The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 07, 1872, Image 4

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    TCESDAniORSlSO, MAY 7, '.872.
Purpcxs3. W"nAi.
CouncilmenT. J. Vnn'Jlecn, Mile W.
Tt, I. W. Clark, T. O, Conver, W. 1'.
Merollliott, I,. I., Hackott.
Jutice of the Peace W. P. Mnrcilllott,
D. N. Knox.
OonMahleJ. N.Trltuworlh.
8:hnnl Director J.WinanH, J. A. flnlo,
J. A. Proper, Jacob Shrivor, M. W. Tate,
8. D. Irwin.
' t rrcMitent JmlpcW. P. Jehks.
At.ioeiute Jut!yc.J. A. PRol'icn, Ax
Bniw Cook.
Sheriff V,. L. Davi.
District Attorney W. V.Mon.
Treasurer H. Nktley.
Prothonotary, liegistcr dt Recorder, dc
i. B. Aqnkw.
Commissioner Umi, Elliott, Jacob
Mf.rcill.iott, T. I). Collins.
County Superintendent S. F. Rohufr.
Jury Commissioners Okohok Siooiss,
Wk, Patterhon.
. County Surveyor S.I). Irwiw.
Coroner J omiaiiWinans.
County 1 uditm-s Eli Holemaw, Wm.
Clark.'T. B. Conn.
Member of Congress V3th District O. W.
Asseu-bly J. D. Lawsow.
Mrs. Winann is ilill nn invalid,
but is thought to bo in no immediate
A cow belonging to Geo. S. Hun
ter was killed on Friday evening last,
by the 6:30 train down.
Mr. Jno. Cobb is about to move his
family to President, where he erected
some mills last season.
We fail to find a supporter of the
Cincinnati nominations in this place,
either Republican or Democrat.
No preaching in town next Sub
bath. Sunday School in the rooming
at 9 o'clock, in M. E. Church.
Miss Adelva Roberts paid a flying
visit to her parents last week. She
will graduate at Carrier Seminary next
A furniture beat hns made its ap
pearacce in tho river at the upper end
cf town, which, we believe is from
VtTe saw a timber-raft making its
way .down the river past this point, on
Sunday. The water is most too low
just now for that business.
We wish to call attention to Rob
inson. A Bonner's new advertisement
in another column. They keep a first
class store, and are doing a good liusi
A "pond -flood ' wa9 let loose in
the creek on Sunday afternoon. We
notice quite a crowd of raftsmen who
came down on tho rafts. About forty
pieces were run out.
Dan. Andrews committed main
. mony very unexpectedly to his play
mates the other day. We did not
learn the name of the ludy. They
bave our congratulations.
. S. II. Haslet is taking his time
about building his house, and is hav
ing something done about it almost
every day. We expect that the build
ing will bo finished some time during
the present season.
Measles has put in an appearance
in our locality, there being two or
three full-blown cases ia town. W
.are clad to kuow tlwit there isn't much
.danger in this disease, but know it is
profoundly disagreeable.
Mi.'Mary McCurdy, of Jamison
Just above town, was joined in inatri
mony to a gentleman whoso name es
capes our memory, on Tuesday last.
They will reside iu Oil City. Our best
wishes attend them.
To-day the School Directors of
our County elect a Superintendent for
' a term of three years. We suppose
- good deal of excitement is felt by the
.candidates, but not much is manifested
May the best man win.
A little daughter of II. O. Davis,
bf this place, aged about ten years,
died ou Friday night last, of pueumo
nia. The funeral took place on Sun
day. This is the third child who has
diea lu town wiinin aooui a weeK.
i . . i i . i
Ua Jbriuay last, as we were com
ing Up frcin Oil City, we had the plea
cure of meeting Mr. Plummer, editor
of the Courier, of Titusville. Mr. P. is
A very sociable gentleman, and a for
cible writer, and the Courier is sue
ceeding well under his management.
Wm. Lawrence is about to build
a large hotel on the lots recently pur
. chased by him, opposite Superior Lum
- ber Co. Store. lie will have it finish
.ed during the season and will do the
' landlord in person. He has had con
eiderable experience in that line, and
will make his house a popular one.
W. P. Mercilliott, Esq., informs
us that he has formed a law nartner
ship with Judge Johnson, ef Warren
The Judge is well known as one of the
v best lawyers in Western Pa. We con
gratulate Mr. Mercilliott on having
secured a partner so well versed in the
law. Their card will appear next
Mr. nnd Mrs.T. li. Cobb started for
Iouisvillo on Friday last, for a trip of
few weeks. Mr. Cobb will get thcro
in time to nttond to his lumber which
went out of the creek on the lost flood.
Frank Muhio has been very sick
for about a week with erysipelas. His
condition was improving yesterday,
but he was still dangerously ill. Wo
sincerely hope he may recover soon.
O. W. N. Yost, who was convict
ed of perjury in the U. S. Court at
Pittsburgh a few days ago, was sen
tenced on Monday to pay a fine of
$1,000 and undergo imprisonment in
the Penitentiary at hard labor for two
Tho leaves and flowers are coming
out in spring styles. We noticed a
Siberian Crab the other day, sporting
a Dolly Varden suit, whith throw tho
shrubs around it entirely in the shado
and one gooseberry bush was turned
quite green with envy.
