The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 16, 1872, Image 2

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    Zht Revest gcpuMtoro.
T ........ . . ti .
En. Ri.pibi.icax: The report of
tSeSuperintendeni of Common Schools
in tbis State for 1871, reports llint there
are lo,700 schools attended by 834,614
pupils, and supported at a cost of 88,
680,918.33 of which but 3,26,529.88
is paid for the salaries of tencliers,
1 -aving 14,654,388.45 to pay county
tiperintendents and other expenses;
o that of something over ten dollars
expended for each pupil in the schools
we get less than half hark in teaching.
A Subscriber.
Our cnr.Tspondcnt should also five
the School Department credit for $3,
386.26.1.51 which was expended for the
building and repairing of school houses
during the year, which we are sure he
will acknowledge was as important an
item as the teaching itself, for the com
tort and health of both children and
teachers, are matters cf as much impor
tance as the education of our youths.
But we must confess that we arc at a
loss to account for the large balance
1,265,124.94) of which $1,167,124.
94 is set dowii for contingencies ', since
giving each of the 81 Superintendants
$2,000 each, (and they don't get it)
would only .take $162,000 of this large
amount. Ed.
At the Republican National Conven
tion to be held in Philadelphia on the
6th of next June, each State is to be
represented by twice as many delegates
ns it has Senators and representatives
in congress, and each organized ter
ritory is to have two delegates, who
shall be entitled to vote. This will give
a total delegation of six hundred and
fiAy-two members. In caliing the Con
tention the committee recite the events
which have transpired since the Con
vention of 1863 was held, and remind
th country that all the promises made
by that Convention have been faith
fully observed, and to a considerable
extent fulfilled, and that the Republi
can party confidently appeals to the
people for contiuueJ support and coun
tenance on the basis of its past record.
The coining Convention will be, iu
many respects the most important
gathering of its kind ever held in the
Woman Siffrage In Pennsylvania.
In the Philadelphia Court of Nisi
TriuH, Judge Sharswood delivered his
ojjiuioii in the suit of Mrs. Burnhnm
against the elect ion officers of her pre-
einct for refusing her vote at the gen
eral election of last October. The
plaintiff claimed that she Was duly
qualified in all respects accorliug to
the constitution and laws of Pennsyl
vania, while the defense held that she
whs not a freeman in the sense in which
that word is used in the Constitution.
Judge Jsharswnod ruled that while the
provisions of the ninth article of ihat
lustrument, commonly called the Dee
laration of Rights, extended to and in
elude both sexes, and that when the
words "mau" or "men are therein used
they comprehend also women, and
while it is equally clear that a woman
who is born in this country or natural
ized, as she may be under the acts o
Congress, is a citizen as fully entitled
to the protection of the government as
a man, ami with a right tully to enjoy
all the privileges wluc properly lie
long to citizens, it does not follow that
the elective franchise is one of their
priv.leges. Thai is exclusively Icjiulut
ed by the Constitution, which has ex
cluded many citizens from it by rvasou
of age, non-payment of taxes, iioii
' residence within the commonwealth
-and the election district for a certain
period of time. Neither had the amend
ments to th Constitution of the United
States any bearing on the question,
since the right of the plaintitf to vote
was not denied or abridged ' on account
of race, color or previous condition of
servitude." The only question was,
whither the word "fi era in, " as em
ployed in the Constitution of Pennsyl
vania, was intended to confine the elec
tive franchise to male citizens. After
an exhaustive examinatou of the laws
and precedents bearing on the subject,
the Judge said that tne uniform con
strtict;(,ns of the provincial charters
and constitutions in which the word
was employed as well as under the
constitutions since the revolution, hits
been iu accordance with the doctrine
that none but males have the right, to
vote, and that Pennsylvania had a uni
form and uninterrupted usage of near
ly two hundred years showing that
women were never intended to p
cess the elective franchise. Judgment
was therefore reudertd fur the deieud
Fir and Fatal Explosion.
At Fofter Station, on the A. V
Eailroad, ou Saturday lust at about
one o clock a spark from a passing
locomotive set Crc to seveo cars which
Lad fust been filled with oil for Thorn-
as Kijig. of thi city, from Prentice,
a 11 fn ko.Ii. Ahout the time
7nrebrokeout the upward bound
the fire broke out tne upwaru uouui
express train was at Scruhgrass and
tbe Conductor wai tbr notified by
telegraph of the fire. Th train start
ed lor Foster ami three miles from the
ceii of the disaster the pa-senger
coaches were switched off" and the En
gineer, Conductor, and two or three
oilier, nea red the conflagration wild
the locomotive, slopping about half a
mile below. J. TIioiiihs liwinett, the
engineer. Conductor Kerr, W. J. Hrun
dred, of Oil City, and the rest uf the
- . -- .1 . . . i i
party mat came up ou mr locomotive,
' j .. ' . ,,,
e,0ppillf, at ,le poiut of a curve about
200 feet from the burning cars, except
Mr, Bennett, who continued his ap
proach to the fire, notwithstanding the
remonstrances of his companions.
