JWWECilk'IIUWMpVI tEPTO " Let ua have Faith that Riaiht makes Might ; and in that Faith lot us to the end, dare do our duty as wo understand it'-LIKCOLN. VOL. IV. NO. 4(5. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, FEBI1UARY 27, 1872. S2 PER ANNUM. ".. ""i . ii; - . ' ; ' J 3 X 'Ti1 -' v. i . "i ' ,-. . . v, - . l PUBLISHED F.VKRY Tt'ESUAT, fit W. II. DUNN. J'l ') In rinot 'lnilJlngi Elrn Streut. TKIIMS, ?2.00 A YIOAR. Nn S iliAcrliitiiiiin received for shorter c .Tin t.iao t.ir.io months. ' ii r .-poiid"iiec solicited from nil purls of t he conn; rv. No notice will betaken of union vmiis c.iiiiniutiioations. M iri'i;i'ui unit li';illi 'police Inserted ariiU.H. tVJSINESS DIRECTORY. I. KUiVVuK c'i!T1. Ml).l. W. TATK. PKTTtS A TATK, A.TT0HNEY3 AT LAW, r.h,i ilrct, riUSHSTA, PA. Isaac Ash, TI'OitNKY AT 1,W. Oil I'ltv, Pa. l WH nfi 'Hop in ths various Cnurtf nf Forest I'mii'v. Ml Icisiopss entrusted to sli cue will receive. tirnpt attend n. 4f M ly " W. V. Mason, ' TTOltNKi' AT LA vV. 4im mi Kim i Street, above Walnut, Tionestn, Pa. C. W. Gilfill.in, ATTOUM'Y AT LAW, Franklin, Ve- tllllll'l I '!., I'll. If. W. P. M.ircilliott, Alt o r 11 v y a t I a w . AM) TI 0 XLSTA,, PA. .'ifr-tr . CLAK. FASSETT, A TTOIiSK H A T LA IT, auupv AND TIIHOI'TK, pa. 'P I 0 I N t'FIISlUNKl) hnvini asioel 1 .:t "il id mismm'x I i!P-lnT in tno prnc-?;i- ii1 lnv, i ill'. ! their pi. i : c -i innl htv ces Wi 111.' plt'ilic. 4! ' '1 's D' n,n;! I ,v a'ten ted to In all 'he , cunt" nf Warren, Fore.it mid atljiiiniiin a i"ti i. JirajJ R. CI. AUK, D. D. FASSETT, U n il. I'u. 1 iii.uuu-, Pa. Tio'v. s'. I I ins-. MITI'I'I, 'r..p,-l-t.)r. Kim St., Tio . ne.'i. Ph.. nt I he mouth nf llin fiei k, V', I '1" hn t !' u rlil v re'vv itcd tin 'F. m" t a 1 1 r,i-M, ami re-Citi-irs'ied it oom V';H'. Ml wh ) pi'r iiif.i liim will lip we I ciitert lined nt reasonable rate. 20 Iv FOREST HOUSE J BLACK PROPRIKTolt. Opposite 1 ' . Court II rise, Tionesta, Pa Just Aiicna.l.- Kvcrvthiicr ii'v and dean and ,y.fr!i. The best nt liquors kei t eon-tane m hand. A por ion of the public, imtrmi N respectfully solicited. 4-17-1 V ' '- Holmes House, MM')NKSTA. PA. oipnsiti llio Pipot. -1 C. I). Maliic, Picipiictor. Ooml Sts ' blinr conni'i'toil with tho li'inso. If. ayrciisa Houso, . 11II)IoLT , P . I. .V 1 M int:i:. Pn.plp- 1 l'ir. Tli" lioii Iih'i Iioimi thuronulily ivrWivl hiii I Is now itt the !irt-i lu or.liT, rt ith tin Ii:t. nf Ti mnin.l.itiinM. Any , i -irmi! i'l'i 1 1 1 r 1 1 i i i :t 11:1 Tnri'itnry lit ill' p-'iiit wiii hi' i-Im'.tiSiMv fiirnishfil. lv .1. V I. MAUKK, Ex h mg'i HotM, I .n'Kl TIlU'iPTK, Ph., H. S. It Ms I J HKi:t. ,V: S i I'rop'M. Tlii- Ihimkp ImTiip; h.'i'n rriilp,! is n :ln m"t ili'sir:)lipt" ;p n'; pmv in I'iiiinutp. A pond Killiiird r-m ii nil ii'lii'd. i ly National Hoti'l, Vv'Nl'"l'llN, PA. W. A. Il.ir.inliml:, " Prnprii'tor. This l.ntcl is Ni;v, an:1 i.- . . w npi'ii n m h tirst i'Idss hmisn, Ritn.ilo Ht i I ii ih-i i n nf tin-nil Civck A- Aili'i-hi'nv t rcr Mini Phihi.li'lplila .V Krio KailrnHiN, I'pdt-itr tin' 1 ii'put. PiirtU'M having to liiy pr I r:i'n - will tin. I this t lit' must ponveii nt IW'tel in toin, with lii-st--his ai'iimi iiiiiRilinns nnd i I'iii.innlilo "liiiri;ps. tf. Di J. 1. Aronih, piiYSK IAN AMSI U(li:oV,wholifis lia l tifippii years' pxporu'iu'o in i larirc nnd Kiiivpssfni piai'tii'p, will mtpiiil nil Vf'Toi'i ikiI Calls. iiri''i' in 1i!m Uruv; ind ;riM-pry Story, located ill Tidioute, nPar Tidionio 1 loiiso. in liisToitK will in: rorxu A. full .assnrtiiinnt nf Modii-iupx, T.iifWirii Tolmi'i'o, Cigars, Stationi'ry, (ilass, PaintH, I HIh . Ciuloi y, and lino l iroi'pripn, all of tho 4u'st ipialit. unit will lio Hold at roasnnalilo IHil's. II. Ii. Ill'Ur.KSS, an pxpcrioiu-pd Priiu i lnl tVom N.'iv York, bus I'haro of tlio siorp. All pipsciiptioiiK put iipacriirHtnly. JOHN . DALt, PHFi T. iN. PROPER, VICE Pit: ST. . H.STEELE, CltHR, , TIOlsTHlST A. SAVINGS BANK, - Tioni stn, 1'orcst Co., Pa. Thi Itank transit c-onpral HankiiiL', " f olU'i'liui; and ICxi hanp Husincss. Piillts on tho Principal Cities of tho t'niV'd States and Kurop, lioiifrht aiul sold. Hold and Silver Coin and Unvernnient ' Spcnrities boouht and sold. 7-0 I'.oiuls pimvpiipfl on the most favoralile terms, l iterest allowed on time deposits. 