r EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUG. 14, 1SIJ. 'NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President U. S. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice President HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET For Governor, JOHN F. IIARTRANFT, of Montgomery Co, For Judge of Supremo Com t, ULYSSES MERCUR, of Bradford Co. For Auditor-General, HARRISON ALLEN, of Warren Co. For Congressmen at Large, HON. G LENIN I W. SCOFIELD, of Warren. GEN.;CHALES ALLBRIGIIT, of Carbon.. GEN. LEMUEL TODD, of Cumberland. For Congress, CARLTON B. CURTIS, of Erie. REPUBLICANiCOUNTY TICKET. For Assembly, II. II. MAY. For Frothonotary, J. B. AGNEW. For Sheriff, T. J. VAN GIESEN. For Treasurer, FRED. GLASSNER. For Commissioner, JOHN TIIOMrSON. For Auditor, L. WARNER. For Surveyor S. D. IRWIN. Henry Wilson. A FEW MISSTATEMENTS CORRECTED. Senator Wilson lias authorized the publication of the following letter: Natick, Mass., June 29. "J. 0. Culver, Esq., Stale Journal, Madison, Wis. : ' "My dear sir: Tho mail has just brought me your note and extracts clipped from newspapers purporting to do speeches made by me. In an swer to your inquiries 1 have to say that they and all thought and words of like character which have appear ed in tho papers aro pure inventions, wicked forgeries, absolute falsehoods. Never havo I thought, spoken or writ ten those words, nor anything resem bling thwe words, nor anything that the most malignant sophistry could tor ture into those words. I could not have done bo, for they are abhorcnt to every conviction of my judgment, eve ry throb of my heart, every aspira tion of my soul. Born iu extreme poverty, having endured the hard lot tho sous of poveity are so often forced to endure, I came to manhood pasEion ately devoted to the creed of human equality. All my life I have cherish ed as a bright nope, and held and avowed as a living faith, the doctrine that all men, without distinction of color, race or nationality, should have complete liberty and exact equality all the rights I'askcd for myself. My thoughts, my words, my pen, my votes, have been consecrated for more than thirty-six years to human rights. In the Constitutional Convention of Mas sachusetts ; in eight years' service in her legislature ; iu more theu seven teen years' servico in the Senate of the United States; in thirteen hundred public addresses; in the press; in speeches and writing that would fill many volumes and make thousands of pages, J. have iterated and reiteruted the doctrine of equal rights for all conditions of men. Is it not, my dear eir, passing strange that partisanship should so blind men to a senso of truth, justice and fair play that they could forge and print abhorrent senti ments sentiments insulting to God aud man and charge them upon one whose life has been given to the cause of equal rights at home, and whose profound sympathies were ever given to the friends of liberty of all races and nationalists abroad ? Yours truly, Henry Wilson." For Sale. To close uu estate, two tracts of land of about '2000 acres, situated on Millstone Creek, Forest County. Heavily timbered, nminly hemlock, valuable for the bark, and supposed by good judges to be good oil teritory. Mtt with purliculursat this office, w. n. dunn - - . . O II , MY!! NORTH CAROLINA! 2,000 Republican Majority! Sure pop for Grant in November I A "Jtot One" for Horace! The North Carolina election result ed ia a victory for tho Republicans. Caldwell is elected by a handsome majority. Notwithstanding the fact that the Democrats claimed the State by eight or ten hundred majority, the Republicans carried it. We gained one Congressman and reduced the Democratic majority in tho Lcgisla ture. The Democrats still have a ma' jority in tho Legislature owing to a gigantic fraud in the apportionment of that State, the Second District being made overwhelmingly Republican, and the other seven so wronged iu defiance of all rules and reason as to give an apparent Democratic majority in each of them. Under these circumstances it is a great as it is an unexpected victory. A great deal of powder was procured by tho Democrats to cele brate this victory, but they concluded they would wait until the next time. The