Just at this time and without any
warning, except a slight rocking to
and fro in its place on the car, one of
the iron tanks exploded and was hurl
ed through the air a distance cf about
400 feet, killing Mr.'Benuett instantly
and severely burning Mr. Kerr and
Mr. Brundred by scattering the burn,
ingoil in its course. Mr. Bennett's
body was fouud literally torn to pieces
about 120 feet below wr.cre be hail
stood, lie whs struck so focibly and
and suddeuly by the flying tank that
he was actually lifted out ot his boots,
which were fouud uninjured short
distance from where he had stood.
The remainder of the party -scaped
death by running under cover of the
curve of the mad which was out of
road which was out of the line of the
track on which the burning cars stood.
Mr. lieiinctt was a young man, and
considered one of the most reliable
engineers on the road. Spectator.
-We take the following from the
Clarion Democrat:
A large new furnace, for manufac
turing iron, with bituminous coal, is
now being erected at Sliiro. Also an
establishment for making fire brick.
The brunch railroad to bligo will oe
built the coming season. A town has
been laid out at that point. 1 he en
terprising proprietors are entitled to
credit for doing so much to develop the
resources of our county, and we have
no doubt they will be well rewarded.
It is the intention of the Literary
Society conno ted with Carrier Semi
nary, to arrange tor a course oi lec
tures during the winter and spring.
The object is that if there be a surplus
of funds, over expenses, to apply it to
the purchase of a library a much de
sired addition to the institution. A
lecture committee has been appiuted
bv the society, and the first lecture
will probably be given some time be-
re the close ot the present term. 1 he
lecturer will be duly announced when
the arrangements are made.
A meeting of the stockholders of the
Clarion County Railroad, was lieid at
Slieo, on the 8th iust., when ihe fol
lowing Board of Directors whs elected
fir the ensuing year, viz: W m. Phil
lips, in. M. XjVoii, Duvid McLiay,
W. W. Barr, D. E. Lyon.B. M. Means
and Win. Richard, JJ. Col. J. f.
Lyon was chosen President of ih.
Board, and Capt. D. E. Lyon, Secre
tary and Treasurer. It istheinten
Hon ot the company to commence
building a narrw-gauge railroad ear
ly in the spring, fruin Lawsonham, on
the Bennett's Brauch of the A. V. R.
R., to Sligo the route having been
located during the part autumn. A
stroucr tffort will then be made to ex
tend the road to Clarion, and our citi
zens should put it through without
We clip the following items from
the Erie Dispatch :
Mrs. McGuire, who resides with her
son-in-law near the foot ot Holland
street,slipped on the ice near the house,
Monday uoon, breaking her right thigh
botie. cue was attended to by Dr.
Speucer and all that was possible, was
done to relieve her. but such uu injury
ou a p rsou past middle age, is apt to
be permanent.
On Buuday evoning the barn of
David Roberts, iu Waterford township
about four miles northeast of Water-
ford borough, was burned, wi'.h all its
contents, consisting of three head uf
tut cutt, twelve tous of liny, a qtiun
.f cttnw ii mm!ii!v in -i i -lit iti nlii
a large aniuunt ot funning iuiplcmcuts.
1 lie origin of the fire is not kuown.
Rome time since, a man naned
O'Mura, was discharged from the em
ploy ot Kelcliani & ban nuler. He at
tributed his discharge to foremaii
Dougherty, in their employ, and on
h riduy evening went to see about it.
Dougherty wus ou top of a lumber
nile 16 feel bigb, but, regardless ot
consequences the other pitched in, aud
they hait a rough and tumble tight up
there. This was temporarily interrupt
ed by the men falling in a clinch,
over the edge. Luckily for both they
fell on the side ou which there was an
other lumber pile, though it was low
eiiouyli to allow them seven or eiirht
feet of a fall. Neither had any bones
broken, but before they could recover
from the etfccts id' the stunning shock,
several other persons had got up there
aud the tight wus stopped. f-utur
day a warrant was sworn out tor
O'Mura, but he got to hear of it and
made lumselt very scarce when any of
the blue coaled gentry hove iu sight.
Ou Saturday evening Reed got after
him, chased O'Mura down French
street, aiotind the freight house and
between the lumber piles at Finn's
yard, but the fugitive executed a flank
movement by taking the ice for a
tramping gmuud, aud escaping.
