NATURE'S RESTQ RAJIV E mm H A 4 Cbnmn no 7,-4 C SULrilUJiXo SUGAR OF LP. Alt Xo LI TH AR GXo XITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Voitonous and Henlth-detroying Drugs vtd in other Hair Ih-epara-Hons. Transparenfand dear ns crystal, It wll not soil tne finest fabric. perfectly SAFE, CLEAN anil EKK1CI KNT desideratum LONC4 SOUGHT FOK AND FOUND AT LAST ! It restores and prevents the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a sort, glossy np ponranec, removes linndnitr. la cool aiul refreshing to the bead, checks the Hair from falling on", and restore it to a groat extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural bent. AS A PRESSING KOUTIIK 11AIH IT IS T1IK BEST AKTlt'I.K IN T11K MARKET. Pit. G. SMITH, Patentee, Aver. Mass. Prepared only by PKOCTEH HKOTH EKS, Gloucester, Mass. The genuino is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly lor it, with tho name of the article blow n in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, ond tuko no other. jTiDr-Spnd two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it con tains is worth f5lO,UO to any person. COAL ! COAL! IS Trepared to deliver the best quail Coal at tho old Everhart Rank, two miles from Newmanvillo tor or st Tioucsta and vicinity lor ccnts.pcr 25 CENTS TEK BUSHEL. He always has a largo supply ou hand, Now is the time to lay in a largo suppl Orders promptly attended to 21 W ALLLIS I M r P II () V E 1) M A O I c K o v E D M A G I C .IMPROVED MAGIC BALM! W. II. TERKING & CO., Sole Propri etors, Franklin, Pa. 44 TIIDIOTTTIE TEA STOR E ! The place, to buy every varluty of the VEnY DEST TEAS AT TUB L O WEST miCES, U at tho extciibive Tea Store of II. T. CIIAFFEY, vliere you ean always fiml a larpe assort ment ol the best Teas at New York prices. A larg assortment of Groceries and Provisions, uncnualed In qvtalityand cheapness Vivaria other store iu Warron eounty, always on hand. The people of Forest county will save money by purchasing thoir supplies ui mix niuee. liust bruuils of FA MIL 1 FLO UH, delivered at any depot on the line of the R. II. fi eo. Store on Main St. near the Depot. READ ! READ ' The subscribers having ro-renteJ the GRIST Would say to their old customers, and the commuiiitv generally, that they keep constantly on hand a lai'ae stock of FAMILY TLOUH of all prades, Chop Feed, Shorts, IJran, Outs und Cbrn. With our facilities for do in; business, we purpoKe not to lie under sold by any establishment in this section of tho country, and would suy to the lum bermen ami dealers of Forest county, that ihcy cau be SU1TL1ED CIIEAPEU and morn promptly than from any other point. IiiimidiaU attention given to all 1 idc in from a distance, E. J 3N KS Jt CO. QONFECTIONARIE S. T AS. Mi -KAY, at the Vost Offico, has t i pel citeii out a choice lot or COX ECTI OX A 11 IES, CAXXED FRUITS, 'IOHACCOS, C1GARRT, AXD NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. A portion of the patronrue of the public is i sp cuul:y solicited. lc-if JAN. M. Mi KAY. "T A NT I'll A i I'.NTS (-.Oier dav to sell II. e celebinl.d Uu.MK SliL'T Tl KM Vi.(i ,MA( ill N i:. Jbistheun- (lei -li ed, iiiiikes the"liM'k stitch." alike on both sides, and III 1 1 V lici-nsed. The best nod 1 lieapcsl lauiilv Hi'Min Machine in the mtiiket. Address Johnson, t'lark fx.. l!..-.ti -l, Mm., l'itlsl Mirnh, l'.l.; I'!:! : ; ;,;:'., ot m. l.c u; Mc, A G"EAT ImBiCAl D.SC3YEHY Ir. WALKER'3 C.-.JUrOHNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Ilnriilrt ds ( f Thorfanis Btart "t.l Tinny 1 1 th"tr ' 6t lUi K UitalVO LUt-CU. Hi WHAT Tiirr ai:b kot a vn.3 FANCY DRINK. 5fc a e a l(f-!ccf Tstttr T!ttf, WhUhor Prmtf 3lrlt r.nd lie ri I.Miuurrj doctored, epltod no J jvcc ened to flcusotLo, tQlUd"Tocic,' Appctl. en," " 1. ib. oik re, it.. ti.Lt Utd IL tippler en to CruDkcitiit it? &.:m r;.ln, bit we ft tmo Wc-diclao, mad'. t:oXi t'va t:cot5enl lTrrbvof Cttlifornift, IVc lrniH id) AK:iclic Stiirttlnnts, Tlxy ro the (;:; a; ;;i.o: ru:UFir.:t a life (;IVI.J !'Ul('irZ.i:ap.rrLCt KcnoTtor ftad lavlsor-lor tf tiu Bfetcro, carry Lr.g off all polBononl muuer tiuu rcbioi ing tl.c llocU 10 a bcalthy oonditloa. :;op.oa ecu UUe tUce tUUra according to dirco tioii ftud r3i:irlaloiig :.wtll. t-ltO will to glvcnforaa Inrnrtblo cmo, provided t':o bt'nri ao 1:0 1 dcetroytd by mineral pciaon or other DKQ-ut, a-llio vitU orguu wasted beyond th point cf r.;,uir. For Infliir.;utory rtnd Cfaronte RfaeitnM ttsm nud (out, yeiciifl!at rr lDd!:rGloaf Hlllocw Ucwiticnt outl luicrmltfcnt Fevers