The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 07, 1872, Image 4

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    . .
JlurgraxJ, Winawm.
)unci7mcM T. J. VnnOlpNmi, Mllos W,
Tnto, I. W. Cliirk. I. O. C'onvor, W. P.
Mori-llllott, I,. U. Iliukptt.
Justices of the Voce W. P. MorclUiott,
D. H. Knox.
Constable 3. N.TnlHworth.
tk-honl Directors J.WlnHim, .T. A. Pnlo,
J. A. I'ropor, Jacob Hlirlvur, M. W. Toto,
H. D. Irwin.
President Judge W. P. Jknk.
Associate Judges J. A. Piiol'KR, An
DRRW Cook.
Nhrriff K. Ii. Davis.
JKsliicl A Hornet W. W. M Ason.
Treasure! H. Bkti.kv.
J'rothonotnry, Register t Recorder, dc.
A. 11. AnMKW.
Commissioners Tr.yj. Elliott, Jxcon
Mehcii.i.iott, T. I). Colmnh.
0nnf.i Superintendent H. V. RonmtR.
Jury Otmniissioners UEonou Hiuqikh,
Wm. Pattkiison.
County Survcior H.T). TnwiN.
Coroner Johiar Wiwaws.
Count v Auditors ELI IIoi.kman, Wji.
Clark," T. II. Conn.
Member of Congress 10(A District O. W.
jAssewblvJ. B. Lawhoh.
Camp meeting will commence at
Ltekingville, on Thursday of this
week. There will probably bo a good
attendance from hero.
Elder Mead preached in the M.
E. Church on Sunday morning Inst
and Prof. Stcadraan, of the Carrier
Seminary, in tho evening.
Marlow was hung at Mayville on
Friday last. Before his execution he
cou fussed the murder of Dachinann,
having put strychnine in his beer.
The Clarion Presbetery seems to
lie rather neglecting this point. There
lias been no preaching in the Presby
terian Church for over thrco months.
Ex-Congressman John Pulton, of
Clearfield count', visited Tioucsta
Inst week. lie lins not gone over to
the Democracy, but is for Grant and
A Kouscville correspondent of the
Herald says that there were three thou
sand people at the Republican mass
meeting held at liousevilloon Monday
evening last.
We wish to call attention to the
card of May, Purks & Co., Bunkers,
which appears in to-day's paper. They
ore nicely situated, nud wo have no
doubt will do a good business.
The "Blue Stockings" havo re
. ceived a challenge from tho' "Red
Jackets," a juveuile club of our place,
to play to-day. Ye believe a game
will bo played on the island.
rrof. A. C. Porter will deliver a
lecture iu the Presbyteriuu Chruch, at
Tylorsburg, in one week from next Sun
lay,at 11 o'clock a. m. Subject "Tho
Organization aud Proper Method of
Conducting Sabbath Schools."
We havo soeu a list of twenty
uight names of .Democrats, some of
N thera the best men in this city, who
won't vote for Greeley. John Muse,
Esq., a "straight out Democrat," has
, nnother list of somo twenty names.
' Cithen.
The Pennsylvania State Teachers'
Association iwill meet in the Academy
of Music, Philadelphia, on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, the 20th,
2Ut aud 22d of August. Excursion
tickets will be issued over all the roads
5 a tho State.
The Titusviille Courier, of Sat
irday last gives the uame of J. G.
'Dale of this place, as a Greeley man.
This is a mistake. lie is a Grant mau,
4ind has no idea of supporting Greely.
We hope tho Courier will make the
correction, as that is a pretty hard
-name to give an innocent man.
The Democratic Senatorial Con
ference met in Clarion last week, each
county of the District presenting a
candidate. The delegates from each
couaty voted for iheir own candidate
twenty-nine times, after wLich the
cous'cution adjourned to meet in Brook
villa ou the 13th iust.
Capt. Knox is building a new
j nun on Ruce St., back of his resi
'.Jenco. There is also somo talk of his
jpuUiug up a large building just north
f Van Gicseus Wagon Shop. Ho is
Loiiud to do something for the irn
j.rovcmeut of the town even if ho loses
policy for tho first year or two.
