a v0 ecm ' -; TL'ESDAT HORSING, DEC. . 181. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Jhtrpe Tl. IT. Mat. Cbuseimfn .IneobShrtvor, Jt Tt. HI roup, Vr. W, Dlinond. S. II, Haslet, J. Wtunus. Justice af tin J'eace V. 1'. Mercilliult, X. H. Knox. Vuntable J. N.Toltsworth. M.-honl Director .I.WIimns, J. A. Dalo, I. A. I'rnpor, Jacob Shriver, D. S. Knox, H-D. Irwin. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Frerident .Indue James CAMrnEi.f,. Aoeiilte Judge J. A. PnoPKn, An imw inxik. Shri(rV.. L. Davis. litrict Attorney V. W. MAton. .Xreaurei H. Skti.kt. ' Prothgnotary, ltegiter it Itecorder, f e. OumtmtKinner N. P. WnitrxHB, Xir.ns. Clmiitt, ParKR Mkiicii.i.uitt. County Superintendent -U.K. ItoimKn. Jury fmmiMtinners J ah. OiLt'll.l.lAM, Wm. Paitkhnon. t'ounty Surveyor S.D. TnwiN. MironVr Josiah Wisass, : Count) A uditnr L. L. HaCRKTT, Km Bot.KMAN, WM. Cl.ARK. Member of Vongre DMA DvttrietO. W. .Bconitt.n . ATito .Sk-naf W. A. Wai.i.ack. ' Antewbly Jon o. Ham,. LOCAL AN!) MISCELLANEOUS. I wish to Bend vfr till books for "binding within the next wwk, that 'enmo in. All who have hooks to hind will please bring them to the RnPl'B LICAN office during this week, ami .good work mid reasonable prices will 'be guaranteed. W. It. Dunn. Extracts, Perfumery, Hulr Oils, Tooth 'Brushes, Com I n and ult kinds of Toilet Articles nt tlio Superior Lumber Co. Store. A. II. Steelo wits nt home a couple of hours tin Saturday lust. Ho informs us that he. will not chungo his resi denre this winter. Silk (limp. Silk Frin , Silk Vol vet Ribbons. Gimpure l ace, ilk and Volvot But'oils, mid all kindsof Dress Trimming for tale at Superior Lumber Co. Store. Maude Davis, who hnd one of her legs broken about a month ago, is im proving. It is hoped that olio will aoou be able to travel. -rA full line of All Wool Long and Hquare, ImlUtiou Paisl- y, unci Black Me rino Shawls for Side at (Superior Lumber Co. Store. Mr. C. W. Barrett, formerly ed iter of the St. Mary's Gazette ha i ta ken charge of the Elk Democrat. We with hint SK'ceM. .' ' A full line of Lailioa' and Gents' fall and winter Silk, SUV Liaio nml Fleece Jjineil Oloves at Superior Lumber Co. fctorc. Job n Reck went to Pittsburgh yes icrduy, to get-aoine machinery for the . mill at Iloss Run. We need a machine hop in tin place, and are confident it would pay. A full line ot Underwear, knit and Woollen (foods tolio r eeived booh at the Superior Lumber Co. Store. Mrs. Conk, who has for the last month been keeping private school in t wn, has been engaged to tench a school on Dutch Hill, and we believe the term commenced yesterday. Tablo Linen, Toweling, Linen Nap kin, Plain Irish Linen, Bird's E.voundall kinds of Linen and Linen Goods at Su perior Lumber Co. Store. There will be no preaching in .town next Suhhnlh. Sunday School will he held in the morning, and pray er meeting iu the evening, ut the M. E. Church. Good Kty ) of Paper Collars for 10 ots. a lx, at the Superior Lumber Co. Store. .W. W. Ditnond, formerly of thi place, is at present in May ville, where lie will probably spend the winter. lie will move his family to Kansas in the . spring, where he has taken up a home' .. stead. j j i Ijue and Linen Collars in great vario i ty, at tlio Sunerior Lumber Co. Store. Slush ice has been runuing in the river for the week past, and most of the ferrying has been done with a en Pl v The river is falling and will probably freeze over before the new year. : The newest Ktylos of T adieu' CorsoU at - tha Superior Lumber Co. Store. : We hear that the dance given by the Forent liriL-H Rand at l lie llolmen Iliuine on. Thurtiday evenirg last was veil attended, und heartily enjoveil by all wuo were present. We have heard ;frm several sources that a more pleas :ant party was never held in TiniieMu. Just received a new lot of Coat!m;s and Caiisimeies, at the Superior Lumber Co. Store. We hear that but few were out on Thanksgiving day to hear Rev. Bur ton's sermon, we lay it however, en terely to the time of day in which the services were held. Had they been Jield in the evening. w believe a good congregation would have been cut. A full Hue and superior quality of Silk ItibbonH, received and for ui o at Superior Lumber Co. Store. -The biuik channel of (he river at this place froze up Lust week, and some of the juveniles vere trying their kntcs uiul one or two of them broke through and wet their feet. It is said there is good skating up the creek, but juet in this vicinity we raffljr h it. " All the venison we hear of in neighboring towns, wns killed in Fof est county, and yet thfl meat is harder tn get here, than nnywhero else we now of. Tlio only way our citizens ci get venison is to go out and kill a a ucr. 