The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 05, 1871, Image 5

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    Tl'ESDAT ilORSLNfi, Mid i. 181.
Jhtrgtat II. IT. May.
CtoN)cimn Jacob Shrlvor, J. It. St roup.
W. W, Dlm md. H. II, Haslet, .1. Wwians.
Jutticc of the J'caceW. P. Morcilliolt,
I. 8. Knox.
Oi?n(nWf-J, N.Toltswnrth.
Muhonl Director .1. Winaiia, J. A. Dalo,
I. A. Proper, Jacob Shriver, D. 8. Knox,
J.D. Irwin. '
President Jutlrje J A M es CAMPnEr.f..
Aariilte JudcJ. A. 1'hopkr, An
ttiw CooK.
ssH(rv.. i davh.
IMttnct AttoririiW. W. MAsnn.
iXMrr-S. Skti.KT.
Mrothnnotary, Ilcgixter it Recorder, d e.
1. R. Aon kw. N, p. WnnrLEB, IJfnj.
Xlmott, I'ktkr Mkiich.i.iott.
Gvwnf.y Superintendent 8. F. Itoirnnn.
Jiti-i fmni'0Hei' Jas. Gilkii.liax,
ttuot'y Surveyor'-S.D. Irwin.
Oronr Joniah Wisans.
, Cbunf.v Auditor I.. I.. IIacKETT, El.1
Bol.KMAN, Wm. Cl.ARK.
Member of Uangretu VMh Dvttrict O. W.
. BooriKi.n
. Art ( Senate W. A. Waixack.
Aewbly Join 1. IIai.i
I wish to Bt'iul off nil hooks for
"blniling within tlie next week, that
'come in. All m ho have hooks to hind
will plense hriug them to tho Rnprn
Lie an office during this week, ninl
,good work ii nd reasonable pries will
'be guaranteed. V. It. Dunn.
Extracts, Perfumery, Hair Oils, Tooth
Brushes, Torn! n and all kinds of Toilet
Articles at tho 8uterlnr Lumber Co. Store.
A. II. Steele whs nt home a cnule
. of hours on Saturday lust. Ho informs
us that he. will not clmngo his resi-
Silk Oimp. Silk Frln , Kilk Vol vet
Ribbons, r. impure I arc, ilk and Velvet
Buttons, and all kinds or Dross Trimmings
for sale at Superior Lumber Co. Store.
Maude Davis, who had oiieof her
legs broken about a month ngo, is im
proving. It is Imped that alio will
soon he able to travel.
A full line or All Wont Long and
Hqunre, Imitation Pnisl-y. and Black Me
rino Shawls for Sulo at .Superior Lumber
Co. Store.
Mr. C. V. Barrett, formerly ed
iter of the St. Mary's Gazette ha i ta-
ken charge of the Elk Democrat. We
wish him access. "'
A full line ofLadios' and Cicnta' fall
rwl mii . f i .
Lined Gloves at Superior Lumber Co.
John Reck went to Pittsburgh yes
erduy, to gel-some machinery for the
mill at Koss Run. Wn need a inachiue
Imp in this place, and are confident
it would pay.
' A full lino ot Underwear, knit and
Woollen foods to bo r ceived soon at the
Superior Lutnlier Co. Store.
Mrs. look, who has for the last
month been keeping private ochool in
t wn, has been engaged to tench a
cloud on Dutch Hill, ami we believe
the term commenced yesterday.
Table Linon, Toweling, Linen Nap
kino, Plain Irish Linen, Bird's Kyoandall
kinds of Linen and Linen Goods at Su
perior Lumber Co. Store.
There will bo no preaching in
town next Suliliatli Sunday School
will be held in the morning, and pray-
er meeting in the evecing, at the M.
E. Church.
Good style pf Paper Collars for 10 eta.
. box, at the Superior Lumber Co. Store.
V. V. Diinomt, formerly of tliN
place, m at present in Mayville, where
he will prohalily spend the winter. lie
will move his family to Kansas in the
spring, where he has taken up a home
. stead. ,
i Ijwe and Linen Collars In great varlo-
ty, at tho Suoerior Lumber Co. Store.
Slush ice has been running in the
river for the week past, ami most of
the ferrying has been done with a n
pn. v The river is falling and will
probably freeze over before the new
year. .:
The newest style of I ailiea' Corsota at
- the Superior Lumber Co. Store.
- We hear that the dance given hv
the Forest Bras Bund at the Holme
House on. Tliursijuy evening last was
well attended, uud heartily enjoyed by
II who were present. We have heard
;frm several sources that a more pleas
unit party wus never held in TioneMn.
