f2Pbe gttjmWIww. H frBLIAIIKb EVKitr TUKHDAT, f W, R. DUNN, Dfflce In Kaox'i Building Klny Strweb TERMS, $2.00 A YE.VTfc Jo Bubserlptlnnl rorelred for a shorter period tliHii tlireo monlha. Correapondoiiee solicited from all part of the country. No notice will bo takon of mnonyuious' communications. Marriion ami Death notice Insortod frat in. V, UUSINESS DIRECTORY. m.- - I"".'"! . - - - '- TI O N ST A LODGE) NO. 477. i. o. a-, t. it 8 . T. n QUEST R EPUBLIGAN. Let us havo Faith that Right makes Might ; and in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand it"--LINCOLN. VOL. IV. NO. 37. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1871. S2 PER ANNUM. rnir. iiTnwmm. rnnt. U. D.TMKIDUK, TRUM. R feet every Wednesday evonliift, IM.11 clock. w. n. DUNN. w. C. M. W. TATE, V. 8. X iwto!i prrm. miluh w. tatk. PETTIS & TATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Isaac Ash, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oil City. Pa. Wl'l pra-tioo In tho various Court of Forest County. All business entrusted to iU euro will receive prompt attontl n. in ly W. W. Mason. A TTORNEY AT I. AW. Mice on Elm l. Htroet, abovo Walnut, Tlonesta, I'a, C. W. Giinllan, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve J nango Co., I'a. N. D. Smiley, - TIOUNKY T LAW. Pctrolomn Hen A tre, I'a. Will pruolire In tlio several Court of ! ureal County. .uj-iy W. P. Mercilliott, Attorney at Law HEM I, ENTAT1! AJKXT. TIONESTA, PA. , ' r-tr CLAIKAFASSETT, A TTORXEYH A T LA W, WARKF.S AND TIDIOL'TK, PA. THE UNDERSIGNED bavins assocl aled themselves Wether ' tlin l"-"0 tice ol law, oiler their professional sorv.coa n Hie public. Musini'ss promptly n'tondod to in all 'ho courts of Warren, Forost and adjoining .eoiiuftes. jmima nr.Tiir. n. D. TA88ETT. Warren. Fa. Tidiouto, I'a, T. . WRIOHT, S..f. OKO. W. IIIHIRIIMJH, HimIimv Minwr. THE SUPERIOR LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c. Mills on Tlonesta frcck, Forest Co., Fa. Yards fc Office tor. 22d & Rail Road SU., PITTSBURGH, TA. KUWAHU DITIIKIDUK. I. D. DITRSIDO Tlonesta House. 14 T ITTEL. Proprietor. Elm St., Tlo. lL -n-ibi. Pn.. at the mouth of thecreck Mr. Iitlo has thoroughly renovated tho TMnn-iM louse, and re-fiirniahed it mil pletelv. All wh -patronize mm win no , well entertiilued at reasonable rates. 20 ly "yl FOrES7 hCL&lii P.T.ACK PROPRIETOR. Opjosite I'eVlift llnn ii. Tionesla. Pa. Just opcnoii. r.rorvtiunn new ami cieiu. aim fresh, Tho best of lienor kept eotistantly on hand. A portion of the public patron 'a ' respectfully solieitod. 4-17-lv j jvi Holmes House, HMOffEfiTA, PA., opposite tho Depot. 1 (VI). Mabie, Proprietor. Good Sta bling connected with tho house. tf. Blue Eyes Behind the Veil. Mr. Edgo was late at breakfast. That was not hii unusual occurrence, and lie was disposed to be cross; which was likewise nothing new. So lie re tired behind the newspaper, and de voured his eggs and toast without vouchsafing any reply to the remarks of the fresh-looking little ludy oppo site, to wit: Mrs. Edge. But she was gathering together her forces for the final onslaught, and when at length Mr. Edge had got down to the last paragraph, and laid aside the paper, it came. 'Dear, didn't you soy you were going to have a hundred dollars for my new furs, to-day ?' What furs?' (rather shortly was this spoken,) 'Pshuw 1 What is the use of being so extravagant? I have no money to lay out in useless follies. The old ones are good enough for any sensible woman to wear.' Mrs. Edge, good, meek little soul that she was, relapsed into obedient silence. She only sighed a soft inward sigh and preseuily begau a new at tack. 'Henry, will you go with me to my a lilt's to-night?' 'Can't you go alone?' 'Alone, how it would look 1' Mrs. E's temper for she, hud one, though it did not often parade itself was arous ed. 