The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 25, 1871, Image 4

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. V
3105DAT MORNING, DEC. 25, 1S71.
Purgtssll. It. May.
tMvncilmen JaeohShrivor, J. Tt.Stroup,
. W, Dimond. H. H, Haslet, .1. Winnns.
i(ef oM JVace W. IV MeroilUolt,
S. Kftox.
.mstdbieJ. N.Toltswnrth.
Asnf Vireetors J. Winsns, J. A. T)h1o,
A. Proper, Jacob Sliriver, l. M. Knox,
u. Irwin.
VeridVnt Jmloe J a mm Campbell.
iMociate JuJyesi. A. PnoFfcR, An
kw Coos.
ri(TV.. I.. 1AV1.
:irrt Attorney W. W. Mason.
''iwmw-(i, Nkti.ey.
votAonofrtry, Register t Tfrconfir, t.
II. Aukkw.
(.mi(wiotcr N.'P. Whkeish, JJk.vj.
"unfit Nnperintrndent S. K. RoiinKn.
;ry CommtoAi'oHfr Jai. Uil'ILI.iak,
until Nttrveyor S.D. Tnwil.
iwmer-JoKiAH Wisaks.
( nti Auditors I,. L. HACKErr, F.LI
V Jmtierof Congress I'Jth District O. W .
AVnarc tV. A. Wai.lack.
f xxttchty Jon N W. 1 1 ALU
In accordance with a custom for
hich we arc devoutly thankful, w 'licit
rothles a few days' rest fur the priii
reach year, wo shall isssuo no paper
oiu this office next week. We shall
a a 5on t during the next ten days,
urlug which time we shall leave the
oo k$ of the office in the hands of J.
Dale, at tlie Tionesta Savings Bunk,
(id all who are owing accounts ou
(inscription, advertising or job work,
na settle with him during our absence.
Ve would bo pleased, to fiud as many
ittle accounts settled agaisnt our re
urn aa possible. We shall issue the
iest number on Tuesday, January 0,
Mr. Swaggart ha moved his meat
aarket under Klinordlinger's store,on
iocouuof the (frigidity -of the atnius
!. i . .
. --Oeo. S. Hunter moves into his new
ouse to day. We Lave not -made a
;ur oftlto premises, but are informed
jut li fi a very comfortable place
o Jive iu.
j r-Teits worth's new -house is "mak
hastslovv.lj," ewing to the unfa
vorable weather for the last three or
DUr wtekt, 1 It will nut probably be
nisliad before spring,
j .Wo-liear of sever! Christmas
rees id our place, hut as wo close the
jrms Wfore the-cemuoiiies come oil"
i can render no description of them,
liey are always enjoyable affairs.
--KJRnordlingers are putting in a
locksof 'groceries iu connection with
heir other business. They will let the
eople know of their stock and prices,
h rough the. Republican at the prop
s' timei '
rWe have beet; informed that the
'ntement that Mr. Hall, of Meadville
vug robbed iu Forest county, is inuor
oct, that the deed was douo in -Clarion
.otinty, hence Hidinger is taken to
1 'inau for trial.
-- i-amuel Haslet has manipulated.
.ostrous buck head, so that it lnl0t
y natural and wild. He has it iu
. store, where it can be be seen by
curious without regard to sex, col
or, or previous condition of servitude.
' Mrs. Winaus arrived at home on
Thursday of las week, from Waterloo,
: w litre she has been sinco some time in
August last. 'e believe her health
h uot materially improved, but it is
hoped that tho change will be benefi-
; ' ' J. L. Craig, Station Agent at this
Depot, moved his family to town ou
Wednesday of last week. He occu
pies the house in which Mr. Johnson
formerly lived, across the river, near
die Depot. We welcome hira as a cit
iieu amongst us.
-We hear it stated that the Alle-
;lieny ItR. have made arrangements
extend their road, during the com-
season, from Oil City to Tionekuce. The Philips well, however, is
the east side of tho river, and
; ZTxeoc to Sheffield up Tienesta Creek.
AVhnpe'lhe iuilormation may be re
- ii tale. - -
s I Messrs. Grove A. Robert well at
Handy is said to be down. We shall
I probably hear during the week, wheth
I rt the proprietors have a good well or
f not. We are a little interested iu this
; -;well, as Mr. Grove has promised us a
.laadsoniyiieerschaura if it proves to .hundred barrel well.