Just received a new lot of Cnat'nir
gand Caaaimoiea, at the Superior Lumbor
Co. Store.
We hear that hut few were out on
Thanksgiving day to hear Rev. Bur
ton's sermon, we lay it however, eu
terely to the time of day in which the
services vero held. Had they been
beld in the evening, we believe a good
congregation would huve been cut.
A full line and superior quality of Silk
nibhoiiH, received ami for ba.o at Superior
.Lumber Co. Store.
The bai'k channel of the river at
this plitoy froze 4ip Lust week, anil some
ot the juveniles vere iryiiig lln-ir
kates and one or two of them broke
through nnd wet their fuet. It U said
ihere is good skating up the creek, hut
juet in this vicinity we rttrtlf ba it. I
All the venison we hear of in
neighboring towns, was killed iu For
est county, and yet the meat is harder
to get here, than anywhere elso we
now of. Tho only way our citizens
i get venison is to go out and kill a
a ucr.
tiotngraph Pictures and Frames at the
Super, r Lumber Co. Store.
A. A. Partridge, of Jamestown,
N. Y., i&'n town on a visit to his Bon,
A. II. PuiVuljjc. A Miss Partridge,
his daughtei t w ill him. IIo is an
old subxrrihciof our paper, nnd pro
poses to take itHs long as Forest coun
ty furnishes so tmeh interesting read
ing mntter.
Hard to bent tint new tot of OenlV
raper Collars, Just rteivod H Superior
Lumber Co. Store.
We lenrn that Jo. Hiding,,. 0f
the old part of the county was arret.
ed in Oil City on Sunday the 2Cth tilt,
on the charge of robbing a Mr. Hull
of Meadville, some time hint fall, nn
account of which we f ublished at the
lime. If found guilty of the charge
he will probably serve the State for a
few year?, at Allegheny.
Hentu' Itata and Cupn, Fa!l and Winter
S'.ylex, Men and Hoys' Loots, a full
variety of LndioV Laco Boot, Shoes, Cial
tors nnd Overshoes at Superior Lumber
Co. Store.
The prisoner, Bnrnhnrt, in jail on
the' fdiarge f muroeriug Turner, is
disposed to give the Sheniraud his
family us much trouble as possible,
and force is sometime- niTeary to
compel him to attend to the mili.'oris
on discipline of our county. They
will not probably h bothered with
him much longer, as court week ap
proaches rapidly.
John Huildlcson, i.f Tionesta Tp.,
killed a bear, on Hemlock Creek, one
day last week. It was about a year
old, atnl in good condition for eating.
We had the exquisite pleasure of mas-
licting a piece of it, and pronounce it
the bent meat we ever eat. There are
some of the "varmints" still meander
ing around id our c unity, but are hard
to get at. One was seen on the tram
road of the,uperior Mills a few weeks
ago- ; .
E. L. Davis returned from his
Western trip last Tuesday, looking
hearty and feeling happy. He was
out Buffalo hunting for about three
weeks before starting home, n:id did
Rood execution among them. The first
day he brought down two. He snjo
Buffalo is the hest meat he ever tasted.
Had it u t been so much trouble he
would have brought home a piece with
him. We are glad to see him back,
although we lose a good correspondent
by the means.
Now is the time of year the bridge
question always comes up, hut we have
heard less of it this year than ever be
fore, since our first advent here, four
years ago. One reason, we suppose, is
that the people are getting ashamed of
waiting until the river is nearly if n..t
quite impassible before agitating the
quest ion, and another is, that it is gener
ally understood that Geo. S. Hunter
has taken the matter iu hands, and
has let the contract for getting out the
stone for hc abutments. How long it
will he before we walk over our Red
Sea dry t-lmd, we wouldn't like to
prophesy, but hope it will be' before
the next Presidential election.
Leap year is almost upon us.
During that year Indies are supposed
to exercise more liberities than they
commonly do. We shouldn't wonder
if they made a desperate effort to put
a sixteenth amendment to the consti
tution of these Unite ! States giving
them the riyht of suffrage But, la
dies, woinen-rigi ters and female suffer
ers, "look before you leap," even iu
leap year, because if you get what you
are trying lor, you may find an elephant
on your hands, which you would glad
ly be rid of. The preliminary step .f
popping the question j to lie lakeli by
the holies this year, hi all ye umirince
able young nun, rich old bachelors
uud widouuis, kiep your eyes pceicd
and always make sure that the way of
retreat is i.peu and easy of access.
PvUr Muslcul Monthly for Decem
ber is to hand, couiaiuing nineteen
choice pieces of Vocal and Instrument
tal Music, all of which can be had for
30 cents. It seems hard to believe
that so much can be furnished for such
a small sum, hut we know tiial it is.
