B 1 1 4 &bc orfM gltpuiUnm. taTCBtianED" kterv Tuesday,' by W. R.DUNN. 3lTloe In Knox's Building, Elrr Street si it' WJ-lrO TERMS, f2.00 A YEAR. No Stilncrlpltonir received for a shorter period tlmii threo months. Correspondence solicited from all parts of tin? country. No notice will bo taken of niinouy moil V oniii in 'inicittloni. Marriaros nn J Uoiitli notieos Inserted gratis. "Lot us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand if-LINCOLN. VOL. V. NO. 3. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1872. S2 PEPv ANNUM. Republican i-4 i! BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . XIIWTOK PICrTIS. MILKS W.TATE. PETTIS 4TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, (, Urttt, TIOSICSTA, PA. Isaac Ash, TT'HIVRY AT LAW. Olt ( t Will practice In tho various Courts of rwm ominiv. .Ml business ontriiHuiu w care will receive prompt attenti n. IK ly yt. W. Muon, 0rj A. Jonk Tlm.t.1.. r. BnMfcvlllt, Fm. M ison Ik jnks, ATTORNEYS AT LAwVoiTico on Kim tP street, above Walnut, Tionesui, Pa. C. W. Gilfillan, A TTOHN KY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve- i x nango Co., ru. tf. W. P. Mercilllott, Attorney at Law. ItlML. ESTATE ACS EXT. TIONESTA, PA. 27-tf J. R. H Rills, D. D. FASSETT, JIAIiltIS C FASSETT, Attorneys at Law, Tttusvllle Penn'a. I)K VOITCE In nil the (Courts or Wrren, Crawford, Forest cud Venango Coun ties. 49-tf Tlonrsta House. 1T TTTEL, Proprietor. Kim St.. Tlo ne.tii. Pa., at the mouth of thoereck. Mr. title, hat tlioroiiurlilv renovated tho Tinnosti Mouse, nnd re-furnished It com plotelv. All wlvi patrnni.n liim will bo vril entertained hi reasonable rntR. 211 ly FCI-S7 HOUSE, D BLACK PROPRIETOR. Opposite Court House, Tiouesta, Pa. Just opened. Everything new and clean and fresh. Tlio host of liquors kot constantly on hand. A porilon of Urn public patron age Is respectfully solicited. 4-17-lv Holmes House, HMONESTA, PA., opposite the Depot. A C. I). Mal.ie, Proprietor. Good Sta hliiiK connected with the Irmso. If. Syracuso Mouse, rpiDIoUT1-. Pa.. J. A D Maokk. Pronlo A tor. Tho house leisboeu thoroughly renlted mid In now In the lirst-rlass order, Willi the host of accommodations. Anv nforinaiion rsmcerniiiar oil Territory ai mispoiui win uo cliooriuiir inriiiHlieii. -ly J. A l. MAtiKR, Exrlvingfl Hotel, T (IWKlt TinioL'TE. Pa.. D. S. IUms J.V iiKKi.itSns l'riii'. ThiM house having imshii rented isnow tno most unsirahlo stop 1 i 11 -T place In Tidiouto. A good Milliard llnn.ii attached. 4 lv National Hotel, TRVINF.TON, PA. W. A. Hatlonbaek, Proprietor. Thin hotel is Nkw, and Is w open as a first class house, situate at ci luni'tioii ol the Oil Creek A Allegheny I ver mid Philadelphia A Erie Railroads, rposiio the JVpot. Parties having to lay ver tTnins rind this the most conven rut hotel liAown, with tirst-class acconi . noihitions ifliil reasonable "harues. tf. t Dr. J. L". Acom.li, ' f If.YSH'IAN AND SI' Kti EON', who has J 1 1 i I lllleen years' experience in i lai'(i ami Hiuvesslul practice, will attend all : ProtesMioiuil Calls. Olilce in hia Iru anil Una Try Store, located ill lidioute, near I iilioute House. t tr IN HIS STOKE WILL UK FOUND V f ill assortment of Medicines. Llouora Tnbuecn, Cigars, Stationerv, Class, Paints, oiN Cutlery, and line Orocerii-a, all of the best ,iiality, and will bo Hold at reasonable rales. II. It. IH'KOKSS, an experienced PniK inl Irom New York, han charge of the tore. All prescriptions put up accurately. IT. JOHN . OALE, PRE' T. 9HN A. PROPER, VICE Pll ST. A. H. (TCELt, CAtHR ' TI01TES7A . SAVINGS B4KK, Tiouesta, Forest Co., Pa. Thii WriTk trnnsac-. a Oeneral KankliiK, A'ollectiiiM: and Exchange ItusMjeaa. Urafts on the I'rinciiial Cinea of the ' iL'tiited Slates and Europe lioiiubland sold. Ciold and Silver Coin and Jiovernnioiit