S. S.. Holbrook, of Columbia,
Ohio,ormerly one of tlia Jomber nier
fe. ihants of this section, was in towu a
lufuv two last week, lie and our
nevr Countv .Commissioner. T. I). Col-
t ijini, -bave purchased the Lacytowu
'rprojperiy, and wo hear that it is their
f f 'jteution to erect a new mill' at that
'ace next Summer. Should Mr. Hul-
ok iigVin settle among us, he wilj
v.'iicomed iv an to luiyocrmen oi
On the second page wiil be found
an account of Uie fire which devested
a large portion of Pleasantville on
Thursday last. t It was a drealful ca
lamity to have happened at this time
of the year, and should teach us that
we should be prepared to fight fire
should such a misfortune overtake us.
Holiday goods have sold rapidly
in all of our stores -during the past
week, and jnany a welcome surprise
will greet the inhabitants of our town
and county during .this week. It is
generally remarked that those who ad
vertise iu tha Republican sell more
goods than those who don't.
"How's your Fcnb?" is getting to he
the salutation here, us well as iu other
places where Sffibs are common. Vac
cination is so general here, that those
who have not had tho rite performed
upon them, are the exceptions. In a
couple of weeks, however, we think we
will all be worked up to small-pox
An absurd report has been gener
ally circulated through town that
there is a case of small-pox at the
Holmes House. There is no truth iu
the rumor, and for fear some who might
wish to come into town, might credit
the story, we haste to contradict it.
Wheu the small-pox comes to Tiones
ta, and we find it out, wo will let the
world know it.
Speaking of cold weather, Thurs
day last was a stunner. At 8:15 a. m.
the Mercury stood at 1G below zero.
Such a cold looking population as we
had that morning has not been seen
foi years. Men who sported whiskers
would have made good representations
of Kip Van Winkle after his long
sleep. It required a good deal of
courage that day to do anything hut
sit by the fire and think. The weath
er has moderated since.
We arc in receipt of Vick's Illus
trated Catalogue and Floral Guide for
1872, which has just been issued by
M. James Vick, of Rochester, N. Y.
It is elegantly printed and contains
over three hundred choice illustra
tions of (lowers &c., and a fine cabinet
sized photograph of Mr. Vick. The
book is useful and ornamental, and
contains a great amount of valuable
information. Mr. Vick will accept
our thanks.
The dunce at the Tionesta House,
on Friday evening last is said toliave
been pretty well attended, and orderly.
Hardly as many were present as were
expected, owing, we suppobe to the
storm which had prevailed 1J day.
The music, furnished by Carman,
Welj ar aud King, is said to have beeu
must excellent, and tho supper was
relished exceedingly. Altogether the
affair was a success, and everybody
come away satisfied.
A small waif of humanity is said
to have recently been left at the house
of a gentleman in Warren whose house
hold had not been hitherto blesi&d in '
that way. The Ledger says that steps
are being taken to find out
"Who was its futlmr,
Who was ltn mother,
Hud it a sinter ?
Had it a brother?" A
The little chap will be taken care of
some way doubtless.
The lumbermen are busy during
the good sleighing, skidding logs. The
skidding bids fair to bo good during
the whole winter in the woods, and we
juot liWe the kind of lumbermen about
here to improve it. Woods hands with
teams are in good demand up the creek,
and fair wages are paid. . Probably
more logs will ho prepared fur sawing
this wiuter than iu any previous season
during the history of Forest county. It
is not likely, however, that the timber
will all be taken off this winter, uor
for several years to come.
The Fisher well, at Cash-up of
which high hopes were entertained,
lias beeu down for five or six duys,and
has been testing, but up to our latest
advices, no oil has made its appear-
producing some oil, but just how much
we have not learned. The bi well is
uot doing as much as formerly, aud
wheu we last heard from it, it was
producing 150 barrels daily. Busiuess
in buildiug, and putting up rigs seems
as brink as ever, aud Cash-up is grow
ing rapidly.
A Musical Tueat. I'cteri Musical
Monthly for January comes to us iu a
new dress. It is printed on thicker
paper, and is in every respect superior
to its mauy predecetsora. The selec
tions are evidently made with great
care, and it in really wonderful how
few poor pieces appear among the
hundreds that are given. Volume IX.
commences with the January number
Pf ice, 30 cents; or $'o per year. Tho
publish , i'eis six back numbers for
1, and advise all our Musical read
ers to tail advantage of the oiler. Ad
dress, J. I Peters, h'jii Broadway, X.
Rev. Burton will preach in foe
M. E. Church in this place, on Sui
day next, 81st inst., morning and
The Best Jewelry House
In Northwestern Pennsylvania is sit
uated on the corner of Water and
and Chestnut Btreets, Mendvillc, Pa.,
and is owned by M. P. Jenks. He
has just received a large and superior
stock of Jewelry, which he has mark
ed down to life bottom figures, and wo
cau conscientiously recommend this
house to our readers if they want nny
thing in that line. The stock is very
extensive, and ono caunot fail to suit
himself in anything in this line. Give
Jenks a call when you go to Meadville,
aud you will not regret it. 27 tf
Leaving the Fast aud arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we
reach the West? The best Line isac
knowledged to bo tho C, B. A Q ,
joined together with the B. & M. Rail
road by the Iron Bridge at Burlington,
and called the Blulixotox Roltk.
