NATURE'S HAIR; flCSfORA.TlYE CWi tJo SULPHUR Xo SUGAR OF LEAD-Xo L1TII AliGXo XITRATE OF SIL- M entirely free Jrom the and llrallh-tlcxlroynig in oilier Hair IWjwa- Yi:R, and Poisonous Drugs wed ttont. Transparent nml clear as crystal, It w-il not soil luc lint-Mt fabric, jiericvtlv SAP,, CLEAN nml KIT1CI ENT rlosidcrntmiis .oxii sought run and ioun d at 1-ASH , . , It restores and prevents (no from becoming irnv, impart sort, glossy ap pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool nml voiVrsliinit t llio lioatl, clinks tho Hair Irom t:iniiii urr, mi. 1 restores it ton groat extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures nil humors, cutaneous rruptionsr-and unnatural licat. AS A DRESSING poll THE HAIR IT TS THE 1JKST ARTICLE IN THE MAKKHT. DR. (J. SM ITlt, Patentee, Aver, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER HROTII ERS, Gloucester, Mass. Tlio genuine is put up in a panel bottle, inndo expressly for it, with the name of the artlclo Mown in tlio glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's llair llcstorativo, ami take no other. vScnd two three cent stamps to Proctor ltrtithois for a "Treatise, on the Human llair." The information it con tains is worth S5i0,00 to-nny person. I M 1' It O V E D M A O I c WALLLIS IMTHOVED MAGIC I M r 11 o v E D M A G 1 C lroli(a!lc I:jij1oj isianl. We desiio to engage a few more atrents to sell the worltl-renowncil unproved lluek ye Sewing Machine, lit a lilioral salary or iii coniiu'.ssion. A horse and wniron gn en to avcuts. Pull pi'ttcuhus furnished n npplicitlou. Address YV. A. HENDER SON A CO., General Agents Cleveland, O. or St. Louis, Mo. 34-4t iXiite police. ESTATF. OF CONRAD LEDAHUI5, late of Hickory Township, Forest County, deceased. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate pay ment. And tlioso having leval claims against the same, will present them with out delay in proper order for seUlenieiit,to IP. il. IV.V.V, l.'vlnr. INS, j - JOSIAII W1NANS, 43-Gt T TIDIOUTB E A STORE! . V AT TC.T IV. C -"-' r i-t"" IX: !! ' IB A L M I Air tt TiTnl'IV p. e"( TV-iv,..!. tV . 11. 1 l'.lHli0 IV UUIC i tors. Franklin. Pa. 44 I J. C. LOKG, Wholesale and neiail Dealer In HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIXDIOTJTE First Door abovo Exchange Hotel. 4-ly i,: ; M art's r1., H ; i t .-'"--r t , C' -r V o . c ; I ir i , o 1.. .i .f. i: ;. - " r.'PtJn v tullU t-s.. - I L- I r : -.VK S v v.v,.v-. ,VV:- r: - ' v . V p - i c r 4 51 CV OR I NSC, i:..:crf 11-. f i;.t i ; a : r-v Mi" l.v:t; ti:;Utl"1on:c,MMAivcti2 .j.n ic, v.'. Ur.vl tie I'pfTt.T cn to v r.' r. : tin. 1; r.u a mac l!:u;c!r.n, tr.ada ':: 1 .-.n 1 - r.;r r 1 J.-ll:s of Ct.l',rnii!ft, trro A i h- iio ti tti nlnntn. TIcy fixe lio .::.t;o: ri :r:: rmI a i.ifr J' i C l V Z'Y. ? rtr:t cfi Kcaovator and ,'cp I'.ic f-..tti:n, canj li 3ff all poisonou jv.' U .iUf il.o Vlccti to a Ik a! thy cocdition. Kop.noa casix'..c IUca MlUTi occortiirg todirco- t'HO v. :;ilc ivcaforca inrnnhlo ease, provUcd ti:o twin aro i--t doftrorcd by mineral poison or :fccr tca. c, I'ao Tit-l crjr.ns vastcd beyoedth point ci rcrsr. I .i y end C hron!o ttfccunm ttn m:i Cui!r Ijyprrpntn. or Intlleatioo i;iliui.t lUi.;iiUi: tuicrinitlcnt Fcverft Pin -cp.'i i to i:tucc!t Liver, Klduoys, and rimhi;r, tluso I'-iitriB l ave been mot mcccss-fr-1. htuU liinvuMB are enured ly Ttllntcd rioGti. u LlchiSfc-cncruIly prodaccd by dcnuiffcmcnt oi t.ic lfTi Htlvc C fen as X).Vi:rMA Olt lNDlCEgTIOX, Head ache. Vela In itao tiouldcrs. Cong ha, Tlptitneet of tho C-o t, Dizziness, tour Eructatlooa cf tbe Stomach, tul letcliitlio : ou Hi, Billons Attacks, Pel pita tic a cf Vm Heart. h.Cdinn-.ation cf the LnnRi, Tain In tho regions of tlio Kidneys, and a hundred otner polntul aymr, nrc tlio offsprings of Cycpcptla. Til y Invicorata t!.o Etcmach and stlmalato the tor pimiTcrand bowolii, which render thent of unequalled cc;.cv tu clean eicg tlio blood of all Impnrltlca, and irvf.: llnf new lic acd rigor to the whole lyatcm. PHI'S l)ItfKASE6,Emptlonr,Tettcr,Palt Lit cum, Dlctchcs, fcpot, Tluplca. TuBtul , Bolls, Cor t uiiLlvj, lUng-TToinin, Scald-Uccd, Soro Eyca, EryBlp clr.i, ltct, tcurfti, UlscoloratiouB of the Bkio, Etunora nnd D'-EtBHf-s of tlio t-kln, of Trhatcver caico or nut ore, arc literally dug up and con ted out of tho system In a Qhori tme hy tho use of these Hitters. One bottle In e'.ia i case a ill convince tho mm lccrcdolous of tliclr cr.vr.tlve ciTcct. tho V.!ctcd Blood whencTer you find Its i: p ..;; butjt!ng through tlio sklu in Flniplcs, Ernp ti v.:s rr Cnrcfi ; clAUPe H when you And It obstructed an J slrf.'