a I ....... y,
catching ou drift-wood ud loose luiu
her wi.;,.h -... .u
out stove up,
-The Bonner & McKay Buildine
is so nearly completed that it is really
a pleasure to look at it. A porch
runs the whole length of the frout.the
rooms are all plastered aud white
finished, and altogether, it is one of
the best buildings in town.
Orftne ii ... :
' ' ' J , .u
niarket, and are gobbled up with avid
,tv "Y H- Although the juice of the
graP sometimes creates havoc with
the sons of men, we never heard of
tao original grape doing anybody
harm if indulged in with any degree
01 temperance,
Don't hawk, hnu-lr mt n
blow, blow, aud disgust everybody
with your Catarrh and its offensive
odor, when Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rema
day will speedily destroy all odor aud
arrest the d schar. .11;
All box rent and postage duo mo
before the post-office was removed, is
wnn'ed imnHiatcly, us "oi.i tl.ingsare
done away, and all things become
new." These things take currency,
and nil owing the same to. tiio under
signed are requested to circulate it this
way ns soon as possible. M. HcKay, P. M. (wicli is post
master.) Mr. J. D. W. Reck started for
the State Fair at lirie yesterday morn
ing. We understand that several oth
ers from this place were talking of
going, but did not learn whether they
got off or rot. Mr. Keck will doubt
less see all the big pumpkins and fat
cattle there, and will probably bring
home strong accounts of the same.
From present indications it looks
as if all the side-walks required by
the ordinance recently published
would be built inside the time set.
O, that will be iovful," when whole
side walks are tread upon with confi
deuce by the pedestrians who pcram
bulate our streets after the street cars
lave put up for the night.
-Last week tho river came up near
ly to rafting stage, and then fell, and
with it tho anticipations of a number
of our soldier boys, who calculated to
go down on rafts and be present at the
soldier's convention at Pittsburgh
roin present indications we must
have a flood soon.
Next week being court week, we
are making graud preparations for
receiving moneys on subscription, job
work and advertising, and have made
arrangements with the Tiouesta Sa
vings Bank whereby we will receive
large interest on all deposits exceed-
We publish this week, and two
weeks hereafter, the Election Procla
mation, which should be read by all
without fear of its being a political
document. This is done by direction
of tho Legislature, and is rather
good thing for the printers.
-We have lately heard that R. It,
ltoDeris was about to put up a new
rig, and further test the territory about
Ross Run. He has been more or less in
terested in all the developments which
have gone on there, and we suppose
from this that he still has faith in that
region ultimately turning out well.
Frederick Fogle, formerly of
Stewarts Run, now of Waterford.Erie
Co., called upon us, yesterday, renew
ing bis subscription with his usual
promptness. He likes that part of
' God's green earth" very well, and
will piobably make that his perma
nent residence.
Win. Silzle, Practical Watch
maker and Jeweller, will be in town
during Court Week, and will stop at
the l'orest Hotel, kept by D. Black.
He will repair watches, clocks, jewelry
tc. in the best manner, and guaran
tees satisfaction. Permanent resi
dence at Fryburg, Clarion county. 2t
Dr. Fisher, Dentist, will be at M.
Ittel's Hotel during court week to
practice his profession. Persons wish
ing any thing in tho line of Dentistry
take notice. 23 2t
List of Jurors fop Sept. Term 1872.
Tionesta Bor. A.B. Kelley.Forein'u.
II. O. Davis,
II. II. Muy,
. " " Morris Einstein,
William Hepler.
Hickory F. E. Allison,
" Kmith Foreman,
" Jacob Hood,
" J. II. Weutworth,
" George Klinestiver.
Kingsley Geo. Morgan,
" Geo. Watson,
G. K. M. Crawford,
" Henry Ledabur.
Harmony J. B. Clark,
" Orion Siggins,
" Hiram Fleming,
" A. J. Siggins.
Green David Gill.
Barnett E. C. Mays,
" Lester R. Warner.
Jenks J. F. Gaul.
Tionesta Fred. Stiizinger.
Barnett Nathaniel Patterson,
" Samuel Buzzard,
" Friend Folmer,
" George Loekner,
" Fphnara Fcrrie,
" Charles Richie,
J. C. Davis.
Greon Michael Raflerty,
" Joseph llarrisou,
" Henry Matha.
