The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 12, 1871, Image 3

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Not liavinjr room for tlio whole of
the President's Mesng without over
crowding our columns, wo condense it
for the perusal of our renders, merely
piv'mg the outline: -
To the Senate and House of Itepenta
live :
In addressing my third minimi mes
ajto to the law-making branch of the
government, it ia gratifying to he. nhle
to state that during the pnst year sue
cp.! lius generally attended the eflort
execute hII laws found upon the statute
book. The policy has been, not to
inquire into the wisdom of the laws
already enacted, hut to learn their
pirt and iuteut, to enforce them ac
cordingly. The past year lias beeu one of gen.
cral prosperity to the nation. The
Western fires have ervfd to call forth
the best elements of human nnture in
our own and foreign countries.
Tne relation of the United Slate
witn foreign power continue friendly
Dispute of long sttia.ling with Eng
land have l en settled by arbitia ion.
Various other questions are to be et
tled by arbitration.
The Emperor of Germany lias con
rented to act a the arbitrator of the
disputed water hondry between the
U. 5. and Groat Britain.
President recommends necessary leg
islation in regard to tho fisheries on
the lake.
Renew hi retrrmrmendation for an
appropriation to determine the true
pi'silioii ot the 49th parallel of latitude
bound ry line between the U. S. and
British America.
Has given direction for the with
drawal of the portion extended to
German in France. The duty ha been
performed with prudence. The gov
ernment of Germany manifests friend
ly fueling toward the U. S.
The ratification of consular and
naturalization eunveiiti. n with the en
tire Hungarian empire have been ex
cliaigvd. I have been officially informed of
tlie annexation of the states of the
church, t- the kingdom of Itnly, and
the removal of the capital of that
kiugdom to Rome. In conformity
witn the established policy of the
United blatea, I have recognized this
The ratifications of the new treaty
of commerce between the United
(State and Italy, have been exchanged,
and the two power have agreed in
this treaty, that private property at
sea shall be respected during a war be
tween the two power. The United
State have spared no opportunity of
incorporting thi rule into the obliga
tion of nation.
A mixed commission hn been or
ganized to adjudicate the claim of cit
izen of the United States against
Spain. The U. S. hj presiedd over
a conference between Spain and the
South American Republic which ha
resulted in an armistice with prospects
of permanent peace. The friendly re
lations between the U. S. and Rnpsiti
remain undisturbed. The Grand Duke
ha been hospitably received. Mr.
Cttfaeajsy has been recalled as Minister
from Russia and an unobjectionable per
fcui appointed. With Japan we main
tain intimate relations. We desire to
maintain the tame relation with Chi
ns. Shipwrecked sailonhaving been bar
barously treated on the Corcau coast,
a conference was sought to put nn eud
to this treatment. A surveying pit'ty
bavins' the matter in charge waa at
tacked. A force then landed and re
duced the forts aud vindicated the
fctHior of our flag.
It i hoped that the Republic of
Mexico will a'tyt more stringent mea
sures for restraining law lees persons
on the frontier.
Our relations with the various Re
public in Central aud South America,
continue friendly.
Tho jatificiuiou of au extradition
treaty with ji'it-uuraga ha been ex
changed. Rni-f.inrnPiide legislation to prevent
American lu foreign laud from hold
iugSlave. Our Naval commander have been
instructed to spare uo effort to protect
the lives ami property of American
citizen i.'! Cuba.
Four American youth should be
l;ept in China and japan for the pur
P'sp lesrninr their language aud be
coming interpreters.
Ask tor liberal measure to support
steamship lines between the U. S. aud
Japan aud CLiua.
iue national debt liu been reduoed
to the extent of eighty six millions,
fifty seven thousand, one buuJred and
twenty-six dollars and eighty cent,
during the year.
RccniumcuH that the tariff be taken
off such necessary article a are Qui
produced in tho U. S.
Kecoiniueud that some means be
tvn tit place a fixed value on our
'1 lie .Navy ha been iacreaxed with
out material increuse of expenses.
Recommends a plan for uniting the
telegraphic system of the U. S. with
the postal system.
Tho Kuklux law are having the
tfTuct of reducing the outrage. Sev
eral of these person are in custody
and will be Jealt with according to
fhoir crime.
Recommend an act to legitimize all
Mormon childrcu burn previous to a
tijnq ti bo fixed.
RecomtBJDdii appropriation fur tho
s'f't'! i f Hrninx out rfip IM'uji
TT. tit
policy and also that they be granted a
territorial government in Iudian Terri
Recommends that public land be
only disposed of as required for occu
pation by actual settler.
The Agricultural Bureau ia working
a national good.
Recommend proper compensation
to public officials where there i much
responsibility attached.
Recommends the disabilities impos
ed upon the Southern people by the
14ih Amendment be removed. Rec
ommend appropriations to the Terri-
toral Government of the District of
Recommends appropriation to re
place the Government building des
troyed by the fire in Chicago.
