"II 1 I r0BUBn.ED EVERY TUESDAY, BT W. It. DUNN. In, Kiox'i Building, Kln Street. l TERMS, 12.00 A YEAR. Subscription received for a shorter Ljlod than throe month. f Correspondence solicited from nil part f 'of tlie country. No notice will bo taken or i -annouymeu communications, i Marriage and Death notico Inserted 4 grail. l' A $tfSINES4 DIRECTORY. INESi C ST A LO TJONKSTALODGE.NO. 477, r: t r- m. m 1 fVTeot every V'ednosday evening, at S l ,X o'clock. " W. P.. DUNN, W. C. T. Republican. "Lot ua have Faith that Right makes Might; W inl VOL. IV. NO. 38. 3 Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand if-LINCOLN. TIONESTA,,VA.VioNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1871.7 $2 PER ANNUM. ICtlW. tltTRRIDnit, Sr..,. ' V- VITHKIUUK, TrM. t . WRHitrr. n,rr. OtU. W. 1)11 Mill . K WTON rTTH. MILKS W..TATC. ,'PKTTIS A TAT E, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, t,jiU jKr't, , TTOXESTA, PA ' Jsaao Ash, : A TTORXRY AT LAW. Oil Clir- P. W Wi'l pra-tice In the various Courts of t oresl Count v. Ail biiHiness entrusted to i,I in mre ui receive prompt attentl u. W. W. Maoi, A TTOUNEY AT I. AW. offloe on Kim i. Street, above Walnut, Tionosta, Pa, i , C. W. Gllfillan, 1 k TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve- v i . uapgo uo., ra. tr. N. B, Smiley, A TTORNEY aT LAW, Petrotoum Cen XV trp,Pa. Will practice lu Uie several luurta of Koreet County. :iS-ly W. P. Mercllliott, ' Attorney nt Law. " AKD ri:ai. estate acsext. TI0NESTA, PA. r-tf . CLATK ft FASSETT, A TTOltKK YS A T LA ?r, WARREN AND T1DIOUTE, PA. THE UNDERSIGN KO having associ ated themselves together In thn prac tiee of law, otTcr their professional aorv.cea to the public. at Business promptly amended to In all fhe ' twnrts of Warren, Forost and adjoining t nun :ies. JCSTCS B. CLARK, D, D. TABHCTT, ... .. Warren, Tn. Tidioule, Pa. w Tlonesta House. 1Yf ITTET.. Proprietor, ' Kim St., Tlo- ill. nestn. Pa., at themouthof the creek Mr. Ii tls has thorortirhlv renovated the Tknesta Mouse, and ro-furnlshed it com plotelv. All who patronise him will lie wall entertained at reasonable mtus. 20 ly 41 C F0rEST RCLSk., BI.ACK PROPniETOlt. Opposite Kourt iionsit, TioupHtii, i'rt. Just 'lnrif .j. Nim rnniii( ii.n niiti iiuiii mill f foiv hiinV'rA 'portion of thn public patrori b 5 ago I leepectCully solicited. 4-17-lv . Holmes House, 'TKXESTA, PA., opposite the Penot. m. v . ii. Amine, I'rnnrietor. uoou nta Minx connected with the house. tf. . . ., Syracuse. House, T1DI(UT'',Pa., J. A 0 Maoee, Propie tors. The house has boon thoroiiirhly rerttted and is now in the tirst-clnss order, with the best of Hcconimodutions. Any nforntadon concerning Oil Territory at this point will be cheerfully nirniHiien. -ly J. k D. MAO EE, ( Exchange Hotel, If T OWKR TIDIOUTE, Pa., T). 8. IIams J dkki, A So Prop's. This house having been rented is now the most dosirable stop ping place In Tidiouto. A good Billiard poem attached. 'y - National Hotel, rRVtNETON, PA. W. A. Hallenbnek, Proprietor. Thi hotel is Nkw, and is open as a first class house, situate at oe lunctlon of the Oil Crock A Allegheny .liver and Philadelphia & Erie Itiiilroiwls, nposite the Depot. Parties having to lay ver trains will find this the most conven ent hotel in town, with first-class aecom nodstions and reasonable liartrns. tf. . Dr. J. L. Aconb, PHYSICIAN AND SUUrtKON, who has had rlrteen venrs' experience in s large and successful practice, will uttend kII .VrofeMionl Calls. Office ill hi Drug and (Jrocerv Ntore, located in Tidiouto, near iTldiouta House. " IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors .'Tobacco, Cigars, (Stationery, Glass, Paints, Oil. Cutlery, and line Groceries, all of the lcst quality, and will be sold at reasonable rates. ' 11. R. BUIWESS, an experienced Drug-i- 1st from New York, has charge of the .tore. All proscriptions put up accurately, tf. THE SUPERIOR LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c. Mills on Tioocsta Creek, Forest Co., Pa, Tardi k Office eor. lli 1 Rail Road Sti., PITTSnUUGH, PA. IUWARD DITUK1UUK. I. D. DITHSIDU FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. Established A. D. 1827. BtTHmBae&SQfc. MAKUFACTURKK OP Dithridge's xx Flint Glass PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS. AND Silvered Glass Reflectors. Those chimney do not break by heat. Ask for Diturtdobs. Toko no other. 