It comes regularly ei'cry month, and
contains nothing hut good music.
B iiind volumes fir 1871 are offered,
post-paid, for 95. They come elegant
bound in crimson cloth, gilt sides and
edges, and are guaranteed to contain
850 worth of choice Piano Music,
(some 2"0 pieces). If ordced per ex
press, 84.50 will seen -e it. We would
advise ull those seeking Holiday pres
ents to bear this work iu mind. Music!
is always a proper present to a lady,
and in no other khape tan the same
mount of good music be bought. It
is published by J. Li. Peters, CO!) .
Broadway, New Yorlv I
M. E. Church.
Brook ville,
Perry villo,
Brock way ville, -
TeW Bethlehem,
Dec. 10 nnd 17
10 " 17
" " 23 " 24
" 20 " 27
" 30 " 31
Jan. C " 7
6 " 7
" 13 " 14
' - 20 " 21
" 20 " 21
" 27 " 28
27 " 2H
Fell. 3 " 4
3 " 4
" 10 " 11
10 11
17 " 18
" 17 " 18
" 24 " 25
" 24 " 25
" 24 " 25
24 " 25
O. L. Mead, P. E.
Several in i I V up the Creek huve
stopped sawing ftr the winteri on ac
count of the ice, among the number,
are the Superior Hills, and Newtown
Mills. .
I. G. Butterfitld left town yester
day, to take a position on the Pilhole
Valley Ry. We re sorry to have
In in leave, hut will warraut that he
will give satisfaction iu any situation
ho may be called upon to till.
We are requested to give notice
that the bell, of the Presbyterian
church, will ring every Situday morn
ing hereafter fur Sabbath School i j the
McllH.-dist 'church. The hour of school
la ii.c'O, A. M. and the bell Will ring
at U.U0 anu l.-'i0 A. M.
It is said by-the knowing ones,
that thePiihoie Valley Jtailruad will
be extended to Caahup, withuf a week
or two. Should tins ue the cuae,"' Wo
more empty cars will go over the road.
Ihere will be only about iwj miles l.:
bui:d to run Hie road there, aud the
grade is very light, The travel is now
ull done by slagu or afuut, uud is said
to be imiiuiise. '
Wheeler & Dusetibury, of New
town, huve purchased the mills and
timber land of 11. & H. H. Slow & CV,
at East Hickoiy. This is one of our
largest lumbering firms, aud every
year they are going into the business
still more extensively. They under
stand it perfectly, and are always
ready tor a flood wheu it comes. They
have our best wishes iu their new iu.
The big well nt Cashnp still flows
slemlily, and seems likely to fir some
months to come. All the hands that
arc available are at work putting up
new rigs, and business in the hotel line
is almost ten brisk for comfort. We
believe this to he a legitimate excite
ment, as it is working steadily this
way, aud wc should not be surprised to
see Cashup as large us Pithole was, iu
her palmy days, if the big well don't
give out soon.
The Superior Lumber Co. Store
has just received large stock of over
coatings, cloths, CHSsiineres, nnd goods
connected with the Tailor Department,
which we are bound to sell out at very
low prices, in order to reduce our large
stock of goods before taking sock on
Jan. 1st. A flue assortment of Holi
day books. Come one come all ut.d
buy your holiday iroods.
Jury LUt fo.- December Term, 1871.
Jenks John D. Hunt, Foreman.
Burnett John G. Brandon, Robert
Hillings, Archie Black.
Green William McCam, Thillip
Walters, Philetus Thompson.
Hickory Amza Purdy, Thos. J.
Bowman, Elias Albaugh.
Harmony Austin Slater, C. I
Ilunnu, George Dunlap, Josiuh Neil!.
Kingsley Daniel Harrington, Ilor
ton Murphy, Alfred Patterson, George
W. Dean.
Tionesta Andrew Mealy, Peter
Lovell, Christopher Crop), Samuel E.
Tionesta Boro. A. II. Steele, S. S.
Howe Ileury Fox.
Jenks Raymond Ileltish, James
Walton, Rufus Dodge, Noah K. Bui-
Barnett Herman Knight, Peter
Knight, Isaac Gordon, Peter Gailley,
Daniel Altmaii, James Rodgers, John
Luck ucr, John Eck, Johu Kellogg,
Williuui Williams, Edward Kerr,
Douglass Moore, Philn Williams,
James Black, Jr., Thumas Fttzgeruld,
David Winegard James Duau, Johu
Hickory William Connelly, Sam
uel Deinpsey, William Manross, Clius.