The following items are clipped
from the R jhinan't Journal:
Wo uve glad to learn that our friend
y- 1 T- . . ..I - t
"J. "r -.6 -
I . ' , b , . I : '
we, ftfe'0' Uael g r .g w
H uarrow escape Irum deMtb.
' ia,
On fcaturdsr, Deoerabor 19tb, 181,
the house of Mrs. Sumpstine, of Brady
township, with all its contents, was
consumed by fire. The loss was not
eiy heavy, but will be seriously felt
by the family at this season of the
year, as they are in very moderate cir
cumstances. The neighbors are kind
Iv aiding them, in their efforts to re
build their house.
At New Washington, on New Year's
day, while a party of eight or ten men
were engaged iu shooting mark with
revolvers, one of the party was acci
dentally shot, and several others very
iiurrowiy escaped the same fate. It
happened in this way : One of the re
volvers would uot gootT readily. Mr.
James Kelley, Handing back a few
steps, undertook to explain to a iium
of the party where to touch the trig
ger, when, iu doing so, the pistol was
accidentally discharged, the hall just
grazing the abdomen of Dr. Ash Ben
nett, pussing under the chins of two
brothers named Thompson, slightly
chafing the skin, and then entering
the right temple of a young man
named Francis upwards
into the brain, where it longed. Voting
Netf lingered until Friday uoon, when
death ended his sufferings. He was
about 23 years of age. Another sad
warning to those who handle firearms.
We take the following items from
the Titusville Herald Sf yesterday:
A day or two since a most terrible
and fatal accident occurred in Rome
township, in this couuty, to a man
named 1 roil us Crosby. The unfortu
nate man was engaged at work in
Quinu's saw mill, in Rome township,
when his foot slipped, and the teeth of
the saw caught in the counter of his
boot, throw ing him a foot uhove the
saw. lie fell upon the saw, severed
nearly in two, from his hip to thecrowu
of his head, causing immediate death.
The deceased leaves a wife and three
chi.dren, dependent upon him tor sup-
pott, ami wno are leit in entirely des
titute circumstaocrs.
A little son of Mr. Wm. Hahn was
run over by - a wagon on I'rmikliii
street, opposite the Fletcher block yes
terday afternoon. Sir. Peter Hoffman
nd his wife who were in tho wn iron at
the time did not discover the little fel
low until he had fallen under the
horses heels. He was conveyed to the
Bush House, where Dr. Reno examin
ed his wounds, which fortunately
proved not to be cf a dangerous
character. Policman Miller, mean
while, untitled Mr. Hahn, who speedily
appeared and carried his child home.
Lr. liarr - subsequently dressed the
wounds which consisted of a deep flesh
wound on the forehead, aud several
Druises on tne lace.
We clip tbe following item in re
gard to Union City, from the Times,
published at that place:
In reviewing the events of the year
just closed we have just cause to be
proud ot trie record of our town.
Union City has never been in a more
prosperous and promising cuuditiou
than to-day. Our growth has been
steady, rapid and healthy. New en
terprises nave sprung up among us
aud are prospering. Our business men
are beginning to be awake to the im
portance of the position Union is to
hull among her sister towns, and to
manifest that enterprise and public
spirit without which, no town can
permaueutly thrive, lowever great its
uutural advantages. Our future pro
gress as a town is more certainly u
sii red than at any previous part of our
history. It rests upon the business
men and capitalists to see to it that
we lose no ground this year that we
lave gained in the past, and to take
advauiuge of the coiistuutly recurring
opportunities to build up Union City,
aud thus benefit themselves.
We take the following items from
the Brook ville Republican :
William Lamb, seut to Diiroout
Aylum at the last May term of Court,
died at that institution on IVlomlav
lut-t. We understand that his friends
have sent for his body, which will be
interred at virsie,,
The new M. E. Church in Knox
towns-hip, we are requested to state, will
be dedicated on bubhath.r ebruary 4th.
A number of eminent divines nre ex
pected to be present, aud a general in
vitation to atteud is extended.
We understand that work on the
tunnel south of town is progressing on
the lower end having pierced the hill
about 220 feet, aud are progressing ut
the rate of about fourteen feet per week.
The bridge at the upper end is up, and
work commenced iu earnest.