'You are so neglectful to those lit tle attentions you used to pay me once ; you never walk with me, nor pick tip my hankerchief, nor notice my dress as you once did.' 'Well, a fellow can't be forever wait ing en women, tan he?' growled Mr. Edge. 'You could b3 polite enough to Mrs. Waters, lust night, when you never tnought to ask Whether Planted any thing, though, you knew perfectly well that 1 hud a headache I don't believe . . , i iiiu kmc us iiiuvii i " iuc a, , uu umtii --. to' And Mrs. Edira looked pxLreme D'irL'rSr iy pretty with the tears iu her blue mMH'l Ot lOlir niOIIUlH, Uphill 111 HIM (. jip.vniiMti kumvi m hw ivuiiu, FORT PITT GLASSWORKS. Established A. I). 127. eiTKMQQe& saw, MANtlKAOTURKIU, Of Dithridge's xx Flint Glass PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS. AND Silvered Glass Reflectors. Thoso chimney do not break by heat. Ask for DiTHiuDOKs. Take no other. UITIIHIDGK A SON, 23-ty. Pittsbur(h, Pa. New Hoarding House. Mil. S. 8. HULIN'ISN has built a larjro addition to her house, and Is now pre pared to nivomniodato a number of perma nent boiirders, and all transient ones who lnav favor her with their patronau;". A ITimhI stable has recently be n built to ac- 1 commodate the horses of irttcstH. I'lmrues reasonuhle. Residence on Elm St., opK- site S. lla-let s store. l-iy Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad dler. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tionesla, Pa. All work is ranted. war-tf. D, . Syracuse House, TlinOUT'-, Pa., J. A- 1 M aokk, Propie tor. The hoiiMj has been thoroughly refitted and is now in the lirst-elasa order, 'ith. tlii best of aeeoinni'Mlations. Any nlniiMiiiioii eoiii'erninu Od Territory at this point will bo cheerfully furnishil. -ly J.SU.MAUER, Exchange Hotel. i T OWER Timni TE. Pa.. P. S. Rams- ti-J V.KI. A Son Prop's. This house having 'i i-been relited is now tho most desirable stop f pin plaeo in Tidiouto. A good liillinrd V ltoo.u attached. 4-ly talsof.S'ew York, where will atU.nd calls in his profession. oiHce in Eureka lrue; Store, 3d door ibovo the bank, Tldloute, Pa. 4'Jtf GREAT EXCITEMENT! at tu Store of O - National Hotel, TRYINETON, PA. W. A. Hallenback, . Proprietor. This hotel la Sew, and is ,ow opoii as a first class house, situate at re lunction of the Oil Creek A Allegheny liver and Philadelphia Erie Railroads, pposite tho l)eMt. Parties having to lay ver trnlna will llnd this the most convon cnt hotel in town, with rtrst-elass aiwmi iiodHtions and reasonable harites. tf. Dr. J. L. Acortb, miYSICTAN AND SUROKON, who has I hail tifti-en years' experience in a laro and successful- practice will attend all : , Professional falls. Otlico in his Pru and L. iro(ry Store, located in Tidioute, near 1 Tidiouto House. "' IN HI.S STORE WILL RE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Lirpiors Toliaeco, Ciuars, Stationery, I j lass. Paints, Oil. Cutlery, and tine Groceries, all of tho best quaLity, and will be sold at reasonable rates. II. R. RUROKSS, an experienced Priiit y 1st from -New York, has eharjro of the Store, AU proscriptions put up accurately. if. i . KNOX, to CO, Elm St., ionesta Pa. W are In daily receipt o. th argMtand MOST COMPLETE stock cKOCi:uira and PROVISIOXS, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MAPXET BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR THK MILLIONS! which we aredaterraintd to sell rjardless of prices. SLOAN I VAN GIESEN. ANI WAGON-MAKERS. Corner of Church and Elm Streets, TIOX33STA , I A . This Arm is prepared to do nil work in itsiiine, and will warrant everything done at their sh PS to uive salisfuction. Par ticular attention i cii to IOItSEUSIIOI.IG, you will flivo them a trial, and gretit. not rc- 13-ly. JOHN A. DALE, PREI'T. OSN A. PROPER, VICE PRtKT. A. H. STEELE, OAtHR, ' TIOiETIDSTA. SAVINGS BANK, l .Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. Tills P.aiik transaclo a Heneral Ranking, ol ect int uud Kxchauo inisiness. Dratta on .thu; Principal Cities of the United Slates niel Europe bought anil solil. (lohl and Silver Coin and Government Securities boutibt and sold. 7-".H ISonds eonvciu d ou iUo moi.t favorable terms. Interest allowed on time deposits. Mar. 4. tf. Forest lti'ptibljcrn HABDWABE AND Ilouso Fiirnibhlnu (ioods. Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ae., Ao Ac, which we olfer at greatly re duccd prices. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! of all kinds, PARLOR. sy'TS, CIIAMIIERSIiTS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, BPRINti REi)S, M AT R ESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, At-., Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and seo, P. S. KNOX, A CO. SUHSCRIliE f. rtlie . Ttwlllpitv. 7-tl WAXTKn-Men and Wonieii seek ,.uul ii.iviniTbusinesstoM.il our il- liistrated, liis'orical, biographical, reli gious and aL'rlciilu.ral works, elld atainp for full particulars how von can make I'll 0 to MHi per month. E. It. TREAT. Pub IMmt, WW Hnnwdiray, V. Y. SM-V- 'Pshaw,' said the husband peevishly. -Sow don t be silly, Maria. And lu the stage, yesterday, you never asked me if 1 was warm enough, or put my shawl around me wh le Mr. ISrown was so altectionate to his wile. It was mortifying enough, llcury ; iu. deed it was.' I didn't know women were such fools,' said Mr. Edge as he drew m his overcoat, to escape the tempest which was lust approaching. 'Am I the sort of a man to make a ninny of myself doing the polite to any sort of a female creature 7 Did you ever kuuw me to be conscious whether a woman hud on a shawl or a swallow-tailed com'' Maria eclipsed the blue eves behind a little pocket-handkerchief, and Hen ry the savage, banged the door loud enough to give Betty in the kitchen a nervous start. 'Raining agaiu ! I do believe we are going to have a second edition of the deluge, said Mr. h,dgo to himself, that evening, as he ensconced six left of iniquity into the southweet corner of the car at city hall. '(Jo ahead, con ductor, cau't you see we are lull, and it is dark already r 'lu one minute, sir. said the con ductor, as he helped a little woman, Willi a basket, on board. '.Now, sir, move up a little, if you please.' Mr. Edge was exceedingly comfor table and did not want to move, but the light of the lamp falling ou the fiearly forehead and shining, golden niir of the comer he altered his mind and moved up. ' W hat loveiy eyes,' quoth he men tally, as he bestowed a single acknowl edging smile.' 'Ileal violet, the very color I most admire ! Bless me ! what business have old men like me to be thinking about eyes. There she has drawn a confounded veil over her fa-.-e, and the light is as dim as a tallow dip; but those were pretty eyes!' The fair possessor of those blue eyes shivered slightly and drew her man tilla close around her shoulders. 'Are you cold, Mis? Pray honor me by wearing my shawl. 1 do not need it myself.' Mie diu uot refuse she murmured some faint apology for troubling h.m, but it was uot a rctusal. 'Mo trouble not a oil,' said he, with alacrity, arrunginj it on her tapering b'hnulders, and then as the young lady huuded her lure to the conductor, he said to himself, "what a slender little huiid! if there is anything admire iu a woman it is a prctiy hand. Wonder what kind of a mouth the has got? it must be a delightful one if it corres ponds with the' hair and eyes plague take the vt il.' But 'plague,' whoever that mystical power muy be, did not take potsensiou of the veil, so Mr. Edge's curio.ity about the blue eyed dauiecl rejiaiueil unsatisfied. 'Have you room euoiii'h, Miss? I fear you are crowded. Pray it a lit tle closer to me.' 'Thank you, sir,' was the soft reply coming from behind the veil, as Mr. Edge reflected like an angel from a dark cloud. And his heart gave a large thump as the pretty shoulder touched his owu shaggy overcoat iu a hesitat ing sort of a way. 