D Urn sea ct tbc lUoct!, Liver, lildoey nnd l; I adder, tlxEO lilttci Ibto been most auccces fni. fcuch i:Ucanc tre canted ty VUinted Blood vhlcli is generally produced by derangement cf the DlffttWo Urcuns. DYsiVEFftHA Oil 1XCIGESTION, Dead aeiic, Pain in iha choulderm, Con:aatTthtneu of tba Client, Dunnes Pour Eructation of tha etomach, Bed taatc In U.e Mouth, BUiona Attacka, FalplUtltn of Uic Heart, Inflammation of thoLnnga, ralnlntha rcgloca of Uia Uldncya, and a hundred clLcx painful ijTiipt;ni1&r2 tLo fcflfiprlngtof CyipepBla. Tn.y U.vipuruU U10 Stomach and stimnlats the tor jj'd livur and bo wcl, which render them of unequalled ciUcacy In cleansing tho blood of all lmporlttca, and Imparting new life acd rhjor to the whole tyetem. FO It feltlN DISEASES, Ernptlow, Totter, Salt I.hcum, Blotchea, Epote, rimplea, rnstul , Dolls, Car b ancles, liinrj-Worms, Ecald-Ueed, Bora Eyce, Erysip elos. Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration! of the Skin, Hnmora and Plaeaaco of the bfcJn, of whatever name or nature, ero literally dug np and carried out of tho system In ft shor time by the use of these Bitter. One bottle In such cases will convince? ti.e xnoet incredulous of their curative oTcct. CUiso ttr. Vitiated Blocd wbenever you And Its tpcritiva burttlrtr throngh the skin In rimplcs, Ernp Uonft cr Bcrce ; clcause it when you find It obstructed and tltigjish In tbo veins t cleanso It when it is foul, and yocr feelings will tell yon when. Keep tiie bloc pure and the health of tho ej-Btcm will follow. FIX, TAl'C and othor WORKS, lnrtlnglnthe s yst Mil if so id any thousands, are effectually destroy ed and rt moved, lor full directions, raod carefully tie circular arouad each bcttlo, printed fn four Un-j-uirci L l t lift h.Ccr man, French and Spanish. J.W'.Vi-ui:, I'roprKtor. U. a. VcDOXALD C04 I.rciuuU ttLd Ci-11. Averts, San Fmndeoo, Cal cud S3 &ud 54 Commerce felrott, New York. BY ALL DBUCOISTS ASO DHALEBS. By an immense practice, extending through a poiud of many years, having within tint time treated ovet nine thousand cases of those diseases peculiar to woman, 1 have been enabled to perfect a most potent and agreeable medicine that meets the indications presented by that class of diseases with positive cer tainty and exactness. To designate this natural specific compound, I hart named it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, however, is but a feeble expression of my most matured appreciation of its value, based upon actual and witnessed realities. As a close observer. 1 have while witnessing its positive results in the few special diseases incident to the separate organism of woman, singled it out as thi climax cr crown i g gtm pf my vt.dftcal carter. On its merits as a positive, safe, and effectual remedy for this class of diseases, and one that will at all times and under all circum stances act kindly and in harmony with the laws which govern the female system, 1 am willing to stake my reputation as a physician. Nay, even more, so conn dent am I that it will not disappoint the most sanguine expectations of a single invalid lady who employs it for any of the ailments for which I recommend it, that I offer ft. id sell it under A POSITIVE GUAR ANTEk. II a beneficial eflect is not experienced by the time two-thirds of the contents of the bottle are used, 1 will, on the return of the bottle, two-thirds ol the medicine having been taken according to direc tions, and the case being one for which 1 recommend it, promptly rcfuud the money paid for it Had 1 not the most perfect confidence in us virtues, I could not offer it as 1 do under these conditions ; but having wit nessed its truly miraculous cures in thousands of cases, fttl ivarrumttd and perfectly safe in rtiktttg itotk my reputation and my money en its merits. The following are among those diseases in which my Favorite Prescription has worked cures as if by magic and with a certainty never before attained by any medicine : Leucorrhuea, Excessive Flowing, Pain full Monthly Periods, Suppressions when from unnat ural causes. Irregularities, Weak Hack, Prolapsus, or falling of the Uterus, Anteversion and Retroversion, Hearing Down Sensations, Internal Heat, Nervous Depression, Debility, Despondency, Threatened Mis carriage, Chronic Congestion, Inflammation and Ul ceration of the Uterus, and very many other chronic diseases peculiar to woman not mentioned here, in which, as well as in the cases which 1 have mentioned, my Favorite Prescription works cures