'ir. tt. ; -mm l VAN GIESEN. AND ' ' V7 AGON'MAK E R S. Corner of t'linr.'li .md l'lm Slieets, This linn Ih prepared to ilo all work in jlH line, and will warrant everything dune B ' at their sli h to yivo sutisiaction. i'ar- , tictilar uttunlioii given to ' ntmsi:.siMoiAxti, h-e tliuiii a trial, and von will not ro- 'Bi-ot it. j ylH-ly. Lloyd & Sow, "i WATEK STKEEI , TIOX K8TA, I'A, -' TTU'K JI'ST OPKNED nn txteusive I : 11 SlOck of $rfL0Un AND FEED, f,: GROCERIES AND FROVISICNS, thv ofl'er to thp pnlilio ut rates as l"W a can bo oilercd bv uuv other t-ntali-. ljuhiiieiit in tow n, fiivti U a call bit'ore - 7 J'ureh.isijiig oii tw bcro. . 40-Hm I I.OYP A s;x. V D. W. CLARK, (('n.MMIMMtuNKH'H CI.KIIIC, IliniJsT CO., I'A.) If I'A L CSV ATE ACT: XT. nOPSKS and I.oti forSa'pnnd IlKNrp Wild IjuhIs for Snip. I . T linvo Biipprlnr fai'lllt'es for nseertalnliiK th" eonili'loii of taxr anil tan ileeds, ,Vi'., an I ii'n tliei'i Inr,' ipiali'ied to act hdelli fiPiitlv as K"ent of those living nt a dis tance owniii't lands in Hie dimity. (l.'llefl in CominisHioni.'i'!! Koom, Court ll 'iisp, Tionesta, Po. 4-U-ly. 1). W. CT-AUK. nor. H'Tieel'iir. K- V. III'IIIKLIJI.K Trt-K. T. A. WIMOHT. H-.p. OKU. W. ll'llOtim'.h'. lltili"M lliinnt. THE SUPERIOR LUM3ER CO., M A N T F A CT V K K IIS V V Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c. Mills on Timintii Crrrk, Forrttt fo Ph. Vnnis k (Iffirr for. lh h Rail Road Ms., I'lTTSnURGH. PA. KDWAItM 1)1 Tit Itl IKiK. FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. Ks!nhlihpd A. I). 1S27. ' dithfiipge; & sqn, M Nt'FAI'Tl'llKRS OP Ditliridge's xx Flint Glass PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS. A Silvered Glass Reflectors. These eliimnp.i do not break bv heat. Ahk for DirintiiiriKs. Takp no other. prniUIDUK.fesuN,' 25-ly. PittHlminli. Pa. Xen Ronrtliup; Bloiixic. MRS. s. S. IIUl.INfJS has built n larP n lditiou lo her honse. nnd is now pre pareil to ai'oi)iniiHl.iipa nuinhpr of perma nent liomdei's, and nil transient ones who may favor lirr with their patronage. A plod wtalili' has rpeently been limit to hc e'Hiimoihilo tho horses of uiiestx. 4'hari;ps i'pnonable. Kesidooce on Klin St., oppo Miie S. Haslet s store. 1 v Jos. Ytaul, pitAC'TICAI. Ilarn-M Maker and Sad I dler. Three il'viti; north of Holmes llousp, TloiiBsta, I'. All work Is war ranted, tf. j.j I LB RON N E R & QO. AllK CLOSING out their fulliind winter atoek of (joodn nt greatly reduced pres to make nn.ru for a SIPIRHsTO- STOCZ:. Now U the lime t itC'"' Koodsof all kinds, cheaper ihau over, il'u have now on hand Jewelry lloi, V i kiiiK lloj.es, Hauilkcreliief Boxes, Musical Albums, Kmbroidcries, l.aee lioods. Hemmed and Stiti'hed llankereliiof-i, Jjice Jlaiidkeiehiefs, While Nubias, all size, lllack and Whito Fringes, (.old and Allied lieads, Jewelry ot ad kiudH, Thread und Point Ijieo Collars, y.ephrva of M colors, -Ucriuaulow n Yarns, New corsets. No S yle, a Hustles, lloopskirts, l uderwear lor l.inlii s. JU linns. Silk and Ciishmere tSuarfs. fireat Indueeiiients by lHiri'h:i9ing . HANDKERCHIEFS BY THE BOX. U K X T I . E M A N ' 8 MXKX AND L'X DKUWKAl!. I.ar;rest and best nssarted stixrk of gimds for Meu'a Wear m tins suction, which WE MAKE TO ORDER in the most approved stylu. No fit no alo. A FULL LINK OP GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, tilwnys on hand. A tine and well selected stock of American & Imported Watches. LAWKSOPKHA, LKONTJNK, AND NKCKC11UNS, liUACEi.K'IS, lock i: rs, HlXiiS, tiKNTS OOLD AND SU.VI.lt VKST CHAINS, . sti ;i;l va 81 1. V 1 : H A N 1) P L A T K 1 1 W K i :, Hats and Caps Kolling ai vv.