TCESDI BOEMVG, JA5. 16, 1871. BOROUGH OFFICERS. thtrgraH. II. Mat. tbimri'innrn Jacob Shrlver, J. R. Stroll p, W. W, Dun md. H. II, Haslet, .1. Winann. Jitntiets of the itace V. I. Morcilltolt, . . Knox. UvnuldhlrS. N.Teitsworth. AVA'nt Director .1. Winann, J. A. Dslo, i. A. Proper, Jacob 4hrlver, 1, e). Knox, . 1). liwln. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judrjs W. P. Jfnks. j4vi-iot Jadyes J. A. 1'HoPEn, A x IkRKW Cook. HhtriffK. L. DAVts. jnntriet Attorney W. W. Mxson. Ti-ennarer S. KKTI.KY. - Prothonntnry, ltrgieter it Recorder, itt. 3. B. Aon kw. CmmMiiocr Uknj. F.M.loTT, Jacob Mkhcili.iott, T. D. Coi.i.ihh. Vft SMim-intMitUmt S. F. ItoHimR. . Jury fini'M''orteni CJkok(k Niuoinm, , Wk PatTkuson. Omnrv Surveyor H.D. Tnwii. 'Chroaer Joniah Winans. . Ytny ttt(ifr Kli Hoi.kmaw, Wm, Clank.' T. II. Conn. Member o (.jngre Wth District O. W, BooriKi.n Aenly D. Lawoi. LOCAL ANI MISCELLANEOUS. ,, There ore now tivecnsrs of small pox in Cnrry. One case proved fatal. . Wiuan'a health is eu'ul to he . improving, nnl hope.' are now enter tained thut alio may possibly recover. . Nelson G. Bull has suspended work upon In oil well !r the winter, lie will retinae operations again in the 'Rev. A. Virtue will prench in the Tresbyterian church in this place, on next aubaih, 21st inat., morning and evet.g. : .j ' -Rev. McBride, of Clarion, will preach iu the M. E. Church, in this place, on Sunday, Jau. 28th, morning and evening. J. P. Wickereham, State Super inteudent of Common School, will accept our thanks for a copy of his annual rep.irt. Get ready for the Teachers' In ' itittite, which commences one week ' from to day. This will probably be au (interesting session. There is Hotmail pox at Hickory, one mail has had the quinsy, however, and an old cow has a wnrtoii her ear. Let everybody take pains to circulate the new.' 1h Auditor's Report was made nut . last week, and will appear in the first issue of the Republican ii. February We understand that the finances of ' our County are improving. Mr. II II. Stow is contemplating ranking atour of observation in Flori da, during this month or next. Mr. N. P. Winder has not yet returned ' from Boston. . " We have received the Public Led ger Almanac for 1872, published by Geo. W. Childs, of Philadelphia. It is beautifully primed and lull of use' ful information. The Titusvillc Sunday News comes to us with a now dress. It is a paper .which could not well be dispensed " with about here, and we are glad to '. sotice evidences of its prosperity. The Clarion Democrat has gone back on kerosene. It says : "Our of fice wagSlloin.natcd on the 30th ult. with tbe presence a number of young Jadies." The girls over there must liave bright eyes. A report was circulated last week that there was a case of small pox across the river, at the house of P. . Clune. It turned nut however that it tras a case of chicken-pox, and the community drew a long breath. Speaking of small pox. we have acveral cases in our office. Those who iiave been vaccinated needn't be afraid to come -op, as uo one has even taken .the varioloid from them. It might be well to remark that they are type 'Cases. j We see by yesterday's Herald .that the case of Pule vs. Wilkins, which was to have been tried jn the District Court at Erie, this term, has been continued until the May term, which, we believe, will be held in Pittsburgh. Capt. Knox, H. II. May. Samuel Haslet and C. D.'Mabie have been . very busy putting up ice for ihe past week, to coo! the fevered brows and parched throats of their families and guests during the heated term which is expectek some time next summer. S. ,1. Wolcott informs us that his well at Enterprise is a dry hole. II is not discouraged, however, aud is go ing to put dowu a well on this side of . )he river opposite Little Hickory. Success to you, Si Ins. We uuderstnud that Mr. C. C. Leonard, tbeitty paragraphia of the Titusville Herald, Jias taken the posi tion of Assistant Editor on the Cleve land Leader. We are sorry that