Allegheny Valley RaU Road. SEWUNETortUFFALo TIT ROUGH THE Oil. REGIONS. OX AND after Monday Nor. 20, Trains will runa follow (Altoona Time): SOUTH. r.r Bxpwwt leave Oil City (it 2 M p m tTTHVt M Pi,t!,l""vh 8 Ml pro Night Exprewa I,oves oil City fl 30 p in iVi V r",,,"rKh 8 40 a m Mail Train Inrn Oil city 9 43am Arrive nt Pittlhnrch fl 00 p in enanfro Aooom. leave. Oil City 400 p. in. And arrives at Kittannlng 9 10 p. m. JfORTH. iHy Express iavea Pittsburgh at 7 50 a m Arrrivesnt Oil Oifrat 2 30pm Night Express Leaves Pittsburgh 8 '.0 pin Arrives at OL City 5 4ft am Mull Train leave Pittsburgh 11 SO a m Arrives at Oil Citv 7 25pm Venango Ace. lonve Kittsntiltig 7 05 a m and arrives at Oil city 12 20 p m Silver Palace Sleeping Cora on night Fxpresa Trains, tatwrcii Pitt.bnich and Titusvillo. Through Conches on linv Ex p" Trains between Pittsburgh and Uos Xo r J- J- LAWRENCE. T.M.KTNO. GenT.Supt. Ass t, Supt. JONES HOUSE, CLARION, PENN'A. s. a JONES Proprietor. Agents Wanted O A r V I"", for tho Land nfOMUKtU MYSTERYl" The grandest and most popular m w book cut. Hundreds m tuptrb ilhistiiituiis, ateel, etc. No other book like it none Welling half so last. Agents tell 60 toli.oof it and Prof. Stowe's Self-Interpreting Hi blo. Extra large Inducements ottered, end for orculars to Worthiugtod, Dustin A Co.. Hartford, Conn. 4S-lt OCTOKEK, 1SGO. J.& P. "COATS' BEST SIX-COPD Is now me O 1ST Ti IT Thread put up for tho American marker Which m six -cord in all numbers, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclusive. For Hand nnri Machine. kCTQCrTAPM HhiU Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewei Utt stood the test of seven years before the public ; unit no prepare at Ion for tne hair has yet Ixca ilia fovercd that will prod uee the same Iteneficlal ictult. It is an entirely ww ncientijic discotntry combin ing man v of themost powerful ami restorative, agent in th VeXST ABLEKIftQDOM. ltretot -eo CREY HAIR TO ITS ORICINAL YOUTH FUL COLCR. It vittke the ncaln tehitc ami clean; e.nrru dandruff and humor, and fulling: out of thu Iinlr: and will make U, yraw yx;4 bald heudu. ejrecpt. in vera wjed iiemoiiM, a it ftirnlthe the nut rit ire prinriilc vu which the hair in noarlxheU and miporlel. 11 mal.c the lutir uioimt. toft, and flonn;. and in viinttrjMited an a ilAtll It li EH MSG. It i the !ion;et fircjiurution ever offered tit tho public, ; one bottle will ac rouiplixh timre ami lit loiioer titan three bttlle of any outer prcMirutioi,: It ft recommended ami fined by tJie First 5l-lical Authority. Tiic tt'onttcrnl refwll printnced by our Sicilian Hair lienewerhave induced manii la manufacture lreifiratioiin for the Hair, under I'arioin intuitu; and. in order to the tratle and tlte public to purchase their eoutitoutnln. they have reorteil to faltehood, by elaimUi'i they were former part .uern, or had Home connection with, our Mr. Hall, anil their prepara tion umit ni in it a r to otirn. Do not be (leceiretl by them. 1'urchane the oriijinul: it, lia neuer yet been equalled. Our Treatine on the Hair, with ccrtljictUen, neat free by mail. See that each bottle htm our private Jlerenue Stamp over the top of the botilc. Ml others are iiiutatiana. R. P. Hall Si Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. S'J'I I" till ) 11771. mid Dfiltn in Mtdicim. J. C. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIDIOUTB DP.A. First Door altove Exchange Hotel. "WALLLIS a I M IP K O V E D M A G p p. V E V M X G I C JIMFROVED MAGIC T3 A. Ti ! W. II. PERKING A CO., Sole Propd cfors, franklin. Pa. 44 4; i:rs waxtkd "NDR "Convent Life Un vailed, " by 'llth O'Uorinan, Exoaped Nun, win se Ten aro thrilling and atartlini;, "uhv Co. 711' Cbofctuut phila A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAXJLEB'ft CJ. L1TOK.NTA VINEGAR BITTERS i 4 Enndrcda of Thotitan&i 6 o fill I. ar.Lve LaU-cU. - tr lyliMfkbvc fcalt-CU.