the marvel of the world. This mrdicine I do not extol as a cure-all, but it admirably fulfills a singleness ot purpose, being a most perfect specific iu all chronic diseases of the sexual system of woman. It will uot diapp-mt, nor will it do harm in any state or condiiiun. It is A most Powerful Kkstokatlvb Tonic to the gen eral as well as the sexual system, also combining the mot valuable nervine properties. Both the muscular and nervous f trees are strengthened and built up by its use. It will be found invaluable in diseases inci dent to pregnancy, and can be taken in moderate does with perfect safety while iu that state. Indeed, it is a Mothers Cordial, and so prepares the system fur parturition thai it renders child-labor easy. I have received the heartfelt praise from hundred of mothers for the inestimable benefits thus conferred. I o.fer my Favorite Precripiiuu to the Ladies of America with the since rit y of an honest heart, and for their best welfare. Those who desire further informa ation on these subjects can obtain it in my Tkeatiks ns Chronic Diseases or thi Ghkuratjvb and Urinary Organs, sent secure from observation upon receipt of two postage stamps. It treats minutely on those diseases peculiar to Females, and gives much valuable ad vie- in regard to iheir management. IME. IMI IK I KAVOlil li; I'TtF RV H I PX ION ISSOI U II V AIX1IHST CL,A&S JJltl C-GISXS, at it 1.60 per but- lie. Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of It. V. I'lERVE, M. 1)., Sole 1'ropuiitor, BUFFALO. N. Y. THl' Tenth volume of 'ooi's IIoi'sn. A imi.ij Maoa.i.nk Ik ''ins with uanuarv It is eililcil hv i,ail Hamilton, IS. 'ood, II. V. Ohboriie, and includes iimong its regular cuiitrilmtors lioraro tlrn lty, (luil Hamilton, Thoslv. Iteccher, I r. l)ii) Lewis, Dr. W. V. Hall, James l'arlon, etc. Harriet lieecher Stowe, Itrick l'oiuerey. John 4. Saxe. la. Oi-nl. Kil ulri k.'Petroleiim V. Nasbv, etc., writo U o. . M-iuiialiy. Terms Ono Dollar a vear. Ill clubbing, I In -o lirst-clanH pcriodieals uio given tor the price of one of them. Tho wost liberal Premium List ever published. No periodical is more frequently or favor mentioned by the press." "Wood's Household Mugay.i'u is ono of the monu ments of bnsincs enterprise, which mark the age," MelhodiM 1 Ionic Journal, Phil adelphia, Pa. "It has been improving ever since e knew it a good criterion for the future." Courier, New Market, Can ada, li is a marvel ol i licapuess and lirst- hits tjuality eoinbiued." New York Times. bpfcciiiiL'li copy Kent fiee to any ai'.'rc- S. t. Wool) A: CO., Liu ill, N. Y. & tXZ THEY? sr! p i c : r. jjj til Ml h&m III X A..?-- J 8 eg. - J --aa.-' f- ., - M ; ( 167 Water Street, AIO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, TA. In Store u-ith Sl'A ri.ES C SIHLEV, Opposite l'ont Office. TIIE LARGEST DEALER IN In this Motion, including the following colebrntcd innkes : ChickerillQ & f a r nr r r 1 1 ir . . i aons, aieinway a sons, wm. a. craaoury, urlZlna, nuuoiucrs. WHITXEY A SLAYTOX'S ORGAXS AXD MEL ODEOXS. These Organs and Melodeons are acknowledged by all good judges to be tho best and finest finished Reed Instruments made. Hits Doing the uidest and largest Mouse, in nits section, superior iniluee mcnts can and will be o lib red to purchasers. Stools and Spreads, Sheet Music, liooks, and a large stock of everything store. o-iy SCO YOIYlTJ2S:S IX XE. AGENTS WANTED FOR The Library of Pootry and Sog, Tleing riioleo Selee'ions from the Best l'oets, KngliNli, Seotch, Irisli and Anieri cini. With mi Introduetion by WILLIAM CULLKX BKYAXT. T'niler whoso critical supervision the volume wh compiled. The handsomest ami cheapest subscrip tion book extant. Over mk) panes, beauti fully printed, choicely illustrated, hand, somely bound. A Library of over 5(10 volumes in ono book, whoso contents, of no ephemeral nature or interest, will never prow old rr stale. It can be, und will be' read and re-read with pleasure by old and young, as Ion;? as its leaves hold tocothcr. "A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything all all a favorite, or at all worthy of place here, is neglected. It is a book for every nouscnoni. . j. jiau. "no know of no similar collection in tho English language which, iu copious ness and felicity of selection and arrange ment, can at all compare with it." S. Y. Times. Terms liberal. Soiling, very rapidly. Scud for Circular and Terms t J. It. FOKI CO., 1.7 Turk Vlaee, N. Y. June C, 1k1. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. NEW LINE TO BUFFALO T1IUOUGII THE OIL ltKUIONS. AND after Monday Nov. 20, Trains V. will ruu a follows (Altoona Time) : SOUTH. !ay Express leave Oil City at 2 25 p m A ri ives at l'ittslmnili H .Vt p in Night Express Leaves Oil CHy 1 80 p iu Arrives at l'ittsburgh tMiiani Mail Train leaves oil City ! 4i a in Arrives at I'ittlliurch li In) p in Venango Aceom. leaves Oil City 4 00 p. in. and arrives al Kittunniog ' D 10 p. in. south. Pay Express T. eaves Pittsburgh at 7 r0 a in Arrrivesat Oil City at 2 :!0p in Night Express Leaves Pittsburgh H lie pm Arrives at Oi. City 5 4am Mail Train leaves" Pittsburgh 11 Ma in Arrives at Oil City 7 2. p in Venango Acc. leaves Kittanning 7 05 a in and arrives at Oil City 12 20 p iu Silver Palace Sleeping Cars on night Express Trains, betw een Putsbutgh and Titusville. Through Coaches on Lav Ex press Trains between Pittsbnrirh and Bos ton. J. J. LAWRENCE, T. M. KING, Cicu'l. Sup't. ASS t. Mip t. 3 9, Has stoml the test of seven years before the, public unit no prepar ation for tne linirhna yet been lin rovered that, -will produce the. name beiieicial rifutlln. It is an entirely new HCtenttic tliseorern . combin ing man ii of tin most powerful and restorative nai d in the VECET ABLE KlfiCnoM. It restores CREY HAIR TO IT3 ORIC1MAL YOUTH FUL COLOR. It makes the scalp white and clean; cares dandruff and humors, and tailing out of llie hair; and will wake it a row npon bald heads, except in vera aied persons, as it famishes the natrilire principle bit which the hair is nourished ami supported. It makes the hair moist, soft, and ffossi. ami is it nsnrpasseil as a j i a i n li n i: s s i s a. it is the clieiipf.-it preparation ever offered to the public, as one bottle wil ac complish more and lust lonter than three bottles of any oilier preparation. It is rccc.mmended and used by the first Sb'tlicitl Authority. The H'onderl nlresulls produced bioar Sicilian Hair hare induced inauif to Mann fact tiro preparations for the Uuir, under carious names; and, in order to indwe the trade and the public la purchase their compounds, theij hare resorted fo falsehood, fey cluimUitj they were former part ners, or had some connection, with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours. Do not be deecired by tlieiu. i'urchuse the orl'i'inul: it has never yet been etiualled. Our Treatise on, tho ilair, with certijicalcs, sent free by limit. See Unit each bottle lias oir private Ucccnae i,tamp over the top of the bottle. All other are imitations. R. P. Hall 4 Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. CJ u" V'7J''J u,; D'-'i oi JL'ca'.'f'.u. Mil's mA Mm Hair Benewei Meadville, Pa, in tho Music line, can be found at my J. C. HULL. Thl, Cut llluitretM th minnwof Uilng fjfSlf DR. PIEROE'8 Fountain asal Inieetnr . liwaJJiVS . , y DOUCHE. Thle tnetmmrat Iff effpecUllr designed for the perfect application of DR. 8ACE3 CATARRH REMEDY. It is the onlv form of instrument yet Inventod with winch fluUl nit'tHclne can be onriit-d high tip and perfectly applied to nil part of the afiecii-d na sal papain-, ami the chambers or cavittt's com mnnicatin thorewlth. fn which snrotn and ulcers frequently exi t, and from which the catarrhal dir charge generally proceed. The want of fucccps In treating Catarrh heretofore has a'irn largely from the Impossibility of applying remedies to these cavitii'i and chamtwrs by anv of the ordi nary methods. This obstacle in tlio way of ef fecting enws is entirely overcome by the Invention nf the Douche. InusiniMhls luiMntment, tht Fluid U carried toy Us own weight, (no snutf-ng. forcing cr Dumping being required.) up one noetrll In a full into an J thoroughly cleans- esall the tul)ei mid chambers connected therewith. and flows out ol the opposite nostril. Ilsuee Is pleas ant, and so implo that a child can nndemtand it. Full and explicit directions ac company each instrument. When used with Oil instrument. Dr. Sairts t'atarrh ltemedy cures re cent attacks of "Cold lu tho Head by a few applications. Symptom off Cntnrrh. Freqnent head ache, diwharire falhni; into throat, sometimes jiro fnse, waterv. thick mucus, purulent, offensive, dc. Id others a dryness, dry, watery, weak or inflamed eyes, stopping up or obstruction of nasal passaces, rinijin? iu ears, deafness, hawking and couching to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from ukers, voice altered, naal twang, offensive breath, im paiivd or total deprivation of souse of smell and tA-to, dizzlnes, mental depression, loss of apie