'lotograph Pictures and Frames at tlm Super,,. Lumber Co. Store. A. A. 1'artridge, of Jamestown, N. Y., is'n town on a visit to his son, A. II. I'aiVnigc, A Miss Partridge, his daughtei s with hi in. He is un old subseribeiof our nppr, nml pro poses to take it-is long as Forest coun ty furnishes so iiytb interesting read ing matter. Hard to benttint new tot of Gents' Paper Collars, Just roelvoil Superior Lumber Co. Store. Wo lenrn that Jo. Hidings of the old part of the county was erres. ed in Oil City on Sunday the 2Cth ult., on the charge of robbing a Mr. H.ill of Meadville, some time last fall, an account of which we published at the time. If found guilty of the charge he will probably serve the State for a few year?, at Allegheny. i lent' Hats nod Caps, Fall and Winter .Styles, Men and llovi' Loots, h.ko a lull variety of Ladies' Laeo Hoots, Shoes, (!nl tors and Overshoes at Superior Lumber Co. Store. The prisoner, Rarnhnrt, in jail on the' 'diarge tif inuroering Turner, is disposed to give the Slicnir ami big family ns much trouble as possible, tind force is sometime mTesary t compel him to attend to the iuilu',"ns on discipline of our coutny. They will not probably lv bothered with him much longer, as court week ap proaches rapidly. John Huddlcson, .f Tionesta Tp., killed a bear, on Hemlock Creek, one day last week. It was about a year old, ami in good condition for eating. We bad the extpiisite pleasure of mas ticating a piece of it, unit pronounce it the best meat we ever eat. There are some of the "varmints" still meander ing around iit our c unity, but are hard to get at. One was seen on the tram road of the, Superior Mills a few weeks 8''0. E. L. Davis returned from bis Western trip last Tuesday, looking hearty and feeling happy. He was out BiiH'hIo hunting for about three weeks before starling home, n:id did good execution among them. The first day he brought down two. He says Buffalo is the best meat he ever tasted. Had it n t been so much trouble he would have brought home a piece with him. We are glad to see him hack, although we lose a good correspondent by the means. Now is the lime of year the bridge question always comes up, but we have heard less of it this year than ever be fore, since our first advent here, four years ago. One reason, we suppose, is that the people are g. ttiug ushamed id' waiting until the river is nearly if n..t quite impassible before agitating the quest ion, and another is, that it is gener ally understood that Geo. S. Hunter has taken the matter iu hands, and has let the contract for getting out the stone fof ihe abutments. . How long it will be before we walk over our Red Sett dry shod, we wouldn't like to prophesy, but hope it will he' before the next Presidential election. Leap year is almost upon us. During that year ladies are supposed to exercise more libcrities than they commonly do. We shouldn't wonder if they made a desperate effort to put a sixteenth amendment to the consti tution of these United States giving them the riyht of suffrage. Bui, la dies, women-rig!. ters and leumle sutler ers, "Iook uclnre you leap, even ill leup year, because if you get what you ure trying lor, you may find un elephant on your hands, which you would glad ly be rid of. The preliminary step i.f popping the question is to bo lakeli by the latin s this year, so all ye nial riage able young nu n, rich old bachelors and vticlouets, kiep your eyes peeled and always make sure that the way of retreat is open ami easy of access. Petirn' Musical Monthly for Decem ber is to I'li in