Mr. Leonard ha gone to fur away from us, but congratulate the Jeajer oa its ac-ejuUilfoji. " -Mlet. lfl 'Aj 'Ifiittg and tf,rrf the East Hickory Circuit, ha've received presents from the people of Panther Rock, Reaver Valley, aud Hickory, on Christmas day and since, to the value of 832. They return hearty thauks to the donors. Miss Almir Lusher, of Rockland, has consented to teach the school at East Hickory. It will begin Wednes day, the 17th inst. Miss Lusher U an excellent teacher, and the East Hick ory folks may justly think themselves fortunate in securing her services for a third term in immediate succession. W. J. Slater, of Lneytnwn, receiv ed a severe gash in his lift wrist one day Inst we'k, from a saw which he was filing. The vice was not substan tial and gave wny, letting Mr. Slater's wrist down heavily on one of teeth. He will lose the use of his arm for some time. The Petroleum Monthly for Decem ber is to baud, and is a number which reflects credit on the publisher. It contains a portrait of James Lambing, who was formerly a citizen of this plnce, with a short sketch of his life. Success to the Petroleum Monthly. Bon ner & Lir.n. publishers, Oil City, Pa. Terras, 3 per annum. Mr. John V. Woodford was hadly hurt at the lumbering establishment of Commissioner Collins, one day last week. A large log in rolling struck him a glancing blow itprn the head, bruising it frigutfully. We are inform ed thai a variation, in one direction of half an inch in the movement of the log, could not but have proved fatal. A slight snow fell on Saturday lust. Previous to that time, for about a week, we have been having weather which would do away with the necessi ty of invalids traveling southward in the winter. Saturday night, however, was very cold ; slush ice was running in the river on Suu.lay morning, and the weather has been very cold up to present writing. - At an tleeiion of the stockholder? of the Pennsylvania Petroleum Rail road Company, A. II. Steele, Esq., of Tiontsta, wat elected President, and J. G. Dale one of the Directors. The full board of directors is as follows: S. L. M. Burbw, Charles Day, M. B. Lwry, J. G. Dale, 1$. D. Benson, J. T. Blair and F. II. Gibbs. The road is being pushed forward as rapidly as the weather will permit. The Rronsou well, of which we spoke last week, as being ready to chamber, is now producing one hun dred barrels daily. The other wolls have ful leu off materially. On Satur day last wc understood that the Mi Luuglilin well was producing but one Im ml red barrels Juily, and the Emery well filly barrels. On! what a fail was thtre, my countrymen ! Some of the smuller wells are mid to be in creasing in their production. We invite attention to the new advertisement of Hilbronuer & Co., which appears in this week's issue. They are selling' their winter stock very low, to make room for a large spring stock. Give them a call. Also to that of Lloyd A Son, who conclude that they cannot do business in good shape unless they advertise in the Republican. Drop in on them and they will sell necessaries which are warranted to give satisfaction. Also, James McKay, our Post Mas ter, publishes his card this week. Mr. McKay keeps on hand u superior stock iu his line, ami guarantee! satisfaction to all customers. List of Letters. The following is a list of letters re maining in the post office, at Tionesta, uncalled for, Jan. 15, 1872 : Boyce, Millard F. Bridish, Wm. Cady, Miss Mary. , Criswell, M. J. Dolton, II. Esq. Folsoni, Mitss Kate. Fink, Gustavis Frantz, Maniel E. Ferree, L. R. Gardner, Miss Sarah, 2. Gaul, Freddie, 3. GriH'en, Abel J. 2. HohDer, Wm. Herl, John, Eq. Hoge, Mrs. Jewell, Cj rus. Lundel, II. A. 2. Lindel, Cathrine. Lyle, Allen. Levy, Samuel. Morris, W. W. Esq. 2. Mt Clulloiigh, John. McCIinians, R. D. Pollock. J B. 2. Price, Win. Peck, A. II. Strong John W. Tajjun, T. M. Rayner, Caroline. Russell, diaries. Yvigbt, William. J. M. McKay, P. M. r"VW4 ftereitly JtoVprWd tn day last week to receive a call from Sheriff Mark, of