'WidwJIy, this i gfcttiag uih rn raantic,' thought he, and then with an audible whisper, 'what would Maria say ?' The rest of that long, dreary ride was delicious with the shoulder Against his own. Hour gallantly ho jumped up to pull the strap for her hy some streak it happened to be at the very street where ho intended to stop. Un der the circu instances we hardly blame him, when the cars stopped so sud denly that she caught at Ins arm for the squeeze he gave plump, rosy hand any man of sense would have done I the fame it was such an inviting lit tle lily. I A II . . - J....- ........ 1... . lr . AntllT IIIU to IUIIJF juui ima&ub, Miss, as our path lies iu the same direction,' said Mr. Edge courteously, relieving her of her burden, as he sp-,ke; 'and and may be you'd find less difficulty il you take mv arm. Well, wasn t it delightful r fllr. lvlgo forgot the wet street and pitchy daik ness he thought he was walking on roses. Only as he approached his door he began to feel a little nervous, and wished the little incognito would not hold on so tight, suppose Maria should be at the window on the look out, as she often was, how would she interpret matters? lie couldn t make her believe that he only wanted to be polite to tne fair traveler. Hesides, Ids sweeping declaration in the morn ing she would be sure to recall them. As he stopped at the right number. and bude her adieu, he wns astonished to see her also run up the steps to en ter. Gracious Apoilol he burst into n cold perspiration at tho idea of the young lady's error. I think you must hove made a mis take, Miss, he stammered; 'this can't be your house. But it was too late she was already the brilliantly lighted hall, and turning around threw oif her dripping habiliments, und made a low curtsey, 'Ahy, its my wife! gasped air, Edee. .'And happy to see that you hive not furcrotten all your gallantry to wards us ladies,' pursued the merciless little puss, her blue eyes (they were pretty) all in a dance with suppressed roL'utrv. Edije looked from ceiling to floor in search of a loop-hole to retreat, but the search was unavailing. Well,' he said in the most sheepish tones, .'it s the fir.'t. time I wns ever polite to a ludy in the cars, aud hang me if it shtui t be the last. 'You see, my dear,' said the ecstatic little lady, 'I didn t expect to be de layed so long, and hud uot any idea I sheuld meet with such attention in the cars, aud that from my husband, too! (.fondness gracious, how Auut Priscilla will enioy the pike. 'If you tell that old harpy I will never hear the lust ot it, suid tune in desperation. 'Very probable,' was the provoking reply ot his wife, 'Now, look here, darling,' said Mr, Edge, eoaxingly, 'you wou't ry any thing, will you? A fellow don t want to be laughed at by all the world. say, Marin, you tdiall have the pretti est furs in New York if you will only keep quiet you shall, Ujion my honor.' 1 lie terms were satisfactory, and Maria capitulated who wouldn't? And that is the way she got those splendid furs that filled the hearts of all her female friends with envy. And perhaps what made Mr. Edge such a courteous husband ever since. Fallacies as to Diet. A gentleman writing of a "long" ac quaint a nces, says there is among his acquaintances one at least who t-njoys a "high" reputation, for he etandsover seven feet iu his stockings, and though a talented member of th bar, he is good natureo, modest citicen. lie was sitting in the stall of a theatre when the curtain r, we and the actors advanc ed to their postiona. A cry of "Jowu in front" became general throughout the audience. Their attention was directed to the tall H , who feeling himstlf the object of r?mark thought he was reqoi.ed to pellle a little, looking as if he would like to settle through the floor, he presided