-. OOTS AND SHOEO LATEST STYLES O, R KAD Y-M A D K CLOT II I N 0, as cheap as pan be bought in Pa. Xew Infantry Soldier Content ValUet, Carpel Hirl-, Sutchd, Tlunkt, t-e., always on lutul. C'ririieti, HrusseH, Iii-ain, Hemp, and all kind. ' " H'-ilA PAPEU, CUUTAIXS AC, yol SALE CHKAP. I. 1IILRR0NNKR & CU '. tf WlrWI'fl AUDITOR REPORT. S. .1. Sot'ev. 'IreasnrPr of IV.rost (Vmntv, in aecnnut with the Commiiiwenlth pi , Pi'iinvlvaiiia, for the year ending Pee. :), H71. , lr. I'o S'a p Tax. 171 ' " " " 8l1i f,n j ' M'Toantilp nppraiHPtntnt, 171 1WI "') " Tavern li enses ' 170 00 " Pamphlet law " 12 . " PeddlarH' lieetisp " H 00 Or. ou county aee't fi.Vi 0 i t.ij4 CO Cr. lly State Tr. roc. dated Jul. 1.1, '71, f J'! 07 " " " Auk- " 4:1 ,i .i o :iM Ai " " " Oct. 3, " 4:1 i'.V " " " " " ' io 00 " ' " Nov. 21. " 410 0 " " " Janrf,, '72, t 7I 41 By 'onorations Ktato Tax it) HH '"' 5 ier emit, cum mission fcJTO.&O 11 IHi : fii5 i;o S. J. Pelley, Treasurer of Forest fVmiity, in Beeonnt with the I'mvls of said 4'ouii ty, for llin year end n j Dep. 31, IS7I. To uni t spated lanrls i ctiirned, 1M70 1W4 14 " " tax, 1S7I R " unseatod tax, 170 ,4'tSil i 1M71 7742 21 " f en lav assessment, 1871 S! W " bridLMi lax. 17 1 40:11 f,'i " ree'd for old Miiivjlos 25 fit) " " from Tionesta Tp. on aee't S. Slump 2'i7 fil " " olSh'tl I la vis, jury fees 1U 00 " " of N. P. Wheeler, rent e.iurity laiuls s On To fl blank assesBineiit books 2 H7 Toam't received of 1), S. Knox for sliinirles " 18 75 To nm't redeniptlon latids Mold to county ' 2of) S.l To ain't ree'd P. Mack, Kx-Treis. t'5l Is " 3 pounty maps' 0 00 " 3 old stoves ' 15 C) 9721 1 To balance $17204 00. liy eounty mdem redeemed $72tH " " " COUpollM - r. r jj'jo Hv I'xoiipratloiis and seated hinds J- W returned '. .. . .. ,j l.P7H lty ixonerations bridfjo tax x'llO " 1 eounty tax on watches i'l Ily refutidinit order , 45 !y ain't ))aid on Slate debt W5 lty li per tt. on $72;i!i.!i7 Co. orders 4:tt " . " " a'.KI.OO eoiiHins " " " otl.ti.". relier 11-ders 3 " " ,r K'A!i7 road '" 51 . " ". 300.2s school " IS " " " . 4.i.tMi refund. " 2 i' ,. 645.ti0iaid State -Hy biilnneo . 172:14 U7 ' ' $27213 37 We the undersigned Auditors 01 Forest County, do hereby certify that we met tt the Commissioners' Otlico in said County, uceordnitf lo law, and did audit, sett'e and adjust the icvoiint-of the Treisui er of said isuitity I'ortlipyeareiKiinj; Pi'e. 3(1, 171, and tiud them as set forth in the above account. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands, this 0th dav of January, A. 1). 1X72. 10 LI IIOLKMAN, 1 ! WILLIAM CLAltlv, V Auditors. T. Jt. Co IHt, j S. J. St fley, TreaMirei nf Forest County, in nceou nt with tho School Funds ol'"sai.i County, for the yearendin Dee. MO, 1H7L Itai'iiett Township, To nm't seated lands ret. 1711 f 1! 75 " , unseated tax " uns tin " ' 1S71 ' :t.'is ki $..s; 4:i To b'llanee. ?.v:i f2. Py orders redeemed 1S70 ... . 0 js71 Hy !.a!ancu 21 12 .'.21 - ' 743 Jcnks Township. To ain't tx'v'ii from Treas. Siorins 41 20 " Mialed .anils returned 170 21 " undated tax " 7e2 47 . " " 1S71 1JW 7H )U75 02 To luil. $17115 t'S Hv orders rudeemed lsijs ijj 17 37 J;o . 73 fit " 1S71 Kl 43 Itv lialaneo 171)5 US ( IH75 02 Hickory Township. To ain't unseated fax, ls70 1S71 2d 2:i'i $445 To balance, liy bulauce (115 05 445 f445 41 7 3.1 Harmony Township. To ain't ree'd from lVens Siujrius " neated lands ret. 170 " un.-eatisl tax " " - " ns7l filO 3l To balanco w . . ?A$t 44 l.y or.lers redeemed, IsiiS 1 - " balance 808 4 1 filO 3ti Howe Township. - To nm'l ree'd from Treas. Sn.'j;in 8 22 " seated lands ret. 1870 ' JO 2!) " unseated tux " 3io 48 " " 1871 181 15 51I0 20 To balaiiee - $.Tt8 30 Jiv orders redeemed isi!s-iiu 5 34 " ". . it7o ; in m lty ba'.aueo 5ijS 30 f -.'