25-ly. DITHRIDGEASON, Pittsburgh. Pa. New Boarding House. "II TUS. fi. S. MU1.INGS has built a large if I addition to her house, and is now pre pared to accommodate a number of perma nent boarders, and all transient ones who may favor her with their patronage. A g-Mid stable has recently lieen limit to ac commodate the hordes of guests. l'haros reaonai)le. Itiwtttence on Utu St., oppo site S. Haslet's store, la-ly Jos. Y. Saul, DRACTICAI, Harness Maker and Bad 1 dler. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tionosta, Pa. ranted. All work ia war tf. rn. j. U retu XOT1XK. N. BOLARD. of Tidioute. has returnsd to his uractii'e alter an ab sence of four months, spent In the Ho. pi- misoiow i org, wiiere will attmul calls in his profession. oiuco in Kureka Drug Htoro, 3d door move ine naiiK, li'lioute, fa. 4Uti GREAT EXCITEMENT! at th Store of D. S. KNOX, & CO., Elm St., loneita Pa. We are In daily receipt 01 th argtatand MOST COMPLETE tock CsROCERIKS and PROVISIONS, EVEH BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET i BOOTS & SHOES ! ' FOR TUB MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prices. SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. BLACKSMITHS AND ' WAG QNr MAKERS. t (Conner of Cbujroh and Elm Streets, . TIOTESTA., PA. This firm isnrenared to do all work in r 4U line, and will warrant everj-thing done . .at their sh pa to give satisfaction, l'ar- 4cuiur aitouiion given lo y. iiorse-siioi:ixo, ,0lve thorn a trial, and you will not re- ret it. n-ty, JOHN A. DILI, PREt'T. in a. pso.ir, vice prist, a. h. tiil(, oh, TIOISTEST-A. . SAVINGS BANK, Tiouesta, l'orebt CoV; Ps. This )5a,nV transa;u. a Oeneral Banking, ilollectiuu and Kxchane Husiiieas. I'rutts on the Principal C'itiea of the l.'nltt! Statist ami K.iirono LoilL'lit anil -old . Uolil and Silver Coin aiid (ioverm -Ir iA KC-ciiiiti.'S bought ami sold. 7-30 I sids mm.verUxl on the most favorable tuna Interest allowed on time deposit. Mar. 4, tf. CUBSCRTbK forth FfM Hepnl i - HARDWARE -AND IIouso burnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac., Ae Ac., which w otror at greatly re du6ed pnuea. THE CONDUCTOR'S STORY BY REBECCA HA ft PI SO DAVIS. Good arable? Yes, sir; and if you can look at it in the way of scenery it's as pretty a piece of land as you'll find in Kent County. That stretch now ahead. By the way, there was a queer thing happened on the track just there, three years ago come ThankR giving as queer as ever came in my way since I ve been railroading. It occurred in this way : I'll have time to tell it I reckon. We have to switch off for the express at the next station, and lay by awhile. " " This branch road, you see, was built for the local peach business. I was put on as conductor of the firt train that was run. By George 1 how the engine woke the country up! The Dclawareaus re geuuine Southerners lazy and hospitable. They were hos pitable to the very train, in a way commercial people couldn't under stand ! It wasu't a matter of business ; it was a home nflkir to them, lilcc their church or their darkeys; something to chuckle and gossip over, and bouts t about. The stations used to be crowd el with young fellows iu flushy neck tits, aud their sweethearts, nice, mod' est little girls, loaded with cheap fine ry, who had made up purlies aud come down from the interior to see the train go by. Every did farmer on the route thought he owued the engine (the Gen eral