H. Albaugh, Mathcw Elliott, Richard
Seckridge, Henry Suavely, Henry'
Glasmer, Henry Keifer, William B. :
Hall, J.iseph Mealy Jjmei Hunt r,
John S. Range, James A. Brown,
iliiam Albaugh.
Harmony John Wills, Jobn Co
ticlitM, George Manross, Francis M. ;
Vogus, J. F. Connelly, Nathan Case,
Jacob Veddcr, William B. Howell,
Willinm Pryor, John Snyder, George
Sweatland, James Black.Samuel Man
nws, F. W. Hamilton, Jno. W. Sig
gins, Win field Scott, Ira Canficld.
Kingsley Harrison Morgan, John
II. Best, Henry Zindle, Charles South
worth, Nathan BurdickSamuel Levey,
Jacob Berlin, Frederick Lewis, James
ty. Morgan.
Tionesta John Greenan, Madison
Church, George Huddleson, John II o
gan, Jo'iii Carney, Johu Alio, Jacob
Zents, Robert Alt, Samuel Clark
Grcch James Haslet, James Wal
ters, Ernest Beherns, Bobcit Brom
luiiigh, William Myers.
Tionesta Boro. G. W. Snwyer, A.
H. Partridgp, Joshua Thompson, John
W. Mroup, Silas J. Wolcott, J. Taylor
Dale. .
Leaving the East and arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how slia.l we
reach the West? The best Line is ac
knowledged to bo the C, B. & Q,
joined together with the B. it M. Rail
road by the Iron Bridge 'at Curlingtii.",-
and called the Burlington Route.
The main line of the Route running
to Omaha, connects with the great Pa
cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead
ing route to California, i'be Middle
.auch, entering Nebiaski at Platls
luuuiii, passes liuoiigh Lincoln, the
o.utu iujiuu, uuu win tins year be
uu.auru w x-uii jveaiuey, loiuiing jtne
uuitcok i.ine iitivM luu CouUiit.11 by
u-i iuv tunes.
xi.uui.iiui biauch of the B. M., diverg
ing mI Kud Oak, fails into a line rua-
U"'j Uuu II till) .Miaauul'i thl'ougll Ot.
" to Kansas City, aud all Kansas.
I'ueaciiguis by this route to Kansas,
sec Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis-B,-!iri,
uud, by u slight diverguuue, can
see Nebraska also.
, Jjoveio ot .'me views should remem
ber lilt Burliugto.'i Route, for its towns
"uigh glcutu'.ing from .nfar" its tree
fringed steams Its rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans BtrcCC'hing
over the prairies further than eye can
Land-buyers will be sure to reracm-b--r
it, for they have friends among
the. two thousand who have already
bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the
Laud Commissioner ot the B. & M.
li. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or utnotig
the four thousand home steaders and
preemjitors wljp last year filed claims
in the Lincoln land oHice, where "Un
cl Sam is rich enough to give us all
a farm."
The Best Jtwel-y Hot se
In Northwestern Peniuylvania is sit
uated on the corner of Water and
and Chestnut Streets, Meadville, Pa.,
and is owned by M. P. Jenks. He
has just received a large and superior
stock of Jewelry, which he has mark
ed down to the bottom figures, and we
can conscientiously rcconinn tut this
house to our readers if they want any
thing in that Hue. The stock is very
extensive, ami one cannot fail to suit
himself in anything in this line. Give
Jenks a call when you go to Meadville,
and you will not regret it. 27 tf
Use Dr. Ilcrrick '$ Sugar Coated Veg
eiable I'M and hid Strengthening
J'liuters, also Dr. I'errin's Fumigutor
for Catarrh. The best preparation iu
the market. For Horses and Cattle
use UarveVt Condition Powders the
hest in ue satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded. Sold by D. S. I
Knox & Co.. Agents, Tionesta, Pa.,
aud the trado generally. 21 3iu
For bale,
The desirable Farm, known ns the Dr.
Sibbald Farm, containing about 80
acres, bottom sand, located ori tile Al
legheny River, three miles above Tio
nesta. Good two-story frame house,
large barn, good orchard, aud desira
ble improvements. For teims &c. en
quire of W. W. Mason,
'I ionesta, Pa.,
or B EGO 19 fc Sinci.aik,
33 tf Cleveland, Ohio.
We have just received a full sup
ply of Ladies' Furs, Mulls and Capes,
also Gents Fur Collars, which we 'if
fer at very low prices. Also Woolen
Blankets from $'&.7 to $9 00 per pair
10 4 uud 111 wide, Gents Woolen
Sari's, Ladies' Knit Shawls, Nubias,
Wool Hoods, Ac., &c.