Ke'eurities bought,' and sold. 7-:W llouds ,-j-oiivnrted on the most ravorable tonus. Interest allowed 011 time deposits, Alar. 4, SLOAN & VAN GIESEN7 BLACKSMITHS AND W A GO N-MAKERS, . Corner of Church and Elm Streets, Tins ilrnnis prepared to do all work In its line, and will warrVit everything dona ai their ah t 'stive' KOlUlttctiou. Par ticular atiouii.fH given to . IIORSE-.S3fpi.IXO, Hive them a trial, und J''tJ'.l not re gret it. . I :-) '.: Lloyd & Son, WATElt STREET, TIONKSTA, PA. HWE JUST OPENED au extensive ,-sroek of . FLOUR' AND FEED, GWCEP.IES AND PROVISIONS. Which they hirer to the pulilio at rates ii iow as elm be otjre.l by anv other estab lishment in t 'w 11. divo us a call before unrc!risiii eisewhere. 4i.Sia LLOYD., I WON. . Tlv; TU-puhlican OtHce I.rEKPS eoiistuiitly on hand a lame o IV siirtineiit'ol ISIauk 1'iuds, Murlao., SuJ)Ktiias, Wnrnints, Buuimoi:s, iV-c. to D. W. CLARK, (COMMtSSlOXKH'tt CbKHK, KOMKsT CO., PA.) REAL ESTATE AG EXT. HOUSES nn 1 LoU for fia'e and UENP W.ld Ijinda for Sale. 1 t have superior faelllfesfor aafortnlnlna 1 the emdi'lon of taxes and tax d'-cds, A-e., i and am llinrefore quali'ied to act lutein-. gently as a'rent of those livinir at a di- tanc ownln't ib'hi hi ttie i; niniv. Olilce in Commissioner Koo!n,,court I! iisb, TioiieHla, Pa. 4-41-ly. 11, W.CLARK. itnir. niTitiitKir. ri. B- P. DITallllHIK. TrwM. T. A. W.nHT. r. UKU. W. IIIIHIMIM.R. THE SUPERIOR LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c. mills on Tioncsla Trcck, Forest Co., Pa. Yard! & Office cor. .H k Rnil Road Sts., PITTSRUROIT, PA. THEANUIlEir.S SAEES. UNSEATED LANDS. NOTICE Is hereby nlven that in pursu ance of au Act of the Ucneral Assem- b y of tho Cominonwcaitli oi Pennsylva nia, liaised th 18th day of March, 'lsl.'i, entitled an Act to aiiien.l an Aet directing the mode ofsellintt Unseated IjiikIs for Taxes Are., and Hie several subsequent Acta Biipp.eiiicnliiry thereto. Tho fotlow inu tracts of u nseaied lauds, and in and out lota In the Coiiniy of Fonut, or ao much thereol as will p.ty tho arrearaires of taxes and eosta accrueil th rron, will be exposed to puli.ie side at the Treasurer's Oil! -e, in Tioneaut llorouti, Forest Coun ty, Pa., on tho 2D MONDAY IN JUNE, 1872, and be con tin tied by a IJouriiineut from day to day if it aliall be louud necessary ao lu Uo : 0A11NKTT TOWNSHIP. Aerel. Bub. Vutulw or nputert Owner. T. Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Rad l dler. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tiouesta, I 'a. All work ia war ranted. If. IDWAKII DITH!lll)('.lt. E. D. DITIIIIItMIt FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. Established A. D. 1327. PITHftlDGE&SQri, MANUFAOTimKlls OK Ditliridge's xx Flint Glass PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS. AND Silvered Glass Reflactors. Those chimneys do not break by heat. Ask for Ditii hi DoKs. Take no other. PITHUIDOE tt SON, 25-ly. Pittsburgh. Va. ' Itoiirdiii"; House. MKM. s. s, HULINOS has built a larre ailditlon to her house, and is now pro pared to aceonimoda'ea nuiiilier of perma nent boarders, and all transient ones win may favor her Willi their patronate. A pHid stable has recently been built to ac commodate the horses of quests Charges rca-nuah'.c. Kesideuco on Elm St., oppo site S. llaslet'a store. 2:i-ly JOrSHOUSE, CLARION, PENN'A. S. S. JONES - - Proprietor. GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE IX TIONESTA. KLINORDLINGER & CO. AVE Just brousrht on a complete and carefully selected stock of II FLOUR. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, and everything noecssary to the complete stock ot'a first-class ' iroi'ery I louse, which they have opened out at their establish ment on Flm bt., lirst door north of M. L. Church. TE S COFFEES, ' ' SUGARS, SYRUrS, FRUITS, SPICES, HAMS, LARD, a sd rjto ry.so.v.s of ail kinds. at the lowest cash prices. Goods warrant ed to bo of the be-t quality. Call mil ex amine, and we believe we can suit von N. KLINORDLINGER A CO. Jan. 0. '72. THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. IF YOU WANT a perfect tit and a (rood article of Boobs and Shoes, of the tiuoat workmanship, goto If. E. I-CAXCES, SH CENTRE STREET, OIL CITY, PA. f4T Satisfaction L'Uiiran'eed. 2-83 tf. A n I 11 A E E ! Mr. Samuel Bell, of W. K. Schmerts! it Co , Wholesale I'.oot and Shoe Munulueiur itm, 31 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., has been alllieted wilh chronic rlieumatih for thiity years, Irom his right hip to his foot, having to use a crutch and a cane, at limes so painful as to utterly incapacitate h.m frail attending to his buwinei-s. Having tried every remedy known, without effect, except Gi'lliland's Pain Killer, he was finally induced to try it. A fcecond applica tion enabled him to lay aside his crutch, and a third effected a permanent cure. Mr. Hell is a popular and well-known citizen, is a living monument of tho etfuca iy of that great medical discovery, oidiland'a Pain Killer. The atllicted should ask their grocer or dru gii-t for it, and try its won derful power. Mr. tiilliljnd, 'we under bland, wauu a respectable agent in every towi and county tor it. The principal of fice is ai 11 Thud Avenue, Pittsburgh Pa. 31--U AuKVTS WANTED Bound eunvaai ing book PENT FREE! of postage on receipt of 75 cents, and ex eulsive territory granted on tho rjCTOKIIi HOME IUBLI-1 Contains over.!"" illustrations Ia com plete Library uf II. blicul Knowledge. Ex cells all others. In English and Oct man. Win, l jiut dt Co., Phila., l'a. U7-4t ITBrrani. 8111 8174 31, -1 ;ti:s air.it .HU'J 3101) 3312 3117 3110 311J ,M3I bl-yo 5130 5150 614.) 5110 ulM uM) iillM 5 1 115 'Mil 51.13 3142 5111 5I7 6188 5(1 Oiiiuore Rob't. 3 Oij 4Ut) Millstone A Deer Creek Pet. Co. (ogilby heirs.) 108 78 Oj;liby ueirs 1MH07 " 2l!t 7S 1011 7 15u tW 3 M 2 40 2 40 2-iO fi2fl tr.iO i'M U75 60 i i 4 44'J 125 111) 5 KilJ 30 500 50 UK) 100 100 )."i 1000 420 600 500 100 KHJ 3':0 llMH) 101 H) ll.iO 300 H50 100 IM 31K) 00 320 R. S. Winlock Maya 12. C. " " Kitter " " Wilson " " liolibs II. Leroy Jt J. Liuklaiii Wray William 08 50 835 73 84 17 W) 11 5: Reid R. J. Colviu S. R. (lil.ayle Klizabeth 1 -i4 bheruf J. P. A J. A. 30 00 (iilmoro Robert 7 50 Colvin J. R. 24 00 Hi. broncr Leo pold 10 00 Rulolf Kulc.tT.40ii 25 00 KISOSLKY TUWrsillP. 51K8 60 5ls7 100 6187 100 51S0) A 183 5is7 J 6217 1100 6148 100 52H8 t-0 51U3 100 5193 290 52t 2(H) 5.21 1 &2U7 208 5220 30 Island 8 51!)2 200 )50 5233 300 52C3 550 61H0 1174 6218 750 5101 LOO 51U2 150 Oill d: Co. Superior Lum ber Co. llarmer Jo'iali Arnold Pium nier Unknown Mcliermot &, Forker Taylor Charles ltlood A Mewart Un Known Wol, A Co. Whole tract 400 ucrea Ford S. A. A Caromio Suobiet 11. 17389 155 00 75 54 87 00 87 00 11 20 113 70 42 20 ru 50 183 M) 125 75 40 05 13u 05 1 85 21 H5 61 43 841 3s 2 lnno 5180 500 400 127 73 80 6 217 25 323 100 5 Vact. 40 275 8H5 2825 ll-.K) lK 2S28 100 lO 2823 71 K) 100 2838 1000 2028 210 ' 2.5J 282t 50 2 Isl's 22 B'lj's: 3421 50 Plum lauuid 9 3001 200 1000 170 ' 30 2820 no 1IXH) :t823 50 2--24 200 2828 170 M 2820 112 loo ! 800 2123 8110 2824 180 " COO 2828 80 2824 140 2828 158 3824 200 f.0 2835 100 8 Woods heirs Plummer A 8 May i Jrwln M Stewart Amy 1 1 W fori Knox Philip Cropp John A Proper Hart J II Known by W F Hunter Perry & Co Dus- tiu Island Unknown R.ekle(4G II A Weaver Clapp Edward 2"n 00 110 00 75 50 11 7 8 70 20tl() 1 Co 23 87 1 50 21 00 8 :m 8 25 C3 80 fll 88 227 70 22 49 7 70 15 50 White Win. fori. Luuy F. II. ii Co 17 65 White Wm. fori. Chadwick oil uo 32 47 ilall Lamb A Schooiey 101 20 Tioncsla Oil Co 01H) T. W. Allan A Co 5 62 Zendle C. lorl. Brooklyn oil eo 0 00 Uiltilteu C. F. 20 01 HICKORY TOWNSHIP. Econouiite Soc. 2 87 Island 3 Curtis 550 131 3187 0P0 Noble A Jen nings former ' lv Orecu .1. WebL W. II. Dalo J. A. Da.e A lrwir C7 08 112 6207 5-80 5102 518!) 