Some very cold weather for May,
was experienced during the latter part
of last week. On Friday and Satur
day snow fell just across the river, in
largo quantities. Thcro has been more
cold weather this spring than ever be
fore in the memory of tho oldest in
habitant. Azro Copeland tells us that Cnpt.
Kepler of Tidiouto, is putting down a
well within five rods of his line, and is
in the 3d sand 53 feet. Mr. Copeland's
farm is about three miles up Hunter's
Run, northwest from here, and there is
an old well on tuo larm which nas
beeu flowing a half-barrel of oil daily
for a number of years. We expect to
hear of a big strike out thcro soon.
Almira J. Frathcr collocted $50,
among the penplo about East Hicko
ry for the benefit of William Huddle
son, who cut his foot very badly last
February, and has been unable to
work ever since. This was done with
out tho knowledge of Mr. II. and as a
surprise it was greatiuiiy received
Mr. II. desires to return his thanks to
tho kind donors and to Miss Prathcr
for substantial token of sympathy.
We mentioned last week that tho
ElkAdvocate had suggested Col. Curtis,
of Erie as G. W. Scoficld's successor,
The Erie Dispatch says of him :
Col. Curtis is the leader of the Erie
bar, and an ex-Congressman. In
ability, experience and character ho
holds a high rank among public men
Should tho southeastern portion of tho
district generally favor the nomination
of Colonel Curtis, it would insure that
A suit was tried last week which
is likely to causo a good deal of litiga
lion. We believe the lollowing are
the facts in the case : Some eight
years ago, a woman gave Daniel Noble
a little boy nged two years, she being
a widow and not able to support him.
Mr. N. kept tho child until last week,
when an older brother oame to get him
for the purposo of sending him to th
Soldiers' Orphan Schools, at Titusville.
Mr. N. objected, and hence the- suit
Tho case was tried bofore Judgo Pro
per, who decided in faver of tho boy's
brother, who took him to Titusville,
Mr. N.'s lawvers then went to Frank
lin, got a writ of habeas corpus aud
brougt tho boy back. Wo believo
hearing of tho caso wai had in Frank
lin yesterday. Hie caso reminds us
forcibly of the history of Ginx's Baby.
We hope the Utile chap will turn out
better, however, that the other illus
trious child.
District Donation for
Rev. O. L.
Tho following Committees are se-
lectcd to take charge of the above
movement Upon Hickory Circuit :
General Committee Sidney C,
Smith, J. A. Hume.
Local Committe, East Hickory
Miss A. J. Prather, Mrs. N. G. Ball,
Mrs. W. B. Hall.
Beaver Valley Mr. James Gilfil-
len, Mrs. Boyd Jones, Miss Edie Kif-
Whig Hill Mrs. C. F. Gillespie,
Mrs. J. A. White, Mrs. Lemuel Wolf.
Tanther Rock Mrs. Win. Tobey,
Mrs. Geo. Blurock, Mrs. Win. Gibson
Newtown Mills Mrs. Win. Hooker,
Mrs. Geo. Watson, Miss Lydia Alt,
Oakland Mrs. D. J.JMohney, Mrs
Jacob Myers, Mrs. Robert Guiton.
It is hoped that the abovo commit
tees will accomplish their canvass by
the 9th of June. Hickory Circuit
will not fail iu doing its part in this
movement to glnddeu the heart of a
worthy minister of Christ. The "cir
culars" explain the mode of opera
tions. General Committee.
For Sale. To close an estate, two
tracts of land of about 2000 acres,
situated on Millstone Creek, Forest
County. Heavily timbered, mainly
hemlock, valuable for the bark, and
supposed by good judges to. be good
oil territory. Map with particulars at
this oflice.
Jurors for May Term 1872.
orasd jrnons.
S. II. Haslet, Foreman.
Tioncsta Borough L. L. Hackett,
J. T. Dale, G. G. Butterfield.
Tioncsta Township Scldon Whit
man, Ralph Alt.
Barnctt Township Samuel Cozzeus,
Squire Cook, Sylvanus Zents.
Green John Cobb, Lewis Arncr,
John Polly.
Hickory Ira Church, Jonathan
Harmonv Georffo Ncill, R. G.
Cochran, J. II. Bowman.
Jenks Isaac Heath, J. J. Tarson.
Kingsley William Hooker, Wm.
Duscnbury, Ellas Berlin, Perry But
ton, William Tobey.
Tioncsta Borough James Hillings,
W. A. Grove, N. C. Lcdahaugh, Chas.
Randall, Jacob Wenk.
Tioncsta Township M. Clark, Z.
Q. McClintock, Jacob Mcaley, Henry
Barnctt James Cuzzens, George
Folmer, William Maze, Charles Camp
bell, Samuel Gray, John Bycrly, Les
ter Warner, Bell Scott,
Green William McCann, Peter
Young, Andrew Grubbs,George Palm
er, Henry Kiser, Michael Winegard,
John Fitzgerald.
Harmony W. A. F. Burchfield,
John Woodcock, J. C. Ferry, Norman
Hickory Jacob Shaffer, Bart M.
Jones, Lewis R. Whittcn, Edward
Howe Lewis Lrosby.