In the proceedings of the District
Court held at Erie, we find the follow
ing in regard to Victoria C. Jackson,
the accomplace of Turn er :
The District Attorney stated that
Victoria Jackson, convicted at last
term uf being an accomplice with
Joseph K. Turner, in defrauding the
pension agency, had been a dune in
the case, had already suffered six
months imprisonment, and therefore
be would move for a nolle prosequi,
Hhe was discarged by proclamation of
the Court. '
We are informed by our hunters in
this State, that persons from York
Hta-e are in the habit of coming here
arrogiting to themselves the same
rights and privileges iu the country,
aud killing olfd"er that belong exclu
sively to I'eunjylvaniuns. They kill
Bleigh loan when our law do nolap-
P'V i te" at . He iuiure tney
' prosecuted, if
, A vi0iat;n(r 4t,a i-. a word to
, Vuu,t -vl0'f ""'u? 'aws.A word to
the wiD,sr. Harrm Mrer.
The following is a summary of the
Courier's oil report for the month of
December, 1871 :
Total stock January 1st, 1872, 5G8,
8.V8 barrels; increase in total stock,
J36,32fl barrels daily average jirnduc
tion, 1G;o31 barrels; decreaso in daily
aver ge, 331 barrels; number of wells
being drilled, 338.
The Petroleum Producers' Report
is as follows : x
Daily production for the month of
Decembjr, 1871,15,418 borrels ; daily
production for the month of Novem
bei, 1871, 15.487 barrels; stock at
wells. 127,937 barrels; total shipment
of refined oil for the month, 42,038
barrels; total shipment of crude oil
for the month, 300,758 barrels; num
ber of wells producing, 3,775; num
ber of wells drilling, 374.
After an absence of several weeks
tbe Elk Co. R. R. and Mining Gatette
com"! to us, with the name of G. C.
Brandon at the masthead. From it
we clip the following items :
It is rumored that work is to com
mence on the Elk and M'Keam rail
road. We hope this will prove true
and the company wii! push that enter
prise to a rapid completion".
D. C. White was arrested on the
charge of murder on Tuesdnv liistand
brought to Ridgway, where he had a
hearing on Wednesday evening. The
evidence against him was considered
sufficient to commit him for trial for
the crime of murder.
The two following items are from
the TeL Centre Record, of the 11th :
The large engine house at the Walk
er wells, Central Petroleum Co.'s farm,
caught fire about eight o'clock la.-t
night, and was totally destroyed. The
loss is estimated at between 8300 and
8400. The machinery was considera
bly damaged.
Constable Walters and Deputy Mc
Hugh made a grand raid on the unli
censed liquor dealers and keepers ot
bawdy houses, this foreman, and ar
rested Madame Blue, Cheyeuiie Jim,
Mickev Mike, and several others, who
are wunted at Franklin to answer va
rious churzes. , Several uf " the hoys "
bad been " tipted the wink " Wfore-
haud, and " vamoosed the ranch " be
fore any arrests had been made.
2few, Advertisements.
ARE CLOSING out their fall and winter
stock of icooda at irrout.y reduced
price to make room for a .
sPBiira stock.
Now is the time toiret Roods of all kinds,
cheaper than ever. We nave now ou liana
Joweiiy liuxoa,
V rkiug Hoxes,
HanUKerciuei Uoxes,
Musical A lounui,
Lace tlmids,
Jlcmmed and - .
Mulched llrfiiken-hiefa,
. l.Hi-e HaioUeruUieiB.
White iNubuw, all sizes,
Black and Whit ! rinses,
(jiold and Mixed liouilii,
Jewelry ot alt kmus,
Thruad and t'ouit Lace Collars,
y.ejilirj of Ail colors,
ticrmaiitowu Varim,
New Corset, Sew S yle,
JiUMtlea, Hoopsk.rts,
Underwear lor Ladle.
Hi bolls, SilK and
Cusiiinere acarb.
Great inducement by puichaaing
Largost and best amjrted atock of goods
lor Men ear in mis section, wuicu .
in the moat appr jved style. No At no sale.
always on hand. A flue and well selected
st x"k of
American & Imported Watches,
Hats and Caps selling at cost.
as cheap as pan be bought in Pa.
Xeiv Infantry Soldier Cunts at $2.
Valises, Carpet Sacks, Satchts, 1'tunks,
Ac, always on hand.
Carpets, llrusscls, Ingrain, Hemp, and
ail k Hula.
T AS. MrK AY, at the Post Ofllce, has
v openeil out a choice lot of
A portion of ths patronage of the publio
Is resapeotfuliy solicited.
40-H JAM. M, McK AY.
Lloyd & Son,
HAVH JCST OriiNEP an extensive
Stock of
Which they offer to the public at rate as
low as can be offered hy any other estab
lishment In town. Givo us a cult before
purchasing elsewhere.
40-8in. LLtVYDASON.
Woman Know TliNi'lf.
The grout publication bv lr. Chnvxc.
will are you tnonov and sufl'crinir.