61'I2 30! 13 3t.!3 6102 200 ;i.il 250 1(H) 100 170 52 250 1 Island 5 120 33 100 00 2 10 1 151 321 1 30 57 27 tM) 1100 , 24 80 " " 18 0U j Daviiison Wm. ' fori. Portertield CO 00 G. S. Long d- U. Warihy 65 85 j Cincinnati A Pills'goii Co. 107 14 1 Wilson John 220 Ii5 Unknown 15 60 Lake Erie Pet. Co R R Roberts Madoie Miiuin John McuU ieorge Irwin Richard Lupy Conrad Com B. It. Strut her rs Thos. 30LK) 5280 5210 50 10 80 60 Si i 7 150 10 210 500 135 500 200 700 200 Island 51U2 :!819 5157 5185 3.S18 5"ii0 5184 15 15 20 41 20 34 4 10 10 10 10 8 0!) 2 30 Recker Richard 25 25 Wrey Kev. Robert 2 30 JouiiHon A Suiitli ( . D. Collins) 5 08 McFeeA Loiiu- well lorineily L Noble 17 64 Day "iv in. nowT. D. Collins 5 85 Wardsworth loll. L. Bennett 28 20 Wlnte W. S. fori. U. W. Wallers 14 11 Luther L. F, 4 00 1'irsl Nut. Bank A lleglieuv fori Praiuer heirs 1 47 Unknown iorl Kol.erts 23 Irwin II. M. it S. T. May 13 00 Ecoiioiuiie Soe. 17 (Hi Anderson V, L. lorl.t:. M. Hunter 65 Anderson W. L. foi 1 F. K oiler 2 75 Ital kelson (i. 1 HI Hail in. W. 2 20 Ciuy John 28 Excelsior Oil Co lorl S. .Miu.ross 2 75 T. I). Collins fori iiordoii heirs C. M. Hunter llaliiiuli J. L. Uukuuwu 3188 318!) 3191 3195 ' Vact. , 523't 6-iiO I 202 I 1123 2024 2018 I 2021 3S02 ' 3MI3 j 6103 2S12 28,8 2.s.S2 2!0 28! M) 2!'l 2730 33 28 1 10 8 25 2 75 (IREtS TOWNSHIP. Bonnei J. Pule A Brother foi l A He,, n Duncan Robert Ford A Lacy 59 40 105 00 1 1 85 tiii 25 4!l 50 154 00 22 00 o 1.1 a oo Gillespio A uwona 382o 83 Ileplur M. fori. Jonas l'oliuer 120 M vers Peter 230 .Muv II. 11. Sad- die Bag tract 25 30 5184 180 Slay H. II. Tio ncsla oil bbl co 20 15 500 I'almer A Cllilds 32 50 333 Woods heirs W t'l DO Walters Saui'l W W) 61S5 .'18211 320 mi2 Vact. TlOSKsTA TOWNSHIP 40 Proper J UH 450 MayABro. 30 Wiiiaus J fori llilanda 10 30 30 80 600 2730 2738 filK) 787 203 590 871 850 600 8 0 5(H) H7i) tl!0 170 10C3 10113 llKI 500 KM 13 lmil 200 100 II 00 100 I II II Harmer tract Hauna AUiltiil len 227 70 G W Zents fori S Whitten 12 00 Good Hop Pot co 12 !i0 PinkurdACo 18170 Da e heirs V II Brown 12 00 El win E Clapp 12HO0 J W Fi.lder 30 00 MS Hunter 3 07 PowellS 1150 Cascade Pet Land ASsociaUou 30 Grubbo John 1150 Cascade Pc Land Associat on 1 08 Unknown Old Town 57 00 Curtis A Ander son 120 00 J A Dale A Bro fori. J HilanN 22 20 Robert J Brown fori J. Noble 8 00 Samuel V et M so Pi inner heirs 120 00 Unknown 11 50 Dr. Day 24 no " 21 20 C II Shepard Dale h",ra 21 58 Samuel West 13 44 Irwin II M A May Pa'. 105 2100 Ham, uond heirs txi IH) Mr Douglass 00 00 Gilniore A Co (Bums) 2100 Gil more A Co (Burns) 72 01 John Myers 8 40 L L Oil'liuoro 10 80 J Jl Agiiew Good win, While A Clark 15 (10 Ken no way to oil Co 24 00 Fahnestock 7 20 Unknown fori Wagner 12 00 Hunter John 24 Hunker Hill Oil Co foi l Mc- Intyro 10 44 J Onnw fori Hunter 30 J S MeCalmont Executor 00 00 W F Halrymplo 5 23 HOWE TO VNSII1P. II Loroy A J Linkhiin 3183 3184 5111 5142 6144 5115 3040 3144 3150 , 8100 I 3101 31112 8IH3 3101 810S 3174 8177 4178 090 Leroy A Linklain 159 91 " J Bonner " " JENKS TOWNsttlP. Baynton Peter Dainpman 22 18 " K part J Bonner 6 42 6 " Stephens 29 95 11 " Mct'ra 81 OH 13 " SJ Willi -mslU3 14 " H Mur- kinsEdd 13 06 15 " James J HI 54 " " Wal aire " " " K part 0 88 Davidson Win - Miss Miller 2:48 7 Howell Joseph 215 25 Ogilby heirs 141 8.. Leroy 4 Lin klain li)4 " 22 43 101 95 " ' 191 8 1 " " 70 38 it t SB Ashley 17 74 II Lerov A J Linklain, 109 10 II Leroy A J Linklain whole tract 1 41 acres 17 50 Roberts Anna R 1:48 68 " " 83 13 W Wallace