XL $!w t5t gltpuMlfiin. IS TUDLIfiHED EVKRY TUF.9DAY, UY W. R. DUNN. Office In Krtnx'a Building, Eln Street. Rates of Advertising. One Square (I inch,) one lnertions - fl 50 OneSquaro " 0110 month - - 3 oo tine Square " three months - 0 00 One Squire " one year - - 10 no Two Squares, one year ... 1500 Quarter Cot. 30 (0 Half " " 60 00 One " " - - - - loo 09 Business Cards, not exceeding one Inch in length, f10 per year. Legal notices at established rates. Thee rates are low, and no deviation ' ill bo made, or discrimination among lairons. 'The rates ullcrcd are such, 19 " ill make it to the ad vantage of men dol. business in tho limits of the circulation of the paper to advertise liberally. LI CAN. i J ,t r f TERMS, J2.00 A YKAU, No Subscriptions received for a shorter period thnn tliroo months. Correspondence solicited from all parts of Hie country. No notice will bo tukon of annonymnus communications. Marriages and I)o:ith nolicos Inserted gratis. ' Let U3 havo Faith that Right makes Might ; and in that Faith lot us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand it."--LINCOLN. VOL. V. NO. 10. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1872. $2 PER ANNUM. JdORBST .Repub BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . K E WTO If rETTIB. MILKS W. TATB. PETTIS A TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . twt Street, TIONESTA , PA . Isaac Ash, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oil City, Pa. Will practice In tho various Courts of Forest County. All business entrusted to kls cara will rocoive prompt attention. w in iy yf. W. Mwon, Grorge A, JobIh, Tlont.tft, rm. Biuokvlllt, Mason. & JcrUs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OlTlco on Kim Street, above Wnlmit, Tionestn, l'n. C. W. GilfUlan, TTORNF.Y AT LAW, Franklin, Vo L nango Co., l'a. tf. J. . HARRIS, D, D. FASSKTT, IT All R IS C FASSKTT, Attorneys at Law, Tituavllle Penn'a. PRACTICE In all the Courts of Warren, Crawford, Foreitond Venango Coun ties. 4!-tf W, P. Mercllliott, A TTORNEY COl'NSELOR AT LAW A Tioncsta, l'n. oflleo cm Elm St'cot. Tlit profossional services of tlio lion. S. P. .loliiiMon can beseemed through nio i!' desired in any business entrusted to mo in Forest Co. Collections promptly attended to. Also Real Estate, Agent, Tioncsta House. M. ITT EI., Proprietor, Elm St., Tio- nesta, l'a., at the mouth of the crook. Nr. Iltlo has thoroughly renovated tlio Tlonesta Mouse, nml re-furnished it com pletely. All who patronize him will lie well entertained at reasonable rates. 20 lv FCIKST HOUSE, DRLACK PROPRIETOR. Opposite . Court House, Tioncsta, Pu. Just opened. Everything new and clean and fresh. The best ol liquors kept constant ly on hand. A portion of the public patroii gris respoctfully solicited. 4-17-lv Holmes House, HIONESTA, PA., opposito the, Depot. J- C. D. Mabio, Proprietor. Good Sta bling connected with the house. tf. Syracuse House, TIPIOUTr-, Pa., J. A P Maiihb, Proplo tors. The house has been thoroughly refitted anil Is now in the first-class order, with the best of accommodations. Any nformatiou concerning Oil Territory (it thin point will bo cheerfully furnished. -1.T J. A 1). M AG EE, Exchange Hotel, LOWER T1DIOUTE, Pa., P. S. Rams pkki. A Som Prop's. This house having been retltod Is now the tnostdcsirablostip- ii8 place in Tidiouto. A good Milliard loom attached. 