tile, indlirestlou, enlard tonsils, tickling couph, &c. Only a few of these symptoms are likely to be present in any case at one time. Dr. Kayo's Catarrh Itemed y, when ued with Ir. Flerce'a NuhoI Uouclie, and accomHinicd with the constitutional treat ment whleh is recommended In the pamphlet that wrap each bottle of the Remedy, is a per fuct specific for this loathsome disease, and tho proprietor offers, in pood fuith, $oOO reward for a case he can not cure. The Remedy is mild and pleasant touse.contuinineno strong or caustic dru"S or poisons. The Catarrh Hemedv is sold at 60 cents. Douche at ( cent, by all Driift statu, i.r either will be mailed bv proprietor on receipt of 60 cent. It. V. IMFItCl', IT1. D.t feolo rroprictor, BUFFALO, N. Y. , xxn. CRAilLGi A. DASA. Lditor. She gaitor $ttk$ un. A Nspnicr ol the Proaont Times. Iutcud'jd tor Feolo Now on Earth. Includn.g Furine.s, Mechanics, slerchants. Pro (euioutvl Men, WuiKora, Tulukers, aad ail Van uer of IIuiiom Fj'.ks. aad the Wlyea, Sous, aud DuiuU'-er u ail sued, DMLV ONE UOLUE A VEAIl I ONE HUNDRED COPIED FOtt S50, Or los thnn One Cent a Copy. Let there b a 830 Ciub ul eviiry i'ust Ufflct. HC1IMVEEKLY fciUN, S3 A TEAR, of thj im',0 tiJio an 3 gcucrl character as Tilt-; wt;;:KI.r, b it with a greater variety of iit.sfcl aucous teuJiiur, a id furuUhlu tho uews a it Biitwi:ritH3is with Kie-iLcr frsimoas. because U comes twice a wouk latitoad of ouce oaly. Til 3 DAILY SI N, SO A YE4H. A prefiinino'itlv riad'h'o newspaper, witn ta li.-ifi'. t'-ro-i:u'lun in Hie wu.iu. Krce, Imie ne'i'lfTit, at d ( nrlo s tn n lUrt, A I tlie news f. Mii i-v-Tyu'liif.. i 'v i rem a oopy ; by wail, HO cui.ts a luoutli, or $0 a u4ir. TZHM3 TO CLUE 3. TUfi DOLLAR WEEKLY trX. F.vo coinei, one yoai, ,jjainiV ncilrt'fs-il. Four Dullan. Tfll roiil., one veir. teniruttfiv ftililroieiJ (and aa oxir cufj to liia cttur rf clurx. Eiukt Uollara. Twenty c'to. onn year, ep:lrotl. aidiesii;a (.i iU uu cji.y lue it it r -i- np of tsnbi. iiUeu Uulluri. Y,rty C'Tt"11- "np ear, toon Tiilrs tmi uia to-'ua- cct y ono jf.i" I "chit nn uf nlnb), Tbircy-lbreu liullura. Flfty ropl'-n. ono ypnr. "cr-rirrtiBi v aodreiitied fund bOtl WccKlj OIjO I'" I" T l I'.'tMT Ul' OM-llirt), lkbirty-Uve fJoMara. Cnp hnnlrcl rff1-, one voir, to ontf ad-treu K in 1 mo iiil.y lor unu yeur to the tirtter u'j of c,n:). tint Dollars. On.- rioicg. ono y.-ar. apaiatfly ad dren I i'nni! llio iiuily loroi-e your In i lie ietter uuofi-lul,,. Mxty Uollara. THE teE.YII.WKEIlLY KUS. Flvo covic, o:ie Yur, si-parutelv arttlipt.pi. tiaht Dollars. ten cot le, otio venr. tsppara'plv a'lareksbd (aud txuu oojy to ontr uk, f .1 i,i, r?lxteeu Dollar. fEXD YUCIi BIOXEY In PiM tH.'j or.let-.. oeoki, or dinft, on New ork, wlmrt'ior c.nvenK'iii. l( nut. tuva rci;llKf Iil truer. cuutiituiUkl uiu.iey. Audrun. I. W. ESUHln, PnUi.hF, tiuuolUca. Vork City. TOT; WORK neatly executed, at office v at reiuoualiit) lutoi. ifa " ; 1 IS . OilCrccK&Allcglicny River Rj X A N I A FTKIl Monday June 5, 1871, w i ri 1'ruins will run us follows) ROVTIlWARt) TRAINS. STATIONS: 1st Class. 2.1 CIujw. 10 14 . iii. a. in. 8 (HI II 10 tt 80 W M 10 20 11 (Nl 11 110 a id 11 sr. fi i 12 15 7 1:0 12 ao 7 4(1 IZ 41 7 63 1 I).-. 4 '2 a. m. a. m. Corrv (I 1" 11 (HI Siiai'tansburg 0 ii 11 'M i. in. i 6 m tt 114 87 0 4(1 t fl 7 10 7 25 7 40 7 f(t 8 n:t 8 10 8 LU 8 30 8 as 8 4J tm-nden 1IM 11 M Centrevillo 7 04 11 M 7 1.1 12 01 7 12 lil 7 3d 12 1M 7 42 12 4i 8 02 1 0.1 Tryonvillo Ilydetown Alt Tltusvillo 1K Miller Farm Shatter 8 (7 8 17 8 '2o R J 8 IS.'i 8 40 H 4(1 8 ,r.:l 'S fill W 10 0 I ". 1) 4." l fI n ,"ii hi ill 1 (IS 1 18 l in 1 28 1 35 l ns l'ionecr An Pet Centre l'K 8 10 8 'JO 8 ao 8 40 II (Ml II o.- U 20 1 M 2 10 2 'J5 a 40 a 65 .1 (10 3 ao 3 40 4 in Columbia Tarr Fnrin ltynd Farm Honseville McClintoek Alt Oil City or Oleopolis Kavrle Hock President Tionesta Hickory ;i 44 ;s w) 1 40 8 fill 1 M 1! D.) 2 fn a m 2 4(1 ;2 f0 ;t ii 3 aa a 41 8 68 4 40 II IN) I) 13 10 15 11 10 11 fia 4 60 1 1 as 4 m 1J .no a7 10 4( 1 ao 1.-1 1 4,- o 4a a a 7 10 4 o; 8 40 Triinki'vvillo 10 M Tidioute 11 11 Irvineton V2 01 AnninoNAi. s'-ooxn-ci.ARsTR.viNn-MorTii. No. 1(1 TItili.vllloU.10 p. m.i Slillcr 2.50: Plonoor 3.20; f ct 'otiti'( 3.a3; Ciliiinliiit 4.1."; Tiirr Fnrin 4.2a; livnd Farm 4.;7j lonixoviiiri; mi ny K..'it. No. 8 -C'orry (1.15 a. 111.; Titimvilln R..15 Miller Farm 0.25; lVt Centre 0.4S; I'oliim. liiu 10.13; Tarr Farm 10.18; ltviul Farm W.Si; itmiMPViiio J0.;; Oil City 11.00. No. IS l et Centre 1.28 p. in.; I'olumbln l.fiOj Tarr Facm a.05; ltynd Farm a.10;; nil 1 iiv il.ou. No. 22 Oil City 0.30 a. ill.; OVopnlm 25; Tionesta 8.04; Trunkrvvillo 10.15: IIUIOUIC 11.11 NonrilWARD TIIAIXS. STATIONS: 1st Class. 