The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 13, 1872, Image 1

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    Rates of Advertising.
Ons Square (1 Irteh, one Inprttnns- - It t0
One F.iuaw ' , . 'one atoni 1 - , S
On Mqnarw . thro uths . , 09
OneSquars ' ofie yoar - 10 00
T-w flquarea, one year - - U -Quarter
CoL " - - - so ot
Half " . -r . . rc0-
One 'L - ; " -- - 100 09
. i Rusinosa Cards, not exceeding one Inch
In length, $10 per year. " '
W. XI. D IT 21 IT.
Xlioe tn Itnox's Building. Klr Struct
' Lot us havo Faith that' Riht raakoa Might ; knd in that Faith lot ua to tho end, daire do ouif dutr ca wo undorstand ILW-LINC0LN, ,'.
Legal notices at established1 Tstea. - '"
Thnserahm are fow, and no dnvistloa
lll re made, o- discrirntnatlon amend
VOL. IV. NO. 44;
TIONESTAa. PAM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY. '13,; 1872.-'.'..;' '. ' $2 PER' ANNUM.
patrons. The rates offered ar euch, a
wui make it to tit advantacoof men dot t
buslnpHM In the limita of the circulation Of
tne paier to advertise liberally.
K Bnbswlptfons receivoil for shortor
parlod than throe months.
Correspondence solicited from nil parti
f tlia country.- No notice wUl tit takuii of
aunotrymou communications. v
Marring and Doatli notices inserted
. vawroit rami. mili w, tate.
4hnnt(, TIOXKSTA, rA.
lsao.0 Ash,
i VH1 practice In the various Courts of
f oreet County. All business entrusted to
tl Mr will receive prompt attouii n.
1 f
W. W. Mason,
A TTORTJKT AT LAW. Office on. Elm
Street, above Walnut, Tlonesta, l'u.
ms C. W. GilflUari,
k TTORNET AT LAW, Franklin, V-
(tango Co., Pa,
W. P. MorcitlloU,
Attorney t Law.
Tnr. VNPniisTUNr.n i.sviht associ
ated lhnn.lvr . trif i r in tlin prnc
llr of law, offf r tltitir professional ees
to tit public
Business promptly a'1' n-le.l to In all Mi
raxtru of Warren, Forest and Rejoining
.rciics . cub, d. d. r-Arnrrr,
ai rt-n. Pa. lllioulc. Pa.
Tlonesta . I t ins-.
MITTni.. Proprietor. 1'.!m St.. T!o
. n-ta. Pa., at tho month ..r't.
Mr. Iitla, hss thoron rs-iivitcl tlm
Tionp't 'louse, tot re-f'inrs'ied it com
yletidv. All writ p-i'rnTa f.'.i.t Will Le
wall rntf ruined at re-tsmiihV rat. C 1y
Court llon-e. 'I'i-itMt u. Pv Just
ne I. Evei vihinM; new and mid
fresh. Tlie twxt of llo,ofvs knt enn-tatill v
n hand. A rMon of Ui publ.o. jntrn
age i respectfully noIiciL-d. 4-17-1 v
. r " i Holmes Uouso.
HMONKNTA. PA-. nppos'te the Depot.
1 C. 0. Malii, Proprietor, flood Kta
bliiiR oonnrotin with iha tr.
Tinifit'T'-. P.. J. 1 MAftrr. Tropin,
torn. Tlift lnu. IiaiI.m ii'.ii!(lilv
raMtlatl and ia now in thn lirt-flii"!" nrrirr,
with tlia lpt of m I'oininoila'ion'. Any
af'irmit'ion coni'i'rnin oil 'IVnihiry m
tbi point will Ua cliocrfiillT liiriM-ln'.!. ,
-ly J. A I). M AiKK,
Kxchinr;'! Ho!-l,
T OWKTt TlMol'TI", V., 0. S. Hami
Lj t rri'p'. I iiix Imi-a hating
i laii rrtil'l n-iw in-)-t liiwirntPt'M
Kan plai' in Tiillotitr. A Rood P.dlinrd
iM.n attaoltpd. 4 1)'
1 1 NaTional Hotel,
JRVISF.TO.V, I'A. V. A. HnlirnhnoV,
1 rroprii'tor. linn holal in hw, n-i. I
J.'Jw oiicn an a llin rln Iioiixp, ailunto at
I r liinctioii o tin' Oil fu-ok it A lloirliiMiv
lirr and riill.l lol ;!i!a A Krin !t:ilro:til,
ppoHin- tlin I it . I'nrtio! Iiaviinc to lay
r trains w ill lind this tho most ooiivon
lit liotid in town, with llrst-cliis-t afcont
no(iiions ami rcasiiml! "liarura. tf.
