" ! " I 111.1. -..i. W ' , uiiiiiii Qui Mnetfui mi, ii i i iwww www.H iwiwi ! in ,wwiiiihiwiwii wftwwjuiu -riejaMa9a)Ml)iiMMnMfteaMAMwMairiMMMHMn !. k 'I-. .- ' i I S I . J I , , , . . I ... .... .'HI I 1 fpuWknn. Rate?? of A'ivtrtii'i'T. One Srpiirotl'ioch,) ene iri- rtiio . .. II M x.f . One Siiiinr fi i.nc uiunui .4 Itr TtTESDAY, BT -rne!stvlfir " tun e .month1-.. " ' t U IJ IT . (Hiding, Street. . nr t i.i t- - i imif tt" Two Hqu -,one yer QunrU'r Col. '1,. 1", 00 :in t o Half Owe ,;';::;":::jvi:.iK) on ' nuslnesa fa.nl -T, tj'it.ijxcecdinii . i. . ... -ii I tone ImjJi PO A YEAH. 111 lentil, c.' i I.ejjal notleCMttTr'tfiblished rnt". Th"se rates-nr- 4ow,hn V an ..dVvinlion i ill be tiui'le, r' diseriiiirtiaiion stnom? i strons. The rat. rtlered are such, a ill make it to the dvntitajteolj'vndpt f bnsiiiuws in the bidit-! t tfiv(-"i"f!o" the pniwr to advertise Iiberullv. icelvod for a shorter It lis. "Let us have Faith that ith that Ri3ht raakoa Might ; and iu that Faith lot us to the end, daro do our duty as wo understand it."--LINCOLN, . , . , cltpd from nil part nice wilt bo taken of lcaiimia. VOL. IV. NO. 39. TIONSSTA, PA'., TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1872.. S2 PER ANNUM. notice Inserted JfOR " " ll , 1 ntSS DIRECTORY. "iONKSTALODOS, NO. 77, I. O. C3-. T. Teu every Wednesday evening, at 8 n clock, W. R. DCNN, W. C. T. M. W. TATI5, VV. S. . MSTOS PETTIS. BtlLKa W. TATK. PETTIS A TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, tU Strut, TIOtfESTA, PA. v , . Isaao Ash, ATTrvHSEY AT LAW. Oil City. Pa. Wlil ir'-tioe In the various Courta of 'Tw iVnvity, Alt business entrusted to "ra wil riv prompt attentl n, W. W. Mason, TT"HY AT LAW. nmon Rim n. Ivtva Walnut pove Walnut, Tlonesta, Pa. W. Gllflllan, A TTOltY At LAW, Franklin, Va- .r'lv,, ra. M. N. B. Smiley, ;Y T LAW. Petroleum Con W.iH pntetice in ths several resivounty. sa-iy P, MercilUott, .y at Ii w VSlt F.lfATE AO EXT. CI.AIKA FASSKTT, JTTOltyjEl'S A T LA, IT, J WARRElt AID TimOlTE, PA. filK rTEIWIONKT havlna assort- i a'eol themwlvea toireiher -in the prae t.. -of law, offer thc.ir professional sery eea nubile. ' , IPtsineaa nromptly amended tnlna'l'he irt f Wurrest Forest and adjoining 0SITT3 . CURX, tVwrnii, Pa.. Bl D. PASULTf. Tidioute, Pa. t i toneaia. nouw. t ITT EL, Proprietor, Kim St., Tio- , netiL fa., at tnemoutnnrtiieereeK, - Mr. I'll liat thornnzhlv renovated the ,,J Tioat 'louse, and re-fum'shed tt fom. , plet.v. All wlii pstmnir.e him will be ? wall entertained at retisorwibie rt. 20 ly i , - FOREST KCT.Sk., T BLACK PROPRIETOR. Opposite xj t ourt Hon-. ruHiM'n, r ti ot iw I. Hver.Tthinv nw muI pImi - fi.li. Tbe lift of IJnuoni km t ! I.v Oil Imnd. A 'w II , f Ui public irnn-. w resicmiity , oiuukmi. -u-it Hatme Mouse, nIONESTA. PA., opn"t Tpnt. t i. fc,,iH, -r.ru-t.r. uimji ma kiui c.inie Hlwih tlit Irtune. tf. Tiy racu3 . House, Ml nioUT' . P.. J. l M.;a. Pronle- i .r. TIia hntiw bH th-iil,lv rvitimi nniti m now hi the nrnt-w ot.iit, .Id Hie bent of Nrooinm mIw'Ioh. Anv nf.rmt'ior iniTiiln oil T-rril,ry al Uiip,iit will be -herrillT nirinlMX1. iy? ; , J. MAUEK, Exchange Hotel, T OWHH TTDinUTK. Ta.. T. S. Wams- Ji hkki. A Hos Hrp". Thileii"ehavinn bf i reti tel la now the most i(ir:M lop nml nlsee la Tktioute. A irood Milliard . it-OT.ii attached. 4 ly -'r. National Hotel, . .HVINETON. PA. V. A. Hallenbaok. Proprietor. This hotel is N aw, and is ,.iw nm asa ru-sl elass house, situate at . i liuietion of tlie Oil i.'reek A Alleirheny A v'crand Phllaiialuhia A Erie Kailroaxls, wi-Utetlie I(,t. Pnrtle having to lay Ver trains will Sn'l tWs the most conven '. "ent hotel ill town. With rlrst-clasa afeom- iststlons and ranibl '-harifea. tr. Dr. J. U, Acoin.b, llYSTCtAK AND SUROEON, who has I had tilt tn years' experience in larire a.l suceessluf prantine, will attend all -. W'r.iresKionnl Calls. Oillee in his Drud and iW.M-ery Stira, loeatoii in l'idiiute, near ' Tidiouie House. . . . . . IN lllfif STORK yiLL BE FOUND k full assortment of'Medhilnes, Liquors .Tolianeo, Clf5t(.'StHiii'.erv, (ilass, I'aints, " il Cutlery, and lin4 (inVerios, all of the IticNl quality, and will)!) sold atreasmiatile Irates. .V .' II. R. IlL'RUESS. f s experienced