KDITOH. WOXESIUY MOIiMNR, SEPT. m NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. For PresiileiK V. 8. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice rrcsiJont HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts. REPUBLICANSTATE TICKET For Governor, JOHN F. IIARTKANFT, of Montgomery Co. For Judge of Supreme Couit, ULYSSES MERCUR, of Bradford Co. For Auditor-General, HARRISON ALLEN, of YVnrrcn Co. For Congressmen at Lar-e, HON. GLENN I W. SCO FIELD, of 'Warren. GEN..C1IALES ALLBRIGIIT, of Carbon.. GEN. LEMUEL TODD, of Cumberland. REPUBLICfliUOUHTY TICKET. For Congress, CARLTON B. CURTIS, of Erie. For State Senator DAVID MtCLAY, of Clarion County. Constitutional Delegates JAS. E. BROWN, of Armstrong, GEO. W. ANDREWS, of Jefferson. For Assembly, II. II. MAY. For Prollionotary, J. B. AGNEW. For SberiflT, T. J. VAN GIESEN. For Treasurer, FRED. GLASSNER. For Commissioner, JOHN THOMPSON. For Auditor, L. WARNER. For Surveyor S. D. IRWIN. A BLAST FROM BUCKALEW. Politicians proverbially make queer records, and their explanation and de fence of their records are queerer than themselves. Let us take, for instance, the case of Charles R. Buekalew, the Democratic candidate for Governor, nnd review his career in the light of history and in full view of his recent speech at Lancaster." In that speech Mr. Buekalew defends his "war rec ord," and, strange as it may appear in ti Buchanan Democrat, makes bold to claim that ho was "trooly 1 oil." As an introduction to his audience, Mr. Buekalew remarks that though "I have known many of your people many years, it ha3 never happeutd that 1 was with your popular B.-:ein- i Mages," which, considering the speak--' er's selfish and aristocratic tastes, we can readily believe, it not being his J fashion to mingle in "popular assem blages" or among the masses except when begging for their votes. But let that pass. Mr. Buekalew starts out by saying that "there is odium, suspi cion and some measure of disgrace in public afiuirs in this Slate," which is quito true as we shall show, and he ar gues haico that his election to the Governorship is necessary U3 a matter of couie. The rcnuc'y, we fear, is worse than the complaint. Mr. Buek alew, before ho was appointed Minister to Ecuador, eerved six years in the State Senate, and afterwards six years in tho Senato of the United States. He is now in the third year of his pres ent term as State Senator. In all this legislative experieuce,extending over a period of fifteen years, we challenge film to point to a single act of vital moment or of lasting boncfit to the human family that originated and found its plate upon the statute book n monument of his wisdom, foresight or statesmanship. Tho echo of polit ical abstractionists, his career as a State or national legislator has boon fitted to the grooves prepared by abler bands, and his status rests simply up. on the pigmy utterances of the thoughts of giants. Thus we find him, as a leg iolator, in full cry in favor of tho re peal of the Missouri Compromise, championing the Border Bullianisin in Kansas, mid in open antagonism with the true Democracy of tho land who sought to uvert the bitter war which Fierce, Buchanan and tlieh' purblind followers brought about. The "record" which he made in all that fearful time, we shall see in time. But Mr. Buekalew informs us that v. n. mrxx . . "there is odium, suspicion nnd somo measure of rlisnrncc in public nflliirs in this State. ' Taking it for "granted that ho knows whereof he nneaki. wherefore is it that he, a sworn Senator ot 1 ennsylvauia, does not detail the origin, cause and all the underlying iuhi iiiignini incis, Willi names, elates nnd circumstances? In nil his terms in the Lrgislnturo when the Democrat ic party had a majority or wheu the Republican parly had n majority, has he uttempicd to lay bare any single one of the iniquities nt which he hints, but has not tho manhood to specify? In the whole of his long service, has Charles R. Buekalew, with bribery nnd corruption going on under his very nose ia tho legislative halls ever risen in his place ns a Senator and dared to denounce what he declares to bo patent and full of "odium, suspicion and some disgrace?" Indeed, wo may ask and challenge a reply, ngaiust what measure of bought legislation legislation notoriously bousrht bv rail roads, by bauking monopolies and by corporations of every grade against what measure of bought legislation did this political Uriah Heap lifi his honest voice, oppose