Suggests Congressional action to pre
vent imposition practiced upon immi
grants. Has convened a board of gentlemen
eminently qualified for the work de
vise rule aud regulation to effect a
civil service reform.
Ccxfidknct Game. On Monday
afternoon a the express trin on the
A. &. G. W. railroad was approaching
the Jamestown and Franklin crossing,
n psssengjr, evidently unused to much
railroad travel, approached Major
Drricksnn of Meadville, who was a
passenger on tho train and asked him
if a man w ho had expressed his goods
from New York to Memp his would have
to stop at the principal stations and
pay the amount due from point to
point. On being answered in the
negative the stranger proceeded to re
late his story, saying that near Mead
ville, a well dressed individual ap
proached him and requested ihelonn of
thirty dollars on a bond winch he pro
duced and represented to be a gold
bearing security issued from the State
aid calling fur one thousand dollars,
and as an excuse stated that the ex
press agent wuuM demand the pay
ment of bis good when the train
should arrive at Greenville, and that he
the well dressed individual must
raise the money. Just then No. 2 ap
proached, who said he was the express
agent and that the money must be
paid or the good would go no father.
The man, to whom railroad car and
railroad games were a novelty.declared
out of the goodness of his heart that
he had no money or he should cer
tainly relieve a brother in distress.
Thus checkmated V'ic confidence men
went forward to the smoking car, and
were followed their by their would be
victim, Maj. Derrickson und the con
ductor, but they jumped from the train
uear the Green vUle water stution aud
were ltot again seem Argm.
We take the following item from
the Clarion Democrat: '
Our enterprising old friend, Wm.
Dougherty auu his industrious 'inns, of
Farmington township, are putting in
some fine timber thi season. They
have one stick 70 feet long, which
makes 3G7 square feet. Who can heat
this monster of the forest? They in
teud putting it in at Coukburg, with
four horse.
The house of Loren Snyder, in fit.
Mary' settlement, in Knox township,
was burned on Suturday evening last.
Tho house tuck fire on the roof and
was past extinguishing when discover
ed. Only the goods in the lower story
were saved. No insurance. A quan
tity of wheat, four heds, and many
other articles' were bnrnefi.
Hon. Wnr. P, Jenks, President
Judge, -and James Sweeny, and Alex
ander McCall, Associate Julges, nil re
ceived their commissions, and were
sworn into offico by J. W. Long, Reg
ister and Recorder, last Monday morn
ing. Court was then opened, and the
new Judges proceeded to business.
Judge Jeuk't charge to the grand jury
wa a clear and logical exposition of
the law, aud a plain explanation of
the duty of jurymen. The business
of court ia being promptly transacted,
and the new Judge give general satis
faction! James" Raflerty, of Washington
towrrship, after benzining hi lank,
rnnmieiK-ed smashing in window, at
Lickingviile, oj Saturday last. After
indulging- in' this amusement, and
Oshkosh fun generally, he was arrested
by constable Cypher!. Raflt-rly,- be
cuine so wild aud furious that the con
stable required two assistants to bring
him to jail. They urrived at Fort
Johnson, on Sunday morning about
five o'clock, 9 here the prisoner has
time to get sober and meditate on bis
"We take the following items from
the Warren Ledger:
The bridire is now open to travel. Esq.
Oilman i employed ua collector of
The Oil Creek and Allegheny River
Railroad Machine Shop are to be
moved from Corrry toTitusville. Thi
is a hard blow fur our Corry neighbors,
but they are hoping for something to
take their place. .
The small pox fare is subsiding
about everywhere. We are informed
there has not been a case in Tidioute
after all, and there ha been none in
Warren, nor in several other place we
nave heard from, w here the disease hu
beeti reported to exibt.
A fchort time since a lady in Pleas
ant township, on waking at uight dis
covered d man at the head of the bed,
and iu attempting to wake her hus
band set the baby to crying, at which
the man' quit the room and went up
ttair. Slie succeeded in arousing her
husbandwhen the man returned and
succeeded in escaping, although twice
fired at. A sum of money bad that
day been brought to the house, which
is supposed' to account for the aupear
Oil ot th .rimsr' vWr.
On Saturday morning man
named Chr.stonher Rye, in tho employ
of Mrs. Foi ker, while engaged in haul
ing hay from a short distance in the
country into Sharon, met with an ac
idem which caused instant death.
After driving ofT the scales, about
half a mile from town, the wagon up
set, throwing him from the top of the
load. In falling he struck on his bend,
crushing hi skull. When picked up
he w as dead. Meadeille Jiepubliean.
To those who are bowed down by
nervous Debility, aud despair of ever
recovering the vig r and mien of man
hood we earnestly recommend Dr.
Walkers California Vinegar Hitter.
Before they have fini.-hed the first bot
tle, they will (withe restorative prin
cipal at work in eve-y portion of t heir
broken-down system and hope will
spring up in their hearts. No case of
Dyspepsia Biliousness, Intermittent
Fever, Rheumatism, Gout or kidney
disease, can resist thi unequalled
vegetable tonic whiclv i unpolluted
by any distilled or fcrnieuted liquor.