I, containing nineteen choice piece of Vocal and Instrument tal Music, all of which can he hud for 30 cents. It seems hard to believe that so much can be furnished for such a small sum, but wc- know tiial it is. It comes regularly every month, und contains nothing but good music. B mud volumes for 1871 are tillered, ptist-paiil, for $3. They come elegant bound in crimson cloth, gilt sides and edges, and are guaranteed to contain 850 worth of choice Piano Music, (some 2110 pieces). If orde.cd per ex press, 84.50 will seen -e it. We would advii-e all those seeking Holiday pres ents to bear this work in mind. Music is always a proper present ton lady, ami in no other shape can the same amount of good uiuaic he bought. It is published hy J. L. Broadway, New York Peters, 91) M. E. Church. CLARIOS CWTniCT, QCAHTEIlt.Y MEET- INOfl BM'OSfl HOUND. Brook ville, Troy, Pnnxsulawney, Pcrryvillc, Lnthersburg, Brockwayville, Wurfaw, Clariugtoii, Washington, Rockland, Reynoldsville, T.'vw Bethlehem, Rimershiirg, Putneyville, Calleusburg, Tionegta, Hickory, Shippenvillo, Cnrllsville, President, Clarion, florsica. Dec. 16 nnd 17 10 " 17 . 23 " 24 " 20 " 27 .10 " 31 Jan. G " 7 6 " 7 13 " 14 - 20 " 21 " 20 " 21 " 27 " 28 27 " 28 Fe'o. 3 " 4 .. 3 4 " 10 " 11 " 10 , 11 " 17 " 18 " 17 " 18 " 24 " 2" w 24 " 2") " 24 " 25 " 24 " 23 O. Li. MEAD, Y. J- Several inilfe up the Creek, have stopped sawing ftr the winter! on ac count of the ice, among the number, are the Superior Hills, und Newtown Mills. ' I. G. Butlerfiild left town yester day, to lake a position on the Pithole Valley Ry. We tre sorry to have him leave, but will warrant that he will give satisfaction in any situation he may be called upon to till. We are requested to give notice that the bell, of the Preshyteriao church, "sill ring every Sunday morn ing hereafter lor Sabbath School iu the Mulht.dist church. The hour of school is U.oO, A. M. and the hell Will ring at U.UO ttiiii-U.W A. M. It is said by-the knowing ones, that the Puiiole Vulley Jiuilruad will be extended to Caaliup, wilhul tt week or two. Should tins ue the case, more empty curs will go over the road. Ihere will be only about twj miles to bui:d to run tlio road there, and the grade is very light, The travel is now ull dune by stage ur afoot, and is said to be i in m ..-use. Wheeler & Dusenbury, of New town, have purchased the mills and timber land of II. & 11. 11. Slow & CV, ut East Hickoiy. This is one of our largest I Muttering firms, and every year they are going iuto the business still more exteusively. They under stand it perfectly, and ure always ready lor a flood wheu it comes. They have our best wishes in their new in. vestment. The big well nt Cushup still flows steadily, ami seems likely to for some months to come. All the hands that are available are at work putting up new rig, and business in the hotel line is almost ten brisk for comfort. We believe this to be a legitimate excite ment, as it is working steadily this way, and wc should not be surprised to see Cashup as large as Pithole was, in her palmy days, if the big well don't give out soon. The Superior Lumber Co. Stre lias just received large stock of over coatings, cloths, cussiineres, ami goods connected with the Tailor Department, which we are bound to sell ut at very low prices, in order to reduce our large stock of gootls before taking st ick on Jan. 1st. A fine assortment of Holi day books. Come one come all ut.d buy your holiday u'ootls. Jury List fo.' December Term, 1871. OP.ASll JUItOItB. Jenks John D. Hunt, Foreman. Burnett John G. Brandon, Robert Hillings, Archie Black. Green William McCam, Phillip Walters, Philetus Thompson. Hickory Amza Purdy, Thus. J. Bowman, Elias Albaugh. Harmony Austin Slater, C. L. Ilauuii, George Dunlap, Josiuh Neill. Kingslcy Daniel Harrington, Hor- toll Murphy, Alfred Patterson, George W. Dean. " Tionesta Andrew Mealy, Peter Lovell, Christopher Cropp, Samuel E. McClintock. Tionesta Boro. A. II. Steele, S. S. Burton. rirriT ji'Roits. Howe lleury Fox. Jenks Raymond Hettish, James Walton, Rufus Duilge, Nouh K. Bui- toll. Burnett Herman Knight, Peter Knight, Isaac