The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 18, 1872, Image 1

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DITIco In Krox'a Dulldlrg, Eln Street.
TERMS, $2.00 A YEAK.
No Subscriptions received fir a shorter
period than throe moiitlin.
Correspondence solicited from nil parts
of tho country. No notico will bo tiikeu of
unnonymous communications.
Marriagos nnd Poiith notices Inserted
Mm Street, 1'IONKSTA, TA.
Isaac Ash,
Will practice in tho various Courts of
forest County. All business entrusted to
Jill oara will roeolve prompt attontion.
10 ly
W. W. Masoa, George A. Jonks,
Tirar.lft, P Brookvlll., r.
Mason. A Jen Us,
.Streot, above Walnut, Tionesta, l'a.
C. W. Glinilan,
nango Co., l'a. tf.
Attorneys at Law, Tltusville Penn'a.
10RACTICK in all the Courts of Warren,
Crawford, Forest nnd Venango Coun
ties. 4'.)-tf
W. P, Mercilliott,
Tionesta, Pa. Ollloe on Kim St root.
The profoHHional services of tho Hon. H.
1 JohiiHon ran besocurod through mo if
desired in any luminous entrusted to me In
Forest Co. Collections promptly attendod
to. Also Kciil Kstato Agent.
Tlonesta House.
MITTKL, Proprietor, Elm St. Tlo
. nestn, l'a., at the mouth of thecreck,
Mr. Ittlo has thoroughly renovated tho
'j'ionesta House, anil re-furnished It com
pletely Ail who patronize him will bo
well cWtprtulnod at reasonable rates. liO-ly
. Court House, Tionesta, Pa. Just
opened. Everything new anil clean and
fresh. Tho best of liquor kept constantly
on huruaa A portion of the public patron
age is respoctfully solicited. 4-17-ly
Holmes House,
HMONESTA, PA., opposite tlie Depot.
A C. 1). Mublo, Proprietor. Uood Hla
bling connected with the houso. If.
Syracuse House,
TIDIOUTK, Pa., J. A 1 Maokk, Proplo
tors. Tho house has been thoroughly
refitted and is now in tho lirst-class order,
with the best of accommodations. Any
iiformutioii concerning Oil Territory tit
this point will bo cheerful) v furnished.
-ly J. AD. MAOEB,
Exchange Hotel,
LOWER TIlilOLTE, Pa., IV R. Rams
Dkki. A Son Prop's. This house having
been relited is now tho most desirable stop-
iiinir place in Tidiouto. A good liilliard
.loom attached, 4-Iy
National Hotel,
TRVINETON, PA. W. A. Hallenback,
Proprietor. This hotel is Nkw, and is
iiw open as a first class house, situato at
nojiiuction of the Oil Creek A Allegheny
iverand Philadelphia A Erfo Railroads,
pposite llio Depot. Parties having to lay
ver troths will lliul this tho most convoii-
cnt hotel in town, with lirst-class acconi-
iiotlntinns and reasonable charges. tf.
Dr. J. I.. Acornb,
t had lilteen years' experience in a largo
and successful practice, will attend nil
Professional Calls. Ollieo in his Drug and
Orocery Store, located iu Tidiouto, near
Tidiouto House.
full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, Glass, Paints,
Oils, Cutlery, and line Groceries, all of tho
Iiesl quality, and will ba sold at reasonable
II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drug
gist from Now York, has charge of tho
Store. All prescriptions put upuccurutoly.
jno. v. riUK.
MA Y, 1'AliK X CO., ,
Comer of Elm A Wulnut Sts. Tionesta.
Bank of Discount nnd Deposit.
Interest allowed on Timo Deposits.
Collections nindoon all thoPrrheipal points
of tho U. S.
Collections solicited. lS-ly.
J0. A..D1I.S. FraM. J. T. DALE, Cuhlor.
Tionesta, Forest Co., l'a.
This Bank transacts a General Banking,
UorTeeting and Exchange Business.
Krafts on tho Principal Cities of tho
V nited States and Europe bought and sold.
, Uold and Silver Coin and Government
Securities bought and sold. 7-H0 Bonds
nvorted on the most favorable terms.
Interest allowed ou time deposits.
Mar. 4, tf.
Comer of Church and Elm Streets,
'. Tills firm is prepared to do all work in
. J line, and will warrant everything done
f Jheir shops to give satisfaction, l'ar-
NBiar attention given to
. Givotheiii atrial, and you will not ro--'
plot -it, 13-ly.
Th.9 Republican Office
TWERPS constantly on bund a large as.
IV sortine'.it of ltlaiik I lends, Mortgages,
Ntibpomua, Warrants, buutuions, Ac. to
I 0 uW cheap for cttsh. tf.
" Let us havo Faith
VOL. V. NO. 24.
HOUSES nnd Lots for Sale and HKNTI
Wild Lnnds for Sale. 1 .
I have superior facilities for ascertaining
the f'olliliLtnri of ti,o nml f a , Art
and am therefnro qualified to act ii'itelli-
nenny ns agent or inoso living at a dis
tance, owning lnnds In tho County.
OIHco In Commissioners Kooin, Court
Honso, Tionesta, l'a.
