5 TLESOAT MORNISG, MAR. 19. 1871. BOROUGH OFFICERS. JBhi-.(MH. H. MAY. f.fcitvrfmni TrohShrlvor, .T. Tt. Stroun, W. W, Dlmmd. H. II, Haslet, .t. Winan-t. JititicM of the Peaee W. 1. Mcrcilliott, l. S. Knox. 0Htaftfo J. N.Teltsworth. tk-hont liirectnrs J. Wlnans, J. A. Dale, J. A. Prmior, Jacob Shrlvor, M. W. Tate, 8. D. Irwin. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Frmitirnt Judrjr.W. P. Jf.KKS. AtariVir Judge J. A. I'Korr.a, Al BllltW Cook. ArAeriff K. I Davis. KstViVC Attorn) V. W. Masoii. 'Veniirer H. Nkti.ev. I'rothnnotary, Hcgiater Jt Iitconter,d r.. J. , AONF.W. niminis.ti'onfTii nicttj. Ei.mott, Jacob MRRCH-l.fOTT, T. I). Cni.i.tus. Uuunt; .Superintendent H. K. RonnKR. Jury Viiii'ni'.i.iiOHer Gkokok Siuoi.ih, WM, PATTRnsol. 4t"""'.V lfnrvnor S.P. Trwik. )ronrr Jostah Wisans. Vunfy I vditnrn Eli Hoi. EVAN, AVM. Clark, T. H. Conn. Member of Congre Vth Dmtrict O. W. flooKim.n Aewbl)J. B. La whom. ' LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Tlie Loral Option Lhw is lieing ngitnted, mid may be passed during the present session of tlio Legislature. ' A. II. Steele' family move to Ti-(tm-ille this week, wliere lie lias pur ctuised n residence, and will live at home. Considerable snow lias fallen dtir . ing flie past, week.lxit it is melted almost as fast as it falls. The "break up" has Lot yet occurred. Jumes Green, Esq., of East Hick ory has been on the Kick list for a few .days. We truet that he will soon be - restored to his usual health. Max. Ililhronner has lost a Knight of l'ytliing pin in town recent ly. ' Anyone returning the same to him will be liberully rewarded. C. D. Brigluim editor of tlie Pitts burgh Commercial has been appointed Auditor (ieiienil to fill tlict vacancy occasioned by the death of Dr. Stan ton. Prof. WeSer has again taken up his ihodc among us, and has nearly all his old pupils nod several new ones, who have, or wish to have "Music in " their souls." A very intererting series of meet ing were held in the M. E. Church at East Ilii.'itory during but week. Rev eral souls were seeking light Jit last accounts, and the good work moving bravely on. fcd. Culleton, Cutter of the Su iperior Lumber Co. Store, has gone to riiNbtir'h, to sttidy the spring styles. We limy expect to see some "stunning" .snitired nbut here, when he comes back. A fire occurred at Pithole one'day last week, which destroyed three frame buildings, one of vihich was occupied by Oil. Doolittle, Treasurer of the i n nolo x vjieopons ripe w, I tic others were occupied by W. II. Sprngue and X. E. Vanatter. The loss amounts to about $3,000. -We pnblishcil an. account of a fracas between two lads named Staver nd Gibson, at the Rvinl Farm, hist week, in which Gibson was htabbed .several times by Stavt-r. Gibson has since died, and Staver has been com . milled to jail at Franklin to await trial for murder. Cominis.-ioner Collins fell through the ice while crossing the river tit Sig gins Lau.iing on last Friday morning, ftp to his armpits. I In fortunately re covered himself before the current gf-eot him iTmler the ice, and the entire community is heartily rvjoiued at Ins ca pe. An 'apportionment of the Con . gressiiflial Districts of this State re I ported by the Committee of the Pa. i. Legislature appointed for tnat purpose, ;. which makes Erie, Warren, Venango and Forest the 26Mi Congressional ft District of Pa. The Venango Citizen '; (lemurs. ; Mr. II. II. Stow and his family Vy are going to Cincinnati on a raft when the "break up" comes. Wm. Whi.e, j Esq., of Xevti.wn, an I his numerous . 