Pruir- jistl'roni NewYoik. has eharite of the ilore. AH preseriLUioiKput upaiHmrately. tf. j. I I SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. . ;iC ;;LOI-CSMITHS AND WAGON-MAKERS. ' Corner ofdiuriiJaud Kim Streets, Tioisriisx A, -a- -This Arm is prepared to do ell work in a is line and will warrant overythin done attli'jr ill ls to n've saUs04ction Par ticul,;' attention g'VOU to IIOEiSIi-H01.IX, '(live them a trial, and you will grot it. j nm r- la-ly. JOHN . DM.E, PStt'T. J. PKOPm.yi.iT- A.n.Tiiu,eHHl " tiohestX savings dank, Tionesta, l'orest Co., Vh. This llank transw u. a C-enAraJ RankiiiK, ...u.....;,. uml Exchange ltuinoss. a,-. ..Iu ..it - i...;.,..l.,..l l iilM .f ll.. United StuiM and Europe bou lit and sold. Gold and Wlver Coin an. t.oyerniuent c-,,,!,) bouutifcnd sold. 7-JO Honda tovfeiUnl-on Uie nioi - i all eH allowea on isjiiw Mar. Vl- . Fob WORK neadv-aaventd ttiltomea T. A- WHimtT. Ritt. D. blTUHIUUR, Tra THE SUPERIOR LUMBER CO,, MANUFACTURERS OK fy , , a I rine Lumber, Lath, bhinglCS kC. . Mills on TiurifiU Trrrk, Forcsl fo Pa. Tardi k Office cor. iU 1 Rail Road Sis., . . riTTSIiURGII. PA. HW1H0 DITKIIIHllt. U. D. DITHRIIKII FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. Established A. I. 1827. CtTKmOGE& SON,. K AWUF4CTUHER8 OF Dithridge's xx Flint Glass . PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS. AXD Silvered Glass Reflectors. ' Thene chimneys do not hrpk by heal. ' Ask for Dithkiimikm. Take no other. DIT11RIDGEASOX, J5-ly. Pittubiirnh.Pa. MRS. R. S. HULINfIS hahuilt a large a-ltlitionto her h'iiHe, and Is now pre- reil to aixwmmodafea numlwr of perma nent boanlern, ami all transient on" who may lavor her wilh their pHtrnnairo. A (fiKid atalile has recently be-n built to e oommodate the hordes of (rnet tliar jes reasonable. KcMidenre on Kim St., "io. site 8. Halot's store. i-iy Jos. Y. Saul, ' . PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sud I dler. Three dtwini north of Holmes House, Tlonesta, Pa. All work is war ranted, tf. DR. 4. N. 1WLAKI. of Tidioute, lias returnsd to his praetiee after an ab sence of four months, spent In the Ho. pl talsnfSew York, where K" will attnnd calls In his prtifexsion. . - Oltloe in Eureka Drug Store, 8t door ibove tlie lnk, Tldloute, Pa. ' 4!tf GREAT EXCITEMENT ! (U taW ftlur of . - . ; D. S. OOX, CO., Elm 9t., toaeeta Ta. Wt ara in rUily reeeipto, t5a a-wfatend MOST COMPLETfC tn 4HOli:itllX r;:visixs, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET BOrS SHOES ! ' FOR THE MILLIONS! - in whiefc w ara determined to sell regardless of prloea. AND House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tMils, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ae Ac, which we otter at greatly re duced prices. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! of all kinds, PARLOR KUITS, . CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, SPRING It EDS, MATRESSES, ' LOOKING GLASS. ES, Ac., Ac., Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and seo, 7-tl D. S. KNOX, A CO. WASTKI-Men and Women, seek intr a Kood navini? business to sell our il lustrated, liia'orii-al, Jio(jraphlitl, reli gious ami agricultural works, f-eiul stamp I to ItoO per month. lor mil particulars how you can inHkeSlnO IS. I. TREAT. Pub- liklwir, SO Hraadway, K. Y. Youthftl da) I of Dickens Hi. First Love His Early Essays In Jour nalism, . Tlio contributions to Dickon's early litstury arc ull llic more vuUmlilf, eiiict1 l. . I l ii' I..'. 1: 1 ... lie ous lllllint'll It'll no oiiru. icmin "' Umm days, save in Copnrnell and in those' iiiiiutncrtibie ami inimitable eketclics of legal life, winch prove Hint lie did a good deal more limn keep Mr. Ulackmore's petty cash. After (jiiuilnjj the pieciiiets of the law, struck by the example of his father, who hud become a I'alinnientary' re porter, Dickciii devoted liiuisdl'to the sillily of shorthand ?. but Iw couhl not uet into the irHlleiyat once, and , two year wern SH'iit in ri'jiortiiig oeeed iiil'8 in ihy law courts tiii.riiie ot the ohicersin Dou'tors'.fTtiMiions. But tlie boy ot eevcntein wul nowtverved iq patience and industry hy histirct love, tor he had Jim ml mid V'jd lastly wor shiped a Inra,.'ittief'ilir slvi-iH-n-ed out to the idoluter.'bifrff in fact and fiction, a highly un.sulwt:iiial, happy, fool Mb time. Mr. iN.ster tMii ;vci. in anv but the LW of ihewUt, until in the J)oraff 1829 r&tlly reap peared iu ' Dickens's life, J and then Dickens wrote to his stijU.