The main line of the Route running
to Omaha, connects with the great Pa
cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead
ing route to California. The Middle
Branch, entering Nebraska at Plaits
mouth, passes through Lincoln, the
State Capital, and will this year be
finished to Fort Kearney, forming the
shortest route across the Continent by
over 100 miles.
Auothcr branch of the B. M., diverg
ing at Red Oak, falls into a line run
ning down the Missouri through St.
Joe to Kansas City, und all Kansas.
Passengers by this route to Kansas,
see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis
souri, and, by a slight divergence, can
see Nebraska also.
Lovers of fine views should remem
ber the Burlington Route, for its towns
"high-gleaming from afur" its tree
fringed steams Its rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prairies further than eye cau
Land-buyers will be sure to remem
ber it, for tiiey have friends among
tho two thousand who have already
bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the
Lund Commissioner ot the B. & M.
R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among
the tour thousand home steaders and
preemptors who last year filed claims
iu the Lincoln land office, where "Un
cle fiiua is rich enough to give us all
a farm."
Jury List for December Term, 1871.
Jenks John .D. Hunt, Foreman.
Barnett John G. Brandon, Robert
Hulings, Archie Black.
Green William McCain, Phillip
Walters, Philetus Thompson.
Hickory Amza Purdy, Thos. J.
Bowman, Elias Albaugh.
Harmony Austin Slater, C. L.
Hanna, George Duulap, Josiuh Xeill.
Kingsley Daniel Harrington, Hor
ton Murphy, Alfred Patterson, George
W. Dean.
Tionesta Andrew Mealy, Peter
Lovell, Christopher Cropp, Samuel E.
iiuuesta Jjoro. A. ii. fcteele, sv .
Burton. ...
PETIT jurors.
Howe Heury Fox.
Jenks Raymond Hettish, James
Walton, Rufus Dodge, Noah K. Bui
ton. Barnett Herman Knight, Peter
Kuight, Isaac Gordon, Peter Gailley,
Daniel Altman, James Rodgers, John
Lack nor, John Eck, John Kellogg,
William Williams, Etlward Kerr,
Douglass Moore, Philo Williams,
James Black, Jr., Thomas Fitzgerald,
David Winegard James Duyan, John
Hickory-William Connelly, Sam
uel Dempscy, William Manross, Chas.
II. Albaugh, Mathew Elliott, Richard
Seckridge, Henry Suavely, Henry
Glass tier, Henry Keifer, William B.
Hall, Joseph 5Iealy Jame3 Hunter,
John S. Range, Jftines A. Brown,
William Albaugh.
Harmony John Wills, John Cor
nelius, George Manross, Francis M.
Vugus, J. F. Connelly, Nathan Case,
Jacob Vedder, William B. Howell,
William Pryor, John Snyder, George
Sweutlaud, James Black.Saniuel Man
ro.'s, F. W. Hamilton, Jno. W. Sig
gins, Wintield Scott, Ira Canficld.
Kingsley Harrison Morgan, John
II. Best, Henry .indie, Charles South
worth, Nathan Burdick, Samuel Levey,
Jacob Berlin, Frederick Iewis, James
R. Morgan.
Tiouesta John Greenau, Madison
Church, George Huddleson, John Ho
gan, Jo'in Carney, John Alio, Jacob
Zeuts, Robert Alt, Samuel Clark.
Green James Hutlet, James Wal
ters, Ernet Beherns, Bobeit Bom-
buugh, William Myers.
Tioiuela Boi j. G. W. Sawyer, A.
H. Partridge, Joshua Thompson. John
W. Stroup, SiLn J Wolfoti, J. Tavlor
All pe.
. , . . . . " wuo un .i
questeil to 8ettlkUn''t'r,,'K,,. are re-
January, 1872, in .r"' me ist.ol
all begin the New YeS.tIlat w J
' 1 D. 8.
. jCo. .
For Sale, ?
The desirable Farm, known as the
Sibhald Farm, containing about 80
acres, bottom sand, located on the Al
legheny River, three miles above Tio
nesta. Good two-story frame house,
large barn, good orchard, and desira
ble improvements. For terms e. en
quire of W. W. Masok,
'lionesta, Pa.,
er Buoges & Sinclair,
33 tf ; j; ' Cleveland, Ohio.