Gordon, Peter Guillcy, Daniel All man, James Rodgers, John Lackuer, John Eek, John Kellogg, William Williams, Edwurd Kerr, Douglass Moore, Philo Williams, .lames Black, Jr., Thomas Fitzgerald, David Wiuegurd James Duau, John Cooll. Hickory William Connelly, Sam uel Dempsey, William Manross, Chas. II. Alhuugh, Mathew Elliott, Richard fteckr.dge, Henry Suavely, Henry GlusMier, Henry Keifcr, William B. Hull, J.iscph Mealy Juuiej Hunt r, John S. Range, Janus A. Brown, , William Albaugh. lbaugli. y-John Wills. John fV - Harmony ncliu?, George Manross, Francis M. Vogus, J. F. Connelly, Nathan Case, Jacob Vcdder, William B. Howell, William Pryor, John Snyder, George Sweatliind, James Black.Samuel Man rowi, F. W. Hamilton, Jim. W. Sig gins, Winfield Scott, Ira Can field. Kingslry Harrison Morgan, John II. Best, Henry Zindle, Charles South worth, Nathan Burdk,k,tumuel Levey, Jacob Berlin, Frederick Lewis, James ty. Morgan. , ' Tionesta John Greennn, Madison Church, George Huddleson, John Ho gan, Jo'in Carney, John Alio, Jacob Zents, Robert Alt, Samuel Clark Green James Haslet, James Wal ters, Ernest Beherns, B.ibdt Brum- bungh, William Myers. Tionesta Born. G. W. Sawyer, A. II. Partridge, Joshua Thompson, John W. Slroup, Silas J. Wolcoll, J. Tuylirr Dale. , Burlington. Leaving the East and arriving at Chicago or Indianapolis, how sliu.l we rench the West? The best Line is ac knowledged to bo the C, B. A Q , joined togelher with the B. & M. Rail- roatl hy the iron Itrulgent trnriingtii:',. anil called the Buki.ington Route. The main line of the Route running to Omaha, connects with the great Pa cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead ing route to California, ihe Middle aneh, eutering Nebiaski at Plaits tuuulli, passes iln'uugh Lincoln, the u(iiuii, una will In la year be uuiouru vv a'uiv ivearucy, lot uniig jlne uuivcsi Lute uciuaa lue Coutiin.li by utvr ioJ lutius. AuubOui blanch of the B. M., diverg ing ul Rud Oak, luils iulu a line rua- uutui Ihu Missouri through St. iuu to Kuiisus City, and all Kansas. I'uesuuis by this route to Kansas, sue Illinois, Suuiheili Iowa, mid Mia at;ii'i, aud, by u slight divc.lge.uee, cull see Nihrasku also. , li-iveis 01 .'me views should remem ber tilt' RurlingtoM Route, for its towns "uigh glcuru'iug from nfur" its tree Irmged steams Iu rough bluffs and quarries its corn-oi'cails streii'hing over the pruiries further tlijiu eye cau reach. Laud-buyers will be sure to reracm bjr it, for they have friends, among the two thousand who have already bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the Lund Commissioner ot the B. & M. it. R. at Burlington, Iuwa, or among the four thousand home steaders and preeuijitors wIuj last year filed claims in the Lincoln land ortiee, where "Un cle Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm." The Best Jcwel'y Hoi-se In Northwestern Pennsylvania is sit uated on the corner of Water ami and Chestnut Streets, Meadville, Pa., and is owned by M. P. Jenks. He has just received a large aud superior stock of Jewelry, which he has mark ed dntvu to the bottom figures, anil we can conscientiously rccumim nd this bouse to our readers if I hey want any thing in that Hue. The stock is very exieic-ive, ami one cannot fail to suit himself in anything in this line. Give Jenks a cull when you go to Meadville, and you will not regret it. Li tt HEALTHMIGOR. Use Dr. Ilerrick' Sugar Coated Veg et'ible I'ilU ami Au Strengthening I'l(iter, also Dr. Perrin't Fumigutor for Catarrh. The best preparation in the market. For Horses and Cattle use llarvel'l Condition Powdera the best in use satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Sold by D. S. Knox & Co.. Agems, Tionesta, Pa., and the trade) generally. 