BY VIinTEofawritofVondi Exponas
Issued out of the Court of Common
ITeks of Forest County, fit., to me direct
ed there will lin exposed to mile l.v public
vendue or outcrv, at tho Court House, In
the Borough of Tionesta, on
MOXOAY. DICC. 25TII, A. !. 1S71,
at 1 o'clock. 1. M., the following described
real estate :
.tohil If. Loutficr vs. The Carbon Oil
Company, Ten. Ex. No. 1V, Pec. Term.
1X71 Ash, All defendant's interest of, in
and to a certain piece of land, l'ing an is
land in the Allegheny river, situate in tho
township of ThincMn, in theoountvof For
w't described bj follows : Bcuiniiing at a
white walnut, thence wuth soventv-two
degrees west twenty-five perches; thence
south fifty-tourdogreos west eight perches;
south twenty three degrees west forty
eight perches; north seventy degroes wd-t
twenty perches; n irth sixty-five decrees
east thirty-three perches; north eleven de
gree east twenty perches; north sitv-ve
degrees east thirty-three pet dies; 'north
eleven decrees east thirtv-two perches;
and north fi fty-t wo degrees' west seven and
three-tenths perches to tho place of begin
ninir. Containing nine acres and one hun
dred and fifty-seven perches, be tho same
more or less,
Al-so All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in Tionesta tow nship, count v
ot Forest, hounded and described as fol
lows ; lleirmniin; at a chestnut on the east
bank of the Allegheny river; thence by
lands warranted to Henry 1'aimatie south
twenty-nine degrees east one hundred nnd
thirty perches to a hit -onk, thence south
thirty-one decrees wrest slxlv-tlirce nnd
five-tenths perches to a white pine ; thence
south one oeurce west ono hundred and
two erches to a hemlock ; thcuc - by Ixit
No. litcid north eiirlitv-nine de.reos west
thirty-two and Hvc-loiiths perches toa post;
thence by vacant land njrth ono durec
east hcvtn'y perches to a hemlock;
thence north twmty-niue decrees west
one hundred and' lllty derchos to a
hemlock; thenco up tlie Alleeheny
river north ciuhty-f'our decrees east six
teen perches, north aixtv-eiht decrees cast
forty-euiUt and iivo-tei)'tha perchi-a, north
titty dejjrreM ea titty-four peiclies to the
place of hctfimiiag. Containing one hun
dred and one acres, one hundred and thirty-five
perches, and allowance of six per
Also All that certain piece fit" piirecl of
lam! situate in TioncsU township, ill the
county of Forest, bounded and deserllted
as follows: Iteirinnintr ataehnstnut on the
east bank of tlie Allegheny rivor, thence
by W. C. inlands north twentv-thne
i rehes to a pin onk sapling ; thence north
lorty-eifrht degrees wrest sixty perches ton
ed oak on the bank of said river; thence
south forty seven degrees wost thirty-four
perches to the place of betrinuino;.' Con
taining twenty-lour and a lml I acres, be the
same more or less.
Also A certain island In the Allegheny
rivor sitna'o in Tionesta township, in the
county of Forost near tho mouth of IJttln
Tionesta, surveyed tor II. VV. Townor by
William II Hands, county surveyor, on tlie
13th of April, 1861. Conlainiiig'ft ve acres
and nineteen perches, more or less.
Also A certain Uland situate in the Al
legheny river in tho township of Tionesta.
in the county of Forest, near the latt uh ive
described island, containing three ncris
ami one hundred and twelve pen-lies more
or less, surveyed for the said 11. W. Town
er, by said Will. am Hilnnds, county sur
veyor, "ii the I3th April t81.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of The Carbo Oil Company at
the suit of. fno. It. lAuther.
Terms Cash.
K. T,. DAVIS, Sheriff.
Sheriff 'a Oftlcc, Tionesta. Pa., Hoc. , 1871.
Allegheny Valley Rail Road,
ON" AVI) after Monday Noy. 20, Trains
will rim ui follows (Altoona Time):
Day Express leave Oil City at 2 25 p m
An ives at Pittsburgh KM p m
NiirhtKxprcxs Leaves OH City 9:10 p m
Arrives at Pittsburgh 4(1 a m
M'lil Train leaves Oil City 0 45am
Arrives at Pittllinrgh fl 00 p m
Venango Aeeom. leaves Oil City 4 00 p. in.
aud arrives a:. Kittanniiig U 10 p. m.
Thiy Express leaves PilUiiurghat 7 50 a m
Arrrivesat Oil City nt 2 p m
Xight Express Leaves Pittsburgh s ( pui
Arrives at Ot. City 4ntn
Mail Tra'n leaves Pittsburgh 11 50 a m
Arrives at Oil City 7 25pm
Ven.ui'jo Ace. leaves Kit'.annlng 7 05 a m
and arrives at Oil City ' 12 2U p in
Silver Pahteo Sleoping Curs on night
Exnress Trains, between Piitsbiiiuh and
Titusville. Throngli Coaches on I my Ex
press Train between Pittsb'irvh and Itos
ton. J. J. LAWKKXCK,
T. M. KIXO, Geii'l. Bup't.
Ass t. Hup't.