Harmony Sander Collins,
John Williams,
" David Ryle,
" Theodore Connor,
" D. Kerman,
J. B. Huge,
" Marion C. Hicks,
J. H. Piatt,
P. Ryall,
u George Dunlap,
A. M. Hunter.
Hickory Joseph Coburu,
" John Tafl,
" Robert Hunter,
" Jame Bannon,
" William Chafe,
" George Wallers,
" Hilton Church,
" Samuel Douglass,
M. Littlefield,
" Caleb Mirtdleton.
Kingsley R. B. Crawford,
Jacob Wolf,
" Harris Morgan,
" Francis Watson,
" Peter Sibble.
Tiouesta J. B. Weaut,
" John Shelhouse,
" Andrew Keen,
J. A. Muug,
Peter Wolf.
Tiouesta Bor. W. A. Hilands,
" Daniel Andrews,
W. B. Harlan,
" J. W. Stroup,
" J. R. Stroup,
" A. Ilenage.
Over two thousand acres of fine
Hemlock Timber Lands situated on
Maple Creek, near Clarington, this
county, are for sale at a baigain. Part
of the lands aro situated within four
miles of Ciarington, on the Clarion
River, and would be a fine site for an
extensive tannery and sawmills. Map
and terms at this office.
23 tf W. R. Dunn.
Stoneware, Crocks, Jars, and
Copper Kettles at Robinson A, Bon
ner's. We always keep our stock full
and complete in the .following goods :
Dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes,
tinware, glassware, stoneware, drugs,
and patent medicines. We also have
a Tailoriug Department, where you
always fiudafull assortment of clothes
and cassimeres, which we make up to
order in tho most fashionable styles.
Cull and examine our goods, styles
and prices.
We keep the Singer Improved Fam
ily Scwiug Machine for sale at less
than agent's prices. Singer's Sewing
Machines take the precedence overall
other machines ; this company having
sold over 50,000 more than any other
make during lust year, and 2,427 out
of 2,944 furnished to tho sufferers in
Chicago were Siuger machines each
person choosing their own machine.
Also the Universal Clothes Wrinper,
the best, most durable and serviceable
in use. Call aud see us; our room is
limited, but we have the goods and
will think it no trouble to show them.
20 Superior Lumber Co.
Closing out sale of summer Dress
Goods at a great reduction. Wc offer
a largo stock of Summer Dress Goods,
consisting of White Goods, Percales,
Lawns, French Ginghams, &c., &c.,nt
cost. Those wishing to purchase any
goods in this line will do well to take
advantage of our very liberal offer A
good investment to purchaso these
goods for next year. Cull early while
the stock is full aud fresh.
Also, a full line of Japanese silks nt
grtatly reduced prices.
Just received from Superior Mill
Store a lot of Drugs, Tobaccos, Cigars,
Tinware, Tubs and a full assorimeut
of goods that are kept iu a grocery
store, which we offer for sale at our
Tionesta store.
Slterior Lumber Co.
This is an enquiry which every one
should have truthfully answered before
he starts on his journey, and a littlo
care taken in examination of Routes
will in many cases save much trouble,
time and money.
The "C. B. & Q. RIt.," running from
Chicago, through Galeshurg to Bur
lington, and the "I. B. & W. Route,"
running from Indianapolis, through
Bloommgton to Burlington, have
achieved a splendid reputation in the
last two years as tho leading n
ger Routes to the West. At Burling
ton they connect with the B. & M. R.
R. and form the great Burlington
Route, which runs direct through
Southern Iowa to Nebraska and Kan
sas, with close connections to Culifor
tiia aud the Territories; und pa.sen
gers startiug Tionesta, on their
way westward, cannot do better than
to take the Burlington Route.
This Line has published a pamphlet
caueu "How to go West, which con
tains much valuable information : i
large correct map of the Great West,
which can be obtained free of charge
by addressing the General Pussenger
Agent B. &. M. R. It., Burlington,
Ry our liberul oiler to tho public
through the columns of tho FouKhT ltK
pi'iiMcajj, wo havo had a very lively trado
in books for a week. Wo w ill continue
ourolt'er thi oo weeks only ; persons disiring
to avail themselves of this opportunity to
furnish their Libraries with select reading
nt lower prices than they will have soon
again, should call immcdiatuly.
A th at Mitt of t:loiln made to or
der, fit Rnrantfod, a pood Rssortinnnt of
CmshiiPi-oH, ;iotli and Triiniimn, alwn.vs
on hand, at the .Superior Lumber l.'o.