Dr. J. L. AconU,
PHVSiriAN ANnsriKiKON-.wliolia
had tlftwit yHrn' cxpoi ionro in i litrn
and ainwaMfnl piw iri, will attend :ill
VrofmKionitl Ui!m. Ui g in his Prujj und
llroisiy Store, tca!cd 10 I'ijiouto, n:tr
Tldioutn IIoiih.
A full assortment of MiHlirinra, I.lo.uii
Tobtii-o, Clitir, Stittiuiiory, lilass, I'iiin'.s,
ll. t 'ut I ory, and linn tiroi orios, ail nl tin
, hai (quality, and will ba oIl at reasonable
II. R. IH'IKil'SS, an xporifneed lrn-
Ul from New York, lias chai'tfH of tlx
Slora. All prpxi'i iplions put upaivuraUdv.
as. esopis, vicies.sT. a Murii.i. cajms,
lioueata, Forest Co., Pa.
This Rank transui u, a f'eneral ll.tnkhi.
i'ollwtliitr and Kxeliiine IIii-io.-sk.
lrfts on the Priin lpul t itien of the
Vnitrtl .Slate ami Kurtpv lMi"l.t nd koM.
Hold and Hilvrr I m and ! nuieiit
oeuritiea Itoiiulit and koIiI. 7-.1 lioitdai
Mmvilel on the ui"l favondiln t ruts,
. IittereM alloe,l on tiinu deposUs.
ltUr. 4. tf.
Corner of ( hitroh and Klin Stroeu,
Thin flrni is prepared to do all work in
tl, line, and will wair int averyiniu il"ii
at their sit s to rive a.il4 ti u. I'ar
Muuiar attatttiou K'lc,i to
nrt tltwia
cret II.
i trial, ajid yuil U not re
I t-lv
Lloyd Som,
AVE J I'ST OPI'.Nr.D an rxUusive
btotk of
Which thev off. r to t!i piil lic :.t rt.-s ss
low as can baoih-red I . v auv i .i u,.
lishment In town. .i, u a ia.l lo: .r
puxcliaiing f'"i'U:'.',
o-!mi ' LU'YLi A h
. D. W. CLARK,
(OOMSIISRIONKn'S ci. Kmc, kohkhtco., pa.)
HOUSES nnd I.nU forSalr-and RENrp
Wild lnda for Sale. 1
I linve urrrlnr fnrllitips for asrertalnlntr
tho rondltlnn of taxmand tax dorda. Ac...
and am thRrpforH qnnlitpd to ai-t Intolli-j
ici'iitiy ra mri'fit in (iioro iivintr m
tance' ownlna landa In the Uniuity,
OHli In Comminaioncrs Itoom, Court
IIoiiHn, Tloneata, Pa.
4-41-lv. i D. W. CLARK.
m. piTuniDfia. fn.
T. WBtnilT. User.
Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c.
Kills on Tioneita Crerk, Forcit Co., Pa.
Yards i Office tor. Ui & Rail Road SU
Established A. D. 1827. ' ; v.-
If ANl'FArTV'RERS OF ., , ,
Ditliridgo's xx Flint Glass
AND " . ' '' ,
Silvered Glass Reflectors.
These chimneys do not break by lioat.
Ask for DiTiiiiipoBs. Take no' other.
DrniRiur.r. arox, "
25-ly. rittHbin gli. Ia.
7,'cw Itoartliii"; House. -
MWK. H. H. III'ldNfiH Ims built a htri;e
addition to lutr houn. and ihiiow pre
.:ncd to aiM-oniiiiodulna number of perma
nent b'lin derH. and nil transient ones wlto
may favor her with their palronaup. A
r-M'd xtiib.'e has reoently been built to ae
coinmol:tta the hordes of quests. C'iutrus
rea'iuuli'.e. Kesidetice on Klin St., oppo-j
Bite S. llaslut's store. , , - . i.H v
Jos. Y. S.iul(
PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Snd
I dler. Three doors north of Holmes
llunsp, Tiouesla, I'a. All work it) war
ranted. If.
Ri: CLOSING out tliair fall and winter
kUck of irooi's at irrcatiy roUuicd
pi'ieoj to make room for a .
' Now Is the time to net good of all kinds,
ohenper than evar. oliavo now unhand
Jewelry Ilexes,
Wtkuiir Uoxes, i . :
HunrlUereliinf Boxes, , ' . ,
Musieal Albums,
Lara Hoods,
ilemmed and
Hlitehed Huukerehiefa, ,
Iju-h HanilkerchieiH,
White Nubias, all sizes,
Ulaek and Whito Frillies,
Uold and Mixed lteuds, '! !"