NoW bosk,
1m. Glories of Travel, Ailvu'ure, MiHc.el
hinles, tf e by Ainet ', P, Hichardson. finely
illustrated. Very lurgfl pay. ' Ailnmn
COI.U MIIIAN lilVllvCt)., Hartford, Cl.8ii
AfiFNT wan'ed for
nUL.ll I O oi New Yorl
"The ttrtght Slilo
ol New York." a Library of
Inforrtation lrtiiining to its Institutions
and objects of Interest. )y a City Mis
sionary. 200 Engravings. " Agents sell 40
a day. .Inst Issued. E. It, TUEAT, Pub
lisher. 805 Uroudway, N. Y. Stf-4
most valuable book to an Ainericsn ever
published, 214 elegant illustrations on
steel an I wood. Fiews of cities, buildings
rivers, moil mains, etc., etc. I neliales cen
sus statistics of 187(1, has 110 large KVo
Iiagi-s on supiirb paper. Written by James
), Met'abe, Jr. Ono volume, pri fni.OO.
(ood auonts wanted everywhere. Hend for
terms to WILLIAM H." EVANS .V CO.
740 Sain son St., Philudelphia.
Wliitnpy'i Nt'uls Font II ttrnrsk Sunp.
;fQ TT Oils, Blacks, Polishes and
Ia'1 Noaim at Ihesaine time. Put
5 fr jil? up in large and sontll si boxes
p Sy aje() jj jj ijUrBi nas boon in
use for years and gives pcrftt satisfaction;
rend stain n for our WAV Kit! . Y. Address
O. F. Vhifnev K Co.. I Milk ht.. Itoston,'
Foir Evha Whoever habitual lv
uses any alcoholic prenerations as au
"appcti'zer" will be littely to sutler from
four evils, vix:' an overplus of loud in
theatomach, impaired ability to dipest
it, the pano of dsper sin-, ami a doc
tor's bill. Dr. .Wul iter's Vegetable
Vinegar Bitters, the great Teetotal
Kettorative of the nge, without over
stimulating the palate or irritntingthe
stomach, imparts a hchthful appetite,
promotes digestion, regulates tho liver
and bowels, purifies the blond, and
thus, instead of entniling four evils,
confers four inestiirmblo bentfits. 82 4t
Don't be Poisoned with the sticky,
filthy, tbtneerous Hair Preparations,
but use Nature's Hair Ilestorativc,
which is perfectly clear nnd transpar
ent, nnd entirely free from all danger
ous drills. It will positively restore
Gray Hair, prevents the Hair from
falling off, willeau-e itgow hn prema
turely lost, removes datidruh" ami
keeps tho head in a perfectly henbliT
condition. Try a bottle and besntifhVil
that it is the greatest discovery of the
nge. Procter Uros, Gloucester,
Solo Agents for the Patentee. All the
Druggists have a full supply. SeeudV
Tlll.t 17 LIST,
Fort TurF.xrnt-tt tkhm, 1871.
Fonl t Iju'v vs. T. McCloskey et al.
S, A, Kuril et. al. vs. V. Mct'liiskey et. al.
Forest County vs. C. .1. Fox. lute Treiv.
Lorest County vs. John U. Brandon, late
Solomon Zcntiva. John B. Legnard.
It. C. Hill vs. John B. U'gnanl.
ticorire K. Thaver vs. T. A. Xolan A Co.
H. H. Bentley vs. J. T. Crovle v Co.
Charles Lceper vs. Warren Franklin Ky
K. L. Jones vs. lanlel Mnrnhv.
Coinmoiiwealth for use vs. John Miller et.
1. B. Walter vs. S. Whitman.
,T. S. Hod vs. .1. K. Shaw.
IT. S. Thomas et. al. vs. Ben). May et. al.
M. Anna Ijtmbvs. lien I. May rWal.
K. L. BIimmI vs. James Painter.
Charles II in ton vs. Proper ,p O ill.
Lloyd ,t Lewis Tor Use vs. K. R. Rolrts.
EvaliiiH Coon etal. guard inns, heirs aud
legal representatives of Win. Armstrong
dee d vs. Chas. J. Fox.
F. TV r.usk rs. Wiirnmi R.Coon.
P. Minnigcf- Co, vs. UeorgeS. Hunter.
J as. A. Lewis et. ux. vs K.C Stephenson.
E. L. Jones vs. tieorge V. Foreinaii et. al.
H, II. Mnv vs. James T. Whbner et. al.
II. II. May vs. John Miller et. al.
Harmony Township vs. O. C. A A. U. Itv,
Oeorge XV. Hean vs. 8. Caldwell-.
W. A, Holeiibaek vs. C. S. ltiehartlsoir.
Adda Hunter vs. O. Uiliuau.