.-lsh In tho veins t C'canso H when It la foui, aivl your frclinps will tell yen when. Keep the bloc, p are ai d t! e health of tho cysttm will follow. r;, TATE aid other lurlting In tho sytitni cf wiiny thousand, are efTcctually dctroy-o-t aii.i r u-.ctcfl. l or full directions, raad rarcfnlly t;.o tlt-oulj1 r.round C;xh bottle, piintM In ftmr lan- r.n !::.!:;!' German, r.cuchaid Spanlbh. J. ,T rroprictor, R. 3. McDOKALD CO., Di'jpHBt nnd Gen. .gents, 8an Vranclfco. Calw cud 83 and 34 Commerce Street, Kcw York. .r OLZ) BT ALL DliUQGISTS AKD DEALERS. Tlio place to tmy pvry variftj- of the ! y CRY BEST TEAS AT THE LOWEST PRICES, U at the extensive Tea More of II. T. CHAPrEY, where vou can always find a lartre assort ment ol tlio best Tens at Now York prices. A lai s assortment of Groceries and Provisions, unerpialeil In quality an 1 eheapnesR liyany t iu .' store in Warren eonnty, always on hantl. 'J'he people of lore.-t eounly will have motiey by purchasing their supplies ut this plaen. Dint brands of FA MIL I FL 0 UR, , . wgsfem OllCrcck&.VUcghcny River Ry ON AND AFTF.Tt Momlny Juno S, 1S7I, Trains w ill run n follows: UnUTIIWARI) TftAINS. 167 Water Street, Meadville, Pa. ALSO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, TA. In Store with S TA rLK.S C SIItT.K Y, Opposite rrtst Offlec. THE LARGEST DEALER IN In this xeetion, including tlio following celebrated makes: ' Chickering & Sons. Stcinwav & Sons, Win. B. Bradbury, Kurlzman, "i others. WHirXEY A SLAYTOX'S OliGAXS AXD MELODEOXS.Tmo. Organs nnd Molodeous fire acknowledged by nil good judges to bo tho best nud finest mushed Keed Instruments made. This bcinc the Oldest nnd Largest House in this section, superior induce mcnts can nnd will bo o fibred to purchasers. Stools nud Spreads, Sheet Music, Books, nnd a lanio stock of everything in the Music lino, can be found at my. store. )-ly J. O. HUTjIj. STATIONH: lnt Class, 2,1 C'lasn. 4 2 a 10 14 n. in. a.m. p.m. a. m. n. in. Corrv 8 l.t 11 (Ml 0 ) 8 (X) Spar'tanshurg 42 11 lir, II i!4 (I 10 (ilvmlen M 11 47 (1 :t7 i .to tVntrevilln 7 01 II f.5 (1 40 tl 54 Trvonvillo 7 13 )i 0:1 fl tut 10 SO llvdetown 7 '-!." 12 15 7 10 11 00 A 11 7 3." 12 2j 7 26 11 0 Titusvillo T.R 7 42 12 45 7 40 (1 1(1 It .15 Miller l"arm 8 i 1 (i: 7 50 (I 55 12 15 S ha Her 8 07 1 OH 8 0:1 7 1!0 12 a) l'toneer 8 17 1 1H 8 10 7 40 12 41 A rt DSi'l it 8 211 7 65 1 05 Tet Centre 1H 8 2S 1 2S 8 .10 8 10 1 55 Columbia 8 H5 1 S5 8 HH 8 HO 2 10 Tarr l'nriil 8 40 1 8 42 8 .'10 2 'J5 li vnd rami ;8 4(1 11 44 I8 50 8 4(1 2 10 llmiMfvillfl 8 5:1 1 4!l 8 5(1 t 00 2 55 MeClintock ;8 5(1 1 5:1 0 00 tl 05 8 01 Alt 1111) 2(1,) U 15 0 20 3 20 Oil City lit: 0 15 2 10 10 15 3 40 Oleopolis 0 45 2 .1(1 11 10 4 25 Knvle ltoik tl 5(1 2 411 It 32 4 50 President 0 .'0 ;2 50 11 38 4 50 Tionestn 10 23 3 12 12 30 5 37 Hiekorv 10 41 3 32 1 20 ?tl 15 Trunke'vvillo 10 M 3 41 1 45 0 43 Tidiouto 11 11 8 5H 2 21 7 10 Irvini'ton 12 01 4 40 4 05 8 40 50O VOMJMB-1S IX OSK. AGENTS WANTED rort The Library of Poetry and Song, rteinrj Choieo Selee'iona from tho llest Poets, Knlixli, Scotch, Irish and Ameri can. Willi mi Introduction hy WILLIAM CULLKN BRYANT. Vmler whose critical Kitpervlsion tho volume was compiled. The handsomest and cheapest subscrip tion hook extant. Over W:0 paszes, lieauti fullv printed, choicely illnslrated, hand. Honicly liound. A Library of over 500 volunies in one book, whose contents, of no ephemeral nature or interest, w illnever prow old rr stale. It can be, nnd will be' read and re-read with pieasnrc by old and younir, as lonjr as its leaves hold together. "A perfect surprise. Scarcelv nnvthinp: all all n favorite, or at nil worthy of place hero, is neglected, it is a book for every household." AT. V. Unit. "we know of no similar collection in tho Kiiilicli laniruaio which, in impious ness anil felicity ol selection and arrange ment, can at all compare witli it." y. Y. Times. Tei ins liberal. Sellinjr very rapidly. Send lor CiUMilarnnd TerniR to J. B. I'OKO A CO., 27 l'ark Place, N. . June (1, 1871. By an immense practice, extending t'urongh a .ei luj of many years, Iiavin within that time treated ovel nino thousand cases of those diseases peculia. to woman, I have been enabled to perfect a most potent and agreeable medicine that meets tho indications presented by that class of diseases with positive cer tainty and exactness. To designate this uatural specific compound, I have named it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, however, is but a feeble expression of my most matured appreciation of its