.-O 20 llil 02 270 yi 2X1 70 Kinirsh y Townnhlp, To m sled Ian- s ret. 1870 To aui't unseated tax 1S70 1S71 (W21 02 To balance lty baluneu . J21 f)2 1.021 !2 f 121 tr2 $113 32 4 ireen Towindilrv ' To unseated tax 17 T.bidiin.'e V H3 By baiunce Tionesta TowiiRhiii. To nm't seated lands ret. 1870 " unseated tax, 1870 ' ' " ' 1371 .32 $113 32 124 24 MO 40 .. 007 02 f 1,281 32 To biilanoo Hy balance 12S1 32 1281 32 ftVM 32 fi 40 5 till 7 IK) 'J lonesla lioroue:h. To am't seated lands ret. ls?0 ' unseated tax " f " 1S7X SIS 00 To baiunce l!y l.iituucc . f 18 00 IS 00 i'i it XHtt.iV-V tv"''--! r 3i' r l llstnun Township. To nm't tee'd from Tieas. SiifinM .13 00 f 31 no To bal 11 noe . I!r order'' rc deomod " balance f 1 05 21 71 a 115 f:l3 (i'l S. ,1. Setley, TreiHurnr of Forc-t C' unty, in account with the IJ'm 1 Funds for Hid veari ndins Due. 30, 1871. Harnett Township. To nm't ree'd from Treas. Siiiis I 18 01 ' unseated lax 1870 115 80 " " 1871 211 50 " Treaa. Sigins' road com. 80 42 815(5 94 To balanco (110 45 Hv ordors rei li'eind 18''i8-0'.i IS l I " 1870---" 1871 Ml 27 00 410 45 HM 84 Hy balanco Uioen Townsliip. Toam't unseated tax, 1871 " " extra tax, 1871 $220 01 To balanco Hv balanco $220 CJ 20 04 I $22'i 04 llowo Township. To ain't ree'd of Treas. Sieirms. ' seated lands rot. 1870 " unseated tax " ' " " 1871 " ree'd from Treas. Siiiis ., .. .. road commission "A t"? ' l 70 32 722 00 l 70 30 70 $1571 81 Tubal $13.7 18 Hv orders redeemed 1870 135 00 '" " 1871 100 00 Hv balance 1327 is $1571 84 Hickory Township. To ain't roe'd from Treas. Sij-gina 2 00 " unseated tax l70 M0.;2 . " - 1871 . 118 12 -50 (it To balance $231 54 liy orders redeemed 1870 10 10 balance 234 51 $250 H4 Harmony Township. To bm't ree'd from 'Treas. HiKj;iiis 41 00 " seated lands ret. 1870 H3 01 " unseated tax " 5 40 " " , 187 1 25 35 $105 00 To balance liy baianea $105 HO 105 .''A: .1 $105 00 Jenks Townhip. To nm't ree'd from Treas Sic-rins 48 85 " seated lands ret. 1870 10 30 iinscalc't tax " 702 17 " ' . " 1871 1002 70 " roe'd Treas. Ri;;ttt!eJ, road .commission 92 JI771 30 To balance f 10C0 00 Hy orders redeemed, 1st 5 ss ' seated orders redeemed, 1870 3 20 " unsealed " " 2'i 30 " " " 171 fil 74, " balanco pkh) on ?M771 30 : IV. 02 2"8 :s 227 04 KintJiy Tovi nsliip. To ain't seated lan.'ls ret. 1870 ' Unseated .hi, " 171 .-l'K.! 7 To balance $173 b7 i.y orders redeemed, 171 ." balance 17 00 473 87 $400 87 ) 02 r.O't :;o 405 74 .".00 .".0 405 70 Ticn'sta Township. , To ain't seated heuls rsl. 170 ' uuseuteil tax " 1S71 " " ixtra, lc70 .. .. . l,si &I010 (Ki i To balance $1104 3J Hv orders reiKcnied 1870 333 13 "" " 171 50 01 " " . extra 170 24 52 " " 1S71 37 02 Hy balanco ll'ti 3;i $1010 00 Tionesta Horouh. To sealed lands ret. 1870 10 13 " unseated lax " 7 no " " 171 10 00 $27 13 To balance Hv balance. $27 13 27 13 $27 13 IHOLIIOF 1'1'NHS. To nm't ice'd from Treas. Siyirins $50 05 Hy orders redeemed $iO 05 lliu LIOVKL OK STATIO KOA D Ft'NDS. 1 1. .we lownship. To ain't unseated lax, 170 1171 00 (' '.' 171 lti4 53 $22;".5 53 'i'o balance Hv ba.uneo 22u 63 225 5:! $2255 53 105-1 33 30(8 05 &1002 38 Jenks Tow nship. I To ain't unseated tax 170 171 To balance liv balance $0: K8 4002 3 KI002 3 We the iiiidersinned Auditor.-, of Forest County do horeby eertiiy that we met at the Commissioners' ( ftlce in said county acnordiii); to law-, and did audit, Kctilc nnil ailjusl the accounts of S. J. Setley, Treas urer of Forest County w itli the liiuid and NcliiHil Funds of the raid Townships, for the year endiiej; Dec. 30, 171, and find tlicni its set forlii in the above statement. In witness w hereof we have hereunto set our hands this loth (hi vol January A. P. 172. FLI IIOLKMAN. ) WILLIAM CLAKK, Audi. 