4-41-ly. D. W. CLARK.
rnw. itiTHRiiiiis. iv-it.
K- U. lilTHKIlHOC, TrcM.
IU.ln.iM MaitRKcr.
Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c.
Mills on Tionesta Creek, Forest Co., Tn.
Yitrds & Office cor. ili & Rail Rond Sts.,
riTTsnuRGir, v.
Jos. Y. Saul,
PRACTICAL Harness Maker nnd Sad
dler. Threo doors north of Holmes
House, Tionosta, l'a. All work is war
ranted, tf.
Wrr(. Fellers,
T ICENCFD At'CTIONIER, will attend
XJ to all business in that line promptly,
at reasonable rates. Address
WM. FELLERS, Nowmanville,
0-.1ni. Clarion Co. l'a.
Established A. D. 1.S17.
Dithridge's xx Flint Glass
Silvered Glass Reflectors.
Tlioso chimneys do not break by heat.
Ask for DiTHitiiKiE. Take no other.
I'iltsburgh, Ta.
t'w ItoartiSug
MRS. S. S. HULINGS has built a large
addition to her house, and Is now pre
pared to accominodatennuuiber of perma
nent boarders, and all transient ones who
may favor her with tlieir patronage. A
good stable has recently been built to ac
commodate the horses of guests. Charges
reasousble. Rosideneo on Elm St., oppo
site S. Haslet's store. SiJ-ly
AVE just brought on a comjilctc and
caroiuiiy seiccteu block oi
and everything necessary to tho complete
stock ofii tirst-elassOrocory House, which
they have opened out at their establish
ment ou Elm St., first door north of M. E.
at tho lowest cash prices, floods warrant
ed to bo of the best quality. Call and ex
amine, and we beliovo we can suit you.
Jan. 0, 7i
Lloyd & Son,
IT AVE JUST OPENED an extensive
Stock of
Which they oircr to the public at rates as
low as can be ollorod by any other estab
lishment In town. Givo us a call before
purchasing elsewhere.
o-3m. LLOYD A SON.
A 51 1 11 A V Ii K !
Mr. Samuel Hell, of W. E. Schmertz it
Co, Wholesale Hoot and Shoe Manufactur
ers, ai Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, l'a., has
been ulllictcd with chronic for
Unity years, from his right hip to his foot,
having to use a crutch and a cane, at times
so painful as to utterly incupacitate him
from attending to his 'business. Having
tried every remedy known, without ell'ect,
except Oilliland's Pain Killer, he was
linaliy induced to try it. A second applica
tion enabled him to lay aside bis crutch,
and a third elici ted a permanent cure. Mr.
Dull is a popular and well-known citizen,
is a living monument of the clfanicy of
that great uicilieul discovery, Oilliland's
Pain Killer. The atllictcd should ask their
grocer or druggist for it, anil try its won
derful power. Mr. tiillilund, we under
stand, wants a respectable agent in every
town and county for it. The principitl f
tice is at 7- Third Avenue, Piiulmrgli l'a.
that Right makes Might ; and
Whereas, In and by an act of tho Oeneral
Assembly of the Common wealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled 'An Act to regulato the
Oeneral Elections within this Common
wenlth,' it, Is enjoined upon nio to give
public notice of said elections, and to
enumerate in said notico what ollieers are
to bo elected, I, 10. L. Davis, High Sheriff
of iho county of Forest, ilo hereby make
known ami give this public notice! to tho
electors of tho county of Forest, that a
Uoneral Eloctionw ill do held in said coun
ty, on the
at the several districts, vizi
In Harnett township atClarington school
In tJreen township at the houso of L.
In Howe township at tho honso of C. F.
In Jenks township at tho court houso in
In Harmony township at Allondcr school
In Hickory township at Ball school
In Kingsley township at Whoeler, Du
Heubiiry A Cu's store.
In Tionesta township at school houso in
Tionesta borough.
In Tionesta borough at school house in
said borough.
At which timo and places the qualified
electors will elect by ballot:
Ono person for the ollice of Governor of
f ennsyivania.
One person for Auditor General of tho
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Ono person for tho olllc'o of Judge of the
Supremo Court of Pennsylvania.
Three tioisous for Congressmen at
. One person for Congress, In connection
Willi the counties of Erie, Warrei:, Elk,
Jollerson, McKcan, Cameron and Clear
field. One person for tho ofllco of Senator in
connection with tho counties of Clarion,
Armstrong and Jctlerson.
Ono person for Assembly to represent
Forest and Clarion Counties.
One person for the ollice of Prothonola
ry, Register and Recorder etc., of Forest
One person for tho ofHco of Sheriff of
Forest count j'.
One person for tho ofllco of Treasurer of
Forest county.
Ono porsoii for the ofllee of County Com
missioner of Forest county.
One person for the ollice" of County Aud
ilor of Forest county.
One person for tho ofueo of County Sur
veyor of Forest county.