significance of this Republican triumph cannot be mistaken. It shows the strength of a good cause, and fore shadows a final triumph of Republican principles. Greeley, Sumner, Schuri and the rest of the conspirators should learn from this that they must stand from under, or the great avalancho on tho 5th of November will crush them. All honor to North Carolina. Republican District Convention. According to previous announce ment the Republican Senatorial Con ference met at tho Alexander House in this place, on Tuesday last. The following gentlemen composed the Conference: Clarion county, Col. J. F. Lyon, Samuel M. Fierce and Samuel Brcu neman ; Jefferson, W. F. Stewart, Esq., C. M. Brewer, Esq., and Daniel Smith; Forest, Hon. A. Cook, Hon. W. R. Coon. The convention organized by select ing Col. J. P. Lyon, chairman and C. M. Brewer Secretary. In the Senator ial Conference Armstrong county was not represented, uot sending any dele gates. David Maclay, Esq., of Clarion county, was nominated for State Sen ator by acclamation. Conference then adjourned. Tho conference to choose candidates for Constitutional Convention, met immediately upon tho adjournment of the Senatorial Conference. In addi tion to the Conferees above named, Armstrong county was represented by Col. J. B.'Finley, J. B. Neal, Esq., and Jas. B. Brown. The same organ ization as in the Senatoral Conference was preserved. The following gentlemen were then placed iu nomination : from Arm strong county J. E. Brown, Esq., Clarion couuty presented the name of Hon. James Campbell, and Jeffer son county Maj. G. W. Andrews. Old motion it was agreed this conference nominate two candidates for constitu tional delegates. On tho first ballot J. E. Brown Esq., had four votes, G. W. Andrews had five votes aud Hon. Jas. Campbell had three votes. On motion J. E. Brown and G. W. An drews wcro unanimously chosen as Constitutional Delegates. On motion Col. J. B. Finley, S. M. Tierce Esq., and W. F. Stewart, were appointed a committee to prepare resolutions. On motion, theso proceedings were ordered to he published in tho Arm strong Republican, Union Free Jreis, Clarion Republican, Brookville Re publican, Forest Republican, aud East Brady Independent. The following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That wo hereby ratify the proceedings of our National aud State Republican Conventions, and unquali fiedly recommend tho candidates cho sen by them the unconditional support of the Republicans of this Senatorial district. That in David Maclay, for State Senator, and G. W. Andrews and James K. Brown, as delegates to the Constitutional Convention, we have gentlemen of ability, integrity, busi ness capacity, nnd legal worth, such us will redound to the welfare of any party, and representatives who will rc fleet honor on their constituents, and we do hereby unconditionally recom mend them for the entire and unreserv ed support by every true ritizon. J. P. Lyon, Chairman. C. M. Brewer, Secretary. 1S$ take the following items from the last lirady Independent: On Monday morning the mutilated remains of a man were found on the track of thn A1W1, nntr XTollav Pail. road, near Hulton Station, about iweive miies irom too city. Uothlegs wero cut off, the head severed from the body, and tho body otherwise mangled. The pieces were scattered about on the track Presenting A. tnnst flicltenintr sight. They were gathered together nuu voroner i est oeing nolined, held an ilioucst vestordnv nftnrnnnn w hen the name of the deceased was ascertained to be William Mctzler, a resident of Now Pnatlo T. ..,.,, county. He had been employed by uia rauroau compauy at II u I ton Sta tion, and for SnniA finiA nnar naA Kann on a spree. It was supposed that while i n f n v i ia f i .l tn Kahin .:1. l. 1 '. I down on the track and fell asleep, and was run over n. killed nA tlmt after wards ine ainerent trams, during the nitrht. nnR&er? nvor tlia kapib. Tim O . , ' v.w. . I u X. 1 ! V. J 1 1 jury rendered a verdict that "deceased - i nB run uvtT ana xuiea Dy an un known train nn thn Allno-lianv VaIUv ItAllrfifl " Tfi (Trt troa n-hMi n.vfv. ' " " KSJt J 1 A .J six years, ana ne leaves a tamily ot a who aim iwo cniiaren in new Castle. The ring performance in Kleckner & Co. 