'or. T. H. CuilH, J Coui.,ly Coiuniissioners of Forest County account for tho year ending Dee, 30, l7i. X. P. Wheeler Dr. To Co, orders drawn: 03 80 ' balanej 08 0-1 $101 00 Cr. 18 il) 108 00 35 to $101 IN) ' 6S 04 I)r. Hy balance last settlement " ''ti days' services " 350 miles traveled Hy balance Beiij. Kliii.tt i.2j UrT. d f i-r" 21 t 10 - . $4'8 10 Cr. Hv balance dun last pltleniont 77 7." 8 i dav-' services 21(100 " (i(8 uiilcs travel 00 80 " time and pxpenes cettinj; fur- nilure for Court ltone r.s fl.", ' extra oxpensos holding appeals 15 00 fins 10 2!1 1') Hy ImiIhiipo .faci.b MorellliMt To Co. orders drawn To balanco Pr. 3 13 !'! 3t W! $'!78 00 f!r. Hy l ii'miep duo last cettletuRut 24 4 ) " 75 days' services 225 00 ." J13(i.uiiles travel. . - - 113 00 " extra expense liolding appeals 10 10 $378 PO l!y balance 34 i ( K. L. Pavls, Tri(.'li.Slipr!(Tor"Forestf'oiiiity Beeonnt for the year ending lee.."0, 171. To Co. orders drawn ?UI5 45 Hy fees - $105 45 We (lip imdersitrned Auditor of Forest Countv, do hereby certify that we rmt n 1 the Couiiiilssioners Oflice in snid roiinly. j u,-cordini lo 'n)T, and did nudit, Kntt p and I adjust 'lie 'iceoiints of the 1 1 iuh Sheriff and f oun'y Conimmsioners, for the year end lim Dee. 30, 1871, and lind them as sot forth In the nb-ivo report. In withess whereof we have hereunto set 1 ur hands t:.is 13th dav of January, A. 11. 1S72. FLI IIOLKMAN, l WILLIAM CLARK, VAuditoM. t. h. upmt, J Ktatenirtnt of the expenditures of Forest County. A. D. 1871. County Coinmi-sioncrs $ SSO O't County Commissioners' Clerk 480 00 County Auditors and elerk 170 9) Interest oucoanty ordwra 101 01 Furniture . 457 01 Fox bounty 24 8) Jury fees " 1110 10 Assessors 240 48 Printing j 50 ' 0) Jury C mmissionen, ' ( 0 41 Constable . 102 5Q Court Crier . 47 5 Kond views 00 30 Fuel and iights ', ,', 01 00 FlecMons . . J55,r.O Conimoiiwealth cost V4""2fi 30 fiooks and stationery " V80 70 Itpjfistry expenses loo 37 Pa:d J.P. Si'.imr -' ' ' ' 001 :5 t arlnston lmdo 1107 50 Coroner's fees - 110 00 Counsel It'es, I70 ' 50 (l Prothonotary fees- " 110 75 District Attorney fees . 5 04 Teanhorn' Institute 62 3". Hridie Repairs " - - - 81 St Witness fees, countv eases 17 f,l Court House. " -402 l Kherltf fees '. i- '. 105 45 Jail 1 xp"iises 278 85 , Paid Stat.' debt nr i , 555 00 Statement of Finances of Forest Countv O Tor tile year ptldlnK Don, AO, 1871. ' .. ... v,. lNjii:nti pnias.' - Ain't of Couv.ty Ixian ," - $25,000 00 County and bridge orders out- standimj 8.M7 25 Interest .mo on coupons 2.5:18 00 Due County Coininissiui.ers 313 20 . '- - ' ': $;0,308 45 " ASKTH Am'l tax uncollected in hands of Treas rer 17.COIO0 Ain't of seated lands ret. 1871 772 00 " duo trom Tionesta Twp,, oil aee't S. Shoup 71 00 $18,':'.$ :0 FORIOST COUNT Y,ss; l'nrsiiant to law we the undersigned Commissioners of said County, publish tho foreuoiiur exnibit of tlio receipts an t expenditures of said Countv, for the year eiid'na P. p. 30, 1871. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our ha'uds ibis the 13th day of Jan uary, A. P., 1872. HKNJAMIN F.LLIOTT, ,, JACOB MIORCILLIOTT. i ,.0-t"""" Attest, P. W. CLARK, Clerk. The Whale th-t Swallowed Jonth. There came ashore at the bar of the River Pucoti, in the town of Aquiraz, Ci-ura, a fish of large dimension.