'progeny are going to take the lead or iollinv etiil iu tht) game way only he expects to go through to Missouri. We r '. wiflkl'KJin and their families abundant , . v. sue ess iii life. ; " Ou. Tuesday last, Mr. II. J. Mil - ler, agent for liroohs & Co.. of lirook- ville, 'which is situated in Howe twp., ;Forebt County, was in town, and from vi him we leaiu that the tannery erected there hist season, of which we spoke : at the time it was being built, is com 'plcted.nlid under headway, employing ixy men, at proKcnt, with a prospect fS'iilarging the business sufliciently to'yejnploy two huudred. Thirteeli iuusc and a saw mill, beside the taa- j ..rniy - eomposo tliu town, and business is ai brik as could be wished. Success j ko the njw town. j . - Y. M C. A. Delegates of the Young Men'i Chris tian Association will hold a meeting in the M. E. Church on next Sabbath at o'clock P. M. Let everybody turn out. The Petroleum Centre Record says that the Phillips, Boyles & Leslie well on the Krautzer Lease, Cash-Up, which started up oome days ago at the rate of 160 barrels per day, but filled up with sand and ceased producing, has been cleaned nut and started up again, and is now yielding 70 barrels per day and increasing. Jno. Cobb A Sons have rafted 1,300,000 feet of lumber on the ice in the pond at Lacytown. If the break up docs not interfere with it, they will be ou hand for the first rise, with a good number of rafts. Whether this rafting n the ice will prove profita ble nr not, depends entirely on how the ico goes out. We hope it will prove a success. Wo kuow of two modes of estab lishing a good re putntbn. One is to be praised by honest men, and the other is to bo abused by rogues and scandal mongers. The former will in variably be accompanied by the latter. Their calumnations are Dot only the gieatest benefit they can confer upon you, but also the only service they will perform for nothing. "A word to the wise," Ac. A week ago Monday Mr. G. W. Zeuts and Master Geo. Ilolemnn saw a young deer on the ice in Holemaii's Eddy, and, acting on the spur of the moment, gave chase. Tlio deer got upon a slippery place, and fell, wheu they came up and secured it. Mr. Zeuts now has the animal penned up, and is taming it rapidly. It will now eat from Mr. Zeuts' hand and bids fair to become a very allectionate pet. The Vei.ango Sjuctator of last week apologizes for the lack of local mutter iu that paper by say thut "the editor has become a 'father for the first time. It's a boy nd we wight iiame it after the man who pays his subscrip t'n n the longest iu advance. It weighs well we are not ashamed of its aver dopois." Accept our congratulations, John. May the child sing as well as its mother, aud write as well as its father. Georgn B. Lnper closed his school at West Hickory on Friday last, tle term having expired. Everything moved off harmoniously during the en tire term, and the people, old aud young, without a single exception, as fur iu our informant could learn, give but on opinion, viz: "Mr. Luper has done better fur us as a teacher, than any one ever did before." He returns to his home in Crawford County this week, accompanied by the hearty good withes of all who knew him. Yesterday evening James Fogle, a lad about 17 years of age, was brought before D. S. Knox, J. P., on a charge of threatening Jas. Mclntyre with mutilation with a knife. Itappears that Fogle hud had gome diftieulty with a younger brother of Jas. Mcln t re, and expressed the opinion that "there wasu't a Mclntyre runtiing that could getaway with him." Jas. thought there was.and peeled for the fray. Fogle drew a knife and swore he would carve his (Men) intestines from out his frame. The younger brother then clinched Fogle, who made a pass at him with the knife, narrowly missing his heart. The teHcher, Miss MtCur dy interfered, and tried to get ti e knife from Fo'le, and received quite a severe cut on her hand. lie then put up his knife. He was bound over in 8100 bail for his appearance at court. Some time during last night Capt. Knox was awakeped by his wife, who said she heard a noise in the chickeu coop. Thinking tlmt some animal was disturbing his poultry, the Capt. hur ried out to the coop, without dressing, and thought he saw a large dog with a chicken in its mouth. He made a grab at the chickeu, when, much to his surprise, he caught hold of a man's hand. The mail dropped the chickeu and proceeded to make himself invisi ble, as quickly as possible. The Capt. recognised him, a. id gave chase. The frozen ground was hard ou his bare feet, nowever, nd he was obliged to give it