'a circuit did not hnvn mnh at. traction for us, and we awaited the moment wnen tne ".Lion King" should enter the den. He came and passed in, and then ensued a scene that beg- pars Hpfwrintinn Thn llnnn.. ami o L ' ..wuvoo nuu tisrer hnd lip.en fifrlitinir liAtwaon tlia - O O - " "V. .T 1.V.H HIJ bars that separated them, and they were in anyming uut a peaceful mood. The tii'er bv thin timp. linrl hnnn bo. cured by a chain, and was lying on me juhuui oi mo cage. nen the keener threw tho wicket nnen tlmt. son. arated the animals, the liouess made a rusn lor the tiger, and pounced upon him ; but the tiger, prostrate as he was, caught her by the shoulder with t.:i . i i i i ins lorepaws, ana neia ncr powerless for a moment. whin she unrnnrr in lo oiucr enu 01 tne cage ; as sue attempt ed lo tmsa uncle fln-nin thn L-oorvoi i 5 i Btrnplr at hr,. ti'Han nuinl. tl tl she struck him with the claws of her right forefeet, tearing terrible gashes in the calf nf liia lof lr Tha ECU- per struck ber a blow with a heavy i it.. . - buck, ana unociceu ncr down, when she scrambled un and mslurl tn tho side of the lion, and the keeper forcing iuo wicKei to its piace, managed to L'Ct OUt-in safetv. Ilia Ion- irx Knrllu lacerated, but he was cool and did not seem to comprehend the danger from w hich no nau rsrnnrn i hn omiia. ment amongst the immense throng was nuens9 ror a wnuo, but when the keener riAjwnd nut ovorvKnlv -4 I - ' J 1. . U way to joy, that he had escaped with IflO HID. The people of St. Petersburg and vicinity were thrown into great excite ment early Monday morning by the in telligence that a fatal accident had taken place on the Filman Farm, near Turkey Run. It se'ems that five men were at a well on the Filman farm, either as drillers or lookers-on, when tho tools struck through into a crevice of the "sand rock, and an immense volume of gas was liberated from its long imprisonment and rushed with great force up through the well and almost instantly communicated with the fire under the boiler and exploded with great force, enveloping the en gine and derrick. All this was the worx of an instant, and the men work ing at the well had no time for flight, but were caucht in the burning can and three of them, Nelson Veusel, Michael Shoup, and Alexander Mc Gee, were burned to death. Martin Frank was dangerously and John Mal thoru slightly burned. Titutville Her ald. Terrible Deatit. Yesterday af ternoon a man got off tho train at Walnut Bend, a station on the Oil Creek & Allegheny River Railroad, and started to walk to Plumer. When about half way up the hill, it appears ne stopped at a spring by tho wayside to get a drink of water, and while in tho act of stooping down to reach the water, was bitten by a snake, tho fatal fangs entering his neck near the jugu lar vein. When discovered by a pas ser by, about an hour after, the unfor tunate man was in the agonies of death aud only remained sensible long enough, our informant states, to tell that ho had been bitten by a snake. His body was swollen to an enormous size, and had become spotted aud of a copperish color, so rapid had been the effects of the deadly poison. It was not known who the man was or where he came from. We did not learn what was done with tho body. Pet. Cen. Record, Thursday. Petroleum Centre, Aug. 10. Editor Herald : The Grant and Wilson club of Pe troleum Centre, organized a few days since, has already enrolled tho names of 140, among whom aro many who have hitherto voted with the Democra cy. The club is well officered, and will do effective work in tho canvass. But one "Liberal Republican" is reported iu that village, and be writes his name with ono letter. The "great wave" has not, evidently, penetrated Petro leum Centre. Will keep you posted as to our efforts here. Yours hastily, W. W. J., Secretary of Club. Xew Advertisements. jso. r. PARK. MA Y, VAJtK P CO., B A IT E B S , Comer of Kim A Walnut Sis. TtoncntA, Bank of Plwount nnd Deposit. Intoreit allowed on Time Peponloi. Collections in ml eon nil the Principal point of the U. S. Collections solicited. 18-lr. S. C. CLAIIU, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, tiidiotttie: 2?.: Ard Dealer In WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing done in a workmanlike manner ana warranted to give satis faction. 