Venango county. We consider the SheiifTthe right man tn the right place, and think the voters of that county did themselves credit by putting him in that position. On Saturday last, Mr. Carr, was driving a team with a wagon loaded with grain, along the creek road above the Fort Pitt landing, when, hy some means or other the wagon upset into the creek, taking the team along with it, ull breaking through the ice. Mr. Curr succeeded in getting one hore out, but the other staid there until Carr went to Newtown, a mile further up the creek, and procured help. One of the horses was lamed a little, but neither Mr. Carr nor the team were seriously injured. We consider Mr. Carr very fortunate in escaping so well. TEACHERS' ANNUAL INSTITUTE. The Fifth Annual Institute of For est County will be held at Tionesta, oemmencingon Tuesday January 23d, at 10 o'clock A. M., nod closing on Friduy evening, Jan. 26ih. All teach ers, and all who are preparing to teach; school d'nectors, and friends of education are invited to attend. The services of competent lecturers and instructors will be provided for the lull time, and we anticipate an in teresting and profitable session. Teachers remember it is your duty as well as your interest to give full aud prompt attendance. Let no ordi nary circumstances therefore keep you away, but come, and take part iu the general exercises. Thursday the 2oth, will be consid ered "Directors' Day." An Examination will be held on Saturday, Jan. 27th, commencing at 7 o'clock A. M. S. F. Rohker, 3t. Jan. 9, '72. Co. Supt. Ballou's Monthly Magazine for FEBktARY. About the neatest pres ent a father can make to wife, daugh ter or son, or a mother to her husband aud children, is a year's subscription to that famous and popular magazine, Bailout Monthly. It is only 1.50 j-r year, aud contains more of real inter est to the geueral reader than any oth er magazine iu wns country, it is original, filled with pleasant stories, sharp adventure, Bea yams, nice poet ry, aud all that is calculated to claim the attention of the great reading pub lic Published by Thomas & Ta'lbot, 63 Congress street, Boston. Distortion Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Emery & Freeman is this Jay dis solved by mutual consent. The assets of the said firm pass iu to the possession of, ii ud the liabilities are assumed aud will be paid by Ed. B. Freeman. Wm. G. Emeky, Ed. B. Fkekman, Late Emeuy & Freeman. Superior Mills. Jan. 5th, 1872. The cheap cash store of the Supe rior Lumber Co., Tionesta, working on the principle of a steadily 'moving business with quick tales and small profits, rather than slow sales and large profi's, have concluded to have a Clearance Sale every Saturday, of fering their largest accumulated stock at greatly reduced prices, and their entire stock at a reduction. These prices to be for each Clearance 'Sale only, all other duya goods to sell at our regular prices, which are always low, the public to bo informed each week through the Forest Republican which class of goods wii be especially exposed to sale on the follow ingSutur day. On Saturday Jan. 2Hli there will be ottered at a great reduction a large assortment of . Hats, vCapi Ready-Made Clothing, Wool Shawls, Boots, Shoes, Clocks and Ladies' Sou tags. Give us the liberal patronage which we received on lust Saturday, aud save money thereby. Superior Lvmuer Co. The Bet Jtwelry House In Northwestern Pennsylvania is sit uated on the corner of: Water and and Chestnut Streets, Meadville, Pa., and is owned by M. P. Jenks. He has just received a large aud superior stock of Jewelry, which he has mark ed dowu to the bottom figures, aud wo can conscientiously recommend this house to our readers if they want any thing in that line. The stock is very extensive, and one cannot fail to suit himself iu anything iu this line. Give Jenks a call when you go to Meadville, aud you will nut regret it. 27 tf Book Binding. We are agent for a good a book- bindery as there is anywhere. We are 1 prepared to