Jackson It was), and knew each separate car as well as he did his own bulls and sheep. ; They'd treat their wives to a few links ride as you town people would rnn over to Europe with yours. Of course, sir, I was" at home here on the road in two weeks. Everybody called me Dick.' There were scores of places where. I could drop iu for an odd meal. ' 1 began to doubt whether they were my uncles and cousins or uot. Besides, a man here, after fifty, has no other business but loafing. All the old fellows got free parses over the road, and forsook their corners by the tavern fire fur the baggage car. There they smoked day after day, and told queer stories of their neighbors' families for the benefit of anybody who chose to listen. I knew all the gosaip by heart directly. It was just when the peach es were in bloom, too, when I went on the road, and I soou was punching open buils with my thumb-nail, and talking learnedly of Early Blush und Morris White with the rest.' Its a cu rious sight to sec that piuk flush above the early spring mud, from tine end of the stale to the other, and to think that the crop is the Cui matter of life and death to the people. The peaches had come and gone, though, when uue day, about a month before Thanksgiving, an old fellow came on board ith his family, who hud a pass for two down to St. Gcooge's. saw at a glance he was one of my us ual deadhead squad. A thiu, wiry old man, white-headed, but as active as a boy of sixteen, and with the true Del awurean kuack of finding friends aud showing himself friendly. He was a reporter oil some Philadelphia penny paper, aud had his ttote-book out ev ery mttiuto, pumping rue aboyt the Wilmington whipping post, Sluau s fish-breeding experiment, aud the cun dition of tl:e freed negroes. "Makes items, makes items," said he. "Pushes the paper woudcriullv into local circulation." it FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ofall kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, ' LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, ..".SPRING BEDS, " ,V I- ' MATRES8ES, LOOKING GLASS ! ' ES, Ac, Ac, Ac. 4 In ENPLES VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tl ' " D. S. KNOX. A CO. WANTED Men and Women seek litu a uood n&viniv hnuinAiui to sell our II lustrated. historical. biKcraphltal, rell' 4 iiotiH and Ai.ri on! t nr.i ivm-ku. Send stamp lo t a particular how you rsn maeuu rn to . tl per month. E. B. IKKAi. i uo -Viib-:-, Uroadwsy, N. Y. ha all 1 1, -""iow, ived years before. "We iger aud cheerfuller then said, "and I thought, jf keeping the feasts h k '""'V10'! place would cone acK ieoie 0d feein "rhere al a than at tfcA I well ie'?Ve,lf 't.W""l1 ,,0S . . . ,rna had its Hhnre of re. joicing. Ii,,r, - . .... ... ciintiw on It a 1 hunger-bittenked S" r p oft people could not which T f'niinrl hired a house for is that one beyu family weut to hout hab- who t wait bv He hail been a d.ieror or lawyer, I forget which, in New York, ami wtfs starved out, he told me, aud so took up jourualizii g. He did uot impress me as a man of ability ; and besides, the poor old fellow was worn out. It was high time for him to lie by aud loaf with the other in the baggage-car. 'Newspaper work," ho said, "pay handsomely, compared to my owu pro fession. We get on quite comfortably on my salary ; quite comfortably." I noticed, however, that both he and his womeu folks were thinly andshab bily dressed. I did not pay much at tention to the wonivii, but there was a boy, Dan, the old mau's grandson a little chap of four that I took an odd fancy to from the first. He had a homely face, but I think on of the most honest aud loveable I ever saw Tanner that was the old roan's name told mo that he had brought his wife and daughter down to keep Thanksgiving ia this village, where salary. He There it hill. The pptv.. :M a.M. atnrt f a u-av iti it a . 