EIDTOR. TfiESM 1D0BM5C, DEC. 19, Supreme Jtdge. The Bfookvllle Repnbliean of last week, contains tlie following article advancing tlio nnrne of lion. I. 0. Gordon us a candidate for Jtnfge of the Supreme Court or Pa. Although nol personally nequainted with Jtidue Gordon we'hear him no well spoken of by all our older inhabitants, that we cheerfully give the Republican's article on the the sulijerf, a place in our col umns: "With the progress of time we arc again approaching the time when the people of the Commonwealth will be called upon to select from their number a suitable person f r Judge of the Supreme Court, and already sever al prominent gentlemen of the legal profession have been named in that connection. Among those favorably mentioned is our fellow-townsman, Hon. I. G. Gordon. It will be remembered thnt Mr. Gor don, twoycrrsago, was a candidate for this position before the Republican a tate Convention, and that o:Jv through certain combinations of poli ticians was he prevented from beinor the nominee instead of Judge Williams, who had been defeated by Sliarswood only a short timu previous, and neces sarily not a strong candidate with the delegates representing the country dis tricts. However, the Judge was suc cessful, and is an honorable represen tative of the party that placed him in so exalted a position, as well as a com petent and worthy justice. Now, as another candidate will be nominated by the ensuing Convention, it behooves Republicans that they see to it that Mr. Gordon be awarded the nomina tion. It is not in place that wo indulge in an extended desertation as to the fitness of the gentleman of our choice for this position. His record while occupying the bench, as well as a long and successful practice of his profes sion amongst us, points to him as the proper tnau for the position, and we hope to see his claims duly recognized." Assertions vs. Facts. In the course of an article designed as a reply to a paper on "the inconsis tencies of free traders," in n protec tionist journal, the Sew York Bulletin, after stating that it is not the wages a mechanic receives which measures his prosperity, but the amount of work be is compelled to give in exchange for what he consumes, proceeds, iniub elaoces, to express its belief that the lush "bog trotter," who lives the year round upon the proceeds of a potato patch and a pigstye, is better off in fact than the Irish laborer in New York with wages at n dollar and a l'aIt" day; while with reference to English labor it remarks that "A printer in London can buy with the labor or nine days, six hours and thirty minutes, a suit of fine broad cloth, which would cost the Amcri can workingman twelve days' labor. Or he can purchase six shirts with three days and five hours' labor, while the Atneri;on mechanic must work six days for six shirts of a poorer quality ; or ho can buy a pair of calf skin boot with the labor of two days and a half, while boots of an inferiol quality cost the protected American mechanic the labor of from three days and a half to five days." Will our contemporary be, good enough to explaiu how it comes about that, with all these home advantages in favor of the workingmen of En" land aud Ireland, tliereshould hesucha steady and constantly increasing flow of emigration of the laboring classes from those countries? It is not a sufli cient answer to say that opportunities of employment are more frequent in the United .States than in Great Brit ain or on the coutii.ent of Europe; since it is principally from the steadi ly employed classes that our accessions of foreign population are drawn. The pauper classes of those countries, as contradistinguished from its industrial orders, are from the very nature of the case precluded from getting away; their absolute poverty privenu them. It is chiefly those who by constant em ployment have, through year long ex erciso of the most rigid frugality, econ omy and sell-denial, been to save up a little money to pay their passage across the sea, who a their faces hitherward; mid hen the mom y is not thus obtain ed it is derived from reinittiaiues sent by frieuds who have im'ccc,h.,l here, ami who, out of their "dollar ami a unit a day, have saved enough to snatch their kindred in the old home troni starvation. Men and women At not pluck the roots of their lives out .11 - L . . . -I t tii uieir native son, ana transplant themselves into lur, strange landa.with out a sufficient reusoii. 