value, based upon actual and witnessed realities.' As a closci observer, I have while witnessing iu positive results in the few special diseases incident to the separate organism of woman, singled it out as the climax or crowning gem 9 my m.dual career. On its merits as a posaive, safe, and effectual remedy for this class ot diseases and one that will at all times and tinder all circum stances act kindly and in harmony with the laws whiib govern the (email system, I am wilUng to stake my reputation as a physician Nay, even more, so conti' dent am 1 that it will not disappoint the most sanuino expectations oi a single invalid lady who employs it for any of the ailments for which 1 recommend it, that I ofleraad sell it under A POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. H a beneficial etfect is not experiencrd by the time two-thirds of the contents of the bottle arc used, I will, on the return of the boule, two-thirds ot the medicine having been taken according to direc tions, and the case being one for which 1 recommend it, promptly refund the moncypaid for it. Had 1 not the most perfect confidence in its virtues, I could not oiler it as 1 do under these conditions ; but having wit nessed ils truly miraculous cures in thousands of cases, Jeel warranted and perfectly $ae in ritking talk my reputation and my money cn its mentt. The following are among those diseases in which my Favorite prescription has worked cures as if by magic and wilh a certainty never before attained by anvm.lirinc: Leucorrluea. Excessive Flowing, Pain- fullNlonthiy Periods, Suppressions when from unnat ural causes, Irregularities, Weak back, Prolapsus, or falling of theVlerus, Antcversion and Retroversion, Bearing Down Sensations, Internal Ileal, Nervous Depression, Debility, Despondency, Threatened! is Carhaee, Chronic Congestion, Innammation ami la ceration of the Uterus, and very many olher dironic diseases peculiar to woman not mentioned here, in which, as well as in the cases which 1 have mentioned, my Favorite Prescription works cures the marvel of the world. This medicine I do not extol as a cure-all. but it admirably lultills a singleness oi purpose, ucmg a most perfect specific iu all chronic diseases of tho sexual system of woman. It will not disappoint, nor will it do harm in any state or cunditiou. It is A most Puwbkvi'L RBsrOHvriVE Tomc to the gen eral as well as the sexual system, also combining ihe most valuable nervine properties. Both the muscular and nervous forces are strengthened and built up by ils use. , il will be found invaluable in diseases inci dent to pregnancy, and can be taken iu moderate with perfect safety while in that slate. Indeed, it is a Maker's Cordial, and so prepares ihe system forparturuionthatitreiidcrscluld-laborcasy. 1 have received the heartfelt praise from hundreds of mothers for the incslim-ible benefits thus conferred. I olfer my Favorite Prescription to the Ladies of America with the sinccrit y of an honest heart, and for their best welfare. Those who desire further infurma ation on ihese subjects can ubtaiu it in my 't kkatish nu Chronic Disuasus of TWtt CliNlillAl IVH AMI Ukinakv Organs, sent secure from observation upon receipt of two postage stamps, it treats minutely on those diseases peculiar to Females, and give much valuable advice in retard to tluir mrtnj.ct ment (. pikim-k'm FAVoiiiri: pur se It IPX ION IS Ml 1,1. It V A I.I. HUNT 11. A miiocavis, til l.oO per but tle. Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of . if. V. I'lUKVK, M. IK, SOL I'KOI'KtETOK, BUFFALO. N. V. Alleglieny Valley Rail Road. NEW LINE TO BUFFALO THROUGH THIS OIL lU'XJIONS. VN AND after Momluv Nov. J w ill run an follows 20, Trains (Aliojita Time): SOUTH. Bay Express leave Oil City at 2."pm Ariives at Pittsburgh . 8 ;V p la Niyht Express Leaves Oil City 0 tifl p m A rrive at Pittsburgh 40 u in Mail Train leaves Oil City IMS a m Arrives tit Pittlliurirh IKHIiiii Venaiiiio Accuni. leaves Oil City 4 00 p. in. and urtives at Kittnnning ' U 10 p. m. NOItTH. Dav Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 fiO a in Ari-rivt s at Oil City at 2 30 p in Nijjiit Express Leaves Pittsburgh Is LP pm Arrives at Oi. City 5 4."ani Mail Train leaves riltdiuriih 11 Ml a in Arrives at Oil City 7 2' p in VeniiiiL-o Ace. leaves Kittannint; 7 0" a iu and arrives at Oil City 12 -0 p in Silver Palace Sleeping -Cars on niji'.t Ex press Trains, between Piltslnituh and Titusville. Tlironidi Coaches on Lav Ex press Trains between Pittsburgh Hiul Bos ton. J. J. LAWllF.NCK, T. M. KING, CienT. Sup't. Ass't. Sup't. Thl; Cut