1 . t.: i '"lid to run no x iioiiv evenings K. over Saturday, which i men s Sunday, as you k. v., 1 tf. be vorir ( :U.,.IU T f.ll T c fS,B it of watching with him 1W always came out on the pot tor him, his mother holdiui. lllA llllllll T IIBU.I .A .. i . 'Vie pour nine wiutiw ever jet g , child day or night, and once I ber thiuking what she would do child should die. One has those u idle faucies, you know. But D was one of those women who seem have uo life out-ide of the one or twj people they love. Well 1 Thanksgiving eve came, and Tanner was aboard going home, but I had n time to talk to hira, as the train was crowned with people who had been up in Wilmington laying iu supplies of the holidav. Even the passenger-cars were heaped with bas kets atd bundles. Tanner had lils lit tle package, too something for Dan. I saw him peeping into it with his eyes twinkling ouce or twice. I remember how pleased he was when I brought him a monster turkey for MrsTanner. rhe old lady, although she had only seen me on the train as it whisked by. had taken an anxious iuterest icasore throat I had, and sent me a bottle of myrrh tea by the old gentleman. I don't know whetheritwasbecau.se I had come from a part of thecouutry where they never keepThanksgiving.or because of the horror that followed.but I remember that afternoon as one of the brightest and cheerful lest of my life. The air was cold and crisp. There was a red mist over the hills; in the cars and stations there was nothing nut good humor aud friendly pood wishes. I dou't think much of serious things, yet it seemed to me that day the people came with one accord near er to God because of Thanksgiving. Cue old gentleman on board had the sumo ider I .uprose: for. as I sat down behind hinTnrVb . ,.llin,, I saw hi tn watching the passengers ami j houses we passed wltmrii amused smile aud, turning to his companion, hp .aid "There's something very wlioleaome in the effect of these holidays, Colonel. They awaken men to a sense of depend ence and gratitude.as a year's sermons can not do." Tlio other was so long in replying that I locked up at him. "When a mau has a home or home j ties to give thanks for, the holiday is useful, no doubt. It was so quoer and cold an answer that I felt a curiosity about the man. He went back to his newspaper (which was an English one, I noticed), alul began to talk immediately about the duties on silks and linens. I soon found that he was largely interested I in both ; had traveled over a good his hat, asked leave to ride on the en gine, in order to see the scenery. Now the rules of the road were slip shod enough, but that was n thing that I never allowed. However I had ta ken a curious interest in the man, and I liked his courteous manner so I nod ded and went before him through the batrgage car, and over the tender to see him safely acros. To my surprise, Joe Fenton, our engineer, met him as an oid acquaintance. Joe had been a llan a week, I private in his regiment during the war, They shook hands again and again, and Fenton was in such a hurry to tell that he was married and the fath er of twins, that he stammered. The Colonel laughed pleased. He was a different man from the one I had seen on the car. I waited a moment to point out Brock's model farm to him, when Joe said : "You used to come down to these parts for fishing aften, I remember, Colonel I" ' . "Yes." "Where is your good lady now, sir ; and the child? He was as peart a youngster as I ever k unwed." 