1'uople do i.ot voluntarily exchange the better for the worse, nor, having done so, contented ly remain in the less desirable condi tion; while the money ranging from one to five millions of dollars per an num uhich our naturalized tjtizeii remit to their friends aud relatives iu Europe for the purpose chiefly, of get ting them out fere, it! a sullieient ret'u tatinn of the fr-jc trade fallacies of the Jiullettia, whose argument did it pos r vitnluy or furo-f bud ot nco W. R. DUNN stop the stream of immigration, If in. ntrn u mil nni turn it the other ay. Pittsburgh Commercial. i We clip the following items from the Venango Citiien: Mr. Lucius Pike, of this city, was severely injured by falling Inl0 the basement of Hanna's Block, on Tues day night. On last Tuesday Thos. Ellis, Esq., of this city, was quite severely injured in rittshurgh, while attempting to get (n the Philadelphia evening express train, i-uttinir bis leir severely ninl in. juring his right side. On Sunday night the store room of Winsor Lros. & Co., of this city, was entered by burglars, who captured about twenty-five dollars in money, five silver mounted revolvers and a number of pocket knives. The en trance was effected from the ware-room by prying open the doors of the store room with crow bars. On Saturday afternoon, a freight train on the A. it G. W. Unilronrl jumped tho tra:k near Sugarcreek ouuion, smasning two or three cars, and blocking the road for several hours, necessitating the transfer of passengers on the 3:40 up train. It is the intention of the proprietors of Hanua's Hall to commence re-modeling the building into an Opera House as soon ns the show season is over. The following is a condensation of the cm W report of the production of Petroleum during the month of Nov.: Total shipment of Crude for Novem der, 1871, of barrels of forty-five gal lons each, 477,072 of forty-three gal lons each, an additional shipment of 22,111!); total, 4J9,201 barrels. Stock on hand November 1st, 1, "503,574 bar rels. Stock on hand December 1st, 532,974 barrels; additional invoice on December 1st, 29,400 harries. Total production during, November, 526, u61 barrels. Av :rage per day, cf 30 days, 17.G73 bbls. The Courier's report of the produc tion of crude oil lor the month of No vember, shows that the stock, Dec. 1st, was 512,532 barrels, an increase in the total slock, since November 1st, of 21, 599 barrels. Daily average produc tion during the month was 16,962 bar rels, an iucreaseiu daily average of 121 barrels. The number" of wells neiix drilled is 459. We take tho followitj: items from the Clarion Democrat: Theo. S. Wilson. Esn . nf Plni-inn and Geo. A. Jenks, Esq., of Brookville nave iornien a law partnership. Mr. Jenks will attend all the courts in Clar ion. They will make a strong team. There is a borough ordinance against permitting hogs to run at largo. But it is not enforced. Two legged hogs, filled with benzine, are also neension ally seen waddling about. Both kinds should be penned up. We regret to learn thnt J. II. Ilaun, proprietor of the Eagle Hotel, at Cul lensburg. fell on a slippery sidewalk, the other tiav. nut! hn,L hie !,.. same place it was fractured some time ago. Mr. Bird Wilson, of Helen Furnace, was run over by a wagon, on Tuesday lest. He had a team and loml of I,.,.. r,L standing near the mill, when wagon passing, frightened the horses, and in attempting to catch them Mr. Wilson nnsseu ins looting ana tell, and was run over hv both front and din.1 honla sustaining severe but not fatal in juries. The wonder is he wns uot killed. Wm. II. Frampton, Esq., was ad mitted to the bar, during court, last week. We undertund thnt lm nce.wt a very creditable examination before me committee appointed by the court to examine him. We congratulate Mr. Frnmntou oil his successful vninmn In a high and honorable profession, and wish nun aouuuaut success. A very general active revival in the temperance movement is in in progiess in different States; resulting almost invariably in tho adoption of a line of policy having for its object the estab lishment in law of the prohibitory principal, instead of the system of li cense. What is termed the local op tion measure the giving of the people of each community the right to decide by ballot whether the safe of liquors shall be permitted among them is suid to he the policy generally prefer red. The New York Method' con vention, at its recent session, expressed itself in favor of a Constitutional Amendment bidding vendersof liquors, as a beverage, and their property em ployed in the traffic, responsible for evils arising therefrom, in accordance with the