Kingsley J. A. Smith, John Ber
lin Horton Murphy, Conrad Byerly,
Jacob Overlander, Z. Howe, J. Cat-
land, E. B. Freeman, John Hunter,
Harrison Dorterer, Thomas Solders,
J. W. Haliday, John Baxter, Henry
Jenks David Eldridge.
"G. M. D."
Don't stand aghast with awe and
fear, eyes wide open, hair on end, nnd
fingers tightly clinched with tho idea
that theso mysterious symbols are
cabalistic sings and represent some se
crct organization of masked demons,
who carry terror nnd dismay with
their midnight prowlings and disperse
on the dawn of morning. No! They
aro only the initials of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, that pleas
ant medicine which has acquired a
National reputation au.l proven so
officious in Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Consumption ifnd kindred diseases.
For these complaints it has no equal.
Sold by all druggists. 579.
Cash, Wool, Rags, Sorap Iron, Scrap
Metal nnd Scrap Copper received in
payment for goods, by
5-2t Roijixsox & Boxner.
Choice Clover and Timothy seed
for sale at Robinson & Bonner's.
Timothy seed warranted to grow
fur sale at Robinson & Bonner's.
Clover seed, best quality, for sale
at Robinson & Bonner's.
Presbyterian Subscription.
There are about $150.00 yet due
Mr. Virtue for his services of tho past
year, all of which has been subscribed.
It is important that all the subscription
should be paid within tho next two
weeks. Let all who have not paid
their subscription hand it in immedi
ately. W. R. Dunn, Treasurer.
To the School Directors of Forest Co.
Gentlemen: Some of our citizens
are circulating the report that I am
not going to devote my time to tho
duties pertaining to the. oflice of
County Superintendent if I should be
elected, and I embrace the present op
portunity of informing you that this
is an unmitigated falsehood. If I
should have the honor of being elect
ed to that oflice, I shall devoto my
time to it, and will endeavor to dis
charge tho duties pertaining to the
office to the very best of my abilities.
4 2t A. C. Porter.
Teachers' Examinations.
The regular Spring Examinations of
Teachers for Forest County, will be
held as follows :
Clarington, Monday, April 29.
Nebraska, Tuesday, " 30.
Newtowti, Wednesday, May 1.
Fast Hickory, Thursday, " 2.
Neillsburg, Friday. " 3.
Tioncsta, Wednesday, " 8.
Marrienville, Saturday, " 11.
Examinations commence at 9 o'clock
A. M. Directors and friends of edu
cation, aie respectfully invited to at
tend. S. F. Roiirer,
Apr. 5, 1872. Co. Sup't.
A nicely papered room is a plas
ttiit place. Buy your Wall Paper at
Bolard Bios'. Drug Store, Graudiu's
Block, Tidioute, Pu. 2 4t
To the School Directors of Forest
Gentlemen : In pursuance of tho
forty-third section of the act of 8th
of May, 1831, you nro hereby .notified
to meet in convention, nt tho Court
House, in Tioncsta, on tho first Tues
day in May, A. D. 1872, being tho
seventh day of tho month, at 1 o'clock
in tho afternoon, and select viva voce,
by a majority of the whole number oi
directors present, one person of litera
ry and scientific acquirements, and of
skill and experience in the art of
teaching, as County Superintendent,
for the throe succeeding years ; deter
mine tho amount of compensation for
the samo; and certify the result to tho
State Superintendent, at Hairisburg,
as required by tho thirty-ninth nnd
fortieth sections of said net.
S. F. Roiirer,
Co. Sup't, of Forest County.
Marrienville, April 5, 1872. 3 4t
Almost everybody make a prac
tice of papering their houses this time
of the year. Bolard Bros., Tidiouto,
have the best assortment in this sec
tion of the State. 2 4t
Bolard Bros, inform us that our
citizens will save money by going to
Tidioute to purchase Wall Paper.
They have tho largest assorment ever
brought to Western Pennsylvania. 2 4
Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, California.
Advertising alone does not produco
success. The thing which is adver
tised must have intrinsic merit, or else
large advertising will eventually do it
more harm than good. If you liavo
anything which yiu know to be good,
advertise it thoroughly, and you will be
sure to succeed ; if it is poor, dou't
praiso it, for people will soon discover
you are lying.
Such is the policy of the "Burling
ton Route," which runs to three great
regions in the West : 1st, To Omiha,
connecting with the great Pacific
Roads. 2d, To Lincolu, the capital
of Nebraka, and all that beautiful re
gion south of the Tlatte, rilled with R.
R. lands and homesteads. 3d, To St.
Joseph, Kansas City and all Kansas
1 ho roads are splendidly built, have
the best bridges, finest cars, tho Miller
platform and coupler, nnd the safety
air brake (to prevent tho loss of life
that is every where else happening) ;
Pullman's sleepers, Pullman dining
cars, largo and powerful engines (to
make quick time and good connec
tions), and aro in a word the best
equipped roads in the West. So that
if you desire to go safely, surely, quick
ly and comfortably to any point in
Southeru Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, or
on tho Pacific Roads, sure be that you
go "By Way of Burlington."
All who wish particular informa
tion, and a large map, showing correct
ly tho Great West, and all its railroad
connections, tan obtain them, aud any
other knowledge, by addressing Gen
eral Pasr-enger Agent, B. & Mo. R. R.
R., Burlington, Iowa.