to to raise himself to a standing psitio(i, in such manner, however, as to con vey an impression that there no end to him At last he did get himself straightened out at full length, aImU glancing at the astonished audi-nce, he very delilwrately remarked: "Gentle men. to satisfy you that I was sitting down, I uow stand up. " A burst, id' laughter and applause succeeded, the audience ami actors became convulsed, the curtain descended rspiilly, the msiirjer, with beaming countenance, came loraard and, amid the wildest applause, conducted the gentleman to a private box. It is height of meanness to impale man on bis own dagger, but some people are unscrupulous. The editor of the Hudson (N. Y.) Ptar received an acrostic recently, mhich he inno cently published, not knowing that it impudently said : "A.N. Webb is au ass." He dK'u't care, so much fo.' acrostics as be did, but ho is eagerly searching lor "Ellen," the acrostic-maker. Ex-Senator Gwin is gmine to mals money out of his new gold fHov.n Pft ) ' ' A fallacy, in regard to diet, is to suppose that the natural appetite is not the best guide ns to the quantity and quality of our food. It is true that the appetite docs sometimes become perverted. It is true i lhat it does become sometimes a symp tom of disease But theso cases are exceptional. Hideous doctrines hare been taught on this subject. We have been solemn lv told to rise from the table a bun- izrv as when we eat down. We have been told to be always ready for a meal in other words, to live in state of perpetual hunger. We have been told to eat thoso things which wc most hate and to avoid those things that we most love that to have longing for any article is the very rea son why we should be denied it. These doctrines are monstrous. They are unworthy of the nineteenth centu i ' t . s r , rv. 1 liev are a libel on tne reutor who gave us taste and appetite, in or der that we might know what to e.it and drink, and gave ns also judgment to direct nnnetite and taste when the system hecemes diseased. ' -vt . .. . ...... ii ! INot WIIIISiaiKnilL' llll lis iiauiiuy io . .... .1 nerversion. the nnnetite is, on tne whole, a better euide in selecting food and in measuring its quantity, than nil the books on hveiene that have ever been written. The practice of weighing the food which was introduced to the world by the example and teachings of Cornaro the Italian, cannot be loo strongly re probated. It is impossible for the seales to trll us how much to eat. The quantity of food that we need depends on the amount of labor that we do, on the nature of the constitution, on our mental moods aud on the quality and variety of the food which is served. To weigh or measure the lool habit ually is not only silly, unnecessary and useless; it is actually a crime. It wastes valuably In.urs that should be better employed. It makes us miser able, nnd that fact alone is argument enough against it. It brings on iudi testion and all other woes, and there fore prevents us from (retting the best advantage of what wo eat. Another common fallacy in regard to diet, is tho theory that one or two kinds of food, at each meal, are more easily digested, aud more wholesome than a large and palatable variety. Our books on health tell us over and over again that two articles at each meal nre sufficient, and that we shall be liable to eat more if the table is covered with a generous variety, My advice is emphatic and clear. Let "there he as generous, agreeable aud attractive a variety at each meal we can afford. Let the limits of that variety be determined by our purses our tastes, our appetites, and our tal ent in cooking, and nut by the books. It is possible for nearly every fnmi ly to have a good variety of food nt least, at the principal incut of the day, without great expense. Cookery is one of the fine arts. It should be made .. ...i .ii a study. e