-keptical iViend : .'. ' ' I don't quite apprehend flint you menu by otMSfntinir thii streiitli of by uttfftaling the feeling of five and-twenty year i. ' V... ago - , -ii i .i'i i . .t j . and wi vnly think what the desperate I . .. ' . ii... iiifun.i u itr mv imtiirn iu unit iIim, thin 11 ,'iu iiitnii i.l my unii id-n.vrLj', I , , ' ... I .i . ' betrHii when I was Charley a age ; that . . fc , , , ., -i F ' it excluded every other idea Irom my. . , i. .. ' ... .. - .r inuidor lour vesre, at a time ot lite whenVoor yeaare equal to four times ; 1...I and lliat I went at it will, a de- . ..: . ... . ii ,i . i ir term OULIOU II, WVl'ICOlOb II I I Uin llllti. ... . . ,. .. . ,i. ..... i . ... I's.ucs, n ii ic ir nil i;i y lincu o HI' sjiil . -!; ' o .i.. f Iiiiii, iien sun per uiv, K'l'l noiiic'i, in.,, i . i.. . . ,i r 1 . !. , , V , ji ,Ja vrllis mind was always ou something iiwiiv iiviii ,i hn nJreH 'rii.o lfiirtfiMv .... J. ' i ., - - tK j.iu niciHiuiii:, .ic iiusc iiniiiii" J , .1 . 1 1 1 CHI, CAM 'lid IUV lllUli. 1 llilt 1JIBI LI VCI ' ... ' . ' , stood amazed at inyselt ever since. ' 1 ... 1 1 .....1 i' i ...a . - nnu 00 4 suiiuiro, nun dip worheo, nou 1 .... 1 , 1 ,' so best and ha inner awni ut. I ho mail I , . ... . . dest romances that ever got into anv ' !... i ... i ...J .i.. .:. . .. J c . ii . ... i seo me inert) cuuse oi.u an, now, loos- i ens mv hold tu.on mvself. Without for I o . ....... . i "i i; ..;. ,i , :, a moment Sincerelv lielievnur Hint it : ; 1 O ' would have beej better if we had nev er got separated, I eon not see the no fusion of so much emotion ns I should see any one else. Mo one cur. imagine in the most distant degree wliuf puiu the re.'ollecliou gave uiu iu Copperm-ld. And, just as 1 can "never open that book it I open any other book, I ca ti ll'. t see the face (even at fotir-and forty) j or hear the voice without going won dering away over the asties of all that youth and lropu iu the wildest maimer. Mr. Poster adds: More and more plainly seen, howev er, in the light of four and forty the romance glided visibly uwtiy, its work being fairly done; at the close of the month following that iu which this letter, was written, during which he had ve.r. quietly made u formal call with his wite at his youthful Dora's i house, and contemplated with a 'calm equanimity, in the hail, her. stuUed tuvorile Jip, ho begun thq fiction in which there wue a flora to set n-nii.st its pitdecessor's Dura, both derived i'ro'ii the saute origiual. The fancy hail comic luiuVr in it he found it im possible In resist, but it was kindly and pleasant to the last; mid if the l..tt nii.ttirA ul. ...... I I..:-.. ..I... it.. I.. Jauyh at iu this retrospect; of his youth, ... 1 .. , y ... . tUCIO HUB IIOIOIII lit! lyOOllgllb o, IJOI1 tciidci l v than the ea.iier, as long us he was conscious of anything. At Yd Dickens began bis manhood bv entering the gallery on the staff of 5fAe True 6uii, with which Mr. Foster i- was ttlitormliy and also iu other nays 4 I'lOiio'Cteil r muI lu, tollri linw Iih Hrst. and he tells how he first'" , , i L"1" 4 "- ----- ,, -- - - - - - - saw Dickens one day w'.ieu there Imef beeu a general strike of the reporiersS I well remember untieing at thk Utile 1,1' LIIU BinilUIBV t.l 1111 lll.iyuur inio,., y b - .. .i i..J ... u: cent ina.isioi, we were loujjcu in, young man ,f mv inl'ti uge whose keen animation of look would .;ive ariwt el alteuliol) anywhere, and i thse name, upon iuquiry, 1 then for the first time heard. It wua coupled wijfi the fact, which gave it interest eveit jheii, that young Dickens had been spokes man tor the recalcitrant reporters, and conducted their case triuiuplmutfy. There never was such a thnt-huud writer, .