All styles and prices for sale at
Bolard Bros'. Drug Store, Grandin's
Block, Tidiouto, Pa. 2-4t
yew Advertisements.
a. w. KonrssoN,
D. S. KNOX'S Old Stand.
A Speciality.
111Y GOOItS,
With a full line of
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Window Class, and Putty,
Call and soo goods mid prices, AVe wish
to get acquainted with all and respect ful
ly solicit a share of patronage.
Catherine S. Ue.njr
in S. Hi:zn:;r In tho Common
vs. Pleas ol Forest con ii-
is Hezner. j ty, Pa., Ho. a, Dec.
Term. 171.
Petition for Divorce. Fch. 28, 1872, on
motion of II-. II". Mason, Fsi(., attorney
for l.ibollant, W. P. Mercilliott, Kmi., was
appointed Comiiiisnioui'r to tako testimo
ny in above caso. From tho Itccord.
J. H. Aon kw, I'roih'y.
' I will attend to tltu duties of mv appoint
ment in abovo ease at my ollice in Tmncs
Uk Borough, Forest Co., Pa., on Thursday
tile llitli ilav of May, A. 1). 17-, between
the hums of li o'clock, a. iu. and 8 o'clock,
j. in. It'. P. .Mkki ii.mui r, Cotiiui'r.
Tioncsta, April i 1ST-. l-"t
AtmF.ntfAS, mv if', Anircllnchiwlnft
VV my lied nnd bonnl without JiiHtrmiHo
or provocation, I hereby frivo notice Hint I
will ho responsible for iio hills of her con
tr.wtinir. JOHN .11: MKN I'.l.'UOII, Sr.
H ost Hickory, April UJ, 172. 4-'U
Itt'KlHter Xolirr.
NOTK'R is hereby Kivnn that Frederick
Ip(lplmr, Executor of the lnln will nnd
testament of II. V. A. Ntinkcl, dep'd,
litis filed his tinnl account in tho Itcsisters
(illcp, In nnd for Forest County, nnd that
tho samo will ho presented for ronflrmn
tion nnd nllownncp, on tho 4th Mondnv of
Mny next. J. li. AONKW, ItogisUr.
Application for Lionise.
Tho following persons hnvn filed their
fictitious for licenso nt Mny Term of Court
linnicl Hlnek, Tlolpl, Tionoit.i Borough.
M. lltcl. Hotel, TIoupmh Borouch.
f)po. M". l'.ovnrd, Wholcsnlo Iiitilor,
TinnPHtn lioroueh.
" H'. J. Foreman, hotel, Hickory Town
ship. Thomas Boyle, restaurant, Fngundns,
Harmony Township.
John il'oodcock, hotel, Neillsburg, Har
mony Township.
Attest, J. B. AfiXB II", Clerk.
Trial List Fop May Term, 1872.
Ford C Lacy. vs. Thos. McClosk.iv, et nl
Harnli Ann Ford,ct nl vs. licrnad McCIoh
key, ct al.
Forest County, vs. Charles J. Fox, late
Forpst Count', vs. John O. Brandon, late
Treasurer. "
Commonwealth for osq of Forest County,
vs. John II . Millpr, ct nl.
M. Anna Ijnmb. vs. Heniamin Mav. ct nl
Helen S. '1 homas vs. Ben jamin May ct al.
K. Ij, Blood, vs. James Painter.
Evnlino Coon, et al, heirs of TTilltam
Ai mstrong deceased, vs. C. J. tux,
F. T. Lusk, vs. H'ni. H. Coon.
Solomon Zents, vs. John B. Legnard.
Charles Leiper, vs. H'arrcn & Franklin B,
It. Co.
John (loll vs. Matthew B. Farris.
H. H. May, vs. J. T. H'hisner, rt nl.
II. H. May, vs. John Miller, et al.
Ada Hunter, vs. O. tiilman,
1?. K. (Spotty vs. It. O. Carson.
Ilill. Fox ct Co. for use vs. Goo. S. Hunter.
Janos A. Lewis nnd his wife, Susan T.
LeV.'ts, vs. K. c. steplicnson.
(oo. S. il'iutcr vs. Seldon H'hitman.
Bptlo Paul. vs. Aloxander MeAiulrcw et nl
BetlePaul, vs. A'examler MeAndrewet al.
il'alter Dawson vs. O. C. A. II. II. 11. Co.
IJovd cf- Son, vs. C. M. Hoberts.
James PnrHhall et al, vs. Daniel Clark.
James Parshall ot al, vs. Daniel Clark.
April J5, 1872. Prothonotary,
Grandin's Block, Tidioute.
BOLARD BROS., nt the Euieka Drug
store, have just received a now and
very cxtonsivo stock ot
of all styles and prices, which they will dis
noxn of at tho lowest lmssihlo rates eon-
distent with tho expenses connocted with
liie irauu.