We have just received a full sup.
ply of Ladies' Furs, Muffs aud Capes,
also Gents Fur Collars, which we of
fer at very low prices. Also Woolen
Blankets from 83.75 to $0.00 per pair
10-4 and 11-4 wide, Gents Woolen
Scarfs, Ladies' Knit Shawls, Nubias,
Wool Hoods, Ac., Ac.
Sitf.rior Lumber Co.
Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Oil -men, and other citizens ot
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing iu the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest 'stock in this section
of the country, , They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf.
' " T .'
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book
bindery ns there is anywhere., We are
prepared to do all the binding . w hich
may be brought to us, at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples
ran be seen at ihh office.
BY VirtTl lCofawrltofVendi Exponas
issued out of the Court of -Common
Pleas of Korcst County, Pa., to me dii'prt
cd Umre will bo expewed to salo hv pnblin
vendue or outerv, at the' Court Ilouse, ju
tho liorough of 'j'ionestu, on
MONDAY, DF.C. 2.VTH, A. I). 1H71,
at 1 o'clock, I. M., tho following described
real estate:- . -
John It. Ioulhcr vs. Tho Cnrbon Oil
Company, Veil. Kx. No. 15, Doe. Term,
1H71 Ash. All dol'ondiint'H interest of, in
and to a certain piece of laud, being nn Is
land in the Allegheny river, situate in the
township of Tlonpsta", In the county of l-'or-cst,
described as follows: iciniiing at a
white walnut, thence south seventy-two
degree west twenty-five perches i theneo
south nfl v-lourdp(rrpc west eight perches;
south twenty three degrees west forty
eielit pereJieH ; north seventy degrees wet
twenty pen-lies; nortli sixty-tive degrees
ea-st thirty-threo pcreiies; north eleven de
grees east twenty perches ; north sixty-ti ve
degrees east thirty-three perches ; north
eleven degrees eaist thirty-two perches;
and north tifty-two degrees W est seven and
three-tenths perches to tho place of begin
ning. Containing nine acres nnd one hun
dred and hTty-scveu perohes, bo the same
more or less. All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate, in Tloncsla township, county
of Koreist, hounded ami described as fol
lows : lleirinning at a chestnut on the easl
bank of the Allegheny river; theneo lv
lands warranted to He'nry fulmnvu south
twenty-nine degrees east'onehnndrod and
thirty perches to a white-oak, theneo south
thirty-one degrees west sixty-three und
live-tenths porches toa while pine ; theneo
south ono degree west one hundred and
two perches to a hemlock ; ftiuncu by Lot
No. 2s:t,( north einhty-nino decrees west
thirty-two und five-tenth perches toa post;
tlienco by vacant laud north one degree
east seventy pen-lies to a hemlock;
thence north twenty-nino deirrees west
one hundred aud tilly dcrehe to a
hemlock ; theneo up the Allegheny
river north eighty-four dnreos east six
teen perehea, north si xty-eiglit degrees east
forty-eight and tivo-toiitlm perches, north
fitly dfrces onst fifty-four pcreiies to the
pluee of beginning. 'Containing ono hun
dred aud one acres, one hundred and thirty-live
perches, und allowance of six per
cent. All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in Tionesta township, in the
county ol Forest, bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at a chestnut on the
east bank of the Allegheny river, thence
by W. C. Hi lauds north twenty-three
P'-rchos to a pin oak sapling ; thence nortli
forty-eight degrees west sixty perches toa
ved'onk on the bank of said river; theneo
south forty seven degrees west thirty-four
pen-lies to the place of beginning. Con
taining twenty-lour and ahull acre, be tho
same more or less, A certain island In the Allegheny
river situate in Tionesta township, in the
county of Forest near the mouth of Little
Tionesta, surveyed for It. W. Towner by
William llilands, county surveyor, on the
l.lth of April, I -si; I. Con'taining' rive acres
and nineteen porches, more or less.
A A certain island situate in the Al
legheny river iu tho township ol Tionexta,
in the county of Forest, near Die last above
described Island, containing thi 3 aen s
and ono hundred and twelve perches more
or lens, aurveved for Iho said 11. W. Town
er, by said W'illiaiu llilands, county sur
veyor, -n tho l:lth April iw.i.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of The Carbo" (til Company id
the suit of Jno. U. Iuther.
Terms l'a.-li,
T.. DAVIS, ShcriiT.
HheWll's Ortloe, Tionesta, I'a., Dec.'H, l71.