The Pittsburgh Female College
ju'stly ranks with the first institutions
:n tho United States for the education
. of young ladies. The buildings are
I.-.rge aud beautiful, well lighted and
veutilatcd, and fitted up in excellent
tylo. Every private room, and ball,
tud echool-room is carpeted. There
4 e eight departments and tweuty-three
eachers. The number of boarders is
limited' to seventy. The full term will
jmmenfe September 10. Send to the
Resident, Rev. I. C. Pershing, D. D.,
'itUburgb, Pa., for a catalogue or, if
Hsibfo, call for information at the
'Urge office,
Republican County Committee.
Tho following nnmod persons are
ehnirmou of tlioir respective township
committees, viz:
Tionefita Borough, E. L. Davis,
TionoBtA Township Eli Holcmati,
Ilnrmony John Thompson,
Iliukory F. E. Allison,
Kingsley A. Patterson,
Greone Lewis Arner,
Howe Thos. Porter,
Burnett A. Cook,
Jcnks James A. Scott.
By our rules theso are members of
the County Committee, aud are re
quired to select four persons iu their
respective districts who, with the town
ship chairman, constitute the township
I would , respectfully request the
Chairmen to organize at once and to
notify mo by letter or personally, when
such organization is completed.
Miles W. Tate,
Chairman Republican Co. Com.
Mr. J. W. Stroup has purchased
a lot on the west side of Elm St., be
tween Tale's residence and Helen St.,
and will erect a house there tho com
ing lull. He expects to have it ready
to live in before winter.
The new Post Office has been plas
tered and looks well. Mr. McKay
will soon have it ready to occupy, and
then we can have an office which will
be a credit to the place. He is going
to put in a new set of boxes and those
wishing lock boxes had better speak
for them at once, as they are going oft"
like hot cakas.
John Fleming, Esq., formerly of
this county, now of Portland, N. Y.,
called on us yesterday morning. He
is engaged in raising and shipping
grapes and other fruits, and sells to
two or three of our merchants. He
informs us that he will ship about
twenty tons of grapes during tho com
ing season. Ho is a straightforward
man, with whom it is a pleasure- to
A prize fight came off one morn
ing Inst week, in Oil City, between a
tailor and a shoemaker. Seven rounds
were fought and during the lust round
tho tailor got in a beautiful bat on the
shoemaker's neck, and when "time"
was called ye cobbler failed to respond.
Ten dollars a side was put up, which
was pocketed by yo Knight of ye
Goose. The police came around after
the fight.
A Fryburg correspondent of the
Eust Brady Jndccndent sneaks thus
of that place, and seems to think that
intoxicating drinks and Democracy
are closely connected in that region:
"Fryburg is situated in Washington
township, contains two hotels, both
liccused, a lager beer brewery, four
stores, a carriage and wagon shop, a
foundry, and polls about forty votes.
It is noted for luger beer and Democ
racy ; the population of the surround
ing country is principally of foreign
The post oilico at this place has
been made u niouey order office for
Great Britain and Ireland. Those
wishing to send monev to tho old
country can do so by applying at tho
post office and paying the following
scale of prices : For $10, 25 cts ; $20,
50 cts ; $30, 75 cts ; $40, $1.00 ; 850,
$1.25. 2so larger sums than $50, can
be sent iu one order. This will be a
great convenience to tho foreigners
about here, as we understand that sev
eral thousand dollars are sent to the
old country from this point each year.
Yesterday moruing we received a
call from G. W. Brenuau, of Brook
ton, Howe township, who is agent of
II. J. Brooks & Co., proprietors of the
tannery aud saw-mill theie. Mr. Breu
tan informs us that the works thcr3
employ 160 serviceable men, aud that
the village contains upwards of 200
inhabitants, and 20 dwelling houses.
The tannery is 600x40 feet, contains
540 vats, and tans 130,000 hides a
year. Sole leather is thoir specialty
and their hides come from Beunos
Ayres and Texas. J. H. Berry U the
superintendent of this inimeuse estab
lishment, and is kept ou his taps "from
morn till dewy eve," but gets through
with it thoroughly.
While takiujr a turn around
Crawford county recently, a Greeley
mau celebrated more for energy thun
judgment, informed us that Wm. Du
senbury, of the firm of Wheeler, Du
seubury & Co., was a stroug Greeley
man. We iuterviewed Mr. D. tho
other day, and he refuted the slander
in as strong terms as he generally uses.
That's one gicnt fault with tho suppor
ters of Greeley who have coma under
our observation, they locate tho sup.
porters of the "Great aud Good" too
near home, and it is very easy to find
out the truth or falsehood of theasscr
tious. We suggest that they quote
parties more out of reach, iu Califor
nia, fjr instance.