- S3 j WHAT ARE THEY? b; a S w - 5 TDET Alt KOT A TUB FANCY DRINK. HKtof Tor Rani, Wlittker, Praur .trlt cud l!rfun I.lnrs doetotvd. p)ct4 aad.vccv cacd 13 pttMciko Uctt, Tai.,'w Appctl. ere," " l.mofxrt," .., tlt 'rail 11m t ptHr en to IrciiLTnr."u ai.4 ria, feiA n tn afjtetM, siada f.caiti .!.'.? V9tma4 Ummt Clirak free frm uli Alr4i.Hii ailwratiiata. tlis U.iX AT t I.OOO ri.'KiriiTks mj.4 A LIFE C1V1N4J I IMNi'lfl.V.pK. M IWtilir li.vicjrsu if u. Cki, Mrii4 cl ill cokonosa I.oajrcua taiiwa tbuM fililMa t!o:i and rotuoa loi anvtU. a-wrut, tooc l lt Vutl i(iu larwabl cue, provldrd rhe bent, on uit mnyc4 k aUaral pouwa or other Bcaus, aa tlio TtUi orgtat viMcd k.yosd Uw foxt cl rcpclr. Far Inflnati::iierr aa4 Cliraale Rkeama llrci and (;, UiiF.ia.Ui, .r Udirlla, UtlioUB, ltriUicu mid lutrnMic.t Fevara LM.cosiwl the Illv.d, LJvrr, Uldm. sad bladder, Uhm lllucia It kca aot taeeua. fc. back Clwiutt ire caaKd It Vlllatcd Bload. iixlilccaarllr rradaccd tj deraaccaiia of tuo Diaraalva Omaa. VH"I.PtlA OH 1KDICE6TI0K, Bead actio, Pala la k 6Mallra, CoaKU.TIclKsw of Uia Ciic", Uutuwat, eoar Crualattaoa of Ik Itoasack, Uad tut U Uw HnaUi, BJtoos AUaeka, rilpltatlca of Uic Heart. Ii J.ain ailna of Ui Larfi, rata la Ilia rccoiia ef lk Cldae', aad a Imndrcd ollKr palaiol ympsoaia, arc U vHiraof pytpcpaia. la rlntorinj tHe Blomach aad .Umalata tha tcr plUliTcrand bovula, a-ulch reoderUiamofaDagaalkd .Clcscy la cleaaalae Uic blood of all impuiUca, aad unparunr new III. ar.i Tlfor to Uie irtwl. tjtttm. l'OM HU.lti llBEASC8.EniFtloaa,Ttcr.Ba)l ritcm, Btotckaa, Epou. 1 la iilta. 1 lutulc, Bolli. rut ttoacle., IUnf -Worn,, Sera r-ea. Irrtip. clai. Itch, Searn, Dlacoloratlona of Ika BUa, Iluniora and DUiaKa of Uia bkla, of akaloTa. aaaio or aature. are Utt rallr do( op aad carried oat of the .raWm la a hon tiso If the nae of tbeao Bitter. Oaa bottle ta uch cue. will conTlnca the moat lnercdoloai of licir caratlra effect. Ocanae tho Vitiated Elood a-boacrer roa ftod 11 ta paritlet barsUng Uiroacb the akin la Pimple., Erup tion, or Sore. 1 clcaaeo It a he a joa lad it obatruetcd and alacirUh la the Telne 1 eioaaae It vbea II la fooi, and jonr fauliac will tall job when. Keep the blov. pare aad the health of the tretcni will follow. I'lX, TA I'E and otocr WOK Sin, larkiagtatha .ritcm ct ao manjr Uioaaanda, are effoetoall dcatrof ed and rmoTod. Tar fall dlrecUoaa, raad eanlullf the elrealor anraod each bottle, printed fu fear la raaarw-Xgliih.German, Freach aad Bpanlafe, J. TALKER, rroprletor. B. 3. MoDOS UO A C0 Drofu aad Gen. Agent., Eaa TrandMO, CaL, aad B and U Commerce Street, Sew York. (AT COLD Br ALL DRUGQIST8 ASD DEA1XCA, A GENTS WAXTEX f225 a month n by theAMERic'N KMrrtso Macuink Co., Hoalon, Mass., or St. Louia, Mo. 46-4 THE NOVELTY CLOTHES WRIKGER Nothing; except the Sewing Machine haa ever been invented which ao much re lieves the labor of the household aa the Wringer. Hut its usefulness doea not end here. Tho saving of clothing is of much preater importance. It is orten remarked that articles of tine texture last twice as long when wrung in a wringer aa when wrung by hand. The Novelty haa cog wheels on both ends. The rolls aje allow ed to depurate freely at either end. These, besides other advantages which it contains seem to be indispensable to a practical wringer. Xew York Jmtependrnl. Thk Xuvklty Wiiixgkh Has become an indispensable institution in thousands of families. And we believe its great and increasing popularity is fully merited for the Novelty evidently poese all the re quisites of a tirst eJuss. practical machine. Indeed, alter using one for many months in our own family, we are prepared to en dorse the Novelty ai unsurpassed (the laundress saya unrquuled) bv anv of tlio several wrinperspieviouslv tried.