Agents w-snted every where; Indie prefer
red, i-xr ierin a lorevn ivm, u. i.rrim s
Co., ,40 Ninwotn Ht., I'hilndelphia. 2H it
51 rifjj lMaile In a mon ba by one
w r n'.'rm. cnnviM-inst lor
rlv Iir. W. W. Hall. Airentx Wanted. U.
N. McKlnoey A Co., i North 7tl Street,
1'iion. i n. T 4t
RREE TO .,!,eTrL'
- f 1 f 1 1 V l mini rated Fam
ily UiOlo con
milling over -JCO
line scripture II
liiMtirttlonn to uiiv i.o-.k R'jcnt, tree or
clinrice. Aililrens Natioua. t'ublislitng Co,
l'hilmlelnhia, l'a. 1W-41
MAKKET ST., west of 17th, PII1LA
Ttft-ooeiiR Serttembor Kth, 171. Thnronirh
I'otieirlnt irainmv ir mr I'rwmT i-mn
Knirineertiift, Civil Kruflncorlng, jUm-liHiil-
cal Knvinoorinir. Alialvti-al ln..istrlnl
ChBi iHtrv. Mntjillurirv n-ii.' Architecture,
The lllnlonift of thu C'olleore 1 received as
conclusive evidence of proficiency by
.1 . 1 : In
urL i-iiir i ir rn Mini 1-tiiiioniiitfM ciiuuxt-u
works of improvement. Kir loth Annual
Announcement, address Al.rKh.p 1..
Kh... Kl Y, m. P., I rent, ol f aculty. 5W-41
ARFNTQ 110ff " week pr
AUCn 13 f cent and $i-.D0' In cash
Male Female. ) free. Address Ameri
can Hook Co., 62 William St., N. Y. 40-41
PatenUHl Novem nor I, 1S70.
Samples free at al roeery stores. It. A.
Hai tlctt & Vo., riillaoelpma, l'a. ri-Hl
agents i fiTr rr VNP
Wanted 6irV7lUUnUU THE
Cilrent ronflnKrnf Ion.
The Qneen Cityaa it wh nod is. The
Hamlet of 40 vesra atro. The (irent Citv
of veaterdav. The SiuoulderiUK Huins of
to-day. A (trajihi. ai-oomit of Its unexam
pled t ie and vivid pictuie of it Hiidden
dntruction bv Co'bei t iC Clinmhorlnin, Ed
itnrxof the CHICAGO TKI HUN K,
witoee mid (treat mifferera from the ter
rible visitation. All the main facts and
incident attending tills srrentost calnniitv
of the country, are p-irtrayed with nr-
pusxed dislinctnesa and power, thn etiect
on Commerce. Insurance, Ac. fuily dia
custicd, and details of a world's sympa
thetic responai recorded.
Knllv ilhiKtrslpd. Price low. Acents
hIioii d apply immeiiately ns tlio side will
DO imm-nae. i:ircninrs irvt. iiuoonru
Bros. 1'uliiihlio s. 7-3 8an-oin St., Phila.
CAUTION. Beware of Inferior works.
lie sure vou irot CULIiElt CHAMHEK-
Sexual Scienc
IllV. U-. ll- IllHiUKHKl. W lllialllHSHj tttlcl
and their mutual interrelations Ixive, its
laws, Power, Vo., bv Pnif. O. S. Fowler,
tsend for Circulars and specimen piuroa.
Addreas National Publishing Co., Plnia.
Pa, as-it
AGENTS WANTED. Exclusive lorrito-
rv granted on the
Contains over 300 Illustrations. Is a
coiupleto Library of Biblical Knowledge.
Exnellsall others. In English and German
Send for Circulars. Wm. Flint At Co, I'lill
delplua, Pa. 22-4t
N AND AFTER II P. P. Sunday May
1870, Trains arrive at ana louve Hie
Union Depot, corner of Wasluuton and
Liberty street, aa follows;
Mail Train, !.: a in ; Fast Line, 12.12 a
m ; Well's accommodation io. 1, a in
Brinton ax-eonimodntion No 1, 7.A0 a in;
Wall's accommodation No 2, s.5"ia m ;Cin
clnnati express .M a m ; Johnstown ac
commodation Ili.IiO a in ; llraddock's a
eommodHtinii No 1, 7.H pin; Pittsburgh
express 1.30 p in; Pad tic express l.flO p m ;
Wall's accommodation No It, 2.:i5 p in ;
llomowood aecoinmodation No 1,9.5.) pni;
Walla accommodation .No 4, n.rsi p in;
Urmt n weommodation No 2, 1.10 p in J
Way 1'ussenger 10,20 p 111,
Ul'.l-AU I.