21 3m For bile, The desirable Farm, known as the Dr. Sibbald Farm, contttiijing about 80 acres, bottom sand, located on tile Al legheny River, three miles above Tio nesta. Good two-story frame house, large bam, good orchard, and desira ble improvements. Fr teinis &v. en quire of V. V. Mason, 'I ionesta, Pa., or Becoia fc Sinci.aih, 33 tf Cleveland, Ohio. We have just received a full sup ply of Lutlics' Furs, Mulls und Capes, also Gents Fur Collars, which we of fer at very low prices. Also Woolen Blankets from $3.75 to 'J 00 per pair 10 4 and 111 wide, Gents Woolen Scurfs, Ladies' Knit Shawls, Nubius, Wool Hoods, Ac., Ac. St l-KUIOIt Ll'MBEK CO. Bcok binding. We are agent for as good a hook bindery as ther is anywhere. We are prepared to do ull tho binding which may be brought to us, ut low rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ssmplcs can be seen at this oflire. Cahi'KNTKKh, Blacksmilbs, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest count v, who are in want of anv thi,lg ;n ,he Huriware lille, hMU K to Andrews & Co., Tidioutc. They 1 huve the largest stock in this section of the country. Thev are inuking ami repairing all kinds of Ma'uhiuerv and 1 P.w will cavtings at rhort aotice' Prospectus for 1872. FIKTIl YKAU. A licpreenlative and Cjwtmpion of Amtri can Art. THE ALDINE: An Illutratrd Afnnthli Journal claimed to be the hamliiomtt lrper in the World. NEW FEA lUUES FOR 1872. ART DEPARTMENT. An a sninrantee of tlm exeellenco of thin department, tho pnbll-hcrM would ben t' announce during thenoming year, Hpeei mens from tho following eminent Ameri can Artists : V. T. Richards, Victor Nehlie, Will. Mart, Win. II. Wilcox, Win. Heard, James II. Ilenrd, George Moiiley, jHineii Smilev, Ana. Will, ' It. K. Pigtiet', liriinvllle Perkins, Krnnk Hunrd, F. (. C. Darlev, I'aul Dixon, J. Mows. Thcso nletures are being rctirnduoed without regard to expense, by tho verv best engravers In tho country, and will bear the severest critical comparison with the best foreign work. It being the deter mination of the publishers tlmt Til K A f DIN K shall bo a sueecssfiil vindication of Am rican taste in competition with any existing publication in tho world. LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Where so much attention is paid to illus tration and get up of tlio work, too much tlepoiidcnce on appearance may very naturally Ira feared. To anticipate sue i misgivings, it Is only necessary to stut-. that, the editorial management of Tllb A I.Hl.N K has Ims?ii intrusted Ut Mr. Kieh ard Henry Miodd ird, w ho has ns-eivod as surances of nsiHtniiee from n ho t of tho most popular writers and poets of toe coun!-rY. THZ VOLUME FOR 1872 will contain nea.'.'v W panes, ami about 2M fine entrravinifs. Commencing witn the numbei for Janurv. J.''V '"'f11 'm I er will eontuin a beuutil'ul tinte ' """ i ne nristmus niiiuLier tor laiZ, win t.o a Kpientlid volume in itself, containing fifty engruvings, (lour in tint) and, although retailed at f 1 will be sent without extra charge to ull yeurly subscribers. A Chromo to every Subscriber was a very popular feature lint year, and will bo repeated with the picsent. volume. The publishers navo purchased and repro duced, at great expense, tho beautiful oil panting by Skih, entitlod "Damk Na tuiik'k Hchoou" Tho chromo is 11x13 inches, and is an exact fae-shnile, in size and uppeanince, of the original picture. No A rican chromo, which will at all compare with it. has yet been ottered at re tail fo less than tho price asked for I'll I AI.DINi; and it to ether. It will bo de livered free, Willi Ihe January nuinlvcr, to every subscribers who pays lor one year In advance. TERMS FOR 1873. One copy, one year, with Oil Vhromo -.o0 five Vupie, " " " U0.00 Any person sending 10 names and $40 will receive an extra copy gratis, making copies for the money. A,rv person wishinato work (bra premi um, can 've our premium circular on ap plication' iV B'vo manv beautiful ami desirable article ?ered by no other paper. Any person wishi..-." act, permanent ly, as our aont, will app.'. referenee, enclosing $1 lor outii:. JAMES SUTTOh.' CO., PIBI.ISIIEIIS, , S3 Liberty St., Now Vork. 1 Jty seiiding Otf'ENTS with ue, bight, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return inail, a correct picture of your future IiiisIjhihI or wile, with name and dateof marriage. Atldresa W. MIX, P. O. Drawer No. U4, Fulton villo N. Y. 13 4t ROPER CALORIC ENGINE C0MPA.1Y, 124 CII AMHEHS ST., Maufacturer8 of Hot Air Engines. I, 2, an. I 4 Horse-Power. No water u-otl I 'uniiot explode ! No iiisuruneedeniand cd I Not liable to get out of order I Requires no Skilled Engineer ! rn 25 cents per day per horse power. 