-.Voorc'a Jiurul Sew Yorker. AGENTS V.attl tot Twelrs Tears "zs Wild Indians riaim The remarkable adventures or tho la in us Whi e Chief and Kig Warrior among tho Ryl tikins. Thrilling aecounta or Jreat Html, Hairbreadth Escapes and 'lerrible Contests with t. e big game and hostle tribes. Spirited deeriHiins W the habita and superstitions of Uiat atrange people. The-ir Npoita, liOgcnda, Tra-li-tiiuis. How they Wm ami Wed, ricalp, KrH-tor, WortOiiu, Ac- New, Fresh and I'opuliir. Price Low It is selling by the Ihuuaanda with onks-ful rapidity. S-iiil at once lor sample chapters, illustrations and sjiecia' terms, to ilul.barrl Bros., I'ub liniicis, 7U3 Sausom fctrcet, Pbiladel)hia. 2-J-4t AGENTS WANTED FOR ROMANISM AS IT IS. '1 his Book, an elegant Octavo Volumo eontaininu 750 pages, and 105 hrst-cluss en gravings, is an exhaustive and Standard work, eminently adapted Ui iu origin to tho present lime, exposea its baseless pre. tonics, its frauds, its persecutions, its gross immoralities, iis opposition to our public schools, and civil sod religioua lib erty, it shows its insidious workings which strongly tend to bring this country under lull RomiKli control. Prospectus, and books reudy on application. Conn. Pub lishing Co., Hartford Conu. 22-4t 2iMoo run.i:its. TH E HELPEK shows you how to save and how to mirki money on the farm Whcro to look tor lheirorits, and to obtain tbciii. How to clear wo.oo from iviolr to May. A copy free toerv farmer send ing mime ami P. o. Address to Z.iesrler A MaOnrdy, PiuladeJphia, Pa. lU-dt 1 &V III "S X.4J jtJil&:-r if? X4iSw is? it ka I ha aUata aad , . CO r Trawraaec mt weaalaa Warlaa mMVH0PmtWmtmftmVfmjm r, . "'rtnl "4 7r7? ' W awe, aad la FA J-Vafrtl J L A I Ir 1 VET F? VI -l'S Z--l-rmm-mml. I. fV? Jr WMfi 1 M VU f ff4 mr.rj Lad, "-4 la- Said hr lrarl.U aad lalra la PEIlFmEaiV-. ! r --",l,,ai.aMwj Zf . s: 167 Water Street, i a-'m aL J m 11 "aMtawiaiaaair ALSO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, TA. In Store with STAPLES C SIB LEV, Opposite rout Office. THE LARGEST DEALER IN In thin eetion, including the following cvlohrateil makes: fhiAarinn 9. , Sons, Steinway & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurlrman. and other. WHITXEY & SLAYTCIX'X nnr.A'. Ivn UL-rm iiviw ti.... -. - ' JlJJ,Tj0, lllt'SC Urpans nnd Melodeons arc acknowledged by all good judges to be the best and finei-t finished Reed Instruments made. This being the Oldest and Lnr;est House in this section, superior induce ments can a 11 J will be odcred to purchasers. Stools and Spreadsheet Music Hooks, and a largo stock of everything iu the Music line, can bo found at mv store. J. O. HULL. 500 VOLl'IIFJi Hi OXK. AGENTS WANTED FOR Tho Library of Poetry and Song, Rolntr Choice SelccMona from the Rest Poets, Kimliah. Scotch, Irish and Ameri can. With an Introduction by WILLIAM CULLEN RRYANT. Under whose critical supervision the vol tune va compiled. The huidoni)'t and ehrapoat subscrip tion book extant, over WO pavjea, beauti fully printed, choicelv Illustrated, liattd. Konicly bound. A Library of over 5(10 volumes in one book, whose contents, of 110 ephemeral nature or Intercut, will never Itrow old rr stale. It can lie, ami will be' rend nnd re-read with pleasure by old and A perfect surprise. Hcarcelv anything all all a favorite, or at all woi thy of place here, Is neglected. It is a book for every iioiiseuoiti. . 1. Man. "we know of no aiuiilar collection in the Knglish lanuaito which, in copious teas and felicity of selection and arrange ment, can at all compare with it." A. 1'. Time. Terms liberal. Selling very rapidly. Send for Circular and Terms to J. R. FORD CO., 27 Park Place, N. Y. June 6, 1871. EVANS' GIFT BOOK INTERPRISE We continue to send a valuable alft with every book bonghtof us. Thousands will testily to our promptness nnd fairness. Hive us a trial. Write tor a catalogue. Sent free. Address, D. M. Evans A Co., 7J1 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. 