Jen olrv of ail kinds, ,
Thretid and Point Collars,
Zephrya of all colors, ;
',. Ooriiiaiitown Vatua, - -''
New l'rets, o- 8'yl,
' ' liilstliw, Hoopskirts,
' L'uilerweur.for Ladies.
Ki bona. Silk uud
Cualimcra scarfs.
(Ircat Indneenienta by )uichwiu
KEKWEAR. Lsrirest uud beat assarted stock of poods
for Mvui Wear in tflia tor lion, which
in the moat approved style. No fit no sale.
' ii , J
A tine and well selected
always on hand.
fcllH'k of
American & Imported Watches.
'UKACKt.KTH, ':"
' lock i: is.
til 1A Kit VEST
til' Kit LINO ,
llati and Caps selling ui co-t.
as cheap as can be bought In Pa.
.Vrw Infantry Sohlit r Cvut ut $2,
Vuhtti, CurjHt &ir!;t, Suk-UeU, 'Ttiiult,
tie-, uu'i'j o't hand.
Carpets, Ui usscls, Ingrain, Hemp, and
all kinds.
1. Ilil.HKONNJ'.U A (.0.
4" i'
S. J. Setley, 1ronurer of ForKat t'onMy,
, In neeonnt with the rornmnnwralth of
Pcnnvlvanlfl, for the year ondltiK "ec,
w. Ill i.
ToHta eTax. l7l . :
' Mi resntllo appraiaemtnt, ITTl
" Tavern lleenson . "
" PatnphlPt laws ' ' " I
" Pudfllara' liuensoa "
" C'r. on county aec'l
: r-i ,!.(. , $10.1 cu
' : ' ' I ' I - . . , .
Uy fitate Tr. ree. dated Jnl. 1, '71,
fflill 07
2X2 4ft
:n 44
' 41 X7
20 00
; 4 0 Oil
71 4t
AUH- 2,
.' " " Nov, at,
' " .". . " ' " ' Jan. B, 71,
By eonerutions Btntw Tax ' '
" 3 per cent, commission $2&l,50
. 1208 00
a. J. Retley.iTroaaiiror of Forest County,
in aeeotint with the Funds ofunid Coun
ty, for the yenr eodlln; JX c. .1A 1H7I. .
To mn't seated lands ret ui tod, ia7u )4
tax, .IBil , Kt '.U Hft
unsenled tax, 1K70
r) f 15 T
WH 1-2
1MT1 ' r ''t'77 2
" . ten day assessment, lfltt fit no
" brlduotnx, 1871 ' '-40HI 5M
" ' ree'd for old shincles S!5 60
" ' " from Tione.sta To.' on '
' - ' ' , ' ace't S. Shntirt t7 l
'" , '" ofSh'irDarlx.lurTfpos 'J4 00
" ; ." of N. I'. Wheeler, rent
' ' ' county lands "- S On
To ( blank assessment book '" ' 2 07
Toam't reeelvcd ofI. S. Knox flr
shinles " i 18 73
I'i ain't redemption landa sold to .
eountv ' i im ., sot) s;s
Tn inn' t roc' d D. Tllnek, Ex-Treas.1 Mi is
" S county maps ' ' i 6 IM)
" 3 uld atovca ' i i' ' J 5 00
" ' . . "i' ii''i. 27HH C7
To balance ' . ' '" " $17201 Co.: i t,
.1 .., ... .., Vr:.
Ry eotlnty orders rodeemeft ' I - )T7J:w D7
'" eoupons U1)0 0i
By exonerations iml wonted lands
rerurncd .' , . 87!) 58
Hv exonerionsjtrlh;c tax i! ti6
ny reu14.rlif ifvAvr K I I i' M 4 t o
By i'.niJ.Ltrti-iuttl-J KJrt,?
Uy per eU on (7l!i.l,7 Co. orders 4:11 3!i
i . ..; ", " aiiO.OO coupons ' 21 40
; " i .' , " Ml.'.lo rdiuf jrjers 3 W
. , , " " 8.10.!P7 road . "! . 61 O't
" " " , 3W.2S schiHil " - IS 01
" " " 4".isl refund. " 2 70
" " " &0 5.U0 paid .Stato M
Uy balance 17201 00
.' i-t'' $27287
Wo the underalinod Auditors oi Forest
County, do hereby eertliV Hitil wo met Lt
the Commissioners)' otlice in said County,
according to law, and did audit, settle and
adjust the account:" of theTre isurerof aaid
county for the year end ini IMe. 30, 1871, and
una them as set lorth In the above account.
Tn witness whereof we have herotinto et
. our hands, this 0th ilav of Junuarv,
I.l87-A-.t-5, I '.I Z'i - X--
v VILLI A M LM.AKK; lAuiitors.