.1. B. AOXEW, Trothr.
Xovemler 13, 1871. 33-.1t
W'liKRKAs, The Honorable James Camp
bell President J udte or tho Court of Com
inon Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, lias issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail lelivery, at Tionesta, for
tint County of Forest, to commence cn the
fourth Monday of Dee. next, being tho
23th day of Dee., 1S71. Xotice is therefore
given to the Coroner. Justices of the Poacu
and Constables ol ssid county, that they lw
then and there in their proper persons at
ten o'clock, A. M., of said dav, with their
records, In.ii'.iti.lhs tsft.'-'sfons am!
other remembrances, to do those things
w hich to their olltnea appertain to be done,
and to those who hound in recognizance
to prostMMitea'jainst the prisoners that are
or shall be In the lail of Forest County .that
they be then and there to prosecute against
them as shall lo just, (iiveti under my
hand and seal this 2oth dav of Nov., A. 1
1871. K. L. DAVIH, 8h tr.
per D. W. CLAKK, Pcputy.
A n I K A I, K S
Mr. Samuel Bell, of W. E. Schmertz
Co , Wliolcale Hoot and Khoe Maniifaour
ers. 31 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, ln., has
lsHn alii it-toil with chronic rheuniatish for
thi.ty years, from his right hip to his foot,
having to use a crutcli and a cane, at times
so painful as to utterly incapacitate him
from attending to his business. Having
tried every remedy known, without effect,
except Uillilrtnd's Pain Killer, ho was
finally induced to try it. A second implica
tion enabled him to' lay aaidn his crutcli,
aud a third ollected a permanent euro. Mr.
Bell Is a popular and well-known citizen.
is a living monument of tho etl'acaey of
that great incli.-al discovery, tiillibiud's
Pain Kilr. The afflicted should ask their
gror-er or dru gist I'or it, and try its won
derful power. Mr. Oilldund, we itnder
stand, wants a respectable agent in every
town and county for it. The principal of
lico is at i 't hird Avenue, Pittsburgh Pa.
Irolitrthle llmploy mailt.
We desire to enca i" a few moro agents to
sell the World-if'Ttoariiod Inipmved Buck
eye Sewinir Maclrine, at a liberal salary or
on commission. A horse aud wicrou given
to airentH. Full particulars furnished on
apnlio'tion. Address W. A. HENDER
SON A- CO., Coneral Agents, Cleveland, O.
or St. Louis, Mo. 151-41
Is a South American plant that hits ltnen
used for many years by the medical
faculty of those countries with wonderful
elliciu'V, and is it Sure and Porfoct Itemed
for nil Diseases of tho
Liver and Snleen, Enlargement or Ob
struction of Intestines, I'rinary,
I'terine, or Abdomliuil Organs,
. Poverty or a want of Blond, lu
turntittent or Remittent
Fevers, Inflamatlon of
tho Liver, Dropsy,
hluggish Circu
lation of tho
Blood. Abscesses, Tumors, Jaundice,
Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Aguo and Fever, or
their Concomitants.
Dr, WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA
is a most perfect alterative, and Is offered
to the public as a great iuvigorator and
remedy lor nil impurities of the blood, or
for organic weakness with their attendant
evils. For tko forogoiiig compluiuis
Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba
is confidently recommended to every
family as a household remedy, and should
be freely taken iu ail dcruiig'tinuiits of the
system v.
It is NOT A PH YSIC It Is not what is
popularly called a B1TTEBS, nor is it in
tended as such ; but is simply a jsjwerlul
alterative giving heulth, vigor anil tono to
all the vital forces, and animates and forti
liesall weakairfl I vinpluiuc leiiii ritiiicuts.
JOHN li. KELI.ooti, Piatt St., Now
York. Kl Agent for the t'nited Sliitvs.
Priee One Dollar per bottle. Mend for
Circular. 2J-4t
WATCH FREE to Ajreni to intro-
duco articles that sell lu every house.
Lata A Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 32-4t
The Republican Office,
j T'EEPS constinitly on liand a large a
IV sorlmenl ol lllaiik Deeils, Mortgages,
Kubptrnas, Warrants, NmnwM, Ac, trj
t sold 'leviy for ckh tf.
Woman Know Tltynelf.
The great publication by tr. Chnvasso
WOM A NASA W I F li A N I) Mt T 1 1 E
will smro you money and tull'ering.
Agents wanted evorvw here t ladies prefer
red For terms a Id rest Win. B, Evens A
Co., 740 Siinsoni St., Philadelphia, 2. 4t
()nflMl"'0 ln " '""" lis by ono
.? I (Ol 'vyairent. canvassing for "
By Dr. W, W. Hall. Atrents Wanted II
N. McKlnney A Co., t North 7th Street!
Phila. Pa. 2S-4t
T?TIT1T3 rT,f)Wo .wi" -"i
JTJVa II III Jk W .lnndsome Pros
snNT peetusofnurnew
JBQOK IlluMlrnted Fam
By Bible cons
A nT!MT1 honing over no
XJfjLil Xtl line Scripture 11
ltislratlons to any llisik agent, freo of
eliarge. Addrnss'Xatloiial Publishing Co.