404 1 AGENTS Waxtko 22S per month by the American Knitting Machine Co'., Ronton, Mass., or St. Ixiuis, Mo. 20.3m conn For 1st class Pianos Bent, on 4 w O J trial no agents. Adresss U. S, Piano Co. 64j Broadwav, N. Y 22-4t SCHOOL TACItt:RS Wanting employment, at from $50 to ?I00 per month, should address ZF.iULKR A McCURDY, Phila Pa 7-4t Sfin AGENTS WANTED I Just out: the latest host and cheapest Map of "Pennsylvania." Agents make money on our Mapa, I'liarta, Stationery packages, etc. prolita ! 1 HAAMM A LU RRECIIT. Empire Map and Chart Estab lishment, 10; Liberty Mrcea, Ji, Y. 2)-4t PI Til OLE VALLEY R'Y. ON AND AFTER Monday, June 5, IS71, Trains will run as follows : TRAINS NORTHWARD. STATIONS. Oleopolis, Hennett, Woods Prathers Mill Pilhole Citv No. 2. 10. 4 a m 10..W " 10.: ' 10 21 " 10.10 No. 4. 40 p in a.28 " 8.18 " 3.10 " 2.&5 " TRAINS SOUTHWARD. STATIONS, Pitholo City, Prathors till Wootla Hennett No. I. 8.40 a m 8.4S " K.flfl " O.Oi " 0.10 H No. 3. 1.40 p m l.4 l.M " 2.0J " Oleopelis 2.1S nn r.xira i rain leaves I'linoio City on M( in day sat fl. 10 p. in. making close'con nection at i deopolia with Trains on the Oil Creek . AlliNrhmy Hiver Railway forflor ry and intermediate points. Return Tiain rcaw. tUmpoli at 7.15 p. m., arrivim.' at P.tln,u jiy at 7.51. All otbif Traina make clone tHiunectiona at Olcouolia with trains mi lhoil Crtek A . Alleghany stiver Railway, North aad I PMIIIIU. Two Lines of Stages run daily between Pithole City, Miller rami and ITeaiant ville, makiiigcoimection with arriving and dejiai ting Trains. J, T. U LA I it, FID. RlSlftlP, Sup t. Ticket Agent, Pithole City, Pa. A 'I ..i i,.i., a.ouiu ..i i. .a, ,... ,,i all its phases, written by a CoHvn. endorsed by lb" present (iovernor of tts State, tlio artlen and Chaplin of the Prison. It ! nils tne van anil reveals the horrors of that Hie under the old system of brutal treat ment, atarvings. whippings, shamefaced criminalities with female mi-i.-t. nies, murders, Ac, also the advautiur-'S of the new kvstem of kind ir,,ui...a,,i i. ...i., i inaiiguraid. ' A liook that ia wanted everywhere. We It is full of stirring iucieenta, and vivid w"nt introduce it in every coun- pen pictures, facts as exciting as fiction. I Lv and will ray them liWallv. It is profusely illustrated, ia creating a I v"n" frcirtular. Addn-rn Ziegler it Me profound aensation and is sure to prove i c'urJyi 1" Sixth St., Phila., Pa. l!-4t the great popular fast-selling borifc -' the aeason. Price low. For illustrated cir.-n-1 lar and extra terms, address llnlU H iiroa., rublisuera, 723 Sausom St., PhU,., Whitnry'i Pirati Foot Hnriim Soap. r nir.AM u r. r 1 . r. I . IT Oils, lilacks, Polishes and Soana at the same Ins.. I'ot 'up in large and small sir.n ln VaAat also 3 lb. bam. II a heeL m use for years and gives perfect satisfaction, Sand stamp for nnrWAVKRI -j. Aoaress . O. r . W liltoev A Ho., ntfMilk St. Boston., i I Aaa ' aa K.'a9 a. 5 mm. - . iLi 1 1' r 1 1 aa. Meadville, Pa. READ! READ T Tlie aubseribera having re-rented the I II VIM C.IIIKT J1II,I,S. Would way to their old customers, and tho communitv Bcnerallv, that they keep constantly on hand a larue stock of FAMILY TLOUR of all pradca. Chop Feed, Shorts, Rran, Oats and Ou n. With our facilities for do in; business, we purpose not to bounder sold by any establishment in this aection oi the country, and would saw to tho lum bermen and dealers of Forest count v. that they cuu be SUPPLIED CHEAPER I m7' l,ro,"P"y nnn from anv other P"'11'- Immedmto attention given to all orders from a distance, E. .TON KS t CO. CBARLBi A. DANA. Editor. ' A Smanatraf tWs . 