4 lj .ONFECTIONARIE S. JAS. McKAY, at the Pout Oftlco, has v vimimu uul a ciiuho lot ni CONFECTIONA R IES, CANNED FRUITS, IOBACCOS, . CIGARRT, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. A portion of tho putronngo of tho public so itrntxttUlljr BUlll'lKHI. 4iMf JAS. M. McKAY. SHERIFF'S SALES. Tl Y VIKTOR Of sundry writs of Vomit. JJ Exponas, Fieri Knoian, and Alias Fieri Facias lHsuod out of tho Court ot Common Pleas of Forest poimtv. mul n wrltnriw. tutu in Von. Kx. Kmied out of the Court of L'oniinon i-iens or Warren County, nnd to mo directed, thero will bo exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry at tho Court uouse m ine uorougli or Tionosta on MONDAY, AUG. 12T1I, A. 1. 1872. at 12 o'clock M., the following described William Warwick now for use of A. W, Jlnrry vs. Tho llnnner Oil Com nun v. X'n 29 June Term, lt.72. Jl. A S. All tlio rlpht title and interost of defendants of, in and to the following described real rntlntn t.w wit : All that certain pleco or parcel of ii.uu niiimie in iioiipsia lownsnip, Forest County, Pa., bounded on the south by lands of Hunter, onthe cast bv tho Al legheny river, on tho north by land for merly owned by McCalnionts,' and on the west by land oftho Brooklyn Oil Co. Con- miuiiip .iw ncrcs, more or lens. Taken In execution and to be sold as thn The Jlnniior OH Company, nt tho suit of "'"'"" u amira, iur UKf, tVf, ALSO, "W. A. Ilollenbeck vs. C. H. Richardson, von. ex. C. 1). No. 67 Sent. Term. 1M7I U cC 8. All that certain tract of hind situato in it nr moll y township, formerly Tioncxtn township, county of Forest mid State of i-cnnsyivama. ana Dountlud ami ilcscrilmri as follows : IteKinning at a black Oak cor ner the south east corner of Isainh Jones' corner, thence west along said Jones' line to the highest point or top of tho hill to a corner, incnco soiun to a point on the south linoof the Bon). Clcland tract thenco east along said line to the bank or the Al legheny river, thenco lip said river, tho di Remit courses thereof to the place of bo- uiniiiiig. Lunraining nitv acres, more or less, reserving to himself, tho party oftho tirst part, throe acres on tho north west corucr of said tract at railroad, running mi ,ii ly riMin iiiung wcsiorn line, thenco northerly thirteen riula in .t thence easterly forty rods tn uulil rr.,.,1 thenco down said railroad to tho place of u-vi miing. iuKen in execution and to bo sold as the property ore. S. Richardson, at th suit of W. A. Hollonboc k. ALSO, ficcond Vntlminl Ttnnl? nt r,ta-Alr..i.1 Ohio vs. II. W. Scott and W. J. McCulla! co-partners in business as II. W. Scott A Co., Ven. Kx. C. I). No. 44, Sept. T. 171. H. C. T. lkxld. All defendant's right, title, interest and claim, of in and to all that certain picco or parcel of land situato in Harmony township, Forest covntv. Pa., (formerly Vcnauaro) bounded nml . (.. ril ed rs follows, to-wits Commencing nt a inn ouk on ine west sme ot the l'rcacher Road (so-called), onthe north line of Inn. Im of Bainbridgo Cleland, thence along said Preacher road north fittoen degrees east fifty perches to a post, thence north seven teen and one-halt' degreos west fifty-nine perchos to a post, thonco by lands of Charles Faguudas north eiehtv-iiinn nnd nnn-lmir degrees west seventy-eight porches to a post, thence by lands of Lewis Lovoless, south one and one-half degrees west one hundred and twenty-six perches to a post, thence by land of liainbridge Cleland eilfhty-eiiht and ntiA-hnlf d..n-f-uMi ouu one hundred and twenty-nine perches to tho place of beginning. Containing eighty-one acres and seventy-eight perches strict measure, being part of same land deeded from Alexander McCalmont to William Smith by deed dated Oct. 27, lBo'J and reoord xt in Venango County Nov. 7, lWt. Also four oil wells thereon located, thirteen small frame dwelling housos, and one two-story building known as the "Scott House" thereon erected. Taken in execution and to lie sold as tho propcrtyof H. W.Scott A Co., at the suit of the Second National Bank of Clovelund. leruis cash. K. L. DA IS, Sheriff. Tionosta. Pa., July 23d, ltj7;4 Wn. Fellers, LICENCED AUCTIONIKR, will attend to all business In that line nronmllv at reasonable rates. Address WM. FKLLKRS. Newmanvine. 