Antl-Qreeley Democrats.
The Democrat of last week goes on
to stato tlmt it "does not think that
there is one Democrat in Forest Comi
ty who will not support Greeley," and
consequently that "Bro. Dunn is in
error when he snys 'there nro several
Democrats just about hero who will
have nothing to do with Greeley.' "
We are not in the habit of making
statements in regard to the opinions of
other men without first having author
ity for so doing. Now, ti convince the
editor of the Democrat that we are not
in crroi, wo subjoin a small list of
Democrats personally known to us to
be opposers of Greeley. If we are
still thought to be in error wo ask the
editor of tho Democrat to interview
these parties, and be inny learn of yei
more, who refuse to swallow the Re
publicanisin of Greeley. The following
is a list, which we havo not stirred out
of our tracks to get, and which we
venture to sny could be increased ten
fold in the county if a person would
take the trouble to iuquire of tho par
ties themselves :
Daniel Black, L. L. Hackeit, J. W,
Stroup aud Stephen Gates, of Tiones
ta borough ; Nelson Cole, of Newtown,
and Henry Zendle, of Dutch Hill,
who says that nearly every Democrat
on Dutch Hill will stay at home on
election day before they will vot.o for
Greeley. We do not pretend to say
but that some of these men were prej
udiced by tho Democrat's article against
Greeley previous tho nomination.
The Democrat furthermore remarks
that "seme of tho most prominent Ro-
publicans iu the County are going to
Bupport Greeley in preference to
Grant." Now wo challenge the Dem
oerat to produce a list of three prom-
inent Republicans iu Forest County
who are going to support Greeley.
Lumbermen's Meeting. J
Lumbermen met according to ad
journmcut, a iuii atteuuauco being
present. Tho soliciting committee re
ported $780.00 subscribed. The Com
initteo ou locating and estimation re
ported tho length and heighth of dams
required, and locution of sumo : one
at tho head of Burr's Island 300 feet
long,3 feet high,extending from Burr's
to Dustiu's Island ; ono dam at the
foot of Plum Isluud, extending from
foot of Plum Island to tho bar below,
300 feet, and 3 feet high. The remarks
were extended, resulting in a motion
to have the dams built of spiles, plank,
stone aud brush. The Committee was
discharged, and a committee of three
composed of II. II. May, John A.
Proper and D. Gill were appointed
to cuter ioto contract with tho lowest
and best bidder for the construction
of spilo dams. Cora mil too received
bids, aud gave tho coutract to D,
Palmer for the sum of ono thousand
dollarf, to be paid as work progressed,
subject to t'le viewing of tho commit
Mr. rulmer proposes starting for
the muchinery to-day, going to work
immediately and having the dam
built iustuuter.
A match game was played between
tho "White Pines" nud "Blue Stock
lags" of this plnee. on Saturday after
noon last, iu which tho "Blue Stock
ings wero beateu by a score of 68 to
23. In justice to ths defeated club we
will say that hardly any of thera had
practiced to any extent before the
game, and the whole nine were never
out together until that day. A large
attendance of spectators, more than
half composed of ladies witnessed
tho game, and expressed themselves
delighted with it. 1 he Blue Stockings
were uuiformed, aud presented quite a
professional appearance Next Satur
day the White Pines will come out in
their uniforms, and we hope that as
many will beprcsentas at the last game.
The uniform of the White Pines con
sists of blue cap and shirt, red pants
and white stockings.
In tho Conference of the 20th
District, composed of Crawford. Ve-
nango, Mercer and Clarion counties,
held at Parker's Landing, Col. H.
L. Richmond, of Meadville. was unan-
monsly nominated on the fifty-first
ballot. Col. Richmond is a man of
ability, a staunch Republican, and is
universally respected in his own coun
ty, and wherever else he is known.
Ho will have no trouble iu carrying
the District by an overwhelming ma
jority. We hear that tho towu council
are taking steps to have new sidewalks
built on our principal streets. This is
as it should be, aud we hope that just
es little time as possible will be ex
pended in the preliminaries. We have
spoken several times of the matter,
but had almost come to the conclusion
that somebody would have to break
their neck before a move would be
mude. The new sidewalks, when we
get them, will bo much wider than
those uow used.
A Challenge.
Tioxkfta, Aug. C, 1872.
Mr. Clauk. Lloyd, Cnpt. Blue Stock
ing B. B. C.