principal of the law now in force in Ohio. It is gratifying to oh servo that opinion of the unwisdom nf bringing the question into the arena of nolit.es is on the iucrease. Barnuni, a life-long Temperance worker, and a shrewd observer, lately expressed the belief that the attempts of injudicious men to mix it with politics had very largely retarded the progress of the reform, and hindered the success of the objects which its advocates bad in view a conclusion, probably, pretty nearly correct. Commercial. Infokm ation Wanted. A little girl, aged nine years, named Maggie Mulvey, whs living with hersister, Mrs. Ellen MiQuinn. in Chicago, at the time of the great fire, who was burned out. Mrs. Mctjuiuu, supp. sing the girl's parent resided iu Johnstown, sent her here. JJer father's hamo U John Mulvey. Any information con ceruing Iih place of residence, ad dressed to liov. P. M. Gurvey, of this city, will bo thankfully received by the little wanderer. Exchanges please capy.Johnetovn iKmoerat The following we clii from th Venango Spectator: On last Sntnrita mnrnini A1A-,1P Smith was found dead in his bed at tne boarding house of John Malatt, Mount Hope, near Foster. Coroner Larue held an inquest on the body nd the jury found that the deceased died from phthisic. He was about 65 years old andjormerly of Fhildelphia. Joseph Hidinger, the man arrested at Oil. City some days ago for robbing Mr. Hall.ofMeadville, in Forest coun ty, was identified by Mr. Hall on last Monday in our jail. Tho prisoners were all marched past Mr. Hall in siu gle file and he spotted his man with out any hesitancy. Upon bearing Uidinger's voice he said lie was posi tive thnt he was the man who struck him the blow that nearly killed him and robbed him of papers and money val ued at $3,000. Hidinger will be ta ken to Clarion for trial. Among the variety nf plans sug gested for the funding of the nntional debt, the following proposition of a correspondent of the New York TV6. une seems to be one cfthe simplest and least impracticable. His plan, in brief, is, first, to have Congress pass a consolidated bnn to run thirty years, interest at 3 65-100 per cent, per an mini, payable half yearly in gold, the goverment to exchange greenbacks at par for such bonds, orrtVe verm, at the option of the holder. Second: Banks to exchange nil their high-price bonds for the new at par, or surrender their charter. Third : To treat gold as a commodity, and tax the seller one half of one per cent. This, he argues, would break up speculation in gold, and in less than five years it would not be wanted by the merchants or by the people, except to pay duties on imports. He holds the debt of the United States, paying the above in terest per annum, to be a better stand ard of values than gold, and believes it would be the most convenient mon ey ever devised. He would make gold receivable in payments of debt at par, but if transferred above par it should pay a tax to the goverment. Here is a description that conveys a pretty good idea oT Alexis : The Grand Duke was dressed in his uniform of Colonel, not ns a sailor. It was a plain simple costume, the coat being black, with epaulettes and cuffs of gold lace, and black pants with red Stripes. He wore a cavalry sword cock. td hat with only one row of gold i.ice, ana round his form, from shoul der to waist, he wore the pink s-sh of Commander of the Order of the Black Eagle of Russia. The dress became him excellently, and serwl to set nfT to good advantage his splendid and mauly appearance. He is six feet two inches iu height, fairly propor tioned, with great broad shoulders and a breast of remarkable size. He has withal.an air of earless grace and per fect sangfroid w hich becomes him ex ceedingly well. Altogether he is one a person can hardly help admiring, not because he is a Prince, but uecause in the full sense of the term ho is a Trince without an air of superiority or arrogance about him. As this totally destroys the popular idea of Princes ft is worth mentioning. One day last week we were shown a specimen of oil from Mr. Adams' well about tivn miles (V.mi V!ln .,n the Smethport road. The well has uctii buiik iu uie uepin or nnout six- toon hmiHrpil nnrl f.trtir..tit ',f An,1 -. n'ui i-a-i, nnvi good iiidictatious are had that it will no paying well. Up to the tune or go ing to press, we have not learned any thing definite as to the quantity it now yields. The oil shown us was the pure stuff. We will givefurther particulars in our next issue. Elk Democrat. Coal has been found on the land of J. S. Hyde about one mile south west of this place. The coal vein is apout five toot thick, and is of a good quality. Elk Advocate. A young man was recently hung iu a neighboring StatJ, and he con fessed upon the gallows that his first crime and villainy was stopping a newspaper without paying for it. What a fearful wurnmg is this I The Allentown Democrat is r,f the opinion that if there is any difference between a man who subscribes for a paper, which be never intends to pay for, and a thief, the difference should be credited to the letter. To llio?e who n,e bowed down by nei'voos Debility, ami despair of ever iei.ove.ing the iij ir and mien of man hood we earnc.