Illustrates the manner of Using DH. PIEROE'S Fountain IVusal Injector, ml AIlM riONAL S' CO NO-CI. ASH TRAINS -SOUTH, No. 1ft Titusville'.MOp. in.! Miller S.A0; Pioneer 3.'J0; Pet Centre Columbia 4.1."); Tarr Earni 4.:i; Itynd Earni 4.117; Houseville 4..Vi; Oil City 6.0. No. 8 -Corry (1.1 ; a. in.; '1'ltusvlllo R..115; Miller Earni O.i'i; Pet Centre 0.4.S; Colum bia; Tarr Farm In. 1 S; llvnd I'ltrm 10.i!7; KoUHeville 10.;i5; Oil City 11.00. No. IH Pet Centre 1.2H p. 111.; Columbia 1.50; Tarr Farm S.O.i; It vnd l'tti ni ilO; uoiisevino on t ny ij.oo. No. 21 Oil City 6.;S0 a. m.; Oleopolls 'I'ionesttl 8.0I; Trunkevvillo 10.1;: Tidiouto 11.11. KOnt'HWARD TUAINS. STATIONS: DOUCHE. OR 1 t-,rw -'a 1 Vt -A ' Thia lnatrnmcnt la eapeclaDy dcelgnod for tha perfect application of DR. 8A0E'8 CATARRH REMEDY. Tt is the only form nf instrument yet Invented Willi wiiivn mini iiii-iiiiiio enii uvininiu niynup ami perfectly applutt to all pert of tho afleetod na aal pasnat;oi. and the cliainbera or cavities com niunicntlii therewith, in which tores anil nlrera frequently exlt, and from which the catarrhal dis charge eencrnlly proceeili. The want of riicceps In trwitini: Catarrh heretofore haa arisen largely from the Impossibility of applyttifr remedieB to theeo cavities and cHamliora by any of the ordi nary method. Thia obstacle in die way of ef fiTtlns ciires i entirely ovrcome by the invention nf the DniK-ho. It, nsinirlhia tustniment. the Fluid It carried by Its own weight, (no snuffing, forcing or pumping being required.) up one tioett il in a full arontly nowiinr suvam to the highest portion of tho n.iftl tiaiisiiL'rs, pnsees into and thorouhlycleans eHll the tttbciinndrhamhere connected therew ith, and flows outof the opposite nostril. Its use Is pleae aut, and so linplo ihat a i liiltl can tindenttand tt. Full Hurt explicit dlrertioiia ac company each Instrument. V hen used Willi this Instrument. Dr. f aire" t'otarrb, Kemedv cures re cent attacks of "Cold iu llie Head by a few npplicatton. Syni ptoniH ol Catarrh. Frequent heart acho, discharL'c falllin; into liiroat, eonieiimes pro fuse, waterv.'thlek niticus, intruli'nt.i-Hensive. Ac, In othera a dryness, dry, watery, weak or inflamed tnmiiuir un or obst rucl Ion of nasal nassHees. rfii Miis in ear., deafness, hawkine; and coiiuhiiiK to clenr throat, ulcerations, stabs from ulcers, voice altered, uasal twang, ofl'enslra breath, im paired or total deprivation of senso of sniell and uto. diMlnoss. mental ilepresslou, loss of apjie titu, lndi"etlnii, enlnri-ed tonsils, ticklins eotit.'h, Ac. Only a feur of these symptonia are likely to he present in any ease at 0110 time. I Dr. Nose's! Catnrrls Itemedy, when with nr. Pierce' Nasal llout lie. and aecompaiiled with the eonslitiitional treat m..nt u-liteh is recommended in the lianiphlct that wrap each bottle of tlio Kemcdy, is a per-- feet speelllc lor tins loatiisonto oisessc, aim 1110 nr.,nrl,tor otTers. In eood faith. M0 reward fir a case he can not cure. Tho Iteniedyis mild and pleasant touse.rnnlniuinp no strotn; or caustic dru-'S or poisons. The Catarrh ltelneilv is sold at 60 cents, Dnnehe at Nl cents, by all Ilrti BlnlH, or ellher will lie mnilert bv pmprleior iiq receipt of HO cents. II. V. FIFUC'K, M. D., Bole Proprietor, UL I t ALU, rt. t. . dulivoreJ at any de)olon the line of tho II, It. free. S'.ore on Main St. near tho Depot. MOWERS & itE,-2ii;rS XXTK 1IAVK taken tho nRoncy of two V ni.t' liines manufactured at Meadville, one known tin tuo Kniffen Mower and Reaper, and the other the Atlantic Mower and Reaper. The inlvaiita-es these machines claim over other: ollcred fur salo it Liditiirss of Draft, Ease of MaiiBS.fiiifiit, Ltjuu'.uy of I'owi'r, Slrfiislh nud l'linimrss. Then' machines, w ilh er w ithout reaper alia iiinetit call 1 10 iiucii:i.e,i o Tit ef iv;?"" . 1 - - --- -t f a birlsialLa o v v.'' ih. al.-o s a 11 a v in n c. 11. V. LITiAlil lt. t r VM. li. 11 LATH, Tionesia, Pa. II the TAYLOIt KTLLL A tiltAIN K-VKi:. None jo -'I 1 rpiIK Tenth volutne of Woots IIoi'mk X lioi.u M.MiA.lNE be;;ins with uiinuary '7. It is edited by Onil llaiuilton, S. .S. Wood, anil li. V.'Osliorne, anil includes anior.t; ils regular contriliutors Horace tirecli v, (jail llaiuilton, Thus K. Lecclier, Or. llio Lewis, lir. W. W. Hall, James l'ni ton, t Lc. Harriet lieccher Stow e, IlricU Pomciuv. John li. Siixo, Mai. O111I. Kil- natrii k.'Pelii.lcuin V. Niisby. elf., write t, .......,;..,,.,ll.' 