up. He then returned to the coop, and found two chickens and a turkey lying there wiih their nuks wrung. He watched for some time, but the thief diil not comeback for his prey. We suppose the chappy will be indicted immediately. Somebody, probably the same light fingered geiitleuan, spirited away a guilder belonging to .1. Wenk. the poultry market is lively just now. Come and see the new Spring Goods just received at the Superior Lumber Co b Store. A complete assort ment of Notions, Drc-j goods, Ac. Letter From Hickory. Hickory Township, Mar. 18, '72. Mr. Dusk: Dear Sir: A friend called my at tcution to an article in the Ieu of last week, headed "From Howe Tow n ship," the manuscript of which uever saw daylight outsfde the office from which it was published, which con tained some insinuations against you, and your paper. You have heretofore refrained from noticing the flings of the aforesaid sheet, which action, I think, very creditable to you, as you arn't a dirt slinger, and I suppose, of course, that you intend to follow out tho same line of conduct now and henceforth. Consequently, if you will allow me the space, I will say a few words about the thing which pretends to bo the Democratic Organ of the County : In the first place, if you will take the trouble to inquire, you will find that the Democrats as a moss repudi ate the sheet, and will tell you that they only long for the day when the present editor will die iu one of his drunken fits, when they hope to have a decent paper, which they can carry into their houses without the fear of its filthy teachings corrupting and de basing the minds of their children. If you will examine further, you will learn that the Democrats, if left to suppoit the sheet, would let it die of starvation, but they say that the most of tha support it obtains is given eith er by disaffected Republicans, or by those who think that if it does die, a good Democratic paper will bt started and Democrats who are no',' voting with the Republicans will be brought back to their first love. You pretei.d to have a moral town ; if you have, why is this blot on its decency, this running sore on its cuti cle, allowed to remain there and dis tribute a certain amount of filth, pro fanity and infidelity to your county each week f It is true his circulation is limited, owing I suppose to its im moral tone, and its non-appearance for five or six weeks at a stretch, while its ditor is wallowing with more decent swine in the gutter. Clear out this stench in the nostrils or nural people from your midst, and let a paper of that party be printed there which can be takeu by all Democrats without re flecting ou their respectability, and your town will rise iu the estimation of all. I occasionally ask a Tiooesta man why steps are not taken to suppress his obscene publication and bring him to justice. The answer bus always been : "O, let him alone, he cannot lite through many more fits of the mania poiu, uud he will never quit drinking while he lives." But I have waited aud hoped in vain for his demise, us the whisky seen is to be counteracted by some more powerful poison in his sys tem, and I am afraid he wou't die un til be bus done mischief which can uev er be repaired. Yours Truly, Kkitblican. We received the above communica tion almost too late for publication. We hud noticed the insinuations con tained in the letter referred to, aud had concluded to let them pass as we have numberless others, as worthy on ly of contempt ; and hesitated before putting this letter in type, but after showing it to a few of our triends here, and being advised to publis i it, we do so, believing that every word iu it is true, uud will meet with the approba tion of our citizens. We frankly confess that we do not owu all this establishment, aud the reason is because we have not sufficient money to buy it. We auppose we Could establish about five of such as the J'rest office. We intend, the Lord willing to own the Uei'I'blican entire just as soon as our stumps weigh enough, and hope our readers will pur dou us because we have not