-t!y recommend Dr. Walkers Caliioiuia Vinegar Eiders. Before they have tinidicd the first bot tle, they will feel the restorative prin cipal at woik ijeve y portion of their broken-down nysieins and hope will !iiug up in I heir hearts. No case of Dy.-.pep-,i:i Bilioune-s, Iulermitteut Fever, Eheuinaiism, Gout or Lid lie y disease, can re.-Ut this unequalled vegetable tonic which is unpolluted by any distilled or fermented liqartr. A(i KNTS WAVTKI) FOR ROMANISM AS IT IS. Tims Book, an clftrunt (i. invo Volume, i-ontainillfi 760 Ia;e8, and lua lirst-cluw,mi-Kravinus, in uu exlmimlive hiiiI Ntanilai.l work, eminently lulapted to lis origin to the present time, exposes- its liai-elesn pro-toni-in, iu Intuits, iu pfrswotions, its i;roH4 iniinoraliiii'H, iu opposition to our puliiic M-hools, and civil aud religion lib erty, it show s iU insidious workinN whirh Ktrontfly tend to liriim this country under lull Koinihh control. 1'ronpeciiis, and hookn ready on application. Conn. Pub lishing Co., llurll'oid Conn. i-4t 2,ooo I tinii ns. Tf I K H KLPKK shows you how to save snd how to make inonuy on the farm. WIuto to look lir the profits, and to obtain mem. now to euur H00.00 Ironi October' to May. A cor v Ireo to every farmer send ing numo and P. O. Addn-as to Zi.-Kler fc VtiOir.ty, I'l!li.lphla, J U Till A I. MST, FOR m-X'BMBKK TKHM, 1871. Port! t.aov T. T. McClonkov et n). . A. Ford et al. vs. ('. MoO.wkev et. al. Fortwt Count? Vs. (1. J. Fox, lnte Trea". Korent County vn. John U. iirandou, late Tress. Rolotnon Zontn Vs. John It. I -canard. H. C. Hill vs. John H. IKnuni. (Jeorjro K. Thuver rs. T. A. Nolan A Co. B. H. Rentier vs. J. T. Crf.vle Co. Charles lcper vs. Warren A Franklin By Co. E. I Jonns vs. Hunlet Murphy. Commonwealth for uro vs. John Milter et, nl. T. M. Waller vs. . Whitman. J. S. Hood vs. .1. it. sshiiw. H. 8. Thomas et. nl. vs. Urn. May et. al. M. Anna Lntntiv. In. Mayet. al. K. I,, lllood vs. .lames Painter. Charles llinton vs. Proper tf (Jill. Movd ,(t 1-wis for usr vs. It. it. Hnberts. Kvaline Coon ot. si. guardian, heirs and Icifnl rcprcxoMLulvc of Win. Armstrong tlce'd vs. Chat. .t. Fox. F. T. l.mdc vs. William It. Coon. P. Minnlii.f Co. vs. Uportro s. Hunter. J as. A. lwi et. ox. vs U. C. (Stephenson. K. I,, .lone vs. Oeorpe V. Foreman et. al. II. II. May vs. .1 nines T. Whlsnor et. al. II. II. May vs. John Miller et. al. Harmony Township vs, O. C. A A. R. Uv. Co. OeorprW. Pean vs. S. Caldwell. W. A, Ifoh-nlmck vs. C. S. Richardson. Adda Hunter vs. (. (Illnian. .Ml. AUMiW, Trothv. November 1:1, Inn. M-:it PROCLAMATION. W II r. nr. as. The Honorable .Tunic Cam p bell President Juchre of tho Court of Com mon Pleas and (Quarter Sessions in and lor the eoiinty of Forest, has Issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Picas Quarter S.sifiiis, ever ami Terminer and tiencral Wlf Pel i very, nt Tionesta, for the Countvof Forest, to eommenco i n tho fourth Monday of Hee. next, beinst the L'fttlnlay of )is 1S71, Xoth-e Is therefore Kiven to the Coroner. Justices of the Peace anil Constables nl sid enmity, that thev be thtiii and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their records, iuuiiisitions examinations and other remembrances, to do Ihoso thlmts which to their ollloes appertain to be done, and to those, who bound in recognizance to prosceuteairainst the prisoners that are or shall he in the tail of Forest County, that they bo then and there to prosecute auainst them as shall lo just. Uivon under my hand and seal this iiOtli tiav of Nov., A. l) V.. Li. liAVIS, Sh lf. per D. W. CLARK, Peputy. A. JI I R A It K ! Mr. Samuel Bell, of W. E. SchmertJ! tf Co , Wholale Mtiot and Shoo Manufactur ers, 31 Filth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., has been atllicted w ith chronic rheumati)i for thiity years, trotn bis riirht hip to his foot, having to nso a crutch and a cane, at