22--H HSYCHOIXIfilC Fascination or Suit Charming. 4U0 paves bv Herbert Ham ilton, it. A. How to iiho this power (which all p ki-ci-s at will. Divination, Spiritual ism, Sorceries, Dciuonology, and a thous and other wonders. Price' by mail 1.25 in cloth ; ppeeover Il.tM. "Copy free to agents onlv. M'im monthly easily imtde. Address T. W. Evans, Pub., 21 S. Mh St., ',o., n'nl.i in. 2S-4t H E A-N EC t A R IS A PCHE Itl.KJK TIM vith tliHtireen Tea Kluvor 'arrun!td to suit all listen. For sale every where in our "trado mark p inn 1 and half poiiu.i ,,Hrkaes oni.v, and sale w holtiMtio onlv lv llie fire it At'antie sn, Pucilht Tea Co.", 8 Chiitch St. New YorK. I'. O. llox iouO. Send for Thea- S jenar circular. -7-4t AJi:TS I.ookt S2 t S12 daily easily" jnudo, roHiablo und respoc tab!e business. little novtv't.v wanted by everybody. Suoee-s sure. Send stamp for circulars' to Clul eh II .V Tcicpleton, Mauulticturcrs, Un a Iway, N, Y. 27 4. ASK YOUR GR0CERF0 R C&c.vvs o Cqmfoet, 27-4t SlOfrom 60 K 8 AH PI.KII tnt fpoctKm pmld ) fur Fifty Cnu. Uia lwtilMil, lur To o,pl,m It I Woi oli . N.V. Qr lias been lately paid by Con- Ott''wvJ gretts to a laoy lor her liruvery und skill in saving Emigrants from the Jtidmiia. siio was a pr. Miner anions them. "MY CAPTIVITY A.MtiNti I HESIOU'X," is her story. It is a wonderful one, endorsed bv noted CI 1 1 EIS, OFF ICE Its, CONG It r S M E N , eU. Sp'entliil business, to sell it. I ."MlO FAHMEKS WAN TKDto in lVUW inlrisl co Alex. Ilvtlo's "Ic tiiresou Agriculture," pt ieef I.5U, into their towns. A rare chance to turn hours into cash, Wecliurgen thing lor circulars anil full iurormaiioii ol either Ixsik. It will pay all to semi lor tin ill. Addiess, Aluer nuii Publikhiug Company, Hai'tiord, Conn, 27-4t At.ENTS W VNTED-llound canvass ing book SKXT FI1F.K! of postage on rect-ipt tf 7A cents, and ex culsive tcrrtlorv gtuniud on tlio l'ICTOlflLllO.MK BIBLE. Contains over .'loo illiiHtiiitnns Isa ccm ph te 1. Hilary of lliblua Knowledge. Fx cells all olhcis. in English and Germun. Win. Flint A Co , Plnla., Pa. 27-41 Free to Book Agents. I We will semi o hsndsome Pi ispcetus of our AVu tlitstratrttted t'timily lidtle. con- tuinimr over 200 line scripliiie lllus'ia- trationato anv Book Agen freoof ehaigo. XZ ' pill i jjrfortwF.D AMETMW1ENT TO THE CONSTITU TION OF PENNSYLVANIA. oIKT BKSOI.rTtO Proposing nn amendment to the Constitu tioturf Pennsylvania. Pe it Rcnlrcri bv the Senate ant Hon of Rcprecntativc of the t Commonwealth of i'ennihian a in tlenerdt Aembly met. That tho following ainnndmerVt of tlw) Con stitution of this Coiuin inwr.tf'W bo pro ivmod to the nwiolo fr llieir ioition or rejection, pursuant to the provisions o! tMr tenth article thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT. Strikeout the Sixth section of tho Sixth" Article of tlio Const! ution, and insert in lieu thereof the following : "A tstato Treasurer shall he chosen tiy tho qnaliHed doctors of tho Stato, at aueh times und for such term of service as shad be prescribed by law." JAMES II, WF.nn, Speaker of tho House of representatives. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, (Snpaker of tho Senate. Approved tho nfteonth day of Juno. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. JNO. W. OEATtY Prepared and certified for publication pursimnt to tho Tenth Article of the Con stitution, r . mitUAM, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Ofllco Secrctarvof the Commonwealth. I Ilan isburg, July 5th, 1K7I. J l.iin'l GROVER & EAXER T le following are selected from thous ands of testimonials of simitar character, as expressing the reasons for the prefer ence of tho Grover & Baker Machines over all others. "I litto tho Omrer t Tinker Ma' chine. In the flrst place, because If T had snv other. I should still want a Omver Raker : and having a Urover k Tinker it -swers tho purpose of all tho rest. It . -reatcr variety of work and Isea to team than "V other,"-M re. J. C. Cro- y (Jenny Juno) " "1 I.ivo