4-lv National Hotel JRVIXETOX, PA. W. A. Proprietor. This hotel is ,ow open u a first class hou Ifalleiiback, Nkw, and is s, situate at neiunctlriii of the Oil Creek it Alleuhenv liver and rhiladelphia A K: rio Railroads, having to lay most conveii- pposite tho Depot. Parties ver trains will rind this tho nt hotel in town, witli first clasH accoin arges. tl'. (nidations and reasonable ch Dr. J. L. Aconi, PHYSICIAN AND SURG EON, who lias had fifteen years' experience in a lame nd successful practice, will attend all Professional Calls. Olllee in his Drug and Grocery Store, located iu Tidiouto, near Tidiouto House. , IN 11IS STORE WILL RE POUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco, Chrars, Stationery, Glass, Paints, Oils, Cutlery, and lino Groceries, all of tho iiest quality, and will bo sold at reasonable fates. r II. It. BURGESS, an experienced Drug gist from New York, has chargo of the Storo. All prescriptions put up accurately. JOHN A. DALE, PHLtT. HN A. PROPtn, VICE PflEST, A. H. STEELE, CABHR, TIOZtTZEST-A. SAVINGS BANK, Tlonesta, Forost Co., Pa. This Rank transacts a General Ranking, Collecting and Exchange liiisiness. . Dj-afts on tho Principal Cities of tho Tjjiito.d StaU'S and Europe bought and sold. Gold and Silver Coin unci Government Securities bought and sold. 7 -3D llonds converted on tlio most favorablo terms. Interest allowed on time deposits. Mar. 4, tf. SLOAN & VAN GTESENT" AND WAGON-MAKERS. Corner of Church and Elm Streets, 'TIONESTA J?J. This firm is prepared to do all work in I lljllilm ikinl u ill u nviii'i'ltini at their shops to ivo satisl'uclion. Par ticulur attention given to iioiisi:.siiof,ix, Oive thorn atrial, and you will not re gret it. . 13-ly. Lloyd & Son, WATER STIUOKT, TIOXK8TA, PA, ITAVE JUST OPENED an extensive Stock of FLOUR AND FEED, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which they offer to the public at rates as low as u be ojlerod by any other ostah liuhmenrin town, (iivo us a call before purchasing elsewhere. 0-3ut. LLOYD A SON. ' Tl9 Republican Office "EEPS constantly on hand a large as IV soitment of Rlaiik Deeds, Mortgages, Bubpoiiias, Warrants, fciuuiiuoiis, ,yc.. to be sold cheap lor tush. tf. D. W. CLARK, (COMMINStONKIl'H rl.URK, FORHsT CO., PA.) ItEAL ESTATE AGENT. HOUSES and Lots for Sale and RENT Wild Idinds for Sale. J. . I havo superior facilities for ascertaining the condition nf taxes and tax deeds, Ac., and am therefore qoalillcd to act Intelli gently as aircnt of those living at a dis tance, owning lands in tho County, Otlleo In Commissioners Rooin, Court House, Tioncsta, l'a. 4-41-ly. P. W. CLARK. it Dir. ntTnninnF. rr.i. K- 0. UlTllllUSJK, Tnm T. A. WHIOHT. Sr. OKU. W. III! IIKOx'iR, Bu.iim ManNCitr. THE SUPERIOR LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c. Mills on Tioncstii Creek, Forest To., Pa, Yards k Office tor. 2.M 4 Rnil Road Sts., riTTsr.URGir, ta. Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad I iller. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tioncsta, Pa. All work is war ranted, tf. EDWARD UITIIKIDIIK. IE. D. DiTiuunai FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. Established A. I). 1SJ7. DITHHIDCE & Qf, M A N l' F Af 'TL" It 10 HS OK Ditliridge's xx Flint Glass PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS. AND Silvered Glas3 Reflectors. Thoso chimneys do not break by heal. Ask for Di rnitiixacs. Take no other. PIT1IRIDGE .V SON, Pittsburgh, Pa. 25-ly. Sv liivw House. MRS. S. S. IIULINOS has built a lar-ro addition to her house, and is now pro pared to accommodate a number of perma nent b larders, anil all transient ones vho may favor her with their patronaire. A good stablo has recently been built to ac commodate the horses of guests. Charges reasonable. Residence on Elm St., oppo site S. Haslet's store. t-ly JONES MOUSE, CLARION, TENN'A.: S. S. JONES - - -Proprietor GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE IN TIONESTA. KLtWRD LINGER & GO. HAVE Just brouirht on a completo carctully selecled stock of and FLOUR, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, and everything necessary to tho complete stock of a tlrst-class Uroi'ery I louse, which they have opened out at their establish ment on Jilui nt., nrst itoor north ot M. E. Church. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, FRUITS, SPICES, HAMS, LARD, AND rilO VISIONS OF ALL KINDS, at tho lowest cash prices. Goods warrant ed to be of the best quality, (.'all and ex amine, and we believe we can suit von. N. KLlNOUDLIMliER ii CO. .Ian. 0, '72. A I Kt A V I K I Mr. SaniiK'l Hell, of W. E. S. hmertz if Co , Wholesale I Soot and Shoe Manufactur ers, ill Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., has been alllicted with chronic rhcumatish for thiity years, from his right hip to his foot, having to use a crutch and a cane, at times so painful as to utterly incapacitate him from attending to his business. Having tried every remedy known, without effect, except fiilliland's Pain Killer, ho was finally induced to try it. A second applica tion enabled him to" lay aside his crutch, and a third effected a permanent cure. Mr. Hell is a popular and well-known citizen, is a living monument of the ctl'acacv of that great medical discovery, iillihuid's Pain Killer. Tho alllicted should ask their grocer or druygist for it, and try its won derful i lower. Mr. fiilliland, 'we under stand, wants a respectable agent in every town and county tor it. The principal of ficio is at 7- Third Avenue, Piiishur rh Pa. 31-41 AGENTS WANTED Round canvass ing book SENT FREE! of postage on receipt of 75 cents, and cx culsive territory granted on tlio PICTORIL HOME RII5LE. Contains over.HKl illustrations. Isa com plete Library of P.iblical Knowludgo. Ex cells all others. In English and German. Wm. Flint it Co., Philn., Pa. l!7-4t 3819 5157 5185 :i18 5500 6184 3820 THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. IF YOU WANT a perfect lit and a pood article of Roots and Shoes, of tlio linunt workmanship, go to II. Ii. M'CAXt'ir.S, 39 CENTRE STREET, OIL CITY, PA. j?aJSatiiifactiou guaranteed, 'i-'Si tf. 5185 3t20 TIlILtNUHHirN N.tLHN. UNSEATED LANDS. NOTICE Is hereby given that in pursu ance of an Act of the General Assem bly of the Commonwealth oi Pennsylva nia, lmssed the lsth dav of March, lHlft, entitled an Act to amend an Act directing the mode of selling Unseated Lands for Taxes Ac, and tho several subsequent Acts supplementary thereto. Tho follow ing tracts of unseated lands, and in and out lots in tho County of Forest, or so much thereof as will pay the arrer.rages of taxes and costs accrued thereon, will lie exposeil to public salo at the Treasurer's Ollice, in Tioncsta llorough, Forest Coun ty, Pa., on tho 2D MONDAY IN JUNE, 1872, and bo continued by adjournment from day today If it shall' bo found necessary so to do ; BARNETT TOWNSHIP. W.rntut. 3111 3174 . Aett. Bub. W.mtitoe or reputed Owner. Tm. 50 Gilmoro Rob't. 3 00 4JU Millstone A Deer Creek Pet. Co. (Ogilbv heirs.) 10s 78 029 Ogilby heirs M8 07 91(0 " " 219 78 495 " J09 87 075 K. H. Winlock 15008 DO Mays E. C. 3 00 I " " Ritter 2 40 " " Wilson 2 40 24 " " Dublin '1 4(1 3151 3158 3159 3119 3100 3312 8147 3110 3112 449 II. Loroy&J. Liuklain Wray William o 08 50 38 35 73 88 125 210 05 100 30 000 60 llMI 100 100 Reid II. J. Colvin S. R. 17 80 11 52 Gill'iylo Elizabeth 1 44 Kherill J. P. tfc J. A. 30 00 Gilmore Robert 7 50 Colvin J. R. 24 00 llilbroner Leo pold 10 00 RulolfRulofTson 25 00 ,KY TOWNSUll'. Gill & Co. 173 89 Superior Lum ber Co. 155 00 llaniier.Tosiah 75 54 Arnold Pluin- 613. 805 0135 1000 6130 420 6155 600 5150 500 6115 100 5129 UOO mer 87 00 87 00 11 20 113 70 42 20 133 60 133 60 125 75 40 05 130 05 10 f -21 95 61 43 841 Unknown McDermot & Forker 6110 6128 5109 6108 6105 6224 6133 3142 6180 51S7 5188 300 1000 1000 050 8(H) 050 100 150 300 fit) 320 Taylor Charles Illood ,t Stewart Unknown Wolf A Co. 4 ii Wholo tract 400 acres Ford S. A. & Caroline Snoblut II. 22 40 51S8 50 6187 100 6187 100 7 70 15 50 WhitoWm. fori Luby F. it. A Co 17 C5 5180) A- 5IS7 J 183 Whito Wm. foi l Chadwick oil co 32 47 5217 1100 ilail I.amlitt Schooley 101 20 5180 62.18 6193 5193 100 80 100 90 Tioncsta Oil Co 0 HO T. W. Allan A Co 0 5: Zendle C. fori. Rrooklvn oil co 6 90 Gillillen C. F. 20 01 MICKOKY TOWNSHIP. Economito Soe, t. t Noble A Jen nings formor 1 V Green .1. 