Nicholson John II 4, McPherson Warder J wholo tract 1000 acres Wardor J ii ii 133 00 81 II 3 14 i Mifflin Jonathan Nees I lohbs W Williuk 62-53 W Williuk Cashinaii J. W Williuk Hunt W Williuk Hunt W Williuk Scholicld W Will.nk 59 68 2S50 2910 ii ii 50 ii 250 100 700 50 100 2995 ' 2.3i ill 7)0 21.'i0 10O0 2808 2977 ii 50 51 1 3 6 8 ft 12 13 15 111 19 20 i of 23 !f24 4 f 23 28 ,t 29 27 31-32 33 37-3S-39 of 31 3'i 41 J Bo. :r.cy 83 11 83 13 83 13 103 47 194 3 29 SO 1KJ 72 18;) 72 100 25 83 14 18 1 72 183 72 33 25 10 Ci 10 04 15 30 1011 10 01 111 04 W Wiliink J Bon icr W Williuk Roundsly " Howard " " " Frismuth J " " " Wilson A 7 S " Mc.N'eal R V, li4 " Fling B " ' " llliin lin R ' " " McKloskv F 10 51 " 'Siuglierty ' " " Stewart Jas 10 01 " Lewis Miss " Lewis F " Lewis B F " Park Doct'r 8 31 8 31 41 08 10 04 31N) ' Hock Wm 11(1 39 ' Thompson V 8 31 " Dubinin J M 04 " M ivs W " ' " Tavlor Eliza 123 32 bill 25 58 150 Vai't. 500 130 130 910 6108 6102 5lo3 5104 6105 5101 3K5 3197 4792 loo 150 750 730 loo PKK) 570 101 H) 621 717 748 750 751 753 754 7.V. 11 " Hubbar.I It Pittsburgh A Foie-tCo Lum ber Co W Williuk Clo ver Seth J V Sloan U79 24 89 83 14 21 SO 52sJ 1000 3133 8'K) 31M1 31H.1 3IS9 2733 2-luO UNI lit") S!) 448 2(j0 HennetSF Hi 01 Campbell Hiram 23 li.l 1! Dobbs 121 81 " 122:1.5 "purtof .ink Hi 04 " Hkl 25 " HO 31 Milll in Jonathan lwj 25 Whole tra. I.V.Hi acres Howe LuuilarCo 87 41 ii ii ii .i Who e tract .'!! M il hews Chas. " " Mead lieorgu PW 25 Honuev J 124 00 Hays jumps 7 50 l.eroyuc Linlain Ni s.i W Wallace 02 13 Miltll.nJ 73 23 bliellon Oil A Mining Co 20 76 127 27 127 112 60 68 70 l'5 1014 014 495 444 .j 1000 888 9(H) 11 m 60 60 1001 lit 100 64 783 60 24 20 32 84 ' S I ' N 1 1-2-7-18 8-10-17 3179 03 43 .. .1 40 69 60 3181 114 21 100 22 " 114 28 I. II J.0 03 35 " 1071 30 " 97 37 3182 1073 3-4-51 12- 19- 13- 20 3190 090 5137 250 ' 158 5139 500 6140 3501 1000 3501 1014 3000 540 3370 1037 3071 1000 3550 518 8551 518 Vact. 1078 2547 !H!0 4130 1096J 4131 000 413(1 1090V 3001 50 5( Vact. 100 3177 85 3173 00 3 bill 81) 3170 5s 5129 68 5138 80 5138 305 5 1 1 'II llr.K) 5107 10K) 5110 753 Vact. 70 3322 400 3177 114 . Vact. 100 3322 280 259 05 219 1. 233 15 233 15 24 .. 11 7. 8 78 23 60 2H 85 25 HO 1271 205 57 21 08 M F Rohrer. T Martin, wnolo trai t 110 acres 13 11 Leroy 4 Linklain 82 60 " 28 65 ' 32 tin 0-9 14 Ilarmnr Josiali Uarmor .1, E Hiuod W Sof E part Uarmor Josiali 26 73 30 (is 27 70 307 44 232 16 68 78 30 20 117 7 ". 117 75 Nicholson Jno, Crabtree Davis Nicholson Jno. Nicholson 4 Mc pherson 183 27 Nicholson Mc- J 'horson Thos, Jones Nicholson 4 Mc- Pherson Smith Rev Win 692 50 342 23 297 07 337 50 117 84 1 17 34 623 01 257 85 Outherio J W W Wiliink Wallace Samuel, Langshoro 415 79 Wallace SamT 257 85 314 00 i Nicholson 4 Mo-Plierson Prentice 1178 Campbell Sam'l 23 65 HuntCvrus F B 20 52 Sutton "Robert 21 20 McCatchie II 18 84 Blood C. estate 100 17 Whole tract 158 acres Dobbs J U 12 21 Uarmor Josiali 18 84 Milllin J. it " Epart Nugent Thomas S II Hill 4 J Rickerbrode Suiistein Cass Unknown Bea ver Dam tract Unknown or J W Ward HARMONY TOWNSHIP. (Hi 01 '.70 61 439 50 830 98 18 04 111 00 10 00 40 80 57 12 14 56 12 60 2 160 IS 20 2 73 COO 00 80 E Newbury 60 Strong, Lynch A EckertjUoriii'n Run David Harris pat. by J M'Kiniey SigginsJ Y fori. M'Kiniey E L DaviM A G Barr A R O Beach 21 00 SEATED LANDS. And also In u rsuaneu of un act approved the 20th day of April 1844, directing tho mode of selling sealed lauds for taxes, and tho several acts supplementary thereto the following tracts ol seated laiiilsand in and out lots in the said County of Forest an.re said, or so much thereol as wi 1 pay t!:o arrearages ol taxes and cost accrued there oil wilt be exposed to public sao at the tune and place aforeaa.d lor the salo ol unsealed