2,t VIkh. S a I 13 p. 111. a. in. a. 111 5 0 i H M 7 4' p. in 12 45 Irvineton Tidiouto 1 28 fi 47 7 20 0 0.' 1 45 0 05 8 05 10 i; Triinkevvlllo Hickory 1 61 II 15 1 8 20 1(1 44 2 14 S4 8 45 11 40 ionentu resident ;2 35 (I 65 f!l 30 12 21 CiirIo HiH'k a as fn no ti 35 12 32 a 47 7 OS 10 05 1 03 3 15 7 30 10 55 1 50 Olooiolis Alt Oil City DK fi 00 11 fi HI 3 20 (I H2 3 35 7 40 11 30 7 55 11 60 7 60 12 00 S 01 12 25 8 10 12 as 8 14 12 4S 8 21 1 05 2 10 a 25 2 ;io 2 40 2 55 3 III 3 20 3 33 3 45 4 15 4 40 5 20 McClintoek Housevillo Hvnd Farm i 20 3 4(1 fi 25 3 45 nrr Farm Columbia I'd ao 0 31 30 42 II 62 li M ti 13 3 40 3 55 Alt Pot Centre UK 3 50 4 0(1 8 23 1 25 8 30 . 1 45 Pioneer Hliatter 4 15 8 40 4 20 8 44 4 40 0 05 2 00 Millor Farm a 15 2 45 All Titusvillo 11K 7 35 4 45 0 10 3 05 7 44 4 55 (I 2 ) 3 20 7 67 5 OS ;o 34 3 60 8 05 6 17 43 4 10 ES 14 5 27 0 All 4 30 8 24 5 3S 10 02 4 50 8 65 0 10 10 32 6 50 Itvdetown i'rvonvillo 'entievilio (jilynden Xivartiiiisburg Corry All)ITIONALSKOOSI)-('l.ASSTAlNS-NOK'riI No. 15 Oil City 0.55 a. in.; floiinevillo 20; Tarr Farm 7. 10; Columbia 7.56; Pet entre s.10; Pioneer 8.40; ililler H.25: TilUNville 11.55. No. 7 Titusvillo 0.00 a. 111.; Corrv 11.25. No. 11 Oil City 11.20 a. 111.; llmisevillo 11.45; Hvnd Farm 11.53; Tarr Farm 12.03; Columbia 12,10; Pet Centre 12.20; Miller 1.2 ; Titusville 2.00; Corrv 4.42 n. 111. No. 21 Tiiliniitu 12.45 p. in.; Trunkey illo 1.45; Tionesta 2.4.;; 01eoioli8 4.25; Oil City 5.20. (M Trains do not Ktop. ( 1 stop oiiHimutl. (Jl Ktop tor meals. Trains a, 0, ai and 22 run daily ; all other trains daily except Sundays. n. it. Train ., in is an l-.xpross lroiii Titusvillo to Corry. KILVEK PALACE SLEEPING CAR TRAINS. No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia without change. No. 1 Direct to Philadelphia without hirne. No. 5 Direct from Pittsburgh without clmnjjo. No. ti Direct to Pittsburgh without lianiro. C. J. IIKPlU'ItN JNO. PITCAIRX, Superiiiteiideut. Uen'l Manager. iTim i.-.'oiiiidients that COVroSB UOSAD.U.IS are ' il.lilicJ till eprypu( knpo, tlicre I liiro i t is nil a bcirit p cji.iration, (.oii&oquciitty rnxsicnxs rsEscniEE it Hi3 a certain euro for Scrofula, -y I'inlii 1 11 nl I Ha ljrma, Klieuina- Us. 11, Lntu Uis.-ai.L-', Liver Cum- i!:ui.t cui 1.11 tltkcaua of the liluuil. i!l da imiro p-ooil than tea bottles ut 111 j byrujij ot barapanlla. THZ UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS !iavo ued riosadaliA in tlicir practico lur tho tlirco ycura uud firrly uiulorpo it m rclmLlu Altcrativo ii.J L!oJ l'uribcr. DU. T. C. rutin, rt Baltimore, illt. T.J UJI KIN, " PH. R. W. t; A l( It. " 11:1. V. O. FIANM LI.Y. " D.l. J K. SI'AUkS, ul Niihtilurllla, Da. llVl.. McCAUTHA, Columbia, DIl. A. II. NOULI'.S, Edsecomb, N. C. USED AUD EKDOESED BY J. E. i nr.NCII t 0S, Fall niver, ia-.. F. V. ;;TTt, Jarkvn, Mich. A. )'. '. il :'. l.;.i(, Lima, Ohio. II. ,. I irirv. Ciiin. ( RA L..N & t (J., (innloiisvlllf, Va. S.V.N. I.. 11. 1V1 1 -ADlitN, ilurfrecs. borii, Tt-iiii. Onr spare will nr.! allow of any ex tcn.!'rl l'.-riaika in n !.il;.-n tu the viKiii'Sdl Ui.r-a.l.ilis. '1 utiie Mdtlii-al I'l'iili'-SKin w o :u;u.ultcc a 1- luitl Kx ti.v tiii'j cri'.r tj &:.y they have ever uscj i.i tiar:"iit of di&aseil llliiinl; nuU tn uio alilirted we Bay try ltir;d.ia'.;i a;i j uu vill Le resturuj tu ltctilii. Kosii 1..U i is ...M Iiy all DiuctiisH, ;ncii &..Ij l-ur bwtile. AJdrwal ZZ. ZL2Z'.iiZ ii CD, .ilu n ijatlvrit.0 I 'hem illt, 1: vr.Tiuur.K, i'.u. THEA-HECTAR IS A pi; UK isia.ic;i: ti:a willi the (iretii Tea l-'luvor Wurrantiil to suit all tastes. For sale every where, in our "tiaile mark" pound and hull' liouud packages only, and sale wholesale only by the (ireit Atlnulie and Pncilhs Tea Co., 8 Chuteh St. New Yoi k. P. O. ISox 6joti. Send lor Thoa-Naclar circular. l;7-4t WATCH FREE to Agents to iniro " duco artiles tluit sell In every house. Lata & Co., I'lttbburgh, Pa. bi-lt A s CROVER& BAKER h k Y ixm a c 11 1 ar k s . following arc 'neleeted from thous- aiida of toHtinionialR of almilar elmractori as expressing tho reason for tho prefer ence of tho O rover A linker Machiiips over all others. "Illko tho drover Paker a. ehine, In the tlrst blai-o, because If I had any other, I should still want a drover fe linker; and having a Orover rtt linker It answers the purpose of all tho rest. It does a greater variety of work and Isenslor to ienrn than any other," Mrs. J. C. C10- y lenny j line) "I have had several years' expe rience with a Orover Maker Machine, which has given 1110 groat sntliliietion. I think the Orover iV linker Machine Is more easily managed, nml less liable to get out of order. 