" -T. It. Cl)IU5,:.Ti I J, -
. J. Setley, Treitsnrei of Forest County, In
uecou'nlwith tho School Funds of "pari
County, for llio year ending Dec. yo, 1871.
Itarnott Jownslnp.
To am't seated lniKls ret. 1M70 ' I 1!1
' " unseated Uix . t ' a O't
ltfTl i. no, 358 00
f.7 4;i
To balance ' ' $S2I C3.'
Uv orders redeemed 180
'" ' - i 1371 7 ' '
Ry balance
, 24 II
: i 42
.Ml 0i
S 7 13
' " '' JenUs Township.
To am't ree'd fioui Treii-s. Hitrpins
. " ., seated innds returned 1K70
" ' unseated tax ' .
. " " ' ' 1S71
' ' '1 ' '. : ii''-; . ..
41 20
24 Oil
' 7(12 47
l iOti 78
:rn . , I.,.. :..
Total. :,! I :' :, : ' " ?17H5 08
Uy orders redeemed !)S 00
' ' ' ' ' 1S70 ' t Ii
$1975 0:
iJ7 37
73 54
0 4.1
uy balance ,
1705 08
$1073 02
' I 2i8 81
aati 24
.' IIIckorj'T6wnsldp.
To ain't unseated lax, ls7( 1
1871 mi..'
$445 05
4 IS 05
$145 05
41 P0
228 39
- 7 02
33 05
To balance
Uy balunco
f'l $145 05
Harmony Township. .
To am't ree'd fromfrcus Niius
" , seated liinds ret. 1870 '.
" ' unseated tax "
.. 1871
$310 36
To balance '
Uy onlcrs redeemed, 1R68
" balance
$:08 44
' I H2
308 41
$310 30
8 22
' 10 29
:t!'0 48
181 15
'' Howe Township. '
To am't ree'd from Treas. Sigins,
" seated lauds let. 1870
" unseated tax " ' '
' , . ". 1871 ' 7
-n en
f ' V -u
To balanco $508 30
Uv orders redeemed 168-69
'" " 1870 '.
Uy balance .
5 31
Ui 50
508 ;jo
$j!'0 20
1 101 02
270 -M
IM 70
KinpIey Township.,
To seatrsl lanos reh. li-70 S . , ,
To am't uup4ted tax 170 ,
$021 1'2
621 02
$113 32
To balanco
Ly balance
$621 02
, ft ' ,
t . i j it J
fireen Township, .
To unseated tax 1871 i
To balauco $113 32
Uy balance
Tio-enta Township.
To am't seated lands ret. 1870
" unstated lax, 170
8113 32
124 24
MO 4i
1.07 iii
J 1281 32
To balanoa
Uy balunco
$12Rl S2
12M 32
$1281 32
5 40
f t,u
7 10
Tiouesta Uoroutrh.
To mn't beatcil lauds rcL W'
inisfuted tux
" 1S71
SIS 00
To balanco
l'.v balance
$18 CO
18 00
$I W 60
2K U)
1T 00
-- 00
8 00
C5 6 I
V ii latona Tuwnshl D.
To am't ree'd from Tiaas. Sikk'"
33 66
f33 60
To lia'snea
$3 95
I'r order, redeemed
20 71
3 05
H. J. Setley, Treasurer of Forest County,
in account a im inn Koai r units for me
ear cnUiuit Dec. Ml, 1871.
IlHrnett Town shin.
To ain't roo'd from Tress. Biggins $ 18 01
unseauKi tax i.u n.t mm
" IM71 241 59
Trcas. 8if(,ins' road com. 80 42
$106 04
To balance $110 45
Hv Orders redoemed lc.-C9
18 04
87 00
410 45
$156 81
113 32
113 82
" " 1S70
' ' 1871 ' .
Ry balance
fSieen Township.
To am't unseated tax, 1871
" extra tax, 187
U JS 04
226 CI
J2f G4
To balance
1226 01
Uy balance
Howe Township,
e'd of Treaa. Sii'Eun
To am't ree'd of Treaa. Hiennis 9 56
" Heated lands ret. 1H70 20 57
" unseated tax " 780 32
" " 1S71 722 no
" roe'd rrom Treas. HIKins 1 70
?r!T'T h , , ,. -O
U (, H vroaJ coanuuiiudoti C 1 68 79
$1571 84
To bal
13:7 18
Uv orders redepmed 1870
" 18,1
Uy balance
135 00
10!) fXI
11)27 18
$1571 84
Hickorv Township.
To am't ree'd from Treas. Migins
2 00
ISO f 2
118 12
unseatea tax jiu
" 1871
-50 04
To balance $231 54
Uy orders redeemed IS70
" balance . . . i 1 - i l
$250 CI
Harmony Township.