lauds, and be continued by ad journment from day 10 day if it should be found necessary so to do. 85 60 19 30 25 25 10; i 20) 380 40 8 133 40 40 2 100 65 1H) 47 1'25 40 60 491 130 60 60 12 320 HI 200 175 154 12 34) 4 10 1 100 50 125 101 100 2 264 120 1 75 200 15 2 30 1120 100 80 86 Miles Hugh M.yerC Mills SM Monroe Oil Co M vers John M( Kinney W MeOarvef ,v Co Ncilt . Wilson Paul D J Robinson Neill Wilson St Louis Oil Co J II Hill Saunder-i it Co Smilev I r s.utt lioval E Thompson W W Tomdnson if' Anderson Tayior Heirs (Mi Ewing) Unknown fori. Jos. Junes Allan Frank R lirousoii A II Brown M II B mney Z fori. J II Dawson Brown C01 fori. Watson Clark Gilbert Copclnud Farm Oil Co Coleman fori. Manross Carroll Heiil.en Davis Wilbams fori. Flem ing Ew.ng II S, Stoen oceup'nt Goodrich Capt Gillespie J J Goodwin fori. Mauross Green .V Oro e Hucliinson fori. McKinlev Holbrook J fori. Mvltyro Kelby C M Miller Isaac Myers A Kinnear Morrow I) McChesiipy fori. Manross Pittsbiirgn Co fori. Hem- imr, O Ilura Pa'io Chai les Roup Mam'l, D Scott ICeed fori. Fleming Smith J II Sweet A t 'o Tomlinsou A Anderson Vandcr-'rift d- Foreman West Hickory Mining As sociation Wilson Samuel Wilson it1 Neill Watson Jonathan fori. Co burn Warren A Venango Oil Co Wtt'soii dt Co lorl. Siggins Webster A Co 23G8 3109 Vact 315 3170 3173 5141 8170 3118 3177 5180 5191 5197 5ls7 5193 5217 6180 51 NO 5193 5194 61H1 5187 5186 5193 5190 51S6 5193 5213 5214 5214 818H 5214 40 10) J50 HoWE TOWNSHIP. 2G0 Shelton Oil Co JUNKS TOWNSHIP. 21 Dobbs B J 220 ' 17 " 220 Daniels JasW 60 J Bonner 290 Royner S B, J A 4 othors 120 " " "' 16) ThnmpBon John 1 Wyukoop John estato 30 Wray Wilharu i Winsor A brain 114 Nugent Thomas KISG9LEY TOWNSHIP. 100 Brooklyn Oil Co 67 Burl 11 A 51 3:i0 410 1100 100 8 4011 80 100 4 00 6 03 1 80 1 70 6 05 2 53 7 57 65 15 46 13 OS 6 43 1 87 44 15 3 44 8 96 4 41 27 28 2 72 20 53 19 90 HI 83 9 li" 6 95 4 87 13 91 0 75 2 05 2 80 15 Oil 2 43 )5 40 18 10 13 62 3 87 6 181 48 1 25 1 02 7 75 5 80 8 1 .9 4 75 6 01 85 19 3.-. 1108 65 7 30 10 11 1 8c 45 9 3.. 07 30 6 -25 6 25 8 70 3 87 7 75 300 Eastman A Shall liillillen C F Hall Lamb A Scliooley 1 ronside ( il Co Lewis E E A Congor Lake Erie Pet. Co 14 70 2 08 13 20 78 31 80 4 50 45 78 13 82 30 84 2 83 2 25 60 3 42 8 85 6 12 5 15 48 02 28 35 142 25 11 15 1 48 25 52 6 38 14 34 7 58 8 96 8 20 1 00 271 08 1 811 2 70 7 86 3 20 82 3145 8144 57IHI 3148 3145 3314 3315 3090 AerM. 100 113 150 46 200 8 102 758 20 50 17 100 i BAHNUTT TOWNSHIP. Wamiatm. at leiiutud Owi.tr. Hilbroner Leopold Holm Armstrong William esUiio Stockton It M Slocuiu Wolford Sliippeu F.dward Titus William Fox S M ii Zeiits John Brandon Catherine Tu. 7 60 14 00 0 00 13 21 21 20 2 17 Hi 62 78 41 26 IHI 7 80 2 15 6 30 5 10 HK'KOUY TOWNSHIP. 83 Brown J II and others 119 Hemlock Island Oil eo 7 Hannah J H (Franklin) 32 Merrill W P 60 Clark T B 85 " 65 Cascade Pet. Land Assoc'u HAItMONY TOWNSHIP. Barr Frank Allegheny National Bank Brown Jonathan Ballelt 11 A J Babb It M T Cecil John K 10 00 20 (HI 1 60 1 92 1 60 1 (HI 1 30 ino 50 J 20 50 215 110 20 (13 185 86 658 2 100 0i 25 144 .33 60 50 i 125 60 5 523 100 40 232 Ci.tant A Nelson v'oiiiH ly W A, wholo tract loo acres Carson Joseph Curbui Marshall Dawson Run oil Co i 1, Dunield John Edinbi.ro Oil Co Fai rer ( I reel! Fish John Hunter B J llariin liei nerd lleister l-t. Co Hinds Charles Huidekooper Jones !: D Iopcr l.ee A Co Whole tract 722 acres, Long G S Lamb John McCiiiibs'k Homestead co Mors. M A 34 22 2.50 1 50 24 35 27 41 28 IHI il 87 13 25 0 60 13 IHI 2 73 129 Is 26 50 16 K3 12 53 32 (12 10 IKI 2 IHI 0 30 92 4 00 18 58 4 IHI 11 S3 76 76 33 im 3 37 .'0 73 Moody A Woodruff v.. .McciiiuocK jiauiiiton loo " " 410 Gillespie C F 50 Klmstiver II 60 Bastian Robert 18 Dice A Dale 5 Ellsworth Georgo 40 Kirk wood James 136 Tarr James 60 Eastman A Shall 60 Gosper Jacob TIONKSTA TOWNSHIP. 