They also have on hand a largo stock of
Remember tho Placo
'-- ctjRtsms eases or rte--
In the wonderful medicine to which tho offlict
an ftbovu poiutfri fur n liof, llio discoverer
b-tit vtis ha hai combined in hannony mure of
Nature's imwt ovoivkMi cimuivu iroiieitie,
which (itd has ln.illi'd into tho vl2rctaMe king
dom for healing the pick, than were ever brfura
combined in one medicine. The evidence of tint
fu.-t I found in (he irr-at variety of mol obsti
nate ditettes which it lm- l--en f.tind lo conquer.
l;i the cure or llro m'h III. Severe
i'oughit, and the otitlv Miau''" t ('oiinu ill p
U( it, it hi astonished the medi'-al hiculiy, and
eminent nbyiucian prommuce It thti yreateft
medical discovery of tho ar. While it cure tho
aevert-t 4'ouub, it ttUvngihen tliu fyvteni and
purillcs thf blood hy e,n-at and thor
nnii blood imril'jinj; pro pert b, it ciuea all
Slum or, fitxii tti wM Scrofula to a
common IllofeU, IMmpltf, or l.rupllon.
M -rctirirtl dii'tio, Miiu-rul potMHit. ami tiit-ir
etlect. af-o era licutod, and v'nii)a lu-alih ond a
Bound con ui nm et-taUIUlu'd. Iry l pc lua
Sail li If inn, lever pore, Sculy or
Kong! Kkin, iu fliorl, all the iiutiieroua tli
cues ciint d by bad blood, uru c(miucrcl by thin
powerful purilViii' and luv ioralin im ilh ine.
If you feid ibtll, Urowy, dflihti.icd, lmu fal
low color of nkin, or yelhiwich brown po on
fco or IxhW, frequent hradiichu or di.iiui", ;ad
t-ly in inoulli, internal h Ht or ctnllc, altt rnatcl
with hot dubei, low -piiiln, and tfhauny fore
bo(Uiiu'l, tnv.'Ulur appetite, and tongue coaled,
you aro auiferlti fioni Xorpld Mvfr vt
k III I luiiw." In many c.-ti-cs of I.I vi'r
Com plaint only p;trt of ttee eyinpomi
are e v.c-rifnecd. Ah a remedy for all hucIl eate.
Dr. l'lrrc.-'n Uolden Medical iJiwuvery baa ito
equal, a it ert'-e: pcrli-ct cure, leaving tbu liv
er'tb-ti.-d and h--hby. For the cure of
Habitual 'ontl pailoii ol the houeU it
In u nev-r I'uiLin remedy, and thou who havo
ued it for tim purpose- are oml tu it iiruie.
'l'tie proprietor oll.-is f I .m0 rew ant hr a medi
cine that m ill it for the eurw of all the dia-ea-e
for w;m h it U reconiinendcd.
hoiil by dm ' ;i-lal $1 per bottle. Prepared br
It V PiT'' M 1.. ! h- l'Mpprh'tor, at bih fh.-mf-e:il
Laboratory. U S!ut-a ctr.-ct HuUalu, S. .
bund iutir midrvn fur a pauipiuet.
A 1 f A N T K O A K X TS (potior hiv) to
U'wl! tho rrlrl.rut.Ml H().li: Siit'T
TLK KK INti MAClllXK. H;iHt!m mi-tiur-it(Ml,
iiiakcM tlioloi k Mitch." iilikoon
hiith Kiilt'Ht uikI Hilly licrnst-d. Tin lct
mill i'lic.iM-.a liiiniiy Sew in M;n liino iu
tlio inarkot. AMi'sh Jiditisun, ( Jink it'
i'o.f ll(tst(u, Mas., l'itl.lHirgli, l'a., Chica
go, 111., ui'bu Lovu--, -J-Jt
! V-f ''-- MVVV. '.
A FIRST CLASS Boarding School lor
both sexes.
Ono of the most bpautiful In the Stale.
Students Received at any Time.
Rpfprenpps Hon. Jno. A. Dale, Miles
W. Tate, Ksq., S. J. Wolpott. 4
iTki. ltrib nn nlnrrnnt Octtivn VolllfriP
containing 750 pngps, and 105 lirst-ehiss en
gravings, is an exhaustive ami Standard
work, eminently adapted to its origin to
me pi enent ii ino, e Aji't-n iw. It., 4'mi.rla tla lt..oni .11 1 1 . a ita
gross immoralities, Its opposition to our
IIIIU w u o 1 1 to li nil vi irniutin io-
erty, it shows its insidious workings which
strongly tnd to bring this country under
lull Jioinisn control, irospecius, nnu
books ready on application. Conn, Pub
lishing Co., Hartford Conn. l!2-4t
Kslalc Xoticc.
of HieUorv Townshin. Forest Count v.
depcased. All persons indebted to said es
tate are rnouestoa to mane immediate pay
ment. And thoso having legal claims
against the same, will presont them with
out delay in proper order for
ARE CLOSING out their fall and winter
stock of goods at greatly reduced
prices vi uihiwu room lor n
la 4V.A I mi tsifrt frOTMIS OI All KinflS.
ei.nnTtpr thnn nver. We have now on hand
Jewelry lloxes,
WcrKing juoxes,
Handkerchief Boxes,
Musical Albums,
Lace Goods,
Hemmed and
Stitehed Hankerehlcfs,
Lace Handkerchiefs,
Whito Nubias, all sizes,
Black nnd White Fringes,
Gold nnd Mixed Beads,
Jcwolrv of all kinds,
Thread and Point Lnee Collars,
Zephrys of all colors,
Germantown Yarns,
New Corsets, Now Stjdo,
Bustles, Hoopskirts,
Underwear for Ijdles.