52(i8 290 5221 1 62U7 208 C7 08 30 57 27 00 o oo 21 80 18 00 5220 80 Island 8 5192 200 Webb W. II. Dale J. A. Dalo & Irwin 150 300 o;o 974 750 200 160 6233 5203 5190 5218 6191 5192 Davidson Wm. fori. Porterlield 00 GO U. S. Long fc U Warlhv 65 05 Cincinnati A Pitts'gOil Co. 10714 Wilson John 220 35 Unknown 15 50 Lake l-.rio Pet. Co R R Roberts Madole Mahin John Mead George Irwin Richard Lupv Conrad Cole H. R. btruthers Thos. 15 15 9 20 41 20 34 45 10 10 10 10 8 09 2 39 5207 6280 5192 5189 6192 3093 3093 5192 200 K31 250 100 100 170 62 250 Rocker Richard 25 25 I Island 5 120 Grey Rev. Robert 30 Johnson A Smith (T. D. Collins) Sic Fee A Lonsj- vvell formerly D, Noblo Dav Wm. nowT. 1). Collins Wartlsworth lorl. L. licnuett White W. S. foi l. G. W. Walters Luther L. F. First Nat. Hank Allegheny fori Prather lieirs Unknown toil Roberts Irwin II. M. tfc S. T. May Economitc Soe. Anderson W, L. fori. C. M. Hunter Anderson W. L, foil F. Keifcr Pall Nelson G. Hall Wm. W. Cary John Excelsior Oil Co fori S. Manross T. D. Collins fori Gordon heirs C. M. Hunter Hannah J. L, Unknown 5 08 17 C4 0 85 20 20 14 11 4 00 147 23 13 00 17 (JO 55 2 75 1 93 2 20 28 2 75 33 28 1 10 8 25 2 75 33 100 90 2 10 1 151 321 1 50 10 80 6 50 Si 3000 5280 6210 i Island 7 5192 150 10 OBKKN TOWNSHIP, Roiiner J. 69 40 " 105 00 Palo A Brother fori A Heau II 85 Duncan Robert 90 25 Ford A Lacy 49 50 " " 151 00 Gillespie A Owens 22 00 Ilepler M. fori. Jonas Folnier P 13 M vers Peter 22 00 Mav J I. 11. Sad dle Mag tract 25 30 May II. II. Tio ncsta oil bbl co 20 15 Palmer A Child 32 511 Woods heirs 91 91 Walters Sani'l u 90 TIONESTA TOWNSHIP Proper J hll 10 30 May A Hro. Bu to Winans J lorl Hilands C 90 240 5c m) 135 500 200 7oo 2tf0 . 83 120 230 5181 180 5110 3.13 90 3092 40 Vait. 4 Jt 30 R Woods heirs 2:10 00 I'lumnier A 110 00 H Mav A Irwin M Stewnrt 75 50 Amv II W fori Knox 10 07 Philip Cropp 8 70 John A Proper 20 oo Hart J It 1 C5 73 80 6 217 25 100 5 40 275 805 990 . 990 100 108 7fH) 100 Known by W F Hunter 23 87 Perrv A Co Dus- tin Island 19 50 Unknown 23 00 3823 Vaet. Sickles (JO 8 3: 1 1 A Weaver 8 2.' Clapp Edward 03 80 " " 01 88 I farmer tract 227 70 2825 2830 I lamia A Uilliil- len 227 70 W .cuts fori S Whitten 12 00 Good IIopo Pet co 12 !M) Pinkr.rd A Co 181 70 Dalo heirs W II Itrown 12 00 Edwin E Clapp 120 00 J W Fiddr 30 00 G S Hunter 3 07 Powells 1160 Cascade Pet Land Association 30 Orubbs John 11 50 Cascade Pet Land Association 1 08 Unknown Old Town 57 00 Curtis A Ander son 120 00 J A Dale A Rro fori. J Hilands 22 20 Robert J lirown fori J. Noblo 3 00 Samuel West 10 80 Plumer heirs 120 00 Unknown 1 1 50 Dr. Day 24 00 " - 2120 C II Shnpnrd Dale heirs 21 58 Samuel West 13 44 Irwin II M A May Pat. 105 23 00 HainVnond heirs 90 00 McDouglass 90 00 Gilmore A Co (Hums) 2160 Gilmoro A Co (Hums) 72 00 John Myers 8 40 L L Gilimoro 10 80 J R Agnew Good- wir, White A Clark 15 CO Kenneway to Oil Co 24 03 Fahnestoek 7 20 Unknown fori Wagner 12 00 Hunter John 24 Runker Hill Oil Co fori Uci- Intvre 10 44 J C Shaw fori Hunter 30 J S MeCalmont Executor 60 00 W F Dalrymple 5 23 HOWE TO VNSHIP. II Lerov A J Liuklain 101 95 " " 194 8.1 " " 70 38 1 1 it S B Ashley 17 74 II Lerov A J Liuklain, 10J 10 II Lero v A J Liuklain wholo tract l;i( acres 17 50 Roberts Anna It 138 08 " " 83 13 2S28 2823 2S38 1000 2928 2C0 25, 2820 60 2 Isl's 2j n'li'g 3821 50 rium I laud Q 3091 2m 1000 170 30 no 1000 50 200 170 98 112 100 800 800 ISO 000 80 140 158 2820 3823 228 2828 2S20 2823 2824 28l,8 284 2828 3824 200 60 100 2835 2 67 Island 3 Curtis 550 3822 1000 6180 600 400 127 I3J 3187 990 8188 990 8189 787 203 3191 59G 3195 871 Vaet. 850 5230 600 52'i0 800 2022 5'H) Wl " 2U24 " 2013 " 2021 " .3802 979 3MI3 990 5103 170 2812 1003 278 lOO.t 2SS2 1000 2!HiO 5(Kt 2H'.K) 1003 2! 