nave goou dooks ou cookery at the present time, and every young wife who loves her household, and every young maiden who hopes to have a household to love, should study the best works ou this subject, just as they grammer, arithmetic and geogra phy in the schools ; aud, above all, should practice the urt with their own hands at home. Genius never made any ludy a good cook. The art is acquired by close study and patier.t practice, by many and repeated failures. A good cook can make a pleasant and healthful lueal out of a few simple articles. A poor cook will make a wietched din ner, even ftiih the whole market at her disposal. I hope to seo the day when the art of preparing food will oe taught iu our schools, like other im- portuut branches; when young girls and young wives will go to the cook iug-school as they now go to the dauu iug halt, and when even ladiesot fash ion will boast of their bread und their puddings as they now boast of their acquisitions iu music and French. A variety of food is more healthful than one or two kinds, because it is more easily digested. This is a law of nature. Appetite teaches us to c mi bine tweet with sour, vegetables with meat, dry food with wet, etc. A meal composed simply of dry Graham bread, or of potatoes, or of fruit even, is far, far less palatable and es digestible than a meal composed of all three varieties at once. Science aud experience are here iu perfect ac cord, If, therefore, wo must rat rniidy, let it he with or just after our meals. It we iiiu' eat sweets iu the evening, let us have sour fruit apples, or lemons, or oranges at the same time, and we shall be less injured. We should nev er eat a large quantity, either of sweet or ot sour substances, ou a perfectly empty stomach. Still another common fallacy is,thut hruin-wurker need less nutriment tluiu those who live bv their muscles. This idea would never have been en terlaiued if people had depended on their own observation and . xiwriitnce. ! Ukit we have been influenced by fuUe . I .. - . I. ... T tionsof clergymen, or alumni meetings. or has boarded with students, has bad .pportunitv to seo that brain-workers are large eaters, as indeed thry should lie if they are really hard workers. the changes ot tissue in the brum, that take place during study nnd thought, are very important and vr ry rapid, and must he replaced by nbiiiulant. I:nd. Our Home rhynewn, by Vr. Heard. ' itaies oi .tt.uvfc-i.iinAAn. On!sV,i!n-;l lifrli,fom Insertion..'..' One Square " oiitiionl .1, :-. one S,naro " Hire! mon. ri - One Nipiarn ' mie year Two squares, onu year - .J ( ' , jnnrtr!"l. " ' ,,,, Half " " j V' Olio " " ' " Ibisiness Cards, not exceeding ouo Im In length, 10 per year. l.ci?al notices at established rates. Those, rates aro low, and no dovin'ion .vlll be made, or discrimination '"'"r latrons. The rates oil. red aie Me ., will make it to the a.lvi nuueof nir n ool business in the limits i f tim clrculatio-i ol tun I nper to advertise 1,1 era.lv. Another Chance. Doubtless all of the readers of Mosaic have heard the story of the young mini who applied to Dean Rich mond for a position as conductor on tho New York Central Uailroad, and was asked if he hud a gold watch, dia mond brenst-pin, nnd other similar trinkets. When ho replied in the neg ative, Dean emphatically declined his services, saying : "All our conductors are supplied with these articles, nnd we do not w ish to stand nur new expense in that line." This reminds us of a story, told with great gusto by a jovial friend in Lew York.since gone to his last account we hope St. Peter was good lm lured to him. "Many years ago," he used to say, "Hank Miller was the great Om nibus King of New York that whs before si reel cars were known, anil Hank's, 'busses were going on all the principal lines. He was a good Matur ed ninn, quiet and full of fun. The drivers of the 'busses