-aid of him his friend Mr. Heard, whom ho first met in the gal lery; and ii Min this pain incite his success was tiuru. For two cessions, after leaving The '1 rue Sun, lis work ed for the Mirror of Parliament, and in his twenty third year he jitfneil lhe staff of T he Mumiii'j Chrouichi Mean time, in January, 16o4, hi- first writ ing saw the light the sketch of Mr A Joseph Porter over the Way, which he had dropped steallhly one evening at- twilight, with tear and trembling, in to a dark letter box ill a dark office up a dark eotut in Fleet street. The letter-box was that of the The Monthly Magazine, and when some days after he bought that Periodical in the Strand strangely enough, from a young man afterward the - Hall of Chapman '& Hall, thus Icmiii.g new illustration to his theory of the small ness of the world he was seized with no slight agitation ou sueiu himself in print : "Oj which occasion I walked down ii WeHtmiiiivtcr Hall, and turned in to it for half an hour, hecnusp. my eyes were so diiumed with py an I pride that they could noti bear the street, and wen not fit to Iw "een there." t'rnm Ihr Lmtrlon Tt'legrnph' I'prirw of J'olef a JJfe of Charles Dlt-kem. .A Murderer Hi ng. John Ware, win, was liunjr, in New Jersey, for the murder :f his father, seeing to liave posses.ied many brutal ullriliutcs. The execution created no small exi iionn iit, owing to thecelcbn ty bestowed on the murderer, by the local jolirualMid the fact that he hud huh), Mahomet likMu$di Ht'e and death in the argumentative coffin of law fur montrtM past. Adjudged t" die at last by the final fWwnlate ofajH tine, he died to-day, fearing notlnng. "udniittingjiothing, defying everjhing, a blaHpheinourt wretch, cursing iiPVIV verge of tTernily.' The ifcf Vie linll'iler IS thus loM by )-n(Hg!pe correspondent: Jenr the village ol Ltig-n-ComlngjTived Ihe Ware family. Hie old mat', John A. nre, his wile. hi3 sou and niurdurer, Joln arr, nnd his daughter, Patience' ' Wiire.'' The family was not especially dUtingiiishcd liY advanced intelligence or eievaled character. llielnlKsjn the viciuitw j and neighbors oi-e.t .tif.fcutliat theold iiiiiii fisc'il to beat tHV'Vl'l woman uml . . , ' . tlie Olil WOIIIUII leiuiu IIIU coiopi iiueiH , . , . . - k..i, ... , u . Jl both be luff- irruuk at siren time. arl o . the mi y decent ne ot the lot was t he y , ' ,, . u i . daughter I alienee Ware, married to c . ' ....... a i eeent man nauieil tie.orau lv i nam , . .., B . . "n- 1 ' J.oh"f X.N r; a8 dogged, B"t. ' l,ru,'- 1 ,le trace ot rehneineiit was wanting in . . .a .1." .. i . him, and lie. was noted lor ins despicu , . . . .. j i- blu uiinnal propensities arid"?adsi(itis. low uml iiihuniun,. and actions the. nut , . t , 1-..1 r - 1 Ural result ol whatever little of iiiincl , , , I,' ' . .. ,. - ., . he had left IlimscU were ol a similai , . , character. '' , . ., , , . , 1 Pat.ence Ware, the daughter, and . . 1 e ' her husband, (jeorue Williamson, were . . . . , ,1 . ,. Irvina with the old man at his resi neiice, near Ijoiisr-B-toininir. Oil The . , , . . ,a-n t i y .1 lb,h.,,t, A"S" "' f,,!n. the iniinlerer, had a quarrel with lus brnlh ' . . 1 . . . er in-law. .lie sluppej his .ister in the face, ami U'e orotlier-jn law inter fercd. Willianison went out of tin 1 1 hue and up thev (Jrost' ICeys lload. There Was' an old jrn. a broken-down iiiu?ket, standing iiroue coiinx.of the. kitcktti.J John Va re : c-anght if ri uod hiefl nt his" brotlier-iu law. i no shot missed, and John went on his way. He pussed bw the elder Wure, the lat ter troinir tuward the house. As he passed ho said to him : "John is frau- tic, lind riicrat me just now," and the old iiiiiii Wiiii' said : "He's a damned scoundrel." 1 Williamson went tin, and in five minutes heard a '-hot. He could see Doihine; but his' heart to'd him there had'' been murder., lie wenl back uud found that John Ware had Luii tall v"inurdered his father. Iu the Ware residence thero lived also ft woman named Mary Ami Cham pion oi White. She was the house k eppf.-'aiiif her character was iimie ot .t lid hest. IShe was - looking out of a gji'oiiil storv . window. ' bhe saw the old 'man Ware coininu nhmg in , the middle of the road toward the house. jsKdiu Ware was iu the front yard, the gtin in his hand. The old man called out, "tin into the house, .loliu, aiwi put l"1'1' t"u. gul.' , 'tfxeent to level Hare made no reply. incept to level the gun mid aim it at . ! .1 'I'l 1 I :.l .