Southern express S.20 a m s Pacifio ex
press 2.40 a m ; Wall's accommodation No
1, O..HJa m ; man i rain n.i" in uruiiou b
accommodation 1 i.-O a m ; llraddock's ac
eoinmodation No LA. 10 p m; Cincinnati
express l2.8o p m ; Wall's iwcominiKlatiou
&. 11. ol a m ; .loniiHUiwii Hccoiiiirmiuiioii
4.Hopni; llomewood aceommodation No
1. 8.S0 p m ; I'niliuioipma express o.-ji p in;
Wall aicommcKlation N o :i,:!.0.' p injVaU's
accniiiiiKHlation No 4, U.O-'i p m ; Fust Line
7.40 p in ; Wall's No 5, 11.00 p in.
The Church Trains leave Wall's Station
every Suudav at H.0 a. in., reaching Pitts
burgh ut I0.II5H. in. Keturnimt leave I'ltts-
buru'h at 12.50 p. in., aud arrive at Wall's
Statin at 2.1U p. m.
Cincinnati ex Dress loaves d lilv. (sou
em express daily except Moi lay. Allotli-
cr Trains daily, except Munday.
For further' Information aplv to
, W. II. I1KCKWITII, Agent.
Tho Pennsylvania Hailroad Coniany
will uotassuiiie anv RiHk for Itaggage ex
cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their
rsiMinsibilltv to One Hundred lHila'sVul
uu. All liaugage exceeding that a ount
iu value will be at tho risk of tnu nier,
unless taken by special contract.
Generul Superintendent, Altoons Pa.
A tirst-class hirne quarto Journal.tll ml
u m ns. Illustrated. Or ono year for 00
cents with two bound lectures, bv James
M.-t 'Obli. D. I). U I.. !-, and K. .' Haven,
D. 11., L. L !., us premiiims. Send name
ami address to People's Journal, l'hiladul-
pina, l'a.
ANTED AGENTS (J0 por davl to
sell the tMtlehrntcd llO.NI K Ml UT-
TLK hKWIXG MACHINE, ilastlie tin
dor-Iced, makes the "lock stitch." alikoon
both sides, and lull)' licensed. The best
and choaiiesi Inniilv Hew inn Machine in
the uiarUet. Address Johnson, Clark if'
Co., Huston, Muss., Pittsburgh, Pa.. Chica
go. III., or St. Louis, Mo. 22-4t
SUBSCRIBE for toe Forent Rnjiubliorn
- i -in rv.
The Pittsburgh Commercial
The "PreMdontlal year" Is always a
reading year with the Amrr'can people.
II imposes ttxtraorninary ooiica on jour
nal from which the people may usual
ly expect lint only the news of 'he day,
but intelliirent dlciiai-n of public ques
tions and ennnclation of opinions. hoe
this is true In a trenerid sense thn year be
fore us is likelv. i" a politlrtd fenae, to bo
one of unusual Infpreal ; the -tietnnrraMe
purtv is brenkinn lip, anrt there areln-nea-tlons
of nlllances and purposes nltoircther
novel In our politics. Theeleelionsof the
nasi year nave resulted ,n annom so n
tirok'eu serlea of Hnnnhllcan victories.
General Grsnls administration has reoely
eil the nniiulvnoa! Indorsement of the
Amerlrwn people I ami there is everv in
d lent Inn now that, as the Itnpntilii-an ran
didnte, he will lie re-elected Pre-id. nt. As
an Independent rtspnbllcan Pnpr the
CoJiMaacf At. will In Ihe future, as in the
past, render an nndevintimr snp'mrt to
ltepiiblicau Prineiidos, holdinfi that the
mnrl erf Ihe Itrnnlilie reonlres t':at tho
Government shonid remain In the ha-ds
of the roirtv that saved it in the trrcat lite
nr ilen'h st'rnirL'l . In the fn'ore as In the
pjst It will sprnk Its own views rcanrdim?
men anil m asnies, holdimr that thrn-h
free discussion only ran sse pneliisi-ns
be reacheil ami Ihe lnderndence of the
press pn-erved. In this remird we pan
sav siniplv that the Commkhciai. will be
true to itself and its es'sblisheH character.
As a Newspaper, nothltur will bo spared
to maintain thp position which the Con
MtonciAt. has nlwava held ainoiiB the lead
inif Journals of tho riav, for news enter
prise as well as for Independent opinions
This vear, at homo and abroad, will be
full of interest. European politics nre
agitated, and the American reader will
likelv find mn.-h In thotn to attract his at
tention. At homo all Is life and pnh.