1 Ttaaaa, iMaaded lar rs4a Kaw a Kawtk. laatad Ft a. :wha ikw. MarrAaaa., Pro taaawaii aiaa, Wueaara, ThMaara, aad a I ft'aa--aw m Mom-1 rolka. aid tha Wira, aaa. aad aksauaj w- ml aH aao. Mir 0XB BOLLAS A TKA R kc ncNoato co pi cm ru. m, I ,!" Owe Cat a Coir. Let tkef ke a ti Ciab at orr Poet Oslee. CI.WECKa.V H7JS, f 9 A TA, of ki a. me .hie ail reneral eliaraaiar a. Tfi Wkril.r. bit with a main ertr .f aaral raraaiMa iha a-. pmiirnai,ini aie.tar ttmumm. haa a easM two a weak laaiai nn ..i. THE DAILY SI X. M A TCiaa. a ,iwwn r l nw arwinayar. win t-a ft.'- li """ a i ii.; new. e. . I w . MBia , , . b, ..... aeuta a . cfltfj a rear. TEUX3 TO CLUBS. Tn. IIOI.LAK Tlt.LT ettSt. ; aoeawa, aa fsar, Mia.n.r Sre,-. Kit oaiiara. a-i aarau aaa mm. a. -laoi Ul ItaWaaa. (a a aa auieiH fc a nmtl'r nt, mf ... riAoaa Dwli.a "?T 'a e a id w M aa.aaf M-i ,m,m .ia.l 4iw..k M.iiaaa. lue kaaaia.aMirwuan. , IW - . '- !-. l' , j1: "" tiy Dalaaaa. rirc row, a. a ymm, , aMatrfr mA, , lit ml a a tiara. Ataaeaa aVaMaira. arrar ToaCat MOXCT la ?t oatr Verk. a.--. lIZr"'.."r ',.wm ta. lever etiiaai i HSkMrr " -mw. a lara. I 8".ava v.a car. Q O "7" ? A '""nth Eaiieiises pi,l VJ I tJ or. Female Avnta Imrs Male ir.M mill otitlit luriiiahmi. -Addre-w, iSa..-o Novelty, .u., dairo, aie. 13-41 A (iFNTS LOOK! 3, to 20 per '-"Z' "CR,I ami profitable biisiuVwa. A litlk. Xovalty wliwh avervb 'wauta. ..i.i.a rur. IteHrl lor I -..i.ill . a ... ....... mil at no melt n. man I'l.ll lliell II Mun 015 Ui-oadway, K. V. U-4t POPERY. THE FOE OF THE CHURCH AWD IlEPUBLIC. W liart R ha done. What R ia doina and what rt means to i'o. Its pna cr. a des potism. Its snialrhiUt-. Ita fiu relicts. Ita miracles. Its idolatry. It per secution. It, hatred of oair public and if civil and religious liun. 8 ' , m crimes. Its horrid and its Near York Kitits. ricksiJnHHs, K H RF AKNtSS. aetita anq oust S KEI.EY'S 11 A KUKUHKKH T KUSSand SUPPORTER. Cool, comfortable, light, cleanly and durable. Never rust, break nor soil (steel ousted). Used in bathing. Sliaped to form. Host known. Send SUmp for pamphlet, to J. K. Seelcy's Truss A Rundage F.stablishinent, 1317 Chestnut St., Phila,, Pa., and No. 3 Ann St.. N. V. lSMt iaq,) - . MONTH Horse and car- r ageliirnishHd aamploa tVea,' i.aid: Ik illAW, Alfred. Me. f4d OilCrcek& AllfRheny River Ry ON AND AFTER Monday Juno 6, 1871. Traina w ill run aa follows i Not'TH WAHD TnAIHS. STATIONS: 1st Cloaa. ad Claia 2 fl 10 U a. m. a. m. p. m. a. in, a. m. Corry 0 15 II (KI fi fit) H no SiiarUinsburg 0 '2 1 1 Rf, a 24 ti o iJlynden n M 11 47 A !(7 II no 7 Oi 11 f.3 6 40 II M 7 1.1 12 0:t 0 no . 10 20 7 2.I 12 IS 7 10 H (HI 7 8 12 2.-. 7 25 Jl 20 Ccntrevllle Trvonvlllo Hydetowu AH Tltusvlllo IR Miller Farm Shatler Pioneer Alt Pet Centre K Columbia Tarr Farm Ryntl Farm Rousevilhi McClintoek AR Oil City OR Oloopolis Eagle Rock President Tlonesta Hickory 7 42 12 45 1 (: I (18 1 18 1 25 7 40 7 5!l 8 01 8 10 8 2.1 8 30 8 !W B M 11 X, 0 55 12 15 7 20 12 20 7 40 12 41 7 55 1 05 8 02 8 07 8 17 8 25 8 2S 8 85 8 40 1 28 1 35 8 10 8 20 8 80 8 40 I) (HI It 05 0 20 1 55 2 10 2 25 2 40 2 55 3 00 I its 8 42 r 40 ! 44 k8 50 K 1 40 8 50 0 00 9 15 h no a 10 0 15 11 45 n 5ti 0 50 10 2.1 1 M i 05 2 10 2 30 2 40 2 50 3 12 82 3 41 3 58 4 40 3 20 10 15 11 10 3 40 4 25 II 32 11 :w 4 50 4 fxl 12 30 5 37 10 44 1 20 '(1 15 1 45 0 43 2 24 7 10 4 05 8 40 Trunkcvvillo 10 54 Titlioute 11 11 Irvineton 12 01 A nll rlON AL S'TOND-CfjASS Tit AtNS-NOVTIt, No. 10 Titnsvillc2.l0p. m.i Miller 2.50 Pioneer 3.20; Pet Centre 3.33; Columbia 4.15; Tarr l"jj.m 4.23; Rynd Farm 4.37; Rouseville 4 ; Oil City 6.20. No. 8 -Corry 0.15 a. in.; Tllusville 8..'I5; Miller Farm 0.25; Pet Centre 0.48; Colum bia 10.13; Tarr Farm 10.1S; ltvnd Farm 10.2;; Rouseville 10.35; No. IH IVt Centre 1.28 p. m.; ColumMa 1.50; Tarr Farm 2.05; Kvnd Farm 2.10; Rouseville 2.30; (il City 8.tHI. No. 22 Oil city 0.3O a. m.; Oloopolis i.2fl; Tioncstit 8.5i; Trunkcvvillo 10.15; TUliouto 11.11. NOlirilWARD TRAtNS. STATIONS: 1st Class. 