Bcuk Binding.
We are agent for as good a book
bindery as then is anywhere. We are
prepared to do ull tho binding which
may be brought to us, at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Ssuijdcs
can be seen at this cllire.
Cahi'kntkhm, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Gil men, and other citizens ot
Forest county, w ho are in want of any
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidioutc. They
have the largest stock in this section
of the country. They are inukiug uud
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Paw oiill cBttinys at ehort notice 4-tf.
Prospectus for 1872.
A Itcprcncnlative and CMtmpion of Ameri
can Art.
A n JltiMtratrri Monthly Journal claimed to
be the hnndtonwtt I'uper in the World.
As a guArantee of the exeelloni-o of this
department, tho pnbli-hep4 would ben to
announce (; theoomimr year, speci
mens from tho following eni.nunt Ameri
can Artists :
V.'. T. Richards, Victor Xehlie,
Win. Hart, Win. 11. Wilcox,
Wm. Heard, James II. llenrd,
Oeorg Smiley, James Smiley,
Ana. Will, It. K. Pivuet',
tlranvllle Perkins, Krnnk Hnrd,
F. O. C. Darlcv, I'aul Dixon,
J. Hows.
Thcso pictures aro tininir renrodnoed
without rcuurd to expense, by the very
best engravers in tho country, and will
bear the severest critical comparison with
the best foreign work, it heina; the deter
mination of the publishers that TIIK A l
LlIXK shall bo a successful viiidu-ation of
Am rican tate in competition with any
existinx puOliention in the world.
I Where so much attention is paid to illus
tration ana get up ot tiio work, too inin-h
dependence on appearance may very
naturally be t'cnreii. To anticipate sue i
misivin, it I only necessary to stut-.
that, the editoriiil iniiiiuirenieiit of Tltfcl
ALD1NK has Isvn intrusted to Mr. Itieh
ard Henry Siodd ird, who has received as
surauces of assintnui-e from a Iro t of tho
most popular writers and poets of the
will eontiiin nea.".'v aw I,!Kes, and about
2.-S3 Hue eiiKravinf;s. CommcncinK witii
the nunibei for Janurv. ev j.' v tn'ro num-
I er will enntuin a beautiful tinte .' tct,,rB
on plnie paper, inserted aa a lrolltlOl''e
The Christmas number tor 1872, will" i.e a
spiendid volume in itxeir, continuing fllty
enif ravines, (lour in tint, and, a.UmtiKh
retailed at (1 will bo sent without extra
ehai'ire to all yearly subscribers.
A Chromo to every Subscriber
waa a very popular feature la-it year, arid
will be repeated with tho pieseni volume.
Tho publishers nave purchased and rcpr.i
duced, at ;reat expense, the beautiful oil
pa nting by Skin, entitlod "Dame N
tuhk'h School." The chromo is 11x13
inelies, hiiiI is an exact fae-simile, in suso
and appearance, of the original picture.
No American chromo, which will at all
compare with it. Imi yet been olVurod at re
tail fo less than the price asked for I II li
AI.HINK and il to ether. It will bo du
ll verod free, wilh the January nuinlicr, to
every subscribers w ho pays 'for one year
in advance.
One copy, one year, with Oil Chromo $.",.00
five Cuiien, " " " 20.00
Any person sending 10 names and flO
will receive nn extra copy giaiis, making
II copies for tho ni .ney.
A,.' person wishing to work roraprm'
uni, -an ive ,lr premium circular on ap
plication. K'vo mane beautiful and
desirable articles 'lered by no other paper.
Any person wishing to, . permanent
ly, as our aiiont, wilt app.v. ' reerenee,
enclosing l lor outii:. v
23 Liberty St., Now Vork.
A Hysendinu OtCKXTH
with aire, hlfilit, color of eyes and hair,
you will receive, by return mail, a correct
picture of your future husband or wife,
with name and date of marriage. Address
W. MX, P. O. drawer No. 34, Fulton
ville N. V, 13.41
Maufacturers of Hot Air Engines.
t, 2, and 4 Horso-Pow-er.
Xo water u-od !
t'nnuot explode)
Xo insuruocedeniaud
ed! Xot liable to get out of
order I
I5(Kuii-e no Skilled
Kngineer !
rn 25 cents
per day per horso power. 22-4t
PSYCHOIXIOIC Fascination or ul
t'linrniiny. 400 pni:e bv Herbert Ham
ilton, It. A. How to use this power (which
all p hc-s at wdl. Divination, Spiritual
ism, Sorceries. Dcinonoloirv. and a thous
and other wonders. Prii-u by mail 1.25
in ninth 1 paperoera f 1.00, Vopv free to
agents only. tfUim monthly easily made.