'I he gentleman replied but by ges ure with his hand. What, both T" ganpe l Joe. "Both T" he Colonel did not spe:.k fir a ute, and then he said quietly : "My was with me in China. She sail- the r-h!til for hiimn in rliA I was to follow six mor.llis la sleeve, ami crying, "Jack 1 Jack 1" I saw how it was In a flah, and mo tinned Joe to' whistle warning, aiid shouted, "All aboard, gentlemen. Ten minutes latet" Though I'd have giv en the world just to wring the old man's hand. It was not a rejoicing fur us tn take part in. Though I've got no brtfpr frienls than the Colonel and his father, .Toe and I go there by invitation as often ns Tanksgiving comes round. No one ever speaks of that day, but it is nev- i er nut or remcmtirnncc. l minor is their hotiae stone beyond the bridge, Want to see Joe, eh ? He's on the en gine, sir. Passengers not allowed on the engine. St. George's! Tickets! wab,l Jt put Ol other tn a thing Pelral weut down. There ie saved." nothing; but presently he hand and eninolhed the leeve. It was just such rtmiin u-mild dr. The Co . n.i,i,i Iin.f:i oa if afraid he . .. ., i betray anv emotion, "I m on myV of my fatheA hag ,eft New E ....... P'ev. ca8ily lo8t sight cf in America." . . "That's a fac ' BttiJ Joe and then he an.l I bet tltlk engine, glad to gei,fck t() her Vo had no right to m,le with n gr;et like that; 1 i I went back on to ,e cars again, until we came to that n t liuiuile part of the world, trailed in Mima and Japan, ami, rs I guessed, success fully. He had the air of a man ac customed to command, and to a life of ease. He was a middle-aired, stnutly- built mau, with a clean shaved, power ful face, aud shrewd, pleasant eyes. I noticed through all his conversation he tried to avoid seeing the happy groups of people who were incessantly getting on or otr the train ; and mice, when a child in passing pulled at his cano, he turned his back roughly on it. Yet I had a fancy I don't know why that the people and Thanksgiving mattered more to tiim than any of us. His friend said to him presently, "You are not well, Colonel ?" 'Never was better. But the truth is, Venn, this country is all familiar to me, and anything which recalls aid limes makes me nervons aud irritable. It's a weak ness which I will outgrow probably. If you will excuse me I'll go forward." He saw mo ju.'t then, and, touching beyond Tanner's housc.ilien l itep ped back to the enirino. rimd n un easy feeling aouielnw aWmt living the man there. We had lel liiiVaud were going at full epced, whetAJoe gave a horrible oath, and at the Ajiuc moment somethig fluttered dowiAoti to the track from the bank uot twenty yards ahead. The next I saw that it was a child, that it was Dan laughing, and runuing with both hands out, to meet up. You know, sir, how long a Hi iim to like that lasts- I hud time to hear Joe's mad whistle for dou u break shrieking out through the hills. "" think it w....);u- Jel1 of a devil, aud to thauk God that Tanner was in tllO back, of thu truiu, aud could Uot see what we would have to sex. and yet it was all but a breath of tim. It was loo late. Thu engine diifiiot slacken aud the child was hurrying to ward it. Then I saw its mother above the bank, running down the fluid. She had missed Daii.uud would bo iu sight before I remember Joe's lips were white. Yet he said a cool as could be, "It would be deuth, 1 rockou ; but if a man could swing himsell dowu from the cow-catcher " I pushed forward, but the Colonel licIJ me back. "I've nothing to lose," he said, and as swift as a cat he passed round the ledge, aud threw himself headlong ou the track iu frout. I shut my eyes. The engine and the whole train thundered on, slackened at lust, aud slopped. I remember how slowly I climbed down and looked over lo a field. I did uot know what I would tread into ou ihe track or sec. The people poured nut of thu train. Iu the clay lay the Coining like one dead clear of the track, sir. He held the child alive aud unhurt, still clutched iu both huuds. He was only stunnud, and came to in a minute, aud stood up; but he did not seem to see the train, or the crowd of men about him ; nothing but the boy, over whose face he was passing hi hand. "God Almighty 1" he ciied. "It's my Dan!" Then I saw the child's mother down ou the ground with both arms about her husband's knees, and poor old Tanner, pale as a ghost, pulling at bis The