Railroads are la-ina constructed every
where ; now protects are almost daily pro
claimed; popu.ation la Increasing ; 1 otor
nrise In'elM'Tentlv dirm-tcd was never so
well rewarded, ami the prospect for "he
wondniful aetivitlea of our country Is. to
ssv" the lea't, extrem 1y eiieooinjtinir.'
With aii these thl il ir he Com mkiicIa i- Is
lnfimate'y Identified and as a Business
Paper, at the center of the greatest manu
facturing distr'ct on the continent, lias
constantly in view whatever of Intnrost
readers may expect to see in
Its columns. caoeclal'v carefully prepar
ed market reiKirts, mahuiaotnrlnii intelli
(renco and aoneral news, collected and
from abroMd.
To our natrons we have only words of
cheer. With somo our readers wo have
lipid nlensanf relations for years. It will
benura'm to de-orve the continunnco nf
these relations for ninny years tn come.
W feol nrnnrt in the fact 'that the Com-
mriiciai. wields an influence second to no
ionrnnl iii the State. Ps readers as a ue -
eral thimr are the influent al. I' tclliirent
classes. In a circle of hundreds of nrles,
embrn'-in-r near'v the whole of Pennesyl
vanla. much of Ohio. West Vlminla and
Stages beyond. It is the favorite in the
countlni-ho'ise, the ollice, Iho stnro and
thp 'itinilv.esueciallv of business and popi-
s-'.t elasses. To hold this place will bo
our o natant elioru
Dailv tianer. tier vear. ... f le.irt
Weekly paper, per yeur - t'l.OQ
Tho Weekly Commercial will be flir
nl-hed in Clubs of Twenty at tl.SO per an
num, and ono copy given (rails to uiegci-ter-up
of tho club.
Specimen copy sent nrnlison application
.Mr-Send iu your orders.
Piitsburgh, Pa.
Attention Agents Think of This
Wonderful Sucre I 23,000
ennips of Urot-kett's History of the
Franco-German War. sold rirnl lit) days,
It will soon contain a full history of Ihe
lilomlv Ueliellion in Paris, inakinir nearly
(XHi pu'uros and I.Vleleirant illustrations, and
will sell 5 limes lastrr than herotoloie,
Prico only f2,S0. Incomplete works,
written iu tho interest of tho Irish and
French, are lieimr niVerel with old cuts
and for want nf merit claiming to bo of
ficial. Ac. Howard of such. Hrnckelt'sln
both English and German, is the iivst im
partial, popular, reliable, cheap and a-d
aellimr work extant. Iwk to your in
teresta. strike nuicklv and you can coin
money. Circulars free and terms excel'ed
bvnoiie. A. H. Hl'DllARU, Publisher,
400 Chostnut St., Phila. IZ-lw.
Send for our new Price List and
Club Form will accompany it, containing
foil directions inukiiiii a largo saving t'
consumers and remunerative elub organ
The Ciroat Anierlcan Too
P. O. Box 5043. NEW VoliK. 22 4t
Well' Carbolic TahlclN.
For Coughs, Colds and Hoarsen- ss.
Theso Tablets present the Acid In Com
bi nation with otiier ellicicnt reuiedios. in a
popular form, tor the Cure ol an inn in
and lung diseases. Iliao-seness and CN
coiatioo of the throat are Immediately ro-
lieved, and statements are constantly no-
Inifcxent to tne proprietor oi renei in cases
ol Throat dillicultios or years statuiing.
lc Tablets ; don't lot other iroods be !-.i'.!::.e;,.
oil' on vou in their place.
John 1. Kelloir, S4 Piatt St., N. Y.' Solo
Agout. Sold by Druggists, Prico 'li cents
a box 1U-41
Agents Wanted ! Extra Terms
Hook aser tl have long wantod a novelty
in the subscription line, which will sell at
sight in everv lain i I v. s
Is tho only work extant which satisfies
this want. It is bcaiitiliil and striking,
combining an entirely new and "elegant
Family PhoUiMraph Album, with a coiu
pleto Family History. Full particulars
free, jtddross Geo. Maclean, Publisher,
710 Hansom .Street, Philadelphia. 22-It
$323 A MOXTEII-IInrse and
carriage furnished; expenses wid ; sam
ples free. II. 11. SHAW, Alfred Me. 82-41
life m nm
Reiiiq an Ijcvose of the, Secnct 1,'ites
and Mysteries of Mormotiism.
With a lull and nuthnitic historv of
Polygiunv. bv J. II. Ueadlo, Kdiuir of tho
Suit lake Kcsrter.