been able to buy it before. As regards to brains connected with this institution, we don't boast, but we have at leust enough to edit a paper which eoutains all our county news; which is issued aci week regularly; which dosen't publish every gmutty story that comes around, aud which our subscribers are always pleased to receive. When au opp isition paper U published iu our place whose editor has brains enough to fill the above bill, we will then, aud not until then, con sider that we have a foemau worthy of our quill. Until that time we will proceed as though the were not published. Ed. Notice. All those knowing themselves in debted on the Subscription to the Pres byterian ministers' salary, are request, ed to make payment withiu two weeks, as ut the end of that time the balance on the list w ill be due. W. U. Dun-v, TrcM. For Bale. To close an estate, two tracts of land of about 2000 acres, situated on Millstone Creek, Forest County. Heavily timbered, mainly hemlock, valuable for the bark, and supposed by good judges to be good oil territory. Map with particulars at this office. BALLOU's MAOAZINJi FOR APRIL. This magazine caters for all classes; and old aud young, rich and poor, will find something in its table of con tents to cheer and please them. Boys and girls find in Ballou's a depart ment that is expressly appropriated for their interest, amusement and instruc tion. It contains historical tales, sea varnx. wonderful ml venture the best poetry, thrilling romances, aiitl some. superb illustrations, and yet is sold for the low price of 15 rents per copy, or II. CO per year; cheap, but good. Try a number aud see. Address Thomes Talbot, 03 Congress Street, Boston, if the Magaziue cannot be obiaiued at the nearest periodical depot. For coughs, bronchitis and con sumption, in its early stages, nothing epialiDr. Pierce's Goldeu Medical Discovery. 573 The public appreciating our lib eral inducements for cash purchases is the reason we have such crowds and sell such piles of goods every Saturday. SUPERIOR M'MBKK CO. STORR. Winter caps selling at cost at the Superior Lumber Co. Store, eveiy Saturday. Dress goods selling as low and compared with New York prices, at the Superior Lumber Co. Store. Every Saturday is the day for cheap goods at the Superior Lumber Co. Store. Ready madeclothiug and woollen goods of all kinds are specialties at our Clearance Sales, every Saturday. SUPERIOR LUMBER CO. STORE. Gents' Furnishing goods, latest stvles of neckties, bows, scarfs, paper collars, underware Ac, at the very lowest prices. Superior Lumber Co. Store. A full assortment of Notions re ceived this day. Will be sold at very favorabe prices. We sell Sewing Ma chines, at the very lowef t figures. 44tf Superior Lumber Co. Store. Owing to tho shortness of the cotton crop and the great demand for cotton goods in the west, there is a material advance in all kinds of do mestics, but we are selling at the old prices beside the great inducements we ofTcr for buying goods every Satur day. Superior Lumber Co. Store. "How To Go West." Forty years ago, Illinois was as far West as most people wished to go, and journeys were made iu the legendary 'Fruirie Schooner," but in these days of Progress aud Improvement, the word West has come to menu Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Califor nia and the Territories, aud the Trav eler reaches almost any point therein by a splendid Line of Railroad. This Line of Kuilroud is tie Bur lington Route, which starts from Chi cago over tlie Chicago, Burlington A Quincy K. R.f from Indianapolis over the Indianapolis, Bioomiugton A West ern Short Liue, and from Logansport over the Toledo, Peoria A Warsaw R. R., and running through Burlington, reaches Omaha, Lincoln, Nebraska City, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leaven worth and Kansas city, connecting with the Union Pacific, Kansas Pacific and other Railroads running from those cities. Always go "By way of Burlington." and you will be sure to be right. The Burlington Route has admira bly answered the question, "How to go