9-3m. Clarion Co. Pa. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given that the firm of Kliuordlinger A Co., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. All moneys due tho firm will bo paid to Geo. W. lo vard A Co., successors or Klinordlingor Co., and all claims against the firm will be paid by them. IN. K Jjl NO It DIjIXniCR, GEO. W. ROVARD. Tionosta, June 1st, 1872. READ ! READ T The subscribers having re-rented the lit VIM: C31UST MILLS. Would say to their old customers, and the community generally, that they keep constantly on hand a large stock of FAMILY FLOUR or all grades, Chop Fcod, Shorts, Bran, ... I v t iA7.f.u -..:i:.! V i vsaia aim vui u. in, uur 1MC11111CS iur (ID ing business, we purpose not to be under sold hvflnVAulHlli.liiiifll in tl.iu t.ui,i. or the count ry, and would say to the lum bermen am', dealers or Forest county, that tlioy can bo SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. J in medial j attention given to all orders from a distance, E. JONES A CO. 'UBSCRIBEforthe iorct Republican J It will pay, AIRY VIEW ACADEMY, rerrvville Station, Pa. R. R. (For Male and Fe male.) Long established, thorough, suc cessful ( location healthful and accessible; community social, moral and religious; buildings lorge and costly i a full corps or able tciichnrs t inoiinlnln nfr i rn M-nM safo bathing, fine skating; emphatically a homo school. Whole expense, for Hoard, Tuition, Room, Fuel and Washing (for 40 mi-Hi.,, iMiui nip iiuniirou dollars. Winter session begins Sept. 8. Send for Circulars. Wilson A Patterson, Port. Roy- in, viniinui to., l a, lU-4t PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES, MINIS ir-", fsuCKISMf'til, HUSINKSS MEN, TESTIFY To THE MANY AlVANTA(iES()F Tl St ill A1U At lDEJIY, ACADKMIA, JUS1ATA ro., PA. Send for a Circular and Testimonials. 1). I). Stone, A. M., Ph. 1. J. J. patter on, A. M. JiMt Stetibenville, 0., Female Seminary. Tills wldnlv b nnu'n H. I. ..T aA-nMi. 1 O 0 1 ll ClirlMliHn Aflnnatl.t. nt .irl:iti. more than jo a week ; one-fourth oil' tor .i"igyiiien. i no e in session M weeks) ihp!! nriih nui, Miieauiiresa 01 all lor mer pupils is requested. A grand re-union at the closo er the next year. Send for particulars to itev. I'harlos C. Itcaltv, D. D., LL. D., Sup t, or Rev. A. M. Held, I'll. BORDENTOWN (N. J.) FEMALE COLLEU E. Thorough Instrnoli.... Healthful and beautiful location. Ono of mo inosi careiuny conducted and bestsus- lAinoti insuiutions in the stale. For terms. w., Mitin'M ,w, nuun ii, xjraKeiey, i'n, I. lii-4t JDUEHILL MLITARY SCHOOL, IWcrrhantvlllo, X. J., Four miles from Philadelphia, (formerly located at Princeton, N. J.) ROV. S. N. HOWELL. A. M Prlncli.nl Forty-fourth annual term begins Sep. 10th. oviiu iur vircuiar. rpuSCAROAB FEMALE SEMINARY, Auaiuuem, juniata, uo., fa.. M U T U A L FIRE INSURANCE. The Mutual Plan guarantees to the Mu tually Insured the greatest security forthe least posoiblo cost. Tho premium notes are the capital. On this no dividends are paid to the stockholders, but it is simply assessed to pay deficiencies arising alter tho payment of losses and openses, which in the COLUMBIA INSURANCE COM PANY, during the total LiJ years of its t-Airicinc, nave averagou uuiti) per centum upon thepiemium note, being lowor than the rates paid In be solvent stock compa nies during the anmo period nf time. In insuring at stock rates, the Insured must pronounce to inmseit that he pays every year onoiigh 1st. To form an ucciimiilnf. od fund for emergencies ; 2d. To pay largo dividends to tho capital invested In tho vompanv ; ai. nuns the risk or a "Chica go fire" coming and wiping his Company out of existence. In a Mutual Company in, jiueus ins own reserve lu nana until needed, and poys no dividend to eanltaists. Tho mutually insured, being themselves the capitalists, look alter the business, its character and its agents In all places, thus protecting each other. For Insurances or Agencies, address J. F. FRUEUFF, Seo- rtjmrj , voiumuia, jjancasicr county, pa. AGENTS WANTED for CHAMBER LIN'S ORAT CAMPAIUN BOOK, Tho STTUGGLE OF 1872; A novelty in Political and Popular Lit erature. AOranhlo History or the Hennl.. lican and Dcmocratio