Store. 8
A Inrjio assortment of 'tie Htest uovi'l
tios in Men', Ladle.' and Chlidri'n'rf boots
mid Mimes, at the Superior Lumber Co.
Store. 8
Heady mada clothing and (Jentii fur
nishing ffoodn for overyliody nt hwttnm
prices, nt the Superior Lumber Co. ;'toro. S
The Singer, the universal family and
tailoring machine, Willi all its pints and
fixtures for Kale at the Superior Lumber
Co. Store. 8
Purehasors always keep In mind wo
have 1'iHS expense nn l therofore can sell
goods for less profit than any other More
In town. Supkrioh Lvm nun Co. Stoke. 8
A largo assortment of Miscellaneous
Literature for salo at cost to reduce the
stock. Also a lare assortment of School
Hooks kopt constantly on hand nt tho Su
perior Lumber Co. Store. 8
Cottonailos; Jeans, Flannels, Linen
fjoods, Tickings, Tablo Linens, La'dics
Dress Goods, brown and blenched Sheet
ings nnd Shirtings, Hoop Skirts, and nil
kinds of goods usually kept in a country
dry 'ooda atore, at the lowest prices, at
tho Superior Lumber Co. Store. 8
New good I New goods just nrrived,
a full assortment of spring nnd summer
goods, at tho Superior Lumber Co. Storo.
A tirst class quality of Carpet Yarn
always on hand at Superior Lumber Co
Storo. 8
Tablo and pocket cutlery, always alargo
stock on hands nnd for sale cheap nt tho
Superior Lumber Co. Storo. 8
SM ITH AKlH.Klt.-Sept. II, 172, bv
1. S. Knox, Ksq., Mr. John Smith, of
liawrenee county, fa., ana Miss liarbara
Ardlor of Clarion county, Pa.
Aew Aileertlsement.
The oldest and most reliablo Institution
for obtaining Mercantile Education.
'ie, Practical business men as instruc
tors. For information, writo for a circular to
P. DUFF & SONS. Pittsburgh, Pa.
T Y VIRTU K of a writ of Vend!. F.xno
JJ nas and Fieri Facias, issuod out of the
Court of Common Pleas o! l'orest County
and to mo directed, thero will bo exposed
to salo by public vendue or outcry, at tho
Lourt uouse, in mo uorougu 01 j loncrsta,
MONDAY, SEPT. 2:!D. A. D. 1S72.
at 2 o'clock, p. m., tho following described
real estate, to-wlt :
li. Al oyer vs. Heorgo W. Walters, Fi. Fa,
D., No. 03, May Term, 1N72 Morcilliolt
-All the defendant's interest, of. in and
to the fjllowing piece, or parcel of lanil,
aituato in the township of Hickory, coun
ty 01 l'orest, blato ot Pennsylvania,
oounuca aim iiesi-rnieo as loiiows, viz
llegiuning at btouo in middlo of road,
which stone is marked thus "X," and
which is a comer likewise of N. Rail's 7
acre pioce, thence by tl.o following courses
aud distances, meets and bounds, South
3' west thirteen perches and It! links to a
liulteruut tree liv road sale, thence south
degrees east 8 rods and l.l links to avtone
at bridge, tlienco north 5 l-z degrees east,
tilteen perehes and 13 links lo u atone.
near mouth of Mill Itaeo. Reach witness
marked "X," facing, thence north 8t de
grees twelve rods to tho ulace of be
giuninur. Containing ono acre moro or
less, with a two story frauiobuiKling, used
as a Hotel, nut-tmiiiliiigs, etc., thereon
erected. Taken in execution and to be
sold as tho property of lieorge W.Walters,
... I... ! . . . I 1. XI
I). R. A Il.V.Curll vs. Christian IlTenno-
man, en. l'.x. No. xi, .Sept. Term, !Hi2
lilhy A certain tract ot laml situate in
JInwo towiiNhin. l'orest countv. Pa..
bounded on tho north bv warrant. No,, on the ea t by warrant No. ss2, on
ine soutii iy warrant Nos. ;i,s( ami :;03
and on the west by warrant No. 31MI. Con
honing 500 acres, more or leas, iiniiii
proved. Taken in execution and to be
sold as tho propcrtj of Christian Hrenne-
man, at llio mi a ul l. li. v 11. V. urn.
1'.. L.. v. Vlis stienll.
Sept. 7, 1872.