At the same time and places also an elec
tion will bo held lor delegates to the con
vention to amend the Constitution of the
State, in conformity with tho Act entitled
"An act to provide for calling a convention
to amend tlie Constitution," approved
April 11, 1872. As prescribed by said act,
the following rules and regulations shall
apply to said eloetiou and tho returns of
the same :
First. At the general election to bo
held the second Tuesday of October next,
there will be elected by tho qualified elec
tors of this Commonwealth, delegates to a
convention to revise and amend the Con
stitution of tho State; tho said convention
shall consist of ono hundred and thirty
threo members, to bo elected In tho man
ner following: Twenty-eight member
thereof shall bo elected in the State at large
as follows : Each voter in tho Slate shall
vote for not more than fourteen candidates
and the twenty-eight highest iu vote shall
bo declared elected ; liiiicty-iiino delegates
shall be appointed to and elected from the
different Senatorial districts in tho State,
three delegates to be elected for each Sen
ator therefrom ; and in choosing all dis
trict delegates, each voter shall be entitled
to a vote for not more than two of the mem
bers to bo chosen from his disti ict.tind tho
three candidates highest in vote shall lie
declared elected, except in the county of
Allegheny, forming tho Twenty-third
Senatorial District, where no vole'r shall
vote for more than six candidates, and the
nine highest in vote shall be elected, and
in tho counties of Luzerne, Monroe and
Pike, forming tho Thirteenth Senatorial
District, where no voter shall vote for
more than four candidates, and tho six
highest in voto shall ho elected, ami six
additional delegates shall be chosen from
the city of Philadelphia, by a vote at large
in said city, and iu their election no voter
shall voto for more than three candidates,
and the six highest iu vuto shall bo de
clared elected.
Skcoj d. The J udges and Inspectors for
each election district shall provide two
suitable boxes lor each poll, one in which
todeposito tho tickets voted for District
Delegate; which boxes shall bo labelled
respectively " Delogutes at Largo," and
' District Delegates," and iu each district
in the city of Philadelphia an additional
box snau do provmea lor each poll, in
which to deposit the tickets voted for "Ci
ty Delegats," and said last mentioned
boxes nil'st each be labelled "Citv Dele
gates." Tnnti). The said election shall behold
and conducted by the proper election otlU
eers of the several election districts of tho
Commonwealth, and shall bo governed
and regulated iu all respects by the g ner
al eloetiou laws of the Commonwealth, so
far as the same shall be applicable thereto,
and not inconsistent with theprovisionsot
said act.
Fourth. Tho tickets to be voted for
mei ubers at large of tho convention shall
have on the outside tho words ' Delogutes
at large,'' and on the inside tho names of
the candidates to be voted for, not exceed
ing fourteen iu number. -
Fikth. Tho tickets to bo voted for dis
trict members of the con ention shall have
on tho outsido tho Words "District Dele
gates," and on tho iusido tho name or
names of tho candidates voted for, not ex
ceeding lie proper number limited as
aforesaid ; but any ticket which shall con
tain a greater number of names than tho
number for which tho voter shall be enti
tled to voto shall be rejected; and in caso
of the delegates to be chosen at large in
Philadelphia, the words "City Delegates"
shall boon the outsido of the ticket.
Sixth. In the city of Philadelphia tho
return judges shall meet at tho State
House at ten o'clock on the Thursday next
following tho election, und inako out tho
returns for said city, of the votes cast
therein for delegates at largo and city and
district delegates, to bo members of tho
convention ; tho return judges of the sev
eral election districts vtuhiu each eouutv
of ti e State, excluding Philadelphia, shall
meet on Friday next following tho elec
tion at the usual pluco for tho meeting of
tho return judges of their county, and
niakeout full aid accurate returns of the
county, of tho votes cast therein for mem
bers of the convention and for district
members of the same; and the proceedings
of the return Judges of the said city of
Philadelphia, und of the several counties
of the Commonwealth, in the making of
their returns, shall be the same us those
prescribed tor return judges iu the cans of
an election for Governor, except that re
turns transmitted to tho Secretary of tho
in that Faith let us to tho end,
Commonwealth, shall be addressed to that
olllcer alono and not to tho Speaker of tho
Notice Is her'hy given, That nnv person
excepting. Justices of the Peace who shall
hold any ollice or appointment of profit or
trust under tho United States, or tliisStuto
or any city or corporated district, whether
commissioned otllcer or otherwise, a
subordinate officer or agent who Is orshall
be employed under tho legislature, execu
tive or judiciary department of this State,
or of any city, orol any incorporated dis
trict, and also, that, every member of Con
gress and of tho Stato Legislature, or of
the select or common council of any city,
or commissioners of any incorporated dis
trict, is by law incapable of hnldinjiorcx
crcising at ihe time, the ofllco or appoint
ment of Judge, inspector or clerk of any
election of this Commonwealth, and Unit
no Inspector, judge or other oftieer of such
election shall bo eligible to bo then voted
Also, that In the 4th section of tho act of
Assembly entitled "An act relating to
elections and for other purposes," appro
ved April loth ls."!, it is enacted that the
Pith section shall not be so construed as to
prevont any militia or borough oflicor
f rom serving as J udgo, Inspector or Clerk,
at any general or speciul eioclion in this
A further supplement to the election
laws of this Coniinouweath :
Whproas, by an act of tho Congress
of the United States, entitlod "An
act to amend tho several acts hereto
fore passed to provido for tho enrolling
and calling out of tho national forces, and
tor other purposes," and approved March
2d, 18115. All persons who have deserted
tho military or naval services of tho Uni
ted States, and w ho have been discharged
or relieved from tho penalty or disability
therein provided, are deemed and taken
to havo voluntarily relinquished and for
feited their rights to becouio citizens, and
are deprived of exercising any rights of
citizenship hereoi :
And whoreas, persons, not citizens of
tho United Statos, aro under the constitu
tion and laws of Pennsylvania qualilied
electors of this Commonwealth
Sue. 1. Do it enacted by the Senato and
Houso of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem
bly met, and it is hereby enacted by tho
saino and in all elections hereafter to be
held in this Commonwealth; it shall bo
unlawful for tho judges or inspectors of
anv such election to rcceiveany ballot or
ballots from any persons embraced in the
provisions, ami subject to tho disabilities
imposed by said actof Congress, approved
March 3d, 'lsii'i. And It shall bo unlawful
for any such person to oiler to voto any
such ballot or ballots.