Ribbons, Silk and
1 1o uli innra Sinai)
Great inducements by purchasing
Largest nnd best assorted stock of goods
for Men s Wear in this section, winch
in tho most approved stylo. No fit no salo.
always on hand. A fine and well selected
stock of
American & Imported Watches
Hats and Caps soiling al cost.
as cheap as can be bought in Pa.
2Teu Infantry Soldier Coats at $2
Valises, Carpet Sachs, Satchels, Tlunks,
tve, always on hand.
Carpels, Brussels, Ingrain, Hemp, and
all Kinds.
The plaoo to buy rvory variety of the
is at the 'extensive Tea Store of
where you can always And a larpe assort
mont ol'tho liest Teas at New York priuvs.
A iarg assortment of
Groceries ami Provisions,
unequaled In quality and cheapness byany
other store in Warren cininty, always on
hand. Tho people of Forest county will
save money by purchasing their supplies
at this place,
liost brands of
delivered at any depot on the lineof the R.
li. free.
IStoro on Main St. near the Depot.
N. '. V I. A It K ,
Aid Dealer in
Rcpuirinp; tlouo in a workmanlike
niitniicr aiitl warrantcJ to give utis-
Uction. 1 lv
i -: r t n . j 1 ,hirv f)tlnl;,
: , P. "i.i" S -i' it ;md Ketica
1 n .-Ot-ii'.! to pif.ise ibl
. I','!1 , " lvi.AlMI Cl
Ti n i'i ii-,Umu1".. ;i- 1 i u:n,
ni i-la fio-ii lii ii.iti-.-c? rti
; f, :( A. folic lie St i Hdil.UM.
1 Tiiiiisr ptrl ,i l.if'e-p'vMi
r Ped l-ivi...., o..r .:' il.o
mH ot 1 .ii,
MM. cm.:-.1 " 'I' i.jic .."
ftc . In it !r It- r r n tni- M,-.i el'-"
Ml! 1 llrstlT..t'1-.i: Ik
'1 'i -v i'i- t, r it I: o-
1' :.-.l-rM p..:--f- V
S tt-iii, r.r rvnv; rT n't pi m i 'rr mn r vm
tlis bion.l lio.ilt'iv t'l.i.'. liori, rii'icli.nj; it, ic'Vcsliiii
Hint iio'i ;ot;ititi' b;ih tiMid and "I'li-v nvt ri
fit .id'iiiui-rr ul'-'i, i n;i( v t'l . if act ion, c-i : i.ti in llieif
Hti':, e'i Tf i iii ' i t '1 forfMi ot
I'ert'Ki r:i:l (alt i 'mno lilt f rrn ac rord
li'K In direriioii, a id r mii.t it lon-j ino- il, rovtfic
llieii ho'ir .iir not il-i:rovc I bv tutin-i il poivm or nibcr
meiis-, .lt d i!u '.IaI or.iin ;.:o.,,l the i ottit
Ot r'i:r.
l)j tiriMln oe t it 1 to:. TTad u hr, P.tin
in tbe Stmtiltler, t.'.m ;!i, J' 2'itnc of it.j ( lie . Iii.
ins, S-or Krtirt.iiKiiU ft !e .S:o:n.n!i, !.id I.TO'j
in tli-i Month, llii'oti Atnti., I'llp'M'ion of ilia
lle.ii t. I nil mint itti "t" lb : I -in Tun i-. ibc n ;,i.u.i i I
tlie Knbi'v, a 'id a !nmd:od mlir pnn:n; viin.innn,
ure tli mtipiii, i-f Ivnf :m.i. In ili,?se como! tti.n
h In no cumi, a" I hoti'. m :l ito--; .1 I.olt
ot' in nn: i it lli ' :i In: 'In ;i:l en htinnt .
Kr in :i I C'n;lniiil in vomiu ir oM,
Hi wrird or ;nl(, nt I'i i ovi( if" vinn mintcil. n ilu
turn of li f, tin:- 'I'oif.j 1 !:-;t- (!: .' o tlecidt-1 an
ti-fi i:;.r ? a tinot o eca-tit i. hoort 'Hitt'
fit.- l11im!nniory mil (lii'oiii Ctlirii
ninUMtll .i.i t 1 ) s orti. t -r I it"! -no'i. I In -mi-,
Kemnl-it ,iiil 1 nit-i in 1 1 ;it I ,m i , 1 ':L';tirf of lire
H.oo.1, l.ivtr, Kidni'vt an.) If ...M-r, tti-c ll.ittrs It iv
lifc.i tit'Ht MiiT'-'sf.d. n 't D.s.-nr- i- c tilled hf
Vili.ttcd l!'"o,, wt i !i i j't ici.illy ptudncul l.y derange-lli-ii
t of dt; 1 ;;.! ) ii i
TJiiy nt-c n !i'tiilu ltirntlvo n ivcll nn'
ft XnillCt 'ojif ii ; a'n id.- o.-in i ir i"i;nl mimi
h a iovftli-l r'lciil in i icvii t 'oiiliiin or lnflott.