-, of a species and (pinlily entirely unknown to tho inhabitants of. that locality. The body is seventy nalmos, or fiftv feet three inchca, long, and about ten palmos, or seven feet two inches, in diameter. The head is of an extraor dinary size. The mouth, when shut, admits a man easily in a sitting posuire within it, having still t le lifie. ty and conveyance of ail his movements, and without his head touching any part of the roof; 11 ml the mouth being open a petvo;) in a stamtijig position upon the interior jaw extending his unn upward is not able to reach the upper one ; und this (the upper jaw) has no teeth, but only some cavities in which the teeth of the lower jaw rest, which are long and pointed. The eyes appear small in relation to the size of the fish, but I hey measure two palmos, or seventeen inches, iti diameter, and the distance from one to the other is fourteen pal mos, or ten feet. The lail is rounded und in the 'onn lif a fan. Tho peopJc, ever curious for new things, have bun attracted to the place in considerable numbers, who, with axes and large knives, are getting a sort of thick lat or blubber which lies seventeen indies thick beneath the skin, which is black and shining. Of this fat they ure making oil, w hh h is ch ar and lihont tiny disagieenble smell. They have aleady sold sixteen cnindas of it to n merchant in this capi(ul".t two milreis a canada. The bones are in a pei llct slate, as only some part' of them have been covered by the influx of the tide. Two men emoplycd ut uliu of our hardware, stores were engaged this noon in putting up u utove for u Vesl street lady. During u heuvy lilt one of them told the other to ".-pit on hij hands," when bulb were nonplussed by the ljJy hastily exclaiming, "O, don t do that ; In r'i u spato'iu." Danb'iry " balanco The certain way to Le clieated is t'i fancy one's solf more cunning tlutii fdlicrd.; "I nolit iiclr oftl v hy tlio turn, my fjonile blue-pyp'l Ktp; slie sqnenloil "Lot po you cussed fool, you hurt toy vaccina In !" The Kiitfliitli sav we du not dim? in Americn wo to the tsh'p ttnil wor ry down ottr food us if for' a wner, nn.i hence indigestion and dysjipjisiu. Too true;. "The ftronsrcMt jimpensity in a wo. man's nature," says a careful student of the sex. "is to want, to, know what , is iioiua ou, an J the next is to boss the I A prodigal son ; writes from j Omaha : "I have to have my only ! shirt washed hy the dozen, for it is in '. as ninny pieces, nnd tlio smallest hole , is toe cue I pat nty head through." I A woman heitifj asked what was lior I husband's (i'L'UiHtion, sai l ho wits en. gaged in "finishing." It wits suhse cjnciitly ascertained that it was a term , in penitentiary to which the referred. I The following notice, printed 011 ! eolorpil furd boards, with u nice bor- tier, hangs up in a place ol ittuinpss in Uottie, Mew York : "Mebbo you don't petter had loaf rour.dt here, ven you don't got some pcesnis, ain't it ?"' "Molly, shut the door; it's getting awful cold in here!" was tho remark of an Albany husband as he hung his coat ou a hitching post, and prepared In retire on the curhKtntio, under the impression that he had arrived ut home, ' A chap, tin; (.tlicr day, asked his svyeetbpiirt if he mi-ht hp permitted to encircle her in his arms, and give her nn u fleet iotiate hug. "No," said she, "I csn't. allow that, hut I'll tell ymt what I will do; I'll split ihe dift'ercuce with you you may kiss me." The Nowich Bulletin says : A Frank Jin street gentleman mid his wifo had a little argument (.'hristnins eve, when ho kindly said he would hang up her stockings for Iter, which he did, but inadvertently omitted to take her out of them. She Flood on her head nine minutes, when the neighbors arbitrat ed. I Hero nrvi some jurualistic courtesies: The Ilitrjord Pout is again snapping 'nt.the Trairlh;-. John, hand us the I Sfptirt-gun. hoMmi Traveller. Now, then, the I'oston Traveller is poind t" have some editorial matter. They've, sent "Julin'' for the editor. llariiord Pu4. j An ingenious scoundrel recently cheated n Snuihport ( '('onn.) bank out of $100, bv asking for change for a ! 8100 bill, receiving it, and then asking ' i 11 nn t iff n iA bi itt nf m n i ' ' Wi I I , ain't von going to give me that hill?" The cashier unwittingly tave him the ' bill, und was too busy to' find out his- I misnkc until after the swindler had ,.