Skc. il. That if any such Judge or inspec
tors of election or any of tlicin shall receive
or consent to recjive any such unlawful
ballot or ballots from any such disqualified
person, ho or they so oll'etidiiig shall be
guilty of misdemeanor, and upon convic
tion thereof in any Court of (Quarter Ses
sions of this Commonwealth, ho shall for
each otfenco bo sentenced to pay a tino of
not less than ono liunurca dollars, ami to
undergo imprisonment in the jail of tho
proper county for not less than sixty days.
Skc. 3. That if any person deprived of
citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid
shall at any election hereafter to bo held
in this Commonwealth voto or tender to
the ollieers thereof, and oiler to voto a bal
lot or ballots, any person so oll'endiiig
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof iu any Court of Quarter
Sessions of this Commonwealth, shall for
each offence bo punished in a like manner
as is provided in the preceding section of
this act, in the case of ollieers of elections
receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots.
S !:'. 4. That if any person shall hereafter
persuade or advise any person or persons
deprived of citizenship and disqualilicd as
aforesaid, to oiler any ballot or ballots to
tlie ollieers of any election hereafter to he
held in this Commonwealth, or shall per
suade or advise any such eliiccr to receive
uuv ballot or ballots front any person de
prived of citizenship und disqualified as
aforesaid, such persons so olfending shall
bo guilty of u misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof in any court of (Quarter
Sessions of this Common wealth, s'nll bo
punished ill like manner us provided iu the
second section of this net, in the case of
ollieers of such election receiving such un
lawful ballot or ballots.
I also give official notico to the electors
of Forest county that, by an act entitled
" An act further supplemental to tho act
relative to tho elections of this Common
wealth," approved April 17th, 18011, it is
provided us follows:
Suction 1. Re it enacted by tho Senato
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania iu General
Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted
by the authority of the same, That it shall
be tho duty of each of the assessors of this
Commonwealth, on the lirst Monday of
Juno of each year, to take upfho transcript
ho lias received from the county commis
sioners under tho eighth section of the act
of 15th of April 1834, and proceed to an im
mediate revision of the sum by striking
therefrom the name of every person who
is known by him to havo died or removed
since the last previous assessment from
tho district of which he is tlie assessor, or
whose death or removal shall bo made
known to him, and to add to tho same the
name of any qualilied voter who shall bo
lnielo known to him, to have removed In
to the district since tho last previous as
sessment, or whoso removal into the same
shall be or shall havo been made known
to liiin, and also tho names of all who make
claim to him to be qualified voters therein.
As sisni as this revision is completed ho
shail viyt evorv dwell!:,.' house in hixdiN-
! trict foul make careful inquiry if any per
son whose name is on his list lias tticif or
removed from the district, und if so, to
take the same therefrom, or whether any
qualified voter resides therein hose name
is not on his list, and if so, to add the same
thereto, und ill all cases where a name is
udileil to the list a tax shall forthwith be
tcc.-eil against the person, and the asses
sor shall in all cases Msrci l.iiu by inquiry
upon w hat ground the person so assessed
claims to be a voter. Upon the completion
of this work it shall be the duty of each
assessor as ulbicsaid to proceed to make
out a list in alphabetical order of tho free
men above twenly-oiie years of ago claim
ing to boqualilicd voters ill tlie ward, bor
ough, tow nship or district of which hois
assessor, and opposite tocaeh of said names
slalo whether said freeman is or is not a
house-keeper, and if lie is, tho number of
his residence, in t iwus w here the same are
numbered, with the s'reel, alley, or court
in which situato, und if in a townw hcio
then? are no numbers, the name of Liu
street, alley or court on w hich said houso
fronts ; ulso the occupation of tiie person,
and w here ho is not a housekeeper, tho oc
cupation, place (it hoarding and with
whom, and if working for another, the
liiiuie of employer, and write opi.os
each of said names tho word " voter, ui
where any person claims to voto by rcasou
of naturali.ulion he slmil c xhibit his ccr
ttlieato thereof to tho assessor, unh;s he
has been for five consecutive years text
daro do our duty as wo understand it."--LINCOLN.