Parties; a racy sketch or the so-colled Liboral Republi can Party; an lnsido view or the Cincin nati Convention. The minor tickets or side shows or tho campaign, Tho finest Illustrated Book Publishod. A Book wanted by every American citizen. To socure territory at once, send VI ror outfit. union i-uuiisiung vo., t-lilcago, 111., I'lnla. 1'a., or Springfield, Mass, lu-4t CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1872. Agents wanted for our Campalirn iroods. Hell at sight. Pay 100 per cent, profit. Now is 1110 time, ienu at once lor Descriptive Circulurs and I'rice Lists or our Fine Steel Engravings or all the Candidates, Cam paign Biographies, Charts, Photographs, Badges, Pins. Flairs, and everything suited to the times' Ten Dollars per duy easily mado. Full samples sent for $X Address Moons A Uoonsi'KKD, 'J7 Park Row, New York. liMt. CAMPAIGN Thirty now nnd beautiful des igns, t.ct price listofT.C. Rich- BADGES. ards A Co., Manufacturers, 47 Lurry St., 19-4t New York, ThO Chomlstrv of Divllin PrnvlilnnnA has never produced a mineral water which combines in bucIi perfection tho qualities aiiw-onii-un nunc ana catuartic mouicine as that of the Seltzer Spa; and Tarrant's Effervescent Soltaer Aperient is tlie artifi cial equivalent of that great natural romo dy. 10 4 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. $1,000 IlKWAItU For any caso or Blind, Bleedinir, Itching or derated Piles that belting's Pile It - dy fuils to cure. It is prepared oxpressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by all Druggists. Price, $1.00. 15-4 BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE Is tho cheapest and best article in the mar ket ror Blueing Clothes. The genuine has botli Barlow's aud Wiltborger's name ou the luliel, and is put up at Wiltberger's Drug Store, No. 223, North Second Street, Philadelphia. D. S. WiLTBKRUER, Pro prietor. For sale by Druggists and Gro cers. 15-4t. KEEP IT HANDY. The Reliable Fam ily Medicine, for the prompt cure of Cholera, Diarrhu-a, Cholera Infantum, Dysentery, Cramps, Summer Complaint, Ac, JardclU's Compound Syrup of Black berry Root and Rhubarb, an old and well triad remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, quick and certain iuetlect; can be depended on in tho must urgent cases ; may be given to tho youngest infant as well as the aged. It is readily taken by children. Keep it In the house, and use in time. Sold bv Druggists. Hansull A Bro., JO00 Market Street, Philadelphia. Try It. AG'C NTS WANTED. Agents make more money at work for us than at anything else. Particulars free. G.-Stin-son A Co., Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Maine. 15-Jt New Hoarding Ilouse. MRS. S. S. IIULINGS has built a large addition to her house, and is now pre pared to accommodate a number of perma nent boarders, and all transient ones who may favor her with their patronage. A good tdahle has recently been built to ac commodate the horses of guests. Charges reasonable. Residence oil Elm St., oppo site S. Iluslct's store, iW-ly R. R. R. RADVVAY S liEADY RELIEF t l llKS THE WWHHT PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. . NOT ONE HOUR stiKKKIl WITH TAIN. RADWAY-S KKAnnKI.IKIjys A Cfnit FOB t wnw th- (Irnl nml ( , Th Only t'ntn ltoniottv thai iitMuiitlr Mopa itifl mnut cifntrlatlti imtnp, itllr 1-iH thin, tiiotta, attfl vwtvn i oiwt-i,t, wlntltrr nf Uio l.tinie, Htfitnarli, ikiweU, or olltvr jtUi.tlt or vriuu. Lv a .i;i-ih-,itl..it, ' IS HU)M ONR TO TWKNTY MINTTTTif :tfl i iimilcr h-i Tlnlrtit ir ri nii liiMi. tht ii.ilti lh M ATh , IV.I r!i11. ii. iMtm., rri(.plr.i, KtrvuuiL , .iriilttit. 1 -ruiiMt rl with ill am inay autK-r, RADWAY'3 READY RELIEF . ' , . WIl.l. AfKOIll) INSTANT RASK. lNr:..MM.M'lo.N ok Tim KlIi.N'KVS. . INI I. A M M ATTo.N (IK TMK bLADDEB. INFLAMMATION of Till! IIOWFI.S sous throat, mi l n i i.r nisKA i liiN.i ' nr.sTr.ni.-9. WM&X!1 I,hA,lT-1.KU..U-MR, TonniA.-iVRT"""- 1NF"-EA-cot.n rn.M.s. k-ati8M. Ti;r DrilMti.ni oftlic Krady Krllrf tnts narf or pnrlR wl cr Dm or diinui.lt)' cUU will afJuni cuo .i1 itiinf..rt. Twi'it-- dir In lti?f InniliVr nf irtfr IH In frw n...nii-titfi CliAMfH, M'ASM.h, Hi it II HiUMAni IIKMtTMUN, iK IIKAIMI'IIK. Dl A KKIIK V all 1MCIINAL PAIN?, Tiai-vIi n -tfnui nlni arfT ltoHlaof R llH(y llcllff with Hum. A fw lm Hi iei v 1 1 t.r vnf -tt Kiioa cr pain frnn rlmhpn nf walir. It la l'L- tut lltM r- ill IV andy or Ultttra .t n alltuuluut. 