West?" by the publication of a truth fill and interesting document filled with facts in regard to Time, Connec tions, Accommodations, rates of Fare, and other interesting items, aud illus trated by a large map, truthfully showing the whole West which they distribute free of charge. Copies, and additional information, can be obtain ed by addressing, General Passenger Agent, B. A M. R. R., Burlington, Iowa. The Best Jewelry House In Northwestern Pennsylvania is sit uated on the comer of Water and and Chestnut Streets, Meadvillo, Pa., and is owned by M. P. Jeuks. He has just received a large aud superior stock of Jewelry, which he has mark ed down to the bottom figures, and we cau conscientiously recommend this house to our readers if they want any thing in thut liue, Tho stock is very extensive, and one canuoi fail to suit himself in anything Iu this Hue.' Give Jcnks a call when you go to Meadville, anH von will rgrt it, 27 tf Rook Binding. We are agent for M good ft book bindery ai there is anywhere. We are prepared to do all the biudiog which may be brought to us, at low rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Bsinploa can be aeen at this office. For Sale, The desirahle Farm, known as the Dr. Sihbahl Farm, containing about 80 acres, bottom sand, located on the Al legheny River, three miles above Tio nesta. Good two-story frame house, large barn, good orchard, and desira ble improvements. For terms Ac. en quire of W. W. Maro, lionestn. Pa., or Begom A Sinclair, 33 tf Cleveland, Ohio. D. S. Knox having purchased the stock of D. S. Knox A Co., is now sell ing goods for cash, cheaper than ever they were sold in town. Cush being needed just at this time, he is offering great inducements to canh buyers. Give him a call, and if you don't buy it will not be his fault. 43 Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest county, who are in want of any thing in tho Hardware line, should go to Andrews A Co., Tidioute. They havo the largest stock iu this sectinn of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. Having procured the assistance of two good workmen in our Tailoring Department, we are able to turn out suits for men and bovs with dispatch, and guarantee entire satisfaction. We always keep a first class stock of coat ings, vestings, and cassimercs. All work guaranteed before leaving the shop. Where we sell once we have the assurance of selling again. 44tf Superior Lumber Co. Store. A'ew Advertisements. J. R. HAItlilS, V. P. rASSKTT, HAltltlSdj FASSETT, Attorneys at Law, Tltuevllla Penn'- 1JRACTICH In all tho Courts or Warren, Crawford, Forest and Venango Coun ties. 4U-tf AN ORDINANCE Imposing Penalties for certain JUTsc? meanors. Whkrf.au, It 'is naIe the duty of the Borough Cjuncil to preserve order and maintain the pen e within the limits of their jurisdiction, therefore Ski?. 1. lie it enacted nnd it is hereby enacted, that the tiitfh Constable of kiiiiJ liorouuh, or such assistant or assistants as the lloriii?h Council may appoint, shall, in all coses of breach of tlio peace, by rea son of drunkenness or other disordeily conduct, occurring within said Horoinili, lirini; the offender or offenders before tlio Chief liuntess, whose duty it is hernby made to line or Imprison, or line and im prison said offender or ott'enders. Provided Such fine shall not he less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars for any one offence ; aud such imprison ment slinil not be loss than live not more than thirty-six hours at any one time. Hkc. 2. That tlia linns iui)sod bv the atiove section shall be paid into the Treas ury of Tioiiesta liorouuh to defray expen ses incurred by tho enforcement of this ordinance. J. WIN.ANS, Uuriress. W. l MKRCILLIOTT, Sec y. "lLLiAMSPOET TimnESHlEYT WILLI AMSfORT, PEN'N'a. AFIItST CLASS Boarding School tor bo.h sexes. LOCATION One of the most beautiful In the State. Students Received at any Time. TIItMa MOtiKKA't K. References Hon. Jno. A. Dale, Mile W. Tate, Ksq., 8. J. Wolcott. 