do all the biuding which may be brought to us, at low rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples ' raa be sen at th oh i Burlipgton, . v Leaving the EaU and arriving at Chicago or Iudianapolis, how shail we reach the West? The best Line is ac knowledged to be the C, B. & Q , joined together with the B. & M. Rail road by the Iron Bridge at Burlington, aud called the Burlington Route. The main hue of the Route running to Omaha, connects with the great Pa cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead ing route to California. The Middle Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts mouth, passes through Lincoln, the State Capital, and will this year be finished to Fort Kearney, forming the shortest rute across the Continent by over 100 miles. Another branch of the B. M., diverg ing at Red Oak, falls into a line ru.i uitigt down the Missouri through St. Joe to Kansas City, aud all Kansas. Passengers by this route to Kansas, see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis souri, ami, by a slight divergence, can see Nebraska also. Lovers of fine views should remem ber the Burlington Route, for iu towns "high gleaming from afar" its tree fringed steams Its rough bluffs and quarries its corn-oceaus stretching over tip prairies further thau eye cau ruachi k Laud-buyers will be sure to remem ber it, for they have friends among the two thousand who have already bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the Land Commissioner ot the B. & M. R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among the four thousaiid home steaders und prcetnptors who last year filed claims in the Lincoln land olfice, where "Un cle Sain is rich enough to give us all a farm." For Sale, The desirable Farm, known as the Dr. Sibbald Farm, containing about 80 acres, bottom sand, located on the Al legheny River, three miles above Tio nesta. Good two-story frame house, large barn, good orchard, aud desira ble improvements. For terms Ac. en quire of W. W. Mason, Tionesta, Pa., er Bkgges A Sinclair, 33 tf Cleveland, Ohio. Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest county, who are iu want of any thing iu the Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. WATCH FREE to Agents to intro duce articles that sell in every house. Lata Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. .. lu 4t A IIIIIIACLE! Mr. Samuel Bell, of W. E. SehmerU rf fn , Wholesale Hoot and shoe Mauiil'aour ers, 31 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., has been attlicted with chronic rheiimatish for thi.ty years, from his right hip to his foot, having to use a crotch and a cane, at times so painful as to utterly incapacitate him from attending to his business. Having tried every remedy known, without effect, except (iilliland's Pain Killer, he was finaby Induced to try it. A second applica tion enabled him to' lay aside his crutch, and a third effected a permanent cure. Mr. Bell Is a popular and well-known citizen, is a living monument of the effacaey of that great medical discovery, tiillilsnd' Pain Killer. The alllicted should ask their griper or Urn gist for ii, and try its won derful power. Mr. ilillihind, 'wo under stand, wants a respectable agent in every town and county for it. The principal of fice is at 72 Third Avenue, Piitshuruh Pa. 31-4t THE GREAT REPUBLIC ZlT& most valuable book to an American ever published, 2;14 elegant illustrations on stoel an wood. Flews of cities, buildings rivers, mountains, etc., etc. Iiii liuiescen sus statistics of 1870, has ll'-'O largo 8vo pages on supurb paper. Written by James 1, McCaba, Jr. line volume, price A00. (iood agents wanted everywhere. Hcnd for terms to WILLIAM HKVANS , CO. i-4 740 Samson 1st., Philadelphia. ' AOKNTS WANTED FOR ROMANISM AS IT IS. This Book, an elegant Octavo Volume, containing 750 pages, and 10, lirt-cluh en gravings, is an exhaustive and Standard work, eminently adapted to its origin to the present time, exposes its baseless pre tences, its frauds, its persecutions, its gross immoralities, its opMisition to our pubile schools, and civil and religious lib erty, it shows its Insidious workings which strongly tend to bring this country under full Hoiiush control. Prospectus, mid books ready on application. Conn. Pub lishing Co., Hartford Conn. !