times so painful as to utterly Incapacitate him from attending to his business. Having tried every remedy known, without effect, except (tillilnml'M Pain Killer, he was linaliy indiii-cd to try it. A second applica tion enabled him to' lay asido his crutch, nd a third eftivtcd a permanent cure. Mr. Hi ll is a popular and well-known citizen, is a living monument of the effacacy of that great medical discovery, (lilliland's Pain Killer. The ntllicted should ask their grtK-nr or drf. gist for Ir, and try Its won derful power. Mr. (iilliland, 'we under stand, wants a respectable agent in everv town and county for it. The principal of fice is at 72 Third Avenue, Pittsburgh Pa. 31--U Profitable Einploymniit. Wo desire to engago a few more agents to sell the world-renowned improved lluck eyo Sewing Machine, nt a liberal salary or on commission. A horse and wagon given tnnsrents. Full particulars furnished on apnlicition. Address W. A. IIKNDKK SOX A CO., ricneral Agents, Cleveland, O. or HL I ,ou is, Mo. 31-4t JURUBEBA. Is a South American plant that has been used for many years by tho medical faculty of those countries "with -wonderful elUeacy, and Is a Sure and Perfect Itemed for all diseases of the Liver and Snk-en, Enlargement or Ob struction of Intestines, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal Organs, Poverty or a want of lllood. In termittent or Remittent Fevers, lutlamatloii o( the Liver. Dropsy, (sluggish circu lation of tliu Blontl, ' Abscesses, Tumors, Jaundice, Scrofula, Dysjiepsia, Aguo and Fever, or their Concomitants. Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA is a most perfect alterative, and Is offered to the public as a great invigorator and remedy lor all impurities of the blood, or for orjranie weakness with their attendant evils. For the foregoing complaints Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubcba is confidently recommended to enery family as a household remedy, and should bo freely taken in all derangements of the svHlemy. lt is NOT A PHYSIC It is not what is popularly called a IlITTKltS, nor is it in tended as such ; but is simply a powerful alterative giving health, vigor and tone to all the vital forces, and animates and forti fies all weak ami lymphatic temperaments. JOHN (J. KKLLiMiO, I'lati St., New York. Solo Agent tor the United States. Price Ono Dollar per bottlo. Send for Circular. UJ-lt WATCH FREE to Atrents to intro-diu-e articles that sell in overv house. Lata A Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. ;iJ--lt Trcj Republican Office KF.EPS constantly on hand a large as sortment of blank Deeds, Mortgages, Siibpienas, Warrant, Summons, Ac to be sold cheap for cash. tf. OKNTS WANTFD for a New Book, iY Ktoiies ofTravel, Adv. n'lire. Minecl lanles, tt-e by Albert D. Richard-ion, finely illustrated. Vcrv largo pay. Address COl.UMHIAN lu'lOKCO., Hartford, C1.3H AfiFMTQ wonted ftir "'Pib Hri .Mil Side nULIM I O ot sew York." a Libraiy of Inforriulion pertaining to its Institutions and Objects ot Interest. P.y a City Mis sionary. .00 Kngravings. Agents sell 40 adav. Just Issued. F. II. THKAT, Pub lisher, bUj Hroadway, N. Y. Sii-tt THE GREAT REPUBLIC rJr most valuable book to an A nierieun ever published. Si? t elt gaut illustrations on steel so I wood. Flews of cities, buildings rivers, mountains, etc., etc. Jnel tides cen sus statistics of 1S70, has ll.'O largo 8vo pages on supurb paper. Written by .linnet D. MeCnbe, Jr. Onn volume, price 'i.00. OismI atrents waotetl everywhere. Seiul for ternisto WILLIAM It." K V A NS V C . 'M-i 740 Samson St., Philadelphia. S10 from e50i U Sakk It tent (pot Mid ) fur Fifty CenU, thnt nuilktuilrfor Tu lJt'iUr K L Wom.n.N.y, ASK YOUR GROCER FOR -4t SCHOOL TEACHERS Wanting employment, at from t 0 to 100 nor month, bl.ould address 1'IULEK & Mi OCKOY, PbUa Va 7 it Wo in mi Know thyself. The great puhllentlon bv tr. Clmvnsw WOMAN AS A WIFK AND MOTIIF.lt! will save you money and sulleruig. Agents wanted rvory where t Indies pieler- Co., 740 Sansom St., Philadelphia. 1& 4t flV,"r,', ,n " ""n'hs by ono V I v-'aifent, canvassing for THE GUIDE BOARD. Ry Dr. W. W. Hall. Agents Wanted. II. N. McKlnney A Co., j0 North 7th Street, Phlla. Pa. . 