TUESDAY BORNINO, AMU. 9, 18 J. BOROUGH OFFICERS. CVnnei7mrn T. J. Vnn Olesen, Mllm W. Tate, 1). W. Clark, P. O. Conver, W. r. Merellliott, I,. Ii. Hnokctr. ' Jwttier of t hei 'race W. P. Merellliott, ft. S. Knox. CmntaMe3. N.Teltsworth. School Pireetnr J.Winnns, J. A. Pale, t, A. Proper, Jacob Shrlvcr, M. W. Tute, 8. 1). Irwin. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. President Jndr)eV. P. Jfkks. Axtorinte Judge 3. A. Proper, Al fcniTW Cook. Sheriff V.. L. DAVts. District Attorney W. W. MASon. Treasurer S. HKI'l.f.T. Prothonotnry, Register A Recorder, fr. J. n. AONKW. 0nniAionrr P.fv.t. Elliott, Jacob Mkiicilliott, T. I). Col.l.lSP. (.bunty Superintendents. F. Ron urn. Juri) ymtnissioners Qeohor Biooins, Wx. Pattkhhon. County Surveyor S.D. Ittwm. Ox-oner JoslAlt Wixans, Cbtmfv Auditor Km Hoi.F.ttAW, Wm. Clark, T. H. ConB. Member of Congress 1PM District Q.V?. 8eoriiii.n. AsstwtdyJ. 15. Lawbos. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. BOOKS BOUND. Those who liavo had books bound through this agency ore requested to make immediate payment, as we aro obliged to send the money off in the course of two or three days. J. P. Siggitm, formerly Treasurer of this county, now of Tartars was in tjwn one day lat week. He reports business lively about Parker.). The recent election in Oil City for City oflicers resulted in favor of Ir. Isaac M. Sowers, Democratic can didate for Mayor, by a majority uf one hundred and twei.ty-tight. The Pa. Legislutu re adjourned on Thursday, April 4th. A good deal of sound business has been transacted during the session, and the character of the Legislature is on the rise. We present this week tho Treas urer's Sales gotten up in good shape, and occupying a good dial of space in our paper. Tho taxes arc now begin ning to be paid rapidly. Mr. I$on:ier has purchased Cnpt. Knox's unfinished building adjoining the store, which he will finish o(T in forue shape or other. Mr. McKay's part will bo finished right along. The first case of violation of the .ate ordiuance passed by tho council, ivbi disposed of on Tursday evening ly the victim being fined one dollar nd being imprisoned five hours. Next! --J.- W. Russell, of BiughanUon, N. Y., a nephew of Capt. Knox, who .-omo years ugo acted in the capacity f clerk in Knox's Store, spent tho ast week in town. He is acting as gent fur a largo furniture house of iJoslon. , ' S. J.JVoleott has rented the Sibbald "a nil, situated three miles up tho riv v i'( anil we believe will put a tenant i;K)ii it iiumedintely. If you have anything to sell or rent just advertise q the Iir.Pi'BMCAN and the business just as good as transacted. Under the new Congressional Ap rtionment we aro districted with Ve uigo, Erie and Warren. Crawford, fercer and Lawrence, aro districted 'jjether. If any of our citizens want represent this district in Coiigress, iey want to be looking thorp just .'out nov. There has beef! a great deal of tiriosity expressed as to who wrote he "Letter from Hickory," which ap Sired in our columns a few weeks .We don't thiuk we will betray ny body's coiifjdence when we say that i lghtblican who resides in Hickory i'owuship wrote the letter. - -At a meeting of the Y. M. C. A. ' Tionesta, on Sunday last, it was de ed that the organization should ct on Friday evening of each week til some further action was taken in ;ard to the innt'er. On next Fri y evoning the ineeting will be held the rrcsbyterian church, at 7 o'clock. f-We would call attention to the ad visement of Itobins'in & Bonner, icb ig sudicieioly largeto be seen ihout being ported out. They will a general business in Groceries, ravisions, Dry Goods, Hardware, oeusware, Drugs,' Medicines, and ry thing usually found in a first- couutry store. Give them a call. The Meadville Daily Republican :t-s to us with a new hcading.Mhich, i.tugli not so fancy as the old one, , try neat, igd gives tho paper a idedly business appearance. The .East Brady Independent, also procured au eugraved heading oh looks putty good, but which we .k would be moro appropriate for per devoted entirely to light liter ie. However, as the editor is some .t addicted to novel-writing, wc pc t!ia lieadinir is s'.ti'a!k WALL - PAPEB. All styles and prices for salo at Dolard Bros'. Drug Store, Grandin's Block, Tidioute, Pa. 2-4t There will bo no preaching in town next