Philadelphia, Pa. S-4l -
polytechnFc icollegeT"
MA UK ITT ST., west of 17th, PHILA,,
Ke-opens Scjitcmber 111th, 1S71. Thorough
Collegiate I raining for the practice el'Min-
Engineering, Civil J'.ngineering, Mechanl
eal Engineering, Analytical liioiistrial
Che- istry, Metalluray a-d Architivture.
Tho Diploma of tho College Is received as
conclu-iive evidence of proficiency bv tlie
lirst entrlueers anil companies emiaircd in
works of improvement. For totli Aniiuid
Annonni-einent, address ALFBED L,
KENXEDV, M. P., PresUol Faculty. 20-4t
ARFNTQ "l100 week (M per
H U L. II I O f eent and IJ.1.IH); in cash
mm 1 m. . f pHSflS. 1 11 forill St o
HfJillO pemalo. i Address Ameri-
eau Book Co., ti2 William St., X. Y. 40-4t
Patented Xoveinpor I, 1K70.
Samples fi-ts.1 at al rooerv stores. II, A.
Bartlott A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 22-41
Wantoil for TITE
Ctrrnt 'onflao;rtfoii.
Tho Qncvn City as It w s and Is. The
Hiuiilet of 40 years aim. Tho Oreat City
of yesterday. The Smouldering ltuins of
tnilHT. A praphi. BtH-onnt of its unexr.m
dexl r se and vivid picture otits sutltlen
tlutruetiou bv Co!lert ChainlM'rlain, Eil
itorsofthe CHICAOO TBI IIUX E, Eye
witnesses and great sufferers from tho ter
rible visitation. All the main facts and
incidents attending this ir rent est cnlamity
of the country, are portrayed with Mir
passed distinctness and power, the effect
on Comment, Insurance, Ac, futly dis
cussed, and details of a worid'a sympa
thetic response recorded.
Fully illustrated. Prieo low. Agents
sboM d apply immnliately as tho snlo will
be inim-nwe. Circulars free. Hubbard
Bros. Publisho s. 7J3 Sanom St., Phila.
CAUTION. Beware of Inferior works.
Bo sure von net A CHAMBElt
Sexual Scienc
luc u i.iik iii.tntiiMHl. .iinaiiiiotHi and
and their mutual interrelations. Iiye, its
laws. Power. Ac., by Prof. O. S. F'owler.
Send for Circulars and specimen paces.
Address Notional Publishing Co., Phila.
Pa. 2S-4t
AGENTS WAXTED. Exclusive territo
ry granted on the
Contains over :tO;i Illustrations. Is
eomplote Library of Biblical Knowledge.
Exccllsall others. In Enirlish and Oermsn
Send for Circulars, Win. Flint A Co, Fhtl
dolpliia, Pa. 2:-lt
ON AND AFTER II P. P. Sunday May
1, 1H70, Trains arrive at and leave the
Cnion- Depot, trner of Waxlriiiton and
Liberty street,-as follows:
Mail Train, 1.30 a in ; Fast Line, 12.12 a
in ; Well's accommodation No. I, il.'JOa m .
Ilrlntoti actsmimodation No 1, 7.50 a m'f
Wall's accommodation No 2, H.aoa m ;Cin
cinnati express U.2U a in ; Johnstown ac
commodation Iii.i'h) am; Braddoek's uc
commodiition No 1, 7.00 p in Pittsburgh
express 1.30 p nc, Pacltio express 1.50 p in ;
Wall's accoinmodation No 3, 2.35 p in;
Homewuod acconimodation No l,il.5o pin;
Wall's ai'ooinmiMlatlon No 4, f.."0 p nit
Brinton accommodation No 2, l.IOp inj
Wav Passenger 10.20 p m.
Southern express 5.20 a m ; Pacifio ex-
iiress 2.40 a iu ; Wall's itecomiiKHlittiou Xo
. 0.3(1 u m ; Mail Train K.KI a in ; Brintou's
accoiiimndittion 1 1.20 a ni ; Braddoek's ac
commodation Mi l, S. 10 p in; Cincinnttli
express 12.:i p lu ; Wall's accommodation
N 2, 11.51 a in ;.lohnstown aecouiii'odntion
4.05 p in ; HoiiicwoimI accommodation Xo
1. N.50 p m Philadelphia express 8.50 p in;
Wall accommodation No3,3.0op m; Wall's
accoiiiuiodation No 4, 0.05 p in ; Fast Line
7.40 p iu; Woll's No 5, p in.
The Church Trains leave Wall's Station
every Sunday at W.05 a; in., reaching Pitts
burgh at 10.05 a. in. ltetiiruing leave Pitts
burgh at 12.50 p. in., aud arrive ut Wall's
I Station at 2. 10 p. in.
t. inciniiail express loaves u uiy. pioutu
ern express daily except Mm lay. All oth
er Trains daily, except Sunday.