- .. tne laiuer. i ne oin man sum, ton uibitildu't shoot your old father, John." "pive me some money quick," replied jffiu son. The old mail laughed, Hinl Vaid that when the si.n should have finished chopping wood he would pay I i.:... i... w .1..... ov. .. shoot you," mid leaning the gun -on a post, tired it. The buc!;shol entered old Ware's brain, and he fell dead. e..,. ... -.. i I . fB,.ilt HI he liarricue rilled his pockets of gltiO ini, i.. .,..... Tll ,.m,.,11i pr uud officers put upon the track ot Ware. That night he was seen in a i store iu iiicmiuic, ami iruiu mere tri,ced tuCumdcii. Just as he was en lering the ferry-boat ut Caunleu ' for Philadelphia he was arrested. On his person was found $-2 in curreifV, 8140 in bills, uud n 55 cotiuterfeii iio'te. A young lady, with a number of oth ers who well) injured by a railway c t i .It-ii I , was carried to ii hospital. The surgeon came liruni uml salil to tin young and fashionublu Miss:"Weli, madam, what can 1 do for ymi ?'' Said she, "Doctor, one of my limbs is bio ken.'' "One of your limbs?'' said he; "well, which limb is il?" "Oh, I cau'l tell you Doctor, but it's one of mv liml.s. " "One tif your limbs," lliuti deled the Doctor, out of patience, "which is it, the limb you thread u needle with)?" "No sir," she answered, with u sign, "it's the limb 1 wear a garter on." The Doctor attended t" her, then said : "Young unman, never gay limbs to me in a hospital; if you do I shall puss you. for w hen a woman, gels so fastidious us that, the quicker she die the butter. " A schoolboy defined a lady to be "a growed-up girl, whu doscu't cue uui' swear." My Initiation. ;) Mi-t a friend on the st.eet;a?ked mi to join the Good Templars -have ;i first rate timv, get ncqiiainted with lots of pretty girls and go home with them , ask I me if he should lake my, name, told him 'Don't care if you do.' (i-itn letter snying I'd been elected, thought I'd join ; started up Division street , thought 1 would, drop n Iloh's and jopk in the glass, saw sugar rin the glass; went in fjjunker's, looked iu glas" to fix ii'ktie; stiarted.trmgfind halL asked If was, said go tip stairs mace: went un two pair oiai ktkiwiua'he.iloor , man in.idi put Iiirt3t'i itiole, asked him what he wauled, said he panted the Jiasswo'rd told him I , didn't jsAnt- to pass anv Words with .him, sanl I Couldn't ciun-1 in, told him I'd come ,ojbin? he Jet me iu a iilrle room uud told me toTt iowii.i Bimeby il C-Uti w ctime out and. Hsked if there were Ajiy to be iniliated and then went In ; then, two othertel-J low Vith red collars on came out; one itsiiOd me if I beleiveti it) the . ex istence and power of ..AIniiifhtviMl. the other asked . me for the- stat1ips,! planked dowu the casa and they dc p..rted Soon ."fellevY No. 1 re nnioil, .-MiA they were ready.and to follow him. lie knocked at the door, lellnw inside wasn't going to. let us in changed his miud and opened the door; boys ami girls jumped up ami commenced sing. ingSi.oii got done and sat down ; Hulk ed tno iieiote an oiherr with it vnung ludy on each side of him, tho't I'tl like to change places with him ; next took me iir.iiiiiii ami halted. , me, before a young ludy on the opposite side of the room don't know what she said, was looking at her ull the time. ; Marched me around again, heard the girls. whis pering muI talking. "Wonder if lid's married tic is pretty gid IiMijJing perfectly lioriiil-r-splendi(l-i--rni' just going for him, et'. yulteu oetoren other ijfliccr,1ittanid down and shook hands with' muI said, "How tin. you? p-i)ow4tre-ulI the fiilks?" He kept on talking tpav)tnld mo go sign tiu; con stiiiiiion. Done so, and was marched up before the first officer, w ho gave a lot of vigils ion't know .what, they werewas looking ut jhe girls nn each side of', him. ,;bopu till .'tlie boys Snd girls jumped upaijd joined hands; one f the girls humlctl me a glass of wuh r; it wasn't very, bad; hilt pretty, thin ; the othvr girl put her .ar.mo uroiiml my n. Li; a.:d put a white iOollur on- tne thought .she was going .t. kiss me but she didn't. The', they put tue in .the circle, joined hands with the girls who said I was 'splendid, ' , liau. they had intermission, all came and shook hands With ' me-r-called nitii brother; didn't know I had so many brothers and sis lets before. In. latter part id" the even ing asked the girl 'who said -slifei was 'going for nie,' if I could see her home; .lie said yes if her husband was willing.' Did tint unit to g e but took, my hat and loft, , w histling "ohoo, fly, : tlou't Ooddur me! ' ' i ., i. , Humming home late tlie other night, i gentleman livingtm'' Mission street savs ihe San Francisco AW Letter) I disrobed himself wit limit lighting the gas, uud lay peacefully down tiesnie the partner of-his joys. ; Sinking back upon his pillow, he siraightway raised himself up again, and remarked : "I say wife, how's your pillow ? warui 7" "Why what a foolish questi.tnV' return ed she; ''My pillow is all right." "Is it real warm?" 'he asked. V "Certainly it is: 1 have had' mv' head on it' for three hours." Apparently satisfied, he lay down and was ijliiet lor some lime, when a vigorous nudging iu the 'side if his wife proved that he )uid anotntr Idea. 1 say wile for gooiine.-s sukc what do you want petulantly asked t)ie sleepy dame. "Psay you doii't' use hair oil. do you?' "( )f course ' not. You know that as well as any body. l).i for mercy's sake go to sleep." An other halt 'hour passed in silence,' bro ken only by the ticking-of the clock in the darknc-M. Then there was an other spasmodic nudging. "I sav wii'e, you didn't put i he calf mulct the bed to-night, lid you?'' "tiracious ne!" returned the matroii'what is the mat ter with you? Of course the calf is ,:ot under the bed. Will you never go sleep ''' ' "Well," continued her lord, sliding his leys sideways out. ."of. tlm bed. Tin blessed' f then! 'ain't some- ; iiiil' live under lure, - there ihe sound id' scrabbling round ; a par tial up heaving :of lhe couch; t-'O quick gleam of a coat-mil making fir the open window, through which it dis appeared; tt thrashing nund in the rose hushes outside, and all again was -till. Tlio care of the rhildi'eii bus been awarded to the hushaiid. "Mans, where you get that knife," "I finds him tuiler." , . "No, Hans; 1 believes you tells voii big falsehood." "No, fader, dat '8 true. I is de luck iest I'n y von never see." "Veil, Hans. I has to vip you. . "Not 'i-uiise I steals, fuller?" ' 1 "No, Hans, I vip you 'cause'you so very lucky." The place f..r a picuic TLe Saud-wicliIsiand". a lellnw it hjtiew whrrjs I . J j..:,r.. i h, , ., l Olio'i, ai"vrn,i'ai'.o null uviinir r.. e dull) l; saw some iiir Is . , . . . . w .!! i r i ... . . . nt ri k i.itrl v t run to list oew thai, bta till. , thought that must he the , - . ... ... A Story of an Actor.'! " , ,. ..-.I ; . Mackay, the actor, was once a gtin maker in Hatfurd. One day, 'while working at the bench vigorously shov ing a twelve-inch bastard file, with no one preseut but a single fellow-workman, he suddenly dropped his filp, sprang back a few feet, struck th atti tude that Macbeth is supposed 1o huvo assume 1 in the dagger scene, and refloated the hlood-Hirdling Words in the tSxt, in a voioe hollow, solemn a..d iinircssivB, with feutures whercoti fla was more than that. "114 was throughly frigf.lwjed. He had never .been to a theater in bis life, and conse. rfiient ly was but I'ut le prepared for this i ..i .i-.i ...... . ,i suiliieil'iu, in vuunirujui iioiinier. ne supsjsd that his cnmpaiiioti had been striekeUf aihjnsanityi aid to his mind it was mtl)leasiit thought o-be rvmjnd u i in a room with a craey man. But how'shotild he escape? That was tlie''qfM, The object cf his dread was betwi t l)iiii aod ihe door, and he U.iV. not pass him. ;1 s ;, ; ') . t I. -' ' They were on the second floor and ewcape by the way of a window was too dangerous to affVmpt: 'All this passed through hi mind so quickly that the y ling tragedian bad ttulf got to the words, "Come, let nie clintch thee,'" when tlie frightened mechanic hastily r -treated to a far comer of the room, a here there was a stack of gun-burrels, and. clutching one placed hinisulPin a defensive postrtrt with a :lonk. so 'de termined and vet so horror-stricken, it seemed to say, ""Ifyou th 'cinch' me, or attempt to do so, I will knock yourbrains out with this gun-barrel.'