were cashiers, ton; received the passengers' money,! made change, und at :iight handed over their day's receipts, Ono even ing, Hank was inspecting one of tho, stalls of one of thestables, when John-1 V. -I III 1 I cy iiemcK, a wcn-Kiiown urivcr, ami as shrewd a fellow as ever' cracl ed n whip, enme in, und, without noticing Huuk. emptied his pockets in the next stall, and commenced to make up his account. "That's four Ehil'n for Hank, nnd here's four for me," he said, laying them in two different piles. "There's four shill'n for Hank, and four for me," and thus ho continued until thrf money wns divided intotwo piles, with an odd hslf dollar iu Johnny's hand. "How's this?" says Johnny; "who does this belong to? Well, we'll throw up, heads for me, nnd tails for Hauk," an. I up be flipped it. "Tails, by jing!" he rnioc. I teachings aud erroneous theories, I Any ore who bus attended usoeia exclaimed ; "ah, but that wasn't fair. We'll try it n.'Min," and up it went once more. "Heads! I thought it was mine, and with a satisfied air he pocketed his share and started for the ofiice to make his returns. Hank took a short cut, and when Johnny entered, was behind tho counter ready to receive his money. "Good eve'u." said Johnny, touch ing his hut to Hunk, as be laid the money on the counter. "That's all right, Johnny," suid Hank, quietly ; "we dou't need yoiii services any more." "Eh! How's that? What's the mat ter, Mr. Miller?" exclaimed the as tonished John. "Well, 1 don't think you treated me exactly fair," Hank dryly replied. "Y'ou ought to have given me another chance for that four tliiil'u." w Fates of the Apostlos. Matthew is supposed to have suffer ed martyrdom, or was slain in tho city of Ethiopia. Mark was drugged through Ihnstrects of Alexuiidriu, in Egypt, till he ex pired. Luke was banged to.au olive tree in Greece. John was ;ut in a caldron at Home, but escaped death. He died a uutural death ut Ephcsus, Asia. James the Great was beheaded at Jerusalem. .lames the Less was thrown from a pinnacle aud beaten to death. Philip was beheaded. Bartholomew was sWiunrd alive. Andrew was crucified and pounded bile dying. Thou. as waj run through with a lance. Simon was crucified. Matthias was stoned to death. Paul was beheaded by the tyrant Nero, at Home. . Trade with a Monkey. Monkeys are scarce in Michigan. A saddler in Detroit kepi one for a pel, who usually sat on the coii.itcr, the proprietor being in the biu k room. A customer s-ciiig a saddle that suited him, nsked the price. Monkey said nothing. Customer said : "I'll give you twen ty dollars for il," laying down Ihc money, which monkey shoved in tin: drawer. The man then took the sad dle, but monkey in. united him, tore his hair, scratched his face, and the fright ened customer screnmciWor dear life. Proprietor rushed in mi l wanted to know what's the fuss "puss?" said the customer, "fu's? I bought a saddle of your con, sitting there, and when I went to take it lie wouldn't let me have it." The saddler apologiz"d for the mon key, but assured him he was uu reln tiull. An Indiana editor is represented in "squealing back a squnwk of s cil ry.-i-oied flis " They Will all do so. , A young man, a son of a well-to- !" firmer, had the initio, lime to i: .;iio deeply Humored of a young lady, m-d after a brief con i tshii, proposed and v.' ) accepter)'. But what was his snrpri"! one evening, when about entering tl o parlor with all iho uiiccieiiionicii-. u'e :- dom of a lover, at discovering hi- i. amorala upon a sofa, her arms around the nc k of a neighboring youth, and her lips in such blissful proximity to his ns to convince our hern that mat- . tcrs were fearfully in earnest. In rage and mortification' he rushed bomewenl, arriving just in time to surprise his only sister, the pious wife of the vil- ragii minister, squ.