by his honest vote, or lay bare by his honest exposure? In sooth for what one of all these iufomous acts did not Charles R. Buekalew csst his legislative vote, and crown with the splendor of his collosal statesman ship? Why, claiming to bo n Demo crat, he has been foremost of nil men in advocacy of "special legislation" for tho favored few ; end to-day, speak ing of "Rings," there is not a politi cian in Pennsylvania who stands high er with the Railroad Rings led by Alexander K. MeCluie, and the Boom Ring headed by "Horse" Ilerdic, and all the rest of tho "Rings" tlisU pros per by corrupt legislation tliau this Charles R. Buekalew, who is traveling in tears over the Commonwealth. And this is the reason that, knowing, ns he claims to know, of all tho venality and rauk rascality abounding in Har risburg, he has not dared and doe not dare, to-day or at any future dav, to sneak as n Senator in denunciation of the foully infamous transaclious, in name and in detail, of the corpora tions and their ngeuls who, year after year, pollute the Capitol of the Com monwealth. Is not the receiver as bad as the thief? Is not he who conceals a crime the eqjnl of tho scoundrel who commits it ? Is not the compound er of a felony and what felony is more infamous than that of corrupt ing the legislature of the peeplc? as guilty as the felon who couaumates it? If yea, on w hat ground can Charles R. Buekalew, sworn to faithfully serve the people of Pennsylvania", claim their suffrages in the lace of thu fact that, while venalitv and shame were stalking all about him, he had not tho courage, he had uot the manhood, he ho had not the decent honesty to brand it from his Senate seat with nil tho warmth nnd vigor of a truthful man? He is not blind. He is not deaf. He is not dumb. He is simply silent while the honor of his native State is being violated, her legislative halls polluted and tho rights of her citizens being trafficked away for ensh. All that he Vouchsafes her outraged people is a string of glittering generalities, with neither names dates or circumstances, nnd a miserable mouthing about "odi um, susnicion aud aoniiT measure of dis-r.iee in pnblie amiii v. 1 ic!i would not exist if Charles I?. Baekaknv had discharged his duty with the fearless ness of uu honest man and in utter disregard of the opinions or istersts of the "Railroad Ring," and all the "Rings" that have made the Pennsyl vania Legislature the synonym of sor did shame. And yet "he asks to be made a Governor ! Mr. Buekalew, "trooly lojl" as he claims to be, is averse to "the cry of the people loyalty us in war times." He 1 1 1 i 1 1 k 3 thai that ought to be stop ped, although he ventures upon a vin dication of his particular "war record." Iet us see what this "war record" was. In the fall of 1800 the practical work of s. i.e.--id; win begun. That it vuld be attempted was known to Buchanan, l.U Cabinet and by the public nun of the pcriou long b. tore. One by one the l e?',iui'!'iljs of the Southern Legis latures v. etc pa'evd. One by one the .T.uitheni Si'iisiors .,uu Itcprcscntativcs wen! out. One by one" the members of Buchmr.n's Cabinet withdrew. The Star of the West had hem tired upon while going to the relit1!' C'f n national garrison. Tho President of the nation was inaugurated at the point of tho bayonet. Pcnnsylvanians, Democrats and Republicans, had been shot down in tho streets of Baltimore while going to tho protection of tho National Capital. At last the OU Flag was fired upon, and, as if by holy inspiration, the whole North l al lied to the standard of their country. "The Federal Union must bo preserv ed" was sworn by every patriot lip. Democrats, Rcpulii ieans.true men every where lent every energy to the na tion's cause. Troops poured upon the President and words of cheer went out from Union homes. Pennsylvania burned with the fervor of au "earnest patriotism. Patterson, MeClellan, Heintzeliiiaii.Coultcr, Ent, Ncgle,Kuiio llurtranft, Campbell, Wistab, Sail. Kundall, Hambright, Ballier, Davis, Reno, MulhoMand, Negley, Humph reys, Reynolds, Bohlen, Stone, Allen, Meade, McCall, Doublfday, Crawford, hicnuner, Lewis, Gregg, I'r.'ujklin, Cullem, Ricketts, Meredith, Hoffman, Butler, Price, Richter, Jones, Averill, Rippey, Murphy, MeCaudk-ss, Pat. MeDouough, und a hundred thousand men trod proudly the j uth of patriot ism and duly. Two yeaiS and more went by, and, in victory or defeat, tho national impulso never flagged two years and more of slaughter and sacri lice