Sabbath, but wo believe that delegates from tho Y. M. C. A. of Tidioute, will conduct services in one of the churches iu tho afternoon. Glance at Bolard Bros, new ad vertisement in nnother column. We know this to be a good substantial firm, and can recommend them to our citizens. They make Wall Paper a specialty this spring. Give them a chance to sell you some good paper. The relroleum Monthly for April came to hand yesterday. Mr. Linn has retired from the concern, and Mr. Bowman is now running tho machine alone. We do not notice, however, any falling off in the matter contained in the present number. Terms $3.00 per year. Address J. II. Bowman, Oil City, Fa. Bolard Bros, inform us that our citizens will save money by going to Tidioute to purchase Wall Paper. They have the largest assorment ever brought to Western Pennsylvania. 2 4 --We learn from the Meadville Re publican that five hundred thousand dollars has been placed to tho credit of the Pennsylvania Petroleum Rail road, at the banking oftire of Duncan, Sherman & Co. One thousand men aro to be set to work immediately be tween Titusvillo and Cambridge. This looks very much like business. Wm. Greaves and lady, of Utica, N. Y., arrrived in town last week, and will stop here several weeks. Mr. Greaves has several orders for portraits here, and will remain until they are completed. He is one of tho finest portrait painters in tho States, and wo would advise any one wishing a good picture, to call and give him a few sit tings. His studio will bo in the Sheriff'! Office, Court House. Almost everybody rnako a prac tice of papering their houses this time of the year. Bolard Bros., Tidioute, have the best assortment in this sec tion of the Stutc. 2 4t The bill providing for the contin uance in office of Auditor General Hartranft. and for the election of au Auditor in October next, has become a law without the Governor's signature, ho not having returned the bill within tho comtitutional period. Tho Repub lican State Convention, which will meet on 10th inst., will have to nomi nate a candidate for Auditor General, and thero is no lack of good material for the position. If somothing don't break, we are now to have a bridge over the Alleglte ny River. On Monday, April 1st a company we.s formed and an organiza tion effected by the election of Jno. A Dale, President, M. W. Tate, Secre tary and II. II. May, Treasurer. The stock was all taken, and we understand that the contract is to be let immedi ately. We fervently hope that there may be no mistake about this, but "hopo deferred maketh the heart sick," and wo are inclined to be skeptical until we see teams crossing on the bridge. A nicely papered room is a plas ant place. Buy your Wall Taper at Bolard Bros. Drug Store, Grandiu's Block, Tidioute, Pa. 2 4t A considerable amount of moviu' or flitliu' was done in our place on or about the 1st of April. Mr. Burton went to Corry. Mr. Steele to Titus ville. Mr. Culleton's family moved into the Acorob Building formerly oc cupied by Rev. Burton. Jos. Grove moved to the Fleming House, before occupied by Cullcton. Mr. McGili moved to the looms over tho bank, aud Geo. Haslet moved into his own houso on Vine St., which McGili had left vacant. Wm. Lawrence will this week move into the Louse formerly occupied by Jos. Grove. Mr. Robia son, of the firm of Robinson & Bon ner, has purchased and moved into the house formerly occupied by A. II. Steele. Mr. J. J. Fisher moved to Venango City. Capt. Knox has beea very ill for the last ten days with an attack of cold aud a geueral prostration. At one time he was so low that his life was despaired of, but this mrouing we had a talk with D. W. Clark, whohuo the principal care of him, who thinks the Cnpt. will get along all right, and if not bothered or disturbed, will soon be on his feet again. We have never known a case of sickness in town where the auxiety was to great among all, and so generally expressed. Mrs. Kuox has been an invalid fcr about two months, and the past week has been a terrible one for her. She is now, however, improving, aud hopes to be able to get around soon. Help has been so hard to get that the young er members of the family have had a hard time of it, but everything looki mora cheerful now. We havo now the biggest flood that has gladdened our hearts since last spring. Lumber is