Your club is hereby challenged to
piny tho Whito Pines on thoir grounds
on Saturday, Aug 10. The gamo will
be called at 3 o'clock, sharp.
J. T. Dale, Prcst. W. P. B. B. C.
Tioxesta, Aug. 7, 1872.
Mk. J. T. Dale, Brest. Whito Pine B.
Your challengo is accepted, and the
Blue Stockings will meet you at the
time and place designated, to play tho
second game of the scries.
Clark Lloyd, Capt.
It is sometimes amusing and at
other times exasperating to sit in the
publisher's chair and receive proposals
from advertisers. For instance: An
advertising firm recently sent us speci
mens of cuts of Gen. Grant and Hor
ace Greeley, either of which would be
sent us immediately up receiving an
agreement that we would advertise for
them to the extent of ten dollars. Now
as cither of the cuts can be had from
any respectable type foundcry at from
$1 to $1.50, we consider their liberali
ty alluding.
Our jail contains two prisoners.
".Strangely enough," we were about to
say, but concluded to amend and say
very naturally, they are both Greeley
men. One is in for stealing William
Hood's horse, and he, the thief, is so
Greeley that he can't possibly tie his
neck-tie straight. Mr. Greeley once
said, "Show me a horse-thief and I'll
show you a Democrat." Times have
changed. Ho might now truthfully
say, as far as the horse-thief portion of
our population is concerned, "Show
me a horse-thief and I'll show you a
Greeley mau."
Tho only scientific, rational aDd
successful mode of treating Catarrh in
the head, that has been devised, con
sists in applying Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy with Dr. Pierce's Nasal
Douche (the only method of reaching
tho upper chambers of the nose) and
taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery or Constitutional treatment.
Xo this thorough course of treatment
the disease yields as surely as fire is
extinguished by water. The Douche
and two mediciucs for $2 by all drug
gists. 501.
A Musical Theat. The following
selections of New Music can bo had
for Thirty Cents by sending for tho
August Number of Peters' Musical
Monthly. The pieces are also publish
cd iu Sheet Form at tho prices nuncx
ed :
Meet me, Maggie. Song and chorus,
by Hays, 40 cts; Bright Star that
Crowns with Beauty. Song, by Kuch
en, 30 cts; Do not Weep so, Sister
Darling. Song and chorus, by Stewart,
SOcts; My Heart is Weary. Ballad,
by Gounod, 50 cts; Joeus Polka, four
hands, by Strauss, 35 cts; Sunlight
Schottische, by Goote, 30 cts ; Georgie'
Waltz, by Kinkel, 35 cts; Rosulba
Polka Mazurkn, by Kleber, 40 cts;
Love's Caresoes. Morceau elegaote, by
Kinkel, 40 cts. Address, J. L Peters,
599 Broadway, N. Y. Five back
numbers of Peters Musical Monthly
will be mailed, post paid, ou receipt of
By our liberal ofler to tlio public
tlirougli tlio columns of the Forest Kk
punr.icAN, we have hail a vory lively trade
In books for a week. We will continue
ouroffer thrco weeks only ;orsons disiring
to avail themselves of this opportunity to
furnish their libraries with solcet reading
at lower prices than they will havo soon
again, tihould call immediately.
A rlrs.t class suit of clothes mado to or
der, fit guranteed, a ood assortment of
Cassimores, Cloths and Trlmings, always
on hand, at tho Superior Lumber Co.
Store. H
A largo assortment of the latest novel
ties In Moil's, Ladies' and Children's boots
and shoes, at tho Superior Lumber Co.
Store. h
Ready made clothing and (hmts fur
nishing goods for everybody at bottom
prices, at the Superior Lumber Co. Store 8
Tho Singor, tho universal fumily and
tailoring machine, with all its parts and
fixtures for sale ut tho Superior Lumber
Co. Store. s
Purchasers always keep In mind we
havo less expensu aui therefore ean sell
goods for loss profit than any other store
ilitown. Slteuiuu LumiikkCo. Stoi:k. 8
A largo assortment of Miscellaneous
Literature for sale ut cost to reduce the
stock. Also a lurgo assortment of School
liixiUa kept constantly on hand ut the Su
perior Lumber Co. Store. 8
Cottonados; Jeans, Flannels, Linen
Goods, Tickings, Table Linens, Ladies
Dress Ooods, brow n and bloodied Sheet
ings and Shirtings, Hoop Skirts, ami uil
kinds of goods usually kept in a country
dry yr'xHls store, at tlio lowest prices, ut
the Superior Lumber Co. Sturo. S
Now goods! New goods Just arrived.
a full assortment of spring and summer
goods, ut tlio Superior Lumber Co. Storo.