and sorrow. In all that lime, where was Charles R. Buekalew, and what word d' cheer was given bv him in the hour of tho nation's fate? No one can answer this better than him self, ond ns, like Col. Forney, we like "fair play," we proceed to give Rucka lew's own record : "Shortly after my ejection, (to me united Motes Senate,) in July, loo. i, I prepared on essay up on the existing political situation in this country, nnd especially with refer ence to the war that was "then pend ing." Bearing in mind the date, the reader will observe, that, while Penn sylvania bad raised and put in -the field one hundred nnd righty-threo reiri- ments, nnd while tens of thousands of her sons had been maimed or killed iu battle, ami while every true heart was throbbing with prayerful anxiety, and every manly voice was raised in the Union cae.si', Mr. Charles R. Bueka lew f stolid and iiuHtTcrrnt for hrcntu- tcren Month, nnd only declared, him self in "an cssav" after he was elected to the Senate. Tho temple was fired, the incendiarv was still plvincr his torch, the edilice threatened to crum ble away, and its loyal sentinel, in view of all, sat quietly down, like a statesman, to discuss in "nn essay" the danger of firo and boldness of tho in cendinry, without any attempt to ar rest cither. iut even tins wns an en forced duty. It will bo remembered that the Democratic party in 18G2, on, if war record, swept tho country along with Pennsylvania. It thus secured tho Legislature by a majority of one. Tho battles of Gettysburg and Yieks burg had been w in, and the end was supposed to bo near nt hand. It was safe then lo dUciiss abstract questions, and especially so us Mr. Buekalew could not be disturbed iu his place for six long years, lie could parade platitudes for patriotism, but iu so do ing, he could deceive nobody as to the fixed fact that from tho outset of the war, for two year and three months, an at a time, too, when his country need ed everything Jo save it from destruc tion, Charles R. Buekalew never utter ed one loyal word, or made a sign of fidelity to the Union. For what be voted and how ho voted, we shall dis cuss again. His feeling is typified in his silence ns staled by himself. It is further illustrated by a singular cir cumstance that both he and Judge Black aceidently met at Niagara Falls afterwards, and held intercourse with Holeoinbc, tho traitor, whose mission was to "disrupt the Eastern and West ern States," and to "carry tho war," in the words of Jeff Davis, "where food for sword and torch nwnit our ar mies in tho densely populated cities which took years of in dustry and millions of money to build," To verify this production, aud to fulfill the promise of President Pierce, that "the fighting will not be along Mason nnd Dixon's line merely," but "it will be within our own borders, in our oicn streets," was Holcombe's work, and, with such a scoundrel, Buekalew, in his loyalty, found filtiug companionship. It will take more than his statesmanship, or the testimo ny of his co-conspirator to satisfy the people of Pennsylvania that this hob nobbing was not purposed and premed itated The rest of this most remarkable effort is of the usual material a clamor for "reform" without any plan of reaching it except the poor recourse of Buckalew's election. He suggests no measures of immediate relief, much less docs he pledge himself to any di rect policy of action. His pledges are not worth the breath required to utter them, nnd the "reform" that would be brought about may be guessed after re viewing his faithlessness as a Senator. Divested of its froth, this Lancaster pronunciaracnto is the lamest nnd tamest appeal that this campaign has yet evoked. As a defence it falls of its own weight while, as a campaign document it is a thousand times worse than a wet blanket. If Mr. Bueka lew proposes a canvass of the State on that lino he will discover long before October that what he knows about campaigning is infinitesimal! y little. rhiladeljihia Transcript. DIED. LAW. Aur;. lstli, nt tho rcsidenoo of w alter Mvcrly, Siverlyvillo, Mrs. Kva llimond Law, ai-cd2S years. iiim 1 1 ii nati Wlllllll II w Xew Advertisements. Register's Notices. AJOTIfK is hereby triven that I-a.ic C. IN KiK.'