To am't ree'd from Treas. Ninyms
" , , s.utted lauds rut. 1870
41 90
03 111
5 40
2.1 35
unseated tax
$165 00
1G5 06
To balanco
Uy balance
$165 00
$165 06
Jenks Townhip.
To am't ree'd from Treaa Nig(r,liw 48 R5
" seated lands ret. 1870 WHO
" . unseated tax ., " ,' 702 t7
i . i . .. .m 1S71 lOOi
" ree'd Treas. Sitrsius, road
commission 92
$1771 30
To balance -,.: $1600 09
Uy orders redeerned, 1S68 5 88
' scute. I orders redeemed, 1870 3 20
" uiiheatcd " " 20 3'J
' " " 1S71 51 74
" balance 10!tl Oil
.: $1771 30
KIncslcy Township.
To am't seated hun'ls ret. In70 C5 f2
" unsoatcd tux, " 208 ! 8
1871 22. 01
$400 fc7
To balance
I iv orders redeemed, 1871
! baiauce
$173 67
17 00
473 87
$4!K) 87
65 02
38(1 :io
405 74
:usti ;in
t 405 70
Tionesta Township.
To am't seated lauds ret. Wu
" unseated tux "
.. js-j
" " extra, 1S70
$1010 00
To balanco
$1104 39
Uv orders redeemed 1S.0
'" " 1871
" " extra 1870
1 171
Uy balanco
333 13
50 94
24 52
37 02
ll'H 89
$1010 00
'J ' ' ' Tionesta Uorongh.
To seated lands ret. 1870
" unseated tax "
" " 1871
$27 13
To balance
Hy balanco
$27 13
27 13
$27 13
To ain't loe'd front Treas. Sijigins $"9 95
Uy orders redeemed I $" 05
Howe 'I ownship.
To am't unsealed tax, 1870 1171 00
" " 1S71 1U84 63
To balance
Uy buiunco
2255 53
$2255 53
1051 33
HOtiS 05
Jenks Township,
I To am't unseated tax 1870
.. .. j871
$t(Hi2 38
To bahmco $106: 38
Uv balauco ' 4002 38
$1062 3n
We the undersigned Auditors of Forest
County do hereby certify that wn met ut
the Commissioners' i nice in said county
aceoniing to law, and did audit, settle and
ailjust the accounts of S. J. Sellry, Treas
urer of Forest County with the Road and
School Funds of the i-aid Townships, for
tho year eliding Dec. 30, 1871, and find
then) oo set fortlj ill the above statement.
In witness whereof wo have hereunto set
our hands this loth duyol Januury A. D.
I l l HOI.EMAN, )
County Commissioners of Forest County
account for the year ending Doc. 30, 1871.
N. P. Wheeler
To Co. orders drawn
" balanco
$13 86
08 01
$101 90
Is !KJ
108 00
35 to
$I'U 90
08 01
I!y balance last settlement
" ;Aiilny V t-evA ices
" 350 miles traveled
Uy bidan.'u . .
Uliij. I :il io t
"!' or.'ers dr iwrt
i" balance ., , , 2lt to
$4)18 10
7 75
2-10 no
60 80
6t M
15 on
Rt tvalsnee due last scttlomont
" 82 day ' aervlcea
" 608 in Hps travel ,
" time and xrDe eettlriK fur
niture for Court House
' " extra expenses holding appeals
$468 10
211 10
' Tr.
' 813 P4
' 84 00
' $77 00
24 40
IJy balance-' :
Jacob Mcrcilll'
To Co. orders drawo
To balauco .....
Ry balance d. last Mttlcment
" 75 days' services , '
" 11311 miles travel ' '
" extra Mprtw holding appeals
113 60
15 00
$:tT8 00
34 06
Ry balance ' ' - n 1
E. L narla, Hifjh Sheriff of Forest County
account for the year ending Dec 30, 1871.
To Co. orders drawn : .: $l8 45
ByfeC!'-,. $105 45
We tlio underslcned Auditors of "Forest
County,- do hereby certify that we met -at
the 'oiiimisaioners' Office in said county,
aci-nrdiim to law, and did audit, sott e and
adjust the accounts of lite Iliirh Sheriff and
;ounty Cnraniissioners, for the year end
ing Doc. 30, 1871, and find them as sot forth
In the above report. , f . ,
In witness whereof we have hereunto set
our bands tins 13th day of January, A.
D. 1872. -. . .,
. . i . ELI noi.F.MAK. ' 1'
WILLIAM CLARK, Auditors, ; .'
Ratement of the expenditures of Forest
. County, A. D. 187 L;
Conny Commissioners - - i . ..
Connty Commissloiiers' Clerk . .
County Anditora and clerk '. : I v
Interest on county orders
Furniture i ,
Fox bounty . i , -i .i
Jury fcoa . . . . .