'J'abloand pocket cutlery, ul w ays a largo
stock on hands ami for sale eheup ut tlio
fcupurior Luiubor Co. Store. H
A first class duality of Car nut Yarn on bantj at Sujrior I.umbor Co
M'-re, u
This is nn enquiry which every ene
should have truthfully answered before
l'.o starts on hi journey, and a little
care taken iu examination of Routes
will in many cases save much truuh'c,
timo and money.
The "C. B. A Q. Hit.," running from
Chicago, through Galesburg to Bur
lington, and the "I. B. A W. Route,"
ruuiiing from Indianapolis, through
Bloomington to Burlington, huve
achieved a splendid reputation in" the
last two years as tho leading Passen
ger Routes to the West. At Burling
ton they connect with the B. & M. ii.
It. and form tho great Burlington
Route, which runs direct tlirougli
Southern Iowa to Nebraska and Kan
sas, with close connections to Califor
nia aud the Territories; and passen
gers starting from Tiunestn, on their
way westward, cannot do better thun
to take the Burlington Route. .
This Line has published a pamphlet
called "How to go West," which con
tains much valuable information ; a
large correct map of the Great West,
which can be obtained free of charge
by nddrossing the General Passenger
Agent B. &. M. It. It., Burlington,
All those knowing themselves in
debted to tho undersigned, by book
account, will pleaso call and settle im
mediately. Many may not be able to
pay, but all are able to settle. I nieau
business. J. Wixans.
Tionesta, July, 2G, 1872.
Closing out sale of summer Dress
Goods at a great reduction. We offer
a largo stock of Summer Dress Goods,
consisting of White Goods, Percales,
Lawns, French Ginghams, &c, Ac, at
cost. Those wishing to purchase any
goods in this liue will do well to take
advantage of our very liberal offer A
good investment to purchase these
goods for next year. Cull early while
the stock is full and fresh.
Also, a full line of Japanese silks at
greatly reduced prices.
For Sale. To closo au estate, two
tracts of land of about 2000 acres,
situated on Millstone Creek, Forest
County. Heavily timbered, mainly
hemlock, valuable for tho bark, and
supposed by good judges to be good
oil territory. Map with particulars at
this office.
Vi U
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NIA. Joint resolution proposing an amendment
to tlio Constitution of I'ennsvlvania.
lie it enacted by lite Senate and lluimf of
RepiencntatiieH of the. Vomnioniieulth of
1 1 diiiK.iiroiiKi in uenerat Axemfilii met.
That the followiiijraiiiendmcnt of tlie Con
s'itution of this Commonwealth ho pro
posed to the pcoplo for thheir adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the
tenth article thereof, to-wit:
Strike out the sixth seel ion of tho sixth
article of tho Constitution, and insert iu
lieu thereof tho follow'iiiir: "A Ntnt Treas
urer shall bo choson by the qualilicd elec
tors of the Slate, ut kiieh tiuiesand tor such
term of service us Uiall bo proscribed bv
Speaker of tho House of Representatives.
Speaker of tho Senate.
Ai'i'itovi:n Tho twenty-second dav ol
March, Anno Domini one) thousand eiwht
hundred and soventv-two.
1'renurnd and eertiticiileil for,
pursuant to tho Tenth Article of the Con
btitution. Fit ANCIS JORDAN' .
Secretary ol' llm I .(1111 II tt til U' I I Ii
OiHoa HtMTetarv or the Om.iuoiiwi'aitli,
IF YOU WANT a perfect lit and a good
article of HooU and Shoes, of thu tinest
workmanship, go to
II. I-. Jlfi.lXC'K'S,
JEr Sati-ftict.'.t, liuaranutd. J-e3 tt".