For further In lorniation ajifv to
W. II. BECK WITH, Agent.
Tho Pennsylvania Bailroad Coiiipuny
will not assume any Bisk for Baggage ex
cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their
rsiHiiisibility to Mie lli.r.dred Dolla' val
ue. All buu'pige exceeding that a omit
iu value will be at the risk of tho ;ncr,
unless taken by special contract.
General Superintendent, Altoona Pa.
A first-class luriro quarto Journal, 01 col
umns. Illustrated. Or ono year for 110
cents witli two bound lectures, by Janu s
Mtt'osh, D, D. L. U D., and E. (. Haven,
D. !., lu E. D., as premiums Send iiamo
and address t'J People's Journal. Philadel
phia, Pa.
1VAXTED AGENTS (eJfl per dnv to
VV mil the celebrated HOME SHUT
TLE SEWING MACHINE. Ibis the un-der-fced,
makes tlie "lock stitch," alike on
belli sides, and full; licensed. The best
aud cheapest family Sewing Machine in
the market. Address Johnson, Clark d'
Co., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa.. Chica
go, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. 22-4t
Attention Agents I Think of This
Womlernil Suecc ! 25,000
copis of Brockett's History of the
Friinco-Gernian War, sold lirst ISO days.
It will soon contain a full history of the
bloody Rebellion in Paris, making nearly
nun pages aud 150 elegant illustrations, mid
will sell S limes faster than licivlolnro.
Price -only fr2,5). Incomplete works,
written in tho interest of the Irish and
French, aro being ottered w ilh old cuts,
ami for want of merit claiming to lie of
ficial, vc. Uowar. of Micb. Jlrockolt's in
both English and German, is tlie most im
partial, popular, reliable, cheap and sst
selling work extant. Look to your in
terests, strike, quickly and you can coin
money. Circulars freeand terms excelled
hvnoue. A.M. III'UU.IKH, Publisher,
CHtim fil., Phi'n. .
(i iiigfi 0
Contain no LAC S ULPlTUnXo
XlillATi: OF SIL
VER, and is entirely free, from the
Poitonous and llenlth-ttestroyinrj
lrug wed in other Hair Prepara
tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will
not soil toe finest labrle, perfectly SAKE,
CLEAN and EFF1CI ENT ilesid'cnituins
It restores and prevents the Hair from
becoming Gray, linpartsa soft, glossy ap
peannec, removes Dandruff. Is cooV and
refreshing to the head, checks the Hair
from fulling off, antl restores It toa great
extent when prematurely lost, prevents
Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS !V
HEM I' A R I I LEI X T 1 1 E M A R K ET.
DR. ti. SMITH, Patentee, Aver. Ma-s.
Prepared only by PROC TER BROTH
ERS, Gloucester, Muss. The genuine is
put up In a panel bottle, made expressly
for It, with the name at tho article blown
in tho glass. Ask your Druggist for
Xaturo's Hair Restorative, and take no
,THenil two three cent ahtniis to
Pns'ter Brothers for a "Treatise on the
Human Hair." Thn information it con
tains is worth $5 0,00 to any person.
only reliable, Complete' nd tiiiety illustra-
wu iiisrovy oi
ruirirn sithi
The fivMesf selling book ever Issued. Act
quickly and boourc extra terms and choice
Held. 'Outtit, 50 eent . Hl'liiiAltn Duos.
Publishers, 723 Sansom St., Phila. 34-4
It contains over 150 fine engravings of
Battle Scenes and incidents In the War,
ami is iheonlv FUEL. AUTHENTIC and
OFFICIAL h'istoryof that great conflict.
Agents a e meeting with unprecedented
success selling from 20 to 40 copies per day
and it is published in both English and
P II TinMInferlor histories are being
UHU I I Uilcirculntcd. See that the liook
you buy contains 150 tine ngraviniTS and
H0l paes. Send for circulars tV sco our
terms, and a full description of the work.
CO., Phila., Pa. 15-4t
"S. Send for our new Price List and a
Club Form will'aceouipany it, contaiuiuir
full directions makimr a largo saving to
consumers aud remunerative club organ
li'Crs The CiJrertt American Tea
Company, . t
P. O. Box 5tM3. hkw Yof.K. 22 4t
lVelU' Curhuire TablelN.
For Cougbs, Colds and Hoarsenss.
These Tablnta present the Acid in Com
bination with other etlieieiil remedies, in a
popular form, for the Cure of all throat
and lung diseases. Hoarseness and UN
cei-atiou of the throat ai'n immediately re
lieved, and statements aro constantly be
ing sent to the proprietor of relief in cases
of Throat ilillieullies of years standing.
O1 A I I "T" I f Rl Be sure that von
WAU I I VIl gel Wells' Carliol
lc Tablets j don't let other goods bo palmed
oil' on von in their phut.
John Q. Kellon, 34 Piatt St., X. Y.' Sole
Agent. Sold by Druggists, 1'i ico 25 cents
a box 22-4t
Agents Wanted ! ExtraTerms
lUsik aireidi have long wanted a novelty
In the subscription line, which will sell at
sight in evcrv family.