running out of the creek in vast quantities anil things present a lively appearance. If this rise lasts a couple of weeks the most of tho lumber from this section will probably get off. The river is yet too high for running, but will probably be down to rafting stage in the course of three or four days. In the meantime the rafts aro being coupled up at the mouth of the creek, which seems much too small to give the men room to work to advantnge. There is at present a jam above the bridge which leaves ouly the space be tween two piers open for tho passage of rafts. We are told that it will prob ably be cleared out to-day. We arc a liltlo afraii.' that so much lumber as will bo thrust upon the market during this rise will niatiriully affect the pri ces. We warrant, however, that our creek lumbermen will have as good prices as any parlies running lumber down the river. On Tuesday morning last, we had a call from Prof. A. C. Porter, of ForcBt county. Ihe Professor is a live wide-awake teacher in that county stands in the front rank of his noble profession, and in addition, is a pleas ant and agreeable gantleman. We notice by the Forest county .papers that he is a candidate for tho position of County Superintendent, and there is no doubt he would make a faithful and efficient officer, as ho is in every way well qualified and worthv to fill the position. Clarion Republican. We cheerfully endorse the above notice, and are assured if tho Profes sor is elected he well make au efficient officer. Having procured the assistance of two good workmen in our Tailoring Department, we are able to turn out suits for men and boys with dispatch, and guarantee entire satisfaction. We always keep a first class stock of coat ings, Testings, and cassinicres. All work guaranteed before leaving the shop. Where wo sell once wo have the assurance of selling again. 44tf Superior Lumbkk Co. Store. Mr. L Cullcton, the Cutter for Superior Lumber Co. Store, having returned from Pittsburgh with new plates and patterns, now is your time to call and examine the Spring Styles. Also examine the work done by the Singer Family Sewing Machine. Wo have always samples of sewing, and give satifactory information at any time. A large assortment of machine fixtures, needles Ac, always on hand. Remember the terms, fifteen dollars security and ten dollars a mouth. New goods arriving constantly. Spring styles low on hand and for sale cheap. Sl I'KKIOR Ll MBl.R Co. Winter caps selling at cost at the Superior Lumber Co. Store, eveiy Saturday. Dress goods selling as low and compared with New York prices, at the Superior Lumber Co. Store Every Saturday is the day for cheap goods at the Superior Lumber Co. Store. For coughs, bronchitis and con sumption, in its early stages, nothing equals Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. 573 Ready made clothing and woollen goods of all kinds are specialties at our Clearance Sales, every Saturday. SUPKKIOIt LUMBER CO. STOKE." Come and see the new Spring Goods just received at the Superior Lumber Co 's Store. A complete assort ment of Notions, Dress goods, &c. Gents' Furnishing goods, latest styles of neckties, bows, scarfs, paper collars, underware Ac., at the very lowest prices. Superior Lu.mbkr Co. Store. The public appreciating our lib eral inducements for cash purchases is the reason we have such crowds and sell such piles of goods every Saturday. SUPEKIOK LUMBER CO. STOKH. A full assortment of Notions re ceived this day. Will bo sold at verv favorabe prices. We sell Sewing Ma chines at the very lowest figures. 44tf Superior Lumber Co. Store. Owing to the shortness of the cotton crop aud the great demand for cotton goods in the west, there is a material advance in all kiuds of do mestics, but we are selling at the old prices beside tho great inducements wo offer for buying goods every Satur day. Superior Lumber Co. Store. If you desire rosy cheeks and a com plexion fair aud f'reo from Pimples and Blotches, purify your blood by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi cal Discovery. It lias no equal for this purpose. ' W. Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, California. Advertising alone docs not produce success. Tho thing which is adver tised must have intrinsic merit, or else large advertising will eventually do it moro harm than good. If you have anything which ytu know to be good, advertise it thoroughly, and you will be suro to succeed ; if it is poor, don't praise it, for people will soon discover you are lying. Such is the policy of the "Burling ton Route," which runs to three great regions In the West: 1st, To Omaha, connecting with the great Pacific Roads. 2d, To Lincoln, the capital of Nebraka, and all that beautiful re gion south of the Platte, filled with R. R. lands and homesteads. 3d, To St. Joseph, Kansas City and all Kansas points. The roadg are splendidly built, have the best bridges, finest cars, the Miller platform and coupler, and tho safety air brake (to prevent the loss of life that is every where else happening) ; Pullman's sleepers, Pullman dining cars, large and powerful engines (to make quick time and good connec tions), and aro in a word the best equipped roads in the West. So that if you desirs to go safely, surely, quick ly and comfortably to any point in Southern Iowa, Nebiska, Kansas, or on the Pacific Roads, &ut be that you go "By Way of Burlington." All who wish particular informa tion, and a large map, showing correct' ly the Great West, and all its railroad connections, tan obtain them, and any other knowledge, by addressing Gen eral Passenger Agent, B. & Mo. R. R. R., Burlington, Iowa. Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest connty, who are in want of any thing in the Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. Book Binding. We ore ogent for as good a book bindery as there is anywhere. We are prepared to do all the binding which may be brought to us, at lov rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ssmplcs can be seen at this office. For Sale. To close an estate, two tracts of land of about 2000 acres, situated on Millstone Creek, Forest County. Heavily timbered, mainly hemlock, valuable for the bark, and supposed by good judges to be good oil territory.. Map with particulars at this office. D. S. Knox having purchased the stock of D. S. Knox & Co., is now sell ing goods for cash, cheaper than ever they were sold in town. Cash being needed just at this time, he is offering great inducements to cash buyers. Give him a call, and if you don't buy it will not bo his fault. 43 The Best Jewelry House In Northwestern Pennsylvania is sit uated on tho corner of Water and and Chestnut Streets, Meadville, Ta., and is owned by M. P. Jenks. He has just received a largo and superior stock of Jewelry, which he has mark ed down to the bottom figures, and we can conscientiously recommend this houso to our readers if they want auy thing in that line. The stock is very extensive, and one cannot fail to suit himself in anything in this line. Give Jenks a call when you go to Meadville, and you will not regret it. 27 tf DIED. CLa KK. March 2otli. 1871', ol lung fever, fimlerilla I.., daughter of C. V. and Marnarct Clark, ugod 1 years 4 months ami l.'i davM. Xew Advertisements. DRUG STORE! Grandin's Block, Tidioute. BOLAKT) RROS., nt the Euieka Pru .Mom, have jimt rwtuveU a nuw and very extensive htoik of of all kI ylrw anil prices, which they will dis pone) of at (lie low cut poKKiblo rutns con histent with tho expeiiDes connected with th trude. Tliey uUo have on hand a large Ntock of DRUGS & MEDICINES PAINTS A OILS WINDOW GLASS SASH A DOORS PLASTER OF PARIS WATER LIME CEMENT Ac, Ac. Kcmembor the Placo GRAXDIX'S NEW BLOCK, 2-lt TIDIOUTE PA. OCHSCKIUKforlho Eorabt Kepublkan - 11 w m il pay. WllLUXSPORT DICKINSON SEMINARY. WILLI AMSPORT, TT.UX'k. A FIRST CLASS Hoarding School lor both ae xph. LOCATION On of the most lraautiful in Ihe Slate. Students Received at any Time. TEKMS MODERATE. TWerenfen Hon. Jno. A. Dale, Mih-s W. TatB, Eq., S. J. Wolcott. 4,'i-nt. AGENTS WANTED EOU ROMANISM AS IT IS. Thin Book, an eleitant Octavo Volume, containing 730 prrch, and 10.1 Hrnt-claNRen-gravinpft, in an exhaustive and Standard work, eminently adapted to it origin to the preHcnt tiino, exposes its baseless pro t4nees, its frauds, its persecutions, Its frross immoralities, its opposition to our pubiin schools, and civil and religions lib erty, it shows its insidious working which strongly tend to bring this country under full Komish control. Prospectus, and books ready on application. Conn, Pub lishing Co., Hartford Conn. 22-4t IMatc Notice. STATE OE COX K A 1) T.KTU nm, late of Hickorv Townshin. Forest Coiintv. deeeased. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate pay ment. And those having lejral elaimi against the same, will prosont them with out delay In proper order for sottlement.to J '. !S. IV . I A. JOSIAU WIN I NANS, Executor. 43-Ct H ILBRONNER & O. ARE CLOSING out their fall and winter stock of (roods nt greatly reduced prices to make room fur a SIPiROTG- stock:. Now is tho time to pet goods of all kinds, cheaper than ever. We have now on hand Jewelry lioxes, W "rising Uoxes, Hnndkcrchiof Boxes, Musical Alliums, Embroideries, Laeo Hoods, Hemmed and Stitched llankerchiefs, Laco Handkerchiefs, White JNubias, all aieB, Black and Wiiite Friii.Tos, Uold and Mixed lioadx, Jewelry of ail kinds, Thread and Point Laeo Collars, Zeplirya of all colors, licrniuntown Yarns, New Corsets, New S'yle, Bustles, Iloopskirts, Underwear for I,adio. Kii-bons, Silk and Cashmere 6oarf. Great Inducements by purchasing HANDKERCHIEFS BY THE BOX. GENTLEMAN'S LINEN AND UN DERWEAR. Largest nnd best assorted stock of goods for Men s Wear in this section, which WE MAKE TO ORDER in tho most approvod alyle. No fit no salo. A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, always on hand. A fine and well selected stock of American & Imported Watches. LADIES OPERA, LEONTINE, AND KECK CHAINS, BRACELETS, LOCK E I S, KINGS, GENTS GOLD AND (SILVER VEST CHAINS, STERLING SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Hats and Caps selling at cost. B OOTS AND SHOE LATEST STYLES READY-MADE CLOTHING, as clieap as can be bought in To. Xeiv Infantry Soldier Coats at $2. Valises, Carpet Sucks, Satchels, Tlunl-s, d'e, always on hand. Carpets, Brussels, Ingrain, Hemp, and all kinds. WALL PAPER, CURTAINS &C, FOR SALE CHEAP. I. IIILBRONNER & CO. 40-tf TIIDIOTJTE TEA STORE! The place to buy v!ry variety of the very:best.teas AT TUB L O WEST PRICES, is at the extensivo Tea Store f II. T. PIIAFFEY, where you pan always find a large assort ment o'i the best Teas at New York prices. A larg assortment of Groceries aud Provisions, unequalod in quality and cheapness bvany other storo in Warren county, always nu hand. The people of Forvst county will have money by purchasing their supplier at this place. Best brands of FA MI L r FLO UR, delivered at any depot on the Hue of tho R. It. tree. Store on Main St. near the Depot. N. V. V Is A 11 K , TIZDIOTTTIEj, pa. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, Ard Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing done iu a woi knuuilika maimer nnl warranted to givo sati. faetion. 4 1 v Robinson & Bonner, . SUCCESSORS TO D. S. KNOX, Have commenced busincs in Tionesta with an IMMENSE STOCK, of DRY O-OODS CLOTHING, GROCERIES and ritovisios. Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, &c, &c, &c. BOOTS & SHOES ! -AX D- Ilouse Fnrnishlnff Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools. Agricultural Implements, ive., ive ivo., wlncli wo oiler at greatly ru duced prices. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE! ! of all kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNOES, WIIATXOTS, SPRING BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac,, Ac,, Ac, of all kinds, anil a well rnado as any ever nrougut to town. PURE DRUGS on hand, and dispensed in an Intelligent niauijur. IMTEXT MEDICIXKS of all kinds, will bo sold as cheap as can bo atlordud by any one in the business. CIVE US A CALL dud we will hatlsfy you in regard to goods styles and prices. ihhinS''V,' ,v hon'n REYNOLDS, BROADHEAD &C0 I f'entio Ht., opposite Tost Otrtct, OIL CITY, PENN'A. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS, CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS. ROOTS & SIIOE II A TS CAP, TRIMMINGS NOTION:, ETC., ETC. rpms IS NO in)Mnuo I o rr X llvsendinor OtCENTS with aaei, hight, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name anil date of marriage. Address W. Fox. 1". O. Drawer No. 34, F i'ton villo N. Y. 13-4 flTHEA-NECTAR IS A PURE RLAOK TE1 with tlicOreen Tea t lavor Warranted to suit all tastes. For sale every where, in our "trado mark" pound nnd half pound packages only, and sale wholesale only- by the Great Atlantic nnd 1'acillu Tea Co., 8 ('hutch St. New York. 1'. O. Hox 5.KH). Send for Thea-Nactar circular. v:-4t AHENTS WANTi;i-I5ound canvass ing book SEST