Assessors ; 1 : -. ; . , ..
$ 886 00
480 00
. 17S 90
101 61
467 01
24 81
11 iu io
. 49 4S
6CW 00
Printing -iiWv. , - I i -Jury
v.mmlsaioner-i e ,, , i
(Nonstable ' i.'.'r.i ,i: n
66 43
16i 50
Court Crier
Koad views ' . . '
Fuel and iigbta ...
El options . 1 1 , , ..
Commonwealth costs
Hooka and stationery ,
Kotristrv expenses , ,
Paid J. P. Hiirtrina .
arinittnn brid(j "
rVirormr'M fens .' .
. 47 60
09 30
. -, ill 01
.155 CO
. . 260 80
, 289 70
109 37
-9l :
iinr m
no oo
' 50 tK)
116 75
5 00
62 35
. : 81 8t
187 51
402 26
lt 45
t Jounael fee, 1S70 , , f'
Prothonotary feea, .. ,
Oiatrict Attorney fees
Teachera" Jusrltut9 ..
Uridftre Hopalra ..
Witness fees, county cafeoa
J41rmrt Ilouso . ,
Sheriff fees ... v
Jiiilexpeiisea -, , , .
Paid State debt .
278 85
655 00
Slatcmout of Finances of Forest County
- lor uie year enuniK lice, w, isi i
. .... .. .-..( IMtKnTKDNESak. 1.
Am't f Connty Loan
County and bridge orders out-
1 stitndiiur
Tnteivst iiuo on onupona . .
Duo Connty Commissioners . , ,
$25,000 00
8,547 25
2,5:t8 00
313 20
,. : ..
" "t ' ' : ASSFTS.
Am't tax uncollected in hands
of Treaa rer . i i
Ain't of scnted lands ret. 1871
" due from Tionesta Twp,,
on acc't S. Shoup i
$10,3118 45
17,-:oi CO
772 69
- 71 00
' . , $18,138 29
Pursuant to law wn tho undersigned
Commissioners of said County, publish
th lorecrolntr exnibit of thn receipts ami
expenditures of said CouDtv, for tho year
endinu Deo. IM, 1871. . " . '
In ti-stinirtiiy whereof we have horeunto
set our hands this tho 13th day of Jun
uarv, A. I'., 1872. .. ,
' Attest, D. W. CLARK, Clerk. ,
lA-VirKinia circuit prenclter gives
trie following illustration nf "faith
lliat would remove mountains,"' which
he heard from the lips of a iicpro
prearhen who was holding forth tn his
congregation upon thesuliject of ohey
inrr the commands of the Almighty:
"Hrcd'ren," he sai.l in his hrukeu wny;
"whatcher ile good Gixl tell me to Jo
in hiit bfcsscd book" (holding tip at
the aama time an old, and evidently
much read Bible), 'Mat I'm gwine to
do. If I see in it dat I must jump
troo a stone wall, I'm pvine to jump
at it. (ioiii (rxj Wfff to Ciod jump
io', aMtJIongs to tn." Wmplo and
home), as as the illustration,' 't had
an evident eU'ect upon the limitci)
eoniprchenBiim f the jireachor'n liear
trs. , s '.
, "Mother," id little Ned, one morn
iup, after havintr fallen out of , bed, "I
think I know why I full out of bed
hist night. It vii bet-tune I slept too
near where I got in." Musing a little
while ax if iu doubt whether lie I. ml
;iveti the riej.t explanation, be added,
o, Hint wusn t the reason ; tt was be-
cause 1 blepl too near where I fell out.''
A young man. not, a hundred miles
from this was arrested ly a Irieiid the
other duy vub the remark ; ."1 beard
the ether day that y.m wt'ro about U
pet miirriid.". "V'II, yt," he re
plid, "I thought qwhila that I would
niarry, but I found out tin-girl ami all
her people were ii''aint it unj I voit
i luded lu drop it.'
A etiutitty editor, lubsrribrrs
contpiuiiii il very lotnlly that ie did
not trive them news ennui?!) for their
tiiouey, told theni thai if they did not
tret etii.itvrli in tl puper, that tin y had
better rend the Hiblc, which, he had
ait doubt, would be news to ni..ct ot
the in.
A tailor at thn Uroolltn Xavv
Yard, explained to a curious Ijii.I--
man the utber day how prij tuoin y is
divided. "It is ifted throtigli a lad
der," bo Sitid. "Wl.ut falls' iIltoU-Ii
goes to tho !T 'ers ticl.s the
Management of Mill-Sawa.
. Thesawingnf lumber by machinery,
although a business in which tens of
thousands of skilled workmen are con
stantly employed, and one which dates
for back iu the history of mechanical
progress; has never been brought so
near the jouditioo of exact, science as
might at first glance appear possible.