proceeding a voter in said district ; and In
all esses where tho person has been natur
alized, the name shall be marked with tho
letter " N." Where tho person has merely
declared his Intention to becoino a citizen
and designs to bo naturalized beforo the
next election, tho name shall bo marked
"D.I." Where tho claim to voto is by
reason of being between tho ages of twenty-one
and twenty-two, as provided by
law, the word '"age'' shall be entered, and
if the person has moved into tho election
district to resido since tho last general
election tho letter "H." shall bo placed op
posite the iiamo. It shall be the further
duty of each assessor as aforesaid, upon
tho completion of the duties herein im
posed, to make a separate list of all new
assessments made by him and tho amounts
assessed upon each, and furnish the saino
tmmediatelv to tho commissioners, who
shall immediately add tho names to tho
tax duplicates etui the wards, township,
borough or district In which they have
been assessed.
Skc. 2. On tho list boing completed and
tho assessment made as aforesaid the samo
shall bo forthwith returnod to the county
commissioners, who shall duplicate copies
of said lists, with the observations and ex
planations required to bo noted as afore
said, to be maiieout as soon as practicable
and placed in the hands of tho assessor,
who shall prior to the lirst of August in
each year put ono copy thereof on tho
house where the eloetiou of the respective
district is required to bo held, and rotain
the other iu his possession for tho inspec
tion, free of charge, of anvpersen residing
in the said election district who shall de
sire to sco the saino, anil it shall be the du
ty of the siune assessor to add, from timo
to time, on the personal application of an v
ono claiming tlie right to voto, the namo of
sucii claimant, ana mnrK opposite tho
name "P. I." and immediately assess him
with a tax, noting in all cases, his occupa
tion, residence, whether a boarder or
house-keeper, if a boarder with whom he
boards, and whether naturalized or de
signing to bo, marking in all such eases
tho letters opposite the name 'N." or "D.
I," as tho ease may bo; if the person
claiming to bo assessed bo naturalized, ho
shall exhibit to the assessor his certilieato
of naturalization and if ho claims that he
designs to be naturalized before tho next
ensuing election, ho shall exhibit his cer.
titiciito of declaration of intentions; in all
cases where any ward, borough, township
or election district is divided into two or
more precincts, the assessor shall note in
all his assessments tho election precinct in
which each elector resides, und shall make
a separate return for each to tho eouutv
commissioners in all eases in which a re
turn is required of him by the provisions
of this act; and tho eouutv commissioners
in making duplicate copies of tho names
of tho voters in each precinct separately,
and shall furnish tho same to tho assessor,
and tho copies required by this act to bo
plncod on the door of or on election places
oh or beforo tli3 lirst day of August in each
year, shall be placed on tho door of or on
iho election place in each of said precincts.
Skc. 3 Alter tho assessments shall havo
been completed on the tenth day prece
ding the second Tuesday of October in
ach year, tho assessor shall, on the Mon
day immediately followiug.mako n return
to tho county commissioners of the names
of all persons assessed by him sinco tho
return roquired to bo miide by him by tiio
second section of this act, noting opposite
each name the observations and explana
tions required to be noted us aforcsaid,und
tho eouniy commissioners shall thereupon
cause the sumo to be added to tho returns
required by the second section of this act,
and a full and correct copy to bo made,
containing the names of nil persons so re
turned as resident taxables in said ward,
borough, townshsp or precinct, and fur
nish tlie same together with the necessary
eloetiou blanks to the ollieers of tho elec
tion in said ward, borough, township or
precinct, on or before six o'clock on tho
morning of tho second Tuesday of October,
and no man shii'l be permitted to voto ui.
the election on that day whose name is not
on said list, unless he shall make proof of
his right to vote, us hereinafter required.
Skc. 4 On tlie day of election any person
whoso niiino is not on tho said list, and
claiming tho right to vote at said election,
shall produce at least ono quulified voter
of the district as a witness to tho residence
of the claimant in the district in which lie
claims to bo a voter, for a period of at least
ten days next preceding said election,
which w itiioss shall take and subscribe a
written, or partly written and partly
printed allidavit, tothe facts staled by him,
which allidavit shall clearly define where
the residence is of tho person so claiming
to bo a voter, and tho person claiming the
right to voto shall also take and subscribe
to a written, or partly written and partly
printed allidavit, stating that to the best of
Ids knowledge and belief when and where
ho was born ; that ho is a citizen of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of
the United States; that he has resided in
tho Commonwealth ono year, or if former
ly a citizen therein, and has moved there
from six mouths prec 'ding such election ;
that he lias not moved into the district for
the purpose of voting therein ; that he has
paid a State or county tax within two years
which was assessed at least ten days b'eforo
said eloetiou ; und, If a naturalized citizen,
also state when, where und by w hat court
ho was naturalized, and shall also prndiico
his certilieato of naturalization for exami
nation: the said allidavit shall also state
when and where the tax claimed to be paid
by the allidavit was assessed, hiuI when,
w lioie, and to whom paid, and the tax re
ceipt therefor shall be produced for exam
ination, unless the alliaiit shall state iu his
ullhlavit that it lias been lost or destroyed,
or that he never received any, but if the
person so claiming tho right to vote shall
uilio aim su'oscr'mo nil niudavitthatiio is
a native born citizen of the United States,
or if horn elsow here, shall stale that fuel in
his allidavit, or shall producu evidence
that he has been or that he is
entitled to citizenship by reason of his
father's naturalization; und shall further
stale in his allidavit that hois, at the time
of taking the uilidavit, between the age of
twenty-one and twenty-two years ; that he
has residod in the Sliilu one year and iu
tlie Llstrict ten days preceding such elec
tion, he si. all be entitled to voto, although
ho shall not liave paid taxes ; the said alii
davits of the witnesses to their residence
shall be preserved by the election board,
and at the close of tho election lhcy shall
lie enclosed with tho list of voters, tally
list and other papers required by law to be
filed by the return judges with tho pro
IhouoUry, and shall remain on lile there
with at the prolhonolary's ollice, subject'
to examination as other election papers
arc; if the election ollieers shall lind that
the applieuiilor applicants possess all thu
legal qualilieatioiis of voters, ho or they
shall be permitted to vole, and the name
or names shall bo added to the lint of taxa
bles by tho election ollieers, the w ord -tu'
being a Mud w lit u the claimant claims to
vote on tax, and the word 'agu' when he
claims to vote on age, the same words
being added by the clerks iu each emu re
spectively on tho list of persons voting at
such elections.