had several Tf.1"' expe rience with h ti.V.'ver A linker MaoM e. which has niven ino grei,! satiafiirtion. I think tho f Irover A Baker Maen.e 'R n'nre easily mananntl, and less lialile t set of order. I prefer tlio Grover iY Raker de cidedly ." M in. Dr. Watts, New York. VI have had one In my family for some two years; and fiom w-hat I know of Its workings, and from tho testimony f many of my friends who uso tho a me. I can hardly see howanythinpcouldbemore complete' or give better satisfaction." Mrs. (ten. Grant. "I believe it to la? tho best, all thlniis eonsidered.of any that I have known It is very simple and easily learned j the sewing from tho ordinary spools Is a great advantage; thostitchls entirely reliable; it does ornamental work leaiitinilly It is not liable to get nut of order. Mrs. A. M Spooner, 30 Bond St. Brooklyn. "I am acquainted with the work of the principal machines, ana 1 preler llie urover tV linker to mem all, because 1 con sider the stiich more clastic. I have work in the house which was done nine years Biro which Is still cnod. Mrs, Dr. M Crcady, No. 48 East 23d street, N. Y. "More than two-thirds of all the sewinirdono iu mv family for the last two vo.?ru has been done by Urover A Baker's Machii"', "" ' never'had a garment rip or need mt",l""t except those rents which troi.'exomehovH wm ma0 " whole cl .lh . ,. i.. n'nininn by far the most valu- ai.lo'oranv ' have trieJ.-"-M. Henry Ward Boeeher. "The Orover fc Tia.ker Sowing Mii- tdiine has lendered In every respect, the most perfect satisfaction. It combines so many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy iu price that it la a no pesity in every household." Mrs. Gover nor Geary, Harrisburg, Pa. 'I have had the Grover Baker Ma chine for ten or twelve yo-irs in constant use in my house I havo seen and known every kind of Family sewine, both per sonal and household,' accomplished up tlio Grover A Itakor .Machine, tothoenti. suiisfiu'tion of all concerned, K.ev.Stephon li. Tvmr. "1 find tho Grover A Baker Stitch will woaraslongas the garment do outwear the garment in fact. Tho stitch will not break on bias seams, when stretched, as others do ; anil neither does it draw tlio work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twou-ty-fourth street, N. Y. Tho Grover and Baker Sowing Machine Company manufacture both the Elastic and I.nck Stitch Machine, and otter the on I m'.'" a choice of the best machines of both ivlm.'s. at their establishments In all tho large cities, and through agencies In nearly all towns throughout tho country. Price lists and samples Of sewing In both stitches furnished on application to Grovel A Baker S. M, Co., 127 Wood Street, Pitta burgh, Pa. 4 2 N T WANTED. The new book nOD REASON" AND SCIENCE; or OP Landmarks of Truth, ia highly ottfr ended by all demonstra tions, and i ' .a rapioly. Agents should se cure a choice of tield, at. once. Stud for terms, and see extra inducements. Frank lin I'ublishiug Co, 7li Chestnut St. I'hilu delph.a. 22 4t C.P't. I,. ul Broi.. N. T. M."ll H 'ItTf W.M RMS, M. MIWW W rm- - trft.tl mi lw,.ur. u ur.t.u, PATENTS. Inventors who wish to tako out Letters Patent ure udvixcd to counsel with Munn and Company, editors of tho Seientilic American, who have prosecuted claims be ore the Patent tillice for over Twenty Years Their Ainerieuii und Fumpciiu Pat. nt agency is tlio most extensive iu the world Charges less Until any other relia ble au-eney A pamphlet containing lull instruct!' lis to invent' rs is sent grulis MLNN di III,, tii I ark Itow, intf Now York ft Kl( Ketailed bv one. Wanted iJ.jnr n Lints tosull pictures ry w hero. Whimey d- Co., Norwich, Ct 224 At.llMVH VATi:it 1;VR " Convent I.l'o Unveiled, " by l.ilith t I'tioi iiiiui, Kscitped Nun, whose iliscloMirc are tlirilliui: and startling, Franklin Pub. Co. 712 Chestnut St. 1'liiU PsL 7-4l. PIIDTIIPT FEMALE WEAKNESS. nUrlUnt. htLitr anu cunt, SI'. I : I . E Y S II A It I It l It It E It T It I S-an SC I'POUTEIt. Cool, eomrortuble. liu-lit, clianlv and tiuiab'o. Never rut.1, b'cak nor soil (steel spring coulcdi. I'shiI in baihiiiLT. StiaM'd tu lorio. Best known. Send Stamp