'I'd'ttiis 1 Iiih I lulhir a veal' To i liililiiiur." three liiHt-class periodicals uro irivcn for the priceof tine of tliein. Tho wosl liberal Premium List ever punished No periodical is ittoie fieijuuiiily of litvor iiblv mentioned bv tho loess. "Wood's Hole, i l. ol. 1 Mj'';iziiiii is 0110 of the monu ments ol busincs entoi prise which murk theaye.' Methodist I Ionic Journal, 1 nil adi'lpliin, Pa. "It hais been improviu ever since wo knew it a nood critci 1011 lor tiie future." Courier, cvv Market, t an u.lii It is 11 inai'vil ol ciii aiiiit ssaud lir-st clavs oiialilv ciitiibincd." New York TinicK. .Sin' imt 11 copy sent lieo to any udilu-wi. ;-i.S. noil A- t (., .Mil MU' (JU, - Ilti ft stoo l the test of net-en years bc,orc t.'io public; iti:t 110 prepar ation for tho It 11 if htm ift brtn tll.1 covei ftl Unit trill proihti e tlio same bctivjh-iul rcxultn. It in aiieittireli liciv scientijie ilisrort ri. ctmibin inif mint i; of the most powerful tt ml ro-itoratiro (ifjnits in the VCT ABLii UINCDOPI. lt rentorex CHEY H.M.1 TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTH FUL COLCR. It itttthcti the sculp white (tint clean; curt tltitutrnjf nml humors, nnd l'lil'-intf mit of the hair; rfil will uiitl.e it if row upon bald heads, e.retpt in very tttp'il persons, as it furiilshen the n'utritire principle bt which the li'tir is nourished anil sttpittrtetl. il mal.ev the hair moist, soft, and tjltimil, ami is unsnrtasscil as a t hrii'ii'.-jt preparation crer ujferctl to fl::, one tiinnri rr-tit r- emu nlish more and lust tonter t'HIU Xltrre UUlItca uj tuy utaer prrpitriitmii. , , , . if is realm inrtmcii rrt uteris vj the First Ht'tlitul Atitlmriiy. The Homerjnl remit Is pruditced III oar Sicilian llair iienewerhace iitl-iccil sun nil to iii'in 11 factum pram rations' for the llair, under ctriotis names; unit, in order to indiifg the trade anil the public to inircliase their compounds, theij hare resorted to falsehood, b claimiu! tliri) were former part ners, or had some connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was sr. nilar to ours. Do not Or de retl b) tUent. t'urchttse the c..-,'..')..i7; if has nerer yet been, aii4,;l!-'f. Our Treatise on. the llair, with certijicates, scut, free t.y mail. See that each bottle has o ir prirai-o Heroine Stamp orer the t of the botile, AU others lire iiuiliUions. R. P. Mall & Co., Prop's, Nashua, Il.H. S'v.'J ly u'l V m'-jiJt niij V'-"!.s in in. THE nr. f'lvt rtiniw,, o- .VCULT PUN. 1 Ci- J GTi'OI . iLV..-vr i.,v i cj.,ial.ii.itj I. w. n:. Irvlnetott . Titliouto Trniikeyvlllo Hiekorv TioncNta President F.airle ltock Oleopolis An Oil Citv 11s MeClintock HouSevillo HvndJ'arm Tarr I tirm Columbia Alt Tot Centre un Pioneer Shaller Miller Farm An Titusvillo liK Hvdetown Trvonvillo Centreville Olynden Sp'ifttuisburg Corry CCAtiLCs A. IJACA. "d.tar. eUcgl.iv"?ttu fun. A Nt'tisiir.pcrvl t'ae Present Titno!. la'.u,.d.-d iur Pcuplo Sow la Kartlt. Inclad.: c pArine s. ferha .let. Merchants, Pro f.s.oual slen, W .iKers, Tnlnkei-s, aai a. I ban ner cf llouir-t t)'s. aud tho i'ivea, Bout, auj piiu;,.cr.ut allsaci. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A VEAIt ! oxe uuxDiLn;) copies rousaa. Or les t!i:iti One Cnt a C-py. Let thera bo a fciU cu.11 at ov-ry I'ctt Oittci, KSttl-'.VEZKLY SUN, a A YEAR, - of tlu s.nn sizs &Q'l pcncr:.l character as Tit::, b it tvit'.t a ureatcr variety of 'nisecl a ieu:is rua line, a il fnritslilns ttie ti"w a,, its siteeiirijis with ki eater frsii'S. becuu-s tt centos twieo a T. ucj( lusted! of uuce ouiy, ' H12 SilLT 8l'X, SO A YEU. A ii-eentn-jntW ria l h!e n-'Wypuimr. with t',e lir-i'. c-ie-incl.tii in t!u vnii.i. trie, ini'.o nu lU'.-ilt. ai cl l .-nrij.i, in tn:nics. A l lie! hewn f'-o-u cv rvAli.'.r.:. Tv 1 cen:s u cony ; ly n.utl, u uiuiitu, or go a ..-:ur. TERMS TO CLUBa. TIIS liOLI.A'l Vi:ESf.I.Y nC. Fivu Clinics, one year, sj;.a.-.l. ',v a '1 'I l''iiJi' ;oilurn. Ten rorlj-i. one vir, sen .rutuM a'l'li f eu in ua extra Cl,;.) to llie Jjtl-r u 'f I hi- L'irfUi ll'.lavj. Twenty eonlo, nns ye-ir, s,ip-iru:cl e.l.l c-fcva i .a ah tx.ia cj;,y w ti.e ti-C'ir 11 1 v .-.ntii. FilteeU tyolt.tee. l".itv eri rno year, to one t'Ulrcs ( .ul tno b--:ui-ii y one i en-1 1 filler n n i.t ''int,( Thirty-tlirL1;! iiiollnra. Flf'y eont"B. nnn year. i-tmtiiteiv n tiireP-efl (.11 u lau ben. Wcelili oie y.' ii to ; 1 1 inr lir o '-Hi"), irtiriy-nve uutiai's. Oni tinn.'lro't en-tcs. nne vear. t i i nn ad In m I tue J.siiy lur one yeai- to 'h-i ivMnr ici of c u;. l iny Uoltnrs. One lnr.itrp 1 eints, nns yi-nr. "aruo-ly nl- rtrL-'i-! t ,ii.i1 tjo Jixny iiru. u y. ir to ' in !! it r 1. ol i-iduj, eiljttr Uutlara. 1st Class. 2d Class. 