-4t 20,000 Finn Kits. THK II EI.PKR shows yon how to save ami how to make money on the farm. Where to look for the prollu, and to obtain them. How to clear Jiioo.00 Irom October to May. A copy free to everv farmer send ing name und P. O. Address to Ziegler A McCurdy, Philadelphia, Pa. Sl-4t $10 from 60 USmrLM Mot (votut' pid) tor FlftlCant U'M nMul muIi for TmXmIIIi. k L. WuL.oii?K.y. lSYCUOI.O;iC Pascination or Soul 1 CliHriniiig, 400 pages bv llerltert Hiim ilton, B. A. How to use tins power (which allptssess at will. Divination, Splritiml ism, Sorceries, iieinonology, an 1 a thous and othbr wonders. Price", by mail i,Z iu cloth ; paper covers $1,110. Copv free to agents only, fl.liou monthly easily made. Address T. W. Kvaus, Pub., ill S." tli St., Philadelphia, Pa. 2-4t n GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS f I Do you want a situation as agent, I 1 lis-al or traveling with chains) t 1 uiuke $" to iM per dav selling our Fl new 7 strand White Wire Clothes (IU l.iles? They last forever, sample tree, so there is no risk. Address at once Hudson Kiver Wire Works, cor. Water St., Maiden fjuxe, N. Y., or i xearb jra Prospectus for 1872. FIFTH VI 'AH. A Itepretenlatite nnd Vhampion.of Amri ean Art. THE ALDINE : An Ittnrtrnted Monthly Jourrml ctaimed to be the hantlomet Paper in the World. NEW FEA l UliES FOR 1872. ART DEPARTMENT. As a iron ran tee of the excellence of this department, the pnliU-hor would betr to announce during theonmlng year, ipeW mfiin from the following eminent Ameri can Arttatn : W. T. Richards, Victor Nehllir, Win. Hart, Win. H. Wilcox, Wm. Bennl, Jame It. Heard, (Jeorjfe Smiley, James Smiley, Aim. Will k.-k. Piiruet, Granville Perkins, Krank Board, F. O. C. Darley, Faul Dixon, J. Hows. These picture are being reproduced without reitHrd to expense, by the verv best enirravpr in the country, and will bear the nevcrent rritiral cn.npnrinnn with the lieit fore i if n work, it bclnjr the deter mination of the publishers tlmt THK AI, 1)1 NK Khali bo a nuceewfol vindication of Am riean Uxte In competition with any exixtiiitf publication in the world. LITERARY IIFOIstmevt Where so much attention in paid toillus- imuuit una (501 up 01 tno worK, too much dependence on appeiirancc may very naturally bo feared. To anticipate bucii mlKKivuin, It is only necessary to stt-, tlmt. the editorial management of TUB A 1.1)1 NE ban been intrusted to Mr. Rl.-h-ard Henry Mioddtird, who has received as surances of aiiwtHiice from a ho-t of the moHt popular writers and poets of the country, THE VOLUME FOR 1873 will contain nearly 300 piie, and about 2.10 line enfrravinirs. Commencing with the number lor Janury, every third nuni ! er will contain a beautiful tinted picture on plate paper, innerted as a I'rontisoieeo. The Christmas nutul)cr for 1S72, wilf tm a Bplendid volume In itseir, containing fifty emrrnvinir, (four in tint) and, aithouuh retailed at $1 will bo sent without extra chargo to all yearly aubscribera. A Chromo to every Subscriber was a very popolar feature Iat year, and will be repeated with the present volume. The publishers have purchased and repro duced, at irreat expense, the beauti ful oil painting by Seis, entitled "Dams N. TfHK's schooiV The chroino is 11x13 inches, and is an exact fuc-siinile, in size and appearance, of the original picture. No American chrom , which will at all oompure with It. has yet been offered a' re tail to less than the price asked for THE A L DINK ami it to ether. It will be de-. livered free, with the January number, to every subscribers who pay for one year in advance. TERMS FOR 1872. One copy, one year, with Oil Chromo ftf.OO five Vopiee, " " " 20.00 Any person sending 10 names and W will receive nn extra copy gratis, making 11 copies for the money. Any person wishing to work for a premi um, can have our premium circular on ap plication. We give tnanv beautiful and desirable articles offered hy noother paper. Any person wishing to act, permanent ly, as our airent, will spply, with recrenee, unclosing $1 for outtll. JAMES SUTTON &. CO., f"' Pl'BLISHEIIH, ' 23 Liberty St., New York. 