FREE! of postape on receipt of 75 cents, and ox cnlsive territory i anted on the riCTORIL HOME RIBLE. Contains overMO illustrations. Isa com plete Library of liihlicnl Kn'nwlpdsrp. Fx eells all others. In KnirliHli and German. Wm. Flint A Co., Fhila., Pa. 27-4t J U R U BEBX Is a South American plant that has been : used for many years by the turdiPHl faculty of those countries with wonderful' clllcacy, and is a Sure and Perfect Reined for all Diseases of the Liver and Soleen, Enlargement or (b Htruetion of Intestines, t'rnary, Uterine, or Abdomlmd Orrsns, Poverty or a want of Blood, In termittent or Remittent Fevers, Indentation ot the Liver, Dropsy, oi tho Blood, Abscesses. Tumors, Jaundice, Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Ague and Fever, or their Concomitants. Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA is a most perfect alterative, and is offered to the public as a creat inviirorator and remedy lor all impurities of the blood, or for organic weakness with their attendant evils. For the foregoinx complaints Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubcba is confidently recommended to every family as a lsiusehold remedy, nnd should be. Iri ely taken in all derangements of tho svstetnv. It is S'OT A PHYSIC Tt is not what in popularly called a HITTERS, nor is it in tended ns such ; but is simply a powerful' alterative u'ivint; health, viiror nnd tone to all theitul forces, mid animates and for li lies nil weak ni.d Ivmplmtie temperaments. JOHN il. KELLOGG, Phut St., Now York. Sole A cent for the L'uitcd States. Price One Dollar pir bottle. Hcnd for Circular. 2J-H Profitable ttmploymniit. We desire to enp;apre a few more agents to sell tho world-renowned improved Ituck eye .Sewinjr Machine, at a liberal salarv or on commission, A horse and wanon fri'ven to audits. Full particulars furnished on applicitiou. Address W. A. HENDER SON A CO., General Agents, Cleveland, O. or St. Louis, Mo. 3-1--U AGENTS WANTED fi r a New Book, Moiies of Travel, Adv. mure. Miscel lanies, ilc, by Albert D. Richardson, linely illustrated. " Verv largo l"v. Adilics's COLUMBIAN ItOOKt O., Hartford, Ct.ad AfsFMTQ wanted Tor "Tho llriuht Side. nVJLII I O New York," n Librniy of Inlbrruition pertaining to its Insliiutious and objects of Interest, lty a ( ily Mis sionary. 2W Engravings. Agents' sell 40 a day. Just Issued. L. It. TUEAT, Pub lisher, S0o Jiroadway, N. Y. ilti-it XOTICI3. DR. J.N. 1SOLARD, of Tidioute, has retiirusd to his practice after au ab sence of four months, spent in the Ho. pi talsol'New York, wheio will attend calls in his profession. Ollico in Eureka Drug Storo, 3d door ibove the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4!tf PITIIOLE VALLEY R'Y. o X AND AFTER Monday, June 5, 1871, i rains win run as loiiow s: TUAIXS NORTHWARD. STATIONS. No. 2. No. 4. Oleopobs, in -til a m 3 JO p m Rennett, 10.US " 3.i:M " Woods l(l..lil " 3.1S " Prathers Mill 10 Ul " 3.10 " PithoieClty 10.10 ' XiA " TRAINS SOUTHWARD. STATIONS. No. 1. No. s. Plthoio City. 8.4H am l.iOpm Prathers Mill K.4S " 1.48 ' Woods 8,.r.il " l.ta " Bennett B.( " S.l'i " Olcopolls 9.10 " 'J.16 " An Extra Train leaves Pithole City 011 Saturdays at 0.10 p. in. making close 'con nection at 1 ilcopolia with Trains on the oil Creek Allegheny River Railway forf'nr ry and iuteriuediatu points. Return Train leaves Oleoslis at 7.15 p. in., arrlvimrat 1'itliole City at 7.M. A II other Trains make close connections at Oleopolis with trains on the oil Creek .V Allegheny River Pailway, North and South. Two Lines of Stages run daily between Pit holo City, Miller t-arni and Plcasant ville, making connection wi'harri viiigund departing Trains. J. T. RLA 1 1, FID. lSISUOl', Sno t. Ticket Agent, Pithole City, Fa. LOTS FOR SALE ! IX THK BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply toCTO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., New York City. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. Walnut St Phila. Incorporated If 01. Charter Perpetual MARIKE, INLAND & FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, iSii.i, f.):US1:fJ33'j f 'O.OlKVIWHl losses U'tlil uit'en ifu .lr...iii.. tirn. WM. BCIU.EK, Central Agent, ll'irrisbiii j, Pa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest (Vmr.ty, IV Stiin i II m ! s i I 1 -w'- w .2 VJL M-A v;-UT. - t t - tt . -