1 13 0 , 111. p. m p. m. n. m. n. 111. 12 45 6 O.i tl Oil 7 45 1 -S fi 47 7 L'O 11 0, 1 4" 0 O.i 8 O.I 1(1 ir 1 M ,0 15 I S at 10 41 2 14 II H I 8 45 11 41) as ;d 55 :io i;t 1 n us p. 6 00 li I I 6 Id I'll 1:0 li ;d uli 0 "1 0 r,d ij 0 52 (I 5(1 7 15 7 35 7 44 7 57 8 05 !H I I 8 L'l 8 55 '1 :is 0 a 47 7 3 13 7 3 20 7 ill 82 7 3 3.5 7 fl 40 !8 A 45 8 3 4!l 8 3 65 8 8 21 8 23 8 30 8 4-) 8 41 9 05 0 10 0 20 1 34 5 17 ;'.l 43 5 27 i) M 5 IIS K) 02 (1 10 10 32 OS 10 (15 35 10 05 40 11 30 55 11 fill 511 12 00 04 12 25 10 12 ,'H 14 12 4S 1 05 3 f.0 4 (Hi 4 15 4 20 4 11) 4 45 4 55 fi OS 1 25 1 45 2 00 2 15 2 45 3 05 3 20 3 50 4 10 4 80 4 50 5 50 8 83 3 45 4 15 4 40 6 20 CROVER& BAKER h is w ixni a v 11 1 x 1: H . Tjo following are 'selected from thous ands! of testimonials of similar character, ns expressing tho reasons for the prefer ence of tho ti rover A linker Machines over ail others, "Hike tho drover A linker Ma chine, In tho tlrst place, because If I hail Buy other, I Nhnttld still want it (irover A linker t nnd having a Orover A llakor It answers the purpose of nil the rest. It does a trreater vnriet v of work nml Isensler to iearii than nny other," M rs. J. V. Cro ly (.lonny June) "I have lind severnl years' expe rience with n (Irover A linker Machine, which has irlven mo (treat satisfaction. I think the Orover A linker Machine is more easily manaand, nnd less liable to pet out of order. 1 prefer tho Orover A linker de eldodlv." Mrs. Dr. WtttUt, Now York. "I hnvehnd one In my family for some two years; nnd fjoin whnt I know of its workinjrs, nnd from tho testimony of ninny of my IViends w ho uso the stimn, I enn hardly seo how.anythln,it could be more complete or jtivo better satisfaction." Mrs. lion, tlrnnt. "I believe It to lie the best, nil thinrrs considered, of an v thnt I have known It is verv simple and easily learned! the sowing Ironi tlio ordinary spools is n creat B'tvautairej tliestitcii is entirely rename; it does ornamental work beautifully ; it Is not liable to tret out of order. Mrs. A. M Spooncr, 30 llondfSU llrooklyn. "I m acquainted with the work of lite principal macmnes, ami 1 preter 1110 Orover A l!ak"r to them all, because I con sider tho stitcliinoro elastic. I have work in the house w hich w as done nine years aim which Is still ifood." Mrs, lr. 51c- Creadv. No. 43 Kast 23d sireet. N. Y. ''More than two-thirds of nil the sewlntcilone in my family for the Inst two vears ius neon done nv orover cl linker Machine, nnd I never hiul a Karnient rin or need mendinir, except those rents which trolicsonie bovs will make in wliolo cloth. It is, in my opinion, by far the most valu ableof nny I hnvo tried." Mrs. Henry Ward lleecher. "Tho Orover A linker SewitiT Mn- ehino has rendered In every respect, the most perfect satisfaction. It eomliiiies so many nilvnntiiires with benuty of execu tion and oioiiomy In price thnt it is a ne pesity In every househiihl." Mrs. Oover nor (iearv, llarrishurtr. Pa. "I have had tho Orover A linker Ma chine for ten or twelve yeirs in constant use in my house. I have seen nnd known everv kind of I'mnily sowimr, both per sonal nnd household, accomplished up tho t Irover A linker Machine, to the end. satisfact ion ot'all concerned, lie v. Stephen II. Tyiifi. "I find the Orover A linker Stitch w ill wear nsloni; as the garments do outwear the irarnicnt in fact. The stitch will not break on bias seams, when stretched, n-s others do: and neither tloes it draw the work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 Kast twenty-fourth street, N. Y'. AnntTIONAI.SKC'ONrt-rLASSTlt A IKS-NORTH No. 15 Oil City 6.55 a. 111.: Rouscvlllo 7.20; Tarr l-'arni 7.4'i; Columbia 7.5?; Pet Centre 8.10; Pioneer 8.40; Miller 0.25; Titusvillo 0.55. No. 7 Titusvillo 0.00 a. m.; Corrv 11.25. No. 11 Oil Citv 11.20 a. 111.; Ilousevillu 11.4ft; K vnd Farm 11.53; Tarr Farm 12.03; Columbia 12,10; Pet Centre 12.20; Miller 1.25; Titusvillo 2.00; Corrv 4.42 p. 111. No. 21 Tidiouto 12.45 11. m.t Trunkev- ville 1.45; Tionesta2.4J; Oleopolis 4.25; oil City 5.20. (M Trains do not stop. (! ) Stop 011 signal. () Stop for meals. Trains 5, tl, 21 and 22rundaily ; nil otlier trains daily except Sundays. N. li. Train No. 10 is an express irom Titusvillo to Corry. SU.VKIl 1'AI.AfK SI.HKI'INO PAR THA INK. No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia without change. No. 1 Direct to Philadelphia -without ch:tP(;e. No. 0 Direct irom i'uisimrvtii wiiiioui chnnije. No. ti Direct to J'ittsburira wltnout clinnse. C. J. 1II.IMU.11N JNO. 1'1'ICAIKN,- Superiutendent. OenT Milliliter. ADDRESS To tho Norvcous AND ID EBILITAT EI 3D . WIIOSKsufrorlnirslmvo been protrnet etl from hidden causes, nnd whose eases require prompt treatment to render oxistetiee desirable 1 If you are mirrerlnff, or, unvo'suflored from Involuntary discharges, what ofTeet does It produce on your goneral health? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tlredr Does a littlo extra exertion product! pal--pitatlon of tho heart T Doos your liver, or urinnry organs, or yo'ur kidneys, frequent ly fret out of order T Is your urino some times thick, milky or llocky, or Is It ropy onsettliiifiT Or tloes a thick sknm riso to tho top T Or Is a scdlinont at tho bottom af ter It has stood awhile T Do you have spells nf short breathing or dispopsiaT Ar your bowels constipated T Do you linve sells of fi-ainting, or rushes of blood to the head f Is your memory Impnrcdf I your tnind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or lite? Do you wish to bo left alone, away from everybody? Does nny little th'ng nmko you start er lump? Is your sleep broken or rootless? Iu tho lnstro of your eye as brilliant? Tho bloom 011 your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursiio your bus ness with tho uanio energy ? Do you feel as much contldeuea In youself? Aro your spirits dullaud ling. ging, given to fits of melancholy? If Bo, ilo not lay It, to your liver or d- spepsla. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, nud hnvo but lit tle appetite, nnd you attribute this to cli'i pepsin or llvcr-ooinplnint ? liOSADALIS i;::; i:;g::i:diext3 that ."OMPOSK P.OSAD.M 13 nro ici' l: l:i .1 (-il cvcriri:i K.tto, tlicre- :oro 1 1 li V'l ti tuwrct p cp.iration, o.:s.-fi;c:il!y ?;:rs:;:ns3 rr.E:fr.;sr. it 'til a cnrlaia euro fur Scrofula, 3; pliiii 111 11! 1 its f,irm.-, Kliciinia- tkitl lo:: '4',, J .IVcr Cotlt- .'. .: t cai ell tlifuiccs uf the .(-tl. Tho Orover nnd linker Sewing Machine Company manufacture both tthe Flnstie and Lock Stitch Machines, nnd oiler the public a choice of tho best machines of both kinds, nt their establishments In all tho large cities, nnd through agencies In nearly nil towns throughout the country. Price lists nud samples of sewing In both Btitches furnished on application to T. J. VAN UIF-SKN, Agent, Tionestn, Pa. PITH OLE VALLEY R'Y. fyt AND Momlny, June 5, 1871, Trams will run ns loiiows: TUAINS NOKTIIWAHD. stations. No. 2. No. 4. Oleopolis, 10.25 a 111 3 30 p in Dennett. 10.3S " H.28 Woods 10.30 " 8.1S Pnithers Mill 10.21 " 3.10 PilhoioCity 11.00 2.50 TRAINS SOCTIIWAHD. stations. No. 1. No. 3. PilhoioCity, 8.40 n m 1.20 pm Pnithers Mill 8.4 " 1.48 Woods 8.5(1 " 1.5(1 Dennett 0.02 ' 2.02 Oleopelis P. Ill " 2.14 All Trains make close connections nt Oleopolis witli trains on tlioOil Creek A Alleirlieny juver liaiiway, iortu imu .Son 111. Two I-lnes of Stte'ivs run daily between PilhoioCity. Miller Kami nnd I'leasant vine, makiugconiiection wiinarriviiuraiiu tleparting I rains. J, 1. jsi-Aiit, II. WJClvll AM, Pill pi. Ticket Agent, Titholo City, Pu. t w ill (!u ino rt fooJ titan irn ljol'.lc -A uf liu vrupa of Sdrpinlla - i'HS UNOE.IildNEO PHYSICIAN 0 '.lea PHYSICIANS tv: ureil r.osa.lal si il!tciriractice r l :o p i.-t three yc.trs oncl f tcly .ilo - so it ns a .;! l.!o:-d l'uti hti'ulu Alterative er. ?. T. c. r f BaStlmcra. :t. ','. .1. P. A KIN. " 11)11. 11. W.i.'ai. It. " ! l.l'.O. I A', ,' 1.1.V, ' J. i". Ki'AllK.S, of Nii'holasviUe, l.v. D.T I. L. McCAItTIIA, foluir.bii. - vi :j.i. .1. 1.. . .A S. r. ! I) It. A. 1). NOr.Li'S, jeconili, N. C. J AI. J'Ji.L'Lil iiX Full Ilivcr, LOTS FOR SALE! IX TIIE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., New York City. PENNSYLVANIA CEN THAI RAILROAD N AND 11 P. P. Sunday May and sVN J 1. 1870. Trains arrive at and leave tho j. 11. rr. V 1.1. r A , . r. i A. V. . ; B. 1 ',: I 1 rtw...-, SA...1.. 1 I tu..., 0.;rs:.. u I 1 . ... :; Lu.vs, :.. )..i.ia, i inu. . .. ( ;-.:.. 1 . ( ! t'onsvPIc, Va. , C..A. vc vi'.l X ; anv e . . ' '. -i l i l - : .1 to" 11. b ; Jv a '1 'lot. -Mc.!:c,tl :i vpi ::i.t 0 1'JiiiJ l :x- . ' r i u iy ti.fy hje mr . . : . - : 1. ..t cf il . , .1 ll." i rr 1 o tt 1 y I; y .t. - ; oa wi.l lv Ifatyici 1. .'..ti.T -.J hy t rnfchtt ... j , li.'ttic. A luu ii . W -st- . V . u il If J, ::, ',.,r.i, j ( he-.iutst " 1 "MitiRK, Mb. VCsU , Beiill lltclV lr:(!t .! 