-ins, Kiiardian of Horenco V. Kip pins, one of tho children nnd Jiier of William und Juno Hiins, lata of Har mony Tow nship, deceased has fded his filial' cccouut in tho lle.;islor's Otltcn, in and li:r Forest County, unci that tho sumo w ill bo p;?.sented to tho Orphans Court for eonforinatloii nnd allowaneo oil tho 4th Monday of iSenlember next. J. iJ. At X 10W, llegister. NOTICK is hereby privet! that Klias lier lin and Williaiii W, liliwk executors of tho last will and testiinont 01 Jt. J. Ncill late of llurmony Township, Forest county, J'a., deceased. have riled their tinal account in tho llcristcr Wlices, in and tor Forest County, and that the i.aioe w ill be present ed to 1 1 10 Orphan Court for conformation und iillowanceon the 4th Monday of Sep tember next. J. It. ACiNKW, Kegister. A -M I II A 1 13 ! Mr. Samuel Hell, of V. K. Kehmortz Co , Wholesale 1 loot nnd Shoo Manufactur ers, ul Filth avenue, I'ittsburh, l'a., has been afdicled with chronic rheiiinatisli for tiiiily years, from his ritrht hip to his foot, haviiie; to use a crutch and a cane, at tinioH ho painful as lo utterly incapacitate him from ul lending to hix buKincss. Having tried every remedy know n, without elfcct, except iiililsnd'H Fain Killer, ho was finally induced to try it.' A Kccond applica tion enabled him to lay nide hix ci ulch, arid a third elteetnd a permanent euro. Mr. ltdl is a popular mid well-known citizen, 1h a Jiving iriouuninnt oft lie. etl'acacy of (hat gn at medical discovery, (lillihuid'H Fain Killur. The allliete.J should ask their fjrucer or di ..jyist for if, and try ita won ii.iilnl power. Mr. (iilliland, wo undor Maml, w ants a ro;-pectabli HLient in every town und county lor it. Tim principal oi" liuc is at T- Third Avenue, FiUsbui jdi Fa. :1-H WATCH FREE to Agents to intro duco articles that m11 iu every house, l.ai & Co., Fitisburglj, l'a. :e It li TO A V TO II College and Musical Institute Opens its Fall Sossion September 10, 1872. Location accessible, healllind and benu tifuU ItiMima cheerful and comfortable. School homelike. Instruction thoronuli nnd earnest. Twenl v boys received into Seminary Hall on in'oderkto terms. Send for catalogue to 20 (it Uov, U. T. TAYI.OK, President. PROCLAMATION. WtiEtiRAi, Tho Honorable W. V. .Tenks, President .ludtre of the Court of Com mon Fleas nml (Junrter Sessions in nnd for the county of Forest, luis Issued hl: pre cept for holdin.it n Court of Common Fleas (Quarter Sessions, Ac, nt Tionesta, for the Comity of Forest, to commence r,n the fourl'i Monday of Sept. next, belnir the LTthdny ofScpt., lS7a. Notice is therefore Kivcn to tho Coroner, Justices of tho Venco nnd Constables of said county, that thev bo then nnd there in their proper persons nt ten oVlm-k, A. M., of unid dav, with their records, inquisitions examinations nnd other remembrances, to do thoso thlnm which to their nlliees niinertAln to he done ond to those who bound ill reeognlrjuieo to prosecute nirninst the prisoners that are. or shnll belli Ihe Jail of Forest County, that they !h then nnd there to prosecute nirainst them as ulinll lm Just, tllyen under niv naiui una seal this .stn ilav of Alia,, A. I), J7a. :. l. davis, sh'tr. Trial List for Sept. Term 1 87 2. Lv.iline Coon et. til heirs te. of William AritKfmtii.ili f I Charles Leeper vs. Warren A Franklin It. . . . V.l'i If. II. May vs. James T. Whisner ot al. II. 11. M.iv vs. .1,1.,, i;n,i- i i Adda Holder vs. o. liilmnn. Itoyal K. Scott vs. ltobprt O. Cm-son. . S. 11 untervH. Selden Whitman. i.etie ram vs. Alexander MeAndrewot nl. i.c..u i a. u is, Alexander nicAimrow ct al. Jaines I'arshnll vs. Paniel Clink, .lames l'ar-duV 1 vs. l)i.i,i.,l r-i.,..L. Willium II T.nti-iin ... A ...i i. . v t f . .riiitui-w 1 1MI. .Iiunes F. lirow n vs. Dennett Dobbs et al. liiiri'v. .wmstrom; ct al tor use ! Janus W. Uuthrie, vs. The Township of Harnett. F. II. F.llEWorih A Sophia M. F.llsworlh to Hi.- oi CM'piuu ill. i-USWOllll VS. JOI1I1 It. llill.u .t nl .lames Farshall et nl vs. John retcrson. .lame PandaiM ct al vs. John l'eteison. Mai iin Nestle vs. 1C. L. liavis lat Sheriff il" i-'orest Ciiiiol Pet. ! ( IV-.I uu,. T IV...!.. Daniel lilack vs. The Overseersof'tiio Foor of Tiolle.il .'1 1 !,,... !.. Lloyd .v Lewis vs. David IT.ivsctal. j-.vi.tmo .oon et til vs. John ti. Lraudonet ai. Mary A. Cloland by her hii.-ibund Calvin cienuui vs. joiin i lciihuruli Sr. J. H. AU.NHW, Frotirv. An;, li, ISTl?. . .'. V A It K , WATCH "SAKER & JEWELER, TiiDioTjTir: Aivd Dealer in WATCHES, JEWFLRY, AKD MUSICAL IXSTKUMENTS. - Repairing done in n workmanlike manner and warranted to give entis faetion. 