Amazons. According to a very ancient tradi tion, the Amcziii8 were a nation of women, who suffered no men to re main among them, but marched to battle under the command of their queen, and formed for a long time a formidable state. They hclu occasion al intercourse with the men .of the neighhorif g states. If boys were born to them, they either sent them to llu-ir fin hers, or killed them.' But they brought up the girls for war, and burned oh" their right breasts, that they might not he prevented from bending thu bow. From ibis custom they received the name Amazon, that is. "breastlcss." Such is the ordinary talc; the origin of which is perhaps to be accounted for by supposing that vague reports, exaggerated and poet ically embellished, had reached the Greeks of the peculiar way : in which the women of var.nus Cuucnsian (lis tricts lived, performing military du ties which elswhere devolved ou hus bands, and also of the numerous ex amples of female heroism which trav elers inform 113, still distinguish the wn men of that region. In later limes, however, the word Amazon Inn been supposed to have some connection with the Cirnsian word "Maza," sipnifV ing the mmm, ns if the myth of the Amazon hud taken Its origin in the irsliip of the niaon, which prevailed on le border of Ana. I ho nations of Anwzons have been nicmioned by the aneleatsX First, the Asiatic Amu- r 1 . 1 .1 1 I I zons, tfom vii'xjn tnt tuners unincnen off. These dveV on the shores uf the Black Sen, aimaming the mountains Rates of Advertising. One Sriunre(I Inch,) one Insertion. ...l F9 One Square " one month 3 OneS(iiare " three months... fl f)0 OncSijiiare " oue year..-.-. 10 (0 Two NfiiRrps, one year l- 00 Quarter Col. . " ..:MM 0 Ilnlf " " M no One " " lOO 00 Business Cards, not exceeding one inch In length, $10 per year. 1 . t. Legal notices at ostiiblislied rate. '. These rates are low, and no deviation e-III be mi.'lo, or discrimination among patrons. The rnles olli rotl ae such, n will make it to the advnntagenf mmnlol business In the limits 'd the circulation of tlie loipcr to advertise- libenillv. Cot-ldn't Understand it. The Hartford C'ournnt says: During the Grand Duke Alexis' walks through the Bridgeport cnrtndgo fuetnry the other day, ho pointed to several work ingtnen and inquired of Governor. lew ell, "Are these men what yu call the common people?" The Governor re plied that they were a fab specimen of the wort' ing classes in this country. "But du you mean to say that these get into nfllciul position?" further asked the imperial scion, "Perhaps not any of these men," rejoined Governor Jew ell ; "but men of their clai-sdo; they are educated men, mnst of them that is they can all probably read and write, and most of them take and read the newspapers." "Do you know of any enses where such men have actual ly been elected tn i.flice?" again que ried the curious Alexis. "O, certain ly," the Governor said ; "I myself, worked in the shop as u tanner till I was twenty years of age;" anil the an nouncement seemed to puzzle the Duke a good deal. Here was the Governor of a State, as well dressed and as well appearing as himself, who had actually worked in a shop, and this man was welcoming him in behalf of a hundred thousand voters ; it was mure of an enigma than he had ciphered on pre viously ; but as be. goes through the country he will ascertain, upon inqj'ir i ig, that very many of the public meu here have come direct frojn the work shop. In Mai-sachusclti, where be ia now visiting, Governor Clufliu was a shoemaker, Senator Wilson w3 a cob bler also, and Geu. Banks was a ma chinist. The bridge now in process of ercc tiou acmes the 'Mississippi, at St. Louis, is one of the wonders of the age. It is to a be tubular, cast steel, arch' bridge, suppoit d by the abutmen s und two piers; the latter are 515 feet apart, and -197 each from its nearest ahlttmeit, mkhjr .. "- --.-. 