W 6
Wholosulo and Retail Dealer In
First Door abovo Fxchungo Hotel.
j OK WollK neatly exocuted at thisolllce
' Ht
: rtiuouable rates.
Thou slialt have no other plive to bin
Dry Uood than at Hie Store of ll lbn, li
ner it Co., Water Street, 'I Lmesta, t'a.
Thou shall l'Ot choose to thyself an y e' h
er Dry 1 ioods men-hunts ; thou shuU not
bow down to them nor IIkicu to I ln-i r tali s,
for llilbronner iV. Co. arc leliahh? (ica'crs,
and cupable of serving their custumers to
lite third and fourth generations.
Thou shalt seek In vnln for a good ipinl
ity of Dry hmh1s, Clodiiug, and (ients
Furnishing Goods elsewhere; for eiily
thev run bo found In largo quantities lit
llilbronner A Co.'u.
Thou shalt bear in mind (hat upon six
davs in the week, thou canst make Ihv
purchases at the Drv Hoods Store ot 1 1 1
ironner t Co. ; but upon the Ri vrnth dav
the proprietors and Lew, the tn:in of the
tape, desiro ro.-t from their labors.
Thou shalt honor the Drv foods Store of
llillirr.micr Co.. and tliv davs shall be
long ill tho land to enjoy tho fruits thereof.
Tho'i shalt not ennimlt nnv outrageous
Impropriety bv foolishly purchasing thy
Dry Hoods anil Clothing elsewhere j but
go 'directly to Hilbroiimr it Co., who will
give you a superior article.
Thou Rhalt seek no other Dry floods
Store, trying to suit thyself in Dry (iooiN,
Clothinir. Kiincv OoodS. Ca nets, ilatsaud
Caps, because you can sirt yourself better
and cheaper at 'llilbronner V Co.'h than any
place else.
Thou shalt not steal fr'ni tho Drv Goods
Store of llilbronner it Co.. for they cell
goods so cheap that a felony would bo the
greater sin.
Thou shalt not bear Talso witness, but
liorcstlv acknowledge that thou canst get
a better articleof Dry Goods at Hilbronncr
A Co.'h than any place else in the city.
Thou idialt. not covet thy neighbor's
goods nor his bargains, but take counsel
i f tho wise and proceed straightway to the
Dry Goods Storo of llilbronner A Co.,
Water Street, Tioiiosta, Pa.
SO It. Aug. 21, 1S72.
U.T. EXX.oa. '
Tn th wnnHArAil modlclne to which the afflict
ed ro above pointed for relief, the dicoverer
bHeve he haa combined in harmony moro of
Nature's most aoverlt,m curative yrouertlei,
which tod has tnntilled into tho VPnetHle kiiiK
doni ftir healing the pick, than were everbeforo
corubint'd in one medicine. The evidence of thia
fact U found in the (Treat variety of nun obsti
nate ilisfsw-'H which It ha be n found to conquer.
In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe
Cough, and the oarly staL-n oi Coiiau m p
llou, it baa astonished the medical faculty, and
eminent physicians prououuee it the greatest
medical dUcovery of the age. While it cures the
severest Couirhs, it strengthens tho pystcm and
paririesj Ihe blood By Its great and thor
ouirh blod purifying properties, it cures all
UumuM, from tliu wurr-t Scrofula to a
comuion Bloti'b, Flmple, or Krupllon.
Mercuri;;1. diweaiot Miucrul poisons, and their
effects, are eradicated, and vigorous health and a
ound constitutioa e'tftulished. Kryaiplaa,
Malt Ithrum, lever Nort-e, Scaly or
liouKli Nklu. in short, all tho numerous dis
uaes eaiised by had blood, are conquered by tht
powerful purihini; and invijjorattni; medicine.
If you feel dull, drownv, debilitated, have tal
low color of skin, or jelluwUh brown spota on
face or body, fre4ueut neadacho or diMtnes, bad
tota iu mouth, internal heat or chills, alternated
with hot Hushes, low spirits, and gloomy fro
bodinu's, Irregular appetite, and tongue coated,
yim are aiiiWiiiu from Torpid l'1 or
Ul llousjiicaa." Iu many vw of k 11 ver
Complalut" only part of these symptoms
are ei writ-need. As a remedy for all such cases,
l)r IMurce s tioldcu Medical Discovery has no
oual, as it effects perfect cures, leaving the liv
er strengthened and healthy. or the cure of
llabltuMl Constipation of the bowels It
Is a never failing remedy, and thoo who have
Ued it for this purpose are loud in us praise.