4 ly GNFECTtCNARJLC T AS. McKAY, nt tho Post Cilice, has ' opened out a choice, lot of COXtEC'lIOXA II ILS, CAXXEDFIiUITS, '1 OB A CCOS, C1GAURT, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. A portion of the pntrona;;o of the public la lesspectlul y solicited. lu-u Ill 1 A 1 . READ ! READ The Kubscribcvs having rc-rcnU d tho 1RYISE ;j.IfiT JMIJiJU. Would say to their old customers, nnd the coiuniunitvr nenorally, that they keep constantly on hand a hiro stock of FAMILY FLOUR of nil prndes, Chop Feed, Shorts, Hr.m, Oats and (rn. With our facilities for do inir business, we purpose not to be under sold by any establishment in this section of tho country, and would say to tho liim- iicniieu uiui ueaiera of 1'orcsicouuiy, that they can be SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from anv other point. I mined into attention given lo all ordors from a distance, E. JONF.S A CO. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. '-32 AYalnut Rt Pl.ila. Ineoqiorated 1791. Charter Perpetual r,lARI?!, IfiLAKQ S FIREiriGURftNCE Assets Jan; 1, 1S00, ?2,31S,C2330 $20,0'0,mK) losses nhl Kineo ils organiza tion. W.M. r.UIILLU, Central Agent, Uarribburj;, Fa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. sum TIZDIOTTTJh TEA STORE! Tho plaeo to buy every variety of the VERY EEST.TEAS AT THH L O WEST PRICES, is at tho extensive Tea Store of II. T. CHAFFEY, where vou can always find a lartro assort ment of the best Teas at New York prices, A larg assortiiiciit of Groceries and Provisions, uno'iualed in nualityand cheaiinessbvanv other store iu Warron county, always on hand. Tho people of Forest county will save money by purchasing their uupplie? at this place. Heat brands of FA MIL Y FL 0 U R , delivered at any depot on tho lino of the Ti. l i. 1 1 CO. atoreou Main St, near tho Depot. 1I!Y VIKW Af'ADF.M Y, IVrrvvllle V Station, Fa. U. It. (For Male nnd Fe male.) Loim es!nblihed, fhoroiurh, sue ces.tul location healthful nnd accessible comnmnilv fcocinl, inoial and rcliniousj biiildinics larife nnd cosily j a full corps of nble teachers j mountain air, pure water, safe buttling, line Kkntiupi einphntleallv n uMiie school n 11010 expense, tor Hoard. Tuition, liooin, Fuel nnd Washing (fur (0 weeks!, 'ess than two hundred dollars. Winter nessiou begins Sept. M. Send for Circulars. Wilson , I'altersnn, Fort Hov nl, Juninln Co., l'n. l)l-4t ' Fltl'SIDKNTS OF COLLKtiKS, MlVlS TF,I!S, SFCCF.SSFFL IU SIM-S.S MF.N, Tl.sriKY Tt Till', MANY A 1 1 V A N T A ( ) I'M ( 1 TI M AII AICO ACMIIl'.MV, ACAOEMIA, Jt'NIATA CO., PA. Send for a Circular nnd Testiinonlnls. D. D. Stone, A. M., Fh. V. J. J. l'ntler Fon, A. M. KMt StoulienvillG, 0., Female Semfnary. This widely know n School allbrds thor ouiih Chrislian education, nt n costof little more than $."i a week j one-fourth otl" for elei-Kvnien. Tho K7th session ( JO weeks) opens Sept. 11th. The address or nil for mer pupils Is requested. A prand ro-union at tho closo of tho next year. Sotul f,,r pnittcnliirs to Hev. Chnrles C. Henltv, 1). 1)., LL. 1., Hup t, or Kev. A. M. Hold, I'll. D., l'l incliml. l:i 4t "I iORDF.NTOWN (N. J.) FF.MALK i CDLLKHK. Thorough Instruction, llenlihlul and benutiful 1, nation, (lueof the mit carefully conducted nnd best sus tained institution's In the State. For forms, etc., address Hev. John II. Hrakclcv, Fh. !. l;j..;t JIHi FIULL M I.1'1TTy SCHOOL, Four miles from Philadelphia, (formerly located at l'rineclon, N. J.) Itev. S. N. 1H)W F.LI i, A.M. Fi ineipal. Forly-fourth annual term lx-ninsSep. joth. Send for Circular. TUSCAHOAR FEMALE SEMINARY, Acadmcla, Juniata, Co., Pa., A L FIRE INSURANCE. Tho Mutual Flan guarantees to tho Mu tually insured tho preaU st security for tho least possible cost. Tho premiii."i notes are tho capital. On Ibis no dividends arc paid to tho stockholders, but it is simply assessed to pny detlciencies arising alter tho payment of losses nnd enenses. w hich in the COLvMlllA lXSUUAN'CK CU.M i'AKY, during tho total 11 years of its existence, havenvcraired but ilj percenlum upon theptemiiim note, ludnur lower than tho rates paid in be solvent stock com pas .l..u rl. l.n ..... .... .1 ... iiii-.t uuiui mil I..1HIH pel loo hi nine. in insuriujr nt stock rates, tho Insured must pronounce to himself that lie pays every year eiiouuh 1st. To form n nceiimulnt- ed fund for emergencies jUd. To pny lar( ciivineniis to mo capital invested in the Company ; ;!d. Huns tho risk of a "Chica go tiro" coming and wiping his Company out of existence. Inn Mutual Company ho keeps his ow n reservo i i hand until needed, and pays no dividend tocapitaists. Tho mutually insured, being theinsclvo. tho