500 feet each. Its greatest span is the . ...i l'.:l.. I. ...... I.fiifi.o same as tlvit 01 me ivuiiciinuifc f -r t ..F f l.n It lime in over the J-.eca, an mm . - - Holland. Telford's suspension bri.lge ar ms the Menar Slruil has a span of "70feet. The Victoiiu tunuiar mm briire ofMnntre-il exceeds this great-' ly in length, being 0,HO U t m.i but it rests upon twenty four pieM, and its spans are ma nly nly li ct' The suspension bridge at Niagara paus 8'1 feet, and is 245 feet above the wa- Ybe Earn river bridge win sp n feel, at a Ugfct midway ot 100 of the Caucasia especially in tl nniirbbnl'llolKt oi tin uititlcm ireDisonn on the river Terinni.,n,iiwTevm .lb.'jU.CW ... 1..... . . .! ...... . let. fliev ure sain f ne un.c- . . ,...uri in , .. .. a.:. ...j ... !.... A woman wn. insx i.e. .n......- O led tne wii".- mm - -- , , . ... ,,a k..:u a n,. T-'iilii'sn. Connee. and the late war, nana..""" - -...- ... ... r - - .. m . mrtJ wu had Inst his wit by a other cm "" 'lcen, - ,....,,. decree 01 tno v-uu.v. vfdnwgnve him was: "The Lerd part ed me and my husband, but your own devilish actions purled you ami your' .ic., und if you want another you must Ito to tbo .fevil for oue, for I wou ( have you. "I weeded my friends," said an ec centric old mau. "by hanging a leco of stair-carpet nut of my1 first-floor window, witSta constable announce ment uftixed. It had tho desired ef fect. I snuu saw who were my frieuds. It was like linn- a gun at a pidgemi house. They forsook the buildiug at the first report." A venerable deacon evidently ab sorbed iu the political campaign, se lected Ihe eightoetith chapter of Luke for rtuding at family prayers, and in nocently reud it : Two men went up into the temple to pray ; tho one being u Pharisee and tho other u liepubli call. Two young ladies and an IrUhmau wen- conversing ou uge, whou olio of them put thu home question.: "Which one of us do v "i think is tho elder. Mr. 11 ?" "Sure," replied the gallant Ilebcr nian, "you both look younger hau the other." A Persian philosopher being usked by what method he had ucijuired so much knowledge, replied, "by Uot be ing prevented by shame from asking questions respecting things of which 1 was iguoiuut." New York claims him now the 113 years old man who voted for all ( the 1'resideuts, saws wood, und all ihut. Son;; of the fiwn C-iU uio early, mother 01.1. or, according to others, Aniiane, was killed by Hercules, as the ninth of the labors imposed on him by Eurystheo consisted iu taking from her the shoul der belt bestowed on her by Mars. On one of tlip expeditions. - -'azns ch.uo .. Auteil, in tho tilneof Theseus. They uUo ...u.ched under the command nf their queen, Peiithesilea, to nssitt Priam anttiust the Greeks. They even appear upui the scene in tho time ul Alexander the Great .when their queen, Thulestris, paid him a visit, iu order to become a mother by the conquer or of Asia. Second, the Scythian Amazons, who, in after t'nies married among the neiglib. ring Scythians, and withdrew. further inio Sanmina. Third. tho African Amazons, who, under the command uf their queen, Myrina.sub- duel the Gorgon und Atlantes, march ed through Egypt and Arabia, and founded their capital nn the Luke Tritou;s, but were then annihilated by Hercules. Eighteen copies of the first editnn of the Bible ever printed are still in exis tence. They were primed iu Metz be tween the year 1440 ami 144'. Mr. James Lenox, of New York, owns one of the copies, having purchased it al a cost of three thousand two hundred dollars. . The long street-costumes are made fashionable by those who hnve largo shaped feet and ugly ankles. A wo niHii with a pretty foot thinks it really wicked a well a extravagant to drag a haudsnmeslik dress over dusty streets and muddy crossings. And she is right A Woman right woman said in lecture, that the only decent thinir about A I nn was a rib aud tlut weut to wake sounding li tter.