28-4t FJRBB TOdr,!,;, tr "N r . Pfetusofournew ijOOXJl. "bistrnted Fm. lly Hi bio eon A "KI M tabling over ti'O tJ linoscripttire 11 luslrations to any hook agent, free of elmrgo. Address National Publishing Co. Philadelphia, Pa. L'S-R POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, OF TII K STATE OF TKN KRVt.VANIA, MARKET ST., west of 17th, nilLA,, Re-opens September l!Mh, 1S71. Thorough Collegiate training for the practice ol Miin Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechani cal l-'.mrineering, Analytli-iil Inotistrlal Choi istry, Metalluriry a nl Arehitcclnre. Tho Diploma of tho College Is received as conclusive evidence of proficiency by the llrt engineers and companies cuiiaucd In worksof improvement. For ll'th Annual Announcement, address ALFRED L. KENNEDY, M. !., Prest. ol Facult v. 23-4t AGENTS ") JlOO a week m per f cent aud J-'.VtHX in cash f prizes. Information I free. Address Ameri- Male fi Female. can Utxik Co., 02 William St., N. Y. -10-It Patontisl Noveniper I, 1S70. Samples free at al roccrv stort s. If. A. Hartlett A Co., Philadelphia, Pa, -'-4t Wanted VorL H IC A G O 'VlfE CJrcut 'oii(lnrlioii. The (neon City as it was and Is. Tho Hamlet of 41) years ngo. Tho Oreat City of yesterday. Tho Smouldering Ruins of to-day. A graphic account of lis tincx..m pled r so and vivid picture of its sudden detructlon bv Colbert tt- Chamberlain, Ed itors r the CIIICAOO Till HUNK, Eye witnesses and great sufferers from tho tor riblo visitation. All the main facts and incidents attending this greatest calamity of the eountry, are portrayed with sur passed distinctness and power, tic i ll'ect on Coiuinerce, Insurance, Ac, fuily tlis eussrl, and debiils of a world's sympa thetic response recorded. Fully illustrated. Price low. Agents shou d apply immediately as the sale will be imimnsn. Circulars free. Hubbard Itros. Pnblisho s, 73 Siiiistun St., Phila. CAUTION. lieware of inferior works. Re sure you get COLBER A CHAM I'.KK LAIN S EDITION. Cl-4t ' AOENTS WANTED FOR Sexual Scienc Uu u i.n m.t.ucMMi. u otuauuooti and and their mutual interrelations, l.vo, its laws. Pow er, Ve bv Prof. O. S. Fowlor. Send for Circulars ami specimen page. Address National Publishing Co., l'hila. Fa. S-4t AGENTS WANTED. Exclusive territo ry granted on the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE. Contains over :t0o Illustrations. I a complete Library of Riblical Knowledge. Excellsall others. In English and (lernuiu Send for Circulars, Win. Flint A Co, l'hil delphia, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER II P. P. Sunday May 1, 1H70, Trains arrive at and loavu tlie Union Deiit, eorner of Washinton and Liberty street, as follows: ARRIVE. Mail Traill, l.:W a in : Fast Line, 12.12 a m ; WcU'sac-couiiiiodation No. I, ti.0 a m -llrinton accoiiiiuodation No 1, 7..0 a m; Wull's aceouiiuodatioii No S..r).')a iu jCin einnati express tl.tl a in ; Johnstown ac commodation Kl.oO am; hraddock s ac eommodalioii No 1, 7.IHI pm; l'ittsliurgh express t.;tU p in; 1'aeiiic express 1..10 p m ; Wall's Heeoioioociatiou No .1, p in ; lloiuowood aceommotlation No l,(l.5j pin; Wall's accommoilation No 4, .Vntl p m ; Urinton accommodation No ,1.10p in; Way Passenger M.-'O p in. DEPART. Southern express 6,'JO a m : Pacific ex press 2.40 a in ; Wall's accommodation No 1, O.:i0a m ; Mail Train 8.10 a m ; hrinton'a accommodation 1 i.'Ma m; liraddock's a eommodation Nol. .VlOp in ; Cincinnati express I2.:l.i p m; Wall's lu-commoditlion N L', 11.61 am ;.lohnstown accoinu ndalion 4.0i p in ; liotnewood accommodation No 1. 8.50 p in ; Philadelphia express X.'O p in; Wail accommodation .No:t,:).0.p iu; Wall's aecoiiiiiioilation No 4, 6.(V p in ; Fust Line 7.40 p m ; Wall's No 5, 11.00 p in. Tho Church Trains louvo Wall's Station every Sunday at il.O.i a. in., reaching. Pitts burgh at 10.05 a. m. Returning leave Pitts burgh at 1J.50 p. in., and arrive tit Wall's Station at it. In p. m. Cincinnati express leaves d lily. South ern express daily except Moi lay. All oth er Trains daily, except Sunday." For further information aplv to W. II. UKCKWI I'll, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume anv Risk for haggagu ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rspoiisibility to i ino Hundred DoMa"val ue. All baggago exceeding that a ount iu valuo will be at tho risk of tne tier, unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altoono Pa. Fit EE 3 MONTHS ON TRIAL. A first-class largo quarto Journal.BI col umns, Illustrated. Or ono year for ISO cents witli two hound lectures, by Jatueg Modish, D. D. U L. D., and E. O. Haven, D. D., L. L. D., as premiums. Send name ami address to People's Journal. Philadel phia, Pa. , IfANTED AOENTS 10 per dav) to VV sell the cclebratetl HO.M E sli L'T Tl.ESEWINU MACHINE. Has the under-feed, makes the"lts-k siitch." alike on both sides, and fully licensed. The be.