A HI'' f'LOHIN J out. Il.olr fall slid wltib-r
slock of goods ul greatly reJuccd
prices to inuko room loi a
Now is tlio time to get unods of all kinds,
clipuper limn ever. We have iio a on hand
Jewelry Ho.m-s,
W' l kinu- Hoxph,
lliuiilkeiciiioi' Hoxc-j,
Musical Alliums,
Lnco loodp,
1 lommed and
Stitched IliUiUrrchier,
Lace 1 aTMlkcrchinit.,
While Nubias, all sizes,
Black ami White Fringe!!,
tiold and Mixed Heads,
Jewelry of all kinds,
Thread and Point Lace Collnrn,
.ephrys of nil colors,
(loniiniitown Yarun,
New Corsets, New S'yle,
Uustlex, Iloopskirts,
Underwear for Ladle.",
llii .lions, Silk and
Great inducements by purchasing
M5UWE.VH. Largest and best assorted stock of (roods
for Men's Wear in this section, which
in tho most approved stylo. No fit no sale.
always on hand. A lino nud well selected
stock of
American & Imported Watches.
Hats and Caps selling ai cost.
us cheap as can bo bought in l'u.
iYftti Infantry Soldlei' Coats at $2.
Valises, Carpet Sachs, Satchels, Tluuks,
tie., always on hand.
Carpets, ISrussels, Ingrain, Hemp, and
all kinds.
40 tf
uaii pierces
ALT. EXT. on. '
Of"-. t d f -r l
ff ' 'i'U-'St.--
. rtlRtSDiStAStSOrTHr.
In the wonderful medicine to which tho afflict
ed are above pointed for relief, tho discoverer
believe he had combined in harmony more of
Nitture'i niot sovereign curative properties,
which ttod has In -U lied iuto the vegetable king
dom for heal in)? the pick, than were ever before
combined in one medicine. The evidence of thii
fact le found in the great variety of moht obeli
nate diseases which tt ha been found to conquer.
In the cure of HrouchttlN, Severe
Cough, and the earlv otngeii of C'oiiaump
tlou, it tia atitoiiUheu the medical faculty, and
eminent physician pronounce tt the reatept
medical discovery nf tho are. While it cures the
severest l'ou.rh, it trengttten the pyttem and
purifies the blood, by Its great aud thor
ough blood purifying properties, It en res all
liumora. from the worn Krrofula to a
oin ni' m Hlotebi fMmple,or Km t Ion.
Mercurial disease, Mm end poinouit. and their
elfeetH, are eradicated, and vigorous health and a
nound constitution established. l',r) l pelaa,
Mull It he urn, Fever Morce, or
Hough Nit I ii, in ertort, all the numerous dia
'Ue c mixed by bud blood, are conquen-d by this
powerful purifying and iuvlorHtini; tnedleiuo.
If yon feel dull, drowsy, debllilutvd, have tal
low color of kin, or yellowish brown tjtot on
face or body, frequent neadacho or dizziness, bad
ta-te iu mouth, internal heat or chills, alternated
with hot rt a (dies, low spirits, and gloomy fore
bodiiis. Irregular appetite, and totuvue coated,
von are sntVenuif from Torpid Xlver or
H 1 1 1 on n eii.' In man y cuxes of " iA e r
Complaint" only part of these symptom
are experienced. A- remedy for all such cases,
Jr. Pierce's (loldeu Medical Discovery has no
equal, a it enVcts perfect cures, leaving the liv
er Hd-enu'theued and healthy. Fr the cure of
Habitual C'oitKtl patloii or tho Iohc!s it
U a never failing remedy, aud thne who have
used it for this purpose are loud iu itspraiso.
The propriutor oners $1,000 reward foramedl
clue that will equal ii for tho cure of all the dis
eases for which It is recommeuded.
8ld by dru''-'icts at $1 pr bottle. Prepared by
R. V. Pierce, M. l.. Hole Proprietor, at hl hciui
cal Laioratorv, i:W Heaeca street. BulTiUo, N. V.
beud your ad dress for a pamphlet.
Water Street,
Tionosta, Pa.,
M. CARPENTER, ... Proprietor.
' v.
I'iotiirt ;al-c.i .n
llii Ui'l,
;..lo-1 vies
ro: ti
Vlnesnr flltrr are nM a vile Fancy Drink,
fnsrie fit Pikt It ii in, IntUcy l'i oof Spirits nd K tfttc
Liquors, d-ctored, ;ietl, and sweetrned lo th
Ute, ceiled "Tonics' " Appeniers" ' Ucstorers,'
AVe., that lead the tippler tm trt dTitnlienrie! and ruin,
but are a true Medicine, made from the native root
and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic .Stimulant.
'J her are the Great Wood Purifier and a Life-Riving
Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invinorator of the
Svttein, carrying off all poiionou marter and remotin;
the blood to a healthy cone tion, eniichinj if, refreshmn
and invigorating both mind and body. They are a
nf administration, prompt in tlioir action, certain in their
result safe and reliable in all fornii of rtisease.