S !:'. 5. It shall bp law fill for any quali
fied citizen of Ihe district, notwithstanding
the name of the proposed voter is contain
ed on tho lilt of resident taxables, to chal
lenge the voto of such person; whereupon
the same proof of right of suffrage as is
now required by law shall be publicly
made and acted upon by the elect ion board,
and the vote admitted or rejected, accord
ing to the evidence ; every person claim
ing to bo a naturalized citizen shall bo re
quired to prsl neo hii natural r. i; ion cer
tificate at the election beforo voting, ex
cept be has been for ton years consecu
tively a voter in tho district In which he
offers his vote; and on the voto of such
person being roccivod it shnll bo tho duty
of the election ollieers to write or stamp
on such certificate the word 'voted,' with
the month and year, and if any election
olllcer or ollieers shall receive a second
voto on tho same day, by virtuo of tho
same certilieato, excepting w here sons ure
entitled to voto by the naturalization of
their fathers, they and the person who
shall olfor such a second voto, upon so of
fending shall lie deemed guilty of high
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
b fined or imprisoned, or both, at the
discretion of tho court, but the tine shall
not exceed one hundred dollars in each
ease or the imprisonment ono year; the
like punishment shall be inflicted, on con
viction, on tho ollieers of election who
shall neglect or refuse to make, orjeause
to be made, the endorsement required as
aforesaid on said naturalization certificates.
Skc. 0. If any election officer shall re
fuse or neglect to require such proof ofthe
right of suffrage as is required by this law,
or the laws to which this is a supplement,
from any person offering to vote whoso
namo Is not on the list of assessed voters,
or whoso right to vote is challenged by
any qualified voter requiring such proof,
every person so offending shall upon con
viction bo dcomod guilty of a high misde
meanor, ami shall la) sentenced, for every
offense, to pny a line not exceeding one
hundred dollars, or to undergo nn impris
onment not exceeding one year, or either
or both, at the discretion of'tho court.
SKf. 7. Ten days preceding every elec
tion for doctors for President and Vice
President of the United States, it shall be
the duly of tho assessor to attend at tho
place required by law for holding tho elec
tion in each election district, and thun and
there hear all applications of persons
whose names have been omitted from tho
list of assessed voters, who claimed the
right to vote, or w hose rights have origin
ated since tlie same was niado out, and
shall add tho names of such persons there
to an shall show that they are entitled to
tho right of suffrage in sucli district, on
tho personal application of tho claimant
oniy, and forthwith assess them with ths
proper tax. Alter completing tho list, a
espy thereof shall ho placed on tho door of
or on tho houso where the election is to bo
held, at least oightduys before the election;
and at tho election tho saino course shall
bo pursued in all respects as is required
by this act nnd the acts to w hich this is a
supplement, at tho general election iu Oc
tober. The assessor shall also inako the
same returns to the county commissioners
of all assessments mado liy virtue of this
section ; and iho county commissioners
shall furnish copies thereof to tho election
ollieers in each district, in like manner, in
all respects, us is required ut tho general
election in October.
Skc. II. Tho respective assessors, inspec
tors and Judges of the election shall each
have the power to administer oalhsto any
person claiming tho light to bo assessed
or the right of suffrage, or iu regard toimy
other matter or thing roquire.1 to bo done
or inquired into by any of siud officers un
der this act, and any wilful false swearing
by uny person iu relation to uny matter
concerning w hich they shall bo 'lawfully
interrogated by any of saitl officers, suull
bo punished as perjury.