This Hook, an eleguut Octavo Volume,
containing 7oU pages, and lu." lirst-cluwit en
gravings, is an exhuustivu ami Standard
work, eminently adapted to its origin to
the present time, exposes it baseless pre.
tenees, its frauds, its persecutions, its
gross immoralities, Us oppoNiliou to our
public si liools, and civil and rcligiotut lib
erty, it shows Itw insidious workings which
strongly tend to bring this country under
full Koluisii control. Prospectus, und
Ijooks ready on applic ation. Conn, l'ub
lisl.iug Cii.j lUrtlonl Conn. il r.tittii:it.s.
Till-: HKM'FH shows you how to save
and how to make money on I lie farm.
Where, to look for the profits, ami to obtain
them. How to clear jWloo.oo from October
lo May. A oopy free to every faruicrscud.
intr mime ami I'. O. Address to Zicglcr A
Mo'irdy, Philadelphia, Pu. .'li lt
$10 from 50s"
lZSAUn7li(llttprw'Kr (!! ''TFtflyVnl., .1 t
tvtiKM4 Jur Tvn tv !!... B U We. c u t, ' V.
Prospectus for 1872.
A Representative and Champion of Ameri
.. can. Art.
A n til ust rated Afnnthly Journal claimed to
be Hie handsomest Paper in the World.
An it (runi-antce of the exe.'ilenee of this
nrtment, the publisher) would bo to
ni"inco during the romintr year, srci
ciin j-nm the following eiuiuont Anwri
W. T. fn
Wm.llai.jiu Virtir NehllR,
Wm. Heard. Win. II. Wilcox,
Cioorge Mniiley, James II. Beard,
Aug. Will James Nmilnr,
ffranvillo I'nrkttis, M. R. Piiruet,
F. O. C Jrley, mik. Benrd,
J. Iiow. ' bixen,
These pictures are bei.
without regard to, -ni'Trxliiccd
iipst engruVers in tho coniitr-;n -'rcrv
bear tho spvprest critical coinnaritti "lil
tl.A haul f..rl.. H...1.I- If Kal.w Ihn WltV
niination of tlie publishers that THE i'T-
l.tV .- ,.1. .. '1 1 . tf.. I ..I !...,....
DINK shall bo a succpKsfnl vindication !
Am rican tasti? in competition with any
existinir publication in the world.
Where so much attention is piid to illus
tration and get up of the work, too much
dependence on appearances may very
naturally be feared. To anticipate suen
misgivings, it is (inly necessary to stat,
that, the editorial luanaireincnt of THE
ALDINE has been intrusted to Mr. Rich
ard Henry Suxldard, who lias received as
surances of assistance from a ho-t of the
most popular writers and poets of tho
will contain nearly 3(H) pages, and about
2."0 fine engravings. Colnmoncing with
the number for Janury, every third num-
I cr will contain a beautiful tinted picture
on plate paper, inserted as a fi-ontlsolccc.
The Christinas numlier for 1872, will" l0 a
splendid volume in itself, containing (illy
engravings, (four in tint) aud. although
retailed at 1 will bo Rent without extra
charge to all yearly subscribers.
A Chromo to every Subscriber
was n very popular feature last year, and
will bo repeated with tho present volume.
Tho publishers have purchased and repro
duced, at great expense, tho beautiful oil
painting by Seis, entitled "Dame N-ti-uk's
School." Tho chromo is 11x13
inches, and is an exact fac-similo, in size
and appearance, of the original picture.
No American chromo, which will nt all
compare w ith it, hasyetlieen offered at re
tail fo less than tho puice asked for THE
ALDINE and it to ether. It will bo de
livered free, with tho January number, to
every subscribers who pays for ono year
in advance.
One copy, one year, with OU Chromo J5.00
five Copies, " " " 20.00
Any person sending 10 names and $40
will receive an extra oopy gratis, making
II copies for tho money.
Any person wiidiing to work forapremi
um, can have our premium circular on ap
plication. We give many beautiful and
desirable articles otlored by no other paper.
Any person wishing to act, permanent
ly, as our agent, will apply, with reference,
enclosing il for outfit.
23 Liberty St., New York.
-I Hy sending OUCENTS
witli ase, hight, color of eyes and hair,
you will receive, by return hinil, a correct
picture of your luturo husband or wife,
w ith naino and date of riiarriicre. Address
W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 31, Fulton
ville X. V. 13
IS A Pl llE
with thetireen Tea Flavor
Warranted to suit all
astes. f or sale e
where, 111 our "tf
mark" pound nod ha
pound packages only, and sale wholesale
only bv tho (Ireat Atlantic nnd Pacific.
Tea Co.", 8 Chtitch HI. New YorK. 1. O.
liox 5.)UC. .Send for Thoa-Nsctar circular.
Atil'.N'TS WANTED Bound canvass
ing book
of postage on receipt of T5 cents, and ex
culsivo territory granted on the
Contains ovor3tK) illustrations Is a com
plete Library of liiblieal Knowledge, l'lx
cellsall otlie'is. In English and Herman.