191 1O03 2730 200 2730 100 2730 " i. it " 00 " 100 2850 " it tt it tt tt tt it tt 2910 " tt tt tt it tt tt ft ft tt tf 2808 60 tt tt " 50 " 100 2977 700 " 50 " 100 2995 " 2300 740 2150 1000 31 Ml f.8 " 150 Vaet. 500 W Wallace Nicholson John 133 00 83 14 l!3 14 McPherson Warder J whole tract 1000 aurcs Warder J 83 14 83 13 83 13 103 47 194 S3 29 50 13 72 18.1 72 100 25 83 14 181 72 183 72 33 25 10 04 10 64 15 30 10 11 10 04 10 01 Mifflin Jonathan Noes Dohbs W Willink 52-53 W Willink Cashtuan J. 59 68 55 50 61 1 W Willink Hunt W Willink Hunt W Willink Schofield W Willink J ltonney W Willink J Homier W Willink Roundsly 3 6 8 9 12 13 15 10 19 20 i of 23 4 of 24 i of 23 A 28 A 29 27 31-32-33 37-38-39 i of 34 30 44 " Howard " FrisinutliJ " W ilson A " McXcal R " Fling IS " Rliindin R " McKloskv 1' 7 88 10 01 10 51 " iiougherty " " " Stewart Jas 10 01 " Lewis Miss " lo wis F " Lewis R F " Purk Doct'r 8 31 8 31 41 08 10 04 " Reck Wm 110 39 " 'i'hoiiipson W 8 31 " Haliuan J M 10 01 " Miivh W " " " Taylor Eliza 123 82 " 100 25 " Hubbard It 0 79 Pittsburgh A Forest Co Lum ber Co 24 89 W Willink Clo ver Seth 83 1 1 J A' Sloan 21 80 130 747 l:l 7 IS ' 750 " 751 " 753 " 7M " 755 2910 100 14 5108 150 5102 750 5HI3 730 " 100 5101 looo 5105 570 Mill looo 3195 5211 3197 " 4792 " 52s2 1000 3i:i3 800 3s0 luil 31! 13 M) Ms'.t 7s'. 27.13 41 -Mt 200 ItcnnetS F 10 01 Campbell Hiram 23 03 ' 11 Dobbs 124 81 " 122 35 "partofZink 10 01 " 1") 25 " 90 31 M i 111 i n Jonathan 100 25 Whole lract.V.10 acres Howe Lumber Co 87 43 ft it ti ti i. Wholo tract 51K1 .Mathews ('has. Mead Goorgu I'M 25 128 no Jionnev .1 Hays James Lerov A l.inlain W Wallace Milllliu .1 blicltou Oil A Mining Co 750 80 85 02 12 73 23 20 70 313 990 LcroyALinklalnl59 91 3184 " " J Homier " " JKNKS TOWNSHIP. 5141 127 Raynton Peter Hampiuan 22 18 " 27 " E part J lionner 0 42 " 127 5 " Stephens 2!) 95 5112 132 11 " MeCra 31 08 5111 00 13 " S 1 Williams 14 13 " 68 14 "Si Mur- kinsEild 13 00 ' 70 15 " James J 10 51 i tt it it Wallaeo " 5145 195 " E part 40 88 3010 1014 Davidson Win Miss Miller 238 78 3044 C14 Howell Joseph 215 25 8159 495 Ogilbv heirs 141 85 3100 444 Leroyt Liuklain 10150 3191 95 " " 22 43 3102 1000 " ' 259 05 3103 888 " " 219 12 3104 990 " " 283 15 3108 " " " 233 15 3174 1001 50 " 24 95 3177 60 24 " "SI 1 1 78 " 60 " " ' N i 8 78 " 1IKIJ 25 ' " 210(1 " 114 20 " " 20 85 " 100J 32 " " 23 00 " H 31 " " 1271 it tt ti fi tt it tt 4178 783 1-2-7-18 8-10-17 " " 205 57 3179 93 43 " " 21 98 it ii 4fg it tf ft ti " 09 00 S V Rohrer, T Martin, whole tract 1 19 acros 13 11 3181 114 21 Leroy Linklain 32 00 " 100 22 " " 28 05 " 114 28 " " 32 00 tt it .ii) tf ti ii tt " P!J 35 " " 20 73 " 1071 80 " " 30 08 " 97 37 " " 27 70 3182 1073 3-4-5-0-9 12- 19-14 13- 20 " " 307 44 3190 990 " " 232 15 6137 250 ITarmor Josiah 58 78 " 158 Harnior.T, E Hlood W S of E part 30 20 5139 500 Ilaruior Josiah 117 75 5110 " " " 117 75 3501 1000 Nicholson Jno, Crabtree & Davis 592 60 3504 1014 Nicholson Jno. 312 23 3000 640 Nicholson t Mc Pherson 1S3 27 3070 1037 Nicholson Mc Pherson Thos. Jones 297 07 3071 1000 Nicholson a Mc Pherson 837 50 3550 518 Smith Rev Win 117 84 8551 518 " " 117 34 Vaet. 1078 Gutherio J W 023 91 2547 9,K) W Willink 257 85 4130 1090! Wallace Samuel, Langshore 415 79 4133 900 Wallaeo Sam'l 257 85 4130 10901 " " 814 0(1 3001 50 5 0 Nicholson & Mc Pherson Prentice 1178 Vaet. 100 Campbell Sam'l 23 55 3177 85 HnntCvriis F H 20 52 3173 90 Sutton 'Robert 2120 3109 80 McCiatchie R 18 84 3170 680 Hlood C. estate 100 17 5129 68 Whole tract 158 acres Dobbs J U 12 21 5130 80 II armor Josiah 18 84 5188 305 " " 90 01 5100 11190 Miflliil J. 479 01 6107 1000 " 439 50 5110 7?3 " E part 830 98 Vaet. 70 Nugent Thomas 18 94 3322 400 SHIIill.tJ Rickerbrodo 11100 3177 114 Sunstein Cass 10 OJ Vaet. 100 Unknown Hea ver Dam tract 40 80 3322 280 Unknown or J W Ward 57 12 II AP.MONY TOWNSHIP. 