No Ponait cnntnUalhcie BH I era accord -ins;
to directions, and remain long unwell, provide'!
their bones are, not destroyed lv mineral pot!oii or oilier
means, and lite vital organs waited beyond the point
of repair.
Uvsneivfllit or Iiu1ttri1lnM. ITnj-).- V
fit the Shoulders, ('mtkrh. I'v1nies nf tin I IijIj
tiness. Sour Lrnrtationa nf llie Sumtrtt.Tr, n.lvlj ati
Hi ill niouin, t;i: AiMi.k r.iipi i.iuiiii ui un
Heart, Inflammation of th l.unss. Pjiii in ihiaaouul .
tlis Kidneys, and a htmdted oilier patnfu' svuipiom,
are the oifsprings of Dvpensia. In llicse cnniplaiu's
it has no equal, and one buttle will prove a better guar
antee of its merits thnn a lenthv advertisement.
For Female Complaints m vnum; or o'd,
married or Rincje, at tits riwn rf wouiAiihood. oi llm
turn of life, these Tonic Hitter disp!av o decided an
influetira that a marked improvement u iwn jeicep
tible. For Inflammatory and Clsmiile Iltien
mtitlam and Gout, Dyspepsia or I ndieiiion, lli1inu.
Remittent and Intorm'ttcnt l'evet!, iie ifM of tit
Blood, Liver, Kidneys And Bladder, these Hitters hav
been most successful. Such Diseases at caused hv
Vitiated Blood, mirth is generally produced by derange
ment of the Digestive Organs.
Tliey tara a Ueiaf 1 I'ttrpisllfc a well mm
m. TonlOt possessinjc also the peculiar mcttl of acting
a a powerful aent m rr'tevins t'oiipestion nr Inflm.
-nation of the Liver and Visceral Uii-nu, aud iu Uiliuua
For Hklii DUfMri, Ernptinns, Titter, Rj!(
Rheum, Ulotclics, Spots, Fnupies, 1'ustnles, Uoils, t'n
huuc'et, Kin(r, woruis, Scald Head, l-'.yes, Liv
stpelas. Itch, Scurf Dipcoloralions uf the Skin, Huniots
and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name ni natuiv.
are literally due; up aud carried out of the system in a
short time by the us of these Ilitteis. One IxmUc iu
such cases will conviuce the muit iucicilulyin of their
curative effects.
1 luse Hie Vlllnlril Iloni1 wltcnever r"
find its impuiities burn inn tlirotti;li tho&Uiuin 'nnpit'",
Kruptions, ttr Sores; cleanse it when you lind it ih
sinictcd and sIiikrUIi in the veins ; clease it w)in it is
foul ; your feelings will tell vou when. Keep the blood
pure, and (he he.illli of the system will f!lnw.
rulcful lliotisnnrls piociaim Vinsusu IIit
trrs the most wondeiful luviorant llut ever nisumeJ
the sinkmc system.
Fliit Tape, antl otltor Wornia, lulling in
the ivttem of so many thousands are riteclualiy di
ll roved aud removed. Savs a distinguished phytml.
oist: There is scarcely an individual upon the (ace of tin
earth whose body is exempt I'rom the picsnce ol' worms.
It is not tipn the healthy elements of the body tint
worms evist, hut upon l)i diseased humors and slimy
deposits that breed these living monsters of disease.
Ho system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anihelmirt
.tics, will ficc the system fi urn worms like these Hit
ters. Mcrlmtilonl nitraeee. Tersnns ened in
Paints and M iuerals, such as Plumbers, Tyjxj scltflr,
Gold beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will
be subtect to para1vis of the lhve!s. J o Rtiard against
this take a dose of Walk an Vinbuar Urr turs once
or twice a week, as a Preventive.
Itillnus, KeuiMieiil, aii1 Iiii ernilllitt
Fvvcra, which are so prevalent in the vallevs of our
great rivers thronj;hout the United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, ()liio, Missouri, ll-inuis, Ten
nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, lliaio.