73 Dice John 19 51 123 lliitpilo A Co 14 83 200 Moore A Co 24 75 lot) Richardson's heirs 28 32 4i.O Richardson W 11 49 35 40 Winsor 4 (W lOtio A G Curtin fori. Anderson 00 00 4 i0 Anderson John 36 00 46, Brognard A Dalo, Conroy 6 30 10 Batten James 2 25 63 Brett K agent, J Noble 6 58 49 Br guard A R.cliardsuu 6 e- 2iHj Banner oil Co 6 00 HHI Conelaiid Otis 7 00 45 Dairymple W F 1 62 Dale he.rs to Sliepard 4 68 4 Dust. 11 Isaac to Oil Co 6 30 19 Grant O.l Co, Haskell 0 00 10 1 liulinus W W, Jae. Swure II 25 100 Krnneway to Oil Co Olio ISO Myers John, Miller 12 60 170 Paup A brain 11 t 62 PitLshurich A Phil's Oil Co 2 79 10 ' ettigiew Alex 20 50 Smith SB 8 50 5 hc pard C II, Dale Island 1 35 50 Varsdale Joel M 0 00 5 Tiouesta Pet. Co, Fleming Oil Co 150 TIONE8TA liOHOL'GH. 75 Dice John 1 MaysT 9 '" 425 Sickles G O 1 Ford S A 4 Diil.ell i Bll ler W II 4 May B II A ST 75 Sydney it Co OKKKN TOWNSHIP. .1A'5 75 Whitmati Seidell .3820 95 " " fori. J Foltuor IS20 05 Whitman Georgo toil. A Foiiuer 3825 130 Lacy (i'j., Drain it Hobb place Taxes and costs must be pah' when prop erty is struck down or the sale may be avoided and the property bo iinmcdia elv put up ami resold. jSeo aet 13ih March 1817, See. 27, Plirdon's Digest, age 994. Tiouesta, Forost County, Pa., tins 30th day ol .March, A. D. 1872. H. J. SETI.EY, Treasurer. . os33 5185 2828 5185 3824 3sl0 828 2828 11 01 l.l 0 85 130 do 63 8 97 3 00 H 40 15 98 5 45 6 Is) 15 40 900 A good story is told nf a St. Loum nobby dry goods clerk who utteudi d u dance in the rural district a tew even ings since. Ho wore 11 Cheviot, shin, uiul put on a great many airs. He was somen hat taken down, however, vt lieu he overheard one country lass say to uiiothcr; " That St. L mis chap slings 011 11 heap f style for u feller that wear u ht-dtick shirt." A man who had read uboiit convert injr United Stales five-twenties, bays he longs tu he a missionary in that tield, and known that he could cleave to his flock. Rates of Advertising. One Square ! I Inch,.) one Inertions - 1 !0 One Square " oiioninii'li 3 ihi One Square " three months - BOO One Square " one year t 19 ml Two Squares, nun year 15 0 1 Quart, r CI. - - . - an 10 Half " .... 50 00 One ' ' - . - 100 00 Business Cards, not exceeding one inch in length, ?10 per year. Legal notices nt established rats. These rates are low, and no deviation rill bo made, or discrimination among I at runs. The rates otlered are such, sji m ill make it to tne advanlageof men 001 j business in the limits 01 l'ie circulation of the paper to advertise liberally. www isi rfci. I H A Most STAitii iso Tilih. Tho punishment id' vie- and int. mperutii s does 11 -t end, says the 'J'ribitns, wt'.h the vicious and intemperate, hut the great human family is i cutisii luted that one ifember nf it cannot tin with out in an appalling; degree, utilctiug others. Are parents aiic.verahle for the weakness and vices of ihuir children. A man drinks moderately but steadily ail his I lie, w 1 1 It no 11ppt.it lit harm to himself; but his duuiili:rs becomo nervous wrecks, his smis cpiltpt ics, lib enilies, or ii.iiiiiilile dninkiirds, tho hereditary tciidciuy to criiuo having its pathology and unvaried laws as scrofula, consumption or anv other purely physical disease. These are stale truths with medical men but the majority of parenls, even of those nf moderate iutcl Icgciice and culture ure apparently either wickedly regardless (if them. When our people are brought tu remove gin-l"is 11 ud giu-s. Iters, for the same reason tlutt they would stagnant pools 01 unclcu 11 ee. rs, there will be 11 chance of ridding o'.ir jails mid ulms-hoiisi g of halt their tenants. We have urged this point nut 11 it has grown hackneyed and