80 E Newbury 14 50 00 Strong, Lynch A Eekcrt,Gorm'n Run 18 20 12 David Harris pat. by J M'Kinley 2 73 50 Sigurins J Y fori. M'Kinley 0 00 2 E L Davis 90 150 AG Itarr A It O Reach 21 00 SKATED LANDS. And also in pursuance nf an act approved the 29th day of April 1811, directing the mode of sidling sealed lands for taxes, and the several acts supplementary thereto the following tracts of seated lands and in and out lots in the said County of Forest afore said, or ao much theroof'as wi:l pay the arrearages of taxes and costs accrued there on will bo exposed to public sale at the timo and place aforesaid for the sale of unseated lands, and be continued by ad journment from day to day if it should bo found necessary so to do. BAUNETT TOWNSHIP. Actoe. Wur.ntee or ivuli-d l).ur. llilbroner l.eonolil Itoloi 1(10 113 150 40 200 8 102 7.58 20 60 17 1(10 i ' 7 00 I I rid 9 (III 13 21 21 20 2 17 10 52 78 41 20 00 7 8(1 2 15 0 30 5 10 Armstrong William estato Stockton R M Slocum Wolford Shippen Edward 3115 8111 5700 3148 3145 3314 3315 Titus William Fox S M it Zents John Brandon Catherine IIK'KOUY TOWNSHIP. 83 Brown J II and others 119 Hemlock Island Oil co 7 Hannah J II (Franklin) 32 Merrill W P 5(1 Clark T 11 35 " 05 Cascade Pet. Land Assoc'n HAKMONY TOWNSHIP. SG90 10 00 20 00 1 50 1 92 1 on 1 co 1 30 125 inn 50 22 20 60 215 110 20 CO 185 80 558 2 100 '( 25 114 33 60 60 i 125 50 5 623 11 airis David, fori. Johnston 9 H.irr Frank 31 Allegheny National Bank Brown Jonathan Ballelt 11 A J Habbi tt M 'I' Cecil John R Cotant A Nelson C'oniiclv W A, wholo tract H") acres Carson Joseph Corbin Marshall 9 13 2 12(1 20 10 12 82 Dawson Run Oil Co tt ,t ,t Dulllcld John Kdinhoro oil Co Farrer Green Fish John Hunter II J 1 laL'an Herncril 1 leister P"t. Co Hinds Charles Huidckoopcr Jones E I) Loper l.ce A Co W hole tract 722 acres, Long Lamb John McCiintock Homestead co 1(1 IHI (HI 80 92 00 58 00 8.1 70 05 100 40 37- 232 Morse M A 20 73 85 Miles Hugh 4 00 60 Mover C 0 03 19 Mills SM 1 8(1 30 " 1 70 25 " 6 05 25 M 2 .VI 101 Monroo Oil Co 7 57 M vers John 55 200 McKinncy W 15 40 310 McGarvef A Co 13 OS 40 Neill A Wilson 0 43 8 Paul D J 1 87 133 Robinson Neill d Wilson 41 15 40 St Louis Oil Co 3 41 40 " " J II Hill 3 90 2 Saunders C Co 4 II 100 Snblev Dr 27 r.8 65 Scott iioval E 2 72 90 Thompson W W 20 53 47 'i'omlinson it Anderson 19 90 125 Tayior Heirs (Mi Ewinir) 10 83 40 Unknown fori. Jos. Jones 9 25 00 Allan Frank R 0 95 401 Bronson A II 4 87 180 lirown M 11 13 91 60 Bouncy '. fori. J II Dawson 9 75 60 Brown Col fori. Watson 2 05 12 Clark Gilbert 2 80 320 Conelaiid Farm Oil Co 15 (hi 10 Coleman fori. Manross 2 43 2'KI Carroll Henben 15 10 175 Davis Williams fori. Flem ing IS 10 154 Ewing II S, Steen oecup'nt 13 02 1 J uoodrioli ( apt 311 Gillcspio J J 4 Goodwin fori. Manross 10 Green A Grove 1 Huchinson fori. McKinley 100 llolhrook J fori. Mcltyro 50 Kelby C M 125 M iller Isaac 100 Mvers A Ki linear 100 Morrow 1) 2 Mcl'hosnev fori, Manross 04 Pittsburgh Co fori.-Flouting, oilara 120 Page Charles 1 Roup Sam'l, D Scott 75 Reed fori. Fleming 200 Smith J 11 15 Sweet A Co 2 Toiuliii'-on A Anderson 80 Vaiiilersrrilt it' Foreman 1120 West Hickory Mining As sociation 100 Wilson Samuel 80 Wilson if' Neill bO Watson Jonathan fori. Co burn 40 Warren A A'enango Oil Co 100 Watson it- Co fori. Siggins 150 Webster A Co HOWE TOWNSHIP. 3 8; 0 90 18 1 25 1 92 7 75 5 80 8 09 4 75 5 91 85 19 35 11 OS 55 7 80 10 ('3 1 8'l 45 9 50 97 80 0 25 5 25 8 70 3 87 7 75 300 2300 200 Shelton Oil Co 14 70 JEXKS TOWNSHIP. 