1 F m AM iV K nrr.l f.r titty (.vnia. Tlicrr H r.ii n rim-li il ncw.l In llu w.irlit Itirtt Hkil chw Kevtr 'il AK'io. atnl .ml utti.ir Mrtin-fcit't, IMIIoiih, Scarlft, Tv 1'iK't'V .flltiw. :mt t.lli.-r r i-M (LiUlfil I.V K A 1 1 W AY'S ril.I.Rl mi .i.R N HADWAY'S liKADY lIIitlKK. HEALTH UEAUTY!! ftt;onu am) itiik ru n m.iMin-iNruKAsr. of H.KSH AM' WRUlllT-rl.KAH SKIN AMI 1'fcAt; 111 11,1 i.Mri.h.io. bUA: L ivKi to all. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT IMS M M ' K TIIK Mor ASTONISH I NO -('HFS! HO IJI U K. SO ;M. A. UK TIIK CIIANUK! I III'. IIOHV 1 MiKlliloKS. I-Xliril TIIK IN. Every Hy nn Increnso In Flesh and Weight 13 Soon ind Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Trrv iIh'I f Die fiMtS A IA KIIJ.I A N HK.MU.V TNT cit'i.iiiin Knli .i H.rt.uli tlio il1, Sweut, I'tlrp, hii'l xtltor flulili nml ntivi i.f tU avatem Itio vitr of lift-, fur II rfttaii Ihtr hjU f ilif IhmIjt m lili m w ami m'Ui.iI malfrlnl. HcrofuKi. Hvplilhi, 1'uiiMiii.pUon, tJlniirlnlr iliw.iv. Tltvis In lliu T'noat, Mitiiih, I'linwrr tiiniri in t ii! (tlniut.i itiul nil.i-r t-iirt rf tlti ttynU'lii, ri.TO Kvn, Stiiimti'ia IMwSirit.a f.i'in llio K.ir ami Hi w.rH f.rni nf flUn iiUitr. Km pi Ion, I'Vvtr rttia, Hfiilil lWnt, Kln Witim, N itt IIIi.Mnn, KrrllKl;l Aonc. Illjvk 11 " riu" ;' r ,"ll"rR, nurrr Hi II. Wntnlt, a'tl ll i"ik-riliiK atxl l-tiittftil (tiv liaii;'. Nirl K atxl pjimfiil tiM l.ai;', Nicl-t hA-ralN ..-a ..f Siv4iti. kiiiI a! wtixl in nf llic llfv ItIm! rv w i'.iil'i tlm i't,r.itlvi raiisiu f IliU wutitli U-ror Mini cm ''liptniMrv, nnii n rf nc HI ruv t. any pcre-n il-M It f ir ciliici- of licea fmitM oT Ulaouad IU io'rnt pi.Wfr 1 iuro tin in. If tlic imtlitt', l,iH I'Pcon.liis rfflnoH v the trnirtps ft- rl U.T.iiipt.?)tin tlmt I cot.ilimnllv I'mriimtiia', ane. Cm'.l In 'irnnlln Humt waatfa, muI rvpnfr l)n Ktli 1- ltlt ToMf inUi' l.tt tun-to fxmt liaihv li(l aud ILit the b.MlK.lAi:i1.1J AN will r.nt lU marvnrv. .Vol iilv rt-M' Mi. 1 .utnvrAnu.i.iAM Hrjt.vT rvrl Cll ktl"W II ri'l'lr ll il :i 'fti H ht lln t-titt nf 1 'I11....U. fn. loi, iVitlin' il, tt'iJ km itUrasia 1 Lut It u iLc ui.lv uurv f-r Kidney ni:u?!cr Coii.ptian(4, Trin;irr, ami Wmb ill-t a., Kravrl, )M:lM ta, I)roLy. Bt-Hii'.iift' ..f Wi.liT. Iii.'.rt.tH.vluo i.f triiie. HriKl:t'i li. -ve, Allitimltiiiri 1, nml In u'l whrrr tliere iirv Wkk ililH .;iii, it tin; water l thul.. cli-ililv, ti,i nllll a-iit-tHii.-ct IU tlio wl.tif l iii k., nt tlirwuU llku wlilto mln, ur ihur- 1 1 inttrM.I, tSrk. .iMiiih npi-araiK-c, ai whit.- Ui.ip -1m, nt,. I whin ifu'iv U a pii.llitL'. imrrilnir fiin!,iMi w i.-fliiK iitr. nml p;ili In tua b'Mlll f t !. It 1 k tttxl hI.iI4' tUo hoiui. 1'ilco, ijl.oa, m WORMS. -I"i3 o:.!y fcnowu aod ture llcmctly f-r HVi . -in, 't'-i-f, 4.V, Tumor r 10 Venr' CroMfli Cured ly Etalua) Eciolvoiit. 1. -wi.ir. W J.iIt la. o. V. RtKW(T: -I ix hvl li.nriv. Tuin. In iltVt.v.tU 1. H H ll-.r. JJ lUorri mm iw klp r-r It." I UU-l ry Ihlni; tlit twcfltitiitftnl. .1 HI Ki-tli nir In-IjimI mm. w y.itir H--i lvont.nn.1 ih-mirlit 1 rH. trv U i Uit hU ao l'lh In II. b-aii' I k. I -.(TirrtsJ f. r ivil rnri. aa Uoitl nf Hi. IUwlr.titi. f-im K- "f K'uta a PilU, iul two Wt lt "f y tr R -vtv U.llf i ftna Ihi-r I. iinl tunwir to t- Men 't frit, an.l f.rl Wtlr, itirtr, nnd t f(r limn I aa a f-r rl v.r. 1 ha .-! Innmr wa In thr UU aH nf lha tvrt rr.r I'm iT-!n. rlta lhl ta )u fcr tita banalil ml n. m ma i-aliua It If juu tU t. II AN N All KNAP P. DR. RAD WAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, rTft-ctlv MatHi-ai, tVatitlr tnxixii ltd awect cum. nr-. rcaTMlUo, iMirife, Vuiut-, un I iiivtwlln'ii. av'a l1!'a. f: 11. .nr.- .f nil ilU.t J'nt of tim Kfomarh, I.lv.-r, fVvla, Knli'Y, HiatMrr, Nrtvoua l)lari4a, lie . -Im Iu, I iiii.-ii.:n,j,u Cu.-llvfrn a, Iinlt''atlori, llv-l'.' nil, fl.tlo'M Ktvir, liifl;:n.iuall.n nf tilt' ftnwi-K I'ilcnTiil i,t T'r.r-ii)'Htf.i.flf ntai ruvl Vl fori, U't-rrniril in vtVi cl u roMtlvi-mr. Purd)- Vrri-tik lilr, "'Titatiiii(r trt morrnry, in.mT:U, rr drlHeriMiisiliiiirn, a$r 0 'i'r'a thn f.vilwli-u r-vm) lotua ftaulluu! fiuut Ii:inlrrf llie JH,r.!'