It is not a complicated process, and
all its methods, Appliances and results
are plainly apparent and easily follow
ed by the eve of the observer , and it is
moreorer the subject of such constant
experiment and investigation that one
would naturally expect a let of well
(lsfitied, established conclusions arrived
at as tho fruit of so much inquiry, and
adopted for their future guidance by
all workmen iu this branch of indus
try. ,!,.'-';.
It j scarcely too much to isay.'how-4
ever, that every operator ol a eaw.tnill
has a set of rules and his own cherish
ed beliefs in regard to every step and
cotidit.on of the process, whether it he
the number, size of shape of the teeth,
the speed of the ?v, the feed, of the
roeiiiou ot setting ana tiling, un ail
these matters there is a formidable ar
ray of authorities, but it is difficult to
hnd. any two of them who prectfely
agree, so that the. researches of the in
quirer leaves him in a more doubtful
state of . mind, if possible, than wheu he
betran. ' , ' '- '
, Iu regard to the speed of a circular
saw, jt is hardly possible to establish a
n n i form tdandurd, the manner being
greatly . influenced by the kind and
condition of the lumber which is to be
worked.' A rule in very common use
among mill men fixes nine thousand
feet as the maxiinu n distance 'trhit-h
should be traveled by the' tooth of a
saw per minute-rwbidr'is equivalent
to about 700 revoletions per minute
fur ft fifty lnchaw, or a little over 1 100
revolution's per minute for a thirty
Viicheaw.) (Tins may be regarded as a
stile oulsid ) limit Jor ordinary caes,
ulthotigh a still more rapid motion is
often given. It should bo borne in
mind that to attain this degree of speed
with good practical effect, all parts of
the machinery 1 require to be vciy
strongly made and accurately adjust
ed and regubit' and the saw should
be kept in the iu-.-t possible condition.
The regulation ot the lce.l is another
matter in which thecirctinijiances have
trretit weight in determining the meth
od to be adopted. ' As a general thing,
however, the operator is moro likely
to err by giving too light a feed than
in the oppostto direction. . WitlilJ
inch feed, for example, twice as much
lumber will be sawed as with j inch
feed, and often with much less tliuii
proporliutiate increase either in tlm
amount of power consumed, or in the
dulling of the saw ; the inference being,
ot course, thit with too light ft teed
largo prnKrtioi) of Hits power goes to
waste, hikI the saw .is .dulled without
performing its due amount of praeti.
cat service. There are cases in which
a very heavy feed us high as three to
five inches cua be successfully em
ployed, but these are not in the o din
urv line of' work.1 The general rule
however, -will be found a useful one
to trivu a feed fully up to the capacity
of the saw, as nothing is saved either
in power or in the durability ot the
saw by tailing short ot that limit.
Another point on which there is a
wide difference of opinion is whether
the teeth of the Baw should be, set or
upset that is, whether the point of the
teeth should be turned or eet outward
in opposite directions, or the toosb
spreud or swedged so as to. make the
sawcutasufticiently wide path through
the lug to keep it clear ot the timber
and prevent any binding or friction on
the sides, borne workmen con ten 1
that the spreading of the points cannot
be done without injury tu the steel ;
but this depends chiefly on the care
and skill with which the operation is
performed.- If properly done, we are
tiicliued to believe that the spreading
or upsetting of the tooth w ill give bet
ter results than are obtained by setting
in the ordinary manner. We have
observed that in sawing lumber with
the teeth of the saw bent in alternate
directions, the effect of the friction up
on tho points bus been to wear them
olf in a short t'mo, llaitcning the teeth
much sooner than wheu they were
spread by hammering. In sawing
glitly lumber it is sometimes advisable
to sit the teeth by bending; but iu
tlun work the other method cau be recommended. t?ome skillful
wtirk'iueu Use both processes spring
ing lite teeth to give the proper width
ul cut, and ul.) up-itting the point to
make it throw out a full corner. The
fitotteiicv with which the saw should
be fib tl, 'depends also on the kind of
luinltcr in which l is oHTatuig. it is
hardly profitable to stop the work tor
the purpose of filing at every thousand
feel, us some cluim should bo done,
when the saw l:;;s a working cnpncily
of three thousand feet or upwards ier
hour. In eleun, soft lumber, as high
us four thousand feet, or even more,
uiiiy be sawed with one filing if that
one is thoroughly done i but under lets
fiiVoiahlu ciit iiiusiauci s it muy be
neccs-ary to file at evtry thousand
feet, lt i bevtr good economy to
continue tunning a tuw in udtiil stale,
:! ;f:'e i:t' bar!, or fuM of
sand and dert, as will often he the cast
where it has been exposed fur some.
time or been hauled through the mud,
one filing for every thousand feet is-'
not ton much. Oood judgment in fact, i
is the bust and only reliable guide to..,
this matter.