3109 21 Dobbs ii J 2 OS 220 ' i:i -0 17 " 73 Vaet 220 Daniels Jas W 31 80 31X5 00 J Bonner 4 60 3170 290 Reyner S B, J A 4 others 45 78 3173 120 " " " i,hj 6141 100 Thompson John 30 81 3170 1 Wynkoop John estato 2 83 wild UV I 11V 1,1111,'tlll ii -o Winsor A brain (in 3177 114 Nugent Thomas 3 42 KINGSI.EY TOWNSHIP. 5180 100 Brooklyn Oil Co 8 05 5194 57 Burt II A 6 12 6197 61 " fi 5 6187 390 Eastman A Shall 48 02 5193 410 Gillillen C F 28 85 5217 1100 Hall l.nnili A Schooley 112 25 5180 100 Ironside Oil Co 1115 5IM1 8 Lewis E E A Congor 1 48 5193 400 Lake Erie P t. Co 5 52 6104 80 " " (J ;;s 61d4 100 Moodv A Woodmir 14 84 .lis i.) aid imtoclv Hamilton 7 58 Also loo " " 8 90 5103 410 Gillespie 0 F 8 20 5190 50 Klinstiver II On 51s0 00 Bastian (Cohort 2 71 5193 18 Dice A Dale (.8 5213 5 Ellsworth Georgo 180 5214 40 K ii k wood James 2 70 5214 130 Tarr James 7 .'in 3180 00 Eastman A Shall 3 20 5214 60 Cosper Jacob e2 TIO.VKSTA TOWNSHIP. 75 Dice John 19 51 123 lla'pilo A Co 11 88 2'KI Moore A Co 24 75 loo Richardson's heirs 28 82 4'K) Richardson W II 49 55 40 Winsor 4 ml 2835 looo A G Curt in fori. Anderson 90 (Ki 2633 4'rO Anderson John 80 01; 0 30 2 25 5 58 0 Ii2 0 00 7 00 1 811 4 08 0 30 9 no 1 1 25 ti no 12 00 11 no 2 79 2o 8 5ll 1 35 0 00 1 50 401 Broiinard A Dale, Conroy 10 I laden James 53 Brett K agent, J Noblo 49 llr 'guard A Richardson 2'KI Banner oil Co 100 Copeland Otis 45 Dalrymple W F 62 Dalo heirs to Sliepard 4 Dustin Isaac to ( il Co 19 Grant Oil Co, Haskell Ion Hillings W W, Jae. Swaro 100 Krniu wav to ( )il Co lso Myers John, Miller 170 Pimp . iiram 02 Pittsburgh A Phil'uOil Co 10 I'etliuiew Alex 50 Smith M It 5 Shcpaid C II, Halo Island 50 Yarsdalo Joel M 6 Tione-ta Pet. Co, Fleming Oil Co TIONESTA IJOP.Ol'tiH. 75 Dice John 1 Mav S T 9 ' 6185 2828 5185 3824 3S20 2S28 2o28 11 01 01 9 S5 150 no 53 8 97 3 (KI 8 10 15 98 5 45 0 9) 425 Sickles G G 1 Ford S A llalzcll Buller W II Mav B II A S T 4 I 4 75 Sydney a Co oi:i:i;n township. 75 Whitman Seidell 95 " " lorl. J Folmcr 95 Whitman George foil. A 3"25 :IS'.0 8S20 3S25 F'.,i'i. r 15 40 150 Lacv Geo., Drain if Rolib 9 00 ' place Taxes and costs must be paid when prop erty is struck down or the r.ite may lie avoided and the propel" y he innucdiiiii lv put up anil rcsi.ld, Sid ie-i Mm March 1817, Sec. 27, l'linlon's ingi si, : age )'. 1 4. Tioncsta, Forest Count v, Pa., thin 30th dav ol March, A. I '. Is72." S. J. SEl'LEY, Treasurer. An instance of rare honesty, uihI showing how tt dojr may disire to jmy liij board bill, recently occuricd in FiU'libiirg, Mass. A luily now a dog frequently aliotit her hoii.-c picking up odd bits which ln.it Lcct) thrown out, ami one day she culled him in nml fed him. The next. d:iv ho came h:iclf and us slm opened the door lie walked It) mid laid it 11 fZ'-'g on the Hour, when ho was iii'uiii fed. Tho followiiiL' (lav he brought his egg to pay for the din iu r, Utid on I he Inn it h dav, n brought tho old hen h.'l'scll' wlio it si-ems had failed to furuibh the roquircd egg! A Pueific paper eays : A fellow in Oregon thought he would bo smart, mid just hove a little fun with a yotiug lady on whom he had waited two or three timts. He asked her what she would do if a nice-looking young fel low asked her to marry him. She smiled, oh, so gushingly, and looked pood enough to cat, but said nothing. Then he asked her what she would say if he asked her to marry him. She threw her arms around him, and rush ed out of the room for her hat and shawl. The poor fellow soys he was never married so sudden in his life. Probably that was the nearest she ever came to being asked, and she thought fooling it round with sentiment would be dangerous. Among the diversions of a restdenco in Florida is an occasional fight with an alligator in the streets. A party of Northern gentlemen in St. Augus