mil of lit I,:vv. Hud V.cci.vl t)ii.o., and in loltuu-
For MKIil Ii-rnf t'ltiiloni, 'IVf-r, S tit
Ulieitnt, llloK U? , SlolI l';iiin'l'1, I'tKI'lttiH, 1!tl, C.ti-
'itiicle, Kiiih wo i in, S'. i'o 1 1 vad, S-.te Kv-, lirv
.ir'ni. 1 1 eh. Scut ft, I ti-fih.i it ions of t lie Skiii, 1 1 union
in ! 1 tie te of tlic .S!;n, if h.'.li'vcr ii i:m: oi n.tttnr,
ire itcr.tlly duq ttp and fin'rd not of tlie ovalent in
li"it lime by tlie tie of ttifss It il-t. One l-oitle in
ncl L'ieivil convince lltti met int. reunion ol tlieir
iintivf rfftrt,
I'M me ihn VIMiifr 1 nrto.l Iici-cver von
inri n. iMipmitifs 1mii.'oi-4 lioi'iij-li tlieslon in I'Mnplei,
tii 1 1 1 i or Sore.: cle rise ii wit.Mt yon li nl it olj.
.Ii in.')- I .1 1 '!o-;i -U i.i ihtf ein i ; cloai.; it wlifit it
'mil ; votir li-linH ill K v. Ih.-ii. K''e; lUc ll(Md
lilt t. .111.1 I in? I. r ill It of lli y stent Wil'f liio'.V.
J i'jiI r t i I I lt,ltiitt ii tl 4 pi lu'l.unt ' tjTn H Hit-
THUS lle ntot woikIjiIu! 1 ovi ir.tnt lli it ever -iitl.iintd
ibe dnkii. pystrin.
I'lil, T.ipc, nnd ii Iirr IV.ii-iiii. 1ui!.;.. in
the avstiMit of so mir.y .!.: unl , aie rl-t In.iily ()c
Mvoved a-id remov-fd. Sn a itlst,::iii.'--il ptivo.,).
Of; int : Mi: o: i i -t v ci van i;olu ili of ttis
an It wliiti; b'i'ly i . CNompt front tin pre -ii nce o( wnrnt.
It ii not iiimi'i t!i (iT.inIiy cleniffni3 of tho
vrottt' :.( .1, lint n -'i i 1 1 1 3 d e ise.l Irnnoi- n nl slim
drpoMt-t lint Inci-il thc-.a; inontieia nf dieat.
No sysit-i'i nf Mi.-tl.ciii., no v.'riiiif'm;-;, ntt .mih-lm n
tie, 't f,i.-e tl.j f..,t wji;iU iii.o these llii
3Ie.h:iliil TlrtrfHft. rVrnm fii'T.ifd in
P.ilnii and Mn.i-r.i'. m h in J'SiMiilms. Tvpt viler,
Ltoid h".lie .Ind M;i.T, a i Ur? advinre in life, will
C i'lltiiCI to p.n.tlvvi of ii I! -"vl-. To fd au.iin!
,11. . a do-e nl' Y a ui: i Vi.wucak Ujt riiRs onto
or t i "e'i, a rtwe-nive.
U!lltui. rnitt t nt, itinl Xiiim nill (rut
PcvrrH, which m3 " :rcv.'enl in l!u v.iih-ya of our iiv-ts thrntlitt l United H..lie, cnp-ei.dU
ilioii of the M i.saippt, Oi.i Mi-ouii, lilinon, Tpn
nens,, L'lnihirlaiid. Ailouni. Red, Ci'Ioiado,'
Rio to.indf, I'onil, Aiali.t-m, Sii'aintah, lio,in
nUe, J mil), nnd nnny mlti n, tlicii v.i-t iiilinti
r le--. I'mmejiont om rnino conntA- during (he Suinnivr'
ah- A ilo'int, an I r-.'tu.iiUtly ft dining eitoni til
iimiMi il hi it nnd divii'-fatj inv iria 1 y aro:npanied
!iV ettlcniiw i1ii,tni;eiiif ni '-t the rrotn ilIi and liver, and
nttisr al'tloniuia! via en. 'J !ni neaiw iv mor or let
nliitviriioi!i of l!u live;-, n r-.ti,iiei nn.l tnit.ihle M.tltf
nf llii slninich, and ); loiju.r t' llu hoivcU, lem
closed np with vin.iicil at cunni '.ttnms. I;i tlicii
nt;n', a pT satire, t .u- vi : i a pownfd mflticnrc upon
thts; v.uiniit orR.ins, ii c snli.t!ly nec;'an'. There is
no c.ilh.ii ;;c for llii p :rposi; e -pi .1 in Ort J. U'ai.KKk'H
ViNKiK 1-iri KM-;, ai they will Fpt-edily remove tho
il.ok rnloK-il vised mailer widi wlutli the Imwc! ai
lmd-d, al th Miita t.nni FUntulaMi I lit -ecrelim o(
im liv-r, nn I C '1"-"'-'-'')' rejioiins inu ho.dd-y f;inciiuu
of ill 'Il 41-si .re iiri:n,
rSrritfjilu, or K ! TCrfl, Vh'ie K-eiltng
IT ecu. Ki ysipol.ts Sw. t; Ncek, fioiler. Seiofilou
I i!l.un:n it ion 4, n;.ih-ni I .ill 01011,11110 Mi-ieui ial Af
foc'iom, ti A Sorn, r.inpin.ns of llits Skin, Sore ICve.
etc., eic In thesf, ni in a:i otti-r lonsi.iiitinn.ii I)i
c.isls, W.i Khm's VinI'ijui IliT'tuMs h.ivn -hovn their
t; ciit.tlive povvei ai th? tnoit uuiiuate And iitluc'. -tlil
Dr. Wnllirr's ( iillT'ii n!n Vliir-nr IIIMein
art mi nh tln'sc 1 i- cs in a m inner. I'y put it
the II'im.,1 lli -y remove t'n c.i.t-e, and hv rei-vint; wa
llie e !rrl of 1 nut rniiniio , (A;-; tnheienlar depoMti)
tin a Ti'to,t pans iceciv: lica-lh, .1.1 J A pini.iiienl cm a
ts i-rT-cted.