-t and cheapest family Sew ing Machine in the market. Address Johnson, Clark t Co., Itoston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa.. Chica go, III., or St. Louis, Mo. -41 Attention Agents f Think of This J Wonderful. Nit (-(- I 23,000 copies of Uroekott's History of the Friineo-Oeriuan War, sold lirst IKJ days. It will soon contain a full history of the bl'Midy IteU'llion in Paris, inaking l:eai lv Otiopages and I50elegant illustrations, anil wilt sell 5 times taster than heretofore. Price only i,50. Incomplele works, written iu tho interest of the Irish and French, are being ollcro 1 wilh old cuts, aud for w ant of merit claiming to bo of ficial, tV. Reward of such, llrockolt's in both English and German, is the most im- kpartial, popular, reliable, cheap and last selling woi k extant. Look to your in terests, strika quickly and you can eoin money. Circulars free and terms excelled bvnone, A. H. HUBHARD, Publisher, "W Cr.r-nnt rit, Phl'i. 1 4w. NATURE'S HAIR nESTQRVTtYJ 8 mm b Contain no LAC SULriIUffKo SUGAll OF I.EADaVo L1TH AL'GXo KIT HATE OF SIL VER, and it entirrhj free from the Poifionoitt and Hcttllhdflroying Drugs wed in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as crystal. It will not soil toe HinM tubrle.-.perl'ectlv SA FE, CLEAN and KFFICI KNT desideratum LONO SOUdllT FOR AND FOUND AT LA SI 1 It restores and prevents tho Hair from becoming dray, imparls a soil, glossy ap-pear-inen, removes Dandruff, is eod and refreshing to the head, checks tho I lair from falling off, aud restores it to a great extent w hen prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, ami unnatural bent. AS A D 1 1 ESS I NO F R 'I'll E II Al 11 IT IS THE HKSPAUTI I.EIXTIIE MARKET. Dll. O. SMITH, Patentee, Aver. Mass. Prepared only by PllOCIT.lt 1SROTM Ells, (iloueester, J.Isss. The genuine is nut up in a nancl bottle, mado expressly for It, with tho name of the article blown in tho glass. Ask your Druguist for Nature" I lair Restorative, and take no other. .y-fl-Snnoi two threo cent stamp to Procter hrothers for a "Treatise on tho Human Hair." Tho information it eon tains is worth $5 (1,00 to any person. A0EKT3 WANTED FOB TIH! only reliable, Complete nd lluoly illustra ted Histm v of CHICAGO "I CONKLRGRATION. The fastest selling bonk ever issued. Act quickly ami secure extra forms and choice held. 'Outfit, ."0 cents. HfiuiAiili linos. Publishers, 7il Sansom St., Phila. Il l-'ll AC! KNTS WANTED FOR I'll E PJiSYORY GF THE II WAR IN EUROPE II coiitahis over l.'iO fine engravings of Rattle Scenes and incidents iu tho War, and is the oniv FULL. AUTHENTIC and OFFICIAL history of that great conflict. Audits a e meeting with unprecedented success sclliiui from a) Io40 copies per day and it is published in both English and ' lertnao. PI 1 1 Tin fj Inferior historic are being lHU I lUllcireuhitod. See that the Ixsik you buy contains l.'iO lino MigravingH and 8IHI pages. Send for circulars A- seo our terms, alula full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUULIslllNii CO., Phila., Pa. 15-It REDUCTION OF I'HICES TO CONFORM TO KEDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVHG TO CONSUMERS. RY (JETTING UP CLUHS. :-i3. Send for our new Price List and a Club Form will accompany It, containing fuil directions making a iargo saving to consumer- and remunerative club organ i7.ers Tlie (Jrcat .fiiiorloan Tea Company, M . S3 VESEY STREET, P. O. Rox mux nkw voiik. 4t Wells' Carbolic Tablet. For Cougls, Colds and Hoarsen- ss. These Tablets prosent tho Acid in Com- J bination with other etlleieiit renicdies, in a popu'ar torin, lor tlie Cure ot all throat and lung diseases. Hoarseness aud Lis cft-atiou of the throat arc immediately re lieved, and statements are constantly be ing sent to the proprietor of rebel' iu cases of Throat dilllcultius of years standing. CAUTION le Tablets; don t let other goods be palmed oil" on Mm iu their phui. John Q. Kelloir, :i4 Piatt St.. N. Y.' Sole Agent. Sold by Druggists, price i"i cents a box 2J-4t Agents Wantad ! Extra Terms Rook a-joi:ti have long wanted a novelty in the subscription lino, which will sell at sight in everv family. THE PICTORIAL FAMILY. REGISTER Is tho only work extant w hich satisfies this want. It is hrautiful and striking, comb iiing an entirely new and eleairt Family I'notojn-aph Album, with a com plete Family History. Full particulars tree. Address (Seo. Maclean, Publisher, 719 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. 