Tue proprietor offers $1 .(WO reward for a medi
cine that will equal It for the cure of all the dis
eases for which it Is rec ommended.
Hold by dru JU'i"t t I bottle. Prepared by
R V Fierce M. I) . Hole Proprietor at his Chemi
cal Laboratory, IMS Heaoc street, Buffalo, '. Y.
bend your address for ft pamphlet.
Water Street,
Tionesta, Pa.,
M. CARPENTER, . Proprietor.
IMi'tiiroit Ukuu ill u!l llio latest si v lea
the art. i'ii-ti
Vlnrit.ti Itltteri are not a vile Iaticy Drink,
made ol P-ur Rum, Whiskey, Proof Sjiiiits aud KeAnt
Liquors, d.iciorcl, Jinicnl, and wcelrned tn please tht
taste, called "Tonic, " Appeiicr," " Kestorers
Ac , lint lead lite tippler o-t In rlntnkennes And ruin,
but are a true Medicine, m.v!e from the nstive rooi
and herb nf California, free fi fin aN Alcoholic Stimulants.
They are the? Great II nl Purifier snd a I.ife-pivitu
Principle, a Perfect Kcnnvitnr and Invigorator of the
SvVetn, crrynn off all pononon matter and rewtorms;
the blood to a heahhycond lion.enrtchins it, refreliin
and invi;rating both mind and bed. They are eauy
of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their
reulu, afe and relhb'.e in all forma of 1iea.
Ko Person can Inke Hioso Itlttcra accorrj
mg to directions, and remain long itntvell, provided
their bones are not destroyed bv mineral xiirm or other
means, and the vital organs wasted bejond the puint
of repair.
lyMieilit or IiullireMlnii. ITeadjche, Pain
in the Shoulder. CmiiIi. 1 iRlitucss of the t:hest, lta
tines, S'ur Kruct.ilinris of the Stmmch, Taate
in the Mouth, !!;ImiM Attacks, P.ilpitaiion of the
Heart, Irtn.innnationnf the I. mips, P,nn in the region ol
tttft K.diifvs. and a Iitnii1rd nther painfu! svniptom
are the oiTpvings fif Dvpepsia. In these complaint
it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar
antee of it merits than a lenpiliy advertisement.
For Fein Hie Complaint) tn young or old,
married or mnple, at the fif womanhood, nr th
turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display so decided ait
influence that a marked improvement is soon percep
tible. l or liiflnmtiiAtnry and Chronic Ithen
fnsitlain and Gout, Iyspepsiaor Incltceslioit, lliiious,
Remitteht and Intermittent Fevers, i'iseasei of tha
Blood, l.tver, Kidnev and Itladder, these Uiiters have
been most successful. Such Iiseases are caused by
Vitiated Illood, wh eh in generally produced by derangs
ment of the itRestive Organs.
They are (initio Purga! Ire as well as
a TonlOf possessing n!o the pecnii ir merit of acting
as a (wwtrful aqent in relieving Congestion or Inflam
mation of the I.ivcr aud Visceral Organs, and in Bilious
For SUIn Ileaae4, F.ruptiout, Tetter, Salt
ft lieum, lilottlic, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, BuiLa,(?ar
huncles, Uinc-worms. Scald-Head, Sore t'.yes, Kiy
sipelas. Itch, Scurfs, Disculoratinns of the Skin, Humors
and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature,
are literally Jur up and carried out of the system tn a
short time by the use of thesa Bitters. One bottle m
such cases will convince the most incredulous of their,
curative effects.
demise the Vltlntcd Blood whenever rou
find its impmiliet bursting through the skin in Pimples,
Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob
structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is
foul ; your feeling will tell you when. Keep lbs blood
pure, anil the health of the system will follow.
(jirMvfiil thousands proclaim ViNnaaa TltT
tkrs the most wonderful limoraut that ever sustained
the sinking svstein.
Pin Tape, anil other Worms, lurking hi
the svstem of io many thousands, me elTectually de
stroyed and removed. Says a duiiiiKuished physioU
OKtst : There is scarcely nn individual upon the face of tint
earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms.
It is not upon the lie.iiuiy elements ot toe hmty
worms exist, but noon the diseased Inimnrs and shmy
deposits that breed these Tiviut monsters of diseass.