Skc. 10. The assessors shall each receive
the same compensation for the iuiio neces
sarily spent in performing tlieir duties
hereby enjoined as Is provided by law for
tho performance of their other duties, to
lie paid by the county commissioners us in
otlu r eases: and it shall not be lawful for
any person to assess a tax againslany per
son whatever within ton days next prece
ding the election to be held ou the second
Tuesday of October, in any year, or within
ten day's next beloro any election for elec
tors of President and Vico Preoidcnt of
tho United Slates; any violation of this
provision lihall be a misih mi anor, anil
subjecting the ollieers so olfending ton tine
on conviction not exceeding one hundred
dollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding
threo months, or both, at the discretion of
the court.
Sue. 11. On petition of livo or more cit
izens of the county, stating under oath that
they veriiy believe that frauds will bo
practiced at the election about to be held
in any district, it shall be tho duty of the
Court of Common Pleas of said county, if
iu session, if not u judge thereof in vaca
tion, to appoint two judicious, sober and
Intelligent citizens of tho county to net us
overseers of said election ; said over-a-crs
shall be selected from different political
parlies, where the inspectors belong to dif
ferent parlies, ami where both iuspcetors
In-long to the samo politics! party both ,,
the overseer shall be uilicii from the op
posite political party ; buid overseers s.ia. I
have the liijlit to bo prestint with Iho oii
cors of the c.ection during Ihe whole I'i,,,,
the same is held, tho vnlcscouutud ur. j the
returns mado out un J signed by Ua elec
tion officers ; to keep u list of ij,,. voters if
they sco propir; to challenge j.nv person
offering to vote.and to inlenogme'iiiui and
his witnesses, under oath, n regard to his
right of suffrage at said election, and to
examine his papers produced; and the
ollieers of said election lire required to af
ford to said ovorjoers so seloctod mid ap
pointed every conveniciicuund fueili'y for
the discharge of their tliuics: and il saitl
election ollieers shall refuse to permit said
overseers to be present and perform t!;;:ir
duties as aforesaid, or if they shall bo
-,va..',' fl'"m tll ly "violence or
intimidation, all the vote polled at such
election district may bo rejected, by any
tribunal trying a contest under the said
election : Provided, that no misoii signing
the petition shall be appointed auovei scer.
M'i'. 1-. If uny prothouutary, clerk, or
deputy of either, or any other person sliail
affix the seal ol'ohi. o loauy iislunili..,uon
paper, or permit the same It, be affixed, or
give out, or cause, or permit the same to
bo given out, iu blank, when I. v it may be
fraudulently used, or furnish u naturaliza
tion paper to uny person who shall not
have been duly examined and sworn in
open court, iu the presence of some of Iho
judges thereof, according to the act of
Congress, or shall aid in, or connive at, or
in uuv way pcrmil the issue of any fraud
ulent naturalization certilientes, he sii.ii 1 bo
guilty of u hih misdemeanor ; or it uuv
one shall fraudulently use any siieh c:.i t u
icaio of natural izal ion, knowing that it u us
fraudulently issued, or shall otoorM
U'liipt to vote thereon, or if any out shall
volt' or atlouiil to yule on any t ei liti- ate
of naturalization not issued lo ho:), he
shall be guilty of a ini.vlciiii iie r ;
and cither oraov oftiic p irsoiis, their aid
ers or alienors, slmll on conviction be lined
in u sum not eveet ding cue thousand Hol
lars, ui id in.pri- oh me ui in i:tc proper pen
itentiary for a period hot cxeecdiii,; three
Skc. !.'!. Any crson who, on oath or af
firmation bel'oi u any court ol t his state, or
officer .intlio.ized to a Iniinister'.s,
shall, to priK'tire a ccrliiiculc of natural!, a
Ilat03 of Advertising.
One Square (1 inch,) one Incrtlofis - ft .VI
one s.iia'e " one month - - :t on
One Square " three months - fi en
nr Square " nun year - - 10 e'l
Two Sqinii-n?, one year - - - .-, no
'JimrUn Cel. ' - - - . ;i (il)
Half .... ... .- . ' - . .-o no
One " " - - - - loo 00
Utisin. Ms Card 4, not exceeding ono inch
In length, ?l'.l per year.
Legal notices at established rates.
Thcs-p rates aro low, and no deviation
vill bo made, or discrimination among
patrons. Tho rates offered aro such, VS
will ma'io il to the nil vantage of men doii g
Iciit.ess in (he limits of tho circulation of
the l'i'pi r to advertise liberally.
-'-''-V S.- --l--fc-.--T rowm.tM4fnriTCK9
lion, for himself or any other person, wil
fully depose or affirm anv matter to bo
facts, knowing the sumo to bo true, shall
be Riiilty of perjury; nn 1 any certilieato of
naturalization issued in piir'sunticc of any
such deposition, declaration or iillirma' Ion
shall be null and void: and it shall bo tho
duty of the court issuing the same, upon
proof bciiii made beforo it that it was
fraudulently obtained, to take immediuto
measures for recalling tho samo tor can
cellation; ami any person who shall voto
or attempt to vole ou anv paper so ob
tained, or shall any way aid in, connive at
or havo any agency whatever iu tho issue,
circulation or uscof anv fraudulent nature
alization eertilicate,shall"be deemed guiity
of a mi sdemeanor, und upon conviction
thereof shall undergo imprisonment in the
penitentiary for not lnoro than two years,
ami pay a lino of not more than one'thou
sand dollars, or either or both, at tho dis
cretion of the court.