.' He kept' his eyes fastened on' the speaker ami 'breathlessly watched cv- Iciyonoi ion, ami maintained the strik- T- i .ii, -i t . 11 ' I ing miittiiie uuiiii tne ciosc. iiac kuv bad been so wrapped up in 'the ret ita I i'vu i hat he had not tnkfn'iti the scene here described, but as he concluded he embraced the situation of affairs 'at a glance, and said, "Why, Jack, what's the matter w ith you ? ""' 1 ' ' "The matter with me j'ntithing ! " ex claimed Jack, indignantly ; "1ml I'd like to: know what iu thunder is the mutter with'yod' V li ' ;' ',' ' ' ', " A mutual explanation " took place and a hearty laugh tollowed.",V . , Golden Wordi. ' D hV smoko. -U. S. Grant; .: - ' Don't deceive. Darun Munchau sen. .''',''' ' .,,.'.( " Love 3'our country. JeHerson Du vis.. :,'..: - j 1 ;'"' ,' : ' " Miud your ow n .business.C'ata'ca- zy-' . . ... t '' ..i ; 1 ' " D' n't read novels. Harper A Bid's. ' ' We eoncnr in thenbove. T. B. Pe tersoit & Co.; . -t. ' ' ' ' " ' Beware of, rs.'.LWerrooro.--Gen-cral Hall.;, , h -,, . "' Bead tne Bazar Gazette. gir.Wiu. Temple.' ' ' ".. . Make monev and do good with' it. W. M.iTwecd. , -i.i ' . Don't, marry until you can support a wife. (Nor then either,)Ti-Mrtl bus. Wisdom is Iwiter than soup. Dan iel Webster's reply to Gen .Scott. . Ijct yonrltiolto le seif-reltance.faith, homsiy, and industry. James Fi-V, Jr. ; ,.. i-J.:., v-.i!'- : ' ' I attrybut.nii success inn life to- mi fle'voshuii to srh-llyng. lJ-Ai liillin-. ' Ie' that in tlie world would, rise, nnist take papers ami advcriise. Cou fib.ius, .;.. '' An honest' man gathers no m's. ' A Kill ing stone' the iioble-t work of (Snd. P. V. Nasby 7?o.iti B izor Odette. , i i ,, Escape From Wolves. ; A Sunday School si'pertcndeni, nut iu Alaska, -treated his entirs charge to a sleigh ride. There were" just fortv oiie of the cheriilw, and six Lors sleigh, On the way home they were ht-st by a pack of ferocious wolves. Cool, uud collected in the hour of fearful trial, the heroic Siiperintendentsaw instanily that li-t must soon be overtaken, in an instant histpiuk mind grasped the only ehaiiee of escaH. . Seuilig the child that ui ways sung' I want to he an Angel' too notes too high, he flung it to the rit'paeious horde, it slaved their on ward rush for a moment. , Next came lhe orcliiu who never brought any pen nies to the heathen, And so mi swept the, persiireis until! lhe, last was ex hausted, lint the brave fellow had I euonomized his iniiterisl nebly. 'And beside a wIihIm Sunday School slow If lit pack of wolves, preceptibly, , Wo I lntv,e always noticed Ibis. Iu another moment the eleigu dashed into lliuyil ! lagu.u'id the grand, noble, true-hearted man knew lie was saved. utlilnq ton CopiUtl. t. ... .. ' " "Our major, says an old Mex'nun vol unteer, hud very long feet, ami utso a horse that threw every one but the ma jor. One evening ihu major's servant wus out on t lie uimio ground wilhthe horse, and us usual, got thrown off, wht n one of the boys t'pnko up mid Slid: "I kuuw why the horse don't throw ill niajir!" "Whv ?" was asked by a dozen or more. "Well, you sec, lhe minor s got such long tcet the hoitc I thicks he is in cbsl'te " i h'ii, rmtiitptl ull the atronv ot a tftrfureil iiiiirs .w .-.i , y The Secret, cf MascAr.'- .' ;, ,., - ;. S'l-.i:5"?'"-''-" Old Z.tcli Wht)cler'WiA quitoadr netcrin his lime, belug a .clever, nsy goihg,' fiitifidilig than, who managed to let it-verybody eh.-at'liirn out of In es tates, iust "as tlm isst. tartu wjafmt to slip Hut of his :han.(Jf' he snc'cecded in' raising tne riiuiiey.iq. lift the mOtt gage. Aaron liohyTa jirotnineiit Ma son, aceofnpam't tiim V tin rejrtsHA-Js orlice, "wlncli Hvas iu' a ieif..l.l.riiii? town. As the v . . bor.-cliack, so Aaron s-.ij s, Zucli iu, a confiding himtni r said : , , ".'Now, Aaron, we are here, all nloo, uud Fwantyou td telfctut tho 'S-erets of Masonry.",- . j I -. f r i - ' "I can't, Zach .1 fie v would kill 0M "Why, no, they, woa't; ilie'jl; nev er find it out." ' i v.l - -.. "Yes, they will, you'll tell of li..- "Np, I swear 1 wont." ' ""W eli, if vou'd ride close alongside of ine,' and put yowr hand, tintler ty thigh, Jiud take lhe, ith i ll 'iul in 5i la ter, I'll teH'yoU thcsecrels ot Mason ry."., -,, .. ;-it.s.