2-4t LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., New York City. ,1 JJOXTIII-lIorse ami carriage furnished; expenses paid; sain plesccc. II. 11. SHAW, Alfred Mo. 3J-4t A 5 KNTS WANTED FOlt LIFE ifj UTAH Being an hrpo oj the decreet iutct and Militaries of Mormoiiimn. Willi a tiill and authentic! history of Polygamy, by J. II. Ucadle, Editor of the Sa'l Lake Rcirter. Agents are meeting wi'h unpoconted sueess, one reports lMi subscribers in lour days, anthor 71 in two tla.s. Seed lor Circulars and sen what tho press savs of the work, National Publishing Co.. I'hia. 10-41 COAL! COAlT J.S. EYERHABT IS I'repared to deliver the best qualitvn at tho old Evcrhart Hank, two miles from New maiivillo for 7 tents per or at Tionesta and vicinity for 25 CENTS TEK I3USIIEL. He always has a largo supply ou hand, Now is the time to lay in a large supply Orders promptly attended to 29 JOU WORK neatly eiocousi ajt thisolOee t rcsyMiVls rsUs. r-s' ...TIXDIOTJTia TEA STORE! The place to buy isTcry tarloty of th VERY OE6T.TEA8 At TUB L 0 WEST PRICES, U at the extensive Tea 8 to re ef 1 xi. t. ciiArrnY, where ynn ran always find a large assort ment "I tbn best Tetis ot Nevr York priuea. f A larg assortment of f .... I .. ,. t r 1 . 1 UlUCCiU-M illlil 1 IUMMUIIS, uneo.ualed In onaltty and eheapm ns liysnr other store in Warren county, a wave oi? hand. The people of Forest rm.wuy will savo money by purehasing their WppHs"" at this place. Rest brands of t FA MIL Tt FL 0 V it,, delivered at anv dnixit on tUm Unmnrth R ' - . IH'B, Stot o on Midn St. iiear tho PotKL THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. F YOU WANT a perfect IU and a rn 1 article of Roots and Shoes, of tho Quest ' workmanship, goto If. I,. Mt'CMXCK'N, 3!i CENTRE STREET, OIL CITY, PA. rSatisnitt!oit truaranteod. 2-:ll tf. S. C. . A IC K , TIDIOUTB, IPJ. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, Aid Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. - Repairing done in n workmnnlik manner ninl warranted to give mi. faction. 4 1? R E Y NO LOS, BRO AUH EADXCD 1 Centre St., opposite Post Olllee, OIL CITY, FENN'A. DKAl.KltM IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS, L'ARPETISO, OIL CLOTHS. LOOTS A SHOES,: HA TS A CA PS, TRIMMJXGS NOTIONS. ETC.. ETC. RIFLES, SHOT GUNS REVOLT'S. . Dun materials of evnry kind. Writ for Price List, to Great Western (inn Works, PiitsbuiKh. Pa. Arm.VK'ins aud ltetol vers bought or tratlo J for. Agente wanted.' , 10-4t WfiNTFil AfSKXTS,. evnr'whcre to i .. caiiMi-sJ'oscur uri-at hOI,- LAR Paper. A lineJ'J.uil.siertl K rs-vinir uiven to every subscrilM-r.. Extraordinary lii luceini ntH. Addioss U. R. Rl'SSKLlI Rostoii,Mass. li-4t GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS Co yon want a situation as- ajreort. I'K-al or traveling with chance to make ' to S.O per dav selling', our new 7 strand Whito Wire- iiithes Libs? They lat lorever. salable ncu, so there Is no risk. Address at once Hudson Kiver Wire Works, cor. Water St., A Maiden .ane, N. Y., or lti liearb xm St., i tin-ago, 4t AGENTS WANTEIX For tho UnUianl U'tttv R 'ink THE MI?,1!C WORLD- AND PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS: l!y Olive h i'.;nn, Pieases everybody i will sell ;miuen-.i ly i is mntnl, iauiitvaini pure-toiieil ; has title in A tailors, and 0 Llustuitioiis. Nothing l.ke it ! Can vans-imr-ll'iok a rare beaut v. New World Publishing Co., 7th .V Market Sts., Pii.ls, TIDIOUTE EMPOniUNfT" M. P. GETCIIELL, . Dealer in DRY GOODS Xoiions, Koots A Shoes, HATS &s CAPS, Ac, Ac, Ac, cony eii ma ix it depot sts., TIDIOUTE, PA. I las tho Largest and most Complete Steck now on hand, ol any storo 111 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. j laving purchased hit slock cine t the great decline in Gold, I can igll gomli cheaper than any Drv Good ' House in tlio Oil Regions. 'Person piirelmsing goods-of mo will save 25 percent. M. P. GETCIIELL. Tnlioiite. April 11, 1870. 4.ftra I.. I illjwMjV'i7'! t'7.T.. - ' r : v. ..... t o u.ar nistory ot tho bloody ' FRANCO-GERMAN WAR ! .-now eontaunm; a lull account of the FearlUl Reign of Tonor in Paris. Is sulliiijj beyond all precedent. It isby far the most reliibla and onlvwim. . plet.a;id in.prrtial his-ory ol that iiigl-' stitifKU.au.l us luoinenteiis rortiiits 6IJ pai.-es uvany r.0 spirited lllu.strations priro, otnr s-'.oo. 4ii,iki copies already : solj. It w issued in both in,-l,shTij i.eimiin, and is beyond riestion the fasttwt selhii, book extant. Wue mM nnZS ie aKeiiis wantutl. Terms extra. Now Is . l" '"in "lonev. A. II HUH 11AB l, Publisher, 400 Cheatuut St. Puila ' l l4t " a o'clock:. W-4t,