Wm. Flint A Co . Philu., Pa. 27-4t
Is a South American plant thut lias been
used for many years by tlie medical
faculty of thoso countries w ith wonderful
elllcacy, ami is a Sure and Perfect Itemed
for all Disease of the
Liver and Spleen, Enlargement or Ob
struction of Intpstinos, I'rinary,
L'terine,f)r Abdominal Orimns,"
Poverty ora wantof I Hood, In
termittent or Hemittent
Fevers, Inllu'iiatloM of
the Liver, Dropsy,
latioB of tho
Illood, Abscefses, Tumors, Jaundico,
Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Ague and Fovcr, or
their Concomitants.
Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA
is a most perfect alterative, and is offered
to the public as a great invigorator and
remedy lor all impurities of the blood, or
for organic weakness with their alienduui
evils. For tlie foregoing complaints
Dr. Wells' Extract of Juruboba
is confidently recommended to ovory
family as a household remedy, and shr-1'1,',!
bo frtxtly taken in all deraiigemoc' of tlie
system v. . ,
It is SOT A I'll YIsif-Tt is not what is
popularly e, a HITTEltS, nor Is it in
U"iidca a such ; but is simply a powerful
alterative giving heiilih, viu'or and tone to
all tlie vital force!, anil animates and fortl
llesali weuk uod 1 inphiitie temperaments.
JOHN Q. KKLLlMili, Piatt St., New
York. Solo Aliclit for tho I nited States.
Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for
lro tit u llt Hiiijilu in 11 11 1.
Wo desire to engage a few more agents to
sell tho world-renowned improved huek
eye Sowing Machine, ut a liberal salary or
011 commission. A horse und wagon given
to ugmils. Full pa' ticuliti'M furnished 0:1
api.lie.tion. Address W. A. HENDER
SON A CO,, (ienernl Agents, Cleveland, O.
or St. Iaiuis, Mo. 31-11
A'iiENTS WANTED for a New Book,
stories of'l ravel. Adv. n'ure. Miscel
lanies, tie. by Albert D. Richardson, tlne'v
illustra'cil. " Verv largo pav. AiUlress
CO I. CM 11 A N HOOK CO., Hartford, Ct.Uti
AHFlMTQ wsnl.Nl for "The Hrlarht Side
rtUlH I O York," a Libiuiy of
1 nfori iiition pertaining to its Institutions
und Objects of I merest, ity a City Mis
sionary. -JIHI Engrav lints. ' Au-enls w-ll -10
a day. Just issued. I-!, It, TREAT, Pub
lisher, MOj llroaduay, N. Y. :ttl-4t
PnorosKD 1 ' '
Proposinif an amendment ti til Constltn
lion r PuuiiMj-lvailia, . . .. -
Be it Resnli-ed by the .Veirttc an t tTouss
of Representative of the UummonweaUh of
Prnnsiiloan a in Hcneral Assemliln met,
Thru the follow iiii amendment of the Con
stitution of this Commonwealth bo pro
posed to the pooplo for their adoption or
rejection, pur. mint to the provisions of the
toil tli article thereof, 10 wit :
Strike out tho Sixth Section of the Sixth
Article of the CVnstPntion, and insert in
lieu thereof tho following:
"A Stale Treasurer shall be chosen by
the qualified electors of the State, nt such
times and for anon term of sorviee as ahall
bo proscribed by law."
J A MI'S it, wi.rn,
Spoakor of the IIiU'O of lteprer ntntives.
Speaker of tho Senate.
Approved tho liflw-nth day of June.
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
and seventy -one.
J.Ml. W. tiliA ItY
Prepared and errtitied for publieatinn
K.. .' a .. h. .1 ....
'sunnt to tho Tentli Article of the Coit
ion. F. JORDAN.
Onc0Secrctary of the Commonwealth.
i-iryoi ine v ommonweauu. 1
risburg, July 5th, ls;i. J
nnds of testimonials of simNp ,'1t'",us
113 expressing the reasons .for Sn nrn"'
enco of the UroverA Baker Mach. ovf
all others.
"Hike tho Orover t Baker .
chine, in the first plnco because if I huo
any other. I should still want a Grover &
Raker ; and having a (Jrover fc Baker it
answer the purpose of all the rest. It
does a greater variety of work and isoosier
to iearn thon any other," Mrs. J. C. Cro
ly (Jenny June.i
"I have had several years' expe
rience with a firovor ,t Baker Maehiuo,
which has given 1110 great satisfaction. I
think tho Grover A Baker Machine is more
easily managed, and less liable to got out
of order. I prefer tho (Jrover A Raker de
cidedly." Mrs. Dr. Walts, New Y'ork. ,
"I have had one in my family for
some two years; and f.ioni what I know
of its workings, and from tho testimony of
many of my friends who nse tho s une, I
can hardly see how an vthingconid be more
eompleto' or givo better satisfaction."