No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no antheliniii
.tics, will ftee the svstetu fioiu worms like these Bit
ters Mechanical Dine use a. Persons engaged iti
Paints and Minerals, such as Plumheis, Type-setters,
Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance lit life, will
be subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against
this take a dose of Wai.kkh's Vinkgak BiTraas once
or twice a week, as a Preventive.
IllllottSt ltemlltfiitt and Intermltlent
Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our
great rivers throughout the United States, esfiecially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten
nessee, Cumberland, Aikaneas Ked, Colorado, Urato,
Kio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan
okt, James, and many others, with their vast tributa
ries, throughout our entire country dmintf the Summer
and Autumn, and renutkab'y so durmi seasons vt
unustnl heat and riryneftx, are invariably accompanied
bv extensive deranRemcnts of the stonnch ami liver, and
oilier abdominal viscera. There me always more or less
obstructions of the liver, a we.ikncJS and inilab'e state
of the stomach, and grit torpor of the bowels, being
clogged up with vitiateiLaccumulaiions. In their treat
ment, a purgative, exortin a powcifil iuilueuce tipoa
these various organs, is e.-senti.llly necessary. There is
no cathaitic for the purpose ecpial to Dn. J. Walkrh's
viNRUAN iiiTTRRs os iney win speciuiy remove tna
loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of
the liver, and generally restonnn the htalihy functions
Of tha digestive organs.
Scrofula or Kind's Kvll, White Swcllns,
Ulcers, Krysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous
Inflammations, Indnlont I nflainmaiions, Klcrcurial Af
fectimis, Old Sores, Kruption of the Skin, Sure Eves,
etc., tic In these, as m all other constitutional Dis
eases, WaI.KKR'S V1NRC4R II I TTRRH IllVC shown their
great curative powers iu tits most obstinate and initact
able casrs-
lr. VnlkeraCnltronilti Vinegar nit tera
act on all these cases in a similar manner, liv puiifyin
the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolvniK away
the ejects of the inflammation (the tubercular d--posiur
the aiTected parts receive health, and a permanent cure
is etfected.
The ii'opi'tlee of Dr. Wai.krr's Vinkga
Bittbrs are Apeiicnt, Diaphoretic and Cainiinalive,
Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant.
Sudorific, Alterative, and A uti-II ilotis.
The Aperient and mild Laxative properties ol
Da. Walkbr's Viniiuar Hittkri are the best safe
guard in all cases of eruptions ami malignant fevers,
their balsamic, htaliiu, nnd soothing properties protect
the humors of the fauces- Their Sed.inve properties
allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels,
either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc
Their Counter-irritant influence extendi throughout
the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid
neys, correcting and regulation the flow of urine. Their
Anti-lblious proertie stimulate the liver, in the secre
tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts,
and are superior to all remedial agents, fur the cure ol
Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc.
Fortify the body against illacaae bv puri
fying; all its fluids with Vinkgar Bittkks. No ept
demic cau take hold of a system thus forearmed. The
liver, the stomach, the bowels, the k dneys, and the
nerves are rendeied disease-proof by this great invig
orant. Directions Take of the Bitters on going to bed
at niht troui a half to on aud one-half winc-glatull.
Eat good nourishing food, such as beefsteak, mutton
chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take
out-door exercise. They are composed ol purely veget
able ingredients, and contain no spirit.
Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal..
and cor. of Washington aud Charlton Sts., New York.
Grandin's Block, Tidioute,
BOI.AKHHKOS., lit tho Kmrkn Di-iik
.sioro, have Just ton ivrd :i new niul
very I'Xli iiNivc btiu'k of
f:ill mI vli'N ami pi ll (, wliii-h they " ill lii
xmftii' nt llio lowiMt Itussililo iliti'S roil-
xistoiit uli tho cxiii'iiMd idiiiun ii'il with
Ihti trade.
They also have on li:ui J a lui jio sturk of
l'LASTKIt OF 1'Aias
ltciiHi:ilM'i- tliu IMui'O
an.iyoLws A':ir block,
z n Tiiiui ti:
wii.i.i.VMsroiir, 1'i:sn'a.
rn:sTCI,.S li.Kirilin-Srhoul lor
i" 1mUi M'Xl'H,
Om of tlui must hcautiful In tlu Stiito.
Students Received at any Time.
TKllMS .Muin;iiA'l i:.
l!i li ri iici s 1 Inn. .Inn. A. li!i, Milm
- imc, s. j. WoKcit. 4S-ai.