Hio Grande, Tear), Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan
oke, James( and many others, with their va.t tributa
ries, throughout our entire couutrv during the Summer
and Autumn, and remaikab!y so during seasons r.l
unusual heat and dryness, aie invariably accompanied
by etlensive derangements ol" the stomach and liver, and
other abdnmutst viscera. There ate always inure or less
obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable stale
of the stomach, and Rreat torpor of the bowels, hrin
nicnt, a purgative, exerting a pnweifiil inriuence upon
these vaiious org ui. is csenli.illy necessary. Thcie is
no cathartic for the purpose equ il to Dtt. J. Walk a it's
Vjnr:;a Hittkh-;, as they v.-iil litieediiy remove the
daik colored viscid mailer ui!i whidi the Ucli aie
loaded, at the bame time iimu!ann3 the srcrniions of
the liver, and generally icatorin the hea'.ihy tunc. ions
of 'he digestive organs.
Scrofiiln, or Kliin'i Rill, White Snchiis,
U'cers, Krysiielas, Swelled Nock, Coiter, Scrofulous
lnrlammaiinns, Irid.ilcnt 1 utlanimatiins, Meicurial Af
fections, Old Sores, Kruptiuiis uf the Skin, Sore Kvrs,
etc., etc. In these, ns in nil Dis
eases, Wat k'RR's Vinuuak Hittuhs have shown their
great curative powers iu ths mt obstinate and immwi
able casrs.
Dr. WalkeraCa.lKomla Vlneffar Hit lers
art on all these cases in n similar manner, l'y purifying
the Dlood they remove t!ie cause, and by resu!viiij( awav
the effects of the inflammation iihe tubercular deposit)
the auecfed parts receive hcalilt, aud a pjiiniiit'ut curs
ii effected.
The propertlea of Ph. WaikruN Vinfnar
I'ittkrs are Apeiienf, Diaplioreno and i'.iruiinalive,
Nulriiinus, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Cjunter-lrri-tant.
Sudoiific, Alterative, and Auti- liilious.
The Aperient aud mild Laxative properties ol
Dr. Wai.kik'i Vinmuar Hitturs are the Wt safe
gnatd in all cases of etuptious and inaliiMiit fevers,
their balsamic, healing, and soothing proerlies protect
the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties
allay aiii in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels,
either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc.
Their Counter-irritant influence extendi throughout
the system. Their Diuretic pro-erties act on the Kid
neys, correcting and ictutatin; the ltov of mine. '1 heir
Anti-Ihlious properties stimulate the liver, iu the secre
tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts,
and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure ot
U i huus Fever, Fever and Atue, etc.
Fortify lite boily strtliiat dleAe bv puri
fviiiff all its fluids with Vinuuar Hitthrs. epi.
deimc can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The
liver, the stomach, the bowels, the k-dneys, and the
nerves are rendered discise-proof by this great iuvig
orant, Ulrecfllone Take of the Bitters on poinc to bed
at night fioin a half to ons and one-hall wme-KlaksfulL
Kat god nourishing food, fuch as beef steak, mutton
chop, venison, roast beef, atid vegetables, and lake
out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget
able ingredients, and couia:n no spiiit.
.1 WALK EU, Prop'r. II. II MclMKV AI.D A. CO.t
DruRists and Gen. Ats., San Francisco, Cal..
and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts , New Votk.
ci-isgni up wiin vmaicu nccuunt..t(HMis. in tnen-i
U B B, K fa
Grandin'$ Block, Tidioute.
1lol.AHUr.ltoS., it Kmi'ka Mrnu'
J fUr liavu just Kf. jvcil ;i new mil
very extensive htoi k
ol'all slvli s mill prioc s, wliii-li t!uy ill !ii
nwc nf lit (lie lowest pcNililc i.iti s on
sisti nt it!t tl.o i . n iihs iviitiivti'tl uiilt
ill" limit'.
Tlu y tilso hao (in )i;uul a l.ivy:c M i l: i f
DUUGS i: Mi:i)R'lNi:s
WATKnLLMi;c'KMi;.'T &c, &c.
liciiii inlii'i- tlio I'la. y
m vi Dim ti: i'a.
n.i.iA.Msi'oitr, n:xv.
A KIltsTfl.ASS lloai.lin,. s,ho..l .lr
-V litll M'M'S.
I. O (.' A T I ) N
Oim n' til, i Ulust lilttlltil'lll in t),0 Slnlrt.
Sturiema Received at ony Tlmo.
TI'ltMtt MtlDKli.V'i'i:.
Ki f. ri;n s - Hon. Jnn. A. !.!, Mile
. J " Jt. , S, J. W'olc it. ift-fjt.
i i
? t
r 3
r i
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