Airents are mcetiog with unpeeonted
suceas, one reports IM) sulisci ibui s in tour
days, unihor 71 in two days. Herd lor
Circulars and see v. hat the press says of
the work, Natioual Publishing Co., Puis.,
IX it
The place t buy evsry variety of it
at tho cxtcnslvo Tea Btora or
n. T. CHAFrEY,
where von can always llnd a lariro assi
llient nl the best Tea at New York prices.
A lnr assortment of
Groceries and Froitstons,
ntioiiualed In otmlityaiid cheapness byany
irthor store in Warren enmity, always
hand. Tho people of Forest county wilr
save money by purchasing tlielr supnli
at this place.
Hest brands of
FA MIL 1 F L 0 Ult,
delivered at any depot on the line of ths K-
It. free.
Store on Main St. nenr thp rvpof .
Gun materials of everv kit d. Writ" for
Price List, to Great Western Gun Works,
Pittsburgh, Pa. Armyicutia and Hevnl-
vera bought or traded lor. Agents wnnn-it.
everywllpje to -
canvas mr our p al lnjr-
'K Paper. A line steel K st'ravins;'
Iven toevervsiioscriiier. l-;xtrannunary
Inducements. Address D. It. Ill HSKLL,
Huston, Mass. Ill -It
ti d History ot.
the fastest spllinir lvsik ever Issued. Act
niilckl V ami secure extra ic-ms hiui i-iinie
ileld. 'Ou'ftt,. ecnu. llvmiAiin
'ublitdiers, IZi Sanaom S'i, Thtia. . 8s- I
It contains over 1'iOtlne
.1 ilSVillM
flat lie Scenes and incidenls
iii tw War,
aid is the only I'C I.I. A U I'll l-.M'If ' and
FFIC1AL history ot that vreat conil.ct..
Auents a e incctinj with niipn-cisleu-, d
success selling from '.'0 In 40 copies per day
and it is published iu both hnglir-ti and
PS II TlflNI"lrrl"r' histories urn hetVg
vHU I IUIl-ireiilat(sl. hce that the lsok
vou buy contains l.'id lino ngravni-s and
SOU pajes. Send lor circulars A see our;
terin, and a full description of the w r't.
Aftilress NAIIONAL I't IlLlsiUNif
Co., Phila., Pa. II-:t .
AGENTS WANTED! For ll.e HnlLaal
Wittv I look
Itv Olivo Liuan. Pleases everybody ! :
will soil immeiiselv; is genial, jaun'y Hint
iiire-toned; lias title in 0 colors, aril V"
llustiiitions, Notliiiiix like K I Cnnvass-
ing-llsik a ram bcaitv. New W.nlJ
Publishing Co., 7th V Miiruot St.i., Paila..
Dtaltr in
Rollout, ItooiM V SHxtrK,
Ac, -
COliS Kit .V.I IS i DKI UT A'7.,
Has the Tjirgest and most Completa fitK-h
now on hand, of any store in
Having ptirchnsed mv stock sines
tlie greut ilccline in Goli), I i nn si li
pootls cheaper tlian any Dry Oih!s
House in tilts Oil Regions. IVr"in
purchasing goods of me will save '2'i
percent. M. P. fSETCHEI.I,
Tiilioute. April 11, 1870. 4 lit
L. P. BnoCKEITSPo:.u:ar history
of the blo -dv
Now Ci.ntainin.' a lull iicisitint o: the
Feariul Roin of Terror ia Paris.
Is selling hrynud all precedent.
It Is by far the most roll tliieand only com
plete and iuiprrtial liisioi-y of lli'C in gti'y
struggle aud its mouienicns rcsulta. 61
pa-res near v l.'iO sprriied illusi.ations,
prh e, onlv jJ.50. 4, u a a ie:uly
sold. It is issued in t t Ii r ii-'hsh and
Gel man, aud is bovoml q.-Htiou tlu- tV u-hi
selling bo k extant. Wioo awake c;ier-ii-t-ic
agents wanted. Terms extra. ,N' w ;
the tiiuo to coin moiu-v. A. !I. til'!.
It.ltt, Pubiisber, 400 C'hcsduil .-ii. P .ii -
.o ,o
am laBk. a. at
IFYOUWANTaperrecttit and a '
article of limits aud SJ(oestof tha. busst
workmanship, goto
If. I 5IK'iXrK.
jWr-Satisiatttion vfiiaran eed. 2-13 if.
Tl,e Herub!!can ffTlce
TKEPS constantly on hand a laru-e
1 k. HI 1 1 1 1 11 HI I T l.l Iflullk- llitni . Mnrl r.
Siihpo-nss, Wariaiita, Summons, e. tr
lS sold chesp for cash, hf.
TGI) WIIHK neatlvexaouwd ltsav
u at reawmanu rates.