capitalists, look alter the business, its character and its ngcntH in all places, thus protecting each other. For Insurances or Agencies', address J. F. FHUKl'FF, Sec retary, Columbia, Lancaster County, l'a. AtlKNTS WANTF.D for CIIAMISKK L12CS tiltAT CAMI'AKiN JlOOK, Tho STTUGGLE OF 1812; A novelty in Folitieal and ropular Lit eraturo. A Graphic, History of tho Hepub lican nnd Democratic Fnrties ; a nicy sketch of tho so-called Liberal Hepubli eanl'arty; an inside view of the Cincin nati Omvention. Tho minor tickets or sido shows of tho campaign, Tho finest Illustrated Honk Fublisliud. A Hook wanted by every American citizen. To secure territory iit once, send rl for outfit. I'nion Publishing Co., Chicago, III., Fhila. Fa., or Springfield, Mass, 1!I-H CAMPAIGN GOODS EGR 1372. Agents wanted for our Campaign goods. Sell nt sight. Fay loo per cent, protit. Now is the time. Send nt onco J'or Descriptive Circulars und Price Lists of our Fine Steel Kngravings of nil tho Candidates, Cnin- Imign Urographies, Charts, Photographs, fudges. Pins, Fl:iis, nud overythingsuiteil to the times Ten Dollars per day easily made. Full samples sent for jvt. Address Mookk & UooUisi'KKi), 37 Park How, New York. l!Mt, CAMPAIGN SSSSffr. BADGES. IteAHiff aids Co., Mauutactiirors, 47 Lurrv 1st., New Y'ork. 1D--K Tho Chemistry of Divino Providence lias never produced a mineral wafer which combines in such perfection tho iunlitie of nut i-bi liens tonic and cathartic medicine ns that of tho Seltzer Spa; and Tarrant's Kll'crvescent Sclt.er Aperient is the artifi cial equivalent of that great natural reme dy. hi 1 SOLD BY ALL DHUG OlSTH. For nny ca?o of Hlind, Hleedin , Itching or Uleralcd Piles that Delting's Pile Hciu dy fails lo cure. It is prepared expressly to cure tlio Pilos, and nolning else. Sold by all Druggists. Price, f l.wf. 15-1 BARLOW S INDIGO BLUE Is tho cheapest and best article in the mar ket for Hlui ing Clothes. Tho genuine has both Harlow's and Wiltbergcr's name on tho label, and is put up at Wiltbergcr's Drugstore, No. North Second Street, Philadelphia. D. S. WiLTHKHUFIJ, Pro prietor. For sale by Druggists aud t;ro eers. 15 Jt. TTKF.P IT1I ANDY. Tho Koliablo Fam- IV ily Medicine, for the prompt cure of uoicrit, jMairuiea, i noicra jntaniiim, Dysentery, Cramps, Mummer Complaint, Ac., Jardella's Compound Syiup of lilack--berry Hoot aud Hhiibarb, an old and well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant totake, quick and certain in olloct ; can bo depended on in tho moat urgent cases; limy be given to tho youngest inlaid us weil ns the aged. It is readily taken bv children, keep it in tho house, nud use in time. Sold by Druggists. llansellA Hro., 000 Market Street, Philadelphia. Try it. GF.NTS WANTI'D. Agents mnke x - inoro money nt work for us thnn at nnything else. Particulars free. (t. Ntlu son tfcCo., Fiuo Art Publisluns, Poi lland, Maine. lfi-41 AGENTS WANTED. MALE & FEMALE. Husiness pleasant und pays better than any enterprise in the field. Agents make from to ?s per day. Send stamp for samples und par ticulars. Address J. LATHAM A CO., Washington St., Poster,, Mass. li t TOIJ WORK tieiitlyexoeutod nt thiVolUue at l reosoiiablu rates. RADVfAYVS HSADY "RELIEF I II1S TUB WOKKT TAINS! In from Ore to Twenty Minute. NOT ONE HOUR ntcr RWtli'ie t h' niiTcri Nrmriit itcni tnr ont SPH KK WITH I AIN. Radwat8 i;laiy htlikp ia a cunis ron KVKKV 1'AIV. . It wu tlip flml and In mio Only Jnln Ifrmcdr ViM Itnirtntlr 1iin Ui( nmrt rriiciBi)i(t mup, ilRTf lmtlltiIl1 ml fiirpi rtitirptltiiiis wli-tlir of llto Linn.', Kt.imnch, llowtls. or tl(jur elaiitU or uricui. It OM :if.itoii. IN KKtiM ont: to twenty minute, tin itmtfcr hmr vMrnt r cvcrHPlntlrn Hie ttrtln tlii itllKl'MATld. p.tl-rl.flr?t. Inrlun, ('rlpplr.l, Sctroua, tiHriilnic, ur prlralvtl tvtl Ii Uim ttiw may mi(Tvrt RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Wll.l, AfKORl) INSTANT FASE. IJtrLAMM M ION ok Till,'. KIHNF.VS. . . INH.AMMATION OF T1IK ULADDKIt. INFLAM.MAllO.N OK Till! H0WK1.S. C'ONOKSTtoN OK THR I.rVOS. Bonn TtiaoAT, niinri i.r hhka i iiino rAI.I-ITATIoN OV TllS UKART. IlYKTEr.ICS, CUOLT, llll'ICrilKUIA. CATAK till, INFLUENZA. IIEAPACIIK, TOOTTTArilK. NK.IlllAl.OtA, RHEUMATISM. coi.o rntt.T.a. AiniK oiiii.i.s.' T'iif Rppli.'.ii tun nf tlin Krndv llrllrf tftlSepnrlnr wIm if Oi palQ or UlltlcuUr i,JilM will alTnnl eKW mi'l c.fiif.Tl. Twpiily ilrop In bslf n ftirolttor of irnlr-f tlt In n frir Tnnnifi.r.. rut ('KAMI'S, M'ASMS, pot; It H'I'OM Ao. l'.KAltl'lU'liN, SICK 1H.