Address T. W. Kvims, Pub., 21 . eth Ht.,
I I. - o'i '1 'n. 2S-4t
is prut'
IS I..4 V It TIM
'ith thetireen Tea Flavor
Varranlbd to suit all
asKw. Kor sale everv
here, in our "traile
mark pound and half
pouu.i iiaekaes only, and sale wholesale
only by the Ore it Atlantic ud I'acithi
Tea To., 8 fhiitcli St. Xew York. P. O.
liox 55u0. Send for Thea- S jctar circular.
,1J i:TN, I.ooU! 82 I" $12
tint 1 v eAsiiy juado, rotitalilu and resp'H -table
businins. little no'e't.v wanttHl
by everybody. Sue e-s sure Send stamp
for cireulars to l liil ch it V Teicpleton,
ManulacturcrH, lil i lln a Iway. X. Y. 27 4
C&umvs o Comfort,
"SlOfrom 507
lCRUPI,r rnttpoMin paid) tor FlllyCanu. Uit
KUilMailr lor Tan lioiUn. II I. Wuuiiit.N.V.
Q PL baa lieen lately paid by C011-
0Jt' ViVJ (.ti-sm to a laoy lor her
I. in very and skill in saving I'miiiraii'.N
from tho Indians. She. was a iir.soiier
auiouir them. "MY CAPTIVITY
A.MuNi; 'I I IK SIOUX." Is her story. It
is a wonderful one, endorsed bv noted
( 11 1 1 : I S, I ) F I 1 1 V. US, ( O X I i IIH S M !; X ,
ele. Sp'eudid tiiisiuess, to sell II.
I ,JJJ inlnsl in Alex. 1 1 vde's "!
tlil eson AKi iciilture," pi iee$l.50, into their
tow us. A rare clmneu to turn hour into
cash, Wechuruell tiling liir circulars and
full information of either book. Ji wdl
pay all to send lor them. Address, Amer
ican Publishing Company, Harliord,
'01111. " a7-4t
At.KNTS WXTKD-l!ouud canvass
ing book
fknt i'i:i:r.!
of postage on receipt of 75 cents, and cx
euisive territory granted on tho
lr '!' li I f Ititue itrm t-
1 HII '11 I Iv I II IM r. m 111,1-4.
Contains over:nie ill iihI rut oiih Isa cent
pb te l.ibiary ot llibliea Knowledge. I 1.
cells all olbeis. In Kiielish and tierniun.
Wm, J lmt A Co . Phila., Pa. 27-41
Free to Book Agents.
Wo wl!l send." handsome Pi u-peetil of
our .Xew I lliifiriitintrd hmmlii llil,le. con.
taining over 200 line scripture lllos'ia
traiiens to anv llis.k Ag.-n' freo of cbui ;o.
Address National I'nUishing Co. Pli,,-.
el(i. 1-a. t.t I
Joist nr.sot.rTio:
Proposinft" im winendment to the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
Tie. il Hcunlred by the Senate nni ITohm
of Jli-prenentntivcf nf the (,'onlmonwratth of
i'rnnnilvan a in te-nerrtl Acmbty met,
That tho following aiiiendmcM of tl? Con
stitution of thin Cumin mwcirf'h bo" pro
p'med to the people for their i(.rritionor
rejection, pursuant to the provision c4 tMf
tenth article thereof, tn wit:
Strikeout, the Sixth Se-tlon of tho Slxtff
Article of tho Const) utlon, and insert in
lieu thereof the following:
"A State Treasurer shall he elioaen tiy
tho qualitied electors nf the Sfato, at such
times and for such term of service as aliail
be prescribed by law."
J A MRS II, wrnn.
Speaker of the Hmtso of representatives.
Speaker of tho Senate.
Approved the fifteenth day of Juno.
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-one.
3 SCt. W. OF.ATtY
Prepared and certified for publication
pnrsimnt to tho Tenth Article of the Con
stitution. F. loltliAX.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Office Secretarvof the Commonwealth. I
Harrisburjr, .1 ul v 5:li, 1871. J
T le followlna are selected from thous
ands of testimonials of similar character,
as expressing the reasons for the prefer
once or the O rover & linker Machines over
all others.