TilO pi OJlTl of Hi:. V.'viKI'.liN ViMKr.K
r.iriHHs an: A:etient. I i.f -!h-i ami ( . tve,
N mnttoin, l.ixiliii, Itlinev:.'. S.-.'. r i--, (..'ottiiLer Ii ii
1. ni. S fl.iioii', A, an 1 A uli-loiiuiii.
'I'lio Apei-lcnt hiwI in tl 1,. ix. una properties of
Hi; W'm KKK'fi ViNi'tiAii I ' t tthk aie ihe beat lale
jltitifl 111 aM case -i of eMipliOiii Ar.'l ni.i'l::naitl fever,
tlteii- Im'si.ishic. h-i;inT, nnd Roothitm properties protect
tlu hiniHM of liie foiei. 'J I to 1 r hedat : ve prupei tic
allay p.iin in thtj ti-iioini hyuteni, ftlom.ich, and howelfi,
-ii'ier fii'.n inll mini nm-i, w.n I, Colic, tt.onp-i, en.
Th.-ir l-'oii nier 1 1 1 indii'-m d extend lim ni ;hoiil
tlr v.icin. Their Ihnietic pi(peiliei 4-t on ilitj Kni-io-vi,
001 rcctin? and iczniatin; il.c flow ot m im '1 hi; if
A:iti - It' ion pro'ei lii-s si I initial ; ill a livrr, in tlie ecre
t ion of b,!o, and tU d.:cliait-i:it llnoii;;h the hiliai y diicn.
and are superior to all mural d agents, fr t'oc cue of
H.l.ous Fever, l-'cv-r and Ane, etc.
Kot'lify fliu lofy n'uliiHt llriie b pun
fvnn; all na i!nidt miiIi Vr'rowt hm 111 No epi.
ileni.c can take lio'd of a hmuii ihns ti.n-i mcl. Tlnj
liverj tlnj li, llirt how e j, lli k'dni-VN, and tha
nctvea e rendeicd d se.i 0 pioof by tnviy
Uii ri i'oiiM. I .d.e of ihe Datri rt-t coni- to w
al myht trout a lull to on and nns-h.t f wine takSlidl.
tit good ncuiii'iii.s foi.l, inch a beet aleak, mutton
chop, vci.iion. to.i.-t bee!, and e-ciao en, and t.lka
out-tioor eticie. They are conip.oed ot p-nely veet
ah'e iiiKr.iIient, and conla:n no spint.
.( WAI.KL'.R, Piop'r. U. II. McOO.V .1I.D&- CCtt
DiUKt;ist at'd Grn. Ajji., Stu KranciM-o, ( al..
and cor. ol V.idnnt;ion and Clh.iriton Sit , New York.
roi n V A I I. DKI't'.iilS li AND I)K Vl.KRS
TllK Tonlh voluino of Wood's Hot'Ki:
1101. u Mauaink In yiim with Janiuiry
'72. Il ih eililod by Oail Hamilton, N. S.
VVimkI, ami 11. V. Ok1kh iu, and inrludi'H
amoiii; its regular conlrilmtoi-H lloraco
Oroclt y, Oail llainiltoii. Thus K. lti'ii iinr.
Dr. Dio Lewis, lr. W. W.- Hull, Jiiiiii-m
1'urton, ct. llurricl Hi-oolicrSiowo, Jlrick
l'oini'roy. John O. Snxo, MnJ. (ii'iil. Kll
patrirklVtroli um V. Nasliy, (U, vrito
It oi'i-ONiiinally. IVrnis Ono Dollar u vrar.
Ill clubbing, -Ull't'e liiHt-olitSM pcriodiritU
uro Kivoii lor tho priroof onool' ihoin. Tho
wotd liU'ral l'ri'iiiiiiiu List over published.
No periodieal is more t'ie.iieiitly or litvor
Blily inentioiied by tho press. '"Wood'n
Household Mnpi.iim is ono ol' tho luoiiu
Iiieuls of hiisiiu s eiiterpriso whieh mark
thea'o." Methodist Home Journal, l'hil
udelphia, l'a. "It has been improving
ever sineo wo knew it aood erilorion for
the fuluie." I'oiirier, New Market, 'an
uda. It is 11 marvel of aud lirst
elasu (iiialilv combined. " New York
Times. Speeiinen eopv sent free to any
address. (S..S.' Wool) A Co.,
Newburnh, N. V,
J AS. Mi'KAY, at llio Tost OllUc.'lias
opened out a ehoieo lot of
A portion of the patronage of the public
is resspfeliuliy soheiteil.
Iil-tr .1 AS. M. Mi K AY.
SrilS(.'UIl:i:f 'rtho Forest trptib!irun
It will pay.