lor pamphlet, to J. ii. Scclov'a Tins- tV Iiuii'Ikjo FKiiiolisiiinents, 1117 Chestnut St., 1'h.la., l'a., and No. 3 Ami St.. N. Y. T.i-41 C'O.I A MONTH. Horso and OtJ 1 1 riage turtnshetl ; expense- psid; hauiplos freo. 11. B. SUAW, Alfred, Me, !M-4f ' ADDRESS To the Nerveoua A.XD WIIOIEsufTorlntrahtvs bson protrst ed from hidden ause, and wht rasas require prompt troalmeat to reader existence desirable If yon are suffering, or fcave snffera from Involuntary discharges, what fToet does It produce on your general health T Do yoa ftsM weak, debilitated, easily tired? Dots a little extra exertion produce pal pitation of tho heart f Doos your 1 ver, er urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent ly get out of order? Is your urine some times thick, milKy or flneky, or Is It mpy on settling ? Or tloes a thick skum rise te tho top ? Or is a sodimont at tho bottom af tor It has stood - awhile? Do you hava spells of short breathlngor dispopsia? Ara your bowols constipated? Do you hava spoils of frainting, or rushes of blood t tho head ? Is your memory Impnred ? Ia your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Doyou feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or lile? Do yon wis to be left alone, away from everybody?. Does any little thing rnnkc' yoa start of jump? Is your sleep broken or re-tless? Is the lustre of your eye a brilliant? The bloom 0! your cheek as bright? D you enjoy yoursolf In society as well ? Do you pursue your ousinoss wi'n ino muio energy ? Do you fool as much contidonca in youself? Are your spirits dull and fl3. ging, given to fits of melancholy ? If , do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia. Havo you restless nights? Your back weak, yonr knees weak, and have but "lit tle appetite, and you attribute toil to dys pepsiaor li vtr-aomplaiat ? Now, reader, self-abnsa, Teaorealat - oases badly cured, and sexual exeesaea, are all capablo of produeino' a weakness of tho generative organs. The organs of genera tion, when In perfect health, raako the mam Did you ever think that thoso hold, defi ant, energetic, porsovoring.suoeessful bus inoss-men are always those whoso genera tive organs are in porfoct health? Yom never hear snvh men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitatioa of Je heart. Thoy are nerve afraid they cannot suece?d in business ; they don't be come sad and discouraged they aroal waya polito and pleasant in the company of la dies, and look you and them right ia tho face none of your dowlica-t looks or any meanness about them. I do "nat meaa tu.KO who keep the organs Inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but alaa thoso they do business with er foi. How many men, from badly eurcd dis eases, from Ihe effects of self-abufo and excess, have bronsht alv ut that state of weakness In those organs that has reduced the genoal aystein so mnch as to produce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paral vsls, spinal affections, suicide, and al most every other form of disease which humanity is heir to. and tho real' causa of the trouble scarcely ever suspected anil have doctored forall but the rlht oae. Diseases of those organs requlrs tho aso of a Diuretic. HELMB'iLD'S FLUID EXTKACT BUCHU Is the great Diuretic, unit is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Female Complaints, Gener al Dcbity, and ul: dixcases of the Urinary organs, whether existing in Mule or Fe male, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment la submitted le, Coa sumption or Insanity may ensue. O a tlesh and blood are aupportod from thoso aour?es, and the health and happiness and that of Posterity, depends apea prciupt ue of a reliable rouiedy. Helmbold's Extract Buchu, ratabllshod upward of Itt.A'cars. p cpared by II. T. II ELM BOLD, Druggist, .W4 Broudwsy. Sow York, and 1"4 Ssuth lUth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Piih k-1.2" per bottle of tt bottles lur Vi. 50, deliverctl to any ad dress. Isold by all Druggcstsovorywbero. TONE APE GENUINE VNI.FM 1 DONE TP IN ST F L 1NOHAVFD Wrapper, fan sniilo of niy Chemical Ware- bouse, aud signed li. T. HELMKOLD.