Mrs. Uon. Grant.
"I believe it to be tho best, all
things considered, of any that I have known
It is verv simple and easily learned; the
sew ing from the ordinary spools is a great
advantage; the stitch Is entirely reliable;
it does ornamental work beautifully; it is
not liable to get nut of order. Mrs. A. M
Spooner, 36 Bund SL Brooklyn,
"I am acquainted with tlvo work of
the principal machines, and I prefer the
Grover A Baker to them all, because I con
sider the stitch more elastic. I have work
iu the house w Inch wan done nino years
ago which is still good." Mrs, Dr. Mc
C ready , No, 43 East kl street, N. Y. .
"More limn two-thirds of all the
sewingdono in my family for the last two
years has been done by firovor & Boker'
Machine, and I never had a garment rip
or need mending, piteoirt thse rente which
trolicsoniel)ov w ill make in whole cloth.
It is, In my opinion, hy far the most valu
nbleof any I havo tried." Mrs. Henry
Wurd Boochor.
"Tlio Grover A Baker Sewing Ma
chine has rendered in every respect, the
most perfect satisfaction. It combines o
many advantages with beauty of execu
tion and economy in price that it is a 11 e
cesity in every household." Mjh. Gover
nor Geary, Harribburg, Pa.
"I have had the Grover -A Raker Ma
chino for ten or twelvo v-irs iu constant
use in my house. 1 huvs seen and known
cvorv kind of Family sewinir, Isitli per-
onul and .household, accomplished uu
tho Grover A Baker Machine, to tho entu
satisfaction of all concerned, Rev. Stephen
II. Tyng.
"I find the Grover A. Baker Stitch will
wear a., long as the garments d. outwear
tho garment in fact. The tttiLeh w ill not
break on bios seams, when stretched, as
others rio ; and neither does it draw the
work." Mrs. Jr,. Whiting, 4 East twou-ty-t'ouj-tii
street, Y.
The Grover ami Baker Sowing Machine
Company manufacture both the Elastic
and Lock Stitch Machines, and offer the
public a choice of tho best machines of
both kinds, at their establishments in all
tlie largo cities, and through agencies In
nearly all towns throughout the country.
Price lists and samples of sew ing in both
stitches furnished ou application to Grovoi
A Baker S. M, Co., -127 Wood Street, l'itts
burgh, l'a.
A 1 ; I ' WANTED.
The new booV nop REASON AND
SCIENCE: or ne Land marks of Truth,
is highly eon ended by all demonstra
tions, audsi ,h rapidly. Agouti should se
cure a ehnleo of Acid", at once. Send for
terms, and s. o extra inducements. Frank
lin Publishing Co, 711: Chestnut St., Phila
delphia. 4t
(Junuuttud. tmn, fiat Bntvdwaj N. Y. Hcttrl Iic. f ut LaK
wilt ubutj(rtiuia HdaiMsMa ufcuoi buforaj kud kliflf art l H
lb Hmry Warl HMlir ca, ltitr aud s fljvftiv f
travel n lmpWr, wbuprtuj iv btf bfB Ufil4 1 Of.
InvcntorH who w isli to take out Letters
Pat nt are advised to counsel with Munn
and Company, editors of the Seientltio
American, who have prosecuted claims
before the i'uumt Ollieo for over Tw enty
Your Thoir Auierlwaq Hnd European
Parent agency js the most extensive ill tho
world Charues less ilian 11113' other relia
ble agency A. pumphh't continuing full
instructions to investt is W scut pratia
.MLNN A m47 t'srk Row,
lolf - New York
(J f IU Retailed bv till
.JIM ugeiits to sell pici
one. WsiiU-il
clures ov rv
Whitney A Co., Norwich, CI., I
has l"on lately paiil by Con-
to a lady for ler
luavc-ry and skill in saving Emigrant
from tho Indians. She was a prisoner
among them. "MY CAPTIVITY
AMONG I'll E Slot. A, is her torv. It
is u wonderful one, endorsed bv notpti
etc. Kpleudid business, to sell it.
l,JUW iutrod e.-Alex. 1 1 vdei.