'THILSISNOIIUMBUO! OK A . By sending OtlCENTS with aire, bight, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture of your luture husband or wife, with name and dateofmarriaire. Address W. TOX. P. U. Urawer No. 31, l'nlton vil' V V. 13-4t irarHEA-NECTAR tfvrvliJ IS A Pl'KK ni.A K TEA vith theWrecn Tea Flavor A'arranted to suit all astes. For sale every where, in our "trade murk' pound and half pound packages only, and sale wholesale only hy the (4ret Atlantic nd Pacific Tea Co., 8 Chiiteh St. New YorK. P. O. Box 5500. Send for Thea-N jetar circular. '.7-4t Ai.EVTS WANTED Hound canvass ing book SUNT FREE! of postage on receipt of 75 cents, and ex clusive territory g' anted on the PICTORIL HOME RIBLE. Contains oyerSoO illtistrn'ions Is a com plete Library of Biblical Knowledge. Ex cells all others. In Kmrlish and German. Wm. Fl nt Co . Phila.. Pa. 27-4t JU RUBEBA. Is a South American plant that has been useii for many years by the medical faculty of those countries "with wonderful elticacy, and is a Sure and Perfect Itemed for all Liscaes of the Liver and Snleon. Enlargement or Ob struction of Intestines, Crinarv, Uterine, or Abdominal Organs," Poverty or a want of Blood, lu turmitlent or Remittent Fevers, Inflamatlnn of the Liver, Dropsy, Sluggish Circu lation 01 the Blood, Abscesses, Tumors, Jaundje, Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Ague and Fever, or their Concomitants. Dr. WELLS' Extract of JUXUBEBA is a most nerfect alterative nnd Is nOVi-ml to the public as a great iuvigorator and remedy lor all impurities of the blood, or for organic weakness with their attendant evils. For the foregoing complaint Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba is confidently recommended to every l.mll, .u I..:. ....I. ..I. I ...I.. ....1 ..1 11 .., w n;,,.riij irillT.IT, mill l.lUUtl lie ireoly taken in all derangement of the It is NOT A PII YSICIt g not what Is popularly cullod a BITTKKS, nor is it in tended as such ; but is simply a powerful alterative giving health, v igor and tone to all ihe vital forces, und animates and torti ous all weak ai.d Ivmplmtic temperaments. JOHN t. KKU.iMiU, Plaf St., New York. Sole Agent, for the United Si ales. Prico One Dollar per buttle. bend for Circular. 2J-4t lroiilailc Jiiiloy iiiunt. We desire to engage a few more agents to sell the woi lil-rcnowucd improved Buck eye Sewing Machine at a liberal salary or on commission. A horse and wavon given to agents. Full par-iieulurs furnished on apnlic ition. Address W. A. IIKNDKR SON A CO., Oeneral Agents, Cleveland, o. or St. Louis, Mo. 34-4t A OK NTS WANTED for a New Book, stories of Travel, Adv. n'.ure. Miscel Isuies, frc. .y Allien D. Richardson, fine'y i 1 1 iimI rnt.ui V nr.. Iup..u ...... A.I.I. .. COLUMBIAN BOOK CO., Hartford, Ct.3o AHFNT wanted for "The Bright Side AVJLH I xew York," a Library of lufornation pertaining to its Institution! and Objects of Interest. By a City Mis sionary, a tO Kngravings. Agents sell 40 aduy. Just Issued. K. H. TREAT, Pub lisher. 805 Broadway, N. Y. 38-41 . ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CRUMBS o COMFQBT JOB, WORK DONE AT TUB 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At Vie lowest cash prices, neatly, prompt ly, and in style equal to that of any otlieriitabluihment in ihe District BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, -s -4 . ' VISITING CARDL, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARD.S -. PROGRA5IMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, 2PIOXTI1XY STATEMENTS. OVELOPEf BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POST E R S , DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, ADDRESS To the Nervooui 3D EBILITATED. w IIOSEanrTerlntrs have been prorM- ed from hidden ausea, and wno cases require prompt treatmeat to reaar existence desirable 1 If yon are anffering, or fcave mffere from involuntary disi-harges, what effeet d'sjs it proiluce on yonr goneral health 1 Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tlredT Dot a little extra exertion produce pal pitation of the heart T Doe your liver, er urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent ly get out of order T Is your urine tome times thick, milky or flocky, or Is it ropy on settling? Or d es a thick skum r'ie to the topT Or is a sediment at the bottom af ter it has stood awhile T Do you have spell of short breathing or dispeps'st Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fralnting, or rushes of blood U the head ? Is your memory Impared T la your mind constantly dwelling on tlda subject? Doyoufocl dull, llstloss, moping, tired of company, or lile? Do you wisa to be left alone, away from everybody ? Doe any little thing"mke' you start or lump? la your sleep broken or restless? Ia the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? De you enjoy yourself In society as well ? De you pursue yovir business with the same energy ? Do you feel as much confidence in youself ? Are your spirits dull and flag, glng, given to fits of melancholy ? If e, do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights?. Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but lit tle appetite, and you attribute this to if pepsiaor liver-complaint? Now, reader, aelf-abnse, veaerealtj 4 eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. . The organs of genera tion, when In perfect health, make the maa Did you ever think that those hold,,' defi ant, energetic, persevering, successful business-men are always those whose genera tive organs are In porfeet health? Tea never hear such men complain of being melancholy, or nervousness, of palpitatloa of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed In business ; they don't be come sad and discouraged j they aroalways polite and pleasant in the company of la dies, and look you and them right in the face none of your downcast looks or any meanness about them. I do nat nuaa tnose who keep the organs Inflated by running to exoess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also the they do busluesa with or fern. TIow many men, fremibadly cured dis eases, from the effects of self-nbue and excess, have brought ab ut that state of weakness In those orgnns that has redu wd the genoal system so mnch as to pr Hice almost every other disease Idiocy, luna-y, paralysis, spinal atfnctlona, suicide, and al most every other form , of disease which humanity is heir to. and the real cause of he trouble scarcely ever suspected sad have doctored for all but Ike right one. Diseases of these organ require the " of a Diuretic. HKLM BoLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUC1IU is the great Diuretic, and is a cor tain cure for disi ases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Oravol, Dropsy, Uraa ic Weiikne -s, Female Complaints, Gener al Dchity, and all diswisob of tho L'nn.j-y organs, wheth.-r 'existing iu Male or Fe male, from whatever cause originating, and no tuattor of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted'!, sumption or Insanity may ensue. Oar ilesh and blood are supported from these sour-os, and the hoaltn and happinese, and that tf Posterity, fleponda apea prompt use of a reliable reme If. Helrabold's Extract Tinchu, established upward of 19 Acars, prepared by II. T. II ELM BOLD, Druggist, i'M Broadwuy. New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ptucu 1.25 per bottle or U bottltw lur frj.90, delivered to any ad drosa. bold by all Drugesta every w here. tvtonf: are gknttne txlfss 1 done tp in sj'el lngka vtd Wrapper, fao-smila of nay Chemical Ware house, and tinned U.T. EIDLMPOLJV TO? .... SHIPPING TAGS, 1 ''