There is no substantial advantage iu '
the "end-play" or lateral motion of the'
saw-mandrel which has sometimes been.
recommended, and is in actual use iu
ntanv mills, A very slight motion of
this kind may be u refill in preventing
the heating of the journals by assisting
the lubrication ; but aside from this,
its ut.tity, lo say the least, is doubtful.,
in fact, ii the rim ot tba saw , u.con-.
fiued by the guides, and the centre al
lowed to vary, the effect is to throw
the saw out of line. The benefits whiclf
are claimed In some cases to hove resj
suited by allowing this end motion we
regard as being chiefly imagi..ury, or
to be attributed to other causes, to tha
good qualities f-f the saw, or to the in
telligent skill el the workruau to keep
ing it jo order,. . i
" ' . i i i . - -,'1
Different Methods of Providing for
, , ( , Daughter!. '.X
An old gentleman, who ought tn hi
seated sst.ide the topmost ridge of
Mount Shasta, with a similar mountain,
pendant from either foot,' writea to a
literary paper that he has a -daughter.
We are delighted that this autiqua
malefactor is bleexi with piogetiy;
that daughter will be a comfort to hire
when tie gets along in years. We have
ourselves wished lor a daughter to sup
port. Hut we wander. This relid of
a TMoishcd age continues that Ilia
daughter is very fmd of geutlemeu's
society. That is precisely the specie
of illness that would prubably afflict
our daughter, if we had a daughter to
feed. We once knew a man whose
daughter was so extremely fond of the
society of gentlemen that her heart
broken parent caught her one 'day
hangjng an the arm of a wooden Indi
an, and had to weun her from ibis sin
gular partiality by means of a axe
handle. To resume : This hoary in
iquitor . goes on tn explain that the
gentlemen fur whose society his daugh
ter is mainly fond, ere, he has teason
tibelieve, addicttsd to the consumption
of cigars and the vice of billiards. It
is probable. If any young woman
shall ever secure the ad vantage of hav
ing us as a; parent to buy her clothes,
it is reasonable to apprehend that she
will favor the same IuwcIum of gentle
men ; they mostly do But the aged
parent would like to ; know what be
would best do about sit, -Therm are
several methods of reform, . 1'rnbahly
the uinst obvious and most efiectual is
to kill her, take off her skin und hang
her up to bleed, The final deposition
of tho body is not important. If iu
the process of the centuries we shall
confer upon some comely damsel the
honor of being daughter to us, and wo
responsible for her bills, it is to be pre
sumed that we shall adopt this method.
Another way is to restrain her of tier
liberty by putting her in-an abandoned
well and dumping some tons of gravel
atop of her. This plan is highly spoken
of, and commends itself strongly to the
judgment. - Or the old geiillvmau may
bind an anvil to her ankles ami upset
her out of a boat. It would be need
less to point out the advautagesof this
plan.: Finally, if he is too tender
hearted or affectionate to adopt any of
the foregoing methods, let him lay her
-properly chloroformed beneath the
upturned root of; a mighty oak,- and,
severing the trunk, let back the moun
tain of earth into its appointed place.
With so great avnriety of methods from
which to choose, this anxious old gen
tleman ought not to be very long in
solving the problem to which he has
set his intellect. Scut Letter,
The question, does getting drunk ev
er advance one's happiness? would
seem to be. put to rt-Bt by the Irish
man who went courting when drunk,
and was asked what pleasure he found
in whisky: "O, Biddy, it's a trate en
tirely to see two of your puny faces in
stead of one-!" .
At a juvenile party onelittle fellow,
rejoicing iu the splendor of his clothes,
sided up to another with the trium
phal remark : "You ain't dressed as
well as I am," "Well," retorted the
other, "I can lick you anyhow."
At a California fair recently several
bottles of strained honey wera put on
exhibition, when a chap put u bottle of
cantor oil with the rest. The opinion
of all who tried it was that the beo
that laid it was a fraud.
A shawl manufacturer in Philadel
phia has spun a thrjud twenty-seven
miles long from ono pound of Ameri
can wool. It is ono of the greatest
yarns on record.
A greenhorn was out-red, at a public
table, a plate of maccaroni soup, but
declined it, declaring thai they cnldn't
play any bilcd pipe-stems tin him."
1-M ward Timan was married to :i
woman in Connecticut lasLwetk, und
thereufirr absconded, Au exchungu
says, "Timau lied wake b,r no woman."
An Indiana editor announces: "We
) leave to-morrow for the county bo,-
i snow, ini i l.t.pc tt 'j'io the priz"."