tun-son Agrli'iiltuie," price VI. iu, into their
towns. A ran- elmui-e to turn hours into
easli, WecbarucU' lliiug for cireuliiiHaiid
full information of either Isiok. If will;
hay all to send for them. Address, Ainer-
lean Publishing Company, I larti'oi d, 1
Conn. " i!7-Jt I
i Aii:.TM, J.00K! S2 to
j daily eu:!y ma le. I i-oiiiable and respec
tatiie hllsil.css. lltlie lto'elt wanted
I .y verylsslx. S:i-eess sni e. Snuli-iump
I ..- cin to Cbllichiil . 'I .-ii'l let- 11,
' MAiiuiiictu.--! 1.1 1 liro-i.i--. uv, V. Y . ft
. To the Nervooua: J
"lirnilSEmitTerlneshave bn protraot-
ed from hidden 1 anses. aou no(
cases require prompt treatment to rondr
exist inco dolrabl'
Ifym are snfferint;, -or iT jafffred
from involuntary discharges,, what effort
d ies it produ'jaou your general health?
Do jort tVelVealf, rtcliilitated, easily fired? a little extra exertion produce pal
pitation of the heart? Doe' your liver, or
u'rinary-rfpns,or your kidneys, frequent
ly get out of order? Is your urine loml
times thick, rrdlky of flnckr, or Is It ropy
on settling? Or does a thick akum risa t
the top ? Or is a sodimeut at the bottom af
ter it lias stood awhile T Do you hara
spells of short breathingor dispepsia? Art
your bowels constipated T Do you hav
"ells of fraintlng, or rushes of blood t
1110 vad? Is your memory impared? Is
your ikHld cpnstantly dwelling on this
loot? Uujugj duiijsrtesa, moplnf,
tired ,fconirorllt6T po you
to be glono, wi , - - , .
v v "W from evcrybodv?
Does any nvtle UiinJv., -,
' - . ie you start or
Jump? Is your" aleep brova ., .
Is tho lustre of your eye aw ., ..
- J g-illiant?
The bloom ou your check as bria.
you enjoy j-ourseif in society as welN-
you pursue your business wl'b tlie sanR
energy ? Do you feel as mucii confidenoV
iu youself T Are your spirits dull and flag.
tring, given to fits of melancholy? If
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your back
weak, your knees weak, and have but tit
tle appetite, and you attribute this t if
popsiaor livor-soroplalnt?
Now, reader, self-almss, Tenercaln d
oases badly cured, and sexual ezsos, ar
all capuble of prodiicimr a weakness of ths
gcuerative organs. 1 Tho organs of genera- '
1 j -
Linn, when in perfect health, make the rasa
Did you ewer think that those bold, dafl
aul. onorgetle', persevering, successful hus-iness-uien
are always those whose genera
tive organs are in perfect health? Vom
never hear such men complain of being
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitatioa
of the heart. They are never afraid tlisy
cannot succeed in business ; they don't be
come sad and discouraged ; they arealways
polito and ploasant In the company of la
dies, and look you and them right iu tha
lace none of your downcast looks or any '
nioaiinoss about them. I do cat mesa
tu.e who keep the organs inflated by
running to excess. Those will not only .
ruin thoir constitutions, but also thM '
they 4o busiutiss with or fea.
How many men, from'badly cured dis
eases, from the effects of self-abuse and
oxuess, have brought abrut that state of .
wcaknoss In those organs lhat has reduced
the geneal avaiem so much as to producs
ul most every other diseaso Idiocy, lunacy ,
paralysis, spinal affoctions, suicide, and al
most every other form of diseaso whlea
humanity la heir to, and the real cause of
tho trouble scarcely ever suspected and '
have doctored for all but the right ooa.
Diseases of those organs requlrs tha ass
of a Diuretic. IlELMBOLD'S FLUID
EXTRACT BUCUIJ is tho gieut Diuretic,
aud Is a certain cure for diseases ot the
Bluddor, Klduoys, Gravel, Dropsy, Oraa
ic Weukness, Female Complaints, Genor
ul Debily, and all disease of Uio U rinary
organs, whether existing Iu Male or Fe
male, from whatever caimo originating,
and uo uialter of how long tanding.
If 110 treatment is submitted to, Co a .
uimptiorj or Insanity may entue. O a
rtosli and blood are supported from tbsss
scair.'cs, and the health ana happiness,'
isd that of Posterity, depends upsa
propl usaef a rliablsrtiuisdy,
Helmbold s Extract Buchn, cslatlishsd
upward of 19.AI am, prepared by H. T.,
II ELM HOLD, Druggist. OIU Broadway.
New York, and 1't Ssuth 10th Street, ,
Pl.tladelphia, Pa. . PKiLt-l.U.j pa- bottle '
or ti Ixiltles tor M.Sm, dcliverrtl to any ad
dreas. bold by all DrunKeMUet erywliur:"
Wrapper, I'ao-hiuiJe ul lny l tiiiilc:4 Wars-
h-jus... rud-igiicd II T. II 11 M.ox.n