tedious; but how can we be silent, so loiigas a fresh murder or suicide ewry day exempli fies the ghostly peril and its cause. Promptness of action is a character istic of Americans. They do not waste time when tln-re id nioiicy tu be inn 'e, nn obnoxious enemy tu be killed, or any other duly performed. In Corsica where the vendetta is a m arly sacred institution n private war may be car ried on between two In 111 1 lies' for a cen tury and tho beligerents will be en tiely content if one mitii is killed killed once in thirty years. Note uu the other hand the energy which tho American infuses into his private ((tins. I he other day a 11 American somewhere, in Arizona was killed by a Mexican, his friends wasted no lime but instant ly went mil and shot a casual Mexican. The, Mexicans, who though u degener ate racn still bttveso"ie nf the virtues f republicans, collected their Kirovs and eaerified another American. In moiiiircbcd Corsica, the muUc.r wuuhl have rested here for a half a coutury at least. In free Arizona what did these spirited Americans do? They ill siautly made a raid on a Mexican set tlement and killed four men in the huiidsnmcsi style und when a fifth man sought refuge in a house and declined to come nut u ud be shot they Mowed up tho In. use and shot the man, doubt less as be was sailing through the air. Such U the energy aud proinptu.su of the noble borderers A St. Louis correspondent tells us that "Jinks got married the other night." Jinks is a clerk in 11 store for the gale nf laces aud things. One day day a young and pretty customer ten dered to him, in exchange for some luce, a much worn and patched fifty cent stamp. Jinks looked at it dubi ously. It Was ug.iiusl tho rules to take such. His face whs bo grave and his manner so hesitating that the pret ty face said, in the sweetest of tunes, "Would you like a iWffr half?" "Well," stammered Jinks, his heart iu his mouth und his face crimson, "I wo.lid't object, provided, uiiss, the the right person would accept mt'," The pretty lace blushed too; hut three months later the twain became one llesh, us above staled. An M I) rather remarkable for his impeeuniousiicss, being called urx.nby his landlord with a bill for rent due, 0. 111telv escorted his unwelcome visitor into a hack room, where drawing aside a Jii'ifV looking curtain, he showed hi in n skeletoi quietly remarking, 11 s he did so, "That man oanw here just two weeks ago with a bill, and insist ed upon its b'ing paid. A word to the wise is suffi ieiit." Th landlord left, and the doctor luuiixitins undis puted possession. A Pyriitn convert tn Christianity was urged by his employer to go to work nn Sunday, but declined. "Hut," said the master, "does not your ISible -11 V that if a man has nil ox or an ass tint falls into a pit on the Sabbath diivhemiv pull him out?" "Yes," -aid the Syrian, "but if an ass has the luthit of fulling into the san e pit eve ry Sabbath day, then the man should fill up the pit, or sell the uss." Tho celebrated Dr. Barnes, being in clined to sleep during a dull sermon, a friend who was wilh him joked him 011 having nodded now and then Barnes insisted that he had been awake all the time. "Well then," said his friend, "can you tell me whit the ser mon was aboui ?" "Yes, I can," he an swered, "it was about au hour loo long." An Irisl-m.'in speaking of chil dren siid: "Tl't-y are all very well, biittheoneb. ru in this country. I must take him to the Green Isle, for I 1. cli.'ve he is languishing for his native uir that he never smelt ul all." Ton 'I sav, Jaek.whitt a beautiful complexion M iss Smith :as ! Do vim know her?' Jack 'No, hut I knew a girl who buys her complexion at t lie s.i 111 h store.' In lYru the railways Lave "ladies' smoking oari1." ? 'A ii Vt 1 ! . .p-"- """ -o. wr"" . v .'-"