"I like the Omver it Tfciker Ma'
chine. In the lirst place, because ff I had
any other, I should still want a Ornver tt
Itaker ; and having a Grover it linker it
B-Hvers the purpose of all tho rest. It
does a Jrcatcr variet v of work and Is papier
to team than ""V other," Mrs. J. C. Cro
y (Jenny June)
"1 !..ivo had several vfrV expe
rience with a Wf .'ver it Itnk'er MacM e.
whi.-h has Kivcn mo trret,; satisfiiction. I
think the fJrnver V Itaker Macrn'e I" "'"re
easily nianautral, and less liable to iret .V..''
of order. I prefer the Grover A Itaker de
cidedly." Mrs. Or. Watts, Xew York.
VI have had one In my family for
some two years; and fjnm what I know
of Its working, and from the testimony of
many of my friends who use the n me. I
can liardly see hnwanythlngeould be more
complete or Rive better satisfaction."
Mis. Gen. Grant.
"I believe It to ho the best, all
thinirs considered. oI hii v that I have known
It is very simple nnd easily learned the
sew Inn from the ordinary spools n a rrent
ndvantaire; the stitch tn entirely relinblo;
it does ornamental work beautifully; it tn
not liable to not out of order. Mra. A. M
Spooner, 36 Done! St. Brooklyn.
"I am acquainted with the work of
me principal machine, and I prefer the
Grover linker to them all, because I con
sider the stitch more elastic. I have work
In thehoiiso which was done nine years
aito which in still irood." Mrs Dr.' Mc
Croady, Xo. 43 Kant !i3d street, N. Y.
"More than two-thlrdn of ail the
sewinsdono in mv fiunilv for tho last two
ve.?18 '""s heen done by Grover & Itaker'n
Mai'liii?". nl"' I nover had a irarmcnt rip
or neod nn"""nf except those rents which
troiiisomebovi, W'H '"ake In whole cloth.
It ts. in i-.'.y opinion, b.v far the most valu
alileof an'v t have trieJ. -Mrs. Henry
Ward Ileeeher.
"The Grover it Ttuker Sow-Ins; Mii-'
chine has lendered In every rcspei't, the
most perfect satisfaction. It combines so
many al vantages with lieauty ot exoeir
tiou and economy iu price Unit it la a lie
cesity in every household." Mra. Gover
nor Geary, llarrisburn, Pa.
'I have had the Grover Bakor Ma
chine for ten or twelve veirn in constant
use in 111 v house I liavo seen and known
every kind of Family sewine, both per
sonal and household,' accomplished up
tho Grover A Itaker Machine, to tho enti.
satisfaction of all concerned, Uov. Stephen
II. Tvmr.
"I lind the Grover ct Paker Slih-h will
woaraslnmra the tfiuiiients do outwear
the t'lii'inent In fact. Tho stitch will not
break on bias seams, when stretched, as
others do: and neither does it draw the
work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 Fast twou-
ty-iouriu street, JN. x
The Grover and Itaker Hewing Machine
Company manufacture both the Flastic
and Lock Stitch Machine, and otter the
pubi.'c a choice of tho best machines nf
both kinds, at thoir establishments In all
tliolartfo cities, and through agencies in
nearly all towns throughout tho country.
Price lists and samples Cf sewing in both
stitches furnished on application to Grovei
& Baker S. M, Co., 17 Wood Street, Pitt
burgh, Pa.
The now booV GOD ItEASOX AXD
SCI KXCK ; or ne Landmarks of Truth,
is highly n ended by all demonstra
tions, anil .a rapioly. Agents khould se
cure a choice of tichl, at once. Send for
1111 ins, aud see extra inducements. Frank
liu I'ublisliing Co, 7U Chestnut St.t 1'hila
ilelpli.a, 'l 4l
CoMp..'Mt. ai. (Uf Bravlwf N Y sli1 ' l
viUi pH.iiucr)iiio llktMr uf tasM Msrtlt4 '
lbs H un War ! HeNMr m. Idlian ud Mi-trait- 9 twrnn-t
travel Nt Imsy.ntara, wbt prvtaud ! bat ttMft UwUlf.
h (Mm mm sit
Inventors w ho wish to take nut Letters
Patent are advised to counsel with Munn
and Company, editors of tho Scientilic
American, who have prosecuted claims
be ore the Patent l Utice tor over Twenty
Years Their American and I'.uropcttii
Patent agency is tl.e most extensive iu tho
world Charges less Uihii any other relia
ble agency A pamphlet containing lull
instructs us to invent- rs is sent gratis
ML XX V CO., 37 I ark How,
IStf Now York
9K(Wt Itetailed by one. Wanted
v" agents tosull pictures yry
where. Whiiney if- Co., Norwich, Ct.,
l,Vn " Convent Lite Unveiled, " by
1 Kdith I'Goi iiiau, Ksciiped N 1111, whose
disclosures are thrilling and startling,
Fi-aiiklin Pub. Co. 71.' Chestnut St. Pliilu
Ph. 7-41.
rupture. Kffc5 rsvav-
SKK I.K Y S H A It D III' It It Kit Tltl'S-ainl
SC I'PoltTKlt. C.k.I, comfortable, light,
cli auiy and duiati'o. Never rust, break
nor soil (steel springs coated Csed in
baihing. SliiiM-d to lorm. Itust known.