Is the only work extant which atislies
tills want. Tt is beautiful and striking,
combining an entirely new and elegant
Family Photograph Album, with a com
plete Family Historv. Full particulars
free. Address Geo. Alaclean, 1'ubli.dicr,
71" Sansom Street, Philadelphia. 22-4t
ix Tin;
Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES,
. 70, Xassau St., Xow York City.
32.1 A MOVriri-IIorse and
carriage furni-hed j expenses paid; sam-plosj-ce.
II, B. SHAW, Alfred Me. 32-4t
Being an Impose vj the decreet liites
and Mixleriet of Mormon Um.
With a lull and authentic history of
Polygamy, by J. H. Dcmllo, Editor oi' the
Salt Lake Bcportcr.
Agents are meeting with tinpecented
siicess, one reports lsti subscribers m four
davs, author 71 in two ilnvs. Seed lor
I'irculars and see what tin- press says of
tlie work, national t'uiiliblung Co.. I'liia.,
IS Prejiared to deliver the best qunlit vo
Oml at the old Everhai't Bank, two
miles from Newmaiivillu lor 7 cents per
or at TiunesUt and vicinity fur
lie always has a large supply on hand,
Now Is the time to lay in a Urge supply
Orders promptly attended to 29'
JOB WOBK neatly executed at thionio
ar reisoflaHB rat.
The place to buy everjrvaxltily tItJo
f ' ' ' AT TUB
l o rrzsT rnrcizs. .
ia at tho extensive Tea fetor of
whera you can always find a largo sssorW
ment ol ttio law 1 eas at XOW York pi i
j iarg assorimenv oi
Groceries and ProUsions,
pialed fn quality and cheapness byany
hand. The people of Forest coi.nOy wHil
save money by purchasing their upplitsf
ut this
Best brands of
delivered at any depot on the line efts
It. IVoe.
Ktoroon Main 8t. near tho IeHt, .. .
IF YH.T WANT a perfect fit and
I article of Boots and Shoes, of tho flaeat
workmanship, go to ,
(f-r.Siitlsriictlon iruitratilocd. 2-13 tf.
N. V. VI. A mi.
Ard Dealer In
Repairing done in a worktnnnlik
niuniier untl witrrauted to give atir
faction. 4 ljr
1 Cent ro St., opposite Post Ollics,
ieam:iw in
5un materials of every kind. Write fbr
Priee List, tollreat Western Oun Work.
Pittsburgh, n. Army guns ami Ilovol
vors bought or traded for. Agents wantAI.
-. ., 10-4t"
WfiNTFn A(!'NT.S. cverj-.w-hera'; to"
canvass for our.ereat pOL-
w.ii. j hjh'i:. j one c-.wicj-j', graving
uiven toevery subscrils'i'. Extraordinary
Inducements. Address B. B.ltL'.SELil
Boston, Mass. ln-4t .
lo you want a situation as agont,
local or traveling with 'chance t
e-' t. mt tutv selling our
new 7 strand White Wire Clothes
Liles? Thov last forever, sah'iil
ice, so there is no risk. . Address at one
Hudson Itiver Wire W.ivks ..r V'.i.
St., A- Maiden Luir, X Y., or Hi Iiearb ir
iSl t hii ago, iu 4t
AGENTS WANt"eI For the Urilllsat
Witty Book
By Olive Logan. Pleases everybody;
will sell immensely is genial, Jauhtv and
pure-toned; has title in fl colors, and 9
Illustrations. Nothing like It I Canvass-iutc-Bsik
a tare beitutv. New World.
Publishing Co., 7lh .t Market ts., Phila.
l-4t . ,
Dialer im
?foIoin, ISooia A Shoes,
Ac, . . &c,
lIastlioLaruttnd most Complote ShMk
now on hand, of any store lu
Havina: purchnei! my stock tine
tlie (rreat ilecliue in Gold, I can ielF
poods cheaper than any l)ry floods
House in the Oil Uepiona. 'Peraon
purchasing goods of me will save 25
percent. M. V. GETCIIELL, .
Tidioute. Apnl 11, 1K70. 4-f?m"
L. P. BUOCKETf :Sp;7i7u"lur history
of the bloody
Now eon tain in 4 a lull account of th
Fearful Reign of Tarror in Paris..
Is selling beyond till preeeilent.
It is by far theinost reli thin and onlveom.
pleU. and linpi i'tial histury of that mighty
struggle and its iiiouiunteiis results. Cii
pa-es uear l.v ." spirited illustrations,
price, onlv JJ.uO, 40,000 copies already
sold. It is Issued in b ith I nglisli and
Oennuii, and is bevond qcstion the ftistest
soiling bo k extant. Wide awake energet
ic agents wanted. Terms extra. Now la
the time to coin money. A. II. HUH.
BAUD, Publisher, 400 Chostuul Ht, Phila,.
1 It) 4t .