1 ea cn ice-, -e tcit rnnaia'nlv ni'tiremiii (una oi pir-rtr:B, or fit it rm Vw ijy. A lor j l"i''.. rli (My. JOI5 WORK noiitlyexooutoil at tkisjonice ul reus(iual;lo rule. COAL! GOAL! TS Prepared to deliver tiie best quality ot X utl at too oiii i-.veiiinii jiaua, two miles from Newiuanville for 7 tents per or at Tioiiosta and vieiuity for 25 CENTS TER BUSHEL, lie always has a large supply on hand, Now is the time to lay in a largo supply Orders promptly attended to 2 0 I'nion Depot, corner of ashmton I-iberty street, as follows t AUllIVK. Mail Train, 1.30 a m i Past I-lne, 12.12 1 111 ; Well's accommodation No. 1, 0.-0 a m Urinton nccommodalion No 1, 7.W) a in Willi's necoininodtition No 2, 8.5.ria in ;Cin einuati exnress 0.20 am; Johnstown ac commodation lO.Wt am; Ilraddock's eoniniodation No 1. 7.IKI pm; l'itlKburi;h express 1.30 p m; Pacilic express 1.50 p 111 j Walls Hccommoiiatiou no ,,, i..i, i in, HoinewtHid acconiniodation No 1,9.0."! p m; Wall's accommodation No 4, 6.!0 p in; Urinton accommodation No 2, 1.10 p 111; Way Passentrer 10.20 p m. Dlil'AKT. Southern cxprvss 6.20 a 111 ; Paciflo ex press 2. 40 a 111 ; Wall's te. comiuoilatioti No 1, U.HUa in ; Mail Traill 8.10 a m ; llrinton's accommodation l).20a 111; liraddock's 1111 couiinoilitiiou No I. r). Id p 111; Cincinnati express 12.3."i p in; Wall's accommodation N 2, 11. ol a 111 ; Jolinstow 11 accommodation 4.0.1 p m ; lliiniewood nccommodtttion No 1, 8..-XI p lit; Philailelphia express 3.MI p 111; Wall uccoininodalion No 3,3.05 p m; all's nccommisliiliiiu No 4, 0.05 p in ; Past Line 7.40 ti in: Wails No 5. 11.00 p 111. 1 lie i nurcli I rains leavo an s niatiou everv Sun.lav at H.o.i n. 111., reaciiin l-iits- buridi at 10.e5n. 111. Hetiirninir leave Pitts- buruli at 12.50 11. 111.. and arrive at Wail's Stal ion at 2.10 I). 111. Cincinnati express leaves d lily. South ern express daily except M011 lay. All oth er Trains daily, except Sunday. Por further 'information nplvto W. II. 1U:CKV1T1I, Auent. Tho Pennsylvania lttiilroad Company will not assume any Disk for Hatruauo ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponsibilily to Olio Hundred Dollai s val ue. All bnttiriiKO exceeding that tt ount in valutKvill lie at tho risk of too ner, unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altoona Pa. Now, reader, self-abuse, venerenlsj d- eascs badly cured, nnd sexual excesses, ar nil enpnble of produeintr a weakness of tho generative orijans. The oiaiis of gencra- tlon.wlien In perfect health, make the maa Did you ever think that thoso bold, dofi nnt, enerfretie, porno vcring, sueeessful bus-tness-men tire always those whoso genera tive organs aro tu perfect health T You never hear such men complain of being; melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They uro never afraid thoy cannot succeed iu business ; they don't bo eonio sad nnd disfournjrod ; they arealwnya polite und pleasant In the company of la dies, nndjook you and them rl;;ht In the ftieo none of your downcast looks or any meanness about them. I do not mean tn, iso who keep tho organs inflated by running to excess. Thoso will not only ruin their constitutions, but also these) they do business with or for. How many men, frourbudly cured dis eases, from tho effects of self-abuse anil excess, have brought about thnt state of weakness in those organs that has rodueed the geneal system bo much ns to produce almost every other disease Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal nll'octioiis, suicide, and al most every other form of disease which humanity is heir tn, and the real cnuso of the trouble scarcely ever suspected' and have doetorod forall but tho right one. Diseases of thoso organs roquiro the uso of a Diuretic. IIICI-MBOLD'S FLUID KXTKACT P.UCTIU Is tho great Diuretic, and is a certain euro for diseases of tho P.laddor, Kidneys, Oravol, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Pemalo Complaints, Gener al Debity, and 'all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe male, from whatever cause originating,. and no matter of how long standing. FREE to Apenta to intro duce articles that sell in every house. Lata V Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 32-41 If no treatment Is submitted to, Co gumption or Insanity may ensue Our llesh and blood aro supported from these i s iurjes, and tho health ana happiness,, and that of Posterity, depends upon, prompt uso of a reliable remedy. Ilolmbold's Extract Bucliu, established upward of 19. .tears, prepared by II. T. HKLMliOLD, Druggist, 601 Droadway. Now York, and 101 Ssuth 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Piiice fl.25 per bottle or 0 bottles liir $0.50, delivered to any ad dross. Sold by all Druggcsts everywhere NONE A TIE GENUINE UNLESS DONE TP IN KTLL liSUKAVtii Wrapper, fac-suiilo of my Chemical War houso. and signed II. T. 1IELMB0LD.. 23-1 y