-. .' ::. Zaeirwas not slow to cnmply"sd a,., moxi powerful ""Iron-clad yatb'I.was' adiivinisiered and taken. ' ... i.:"Now .for the seert'Ts," ex.cleimea the imps! lent and unsHeelit'g vici'im'. "Wcll,';iiil Aaron, with mm k' slJ e in n ty itiid secrecy, "in the first ace we Masons coiiibiiie together to A:h'tn every body as iwnch tie'' we ' ca n. ', .Tlos ia the first grwiid t-reti The. Seloi.d is lika unto it.- ',Wheu we eao'i 'isiof anybody else to. cheat We cln at ( eaidi olher, b it its lillle as we can." f "Well," excluiiiied Zai" . dent stn prise, 'I swear Til join. 1. wished 1 hud tiooa it. twvmy J eiits i.jjo I might have been, a. rich inao- ehire t now,'.' . , n . -P i ,, ' f .... , i ' mai ..'-..,,0 --.a-:-A' V.flabond Sire. ' "'. ,- V? An old. ir.an of(active ,hriBiioiny,' answering to the name -ol .1 'iri)JH.il-.J mot bronchi to the ,.oliv , H'A a Clotuea ismei as ii irny ".o ;..e, been bought second hninl h. i.i ..! fill prime, lor they had mlleivd' oi-Ve from the. rub of , lhe . world thm diB.?l proprietor turnst-lf. . , .;.!. a,-'; ,"Whal business?"'-. ' r' . j Trj, ".None? I'm1 iraveler." ' ', ' . "A vagabond, perlm?!' '' " """" 1 "You are not far : 'iruv lif '" amf, vaga b''ud are joi hk.-hI ti. '.!' ' thing., The. dittyit'tu!,- i' tilat i,l'':J ter travel, without luohvi , j i l,o fi- ','1 iner witliuut bruius."i ,.i v!l-; t oi " '.here have j'u travahd ?" ;: , "All over the continent" i.'r ' '''' "For what purposo?" . , ', . -.vt: ' "Olwervatioii.' .' . ' '' ' "Wh. t have you -.observed ." "A little, to colli in Wu.i,.JiiUb to i ii-.'' ture. mid a great deal to lai.:!, ui.'--'- : -"Huiiiih.! what do joi. mjmi JJ" "A handsotiie woimuii' ' -.'it ') 'J is at liBiiie f an eioqut ui . '. '" will 'preach aliort ii"i; i -'-d writer who will Dot wine ' n'.w h i and a fool that has sno euoob : tui.-.A-? hold his tongue," . ' , .:, rf i , "What do you censure?," , -,. , ,,;; "A msMi that niarrie-'a g "rl r.ir'.licr fine clothing; a: yotiiH'"'w nii ' medirine wild.: he has. the ' .-i lands; and. people ,.! .lrt:-t!.,n dru iksrd o dli; e. ? -: , t-.;: : '.'What do y.,,i laugh at?", ... . '.'I laogh at a man who Vx,'''vts.' IW position-.' tu'. command, fliiif' r. ,','ct which his personal qualification--muf qualities d not menu - 1 a;?'3'jlt T'-f 3 A HoiiitiHi.KTtJitv JJ .Mu.ii. try Creek.. Fiauklin xnuuiv. I A ." tw. Voting wretclu s iiaminl J s.'p;. F .ri.li.,fc ,-j'X and William Chi-iiowi th, aed sixi- u .. ftul eighteen re.-.l tively, i'Ut'..."l a id afjrraufrl iiiunlvred the i,r ,r old. d.nighttT of Uo hard lli.il. Aiu r coiiimitiing ti e ticeci they threw tlio ii'i'ly into the cri-i k, win re it .s lo..y,l, th'iMsk belli.' br. ken tii.d the- body h.rrilily munlaud.1 1 FmIii.-Ii' aid CiivliOWelU were aireeled, Mild cooti- ed their gtiil'. In tl-eir cnl'.-s-i ui ill. y stated thai theV expected the K'liM-b of lhe bills for the ii.',s.-n.'g' t hihl .wyiilii cause the family to have their house, w hich they I hen iinrpn'd 1 plunder. While being taken to, jail, lhe two in human wretches attempted fiVfc ami both were killed by the .(!! r.-J7 Tim llangoc (Mv". ini'j tj il- M-v fiillowing story ; "An Augev.e e .t . y Mindeut w rites I hat Cii.ir!' I'i fij,. a. imisit iaii rutidiiig in that it-, j I - at a ball at Kendall's Mil is,,i.i.,r i. n r the ball retired to (e.t as t:sj , , ,,, ,tt was restless and iiiutb lo sl.'l sensation of dread of's' Un-t bin', 'i tonic hold of his miud.1' lie sfrvA, t. shake it. oy.and is'iirled-f t'c' in vr. !:'-. Ko strong did this .n. a-iue.-t b.ci'liie that he at length iiri oe ii.nd, loqk the ffi-st train for .ti-n-l;i, uml iiu.iu ilmie lv tveat to Ii'im lion'C'.M hctc' T.c li'umt iii wife and Utiles' n four yen f ;;g7, both neui ly autloi ati tt 'Ireui. eon! gt.s. It was a long tin e before tln.-i r,n'lci . be Tevive.l ll. I. an hour Inn " '. I have b 'l i i 'Ci-n d hi V wen! I ca.f ' I. . ..A lurlo-lntv w-a rt'ccni ', !'e' I,..?; w ith a toy l : iiiiip, I, t v Ii CilM4i "iVj.V ' i.i '! itl .Jl ti. W hi ll "ne w a .iho.il t" be ui il tie bed," ulio V as r, inly lo r,u it'v li'-- "i t- SUV t.:.S piuyirs, be liamiitl tin 'llllllpl i I., 1 : gramlniot In r sir. ut, It. -it, tuu u., I u tdw wbile I pray V" i -1 Al I f -1 1 .1.. ,'i ti I