2d Class 6 1 13 II in. p. m p. m. a. m. a. m. J2 45 5 (i." 0 on 7 45 1 28 5 47 7 20 0 05 Irvineton Titlioute Trunkcvvillo Hickory Tionesttt President Eagle Rock Oleo polis AR Oil City nK McClintoek Rouseville Rynd Farm Tarr Farm Columbia Alt Pet Centre ok Pioneer Shatter Miller Farm AR Titusvillo 1K Itydetown Tryonvlllo Centrevillo Ulviideii Spartausburg Corry 1 4j 0 05 8 05 10 15 1 51 II 15 H 20 10 44 14 0 34 8 45 11 40 '-' S. j'H 65 j, 30 12 21 2 38 fi 50 It 3.5 12 32 2 47 7 08 10 (15 1 03 lJ 7 35 10 55 1 50 8 00 n 13 H Hi I ll 20 (1 25 ft! 20 tf 31 rt 36 0 42 0 52 0 50 7 15 7 35 7 44 7 57 8 05 8 14 8 24 8 55 3 20 7 40 1 1 30 0 32 17 55 1 1 60 35 7 50 12 IK) i 10 ;;8 04 12 25 3 45 8 10 12 38 3 40 8 14 12 48 10 2 30 2 40 2 55 3 10 3 20 3 33 3 45 4 15 4 40 5 20 3 55 8 21 1 05 3 50 4 Od 8 23 8 30 1 25 1 45 2 (10 2 15 2 45 3 05 3 20 3 .50 4 10 4 30 4 50 5 50 4 15 8 40 4 20 4 40 8 44 0 05 0 10 11 21 rtt 34 ! 43 It AO 4 45 4 55 5 OS 5 17 i Ji 5 38 it) 02 0 10 10 32 ADDITIONAL SKCOMIi-t-LAKSTnAIXM-KORTH No. 15 Oil City 6.55 a. in.; Rouseville 7.20; Tarr Farm 7.40; Columbia 7.5.'; Pet Centre Mil; Pioneer 8.40; Miller 0.25: Tllusville H.55. ' No. 7 Titusvillo fi.00 a. m.; Corrv 11.25. No. li Oil City 11.20 a. in.; RoiiseviUo 11.45; Rynd Farm 11.53; Tarr Farm 12.01; Columbia 12,10; Pet Centre 12.20; Miller 1.25; Titusville 2.(H); Corrv 4.42 p. m. No. 21 Tidiouto 12.45 p. m.; Trunkcv villo 1.45; Tionesta2.4J; Oleopolis4.2.j; lil Citv 5.20. () Trains do not stop, (t) Ston for meals. (;!)Stop on signal. i rains a, o, at and 22rundailv all other trains daily except Sundavs, . It. Traill No. 19 is llll llcnrea Oniii ajiubiiuu wi t orry, HILVl:lt PA LACK HLKKI'INO CAR TRAINS. No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia without change. No. I Direct to Philadelphia without charge. No. 6 Direct from Pittsburgh witl.nui chsnge. No. 0 Dlroi-t to Pittsburgh without change. C. J. HKPHl Its JXO. PITCAIRN, Superintendent. tien'l Manager. OSADALIS TilE INGRF-DIOTS THAT COVffMi: ROSADALIS are P'il4;s!d en every pitkaps, there liiretti.aoa acini p cjuralion, caiax-iieiiily rsrsKiiss rr.Esrr.iBE it 'tis a renain eure for Scrofula, -iy ilnli i a a 1 1 its f..nn., Rhounu lisiii, Mviti lmea", l.inr l.'uui iUu:t and all (Wanes of tie Uluud. a ill fm mnrafaai Can ten bottles d i4m Pyrufie of tSanupirdla. tmc ui3::is,ro physicians liivoufed r.oada)lsi'itltrpnM'lica lor (lie p ift l in o years and f.n-ly oi rVo-" ii e.a n hublu Alleralive mi A bsl 1 un.'iiT. nt. t. r. rcr,n,,.f B.itimcie. Dil.l. I ho ms, tK. a. w. i " fia ' rt ii.vviiWv Oil. J. S. 81'AMa.S, ul ikhoUsville. Iky. DA. J.L. McCARTHA, toiuajbi., DB. A. fl. KOBLKS, r.i!gecomh, N. C. a:iD A5D r.XDOHSED BY J. B. I BLWCII A IONS, nil llivcr, V. V.-'.M"T;T,J.rk..n. Mich.a A. I. ti it i.i L.aia, Ohio. B. 11 Al I., f. in, .ill,... IVt..V A I i . ,..iil(iiiillc, Va. SAil'L. ti. :t'AliLr;.N, Murlrcc. bars, lna. Otir njiare a-i'd r.rt .Hew of any v. rn.l4 ii'iii.i.e ia ii:. iii.ii ta tj(9 virluiaot l'n. Tulli lcili(al I' Hul.i : tr. t.u;ii.jv in any thry aver uxd ia Cm Ir'a .'nl of diM-.'ril Blatal; .ail la tl. dl i. tril we .ny try Uu.' .' mmi V4.U sill ba re&luroj Is kr.ah. Baa. la!ii. fi by all Frti-ijt.. prti k l-twr bottle. AUdresi rs. c-:-:i.Ta k CD. M atiM ftu luring ( hemuit INSURANCE NORTH AMERICA. CO. OF No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1 794. Charter Pei jietual MARINE, INLAND FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, 1809, f2,348.323 3!) j2O,0iHl,oii0 losses paid since its organiza tion. WM. RUHLEK, Central Agent, llarrisburg, Pu. MILES W. TATE, Agent onctta, Fijroat Oainty, Pa. ran in Ti- R D ERIE RAILWAY I AllrnotofTimoTnlip, -oplr1 Mtiv NEW nnd IMPROVED TtRAWINti ROOM arid SLEEPINO COACHES, com billing nil Modern Improvements, are run Ihrotluh on nil Trains between Itulfalo, Nlagra Falls, Suspension llrldgo, Clcvo htntl, Cincinnati and New York. WESTWARD. STATIONS. o, 1. New York L'vo P 00 a. m. Jersey City ' 0 lfi " Newark " Patterson " Turners " if) 4 Newburgh " Port.lervis Arr 11 55 " Riugliamton " 3 50 " El m Ira " 5 44 " Corning ' i) i Roehesttir " lo 27 " llullalo " 10 50 " Niagara Falls " 11 50 " Snsp. llridge " 12 (Ml m. Dunkirk ' 1 !o a. m. Jamostown L'vo II OH v, m. Corry " J2 01 A. M. .1 nlon " No. f.. 11 (Hi a. M. II 15 " 11 (5 " 12 00 M. 1 35 DIN. II 40 A. M. 3 Ri " It 17 " II 3!l " 12,28 A. M. fl 20 " 7 10 " 7 15 " 7 20 10 " 7 35 " 8 0 " II 20 " 2 :m " 7 25 " 10 15 No. 8. 