-M1ACIIK, 1)1 AHIHI Ka! lilstMlllV, col, 10. 1NU i.N TUB UOWLLS. iii.I nil IN I'l'.llNAU TAINS. Trnvcirm nl.iild fclwnvn earTT ll Killl nf TlAriwny'a Rcnrtv Itnlfpf nitli tlirm. A fi'W dropR In water wlil j.:, ut pk-Ioiiwi (r pain frfim rhaiie i.f wtr. It 1 iMltur Uimi Kmnrh nraniljr or lltUvra aa a (lUiuulout. rKVKH AUD AtSVF.. TT.VTIl AMI AOUB cured for lllly Fri.la. There to nnt a rrninllal pwiit In th world I lint will dim Kevi-r irl Aril'-, ai'd nil oltior HUInrloiin, Mlionn, 8,'nrl.t, Tr- I'l I, Ydiow, anil other rvern laldrd lit- RAhlVAY'S 1'II.I.S! au q.il.k at KAllWAV'S HKADY KbUJit'. t aly Li'i.u icr l.ultla. a,M by Ortiiialsta. HEALTH f BEAUTY ! ! FTP "Ml A Nil ITIIH IMrll i.Mn-tNrnRA!iri (' I'l K-ll AMI WI'.l.iHT ('1,1. All SKIN AM) 1 liAL 111 I'l. I'o.'.lrl.r.XHl.N tn LliLU IOA1.L. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT t in Tin; mdpt astomsim (mmifa (i u'K. t-- i:ai'1 aiu: 'ill!': ciianula 'inr imi'v VNiTi:;or- rNin;i: thk i.n n.rr.Nci; vv this 'iitt'LV wuNuuiKtL Mi;wriNi, THAT Evory Day on Incroaco In F(osh nnd VVois:-.t is Seen nnd Felt. THE CHEAT BLOO PURIFIER. Irry drnp cf tho tA 11 A I' A HI 1,1,1 A N UIC.M.I.V-T-St roiinmiak-it 'S II;nm;h tho ltlooil, Hwe.'d, Criiif, nut ftli-.T r,u'N ni.'l !'i'u-n f t fiu fivitt iit tlif vluiir oi li fr It rfj'aiiw Ido wajit.M of tlio tnly wild new unl tviu t:n!i'tl:il. NTtit'lil.i, h' 1'1'HI.J, ri'i-iiitit.11il, t.llilnlilliir ilic.i, UK-ei In t lie Thrcit, Mo'ith, Turtiorn, l1 hi t ifl (Jiumla unit oilier r:irla "f tlit fVHtrin, 8 -ro Kvrx, Mimnoiis ViH-lnr.g f;i'!n !!' Iya nnj Um wnrt f'ttnn if pliin ili-w n.'-ii, liniWioni, )'cvrr S .rt'it, Bcalil llf.irt, tiiii. S ilt Hiu '.un. KivM-vl;i!( Ai'ti. Uto' hitnii. (iniii hi thrt tKli. TnrtH-iH, ruiii-prn In tlm Woin't.ninl nil wonWot.lnii nml nilnt'il lNi(iirf, IVilit Hw't'-Hi. t,vn of ajn'rin, mul nil iv:irrn if life tirliifl lf, i.ri w Itliln tho runjllvc inniri vt tlilt womtor uf Mcil Cru t'liriulflrv, Mul i fow tla' iic will tovc to nnv I'-r-sn u-!i:n It ftp vitlur cf Uicfo ioiiui vt illaso It ft jmint ptiwr to cure tl.i ni. If U.o i.ilfiit, u.ii'v ln-cmlnff frfliKil v Hi? waitrn KctiisprtMtluii that In coiillnnnlly i)roirri,Ki'hip, m-c ccetN In arn'?ll!tit iltoiu waHlcft, ntnl ivunu tlie v.n v Ii ti lw nt.'.ti'ilul tutvlfl from lnvdlliy b'H-l uil tiii tiiO bAltSAl'AKUXI AN mh! k.c wt-uif. IV. t only itui1! lha S.tnArAKii.i.iA Ii moi.TFXT crr 11 kn-H-u ionifli.il OK'-iln In tim cine of lin-itic, Hi-mfn-t'oiiititntiMual, uuJ tkm uui:ujos ; tut It U ihouiily I'.i-itiv- ruio fur Eilrtncjr & K'nUtScr C'oiiiilaTiili, TVltiirv, nml W mh cll.cr.-', (irnrel, IM.ilit te, Irot v, St'l-iiri' of Witter, IitfKiilli.firf i.f 1 Trine, lirU'lit'n rnsf, Albiiiiiltuinii, nnJ In all r:ir whciv (V.i-ie niv ttl U duM itrtioli.i, or Hip wMpr ttiUk, cl-'iidv, inltnl villi rtiMu(vf like the h liiti uf mi o.-r, or tlmvulii like wlili r lk.or therj Is n niorM I, iliirh, lilioii nijit.inti( . antl vlilte Irnnc dust ni-t wlu-ii there U n i il-k,: p, lniri'lTifr ii'ii''Tlin whfii juivsiiiB w.ittr, '- pnin In tUo bnti.ll .if t lip (I iii ftiiJ aUm,', tlio Lilu, J'ilco, fi.oc, WORMS.-The o:iy tnonn and guro nmcily f-r li vr.m9 Jut, 21i;v, en: T(.n:op uf 1:3 Venrs Groivtli Curetl Jy Eiaduay-g Kraolvcnt. 11V,LV, W AM., JtllT I. 1W, TtM. TttnwAT J-I fcsra hil O .irUn Tii-wnr In Hioatttf unrl ItowDlt, Ail lit l"C..n tlir mm no tilp tor ll." I Ule4 viry ttil'i; llitl m rfivnt me mil -d ; I i,l nothing itrlrwt. tr, I mw your R'lvnl, uti-l I wntiM Iry ii ; 1ml hJ no falUi In It, bn-ut. I lii .nifr-tt f r tl' rrKta, 1 iok Ik hctil of lh li-.ilrfiit, ami ex lx ct lU.lwv' rill, unit two hrt tl i nf yciir Kcily KHt. i mint llir t i.it iin wf Itiinr to tfn tr flt, mtj 1 fc I 6Ur, iniitr, nml tint, j ir than I b fartw.lv jir. TH '-rit Itmior witt In lh Jkft i-f th Isitrrl. ur.r tim fT"in. I wiliti tht. to jcu vr ll tcutlit ol etbtn. Vi cau imlilisli It If you tiio.t. HANNAH P. KNAPP. DR. flADWAY'S FEaEOT PUTATIVE FILLS, rerfiTtlr tfiFt-trM, eliv;iuif!r roatcil !th lweet rtm, li'iret', recuL.tc, puiirv, c.:-nt.n- .in I plreinrtlii'ii. lt;id v. nv i l'.Ila, fur tlic tire of ml '.(eftt.rni of il rtmch, I.ver. Wuwc , KhIiii-vh, LlaiMer, Kervoiii iMwuseft, IIr-nl;ch, Conntlimtin, roMlvem-NL Imlii'iiUon, lynvv Ti!ntun'f.it l.illons I'ever, irflrmnntion of the bowej, 1 il.'.,M,(l nil Tioiatirmcntftof lln- liilerrnl Vl-rt-ra, Warrtnleil to vtWvi a oitlve etire. 