Skc. 14. Any assessor, election officer or
poison appointed us an overseer.who shall
neglect or refuse to perform anv duty en
joined by this act, without legal cause,
shall bo subject to a penalty of ono hun
dred dollars, and if any assessor shall as
sess any person ns a voter who is not
qualified, or refuse to assess any ono who
is qualified, he shall be deemed "guilty of a
misdemeanor in office, and on conviction
bo punished by lino anrl imprisonment,
and subject to an action for damago by tho
person aggrieved, and if any person shall
fraudulently add to, deface or destroy n
list of voters made out as directed by this
act, or tear down or remove the same from
tho place where it has been filed, with
fraudulent or mischievous intent, or for
any improper purpose, the person so of
fending shall be guilty of a high misde
meanor, and on conviction shall he (pun
ished by a lino not exceeding five hundred
dollars or imprisonment not exceeding
two yoais, or both, at the discretion of the
Skc. 15. All elections hereafter held, un
der the laws of this Commonwealth, tho
polls shall be opened between the hours of
six und seven o'clock a. in., und closed at
seven o'clock p. in.
Skc. HI. Itbhull bo the duty of the Secre
tary of tho Commonwealth to proparo
forms for all tho blanks made necessary
by this act, and furnish copies ofthe samo
toall the county commissioners of tho sov
eral counties of the Commonwealth ; and
the county commissioners of each county
shall, us soon as necessary after the receipt
ofthe same, at the proper exponso of tho
counly, procure and furnish to all tho
election officers of the election districts of
their respective counties, copies of such
blanks, in such quantities us may be ren
dered necessary tor tho discharge of tlieir
duties under this act,
Skc. 17. That citizens of this Stato tem
porarily In the service of tho Stato or tho
Unitmf Slates tiovernmont, on clerical or
other duty, and who do not voto where
thus employed, shall not bo deprived
thoreby of tho right to vote in their several
election districts if otherwise dulv quali
As therein directed, I also give offi
cial notice of the following provisiotw
of on act approved tho 30th of March,
1SGC, entitled "Au Act regulating tho
modo of voting nt ull the elections in
this Com in on wenl th."
Sec. 1. Tie it enacted hy the Senate
and House of Iteprosentatives of tho
Commonwealth of Pcuusylvnuia iu
General Assembly met, and it is here
by enacted bv tiio Authority of tho
(ame, That tfio qualilied voters of tho
several counties of this Commonwealth,
at all general, township, borough nnd
special elections are hereby hereafter
authorized and required to voto by
tickets printed or written, or partly
printed and partly written, severally
classified as follows: Ouo ticket slmil
cmbraeo tho names of all judges of
courts voted for, and ho labeled "judi
ciary," ono ticket shall etubraco tho
names of all tho Stato ollieers voted
for nnd bo labeled "Stato," ono ticket
shall embrace tho names of all tho
county oflicers voted for, including
ollieo of Senator and Member of As
sembly, if voted for, and member of
Congress, if voted for, nui be labeled
"County." ouo ticket s'.iall embrace tho
names of all tho township officers voted
for, and bo labeled "Township," ouo
ticket shall embrace tho names of all
tho boro'.ih ollieers voted for, and bo
lubelcd "JJoronprh," aud each class
shall be deposited iu separato ballot
l'lirsimtit to tho provisions contain
ed in the 7o'tb sectiou-of tho act first
aforesaid, the judges of tho aforesaid
districts hIiiiII representatively tako
charge of tho certificates of return of
the election of their respective districts,
and produce them at a meeting of ono
jtidgo from eueh district, at tho Kor
ougu of Tionesta, on the "d day after
the election, being FIJI DAY TI1U
then and there to perform tho duties
required by law of said judges.
Also, that where a judge, by sick
ness or unavoidable, accident, is un
nblo to attend such meeting of judges,
then tho certilieato of return shall
bo taken charge of by ono of tho
inspectors or clerks of election of tlie
district, who shall do and perform tho
duties of said intlgo nntiblo to attend.
E. L. DAVIs, Sherilf.
Register's Notices.
NOTICE is hereby gicu that Isaac C.
Sif..rins, guardian of lion nee V. Sig.
gins, one of the children and biers of
William and Jane Si.rgins, late of Har
mony Town-hip, deceased - has lilcd bi t
linal account in Iho llcgisie r's ihilee, in
and for forest County, and that the same
will be presented tothe Orphans Couit lor
eoiiloniiaiion and allowance on the -1th
Monday of September next.
J. Ji. Ati.N i:W, Ilegister.
VOT1CK i-i hereby given Eli.-n licr
1 tin and S iliaiiu W". liluek oceut,,rs
of Ihe last w ill it it t testiment of U. .1. Neill
late of 1 lai'iuouy 'l ow ic.hii, forest count v,
l'a., dc ecu -cil. ku e tiled their t':nl account
iu the licgistcrs Offices, in and for forest
Count v, and thai I lie sal no ill be pro-cut
cd I t the Oi-' haus ( oart for conformation
mid allow anec ou Ihe fill Monday of Scp
t. nil i r ii. M. .1. li. ,', rV,
Ke:. i-:, l .