("(. Two gentlemen in Georgia got into 1 a hjrht, the one armed with a shot gun and the other with nn Hite. The friends of the. gentleman who fought with the axe tinned out in largo num bers to the funeral, and all united in t lie verd'et, that for long vango Unlit- ! i 1 1 11 the bhol-gun possessed advantages 1 .1.' .(.... 1. . . 1..: .1. ... 1 over 1 lie uxn 1 nui niijrii v m in nig n inn , guns into public faver. The natives of northern ibciia practice polygamy to an unlimited ex tent. The women aro taken on proba tion, and if they fail to suit are sent back t ) their parents, and in case of infidelity to their liege lord, a portion nf tho offender's nnn is forfeited for the crime. A traveller in t hat region j says very naively that whole noses are comparatively rare aiming the women i of that country. ! "Do you allow any reduction to niiuisti q-s?" said a yoiiog lady to a sales man in a vveTi known' sewing machine agency 00 Washington street, Rostoii, the other day, where she hud been Irv ing to drive n bargain. "Oh. yes, at I wavs. Are you a minister's wife?" "Oh, no, I'm not married," said the la dy, blushing. ."Daughter, then?'? "No,'- The salesman, l.;ok.i puzi'.led. "Pm engaged to a theological Ftodctit." The reduction was made. The estimates of the nonihir who peri.-hed in tho great fire have varit d from 200 to .100. Hut when it is re membered thai the hot breath of con flagration withered to a-hes great cubes of buihliiig-sloiie, and then blew the iislus out inio the lake, it is sadly probable that many human bodies suf fered precisely the same liilc. Over 100 bodies, or poriions id' bodies, linvo been n covered. Nearly all of these have been identified. A San Francisco demoiselle who was beset by loo many lovers, offered her liiuid to the billiard player anion . workmen in thoil' i'.i 'iu, and tho them who was her superior, on cnudl- j overalls wcro fm'lrfl be i n fire. And ti' ii, that those who competed tiud , during the hottest v.calhcru handful failed should withdraw their pre ten- j of old colt 11 rags, not sulfated with sions, Anticipating t itty victory, all , oil, became hot enough, when hung up were e.iger lo try liici." .-kill ; but ihe i'l a lin box in the aiii, to light nmli h feminine expert in the Ling of games j cs which he had placed among iheni. stic:c;;ivcly foiled ll eui all, and only This shows ihe inccssity of caution in in tho champion player if tjlj .Mute , putting away la;, ctpcc'u-IIv limns could bo found a J'.ictuaii worthy of her 1 that may be ratuiutc 1 wiityl, heii- Ratcs'of Advertising. fine Square (1 itioh,) one Inertloirs - $1 ftO . One Square" " " one month - - 3 00 iun Sqnari) " three months 0 00 Otic Square " ono year - - 10 00 Two Squares, ono yrar - 15 0:i tinarlerCol. :yt 00 Half " Mi 00 One " " - - - - 100 09 Business Cards, not exeeedins onn inoU in lensrth, $10 per year. I.optl n itict'-it eta!l!s:nl rates. These rates are low, anil no deviation iill bo 1 11 1 I , or di (I'riiniun'.ion am iii' itroiM. 'Hn' rate, otfere'l are such, ill make it lo the mU aula ?) of men d 1 t li'islness in the limits oj'tho circulation of the ln;.cr to advert 'o lilwrally. Th(! last time an Iowa man saw his thumb. it. vas g'in;; through a corn shelicr. An Iowa dunisel having ofindud getil leinaii at n leapyo.ir party, ho is) tibout to send his big sisltr to dctuand an !'J"!'gy. A yooni virl was practicing tho "Rattle nf l'iaguo"((U a piano in Brook lyn, on Saturday last. After she had played for two hours a burglar shot at her through tho window, but, to th grief of tlio neighborhood, missed her. (ilashicr, the terotiant, has noticed that the voice of a woman is audible in a balloon, ut tho height of about two miles whdo that of a nun has never reached higher than a mile. Perhaps a female rtroonnt would hear a