45-tJt. I Mat i Notice. INSTATE OF COX HAD LKDA Bt'Il, late -d of Hickory Township, Forest County, decease 1. All poi sons imleble I to said es tate uro requested to make immediate pay ment. And thoso having Inual cUiiiis against the sami, will present them with out delay in proper order for settlement, to D. K.KNOX. I -, JOSIAH WINAXS,txccl,tor!'- 43-Ct THE Tenth volume of Wood's HorsR iioli Mjiuzink begins with anunry 'Tl. It is edited by (lull Hamilton, !S. s. WimmI, and li. V. Oslsriie, anil includes anions its regular contributors Horace (rreelt-y, Mail Hamilton, Thos K. Itoecher, lr. Dio Lewis, Lr. W. W. Hull, Jsmcs i striou, eu itumi iMHM'iieriHowe, llrick l'omcroy. Jollil (i. Saxo. Mai. Jcnl. Kil patrick, Petroleum V. Nabv, etc.. write it occasionally. Terms Ono Dollar a vear. In clubhinir, throe riist-class periodicals are tivn for tho priceof oneof them. The wost liberal Premium List ver published. No periodical is inoro freijticutly or favor ably nientioiit-d by the press. "WcimI's Household .Magazine is one of the monu ments of hiisincs enterprise which mark theauo.' Methodist. Homo Journal, Phil adelphia, Pa. "it has been improving ever since we know it sood criterion for tlio future." Courier, Now Market, Can ada. It is a marvel of cheapness ami first class quality combined." New Yolk Times. Kpe'cimen eopv sent free to anv address. IS. S. WOOD ,v CO., ' Neu burxli, N'. Y, Aii;. 'LS WANTKI FOJt ROMANISM AS IT IS. This hook, an elegant (tctavo Volume, oontainiiiK 750 paes, uud 10v Urot-clai.si.u-KraviiiK", is an cxiuiuxlivu ami Standard work, eminently adapted to its origin to the present time, exposes its baseless pre. touccs, its frauds, its persecutions, its Kross immoralities, its opposition to our public schools, and civil and religious lib erty, it shows ils insidious work iiiks which strongly tend to brin this couiury under full I torn isb control. Prospectus, and Issiks ready ou application. Conn, Pub ltshbiK Co,., Ilrlfi rd Ormn, CJ tt SELLING AT COST Until .PIITX. 1, '72. D.S.KNOX, Itnrina snlt out his Storo building to rth er parties, who are to t)c fmnseiwion on Urn lt of April, ia disposing of his tMKEHSE STOCK AT COST! FOR CASH I His stoek consists in part of GROCERIES aud PROVISIONS, BOOTS & SHOES ! JJA.KTJW-A.TTi -AXD House Furnishing- Goods. Iron, Jfails, Machine tools. Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ac,, Ac., wkich we ofl'nr at jjrettly re duced prices. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE! ! of all kind, FAKLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SF.TSi, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, 6PRING BEDS, MATRESSEH, LOOKING GLASS VH, Ac, Ac, Ac, of all kinds, and as well maJo iu any ever brought to town. PURE DRUGS on hand, and dispensed in an intelligent manner. PATEXT MEDICINES of all kinds, will bo sold cheaper than ever bol'ore. NOW IS THE TIME I You will probably never have another .ip Mirtuiiity to select from so larue a stock of K'ssls at the same liiriires, and now iu tlie time to lav in a supply. This offer holds good only until APRIL 1ST, o oomo tvw, and jot jour ijoods cheap. I. k KNOX. REYNOLDS,BRQAQKE&D &CQ 1 Contro St., nppsit Post fio, OIL CITY, PENN'A. DEALER! JK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS, VARPLTIXG, OIL CLOTHS. BOOTS & SHOES, HA TS & CAPS, TRIMMINGS KPTIONH, ETC., ETC. :v 1MII.S IS NO HUM BUM t QC - liyncndiiifr O'JcEXT.1 with ace, iiiirht, rotor of rvos nnd hair, you will receive, by return iiiail. &v'irrect picture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marr; - Addresa W. I-OX. P. O. Drawer No. M Ku." n ville N Y. 13-4 THEA-N EC TAR IS A PI KE ' RE.tC'K TEX with tho Green Ten Flavor Warrnn'.ed to suit ail astcs. For falo every--where, in our "trado maik iMund nnd half. pound packa ges o.sr.Y, and salo wholesale onlv by the Great Atlantic :id Pac.tlo Teii Co., 8 Chutoli St. New Yom. P. O. ltox ML. Send for Thoa-N ctar cirrular.