'iir'ly Vejrrta Uc, rotilthtliic no mermrr, niinvmli-.or tli'lt-tri-ltun tirnn, lT" Ottst-rvd tho fi.ilowlt-n fct iiiLtotiii Ksullilfg (Km Dlt'.rdiTi of tlic li.restlvo Oian: ('"nitiiMi'lrtti, Inwanl Pilet, f ullnrt rf tha P!frl In the Il4t AriitilY nf tht Kumi.-h, Nnuit. H-.-KtlMirn, IhiRUit of Kmul, I- iillHfM or Vl(-il In th Siam-'r-H, S-mr ):rirlnlinu, PlnkltiR er MutUritir nl tlio Tit or tli Ftomtuh, Simmmt of lh hurnttl Miid P Ifl.-ull HMtilhlnff, Hullrii.Rl ll,. Hrt, Chckimj er SurI,Mf.i:ti2 Sniutl.nit w!iri In ft I.ivr I'mlur. f)iiinM uf V'lion, 1jU or WnU tff.iri th pirht,' Knn ul lu!l l"in m tK. Hfi.1, IVlVi,M.rv pf lVrjirali Vrlliwi.i .if th Nkin ai.rl tv, f'in m t. SI.!., clt.l, ImmU, auJ tuUUii I lutJiMwf Jjmt. Hurnlna; n ih Fli-tli. A few doBen of KADWAT'S riT.T.R will free the nys U'ih froinuil tim al-nve-imniftl dUnnitrt. l'rlcc, 3. uvull rrhox. HOI.Ii nv I!tWt.t:iST. 1 5 HEAP -KAI.PK AN 1 11U:K." flrrul one Mter rtAinuto HAl'WAY A CO., Nn, M M.il- ti I.une, New t ork. Ji.fornjoliiJU wurth tiiuUiuOa Will bt) ttciit j ou. RIFLES, SIIOT-GUNiS REVOLVS. film iniitorinls of ovcrv kiml. Vritn for 'rio List, lolil'.m! W'wli rn Co,, H-...1-U I'ittKliurph, l'a. Army cinis nml lSnvol- vcra bou-litor tru.lo.t lor. Agi ias wantcil. Id-it AfiFlMT wnn'P'l t'r "'i'lio Ilri-lit SiUa rvuil1 IO or .New York." I.il,i,.. v- ..r Itllorooitioii pci talniiiK to its Institutions nniUliijeits oflolorcst. l!y n City Mis sionary. Ut(( ICiiirraviinrs Aironis'n.ll jn a day. Just Issucil. K, 11. TlvKAT. l'uli- lislior, 805 llroiulwav. N. Y. :iii.4t Wanti:i)-A(ji;nt.s (Wiht d.iv) u sell tho ecIoliinti.il I Ii il I' s.ii I T,P- TLRSKWINll MAi'lUN-K. His trio 1111-(ler-frcil, tiKiko.i llm'-iock Kli'.-li."' n!ik"on both sides, nnd t'oilv lii-. r.;.,! 'i'l... ini Illul clll':lll( st iHllliiv Si Willi' Mrl. hino In llio market. Alilr."-s .loim, on, Clark ,t Co., llo.-ton, JIns., ritlslTiiruh, IU,! liica-Slil-j.'o, 111., orM. l.oiiis, Mo, EHIE & PXTlTiBURdlTiV. K On nml nftpr Momluv, Kov. II, jsjlf tinins will run on this r, .-1,1 t',,i:,,u-.. i.K.WK Kmi:-s(n:TiiVAi:i. Il:.j5 A. ST. Al'I'IlM MllTlA'I'tl.V 1 l,-..i, Ncwcasiio at 7:Cj un.l arrives at i'iitsimriili 10:00 a. in. Uh-2'i A. M.. riTT DiriKllI r.X.. sl.ms nl nit stntiom, nml nn ives at A. iV: li. W. 1;. I lransl'or nl lull p. in., i t New-rasHo nt. ;:1j 1. in., ami at l ltt.ilmr-li at il;im p. in. fi:0.) a. aci'ommoiiai iov, IVom James. town,,irrie.sat A. A- (I. V. 1!. 1:. TiansiV r nt "i:10 n. in., nt Nrwvn-.tlo at 7:0i a. in., ami rittslmrirh ul HUM a. in. 5:01) r. m., Jlixeil Tram leaves 1"; lo. for Wiaroii, Fitoppiiiir at all inici ine.li.Uo i oints and arriving at 10:1") a. in. I.ICAVK riTT.illUKIiH-XOr.TWAUD. 7:15 A. m., hiiik l'ri:i:ss. Iimivcs New castle at lil:(ia. in., A. i'i li. W. li. H. Trans, fur at 1 1 :2i) a. in., and iirrivcs ut I'.rio at ::',() li. in., making eloso connection lor llulia li) and Niagara l'ails, !!:!) i. M. Aivo.MMonAHON', loav2 New castle at (i::in p. in, A. Jc (i. V. It. J. Transfer ut7:.V) p. in., nnd Jamestown nt a. in., connt'eN with mixed trains that arrives in Krio at 1:.V a. in. 0::;0 v. m.. Mixed Train leave Slinron fr Kriii, and arriving at fiirard at U:;io u. m. und Krio at fi:."" a. in. Trains connect irt Uoehestor with train for Wheelinn and ail loiiili; in West Virginia and at liltslmi'!;h coiine.-tiomt for l'liilude' lihia, llarrisl,iu v,li, Uaitimoi-u and Wo-ili-ln;:ton via l't-nnsy Ivania (.'entral ltailroad. 1'lrlo ICxpross North, connects at (Urard Willi Cleveland and Krio trains Westward f ir Cleveland, Chlcn-'o, nnd all points in tho West; at Krio with I'liiladelphla .V Krie llailroiid for Corry, S'nrren, 1 ivin-.-fon, Tidlonto, rt-c, and with llnilulo A: Krio Hailroad for lliuialo, liunkiik, Niarara Kulls ami New York. City, V. N. VTNNF.Y. liencral Snp't DP.. .I.N. IHH.AlUi, of Tidlonto, has rtitnrnsil to his practice alter nn nh soncii of lour inonth'i, spent in tho llo. ,i tals of New York, vheio ho w ill altend calls in his profession. ollicn in Kiireka OriiR Store, 3d door itiuvo tho l.anU, Tidioiitc, l'a. 'uf JOB WORK DONK AT Tllli 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At Vie lowest cavil prices, neatly, prompC ly, and in et'j'e cqwd to that of nnji other c. hdiUfhmcnt in the Dielrict. BUSINESS CARDS. snow cahd.s VISITING CAUL., SCHOOL CAEO V E D DI N GC A ll D. rKOGKAUMI'S,. INVITATIONS, 15 ALL TICKETS, DMISifION TICKETS, EN VELOPEi EILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ( CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODC.EI HANDBILLS, LABELS, SIIirTING TAGS, &'c.