1 prefer the Orover t linker de cidedly." M rs. Dr. WatU, New York. "I have had one In my family for some two years; and I.10111 what 1 know of its wnrWing, and from the testimony of innnv or m v trlends who use the snme. I ran hardly see how anythiugcoitlil be mora complete or glvo better satisfaction." Airs. Ocn. ornut. "I helievo It to be the best, all thltnrs considered. ol'nnvthat 1 hiiveknown It is verv silnlile and ensilv learned! the sewing from the ordinary spools is a great advantage; thestitch is entirely reliable; it does ornamental work lieiiulitull v ; it is not liable to get out of order. Mrs. A.M Spooner, 3(1 Iiond til. Jlrooklyu. "I am acquainted with tho work of 1110 pnnctiml machines, ami 1 proler tlio drover 1 M'lker to them all, because I con sider the at itch more clastic. I have work In the hotiso w hich was done nine yea in aim which is still good." Mrs, Dr. Me Cready, No. 43 Fast 23d street, N. Y. "More than two-thirds of all the sewinttdone in my family for the Inst two veai-s has been dune bv Orover A linker's Machine, and I never had a 'garment ri or need mending, except those rents whie frolicsome boys will make iu whole cloth. It is. in tnv opinion, by far the most valu able of any 1 have tried." Mrs. Henry am needier. "Tho Orover A linker Sewing Ma chine has rendered in every respect, tho most perfect satisfaction. It coniliincs so many ailvmitaues with beauty of execu tion and economy in price that it is a no eesiiy in every household." Mrs. dover nor deary, Harrisburg, Pa, "I have had tho Orover A linker Mil chine for ten or twelve ye irs in constmit use in mv house. 1 have seen and known evervkindof Family Mowing,' both per sonal and household,' accomplished up the Orover V linker Machine, to the end. satisfaction of all concerned, Ite v. Stephen 11. Tvmr. "I find the Orover A linker Stitch will wearaslong as the garments do outwear tiie garment in tact, the stitch will not break on bins seams, w hen stretched, ns others do ; and neither does it draw tli work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 Fast twen ty-fourth street, N. Y. Tho drover and linker Sewing Machino Company manufacture both tho F.lnsti and Lock Stitch Machines, mid oiler the publio a choice of the best machines of both their establishments in all tho laivro cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout tho country Price lists and samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to T. J. VAN OIl'S F.N, Agent, Tionesta, Pa AHFMTQ wanted for "The llrlght Sido ftUUIX lO of New-York," a l.ihraiv of Information rci tnining to its Institutions and Objects of Interest, iiy a City Mis sionary. 200 Hngravings. Aircntssell 40 a day. Just Issued. K. 11. TKKAT, Pill lisher, 805 llroadway, N. Y. 30-11 ?;Tit'i.. Tn. .1. N. llOI.Alin, of Tidioute, has YJ returnsd to his practice after an ab sence of four mouths, spent intiio Ho. pi tills of New York, where " will utti.ud calls in his jirofession. tiitice 111 I'.urcKa tirug More, 6 uoor Ibovo tlio tiunlt, inlioute, l a, 4VII LOTS FOR SALE IN TIIE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., Now York City. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1791. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND FIREIltSURrlKC Assets Jan; 1, 1800, f2,21S.3i3at) 0,000,(100 losses paid siuco its organiza lion. .i. liUHLi.u, central Ayem, Warrisburg, Pu. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. KHin RIFLES, SHOT-GUNS UEVOLV'S, Gun liinterinls of every kind. Writa for Price last, totireat Western tluu Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Army guns and Kcvot vers bought or traded lor. Agents wnntcil. lii-tt ON' AND AKTl'.It Monday, Juno 5, 1871, Trains will run as follows: TKAINS NOIITIIWAKD. STATIONS. OlOopoliH, Piciinett, Woods Pinlhers Mill Pitholo City No. '2. IO LTi a in KI.Sh " lil.W " 10.1 " ll.Od " No. 4. H :: p m a.t " " a.iu " 2.M " TKAIXS SOL'TIIWAIU). STATIONS. No. 1. No. 8. Pitholo City, 8.4U a ni l.