- L7-4t AGEVT.S WANTED Hound canww inc bok SENT FREE! of postaito on receipt of 75 cent", aud eic culsive territory granted on the riCTORIL HOME RIBT.E. : Contains over win illustrations Isa cm plete Lib vary of ltiblical Knowlei'sro. Ex cel! all others. In English and German. Wm. Flint A Co . Pliila., Pa. 27-4t J U RU BEB A". Is a South American plant that lias been used for many yearn by tno medical faculty or thoso countries with wondernu etiiency, and Is n Sure an J Perfect Komed for aU l'isoasos of tho Liver and Soleen, Enlargement r OH (truntion of Intestines, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal Orirani, Poverty or a want of ttlond. In termittent or Remittent Fevers. Inflainatlon of the Liver, Dropsy, lation of tlio lilood. Abscesses, Tumors, .Taunrlka, Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Aaiie and Fever, or their Concomitants. Dr.' WELLS' Extract of JURUEEBA is a most perfect alterative, and Is offered to the public as a icroat inviuorator and remedy tor all' impurities of the blood, or for organic weakness with their attendant evils. For tho forejroitifr complaints Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba is eontidently recommended to every family as a household remedy, nnd should bn I'n'elv taken iu all derangements of the Bystomy. It is NOT A PHYSIC It is not what is popularly called a HITTERS, nor is ,lt in-; tended as such ; but is simply a powerful alterative pivintt health, viuo'r and. tone to all the vital forces, and animates nnd forti fies all woak Bod Ivmphiitie tcmperimieiils. JOHN Q. K ELI.i GG, Piatt St., New York. Sole Agent for tho United Siatos. Price One Dollar pur bottle. Send for Cifvular. 22--U 1 l'roiilnblv Eiuploj want. Wo tU-eiro to enmuie a few moVe agents to sell tho world-renowned improved liuek eyo Sewinft Machine, at a liberal salary or oil commission. A horsoand wajon (riven to airents. Full particulars furnished on applic ition. Address W. A. HENDER SON A CO., General Agents, Clevcuv.id, . or St. Louis, Mo. 34-11 GENTS WANTED lor a Now Book, stories of Travel, A'lv. ii'iirc. Misc. 1 lanlos, dr. by Albert D. Richardson, tino y illustrated. Verv large pav. Address COLUMIUAN HikiKCU., Hartford, C'l.Sd APFMTQ wanted for "The Itiijht Sldo nULIH I O of New York," a Library or Iufori-mtion portuiniuir to its Institutions and Objects of interest. Hy n City M.s sionary. liOil Engravings. Aifems cll 40 a dav. Just Issued. K. It. Tft EA T, Pub lisher. 805 Broadway, N. Y. 3ii-4t DR. J. N. HOLARD, or Tidioute, lifia roturnsd to h's practice after an ab sence of four months, sciit in iho Hospi tals of New York, where hn will attend calls iu his profession, Mtiep iu Eureka Uriti Storo, 3d door ibovo the bunk, Tidioutu, Pa. 4Htf PITH OLE VALLEY R'Y o X AND A ITER Monday. June 5t 1871, Trains will run as foliows: TRAINS NORTHWARD, si ATio.ts. No. i!. No. 4. Kieopobs, "lO.-lttam HOpm Honnett, lO.as 8..S " Woods 10.J0 " 3.18 " Prathors Mill 10 24 " 8.10 " Pilhole City 10.10 2.55 " TRAINS SOUTHWARD. STATIONS. No. 1. No. 3. Pitholotiv, 8.4')am 1.0pm Prathors Mill H.4S ' 1.4S - Woods S.frt " l.Su ' Itennett . " " Oloopelis O.lrt " 2.15 " An Extra Train leaves Pithole City on Saturdays at tl. 10 p. m. making close con nection at t deopnlis with Trains on the Oil Creek .V Allegheny River Railway forCor. ry anil intei mediate poiuis. Return Train leaves OleopoHs at 7.15 p. m., airivimrnt I'. thole City at 7..M. ll other Trains lyake dose connections at Oleop'. ills with tripes on 'la'Oil ('nek A Allegheny River Haihvay, North and South. Two Lines of Staires run daily lirtween Pithole City, Miller I' arm mid l leasani ville, mak lour connection u iiharrivingaud . departing Ti tins. J. T. iil.AlH, FID. lUShOP, tsiip't. Ticket Agent, Pitholo City, Pa. LjQTSFORAEI IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 73, Nassau St., New York City. h. V. V I, A It It . TIIDIOUTEl, IP.A., WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, Aid Dealer jn WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND M I'S I C A L I N ST U L' MEN TS, Repairing ilone in a workmanlike manner and warranted to give satis faction. 4 Jy The Republican OfTicw lEEPS constantly on hand a lare m IV soiuuuniol lilank Deeds, MorlL-afcO,' Nubp.-er.as Wan aunt, W'llu.anm., JLr. ! Wv 'h.-y f rr f