ni.Wi voice better. Says nn Illinois paper : "During tho 'cold weather of Thursday Ust the city editor of tho Jacksonville Journal froze his oars about n foot deep They nrc to be amputated at the second joint, but his many friends will be rejoiced to know that, in spite of the accident, he still has ample stock for a.11 tho purposes of his position. A western lady has invented a con trivance which efTectunliy docs away with the niinoyance produced by her husband's sinying two .funnels of hard rubber coniiecled by a fixiblo tube. One of tho fniiiud is placed over the snorer's mouth and the ( ther over ono enr. Tho rc.-ull is all the sound is confined, ftnd the snorer hears hi-; own music iutcuiclv. Jt gelterally wakes him up at the first note. On fast Thursday, February Stli, an ..cci.letit, with fatal and serious re s.ilts, occurred on Price & Reiley's section of the Rennet t's Rranch Rail road, in Huston township. It soems ihe workmen were engaged on a "tall," thai is, undermining a clay-bank, when tho w hole mass of eurth at which they were digging suddenly gave way, ami, falling on 1 ho ' men, "killed two, fractured the nrtn of one, the leg of another, nnd othorwiso injured four more. We have nut learned the names of the sollerers. Clearfield Journal. Mr. Quay writes from ilarrishurg to his paper, the Jieaver V.WoW, n follows: Fifty two delegates to the Stale (.'on volition have already been elected, twenty-eight of whom aro known to he for Ilarlrajift, seven for White, eight lor Ketchum, five for Jordan, three f ir I.iliy, and one in (.'raw ford county in doubt. This is ihe tsliiuatu of one who has taken pains to iiif rm himself as to the p si tioii of the delegates, and can he re lied upon. The ticket will bo Hart rami for Governor, and Williams, of : I ioca, for Supremo .hnlgt I A nuihoiitMi-e of Paris wrote to ?t l'.lI)U : "-My dear i ir, I have a great oVsiio to he associated with you in s'""0 li'nia'ic composition. Will J' '" slo hie the i.tvor to w rite a comedy, i and to permit me to add to il 11 few liu.s of my own? 1 will then have it produced il) the most cosily and splen did style upon the stage, at my own expense, and we i-hu.u the glory !" To which M. Scribe uiswcrcd: "My denr sir, I must decline you: flattering proposal, because religion teaches 1110 that it is 1:1 t proper that a horse and an ass should ho yoked together." To which tin; millionaire replied: "Sir, I have received your iinpertincntcpisile. tsy wii.it auuioi'iiy do jmi cat h.irse?" me a Some nr.e, says: "I know a boy who created a vensation by breaking in up on the gravity, of his guests in this wise: Knt -ring the room he com menced : 'The class in natural history Hre invited to witness a living curiosi ty. Fven the b an. oil Agassi, has nev- cr explained the reason w h v.if von take ; a guinea pig up by the tail, iiis cyc ! will drop out. Please walk "t;t into 1 th! kitchen and look at Caw.' They lull rush out and behold I lie little fel 1 low wilh black and orutigu spots in ihe kitchen as announced. 'Lit us I see his eves Imp out c.ow,' fa v. Tom 1 my. 'Rij't him up by the tail and see,' says the young showman. Rut Tom i my makes hut indifferent progn.-s, fin' i lo, 11 guinea p;g is f.mud to have no 1 tail !" 1 - An cxpi 1 inn ntiiig Detroit chemist took a pie( e of tl;K ailliate 1 iitli.n cloth, smeared it wilh boiled liii-rci oil. and : placed il in the centre of a do .-t liiled witli paper and nigs.. Ahhoiigh the ; room was 110 1 tight, nnd li e wiathcr j was cold, there was a smell ol tire about the loo;:i in eight days. Un packing it, the experimenter fotil.il tiie nigs half iharr d. In April ho tnuile a si nihil cx pi liiiirnt with a uir of painters' overalls, whii h Lu rolled up with pine shavings, and crowded in next to the roof boards of a bd't. lu a week the smell of iu;oko alarmed a