-e7.ing to kill a young .... ..... ... x- . -I .. r . i disciple Ot DiaCKSIOIIf. licilliv mio tic ut such disclosures among people whom he hint believed to lie a little) lower tluiu the aiigei-', he made a bold dash for the barn, running directly up on bis mother, kissing the old family physician, who hud "siole a march" upon her us she was looking after thu poultry. This was too much, and with a groan ihe young mail turned, tiudis covired, nwny, resolved to puss tho night with his grief, beneath the stars, fearful of further revelations should he venture beneath the shelter of another roof. The morning cnrotirged 'hint, how ever, nad dew drenched and aoriovvful,, he sought his home, wh?n his mother, with true maternal solicitude, ques tioneJ him ns to his sad looks ; where upon he related thu incoiisislency of his fair bcthrothed, receiving in reply tho gratifying intelligence that she ns a good-tor-liothipg, Hi -P 'tnhla hirzy, and he must not speak to or notice her : iijrrtin one so utterly unworthy. "But, mother," he continued, fakes tug, "that is not nil." "Not all? Whatcna there be more? ' was the next question. "Why, when I hastened home, what i should 1 find but my sister my godly sister in the arms of a rascally young . lawyer.' "Your sister!" shrieked the outrag ed mother. "My child? The ungrate ful, wicked creature ! Is it for this I have given her a home, nnd cured f -r her husband and children? I iM do it no longer; such conduct is infamous -and to be digraced! She shall leave, to day, and never enter my j resciico ngain." "When sick and discouraged by such tepented exhibitions of sin, I Mt, the house, determined to pass the niijbt iu the burn, I there found my laother kissing old Dr. F." "You did ?" "I did." "Well never mind, my son; they will all do so." Doctor "Well, how did your wife manage her shower bath, deacon?" Deacon "ho had real good luck. Madame Moody told her how sho managed. Hlie said sho hud a largo oiled silk cap, with a capo to it, like a fireman's, that came till over her shoul ders aud " Doctor "She's a fool for her pains that's not the way." Doiicon "So my wife thought." Doctor "Your wife did nothing of t,he sort, I hope." D.-acoii "Oli, no, doctor, sho used an umbiilly." Doctor "What ! used nn umbrella? What the mischief good did the show er bath do her?" Daaeon "She said she felt better. Her clothes wcrn't wet a mite. Sh sot uiu'er the uuibrilly for half an hour, till nil the water trickled off. a id taid 'twas cool and dcliglitful.und just like a leetle shower iu summer. Then sjio took oil' her things, and rub bed herself li r lulfun hour urtcr." A miilher-in-law, up ill Troy, thought she heard bard words between her daughter and her husband, mid 'so she tried to sue what was going on through the key-hole. She is now us ing eye water on account of a doo of red pepper that soon how went through that key hole. Well, key holes will act that way sometimes, when mothers in law uro making improper uu of ihcin. 1 It ro is a beautiful instance of con jugal till'ictioii. A married lady in Connecticut recently fell i-ito a river, and would have been drowned, except that her erics attracted l!io nttt ntioii of In r hii.-hulid, uho mistaking her ill the d;.rk for i.uolhcr woman, worked. like n beaver to get her out. A i::au gcln; out of nn omnibus it few (lavs a, made use of two knees to steady himself, at v l.ich tho Indies look off nee. and one ol ihcin crii-1 aloud, "A perfect savage." " i'rue," said a wag inside, ho belongs to the Paw-Knee tribe." "What ii. tikes you so glum, Tom?" "Oh, I have had to ciidaje a sad trial to my feelings." "What on earth wus it?" "Why, 1 had to tie on u prct y girl's bonnet while her mother wus looking on." The ucw slvle. of collars for gentle, man is simply terrili.'. With moder ately long pantaloons, they da away (Vith ajl iicce.-oiiy fur u shirt. lie. virtuous, 1. rr.ee, happy. '..t .nlh.cn'l hitieruc" f