tino encountered ono of these unpleas ant reptiles n few days ago, and he re fused to let them pass with their team. They left the carriage, and after a spirited conflict with cudgels, dispatch ed the obstinate saurian, and bore him oil' to be stuffed. "A 'wretch,' a friend f ours, broke off an engagement for the following cogent reason : "You know a case isa fearful nuisance, and I always carry my cigars loose in my vest pocket. The necessary amount of allcction toward Molly was awful rough on 'em. Never came away from that house but every one of 'cm was smashed. Couldn't expect a fellow to waste good tobacco that way, could your There is nothing so affecting in a child as a certain sweet inborn spirit of self-abnegation. Sammy was a lit tle boy, at school in a village far from his home. One flay his father came to see him, and they took a walk together. Meeting tho principal of the school, Suinmy performed the ceremony nf in troduction. "Mr. H.." said he "this is a father of niitie." A young lady in Camden, N. Y., last week dropped a newspaper on the bridge. A young gentleman, who had not kept posted with the fashions, picked it up mid offered it to the young lady. Hie indignantly repudiated the ownership, and he is wondering what made her look so mad. Two guileless Iowa maidens induced two jocose Iowa youths to go through tho mirriogo ceremony with them "just for fun." This done, the guile-le.-B females produced previously-prepared licenses and certificates, and the jocose individuals are uow at lib city to repent at leisure. A case was being tried before a Pres bytery, when the counsel for the de feu lent urged the pica of moral in sanity. A venerable Presbyter said : "Mr. Moderator, this disease of moral insanity seems to 1110 to be identical with what the older theologians, ia their unscientific way, call total de pravity." A lady in Atlanta tied her hus band's bauds and feet the other day, just for fun, and then went through his pockets for a certain billet doux, and found it. His physician tells him that his face won't be badly scarred, though ho may remain pormaueutly bald. As a gentleman was telling his frieud, that a mutual acquaintance was sent to the 1'ciiilciitiitry for gross intoxication, ho was asked why lie did not bail him out. "Bulo him out!" ho replied, "why you could not pump him out." RutUli and Jones were at the menagerie, and the conversation turn ed on Darwin's theory. "Look at that monkey," said Smith. "Think of its being an undeveloped human!" "Hu man!" said Joins, contemptuously, "it's no more humnu than I am," A country editor's sole editorial in ono week's issue of his paper was to thceflcet that if anything will make a man feel juicy about tho heart, it is to talk velvet to a pair of sky-colored eyes, by moonlight iu a clover-field. Peru, Indiana, has a remarkable chorus society. A local slice', says: "The si pnin.) reached high C without any cll'n't, mid the I.;:mo profundi! uiailo a r in of the gallery stairs, strik ing 1 flat in n sitting position." An irate colored lcinule on a Ten- ncssi-e tiatn, lailuig to hud the expect ed prie in some "prize" candy boxes sold her, pitched into the newsboy and gave him a sound thrashing. The Hartford 7W says two-thirds of tlio people of Piapionoc pu.-s Sun day in lisl.ing for munkrats with shot guns, and that is tho way the other third know when Sunday comes. A young lady, writing on the sub ject of kissing, says: "1 should as lief havo a good ki.-s as a new cushmere." We would quite 1.3 lief, if hot liefer, give it to lar. Newly married daughter "Mam ma, how long does t lie honeymoon hi.-l?" Practical parent "Until you aak your husband lor money, in v dear." Oil. Allitiinhra Vesuvius Dawson is the name of a Southern editor. Song of the bumble-bee "Hum, sweet hum." 1 kt c s n I H' n 'A i