-Oinu Piiitheis Mill .4S " 1.48 ' Woods 8..".tl " l.ftrl " Itoiiuett 11.02 " 2.0'J " Olcooelis 9.1(1 " 2.14 " All Trains make close connections at Oleopolis with trains on thooil Creek fc Allegheny llivcr Hail way, North und South. '1'wo Lines of Stages run daily between Pitholo City, Miller l'urni mid I'lensaut ville, innkingciniiioclioii williiii rivingaiid llcparlinu' Trains. J. T. BLAlli, II. WH'KHAM, Hup't. Ticket Agent, Pitholo City, Pa. I'l'oiiauhlc Iliiiployiiiaiit. Wo desire to engage a few more agents to bcil the world-renowned improved llnck eye Sewing Machine, at a liberal salary or on comuiUsinn. A horse and wnuon given to auculM. Pull pni'ticulai's furnished on apiilic ilion. Address W. A. HKNliKR SUN ii CO., Ocnoral Ajjuiits, Clovulan.l, O. or St. Louis, Mo. lil-it OUliSClUHKforthq l'orest Republican k-' it will pay. ADD RE SS To tho Ncrveous AND ID EBILITAT 33 ID . WHOSKsnrreringshavo been protraxi ed from hidden i auses, and whoatk - eases require prompt treatment to reader existeneo tlesirnblst If yon aro sutTeriiifr, or hare uffertdf from Involuntary discharges, what fTot oes It produce on your g.merat liealthf Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tlredT Docs (l llttlo extra exertion prodtic pal pitation of the heart T Does your liver, or urinary orgntis, or your kidneys, frequent ly get out of order T Is your urine aom times thick, milky or floeky, or In it ropy' on settling? Or does a thick aknm rlo. i- tho top ? Or is a sediment at tho bottom af ter It has stoid awhile T Do you hay spells of short breathing or illspepsiaT Ar your bowels constipated? Do you bar spells of fruintlng, or rushes of blood ( the head? Is your memory Impared? I your mind eonstantly dwelling on this. subject? Doyouleel dull, listless, moping;, tired of company, or lite? Do you wish to! ho left alone, away from everybody? Does any littlo thing nwko vnu niart -. uinp? Is your sleep broken or resile? Is tho lustre of your eye ns brilliant? Tlio bloom on your cheek as bright? D you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the nam energy ? llo you feel us much conlldonen in yousoir? Aro your spirits dull and flag. giiig, given to tits of melancholy ? if ao do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but ii,. tic appetite, and you attrihulo this to dy pepsiaor liver-Boniplaiiit? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereaJV; 4- ensrs badly cured, and sexual excesses, ars all oapnb'.oof producinur a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of genera tion, when in perfect health, lnako the man Did you ever think that thoso laild, defi ant, energetic, pcrsevorimr. sueeessful bus. iness-mon aro always those whose genera tive organs aro in perfect health? Yo never hear audi men complain of boing melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They aro never nl'nild ther cannot succeed in business; they don't be come sad und discouraged ; they ureal ways polite and pleasant iu the company of la dies, and look j-ou and them right in th fnco niiiio of your downcast looks or any meanness about them. I do nat mean tnoso who keep tlio organs inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also thasa they do business with or for. IToiv many men, frombadly cured dis eases, from tho directs of self-abuse and excess, have brought about that state of weakness In those organs that has reduced the geueid system so mnch as to producs uliiiost every other idiocy, luiicy, paralysis, spinal aft'cctlons, suicide, anlal inor.t every otlier form of disease which humanity is heir to, and tho real eause of tho trouble scarcely ever suspoetod snil Juive doctored for all but the right oue. Diseasos of those organs require the use of a Diuretic. IIELMllOLD'S FLUID 1'XTHACT UUCHU is the trreut Diuretic, and is a cortain euro for diseases of the liladder, Kidneys, fj ravel, Dropsy, Orgam- i Weakness, Female C'oiniilaints, Gener al Debity, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe male, from whatever cause originating, ad no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted te, Co rtuiupuoii or insanity may ensue, our flesh und blood are supported from these bourses, and the health and happiness. and that of Posterity, depends pea prompt use of a reliable remedy. Ilelmbold's Extract liuchu, established upward of lOCears, prepared by II. T. H ELM COLD, Druggist, 61)4 Broadway. New York, and 104 Ssuth 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price $1.25 per bottle or (I bottles for $ti.50, delivered to any ai dru;s, bold by all Drug;;esu everywhere NOXR ARB GEXUINK UNLESS DONE TP IN STEL ENGKAVED WrallDer. fae-Slllilo (il'nivriiAinlial War. house. andaiaoeU II. T. II ELM BOLD.