7 (HI p. m, 7 20 " Meadville Cleveland " Davttin Ciiicinpatl " STATIONS. New Yo. k L'vo Jersey City ' Newark " Patcrsnn " Turners " Newburgh ' Port Jervia Arr Itinghaiiiton " Elmirii ' Corning " Riiclicster Itutliilo " Niagara Falls" Susp. llridge " 1 21 " B 50 ' 12 30 P. M. 2 45 " No. 7. 5 30 p. M. ft 45 " 5 40 ' 25 " 7 45 Sup. 0 10 Sup. 5 30 v. m. 0 02 " 10 30 p. M. 2 12 A. M. 3 13 A. M. 4 40 " 5 15 " 5 0 " ft 55 " It 55 A. M. 0 55 " 11 (I II 20 " 12 15 p. M. 1 15 " 12 25 " 12 2.1 " 12 53 " 12 53 " 11 3ll A. M. II 30 A. M. 12 .'l V. M. 12 50 I'. M. 1 15 " I 15 " 2 20 Din. 2 20 Din. 7 20 p. m. 7 20 v. M. 4 05 a. m. 4 05 u. in. 0 30 " o 80 " I'liiiKirK Jamestown L'vo ( "orry I'niiin Meadvlllo ( 'levelantl DayUm Cincinnati Additional Local Trains Westward. (1:30 A. M., except Sundavs from Sala manca. Stopping at Red' llonso 7:15, Stenmlnirg 7:50, Randolph 8:25, Kennedy 0:35, Jamestown ll:ii(i, Ashvllle 11:81, Panama 12:25 p. m., Oriuit 12:4 I, Freehold 1:0s, Columhus 1:12, Corrv 2.17. Concord 2.43, Union 3.12. Mi.l Viilngc i.12. Millers 4.55, Cambridge 5.24, Vennnuo5. o, Sacger town 0.0!, and arriving ut Meadville ut 0.30 . m. 12.:.0 P. M., daily, from Salamanca. Stopping at R"d House 1.07, Sleaiuburg 113, Randolph 2.10, Kcniiedv 2.4s, .lames town 3.83, Ashvillo 4.13. 'r.inama 4.:i (irant 4.50, Freehold 5.11, Colunilnis ft.tft. Corrv (1.05, Concord 0.32, Union 7.15, and arriving ut Meadville at 10.20 p. in. 4.00 P. M., daily, from Salamanca. Slopping at Red House 4:23, Sie nnlinrg 4:10, liaiHlnlph 4:57, Kennedy 5:22, .laines tmfn 5:50, Ashvillo (1:15, 'Panama tl: Ml. (irant 0:37, Freehold ii:;,o, Columhus 7: lo, Corry 7:22, Union K-.iK), and arriving at Meadville at !:50 p. in. EASTWARD. STATIONS. No. 12. No. 4, Cincinnati L'vo ! 45 p. m. ....... ... nvi'Ml 12 IM a. m. Cleveland " Meadville " Union Corry " Jamestown " Dunkirk " Snsp. Hrldgo " Niagara Falls " Rullalo It.M'hester " Horncllsvillo " Corning ' Elmira " 7 25 " 1 1 32 Din. 12 27 p. m. 12 50 " I 40 1 25 ' 1 40 1 4S 2 40 " 4 00 " fl 03 Sup. 7 S3 p. m 8 10 " 1(1 0M " 2 53 a. in. ft 31 p. m. n vi " fi 25 " ft 40 " 10 20 11 48 " 12 20 a. m. 2 2tl " 7 0i " II 40 n. m. 0 05 lilt. 10 15 o. in. 2 05 p. in. 10 51 a. ni. 11 11 u. m. No. 2. 1 15 p. m. 3 28 10 (HI " 2 3"i a. m. 4 OS ' 5 02 " 5 40 " no " 7 (Hi " (1 51 " 0 41 " 10 .'ft 11 r.o 1 22 " fi 25 " 8 30 " 0 43 Sup. 7 3S p. m. Minghamton Port Jervis Newburuh Arr Turners " Palerson " Newark Jersey City, ' New York " STATION'S. Cincinnati L'vo Davton " Cleveland " Mealvillo " Union " Corry " Jamiitnwn " Dunkirk " Susp. llridge " Niagara Falls " llulValn " RiH'hcster " Hornellsville " Corning " Elmira " Binghamton " ft 50 " 7 00 " 33 " 7 CO a. m. tiNo. 8. ft 45 a. m. 3 35 p. m. 8 10 Sup. 0 3ft p. m. 10 30 10 00 " 11 20 " 2 58 n. 4 2ft 1 5 C4 7 00 ' 11 10 1 111. Port Jervis Newburgh An Turners Piiterson Newark Jersey City Now York 1 18 Din. 2 20 p. m. fi 15 2 55 ' 3 10 p. m. 8 12 8 30 p. Ill, 12:ol A.M., exceni Sim.lsiva r,.... rA.,.i .tlln kj. : ' ........ i,i, .-nopping ai i ii ion l:::vi, Corrv, 'I: to ( olumbtis J:I3, Frt chold c:05, (irant iV33 Paiiaina fi:55, Ashvillo ll;3.. Jamestown :0.., Kennedy 7:47, Randolph 8:25. Steam Iuirg8:.,5, Redhouse IH20 mid arrivinu ut Saliimauec at H:5ft a. m. 5:25 A. M., except Sundavs, from Mo.vl vilh;. Stopping nt Snegcrtown 5:,V. Venango 0:15, I 'niithridpcd:32. .M i Hers 7 Ir'' Mill VilUge7:25, Union ;04. 