.v Uit,;.rut: rnnitij'lrti, lnwat.1 IM., Kiilltic i of Ota Clrxl In K Ht4, A.-tiiitT of th Hs.Miia h, NtM. )lftnttirn. tMiut ul t'Mt, r lilii'ti tn Wds'.it Hi IS t KusmKi, Sour KritrUUei., flnkiiif at Hiiti nnr l l)i I'il uf thr Hi.im.li, hMlmniinK .r tl llm.L IhtrrUI ait J ItiihVxIt UrvKililitjt, k 'laltvrluR at Hh-HmiI. t'kokliic cr ft'iff.H-.iting SrnstH.mi ltrt iu a l.vtt-.g rotlarr. Ilinniiaaa f lii-.n. hu it W.lia btr .ra tka Pli-hl, et an4 Pull I'm.m La Hi leA, trfirinn ,.f l'r,.lrii..ii. Yi-lluwurtt t4 taa KLin h.I h- M, '.in n iht SId, CUti, UwU, and audika tluiU J ll- i. humina' la Huh. A ril.M(.f ltAOWAT'fl riT.LS wlllfrr I ha v. Ii... frmunll ll. oi'OVc-tiMi'.-. 11 r.U-ia. lrlc. uclu p.-rhr.. koI.ii itY Il;i:tiHM'S. 5 KKAD ' KAI.KK AMI TKI K " BnJ nno Irttir. afAJuLtiy .RAUWAY A t().. .... t7 Mai.Ui. bti, Ni -w auilt. iuri tiualiou worth thuUfeBiitia will Uaatnt ju. RIFLES, SHOT-GUNS REVOLV'S. Gun rnatorlals of ovory kind. Writo for I'rice Ijst, toUront Wostorn Hun Works. imouuijii, ru, Army (runs nuu Kovol vors bought or truilod for. Agents wanted. 10-It AfiFNT wnntcil for "The nrlKht Sldo riuili I O of Now York," a Library of ..... ,,H . , to 4liniiiitiMMB and Ulijouts oflutoroHt. lly a City Mis sionary. 200 EntrraviiiKs. Atronls soli 40 a day. Just Issuod. K. H.TK1SAT, Pub lisher, 605 Ilroudway, N. Y. a-lt WANTED AGENTS (8l'0 per dav) to sell the onlohriitxrl llinil,: KltllT. TLRSHWINO MAC'MINK. llastl.eun-der-fool, uiakos tlio"lock sUU-h." alike on both skies, and fully licensed. The bost and cheapest family Sewing Machine in the market. Address Johnson, Clark cC Co.. Uoston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa.. Culca-2t-Ko, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. ERIE & PITTSBURGH R. R On and after Monday, Nov. 15, I860 trains will run on this roml AN follow! LEAVE ERIE SOUTHWARD. 11:55 A. nr. AcrnvunniTiAii Imvm Newcastlo at 7:05 and arrives at Pittsburgh 10:00 a. ui. s 10:25 A. M-. PITTSnl'IlOIT KX.. nlona ot nil Rhitions, and arrives ut A. A (I. W. 11. H. iranslcr at I:r0 p. in., at Newcastle at 3:15 p. in., and at Pittsburgh at 0:00 p. m. 6:05 A. M., accommodation, from James town, arrives at A. A O. W. it. It. Triu.r.p at f;4i) a. in., at Newcastlo at 7:05 a. ui., and Pittsburgh at 10:00 a. in. 5:00 p. M., Mixed Trulu loaves Erie for Sharon, stopping at all inturiucdiato points and arriving at 10:16 a. in. LEAVE PITTSBURGH NORTWARD. 7:15 A. M., Erik expiikss. leaves New castle at 10:00a. in., A.AU. W. R. R. Trans- ier at li;z a. in., ana arrives at Erie at 2:80 P. in., making eloso couuoctlou for llnlla- i anu xsiugara f alls. 8:35 p. M. accommodation, loav a Now. castle at 0:80 p. m . A. A G. W. It. It. Transfer at 7:55 p. in., ami Jamestown at 8:80 a. in., connects with mixed trains that arrives in brie at 1:55 a. in. 0:80 p. M., Mixed Train leave Sharon for Erie, and arriving at Uiruid at 12:80 a. ni. and Erie at 0:55 a. iu. TruinsconiUM-t at Rochesterwlth train f.,r Wheeling and all points iu West Virginia, and at Pittsburgh conneotlous for Pliiladol. mm, uarrlsburgli. liultiniore ami Wash, ngton via PoniiHytvauia Central Railroad. Erie Kx press North, oonneeui at tlirnr.l with Cleveland and Erie trains Westward for Cleveland, Chioago, and all points in the West) at Erie with Philadelphia A Erie Railroad for Curry. Warren. Irvinirton. Tidioute, tc,, and with liutl'alo A Erie Railroad for Jinlliilo, Dunkirk, Niagara Palls aud New York City. P. N. FINNEY, Gouerul Sup't NOTICE. DR. J. N. HOLARD, of Tidioute, 1ms returnsd to his practice after un ab sence of four mouths, spent in the Hospi tals of Now York, whero l will attoud calls in his profession, OHice in Kuroka Drug Store, 3d door tbove the bunk, Tidioute, Tu. utf JOB WORK DONE At THIS 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the loiccst cash pricet, neatly, prmpt lij, and in ttyle equal to that of any oilier establishment in the District. business cards; snow cards, VISITING CARDS, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDINO.CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, afOXTIaXY STATKMEJIT&, ENVELOPE- BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS DODGE: HANDBILLS, LABELS, SIIirriNG TAGS, Ac, 4 J'