Send Stump lor pamphlet, to J. It. Seclev'n
Trim- iV llauila.-o Ksialilishments, 1.117
Chestnut St., Ph. la.. Pa., and Xo. 3 Aim
St.. N. Y. lii-4t
QOJK A MOXTH.-HorHo and car-
sample free JI. U. feSUAW, Alfred, Mo.
To tho Nerveoua
IIOSRsiifferlnira hsve been riror-
ed from hidden ausee, and wnins
rases require prompt troalraeat to reader
existence desirable'
If yon are sutTerltis;, er fcava snftVr4
from involuntary (Uncharges, what effeel
does It produce on your general healthT
Io yo fil weak, debilitated, easily Uredt
Does a little extra exertion produce pal
pitation of the heart? Does yourl vi-r, er
urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent
ly get out of order T Is your urine tome
times thick, minty or flocky, or Is it ropy
on settling? Or does a thick skum rise t
the top? Or is asodimont at tho bottom af
tor It ban stood awhile? Do you have
sells of short breathlnsror dinpopnia? Are
your bowels constipated? Do you hare
spoils of fralntlng, or rushes of blood te
tho head? Is your memory Impnred ? Is
your mind constantly dwellitlir on this
subject'? Doyotr foot tTufl, listless, moping,
tired of company, er lile? Do you wisk
to be left alone, away from every body?.
Dooa any little tlung mkc yea start er
jump? Is your sleep broken or re-tlesn?
Is tbo lnstre of your rye ta brilliant?
The bloom OH your check an bright? D
yoil enjoy yournolf in society as well ? Da
you pursue your business wt'i the same
energy? Do you feci as much contidence
iu youself ? Are your spirits dull and flaj.
ging, given to fits of melancholy ? If ,
do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your back
weak, yonr kneen weak, and have but iit
tle appetite, and you attribute this ta if
pepsiaor liver-oatllaiat t
Now, reader, self-abuse, Teaerealat 4-
oases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are
all capable of producing a weakness of the
generative organs. The organs of genera
tion, w hen in perfect health, make the maa
Did you ever think that thoso hold, defi
ant, energetic, porsovoring, successful bus-inoss-mon
arc always those whose genera
tive organs are in perfoct health? Yoa
never hear rorh men complain of being
molancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of Jie heart. Thoy are nevet afraid they
cannot sueceJ'l In business ; theydon'tbe
coine sad and discouraged they arcalwaya
polite and pleasant In tho company of la
dies, and look you and them right la the
fuee none of your dowtica-t looks or any
mcannesH about thorn. I do nat mraa
tnoe who keep the organs inflated by
running to excess. Those will not only
ruin their constitution., but alaa these
thoy do business with er fea
TIow many men, from badly enrsd dis
eases, from the effects of self-abuse and
excosn, have brought ate ut that state of
weakness In those organs that has reduced
the geneal system so mneh nn to produce
almost every ot tier disease Idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal afTeetinnn, suicide, and al
most every other form of disease which
humanity Is heir to. and tho real came of
the trouble scarcely ever suspected and
have doctored forall but the rlj;ht one.
Diseases of those organs require the as
of a Diuretic. HULMBoLD'S FLUID
KXTIIACT BUCIIU is tho great Diuretic,
ami la a certain euro for diseases of the
Bladder, Kidneys, Gravol, Dropsy, Organ
ic Weakness, Fcmnto Complaints, Gener
al Dcbity, and al' diseases of tbo Urinary
in-yuus, whether existing in Male or Fe
male, from whatever cause originating,
and 1)4 matter of how long standing.
If no treatment la submitted ta, Cm
sumption or Insanity may ensue. O a
Mesh and blood are auppoUod from these
sources, and the health and happiness,
asd that of Posterity, depends ae
pri.mpt u of a reliable remedy.
Helmbold's Extract Buchu, established
upward of 19 Aeara. p epared by 11. T.
H KLM BOLD, Druggist, fiU4 Broadway.
Xow York, and li4 Ssnih IO1I1 Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Pkick il.'l't per lottle
or H bottles lor A50, delivered to any ad
dross, bold by all Druggestsevurywhsra
Wrapper, fac smile of niy Chemical W aie
houue. aud signed U. T. HLMiOLi.