1 'oncord X: 45 I orry !:."(, U:.5ii, Fieehohl in :,u' Oriiiit Hl:.i7, Piuianitt 12:03 p. in., Ashvillo ii"' i i'M"",N'"'U 2:(i5. Kennedv 3:t.o. Itan tlolph :;ail, Stcanibur.g 4:10, Red House 5:2", and. arriving ut Salatn.-io.... nt r..: 1:10 W. M excent Sundavs r.,...! yillc. Slopping nt Siic'irortowu " l-:'3 eniingo 2:10, Cambridge 2:20, M;l!ers"' :o' Mill Village 2:50, Union 3:12, Concord ii-:;"' Corry 3:.'.S, ('..Iihiiohs 4:05, l'reehi.hl 4':,.V iiiaiu :;:, I'annrna 5:12, AslivUle 5:27 iiiiiiesion it 11:1.1, Kennedy 11:45, and Iph :i, is cauiourg :40. Ked I loiise K im m.,1 urriving ut Sitlaiiiiiiiea s.3(J l". M ' Daily. L. D. RUCKER, WM, R. BAER, tien'ISiip'i. lieu l l'ltHs rAg't. ANDREWS & CO., Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND A LjKlNDS 0-A.STI2NTC3-S. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALFIIS IX HARDWARE, ale., A'4 Av. TIDIOUTE, PA., JOHS AXDRKWS. 5-tf n. nsiiKR. Free to Book Agents). Ve will send o handsoiuo Pi .ispeetus of our AVie I Ituilrtitiiitftl r'nmiii ;,,, .,,. taining over 200 tine seriptiiio Hluslra trutions to any Rook Agent I'ihh of charge. Address National I'ublishimf Co plnTiiI aV4e.4ila, Pa p; it JOB WORK DONE AT THE 'REPUBLICAN OFFICE At ttf lowest cmh prteci, nt'Jy, prompt 1I, and in le equal to that of auf ottlcr entulilUhnrnl in the Di.trict. :ci- BUSINESS CARDS,- SHOW CARDS. . . -V a VISITING CARDS, -SCHOOL CARD' WUrif OWt r, . PROGRAMMES, INVITATION?, BALL TICKETS, AtniiinVTifvi'To ... in ii,ic, MONTHLY hTATICJI EXTS, ENVELOPES. RILL HEADS. LETTER HEAD?, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULAR?, RLANKS, P O S T E RS, DpVCERS, . ' . handYjills, I . LAliLIS, SUITING TAGS, Ac. .V, ERIE & PITTSBURGH ' "An and idler Momlnv' V.,.- t-. maa V .ii ... . V.V - in i mi on uus roan us lollowai LEAVE ElilE-SOlTllUARD, 1I:.V A. V. AnvniunniTi..,- 1 V-wcastle at 7:115 and arrives at Pittsburgh 10310 a. 111. 0 10:25 a. m PiiTsni-itfiii i-x., stops arall stations, and arrives at A. A U. V. R It I ransicr 111 l: i p. m., t Newcastle nt 3:14 ' p. 111., and at I ittsburgh ut ii;ou p. m. 5:115 A. M., AtH'oM MoPA'l'loN, from Jaiuca town, arrives at A. ,v (I. W. H. R. Transfer at a: 40 11. 111.. at Newcastle o 7 o-. ....1 Pittsburgh at IU:iHi a. 111. ' ' ' 5:00 p. m.. M;Xed Train leaves U,Ia for Sharon, stopping )V all intermediate points and arriving at 10:15 a. 111. LEAVE PITTSItUltOII-NORTWARD. - 7:15 a. m., :niK KXPiifss, leaves New castle at l0:(Hia. 1.1., A. A (). W. R. R.Trans- lcr at 11:20 a. m.. Hnd arrives at Ft ie t n. in., making close connection for uuria oand Niauaru Fallr. - 3:35 p. m. ac ommohation, lcayl Xew. castle at 0:30 p. , , A. A 4i. w. R. H linnstcr at7:.,5 p. 111.. and JaniwtoWn t't h:.t a. 111., connects v, ith mixed trains that nrrives 111 Lrio at 1:55 a in. 0:30 P.M., Mixed Train leave Sharon for Kile, and arriving ut Oiiard at 12:30 a. m. and Krie at 0:55 a. 111 Triiinsconiici t at Rochester with train for M heeling and nil point in w,.Kt Vir-lnia imd ut Pittsburgh eoeni-liouM for Phiradel jilua, ilai risliiiigh, lialtimoi-e and Wash ington via I'cniisyUaiiia Central Railroad. I'.rie hxpress North, eouuiH-ts at dimrtl witliClcvehiiid and Erie I nuns Westward I..r ( levelnntl .Chicago, and all points in tho -N cs ; at , ith Philadelphia Krie Ra lroad r Corry, Wane,,, 1 rvingio", l idioute Ac., and will, Itntlalo A Eni , Is?,'1. vr "v""1"' '"'"kiia, Nhtyar. 1 alls and New or.i City. F.N.FINNEY. . lieiieial Mup't PHOTOGRAril GALLERYl Water Street, ADJOINING Tm.: HtiLMES HOUSE Tionesta, Pa., M. UARrENTER, - Proprietor.. the ui'"'"'' '" ll,p '"ll'st st vies 2H-tf 1. W. ROW LA Mi. A MIX . Alei(ivfc J. W. ROWLAND & CO. M R Gil ANT TAILORS An DllAI.KHs IN- . l-'MriiIJ.hi,ffjo,u,' And Agents fur ll.e Celeb,,,,,.,, Ur0VM ' Raker Sawing Machine. LIttERTY STREET, XF..VH DOf ' :t2attr"ANK,-,N. IT.NN-A. v